‘Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry warns of decades of possible global cooling: Suggests the ‘current cool phase will continue until the 2030s.
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry, who was until recently the Chair of School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology, detailed her conversion from a scientist who accepted the global warming “consensus” on man-made global warming to one who now openly challenges it.
‘If I were nontenured scientist, I would fear for my job! But I am a senior scientist with retirement in my sight, so I can afford to do what I want, say what I think.’
Of course, she can’t be a real scientist else the BBC would have covered this very newsworthy item.
‘Growing number of scientists are predicting global cooling: Russia’s Pulkovo Observatory: ‘We could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years’
Danish Solar Scientist Svensmark declares ‘global warming has stopped and a cooling is beginning…enjoy global warming while it lasts’
New paper by Russian solar physicist by Habibullo Abdussamatov predicts another Little Ice Age within the next 30 years
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on declining global temps: ‘Has the Obama administration, the EPA or anyone that can read a chart actually looked at what global temperatures are now doing?’
Climate Scientist Prof. Anastasios Tsonis at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Predicts: ‘I would assume something like another 15 years of leveling off or cooling’
Prominent geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook warns ‘global COOLING is almost a slam dunk’ for up to 30 years or more
Australian Astronomical Society warns of global COOLING as Sun’s activity ‘significantly diminishes’
And there is Ian Wilson who is working out how the orbits and masses of the planets effect the speed of plasma on the Sun, which causes the Sun spot number and Solar cycle length correlations, and therefore this can be used to predict this mini-ice age as well as how the strength of the Solar magnetism produced the global warming scare, as regards how this links with the Svensmark theory, as is proved by the work of David Archibald and also Enric Palle in showing the changes to the Earths cloud albedo, and there is also Piers Corbyn who uses historical correlations for Solar magnetic induced weather predictions.
But this is all censored by the BBC, with the exception of BBC Parliament, as the BBC has been rather reluctant to pull the plug on the two parliamentary scientists, Peter Lilly and Graham Stringer, when they give questions about this science in committee meetings.
Thank God the Scottish election is drawing to a close. I don’t think I could take another week of Alex Salmond’s endless whinging. It would seem that the blame for every social ill that befalls the stoical natives of our northern outposts lies firmly with those of us south of Hadrian’s wall. I’ve heard that in parts of Glasgow the life expectancy for men is only 55 years. This, apparently, is the fault of the English. Is there some policy I’ve not heard of that forces these poor Jocks to do drugs, drink like there’s no tomorrow, smoke like chimneys and eat local delicasies like deep fried Mars bars? I must have missed that in the last manifesto. I’m sure if Salmond’s socialist utopia is achieved Scotland, the home of the brave, will become a land of milk and honey.
Like Cuba…
Whichever way it goes it’s all the fault of the ENGLISH. I never realised I caused so much damage just by being born. The death of the Dinosaurs yep , fault of the English, Earthquake in New Zealand yep all down to the English again. Black Death obviously . The final icing on the cake was the destruction of Atlantis caused of course by the English.
Scotland seems to have accepted a socialist future. What a bonus for the liberal elite. Pity the English are being so difficult. This is the message I get from the BBC and it’s hangers on.
I never realised that the Scots were so much nicer and so much better human beings than the English.
If they go then we can all get really nasty and live up to our billing as possibly the nastiest people in the world.
The Scot Nats are very Nationalist and Socialist, while the Scot Tories are very Unionist and Capitalist.
So the Yes people are Nazis and the No people are Unicaps.
So will the Scots have an inward looking hideously-white Nazi Scottish nationalism future. Or an outward looking Commonwealth Unicap British nationalism future?
“A BBC spokesman says: ‘We don’t comment on staffing matters.’
Again with the unique precedents.
Public sector organisation squandering public funds to cover for yet further market rate foul ups deploys anonymous bozo to say they don’t see any need to explain.
Were he still at Newsnight, I wonder how Paxo would have coped with a Minister or CEO blowing off accountability in such a manner?
Seems like a hell of a gig; get hired on an amazing wedge, or get fired with one too, so long as it stays another of Aunty’s little secrets.
“A BBC spokesman says: ‘We don’t comment on staffing matters.’ Could it be because of this? http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/350171/BBC-allows-25-000-staff-to-avoid-tax
‘Most BBC staff members are recruited through advertisements which appear exclusively in left-wing pro-Labour newspapers such as The Guardian and the organisation grows and grooms its own managers instead of recruiting from outside. Inevitably, most of the people who work for the BBC are Guardian readers…’. http://www.vernoncoleman.com/biasedbr.htm
The BBC has slyly used the Scottish Referendum debates as an opportunity to introduce ‘social justice’ into political reporting as if it were a given, accepted by us all as intrinsic to our society.
If that’s so, it must mean we’re all socialists now because before its re-branding it was known simply as ‘redistribution of wealth’.
Yes, the BBC seem to be (paradoxically) rooting for the Scottish Nose Pickers, even though a Yes vote would mean a significant decrease in their budget; this might translate into pulling the plug of a few ethnic radio shows and perhaps terminating the contracts of several transgender equality officers. But, it’s a small price to pay for seeing the dreaded and oppressive British empire come to an end; the BBC will always be on the side of the socialist fantasist… and fantasy is what we’ve had aplenty of in Scotland over the last two years.
Excellent comment! This has been done in true Alinsky style by the BBC. I noticed it a starting to creep in a year or two ago, fed into the language, no doubt, by Labour policy wonks and the usual third rate academics the BBC loves to feature.
It has now established the status as a ‘given’ – and you are quite right about its true meaning!
(Threading issues: the above was a response to johnnythefish)
“This is one of the most worrying periods in right-wing extremism, given the growth in right-wing groups and the recent news events which are making them more angry,” he explains.
So, perhaps the BBC van explain how many UKIP members have been out on the streets decapitating people recently or if any hostages held by the EDL lost their heads. How may gangs of UKIPPERS have been uncovered in, say the last 15 years, abusing girls? Any UKIP zones with UKIP patrols set up in London boroughs recently? Oh and have UKIP secretly infiltrated activiststs into school governorships and bent the curriculum to their dastardly ends?
Where is the real challenge to civil society coming from? Perhaps to cure the problem they should remove the causal factors such as intolerance arrogance and racism
Isn’t it interesting how any criticism whatsoever of the effects of multi culturalism is seen as extremism and a dire threat.
Notice how the article starts off with a supposed quote from “one of the Home Office’s most senior advisers on right-wing extremism”, who nevertheless manages to be “an anonymous worker”. Why would he or she wish to be anonymous? . If the “anonymous worker” even exists they are likely to be an unwashed junior Trot who recently joined from university. The article is pure hard left/BBC propaganda in 1930’s Soviet style. What it is basically saying is that anyone who is aghast at the events of Rotherham or Syria and Iraq is by definition a right-wing extremist (sic). Also note the references to the discredited Tell Mama outfit, as well as a “former member of a neo-Nazi group, who wants to remain anonymous”.
And don’t forget the reference to Tell Mama, admittedly anecdotal, but nevertheless treated as a reliable source. Yes, it looks like the work of a university trot adopting the UAF/Socialist Worker line that far right is determined by distance from Islam. Run this with the bit I heard on the 9am Radio 4 news where a muslim women said that IS were not behaving like it says in the Koran.
“The adviser, who has 27 years of field work experience, says he has spoken to several individuals in recent weeks who have displayed real anger at the ongoing conflict in the Middle East – where Islamic State (IS) militants control large swathes of territory…”
Compare with Emma West, who complained in strong language against immigration whilst sitting on a tram holding a child. The punishment continues two years later – now she loses her job.
If this were a research paper in would be binned in seconds. How the BBC equates ‘100 imams and Muslim organisations’ with the generic term ‘British Muslims’ is a disgrace!
Remember the movie “the 300”? 😀 …
check out the in depth paper on the epidemic of muslim child rape gangs, recall the much vaunted “100 imams” that were going to obfuscate the blame in some sermon? … that mean t that over 75% point blank refused to do so … why? … WHY?
Any other erm “community” would be falling over themselves to eradicate the very last vestiges of this scum?, not showing such apathy!.
This “100”, includes Imams, MPs, and general so called “community leader” bods, so the quotient is even less!
It is absolutely indicting, on the adherents of Islam, who by the way, if you take obfuscated stats are over 1500 have already rushed over to mass murder, if you take muslim stats its at least 3 times that …
Yep! that s, 100 condemn, 4500 rush over to perpetrate …
Yet, Lord Ahmed could supposedly muster 10,000 to march on houses of parliament?.
Over a visit from a Dutch MP that wanted to show a documentary, that outlined/warned about just the Koran verses
that ISIS are using to recruit and justify?
… that’s the reality
Biased Broad Cresent (and Camoron, and Hammond, and Brokenshire, and Ch4) … in full effect.
such media bias, shameful … and you know this term “Imam”
“anyone who is regarded as qualified by a congregation”
“Islamic pastor”
sheesh! … they could have got over 80 just from the prison service!
sheesh! … I could strap on the desert wellies, get the fancy dress wannabe vicar outfit, don a Jewish skullcap
Ta Ra! … I m an Imam … no you cry… surely not?
remember … mo ansar?, laughable … then how about andy choudary?
The BBC and projections from claims and polls and research it likes, vs. those requiring the reassuring oblivion of watertight oversight, are getting more desperate and overt each day.
Do they really think them telling anything now, much less often enough, is going to do much more than get folk off to the web to find out the real stories the BBC is trying to distract from or cover up.
….and in a shock report out today – a survey reveals that 95% of BBC London tv news daily headlines contain a shock survey with a big scary statistic derived from a survey conducted for an interest group – all calling for more public spending and regulation – with only one-in-ten of these demands for more spending making any reference to a consequent tax increase, or indeed the fact that a rapidly rising London population, the direct consequence of unregulated immigration, is in fact the cause of the previously highlighted problem and lies at the very route of the pressure on resources.
It’s breakfast and we have the story of a warning that “far-right” groups are using recent events to stir up trouble against the religion of peace and understanding. The comments come from a man who doesn’t want to be identified. from the Home office. Yep. after all the killing & child abuse and rapes let’s put the spotlight on the “far-right”.
This is the constant bleat of the “mainstream-left” and it has led public policy down many dead ends. I have had several lefty friends who, in their youth, had exactly this odd preoccupation with some mythical “far-right” – just a few skin heads on the street corner in my opinion but they seemed to excite my left-wing pals out of all sense of proportion. I’ve conluded that this exaggerated fear of the supposed “far-right” is one of the key indicators of adolescent-minded leftism.
“nothing to do with Islam” Comoron
“nothing to do with Islam” Obama
“nothing to do with Islam” Hammond
“nothing to do with Islam” Kerry
“nothing to do with Islam” Haines brother
“nothing to do with Islam” Brokenshire
“nothing to do with Islam” BBC
“nothing to do with Islam” Ch4
feel better?
no ….
you anti social, racist, islamofauxbic, far right, bigot you!
repeat … “nothing to do with Islam”
According to Radio 4 there have been up to 200 recent “incidents” that Muslims are unhappy about. No one seems quite sure what these “incidents” are but we’re told we should all be very concerned. I take it there’s not been a public beheading of an imam that I’ve not heard about. No Muslim women have been raped or abused. Had there been any unpleasant graffiti on the walls of a mosque I’m pretty certain the BBC would have given it twenty four hour coverage for a fortnight and interviewed everyone with a beard within a ten mile radius. None of these things (thankfully) has occurred, so just what has been disturbing the peace? I heard that both the BNP and members of EDL were demonstrating at the weekend but thankfully those fine, decent, hard working chaps from UAF were on hand to remonstrate with them. You can always rely on that organisation when an injustice needs to be rectified; unless of course it’s the injustice of 1400 young girls being gang raped by members of the religion of peace. For some inexplicable reason they missed that one.
And now I’m listening to Hazel Blears telling us that the far right love exploiting division and she and her government did all they could to bring people together. She’s certainly right there. They “brought us together” with up to five million more people to make this country the buzzing, vibrant, multicultural utopia we all now enjoy.
Thanks Hazel.
One major difference was that Pravda knew it was propaganda but the liberal left’s mouthpieces don’t.The BBC like the Guardian is the truth.
Not only do they distort and misinform but they really really need you to accept it as the truth.
Pravda was cynical but the liberal media is a true believer.
Unbelievable! Apparently according to the BBC, if your angry about the barbarity of IS and angry because 1400+ children have been gang raped in Rotherham then your a far-right extremist. Also in the article referenced below the BBC still quote Tell Mama, the completely discredited ‘charity’.
Because remarks concerning the Scottish Referendum are effectively embargoed until 10:00 tonight, at 8:10 this morning on Today Evan dropped his voice a couple of octaves and laid into the “far right” about “racism” against the poor innocents of the Moslem community. Apparently, the “far right” and whitey anti-Moslems are making the lives of Moslems in Rotherham and beyond a living hell.
In evidence some breathy reporter told us that Tell Momma (the comprehensively discredited data enhancer for the Religion of Peace bearing the seal of approval of the Moslem Council of GB) claimed that 200 “incidents” (including, probably, not letting a woman in a burka first through the door at Lidl: even Breathy admitted that some of the “incidents” were trivial – if they ever in fact occurred) are the beginnings of a nationwide anti-Moslem pogrom. Then Hazel Blears (of all nonentities to choose to drag on) had the effrontery to imply that anti-Jewish manifestations since the Gaza imbroglio are basically down to the “far right” (and maybe, but probably not, a couple of Moslem misguided naughty boys on their way to emigrating to IS).
It would have been fascinating (and informative) to hear from one of the EDL demonstrators or, better, one of the young women targetted by the men of Pakistani origin resident in Rotherham. But no, Islam – the religion of peace – gets the usual “get out of jail free” card – from the BBC. It’s all “us” at fault, not “them”: in summary, a drive-by kicking to the English while the Scots decide on their future. The next item on Today – with no irony at all – dealt with the liberation of Belsen (another by-product of nationalist socialism) by the British Army.
It would have been fascinating (and informative) to hear from one of the EDL demonstrators or, better, one of the young women targetted by the men of Pakistani origin resident in Rotherham.
My thoughts exactly. Where was the balance in this item?
Because your average Brit – the ethnic British resident, is becoming utterly disillusioned with the government, and having to watch vast tracts of the mother country becoming Muslim “communities” (or ghettoes), and they begin to raise their voices in protest, they become “Far Right”. I’m not in the least surprised. With the Islamic stated aim of converting the world to Islam, by whatever process necessary, and having to watch neighbourhoods suffer the indignity of the inhabitants turning brown and/or covering their faces, and producing hundreds of children, I am surprised that violence hasn’t erupted before.
I suppose the Brits have been long emasculated, not being permitted to carry arms, and with a government which clearly has an agenda which doesn’t include the continuing prosperity of the indigenous natives, most people now just shrug, having long given in.
when they refer to living hell what they really mean is they have to keep the gang rapes to under 8 men for each girl in case a larger gathering attracts attention.
Heard Radio 4 last night at 6:30 the so called ‘comedy spot’ tuned in, the person basically ranted that only the thick ignorant people complained that they were eating Halal meat and that Sharia which he refereed to as Sharon something or other was non threatening and anyone who questioned its use was again thick and ignorant. All that in the space of 2 minutes then back to KISS FM
A call from ‘British Muslims’ to spare the life of the remaining British hostage(s) held by ISIS is being given high prominence by the BBC.
The fact the call is announced by a woman seems to have completely passed them by. To anyone who knows even the most basic fact about Islam will know, women occupy a low status and will not be listened to.
Nor do they bother to tell us the types of Muslims signing this, if they are Shia, or Sunni, no doubt they have no idea in their rose tinted ignorance that the two are at each others throats !
Yet another biased news report deliberately glossed over to protect the brown eyed boys.
The BBC R.5Live now has a special report speaking to UK Muslims
on how Muslims …
feel victimised in the UK because of ISIS …
victims because of the rise of the Far Right etc etc
an organisation specialising in Muslim hate crime is going to be on. 😀
Wheeling out the usual suspects?, “hate not hope” they re going to be on , any guesses who else?
A plot was uncovered In Australia earlier today to behead a random member of the public and to video the attack for broadcast on the internet. The identity of the arrested person/people wasn’t released (I did hear it on the BBC at around 6am, after all). I don’t know who was arrested, but I’m going to take a wild guess and say that my money is on the conspirator(s) being Muslim. Just a hunch, you could say.
Anyway, seems the BBC news editors have decided that stories like this one aren’t really that important. Far better to spend the morning using the discredited TellMama to warn about the dangers of right wing extremism, because, let’s face it, the EDL are much more of a threat to our national security… Always setting off bombs and beheading people, that lot.
BBC doing a program on the so called far right backlash against Islamic State and the mass grooming and sexual exploitation by Muslim Gangs. What the F*ck do they expect when TPTB consistently appease and look the other way.
Whenever there are outrageous incidents perpetrated by Muslims, the authorities do their best to sweep it under the carpet and make excuses for it therefore allowing the ‘victimhood’ card to be consistently played. When the indigenous people get angry about this as they should, they are tarnished as ‘far right’
The real enemy is our own institutions that are riddled with politically correct, generally left wing moronic bureaucrats, the BBC a prime example. Who else would know about mass abuse taking place throughout the UK and do nothing for fear of causing offence to a certain community.
Yep, this mass immigration/multicultural policy adopted by the last few governments has been a roaring success hasn’t it and we all wanted it didn’t we?
BBC crew attacked in Russia. BBC make a formal complaint. I am sure Putin will give it the same unbiased attention as given to formal complaints about BBC news coverage.
Violence is never the answer, and in any form to be deplored. All sympathies to the victims.
The BBC is quite right to call for an investigation.
One does note that, a bit like Home Office types spouting off about research, currently it’s all a bit ‘sources say’, claims.
And as to the measures of ‘physical violence’, given the BBC’s quaint adherence to the TellMama scale of assault in its stories, a few questions may remain as to what ‘beaten up’ actually involved.
Still, all to come out in the investigation, which the BBC will doubtless be entirely content to leave to the Russian authorities to conduct internally and in secret, and when after several months announcing that the Russians feel the Russians got it about right will politely accept the judgement handed down and move on. Or protest further and risk being denied further access.
Maybe if the Russians post ‘don’t steal reporters’ stuff and rough ’em up to get it’ in logs around the forest, that will serve to show how committed to transparency and improving the local thug services they are?
The BBC are going big on,” Far Right Far Right “this morning.
devoting BBC news column inches, airtime on BBC Radio 4 and 5
a BBC 5Live report is on just in the next hour.
Always keen to assist in anyway 😀
“We’ve seen this before. There’s a master race, now there’s a master faith”
B Netanyahu:
“Netanyahu doesn’t seem to have affirmed that the Islamic State had nothing to do with Islam, or indulged in any other politically correct nonsense. If only we had a President of the United States with this much clarity and moral courage.”
A while ago I pondered that the IS/IS/IL (especially the I’ & ‘S’ bits) ‘branding’ may cause a headache for a bunch of usually supportive folk, and so it has come to pass.
I recall once reading how much it took to establish a brand, and it was a lot. But I also recall the value of PR in this respect too. It can provide that other lot pretty fast.
If not so serious, a bit like #indyref, the sudden scramble by such as the BBC to try and get the ‘correct’ nomenclature appended to the right kind of terr… militant on the line would be laughable, having so cheerfully acted as boosters of their daring activities until it got a bit up close, personal, on Youtube and backfiring.
And it’s not like anyone can send an office junior with a cease and desist order on the misuse of iconography and terms like ‘Islam/ic’ by these chaps now.
‘They had gone to investigate reports of Russian servicemen being killed near the border with Ukraine’.
‘The team’s cameraman was beaten up and the camera smashed during the attack. The recorded material left in the car had been deleted, the team found after returning from the police station.’
How about the intrepid BBC tries sending a team to Gaza to investigate the deaths of Hamas gunmen near the border with Israel? I guess they won’t because they know full well they would get something more than their camera smashed.
While the Islamic jihadists’ intent is on violence against non-Muslims,
DONNISON concentrates on representing the views of Islamic groups.
If INBBC reported regularly on Australia, as ‘Jihadwatch’ does, it would realise that the jihadist threat has been active for some considerable time.
Instead, INBBC censors on the Islamic jihad threat in Australia.
Yet more shameless bias on the deeply sexist and Leftist “Woman’s Hour” this morning, with good old ‘Jenni’ Murray.
First there was a gratuitous plug for “The Riot Club”, the BBC-approved film based on the antics of the Bullingdon Club. Jenni helpfully reminded us that Cameron, Osborne and Boris J had been members (but no mention of David Bumblepuppy, curiously). The discussion then moved on to networking in general.
Some networking was said to be good, e.g. Mumsnet, because it’s open and ’empowering’ for women. [Remind me again: who runs Mumsnet and what is her partner’s job?] Women were said to be very effective at networking; quelle surprise! More secretive groups, which exclude people, are bad …
So, why no mention of Common Purpose? What of the triangular traffic between the Labour Party, the BBC and the Guardian newspaper? What of the unrepresentative number of prominent gay people in the BBC?
“Woman’s Hour” BBC Radio 4 – a level of leftist bias far too rich for my blood(pressure). I was forced away from BBC Radio 4 some years ago as they stepped up their political and cultural persecution of anything and everything I hold dear.
Has INBBC’s Islamic Hausa radio in Nigeria taken over broadcasting, so that their political target is Nigeria’s police, and NOT Islamic jihad barbarians of Boko Haram?
That’s the impression of INBBC’s current online propaganda on Nigeria.
I’ve been stewing over that story this morning all day so here’s the complaint I’m putting in now. I really must complain about your reports on BBC Breakfast this morning concerning the supposed “Far-right” use of recent events to their own ends. So we have an anonymous comment from some mysterious figure at the home office, And a reference to tell MAMA. Just exactly unbiased is that site how many viewers know what it actually is how it’s funded and any controversies surrounding it? Because I don’t.
As usual there is no comment from any representative from any of these supposed “Far-right” organisations, who I would have thought would be more than happy to put their point of view over on air.
This seems to be completely in line with the whole of the BBC reporting on these issues. When in 2012 21 muslim groomers were in Liverpool crown court I wrote to BBC t asking why they were not covering this event. I received this reply. “
Reference CAS-1288417-M8C02L
Thanks for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you’re unhappy at the lack of coverage of a court case in Liverpool.
Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every viewer and listener will feel we get right every time.
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
Essentially this is a judgement call rather than an exact science but BBC News does appreciate the feedback when viewers and listeners feel we may have overlooked or neglected a story.”
So 21 groomers in a court case would appear to be not interesting enough to cover judging by that reply. But a group demonstrating relatively peacefully is suddenly a cause of major concern. It took a while to find that BBc reply but contrast that comment with the faux shock horror outrage they portrayed very recently about Rotherham, yea who would have known what was going on. The
‘the BBC did not inform readers and viewers that in addition to Mr Zanoli’s family members, a “guest” was also present in the house at the time: Mohammed Mahmoud al-Maqadma – a member of Hamas’ Al Qassam Brigades’
al Maqadma was not the only Hamas terrorist present in the Ziadah family home on July 20th. Omar Ziadah – Mr Zanoli’s great-niece’s brother-in-law – was a field commander in Hamas’ Al Qassam Brigades.’
Given the clear inspiration behind the story, I would dearly love to know by what process the BBC felt/feels this piece of context was not relevant or ‘newsworthy’.
Here is the news: in Australia, a plot by Islamic State sympathisers to capture random members of the public and chop their heads off has been foiled by security services; in Syria, two Americans and a British hostage have been beheaded by an Islamist nicknamed Jihadi John – and another innocent Briton (a taxi driver captured while working for an aid convoy) has been told he is next on the list; across Britain, in the aftermath of the Rotherham enquiry, more and more evidence is emerging that in towns and cities all over the country mostly underage white girls have been systematically groomed, raped and trafficked by organised Muslim gangs, with the complicity of local government authorities, charity workers, police officers and the broader Muslim community.
Luckily, thanks to the BBC, we know what the real problem is here. It is, of course, our old friends, “Islamophobia” and “the spectre of a far right” backlash.
Why does the BBC refer to Mohammedans as Muslims and not Moslems?
I took this from History News Network but cannot post the link here for technical reasons.
Is it Muslim or Moslem?
When Baby Boomers were children it was Moslem. The American Heritage Dictionary (1992) noted,”Moslem is the form predominantly preferred in journalism and popular usage. Muslim is preferred by scholars and by English-speaking adherents of Islam.” No more. Now, almost everybody uses Muslim.
According to the Center for Nonproliferation Studies,”Moslem and Muslim are basically two different spellings for the same word.” But the seemingly arbitrary choice of spellings is a sensitive subject for many followers of Islam. Whereas for most English speakers, the two words are synonymous in meaning, the Arabic roots of the two words are very different. A Muslim in Arabic means”one who gives himself to God,” and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means”one who is evil and unjust” when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a z.
For others, this spelling differentiation is merely a linguistic matter, with the two spellings a result of variation in transliteration methods. Both Moslem and Muslim are used as nouns. But some writers use Moslem when the word is employed as an adjective.
Journalists switched to Muslim from Moslem in recent years under pressure from Islamic groups. But the use of the word Moslem has not entirely ceased. Established institutions which used the older form of the name have been reluctant to change. The American Moslem Foundation is still the American Moslem Foundation (much as the NAACP is still the NAACP–the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). The journal The Moslem World–published by the Hartford Seminary in Connecticut–is still The Moslem World.
With all the Scotland excitement and Islam crisis we seem to have forgotten the eastern front creeping upon us.
Dangerous times indeed, but Farage got it right and warned in 2008 about EU and NATO Ukrainian adventures likely to cause trouble:
This absolutely pointless EU/NATO prodding of the Russian Bear has meant the annexation of Crimea, an airliner shot out of the sky plus well over 2,000 dead already.
Combining the nature of the Russian psysche with promises made to them on the reunification of Germany that NATO/EU would not expand eastwards, we have got exactly what we asking for, a fight with Putin:
It seems that the sample of young Swedes interviewed by the BBC are not supportive of the far right gains in the election. Open immigration is what they want.
Intersting isnt it that despite the fact the half of swedish voters voted for centre right parties the BBC could only find left/centre voters to interview , still 2/3rd of british voted for centre right parties in euro elections and Al Beeb couldnt find any of them either
This was most telling comment I thought
“I voted yesterday, proudly, in hope of a new government, my future employer. ”
Oh and with all that talk of ‘immigration being who we are’, how hideously white they all were
Same old BBc story amongst the sadness & regrets that their fellow countrymen didn’t all turn their back on the “far-right” Not one single remark from even one of the 12.9% who apparently voted for the “far-right”. The usual, this is the BBc we only present what fits our agenda. If you ask why they only present one view you will one of the same replies I always get.
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‘Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry warns of decades of possible global cooling: Suggests the ‘current cool phase will continue until the 2030s.
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry, who was until recently the Chair of School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology, detailed her conversion from a scientist who accepted the global warming “consensus” on man-made global warming to one who now openly challenges it.
‘If I were nontenured scientist, I would fear for my job! But I am a senior scientist with retirement in my sight, so I can afford to do what I want, say what I think.’
Of course, she can’t be a real scientist else the BBC would have covered this very newsworthy item.
Yet more of these non-existent scientists…
‘Growing number of scientists are predicting global cooling: Russia’s Pulkovo Observatory: ‘We could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years’
Danish Solar Scientist Svensmark declares ‘global warming has stopped and a cooling is beginning…enjoy global warming while it lasts’
New paper by Russian solar physicist by Habibullo Abdussamatov predicts another Little Ice Age within the next 30 years
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi on declining global temps: ‘Has the Obama administration, the EPA or anyone that can read a chart actually looked at what global temperatures are now doing?’
Climate Scientist Prof. Anastasios Tsonis at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Predicts: ‘I would assume something like another 15 years of leveling off or cooling’
Prominent geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook warns ‘global COOLING is almost a slam dunk’ for up to 30 years or more
Australian Astronomical Society warns of global COOLING as Sun’s activity ‘significantly diminishes’
Surely the BBC can’t ignore this for much longer!! /sarc
The only thing the BBC have in common with sensible meteorologist Joe Bastardi is a similar sounding surname.
And there is Ian Wilson who is working out how the orbits and masses of the planets effect the speed of plasma on the Sun, which causes the Sun spot number and Solar cycle length correlations, and therefore this can be used to predict this mini-ice age as well as how the strength of the Solar magnetism produced the global warming scare, as regards how this links with the Svensmark theory, as is proved by the work of David Archibald and also Enric Palle in showing the changes to the Earths cloud albedo, and there is also Piers Corbyn who uses historical correlations for Solar magnetic induced weather predictions.
But this is all censored by the BBC, with the exception of BBC Parliament, as the BBC has been rather reluctant to pull the plug on the two parliamentary scientists, Peter Lilly and Graham Stringer, when they give questions about this science in committee meetings.
Thank God the Scottish election is drawing to a close. I don’t think I could take another week of Alex Salmond’s endless whinging. It would seem that the blame for every social ill that befalls the stoical natives of our northern outposts lies firmly with those of us south of Hadrian’s wall. I’ve heard that in parts of Glasgow the life expectancy for men is only 55 years. This, apparently, is the fault of the English. Is there some policy I’ve not heard of that forces these poor Jocks to do drugs, drink like there’s no tomorrow, smoke like chimneys and eat local delicasies like deep fried Mars bars? I must have missed that in the last manifesto. I’m sure if Salmond’s socialist utopia is achieved Scotland, the home of the brave, will become a land of milk and honey.
Like Cuba…
Whichever way it goes it’s all the fault of the ENGLISH. I never realised I caused so much damage just by being born. The death of the Dinosaurs yep , fault of the English, Earthquake in New Zealand yep all down to the English again. Black Death obviously . The final icing on the cake was the destruction of Atlantis caused of course by the English.
Cuba joins with that other socialist utopia Venezuala. Scotland will fit in well.
Scotland seems to have accepted a socialist future. What a bonus for the liberal elite. Pity the English are being so difficult. This is the message I get from the BBC and it’s hangers on.
I never realised that the Scots were so much nicer and so much better human beings than the English.
If they go then we can all get really nasty and live up to our billing as possibly the nastiest people in the world.
The Scot Nats are very Nationalist and Socialist, while the Scot Tories are very Unionist and Capitalist.
So the Yes people are Nazis and the No people are Unicaps.
So will the Scots have an inward looking hideously-white Nazi Scottish nationalism future. Or an outward looking Commonwealth Unicap British nationalism future?
Its finely balanced
The BBC manage to somehow find two Muslim ‘leaders’ willing to condemn Isis; presume a couple of cheques will be in the post.
Newsnight’s £200,000 gag for axed reporter Susan Watts
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2758690/SEBASTIAN-SHAKESPEARE-Newsnight-s-200-000-gag-axed-reporter-Susan-Watts.html#ixzz3Dbr1LDYO
Good to see our money is being so well spent.
“A BBC spokesman says: ‘We don’t comment on staffing matters.’
Again with the unique precedents.
Public sector organisation squandering public funds to cover for yet further market rate foul ups deploys anonymous bozo to say they don’t see any need to explain.
Were he still at Newsnight, I wonder how Paxo would have coped with a Minister or CEO blowing off accountability in such a manner?
Seems like a hell of a gig; get hired on an amazing wedge, or get fired with one too, so long as it stays another of Aunty’s little secrets.
“A BBC spokesman says: ‘We don’t comment on staffing matters.’ Could it be because of this?
‘Most BBC staff members are recruited through advertisements which appear exclusively in left-wing pro-Labour newspapers such as The Guardian and the organisation grows and grooms its own managers instead of recruiting from outside. Inevitably, most of the people who work for the BBC are Guardian readers…’.
The BBC has slyly used the Scottish Referendum debates as an opportunity to introduce ‘social justice’ into political reporting as if it were a given, accepted by us all as intrinsic to our society.
If that’s so, it must mean we’re all socialists now because before its re-branding it was known simply as ‘redistribution of wealth’.
Yes, the BBC seem to be (paradoxically) rooting for the Scottish Nose Pickers, even though a Yes vote would mean a significant decrease in their budget; this might translate into pulling the plug of a few ethnic radio shows and perhaps terminating the contracts of several transgender equality officers. But, it’s a small price to pay for seeing the dreaded and oppressive British empire come to an end; the BBC will always be on the side of the socialist fantasist… and fantasy is what we’ve had aplenty of in Scotland over the last two years.
Excellent comment! This has been done in true Alinsky style by the BBC. I noticed it a starting to creep in a year or two ago, fed into the language, no doubt, by Labour policy wonks and the usual third rate academics the BBC loves to feature.
It has now established the status as a ‘given’ – and you are quite right about its true meaning!
(Threading issues: the above was a response to johnnythefish)
“This is one of the most worrying periods in right-wing extremism, given the growth in right-wing groups and the recent news events which are making them more angry,” he explains.
So, perhaps the BBC van explain how many UKIP members have been out on the streets decapitating people recently or if any hostages held by the EDL lost their heads. How may gangs of UKIPPERS have been uncovered in, say the last 15 years, abusing girls? Any UKIP zones with UKIP patrols set up in London boroughs recently? Oh and have UKIP secretly infiltrated activiststs into school governorships and bent the curriculum to their dastardly ends?
Where is the real challenge to civil society coming from? Perhaps to cure the problem they should remove the causal factors such as intolerance arrogance and racism
Isn’t it interesting how any criticism whatsoever of the effects of multi culturalism is seen as extremism and a dire threat.
Notice how the article starts off with a supposed quote from “one of the Home Office’s most senior advisers on right-wing extremism”, who nevertheless manages to be “an anonymous worker”. Why would he or she wish to be anonymous? . If the “anonymous worker” even exists they are likely to be an unwashed junior Trot who recently joined from university. The article is pure hard left/BBC propaganda in 1930’s Soviet style. What it is basically saying is that anyone who is aghast at the events of Rotherham or Syria and Iraq is by definition a right-wing extremist (sic). Also note the references to the discredited Tell Mama outfit, as well as a “former member of a neo-Nazi group, who wants to remain anonymous”.
And don’t forget the reference to Tell Mama, admittedly anecdotal, but nevertheless treated as a reliable source. Yes, it looks like the work of a university trot adopting the UAF/Socialist Worker line that far right is determined by distance from Islam. Run this with the bit I heard on the 9am Radio 4 news where a muslim women said that IS were not behaving like it says in the Koran.
“The adviser, who has 27 years of field work experience, says he has spoken to several individuals in recent weeks who have displayed real anger at the ongoing conflict in the Middle East – where Islamic State (IS) militants control large swathes of territory…”
OMG – these people need anger management therapy.
More news you will never see on the Biased BBC –
Thanks to Judge Paul Watson QC for showing these people that they can do whatever they like and get away with it.
Compare with Emma West, who complained in strong language against immigration whilst sitting on a tram holding a child. The punishment continues two years later – now she loses her job.
If this were a research paper in would be binned in seconds. How the BBC equates ‘100 imams and Muslim organisations’ with the generic term ‘British Muslims’ is a disgrace!
Remember the movie “the 300”? 😀 …
check out the in depth paper on the epidemic of muslim child rape gangs, recall the much vaunted “100 imams” that were going to obfuscate the blame in some sermon? … that mean t that over 75% point blank refused to do so … why? … WHY?
Any other erm “community” would be falling over themselves to eradicate the very last vestiges of this scum?, not showing such apathy!.
This “100”, includes Imams, MPs, and general so called “community leader” bods, so the quotient is even less!
It is absolutely indicting, on the adherents of Islam, who by the way, if you take obfuscated stats are over 1500 have already rushed over to mass murder, if you take muslim stats its at least 3 times that …
Yep! that s, 100 condemn, 4500 rush over to perpetrate …
Yet, Lord Ahmed could supposedly muster 10,000 to march on houses of parliament?.
Over a visit from a Dutch MP that wanted to show a documentary, that outlined/warned about just the Koran verses
that ISIS are using to recruit and justify?
… that’s the reality
Biased Broad Cresent (and Camoron, and Hammond, and Brokenshire, and Ch4) … in full effect.
Hey relax … “nothing to do with Islam” … right?
such media bias, shameful … and you know this term “Imam”
“anyone who is regarded as qualified by a congregation”
“Islamic pastor”
sheesh! … they could have got over 80 just from the prison service!
sheesh! … I could strap on the desert wellies, get the fancy dress wannabe vicar outfit, don a Jewish skullcap
Ta Ra! … I m an Imam … no you cry… surely not?
remember … mo ansar?, laughable … then how about andy choudary?
The BBC and projections from claims and polls and research it likes, vs. those requiring the reassuring oblivion of watertight oversight, are getting more desperate and overt each day.
Do they really think them telling anything now, much less often enough, is going to do much more than get folk off to the web to find out the real stories the BBC is trying to distract from or cover up.
….and in a shock report out today – a survey reveals that 95% of BBC London tv news daily headlines contain a shock survey with a big scary statistic derived from a survey conducted for an interest group – all calling for more public spending and regulation – with only one-in-ten of these demands for more spending making any reference to a consequent tax increase, or indeed the fact that a rapidly rising London population, the direct consequence of unregulated immigration, is in fact the cause of the previously highlighted problem and lies at the very route of the pressure on resources.
It’s breakfast and we have the story of a warning that “far-right” groups are using recent events to stir up trouble against the religion of peace and understanding. The comments come from a man who doesn’t want to be identified. from the Home office. Yep. after all the killing & child abuse and rapes let’s put the spotlight on the “far-right”.
‘…let’s put the spotlight on the “far-right”’
This is the constant bleat of the “mainstream-left” and it has led public policy down many dead ends. I have had several lefty friends who, in their youth, had exactly this odd preoccupation with some mythical “far-right” – just a few skin heads on the street corner in my opinion but they seemed to excite my left-wing pals out of all sense of proportion. I’ve conluded that this exaggerated fear of the supposed “far-right” is one of the key indicators of adolescent-minded leftism.
On repeat …
recite ad nauseum, the incantation
“nothing to do with Islam” Comoron
“nothing to do with Islam” Obama
“nothing to do with Islam” Hammond
“nothing to do with Islam” Kerry
“nothing to do with Islam” Haines brother
“nothing to do with Islam” Brokenshire
“nothing to do with Islam” BBC
“nothing to do with Islam” Ch4
feel better?
no ….
you anti social, racist, islamofauxbic, far right, bigot you!
repeat … “nothing to do with Islam”
According to Radio 4 there have been up to 200 recent “incidents” that Muslims are unhappy about. No one seems quite sure what these “incidents” are but we’re told we should all be very concerned. I take it there’s not been a public beheading of an imam that I’ve not heard about. No Muslim women have been raped or abused. Had there been any unpleasant graffiti on the walls of a mosque I’m pretty certain the BBC would have given it twenty four hour coverage for a fortnight and interviewed everyone with a beard within a ten mile radius. None of these things (thankfully) has occurred, so just what has been disturbing the peace? I heard that both the BNP and members of EDL were demonstrating at the weekend but thankfully those fine, decent, hard working chaps from UAF were on hand to remonstrate with them. You can always rely on that organisation when an injustice needs to be rectified; unless of course it’s the injustice of 1400 young girls being gang raped by members of the religion of peace. For some inexplicable reason they missed that one.
And now I’m listening to Hazel Blears telling us that the far right love exploiting division and she and her government did all they could to bring people together. She’s certainly right there. They “brought us together” with up to five million more people to make this country the buzzing, vibrant, multicultural utopia we all now enjoy.
Thanks Hazel.
I heard that on Today. I began to think I was listening to Pravda, such were the propaganda levels.
One major difference was that Pravda knew it was propaganda but the liberal left’s mouthpieces don’t.The BBC like the Guardian is the truth.
Not only do they distort and misinform but they really really need you to accept it as the truth.
Pravda was cynical but the liberal media is a true believer.
BBC/labour level of intelligence: What we need is a great big melting pot, la la la, la la la …
Unbelievable! Apparently according to the BBC, if your angry about the barbarity of IS and angry because 1400+ children have been gang raped in Rotherham then your a far-right extremist. Also in the article referenced below the BBC still quote Tell Mama, the completely discredited ‘charity’.
“The anonymous worker claims…”
Too much to hope there is some self-mockery here?
It should have been the headline.
That the national broadcaster is seriously going large on the claims of an anonymous worker on such a topic is freakin’ hilarious.
Ok, ‘unique”.
Because remarks concerning the Scottish Referendum are effectively embargoed until 10:00 tonight, at 8:10 this morning on Today Evan dropped his voice a couple of octaves and laid into the “far right” about “racism” against the poor innocents of the Moslem community. Apparently, the “far right” and whitey anti-Moslems are making the lives of Moslems in Rotherham and beyond a living hell.
In evidence some breathy reporter told us that Tell Momma (the comprehensively discredited data enhancer for the Religion of Peace bearing the seal of approval of the Moslem Council of GB) claimed that 200 “incidents” (including, probably, not letting a woman in a burka first through the door at Lidl: even Breathy admitted that some of the “incidents” were trivial – if they ever in fact occurred) are the beginnings of a nationwide anti-Moslem pogrom. Then Hazel Blears (of all nonentities to choose to drag on) had the effrontery to imply that anti-Jewish manifestations since the Gaza imbroglio are basically down to the “far right” (and maybe, but probably not, a couple of Moslem misguided naughty boys on their way to emigrating to IS).
It would have been fascinating (and informative) to hear from one of the EDL demonstrators or, better, one of the young women targetted by the men of Pakistani origin resident in Rotherham. But no, Islam – the religion of peace – gets the usual “get out of jail free” card – from the BBC. It’s all “us” at fault, not “them”: in summary, a drive-by kicking to the English while the Scots decide on their future. The next item on Today – with no irony at all – dealt with the liberation of Belsen (another by-product of nationalist socialism) by the British Army.
It would have been fascinating (and informative) to hear from one of the EDL demonstrators or, better, one of the young women targetted by the men of Pakistani origin resident in Rotherham.
My thoughts exactly. Where was the balance in this item?
You expect balance? you’re joking surely.
Because your average Brit – the ethnic British resident, is becoming utterly disillusioned with the government, and having to watch vast tracts of the mother country becoming Muslim “communities” (or ghettoes), and they begin to raise their voices in protest, they become “Far Right”. I’m not in the least surprised. With the Islamic stated aim of converting the world to Islam, by whatever process necessary, and having to watch neighbourhoods suffer the indignity of the inhabitants turning brown and/or covering their faces, and producing hundreds of children, I am surprised that violence hasn’t erupted before.
I suppose the Brits have been long emasculated, not being permitted to carry arms, and with a government which clearly has an agenda which doesn’t include the continuing prosperity of the indigenous natives, most people now just shrug, having long given in.
when they refer to living hell what they really mean is they have to keep the gang rapes to under 8 men for each girl in case a larger gathering attracts attention.
Heard Radio 4 last night at 6:30 the so called ‘comedy spot’ tuned in, the person basically ranted that only the thick ignorant people complained that they were eating Halal meat and that Sharia which he refereed to as Sharon something or other was non threatening and anyone who questioned its use was again thick and ignorant. All that in the space of 2 minutes then back to KISS FM
A call from ‘British Muslims’ to spare the life of the remaining British hostage(s) held by ISIS is being given high prominence by the BBC.
The fact the call is announced by a woman seems to have completely passed them by. To anyone who knows even the most basic fact about Islam will know, women occupy a low status and will not be listened to.
Nor do they bother to tell us the types of Muslims signing this, if they are Shia, or Sunni, no doubt they have no idea in their rose tinted ignorance that the two are at each others throats !
Yet another biased news report deliberately glossed over to protect the brown eyed boys.
The BBC R.5Live now has a special report speaking to UK Muslims
on how Muslims …
feel victimised in the UK because of ISIS …
victims because of the rise of the Far Right etc etc
an organisation specialising in Muslim hate crime is going to be on. 😀
Wheeling out the usual suspects?, “hate not hope” they re going to be on , any guesses who else?
Tell MAMA anyone? … 😀
Islamic Youth (Rotherham)?
A plot was uncovered In Australia earlier today to behead a random member of the public and to video the attack for broadcast on the internet. The identity of the arrested person/people wasn’t released (I did hear it on the BBC at around 6am, after all). I don’t know who was arrested, but I’m going to take a wild guess and say that my money is on the conspirator(s) being Muslim. Just a hunch, you could say.
Anyway, seems the BBC news editors have decided that stories like this one aren’t really that important. Far better to spend the morning using the discredited TellMama to warn about the dangers of right wing extremism, because, let’s face it, the EDL are much more of a threat to our national security… Always setting off bombs and beheading people, that lot.
BBC doing a program on the so called far right backlash against Islamic State and the mass grooming and sexual exploitation by Muslim Gangs. What the F*ck do they expect when TPTB consistently appease and look the other way.
Whenever there are outrageous incidents perpetrated by Muslims, the authorities do their best to sweep it under the carpet and make excuses for it therefore allowing the ‘victimhood’ card to be consistently played. When the indigenous people get angry about this as they should, they are tarnished as ‘far right’
The real enemy is our own institutions that are riddled with politically correct, generally left wing moronic bureaucrats, the BBC a prime example. Who else would know about mass abuse taking place throughout the UK and do nothing for fear of causing offence to a certain community.
Yep, this mass immigration/multicultural policy adopted by the last few governments has been a roaring success hasn’t it and we all wanted it didn’t we?
Is there a Government supported course to divert the vulnerable from taking up Far-Left activities??
Or are these courses only available for the Far-Right??
We deserve an answer from Hazel Blears ….
Some odd phaseology from BBC News Channel just now :
“To Scotland where voters today are deciding whether they want to live in an independent country, or to stay in the United Kingdom”
Meaning perhaps the UK is NOT an independent nation? EU anyone?
I doubt that was the BBC’s intention.
The wording, I feel, is a tad biased in favour of the Yes campaign – ‘independence’ is a positve word, right?
Why do we have to have these BBC news headline formulas anyway?
Is anyone in the UK unaware of the Yes/No issue? Are Scots eligible to vote unable to read the wording on the ballot paper?
Just say there is a referendum today.
BBC crew attacked in Russia. BBC make a formal complaint. I am sure Putin will give it the same unbiased attention as given to formal complaints about BBC news coverage.
This is awful.
Violence is never the answer, and in any form to be deplored. All sympathies to the victims.
The BBC is quite right to call for an investigation.
One does note that, a bit like Home Office types spouting off about research, currently it’s all a bit ‘sources say’, claims.
And as to the measures of ‘physical violence’, given the BBC’s quaint adherence to the TellMama scale of assault in its stories, a few questions may remain as to what ‘beaten up’ actually involved.
Still, all to come out in the investigation, which the BBC will doubtless be entirely content to leave to the Russian authorities to conduct internally and in secret, and when after several months announcing that the Russians feel the Russians got it about right will politely accept the judgement handed down and move on. Or protest further and risk being denied further access.
Maybe if the Russians post ‘don’t steal reporters’ stuff and rough ’em up to get it’ in logs around the forest, that will serve to show how committed to transparency and improving the local thug services they are?
The BBC are going big on,” Far Right Far Right “this morning.
devoting BBC news column inches, airtime on BBC Radio 4 and 5
a BBC 5Live report is on just in the next hour.
Always keen to assist in anyway 😀
“We’ve seen this before. There’s a master race, now there’s a master faith”
B Netanyahu:
“Netanyahu doesn’t seem to have affirmed that the Islamic State had nothing to do with Islam, or indulged in any other politically correct nonsense. If only we had a President of the United States with this much clarity and moral courage.”
A while ago I pondered that the IS/IS/IL (especially the I’ & ‘S’ bits) ‘branding’ may cause a headache for a bunch of usually supportive folk, and so it has come to pass.
I recall once reading how much it took to establish a brand, and it was a lot. But I also recall the value of PR in this respect too. It can provide that other lot pretty fast.
If not so serious, a bit like #indyref, the sudden scramble by such as the BBC to try and get the ‘correct’ nomenclature appended to the right kind of terr… militant on the line would be laughable, having so cheerfully acted as boosters of their daring activities until it got a bit up close, personal, on Youtube and backfiring.
And it’s not like anyone can send an office junior with a cease and desist order on the misuse of iconography and terms like ‘Islam/ic’ by these chaps now.
Well, not if hoping to see ’em come back.
‘A BBC team has been attacked in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan.’
‘They had gone to investigate reports of Russian servicemen being killed near the border with Ukraine’.
‘The team’s cameraman was beaten up and the camera smashed during the attack. The recorded material left in the car had been deleted, the team found after returning from the police station.’
How about the intrepid BBC tries sending a team to Gaza to investigate the deaths of Hamas gunmen near the border with Israel? I guess they won’t because they know full well they would get something more than their camera smashed.
Australia: INBBC represents Islamic interests on jihad violence.
“Australia raids over ‘Islamic State plot to behead'”
While the Islamic jihadists’ intent is on violence against non-Muslims,
DONNISON concentrates on representing the views of Islamic groups.
If INBBC reported regularly on Australia, as ‘Jihadwatch’ does, it would realise that the jihadist threat has been active for some considerable time.
Instead, INBBC censors on the Islamic jihad threat in Australia.
“Australia: Jihadis planned to behead random person, drape body in Islamic flag”
Also, ‘Jihadwatch’ on Australia-
“Massive Beheading Plot Thwarted in Australia:
Jihadists Planned Mass Kidnappings and Beheadings on Home Soil.”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/massive-islamic-plot-thwarted-in-australia-jihadists-were-planned-mass-kidnappings-and-beheadings-on-homesoil.html/#sthash.KvG4SuhS.dpuf
Dont forget to be wary of Muslims is to be Islamophobic. i would rather call it self preservation.
Yet more shameless bias on the deeply sexist and Leftist “Woman’s Hour” this morning, with good old ‘Jenni’ Murray.
First there was a gratuitous plug for “The Riot Club”, the BBC-approved film based on the antics of the Bullingdon Club. Jenni helpfully reminded us that Cameron, Osborne and Boris J had been members (but no mention of David Bumblepuppy, curiously). The discussion then moved on to networking in general.
Some networking was said to be good, e.g. Mumsnet, because it’s open and ’empowering’ for women. [Remind me again: who runs Mumsnet and what is her partner’s job?] Women were said to be very effective at networking; quelle surprise! More secretive groups, which exclude people, are bad …
So, why no mention of Common Purpose? What of the triangular traffic between the Labour Party, the BBC and the Guardian newspaper? What of the unrepresentative number of prominent gay people in the BBC?
“Woman’s Hour” BBC Radio 4 – a level of leftist bias far too rich for my blood(pressure). I was forced away from BBC Radio 4 some years ago as they stepped up their political and cultural persecution of anything and everything I hold dear.
Has INBBC’s Islamic Hausa radio in Nigeria taken over broadcasting, so that their political target is Nigeria’s police, and NOT Islamic jihad barbarians of Boko Haram?
That’s the impression of INBBC’s current online propaganda on Nigeria.
I’ve been stewing over that story this morning all day so here’s the complaint I’m putting in now. I really must complain about your reports on BBC Breakfast this morning concerning the supposed “Far-right” use of recent events to their own ends. So we have an anonymous comment from some mysterious figure at the home office, And a reference to tell MAMA. Just exactly unbiased is that site how many viewers know what it actually is how it’s funded and any controversies surrounding it? Because I don’t.
As usual there is no comment from any representative from any of these supposed “Far-right” organisations, who I would have thought would be more than happy to put their point of view over on air.
This seems to be completely in line with the whole of the BBC reporting on these issues. When in 2012 21 muslim groomers were in Liverpool crown court I wrote to BBC t asking why they were not covering this event. I received this reply. “
Reference CAS-1288417-M8C02L
Thanks for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you’re unhappy at the lack of coverage of a court case in Liverpool.
Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every viewer and listener will feel we get right every time.
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
Essentially this is a judgement call rather than an exact science but BBC News does appreciate the feedback when viewers and listeners feel we may have overlooked or neglected a story.”
So 21 groomers in a court case would appear to be not interesting enough to cover judging by that reply. But a group demonstrating relatively peacefully is suddenly a cause of major concern. It took a while to find that BBc reply but contrast that comment with the faux shock horror outrage they portrayed very recently about Rotherham, yea who would have known what was going on. The
I’ll just share a few of the facts, in case any feel the urge to offer a counter;
‘the BBC did not inform readers and viewers that in addition to Mr Zanoli’s family members, a “guest” was also present in the house at the time: Mohammed Mahmoud al-Maqadma – a member of Hamas’ Al Qassam Brigades’
al Maqadma was not the only Hamas terrorist present in the Ziadah family home on July 20th. Omar Ziadah – Mr Zanoli’s great-niece’s brother-in-law – was a field commander in Hamas’ Al Qassam Brigades.’
Given the clear inspiration behind the story, I would dearly love to know by what process the BBC felt/feels this piece of context was not relevant or ‘newsworthy’.
The BBc are running this shite on their web site http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29204170
Hazel Blears says… oh OK I suppose we all forgot about this did we…http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/cabinet-expenses/5601978/Hazel-Blears-expenses.html
The story now appears to have disappeared off the TV.
The BBc launches a formal complaint against the Russian authorities…lets hope they respond to the bbc complaint in the same spirit as BBc replies to mine.
No sorry it’s now back and expanded. 16:45
Here is the news: in Australia, a plot by Islamic State sympathisers to capture random members of the public and chop their heads off has been foiled by security services; in Syria, two Americans and a British hostage have been beheaded by an Islamist nicknamed Jihadi John – and another innocent Briton (a taxi driver captured while working for an aid convoy) has been told he is next on the list; across Britain, in the aftermath of the Rotherham enquiry, more and more evidence is emerging that in towns and cities all over the country mostly underage white girls have been systematically groomed, raped and trafficked by organised Muslim gangs, with the complicity of local government authorities, charity workers, police officers and the broader Muslim community.
Luckily, thanks to the BBC, we know what the real problem is here. It is, of course, our old friends, “Islamophobia” and “the spectre of a far right” backlash.
Why does the BBC refer to Mohammedans as Muslims and not Moslems?
I took this from History News Network but cannot post the link here for technical reasons.
Is it Muslim or Moslem?
When Baby Boomers were children it was Moslem. The American Heritage Dictionary (1992) noted,”Moslem is the form predominantly preferred in journalism and popular usage. Muslim is preferred by scholars and by English-speaking adherents of Islam.” No more. Now, almost everybody uses Muslim.
According to the Center for Nonproliferation Studies,”Moslem and Muslim are basically two different spellings for the same word.” But the seemingly arbitrary choice of spellings is a sensitive subject for many followers of Islam. Whereas for most English speakers, the two words are synonymous in meaning, the Arabic roots of the two words are very different. A Muslim in Arabic means”one who gives himself to God,” and is by definition, someone who adheres to Islam. By contrast, a Moslem in Arabic means”one who is evil and unjust” when the word is pronounced, as it is in English, Mozlem with a z.
For others, this spelling differentiation is merely a linguistic matter, with the two spellings a result of variation in transliteration methods. Both Moslem and Muslim are used as nouns. But some writers use Moslem when the word is employed as an adjective.
Journalists switched to Muslim from Moslem in recent years under pressure from Islamic groups. But the use of the word Moslem has not entirely ceased. Established institutions which used the older form of the name have been reluctant to change. The American Moslem Foundation is still the American Moslem Foundation (much as the NAACP is still the NAACP–the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). The journal The Moslem World–published by the Hartford Seminary in Connecticut–is still The Moslem World.
Or call IS as the French do – DAISH
With all the Scotland excitement and Islam crisis we seem to have forgotten the eastern front creeping upon us.
Dangerous times indeed, but Farage got it right and warned in 2008 about EU and NATO Ukrainian adventures likely to cause trouble:
This absolutely pointless EU/NATO prodding of the Russian Bear has meant the annexation of Crimea, an airliner shot out of the sky plus well over 2,000 dead already.
Combining the nature of the Russian psysche with promises made to them on the reunification of Germany that NATO/EU would not expand eastwards, we have got exactly what we asking for, a fight with Putin:
More ‘diversity’ for Beeboid, Tony Diversity HALL to censor-
“Inspectors find 600 asylum seekers crammed into 98-bedroom Crystal Palace hotel”
And so it continues: the colonisation of England, via mass immigration, as implemented by U.K political class, aided by Beeboid political propaganda.
It seems that the sample of young Swedes interviewed by the BBC are not supportive of the far right gains in the election. Open immigration is what they want.
Intersting isnt it that despite the fact the half of swedish voters voted for centre right parties the BBC could only find left/centre voters to interview , still 2/3rd of british voted for centre right parties in euro elections and Al Beeb couldnt find any of them either
This was most telling comment I thought
“I voted yesterday, proudly, in hope of a new government, my future employer. ”
Oh and with all that talk of ‘immigration being who we are’, how hideously white they all were
Same old BBc story amongst the sadness & regrets that their fellow countrymen didn’t all turn their back on the “far-right” Not one single remark from even one of the 12.9% who apparently voted for the “far-right”. The usual, this is the BBc we only present what fits our agenda. If you ask why they only present one view you will one of the same replies I always get.