Poverty, disenfranchisement, lack of education, lack of opportunity, foreign policy etc, … causes Muslims to rush over to the other side of the world and mass murder right … WRONG http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/398717/Jihadi-doctor-Syria-Islamic-State-executing
“Based in King’s College in London, is Aqsa Mahmood, a 20-year-old woman from Glasgow who fled to Syria in November last year.
She rose to notoriety for praising the killers of drummer Lee Rigby and recently posted on social media:
“If you cannot make it to the battlefield, then bring the battlefield to yourself.” erm … where would that be, any ideas
BBC? a report?… with the rising penchant for Islamic beheadings?
don t be silly
mind you, as per usual muddying the situation with absurd good islamist/bad islamist nonsense like this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-29135922
an explosion kills Syrian islamist leader … and? … who cares?
Joke told to me by three great US Navy guys, at the bar, in Bristol a few years ago…..i was asked…’ Hey Robert, you watch Star Trek?….ever wonder why there are no arabs in the crews?……it’s set in the future’…….OUCH, good though.
BBC begged us to take in Syrian refugees. Now the refugee turns against us compassionate liberals by calling for our deaths. Thanks BBC. Will they ever learn? Only when the refugees are in the majority. And all the liberal BBC types have buggered off to their villas in Tuscany, or wherever the rich go when the going gets tough. Thanks BBC.
Two Scottish opinion polls read out on BBC News this morning. In both cases the “Yes” percentage was given first regardless of which answer was greater. Subtle, but some of us pick up on this stuff.
Once again the BBC follows the Chomskeyan restriction of permitted debate. In the Scottish referendum the only voices allowed to be heard are Scottish “Yes” and Scottish and other “No” advocates. No-one – that I have heard or seen – who advocates a “Yes” from a non-Scottish/English perspective is allowed near the microphone.
On a personal note, it seems to me, that a marginal “No” win implies a Scotland half of whose inhabitants loath those of us South of the Border and, worse, the payment for eternity of cash and constitutional Danegeld to the Scots. Frankly, Scotland can get stuffed. I don’t want to see the continuation of the existing socialist wonderland depending on my taxes and, more to the point, a Labour Party dependent on Scottish and immigrant votes ruling permanently in a continuing UK. The spectacle of the nutter from Fife (egged on by his fellow shysters of LibLabCon) trying to buy his fellow-Scots with my money is appalling.
Just watched the Daily Politics, again no Andrew Neil where is he? The topic of how much PC behaviour contributed to the Rotherham scandal, was discussed. Anne Cryer former MP said that in her Keighly constiuency she thought it played a major role and people just didn’t want to labelled racist. But good old Polly Toynbee thought it had only a minor contribution and that it was because they wanted to hold on to power that so many officials and councilors turned a blind eye to the abuse. How can she possible say that in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary? Although she was gently challenged by the interviewer, Jo Coburn, she just batted it away. She should have been given a really hard time speaking such nonsense when the facts are overwhelming. perhaps Mr Neil would have done so. is that why we see less of him?
But there we have the perfect example of the bias of the BBC , if someone espouses something the liberal left agree they get at best a half hearted challenge, but if you say something that doesn’t conform to liberal left view they come down on you like a tonne of bricks. Indeed it is the BBC who fling about the racist label around and allow guests on their programmes to throw it anyone who questions the any aspect of immigration , multiculturalism, concern about what is happening opposite Islam. The BBC must accept their portion of the blame for Rotherham and all the other cases that are going to come out.
People just like Polly Toynbee are the problem.
Not only do they excuse almost any crime, so long as it is committed by one of their sacred “victim” groups, they also attack anyone suggesting otherwise and accuse them of being racist or “Islamophobic”.
The liberals want desperately to bury this Rotherham story.
It is so at variance with the liberal dream utopia they promised themselves.
Nobody real is fooled.
It’s patently obvious that the tragedy in Rotherham was a direct result of the political correctness relentlessly rammed down our throats by Toynbee, the BBC and the rest of the left/liberal elite. Toynbee, shamelessly but predictably, refused to acknowledge this and tried to put it down to those good old standbys class and gender. She’s wrong about everything but takes responsibility for nothing.
This statement by Rotherham TUC – Justice for sex abuse victims; don’t let the racists divide us, is being circulated by Cameron’s pals in UAF to drum up opposition to the EDL demonstration in Rotherham.
‘We are appalled by the horrific extent of child sex abuse in Rotherham and condemn the way the authorities — council bosses and police chiefs — turned a blind eye for years.
More than a thousand children suffered horrific sexual exploitation in Rotherham while police blocked investigations into the crimes and the council denied them.
We believe the media has tried to turn this tragedy into an attack on anti-racism, blaming “political correctness” for stopping social workers and police pursuing Asian men.
The real causes are very different, from cuts to children’s services to the appalling attitudes of those in power towards women and girls from poor backgrounds.
yada yada yada.
As Cameron says about any Islamic atrocity, this has nothing to do with Islam.
Gramsci posited that because Christianity had been dominant in the West for over 2000 years, not only was it fused with Western civilization, but it had corrupted the workers class. The West would have to be de-Christianized, said Gramsci, by means of a “long march through the culture.” Additionally, a new proletariat must be created. In his “Prison Notebooks,” he suggested that the new proletariat be comprised of many criminals, women, and racial minorities.
The new battleground, reasoned Gramsci, must become the culture, starting with the traditional family and completely engulfing churches, schools, media, entertainment, civic organizations, literature, science, and history. All of these things must be radically transformed and the social and cultural order gradually turned upside-down with the new proletariat placed in power at the top.
The primary goal of the Frankfurt School was to translate Marxism from economic terms into cultural terms. It would provide the ideas on which to base a new political theory of revoltuion based on culture, harnessing new oppressed groups for the faithless proletariat. Smashing religion, morals, It would also build a constituency among academics, who could build careers studying and writing about the new oppression.
Toward this end, Marcuse-who favored polymorphous perversion-expanded the ranks of Gramsci’s new proletariat by including homosexuals, lesbians, and transsexuals. Into this was spliced Lukacs radical sex education and cultural terrorism tactics. Gramsci’s ‘long march’ was added to the mix, and then all of this was wedded to Freudian psychoanalysis and psychological conditioning techniques. The end product was Cultural Marxism, now known in the West as multiculturalism.’
Are we there yet? Orwell was wrong about the date and who the oppressors would be. He thought then of international faceless organisations. Not the socialist faceless beureaucratic institutions which increasingly compose the current UK and future EU. There is no need of the next general election, if we accept that we will all be ruled by remote control from Brussels.
PC is partly to blame, but the situation wasn’t exploited by Black Nigerian Christians, or Indian Hindus, or Roma or Turks or Chinese or Sri Lankans or Arab Muslims or Gypsies or Afghan Muslims or Jamaicans was it?
Pakistani Muslims involved every time.
That may be so here but in Sweden it is a different Muslim nationality (Somali I believe) behind the epidemic of rapes in places like Malmo. In Holland I believe it is yet another Muslim nationality involved (Moroccan and Turk). In Australia I think it is Lebanese gangs. To me this points to a fusion of certain cultures and Islam leading to this appalling behaviour not just Islam on it’s own although it has some bearing.
The real culprit is probably the insane idea of multiculturalism and mass immigration that has been forced upon us, cheer leaded of course by the BBC.
The problem is, that they have moved the debate, asking who is to blame…
Erm, i’d suggest it was the filthy Pakistani’s who stuck thier dicks into children who are to blame, no one else, yes, the progressives turned a blind eye, but the blame lies with those Muslim paedophiles.
What needs to be looked at, is to WHY the Muslim Paedophiles think thier behavior is acceptable.
“On a personal note, it seems to me, that a marginal “No” win implies a Scotland half of whose inhabitants loath those of us South of the Border”
No, I don’t think it does. I suspect you’d be surprised how many “yes” voters are from south of the border. There are of course always the loud-mouthed anti-English types and they have an outlet for their bile too readily available but in my experience any anti-Englishness is largely reserved for the football and rugby teams, for no other reason than it’s a bigger neighbour whose team beats ours more than we beat theirs.
(That was a reply to Umbongo which has mysteriously detached itself.)
I’ll bow to your current knowledge of how the English are viewed in Scotland. However, although its many years ago, when I was for a few months the temporary finance director of a failing – but ultimately rescued – Scottish company based in Edinburgh, the memory of the “froidure” I experienced from the Edinburgh financial community (and others) stays with me. Even so, as I wrote ” . . the payment for eternity of cash and constitutional Danegeld to the Scots.” is a far more chilling prospect than being disliked and resented. Apparently, if the SNP loses its bet, we South of the Border are still expected to pay out at generous odds.
Yes, that stinks. There is no mandate for “Devo Max” and there has been no consultation about it. It’s just been foisted on us “No” voters whatever we think. And on the rest of the UK who will stump up, if the result is “no”, without so much as a by-your-leave.
That’s not to say that there wouldn’t be a majority for “Devo Max” in Scotland. I reckon there would, but you can’t introduce such a thing without discussion of exactly what it means and get the agreement of all sides affected.
Although, interestingly, Redwood and the awkward wing of the Conservatives, have already raised this point and linked it to the West Lothian question.
Even if there is a No vote, Cameron isn’t going to be able to smooth his way out of this one so easily.
‘…. but you can’t introduce such a thing without discussion of exactly what it means and get the agreement of all sides affected. ‘
Well said, but I’d go one step further: the needs of the other nations of the UK, particularly England, must also be addressed if further radical proposals for change in Scotland are being made. So, for example, resolution of the West Lothian question is years overdue and has to be resolved, along with inequalities in health and education funding.
Cameron is promising the Scots everything to stay because he knows he will have to resign if they vote for independence and Miliband knows there will never be a Labour Government again if they go.
Both disgusting career politicians who couldn’t care less about the people they are supposed to represent
“Thirteen years after 9/11, there is one thing that virtually all our politicians, law enforcement officials, and mainstream media guardians of opinion know: that attack had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam … and neither does any other jihad terror attack, anywhere, no matter how often its perpetrators quote the Qur’an and invoke Muhammad. Islam, we’re told again and again, is a good, benign thing – indeed, a positive force for societies, and to be encouraged in the West. Jihad terror is an aberration, an outrage against the Religion of Peace’s peaceful teachings. These lessons from our betters are coming more and more often in light of the advent of the Islamic State”
R Spencer
Someone once asked me “Why do they always talk about Muslim terrorists, but never talk about Christian terrorists?”.
I responded thatbthere were porobably tow main reasons. First being that the vast majority of terrorist incidents carried out nowadays are carried out by Muslims. That aside, when terrorists wave copies of the Koran about, shouting “Allahu akhbar” it is prabably fair to say that they are the ones who introduce Islam into the narrative.
I don’t know how much longer the political “elite” can continue pretending that Rotherham/ISIL/9.11/7.7/Lee Rigby/James Foley “have nothing to do with Islam”. You can only fool people for so long. Once a few more people have woken up…. well, then what?
7/7? Now that anniversary passed off with little if any attention drawn to it from the media and certainly nothing from our great leader. Ssssssssh don’t mention Muslim atrocities and it will go away and they will leave us alone.
It is extraordinary living in a socitey where the very concept of what is reality has been so distorted by the governing class as to be meaningless.
it is becoming impossible to take them seriously. From Scotland to Isis they are mired in unreality.
God help us .
For the time being we can see the BBC’s report on the souvenir shop at Ground Zero, with a HYS which touches on US foreign policy, bin laden etc. Of interest is that it was pulled after 18 comments.
‘ABC Skips Own Poll Showing Record Lows for Obama on Leadership and Foreign Policy
Wha… nooo…. their own poll? Who would do such a thing [cough] how’s that missing Sunday Morning Live text poll coming, Aunty [cough] ? They need to get A. Newsroom Tealady out there right now to explain (FoI excluded, no backsies) that this is clearly ‘not newsworthy’.
“Tell it often enough” of course does require the balance of “Don’t tell it no matter what” when things hit the cr*apper.
Some fun comments too.
‘They alone got [x] into [seat of power]. [The country] voted for what they sold him as. They alone kept [x] in the [seat of power]. [The country] voted again for what they continued to sell him as. End result? His legacy owns liberal press as much as it owns him. They have no choice but to keep covering for him.’
They do say that whatever happens in the US the UK follows a decade later.
“If the Islamic State so clearly and obviously violated basic tenets of Islam, there wouldn’t be hundreds of Western Muslims traveling to join it –
If the Islamic State were really so obviously un-Islamic, how is it that it came to call itself “the Islamic State” to begin with?
That is, how did it gain any traction among any Muslims?”
R Spencer
Ezra Levant is a great journalist and presenter. He nails Obama’s dangerous self-delusions about Islamic State with forensic precision. If only the BBC could take a leaf out of Levant’s book – a fantastic example of honest, fearless reporting.
Just take a look at those faces and wonder why it is that the BBC can report it, as quick as fiddlesticks when it’s a black Muslims minibus torched, but can’t manage to react at all when they’re caught doing something illegal.
When the media talk about catured Yazidi or Christian women being taken for “forced marriage” by the “militants” of ISIl, what they really mean is that these women are going to be raped. Repeatedly. Indefinitely. If they don’t submit to ongoing rape, they will be beaten and tortured at best – but more likely murderd.
“Forced marriage” doesn’t sound great. But it sounds much better than the true situation these poor women find themselves in.
“Islamic State recruiting in UK mosques”
“Now wait a minute. We all know that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam. Barack Obama and John Kerry tell us so, and in Britain, David Cameron and Philip Hammond and a host of others have said the same thing. So how is it that the Islamic State would be recruiting in British mosques? Don’t the vast majority of peaceful Muslims rise up as one and denounce and expel the extremists? What’s that? They don’t? Now, why is that?”
Looks like Operation ‘Bury The Trojan Horse’ is in full swing.
I’m guessing in the next couple of weeks we’ll be hearing about a BBC survey that shows 99.9999999% of parents in the West Midlands think their school governors are hard-working salt of the Earth folks, guv.
The real question is how long it will take them to do something similar re: the – ahem – unfortunate events in Rotherham
sky reporting about meeting in Rotherham where the odious Shaun Wright was jeered at by members of the public including one sex abuse victim whose sister was murdered by her abuser. This is the 3rd biggest story on Sky News ( personally I think it should be above the Pistorius trail)
Compare and contrast the BBCs effort at the same story: you have to go to the UK new page as doesn’t appear on front page under the headline ” no confidence in PCC”
“he (Wright), responded:
“Many people have called for me to resign.
“However, my belief is that everyone shares some of the responsibility… It takes a community to raise a child…
… I believe everyone needs to search their own conscience.”
for that … abject dereliction of duty, after pleading from parents, that directly led to a child s murder, he deserves a Jail term.
Sounds to me like it must be ‘society’s fault’, then.
He and his ‘progressive’ ilk – including the likes of Toynbee, Galloway and Owen effing Jones who have been peddling this dangerous, destructive multicultural creed for years – are personally responsible in Rotherham and beyond for the sickening abuse of children and the suffering of their relatives. They need to be flushed out and banged away for a long, long time until they’re too old and frail even to remember the words ‘Long march through the institutions’.
It’s safe to say that the courts and our judicial system will gloss over this and order numerous inquiries etc where ‘lessons learnt’ etc .
I think it would be much better if the families form a group together, engage a professional legal firm and personally sue these lefty halfwits and NOT Rotherham Council. The only thing that will even mildly prick the conscience of these Neo-Marxist idiots is their detached 3 bed semi in Hampstead, their BMW jeep and French Farm Cottage taken away from them.
To be fair, he IS quoting verbatim from the title of a Hillary Clinton book…which (being a leftie) she has obviously cut and pasted from a superior intellect from her dopey days…possibly Cheech or Chong.
The longer his mouldering carcass of lefty privilege stays firmly strapped to the body of Rotherham Labour…hopefully, the more the Flowers will grow and remind us all why these hollowed-out husks of entitled Guardian living; should be planted in a Bradford landfill in their city centre.
Agreed ! ‘Wall to wall’ Pistorius TV probably saves Al Beeb a lot of work, its cheap, and hides other more important news . We are forced to pay for this indulgence.
I recall the BBC getting very excited about Wonga, and their nasty letters to debtors, in no way making connections elsewhere for political purposes.
I also recall the BBC going quiet as folk pointed out that what gets sent to people who have no debt at all by TVL seems pretty dubious.
But good to see some actual numbers, as opposed to assertions and such.
Looks like the market rates at the BBC are still pretty above market, and that’s before discovering just how lame the talents handed them turn out to be.
Nice to see Lord Pantone really getting on top of the austerity measures. The plan seems to be to still pay telephone numbers, but slightly lower ones, often to more people.
Must be great to be uniquely funded and effectively unaccountable.
I wish they could get it out of their thick heads that there is no such thing as muslim extremists , some it is true are more shrill and blatant in their hatred, but to categorise them into extremists and mainstream is deliberate self delusion .
The only real difference is the extremists are murderous superstitious barbarians, and the moderate ones just quietly cheer them on.
BBC Radio 5 live is in the process of an hour long programme about the Welsh rugby player Gareth Thomas. It is amazing how lying to your wife and family is presented by the BBC as a virtue if you declare yourself to be gay.
BBC Radio 5 live @bbc5live 30m
.@gareththomas14: ‘There were times I wanted to die but I closed my eyes & thought how can I leave my beautiful wife’
Er what about his wife and family and their feelings?
I wish him the best but this is not far off propaganda.
When the West claims that ISIS is not Islamic and are perverting Islam, it only demonstrates how ignorant of Islam they really are. ISIS is the most literal interpretation of Islam possible. It is PURE Islam.
Those Muslims who live down the street, who drink beer and dress in westernised way? THEY are not moderate Muslims. They are NOT Muslims. Either that, or they are conducting Taqiyya. The Islamic duty to deceive the Non Believer.
‘In place of the combative political interview, Katz wishes for a gentler approach, which perhaps explains why Newsnight today is dominated by debates between four women who agree with each other about everything: yay, way to go. But the editor also points to an interview between Paxman and Russell Brand, a self-indulgent gibberfest of almost startling irrelevance, which has been viewed ten million times online, something Katz views with pride. That’s the way forward, then; something which engages with the public — a halfwit being lazily cross-examined by a journalist who wonders what the hell he is still doing in this place. If it’s views online you want, Ian, why not sign up Joey Essex or Simon Cowell? Or better still, just show a kitten having difficulty playing with a ball of wool and maybe falling over a bit. That’ll do it. Or you could get one of your presenters to dress up as a zombie and dance to a Michael Jackson song. Oh, you’ve already done that. Poor Kirsty Wark, poor Newsnight.’
Of course, in contrast to INBBC, today has been a significant day for Americans and
for anti-jihadists globally to remember the Islamic jihad massacre of 9/11.
” 10 Things We Should Have Done Since 9/11 to Defeat the Jihad”
Never thought I’d find myself feeling sorry for a socialist but Alastair Darling just faced an attempted skewering on Newsnight and all because he leads the No campaign. Attack, attack, attack. Interruption, contradiction, hostile to the end. Must have been a real dilemma for the BBC to attack a member of the Labour party but we all know about the BBC, principles and expediency.
what gets me about the bbc and radio 5 lives presenters is this,every time they discuss this never ending debate about why muslims(hush hush its all about the koran and the hadith) get radicalised at the drop of a hat and go around the world and at home and causing death and mayhem and all we hear is a whole lot of excuses and empathy for there behaviour,i would like nicky cambell to have a big phone in about this topic i want to highlight,why is it nicky that young poor black and white british christians who suffer extreme poverty,unemployment.alienated from society,disenfranchised at home dont go abroad to fight holy war against arab and muslim nations who persecute,murder and enslave there christian brothers and sisters like what is going on in iraq and syria,why is there not 1000s of christians going out to fight holy war all over the world.i wonder why that is,could it be that the bible does not endorse that type of behaviour but the koran does,now that would make a good phone in on nicky campbells your shout i reckon.
Looks like US intelligence has dropped the ball again. No surprises there!
It now turns out that they have grossly under estimated the number of Jihadist members ISIS has fighting for them.
I’ve no doubt that with the professional massaging of figures going on in the UK that the figures quoted by the UK authorities of 500 – 1500 traitors going to fight in the Levant are deliberately far too low.
It is noteworthy that the BBC has chosen to report the very minimum of Jihadis at 500 and not the median 1000 or the higher end. They never seem to inform the audience that there is a broad spread and that the figure might be anything up to three times as many as the amount quoted.
Now it turns out that this figure itself might well be on the low side and I have no doubt that the BBC will be blaming this error on the intelligence services, and not taking any responsibility by taking figures at an extreme end of the curve.
If we see these figures revised up to say 1000 – 3000 the BBC will no doubt again take the lowest they can, and not the median 2000.
This is the Harry Bosco disinformation where the BBC can claim it is broadcasting the truth, when in reality it is giving a deliberately distorted picture.
Obvious … ene-media at work, orchestrated by the Obama administration.
If you only look at the amounts of joyous travellers wanting to give humanitarian aid … oops! sorry … I mean wannabe Islamic mass murderers, that have flocked over? – example from here
1500? yet muslim critics themselves state at least double that.
Likewise everywhere else … its the usual incompetent lame attempt at damage limitation, by wilful deliberate deniers of reality.
“Kerry said the opposition battling the Assad regime in Syria has been outgunned and outmanned but the administration believes that equation can change “if they receive proper training, if there are recruits that come in, and if it grows over a period of time.”
The regime’s legitimacy could never be restored”
Yes but look on the bright side, the higher the number of jihadis they can come up with the lower they can claim net ‘migration’ is!
Room for 1500 more in Islington, move along the bus please!
From article
“• A recruitment freeze across News – to last as a minimum to the end of March, with a review in six months, with exceptional cases able to be hired only on the basis of agreement with the joint unions
• A moratorium on compulsory redundancies across News, to run as a minimum to the end of March, subject to a six-month review
• No voluntary redundancies to leave before the end of December 2014 – any exceptional cases to be agreed with the joint unions
• Agreed that News management must devise and present their strategy as to how they believe work can be done – and standards maintained – if their proposed redundancies take place
• Workload concerns to be addressed in this context – with an accompanying Work Pressure Review which will be done jointly with the unions.”
So basicly the union runs the BBC. Its also interesting that they demand a freeze on hiring as well as firing . Old fashioned closed shop or an attempt to retian their Cultural hegemony?
And finally
“The NUJ has also agreed to halt its current work to rule policy at the BBC. ”
Had any one noticed?
anyone else get the impression that the outcome of the pistorius trial is not what was wanted but that the bbc is struggling for an angle because the judge is a black woman and the accused a white man?
earlier this week, before the verdict, there was a today programme panegyric on the judge. it sounded like it was based on an assumption that he would be found guilty and that they were getting their retaliation in first. setting up the judge as a saint, in case the her competence became doubted.
Yes, Dave1east as I was listening to Eddie Mair last evening I could hear the disappointment that Oscar was not guilty of murder and the incredulity in the voices of all those reporting. And of course we have only heard the trial for the past few weeks through the BBC reports. So on reflection the reporters had made up their minds and then that was what they reported. They really don’t know any more how to give fact not opinion. And the BBC had to emphasise that Oscar would probably end up guilty of manslaughter (which I think he has) but the emphasis showed it was the only way they could come to terms with it.
Despite Oscar being a plucky paraplegic, remarkable in his determination to overcome his dreadful injuries, the BBC has a problem – he may, or may not, have been a murderer, but he’s also a white South African; hell, he could be Afrikaner. And that is the real crime in beeboid eyes.
BBC radio 4 are suggesting that if the accused was black that the verdict would have been different.
Then they go on to talk about most victims in murder cases are black.
Of course they do not say that most of the perpetrators are black !
They ask several questions of the interviewee all of them with left wing biased barbs, but are knocked back every time with their biggest enemies – reality and the truth !
Mind boggling – they had some irritating white woman metroluvvie on insisting that Pistorius was racially motivated. The black native SA man told her this was idiotic. She then claimed it was about class. Again, the other interviewee dismissed this. She then claimed it was about sexism. I think at that point her interlocutor gave up.
I’ve rarely seen anything quite so surreal even on the BBC.
Attempting, out of nowhere, to introduce race into the Pistorius Trial by giving a platform to that idiotic woman author, Gillian Slovo, who has personal chip on her left shoulder?
Absolute disgrace and if I had the time, I would write a complaint in to Ian Katz, as this is a dangerous attempt to play the race card when there was never an inkling of such.
Totally agree with you Katabasis, that woman author
Attempting, out of nowhere, to introduce race into the Pistorius Trial by giving a platform to that idiotic woman author, Gillian Slovo, who has personal chip on her left shoulder?
Absolute disgrace and if I had the time, I would write a complaint in to Ian Katz, as this is a dangerous attempt to play the race card when there was never an inkling of such.
Why the blanket coverage of the Pistorious trial? Are we in S Africa? Are there not more pressing and worrying issues going on? Russia/EU and Ukraine or IS for example.
R4 news with an interview with a Manchester policeman confirming the well known news that Rotherham is not an isolated case – in scale, nature, or the continuation of paedophile rape gangs. Rochdale expected to be as bad. Let’s be honest, any place in the UK with numbers of poor white girls and British Pakistani Muslims will find it has a problem.
The BBC has police and even the Labour government in its sights, and will now mention the word ‘Pakistani’. But the BBC is still part of the cover up to exonerate Islam from any responsibility. Looks like that’ll be left to C4. The BBC’s defence of Islam is strange.
INBBC has been censoring these crimes, even though these crimes are being committed only a few miles from INBBC’s Media Centre, in Salford.
So much for INBBC’s ‘investigative journalism’ over the year on this.
But today, ‘World at One’ Radio 4, played a 15 minute interview with an anonymous Manchester police officer who said that the sex gang crime abuse there, was as egregious as that of Rotherham.
Similar dereliction of duty in Manchester by police, social services, politicians as that in Rotherham was evidenced. The pernicious ideology of ‘political correction’ coupled with the
directives not to identify Muslim perpetrators of crimes against children in the interest of ‘social cohesion,’ was mentioned by the police officer too.
This depressing interview should be available here, soon.
It starts at about 25 mins in.
Completely agree with one small correction. I believe that as per BBC standard operating procedure there was no mention of the M word. The code word ‘Pakistani’ was used but was not decoded for the listener.
The police and the media are still spinning the story to make it appear that the victims were in some way guilty. They were only “poor white girls”, often in care or leading chaotic lives.
In Rotherham, only a few were in care. Admittedly a third were “known” to social services, but many only because their loving parents had sought help.
There has been a continual drip drip of mis information from the authorities and much of the media – with no supporting evidence – in an attempt to portray these girls as either partly guilty or not worthy of real sympathy, and that this will never happen to the average reader’s nice middle class daughter.
The copper on radio four at lunchtime was as bad as any of the liars we have heard recently. He branded all of the girls, without exception, as leading chaotic lives who were beyond help. He presented this as his excuse for doing nothing. He is as guilty as anyone. As are all those in the police and social services who colluded with the rapists.
My god, that interview is absolutely damning – I recommend everyone reading this takes 20 minutes out to listen to it. The attitude of the police is beyond belief.
The diverse expenses of D.G, Tony ‘Diverse’ HALL and chums-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“BBC chiefs’ expenses rise under Lord Hall.
Analysis of the expense claims of top BBC managers has shown expenditure has increased during Lord Hall’s first year as director-general.”
“CIA: Islamic State has 2 to 3 times more jihadis than previous estimate”
“So many misunderstanders of Islam! Where do they keep coming from? Why do they keep misunderstanding the faith whose teachings are so clear to non-Muslims like John Kerry and David Cameron? Why do the government or media elites never, ever ponder questions like these?”
Anders Thomasson comments, above, on the skewering of Alastair Darling on NN, observing that it must have been something of a dilemma for the BBC to attack a Labour politician.
The BBC’s activists have, though, for some considerable time been further to the left than even Miliband’s Labour Party (evidenced by the continual appearances Marxists and Trots like Owen Jones on al of their platforms) so at the end of the day it is no surprise that the BBC would break cover and align themselves with who they believe will deliver the ‘greatest social justice’ for Scotland (i.e. YES). Note how Social justice just rolls off the BBC’s teleprompters pixels as the key imperative in this debate, North of the border it’s the only game in town – no talk of mixed economies in Scotland and the balance that brings prosperity and real self determination (and independence) to men and women…it’s just not the Socialist way. That’s not a debate that the BBC want to have with the left wing protagonists up there.
And it’s no surprise that was reflected in the ‘Scotland Decides’ debate last night with an unbalanced panel of:
The Scottish Green Convener Patrick Harvie (impeccable left wing CV)
Sturgeon (Left wing SNP)
Galloway (Left wing – from some party or other)
Ruth Davidson (Tory)
Using the QT format, it was disturbing, if not unsurprisingly that the BBC failed to select a question from the youth of Scotland about the issue that is at the heart of the independence debate: The currency.
I do not believe for a single moment that not one, not one, of the kids there asked what currency an independent Scotland would choose. Which begs the question why was it omitted? Perhaps, as this guy (in the video below – HT to Seth via GF) brilliantly points out – it is so fundamental and is in reality the only thing that matters. And it is the SNP’s achilles heel – it’s where all of their bluster falls apart.
Perhaps this astonishing omission might also have something to do with this character, the BBC’s Glasgow based Executive Editor of the programme, former (?) Communist Nicolai Gentchev – he of Question Time.
Listening this morning to a Five Live trailer, using a stirring ‘Braveheart’ soundtrack and seeing the BBC, last night, avoid the elephant in the room…I sense that the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’ have finally taken a position and wouldn’t mind seeing the establishment of a Scottish Socialist Republic.
And I wonder how many of the buggers have already written their requests to transfer up to Glasgow?
BBC radio 4 More or Less left wing statistics program has decided to have yet another pop at Nigel Farage and UKIP over his claim that over 50% of Scots are living on benefits, and although they found that the amount was understated actually being 60% they decided that semantics were more important than statistics and that ‘living on’ rather than ‘in receipt of’ was misleading and brought to mind images of scrounging workshy Scottish layabouts !
They went on to state that pensioners and other people were counted in these figures and that basically although Farage had it right (and to some tune) he was a nasty man and shouldn’t be listened to!
This program has a bias which I comment on nearly every week. It never used to have, and it beggars belief that a program about statistics can manage to have such a left wing stance.
I heard that too. The lefty listener obviously thought they had caught out ‘stupid and nasty’ Nigel. At least the programme had the decency to broadcast the nil finding. I thought Nigel came out of it well.
Radio 4 PM program report by Jon Donnison from Australia about the ‘problems’ they have with Muslims there.
Apparently like the UK they have a well integrated Muslim community ! I think this must be a man with bottle bottom rose tinted glasses.
He goes to a Mosque where ‘most’ of the people greet him with a smile, but that means that there were at least a few who were a lot less pleased to see him and his crew, and might well have been downright hostile, but this isn’t reported on at all.
He talks about the Shahada as a prayer – which it isn’t, especially in the context of being screamed prior to Australia’s first suicide bomber self exploding.
It wasn’t a massively biased piece, more something born out of total rose tinted ignorance, and an inability to accept reality. Much like many of the other fascists there.
Search Biased BBC
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Poverty, disenfranchisement, lack of education, lack of opportunity, foreign policy etc, … causes Muslims to rush over to the other side of the world and mass murder right … WRONG
“Based in King’s College in London, is Aqsa Mahmood, a 20-year-old woman from Glasgow who fled to Syria in November last year.
She rose to notoriety for praising the killers of drummer Lee Rigby and recently posted on social media:
“If you cannot make it to the battlefield, then bring the battlefield to yourself.” erm … where would that be, any ideas
BBC? a report?… with the rising penchant for Islamic beheadings?
don t be silly
mind you, as per usual muddying the situation with absurd good islamist/bad islamist nonsense like this
an explosion kills Syrian islamist leader … and? … who cares?
UK DOCTOR stands severed head in hand, kids look on in horror
“happily poses with severed head: “Dream Job”
Note –
The report has her bleating about not being a coward be a martyr, yet shes afraid to show her face? …. ….. Allah says eh!
maybe its not her? another Islamic liar? who knows.
Joke told to me by three great US Navy guys, at the bar, in Bristol a few years ago…..i was asked…’ Hey Robert, you watch Star Trek?….ever wonder why there are no arabs in the crews?……it’s set in the future’…….OUCH, good though.
BBC begged us to take in Syrian refugees. Now the refugee turns against us compassionate liberals by calling for our deaths. Thanks BBC. Will they ever learn? Only when the refugees are in the majority. And all the liberal BBC types have buggered off to their villas in Tuscany, or wherever the rich go when the going gets tough. Thanks BBC.
Two Scottish opinion polls read out on BBC News this morning. In both cases the “Yes” percentage was given first regardless of which answer was greater. Subtle, but some of us pick up on this stuff.
Once again the BBC follows the Chomskeyan restriction of permitted debate. In the Scottish referendum the only voices allowed to be heard are Scottish “Yes” and Scottish and other “No” advocates. No-one – that I have heard or seen – who advocates a “Yes” from a non-Scottish/English perspective is allowed near the microphone.
On a personal note, it seems to me, that a marginal “No” win implies a Scotland half of whose inhabitants loath those of us South of the Border and, worse, the payment for eternity of cash and constitutional Danegeld to the Scots. Frankly, Scotland can get stuffed. I don’t want to see the continuation of the existing socialist wonderland depending on my taxes and, more to the point, a Labour Party dependent on Scottish and immigrant votes ruling permanently in a continuing UK. The spectacle of the nutter from Fife (egged on by his fellow shysters of LibLabCon) trying to buy his fellow-Scots with my money is appalling.
That would be because it was a Scottish audience.
Just watched the Daily Politics, again no Andrew Neil where is he? The topic of how much PC behaviour contributed to the Rotherham scandal, was discussed. Anne Cryer former MP said that in her Keighly constiuency she thought it played a major role and people just didn’t want to labelled racist. But good old Polly Toynbee thought it had only a minor contribution and that it was because they wanted to hold on to power that so many officials and councilors turned a blind eye to the abuse. How can she possible say that in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary? Although she was gently challenged by the interviewer, Jo Coburn, she just batted it away. She should have been given a really hard time speaking such nonsense when the facts are overwhelming. perhaps Mr Neil would have done so. is that why we see less of him?
But there we have the perfect example of the bias of the BBC , if someone espouses something the liberal left agree they get at best a half hearted challenge, but if you say something that doesn’t conform to liberal left view they come down on you like a tonne of bricks. Indeed it is the BBC who fling about the racist label around and allow guests on their programmes to throw it anyone who questions the any aspect of immigration , multiculturalism, concern about what is happening opposite Islam. The BBC must accept their portion of the blame for Rotherham and all the other cases that are going to come out.
“How can she possible say that in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary?”
A lifetime’s practice, I think you’ll find.
People just like Polly Toynbee are the problem.
Not only do they excuse almost any crime, so long as it is committed by one of their sacred “victim” groups, they also attack anyone suggesting otherwise and accuse them of being racist or “Islamophobic”.
The liberals want desperately to bury this Rotherham story.
It is so at variance with the liberal dream utopia they promised themselves.
Nobody real is fooled.
Poly Toynbee, former BBC News employee. But she lives in a villa in Tuscany, surrounded by lots of rich, white liberals.
It’s patently obvious that the tragedy in Rotherham was a direct result of the political correctness relentlessly rammed down our throats by Toynbee, the BBC and the rest of the left/liberal elite. Toynbee, shamelessly but predictably, refused to acknowledge this and tried to put it down to those good old standbys class and gender. She’s wrong about everything but takes responsibility for nothing.
Toynbee and her liberals are not alone:
This statement by Rotherham TUC – Justice for sex abuse victims; don’t let the racists divide us, is being circulated by Cameron’s pals in UAF to drum up opposition to the EDL demonstration in Rotherham.
‘We are appalled by the horrific extent of child sex abuse in Rotherham and condemn the way the authorities — council bosses and police chiefs — turned a blind eye for years.
More than a thousand children suffered horrific sexual exploitation in Rotherham while police blocked investigations into the crimes and the council denied them.
We believe the media has tried to turn this tragedy into an attack on anti-racism, blaming “political correctness” for stopping social workers and police pursuing Asian men.
The real causes are very different, from cuts to children’s services to the appalling attitudes of those in power towards women and girls from poor backgrounds.
yada yada yada.
As Cameron says about any Islamic atrocity, this has nothing to do with Islam.
All part of the plan:
Gramsci posited that because Christianity had been dominant in the West for over 2000 years, not only was it fused with Western civilization, but it had corrupted the workers class. The West would have to be de-Christianized, said Gramsci, by means of a “long march through the culture.” Additionally, a new proletariat must be created. In his “Prison Notebooks,” he suggested that the new proletariat be comprised of many criminals, women, and racial minorities.
The new battleground, reasoned Gramsci, must become the culture, starting with the traditional family and completely engulfing churches, schools, media, entertainment, civic organizations, literature, science, and history. All of these things must be radically transformed and the social and cultural order gradually turned upside-down with the new proletariat placed in power at the top.
The primary goal of the Frankfurt School was to translate Marxism from economic terms into cultural terms. It would provide the ideas on which to base a new political theory of revoltuion based on culture, harnessing new oppressed groups for the faithless proletariat. Smashing religion, morals, It would also build a constituency among academics, who could build careers studying and writing about the new oppression.
Toward this end, Marcuse-who favored polymorphous perversion-expanded the ranks of Gramsci’s new proletariat by including homosexuals, lesbians, and transsexuals. Into this was spliced Lukacs radical sex education and cultural terrorism tactics. Gramsci’s ‘long march’ was added to the mix, and then all of this was wedded to Freudian psychoanalysis and psychological conditioning techniques. The end product was Cultural Marxism, now known in the West as multiculturalism.’
Are we there yet? Orwell was wrong about the date and who the oppressors would be. He thought then of international faceless organisations. Not the socialist faceless beureaucratic institutions which increasingly compose the current UK and future EU. There is no need of the next general election, if we accept that we will all be ruled by remote control from Brussels.
PC is partly to blame, but the situation wasn’t exploited by Black Nigerian Christians, or Indian Hindus, or Roma or Turks or Chinese or Sri Lankans or Arab Muslims or Gypsies or Afghan Muslims or Jamaicans was it?
Pakistani Muslims involved every time.
That may be so here but in Sweden it is a different Muslim nationality (Somali I believe) behind the epidemic of rapes in places like Malmo. In Holland I believe it is yet another Muslim nationality involved (Moroccan and Turk). In Australia I think it is Lebanese gangs. To me this points to a fusion of certain cultures and Islam leading to this appalling behaviour not just Islam on it’s own although it has some bearing.
The real culprit is probably the insane idea of multiculturalism and mass immigration that has been forced upon us, cheer leaded of course by the BBC.
Yes but Poly Toynbee and co live in their cosy villas in Tuscany.
The problem is, that they have moved the debate, asking who is to blame…
Erm, i’d suggest it was the filthy Pakistani’s who stuck thier dicks into children who are to blame, no one else, yes, the progressives turned a blind eye, but the blame lies with those Muslim paedophiles.
What needs to be looked at, is to WHY the Muslim Paedophiles think thier behavior is acceptable.
Not that the BBC will EVER discuss THAT.
“On a personal note, it seems to me, that a marginal “No” win implies a Scotland half of whose inhabitants loath those of us South of the Border”
No, I don’t think it does. I suspect you’d be surprised how many “yes” voters are from south of the border. There are of course always the loud-mouthed anti-English types and they have an outlet for their bile too readily available but in my experience any anti-Englishness is largely reserved for the football and rugby teams, for no other reason than it’s a bigger neighbour whose team beats ours more than we beat theirs.
(That was a reply to Umbongo which has mysteriously detached itself.)
I’ll bow to your current knowledge of how the English are viewed in Scotland. However, although its many years ago, when I was for a few months the temporary finance director of a failing – but ultimately rescued – Scottish company based in Edinburgh, the memory of the “froidure” I experienced from the Edinburgh financial community (and others) stays with me. Even so, as I wrote ” . . the payment for eternity of cash and constitutional Danegeld to the Scots.” is a far more chilling prospect than being disliked and resented. Apparently, if the SNP loses its bet, we South of the Border are still expected to pay out at generous odds.
Yes, that stinks. There is no mandate for “Devo Max” and there has been no consultation about it. It’s just been foisted on us “No” voters whatever we think. And on the rest of the UK who will stump up, if the result is “no”, without so much as a by-your-leave.
That’s not to say that there wouldn’t be a majority for “Devo Max” in Scotland. I reckon there would, but you can’t introduce such a thing without discussion of exactly what it means and get the agreement of all sides affected.
Although, interestingly, Redwood and the awkward wing of the Conservatives, have already raised this point and linked it to the West Lothian question.
Even if there is a No vote, Cameron isn’t going to be able to smooth his way out of this one so easily.
‘…. but you can’t introduce such a thing without discussion of exactly what it means and get the agreement of all sides affected. ‘
Well said, but I’d go one step further: the needs of the other nations of the UK, particularly England, must also be addressed if further radical proposals for change in Scotland are being made. So, for example, resolution of the West Lothian question is years overdue and has to be resolved, along with inequalities in health and education funding.
Cameron is promising the Scots everything to stay because he knows he will have to resign if they vote for independence and Miliband knows there will never be a Labour Government again if they go.
Both disgusting career politicians who couldn’t care less about the people they are supposed to represent
Remembering 9/11?: maybe INBBC will have something later.
At least a Russian site has this:-
“Act of Terrorism in US on September 11, 2001.
Topic: 9/11: The worst terrorist attack in modern history.”
Newsnight?, how about R5 R Bacon he s obsessed with America?
“Thirteen years after 9/11, there is one thing that virtually all our politicians, law enforcement officials, and mainstream media guardians of opinion know: that attack had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam … and neither does any other jihad terror attack, anywhere, no matter how often its perpetrators quote the Qur’an and invoke Muhammad. Islam, we’re told again and again, is a good, benign thing – indeed, a positive force for societies, and to be encouraged in the West. Jihad terror is an aberration, an outrage against the Religion of Peace’s peaceful teachings. These lessons from our betters are coming more and more often in light of the advent of the Islamic State”
R Spencer
Someone once asked me “Why do they always talk about Muslim terrorists, but never talk about Christian terrorists?”.
I responded thatbthere were porobably tow main reasons. First being that the vast majority of terrorist incidents carried out nowadays are carried out by Muslims. That aside, when terrorists wave copies of the Koran about, shouting “Allahu akhbar” it is prabably fair to say that they are the ones who introduce Islam into the narrative.
I don’t know how much longer the political “elite” can continue pretending that Rotherham/ISIL/9.11/7.7/Lee Rigby/James Foley “have nothing to do with Islam”. You can only fool people for so long. Once a few more people have woken up…. well, then what?
As I have commented before, a fundamentalist Christian wants to spout verses of the Bible at you, while a fundamentalist Muslim wants to murder you.
Only a tiny percentage of terrorists are not muslims.
And vice versa.
7/7? Now that anniversary passed off with little if any attention drawn to it from the media and certainly nothing from our great leader. Ssssssssh don’t mention Muslim atrocities and it will go away and they will leave us alone.
It is extraordinary living in a socitey where the very concept of what is reality has been so distorted by the governing class as to be meaningless.
it is becoming impossible to take them seriously. From Scotland to Isis they are mired in unreality.
God help us .
They have not read the Quoran. The later passages regarding the Jihad, overrule the earlier peaceful passages.
Sura2:106. of the Quoran. The doctrine of abrogation.
For the time being we can see the BBC’s report on the souvenir shop at Ground Zero, with a HYS which touches on US foreign policy, bin laden etc. Of interest is that it was pulled after 18 comments.
As the BBC influences all before it with it’s ‘reporting’, these from elsewhere struck a chord…
‘…not the only media outlet that avoided the “ban” term, maybe because it sounds dirty as it conjures images of mind-policing and censorship.”
They could always try ‘expedited’.
This term has worked well for certain unique global bastions of mind-policing and censorship for years now.
‘ABC Skips Own Poll Showing Record Lows for Obama on Leadership and Foreign Policy
Wha… nooo…. their own poll? Who would do such a thing [cough] how’s that missing Sunday Morning Live text poll coming, Aunty [cough] ? They need to get A. Newsroom Tealady out there right now to explain (FoI excluded, no backsies) that this is clearly ‘not newsworthy’.
“Tell it often enough” of course does require the balance of “Don’t tell it no matter what” when things hit the cr*apper.
Some fun comments too.
‘They alone got [x] into [seat of power]. [The country] voted for what they sold him as. They alone kept [x] in the [seat of power]. [The country] voted again for what they continued to sell him as. End result? His legacy owns liberal press as much as it owns him. They have no choice but to keep covering for him.’
They do say that whatever happens in the US the UK follows a decade later.
Patiently waiting for some sharp eyed BBC reporter to question Obama’s claim that ISIS (he says ISIL) is not Islamic.
Ask – what does the I in ISIS stand for?
“If the Islamic State so clearly and obviously violated basic tenets of Islam, there wouldn’t be hundreds of Western Muslims traveling to join it –
If the Islamic State were really so obviously un-Islamic, how is it that it came to call itself “the Islamic State” to begin with?
That is, how did it gain any traction among any Muslims?”
R Spencer
All gets laid bare, including Obama … a classic
Ezra Levant is a great journalist and presenter. He nails Obama’s dangerous self-delusions about Islamic State with forensic precision. If only the BBC could take a leaf out of Levant’s book – a fantastic example of honest, fearless reporting.
Just take a look at those faces and wonder why it is that the BBC can report it, as quick as fiddlesticks when it’s a black Muslims minibus torched, but can’t manage to react at all when they’re caught doing something illegal.
Has INBBC decided to censor this?:-
“Islamic State recruiting jihadis in British mosques.”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/islamic-state-recruiting-jihadis-british-mosques.html/#sthash.ynbuFdPp.dpuf
Is this censored?:-
“British female jihadis running ISIS ‘brothels’ allowing killers to rape
kidnapped Yazidi women”
When the media talk about catured Yazidi or Christian women being taken for “forced marriage” by the “militants” of ISIl, what they really mean is that these women are going to be raped. Repeatedly. Indefinitely. If they don’t submit to ongoing rape, they will be beaten and tortured at best – but more likely murderd.
“Forced marriage” doesn’t sound great. But it sounds much better than the true situation these poor women find themselves in.
For INBBC to censor?:-
“Islamic State recruiting in UK mosques”
“Now wait a minute. We all know that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam. Barack Obama and John Kerry tell us so, and in Britain, David Cameron and Philip Hammond and a host of others have said the same thing. So how is it that the Islamic State would be recruiting in British mosques? Don’t the vast majority of peaceful Muslims rise up as one and denounce and expel the extremists? What’s that? They don’t? Now, why is that?”
It seems the “moderate Muslims” didn’t get that memo. It must have got lost in the post or something.
I found this tweet intriguing:
BBC Midlands Today @bbcmtd Sep 4
Do you trust your children’s school governors? Midlands Today debate available now on BBC iPlayer #faithinschools
Promoted by BBC Midlands Today
Not so much for the ‘debate’, as the BBC filter will render that pretty worthless, but that last line.
I don’t recall seeing it too often. What does ‘promoted by’ mean, if not the more traditional explanation I can think of.
But as I doubt twitter offers anything for free, why is BBC paying for such a thing, and with whose money?
Looks like Operation ‘Bury The Trojan Horse’ is in full swing.
I’m guessing in the next couple of weeks we’ll be hearing about a BBC survey that shows 99.9999999% of parents in the West Midlands think their school governors are hard-working salt of the Earth folks, guv.
The real question is how long it will take them to do something similar re: the – ahem – unfortunate events in Rotherham
sky reporting about meeting in Rotherham where the odious Shaun Wright was jeered at by members of the public including one sex abuse victim whose sister was murdered by her abuser. This is the 3rd biggest story on Sky News ( personally I think it should be above the Pistorius trail)
Compare and contrast the BBCs effort at the same story: you have to go to the UK new page as doesn’t appear on front page under the headline ” no confidence in PCC”
They are desperate to bury this news to help out their progressive left wing PC friends
“he (Wright), responded:
“Many people have called for me to resign.
“However, my belief is that everyone shares some of the responsibility… It takes a community to raise a child…
… I believe everyone needs to search their own conscience.”
for that … abject dereliction of duty, after pleading from parents, that directly led to a child s murder, he deserves a Jail term.
Sounds to me like it must be ‘society’s fault’, then.
He and his ‘progressive’ ilk – including the likes of Toynbee, Galloway and Owen effing Jones who have been peddling this dangerous, destructive multicultural creed for years – are personally responsible in Rotherham and beyond for the sickening abuse of children and the suffering of their relatives. They need to be flushed out and banged away for a long, long time until they’re too old and frail even to remember the words ‘Long march through the institutions’.
It’s safe to say that the courts and our judicial system will gloss over this and order numerous inquiries etc where ‘lessons learnt’ etc .
I think it would be much better if the families form a group together, engage a professional legal firm and personally sue these lefty halfwits and NOT Rotherham Council. The only thing that will even mildly prick the conscience of these Neo-Marxist idiots is their detached 3 bed semi in Hampstead, their BMW jeep and French Farm Cottage taken away from them.
To be fair, he IS quoting verbatim from the title of a Hillary Clinton book…which (being a leftie) she has obviously cut and pasted from a superior intellect from her dopey days…possibly Cheech or Chong.
The longer his mouldering carcass of lefty privilege stays firmly strapped to the body of Rotherham Labour…hopefully, the more the Flowers will grow and remind us all why these hollowed-out husks of entitled Guardian living; should be planted in a Bradford landfill in their city centre.
Agreed ! ‘Wall to wall’ Pistorius TV probably saves Al Beeb a lot of work, its cheap, and hides other more important news . We are forced to pay for this indulgence.
And in other news…
I recall the BBC getting very excited about Wonga, and their nasty letters to debtors, in no way making connections elsewhere for political purposes.
I also recall the BBC going quiet as folk pointed out that what gets sent to people who have no debt at all by TVL seems pretty dubious.
But good to see some actual numbers, as opposed to assertions and such.
Looks like the market rates at the BBC are still pretty above market, and that’s before discovering just how lame the talents handed them turn out to be.
Nice to see Lord Pantone really getting on top of the austerity measures. The plan seems to be to still pay telephone numbers, but slightly lower ones, often to more people.
Must be great to be uniquely funded and effectively unaccountable.
I wish they could get it out of their thick heads that there is no such thing as muslim extremists , some it is true are more shrill and blatant in their hatred, but to categorise them into extremists and mainstream is deliberate self delusion .
The only real difference is the extremists are murderous superstitious barbarians, and the moderate ones just quietly cheer them on.
BBC Radio 5 live is in the process of an hour long programme about the Welsh rugby player Gareth Thomas. It is amazing how lying to your wife and family is presented by the BBC as a virtue if you declare yourself to be gay.
BBC Radio 5 live @bbc5live 30m
.@gareththomas14: ‘There were times I wanted to die but I closed my eyes & thought how can I leave my beautiful wife’
Er what about his wife and family and their feelings?
I wish him the best but this is not far off propaganda.
For West’s political class (inc INBBC)-
“Is Islamic State Islamic?
Five Experts Speak.”
“Obama and many other apologists for Islam tell us that the Islamic State, ISIS, has nothing to do with Islam.
Five experts challenge that statement.”
Introduced by Geert WILDERS.
(15 min video clip.)
When the West claims that ISIS is not Islamic and are perverting Islam, it only demonstrates how ignorant of Islam they really are. ISIS is the most literal interpretation of Islam possible. It is PURE Islam.
Those Muslims who live down the street, who drink beer and dress in westernised way? THEY are not moderate Muslims. They are NOT Muslims. Either that, or they are conducting Taqiyya. The Islamic duty to deceive the Non Believer.
‘In place of the combative political interview, Katz wishes for a gentler approach, which perhaps explains why Newsnight today is dominated by debates between four women who agree with each other about everything: yay, way to go. But the editor also points to an interview between Paxman and Russell Brand, a self-indulgent gibberfest of almost startling irrelevance, which has been viewed ten million times online, something Katz views with pride. That’s the way forward, then; something which engages with the public — a halfwit being lazily cross-examined by a journalist who wonders what the hell he is still doing in this place. If it’s views online you want, Ian, why not sign up Joey Essex or Simon Cowell? Or better still, just show a kitten having difficulty playing with a ball of wool and maybe falling over a bit. That’ll do it. Or you could get one of your presenters to dress up as a zombie and dance to a Michael Jackson song. Oh, you’ve already done that. Poor Kirsty Wark, poor Newsnight.’
Of course, in contrast to INBBC, today has been a significant day for Americans and
for anti-jihadists globally to remember the Islamic jihad massacre of 9/11.
” 10 Things We Should Have Done Since 9/11 to Defeat the Jihad”
For BBC-Democrats to investigate? (kidding)-
“Film exposes 35 jihad training camps in U.S.!”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/09/film-documents-35-jihad-training-camps-in-u-s/#7sWC5Pf5fWKIkm5t.99
Never thought I’d find myself feeling sorry for a socialist but Alastair Darling just faced an attempted skewering on Newsnight and all because he leads the No campaign. Attack, attack, attack. Interruption, contradiction, hostile to the end. Must have been a real dilemma for the BBC to attack a member of the Labour party but we all know about the BBC, principles and expediency.
Yes that was absolutely appalling.
She seemed to be blaming Darling for the commonplace phenomenon of polled opinions about a forthcoming vote narrowing closer to the event.
what gets me about the bbc and radio 5 lives presenters is this,every time they discuss this never ending debate about why muslims(hush hush its all about the koran and the hadith) get radicalised at the drop of a hat and go around the world and at home and causing death and mayhem and all we hear is a whole lot of excuses and empathy for there behaviour,i would like nicky cambell to have a big phone in about this topic i want to highlight,why is it nicky that young poor black and white british christians who suffer extreme poverty,unemployment.alienated from society,disenfranchised at home dont go abroad to fight holy war against arab and muslim nations who persecute,murder and enslave there christian brothers and sisters like what is going on in iraq and syria,why is there not 1000s of christians going out to fight holy war all over the world.i wonder why that is,could it be that the bible does not endorse that type of behaviour but the koran does,now that would make a good phone in on nicky campbells your shout i reckon.
Looks like US intelligence has dropped the ball again. No surprises there!
It now turns out that they have grossly under estimated the number of Jihadist members ISIS has fighting for them.
I’ve no doubt that with the professional massaging of figures going on in the UK that the figures quoted by the UK authorities of 500 – 1500 traitors going to fight in the Levant are deliberately far too low.
It is noteworthy that the BBC has chosen to report the very minimum of Jihadis at 500 and not the median 1000 or the higher end. They never seem to inform the audience that there is a broad spread and that the figure might be anything up to three times as many as the amount quoted.
Now it turns out that this figure itself might well be on the low side and I have no doubt that the BBC will be blaming this error on the intelligence services, and not taking any responsibility by taking figures at an extreme end of the curve.
If we see these figures revised up to say 1000 – 3000 the BBC will no doubt again take the lowest they can, and not the median 2000.
This is the Harry Bosco disinformation where the BBC can claim it is broadcasting the truth, when in reality it is giving a deliberately distorted picture.
Obvious … ene-media at work, orchestrated by the Obama administration.
If you only look at the amounts of joyous travellers wanting to give humanitarian aid … oops! sorry … I mean wannabe Islamic mass murderers, that have flocked over? – example from here
1500? yet muslim critics themselves state at least double that.
Likewise everywhere else … its the usual incompetent lame attempt at damage limitation, by wilful deliberate deniers of reality.
absolutely clueless ….
Kerry: U.S. not at war with ISIS,” by, Laura Smith-Spark and Ray Sanchez
“Kerry said the opposition battling the Assad regime in Syria has been outgunned and outmanned but the administration believes that equation can change “if they receive proper training, if there are recruits that come in, and if it grows over a period of time.”
The regime’s legitimacy could never be restored”
Yes but look on the bright side, the higher the number of jihadis they can come up with the lower they can claim net ‘migration’ is!
Room for 1500 more in Islington, move along the bus please!
BBC-NUJ strike called off: Beeboid over-staffing remains.
“NUJ calls off threatened strike action at BBC after securing recruitment freeze.”
For example,
(Feb, 2014)-
“BBC under fire for sending 95 staff to the Winter Olympics… TWICE the number who are competing for Team GB”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2550048/BBC-fire-sending-95-staff-Winter-Olympics-TWICE-number-competing-Team-GB.html#ixzz3D5COKM7F
From article
“• A recruitment freeze across News – to last as a minimum to the end of March, with a review in six months, with exceptional cases able to be hired only on the basis of agreement with the joint unions
• A moratorium on compulsory redundancies across News, to run as a minimum to the end of March, subject to a six-month review
• No voluntary redundancies to leave before the end of December 2014 – any exceptional cases to be agreed with the joint unions
• Agreed that News management must devise and present their strategy as to how they believe work can be done – and standards maintained – if their proposed redundancies take place
• Workload concerns to be addressed in this context – with an accompanying Work Pressure Review which will be done jointly with the unions.”
So basicly the union runs the BBC. Its also interesting that they demand a freeze on hiring as well as firing . Old fashioned closed shop or an attempt to retian their Cultural hegemony?
And finally
“The NUJ has also agreed to halt its current work to rule policy at the BBC. ”
Had any one noticed?
anyone else get the impression that the outcome of the pistorius trial is not what was wanted but that the bbc is struggling for an angle because the judge is a black woman and the accused a white man?
earlier this week, before the verdict, there was a today programme panegyric on the judge. it sounded like it was based on an assumption that he would be found guilty and that they were getting their retaliation in first. setting up the judge as a saint, in case the her competence became doubted.
oh dear what to do now?
Yes, Dave1east as I was listening to Eddie Mair last evening I could hear the disappointment that Oscar was not guilty of murder and the incredulity in the voices of all those reporting. And of course we have only heard the trial for the past few weeks through the BBC reports. So on reflection the reporters had made up their minds and then that was what they reported. They really don’t know any more how to give fact not opinion. And the BBC had to emphasise that Oscar would probably end up guilty of manslaughter (which I think he has) but the emphasis showed it was the only way they could come to terms with it.
Despite Oscar being a plucky paraplegic, remarkable in his determination to overcome his dreadful injuries, the BBC has a problem – he may, or may not, have been a murderer, but he’s also a white South African; hell, he could be Afrikaner. And that is the real crime in beeboid eyes.
That and overcoming his disability and not banging on constantly about his rights might have something to do with it too.
BBC radio 4 are suggesting that if the accused was black that the verdict would have been different.
Then they go on to talk about most victims in murder cases are black.
Of course they do not say that most of the perpetrators are black !
They ask several questions of the interviewee all of them with left wing biased barbs, but are knocked back every time with their biggest enemies – reality and the truth !
Did you see Newsnight last night?
Mind boggling – they had some irritating white woman metroluvvie on insisting that Pistorius was racially motivated. The black native SA man told her this was idiotic. She then claimed it was about class. Again, the other interviewee dismissed this. She then claimed it was about sexism. I think at that point her interlocutor gave up.
I’ve rarely seen anything quite so surreal even on the BBC.
Be fair the BBC were only being inclusive
‘disabled’ people can be ,racist,sexist and classist to you know.
Katabasis could not agree more.
What on earth were Newsnight thinking?
From around 28 mins in.
Attempting, out of nowhere, to introduce race into the Pistorius Trial by giving a platform to that idiotic woman author, Gillian Slovo, who has personal chip on her left shoulder?
Absolute disgrace and if I had the time, I would write a complaint in to Ian Katz, as this is a dangerous attempt to play the race card when there was never an inkling of such.
Totally agree with you Katabasis, that woman author
Katabasis could not agree more.
What on earth were Newsnight thinking?
From around 28 mins in.
Attempting, out of nowhere, to introduce race into the Pistorius Trial by giving a platform to that idiotic woman author, Gillian Slovo, who has personal chip on her left shoulder?
Absolute disgrace and if I had the time, I would write a complaint in to Ian Katz, as this is a dangerous attempt to play the race card when there was never an inkling of such.
Suggest you watch it again then, delusional.
Why the blanket coverage of the Pistorious trial? Are we in S Africa? Are there not more pressing and worrying issues going on? Russia/EU and Ukraine or IS for example.
R4 news with an interview with a Manchester policeman confirming the well known news that Rotherham is not an isolated case – in scale, nature, or the continuation of paedophile rape gangs. Rochdale expected to be as bad. Let’s be honest, any place in the UK with numbers of poor white girls and British Pakistani Muslims will find it has a problem.
The BBC has police and even the Labour government in its sights, and will now mention the word ‘Pakistani’. But the BBC is still part of the cover up to exonerate Islam from any responsibility. Looks like that’ll be left to C4. The BBC’s defence of Islam is strange.
Manchester, Muslim sex gangs, and INBBC.
INBBC has been censoring these crimes, even though these crimes are being committed only a few miles from INBBC’s Media Centre, in Salford.
So much for INBBC’s ‘investigative journalism’ over the year on this.
But today, ‘World at One’ Radio 4, played a 15 minute interview with an anonymous Manchester police officer who said that the sex gang crime abuse there, was as egregious as that of Rotherham.
Similar dereliction of duty in Manchester by police, social services, politicians as that in Rotherham was evidenced. The pernicious ideology of ‘political correction’ coupled with the
directives not to identify Muslim perpetrators of crimes against children in the interest of ‘social cohesion,’ was mentioned by the police officer too.
This depressing interview should be available here, soon.
It starts at about 25 mins in.
INBBC now needs to try to undo the damage it has done with its censorship, and its Islamophilia on these issues over the years.
Will it bother?
Completely agree with one small correction. I believe that as per BBC standard operating procedure there was no mention of the M word. The code word ‘Pakistani’ was used but was not decoded for the listener.
The interview with the anonymous Greater Manchester police officer is now available here, at 26 min : 50 secs in-
The police and the media are still spinning the story to make it appear that the victims were in some way guilty. They were only “poor white girls”, often in care or leading chaotic lives.
In Rotherham, only a few were in care. Admittedly a third were “known” to social services, but many only because their loving parents had sought help.
There has been a continual drip drip of mis information from the authorities and much of the media – with no supporting evidence – in an attempt to portray these girls as either partly guilty or not worthy of real sympathy, and that this will never happen to the average reader’s nice middle class daughter.
The copper on radio four at lunchtime was as bad as any of the liars we have heard recently. He branded all of the girls, without exception, as leading chaotic lives who were beyond help. He presented this as his excuse for doing nothing. He is as guilty as anyone. As are all those in the police and social services who colluded with the rapists.
My god, that interview is absolutely damning – I recommend everyone reading this takes 20 minutes out to listen to it. The attitude of the police is beyond belief.
This particular officer should at least be congratulated for his honesty, even if there was little to surprise.
The diverse expenses of D.G, Tony ‘Diverse’ HALL and chums-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“BBC chiefs’ expenses rise under Lord Hall.
Analysis of the expense claims of top BBC managers has shown expenditure has increased during Lord Hall’s first year as director-general.”
Two versions of same report:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
“CIA: Islamic State has 2 to 3 times more jihadis than previous estimate”
“So many misunderstanders of Islam! Where do they keep coming from? Why do they keep misunderstanding the faith whose teachings are so clear to non-Muslims like John Kerry and David Cameron? Why do the government or media elites never, ever ponder questions like these?”
2.) INBBC –
“Islamic State fighter estimate triples – CIA”*
*(-Headline written like a true dhimmi:
‘jihadist’ word censored out, euphemistic word ‘fighter’ inserted instead.)
Anders Thomasson comments, above, on the skewering of Alastair Darling on NN, observing that it must have been something of a dilemma for the BBC to attack a Labour politician.
The BBC’s activists have, though, for some considerable time been further to the left than even Miliband’s Labour Party (evidenced by the continual appearances Marxists and Trots like Owen Jones on al of their platforms) so at the end of the day it is no surprise that the BBC would break cover and align themselves with who they believe will deliver the ‘greatest social justice’ for Scotland (i.e. YES). Note how Social justice just rolls off the BBC’s teleprompters pixels as the key imperative in this debate, North of the border it’s the only game in town – no talk of mixed economies in Scotland and the balance that brings prosperity and real self determination (and independence) to men and women…it’s just not the Socialist way. That’s not a debate that the BBC want to have with the left wing protagonists up there.
And it’s no surprise that was reflected in the ‘Scotland Decides’ debate last night with an unbalanced panel of:
The Scottish Green Convener Patrick Harvie (impeccable left wing CV)
Sturgeon (Left wing SNP)
Galloway (Left wing – from some party or other)
Ruth Davidson (Tory)
Using the QT format, it was disturbing, if not unsurprisingly that the BBC failed to select a question from the youth of Scotland about the issue that is at the heart of the independence debate: The currency.
I do not believe for a single moment that not one, not one, of the kids there asked what currency an independent Scotland would choose. Which begs the question why was it omitted? Perhaps, as this guy (in the video below – HT to Seth via GF) brilliantly points out – it is so fundamental and is in reality the only thing that matters. And it is the SNP’s achilles heel – it’s where all of their bluster falls apart.
Perhaps this astonishing omission might also have something to do with this character, the BBC’s Glasgow based Executive Editor of the programme, former (?) Communist Nicolai Gentchev – he of Question Time.
Listening this morning to a Five Live trailer, using a stirring ‘Braveheart’ soundtrack and seeing the BBC, last night, avoid the elephant in the room…I sense that the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’ have finally taken a position and wouldn’t mind seeing the establishment of a Scottish Socialist Republic.
And I wonder how many of the buggers have already written their requests to transfer up to Glasgow?
BBC radio 4 More or Less left wing statistics program has decided to have yet another pop at Nigel Farage and UKIP over his claim that over 50% of Scots are living on benefits, and although they found that the amount was understated actually being 60% they decided that semantics were more important than statistics and that ‘living on’ rather than ‘in receipt of’ was misleading and brought to mind images of scrounging workshy Scottish layabouts !
They went on to state that pensioners and other people were counted in these figures and that basically although Farage had it right (and to some tune) he was a nasty man and shouldn’t be listened to!
This program has a bias which I comment on nearly every week. It never used to have, and it beggars belief that a program about statistics can manage to have such a left wing stance.
I heard that too. The lefty listener obviously thought they had caught out ‘stupid and nasty’ Nigel. At least the programme had the decency to broadcast the nil finding. I thought Nigel came out of it well.
250 children ‘at risk of grooming in Greater Manchester’
An article which should be read if only for the skilful way in which it avoids ever mentioning the ‘MEN’ responsible are Pakistani Muslims !
Radio 4 PM program report by Jon Donnison from Australia about the ‘problems’ they have with Muslims there.
Apparently like the UK they have a well integrated Muslim community ! I think this must be a man with bottle bottom rose tinted glasses.
He goes to a Mosque where ‘most’ of the people greet him with a smile, but that means that there were at least a few who were a lot less pleased to see him and his crew, and might well have been downright hostile, but this isn’t reported on at all.
He talks about the Shahada as a prayer – which it isn’t, especially in the context of being screamed prior to Australia’s first suicide bomber self exploding.
It wasn’t a massively biased piece, more something born out of total rose tinted ignorance, and an inability to accept reality. Much like many of the other fascists there.