The BBC have been bombarding us with endless reports that Imams have signed a letter demanding the release of a British hostage by ISIS.
Clear what the message is…British Muslims, decent, moderate Muslims, have no truck with ISIS and its extremist, distorted version of Isam.
It’s an easy win for the Muslims….what can they lose?…they are saying nothing about their religion, making no objectionable criticisms of its tenets…but get the credit for speaking out against extremism…not Islamic extremism…just head-chopping off extremism.
The BBC have also been making much of a ‘Home Office insider’ who has revealed concerns that we are not dealing with a major threat…that of the Far Right.
Now just who could that Home Office insider be? Could he possibly be one of those radical Muslims employed by the Home Office to help them tackle the radicalisation of Muslim youth? Ahem. Let me think. Can we trust a word this guy says? No.
Or could he actually be a genuine Whitehall voice? If so why would he be speaking about this?
We have seen a flurry of articles in various publications that dismiss the ‘Islamic’ part of the ‘Islamic State’ and tell us that ISIS has more in common with modern European fascism or European medieval conflicts than Islamic history….an obvious misdirection attempting to ‘enlighten’ us…the message is that these lands were not Islamic and yet they were extreme and vioelnt, therefore violence in Muslim lands or societies cannot be blamed on Islam, there must be other, underlying, causes common to all societies. However…. ISIS is in fact a perfect, full colour replay of the establishment of Islam across the Middle East by Muhammed…who also felt no qualms about chopping off heads…some he did himself. Perhaps Muhammed wasn’t a Muslim?
Is it possible that the government has been whispering in a few ears and is busy establishing a certain narrative across the Media designed to insulate the Muslim community from any fallout over the Islamic State and British recruits chopping off British heads?
Once again, with the supposed threat of the Far Right, we have that false comparative narrative that if it something bad happens in European, non-Muslim society, then that illustrates that ‘similar’ problems apparently linked to Islam have other underlying causes. Part of that narrative is to create a straw man, to exaggerate the threat from the ‘Far Right’ and make out that white, working class youths are on the march and are just as dangerous as any Muslim terrrorist…hence, we, the British Public, should not criticise or condemn Muslims and Islam, because look….it’s not just Muslims who are radical and dangerous…and after all, the ‘radicalised’ white boys don’t read the Koran…only of course they do…which is why they march ….against it.
One other point is that the BBC links ‘Islamophobia’, or as a more truthful witness might say, justified and reasoned criticism of Islam, only with the ‘Far Right’.
What the BBC’s narrative does is to suggest that if you criticise Islam you must be ‘Far Right’ and your views are completely abhorrent to normal, decent human beings.
The BBC attempts to introduce a virtual blasphemy law…if you speak out against Islam and its practises you are labelled racist and ‘Islamophobic’. The BBC attempts to close down debate and criticism by turning anyone who speaks out into pariahs.
Perhaps that ‘Home Office insider’ should be dragged in for a bit of a bollocking. Far from reducing the likelihood of inter-communal violence he has increased it by trying to close down real debate and discussion of the real causes of Muslim violence and radicalisation…with a bit of help from the BBC.
Who is the Home Office source of such powerful information about the rise of the Far-Right? Why can’t he or she be identified? Their bluff should be called.
What about the rise of the Far-Left over the years and it’s positions in the media and government?
What about the rise of Muslim Terror in this country?
The ‘far right’ (which is actually the nationalist left) is the bugbear brought out to divert attention from the clear problem we have as a species, people using Islam as a reason to commit acts of terror.
Does anyone really think that the BNP and their associates are capable of organising anything that could threaten this country? On past experience the answer must be no.
I’m very glad that someone quickly pointed out this fact. Far-right extremism doesn’t really exist, because there isn’t a framework for organised extremism in any right-wing ideology. Invariably this is the work of the nationalist left, and is usually the case, the left has an internal schism about how to handle these violent-spinoffs of their own making, so puts them all in a neat little box called the “far right”.
The only problem is when these “far right” extremists actively support socialist ideas, like we see with Hamas, Golden Dawn and the BNP.
Just who was that muslim woman talking to in that rather bizarre interview with some disembodied voice ?
A spokesperson who is a woman? What kind of message is that meant to convey?
Although the fools at the BBC will look no further than the message itself, ALL Muslims will be well aware that a woman’s words aren’t worth Jack shit when it comes to telling a Muslim man what to do.
Then there’s the lack of any kind investigation of who these Muslims are. It’s as ridiculous as talking about Christians as a whole, when there’s an issue between Protestants & Catholics.
ISIS is Sunni, they are killing plenty of Shia, on the basis that they are ‘heretic’. It’s not a great surprise that the Shia would declare the ISIS view of them as having no basis in Islam, because to them it doesn’t and they don’t see themselves as ‘heretics’.
To me this seems to the BBC desperately grabbing onto something which they’ve been hoping for, for years, and then trying to portray it as something it isn’t. Whether you see the reason for this as them covering up the facts, or total rose tinted ignorance is up to you.
“BBC desperately grabbing onto something which they’ve been hoping for, for years, and then trying to portray it as something it isn’t. ”
Like that.
It is of course pretty much their SOP across the board, and isn’t news.
Domestic radicalisation: the problem seems to be West Indian criminals converting to Islam whilst in British prisons, where “Muslims” seem to be given privileges. Or are you not allowed to question such things? So far The Project of closing down free speech and honest debate is winning, isn’t it? Multiculturalism and cultural Marxism rule, with tacit support of the LibLabCon Establishment.
Sound familiar?
The whole article is nonsense. Short on facts and long on tendentious theorising.
Faced by the fervour and fury of Isis the liberal retreats into whimsey and fantasy.
It does show just how incapble the liberal elire is over just about everything.
No appreciation of the difference between Sunni and Shia and the other sects. This is not just an idle fact but central to everything involving the ME.
The BBC/liberal media is lazy and in denial about the collapse of it’s world view. So we get articles like this.
Any so called right wing movement is a reaction to aggressive Islam. Reaction not arising out of nothing.
This seems to have been ignored by the liberal apologists.
The liberal left is facing the collapse of it’s attempt to re engineer human nature. The events of 1789 and the years following do not need a rerun.
There are some very nasty people out there. They will not come round for tea and buns.
I defy anybody to watch this:
and then try to claim the Islamic State is not Islamic. EVERYTHING in the Islamic state is guided by the Haddith of the Quoran and the Sunnah. EVERYTHING. It is the embodiment of Allah’s will according to the prophet Muhammad. It is the Quoran being as literally implemented as possible. Not only is the Islamic State actually Islamic, it is puritan Islamic. It is as Islamic as the puritan Christians who left a very Christian England on the Mary Rose (because England was not Christian enough) were Christian, if not even more so.
To claim that ISIS are not Muslims, is like trying to claim that Alex Salmond is not Scottish!
Ken wrote: EVERYTHING in the Islamic state is guided by the Haddith of the Quoran and the Sunnah. EVERYTHING. It is the embodiment of Allah’s will according to the prophet Muhammad.
Exactly. That is why Muslims living in the West (or behind enemy lines in their view), are unable to debunk the acts and claims of ISIS, Qatada, Anjem Chaudary etc.
Ken wrote: To claim that ISIS are not Muslims, is like trying to claim that Alex Salmond is not Scottish!
Or Hussain Obama is not American ( TIC).
As Muslims cannot debunk ISIS on Islamic doctrine, all they are left with, is the excuse that ISIS are misinterpreting the koran or “taking it out of context”.
We will hear “the koran is being taken out of context”, more and more. The BBC will do its best to push it.
Mary Rose was Henry VIIIs war ship, think you meant the Mayflower.
The odd thing about the BBC’s reporting on ISIS and all things related to Islamic terrorism is how every presenter, interviewer and phone in host has to frequently chant ‘We must remember that only a tiny proportion of Muslims are terrorists’ or something very similar.
As someone who has lived and worked in Bradford, Leeds and Manchester for most of my life I am perfectly well aware of this obvious fact. I have never felt threatened by a Muslim or anyone else and a person’s religion has been a total non-issue in all of my social and working life.
The BBC never feels it necessary to inform us that only a tiny proportion of men are rapists or that only a tiny proportion of people molest children, rob banks, mug old ladies, steal charity money etc whenever these unpleasant topics arise. We are assumed to know this for ourselves because it is blindingly obvious, just as it is blindingly obvious that nearly every Muslim is not a terrorist and nobody has ever suggested otherwise.
So why the constant BBC reminders that they aren’t?
Because more and more people are seeing what happens in various countries/regions when Islam becomes close to a majority and it then unleashed. Or when a western imposed secular dictator is overthrown and the Islamic people get to create their own theocracy. Churches are burned to the ground, Apostacy/being a victim of rape/homosexuality become sins punishable by death.
When the islamic population is a very low percentage of a host population, they live under Taqiyya. Which is when they do not have to obey the doctrine of Islam. They are in foreign lands and may integrate into foreign ways of life to survive until the Islamic population increases.
They have a duty under Taqiyya to deceive the non-believers. To lull them into a false sense of security. To welcome them into Islam’s trap, or else convert them to Islam.
Then as the percentage of the Islamic population increases, they can start to indulge more of their Islamic practice. They can build and Attend Mosques and they must build the good name of Islam by being charitable and giving.
Then as the percentage increases more, they then start to demand certain rights and recognition for their culture. We as a multicultural country, will naturally oblige and we have given them lots of rights and special privilidges in this country.
Then as the percentages increases even more, they start to oppose other cultures and start demanding that they be allowed to fully live as muslims. They become very offended by the things in their adopted culture which are not Islamic. They start attacking non-Muslims and start unilaterally imposing Sharia Law as is happening in various Islamic areas of London and elsewhere, regardless of the law of the land. They refuse to recognise any human law, and only recognise Sharia as they believe that is literally the word of Allah the greatest and most merciful, through his messenger Mohamad, may peace be upon him.
Then when they become a majority, they impose Sharia, ban other religions unless they pay Jizzya, and turn what was once a nice multi-racial, multi-ethnic region into an Islamic monoculture under an oppressive, homophobic, sexist, racist totalitarianism called Sharia, where the favoured punishments for being raped, changing religion, being gay, etc… is death by stoning or beheading or hanging Inshallah.
We as a nation are waking up to the vile side of Islam and what a terminal threat it poses to Multiculturalism, racial harmony and diversity itself.
The BBC are still involved in spreading the taqiyya lies, because it is run by liberal progressive ignoramuses who would not recognise true hatred, bigotry and prejudice if they were beheaded by them. They genuinely have no clue about what they are unleashing and they live in a world of backwards logic, where if you do not openly appease the most vile, violent sexism, homophobia and racism from Muslims, then you must be a sexist, homophobic racist bigot.
It matters not how many heads are cut off around the world, or in this country (now there have been 2) , or how many thousands of non-Muslim, white working class children are brutally and repeatedly gang raped by Islamic perverts. Islam is a religion of peace and if Jihad rape offends you, you are a bigot.
As broadcasters, Beeboids have long given up any pretence of providing the qualities needed as journalists: open investigation, and the search for the truth.
The lies of Beeboids, and their deference to Islamic interests to get the political line on Islam, is both shameful and dangerous.
How many of the Islamic jihadists of ISLAMIC STATE are not Muslims?
In its latest report today about France bombing Islamic State positions, there is reference to “jihadists,” but not to Muslims nor to Islam.
Beeboids are propagandists without honour. They may as well move in with Islamic Al Jazeera officially (as many ex-Beeboids have done individually).
And Beeboid political entanglements with the Muslim Brotherhood continue as NUJ politically campaigns on behalf of Al Jazeera people on trial for pro-Muslim Brotherhood activities in Egypt.
The blogger Daniel Greenfield summed up this whole delusion about “good” and “bad” Moslems in this blog entitled The Head Chopper Next Door. Just to quote what I consider the salient passages:
The problem isn’t “radicalization”. What Western governments call radicalization is the process by which the Muslim becomes aware of the dictates of his faith and their relevance to his life. It’s not the internet preachers with their fatwas. They are just the vectors for that awareness. The problem is Islam.
The current misguided thinking is that we can win a debate between a “good Islam” and a “bad Islam”. The good Islam will tell Muslims to refrain from joining ISIS, to work for social change, to embrace diversity and to champion democracy. But this “good Islam” is just a liberal’s conception of what religion should be. Its only real followers are liberal non-Muslims and it has little to do with what Islam really is.
Within the historical context of Islam and in the words of the Koran, our idea of the good Muslim is actually a very bad Muslim. And our idea of the bad Muslim is the best of all Muslims. When we argue that Islam is a religion of peace, we are pushing against the full weight of over a thousand years of history and religious ideas and counting on Muslims to be too ignorant of them to know any better.
I recommend you read the whole blog
Islamic jihad massacre at U.S Embassy, Nairobi, Kenya, in 1998.
INBBC censors out ALL references to ISLAMIC JIHAD, ISLAM, & MUSLIMS in its
latest pro-Islam propaganda.
‘Jihadwatch doesn’t:-
“New York: Muslim pleads guilty to involvement in 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania”
‘New AFDI Ad Campaign Tells Truths About Islam and Jihad That Government and Media Ignore.’”
– See more at:
Now just who could that Home Office insider be?
Someone who shares the views of our Ramadam celebrating Prime Minister who does not accept that IS is Islamic and does not want to see too many white Christian faces, and still retains his support for the street thugs in the UAF who consistently demonise as Islamophobic any attempt to discuss Islam. If not Dave himself, someone close to him in the BBC.
INBBC reaction?:- ‘nothing to see here- we leave that sort of thing to our dhimmi,
Frank Gardner.’
“Islamist foreign fighters returning home and the threat to Europe”
Read more:
Funny that the alleged ‘informer’ or ‘leak ‘ in the home office felt that some unknown white person saying he would ‘ have concentration camps for those he doesn’t like’ was shocking ! yet when the streets of the smoke was full of pro pally pals with signs saying ‘Hitler was right’ and ‘open the gas chambers ‘ he didn’t find that bothering at all ??
see,i dont care how many damm letters these faceless imans sign condemming these isis islamist vermin,thats to easy and just a cop out,want i want to see from these imans and so called moderate muslims is them organising a mass demo and feets on the ground for the whole country to see them condemming isis and there supporters in the uk ,then maybe,just maybe, we can take the muslim community seriously in there opposition to terrorism and these isis pieces of filth,signing letters is not good enough,your faces and demos against isis and there supporters for them to see as well as us is the only way you as a muslim community can show the rest of us that you mean what you say and are 100% against terrorism and isis.
This morning the BBC has reported on another call by ‘imams’ to ISIS to spare the lives of Western hostages.
Of course it’s an absolute joke, no mention of the denomination of the Imams, and quotations from the Qur’an which are just plain wrong !
“Islam strictly forbids the killing of innocent people. It says killing one person is to kill the whole of humanity. Saving one person is to save the whole of humanity.”
Except the Qur’an doesn’t say that at all !
The actual verse runs like this:
On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone slew a person – unless it be in retaliation for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew all mankind: and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humanity.
Qur’an 5:32
So we have a command solely to ‘the Children of Israel’ who are the Jews, and not to the Muslims at all.
Even then there’s a get out of ‘retaliation for murder’, which is exactly what ISIS has claimed they are doing, in retaliation for Western air raids.
Because no Journo has a knowledge of Islam they aren’t able to see the glaring errors in this, and because there is a willingness to accept rather than to question and to point out the errors.
Again there is a desperation to seize on what they want this to be, because it appears to be a group of mendacious mischief makers who know little about their subject.
“Because no Journo has a knowledge of Islam they aren’t able to see the glaring errors in this, and because there is a willingness to accept rather than to question and to point out the errors.”. I disagree. I think the vast majority of journalists are fully aware of this but suffer from “Rotherham” syndrome in being too afraid of speaking out and therefore allowing this to propagate. There are others who are aware and say nothing because they have their own agenda. Then there are a few honourable exceptions who are vilified, of course, and these will never be allowed to argue on the INBBC
“I think the vast majority of journalists are fully aware “.
I can’t agree with this at all. UK media rarely if ever examines the Qur’anic verses and it is only if people wish to learn that they can find out. Every single hack I’ve ever met or spoken to approaches their writing from the usual angle of what they want to be true, and total blind ignorance.
Even when faced with the truth, they find it difficult or impossible to believe, and prefer to brand the messenger as some kind of ‘waycist’.
So, whether you or Mike are correct, other than the honourable exceptions he concedes but whose efforts he laments, it is possible to agree that most supposed ‘journalists’ are unworthy of this professional description for a variety of less than noble integrity or plain incompetence failings.
Not very encouraging for the state of education or information the public enjoys, often via compelled funding.
Just suppose, suppose that the current rumours are true that Henning has been killed. How will the BBC square that with the efforts of the Imams?
For INBBC not to report?-
Split in political Left-Islam alliance-
As counter to INBBC censorship on Islam, and on the Islamic nature of the Islamic State, here are two videos (20 mins each)-
1.) Robert Spencer on ‘Islam-Denial’, &
2.) Daniel Greenfield on ‘ISIS Rising’.
“The Islamic State’s global reach”
The Imams plea to ISIS that is being broadcast on the BBC is that ISIS should not execute the British hostage Alan Henning. To call such beheadings executions reveals the Imams mind set. Every rational person knows that these beheadings are not executions. They are barbaric medieval style murders.
“Islam, beheadings and politically correct denial”
By Vincent Cooper.
As with the Islamic rape gangs speech that was circulated to mosques that none of them delivered, why are all these muslim organisations putting their names on a letter to ISIS if ISIS has nothing to do with Isalm – as we keep being told.
If ISIS has nothing to do with Islam, why would they pay any attention whatsover to what muslims have to say? They may as well get a letter from the Wheel Tappers and Shunters Social Club (actually, that may be more effective…)
why are all these muslim organisations putting their names on a letter to ISIS if ISIS has nothing to do with Isalm – as we keep being told.
Good question. Maybe it is a code for “Best wishes for all you are doing to further the caliphate”.
BBC-NUJ and reporting, and not reporting on Qatar.
Of course, BBC-NUJ has chums at Qatar’s Islamic Al Jazeera broadcaster.
BBC-NUJ has this:-
“Qatar returns detained human rights researchers to UK”
But NOT this:-
“Protestors tell Qatar – Stop funding Hamas or quit the World Cup”
‘Diversity Britain’: Polygamy.
Tony ‘Diversity’ HALL censors impact of such ‘diversity’ on what was British society-
‘Daily Mail’ today-
“Strolling in a park, a London businessman and his THREE wives – just one of up to 20,000 such multi-wife marriages in polygamy Britain”
Read more:
Diversity and Equality with Saudi Arabia then. Add a little liberal perversions and we can all marry animals and bestiality would be BBC ‘normalised’ (this is an odd Muslim practice in some countries). No doubt the BBC will have a spokesman claiming how bigoted we English all are, when they are the ‘victims’ of our bigotry. Yes well we are, anti abuse, anti corruption and anti BBC. We had media standards, we had the Magna Carta as the basis for our freedom, we had democracy. Now we have EU chaos, Scottish debt, civil-service socialism and BBC Liberalism as the friend of Islam. Who needs enemies when we have such friends as traitors to England.
ok.let me have another go, today.2 foreign sounding sharia law loving imans living in england was all over the news pleading to there muslim brothers in isis to release alan henning who worked for some muslim charity who by the way are under investigation by the charity commision for diverting money to terrorist groups in syria.ok.we get that,notice these same 2 foreign sounding imans living in england did not plead to there muslim brothers in isis to release the other british hostage called john cantle who is a british journalist,why is that you may ask,what is the difference betreen alan henning and john cantle you may ask,ok,now we know,according to the sunday times this morning alan henning converted to islam.stopped,drinking and stopped celebrating christmas.i need say no more why these in my view quiet extremist sharia law loving foreign sounding imans today have pleaded to there isis brothers to release alan henning and not john cantle.
Thanks for that lookup
The British hostage Alan Henning was working for a charity that campaigned for the release of an al-Qaeda suspect whose freedom was demanded by his jihadi kidnappers, it has emerged.
Why is it that “conspiracy” comes to mind.
i agree with stu,something does not add up with this alan henning guy and this muslim charity he works for,
“BBC plugs Jihadi Charities”
(Dec 2013).
‘Shariah Finance Watch’-some recent reports of ‘Islamic charities’-
‘Jihadis In Need’ looks set to be a great spin-off.
Not too sure what organ or limb Pudsey may have to sacrifice to reflect the new brand values.
Great blog you have got here.. It’s difficult to find high-quality writing like yours nowadays.
I really appreciate people like you! Take care!!
Consequences of the Islamisation of London.
For INBBC to censor?:-
“US spy planes are flying over British skies in hunt for Jihadi John’s associates as net closes in on London suburb.”
Read more:
Next US drones: Set coordinates to BBC Media centre, (Islam propaganda centre) Salford Quay, Manchester. Follow the line of bottles, Cocaine sniffers and black flag to target. Avoid poor white harem girls and comotose boys kept as concubines for the BBC elite.
Although INBBC reports appeal from Henning family for humanity by Islamic State,
INBBC doesn’t have this-
“Posing with girls toting AK-47s, the Supermarket Jihadi boasts: I gave British police the slip… TWICE.
“Extremist Omar Hussain caught a flight to Istanbul to travel to Syria.
“This is despite being questioned earlier by anti-terror police at Heathrow.
“During Heathrow arrest, his house was raided and his passport confiscated.
“Now in Syria, where he was injured in a gun battle fighting Assad regime.
“His revelation has been described as ‘shocking’ by former terrorism advisor.”
Read more:
Beeboids rarely report Canada, (too related to Britain, not ‘diverse’ enough?) so,
for their information:-
“Canada invalidating passports of citizens who have left to join jihad groups”
BBC-NUJ unable to see the political connection-
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“The danger of saying ISIS is not Islam.”
By Liz Lightstone.
Read more: The danger of saying ISIS is not Islam | Liz Lightstone | The Blogs | The Times of Israel
Yes Cameron and others, you. Isis is the real deal, real islam, red in tooth and claw, there are no moderate muslims, just sleepers, waiting for the Caliphate, the Koran is exactly as enacted by Isis…..someone please beat this into Cameron and the BBC and the chattering classes……morons.
For BBC-NUJ: update on Islamic jihad threat to Australia.
If BBC-NUJ reported more regularly on:-
a.) Australia,
b.) Islamic jihad threats-
it would report the following, but as it is, it does NOT report this-
‘Daily Mail’-
“‘Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over… Kill them in any manner’: Islamic State terror group spokesman purportedly calls for supporters to murder AUSTRALIANS in evil message.”
Read more: