Nicky Campbell investigated ISIS this morning and what needed to be done about them.
First of all we have to think up a really uncool name for them…To call them the Islamic State is just addressing them in the manner they want to be addressed and gives them a legitimacy they don’t deserve.
Naturally they are ‘unIslamic’ but also barbaric, murderous and cruel terrorists…yes that’s right, terrorists.
Curious that when the BBC wants to defend ‘Islam’ anything that reflects badly upon the religion or community is deemed unIslamic, bad, mad or in this case terrorists.
Curious that when the BBC wants to attack Israel similar bad, mad, unIslamic ‘terrorists’ are described as ‘resisters’, militants heroically defending their land and people against a violent oppressor.
Campbell of course couldn’t make it through the programme without finding an excuse to bring Israel into the discussion. When someone suggested ISIS didn’t follow the norms of most states or international rules Campbell claimed that there would be thousands of people screaming at the radio asking ‘What about Israel?‘
Why Israel? Why Israel in particular when Russia has annexed the Crimea and has invaded the Ukraine, never mind its attempts on Georgia and Chechnya…never mind Syrian atrocities, or Iranian, or Pakistani?
Why does Nicky Campbell compare Israel to ISIS? Must be all those ‘undocumented’ settlements…sorry, illegal settlements. Again curious how illegal immigrants are welcomed to Britain by the BBC and yet Israeli ‘illegals’ in the West Bank are criminal war mongers.
At best this is Campbell trying to generate some cheap interest in his programme, trying to stimulate some controversy and argument by throwing Israel to the dogs. At worst he is demonising Israel and legitimising attacks upon it.
From The Spectator:
Like it or not, Isis are Muslims. Calling them ‘monsters’ lets us off the hook
There are various pieties that politicians observe in the wake of some barbarity committed by Islamic fundamentalists and duly David Cameron observed them in his statement yesterday about the murder of David Haines. Of the perpetrators, he observed:
‘They are killing and slaughtering thousands of people – Christians, Muslims, minorities across Iraq and Syria. They boast of their brutality. They claim to do this in the name of Islam. That is nonsense. Islam is a religion of peace. They are not Muslims, they are monsters.’
I really wish he wouldn’t. It doesn’t add anything whatever to our understanding of Isis to say that they are not Muslims but monsters. They may not be our preferred kind of Muslims – my own preference is for the C of E sort you used to get in the former Yugoslavia – but they are, unquestionably Muslims of a particularly unattractive stamp. Calling them monsters is an impolite way of abnegating any effort to understand them.
it is like they are trying to brainwash us into thnking that these isis nazis are not muslims or anything to do with islam,but the clue is in the is in the isis which means islamic state and not jewish or christian state,so by any logic anybody living in this islamic state are muslims following the peace loving religion of islam,now we can see what is going on here,the bbc presenters and these gutless politicians are just trying to appease the islamists in this country and there supporters by trying to pretend islam has nothing to do with terrorism and muslims have nothing to do with isis.who do you think you are fooling nicky campbell and david cameron.
Isis actually, are showing the true Islam, as set out in the Koran, it is evil, all destroying and promises endless war, with death as the only release… it……..
One multiple standard corporation’s ‘Islamic State ‘ is another’s ‘Very Naughty Boys’?
They say Hitler was a monster, but he wasn’t a real Nazi. Real Nazi’s were peaceful chaps who took regular exercise and made a contribution to Germany. Cameron, pxxxss off and don’t insult the electorate.
The Nazis missed a trick at Nuremberg – they should have tried the “lessons have been learned” defence.
They would have lived to fight another day.
…..just as when you raise the issue of tens of millions dying under mao, the gulags under stalin, year zero under pol pot or any other massacre by a left wing state/army with a lefty you always get ‘oh, but they weren’t real communists/socialists’……
It would be easier to argue that this or that had nothing to do with Islam if there weren’t so many other pathologies to consider.
Other things that “have nothing to do with Islam”:
ISIS, Rotherham and Rochdale etc, 9/11, 7/7, Lee Rigby, Palmira Silva, Sir (!) Salman Rushdie, Theo van Gogh, FGM, honour killings, antisemitism etc etc
Exactly. I have noted with dismay that some middle aged , quite bright members of my family just don’t see that all this is linked and that we have a major problem with Muslims in this country and across Europe, let alone that having millions of Muslims this country is a threat to our security which will grow steadily as their % of the population grows.
But these folks listen to the endless stream of re-assuring pro Muslim pro multicultural Utopia stuff, that the BBC puts out on a daily basis for year after year, and it is working. They really do believe that the only issue we have is that a few hot heads, who are disowned by their co religionists, are causing problems but that 99.99% of Muslims will live peacefully amongst us. They seem to think that Islam is like the C of E , something that one doesn’t take too seriously and wears lightly and hasn’t produced any fanatics for centuries. Of course this is more or less what the BBC tells them day after day , year after year. if you try to explain that there is quite a bit of support amongst the British Muslims for the violent imposition of their faith and even more support for a view that British values are despised by true Muslims, they think it is gross exaggeration, racist and fomenting community tensions, even to think that , let alone say it.
The BBC has seriously undermined Britain. Already it may well be too late to turn the tide and we can look forward to the 21st century ending with Britain being a Muslim state with all the grotesque horrors that will bring.
It is utterly ridiculous. I have seen the documentary on ViceTV about ISIS from the inside. How they function as a state. How they organise as a society, what laws they impose, how they impose them, how they deal with civic life, military, family policy, trade, debts, redressing civil wrongs, public dress, crime and punishment….Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is dictated, managed and implemented as close to the most literal interpretation of the Haddith and Quoran as possible. It is far easier to claim Muslims in the UK who rarely attend Mosque and who drink alcohol are not Muslims, than claim that an entire state full of people who literally spend 24 hours a day trying to live literally according to the teachings of the Quoran are not Muslim. Only other Muslims who are engaged in Taqiyya based deception could deny it.
Cameron is relying on the ignorance of those who have not read the Quoran and who believe all the appeasement based lies about a (totally non-existent) Islamic religion of peace.
Far from not being Islamic…. The Islamic state, as implemented, managed, run and governed is the most pure form of Islam there can be. To suggest otherwise is plain crazy. A denial of all reality.
Dave Cameron should be told what the “I” in “IS” actually is. It is “ISLAMIC” David. The “I” stands for ISLAMIC…. It is in their effing name Dave.
Well said ken. IS Islamic is in the name!
The BBC and other media like to use an informal logical fallacy known as the “No true Scotsman”, first formulated by the philosopher Anthony Flew. It works like this: Jock says “No Scotsman would put sugar on his porridge”. Hamish replies “But I’m a Scotsman and I always put sugar on my porridge!”. The response of Jock is “Ah, but no true Scotsman would put sugar on his porridge”. Every time Muslims do something that doesn’t fit the agenda, the BBC and other dhimmis and apologists simply redefine what Islam is or should be, using their own unique, powerful insights into the ways of the world.
Love it (the analogy… all else is a sorry cluster FUBAR still).
I wonder which new breed of nihilistic anarchist psycho killers will suss that before embarking on mayhem, a nicely crafted brand/acronym if chosen for disruptive effect will put the cat amongst the pigeons (or fox in the chicken coop) as the establishment political-media leadership scurries about obsessing about designations reflecting badly on their grand plans and making excuses… rather than doing anything.
As with the BBC and Salmond playing their game better than they do, savvy pols or spokespersons can simply smugly respond to any attempts to hold them to account by association with the words ‘Ah, but they are not true [insert BBC ‘critics are saying’ attempted outrage target group here]’.
Karma is certainly giving Auntie a lot of blowback at the moment.
Isis is to be taken seriously which means listening to what they say about themselves and their aims. The spirit that motivates them is an existential threat to the West. All that they lack is the means.
Liberal like this Cambell, Cameron and the rest cannot do this without processing the words of Isis through the liberal filter that they use for looking at the world.
I am clear that Isis regard themselves as true Muslims and this is what drives them.
IN our world -the real one- there are increasing numbers of commentators who understand this. These men and women will not get a hearing on the liberal dominated mass media.
It is not so much deliberate censorship ( although that is happenening) as a refusal to countenance anything that threatens the liberal world view.
AS reality comes closer the liberal world is panicking.
Has it ever occurred to them that not giving their Islamic actions credence or validity in an Islamic context is what infuriates and inflames them even more?
I would be sure that if I was trying to get a point across and despite staggering evidence to the contrary, my actions were viewed as the exact opposite of what I was trying to achieve?
The worrying thing in all this, in my opinion, is that murdering over 3000 people in a single attack, bombing infrastructure, beheading one of our soldiers in London, and now broadcasting the beheadings of our citizens, their very clear message is still not being received in London and Washington.
They must be thinking how horrific an act will require to be carried out before our Governments realize it is everything to do with Islam.
What INBBC censors-
“Video: Robert Spencer and Michael Coren, 13 years after 9/11”
(6 min video clip).
Note that the claim that Islamic State is not Islamic has been made by the Prime Minister and the President of the US. Obviously, what the BBC want to tell us.
This spells disaster should we ever send in soldiers to combat ISIS. They would have rules of engagement forbidding them to point their guns at muslims, but only aim at monsters. This would be a bugger in the heat of battle, but deaths of moslems – defined by our politicians as peaceful friends – would be blasted by the BBC. Furthermore, attempts to link the enemy with Islam would be branded as racist/Islamophobic and civilians here in the UK would face prosecutions and houndings from the Twitter Stasi should they dare to confront the stated objectives of the enemy.
For these reasons I would argue against military intervention in these rat infested parts of the world, and seek to impose a cordon sanitaire around the area concerned. Let Allah sort it out. We have no allies there, and do not think that if the western backed allies liberate those currently ruled by ISIS they will receive the adulation given to the liberators of Paris in WW2
There is another alternative, which is to deploy the nuclear option.
And the inhuman Islamic jihadists of Islamic State will use innocent people as human shields, as Islamic jihadists of Hamas do.
ISIS, ISIL, Hamas, Palestinian Jihad, al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, al Shabab, Lakshar al Taeba, Moro, etc etc all seem not to know that Tony Blair and G w Bush have declared Islam is religion of peace. Cant understand how that news did not get through to them, when the BBC and every Western media has been broadcasting it.
Its also confusing that our own “moderate” Muslims, though reluctantly condemning ISIS etc, always give some sort of excuse why ISIS, Boko Haraam, behave in the way they do. They also never show how these groups go against the teachings of the religion of peace’s founding text, the koran, except koran 5:32. This last we now know was just Taqqiya to fool ignorant Westerners.
Just in case someone does not have a copy of the Qur’an, here’s verse 5:32 in full from a respected translation – “Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.” (see Ask yourself why Western politicans and media always leave out the first ten words. Understand a bit more now?
Muslims remind me of the Martians from “Mars Attacks”
No matter what the liberals offer them, all the offers of peace, they lie and shoot them in the back.
Jack Nicholson as the US president making his “Can’t we just, get along” speech, and the Martian ambassador kills him, and uses his dead body to plant the flag of Jiha….erm, The Martians.
“We come in peace….”
Yeah, right.
Islam has always been imposed at the point of a sword. Will someone ask Dhimmi Dave just when it morphed into this mythical “religion of peace”?
david cameron reckons isis are monsters not muslims,so the jihadists are flocking to join the monster state not the islamic state,very confusing.
Screaming Lord Sutch will be spinning in his grave.
Oh, my bad, that’s the Monster raving loony party….hmmm….actually…
The BBC has no middle ground between muslim head-cutters and muslim moderates.
In their view, if a muslim is not actively sawing a head off he or she is a moderate.
And muslim moderates voice their anger at muslim atrocities. Or maybe not? It’s a free country at the moment.
Was the only muslim protest in Europe heard and seen when a cartoon was made of a muslim prophet? But none for the cartoon of 9/11??
And in BBC land the head-cutter has been ‘radicalised’ of course by western foreign policy reacting to head-cutters…..
What came first? Head-cutters or muslims?
The winter nights will fly by trying to solve it.
INBBC censors reporting of France’s new anti-jihad laws, so that non-Muslims do not oppose the Islamisation of Europe, which enables Islamic jihadists to be active.
Pamela Geller has:-
“France’s New Anti-Jihad Law”
Supplementary, for INBBC –
Of course it could all be just a huge ‘coincidence’ that the ‘Religon of peace’ inspires our greatest poltical minds to double standards. On one hand (of Cameron) we have ‘there-is-no-probelm-witn-Islam’ ploy and on the other hand we have emergency strategic Air strikes on identified (so called) British nationals on foreign soil leading (coincidentally) to terror back home and a heros welcome by the BBC. The coincidence is my own observation of a departent the Environment notice -sent to all public utilities (Gas/Electricty and Water) for urgently total and secure security on all fences and gates (authorised by the Home Office). This only happens in war crisis. So what’s going on? Oh! it’s just a coincidence. I don’t believe it is. We are preparing for a war – only time will tell which side of the fence the BBC are on when that happens they are obliged to follow a war ‘rule book’ and follow press and media ‘D notices’ as in the Falklands war.
The new signalling centres that will control the entire railway network have military strength security by the look of it.
A sensible precaution but exactly who is deemed to be our enemy?
We will not get answers from the governing elite.
I noticed the other night, BBC reports starting out with the phrase “so called Islamic State”.
Strange how that came about although it becomes a bit of a mouthful when they have to use the phrase throughout the report and have to resort to IS”
Seems they’ve ported over their ‘what some are calling The Bedroom Tax’ meme to serve.
Be interesting to see how they wangle this attempt into their ‘no space for accuracy’ social media and mobile contractions.
SACIS? Snappy. See if they can tell it often enough to catch on.
This has nothing to do with Islam because the guard’s religion is not mentioned in the article. Nothing – are we clear on that?
No Jews: What schoolboys were told by security guard when trying to go into Sports Direct store in Hertfordshire
Just as well it wasn’t religiously motivated because surely that would have been illegal, wouldn’t it?
If he had said ‘no Muslims’ the BBC would have inflated it to ‘prove’ a rise in Islamophobia. There are a few racist idiots out there and we shouldn’t build it into something it is not.
BBC-NUJ’s ‘Viewpoint’ = Islamic propaganda.
Again, BBC-NUJ abuses its phoney ‘Viewpoint’ label as pretext to push its phoney ‘religion of peace’.
BBC-NUJ has got one Afzal Ashraf to propagandise for Islam with untruths like the following quote relating to the Islamic State which
he presents as uncontested facts-
“The bulk of Islamic teachings, which relate to mankind’s understanding of the beauty of the Creator and of creation, have been eclipsed by a singular bloodlust for power.”
-Not true.
“Just the Facts, Sir, Just the Facts”
It is concerning that the above Mr Ashraf is an adviser to the West’s military, and that INBBC goes out of its way to give him a propaganda platform, whereas it doesn’t give a platform to e.g. ‘Jihadwatch.’ which recognises the Islamic nature of the Islamic State, and is critical of its Islamic imperative.
That comment from Cameron, is that right? Did he actually tell the world that the Islamic State had nothing to do with Islam??
Forgive my bluntness on this occasion, but what a gargantuan cunt he is.
I am only surprised it has taken you this long to notice.
No, that would be an achievement, of sorts.
I wouldn’t even give him that much credit. I dislike him more than Blair in some ways. Perhaps because my expectations were lower in ’97.
He is caving in, and indeed pandering to the two greatest threats to our freedom and way of life.
Both threats are very real and his is appeasing, and overtly courting both.
They are:
– The EU, which Cameron has proven he is incapable of negotiating with at all. He is even now going to try to break up and effectively disintegrate England herself, breaking her into nine EU defined regions as part of his constitutional deal to make Scottish Devolution more fair to the English, by pre-emptively destroying England for the EU.
– Islam. Cameron openly courts Islam and flat out LIES about the risk to our country, our diverse, multi-ethnic and proudly tolerant nation. Once Islam has become about 30% of the population, they will be voting in MPs, local councillors and MEPs who support Sharia law. Once Sharia law is imposed, THAT’s IT. We will become an intolerant, prejudiced, homophobic, sexist and racist totalitarian monoculture.
Cameron openly courts and acctively appeases and encourages BOTH threats to our existance as a sovereign nation.
The LibLabCon have got to GO!
“They claim to do this in the name of Islam. That is nonsense. Islam is a religion of peace. They are not Muslims, they are monsters.’”
Can you imagine the BBC saying that Hitler, Himmler and Goering were not upholding Nazism as a political institution, but were monsters and so were not really Nazis?
What about the Puritan Christians who left the UK on the Mary Rose to Settle America, because the extremely Christian England of the day was not christian enough? Were they NOT Christians, because they burned people at the stake for herecy and witchcraft?
When we have a group of people who apply their religion with far more zeal, and take it more literally than others of the same religion, how can we justifiably claim that they are less of that religion than those who do NOT obey that religion as zealously?
Of course ISIS are Muslims. It is the worst, most ignorant form of head in the sand cowardice to try to claim otherwise and it is that sort of thinking which allowed thousands of white working class non-Islamic children to be brutally gang raped by Islamic perverts under their Jihad rape, for 16 years.
Strange how the lefty apologists love sharia law until it comes to the parts about dealing adequately with criminals!