Evan Davis just talked to Nigel Farage and said “…the fear of English Nationalism” Farage who is getting better as a statesman didn’t rise to this.
So Scottish nationalism okay but English nationalism bad at the Beeb? Therefore I guess the Guardian, Labour and self regarding commentators will talk of the frightening prospect of English nationalism now and how It’s “oh so different” and ugly from the Scottish kind.
It depends who you support I suppose but it’s not just £145 is it? Add in Sky sports and its a minimum of £46 so that’s a total of £191.
Arsenal, for example, charge £27 for the cheapest tickets so that’s 7 matches that need to be televised before you make a profit with Sky. Fine if you support Arsenal (there are 8 televised matches from September to December) but how many Leicester or Aston Villa matches will be shown live on Sky or Doncaster or Torquay?
You are of course right though. I resent paying that £145 which is why I don’t.
Sky is a choice though. I pay £33 a month for the basic sports package and I go to my local football club who are in the lower leagues so I get my big match fix through Sky and get to football most weekends.
The toads at the BBC can’t seem to get their heads round the choice factor whenever they are slagging off the Daily Mail or Sky
And here’s the print version of what you heard. Anyone not agreeing with muslim child abuse is ‘far right’. As always this is the left’s method of closing down debate.
have you just noticed? They have been saying this since the 1970s. Constantly pandering to the Scottish Nationalism whilst vehemently starving any publicity at all to the English kind of Nationalism, as they falsely claimed that the English kind is racist, whereas the Scottish kind is not.
It may be that the BBC likes the SNP and Scottish nationalism because their politics are way over to the Left, the type the BBC likes. They presumably suspect that English nationalism is based more on freedom of the individual and capitalistic, they type they don’t like.
Yes, Scottish nationalism indicates a revitalising of Scottish identity whereas English nationalism is a dangerous harkening back to a time when English people invaded countries.
Was just posted on last thread – so hope you do not mind re-post here:
With all the Scotland excitement and Islam crisis we seem to have forgotten the eastern front creeping upon us.
Dangerous times indeed, but Farage got it right and warned in 2008 about EU and NATO Ukrainian adventures likely to cause trouble:
This absolutely pointless EU/NATO prodding of the Russian Bear has meant the annexation of Crimea, an airliner shot out of the sky plus well over 2,000 dead already.
Combining the nature of the Russian psysche with promises made to them on the reunification of Germany that NATO/EU would not expand eastwards, we have got exactly what we asking for, a fight with Putin:
It’s amazing how many times Farage gets it right….considering he is a swivel eyed loon, according to the MSM…it’s also funny how right the evil racists Tommy Robinson & Nick Griffin were…
I don’t recall any of those 3 LYING to the british electorate with the disgusting fable that “Islam is the religion of peace”
But I sure have heard our elected members say it, and our state broadcaster…Both must go for the good of our nation, and the sanity of the people.
The man is amazingly prescient, compared to our own blind liblabcon nutters. He SHOULD be Prime Minister and would be a far better Prime Minister than Cameron or Miliband.
Allowing the already discredited Tel Mama to try and push the islamofauxbia shite again .
An anonymous worker they say . More like they just made the whole lot up .
“the organisation stresses its figures only show a glimpse of the full picture, with many victims of racial hate crime afraid to report abuse. Even though Tell Mama UK’s data was collected anecdotally – the Muslim Council of Britain 😀 … supports its claim that there has been an escalation in violence against individuals. ” …
BBC – ya da ya da ya da
So lets be clear … are we talking about the non existent “backlash” again?, like after 9/11, 7/7, Lee Rigby,
or now Rotherham, because haven t the the islamofibbers at Tell MAMA, been caught out before? … trusted BBC source then?
What about the pneumatic BBC reporting of the “100 imams”
all morning? BBC re Alan Hemming?
“Help civilians” – More than 100 British Muslim imams, organisations and individuals wrote to express their “horror and revulsion” etc etc
I urge you to check out the in depth paper on the epidemic of muslim child rape gangs, do you recall the much vaunted “100 imams” that were going to obfuscate the blame in some sermon?
… what that mean t was that over 75% point blank refused to do so … why was that? … and WHY so now?
Any other erm “community” would be falling over themselves to eradicate the very last vestiges of this scum?, not showing such apathy!.
This “100″, includes Imams, MPs, and general so called “community leader” bods, so the quotient is even less!
It is absolutely indicting, on the adherents of Islam, who by the way, if you take obfuscated stats are over 1500 have already rushed over to mass murder, if you take Muslim stats its at least 3 times that …
Yep! that s, 100 condemn, 4500 rush over to perpetrate …
Yet, Lord Ahmed could supposedly muster 10,000 to march on houses of parliament?. Over a visit from a Dutch MP that wanted to show a documentary, that outlined/warned about just the Koran verses that ISIS are using to recruit and justify?
… that’s the reality
Biased Broad Cresent (and Camoron, and Hammond, and Brokenshire, and Ch4) … in full effect?.
Hey relax … “nothing to do with Islam” … right?
just like Islamic State, the Islamic Calliphate, that Islamic adherents, are flocking to, to commit mandated Islamic atrocities? to anyone non Islamic, or not Islamic enough? …
More than ever went to Al Quaida, More than Hamas,
More than any other Islamic terrorist entity?
… from England, Scotland Wales, Sweden France, Holland, greater Europe, Canada, the US?, its not just terror, its the mandated fascist Calliphate wet dream, its Islamic supremacism.
ps nearly forgot
… “that has nothing to do with Islam”
“Yet, Lord Ahmed could supposedly muster 10,000 to march on houses of parliament?. Over a visit from a Dutch MP that wanted to show a documentary, that outlined/warned about just the Koran verses that ISIS are using to recruit and justify?”
Those are not only verses that ISIS are using for recruitment, but they are the most violent verses which ISIS are actually implementing in the most literal manner possible.
And people claim that ISIS are not Muslims, because they implement the Quoran more literally than any other Islamic group on earth? They are the MOST Islamic group there can possibly be!
The BBC showed a UK Imam asking for ISIS to release the Taxi driver Alan Henning. The BBC typically reported it as if the Imam was a moderate. The BBC failed to report what the flag was behind that Imam. Only the black flag of Jihad.
That was after a report prior to the labour party conference which was nothing more than a party political broadcast for labour and was entirely uncritical, and a glowing report on global climate change marches, without notifying the public that there has been NO further warming for the last 20 years…
All in all an entirely and wilfully misleading news programme.
I see the BBC are up to their usual tricks….Muslim paedophiles in Rotherham, vicous beheadings by ISIS….But the horror you see is that the “far right” are rising…
That is the inverted logic of the liberal progressive left for you. If you condemn the outrageous and extreme bigotry, homophobia and sexist hate of Islam, you must be a racist bigot.
They happily excuse all the most vile and even lethal Islamic bigotry and hatred that Muslims direct at non-Muslims as Muslims are directed to do in many of the verses of the Quoran.
But if you as a white, middle-class, heterosexual male were to say a mildly sexist remark? Then you can be sacked. If you express fond memories of a favourite stuffed gollywog toy from childhood? Then you will be sacked. Claim that an Islamic pervert repeatedly raped children as Jihad rape because he is following specific verses in the Quoran and you can be sacked.
But if you are Islamic and actually gang rape thousands of white working class, non-Islamic children? Then the labour run police Authority will ensure that the police will conveniently “lose” any physical evidence handed in, They will arrest parents trying to rescue their own children, and the social services will take those children into care and deliver those children in taxis to you and your fellow Islamic rapists to be brutally and repeatedly raped!
And if anyone complains about it, then THEY are the racist Islamophobic bigot!?!?
WTF? The deranged and insane logic of the lefty liberal progressive is utterly sickening to witness.
“The news of an alleged plot to publicly behead a random Australian will shock many people here, including the vast majority of this country’s long-established moderate Muslim community.
Many Muslims are unhappy with what’s going on in Iraq and Syria but would never resort to violence. These raids risk antagonising the broader Islamic community.”
What raids? The police raids? Is he seriously suggesting that, although ‘moderate muslims’ in Australia don’t agree with what is going on in Iraq and Syria, we risk upsetting them by rounding up and arresting those members of the muslim community suspected of the beheading terror plot?
Should we leave them to get on with the said plan then, for fear of upsetting the moderate muslims? Some poor innocent civilian gets their head lopped off and draped in the IS flag just to keep the ‘moderate’ muslims sweet?
Further evidence, if needed, that Donnison and tbe BBC are out to bat for Islam. Disgracefully biased.
These raids risk antagonising the broader Islamic community.
The authentic voice of the drippy wibby, softie leftie, hopey changey, liberal left.
Since when has our foreign policy been subcontracted to a bunch of ill-educated, muzzie twenty-something benefit scroungers in the middle and north of England.
The man is a fool. Not biased as such but foolish. A typical liberal projecting his fantasies on to the world.
The first duty of government is to ensure the safety of the people. Whoever is inconvenienced or upset by this has no right to be. The Australian PM acted correctly.
Rotherhams happen when the authorities forget their duty and indulge themselves in fantasies.
We must not let up in our criticism of our elites over this.
“Many Muslims are unhappy with what’s going on in Iraq and Syria but would never resort to violence. These raids risk antagonising the broader Islamic community. ”
True enough, but they welcome other Muslims carrying out Allah’s mission as given to Mohammed to establish a Caliphate that will span the globe. They just fear the inevitable resistance to that Caliphate by non-Muslims who stubbornly refuse to convert.
One thing I noticed generally in the coverage of the Scottish Referendum debate is the lack of discussion of the degree that Scots who do support `Yes` do so out of hatred of England.Of course if the SNP were labelled `right wing ` I bet it would be different
As a Northerner I would like to second that statement. I cannot stand Southerners but the ones I hate most of all are those who try to speak ‘Essex’ or Mockney.
Why would anyone want to talk like that? WAWTA instead of Water; Geeza instead of Bloke.
By-Eck everyone should learn to speak like Wallace.
The anonymous bod is a Senior adviser from the Home office who has worked directly with right wing extremists for 27 years and took approximately 2 weeks to alert the BBC that he had observed increase in right wing activity following Rotherham and ISIS atrocities but in 27 years he didn’t observe the BNPS concern that child abuse was taking place all over the UK on an industrial scale. It’s Unbelievable!!! Any legal bods know if the ‘joint enterprise laws’ could be used in Rotherham for all the children who have disappeared.
Nor did the BBC when panorama had agent provocature infiltrated into BNP for months
They have questions to answer about how much they knew about grooming atrocity
Of course the BBC know about large scale child abuse. They regularly have investigative teams prepare programmes about it. They befriend victims, get all the evidence and then dissappear. Look at the Holly Grieg case. Basically the BBC use their news gathering as intelligence gathering in order to alert the high level abuser’s what the victims know and are prepared to divulge, so that effective defences can be created if necessary.
The BBC have actively harboured and defended child abusers for decades… and with the likes of Savile, Hall, Harris et al on their pay-roll, we now know why.
The BBC are paedophile protectors and nothing more.
Archive on 4 this morning was on the reporting of the Arab/Israeli conflict. There were some good points, but the key theme from first to last was the Palestinians as victims, with side helpings of Jewish terrorists blowing up the King Davis Hotel, the all powerful Israeli airforce bombing civilians in Beirut and the Israeli army standing by during the Sabra and Shatila massacres.
Each single fact was accurate, but the selection of what to include, and equally important what to exclude, guided the listener to the inevitable BBC conclusion that the failure to reach a solution is the fault of the Israelis.
The facts were not accurate as they were totally out of context as to what was going on at the time. Half facts can in fact be lies!!!
This example from BBC reporting years ago will explain. It was reported on the news that a Palestinian woman passenger in a car was shot dead by an Israeli soldier.. Yes that “fact “was true BUT what was NOT reported was that she was wearing a suicide belt and was about to blow herself up and murder people and that if that soldier hadn’t shot her dead , there would have been dozens of civilians who would have been killed. So this news report was at best misleading and at worst was a lie to deliberately give people a false news report .
The throw away comment, while listening to a R4 programme the female interviewer talking about the scot voting said as a matter of fact; Scotland is votes in a more socialist way: or words similar to that.
I then remembered that earlier that day I had seen a little of SKY where they were showing of their referendum suite and the graphics for the 32 voting areas. The presenter then went onto explain the way each seat is likely to vote due to the demographics. The bottow line being the young and the lower economic households are more likely to vote YES.
So if the Scots are supposed to be more socialist then surely acros the whole population should be spread that ethos. But if the SKY bloke was telling the truth, then the young vote YES because at that age they have not had their taxes pissed away by a socialist gov. That leaves the lower economic families who vote YES because they will get more and the higher earning one vote NO because they do not want to pay for it.
So back to the R4 comment, surely then that throw away statement was deceiving, people are voting for their own vested interests and it’s not socialism it’s ‘fuck you jock i’m all right’.
That is exactly why I don’t want 16 year olds being able to vote on anything. The most left wing ones are the middle class ones who mummy and daddy buy everything for and they believe money must grow on trees due to brainwashing by their sub-standard teachers
On a serious note,in the year that I was born the voting age was 21, and the minimum school leaving age was 14. So for 90% of the population, you got seven years of living in the real world, after school, before you could cast a vote.
The school leaving age got raised to 16, and at that time around 6% of the population went to university whilst another 14% or so stayed on for A levels. So even then, 80% of the population had a minimum of two years real-world experience before getting to cast a vote.
Now we have arrived at a situation where nearly 50% of the population goes to “university”, often after a so-called “gap year”, but get to vote up to six years before being exposed to the world of paying taxes.
This is why the liberal/left are so keen on extending the time people spend in so-called education, whilst campaigning to continually lower the voting age. All that exposure to leftist propaganda has to have an effect at the ballot box.
Perhaps instead of “no taxation without representation”, we would be better of under a system of “no representation without taxation”.
Yes, it is cynical. Labour are particularly fond of it. Their vote share has been gradually declining since the 1950s, and it will get far worse as the population ages because older people tend to be more right-wing, so they are desperate to get their hands on the young vote.
My Labour MP Rachel Reeves is always pictured in classrooms consorting with the pupils In my schooldays the local MP was only allowed to sit in a chair in the school hall and answer questions from an audience.
Nice to see the BBC1 10:00 News relay an excerpt from the IS propaganda video of captured freelancer John(?) Cantle with Cantle voicing (certainly under duress) the BBC/IS line on Western involvement in Middle Eastern wars. This added nothing to information about what is happening with Cantle but was a completely gratuitous exercise by the BBC in giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
If Muslims get mad about Westerners being in Muslim lands, then they have no fucking idea how mad about them being here I am.
My birth town (Oldham) has turned into an Islamic shit hole, it was well on it’s way when I left in 1988, the same goes for the town of birth of my girlfriend, Luton, and lets not forget Bolton, the neighbouring town where I spent a large proportion of my adult life, or Cheetham Hill in Manchester, where I used to work, or Derby, another town where I have worked, and, of course, where I live now, Watford.
This entire country is turning into an Islamic shithole, I am not sure how much longer I can take it, as we are getting no help whatsoever from our elected members, nor our state broadcaster, who label anyone who finds the Islamic invasion a tad disturbing “Islamophobes” “Bigots” “Racist” or good old “Far right extremists”
Oh I sympathise! Whenever I go back to the area of my birth (West Midlandsistan) it’s only the weather tells me I’m not in Karachi or Mogadishu. You’d never guess from watching Midlands Today that you’re still in England — it’s like watching Al Jazeera.
“the same goes for the town of birth of my girlfriend, Luton”
Tell me about it. It’s grim here in Luton now, but one only has to look at the racial breakdown in Luton schools to know that the town is totally lost. The council has cancelled old traditions like a Guy Fawkes fireworks display and town centre Christmas decorations and yet still finds the money for every multi culti crapfest going. There was a time in the early 90s when both Luton North and Luton South were Conservative seats. Only Labour can possibly be elected in both seats now. Blair and Brown’s treason is bearing fruit.
I was speaking with another refugee from Luton on Sunday: she got out a few years ago because of the Islamic influx and headed for the south west of England.
A part of South East London I grew up in has started to go the same way. I was visiting relatives at the weekend and noticed how much it has changed in a pretty short space of time of a year or two and it is sad to see as the whole area is now turning into a shabby mess.
I also bussed through Plumstead and Woolwich and dumpsville doesn’t do it justice
Yep I’m from the East and Leyton, Leytonstone and Stratford are overrun. We had neighbours in the ’60-’70s who were a muslim/Hindu intermarriage (doubt that would happen today), both professionals and were a joy. Couldn’t have wished for better. Now though I despair. I no longer go back.
Try Nelson in Lancashire or Nel-scum as the locals call it. You have to either be able to drive a taxi or make a curry to find work there. If you can do both then you could become Caliph.
Likewise Preston. They are taking over everywhere, and they do not like Mulitculturalism at all. Of course they USE mulitculturalism to get what they want, but as soon as they get it, they want to prevent any other culture establishing themselves.
Once the liberal left have finally given Islam all they want, we will be left with a totalitarian Islamic Monoculture under Sharia law.
I wonder why lefties hate multiculturalism so much that they are allowing Islamic racists to destroy it?
Today in the local Plymouth paper there is an article on the planning application for a second mosque here. Not to worry only to be attended by about 50 Kurds (males) plus weekend school, so they have been busy. The paper had a comment section on it. This afternoon there was one comment which started …’congratulations Herald, 33 comments deleted…’ This and the comment box have now been removed. Meanwhile our state broadcaster cannot get enough muslim reporters, presenters etc. ‘Islamic invasion’ is the correct phrase. Middle Ages here we come again.
Whatever the result in Scotland this is hopefully the start of a revival of English patriotism and spirit. The liberal’s worst nightmare and to be ardently desired on account of that.
Time for us shire English to stand up for ourselves and use our strength.
Time to say to hell with London and it’s whining ways and assumption that it is England. It never was and now is definitely not.
The BBC is the epitome of London patronising and whining. I never care to see London again and nor should any of us. Remarkable how the liberal manages to whine and patronise at the same time.
It will take a while but the country is going to change and the virtues of old England resurface. Independence of thought and spirit and stubborness and loyalty . To be free is not just a pious phrase as the liberal would have it but is the natural state of an Englishman.
It is a waste of time listening or arguing with the liberals. They belong to the 60s and to yesterday. The Scots have opened a new chapter for all of us.
There is now a good chance there will be a federation for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
That means that London could become federal British territory and all those Islamic enclaves in Luton, Bradford etc could also be declared British federal territory outside of England.
What I fear is that Cameron is now going to use the devolution issue as an excuse to break England into pieces to give the EU the nine English regions they demand.
Why? Then it will be really obvious to the population what is going on and they’d start rebelling against it. As it is, it is happening on the sly so people don’t really notice.
Don’t prevent a crisis where a crisis is in the normal course of events.
If our politics leaders had shown a bit of back bone and not panicked over one ugov poll life today might be a bit simpler. Instead we are presented with a constitutional process that has been drawn up on the back of a fag packet. What should have been clear is that the undecided voters were by and large No voters who didnt want to have there houses pelted with eggs. English voters I suspect demand no more than a stop to funding our chilly neighbours and for them (Scot MPs) to have no say in English laws.
Surely no-one wants devolved powers to potty fiefdoms such as Bradford, Liverpool etc – we know how that will go. As far as I am aware the Welsh dont want it either after the mess they have made of their NHS.
Yes, encouraging further division within England with silly, sweeping generalisations should work wonders.
I know the shires well and liberal “London – style” attitudes can be found there as well. Bradford’s multicultural mess, for instance, wasn’t solely the product of bad decision making in London. Idiot locals like Eric Pickles were just as bad – arguably worse because they could see what has happening first hand.
“It will take a while but the country is going to change and the virtues of old England resurface.”
When – on Saint Crispin’s Day? These virtues have to come from somewhere but teachers in our education system from north to south have been doing their utmost over the last fifty years to ensure that they won’t. We need the right leaders. Some sort of turnip truck torch and pitchfork uprising won’t work. I don’t see many around but Farage is probably the best available at the moment and, believe it or not, his background is Kent, Dulwich College and commodity broking (!).
Geography has nothing to do with it. The last thing we need is infighting within England. Look at Rotherham, idiocy in Sheffield or, going back further, Derek Hatton’s Liverpool. Where were these heroes of the shires then? Sending the wrong people to Parliament, as usual.
A search for the words ‘men’s netball’ in this article returned no results. Is the BBC sexist, more like.
Seriously though, if men and women were allowed to compete against each other in many sports, there would be no female winners at all ever in that sport. Then what would happen in the mind of a lefty / the BBC? Oh, it’s not fair, there have been no women winners of the heavyweight boxing world title since segregation was banned in 2016 (suprise). That’s why sport has evolved to have separate wome’s competition in the first place.
Anyway, just stick it on the list of things that are my fault because I am a white English non-muslim male. That’s that sorted.
It is similar to the way feminist actresses insist on being called “actors”, yet for some reason they do not seem to object to the Oscars and the Baftas having separate categories for Best Actor and Best Actress. I wonder why?
The politically correct left insists on the use of “gender-free” words – such as “chairperson” and “fire-fighter”. But is happy to keep the “gender-specific” ones that are victim words, like “battered wives” and “single mums”.
Ok then I want to see mixed gender MMA matches and watch someone like Brock Lesner, Anderson Silva or Frank Mir(google them all) fight a female opponent…is laughable and only in a rabid, unhinged liberal mind would separate sports be deemed sexist.
A non-league football team would beat the England women’s team about 20-0 as well
It’s almost parody with their Sixth Form beliefs now
The team I support (Manchester United) disbanded it’s womens team years ago, basically because it was f*king ridiculous, and no one watched it (One thing about the Glazers is, they know how to make money and what makes it for them)
The BBC cover it as a major sporting event, on a par with the FA cup…why?…because they can, they know it will not financially impact them.
And all very jolly they were about the England rugby world cup for the women too…
Well done ladies, you are the very best in your field…WOMENS Rugby, but you are NOT the best at that sport, not any where near.
The BBC are certainly taking advantage of this to offer a platform to various lefties who want to give votes to sixteen year olds.
Why sixteen? Why not fifteen, twelve, ten?
The sole reason the lefties want this is because they know young teens are naive, all heart and ignorance, just what the brainwashers like.
That’s already started. Alex Salmond has told us what a success it was to allow 16-17 year olds to vote, and I heard another Labour politician say it should be extended to all elections. With no evidence as to why it was thought to be such a success.
Now watch the BBC climb on board with constant puff-pieces from supporters of such a change.
Quite so. I groaned aloud when I heard that the unutterably dim Cameron had agreed to Salmond’s demand that 16-year-olds should vote in the Scottish referendum. For it was immediately obvious to everyone (except Cameron and his clique, apparently) that Labour would at their earliest opportunity seize on this change to impose 16-year-old voting in general elections – to their great advantage.
You’re right, but the comment pre-supposes that Labour will ever have the chance to impose 16 yr old voting on us.
Watching the analysis of the scottish decision on bbc news this morning, and listening to Miliband’s speech earlier, they are all in agreement that the Lowthian question needs to be resolved, but no comment on what that means for the Labour party. Nothing is joined up with the BBC.
For crying out loud, 16 years olds given the vote. If TPTB can’t see that it is a ridiculous idea then they are further out of touch with reality than I thought. In my view the voting age should be raised not lowered and we should stop giving it to anybody that doesn’t contribute to society. Oh and also stop giving it to recent immigrants.
imigrants who arent citizens are not allowed to vote. My wife is one of them. On the voter registration I have to put her down as a member of the household but state she is no a British Citizen so not entitles to vote.
But Hey Presto! she still get a voting card! I have to tell her its illegal for her to cast her vote so she doesn’t vote.
You can see why the Beeb would be latching onto this like it’s a great revelation: apparently we’re not just a mongrel nation, but a mongrel continent.
Well yeah, everyone knows that Europeans didn’t spring from the earth fully formed, and that there have been migrations of people over the millenia, but note no significant influxes into Europe after 7,000 years ago. Until now . . .
The level of immigration into Europe since 1945 is literally unprecedented in human history. Anyone who is not a fully paid up Leftist self hater knows it will not end well.
What a piece of desperate ,convoluted piece of fabrication that was and no contrary view allowed .
Just as with global warming, the liberal Inquisition will blatantly tie themselves in knots to maintain their lysenkoist orthodoxy,and we the wayward flock must except the priest class interpretation of the mysteries (despite the evidence of our senses) or be excommunicated .
Can any one name a country that in recorded history that has become paler as a result of immigration. were are all those blue eyed north African farmers now?
The whole out of Africa theory is flawed and only in the intellectually masochistic west is it accepted as absolute truth, There’s good reason to believe that the present European population has remained essentially unchanged for the last 37,000 years-until now
And so the votes are in and it’s a resounding 10 point victory for the “No” camp.
But don’t let that stop Dame Nicky and his 5Live cohorts dwelling on what might have been. Coverage is almost 100% dedicated to tearful “Yesers” crying into their pints of heavy.
Almost as if the Beeb’s agenda and favoured outcome has been dashed.
Scottish cousins I feel your pain I truly do.But do not despaire you need not wait another generation to try again
,simply just apply you ample (if not amiable) talents to the cause of English independents .I’m sure you will get the result you we both want . Waes Hail cousin ,Waes Hail
If Camoron was so amenable to a referendum over scotland and was able to set up a vote within a few months, why can I not be offered a referendum about whether or not I remain in Europe? Of course Camoron has still managed to make himself look like a complete tosser as he has virtually offered the scots independence in all but name anyway.
bbbc will quickly move on from this news as it is not the news that they wanted.
Lord Farage of England – your time is almost here!!
The Islamic State of Britain Organisation have announced that there will be a bombing and beheading in London next Tuesday morning, as reflection of spontaneous Muslim anger over western policy in the Middle East and growing Islamophobia in Britain. The Prime Minister, speaking on the BBC, has warned against the dangers of a backlash against ordinary Muslims and urged people not to write vaguely unpleasant things on Twitter.
I thought this from guido is so good; I copied it whole.
Vlad the Loudhailer says:
September 19, 2014 at 7:18 am
RMS TITANIC UNION the film and sequel
The cast
Gordon McRuin – the one eyed, mad ship’s pilot.
Captain Darling -the quiet, reserved ship’s captain.
Call me Dave – the first officer responsible for deck chairs.
Nick Clogg – the cabin boy who specialises in towel folding.
Alex Almond – owner of the competing Blue Saltire Line.
New supporting cast
Ed Milliamp – the bacon sandwich loving ship’s electrician.
The story so far: Alex Almond the evil owner of the competing Blue Saltire Line has given Captain Darling a dodgy navigation chart that has fooled most of the crew in deliberately steering the ship onto the rocks, causing certain doom.
The terrifying one eyed ships pilot McRuin is clinging to the ships wheel, screaming abuse at Captain Darling and hurling his mobile phone around the bridge. Meanwhile on the top deck the first officer of deck chairs, Call me Dave is trying to line up the sun loungers in colour coordinate groups. Below decks, cabin boy Nick Clogg, whose towel folding skills delight first class cabin passengers, is honing his skill in making a giraffe from a hand towel.
Will the great ship of state “RMS Titanic Union” hit the rocks and sink? Will Alex Almond pull off his greatest stunt and steer his Blue Saltire Line to success? Will McRuin manage to miss the rocks and hit the harbour wall? Will Captain Darling’s eyebrows turn white with the stress? Has Nick made a giraffe or is it a dodo? Has Call me Dave managed to pull off successfully merging the tope and light brown loungers in an inspiring floral arrangement?
So many questions, the answer and premier will happen Friday 19th September.
Alex Almond is a broken man; his evil scheme for the Saltire Line has not succeeded. RMS Titanic Union has narrowly missed the rocks but has hit the harbour wall and is taking on water. Captain Darling instructed Milliamp to man the pumps; however Milliamp is having difficulty as he can’t understand why they are having a discussion about footwear. McRuin’s unusual navigational skills has involved leaving the bridge and shouting at the passengers , meanwhile Nick has finished his towel folding and is now busy placing a chocolate on every pillow.
Call me Dave has succeed in pulling off his inspirational arrangement with the sun loungers and some of the delusional crew believe this has helped in saving the boat but many of the passengers are beginning to doubt he will ever become the great helmsman.
Meanwhile RMS Titanic Union is slowly sinking in the harbour.
I believe the English are just about sick to death of this ‘UK’ show, and enough is enough.
The Blue Satire Line is now bankrupt and has been sold to China for the Yangtze River trade, and will be renamed the Indo-China Steam Navigation Company Ltd.
There’s a strong element in Scotland that act like petulant spoilt teenagers rebelling against mum and dad by threatening to leave home. You’ll be sorry when I go, so there!
You’d really think that 16 year olds had been given the vote……
Wait a minute….
The No majority should strengthen Cameron’s hand to give less not more away. But it won’t happen.
Whilst they extol the virtues of unfettered immigration and pan-EU arrest warrents (à la Nick Clegg) the BBC with their plethora of child protection inquiries might like to take this case into consideration.
‘Police investigating the disappearance of Alice Gross want to speak to a Latvian man’
‘Latvian police confirmed that Zalkalns had served a custodial sentence after he was convicted of killing his wife in his country in 1998.’
‘Scotland Yard said 41-year-old Arnis Zalkalns – who disappeared a week after Alice – had also been arrested for the alleged indecent assault of a 14-year-old girl in London in 2009’
That would be a murderous paedophile, then, welcomed into the UK by a self-elected, multicultural-imposing, ‘liberal’ elite. Thanks very much to you all, you know who you are.
Yes and the plod as usual let him go. Didn’t bother checking his past in Latvia. Probably told them he was a Muslim then handcuffs off an apology and sent on his way and a bit of advice about being more discrete in future
Right now the political class that dictates BBC policy will be studying the success of the ‘No’ vote for strategy tips on any referendum we might manage to prize out of our masters in Westminster.
Whatever your views on the desirability of Scottish independence, the same scare tactics used against it will be wheeled out against independence from the EU.
Expect weapons-grade propaganda field tested north of the border!
Salmond couldn’t get his way despite only a 50% finish line, kids voting, a biased pro-independence media, and the shit of Scotland stirred to vote. The flipside is he managed to get 45% of the vote for independence with no cohesive plan or strategy appealing to the anti-British sentiments of the benefit junkies. The next few days I’ll keep my head down as the Yessers conduct their post-mortem and decide who to blame. Their nazi-style intimidation, rallies, aggression and downright refusal to accept facts actually I think swayed the don’t knows against them. So if we can lose ‘The Tories The Tories The Tories’ mentality and constant grievance we can maybe move on. But I won’t hold my breath.
And dont forget foreigners voting too, EUers who knew that if Britain pulls out of the EU tyhen Scotland wouldnt thus allowing them two bites of the cherry.
It was actually very instructive. There was indeed a barrage of scare statistics used by “no”, though I felt most had some basis in fact, or perhaps in possibility is a better way to phrase it. It is, I think, inevitable that a “no” campaign will, by its very nature, be negative. However Alex Salmond was remarkable in the way he could get away with simply a “naw it isnae” reply and no-one seemed prepared or able to pin him down on it. One was strongly reminded of Obama’s hopey-changey which seemed impervious to questions of “how, exactly?”. Much like UKIP in the Euros, it seemed like the more negativity was thrown, the more the electorate dug in their heels. Who knows how it might have turned out if Salmond had been prepared to spell out what he’d do if the rest of the UK refused a currency union, instead of “naw they winnae”.
So, in the event of a Euro referendum the “outs” can expect a full attack of scares and in that scenario it would also have the BBC against it. That wasn’t the case in the Scottish vote, in my opinion though some here may disagree. These scares will to a degree be counterproductive but you’re only looking to frighten enough to get your 50%. So it’s essential to be ready for them and answer in detail the “what-if” scenarios. I don’t think UKIP would get away with the non-answers that Eck did.
Turning to intimidation and aggression. I never directly experienced that, but perhaps was spared the worst in Edinburgh. There’s no doubt that “yes” was extremely well organised and it seemed like they were the only ones around: you felt that you were in a definite minority as a “no” voter and that’s highly dispiriting. I think that boils to a left/right divide. The left have always been more vocal and in a EU referendum we would be at a distinct disadvantage. That is something that would need to be countered. Still, as my mother puts it, “Empty vessels make most noise”.
Roland, when there is a panel discussion, the one doing all the talking and then talks over anyone else who tries to put in their view; is usually the rabid lefty. I agree their energy for doing things is nearly inexhaustible, shame it is always for themselves.
I think the best political quote I heard is when asked ‘why not do the correct thing’; the politician replied ‘ Oh! it easy to do the right thing that’s equitable to most people, it’s getting re-elected after that’s difficult’.
‘..remarkable in the way he could get away with simply a “naw it isnae” reply and no-one seemed prepared or able to pin him down on it. One was strongly reminded of Obama’s hopey-changey which seemed impervious to questions of “how, exactly?”
So, basically, it all revolves around, and is founded on the notion of belief over substance.
This can of course only work if those managing the communications spigot have the power and will to turn it on when the belief is strong and they like it, and off when watertight oversight or outright censorship is required.
The BBC is too uniquely placed to do just that, and has long since lost any trust to handle the role sensibly or impartially.
I was of the feeling there would be no winners to this, but even as the BBC and Labour assess just how their support base reacts to their roles, I don’t think I am the only one to have just written to my MP to ask about English votes for English laws (something the Culture Sec. seems keen on), The West Lothian Question, Barnett Formula, etc.
And once democratic equitability on these are worked through, maybe the silent majority may get interested in such as PC suppression to suit minorities and their until now gilded guardians.
The reaction to the BBC’s predictable, naked and to order attempt to shunt concerns about imported murder and rape onto ‘right wing bigots’ that swept up a few not in that category or keen on the attempt in association, still rumbles.
Currently it’s hard to imagine who the BBC has not managed to piss off royally, which is a talent few market rates could manage.
LISTEN: William Hague says Barnett formula will continue but will become less of an issue
And so #DevoFudge oozes into being, with political minnows like Hague and Miliband dissembling, all promoted by a £4Bpa PR machine that tells you to ‘LISTEN’.
Right now, BBC reporters are saying (and have been saying all morning on TV news) that another referendum could arise in Scotland in 2017, if the rest of the UK votes to leave the EU at that point.
The Big difference is the UK has a central bank and can survive economically as independent, in fact we would thrive, being the world’s sixth largest economy.
“backlash” concern … yes there should be
Trojan Horse, Sharia vigilante patrols, escalated Islamic anti-Semitism, Islamic violent protests, escalated numbers Islamic Jihadis, Islamic, beheadings here and in Syria/Iraq …
If the government grew a spine, was openly pro active in surveillance on mosques, on problematic muslim areas. publicly
seen to be pro active in universities, on madrassas, in schools to root out and come down hard on Islamonazism, the public would feel secure, if Islamic entities joined with them, even more so.
Or … you can chase a non existent spectre, deliberately over estimate what is honesty a non threat, whilst ignoring the glaring reality of one growing expedientially, and get disharmony in the majority of the UK public.
Is INBBC now in full political far-left mode and redacting all references to Islamic jihad nature of massacres in recent times, in political line with what INBBC is doing on ‘Islamic State’?
‘Jihadwatch’ of a year ago:-
[Opening extract];-
“Here… is a statement from Shaykh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, the leader of Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM), the Mujahideen Youth Movement of Somali that carried out the Kenya mall jihad mass murder last week. Shaykh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr is well pleased with the murders, and explains why with multiple quotations from the Qur’an and Hadith — not that this has anything to do with Islam, of course.”
Traitor Alert: bBC news — Alarm — watchout for the bBC to use the words ‘regions of the UK’. This is to stop you thinking about ENGLAND and towards the EU divide and conquer system of ‘regions’.
Don’t you just love the BBC. Just watched the Referendum coverage and they had a grumpy clown in a kilt and turbine grumbling about the result and then over to Wales and Peter Haine for his opinion on constitutional change. Never saw a Tory all Night.
Not bias, but what a dreadful mess BBC coverage was of the Scot referendum. All style over substance, garish graphics and hyper presenters. Sky did it so much better.
Not least because it was clearly a ‘there-there’ to prop up Aunty, but with fair degree of wiggle room. Posed as an ‘in general’ question, and with comments enabled. These latter were fun too, as a bit of drip on drip friendly fragging…
“Anyone who disagrees with you just has a different view, nothing more.”
“Which is fair enough. But you then go on to make comments about the “Yestapo”. So anyone who disagrees with your opinion is Yestapo?”
Plenty more on plenty else as you scroll through.
A fascinating insight into media droite du seigneur exposed from within, and ironically all about bias, or not,.
Thing is, in amongst the rhetoric and robust posturing, there are some crucial facts raised and if not proven, left uncountered to lead one to suspect a few skeletons exist, are known to exist, and dare not be mentioned.
One, at the top, is the use, and abuse, of the edit suite to leave in, or omit (for all manner of poorly excused reasons, for once not haughtily FOI dismissed) to suit much more than reporting, through ‘analysis’ and well on to agenda.
The fun part it was/is two traditionally supportive sides having this spat because both feel betrayed by the other and it shows no signs of abating.
Operation Beebarossa?
‘..at least half the population of Scotland are thoroughly sick & fed up with being smeared as neo-fascist bullies.’
Try being a parent in or near Rotherham or a law-abiding pensioner near a Tower Hamlet no-go area, as the BBC trots out dawn to dusk propaganda based on an anonymous source’s claims to a single reporter.
‘… is protest against the state broadcaster which has an academically confirmed bias not allowed?’
Ask Rona. Maybe she can explain the reasoning behind expediting critics ‘to save licence fee payers’ money’ based on their little secret rules and committees when the BBC runs out of ways to say it believes it is about right, as that is all they have.
Less ‘the media’ under attack, but getting very defensive when exposed how poorly it handles being held to account when it can’t control the pitch, invited audience, referee, etc.
Another name for Al BBC to obfuscate over …
so Al Quaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Nusra now Khorasan
mind you, across the pond just as bad as Camoron, Hammond and co are here in the UK.
Senate votes 78-22 for Obama’s plan to arm jihadis against … other jihadis http://news.yahoo.com/senate-next-house-backs-obama-rebel-aid-070536082–politics.html
The BBC are now concentrating on the real agenda following the referendum , the dismemberment of England into petty socialist fiefdoms under the pretence of “greater democracy” , every mention of an English parliament is immediately shouted down in favour of regional assemblies.
BBC News 24 clearly decided that whatever the outcome today was the day to hammer Cameron and thus thinks that a simple thing like barring non English MPs from voting on devolved matters is ridiculous but giving Labour dominated areas their own governments isn’t.
Agree. The BBC are already trying their tricks to pour cold water all over the notion of English votes on English laws and taxes. They just can’t bear the thought of the English having their say on anything, probably because they believe it will be to the right of the cosy Liberal Left Elite consensus that they have helped to build over the past 40 years. They simply don’t want to see England as a nation, after all that would undo at a stroke all their work over the past decades undermining the notion of an English nation.
Anyway they are already deploying their tricks such as:
> bringing on experts who say that it will take years to reform the constitution and that it must be done by widespread consensus, which is code for kicking it into the long grass and giving a Labour a veto. Don’t remember much of this when the original Devolution Acts for Scotland and Wales was rammed through parliament. Nor when Gordon popped up and bribed the Scots a couple of weeks ago.
> linking an English parliament with a racist agenda, they call it the nasty head of English nationalism. No such name calling for the Scots or Welsh of course.
> claiming that the English would rather have devolution to the regions than a parliament and producing a series of puffed up local councilors as evidence of this
>claiming it couldn’t work because then there would be two types of MPs at Westminster and because a Labour Government in the UK could face the possibility ( probability) that their writ would not run in England. It doesn’t occur to them that Westminster won’t have any powers over devolved matters in any of the home nations and only sit on Federal matters.
>downplaying the obvious unfairness and illogicality of having Scots and Welsh MPs voting issues in England that they can’t vote on in their own countries.
No doubt the BBC will come up with other ways of trying to stop an English Parliament. Lets keep an eye open. I’ve written to my MP ( a Tory) saying that I strongly wish there to be an English Parliament and that it should exactly the same powers as those proposed for Scotland. Nothing less will do.
Yes, even Sheikh al Galloway was on this bandwagon
on Sunday Politics. Great opportunity to further sharia
law under the pretext of regional devolution and “localism”
All with Labour connivance of course as the “white working class” is no longer in great favour
“Royal Air Force Lossiemouth began a new era in its history on the 1st of September when it assumed the provision of what the RAF calls the ‘Quick Reaction Alert (Interceptor) North” or Q’ran for short perhaps
Only at the BBC would the resignation of a jumped up squatting toad face like Salmonella be “breaking news. for which we interrupt our schedules”.
4.30 today on Radio 4.
We should all be ashamed at ourselves for thwarting Ossies dream…especially those Tartan turncoats who said they`d vote for the Braveheart Bulimix…only to “do a Major” and vote to stay at the English teat a while longer.
The Beeb then followed up on PM with two jox(nats naturally) telling us that the vote actually did no such thing as lay this crap to bed…what it MEANT was that the vulnerable of Castlemilk and Easterhouse begged for the justice that only Alex brought to them all-and the Unionist Tory Uncle Tams had better raise that broo, and dole out yet more bawbees to the underclass of Scotland.
There was me thinking that 55% wanted no part of Labour/SNP Venezuelan experiments…but that`s not what the BBC will be wanting to consider.
So easy being a thick lefty scummie isn`t it?…Kirsty, Jim, Eddie will be weeping into their blagged whiskies tonight…
Anybody able to tell me why it is that Scotland got a referendum on whether, or not to smash a union that has now lasted for over 300 years…but we get no prospect of any referendum about another union that has only been about for forty or so…and has brought this nation to its knees far more that the one Scotland has had with us?
Maybe a BBC liberal lefty eejit might tell us why…or at least give us reasons why Scotland gets one, but we don`t when it comes to the Godawfully evil European Union.
I would love to know what the referendum vote percentages would have been if the 16 and 17 year old had been excluded. In fact, these day I would love to see the same with the under 25yrs old excluded aswell…….
Still, I expect the bbbc will be ahead of me with this and they will make a nice deep newsnight article to present
The BBC has obviously moved onto plan B now, change onto Breaking up England.
What on earth gives them the idea that just when British people living in the Scottish region have voted AGAINST independence i.e. to stay together, that this means there is a demand in ENGLAND that we disintegrate?
Britain is a tiny country and we, native ethnic British, are all the same ethnic group, intermingled interbred with only minor regional differences. This desire from the Globalist BBC for ‘devolution’ is simply another backdoor attempt to weaken Westminster by removing its powers and bring us under the EU jackboot.
JOYCE THACKER, head of Rotherham social servies resigns:-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Beleaguered head of social services at Rotherham Council finally quits
in wake of child abuse scandal.
“Joyce Thacker, head of Rotherham’s social services, has finally resigned.
“She had been under pressure since the Jay Report was published.
“This found that children were exploited in the town between 1997 and 2013.
“Until now, Ms Thacker had fought to keep her ‘six-figure’ salary job.
“But council said she is ‘to leave by mutual agreement, with immediate effect.’
“It comes ten days after she attended Commons Home Affairs Committee.”
“Rotherham scandal: Criticised child-service boss quits in secret deal.
“THE £130,000-a-year head director of children’s services at scandal-hit Rotherham Council has finally stood down after agreeing a secret severance package.”
These people have failed to do their jobs. I cannot understand why they get pay offs.
They should face prosecution instead.
The PTB are really trying to bury this story. They must not be allowed to do it.
It is the one thing that will bring the whole rotten edifice of liberalism down and they know it.
Come on, she has paid contributions in up to this point, her employer had not found her performance dismissable on grounds of misconduct. She should be refunded those contributions, rather than being given a pension, which is worth a lot more, and given on the assumption her performance continues to be acceptable, which it isn’t. Employment law has been tweaked and tweaked by Labour while you weren’t watching, and Theresa May/ Cameron doesn’t have a clue how we are being screwed, let alone how to undo it. What happens when you vote for PR spivs instead of leaders. Nigel can do better.
God, anyone watching the BBC would be forgiven for thinking that Salmond et al won the referendum. The BBC just have to bum-lick the SNP that little bit further. Their apotheosis of the Salmondo Messiah continues. But, the anti-English nationalists lost, and by a clear majority… but now the rattles out of the pram start. I just hope the bBC doesn’t continue to provide them with a platform. Now is the time to tell the YESNP to get LOST!
I have just been to an English pub to take some English beer (two pints, only). Unfortunately, the hideous bbc news 24 news channel was on display. It was right in my line of sight so I had difficulty not looking at it. I became awarre that theyw ere just celebrating the ‘Yes’ campaign escept for a brief 15 minutes when had had some programme on where they were denying allegations of bias. I then left the pub to drive home and of course I listened to R4 en route………………..
I was wrong, I thought the no campaign had given a significant thumbs down to independence. However, I must be wrong because it know appears (obviously after a back room discussion by the faceless news policy editors) that Salmond is, in fact the hero of the country and he was an absolutely marvelous statesman whom everyone thought was a hero until the sad moment when he resigned. What a hero!!!
Funny though, my thinking must be wrong because I thought that this left wing marxist, anti westminster liar should have been arrested for treason.
The really big repurcussion from this 18 month self-deliberation is that the West Lothian question is now the paramount question that needs discussing at Westminster.
If Newsnight tonight focusses on Labour’s latest announcement about regional assembly devolution crap then Newsnight is a Labour stooge. No question.
(But we already knew that anyway).
Newnight had Andrew Neil questioning Chukka, the slimy egotist, who was obviously stumped on commenting at all on the unfairness of the West Lothian Question, other than attempts at obfuscation ‘I represent a London Borough’ and the inevitable ‘Labour will hold a review’ .
But one has to say Dave has played a blinder if he has got the West Lothian question on to the table at last, especially connecting it to the same time frame as more powers for Scotland.
The ‘English question’ is now truly in a pot that will boil over into real discontent should they fail to curtail the obvious unfairness of the current system of Scottish Labour holding the English balance of power in Westminster. You can only push the English so far and Labour have reached the margins.
It was great to see chucky Armani comprehensively sliced and diced by Neil though wasn’t it ? The offended look on his metropolitan progressive face when Neil asked him to name three Scottish labour MPs in the middle of his evasive waffle about Labour proposing endless consultation of the people over the English devo question was priceless and made my week.
At midday Neil had similarly made a fool of Michael Fallon, Defence Secy put up to spout the party line for the Tories. Neil is head and shoulders above virtually all the BBC – and Channel 4 – reporters, well-briefed, incisive – and balanced.
Newsnight tonight is telling me that the great helmsman Salmond has fallen on his claymore in a gesture worthy of Rob Roy and William Wallace combined.
There was me thinking that he was the duplicitous spineless toad that allows Al Magrabhi a few more years back home in Libya.
Yet more guff about the noble Yes campaign being traduced by the fear`t forces of conservatism…probably the bloody Ulster Proddies again, denying the BBC their Braveheart fantasies.
Total liars, self-deluded toytown rebels.
Salmond excluded the Mail, the Telegraph and the Express from his resignation press conference (although apparently not the BBC – maybe he thought it would be mean spirited to turn away fellow socialists just because they’d asked a few awkward questions).
Imagine if the BBC and those others blessed with a welcome to the exclusive propaganda event in question, had declined as a show of solidarity with those excluded for holding actual power to actual account, and a commitment to free speech!
Which sharpens the focus on the BBC, who appear to have mixed feelings on when critics get expedited as a good thing, and when exclusions are an assault on all freedoms they hold dear.
A multiple of standards serving them ever more poorly as the protest too much, then don’t at all.
Got my reply from the BBC to my complaint about Laura not raising PIE/NCCL relevance in her Newsnight interview with Jack Dromey regarding Pakistani Pedophiles and Rotheram PCC :
I understand you felt that in an interview with Jack Dromey we should have brought up the subject of the PIE in the late 70’s.
The news about current Labour MPs and their previous roles in the National Council for Civil Liberties was dealt with extensively by the BBC earlier this year. And of course at no stage was it ever suggested that either Jake Dromey or Harriet Harman supported paedophilia. You can still read about our coverage here:
The interview on Newnight was more concerned with the refusal of the PPC of North Yorkshire’s refusal to resign over child abuse in Rotherham and the Labour Party’s reaction to that refusal. The BBC is well aware of it’s commitment to impartial reporting and there’s no question of any bias in the conducting of this interview.
I’m sorry you feel otherwise and your complaint has been sent to senior management, news editors and the Newsnight team on our overnight report. This report is amongst the most widely read source of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thank you again for contacting us.
Kind Regards
Terry Hughes
BBC Complaints
MY Full Complaint:
You interviewed Jack Dromey, Labour Shadow Minister about the report on Pakistani abuse of underage girls in Rotherham and the current Labour PCC not resigning.
You did not however report relevant facts of close involvement of ‘Pedophile’ alliances ‘conflict of interest’ of the interviewee and his wife, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, who were both facilitators and giving succor to Pedophile Information Exchange when they themselves were involved with the National Council for Civil Liberties at senior levels many years ago.
One could not imagine Newsnight not taking the opportunity to raise this relevance had it been a Conservative interviewee. Indeed you managed to ‘out’ a non-pedophile Conservative ex-donor, (McAlpine) who you had to compensate for your error.
Why do you selectively do this, giving one the distinct impression you are omitting relevant facts for political reasons?
“The interview on Newnight was more concerned with…”
That was rather obvious. The complaint was about critical context they were not concerned with to the point of astounding uncuriosity, especially when they have shown what they can get concerned about if suitably motivated by political fealty.
“The BBC is well aware of its commitment to impartial reporting and there’s no question of any bias in the conducting of this interview.”
If a BBC droid says so. And no harm repeating such belief ad nauseam if it makes the collective feel it becomes true by being intoned often enough.
Just turned to BBC news (bad move) after watching the abysmal Mega shark Vs Crocodilo (probably more realistic than anything on BBc.) In time for sportsday, a report on practice for F1 Lewis Hamilton shines practise blah blah blah Rosburgh is down the field. Later it transpires Rosbergh had to abort the lap but fails to add this further information from the BBc F1 site”But the German was just under 0.1secs quicker than Hamilton’s best time in the first sector on the lap he had to abort, which suggests the battle between the two will be close once again” How did Button do?Well you’d have to look at the website to get that info.
I’ve said this before about this season, granted Button isn’t having a good season (poor car) but one has to route around online to find just how he has done.
The other thing is that if you’re Sky-less, to follow today’s practice and all important qualification one also has to again route around online, as 5live has football all afternoon and cricket on 5Live Sports Xtra.
That same cricket broadcast is also on Radio 4 Long Wave . True cricket fans listen on Radio 4 LW, why the need to broadcast on 5Live SX as well?
The BBC did a dirty deal with Sky and F1, and it seems now we have all or nothing, still with a small tweak to my satellite dish I am able to watch the action on Germany’s RTL for free, eff you BBC…..
From BBC Magazine section on Plutonium – “It’s best known as the main ingredient of atomic bombs like the infamous Fat Man, dropped on Nagasaki on 9 August 1945, which killed some 70,000 people. Japan surrendered six days later, but the threat of nuclear annihilation locked the world into Cold War for decades.” Infamous? Like the infamous D-Day invasion of Europe which killed tens of thousands but shortened the war, and I also thought that the threat of nuclear annihilation PREVENTED a further European conflict. Methinks the Beeboids pacifist and CND credentials are showing here
Note on BBC breakfast news, (8 40 ish), lots of airtime for a “constitutional expert” from the London School of Extremists oops I mean Economics. on local area separation Re Scotland.
Even had the “desert” attire! … this convert … why? not needed?
and you could tell not interested.
I could be distasteful and say what does interest him, knows quite a bit about separation though …. in land, ideology …. and erm “body”
BUT then again … I won t 😀
The BBC’s coverage of the New Zealand General Election highlights the negatives regarding the right of centre Nationals that is getting nearly twice as many votes as the NZ Labour Party. And they got to mention Edward Snowdon too.
StewGreenFeb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir at 1am quoted the Mail article So it seems that Councillor Sedgewick had some send officers around to the…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 This was a party broadcast by the Labour Party …… 77 brigade to file- community tension indicator to note …
AsISeeItFeb 23, 12:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 View from a lawyer from across the pond “One particularly funny one from the BBC, which is the broadcasting arm…
wwfcFeb 23, 12:22 Weekend 22nd February 2025 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjTnipj_XTQ&ab_channel=DailySoak
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Do you notice how differently the bBC treats religiously motivated attacks to racially motivated ones ? Those Christians beheaded in…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:05 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Excellent news The TTK regime is putting a record number of over 80s in hospital with flu- dont mention the…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 11:54 Weekend 22nd February 2025 In the 70s I was one of the 4% who went to university. At the rate that this lot are…
AsISeeItFeb 23, 11:43 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘at some time there will be personal consequences’ The defence of course will be “I was just acting under orders”
DocmaroonedFeb 23, 11:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 How does this nonsense equate to better healthcare. Diversity has no bearing on medical care. In most cases like eg…
Hooray…I am the first to make an entry……….
My question is – When is Alex Salmond going to be arrested for Treason?
When the Scots wise up to his deconstructionist agenda
…presumably the same time as Blair, Brown, Campbell, Mandelson et al.
Evan Davis just talked to Nigel Farage and said “…the fear of English Nationalism” Farage who is getting better as a statesman didn’t rise to this.
So Scottish nationalism okay but English nationalism bad at the Beeb? Therefore I guess the Guardian, Labour and self regarding commentators will talk of the frightening prospect of English nationalism now and how It’s “oh so different” and ugly from the Scottish kind.
The double standards just makes me want to punch them!! I really do resent having to pay £145 a year so I can watch football on evil Sky
It depends who you support I suppose but it’s not just £145 is it? Add in Sky sports and its a minimum of £46 so that’s a total of £191.
Arsenal, for example, charge £27 for the cheapest tickets so that’s 7 matches that need to be televised before you make a profit with Sky. Fine if you support Arsenal (there are 8 televised matches from September to December) but how many Leicester or Aston Villa matches will be shown live on Sky or Doncaster or Torquay?
You are of course right though. I resent paying that £145 which is why I don’t.
Sky is a choice though. I pay £33 a month for the basic sports package and I go to my local football club who are in the lower leagues so I get my big match fix through Sky and get to football most weekends.
The toads at the BBC can’t seem to get their heads round the choice factor whenever they are slagging off the Daily Mail or Sky
Well of course it is a choice. Just as it is a choice to pay the TV tax – which is why I choose not to.
Fuck ’em.
Stream it instead Simon. 🙂
if you watch football you deserve everything you get
And here’s the print version of what you heard. Anyone not agreeing with muslim child abuse is ‘far right’. As always this is the left’s method of closing down debate.
have you just noticed? They have been saying this since the 1970s. Constantly pandering to the Scottish Nationalism whilst vehemently starving any publicity at all to the English kind of Nationalism, as they falsely claimed that the English kind is racist, whereas the Scottish kind is not.
It may be that the BBC likes the SNP and Scottish nationalism because their politics are way over to the Left, the type the BBC likes. They presumably suspect that English nationalism is based more on freedom of the individual and capitalistic, they type they don’t like.
Yes, Scottish nationalism indicates a revitalising of Scottish identity whereas English nationalism is a dangerous harkening back to a time when English people invaded countries.
Blair repealed the critical parts of the Treason Act… not well publicised at the time..
Never, Labour repealled the treason Act in 1998. Now why would Straw, Bliar etc want to get rid of the Treason Act?
Was just posted on last thread – so hope you do not mind re-post here:
With all the Scotland excitement and Islam crisis we seem to have forgotten the eastern front creeping upon us.
Dangerous times indeed, but Farage got it right and warned in 2008 about EU and NATO Ukrainian adventures likely to cause trouble:
This absolutely pointless EU/NATO prodding of the Russian Bear has meant the annexation of Crimea, an airliner shot out of the sky plus well over 2,000 dead already.
Combining the nature of the Russian psysche with promises made to them on the reunification of Germany that NATO/EU would not expand eastwards, we have got exactly what we asking for, a fight with Putin:
It’s amazing how many times Farage gets it right….considering he is a swivel eyed loon, according to the MSM…it’s also funny how right the evil racists Tommy Robinson & Nick Griffin were…
I don’t recall any of those 3 LYING to the british electorate with the disgusting fable that “Islam is the religion of peace”
But I sure have heard our elected members say it, and our state broadcaster…Both must go for the good of our nation, and the sanity of the people.
The man is amazingly prescient, compared to our own blind liblabcon nutters. He SHOULD be Prime Minister and would be a far better Prime Minister than Cameron or Miliband.
Allowing the already discredited Tel Mama to try and push the islamofauxbia shite again .
An anonymous worker they say . More like they just made the whole lot up .
For INBBC: -Briliant ‘Jihadwatch’ critique of ‘Tell Mama’ from recent archive-
“the organisation stresses its figures only show a glimpse of the full picture, with many victims of racial hate crime afraid to report abuse. Even though Tell Mama UK’s data was collected anecdotally – the Muslim Council of Britain 😀 … supports its claim that there has been an escalation in violence against individuals. ” …
BBC – ya da ya da ya da
So lets be clear … are we talking about the non existent “backlash” again?, like after 9/11, 7/7, Lee Rigby,
or now Rotherham, because haven t the the islamofibbers at Tell MAMA, been caught out before? … trusted BBC source then?
What about the pneumatic BBC reporting of the “100 imams”
all morning? BBC re Alan Hemming?
“Help civilians” – More than 100 British Muslim imams, organisations and individuals wrote to express their “horror and revulsion” etc etc
I urge you to check out the in depth paper on the epidemic of muslim child rape gangs, do you recall the much vaunted “100 imams” that were going to obfuscate the blame in some sermon?
… what that mean t was that over 75% point blank refused to do so … why was that? … and WHY so now?
Any other erm “community” would be falling over themselves to eradicate the very last vestiges of this scum?, not showing such apathy!.
This “100″, includes Imams, MPs, and general so called “community leader” bods, so the quotient is even less!
It is absolutely indicting, on the adherents of Islam, who by the way, if you take obfuscated stats are over 1500 have already rushed over to mass murder, if you take Muslim stats its at least 3 times that …
Yep! that s, 100 condemn, 4500 rush over to perpetrate …
Yet, Lord Ahmed could supposedly muster 10,000 to march on houses of parliament?. Over a visit from a Dutch MP that wanted to show a documentary, that outlined/warned about just the Koran verses that ISIS are using to recruit and justify?
… that’s the reality
Biased Broad Cresent (and Camoron, and Hammond, and Brokenshire, and Ch4) … in full effect?.
Hey relax … “nothing to do with Islam” … right?
just like Islamic State, the Islamic Calliphate, that Islamic adherents, are flocking to, to commit mandated Islamic atrocities? to anyone non Islamic, or not Islamic enough? …
More than ever went to Al Quaida, More than Hamas,
More than any other Islamic terrorist entity?
… from England, Scotland Wales, Sweden France, Holland, greater Europe, Canada, the US?, its not just terror, its the mandated fascist Calliphate wet dream, its Islamic supremacism.
ps nearly forgot
… “that has nothing to do with Islam”
“Yet, Lord Ahmed could supposedly muster 10,000 to march on houses of parliament?. Over a visit from a Dutch MP that wanted to show a documentary, that outlined/warned about just the Koran verses that ISIS are using to recruit and justify?”
Those are not only verses that ISIS are using for recruitment, but they are the most violent verses which ISIS are actually implementing in the most literal manner possible.
And people claim that ISIS are not Muslims, because they implement the Quoran more literally than any other Islamic group on earth? They are the MOST Islamic group there can possibly be!
Who, apart from the brainwashed, actually listens to them anyway?
The BBC showed a UK Imam asking for ISIS to release the Taxi driver Alan Henning. The BBC typically reported it as if the Imam was a moderate. The BBC failed to report what the flag was behind that Imam. Only the black flag of Jihad.
That was after a report prior to the labour party conference which was nothing more than a party political broadcast for labour and was entirely uncritical, and a glowing report on global climate change marches, without notifying the public that there has been NO further warming for the last 20 years…
All in all an entirely and wilfully misleading news programme.
True, but sadly typical.
I don’t think it’s my imagination but I sense the BBC has become even worse and even more shameless in recent months.
Has anyone any idea why that might be?
I see the BBC are up to their usual tricks….Muslim paedophiles in Rotherham, vicous beheadings by ISIS….But the horror you see is that the “far right” are rising…
That is the inverted logic of the liberal progressive left for you. If you condemn the outrageous and extreme bigotry, homophobia and sexist hate of Islam, you must be a racist bigot.
They happily excuse all the most vile and even lethal Islamic bigotry and hatred that Muslims direct at non-Muslims as Muslims are directed to do in many of the verses of the Quoran.
But if you as a white, middle-class, heterosexual male were to say a mildly sexist remark? Then you can be sacked. If you express fond memories of a favourite stuffed gollywog toy from childhood? Then you will be sacked. Claim that an Islamic pervert repeatedly raped children as Jihad rape because he is following specific verses in the Quoran and you can be sacked.
But if you are Islamic and actually gang rape thousands of white working class, non-Islamic children? Then the labour run police Authority will ensure that the police will conveniently “lose” any physical evidence handed in, They will arrest parents trying to rescue their own children, and the social services will take those children into care and deliver those children in taxis to you and your fellow Islamic rapists to be brutally and repeatedly raped!
And if anyone complains about it, then THEY are the racist Islamophobic bigot!?!?
WTF? The deranged and insane logic of the lefty liberal progressive is utterly sickening to witness.
Here’s a missive from Jihad Jon, down under, regarding police sorting out the the Aussie beheading plot:
In his ‘analysis’, he notes the following:
“The news of an alleged plot to publicly behead a random Australian will shock many people here, including the vast majority of this country’s long-established moderate Muslim community.
Many Muslims are unhappy with what’s going on in Iraq and Syria but would never resort to violence. These raids risk antagonising the broader Islamic community.”
What raids? The police raids? Is he seriously suggesting that, although ‘moderate muslims’ in Australia don’t agree with what is going on in Iraq and Syria, we risk upsetting them by rounding up and arresting those members of the muslim community suspected of the beheading terror plot?
Should we leave them to get on with the said plan then, for fear of upsetting the moderate muslims? Some poor innocent civilian gets their head lopped off and draped in the IS flag just to keep the ‘moderate’ muslims sweet?
Further evidence, if needed, that Donnison and tbe BBC are out to bat for Islam. Disgracefully biased.
These raids risk antagonising the broader Islamic community.
The authentic voice of the drippy wibby, softie leftie, hopey changey, liberal left.
Since when has our foreign policy been subcontracted to a bunch of ill-educated, muzzie twenty-something benefit scroungers in the middle and north of England.
The man is a fool. Not biased as such but foolish. A typical liberal projecting his fantasies on to the world.
The first duty of government is to ensure the safety of the people. Whoever is inconvenienced or upset by this has no right to be. The Australian PM acted correctly.
Rotherhams happen when the authorities forget their duty and indulge themselves in fantasies.
We must not let up in our criticism of our elites over this.
“Many Muslims are unhappy with what’s going on in Iraq and Syria but would never resort to violence. These raids risk antagonising the broader Islamic community. ”
True enough, but they welcome other Muslims carrying out Allah’s mission as given to Mohammed to establish a Caliphate that will span the globe. They just fear the inevitable resistance to that Caliphate by non-Muslims who stubbornly refuse to convert.
One thing I noticed generally in the coverage of the Scottish Referendum debate is the lack of discussion of the degree that Scots who do support `Yes` do so out of hatred of England.Of course if the SNP were labelled `right wing ` I bet it would be different
Ah yes – the northern hatred of anyone .who went to a public school in England.
A hate crime, every bit as pernicious as racism, that PIE Harriet never quite got round to sticking on the statute book
As a Northerner I would like to second that statement. I cannot stand Southerners but the ones I hate most of all are those who try to speak ‘Essex’ or Mockney.
Why would anyone want to talk like that? WAWTA instead of Water; Geeza instead of Bloke.
By-Eck everyone should learn to speak like Wallace.
The anonymous bod is a Senior adviser from the Home office who has worked directly with right wing extremists for 27 years and took approximately 2 weeks to alert the BBC that he had observed increase in right wing activity following Rotherham and ISIS atrocities but in 27 years he didn’t observe the BNPS concern that child abuse was taking place all over the UK on an industrial scale. It’s Unbelievable!!! Any legal bods know if the ‘joint enterprise laws’ could be used in Rotherham for all the children who have disappeared.
Nor did the BBC when panorama had agent provocature infiltrated into BNP for months
They have questions to answer about how much they knew about grooming atrocity
Of course the BBC know about large scale child abuse. They regularly have investigative teams prepare programmes about it. They befriend victims, get all the evidence and then dissappear. Look at the Holly Grieg case. Basically the BBC use their news gathering as intelligence gathering in order to alert the high level abuser’s what the victims know and are prepared to divulge, so that effective defences can be created if necessary.
The BBC have actively harboured and defended child abusers for decades… and with the likes of Savile, Hall, Harris et al on their pay-roll, we now know why.
The BBC are paedophile protectors and nothing more.
Curious that the BBC didn’t commission an exit poll. It would have made the post-election coverage much more interesting.
For once, I’m in agreement with the Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/18/scottish-vote-no-exit-poll-democratic-deficit
Hope this helps
Archive on 4 this morning was on the reporting of the Arab/Israeli conflict. There were some good points, but the key theme from first to last was the Palestinians as victims, with side helpings of Jewish terrorists blowing up the King Davis Hotel, the all powerful Israeli airforce bombing civilians in Beirut and the Israeli army standing by during the Sabra and Shatila massacres.
Each single fact was accurate, but the selection of what to include, and equally important what to exclude, guided the listener to the inevitable BBC conclusion that the failure to reach a solution is the fault of the Israelis.
The facts were not accurate as they were totally out of context as to what was going on at the time. Half facts can in fact be lies!!!
This example from BBC reporting years ago will explain. It was reported on the news that a Palestinian woman passenger in a car was shot dead by an Israeli soldier.. Yes that “fact “was true BUT what was NOT reported was that she was wearing a suicide belt and was about to blow herself up and murder people and that if that soldier hadn’t shot her dead , there would have been dozens of civilians who would have been killed. So this news report was at best misleading and at worst was a lie to deliberately give people a false news report .
The throw away comment, while listening to a R4 programme the female interviewer talking about the scot voting said as a matter of fact; Scotland is votes in a more socialist way: or words similar to that.
I then remembered that earlier that day I had seen a little of SKY where they were showing of their referendum suite and the graphics for the 32 voting areas. The presenter then went onto explain the way each seat is likely to vote due to the demographics. The bottow line being the young and the lower economic households are more likely to vote YES.
So if the Scots are supposed to be more socialist then surely acros the whole population should be spread that ethos. But if the SKY bloke was telling the truth, then the young vote YES because at that age they have not had their taxes pissed away by a socialist gov. That leaves the lower economic families who vote YES because they will get more and the higher earning one vote NO because they do not want to pay for it.
So back to the R4 comment, surely then that throw away statement was deceiving, people are voting for their own vested interests and it’s not socialism it’s ‘fuck you jock i’m all right’.
That is exactly why I don’t want 16 year olds being able to vote on anything. The most left wing ones are the middle class ones who mummy and daddy buy everything for and they believe money must grow on trees due to brainwashing by their sub-standard teachers
Couldn’t agree more, 16 year olds fresh from 11 years of brainwashing by lefty teachers.
I had to beat it out of my lad; I used a rolled-up copy of the oxymoron ‘Socialist Worker’
On a serious note,in the year that I was born the voting age was 21, and the minimum school leaving age was 14. So for 90% of the population, you got seven years of living in the real world, after school, before you could cast a vote.
The school leaving age got raised to 16, and at that time around 6% of the population went to university whilst another 14% or so stayed on for A levels. So even then, 80% of the population had a minimum of two years real-world experience before getting to cast a vote.
Now we have arrived at a situation where nearly 50% of the population goes to “university”, often after a so-called “gap year”, but get to vote up to six years before being exposed to the world of paying taxes.
This is why the liberal/left are so keen on extending the time people spend in so-called education, whilst campaigning to continually lower the voting age. All that exposure to leftist propaganda has to have an effect at the ballot box.
Perhaps instead of “no taxation without representation”, we would be better of under a system of “no representation without taxation”.
Yes, it is cynical. Labour are particularly fond of it. Their vote share has been gradually declining since the 1950s, and it will get far worse as the population ages because older people tend to be more right-wing, so they are desperate to get their hands on the young vote.
My Labour MP Rachel Reeves is always pictured in classrooms consorting with the pupils In my schooldays the local MP was only allowed to sit in a chair in the school hall and answer questions from an audience.
The results are now in and the 32 councils voted EXACTLY as the SKY man suggested. The only YES councils were the one’s wanting the handouts.
I reckon the rest of Scotland could live happily without Glasgow and Dundee, should they wish to go their separate ways.
If Glasgow and Dundee floated off, then the brewers of Tennents Extra Strong lager would easily know where their biggest export market was.
Nice to see the BBC1 10:00 News relay an excerpt from the IS propaganda video of captured freelancer John(?) Cantle with Cantle voicing (certainly under duress) the BBC/IS line on Western involvement in Middle Eastern wars. This added nothing to information about what is happening with Cantle but was a completely gratuitous exercise by the BBC in giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
If Muslims get mad about Westerners being in Muslim lands, then they have no fucking idea how mad about them being here I am.
My birth town (Oldham) has turned into an Islamic shit hole, it was well on it’s way when I left in 1988, the same goes for the town of birth of my girlfriend, Luton, and lets not forget Bolton, the neighbouring town where I spent a large proportion of my adult life, or Cheetham Hill in Manchester, where I used to work, or Derby, another town where I have worked, and, of course, where I live now, Watford.
This entire country is turning into an Islamic shithole, I am not sure how much longer I can take it, as we are getting no help whatsoever from our elected members, nor our state broadcaster, who label anyone who finds the Islamic invasion a tad disturbing “Islamophobes” “Bigots” “Racist” or good old “Far right extremists”
Oh I sympathise! Whenever I go back to the area of my birth (West Midlandsistan) it’s only the weather tells me I’m not in Karachi or Mogadishu. You’d never guess from watching Midlands Today that you’re still in England — it’s like watching Al Jazeera.
Too bl**dy right, you should try Wolves and Dudley…
“the same goes for the town of birth of my girlfriend, Luton”
Tell me about it. It’s grim here in Luton now, but one only has to look at the racial breakdown in Luton schools to know that the town is totally lost. The council has cancelled old traditions like a Guy Fawkes fireworks display and town centre Christmas decorations and yet still finds the money for every multi culti crapfest going. There was a time in the early 90s when both Luton North and Luton South were Conservative seats. Only Labour can possibly be elected in both seats now. Blair and Brown’s treason is bearing fruit.
I was speaking with another refugee from Luton on Sunday: she got out a few years ago because of the Islamic influx and headed for the south west of England.
A part of South East London I grew up in has started to go the same way. I was visiting relatives at the weekend and noticed how much it has changed in a pretty short space of time of a year or two and it is sad to see as the whole area is now turning into a shabby mess.
I also bussed through Plumstead and Woolwich and dumpsville doesn’t do it justice
Yep I’m from the East and Leyton, Leytonstone and Stratford are overrun. We had neighbours in the ’60-’70s who were a muslim/Hindu intermarriage (doubt that would happen today), both professionals and were a joy. Couldn’t have wished for better. Now though I despair. I no longer go back.
Try Nelson in Lancashire or Nel-scum as the locals call it. You have to either be able to drive a taxi or make a curry to find work there. If you can do both then you could become Caliph.
Likewise Preston. They are taking over everywhere, and they do not like Mulitculturalism at all. Of course they USE mulitculturalism to get what they want, but as soon as they get it, they want to prevent any other culture establishing themselves.
Once the liberal left have finally given Islam all they want, we will be left with a totalitarian Islamic Monoculture under Sharia law.
I wonder why lefties hate multiculturalism so much that they are allowing Islamic racists to destroy it?
Is the Gazza Flag still flying over Preston Council Building
I don’t know. I haven’t been there in about a year. It was bad enough back then.
Today in the local Plymouth paper there is an article on the planning application for a second mosque here. Not to worry only to be attended by about 50 Kurds (males) plus weekend school, so they have been busy. The paper had a comment section on it. This afternoon there was one comment which started …’congratulations Herald, 33 comments deleted…’ This and the comment box have now been removed. Meanwhile our state broadcaster cannot get enough muslim reporters, presenters etc. ‘Islamic invasion’ is the correct phrase. Middle Ages here we come again.
Whatever the result in Scotland this is hopefully the start of a revival of English patriotism and spirit. The liberal’s worst nightmare and to be ardently desired on account of that.
Time for us shire English to stand up for ourselves and use our strength.
Time to say to hell with London and it’s whining ways and assumption that it is England. It never was and now is definitely not.
The BBC is the epitome of London patronising and whining. I never care to see London again and nor should any of us. Remarkable how the liberal manages to whine and patronise at the same time.
It will take a while but the country is going to change and the virtues of old England resurface. Independence of thought and spirit and stubborness and loyalty . To be free is not just a pious phrase as the liberal would have it but is the natural state of an Englishman.
It is a waste of time listening or arguing with the liberals. They belong to the 60s and to yesterday. The Scots have opened a new chapter for all of us.
There is now a good chance there will be a federation for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
That means that London could become federal British territory and all those Islamic enclaves in Luton, Bradford etc could also be declared British federal territory outside of England.
What I fear is that Cameron is now going to use the devolution issue as an excuse to break England into pieces to give the EU the nine English regions they demand.
We MUST resist this with all we have.
Why? Then it will be really obvious to the population what is going on and they’d start rebelling against it. As it is, it is happening on the sly so people don’t really notice.
Don’t prevent a crisis where a crisis is in the normal course of events.
If our politics leaders had shown a bit of back bone and not panicked over one ugov poll life today might be a bit simpler. Instead we are presented with a constitutional process that has been drawn up on the back of a fag packet. What should have been clear is that the undecided voters were by and large No voters who didnt want to have there houses pelted with eggs. English voters I suspect demand no more than a stop to funding our chilly neighbours and for them (Scot MPs) to have no say in English laws.
Surely no-one wants devolved powers to potty fiefdoms such as Bradford, Liverpool etc – we know how that will go. As far as I am aware the Welsh dont want it either after the mess they have made of their NHS.
Looking at today’s Mail on Sunday it seems my “fag packet” comment about devolution has been lifted and ascribed to a Labour aid!
Surely a coincidence: Do Labour spin-doctors read this site for inspiration?
Yes, encouraging further division within England with silly, sweeping generalisations should work wonders.
I know the shires well and liberal “London – style” attitudes can be found there as well. Bradford’s multicultural mess, for instance, wasn’t solely the product of bad decision making in London. Idiot locals like Eric Pickles were just as bad – arguably worse because they could see what has happening first hand.
“It will take a while but the country is going to change and the virtues of old England resurface.”
When – on Saint Crispin’s Day? These virtues have to come from somewhere but teachers in our education system from north to south have been doing their utmost over the last fifty years to ensure that they won’t. We need the right leaders. Some sort of turnip truck torch and pitchfork uprising won’t work. I don’t see many around but Farage is probably the best available at the moment and, believe it or not, his background is Kent, Dulwich College and commodity broking (!).
The left didn’t have to take over the teaching profession, it just had to take over the teacher training colleges. We should do the same.
Well said.
Geography has nothing to do with it. The last thing we need is infighting within England. Look at Rotherham, idiocy in Sheffield or, going back further, Derek Hatton’s Liverpool. Where were these heroes of the shires then? Sending the wrong people to Parliament, as usual.
“Is sport sexist?”…
A search for the words ‘men’s netball’ in this article returned no results. Is the BBC sexist, more like.
Seriously though, if men and women were allowed to compete against each other in many sports, there would be no female winners at all ever in that sport. Then what would happen in the mind of a lefty / the BBC? Oh, it’s not fair, there have been no women winners of the heavyweight boxing world title since segregation was banned in 2016 (suprise). That’s why sport has evolved to have separate wome’s competition in the first place.
Anyway, just stick it on the list of things that are my fault because I am a white English non-muslim male. That’s that sorted.
It is similar to the way feminist actresses insist on being called “actors”, yet for some reason they do not seem to object to the Oscars and the Baftas having separate categories for Best Actor and Best Actress. I wonder why?
The politically correct left insists on the use of “gender-free” words – such as “chairperson” and “fire-fighter”. But is happy to keep the “gender-specific” ones that are victim words, like “battered wives” and “single mums”.
Very good point!!! I had never thought of that.
Me neither, excellent.
Ok then I want to see mixed gender MMA matches and watch someone like Brock Lesner, Anderson Silva or Frank Mir(google them all) fight a female opponent…is laughable and only in a rabid, unhinged liberal mind would separate sports be deemed sexist.
A non-league football team would beat the England women’s team about 20-0 as well
It’s almost parody with their Sixth Form beliefs now
The team I support (Manchester United) disbanded it’s womens team years ago, basically because it was f*king ridiculous, and no one watched it (One thing about the Glazers is, they know how to make money and what makes it for them)
The BBC cover it as a major sporting event, on a par with the FA cup…why?…because they can, they know it will not financially impact them.
And all very jolly they were about the England rugby world cup for the women too…
Well done ladies, you are the very best in your field…WOMENS Rugby, but you are NOT the best at that sport, not any where near.
That is why I like Motor Sport. Women can compete equally in equal equipment if they are good enough.
Sport SHOULD be equal. Men Vs Women, then we will see if the women are good enough and worth equal prize money. IF they win, then they deserve it.
I’d like to see those fight women too preferably in a pool of babyoil
The BBC are certainly taking advantage of this to offer a platform to various lefties who want to give votes to sixteen year olds.
Why sixteen? Why not fifteen, twelve, ten?
The sole reason the lefties want this is because they know young teens are naive, all heart and ignorance, just what the brainwashers like.
That’s already started. Alex Salmond has told us what a success it was to allow 16-17 year olds to vote, and I heard another Labour politician say it should be extended to all elections. With no evidence as to why it was thought to be such a success.
Now watch the BBC climb on board with constant puff-pieces from supporters of such a change.
Quite so. I groaned aloud when I heard that the unutterably dim Cameron had agreed to Salmond’s demand that 16-year-olds should vote in the Scottish referendum. For it was immediately obvious to everyone (except Cameron and his clique, apparently) that Labour would at their earliest opportunity seize on this change to impose 16-year-old voting in general elections – to their great advantage.
You’re right, but the comment pre-supposes that Labour will ever have the chance to impose 16 yr old voting on us.
Watching the analysis of the scottish decision on bbc news this morning, and listening to Miliband’s speech earlier, they are all in agreement that the Lowthian question needs to be resolved, but no comment on what that means for the Labour party. Nothing is joined up with the BBC.
For crying out loud, 16 years olds given the vote. If TPTB can’t see that it is a ridiculous idea then they are further out of touch with reality than I thought. In my view the voting age should be raised not lowered and we should stop giving it to anybody that doesn’t contribute to society. Oh and also stop giving it to recent immigrants.
ID go further than that , dont give it to any immigrants who do not hold citizenship.
As for sixteen year olds they are all naive and mostly clueless as I was at that age.
imigrants who arent citizens are not allowed to vote. My wife is one of them. On the voter registration I have to put her down as a member of the household but state she is no a British Citizen so not entitles to vote.
But Hey Presto! she still get a voting card! I have to tell her its illegal for her to cast her vote so she doesn’t vote.
and then I user her vote.. only joking of course!
You can see why the Beeb would be latching onto this like it’s a great revelation: apparently we’re not just a mongrel nation, but a mongrel continent.
Well yeah, everyone knows that Europeans didn’t spring from the earth fully formed, and that there have been migrations of people over the millenia, but note no significant influxes into Europe after 7,000 years ago. Until now . . .
The level of immigration into Europe since 1945 is literally unprecedented in human history. Anyone who is not a fully paid up Leftist self hater knows it will not end well.
What a piece of desperate ,convoluted piece of fabrication that was and no contrary view allowed .
Just as with global warming, the liberal Inquisition will blatantly tie themselves in knots to maintain their lysenkoist orthodoxy,and we the wayward flock must except the priest class interpretation of the mysteries (despite the evidence of our senses) or be excommunicated .
Can any one name a country that in recorded history that has become paler as a result of immigration. were are all those blue eyed north African farmers now?
The whole out of Africa theory is flawed and only in the intellectually masochistic west is it accepted as absolute truth, There’s good reason to believe that the present European population has remained essentially unchanged for the last 37,000 years-until now
And so the votes are in and it’s a resounding 10 point victory for the “No” camp.
But don’t let that stop Dame Nicky and his 5Live cohorts dwelling on what might have been. Coverage is almost 100% dedicated to tearful “Yesers” crying into their pints of heavy.
Almost as if the Beeb’s agenda and favoured outcome has been dashed.
Biased wankers
Scottish cousins I feel your pain I truly do.But do not despaire you need not wait another generation to try again
,simply just apply you ample (if not amiable) talents to the cause of English independents .I’m sure you will get the result you we both want . Waes Hail cousin ,Waes Hail
If Camoron was so amenable to a referendum over scotland and was able to set up a vote within a few months, why can I not be offered a referendum about whether or not I remain in Europe? Of course Camoron has still managed to make himself look like a complete tosser as he has virtually offered the scots independence in all but name anyway.
bbbc will quickly move on from this news as it is not the news that they wanted.
Lord Farage of England – your time is almost here!!
The Islamic State of Britain Organisation have announced that there will be a bombing and beheading in London next Tuesday morning, as reflection of spontaneous Muslim anger over western policy in the Middle East and growing Islamophobia in Britain. The Prime Minister, speaking on the BBC, has warned against the dangers of a backlash against ordinary Muslims and urged people not to write vaguely unpleasant things on Twitter.
I thought this from guido is so good; I copied it whole.
Vlad the Loudhailer says:
September 19, 2014 at 7:18 am
RMS TITANIC UNION the film and sequel
The cast
Gordon McRuin – the one eyed, mad ship’s pilot.
Captain Darling -the quiet, reserved ship’s captain.
Call me Dave – the first officer responsible for deck chairs.
Nick Clogg – the cabin boy who specialises in towel folding.
Alex Almond – owner of the competing Blue Saltire Line.
New supporting cast
Ed Milliamp – the bacon sandwich loving ship’s electrician.
The story so far: Alex Almond the evil owner of the competing Blue Saltire Line has given Captain Darling a dodgy navigation chart that has fooled most of the crew in deliberately steering the ship onto the rocks, causing certain doom.
The terrifying one eyed ships pilot McRuin is clinging to the ships wheel, screaming abuse at Captain Darling and hurling his mobile phone around the bridge. Meanwhile on the top deck the first officer of deck chairs, Call me Dave is trying to line up the sun loungers in colour coordinate groups. Below decks, cabin boy Nick Clogg, whose towel folding skills delight first class cabin passengers, is honing his skill in making a giraffe from a hand towel.
Will the great ship of state “RMS Titanic Union” hit the rocks and sink? Will Alex Almond pull off his greatest stunt and steer his Blue Saltire Line to success? Will McRuin manage to miss the rocks and hit the harbour wall? Will Captain Darling’s eyebrows turn white with the stress? Has Nick made a giraffe or is it a dodo? Has Call me Dave managed to pull off successfully merging the tope and light brown loungers in an inspiring floral arrangement?
So many questions, the answer and premier will happen Friday 19th September.
Alex Almond is a broken man; his evil scheme for the Saltire Line has not succeeded. RMS Titanic Union has narrowly missed the rocks but has hit the harbour wall and is taking on water. Captain Darling instructed Milliamp to man the pumps; however Milliamp is having difficulty as he can’t understand why they are having a discussion about footwear. McRuin’s unusual navigational skills has involved leaving the bridge and shouting at the passengers , meanwhile Nick has finished his towel folding and is now busy placing a chocolate on every pillow.
Call me Dave has succeed in pulling off his inspirational arrangement with the sun loungers and some of the delusional crew believe this has helped in saving the boat but many of the passengers are beginning to doubt he will ever become the great helmsman.
Meanwhile RMS Titanic Union is slowly sinking in the harbour.
I believe the English are just about sick to death of this ‘UK’ show, and enough is enough.
The Blue Satire Line is now bankrupt and has been sold to China for the Yangtze River trade, and will be renamed the Indo-China Steam Navigation Company Ltd.
Can we now have an English vote about the Union?
There’s a strong element in Scotland that act like petulant spoilt teenagers rebelling against mum and dad by threatening to leave home. You’ll be sorry when I go, so there!
You’d really think that 16 year olds had been given the vote……
Wait a minute….
The No majority should strengthen Cameron’s hand to give less not more away. But it won’t happen.
Scotland has voted ‘No’ and i can start to watch the news again. But, I will leave it till Monday?
Whilst they extol the virtues of unfettered immigration and pan-EU arrest warrents (à la Nick Clegg) the BBC with their plethora of child protection inquiries might like to take this case into consideration.
‘Police investigating the disappearance of Alice Gross want to speak to a Latvian man’
But that’s not the whole story..
‘Latvian police confirmed that Zalkalns had served a custodial sentence after he was convicted of killing his wife in his country in 1998.’
‘Scotland Yard said 41-year-old Arnis Zalkalns – who disappeared a week after Alice – had also been arrested for the alleged indecent assault of a 14-year-old girl in London in 2009’
That would be a murderous paedophile, then, welcomed into the UK by a self-elected, multicultural-imposing, ‘liberal’ elite. Thanks very much to you all, you know who you are.
Yes and the plod as usual let him go. Didn’t bother checking his past in Latvia. Probably told them he was a Muslim then handcuffs off an apology and sent on his way and a bit of advice about being more discrete in future
Right now the political class that dictates BBC policy will be studying the success of the ‘No’ vote for strategy tips on any referendum we might manage to prize out of our masters in Westminster.
Whatever your views on the desirability of Scottish independence, the same scare tactics used against it will be wheeled out against independence from the EU.
Expect weapons-grade propaganda field tested north of the border!
Salmond couldn’t get his way despite only a 50% finish line, kids voting, a biased pro-independence media, and the shit of Scotland stirred to vote. The flipside is he managed to get 45% of the vote for independence with no cohesive plan or strategy appealing to the anti-British sentiments of the benefit junkies. The next few days I’ll keep my head down as the Yessers conduct their post-mortem and decide who to blame. Their nazi-style intimidation, rallies, aggression and downright refusal to accept facts actually I think swayed the don’t knows against them. So if we can lose ‘The Tories The Tories The Tories’ mentality and constant grievance we can maybe move on. But I won’t hold my breath.
And dont forget foreigners voting too, EUers who knew that if Britain pulls out of the EU tyhen Scotland wouldnt thus allowing them two bites of the cherry.
It was actually very instructive. There was indeed a barrage of scare statistics used by “no”, though I felt most had some basis in fact, or perhaps in possibility is a better way to phrase it. It is, I think, inevitable that a “no” campaign will, by its very nature, be negative. However Alex Salmond was remarkable in the way he could get away with simply a “naw it isnae” reply and no-one seemed prepared or able to pin him down on it. One was strongly reminded of Obama’s hopey-changey which seemed impervious to questions of “how, exactly?”. Much like UKIP in the Euros, it seemed like the more negativity was thrown, the more the electorate dug in their heels. Who knows how it might have turned out if Salmond had been prepared to spell out what he’d do if the rest of the UK refused a currency union, instead of “naw they winnae”.
So, in the event of a Euro referendum the “outs” can expect a full attack of scares and in that scenario it would also have the BBC against it. That wasn’t the case in the Scottish vote, in my opinion though some here may disagree. These scares will to a degree be counterproductive but you’re only looking to frighten enough to get your 50%. So it’s essential to be ready for them and answer in detail the “what-if” scenarios. I don’t think UKIP would get away with the non-answers that Eck did.
Turning to intimidation and aggression. I never directly experienced that, but perhaps was spared the worst in Edinburgh. There’s no doubt that “yes” was extremely well organised and it seemed like they were the only ones around: you felt that you were in a definite minority as a “no” voter and that’s highly dispiriting. I think that boils to a left/right divide. The left have always been more vocal and in a EU referendum we would be at a distinct disadvantage. That is something that would need to be countered. Still, as my mother puts it, “Empty vessels make most noise”.
Roland, when there is a panel discussion, the one doing all the talking and then talks over anyone else who tries to put in their view; is usually the rabid lefty. I agree their energy for doing things is nearly inexhaustible, shame it is always for themselves.
I think the best political quote I heard is when asked ‘why not do the correct thing’; the politician replied ‘ Oh! it easy to do the right thing that’s equitable to most people, it’s getting re-elected after that’s difficult’.
‘..remarkable in the way he could get away with simply a “naw it isnae” reply and no-one seemed prepared or able to pin him down on it. One was strongly reminded of Obama’s hopey-changey which seemed impervious to questions of “how, exactly?”
So, basically, it all revolves around, and is founded on the notion of belief over substance.
This can of course only work if those managing the communications spigot have the power and will to turn it on when the belief is strong and they like it, and off when watertight oversight or outright censorship is required.
The BBC is too uniquely placed to do just that, and has long since lost any trust to handle the role sensibly or impartially.
I was of the feeling there would be no winners to this, but even as the BBC and Labour assess just how their support base reacts to their roles, I don’t think I am the only one to have just written to my MP to ask about English votes for English laws (something the Culture Sec. seems keen on), The West Lothian Question, Barnett Formula, etc.
And once democratic equitability on these are worked through, maybe the silent majority may get interested in such as PC suppression to suit minorities and their until now gilded guardians.
The reaction to the BBC’s predictable, naked and to order attempt to shunt concerns about imported murder and rape onto ‘right wing bigots’ that swept up a few not in that category or keen on the attempt in association, still rumbles.
Currently it’s hard to imagine who the BBC has not managed to piss off royally, which is a talent few market rates could manage.
On FaceBook:
The Today Programme
LISTEN: William Hague says Barnett formula will continue but will become less of an issue
And so #DevoFudge oozes into being, with political minnows like Hague and Miliband dissembling, all promoted by a £4Bpa PR machine that tells you to ‘LISTEN’.
So, basically, it all revolves around, and is founded on the notion of belief over substance.
Which is pretty much par for the course for any political discussion. IMHO.
Right now, BBC reporters are saying (and have been saying all morning on TV news) that another referendum could arise in Scotland in 2017, if the rest of the UK votes to leave the EU at that point.
They never miss an opportunity!
The Big difference is the UK has a central bank and can survive economically as independent, in fact we would thrive, being the world’s sixth largest economy.
Scotland could not make the same claim.
Had to laugh at this:
Brigadoon vanishes for another 100 years
“BBC political editor Nick Robinson said: “Luckily, I have not fallen in love with a feisty lassie and I am getting the fuck out of here.””
2hrs 10
“backlash” concern … yes there should be
Trojan Horse, Sharia vigilante patrols, escalated Islamic anti-Semitism, Islamic violent protests, escalated numbers Islamic Jihadis, Islamic, beheadings here and in Syria/Iraq …
If the government grew a spine, was openly pro active in surveillance on mosques, on problematic muslim areas. publicly
seen to be pro active in universities, on madrassas, in schools to root out and come down hard on Islamonazism, the public would feel secure, if Islamic entities joined with them, even more so.
Or … you can chase a non existent spectre, deliberately over estimate what is honesty a non threat, whilst ignoring the glaring reality of one growing expedientially, and get disharmony in the majority of the UK public.
One year on: remembering, and censoring Kenya jihad massacre.
INBBC does have a feature on Nairobi, Westgate shopping mall massacre of 21 September 2013: but no reference that perpetrators were Islamic jihadists.
Is INBBC now in full political far-left mode and redacting all references to Islamic jihad nature of massacres in recent times, in political line with what INBBC is doing on ‘Islamic State’?
‘Jihadwatch’ of a year ago:-
[Opening extract];-
“Here… is a statement from Shaykh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, the leader of Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM), the Mujahideen Youth Movement of Somali that carried out the Kenya mall jihad mass murder last week. Shaykh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr is well pleased with the murders, and explains why with multiple quotations from the Qur’an and Hadith — not that this has anything to do with Islam, of course.”
Islamic State:
– a ‘Fox News’ report, NOT an INBBC report:-
“Law enforcement bulletin warned of ISIS urging jihad attacks on US soil”
Traitor Alert: bBC news — Alarm — watchout for the bBC to use the words ‘regions of the UK’. This is to stop you thinking about ENGLAND and towards the EU divide and conquer system of ‘regions’.
The bBC giving out Labour pro EU propaganda.
Don’t you just love the BBC. Just watched the Referendum coverage and they had a grumpy clown in a kilt and turbine grumbling about the result and then over to Wales and Peter Haine for his opinion on constitutional change. Never saw a Tory all Night.
Not bias, but what a dreadful mess BBC coverage was of the Scot referendum. All style over substance, garish graphics and hyper presenters. Sky did it so much better.
wdr puts it well…
Though inspired by #indyref reporting and fallout, this from the BBC house journal was interesting.
Not least because it was clearly a ‘there-there’ to prop up Aunty, but with fair degree of wiggle room. Posed as an ‘in general’ question, and with comments enabled. These latter were fun too, as a bit of drip on drip friendly fragging…
“Anyone who disagrees with you just has a different view, nothing more.”
“Which is fair enough. But you then go on to make comments about the “Yestapo”. So anyone who disagrees with your opinion is Yestapo?”
Plenty more on plenty else as you scroll through.
A fascinating insight into media droite du seigneur exposed from within, and ironically all about bias, or not,.
Thing is, in amongst the rhetoric and robust posturing, there are some crucial facts raised and if not proven, left uncountered to lead one to suspect a few skeletons exist, are known to exist, and dare not be mentioned.
One, at the top, is the use, and abuse, of the edit suite to leave in, or omit (for all manner of poorly excused reasons, for once not haughtily FOI dismissed) to suit much more than reporting, through ‘analysis’ and well on to agenda.
The fun part it was/is two traditionally supportive sides having this spat because both feel betrayed by the other and it shows no signs of abating.
Operation Beebarossa?
‘..at least half the population of Scotland are thoroughly sick & fed up with being smeared as neo-fascist bullies.’
Try being a parent in or near Rotherham or a law-abiding pensioner near a Tower Hamlet no-go area, as the BBC trots out dawn to dusk propaganda based on an anonymous source’s claims to a single reporter.
‘… is protest against the state broadcaster which has an academically confirmed bias not allowed?’
Ask Rona. Maybe she can explain the reasoning behind expediting critics ‘to save licence fee payers’ money’ based on their little secret rules and committees when the BBC runs out of ways to say it believes it is about right, as that is all they have.
Less ‘the media’ under attack, but getting very defensive when exposed how poorly it handles being held to account when it can’t control the pitch, invited audience, referee, etc.
Another name for Al BBC to obfuscate over …
so Al Quaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Nusra now Khorasan
mind you, across the pond just as bad as Camoron, Hammond and co are here in the UK.
Senate votes 78-22 for Obama’s plan to arm jihadis against … other jihadis
The BBC are now concentrating on the real agenda following the referendum , the dismemberment of England into petty socialist fiefdoms under the pretence of “greater democracy” , every mention of an English parliament is immediately shouted down in favour of regional assemblies.
BBC News 24 clearly decided that whatever the outcome today was the day to hammer Cameron and thus thinks that a simple thing like barring non English MPs from voting on devolved matters is ridiculous but giving Labour dominated areas their own governments isn’t.
Agree. The BBC are already trying their tricks to pour cold water all over the notion of English votes on English laws and taxes. They just can’t bear the thought of the English having their say on anything, probably because they believe it will be to the right of the cosy Liberal Left Elite consensus that they have helped to build over the past 40 years. They simply don’t want to see England as a nation, after all that would undo at a stroke all their work over the past decades undermining the notion of an English nation.
Anyway they are already deploying their tricks such as:
> bringing on experts who say that it will take years to reform the constitution and that it must be done by widespread consensus, which is code for kicking it into the long grass and giving a Labour a veto. Don’t remember much of this when the original Devolution Acts for Scotland and Wales was rammed through parliament. Nor when Gordon popped up and bribed the Scots a couple of weeks ago.
> linking an English parliament with a racist agenda, they call it the nasty head of English nationalism. No such name calling for the Scots or Welsh of course.
> claiming that the English would rather have devolution to the regions than a parliament and producing a series of puffed up local councilors as evidence of this
>claiming it couldn’t work because then there would be two types of MPs at Westminster and because a Labour Government in the UK could face the possibility ( probability) that their writ would not run in England. It doesn’t occur to them that Westminster won’t have any powers over devolved matters in any of the home nations and only sit on Federal matters.
>downplaying the obvious unfairness and illogicality of having Scots and Welsh MPs voting issues in England that they can’t vote on in their own countries.
No doubt the BBC will come up with other ways of trying to stop an English Parliament. Lets keep an eye open. I’ve written to my MP ( a Tory) saying that I strongly wish there to be an English Parliament and that it should exactly the same powers as those proposed for Scotland. Nothing less will do.
Yes, even Sheikh al Galloway was on this bandwagon
on Sunday Politics. Great opportunity to further sharia
law under the pretext of regional devolution and “localism”
All with Labour connivance of course as the “white working class” is no longer in great favour
I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before Donison, Doucet, Al Bowen et all tweet a link to this:
Gazans Speak Out: Hamas War Crimes
Interesting tail markings on this Russian aircraft – is there something we should know?
“Royal Air Force Lossiemouth began a new era in its history on the 1st of September when it assumed the provision of what the RAF calls the ‘Quick Reaction Alert (Interceptor) North” or Q’ran for short perhaps
Now that is just brilliant! I wish I could double like a post.
Stupid threading again. Though ‘Mike’s’ post was funny, Old Goat’s was the intended target of my gratitude.
Only at the BBC would the resignation of a jumped up squatting toad face like Salmonella be “breaking news. for which we interrupt our schedules”.
4.30 today on Radio 4.
We should all be ashamed at ourselves for thwarting Ossies dream…especially those Tartan turncoats who said they`d vote for the Braveheart Bulimix…only to “do a Major” and vote to stay at the English teat a while longer.
The Beeb then followed up on PM with two jox(nats naturally) telling us that the vote actually did no such thing as lay this crap to bed…what it MEANT was that the vulnerable of Castlemilk and Easterhouse begged for the justice that only Alex brought to them all-and the Unionist Tory Uncle Tams had better raise that broo, and dole out yet more bawbees to the underclass of Scotland.
There was me thinking that 55% wanted no part of Labour/SNP Venezuelan experiments…but that`s not what the BBC will be wanting to consider.
So easy being a thick lefty scummie isn`t it?…Kirsty, Jim, Eddie will be weeping into their blagged whiskies tonight…
Anybody able to tell me why it is that Scotland got a referendum on whether, or not to smash a union that has now lasted for over 300 years…but we get no prospect of any referendum about another union that has only been about for forty or so…and has brought this nation to its knees far more that the one Scotland has had with us?
Maybe a BBC liberal lefty eejit might tell us why…or at least give us reasons why Scotland gets one, but we don`t when it comes to the Godawfully evil European Union.
I would love to know what the referendum vote percentages would have been if the 16 and 17 year old had been excluded. In fact, these day I would love to see the same with the under 25yrs old excluded aswell…….
Still, I expect the bbbc will be ahead of me with this and they will make a nice deep newsnight article to present
Sky showed the vote breakdown of each age group. 16-17 year-olds were 72% Yes if I recall, but 18-24(?) were only 48%.
The BBC has obviously moved onto plan B now, change onto Breaking up England.
What on earth gives them the idea that just when British people living in the Scottish region have voted AGAINST independence i.e. to stay together, that this means there is a demand in ENGLAND that we disintegrate?
Britain is a tiny country and we, native ethnic British, are all the same ethnic group, intermingled interbred with only minor regional differences. This desire from the Globalist BBC for ‘devolution’ is simply another backdoor attempt to weaken Westminster by removing its powers and bring us under the EU jackboot.
Given ‘The Guardian’s strongly pro- BBC political agenda:-
“BBC royal charter renewal: Scottish no vote could lead to a federal corporation.”
Best news of the day?
JOYCE THACKER, head of Rotherham social servies resigns:-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“Beleaguered head of social services at Rotherham Council finally quits
in wake of child abuse scandal.
“Joyce Thacker, head of Rotherham’s social services, has finally resigned.
“She had been under pressure since the Jay Report was published.
“This found that children were exploited in the town between 1997 and 2013.
“Until now, Ms Thacker had fought to keep her ‘six-figure’ salary job.
“But council said she is ‘to leave by mutual agreement, with immediate effect.’
“It comes ten days after she attended Commons Home Affairs Committee.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2762739/Beleaguered-head-social-services-Rotherham-Council-finally-quits-wake-child-abuse-scandal.html#ixzz3Dn1y61sV
2.) BBC-NUJ (without news prominence)-
“Rotherham abuse scandal: Children’s services director Joyce Thacker quits.”
In terms of political opportunism and cynicism , a ‘good’ day to bury such news?
Mike Hancock was ditched at midnight too. Dirty old perv, ably supported by the Lib Dems for years.
It’ll be interesting to know what sort of payoff she will get – not that we will ever find out (data protection dontyaknow).
“Rotherham scandal: Criticised child-service boss quits in secret deal.
“THE £130,000-a-year head director of children’s services at scandal-hit Rotherham Council has finally stood down after agreeing a secret severance package.”
By Paul Jeeves.
These people have failed to do their jobs. I cannot understand why they get pay offs.
They should face prosecution instead.
The PTB are really trying to bury this story. They must not be allowed to do it.
It is the one thing that will bring the whole rotten edifice of liberalism down and they know it.
In a couple of months she’ll pop up in another well paid job. She knows too much to be abandoned.
Her Common Purpose buddies will look out for her.
Come on, she has paid contributions in up to this point, her employer had not found her performance dismissable on grounds of misconduct. She should be refunded those contributions, rather than being given a pension, which is worth a lot more, and given on the assumption her performance continues to be acceptable, which it isn’t. Employment law has been tweaked and tweaked by Labour while you weren’t watching, and Theresa May/ Cameron doesn’t have a clue how we are being screwed, let alone how to undo it. What happens when you vote for PR spivs instead of leaders. Nigel can do better.
God, anyone watching the BBC would be forgiven for thinking that Salmond et al won the referendum. The BBC just have to bum-lick the SNP that little bit further. Their apotheosis of the Salmondo Messiah continues. But, the anti-English nationalists lost, and by a clear majority… but now the rattles out of the pram start. I just hope the bBC doesn’t continue to provide them with a platform. Now is the time to tell the YESNP to get LOST!
Long live the GLORIOUS UNION!!!!!!!!
I have just been to an English pub to take some English beer (two pints, only). Unfortunately, the hideous bbc news 24 news channel was on display. It was right in my line of sight so I had difficulty not looking at it. I became awarre that theyw ere just celebrating the ‘Yes’ campaign escept for a brief 15 minutes when had had some programme on where they were denying allegations of bias. I then left the pub to drive home and of course I listened to R4 en route………………..
I was wrong, I thought the no campaign had given a significant thumbs down to independence. However, I must be wrong because it know appears (obviously after a back room discussion by the faceless news policy editors) that Salmond is, in fact the hero of the country and he was an absolutely marvelous statesman whom everyone thought was a hero until the sad moment when he resigned. What a hero!!!
Funny though, my thinking must be wrong because I thought that this left wing marxist, anti westminster liar should have been arrested for treason.
I am now confused……………..
Change your pub.
The really big repurcussion from this 18 month self-deliberation is that the West Lothian question is now the paramount question that needs discussing at Westminster.
If Newsnight tonight focusses on Labour’s latest announcement about regional assembly devolution crap then Newsnight is a Labour stooge. No question.
(But we already knew that anyway).
Newnight had Andrew Neil questioning Chukka, the slimy egotist, who was obviously stumped on commenting at all on the unfairness of the West Lothian Question, other than attempts at obfuscation ‘I represent a London Borough’ and the inevitable ‘Labour will hold a review’ .
But one has to say Dave has played a blinder if he has got the West Lothian question on to the table at last, especially connecting it to the same time frame as more powers for Scotland.
The ‘English question’ is now truly in a pot that will boil over into real discontent should they fail to curtail the obvious unfairness of the current system of Scottish Labour holding the English balance of power in Westminster. You can only push the English so far and Labour have reached the margins.
Hopefully we will get some more positives from the Jocks result!
It was great to see chucky Armani comprehensively sliced and diced by Neil though wasn’t it ? The offended look on his metropolitan progressive face when Neil asked him to name three Scottish labour MPs in the middle of his evasive waffle about Labour proposing endless consultation of the people over the English devo question was priceless and made my week.
At midday Neil had similarly made a fool of Michael Fallon, Defence Secy put up to spout the party line for the Tories. Neil is head and shoulders above virtually all the BBC – and Channel 4 – reporters, well-briefed, incisive – and balanced.
VIOLENCE IN GLASGOW AS SCOTTISH REFERENDUM CAMPAIGNERS CLASH – http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/09/19/Violence-In-Glasgow-Supporters-Square-Off
The BBC are being very quiet about this.
Perhaps they don’t want to be accused of taking sides by pointing out that the Yes voters are apparently primarily responsible.
Newsnight tonight is telling me that the great helmsman Salmond has fallen on his claymore in a gesture worthy of Rob Roy and William Wallace combined.
There was me thinking that he was the duplicitous spineless toad that allows Al Magrabhi a few more years back home in Libya.
Yet more guff about the noble Yes campaign being traduced by the fear`t forces of conservatism…probably the bloody Ulster Proddies again, denying the BBC their Braveheart fantasies.
Total liars, self-deluded toytown rebels.
Salmond excluded the Mail, the Telegraph and the Express from his resignation press conference (although apparently not the BBC – maybe he thought it would be mean spirited to turn away fellow socialists just because they’d asked a few awkward questions).
I think that spoiled the dignity of the occasion.
Imagine if the BBC and those others blessed with a welcome to the exclusive propaganda event in question, had declined as a show of solidarity with those excluded for holding actual power to actual account, and a commitment to free speech!
But, they didn’t, did they?
The BBC didn’t, but in fairness to the Guardian, they did.
Good for them, then.
Which sharpens the focus on the BBC, who appear to have mixed feelings on when critics get expedited as a good thing, and when exclusions are an assault on all freedoms they hold dear.
A multiple of standards serving them ever more poorly as the protest too much, then don’t at all.
Got my reply from the BBC to my complaint about Laura not raising PIE/NCCL relevance in her Newsnight interview with Jack Dromey regarding Pakistani Pedophiles and Rotheram PCC :
I understand you felt that in an interview with Jack Dromey we should have brought up the subject of the PIE in the late 70’s.
The news about current Labour MPs and their previous roles in the National Council for Civil Liberties was dealt with extensively by the BBC earlier this year. And of course at no stage was it ever suggested that either Jake Dromey or Harriet Harman supported paedophilia. You can still read about our coverage here:
The interview on Newnight was more concerned with the refusal of the PPC of North Yorkshire’s refusal to resign over child abuse in Rotherham and the Labour Party’s reaction to that refusal. The BBC is well aware of it’s commitment to impartial reporting and there’s no question of any bias in the conducting of this interview.
I’m sorry you feel otherwise and your complaint has been sent to senior management, news editors and the Newsnight team on our overnight report. This report is amongst the most widely read source of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thank you again for contacting us.
Kind Regards
Terry Hughes
BBC Complaints
MY Full Complaint:
You interviewed Jack Dromey, Labour Shadow Minister about the report on Pakistani abuse of underage girls in Rotherham and the current Labour PCC not resigning.
You did not however report relevant facts of close involvement of ‘Pedophile’ alliances ‘conflict of interest’ of the interviewee and his wife, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, who were both facilitators and giving succor to Pedophile Information Exchange when they themselves were involved with the National Council for Civil Liberties at senior levels many years ago.
One could not imagine Newsnight not taking the opportunity to raise this relevance had it been a Conservative interviewee. Indeed you managed to ‘out’ a non-pedophile Conservative ex-donor, (McAlpine) who you had to compensate for your error.
Why do you selectively do this, giving one the distinct impression you are omitting relevant facts for political reasons?
“The interview on Newnight was more concerned with…”
That was rather obvious. The complaint was about critical context they were not concerned with to the point of astounding uncuriosity, especially when they have shown what they can get concerned about if suitably motivated by political fealty.
“The BBC is well aware of its commitment to impartial reporting and there’s no question of any bias in the conducting of this interview.”
If a BBC droid says so. And no harm repeating such belief ad nauseam if it makes the collective feel it becomes true by being intoned often enough.
‘That was rather obvious’
Yes, it was wasn’t it?
Just turned to BBC news (bad move) after watching the abysmal Mega shark Vs Crocodilo (probably more realistic than anything on BBc.) In time for sportsday, a report on practice for F1 Lewis Hamilton shines practise blah blah blah Rosburgh is down the field. Later it transpires Rosbergh had to abort the lap but fails to add this further information from the BBc F1 site”But the German was just under 0.1secs quicker than Hamilton’s best time in the first sector on the lap he had to abort, which suggests the battle between the two will be close once again” How did Button do?Well you’d have to look at the website to get that info.
I’ve said this before about this season, granted Button isn’t having a good season (poor car) but one has to route around online to find just how he has done.
The other thing is that if you’re Sky-less, to follow today’s practice and all important qualification one also has to again route around online, as 5live has football all afternoon and cricket on 5Live Sports Xtra.
That same cricket broadcast is also on Radio 4 Long Wave . True cricket fans listen on Radio 4 LW, why the need to broadcast on 5Live SX as well?
The BBC did a dirty deal with Sky and F1, and it seems now we have all or nothing, still with a small tweak to my satellite dish I am able to watch the action on Germany’s RTL for free, eff you BBC…..
From BBC Magazine section on Plutonium – “It’s best known as the main ingredient of atomic bombs like the infamous Fat Man, dropped on Nagasaki on 9 August 1945, which killed some 70,000 people. Japan surrendered six days later, but the threat of nuclear annihilation locked the world into Cold War for decades.” Infamous? Like the infamous D-Day invasion of Europe which killed tens of thousands but shortened the war, and I also thought that the threat of nuclear annihilation PREVENTED a further European conflict. Methinks the Beeboids pacifist and CND credentials are showing here
Note on BBC breakfast news, (8 40 ish), lots of airtime for a “constitutional expert” from the London School of Extremists oops I mean Economics. on local area separation Re Scotland.
Even had the “desert” attire! … this convert … why? not needed?
and you could tell not interested.
I could be distasteful and say what does interest him, knows quite a bit about separation though …. in land, ideology …. and erm “body”
BUT then again … I won t 😀
The BBC’s coverage of the New Zealand General Election highlights the negatives regarding the right of centre Nationals that is getting nearly twice as many votes as the NZ Labour Party. And they got to mention Edward Snowdon too.