Here you go, a new open thread to detail the bias. How do you think they are covering the Scottish Independence issue, any bias there? It strikes me that they would love to see a YES vote. Your thoughts?

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  1. lojolondon says:

    Diane Abbott MP tried to cover for Liebour in this disgusting article about Rotherham. I doubt she will publish on the speccie again as the B-BBC or Guardian would have deleted most of the comments –


  2. Deborah says:

    I was amazed (OK I know I shouldn’t be) at the excitement in Naughtie’s voice on the Today programme this morning (Tuesday). He really thinks that Gordon is here to save the world or at least the break up of the Union. Trouble is Gordon doesn’t really have a very good track record – even Marcus Brigstock last Friday at 6.30 said that Gordon wasn’t a very good Prime Minister. But this morning was the first time I have heard Naughtie sound as though he wants Scotland to say ‘No’.


  3. chrisH says:

    The BBC more than happy to tell us that Frances O Grady thinks that the Government is hell-bent on returning the unions back to “Oliver Twist” conditions of service.

    This was on Sunday night on their red button text “service”.
    Same story was still being run yesterday(Mon)…only now O Grady was quoted as saying that those nasty bosses and tools of Imp were taking her members “back to Downton Abbey-type” conditions!
    Which one is the true one..and had things got better overnight…or worse?
    Or do the TUC realise that their teachers and kids thought Oliver Twist was a new drug wrap or a retro dance?…thank you Estelle Morris!


    • Lobster says:

      Estelle Morris – I had forgotten about her! Still, in her favour she did at least have the good grace to admit that she was bleeding useless. In that respect she must be unique amongst politicians.
      P.S. Is it me, or has the site slowed to a crawl again?


  4. noggin says:

    Yep! Al BBC fear mongering central
    driving back, heard BBC 5Live News drive program
    clanging the bell,
    greenhouse gases,
    astronomical methane level
    highest for “tundred” years etc


  5. The General says:

    Heard uncontested on BBC this afternoon a shrill Scots woman explaining that Gordon Brown was not disliked over the border …..”and he was in fact well respected, after all it was he who congratulated Barak Obama on dragging the World out of recession.”
    ……and the interviewer did not even snigger never mind raise an objection!!!!!


  6. Merched Becca says:

    After watching the news today, anyone get the feeling that Al Beeb is plugging the Scottish ‘Yes’ vote? A limp Saltire hanging ominously loose over Downing Street, the strong links between France and Scotland against the old enemy – England, during the Hundred Years War. The portrayal of the panic in the ‘No’ vote camp etc etc . …


  7. Charlatans says:

    Home Affairs Committee on Rotherham is absolutely riveting:


  8. Englands Dreaming says:

    Caught “World Have Your Say” on the World Service tonight, it was about how the Scot debate is going in light of the ugov pole. What an interesting mix they had on the panel! They included: a lady representing Women for Independence or something like that, an ethnic No “Scot”, actually a Pakistani lady born in Birmingham, a 15 year old Polish girl who will be 16 3 days before the vote, probably a Yes but not 100% sure. If there was anyone from the Yes side I didnt here them, but I heard lots about how great a nuke free Scotland will be, how they are more European, how Scottish identity isn’t really important and a load more old toffee. If they do vote No they surely deserve the snake oil salesman as their Primeminster then they can join Ireland and Iceland in the “arc of prosperity”.


    • Yes I remember the “arc of prosperity” “Iceland and Ireland” from old Smart Alec. Remember “Sterling is a sinking ship” anyone when he was on Spanish TV? Ssssshhh best forgotten…don’t tell the Yes campaign.


      • DownBoy says:

        Yeah, he boasted about a Celtic Lion to match Dublin’s Celtic Tiger, and we all know how well that turned out for our Irish pals.


        • RJ says:

          The Scots will have plenty of money.

          Now that we’ve really annoyed Putin he’ll lease Scapa Flow so that the Northern and Baltic Fleets can have an ice-free winter base; and they can use the Rosyth Dockyard as a repair base. Then all he needs to complete the set is to base some of his submarines at Faslane.

          Cameron thinks that Putin shouldn’t worry about a NATO encroachment into the Ukraine, so there’s no reason for Cameron to worry about a Russian presence in Scotland. And Salmond can save on his defence budget as Putin will look after that for him.

          A Maginot line along the Tweed anyone?


  9. The Troll says:



  10. Captain Panick says:

    I cannot find this story on the BBC. If I could (it’s another child abuse court case) I bet it would feature ITMA.

    To save having to read it the names of ITMA are Mohammed Shapal, 22, and Shakeal Rehman, 26, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, and Usman Ali, 21, Bekir Rasheed, 36, and Yaseen Amini, 36, from Sheffield, South Yorkshire,

    Good Yorkshire families, one and all (with apologies to real Yorkshire Folk)


  11. noggin says:

    Ought to be the biggest story in the Middle East for a decade.

    BBC? BBC News?

    “Egyptian President General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi has offered Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas the chance to create a Palestinian state in the Sinai Peninsula, according to local Israeli media.
    The offer to the Palestinian President which, reports say Abbas has denied, would have seen 1,600 square kilometres of the Sinai Peninsula given to the Palestinian Authority, creating a Palestinian state five times the size of Gaza.
    According to IDF Radio, the offer would see Abbas relinquish demands that Israel return to the 1967 borders.
    In the new and enlarged Gaza, the territory would be demilitarised and Palestinian refugees, many who were unable to return to their towns after the creation of Israel, would have been able to settle there.
    As part of the proposal, Palestinian cities in the occupied West Bank would have been autonomous and continued to be under Palestinian Authority control.”
    5 times the size hmm, Generous Egypt, , US approved

    … but but but … Israel is the biggest obstacle to peace, the occupation, apartheid state, worlds biggest prison camp, Judenfrei, Zionist settlements etc etc.

    “The Palestinian Authority is yet to publicly comment on the initiative but unnamed sources said that Abbas rejected the deal in a meeting with Sisi.”

    BBC –
    Israel is unlawfully coercing almost 7,000 Eritrean and Sudanese nationals into leaving the country at great personal risk, Human Rights Watch says


  12. George R says:

    ‘Telegraph’ (£)-

    “Ten staff covering baton handover proves BBC is too big, says Sajid Javid.
    The Culture Secretary tells the Royal Television Society that overmanning proves the BBC can make cuts.”


    • Guess Who says:

      “Lord Hall, the director-general of the BBC who spoke after him, acknowledged the issue of “overmanning”, but argued programme-makers must find the right balance to keep up editorial standards.”

      Heck of an argument.

      Can see why he’s on the big bucks.

      Again rather hilarious, and ironic, to see the sheer number of anonymous BBC spokesweasels wheeled out to say… nothing very surprising .

      “A spokesman for the corporation said: “We’re happy to discuss the issue with the Secretary of State.”

      Who is this person making such an offer? Without context on authority it is… meaningless.


    • Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

      Javid picked the wrong example. What about the bBBC sending hundreds every year to the Glastonbury drugfest, or hundreds to Brazil for a month to report on England’s World Cup failure, or hundreds to South Africa for a couple of weeks to report that a terrorist had died? All at our expense, of course.


      • flexdream says:

        And a helicopter to Sir Cliff’s house. Yet could spare no one to investigate claims of jihad recruitment ( going on back at least as far as the 80s for Indian Kashmir) or Muslim rape gangs (going back at least as far as the 90s) or Muslims keeping girls off school (going back at least as far as the 70s).


  13. Alex says:

    Anyone else sick to F88KING DEATH with the BBC and mainstream media grovelling to the Yes campaign? That fat slug Salmond is leading the deluded dreamers off an unpaid-for and puerile socialist cliff… if Scotland votes Yes, we could see scenes reminiscent of Calais in Gretna!


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Alex, I’d have to disagree that the BBC is grovelling to the “yes” campaign. They are duty bound to report the fact that polls show there could be a very historic result next week.

      The ones who are really grovelling to “yes” are those idiots Cameron, Clegg & Miliband who think it is a good idea to drop everything and come north to persuade Scotland to vote “no”. Whilst waving a Saltire from the top of Downing Street. Have they the first notion how that looks to an undecided voter here? Not only does it indicate that they are in a blue funk, but it looks utterly patronising, especially when Cameron refused (correctly, in my view) to debate Salmond on the grounds it was a matter for the Scots.

      Yes, Salmond is leading the lemmings off a cliff, and I have to confess we’re looking at our options for getting out, but three panicky and unpopular Englishman popping up to tell us we’re wrong just isn’t going to play well. Not in the current atmosphere.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        Christ on a bike. Did I mention they were idiots? Now Cameron has said the referendum is about more than being “fed up with the effing Tories”.

        Why doesn’t he just write Alex Salmond’s speeches for him and be done with it?


  14. Dazed & Confused says:

    Red Ed hires Beeboid Matthew Laza to make Labours P.R. broadcasts…Impartiality is in their genes don’t ya know..


  15. Thoughtful says:

    Well I guess it was inevitable that the biased BBC were going to cover the story of Judge Massepa the judge in the Pistorius trial, and it is indeed an inspiring story of someone who rose to great office from a difficult childhood, against all the odds.

    But as ever it’s the way in which the BBC reports these things which illustrates the diseased mind-set they have.

    Never is the question asked as to why a few black people succeed when so many others choose a life of indolence, drink, drugs, and crime, because they can’t admit such a thing happens. Worse though, because of this inability they are unable to report in any reasonable way how she motivated other black kids to follow her example, and how that might be brought to the UK also.

    A shame that their own prejudice and hatred will not allow them to do the very things which are needed, because they just can’t bring themselves to admit they actually are.


  16. Tony E says:

    The BBC has a simple problem over independence. It caught itself in a lie of Andy Burnham’s making about the NHS.

    Burnham proclaimed that the Tories were privatising the NHS – a claim which Salmond took as his own and spread maliciously.

    So the BBC had to either say that they had been lying for the last 5 years about the NHS, or go along with it and continue to lie. Either way, with anyone but a total fool their credibility was shredded.

    Because as we all know, the NHS has used private providers since day one. They are called GPs.


    • Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

      The bBBC sees itself like the NHS, the two of them being the last bloated public monopolies, organised to benefit the people who work for them rather than those who have to pay for them or those who need their services. So they can never report the truth about the Nationalised Death Service even when, under Burnham’s watch, it was killing thousands of people.


  17. Thoughtful says:

    It was reported today that in the Scottish referendum David Cameron has failed to show the necessary passion for his better together campaign.

    I imagine that the book ‘The passion of David Cameron’ would be one of the shortest in history !

    They have also been pushing for his resignation should the Scots vote to separate, and for Millipede to take over to manage what they admit would be an economic crisis the like of which we have not seen.

    Aside from the obvious Pro Labour bias I cannot imagine a worse time to become Prime Minister which would inevitably damage both individual and party reputations, especially just a few scant months before a general election. Unless of course the new leader shows himself to be supremely competent in a crisis, and that’s the big worry. Who else other than the rose tinted & blinkered liberal left would have that opinion of Millipede.


  18. Old Goat says:

    Oh dear, oh dear – the Greenies have finally woken up to the fact that nuclear energy may not be such a bad thing after all – “provisionally”. However, the poor things appreciate that it is “expensive” and that nuclear power plants take about twenty years to build. We knew that – and have been saying so for years, and wondering why successive governments haven’t started to build them earlier. A bit late, now.

    Also this morning, apparently smart meters aren’t quite the money-saving devices that they’re cracked up to be – we all knew that, too – we also knew that the real purpose of these (eventually compulsory) smart meters is to monitor and control our electricity consumption.

    There was an interview this morning with someone (didn’t catch his name) about how we are going to cope this winter with four nuclear power stations down, and the closure and/or mothballing of conventional generating stations. Of course, there won’t be a problem – it is all, allegedly, well in hand, with “back-up” (that’ll be the diesel generator sets of STOR, then, which will be responsible for far more CO2, probably, than coal fired stations – if you believe in the ‘CO2 is destroying the planet’ guff, that is…).

    I noticed that they carefully stepped around the elephant in the room, and didn’t mention wind “power” once…


    • Thoughtful says:

      You are missing the sinister point about smart meters though.

      As with anything the BLiar government did there was a deeply sinister underlying reason. The Tories campaign poster ‘demon eyes’ was chillingly close to the mark!

      The EU demanded all countries fitted ‘smart meters’ to customers houses, but they were a pretty basic affair which just told customers what their consumption was real time, and cumulatively.

      BLiar however decided that basic functionality was not what he wanted. He wanted to be able to spy in people in their homes with real time 24/7 metering which would allow them to know which appliances had been switched on when!
      It would also allow for remote reading (no more meter readers) and worse still remote disconnection.

      That last bit might seem pretty innocuous, after all why should the rest of us have to shoulder the cost of manual disconnection of non payers?
      However it also allows electricity companies to selectively disconnect heavy users of electricity at times of peak demand, meaning that BLiar could stop the lights going out for most people by disconnecting those who had done nothing wrong other than use too much electric!

      These meters are nothing less than a spy in the home which the sinister Nu Liebour government wanted. No one else in Europe has anything similar to these, and to be honest no other government was as malign as Nu Liebour!


  19. Mark II says:

    I know it is only a small thing but it is indicative of how the BBC accepts the Labour party narrative and promotes it as fact at every opportunity.
    On yesterday’s Eggheads the question was asked “What is the government’s Spare Room subsidy commonly known as?”
    A. The Bedroom Tax
    B. The Bathroom Tax
    C. The Living room Tax
    Note “commonly known as” rather than “called by its opponents”.


    • Geoff says:

      Haven’t watched that program for years now, couldn’t stand the two champagne socialist presenters (Vine & Murnaghan) constantly belittling Judith Keppel because of her ‘poshness’

      Its a 15 minute program stretched to 30 minutes. The ITV alternative The Chase is far superior.


      • Mark II says:

        I agree – the Judith baiting is quite sickening, particularly as I am sure that both of them have at least equivalent net worth.


  20. George R says:

    LIBYA: another area of Islamic jihad threat to Europe and to Britain-


    Beeboids seem quiet about this.
    Are they yearning for a return to this Labour Party policy of 2007?:-

    “Should Arab nations be allowed to join the EU?

    North African and Arab nations should be allowed to join the EU, Foreign Sec­retary Dav­id Miliband said. ”


  21. Arthur Penney says:

    No doubt the BBC will give this news story prominence as it presumably is in an area that is NOT Labour Controlled. (The usual suspects I think)


  22. Sid Deeky says:

    Jeremy Vine show has just had their regular ‘go to’ lefty idiot Dale Ashton on R2.
    What is it about this fool that the BBC feels the need for us to listen to his hysterical anti Conservative ravings on a regular basis?
    He repeats the same claptrap every time he’s on, with no interruption from Vine of course.
    His script is unchanged from one month to the next. Seriously BBC, what is the point?


  23. NISA says:

    BBC actor Martin Compston appearing on the News Channel this morning was enthusiastic for Scottish independence and immigration. He must hope to make the Highlands as truly multi-cultural as the BBC’s depiction in “Balamory”


  24. noggin says:

    re Rotherham, oh and Bradford, oh and Oxford, oh and Cardiff
    and Rochdale,, and Sheffield, and Ipswich, and Swansea, and Blackburn, and Bolton, and Cambridge etc.
    No not the BBC silly,
    Prime news report – video

    Click to access Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf


  25. AsISeeIt says:

    Vicar of Dodgy

    ‘Edward Lucas, prosecuting, told the court: “The weddings that form the subject of this case were neither conducted correctly or legally and their sole purpose was to facilitate an industrial-scale abuse of the system of immigration control within the UK.”‘


  26. Guest Who says:

    Another OT-ish drift, but frankly state and state media seem almost in lockstep on most things now I seldom can tell one from the other, be it which ME loon we should be arming, or which overpaid public sector employee needs embedding in comfort for eternity…

    Rotherham… Westminster.. W1A, just how messed up does a market rate nut job in power need to be to get eased off the gravy train?

    The only small comfort is the last vestiges of publicly-visible accountability remaining, at least in Parliament;

    ‘Where is Angela Eagle on this? Why wasn’t she at the important Commons Commission meeting on Monday? What will she answer to Fabricant’s PQ’

    Because answer she must. No ‘purposes of’, redactions, FOI exclusions or simply pulling the bunker hatch down.

    Unlike… the state broadcaster.


  27. Guest Who says:

    Afternoon tea surf and in other news…

    ‘the controller, director, editor, and commissioner who’s asked himself to make more programmes than anyone else in the history of BBC coverage of the arts and culture’

    Ah, but… there’ll always be Lenny Henry, and it’s possible he has other qualifications beyond self-reverence Alan never will.

    ‘The BBC provides “the news that I trust”.


    ‘Is the BBC impartial ? “Broadly, yes”.’

    Ti… er… broadly????!

    Really despise these ‘will say’ PR feeding ‘news’ efforts.

    At least one gets near Mr. Purnell’s odd claim, via an astoundingly uncurious R4 ‘interview’.

    ‘But it is dangerous stuff. 10% of cases only represents 0.3% of court time’

    Still no one going near why that odd mathematical disconnect exists.

    ‘…who knows where we might end up…’

    Depends, including how felt about, who that ‘we’ is.


  28. Oldbob says:

    As sure as night follows day, they never waste a golden opportunity,
    the BBC news cretins have just trotted out some green lunatic from the SNP to tell the Scots and the rest of us that they should vote yes as this is the vehicle to speed up the transition from evil oil to a carbon free Utopia and stop climate change . Meanwhile, the Middle East remains in flames, the Pakistani rapists still roam free, immigration remains totally out of control, the NHS waiting times get longer, the birth rate continues to soar and the school places crisis gets worse.


  29. flexdream says:

    The BBC is riddled with bias, but there are signs of hope. I’m sure there are professional journalists of integrity and impartiality left along with some similar editors.
    Although loath to mention the M word, the BBC is waking up to the evil that is ISIS. Though the BBC is still uninterested in who is backing ISIS.
    Rotherham won’t go away now either. The BBC was more interested in allegations that Ed Milliband’s dad was a communist, but the Rotherham story is irrepressible. Confidence in the local police and council must be at rock bottom. Other councils in the UK must also be realising they too have a problem. The BBC isn’t interested in digging or mentioning the M word, but neither is it helping the police and council cover up, although it is helping the Muslim cover up.
    As for Scotland, BBC coverage reflects the state of the parties, but not the minds of the voters I know. I live in Scotland. The streets around me have no posters for either side. I’ve had one caller, a polite lady from the No campaign, I was out when Yes visited. From my circles at work, and socially, the support is overwhelmingly for No, with real concerns about the wisdom of giving 16 year olds the vote – and that includes all the parents of such children!


    • DownBoy says:

      This is such a monumental decision which will affect us all, and I’ve been a bit disappointed with some of the little Englander stuff from some contributors south of the border. Leaving aside the stupid car crash economics, a yes vote for Salmond and his batshit crazy national socialists will cause massive turbulence and uncertainty across every one of our cherished British institutions. Not to mention the very concept of ‘Britishness’ itself. That amazing combination of Celt and Anglo Saxon which has given the world so much over the centuries. Who will we be then? The country of Marlborough, Wellington, Churchill and Montgomery, of Queen Victoria, Gladstone and Disraeli, one of the most important and influential nations on the planet will just be England with some Welsh and Irish. We will survive and maybe prosper but we will be diminished and the world will know it.


      • The Beebinator says:

        England’s not going to be diminished, with 85% of the population of the UK. Scotland has a population of 5.5 million and 2.6 million tax payers, London has a population of 8.5 million. We’ve let in more immigrants into England than the entire population of Scotland in recent years

        The only reason England needs Scotland is for the same reason we wanted it in the first place. defence. In 1707 it was to keep the French out of Scotland, who could use it as a staging post to invade England.

        Today, England needs Scotland because in war we can contain the entire continental European navies including Russia.
        The only way Russia in war can get to the Atlantic is round the coast of South Africa from the Pacific because England controls the Channel, the Straights of gibraltar and so long as we have Scotland, we, control this as well

        ^^^^^ only reason we need Scotland except Milibore who needs Scotland to keep his socialist party alive


        • The Beebinator says:

          excuse my dodgy geography and replace Africa with South America,. Although the Russian Pacific Fleet also deploys in the Indian Ocean and can sail round South Africa to get to the Atlantic as well. Its handy we have the falklands as well isnt it. Its a shame South Afica is run by the communist ANC as thats a bit of a achilles heel for us now


      • flexdream says:

        I remember back in 2007 the then Labour Government did absolutely nothing to celebrate or even commemorate the tercentenary of the Union. It’s a long time since we had a real British government and even now the Westminster parties are wary of using the B word. The reactions of Westminster to Rotherham show just how unimportant Britishness has become as the ruined lives of over 1400 children are considered worth paying to maintain ‘social cohesion’. I’ve voted for the Union but not out of admiration or affection for the present incumbents who can’t tell friend from foe and reserve sympathy for those who detest Britain but can show contempt for those who love Britain. Whether it’s Rotherham or IRA OTRs, the governments often show indifference to British citizens. While showering Scotland with promises of more powers as if the Union is a burden for which Scotland needs compensated. And powers of course which are not being offered to England.


      • Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

        Melanie Phillips wrote on Monday ( (£)) the obvious points that it’s not easy to argue for Better Together when the UK is fragmenting anyway. Power is willingly being given to the EU and to millions of foreigners who have been encouraged to take over our capital city. So that even those of us who feel, instinctively and patriotically, that the UK is better with Scotland as a part are hard-pressed to say what the UK means nowadays.


        • The Beebinator says:

          For Decades Tories and Labour have suppressed the English national identity. Then Labour went further and suppressed the British national identity trying to make us multicultural as Labour are international socialists and they hate nationalism. Its tony blairs multi-culti policy that is now breaking Britain in 2.

          But im happy, the English lion is about to roar and it must terrify lefties


      • Merched Becca says:

        Spot on Downboy.


  30. thoughtful says:

    Been a funny day on the BBC today. We had the three stooges, Cameron Milliband & Clegg setting forth for Scotland to piss the Scots off as much as they do to us!
    But the funny thing is that they’ve only reported what Cameron had to say & where he went. Nothing at all about either Milliband or Clegg said or did.

    Now I wonder just why that is, and there’s a whole slew of possible reasons, so I thought I’d just post the facts and not an opinion.


    • Buggy says:

      I see that Wales has also been doing its bit today north of the border in the person of John “Taffy” Prescott who seems to have (surprise !) lost track of what he’s actually supposed to be there for in favour of slagging the Tories. It’s amazing that he’s let out without a keeper

      Anyhoo, vote “Yes”, kilties, or we’ll send him up there once a week. Forever.


  31. Richard says:

    One of the greatest dangers of the forthcoming referendum was always going to be a narrow ‘No’ vote. Now that the leaders (sic) of the three main parties in Westminster are running around like headless chickens, generally doing a Corporal Jones impression and flinging sweeties and bribes about like Willy Wonka on acid, it certainly is. The country, which was already heavily unbalanced by ‘devolution’ will be in an even worse mess. In order to balance it, more regional assemblies will have to be created, that is more politicians with their expense accounts and their poxy little empires to protect and more taxes to pay for it all squeezing what is left of the productive part of the economy. If that’s not bad enough, the “one more heave” brigade will start smacking their gums north of Gretna and it will all be a bigger balls-up than it is now. The best option now is a ‘Yes’ vote with as large a majority as possible. It never occurred to me that I would live long enough to say that; it brings a lump in my throat and I apologise to my brothers and sisters, the Unionist Scots for doing so; you have my sympathy, I really am truly sorry, but what can be done?

    Having secured that result, those north of the border who want to cheer can cheer (and there will be one or two south of it, I can tell you), those who want to shed a little tear (that’s my camp, by the way) can go somewhere where the girls can’t see them and weep and then, having got that out of the way, we can look on the bright side:-

    Firstly this whole pantomime will be over; we’ve wasted more than enough time on it.

    Secondly, Northern Ireland; claims that violence was the only way “forward” towards Irish unity were always spurious, but now they will have been demonstrated to have been so before the whole world; good! Anyone who wants to leave can vote for it.

    Thirdly, an opportunity like this to rip the whole thing up and start again comes along only once in a few hundred years – especially in a relatively stable country like Britain. It could be the best opportunity we’ve had for a new beginning since the Glorious Revolution. Let’s get on with it.

    So, where to start?

    Well, firstly we need to know who’s in and who’s out. Anybody who wants to get off the bus with Scotland can do so: quick referenda where necessary, make your minds up folks and those of us who are left can move on together with unity and fraternity as our guiding principles. If you’re Unionist and inclusive and want to make a positive contribution to the country you’re in and you’re welcome. By the same token, any parts of Scotland which look as if they might want to stay can also have a quick referendum and join the party.

    Next, a constitutional convention involving the loyal and the good to decide how we are going to govern ourselves for the foreseeable future. It could be the best thing that’s happened to us in a long time.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      I have to agree with the notion that a narrow No vote is to be feared as the worst possible (and, I sense, now the most likely) outcome. All three party stooges will take it as a mandate to bribe the Scots with more and more goodies. They will have us by the Gorbals. Thereafter the Scots will know their best interests are served by jabbing the rest us by still voting Salmond’s Nats in at Holyrood so as to gobble the ever increasing share of the UK tax pie, whilst they continue to vote a wagon load of Labour MPs to Westminster as the killer left-hook.


  32. Stewart says:

    Just got in from work to find update on Shaun Wright petition
    What is wrong with this country that only 14,000 have signed it?
    It should be 14 million
    if you havnt signed yet maybe this will help


  33. Thoughtful says:

    If it hadn’t been for Tony BLiars destruction of the UK then we wouldn’t be having a Scottish referendum.
    We wouldn’t be having one because there would never have been a Scottish Parliament, and Alex Salmond would probably have returned to the stone under which he crawled from.

    It’s just more evidence that Bliars premiership was wholly destructive, with little to find that was actually good for Britain.


  34. ROBERT JONES says:

    And 51% of the vote shouldn’t be enough to decide it either way.
    It should have been at least 65% in a decision making process of this magnitude.
    Mr. Salmond will be the loser whatever the result.


    • Thoughtful says:

      I beg to differ, as it doesn’t matter which way the vote goes Salmond will win.
      If he does win then he’s the first premier of the new Scottish state. What happens afterwards is anyone’s guess though.
      If he loses he’s still the leader of the Scottish parliament with a huge set of new powers and he’ll go down as at least having tried, and returned with a respectable second place.

      I’m struggling to see a losing position either way.


  35. Umbongo says:


    How many people are reluctant to comment because the usual mid-week open thread has not appeared and/or the current open thread is liable to be replaced at a random time thus committing golden (?) – and timely – prose to permanent obscurity?


    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe they’ve decided to wait to the weekend and skip the midweek? Pity, because I think your assessment is correct.


  36. George R says:

    How politically close to Obama line that Islamic State ‘is not Islamic’ are Beeboids?

    ‘Jihadwatch’ :-

    Obama: The Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’”

    [Excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:-

    “’No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim.’ It is good of Obama to try to explain exactly how the Islamic State is not Islamic, especially with Muslims from the U.S. trying to go to Iraq and Syria and join it. One of those supporters of the Islamic State, however, would respond that the people the Islamic State killed were not innocent, but culpable in some way, and that its Muslim victims were apostates or heretics, and hence their lives were forfeit.

    “The point is that this is more complicated than the President is making out. If the Islamic State so clearly and obviously violated basic tenets of Islam, there wouldn’t be hundreds of Western Muslims traveling to join it — something that we never saw in such numbers with al-Qaeda or other jihad groups. If the Islamic State were really so obviously un-Islamic, how is it that it came to call itself ‘the Islamic State to begin with? That is, how did it gain any traction among any Muslims?”


    • noggin says:

      This “not islam” line has been being carefully constructed ever since 9/11, shamefully here, by both Tory and Labour governments.
      No surprise Obama spouts it, as does the UKs own traitor Camoron,
      You ll find Obama in every single instance siding with political Islamic aims, no matter what the issue


  37. George R says:

    U.K’s nuclear power policy: Harrabin and other ‘greenies’ fight it out-

    “Friends of the Earth in row with the BBC after corporation claimed green group had dropped its opposition to nuclear power”

    Read more:


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘The comments triggered an immediate row with both Mr Bennett and the FoE leadership accusing the BBC of misrepresenting the organisation’s views.’

      The BBC… misrepresenting? The very idea!

      What’s the BBc got to say..

      ‘The BBC Environment Specialist, Roger Harribin [sic – but apt], who was behind the report, defended his piece on Twitter saying: ‘Does FoE want existing nukes closed?
      ‘No. Is its main objection now cost not safety? Yes. You’re not pro-nuke but this is shift.’

      ‘Interesting ‘defence’: ‘this is shift’. Sounds like an ‘I am Weasel’ launch to me:)

      Interesting the number of acronyms, SYP, FoE… on one side of accuracy claims, and the BBC on the other. It’s like the BBC makes it up as it goes along and doesn’t really see the need to account for much.



  38. George R says:

    Remembering 9/11?: maybe INBBC will have something later.

    At least a Russian site has this:-

    “Act of Terrorism in US on September 11, 2001.
    Topic: 9/11: The worst terrorist attack in modern history.”