I though it might be useful to have this as we move into the final week of the campaign. I feel the BBC has been doing all it can to help Salmond and his socialist cronies, wonder if anyone agrees with that view?
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I can’t say I do particularly agree. With roughly 50:50 the BBC has to give equal prominence. Which by its nature tends to be round one man as opposed to three parties.
From up here it seems more like it’s the “no” campaign that’s been doing all it can to help Salmond.
Seems to me they are internally conflicted, and the ‘internal line’ to take that usually guides the hive is either down or sending out mixed messages.
That said, they seem to be waking up to the fact that the nihilistic ‘sticking to the man’ stuff they started out with, and stunts like the BBC hosted debate, have swung a joke into reality, and a serious one for them as various dominoes fall.
My wild guess is that the BBC will panic as much as Labour at where this may all lead, and panic in the hands of such market rate talents may well snatch any chance of rational thought from the minds of even sensible voters when the scale of ineptitude and venality and arrogance in Westminster and its W1A megaphone blare their next sour note.
I don’t think they’ve been biased just incompetent. The BBC chaired second Darling/Salmond debate was a shambles compared with the first one chaired by STV.
I think Guest Who is right that many Beebers are internally conflicted. They want to stick it to the Coalition but they also want Red Ed in charge, so they’re torn.
The bBBC instinctively takes an anti-British line on everything.
But Salmond has said that he will do away with the BBC if Scotland wins the separation vote.
One side is supported by the Benefit Junkies, Trades Unions, Crusties with Dog on String, Council employees, Terminal drunks, students, etc
The other side is supported by people in business, those with mortgages, those with savings, agriculture, fisheries, etc.
Can you guess which side is which?
If Scottish independence means shipping James Naughtie and Nikki Campbell back north of the border I’m in favour. Oh, and Susan Calman. Kirsty Wark. Feel free to add more names.
No, I don’t agree either. And what can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
Thanks Jerry for your contribution.
He’s good value, isn’t he?
Surprised to see him back talking about evidence when last time I recall he was making a bunch of assertions and when asked to back them up and explain how he came to be making them… vanished.
As I’ve noted in the open thread, the BBC has operated its usual Chomskeyan practice of restricting debate in that the non-Scot supporters of “Yes” outside Scotland have been ignored. This is not bias in the usual sense but it’s creating “facts” which the BBC favour. The main “fact” being that, in the event of a No win and without discussion let alone general popular agreement, England will be screwed financially and constitutionally by DevoMax in (and not by coincidence) the Labour interest.
BTW it seems the latest scare story – retailed by, among others, Major in his BBC Today interview and Peter Oborne in the Telegraph – is that the UK will lose its seat/veto at the UN in the event of a Yes vote. Nobody noticed apparently that the USSR retained its membership of the Security Council when it morphed into Russia. Moreover, the UK (even under a new moniker) would be constitutionally and legally for all foreign purposes the old UK.
och.i just down care about scotland all at and i bet the majority in england feel the same,the wee lad alex salmond and the other labour party socalists are just fighting like cat and dog to see who runs that socalist empire called scotland,who cares,we have enough problems to worry about in england to be bothered about what goes on up north,but you cannae blame the barmy media for get excited about a story that in the ends means nothing to the ordinary man and women on the streets of england.
They have painted themselves into a corner , they are torn between a yes vote that would prevent a labour majority at Westminster , and their desire for the destruction of the UK on behalf of their new bestest friends in Brussels.
They are also taken aback by the sheer indifference of English public opinion.
The Beebers also think that a rUK is more likely to elect a government which will put British interests above European. A government which might even work for an impartial and less lavishly funded BBC.
The BBC is a well-known hive of extremist left-wing SNP scum. As an Englishman who is stuck up here and having to endure the most appalling anti-English bigotry, not only am I putting in plans to move back to Devon but I am becoming convinced that the whole nationalist movement is predicated purely on anti-English hatred; no economic sense, no rational thought, no considerations for the future… it’s pure racism, and the bBC have done their best to yet again support everyone but England. In short, the BBC is a anti-English, left-wing extremist hotbed of middle-class Marxist filth. The sooner England is rid of these disgusting socialists the better.
On a lighter note, I was leaving B & Q last night and as I was getting into my car some nationalist prat with all his saltires and ‘Yes’ stickers asked for some help as his car had broken down: I said, “The answer is no, I won’t help; and also my answer will be no next week!” lol… you should have seen his face!
LOL. I’m sure the guy realises it will only be a temporary inconvenience, as the SNP have said there will be no more car breakdowns when Scotland is free.
Oh and petrol will cost next to nothing and tyres won’t wear out.
Good, see you later ya bellend.
I agree with you, David.
It is better “felt than telt” but they definitely give the impression that they are on the side of a Yes vote and constantly give the impression that they think those “for” a No vote are the fools. Not nice to listen to.
IF fatty-bum windbag, Salmondo the Socialist supremo, broke wind the bigoted little Scotlanders would genuflect their forelocks to Salmondo’s sandals.
Watching the opening of the news tonight I wondered if there had been a massive surge in the ‘Yes’ vote. Alex Salmond was pictured behind a podium with YES written on it and the caption running at the bottom of the screen was ‘Scotland Decides’.
The Lefty oafs in the media want the Mark Duggan ambulance chase, and the thrill of seeing what happens when a 300 year-old union gets severed…they`ve not seen one before, and just the the thrill of it all.
As for the consequences?…well they`re with Salmond on this…the White Dee notion that SOMEBODY will always bale them out, and they`re worth it. That the Ally McLeod Braveheart crap can be banked, and romanced over…and that the “Man” will stump up for them.
Sorry bub-we want you gone, and the wound cauterised as quickly as poss…the SNP have already won this one, no matter the vote.
Well done Donald Dewar!
It is of course possible that, as a segment of the BBC moves into self-preservation mode, things will err on the feisty more…
One those wars where it’s hard to know who to root for.
As with any national debate the BBC R4 this morning (or was it afternoon) wheeled out the gay SNP MP ‘yes’ vote as being particularly ‘modernising’ for Scotland. Anything the BBC considers worth ‘support’ is questionable (and probably unhealthy). The BBC uses the word ‘modernising’ frequently without due regard to the modernist movement of the 1930’s and the ensuing two World wars that followed following ‘modern’ eugenics programs (depopulation enginneered by master race includes, state abortion, state euthansia, state birth control, state race enforcment, prescribed genda selection, children torn from natural mothers (or fathers) -by the totalitarian state – were all considered ‘modern’ at the time. We are now ‘post modern’ (not that the BBC sees ‘modern’ Marx or EU fascism ideology as being in any way decadent history. The BBC does NOT care much for Scotland it’s of ‘no strategic’ importance until it challenges the BBC media dominance (which falls short ‘north of the border.) As Scotland veers towards more left wing policies – Scotland DOES matter because it is Englands northern border control, the BBC ignores any security risk and prefers those who have No- regard for national security by interviewing perceived ‘modernists’ as fellow conspirators is par for the course in BBC land. The destruction of all institutions of England continues.
Would that be the same Scotland which has a gay Conservative leader and a gay UKIP MEP? Or is the BBC only interested in the left gay?
@BBCNews: Friday’s Telegraph front page: “BBC bans all talk of Scottish vote from the Proms” http://t.co/NPeznH330W #bbcpapers – via @suttonnick
Nothing says ‘unique’ in free-speaking democracies like the banning of all talk on stuff.
Unless of course the BBC likes the talk. Then it’s A-ok.
BBC-NUJ knows this, but doesn’t like it to be politically exposed–
“UKIP’s Farage: ‘Scots won’t get independence from EU with Yes vote’”
It was actually mentioned on this morning’s Today.
I don’t disagree with most of what he says, but right now he’d be of more service shutting up, I’m afraid.
I think a significant proportion of Scots are quite keen on the EU
And are not keen on the prospect of leaving it driven by UKIP’s successes in England
They probably do not expect to be a net contributor when/if they join the EU post independence
Like the Irish were keen on the E.U. all the time it was free lunch when that ended- not so much
Think they are torn between hating the English, wanting a socialist utopia across the border and the realisation that their beloved labour party will never get into power again if the Scots do go….their heads are probably spinning over it all!
Eh I dont think so, if anything its the opposite. Moron.
opposite to what Scott, anti english bigotry?
Don’t think it’s the real deal, he hasn’t said “bless”.
Anyway, I believe the phrase here is don’t feed the troll.
I didnt think it was our scott ( to brief) and you may be right about the care and feeding of trolls. But I like to help people where and when I can ,and ‘Scott’ needs help with that self awareness thing
Yep I’m ignoring him as being called a moron on the internet is hardly the end of the world!
All these economic arguments are so much vulgar tosh. On balance there probably is an economic advantage to Unionism, but it changes with time and fortunes go up and down.
The question isn’t even about “Independence” or worse “Freedom” and thus, by dishonest implication, “Dependence” and “Servility”; it’s about Unionism and Separatism. Do you feel kinship and fraternity with the rest of the people in these islands or don’t you? If you don’t, vote ‘Yes’; you are being honest with yourself and you are being honest with everybody else.
I see Nick Clegg is sounding off about regional parliaments for the rest of the country. Well, why wouldn’t he! It is, I’m afraid, an unavoidable consequence of ‘devo max’ and I dare say he knows a few people who also ‘would not sow and dare not rob’ – mouthy mediocrities with over-blown ideas of themselves who are ideally placed to fill the non-jobs thus created at the taxpayer’s expense. Whoopee!
Elected Regional Assemblies are what the EU wants in England but it will need to do much much better than it has in the past to get them. The English won’t allow them – as was shown when Prestcott tried to bludgeon them through.
DevoMax for Scotland is also a non starter for the English and will not be tolerated unless sold through a very successful campaign of misinformation.
So sadly, as I’d rather the Scots stayed, they should go and go quickly. But they should know that Independence means independence – no more help or support from us, controlled borders, trade tariffs, the lot. Then they can honestly blame use for the position they find themselves in afterwards.
Yesterday morning I was listening to a debate on Radio Five Live concerning the potential economic consequences of Scottish Independence. The discussion was chaired by Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell, who was showing his usual “impartiality” towards the independence movement. Campbell was temporarily silenced when a Scottish lady phoned in to tell him that in her opinion her well-educated friends were going to vote no, while her less-educated friends would vote yes. So much for Alex Salmond’s rag-tag army of Banockburn re-enactors!!
Looks like the Beeb has decided on which side its bread’s buttered. R4 Any Questions had an audience which was louder for the No side, and on the panel the two Yessers took a pounding.
I’d say the Beeb is now tilting to No, as that’s the best way to get Labour back in, even if it means not sticking it to the Tories just now.
Interesting reading comments from people that have no clue as to what’s really going on in Scotland.
There is no anti-English campaign the majority of YES voters are anti Westminster.
Yes I am a YES voter but I am not a Benefit Junkie dont belong to a Trade Union, dont have a Dog on String, nor am I employed by the Council or have a drinking problem.
I also happen to have many English friends some of whom live in Scotland non of them have ever had any anti-English sentiments.
As far as BBC Scotland’s coverage of the campaign since the YES vote had a slight lead in the polls, it has most definitely swung against the YES side. There was rallys held all over Scotland today (13.9.14) by both sides but BBC Scotland only showed the NO rally in Glasgow.
A Scottish voter has his say on some of the bBBC’s output!
Pithy. One can just imagine it in the full Connolly for tone.
Never watched Strictly, but having been told the two lesbian lizards and a dinosaur was an abberation I was seduced to try Robot Hood, Drag in Tights.
Lasted about the same time. Utter conceptual tripe with acting and direction to match.
It is clear from his “twitterings” that David Vance is taking a particular interest in the Scottish Referendum. Strangely, on the day that thousands gather outside the BBC Scotland offices in Glasgow to protest about their bias he (and Alan) remain rather quiet.
Does the fact that those protesting were from the YES side explain the silence?
It’s rather clear from your now mercifully infrequent forays here that your interest is less about BBC inaccuracy, lack of objectivity or integrity, and more about a personal obsession with the site owner.
What he posts elsewhere if not on BBC matters is essentially irrelevant.
And if your sole contribution here is about something you think should be mentioned but hasn’t been, your cupboard of snark points is pretty bare.
It has been noted that the BBC is reaping what it sows when swaying like a pendulum on this matter, trying to meddle with everything and stuffing up across the board.
It’s not balance; it is sheer unprofessional ineptitude.
Here’s one on these pages to keep you happy:
@Independent: Hundreds of Yes voters took to the streets of Glasgow today to protest. Against the BBC http://t.co/JAvCSLkgrI http://t.co/OqNrr3RIOt
“In war, truth is the first casualty. In the Scottish independence referendum, the same can be said for trust in the BBC”
That’s quite a statement from the Indy. Stark even, if you agree with it or not.
And as an entity usually a champion of ‘belief’, it doesn’t really matter if they are right or wrong (basically seeing what they want or not), that’s a fair old bloc now miffed and motivated by a belief the BBC has not ‘got it about right’.
And if a traditionally ideologically-supportive print media reckons the trust in the national broadcaster has gone, albeit for a localised viewing group, that sounds to me like a pretty big problem.