IS…that’s Independent Scotland rather than Islamic State..however a cynic, a realist, might conclude that the Tartan Mussolini might well take Scotland to the edge of respectability with his promises of a free-for-all Scotland and a brave new socialist republic. Of course when the NHS puts up the shutters and there’s no more BBC it will be free…because if there’s nothing to ‘buy’ you won’t need money…so that’s the currency argument dealt with as well. LOL.
But is the BBC biased on the question of Scottish independence? The Nats think so, pro-Union of course, but on the national coverage I’d suggest they were pro-Yes, though that is based purely on my perception of whatever I manage to hear or see.
It’s not scientific but I always got the impression that the BBC gave Salmond & Co a free ride in interviews whilst the pro-union camp were dealt with in a more negative manner….for example Humphrys’ interview with Darling recently where he constantly interrupted and seemed determined to run down the pro-union campaign…whereas a little while later the SNP’s John Swinney swanned in for a quick chat and moments later was off the hook without breaking sweat.
The BBC seems prone to talking of the ‘anti-independence’ or the ‘no’ campaign rather than choosing to call it the ‘Pro-Union’ campaign whereas the Yes crowd are more often than not the ‘Yes’ campaign or ‘Pro-Independence’….all very positive. Admittedly the pro-Union campaign didn’t help itself but the BBC should be impartial regardless of the incompetence of one side or another.
The BBC has been big on the ‘panic’ references recently, the papers are of course full of it, but again why follow the paper’s lead? The BBC should be above the fray and giving us a cool assessment but this morning we heard that it was not the appearance of panic but actual panic that sends Cameron et al to take the road to Scotland. But not so long ago he was accused of ducking the issues as he was unpopular in Scotland as a Tory (despite the Tories getting nearly as many votes as the SNP)….so when the campaign is on a knife edge and he makes an appearance he then gets accused of panic.
But it isn’t panic….looking at the polls they thought the referendum was probably in the bag for a long time only for the polls to suddenly show a swing to the Nats…..of course they’re going to react…it’s not panic just common sense. Why the BBC emphasises the ‘panic’ label I can’t imagine other than to compete with the tabloids…and it just happens to be the Nats own narrative: John Swinney: Atmosphere of absolute panic in no campaign
It would be a natural fit for the BBC to cheerlead independence despite their aversion to the nation state. Their aversion to ‘Britain’ as an historical, political, economic, social and racial, ex-Imperial construct overrides their dislike of nationalism.
Their failsafe is that independence makes the remnants more vulnerable to be picked off and absorbed by the faceless EU, something the Tartan Mussolini is desperate to achieve for his own wee personal fifedom….ironically….never mind still wanting to keep the BBC, the NHS, the Queen and oh yes the currency.
Independence?….my arse.
I admit to not seeing the benefits of independence, it seems all based on emotion and hatred of Westminster politicians and the ‘English’ generated by the Tartan Mussolini and his mob who of course are politicians themselves. The downsides seem all too apparent and decidedly risky….the marginal, and merely promised, benefits massively outweighed by those downsides…emotional, historic, practical and economic.

Scotland’s Future
Can’t wait to see the Tartan Mussolini going shirtless in a Braveheart moment…can’t be long now…certain to be good friends with this guy:
One thing I have noticed on the BBC is highly disingenuous, often completely unnecessary comparisons of the SNP with UKIP.
….Except without the 24-7 extremism watch they put on UKIP.
If UKIP said some of the stuff Scots Nats say about the English, the BBC would clear the schedule for the next week.
Indeed. I was thinking that with Salmond’s highly irresponsible and dangerous posturing over welching on the national debt. It’s barely attracted comment.
Can we imagine the reaction if Farage said same to the international money markets and investors wrt UK debt?
Because they supported the Yes campaign knowing that it couldn’t win, just another vehicle for Tory-bashing and ensuring a solid Scottish vote for Milic**nt in 2015.
Then it went “wrong”. The Yes campaign went into the lead, and Al-Beeb is suddenly faced with the prospect of re-negotiating its remit with a political party that it has abused, undermined and ridiculed for four years.
The BBC’s reaction is pure, unmitigated self interest.
Meanwhile, the BBC still hasn’t found a single interviewer who’s prepared to ask the future Maximum Leader why Scotland needs to go independent to save the NHS when it’s a devolved responsibility anyway.
Hey, this isn’t a matter of opinion (‘we get attacked by both sides’), it’s a straight up fact but none of them will ask about it.
Alan Salmond s “Team Scotland ” Yes campaign try to organise one final debate before the vote.
Scottish independence has so far promised to end Labour governments forever, increase the support for UKIP leading to a referendum and then the end of the EU. It’s upset the bankers, and the ruling socialist party that goes by 3 names in the London metropolitan elite. We would be rid of Kim-Jong Salmond and that miserable woman Sturgeon as they slowly turn Scotland into a version of North Korea. And it’s odds on that in the end all of this would also lead to the break up and demise of the BBC. Scottish independence – the gift that just keeps giving!
Met a Scotsman with business interest in Aberdeen. Married to an English woman. He said he has been abused for that. There is an unpleasant side to the independence movement which is very definitely anti English. Is this dealt with by the liberal media?
There is, without doubt, a nasty undertone developing to the debate. Which as far as I can tell seems to come from one side. My other half was speaking to someone who has a “No thanks” sticker on her car and has had insults shouted at her on several occasions. I have not felt it wise to put one on mine: I suspect I would find key scratches down the side.
Now we have this tucked away on the BBC. (My emphasis)
“Lord Prescott was speaking after ill-tempered scenes between Yes and No supporters in Rutherglen while he gave a speech in which he said Scotland should stay in the Union.
He was joined on the campaign trail by the leader of the Better Together campaign, Alistair Darling, who had to be escorted to a waiting car by police in order to leave the scene.”
I will be interested to see if this sort of thing gets any more attention from the BBC, or remains on that backwater.
OT, but I saw a ‘speech’ (guessing the one referred to) linked from Guido to SKY.
Good lord above, what an odious, opportunistic rabble-rousing thug Prescott is. So no change there.
If he’s the voice of sweet reason and persuasion, I think I’d best kiss goodbye to future fun Hogmanay celebrations with the rellies.
Absolutely, although I seriously doubt that this anti-English racism is typical of the Scots.
I lived on the Scottish east coast for three years, and I retain some friends from there even 30+ years later.
Nevertheless, there is undoubtedly a vocal minority that seems intent on ruining the Scottish reputation for the sort of hospitality that I have experienced first hand.
Much as I love the place, its people, culture and history, it still remains the only place in the world that I have (so far) been abused simply for being born English.
I still steadfastly refuse to believe that that attitude is representative of the majority of Scots.
The BBC seem orgasmic about the prospect of an Independant Scotland but I’m still trying to figure out why.
If you think about it though, an Independant Scotland will mean the end of Britain and if there’s no more Britain then how can there be a British Broadcasting Corporation?.
Maybe the BBC haven’t figured that out yet……
Me either.
I can only presume it’s a combination of their cut-off-nose-to-spite-face student union level of activism, combined with a fundamental inability to grasp the consequences of the laws of unintended consequences.
Quite so. Logic and the BBC do not go hand in hand.
I believe the BBC were really pro-devolution, until just about the same time as the balance tipped and the Yes vote became a real possibility.
Suddenly they realised that Liebour is out forever if that happens, and one day a Tory will come along with the balls to abolish the TV Tax, so all of a sudden it’s panic stations.
I’m enjoying the hysteria, and hope they say yes. Go Jocks!
Is that a bear that mad fucker’s riding?
Is it Photoshop or is he the real deal? In any event, since I think Cameron’s a wanker, no wonder he does.
Salmond, by contrast, is a mystery. “Independence” is mad, their policy of trying to set up an “independent” state while remaining a member of the E.U., joining the Euro, lately changed to “keeping the pound” reveals the nats to be just about the most hopeless bunch of tossers ever to find themselves in positions of responsibility. Yet they run rings rings round Cameron and co who look like street punks who’ve jumped into the ring with Mohammed Ali. We’re buggered.
Of course Scotch voters would think, ” baby kissing extravaganza” is happening … why not? …
Clegg, Millibland, sheesh! even fuckwit Camoron turning up
his appearance alone, would always guarantee, few more thousand in the can for the SNP.
Would ve been better, to go with the harsh reality angle, agreed it is negative, but so leaving the union.
All that’s happened today is Alan Salamander driving the “team
Scotland v Westminister” tag, and having a good laugh.
This referendum was done n dusted until BBC Scotland , known locally in Glasgow as the Republican guard , got it hands on the 2nd live debate between Darling and podgy.
Then comes some dodgy polls.
Then the media blitz.
The BBC saw the referendum as a gift to do some heavy duty Tory bashing, safe in the knowledge that it would be a NO vote.
As a result they did some industrial scale shit stirring, and allowed their staff north of the border to indulge in student union politics, sniping and openly supporting ex-Communist Salmond.
It was only when the UGOV poll came out on Sunday that someone said SHIT!
The backpedaling has been frantic and demeaning. The penny has dropped too late you arseholes, It’s going to be a YES, and your political party is heading for oblivion, even Millitwat has twigged that one, but I think Vichy Dave is secretly pleased. Why else would he go campaigning in Scotland now, and thus delivering another 2 or 3% of the vote to Salmond?
His masters at the EU and Common Purpose will be very pleased with this outcome, fracturing the Union, but will want to get a Communist Government back in England.
My guess is that the postal voting industry will be going flat out at the next General Election.
Then, in steps the UKIP – to the rescue!
Because both Liebour and Cons will loose many votes over this impending disaster – Well done Al Beeb , your end is nigh.
Only if we can, in some way, force the msm to tell the truth about the EU, Common Purpose and the whole liberal-left propaganda machine.
Even after a Yes vote, the BBC and its fellow fifth-columnists will be campaigning for a Liebore victory in England and Wales, and the threat of the anti-Labour vote being split between loyal Tories and realist UKIP voters remains.
There is no such thing as an EX communist !!
I don’t know what the BBC’s output in Scotland was like but certainly in England I would say it was pro ‘Yes’. As usual the BBC says it is unbiased and gets complaints from both sides, i.e. the ‘Yes’ camp complain that their case isn’t being pushed hard enough and the ‘No’ side that their case isn’t being put at all – two sides of the same coin.
Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that the self-described ‘left’ are really Entropy Enthusiasts, they dislike order so any disruptive change is good, even if it is self-destructive. They would kick a hole in their own lifeboat if they thought they could drown the officers on board.
Gordon Brown has made a good point, albeit late in the day, that this isn’t a reversible general election, it is for ‘life’. Are the inhabitants of Scotland, (NOT the Scots, many of whom have been disenfranchised while away from ‘home’, – the Squatter Salmond is changing the locks as we speak), really wanting to lose everything we hold in common?
Poor Scotland without its own deep water container port bringing in cheap Chinese goods, forced to pay European mail rates on every import. Poor Scotland with the non-existent cross-border rail services that terminate at Manchester and Leeds. Poor Scotland with its naval officers limited to driving ‘girly’ boats like the RN gives to university cadets, rather than aspiring to drive the QE class carriers. Poor Scotland as any one with ‘get-up-and-go’ gets up and goes. Poor Scotland as the EU hand-outs get passed to the east Europeans and ‘their’ (offshore) oil gets seized by the EU under Qualified Majority Voting rules.
If Salmond defaults on Scotland’s share of the national debt I suggest that the Royal Navy seizes the oil platforms until he coughs up.
I’d go one further – ban exports of Mars Bars to Scotland.
God that’s below the belt… deprive Scotland of deep-fried mars bars? You wanna start a war, Jimmy?
I notice you mentioned postal rates. Scotland will have to be treated the same as Eire which means colossal increases. A 1kg parcel goes from 2.80 to 8.05 and so on. Theses are huge increases and I cannot see how they can be avoided under the international postal agreements. Letters will rocket in price as well. Has anyone thought this through?
And as for the armed forces I notice they have been very quiet. Probably wisely but I did meet one NCO who said you can kiss bye bye to a decent career as an officer or NCO is the vote is yes.
There is nothing to stop the NCO and officer class resigning en masse and joining an English regiment as far as I can see. The whole charade has not been thought through at all and the English politicians are as much to blame as the Scots.
Note that the Treasury have confirmed Lloyds and RBS request to move HQ to England after a post ‘Yes’ result.
And can anyone tell me why a 2012 article about George Osborne is 2nd in the most popular.
Rab.C.Nesbitt was under-exaggerated, as this video demonstrates –
In the midst of all these arguments one very important person has been conspicuous by his abscence, Rab C Nesbit. Hold on! I’ve just realised he’s been there all along, calling himself ‘Alec Salmond’.
Actually I think Salmond reminds me more of Gregor Fisher’s other character the Baldy Man, but without the humanity or warmth, albeit with slightly more hair.
A few liberal metropolitan type London commentators (Rachel Sylvester in the ‘Times’ comes to mind) have been opining that Alec Salmond and Nigel Farage are similar in some way. They probably look down their metropolitan noses and see a couple of similar oiks. Well let’s examine this proposition for a moment shall we?
Farage talks economic good sense on behalf of ordinary people, Salmond ignores all economic sense and promises an uncosted earth moon and stars and a more ‘caring’ society (translation – welfare, high tax and bankruptcy). Farage wishes to remove us from a failed European Union which has no common history or culture, Salmond wishes to remove Scotland from the most successful political union in history.
The difference is obvious to all but the Rachel Sylvesters and Matthew Parrises of this world.