Andrew Neil is keeping Newsnight’s head above water. That section on Newsnight with Wark interviewing mostly “Yes” supporters was awful. Just a chance for them to indulge in expressing sour grapes.
Dateline Scotland (wtf?) today was similarly about defeated and moribund guests.
Looks like the BBC are out to trash the ‘No’ voters as this article outlines clashes in Glasgow last night. Note how it’s only the Unionists who are described as ‘thugs’ despite there been two opposing groups. All the photos are of Union Jack toting ‘thugs’ too.
The BBC also reports a stabbing and a fire neither of which, it says, took place. It should be obvious to the meanest intelligence that these were SNP lies to inflame their supporters but the Unionists get the blame nonetheless
Have you seen this?
I myself would dump westminister all together and establish witan somewhere in middle of England ,but this would be a start.
I have no doubt that most (not all – outside of BBC post-incident revisionism self defence can be necessary and legitimate) clashes between groups involve unsavoury elements more interested in the heat of battle than the light of peaceful dialogue and persuasion.
However, given the woeful proven record of the UK establishment, from the police through the law to the media, all malignly overseen and guided by a corrupt state machine, the way the BBC describes protagonists and their actions in such cases has gone from partial to propaganda so often the safe assumption is to assume the exact opposite of what they claim and/or wheel out to claim it.
In the latter I include senior police officials and government Ministers as much as the inevitable community gob4rent who just happens to be in the vicinity chatting to Paul Mason.
I note the bBC is now bleating on about England wanting more power to the regions. Eh? It was rejected some while back when put to the vote but the beboids have very short memories plus of course it sits well with the bBC pro-europe stance on regionalisation and de-nationalising countries within its control.
Please can someone tell them that the English just want ENGLAND.
The regional powers schtick is a Labour sleight of hand. So that people will stop asking them for their answer to the West Lothian question. (But we won’t stop asking them.)
Notice that this regional powers crap is developing it own momentum. No one wants it. English Parliament yes. But regional assemblies? No one wanted it before. Why now?
There’s all this rubbish about second class MP’s but what about second class citizens? The English.
The English are waking up and if they, the Westminster and MSM gang, think the Scots were tough they will have just a bigger fight when the angry overworked, overlooked, over taxed, under funded English vent their anger. The big three may discard Clacton (thank you Mr. Parris) but I believe England’s revolution might come from the sneering media’s most despised county – Essex.
“Notice that this regional powers crap is developing it own momentum”
Not without a heck of a push it isn’t.
From BBC to Classic FM (whose news offering is almost enough to make me forget to switch back on after hitting the mute top of the hour to regain the music), I have been assaulted by the most bizarre pr as news all day. It seems Labour’s spinners have been busy trying to weave some silk from the sow’s ear of their party’s recent role up North.
So we get what Ed will be doing and what Gordon won’t be allowing.
I know it’s Labour’s conference week and all, but last I knew they were not in power and probably need to be to become the government too many media types require installed.
And, as you say, no matter how often they tell it, if it’s not what the English public want, and now know they want, serving up what they want like an Ocado order clerk having a substitution crisis is just going to range from daft to downright bent.
Agreed. Has anyone bothered to ask the proles this side of the border? A resounding NO to regional assemblies. Politics is crooked enough without another layer of dodgy party appointed stooges If Rotherham is anything to go by. But the BBC and Labour spin doctors are doing their damnedest.
Labour have p@ssed on their chips I reckon, hated by Labour supporting Yes voters north of the border and the white working class south of it. Snake like Cameron has twisted himself a good one on the nitwit Millband. And with this regional assemblies rubbish proposed after the next election by Labour (always after isn’t it) I think we are beginning to smell a great dirty rat .
Mark Kermode on BBC24 Film Review pronounces “Pride” as (more or less) the best film ever made and admits that, politically, it presses all his buttons. OK I can see why it would be the filmic wonder of the age – being a mixture of gay enthusiasm, working class/miners obscurantism and a severe kicking for Mrs T – but why should the tapayer pay for this through finance directed via BBC Film and the BFI?
but why should the taxpayer pay for this through finance directed via BBC Film and the BFI?
The usual answer is because it wouldn’t get made mainly because without subsidy films like this usually make a loss. Also how would they get their propaganda out otherwise? This one may break even due to the hype and the gay mafia habit of supporting any old crap as long as its gay.
As to the almost aptly named Kermode why does any one pay attention to the views of someone who thinks Rockabilly is still relevant?
And his wife has one in erotic film studies -pornography-all at the tax payers expense.
Horror and porn and claims to be a christian, no wonder he is so in favour of state funded deconstructionism
(Oh and he doesn’t respond well to heritcal views)
No BBC mouthpiece or commentator – that I have heard/seen – has noted that there was no mandate for the triplets’ bribery of the Scots, nor is there any mandate for regionalisation or anything else. Cameron’s aim for a “bill by January” is an insult to us and our constitution. BTW, monarchist that I am, IMHO the Queen by remaining quiet on this proposed constitutional tinkering is not upholding her Coronation oath to protect the constitution. In the same way, AFAIAA, she sat there while Blair/Brown tore the constitution to bits (eg trying to abolish the Lord Chancellorship – an 800 year old office – in an afternoon).
Meanwhile, as others have commented, Brown has risen from the dead and is being given credit for saving the union he very nearly destroyed. To say the least this is crap of a high order and the pricinciple of post hoc ergo propter hoc (afterwards therefore because of) should be doubted in this instance. The spectacle of Brown throwing himself around wrapped in th union flag would, I suspect, have nil effect on anybody claiming sanity (as well as those nutters who were/are prepared to vote for him)
There is an easy way to measure the impact of Brown’s intervention and the last minute bribery, if any journalist can be bothered to look. Compare the Yes/No balance in the postal votes, sent in before the panic attack, with the Yes/No balance of the votes cast in person. If there was a significant rise in the No vote on 18th then Brown’s intervention was important. If the proportions are about the same then he and the panic bribes were irrelevant. But you’d have to be a real journalist to look at that.
The BBC news droids are wetting themselves today because apparently two bearded imam wonders from the rop have produced a video urging the IS scum not to execute the British taxi driver they are holding hostage. According to the droids, when this is combined with the fact that a hundred bearded wonders have also written a letter to the IS scum urging the same this is clear evidence that Britain’s moderate Muslims want to distance themselves from IS.
Yea right….on the other hand it might just be that these “moderate” Muslims are a whole lot smarter than you lefty liberal fantasists and that they know full well that you believe in multi culti nirvana fairy tales and that you just love to broadcast them as reality !………oh by the way, did you know that Santa Claus is a gay lesbian transvestite with a spare bedroom that he is not using….looking forward to your news report on this.
I don’t understand what these imams hope to achieve or why they are getting involved – I thought IS was nothing to do with Islam……..
Or is that a load of bollocks?
Evidence of the BBC pecking order?
BBC News presenter decides that kicking the Tory trumps defending the poor little illegal immigrant.
Tory immigration minister in the studio to talk about the thin red (&blue) line in Calais attempting to hold back the tide of economic migrants from the third world. In order to try & embarrass the Tory minister the Beeboid tells us about how these immigrants are effectively waved through a succession of EU countries as they are channelled to the channel. Beeboid tells us WHAT WE HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS, i.e. that their case should be considered in the first country & if their case fails they should be returned from whence they came. Rare indeed for the BBC to impart this messsage to its audience
Pure SNP propaganda on BBC Reporting (Supporting) Scotland just now. Strange how when SNP thugs bully those with opposing views, as they did right through the referendum campaign, it kind of slips off the BBC radar. However when a few yobs waving Union Jacks shout and wave flags, Reporting (Supporting) Scotland covers their every move.
“Rotherham scandal: Council spent £30K on training for staff in secretive society.
A former head of children’s services in Rotherham was involved with a secretive society while children in the town were being groomed and raped.”
I see that two Imams (probably begged by the BBC) calling for the release of the Isis hostage now equals the whole of the Muslim population according to the BBC.
“The private school jihadist: As PM unveils new terror crackdown, a Scots girl incites bloody massacre on British streets.
“Glasgow-born Aqsa Mahmood, 20, was educated at top private school.
“She left university last year to fight in Syria, now married and living there.
“Tweets Islamic State propaganda praising ‘brothers from Woolwich.’
“In June she wrote: ‘If you cannot make it to battlefield, bring it to yourself.’
“Police and security services have confirmed they are aware of Mahmood .”
Whereas, according to the BBC, kidnapping, tube and bus bombings, beheadings and flying planes into buildings performed by a number of facially insulated non-reflectives is not indicative of the Muslim population. BBC : loving Mohammed and his supporters until the end of the world.
Him, Grayson Perry & Evan’s Latvian, and ‘Blue Peter, The Next Generation’ seems pretty much cast without needing to trouble any silly legal recruitment policies, which the BBC appears able to avoid. Uniquely.
I’d imagine Mrs Gimp Man has some suspicions when she puts his costume in the wash……….
Still, he’s raising money for charity and appears level-headed enough. As long as he’s not going around ‘tackle out’ then parents can perhaps tell their kiddies that he’s a super villain of some sort until the brats are old enough to be told the truth.
EDIT: This discussion would have been absolute catnip to dear old Scottie wouldn’t it ?
Will Beeboids make light of their Labour Party’s split?:-
“Mutiny threat as Miliband fights his own MPs on powers for England:
Labour leader sparks backlash by refusing to support plans to limit rights of Scottish MPs.”
More Beebot … “islamophilia” extolling the video of 2 imams demanding ISIS release A Hammond, after the wall to wall coverage of the “100 Imam” letter, hmm why not a 1200 Imam letter?
Apparently there are estimates of about 2000 in the UK.
505 of which signed up to banning gay marriage ln a heartbeat.
The “100 Imams” includes community leaders and MPs so its not
even that, in fact it is a problematic red flag that should be noted, when taking into account those who didn t sign.
There is no doubt, ISIS is Islamic to the core, as proved by the vid and letter in the first place.
Never mind eh! tune in to BBC1 Sunday Morning Live …
Is the bible relevant any more?
Comedy song and dance show out of the Holy Bible? …
yep! free elongated advert from the BBC? … etc etc
Not sure about that one. Challenging guests is one thing, talking over them is another. I found it very difficult to understand what the Muslim chap was on about as I could only hear about one word in three.
In effect she’s the equivalent of the Today presenters – she shouts down things she doesn’t want us to hear. Which is a stupid way to interview as the bad guys always give themselves away if they are allowed to condemn themselves with their own words.
she had to cut in … this deceitful shill, would simply fill the time with his duplicity, pointedly expose him was key.
What was there to hear? …
he repeated himself ad nauseum.
OT, but given the event is going to be massive (hope the moppet from BBC Scotland will be flying down to cover it pictorially from on high, and this time not be stuck in meetings except when there’s only a few around *sigh*), the BBC seems pretty certain to be there. Hope they interview this guy as shared on twitter:
@ecopolitologist: Jet lag strikes again! A few more hours & I’ll just get up & get ready for #PeoplesClimate. Surely will see some of you there. #Climate2014
Hope they don’t ask any awkward questions about that first line given the rest, as it may push irony over the edge.
Ever since the Scots voted to stay in the UK, the BBC have been using all manner of pretexts to wallow around with the malcontents.
So it is that Glasgow and its accompanying rustbelt…Dundee…and now BH manages to find an Isle that voted yes(but was part of the other ones that said no).
And the BBC will not be leaving Glasgow or those few rare pockets of Braveheart stirrings any time soon.
It`s in the treacherous BBCs blood nowadays to ferment rebellions…the Duggan Directive no doubt.
Only hope that the vulnerable and marginalised of Glasgow and Dundee leave the BBC vans up on Irn Bru crates, with all valuables sequestered for the Galloway “roll out the barrels” cheridee.
F888 Off BBC!
Interesting views from the Polling site UKpolling.
It’s as a heads up for the majority view, and to measure the BBCs ‘impartiality’ and if it is truly reflecting the public mood.
‘Asked about English devolution 71% of people thought that Scottish MPs should not be able to vote on issues that affect only England (including the majority of Scottish respondents in the poll), 15% of people thought they should.’
This will create problems, that a Labour government might have a majority, but when it comes to English tax raising, they might not have. It’s unlikely to affect the Tories who have no Scottish MPs and are unlikely to have any either!
‘65% said that Scottish MPs should by banned from voting on English laws at Westminster, 59% would support an English Parliament.’
Even more of an issue for a Labour government.
‘Survation also asked what the top priority should be for the government – 31% said immigration, 20% the economy, 9% jobs, 9% public services, 6% combating terrorism and down on 5% constitutional reform.’
So, the top priority of the English is immigration, and presumably decreasing it. Not that this is reflected by the BBC who appear to believe that the priority is in increasing it as much as possible!
Labour has a 5 point lead over the Tories, but Milliband still has appalling personal ratings.
Sunday Morning Live – the BBCs pre-eminent ‘religious’ programme, which one hopes would inform and debate the big spiritual issues of the day, in line with it’s Public Broadcast remit:
i.e. issues like beheadings, Pakistani raping underage girls all over the UK, Gaza Muslims/Hamas/IDF, immigration, Roma, Caliphate, refugees other spiritual moral issues.
However, todays important vote is:
“Should aid in conflict zones be left to governments?”
What is that about?
That is some dumbed down non-entity vote?
Only reason I can think of, it does not want any more controversial results going against the BBC ‘leftie’ indoctrination agenda, possibly like the vote the other week where 95% British people voted ‘Multi-culti UK has not worked’
Note on the aid re Alan Hammond situation …
ISIS/Syria … who does BBC cut to interview?
“humanitarian aid”? worker from
Syria? – no, Iraq? then – no ………………… erm Palestine!
cue the Beebot you ve been there/in the warzone patter.
“oh yes … been gassed, rubber bullets, lucky to get out, never go there again ”
anyone get the victim assertion …
so Pallywood equates to ISIS/ Syria? … only at the BBC eh!
Don’t forget that Mark Thompson appointed a muslim as Head of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC. Is it any wonder, therefore, that musselmen and their war-based ‘religion’ receive an unwarrantedly sympathetic voice on religious programmes such as these? All we need now is Clifford Longley to be wheeled on to say that nothing in these all terrorist conflicts has anything to do with islam.
Another Police Commissioner (deputy) in trouble, from that great town of Luton, this time trying to prevent a family member being named in an attempted murder trial. Know doubt the CPS will be putting a file together and charge her with trying to pervert the course of justice?.
Who would ever have guessed it was a Labour representative wrongdoer?
Surprising the BBC did not do the same with this Conservative PCC then, who they identified as Tory twice, plus in same article Labour Shadow Policing MP given room to condemn this Conservative and suggesting the Home Secretary, (who of course is Conservative), should look into this:
And what about this one, ex-Royston Labour Councillor, Deputy South Yorkshire PCC, party not identified when she resigned over devilishly important neglect of duty regarding Pakistani Muslims raping and abusing hundreds of underage non-Muslim girls:
Could it be that the BBC however much it tries to tell us it is not ‘leftie’ biased is on a daily basis doing exactly that?
You never know they might just be totally unable to do so since BBC recruiting might have a lefty slant and the ‘red mist’ naturally clouds NUJ who should be reporting without fear or favour. This is totally against their remit, since we need to know all elected representatives in their political reporting?
Have you complained to BBC about this Englands Dreaming?
The scale of this type of biased reporting I find is quite surprisingly high throughout the BBC and possibly the only way to get them to stop it is to ensure they know each and every time by complaint, (copy in your MP and all Culture Media and Sport Committee members, who are having to decide on the 2016 Licence Review).
The BBC’s bias traits have long extended the devolution debate. 11 years ago the Labour establishment, in attempting to answer England’s devolution “question”, offered us “regional assemblies”. Starting with a referendum in the “north east” [England] on the matter.
As we know the idea was outstandingly rejected and Mr (Welsh) Prescott’s dream of regionalising England was dead in the water. This is despite the BBC hammering into people’s heads that the “north east” is somehow different to the rest of England and that England does not deserve its own parliament, in par with Scotland.
Not once then did the BBC propose what a large proportion of English people deemed fair, which is an English Parliament.
If the BBC were not bias, they would be proposing every possible solution. Starting with a possible parliament for old England.
But no, instead they had to harp on about “region” this and “region” that. All we heard about was “regional assemblies”. F**k the BBC and their establishment “regions”! We don’t want “regions” and we have never had “regions” in England. We have counties not regions.
Here we are, 11 years later and the BBC along with their Labour counter-parts are at it again… using the Scottish Independence Referendum to hi-jack and implant the idea of “regions” AGAIN into people’s minds. As if THEIR idea of “regions” is the only way forward and the only answer to England’s devolution problem.
Nobody, including the BBC, should assume that the people of England do not what for their country what has been granted to Scotland. We are frequently told by the likes of the BBC that “Scotland is a proud and historic nation” – errr… well so is England! So why do we see this establishment attempting to dismantle England into powerless EU regions?
England; say no to having your country regionalised. Demand an equal national voice for England.
The English Regions existed in all but name until 2012 when they were abolished by the Coalition government. Until the 2010 election they even had ministers.
So it is clear this is something both the EU and Labour want to exist and I must say I was surprised when I found out they had been disbanded by the Tories.
Maybe there is hope for Dopey Dave yet? Oh, look a straw, excuse me whilst I clutch at it 🙁
Funny how when devolution for Scotland was first proposed, the idea of Scotland being regionalised was never considered even though, if anything, Scotland has way more distinct regional characteristics (Highland, Western Isles, Shetland, Orkney, Central Belt, Lowlands etc) than even England has (which is still effectively Anglo-Saxon, especially if you remove the immigrant trash).
Regional characteristics within England existed until the mid to late nineteenth centuries. If you’d asked anyone what they were, they’d have said ‘Lancastrian’ or ‘Yorkshire’ before they said English. People were Lancastrian first, English second. It should be said though, that Lancashire had no history of running itself like say, Hesse in Germany. It was always part of England.
This changed with increased communications, the railways, canal and roads that began to knit people together. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the furthest people may have travelled was to the next village, the Lake District would be like the North West Frontier for most people. By the turn of the nineteenth century people were living cheek by jowl with each other … and they began to become English first.
Labour’s position is, as usual, wrong on this. Cameron could well be playing politics but Milliband and Labour are no different. No wonder Labour are worried, their idiotic slap-dash plans for Scottish devolution are finally bearing fruit – maybe, an answer to the West Lothian question shamefully unanswered by the political elite, the Barnett Formula tackled, a Scotland finally fed up with Labour for keeping them in shit-holes for years* – and even if that doesn’t happen at least we’ll be around to witness the Labour Party’s death spasms as they finally destroy themselves. I can’t wait.
*Answer me this, if the Scots have been getting £1400 per head, per year for 40 years, then why is Scotland such a dump?
And remember that during the last 10 years or so it has been run directly by a devolved socialist government , either Labour or SNP. It just goes to show that no matter how much money you give to socialists they still leave everything in a mess.
Not acceptable to call immigrants trash. A clearly racist remark which detracts from the points you are trying to make and demeans genuine free speech on this site.
“Not acceptable to call immigrants trash. A clearly racist remark which detracts from the points you are trying to make and demeans genuine free speech on this site.”
Agree, up to a point. At the end of the day though, “trash” is just a word. Sticks and stones and all that. I wish immigrants in Rotherham had confined themselves to mere words.
I’d say it’s rude and unhelpful, but no more. Can’t expect people to be overly tactful towards an influx which has done so much damage. Certainly no worse than some of the anti-White stuff heard on the BBC – not that that justifies anything.
My last encounter with our glorious multicultural society involved an African man shouting at me for accidentally brushing past him in a shop. You should’ve heard the language; I don’t think he like the fact that I touched him. I’m guessing from his accent he’s only just arrived here … reminds me of that Powell speech about the black man having the whip hand. Just round the corner from me, a Pakistani murdered his white girlfriend and then broke the window with the aim of blaming a burglar. Dumb fucker broke the window from the inside leaving glass on the outside. He got about 14 years. Everyday, I open a paper to see another immigrant involved in some despicable crime, like the Latvian suspect in the missing girl case, so, if you’ll pardon old theologian, I’ll describe them as trash because that’s exactly what they are.
Our immigration policy was painted out that we would get the Lawyers, Doctors and cream of intelligencia from all these countries, but we sadly did get the majority of their ‘trash’
It’s all starting to smell like a reprise of the Eu referendum in Eire, when the usual suspects whinged over and over about having another stab until they got the result they wanted, at which point everything was off the table and locked away in perpetuity.
It’s one of the less wonderful quirks of democracy that those who would see it removed will first use it to gain power enough to do that.
It’s possible that even within Tony Blair’s lifetime the consequences of him, Gordon & cabal’s desire to rub people’s noses in things will get laid out in all their glory, and they can go to their maker haunted by what they did to their country & kids.
Just going through the news and have noticed how the bBC is on full on mode regards how the English have stabbed the Scots in the back for not implementing the changes promised to them fast enough.
So they voted thursday, result on friday and today is Sunday. And yet to the people who hate anything fastfood, this isn’t fast enough. which is why I have seen the bBC allow:
and a few so called experts berate the English for having not implemented these changes.
“The completion of the powers for Germanys Reich will provide the best context for German Universities to work with the German government & industry to develop Germanys economy to work for the benefit of all German citizens.”
Anyone care to guess when this was said and by whom ?
Bit of an open goal there, as the person who said that was actually, well…….ME !
(Possibly I said it whilst wearing a cunning disguise, and long before I was apparently born and in a place I’m not known to have visited (who knows ?!), but nonetheless: ME. No other).
Now kindly list the scrumptious prizes on offer so that I may select my deserved reward for getting the right answer so quickly. Diamonds, gold bars, paradise islands in the south Pacific – I don’t consider any of ’em infra dig, so just make with the loot………..
Noticed Millipede bum kisser Marr, said on his prog today we will be talking to Ed soon..hmm would he of said we will be talking to David soon NOO, I must admit Millipede has as much gravitas as sludge.
I don’t really think that Ed wants to talk. He can’t promote an English parliament as he loses 41 MPs, he can’t promote Scottish devolution as that increases the pressure for an English Parliament and he can’t speak against Scottish devolution as he’ll lose the support of his Labour supporters in Scotland (not to mention he’ll be regarded as a wilfully perjured individual totally devoid of all moral worth for breaking his vow)
In chess this is referred to as Zugswang. Any move is fatal.
Actually if he promotes an English parliament he loses another 20 odd Welsh seats as well. You can see why Labour are panicking and asking their trusty ally the BBC to step up and get back control of the agenda that Mr Cameron has just stolen form them.
I know this because while the BBC predictably is doing the best it can to help Ed any way it can, Ch4 at least acknowledges the bleedin’ obvious…
— Ed and Scotland: damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t
Labour desperately wants to get its party conference onto winning the next election, but it is still shrouded in the aftermath of the Scotland vote. Ed Miliband was having to brush off the analysis that he’s been skewered by David Cameron over English votes for English laws. The claim is that if the promise to Scotland of more powers is reneged upon it is Labour that will suffer (the Tories have virtually nothing to lose in Scotland), and if he caves in over Scottish MPs not voting on English laws he could render himself impotent in future Labour governments.
He shifted a bit on the fairness of Scottish MPs voting on English matters saying he’d welcome more “scrutiny” for English MPs. That might be a nod towards giving English MPs sole word over the committee stage of a bill – but that won’t satisfy Conservatives. I spoke with Alex Salmond earlier, who says no voters were tricked and is talking up future stabs at independence. I’ll be talking live with Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt.
As C4 seems to be acting here more like a news medium than propagandist, that interview with one of Labour’s lesser brains (saying something) may be interesting.
Jug ears has a new political thriller/murder (not-much-of-a) mystery out whose implausible plot gets a good kicking in the STele review section today, so he’s probably seeking comfort next to Wallace’s cheeks…………
Why, for Christ’s sake, are Sky and the BBC continuing to give platform to that divisive little loser, Salmond? All manner of foul excuses and accusations are emanating from this despicable man. And don’t they just love Miliband’s anti-English party? The fact that Labour hate the English so much as to refuse them democracy, doesn’t concern the socialists at head quarters.
BBC on the march, luvvies and celebrities saving the planet, poverty, social justice, human rights, as Emma Thompson says. Wow, and ordinary people too!
I see Vivienne Westwood was spouting her strange drivel. She should be enough to damage anyone’s agenda – permanently.
I’d love to know what all these people do, how they live, and how they think being there does anything for the environment (other than leave rubbish behind).
Do they know about the science/North and South polar ice/CO2 and its necessity for life/where electricity comes from (and more importantly, where it doesn’t come from).
Do none of them fly/drive/cook/eat meat/use electricity/possess anything material/fart/smoke/watch telly/work/possess a brain?
Well quite. I think Nutty Viv the ageing garment pest is trying to carve out a new role for herself as a sort of female Eddie Izzard to be found on the wrong side of any argument.
(I notice that Izzard scored a rare ‘win’ last week by backing the Union: these must be worrying times for him as his new harpie rival clearly has even more of the dreaded doom-to-any-cause-I-back mojo than he has. Crivens !)
And 10,000 on a Sunday from a London population of 8 million plus ? Wow ! Talk about the unstoppable tide of humanity.
AND Emma Thompson, too ?!!! Well we’ve reached Endgame, haven’t we? Surrender now all ye polluters and climate criminals ! Repent you swines before you’re overwhelmed by the will of the people !
Almost 20 years of no significant rise in global temperatures according to all the best genuine observed science. If you’re 18 years old today you have never seen ‘global warming’ in your lifetime. None. Zero. Zilch.
Remind me again: what were these morons marching against?
Rotherham – BBC a question
When? – are Muslim councillors going to get questioned
in the same manner as everyone else?
The report itself stated it was hampered by some councillors?
The poison of Political Correctness, faux waycism, caused the issue not to be reported, and is still very much in evidence.
Pakistani Muslim involvement is suspect at every level over Rotherham, Council, Children s Services, Local Government even so it seems at childrens charity level …. the police?
“The head of Victim Support, the Government-backed charity for people affected by crime, has been accused of taking an armed gang to settle a long-running land dispute in his native Pakistan. Javed Khan is reported to have arrived in the village of Haveli Bagal last week with about eight men armed with automatic rifles.
Witnesses claim that one middle-aged woman who tried to stop the gang from bulldozing a contested wall of the village graveyard was threatened by the charity chief and that shots were fired in the air. Mr Khan spent several hours at a local police station as officers tried to resolve the row.
Yesterday, a contempt of court notice was said to have been served, as the dispute was already before a civil court. The events threaten to embarrass Victim Support, which receives £38 million a year from the Government. They may also tarnish the reputation of Mr Khan, 50, who has been cited as one of the most influential British Muslims and is set to begin a new role as chief executive of the children’s charity Barnardo’s later this year.
Aren’t you SO glad you’re paying this guy’s £150,000 salary with your taxes and so relieved he’s now the chief guardian of British children’s welfare?”
Breitbart – Muslim Rape Gangs: the Disturbing Role of Britain’s
Handy-Pandy Marr bowled Miliband some very slow balls pitched right up easy-peasy style this Sunday morn on the BBC/Labour tellysoapbox.
Remind me again, which one is he just like.. was it Kermit, Wallace or Gromit? – he still seemed odd and uncomfortable just like a rather unanimated animated character – despite his fellow puppet’s best efforts. I think the interviewer was the one with the long wavy arms on sticks.
Half expecting Marr to sling one of his stretch armstrong/rubber incredible’s arms right around the Dear Leader and down the back of his trews? That’s too progressive – even for the BBC – on a Sunday morning.
Still, it was always quite sufficiently all-friends-together as Johnny Marr strummed his way through a few old student union chestnuts by the Beeb fireside.
And then, just like in the old lefty-Oxbridge days, thoughts turned to parlour games and charades. “Ock but that’s a great Gordon McDoom impression you have there, mon” (I kid you hardly at all, Marr did in fact do the Gordon voice!)
What’s that Mili-puppet? Minimum wage, blah blah blah…£8-an-hour.
(That’ll sound just fine and dandy in Somalia. What’s that Abdul my cousin, it’s a bad line… try to steal a I-phone next time you fool of fools… £8 an hour….? Stop pulling my Sharia… it takes me many many moons to earn that! Wait ’till I tell her, her and her, and the other one indoors! Book three taxis, buy more suitcases and pack your many bags my many wives…I like the sound of this most generous Miliband-aide)
Is this your 50p I’ve just felt down the back BBC sofa? No, no, you’re the guest, you take it. But that’s most kind of you but I really couldn’t. Well, tell you what – if the Licence Payers don’t claim it back in six months – we’ll go 50-50.
I’ll sJust to be fair, I’ll stick another 50p on the minimum wage
Half-heartedly from Marr-ket-rate You-earn-a-Heap:
“Being as I’m so vewy vewy ‘umble, Miliband, Sir, but won’t that be vewy vewy expensive and all, most ‘umbly being as you are going to be the next PM and all, and being as you are going to be the country’s biggest employer – praise be the Public Sector”
Now, just suspend disbelief here for this one, boys and girls….
“No it’ll save money”
Then why not make it a round tenner and save more? Or make it £20 an hour clear the National Debt – That would have been my next question. But Andy didn’t think to ask such a trcky one.
Utterly predictable that the BBC would be making such a song and dance about the latest ‘climate change’ parade of idiocy today.
The growing body of evidence that this is a complete load of unscientific codswallop is ruthlessly suppressed, yet a few dozen latterday hippies get together to preach veganism and their hatred for progress and its front page news.
I follow a fair few of the more vocal Eco-chatterati as they can on (rare) occasion be of interest.
The last few days on FaceBook and twitter has been an eye-opener, as it has read more like a great big catch-up party that if there’s time may involve a bit of shouting at folk who actually do have to get the accounts to add up before signing off.
Even better, they appear to see no irony in gaily arranging to meet in the Airmiles-funded business lounges of countless hubs as they scamper round the planet not really saving it at all.
I did catch R4 this afternoon investigating abuse in Rochdale. Very sound for once and the suggestion of a link between Cyril Smith types and “asian ” men was alarming.
For once it looks as if some journalists are not prepared to bury this.It must not be buried. It is the main story in my opinion.
if we cannot protect the children then we will not survive as a culture.
Anyone see the BBC’s ‘ethical man’ Justin Rowlat in the Amazon on News24 the other day? I only caught the end of the item but he was following some Brazilian anti-logging police as they smashed and burned an illegal logging outfit – including unnecessarily burning a very expensive JCB. They then went on to an illegal village in a reserved tribal area and Justin informed us they had burnt all the houses and a school. The piece ended with a celebratory shot of the ‘protected’ tribe of indigenous indians washing their clothes and bathing in a muddy water hole. Hurrah! Another great success for the year-zero environmental movement.
After watching Andrew Marr’s show today and listening to tonight’s news can I call upon you all to boycott all Emma Thompson’s films?
If no-one turns up then they won’t be shown and the resulting drop in energy consumption will help save the planet!
Yes, Beeboids just gave her yet another impromptu political platform to pursue her propaganda.
Beeboids are celebrity utopian leftists’ biggest political fans.
They are leftists because they have never had to really struggle to survive. Once upon a time a leftwinger was often moulded by hardship and want. Not so today as it has become a fashion for the always cosseted and full of themselves middle class.
Pathetic lot really and we should feel sorry for their lack of self awareness.
I wasn’t aware the fragrant Ms Thompson was also a qualified climate scientist. Since the BBC now have a policy of not engaging with non-climate scientists on the subject of CAGW I can only assume this is yet another string to Ms Thompson’s already considerable bow.
Or could the BBC possibly be operating double standards? Surely not!
A quick return to that very occasional series ‘credit where credit is due’ from me this morning.
For once BBC London tv News is surprisingly frank with their headlines.
‘A BBC investigation has revealed sham “gay marriages” for immigration purposes…’ – it was only a matter of time.
‘Head of Transport for London claims there will soon be “Mum-bye”-style overcrowding on London’s transport, even given huge investment within a decade all new capacity will be used up and costs will be prohibitive for low paid workers causing social unrest…’
And there folks you have it from the BBC. Blink and you’ll miss it because it will soon be back to relentless promotion of the leftist polices that got us in this mess – especially that of hyper immigration.
‘With the Government cracking down on sham marriages, Radha Bedi goes undercover to expose the gangs now organising fake gay marriages for illegal immigrants’.
So pleased to hear that progressive UK social policy has succeded in bringing a newfound tolerance of homosexuality to the peoples of Africa and the Middle East. Albeit just for the duration of the issuing of the passport.
I may write more if there’s the new, anticipated early week thread.
But I was on the verge of slinging the radio out of the window this morning, having endured “Thought for the Day”, and suffered the ignominy of being labelled a “climate change denier” – No, I’m not, and nor is anyone else who knows that there’s been no AGW for nigh on twenty years. This idiot was pushing his religion to the forefront, and coupled with the Green Religion, it occurred to me even more than usual, that religion has a lot to answer for. Clearly this fool knew nothing about CO2 (called it “Carbon”), or anything else on the subject, but his heart was with the dear, concerned people marching to combat climate change yesterday. What a Dickhead.
Another Dickhead, shortly afterwards, known as Balls, didn’t help matters. Why does that bloke sound so untrustworthy, out of touch, and nasty? I suppose, because he is all three.
If the Scottish referendum had been based on electoral seats, it would have been a 28-4 landslide. The 4 YES seats being the handout capitals of Scotland, with the longest marxist Labour controlled councils in the country. No-one interested in pointing this out?
“Start the Week”?…well, sure as hell it never ends for the Liberal lefties.
How else do you explain an hours trilling to Ed Balls and Polly Toynbee between 8 and 9 am(Today)…followed by some evil musings about assassinating Margaret Thatcher, and the usual black bloke in to plug a book that entails slavery and colonialism( do black people beloved by the BBC write about anything else to get a broadsheet review prior to the BBCs Cultural sofas…Start the Week being but one of those.
Mantel(who dreams of killing a dead granny still) tells us us that it would be “unconscionable” of her not to dwell in the dark zone… presumably those would-be assassins at the Grand in 1984 were comparative “seekers of the light”, like she is!
The Beeb jockey demurred..beards stroked, “fascinating” and away they went.
Do the white van trash and school run mums know just what their public sector bosses, council bigwigs and headteachers are actually LISTENING to, as they drone about serving the State?
Truly evil incitement to dig up an old womans corpse, and to throw lavender darts at it…only the BBC and the liberal left dream of evils like these.
Maybe we need to write a book about the kidnapping of Toynbee, the revenge of Sharon Shoesmith on Ed Balls, and the targetted killing of a lefty writer by one of Thatchers grandkids…with a Clinton or Obama as a hostage in some way or other.
Funnily enough-THESE kind of books do NOT make the publishers shortlists, or “conscionable” reviews by the BBC…but then neither do books linking Islam to butchery, immigration to crime and welfare destruction; or the BBCs finest to Jimmy Savile in His Common Purposes.
No dwelling on the dark side THERE eh Hilary?
Evil…evil…evil BBC and all that served it between 8 and 10 am today!
StewGreenFeb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir at 1am quoted the Mail article So it seems that Councillor Sedgewick had some send officers around to the…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 This was a party broadcast by the Labour Party …… 77 brigade to file- community tension indicator to note …
AsISeeItFeb 23, 12:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 View from a lawyer from across the pond “One particularly funny one from the BBC, which is the broadcasting arm…
wwfcFeb 23, 12:22 Weekend 22nd February 2025 🤣🤣🤣
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Do you notice how differently the bBC treats religiously motivated attacks to racially motivated ones ? Those Christians beheaded in…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:05 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Excellent news The TTK regime is putting a record number of over 80s in hospital with flu- dont mention the…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 11:54 Weekend 22nd February 2025 In the 70s I was one of the 4% who went to university. At the rate that this lot are…
AsISeeItFeb 23, 11:43 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘at some time there will be personal consequences’ The defence of course will be “I was just acting under orders”
DocmaroonedFeb 23, 11:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 How does this nonsense equate to better healthcare. Diversity has no bearing on medical care. In most cases like eg…
Andrew Neil is keeping Newsnight’s head above water. That section on Newsnight with Wark interviewing mostly “Yes” supporters was awful. Just a chance for them to indulge in expressing sour grapes.
Dateline Scotland (wtf?) today was similarly about defeated and moribund guests.
Looks like the BBC are out to trash the ‘No’ voters as this article outlines clashes in Glasgow last night. Note how it’s only the Unionists who are described as ‘thugs’ despite there been two opposing groups. All the photos are of Union Jack toting ‘thugs’ too.
The BBC also reports a stabbing and a fire neither of which, it says, took place. It should be obvious to the meanest intelligence that these were SNP lies to inflame their supporters but the Unionists get the blame nonetheless
It’s that ‘Subjective Truth’ again.
Apparently waving a saltire around is fine but union jacks imply the people are thugs.
Not as much as those with English flags ,they are truly beyond the pale .
I’ve got a 20ft flag pole in my garden flying the St.George flag…oh dear
Have you seen this?
I myself would dump westminister all together and establish witan somewhere in middle of England ,but this would be a start.
I have no doubt that most (not all – outside of BBC post-incident revisionism self defence can be necessary and legitimate) clashes between groups involve unsavoury elements more interested in the heat of battle than the light of peaceful dialogue and persuasion.
However, given the woeful proven record of the UK establishment, from the police through the law to the media, all malignly overseen and guided by a corrupt state machine, the way the BBC describes protagonists and their actions in such cases has gone from partial to propaganda so often the safe assumption is to assume the exact opposite of what they claim and/or wheel out to claim it.
In the latter I include senior police officials and government Ministers as much as the inevitable community gob4rent who just happens to be in the vicinity chatting to Paul Mason.
The party line today on R5Live is that it was ‘Broon Wot Won It’ for the Nae campaign and ‘What a Remarkable Comeback!!!!’
Didn’t he save the world from a banking crises a couple years back too? Time big McDoom got the Nobel Prize.
I note the bBC is now bleating on about England wanting more power to the regions. Eh? It was rejected some while back when put to the vote but the beboids have very short memories plus of course it sits well with the bBC pro-europe stance on regionalisation and de-nationalising countries within its control.
Please can someone tell them that the English just want ENGLAND.
The regional powers schtick is a Labour sleight of hand. So that people will stop asking them for their answer to the West Lothian question. (But we won’t stop asking them.)
Well said!
Notice that this regional powers crap is developing it own momentum. No one wants it. English Parliament yes. But regional assemblies? No one wanted it before. Why now?
There’s all this rubbish about second class MP’s but what about second class citizens? The English.
The English are waking up and if they, the Westminster and MSM gang, think the Scots were tough they will have just a bigger fight when the angry overworked, overlooked, over taxed, under funded English vent their anger. The big three may discard Clacton (thank you Mr. Parris) but I believe England’s revolution might come from the sneering media’s most despised county – Essex.
UKIP will be the flag bearers.
“Notice that this regional powers crap is developing it own momentum”
Not without a heck of a push it isn’t.
From BBC to Classic FM (whose news offering is almost enough to make me forget to switch back on after hitting the mute top of the hour to regain the music), I have been assaulted by the most bizarre pr as news all day. It seems Labour’s spinners have been busy trying to weave some silk from the sow’s ear of their party’s recent role up North.
So we get what Ed will be doing and what Gordon won’t be allowing.
I know it’s Labour’s conference week and all, but last I knew they were not in power and probably need to be to become the government too many media types require installed.
And, as you say, no matter how often they tell it, if it’s not what the English public want, and now know they want, serving up what they want like an Ocado order clerk having a substitution crisis is just going to range from daft to downright bent.
Agreed. Has anyone bothered to ask the proles this side of the border? A resounding NO to regional assemblies. Politics is crooked enough without another layer of dodgy party appointed stooges If Rotherham is anything to go by. But the BBC and Labour spin doctors are doing their damnedest.
Labour have p@ssed on their chips I reckon, hated by Labour supporting Yes voters north of the border and the white working class south of it. Snake like Cameron has twisted himself a good one on the nitwit Millband. And with this regional assemblies rubbish proposed after the next election by Labour (always after isn’t it) I think we are beginning to smell a great dirty rat .
Mark Kermode on BBC24 Film Review pronounces “Pride” as (more or less) the best film ever made and admits that, politically, it presses all his buttons. OK I can see why it would be the filmic wonder of the age – being a mixture of gay enthusiasm, working class/miners obscurantism and a severe kicking for Mrs T – but why should the tapayer pay for this through finance directed via BBC Film and the BFI?
but why should the taxpayer pay for this through finance directed via BBC Film and the BFI?
The usual answer is because it wouldn’t get made mainly because without subsidy films like this usually make a loss. Also how would they get their propaganda out otherwise? This one may break even due to the hype and the gay mafia habit of supporting any old crap as long as its gay.
As to the almost aptly named Kermode why does any one pay attention to the views of someone who thinks Rockabilly is still relevant?
Or who, apparently, gained his PhD in the vital field of… horror films.
And his wife has one in erotic film studies -pornography-all at the tax payers expense.
Horror and porn and claims to be a christian, no wonder he is so in favour of state funded deconstructionism
(Oh and he doesn’t respond well to heritcal views)
No BBC mouthpiece or commentator – that I have heard/seen – has noted that there was no mandate for the triplets’ bribery of the Scots, nor is there any mandate for regionalisation or anything else. Cameron’s aim for a “bill by January” is an insult to us and our constitution. BTW, monarchist that I am, IMHO the Queen by remaining quiet on this proposed constitutional tinkering is not upholding her Coronation oath to protect the constitution. In the same way, AFAIAA, she sat there while Blair/Brown tore the constitution to bits (eg trying to abolish the Lord Chancellorship – an 800 year old office – in an afternoon).
Meanwhile, as others have commented, Brown has risen from the dead and is being given credit for saving the union he very nearly destroyed. To say the least this is crap of a high order and the pricinciple of post hoc ergo propter hoc (afterwards therefore because of) should be doubted in this instance. The spectacle of Brown throwing himself around wrapped in th union flag would, I suspect, have nil effect on anybody claiming sanity (as well as those nutters who were/are prepared to vote for him)
There is an easy way to measure the impact of Brown’s intervention and the last minute bribery, if any journalist can be bothered to look. Compare the Yes/No balance in the postal votes, sent in before the panic attack, with the Yes/No balance of the votes cast in person. If there was a significant rise in the No vote on 18th then Brown’s intervention was important. If the proportions are about the same then he and the panic bribes were irrelevant. But you’d have to be a real journalist to look at that.
The BBC news droids are wetting themselves today because apparently two bearded imam wonders from the rop have produced a video urging the IS scum not to execute the British taxi driver they are holding hostage. According to the droids, when this is combined with the fact that a hundred bearded wonders have also written a letter to the IS scum urging the same this is clear evidence that Britain’s moderate Muslims want to distance themselves from IS.
Yea right….on the other hand it might just be that these “moderate” Muslims are a whole lot smarter than you lefty liberal fantasists and that they know full well that you believe in multi culti nirvana fairy tales and that you just love to broadcast them as reality !………oh by the way, did you know that Santa Claus is a gay lesbian transvestite with a spare bedroom that he is not using….looking forward to your news report on this.
I don’t understand what these imams hope to achieve or why they are getting involved – I thought IS was nothing to do with Islam……..
Or is that a load of bollocks?
Evidence of the BBC pecking order?
BBC News presenter decides that kicking the Tory trumps defending the poor little illegal immigrant.
Tory immigration minister in the studio to talk about the thin red (&blue) line in Calais attempting to hold back the tide of economic migrants from the third world. In order to try & embarrass the Tory minister the Beeboid tells us about how these immigrants are effectively waved through a succession of EU countries as they are channelled to the channel. Beeboid tells us WHAT WE HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS, i.e. that their case should be considered in the first country & if their case fails they should be returned from whence they came. Rare indeed for the BBC to impart this messsage to its audience
BBC reporting that the SNP is looking for its next leader; apparently Kim Jong-un has expressed interest.
Pure SNP propaganda on BBC Reporting (Supporting) Scotland just now. Strange how when SNP thugs bully those with opposing views, as they did right through the referendum campaign, it kind of slips off the BBC radar. However when a few yobs waving Union Jacks shout and wave flags, Reporting (Supporting) Scotland covers their every move.
For BBC-NUJ to censor?:
-Rotherham Labour Council & ‘Common Purpose’-
‘Daily Star’-
“Rotherham scandal: Council spent £30K on training for staff in secretive society.
A former head of children’s services in Rotherham was involved with a secretive society while children in the town were being groomed and raped.”
And Sheffield-
1.) Jihadwatch’-
“Again in UK: Muslim rape gangs targeted girls in Sheffield, care worker kept mum, fearing being called racist”
2.) INBBC:-
“Child sex abuse was endemic in Sheffield, says ex care worker”
I see that two Imams (probably begged by the BBC) calling for the release of the Isis hostage now equals the whole of the Muslim population according to the BBC.
“The private school jihadist: As PM unveils new terror crackdown, a Scots girl incites bloody massacre on British streets.
“Glasgow-born Aqsa Mahmood, 20, was educated at top private school.
“She left university last year to fight in Syria, now married and living there.
“Tweets Islamic State propaganda praising ‘brothers from Woolwich.’
“In June she wrote: ‘If you cannot make it to battlefield, bring it to yourself.’
“Police and security services have confirmed they are aware of Mahmood .”
Read more:
Whereas, according to the BBC, kidnapping, tube and bus bombings, beheadings and flying planes into buildings performed by a number of facially insulated non-reflectives is not indicative of the Muslim population. BBC : loving Mohammed and his supporters until the end of the world.
‘Gimp Man of Essex’ aiming to spark debate while fundraising –
Yes, lovely. Just what you want your young child to see…
Him, Grayson Perry & Evan’s Latvian, and ‘Blue Peter, The Next Generation’ seems pretty much cast without needing to trouble any silly legal recruitment policies, which the BBC appears able to avoid. Uniquely.
but not his wife and children … apparently
“‘Adult enough’ – Gimp Man, whose wife and children are unaware of his alter ego”
I’d imagine Mrs Gimp Man has some suspicions when she puts his costume in the wash……….
Still, he’s raising money for charity and appears level-headed enough. As long as he’s not going around ‘tackle out’ then parents can perhaps tell their kiddies that he’s a super villain of some sort until the brats are old enough to be told the truth.
EDIT: This discussion would have been absolute catnip to dear old Scottie wouldn’t it ?
Will Beeboids make light of their Labour Party’s split?:-
“Mutiny threat as Miliband fights his own MPs on powers for England:
Labour leader sparks backlash by refusing to support plans to limit rights of Scottish MPs.”
Read more:
More likely make it go the way of any HYS that veers off narrative.
One hundred and sixteen K on Taxis….It’s the unique way that they’re funded, and obviously because they’re worth it…Not!
For anyone that hasn’t seen it yet, this is the Islamist documentary entitled “The Flames of war”
More Beebot … “islamophilia” extolling the video of 2 imams demanding ISIS release A Hammond, after the wall to wall coverage of the “100 Imam” letter, hmm why not a 1200 Imam letter?
Apparently there are estimates of about 2000 in the UK.
505 of which signed up to banning gay marriage ln a heartbeat.
The “100 Imams” includes community leaders and MPs so its not
even that, in fact it is a problematic red flag that should be noted, when taking into account those who didn t sign.
There is no doubt, ISIS is Islamic to the core, as proved by the vid and letter in the first place.
Never mind eh! tune in to BBC1 Sunday Morning Live …
Is the bible relevant any more?
Comedy song and dance show out of the Holy Bible? …
yep! free elongated advert from the BBC? … etc etc
Need a few more hosts like this
Need a few more hosts like this
Not sure about that one. Challenging guests is one thing, talking over them is another. I found it very difficult to understand what the Muslim chap was on about as I could only hear about one word in three.
In effect she’s the equivalent of the Today presenters – she shouts down things she doesn’t want us to hear. Which is a stupid way to interview as the bad guys always give themselves away if they are allowed to condemn themselves with their own words.
she had to cut in … this deceitful shill, would simply fill the time with his duplicity, pointedly expose him was key.
What was there to hear? …
he repeated himself ad nauseum.
An alternative Referendum Revue:
One can see the appeal and qualifications shining through.
No wonder Ian Katz is keen to land such a prize to further lock down the Newsnight journalistic reputation still further.
Well worth any awkward moments bumping into Ian Hislop in the corridor.
“show is produced by none other than that well-known proponent of different frequencies of truth, Johann Hari”
A possible BOGOF then? Can’t wait.
The Eye also had an interesting report on the Beebs new Trust head Rona Fairhead.
OT, but given the event is going to be massive (hope the moppet from BBC Scotland will be flying down to cover it pictorially from on high, and this time not be stuck in meetings except when there’s only a few around *sigh*), the BBC seems pretty certain to be there. Hope they interview this guy as shared on twitter:
@ecopolitologist: Jet lag strikes again! A few more hours & I’ll just get up & get ready for #PeoplesClimate. Surely will see some of you there. #Climate2014
Hope they don’t ask any awkward questions about that first line given the rest, as it may push irony over the edge.
Ever since the Scots voted to stay in the UK, the BBC have been using all manner of pretexts to wallow around with the malcontents.
So it is that Glasgow and its accompanying rustbelt…Dundee…and now BH manages to find an Isle that voted yes(but was part of the other ones that said no).
And the BBC will not be leaving Glasgow or those few rare pockets of Braveheart stirrings any time soon.
It`s in the treacherous BBCs blood nowadays to ferment rebellions…the Duggan Directive no doubt.
Only hope that the vulnerable and marginalised of Glasgow and Dundee leave the BBC vans up on Irn Bru crates, with all valuables sequestered for the Galloway “roll out the barrels” cheridee.
F888 Off BBC!
Interesting views from the Polling site UKpolling.
It’s as a heads up for the majority view, and to measure the BBCs ‘impartiality’ and if it is truly reflecting the public mood.
‘Asked about English devolution 71% of people thought that Scottish MPs should not be able to vote on issues that affect only England (including the majority of Scottish respondents in the poll), 15% of people thought they should.’
This will create problems, that a Labour government might have a majority, but when it comes to English tax raising, they might not have. It’s unlikely to affect the Tories who have no Scottish MPs and are unlikely to have any either!
‘65% said that Scottish MPs should by banned from voting on English laws at Westminster, 59% would support an English Parliament.’
Even more of an issue for a Labour government.
‘Survation also asked what the top priority should be for the government – 31% said immigration, 20% the economy, 9% jobs, 9% public services, 6% combating terrorism and down on 5% constitutional reform.’
So, the top priority of the English is immigration, and presumably decreasing it. Not that this is reflected by the BBC who appear to believe that the priority is in increasing it as much as possible!
Labour has a 5 point lead over the Tories, but Milliband still has appalling personal ratings.
Sunday Morning Live – the BBCs pre-eminent ‘religious’ programme, which one hopes would inform and debate the big spiritual issues of the day, in line with it’s Public Broadcast remit:
i.e. issues like beheadings, Pakistani raping underage girls all over the UK, Gaza Muslims/Hamas/IDF, immigration, Roma, Caliphate, refugees other spiritual moral issues.
However, todays important vote is:
“Should aid in conflict zones be left to governments?”
What is that about?
That is some dumbed down non-entity vote?
Only reason I can think of, it does not want any more controversial results going against the BBC ‘leftie’ indoctrination agenda, possibly like the vote the other week where 95% British people voted ‘Multi-culti UK has not worked’
Note on the aid re Alan Hammond situation …
ISIS/Syria … who does BBC cut to interview?
“humanitarian aid”? worker from
Syria? – no, Iraq? then – no ………………… erm Palestine!
cue the Beebot you ve been there/in the warzone patter.
“oh yes … been gassed, rubber bullets, lucky to get out, never go there again ”
anyone get the victim assertion …
so Pallywood equates to ISIS/ Syria? … only at the BBC eh!
Don’t forget that Mark Thompson appointed a muslim as Head of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC. Is it any wonder, therefore, that musselmen and their war-based ‘religion’ receive an unwarrantedly sympathetic voice on religious programmes such as these? All we need now is Clifford Longley to be wheeled on to say that nothing in these all terrorist conflicts has anything to do with islam.
Another Police Commissioner (deputy) in trouble, from that great town of Luton, this time trying to prevent a family member being named in an attempted murder trial. Know doubt the CPS will be putting a file together and charge her with trying to pervert the course of justice?.
The report in the Mail lets us know that she was a Labour councillor.
the Beeb report doesn’t give us that piece of info nor does it go into any of the details, mmm.
Well spotted Englands Dreaming.
Would you Adam and Eve it?
Yet again the BBC left out the elected PCC party.
Who would ever have guessed it was a Labour representative wrongdoer?
Surprising the BBC did not do the same with this Conservative PCC then, who they identified as Tory twice, plus in same article Labour Shadow Policing MP given room to condemn this Conservative and suggesting the Home Secretary, (who of course is Conservative), should look into this:
And what about this one, ex-Royston Labour Councillor, Deputy South Yorkshire PCC, party not identified when she resigned over devilishly important neglect of duty regarding Pakistani Muslims raping and abusing hundreds of underage non-Muslim girls:
Could there be a pattern here?
Could it be that the BBC however much it tries to tell us it is not ‘leftie’ biased is on a daily basis doing exactly that?
You never know they might just be totally unable to do so since BBC recruiting might have a lefty slant and the ‘red mist’ naturally clouds NUJ who should be reporting without fear or favour. This is totally against their remit, since we need to know all elected representatives in their political reporting?
Have you complained to BBC about this Englands Dreaming?
The scale of this type of biased reporting I find is quite surprisingly high throughout the BBC and possibly the only way to get them to stop it is to ensure they know each and every time by complaint, (copy in your MP and all Culture Media and Sport Committee members, who are having to decide on the 2016 Licence Review).
Is this the ‘diversity’ which Islam Not BBC (INBBC) wants?:-
“Britain’s female jihadists”
The BBC’s bias traits have long extended the devolution debate. 11 years ago the Labour establishment, in attempting to answer England’s devolution “question”, offered us “regional assemblies”. Starting with a referendum in the “north east” [England] on the matter.
As we know the idea was outstandingly rejected and Mr (Welsh) Prescott’s dream of regionalising England was dead in the water. This is despite the BBC hammering into people’s heads that the “north east” is somehow different to the rest of England and that England does not deserve its own parliament, in par with Scotland.
Not once then did the BBC propose what a large proportion of English people deemed fair, which is an English Parliament.
If the BBC were not bias, they would be proposing every possible solution. Starting with a possible parliament for old England.
But no, instead they had to harp on about “region” this and “region” that. All we heard about was “regional assemblies”. F**k the BBC and their establishment “regions”! We don’t want “regions” and we have never had “regions” in England. We have counties not regions.
Here we are, 11 years later and the BBC along with their Labour counter-parts are at it again… using the Scottish Independence Referendum to hi-jack and implant the idea of “regions” AGAIN into people’s minds. As if THEIR idea of “regions” is the only way forward and the only answer to England’s devolution problem.
Nobody, including the BBC, should assume that the people of England do not what for their country what has been granted to Scotland. We are frequently told by the likes of the BBC that “Scotland is a proud and historic nation” – errr… well so is England! So why do we see this establishment attempting to dismantle England into powerless EU regions?
England; say no to having your country regionalised. Demand an equal national voice for England.
What’s good for the gander is good for the goose.
The English Regions existed in all but name until 2012 when they were abolished by the Coalition government. Until the 2010 election they even had ministers.
So it is clear this is something both the EU and Labour want to exist and I must say I was surprised when I found out they had been disbanded by the Tories.
Maybe there is hope for Dopey Dave yet? Oh, look a straw, excuse me whilst I clutch at it 🙁
Funny how when devolution for Scotland was first proposed, the idea of Scotland being regionalised was never considered even though, if anything, Scotland has way more distinct regional characteristics (Highland, Western Isles, Shetland, Orkney, Central Belt, Lowlands etc) than even England has (which is still effectively Anglo-Saxon, especially if you remove the immigrant trash).
Regional characteristics within England existed until the mid to late nineteenth centuries. If you’d asked anyone what they were, they’d have said ‘Lancastrian’ or ‘Yorkshire’ before they said English. People were Lancastrian first, English second. It should be said though, that Lancashire had no history of running itself like say, Hesse in Germany. It was always part of England.
This changed with increased communications, the railways, canal and roads that began to knit people together. At the beginning of the nineteenth century the furthest people may have travelled was to the next village, the Lake District would be like the North West Frontier for most people. By the turn of the nineteenth century people were living cheek by jowl with each other … and they began to become English first.
Labour’s position is, as usual, wrong on this. Cameron could well be playing politics but Milliband and Labour are no different. No wonder Labour are worried, their idiotic slap-dash plans for Scottish devolution are finally bearing fruit – maybe, an answer to the West Lothian question shamefully unanswered by the political elite, the Barnett Formula tackled, a Scotland finally fed up with Labour for keeping them in shit-holes for years* – and even if that doesn’t happen at least we’ll be around to witness the Labour Party’s death spasms as they finally destroy themselves. I can’t wait.
*Answer me this, if the Scots have been getting £1400 per head, per year for 40 years, then why is Scotland such a dump?
And remember that during the last 10 years or so it has been run directly by a devolved socialist government , either Labour or SNP. It just goes to show that no matter how much money you give to socialists they still leave everything in a mess.
Not acceptable to call immigrants trash. A clearly racist remark which detracts from the points you are trying to make and demeans genuine free speech on this site.
“Not acceptable to call immigrants trash. A clearly racist remark which detracts from the points you are trying to make and demeans genuine free speech on this site.”
Agree, up to a point. At the end of the day though, “trash” is just a word. Sticks and stones and all that. I wish immigrants in Rotherham had confined themselves to mere words.
I’d say it’s rude and unhelpful, but no more. Can’t expect people to be overly tactful towards an influx which has done so much damage. Certainly no worse than some of the anti-White stuff heard on the BBC – not that that justifies anything.
My last encounter with our glorious multicultural society involved an African man shouting at me for accidentally brushing past him in a shop. You should’ve heard the language; I don’t think he like the fact that I touched him. I’m guessing from his accent he’s only just arrived here … reminds me of that Powell speech about the black man having the whip hand. Just round the corner from me, a Pakistani murdered his white girlfriend and then broke the window with the aim of blaming a burglar. Dumb fucker broke the window from the inside leaving glass on the outside. He got about 14 years. Everyday, I open a paper to see another immigrant involved in some despicable crime, like the Latvian suspect in the missing girl case, so, if you’ll pardon old theologian, I’ll describe them as trash because that’s exactly what they are.
Our immigration policy was painted out that we would get the Lawyers, Doctors and cream of intelligencia from all these countries, but we sadly did get the majority of their ‘trash’
It’s all starting to smell like a reprise of the Eu referendum in Eire, when the usual suspects whinged over and over about having another stab until they got the result they wanted, at which point everything was off the table and locked away in perpetuity.
It’s one of the less wonderful quirks of democracy that those who would see it removed will first use it to gain power enough to do that.
It’s possible that even within Tony Blair’s lifetime the consequences of him, Gordon & cabal’s desire to rub people’s noses in things will get laid out in all their glory, and they can go to their maker haunted by what they did to their country & kids.
Yes, just hoping that evil pairof bastards find out the hard way.
Just going through the news and have noticed how the bBC is on full on mode regards how the English have stabbed the Scots in the back for not implementing the changes promised to them fast enough.
So they voted thursday, result on friday and today is Sunday. And yet to the people who hate anything fastfood, this isn’t fast enough. which is why I have seen the bBC allow:
and a few so called experts berate the English for having not implemented these changes.
Milliband in a hurry for Scottish change.
Milliband sometime, perhaps, maybe for English change.
With Labour something’s don’t change.
BBC at it again causing divisions:
Use of her last name and the word ‘worship’ in the same sentence to criticise her. Typical!
Despite Thatcher’s worship of Adam Smith….
“The completion of the powers for Germanys Reich will provide the best context for German Universities to work with the German government & industry to develop Germanys economy to work for the benefit of all German citizens.”
Anyone care to guess when this was said and by whom ?
(don’t try looking it up you won’t find it!)
Bit of an open goal there, as the person who said that was actually, well…….ME !
(Possibly I said it whilst wearing a cunning disguise, and long before I was apparently born and in a place I’m not known to have visited (who knows ?!), but nonetheless: ME. No other).
Now kindly list the scrumptious prizes on offer so that I may select my deserved reward for getting the right answer so quickly. Diamonds, gold bars, paradise islands in the south Pacific – I don’t consider any of ’em infra dig, so just make with the loot………..
Noticed Millipede bum kisser Marr, said on his prog today we will be talking to Ed soon..hmm would he of said we will be talking to David soon NOO, I must admit Millipede has as much gravitas as sludge.
I don’t really think that Ed wants to talk. He can’t promote an English parliament as he loses 41 MPs, he can’t promote Scottish devolution as that increases the pressure for an English Parliament and he can’t speak against Scottish devolution as he’ll lose the support of his Labour supporters in Scotland (not to mention he’ll be regarded as a wilfully perjured individual totally devoid of all moral worth for breaking his vow)
In chess this is referred to as Zugswang. Any move is fatal.
Actually if he promotes an English parliament he loses another 20 odd Welsh seats as well. You can see why Labour are panicking and asking their trusty ally the BBC to step up and get back control of the agenda that Mr Cameron has just stolen form them.
He’s Zugswanded big time.
I know this because while the BBC predictably is doing the best it can to help Ed any way it can, Ch4 at least acknowledges the bleedin’ obvious…
Ed and Scotland: damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t
Labour desperately wants to get its party conference onto winning the next election, but it is still shrouded in the aftermath of the Scotland vote. Ed Miliband was having to brush off the analysis that he’s been skewered by David Cameron over English votes for English laws. The claim is that if the promise to Scotland of more powers is reneged upon it is Labour that will suffer (the Tories have virtually nothing to lose in Scotland), and if he caves in over Scottish MPs not voting on English laws he could render himself impotent in future Labour governments.
He shifted a bit on the fairness of Scottish MPs voting on English matters saying he’d welcome more “scrutiny” for English MPs. That might be a nod towards giving English MPs sole word over the committee stage of a bill – but that won’t satisfy Conservatives. I spoke with Alex Salmond earlier, who says no voters were tricked and is talking up future stabs at independence. I’ll be talking live with Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt.
As C4 seems to be acting here more like a news medium than propagandist, that interview with one of Labour’s lesser brains (saying something) may be interesting.
Jug ears has a new political thriller/murder (not-much-of-a) mystery out whose implausible plot gets a good kicking in the STele review section today, so he’s probably seeking comfort next to Wallace’s cheeks…………
Why, for Christ’s sake, are Sky and the BBC continuing to give platform to that divisive little loser, Salmond? All manner of foul excuses and accusations are emanating from this despicable man. And don’t they just love Miliband’s anti-English party? The fact that Labour hate the English so much as to refuse them democracy, doesn’t concern the socialists at head quarters.
BBC on the march, luvvies and celebrities saving the planet, poverty, social justice, human rights, as Emma Thompson says. Wow, and ordinary people too!
I see Vivienne Westwood was spouting her strange drivel. She should be enough to damage anyone’s agenda – permanently.
I’d love to know what all these people do, how they live, and how they think being there does anything for the environment (other than leave rubbish behind).
Do they know about the science/North and South polar ice/CO2 and its necessity for life/where electricity comes from (and more importantly, where it doesn’t come from).
Do none of them fly/drive/cook/eat meat/use electricity/possess anything material/fart/smoke/watch telly/work/possess a brain?
Fuckin’ idiots, the lot of ’em.
Well quite. I think Nutty Viv the ageing garment pest is trying to carve out a new role for herself as a sort of female Eddie Izzard to be found on the wrong side of any argument.
(I notice that Izzard scored a rare ‘win’ last week by backing the Union: these must be worrying times for him as his new harpie rival clearly has even more of the dreaded doom-to-any-cause-I-back mojo than he has. Crivens !)
And 10,000 on a Sunday from a London population of 8 million plus ? Wow ! Talk about the unstoppable tide of humanity.
AND Emma Thompson, too ?!!! Well we’ve reached Endgame, haven’t we? Surrender now all ye polluters and climate criminals ! Repent you swines before you’re overwhelmed by the will of the people !
Almost 20 years of no significant rise in global temperatures according to all the best genuine observed science. If you’re 18 years old today you have never seen ‘global warming’ in your lifetime. None. Zero. Zilch.
Remind me again: what were these morons marching against?
The BBC must have added these celebrities to there list of the ‘best scientific experts’.
I am told that these experts are telling everybody that the climate becomes ‘Real’, but only for 24 hours?
Sounds mental, but true.
R ham boss quits, still the last report on Al BBC
Rotherham – BBC a question
When? – are Muslim councillors going to get questioned
in the same manner as everyone else?
The report itself stated it was hampered by some councillors?
The poison of Political Correctness, faux waycism, caused the issue not to be reported, and is still very much in evidence.
As the court cases pile up eh! … Sheffield next
“New abuse shocker “…
Pakistani Muslim involvement is suspect at every level over Rotherham, Council, Children s Services, Local Government even so it seems at childrens charity level …. the police?
“The head of Victim Support, the Government-backed charity for people affected by crime, has been accused of taking an armed gang to settle a long-running land dispute in his native Pakistan. Javed Khan is reported to have arrived in the village of Haveli Bagal last week with about eight men armed with automatic rifles.
Witnesses claim that one middle-aged woman who tried to stop the gang from bulldozing a contested wall of the village graveyard was threatened by the charity chief and that shots were fired in the air. Mr Khan spent several hours at a local police station as officers tried to resolve the row.
Yesterday, a contempt of court notice was said to have been served, as the dispute was already before a civil court. The events threaten to embarrass Victim Support, which receives £38 million a year from the Government. They may also tarnish the reputation of Mr Khan, 50, who has been cited as one of the most influential British Muslims and is set to begin a new role as chief executive of the children’s charity Barnardo’s later this year.
Aren’t you SO glad you’re paying this guy’s £150,000 salary with your taxes and so relieved he’s now the chief guardian of British children’s welfare?”
Breitbart – Muslim Rape Gangs: the Disturbing Role of Britain’s
yep! you remember this guy?
Handy-Pandy Marr bowled Miliband some very slow balls pitched right up easy-peasy style this Sunday morn on the BBC/Labour tellysoapbox.
Remind me again, which one is he just like.. was it Kermit, Wallace or Gromit? – he still seemed odd and uncomfortable just like a rather unanimated animated character – despite his fellow puppet’s best efforts. I think the interviewer was the one with the long wavy arms on sticks.
Half expecting Marr to sling one of his stretch armstrong/rubber incredible’s arms right around the Dear Leader and down the back of his trews? That’s too progressive – even for the BBC – on a Sunday morning.
Still, it was always quite sufficiently all-friends-together as Johnny Marr strummed his way through a few old student union chestnuts by the Beeb fireside.
And then, just like in the old lefty-Oxbridge days, thoughts turned to parlour games and charades. “Ock but that’s a great Gordon McDoom impression you have there, mon” (I kid you hardly at all, Marr did in fact do the Gordon voice!)
What’s that Mili-puppet? Minimum wage, blah blah blah…£8-an-hour.
(That’ll sound just fine and dandy in Somalia. What’s that Abdul my cousin, it’s a bad line… try to steal a I-phone next time you fool of fools… £8 an hour….? Stop pulling my Sharia… it takes me many many moons to earn that! Wait ’till I tell her, her and her, and the other one indoors! Book three taxis, buy more suitcases and pack your many bags my many wives…I like the sound of this most generous Miliband-aide)
Is this your 50p I’ve just felt down the back BBC sofa? No, no, you’re the guest, you take it. But that’s most kind of you but I really couldn’t. Well, tell you what – if the Licence Payers don’t claim it back in six months – we’ll go 50-50.
I’ll sJust to be fair, I’ll stick another 50p on the minimum wage
Half-heartedly from Marr-ket-rate You-earn-a-Heap:
“Being as I’m so vewy vewy ‘umble, Miliband, Sir, but won’t that be vewy vewy expensive and all, most ‘umbly being as you are going to be the next PM and all, and being as you are going to be the country’s biggest employer – praise be the Public Sector”
Now, just suspend disbelief here for this one, boys and girls….
“No it’ll save money”
Then why not make it a round tenner and save more? Or make it £20 an hour clear the National Debt – That would have been my next question. But Andy didn’t think to ask such a trcky one.
Utterly predictable that the BBC would be making such a song and dance about the latest ‘climate change’ parade of idiocy today.
The growing body of evidence that this is a complete load of unscientific codswallop is ruthlessly suppressed, yet a few dozen latterday hippies get together to preach veganism and their hatred for progress and its front page news.
Bias? What bias?
I follow a fair few of the more vocal Eco-chatterati as they can on (rare) occasion be of interest.
The last few days on FaceBook and twitter has been an eye-opener, as it has read more like a great big catch-up party that if there’s time may involve a bit of shouting at folk who actually do have to get the accounts to add up before signing off.
Even better, they appear to see no irony in gaily arranging to meet in the Airmiles-funded business lounges of countless hubs as they scamper round the planet not really saving it at all.
The eco-fascist march (rally) attracted all the usual suspects: socialists and communists by the coachload. Check out for the scoop.
Watermelons, all: green on the outside red on the inside.
More reports of kiddy fiddling from the cultural enrichers, Sheffield this time. Plod investigating 178 cases !
Presume this will be the beeboid lead story ?
I did catch R4 this afternoon investigating abuse in Rochdale. Very sound for once and the suggestion of a link between Cyril Smith types and “asian ” men was alarming.
For once it looks as if some journalists are not prepared to bury this.It must not be buried. It is the main story in my opinion.
if we cannot protect the children then we will not survive as a culture.
Islam is the greatest threat to our way of life since Hitler.
Do I need to list why?
Yet the BBC concentrates on:
1. hippies marching and mumbling about climate.
2. a vanquished and bitter Scottish second-hand car dealer as folk hero.
Anyone see the BBC’s ‘ethical man’ Justin Rowlat in the Amazon on News24 the other day? I only caught the end of the item but he was following some Brazilian anti-logging police as they smashed and burned an illegal logging outfit – including unnecessarily burning a very expensive JCB. They then went on to an illegal village in a reserved tribal area and Justin informed us they had burnt all the houses and a school. The piece ended with a celebratory shot of the ‘protected’ tribe of indigenous indians washing their clothes and bathing in a muddy water hole. Hurrah! Another great success for the year-zero environmental movement.
After watching Andrew Marr’s show today and listening to tonight’s news can I call upon you all to boycott all Emma Thompson’s films?
If no-one turns up then they won’t be shown and the resulting drop in energy consumption will help save the planet!
Yes, Beeboids just gave her yet another impromptu political platform to pursue her propaganda.
Beeboids are celebrity utopian leftists’ biggest political fans.
They are leftists because they have never had to really struggle to survive. Once upon a time a leftwinger was often moulded by hardship and want. Not so today as it has become a fashion for the always cosseted and full of themselves middle class.
Pathetic lot really and we should feel sorry for their lack of self awareness.
I wasn’t aware the fragrant Ms Thompson was also a qualified climate scientist. Since the BBC now have a policy of not engaging with non-climate scientists on the subject of CAGW I can only assume this is yet another string to Ms Thompson’s already considerable bow.
Or could the BBC possibly be operating double standards? Surely not!
Aunty do like her uniques & exemptions, and especially her unique exemptions.
Our Emma is of course a sleb and luvvie, which is BBC top trumps royalty (there are higher categories but she can’t qualify on all).
However if there was a sleb not toeing the party line waving the wrong kind of banner, one can be pretty sure all ‘rules’ would re-apply.
What pro-Islamising Turkey, pro-Muslim Brotherhood Beeboids don’t report:-
“Three Muslim Brotherhood leaders arrive in Turkey after leaving Qatar”
A quick return to that very occasional series ‘credit where credit is due’ from me this morning.
For once BBC London tv News is surprisingly frank with their headlines.
‘A BBC investigation has revealed sham “gay marriages” for immigration purposes…’ – it was only a matter of time.
‘Head of Transport for London claims there will soon be “Mum-bye”-style overcrowding on London’s transport, even given huge investment within a decade all new capacity will be used up and costs will be prohibitive for low paid workers causing social unrest…’
And there folks you have it from the BBC. Blink and you’ll miss it because it will soon be back to relentless promotion of the leftist polices that got us in this mess – especially that of hyper immigration.
The oddly appropriately titled BBC ‘Inside Out London’ is soon to bring us this report…
‘With the Government cracking down on sham marriages, Radha Bedi goes undercover to expose the gangs now organising fake gay marriages for illegal immigrants’.
So pleased to hear that progressive UK social policy has succeded in bringing a newfound tolerance of homosexuality to the peoples of Africa and the Middle East. Albeit just for the duration of the issuing of the passport.
Another thing please tell the BBC that NOBODY gives a flying fuck about womens “football” .
I may write more if there’s the new, anticipated early week thread.
But I was on the verge of slinging the radio out of the window this morning, having endured “Thought for the Day”, and suffered the ignominy of being labelled a “climate change denier” – No, I’m not, and nor is anyone else who knows that there’s been no AGW for nigh on twenty years. This idiot was pushing his religion to the forefront, and coupled with the Green Religion, it occurred to me even more than usual, that religion has a lot to answer for. Clearly this fool knew nothing about CO2 (called it “Carbon”), or anything else on the subject, but his heart was with the dear, concerned people marching to combat climate change yesterday. What a Dickhead.
Another Dickhead, shortly afterwards, known as Balls, didn’t help matters. Why does that bloke sound so untrustworthy, out of touch, and nasty? I suppose, because he is all three.
If the Scottish referendum had been based on electoral seats, it would have been a 28-4 landslide. The 4 YES seats being the handout capitals of Scotland, with the longest marxist Labour controlled councils in the country. No-one interested in pointing this out?
“Start the Week”?…well, sure as hell it never ends for the Liberal lefties.
How else do you explain an hours trilling to Ed Balls and Polly Toynbee between 8 and 9 am(Today)…followed by some evil musings about assassinating Margaret Thatcher, and the usual black bloke in to plug a book that entails slavery and colonialism( do black people beloved by the BBC write about anything else to get a broadsheet review prior to the BBCs Cultural sofas…Start the Week being but one of those.
Mantel(who dreams of killing a dead granny still) tells us us that it would be “unconscionable” of her not to dwell in the dark zone… presumably those would-be assassins at the Grand in 1984 were comparative “seekers of the light”, like she is!
The Beeb jockey demurred..beards stroked, “fascinating” and away they went.
Do the white van trash and school run mums know just what their public sector bosses, council bigwigs and headteachers are actually LISTENING to, as they drone about serving the State?
Truly evil incitement to dig up an old womans corpse, and to throw lavender darts at it…only the BBC and the liberal left dream of evils like these.
Maybe we need to write a book about the kidnapping of Toynbee, the revenge of Sharon Shoesmith on Ed Balls, and the targetted killing of a lefty writer by one of Thatchers grandkids…with a Clinton or Obama as a hostage in some way or other.
Funnily enough-THESE kind of books do NOT make the publishers shortlists, or “conscionable” reviews by the BBC…but then neither do books linking Islam to butchery, immigration to crime and welfare destruction; or the BBCs finest to Jimmy Savile in His Common Purposes.
No dwelling on the dark side THERE eh Hilary?
Evil…evil…evil BBC and all that served it between 8 and 10 am today!