The BBC reports….
Arab states back US push against Islamic state
Look though I may I can find no mention of the obvious….such support from so many ‘Arab’ countries must surely mean the ‘foreign policy’ must be kosher and will not result in ‘angry’ Muslims on home soil.
Considering how constant and prominent the BBC’s warnings are that those angry Muslims will be on the march if we dare to even think about military action in the Middle East you might have thought the opposite may also merit such a high profile comment., but no, not even in their segment ‘Analysis: BBC diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus‘.
It must be confusing though…as the ‘radicals’ are the ones we are now fighting in Iraq and Syria…and yet the BBC et al say we must adapt our foreign policy to suit them…and their followers back home.
And yet here we are, with a solidly Muslim group of countries backing an attack on those angry Muslim radicals who are angry apparently because of Western interference.
The truth is…the ‘radical’ Muslim’s first priority is the ‘Caliphate Project’, always has been, always will be, and until the BBC et al start being honest about that things at home will be forever dangerous as the Government is forced to kowtow to these ‘radicals’ under pressure from the Media, politicians with dubious mandates and others with vested interests and powerful voices keen to keep to the mantra that this has nothing to do with Islam.
Surely it is a major concern as to how Muslims on home turf will respond to this initiative as it is, as it is said, ‘radicalised’ Muslims who are going to fight for ISIS, so we are told, because of that very foreign policy of intervention in Muslim countries.
Worth a moments ‘analysis’ surely? Or is it only when the narrative goes in the right direction, anti-war, pro-Muslim, that the BBC indulges itself?
but i am already hearing angry muslim voices from there community leaders saying if we attack isis in iraq and syria that will radicalise even more muslims into violent extremism in the uk,so what they in fact are saying keep out or else.a kind of sly a threat to me.but what gets me is this,why would any muslim be so upset about us crushing like bugs this isis islamist terrorist group who behead babys,mass rape underage schoolchildren,torture and crucify civilians,buy and sell 3 years old girls to arab traders to be married off,what muslim in this country would support these type of genocidal nazi islamist maniacs, it seems there are quiet alot who do support isis living amongst us,
France: for information of INBBC-
“France detains ‘particularly dangerous’ jihadist recruiter.”
These days when I see muslims in our towns I see an enemy. The actions of muslims have created that thought in my mind and nothing else. Sooner or later the bbc will have to acknowledge that as fact because I am certainly not alone in this view.
Alas I feel similar. When I see Muslims these days I immediately feel a strong sense of wariness and distrust. Clearly the current situation can not go on without further deterioration in relations between Muslims and non Muslims and something needs to change.
Matrecheese? Have you mistyped mature cheese ?
Anyhoos, I echo your views, and yes something must change, the bbc woukd say it’s you who must change.
oops! my bad 🙂
Same here, and not necessarily correctly. It took me 25 years not to react to an Irish accent, now I have no problem, but it’s starting all over again…
Not really a question that begs…for anyone else than Alan anyway.
Some Arab countries not all, and the foreign policy argument refers to US action in Iraq etc, not action againts IS, and I suspect those Muslims who are of that view probably have a pretty low opinion of most Arab nations and would see them as being put in place and backed by the US and the west anyway.
So the question is a non question.
And you have never provided any evidence that the BBC ‘say we must adapt our foreign policy to suit them’. It should be easy for you to do shouldn’t it? Some make that argument and any broadcaster covering the subject, covers that, as they should.
By Pamela Geller.