We had this story earlier in the month:
Yesterday the BBC tackled it on 5 Live with Clare McDonnell, who, sad to say, could quite easily be mistaken for the much missed Victoria Derbyshire….who, you will be happy to know, brings her undoubted talents and take on the world to the small screen:
James Harding, the director of BBC news and current affairs, said: “Victoria has rightly won many awards for her ability to find the stories that matter in the lives of people in this country.
“We are very excited to bring her range of interests, determination to get to the bottom of the story, and her capacity to surprise, to a television audience.”
McDonnell interviewed the two Brits who were surprised to find an immigrant emerge from underneath their motorhome…and who promptly gave him a cup of tea, a sandwich and a banana.
To set the scene McDonnell wanted to give us a ‘a reminder of why immigrants are prepared to go to such lengths to get to Britain.’ I think you can see where she is going with this.
Naturally we hear tales of woe and a love for Britain, a desperate need to work and to live in such a lovely country where justice and law prevail and just how much they really want to contribute.
No doubt they wouldn’t dream of asking for the generous handouts available.
Back to the particular immigrant in question and McDonnell suggests that the couple were naturally scared but that fear soon turned to sympathy for the poor fellow’s plight….asking if they now had compassion for immigrants…he maybe sent back…how does that make you feel? she asks.
Indeed they did have sympathy…and then the husband said ‘….but of course this is a small country…can’t take ’em all’
McDonnell suddenly didn’t want to talk to him and turned to the wife asking how she feels…unfortunately she gave the same answer…essentially ‘we can’t take ’em all.’
Must have been a great disappointment to find two such sympathetic people, so obviously caring and generous…..and they turn out to be complete fascist nazi UKIP voting immigrant bashing little Englanders.
Have they learnt nothing from the years of BBC propaganda?
Just another sad little BBC attempt to tell us how hard life is in an immigrant’s home country and ipso facto how much he needs and deserves a home in the UK, to tell us how hard a journey he has had to get here…again how desperate he must be….and therefore clearly so deserving of a home for his trouble, and look, he loves Britain, he’s not a scrounger, he wants to work, he wants to be ‘British’…..how can you refuse to love him and find a place not only in your heart but in your home for him?
The message was clear….you might fear immigrants but once you get to know them you can only have sympathy….therefore let ’em in, all of ’em….numbers no object.
Shame the BBC doesn’t interview all those people who have had relatives killed by immigrants, or people who have been raped, robbed, burgled, pick-pocketed, credit card scammed, shoplifted or otherwise attacked and abused by them.
In the last ten years more people have been killed by immigrants in the UK than were killed on 7/7…how many more were otherwise victims of crime by immigrants?
Which is more dangerous, terrorism or open door immigration?
Both of which the BBC seems to support in its own way.
the miserable looking clare mcdonnell is just awful with her liberal empathy for the likes of these illegal lawbreakers breaking into our country,what gets me about this radio 5 live new shake up with its presenters is there is a definite shift to the liberal left,even vicky derbyhire,old shelagh and richard i shout alot bacon did bring a little bit of balance to their debates, but this new lot sound like they have all been recruited from the socalist workers party.
i can see the bias.
‘Six hundred asylum seekers crammed into 98-bed hotel’
– Local MP demands meeting after 600 asylum seekers are been found living in a hotel with just 98 bedrooms ‘.
I wonder where they get the money from to stay in a hotel in Croyden? Paid for courtsey of the UK Home Office (so that would be US the UK taxpayer again). What a bloddy good advert to put in the ‘Calais News’ luxury hotel in London FREE full baord and lodging and full UK benefits free NHS and Education for all, bring your family.
the BBC journalists should house them and you would see their sympathetic views vanish in two seconds flat
The Left have no logic.
There are perhaps 8 Billion people in the world who would satisfy our asylum requirements.
Therefore, should we take them all in?
Left-Logic says yes!
They gave him a banana? Surely that’s racist…
These people typify the dimwitted soft heartedness of sheeple Brits. They dont want him in, yet make him feel welcome, when the first thing they should have done is call the police .
They cut the last bit from the interview here