Here you go, pretty much on-time and awaiting your informed comments! It’s the Labour party conference this week so THAT should be interesting to watch how the comrades at the BBC cover their dear friends…
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BBC’s ‘World Service’: enforced tax and propaganda on British people-
The self-interested Beeboid, Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DUCET, who,
of course, has a political agenda:-
“The World Service is currently in the middle of a merger with BBC News. There are ‘many, many more accents’ on air in the UK as locally based BBC correspondents are shared. But budget cuts and turmoil are in evidence, and the merged operation is only just starting. ‘We have to wait and see. If it is all funded by the British licence fee payers they have to understand the importance [of the World Service]. Doucet quotes Kofi Annan’s view: ‘It’s Britain’s greatest gift to the world.'”
-As the U.N wants a global propagandist broadcaster, it should be paid for by the U.N,
NOT by British licencepayers, as now.
It’s politically significant that when BBC-NUJ ask their Labour Party chums about their planned cuts to welfare benefit payments of £250 million, that Labour don’t even mention the alternative of cutting £250 million a year from BBC spending.
I wonder why not…
(And, of course, Beeboids don’t suggest this alternative themselves.)
As an expat for the last 20 years, I listen a lot to the World Service even in this internet age. I have to say the quality for whatever reason has definitely diminished in recent years, particularly news. I think it was better when it was funded by the Foreign Office: its remit was also clear then – to be used to promote British soft power. These days it seems to want to pander to everybody – why they feel compelled to read out tweets every week from Nigeria about the latest Premier League results I don’t know.
Despite this The World Service still produces some good programs, the best I would say from any of the parts of the BBC – much better than most of the tat on the telly and at a fraction of the cost.
The BBC World Service used to be about telling foreigners about Britain. Now it is concerned with telling the British about foreigners.
I’m aware the UK ‘pays’ the EU £53M per day; how much does the UK ‘pay’ the even more corrupt UN?
Hijab Watch. BBC Breakfast news this morning another vision in black on the sofa explaining about all those people doing peaceful things in Syria and all that. I will start counting from now on. There are at least 2 or 3 more than I ever want to see each week.
Yes, I had the misfortune to see that too.
Just the face visible through the multilayered black bin liner fashion statement.
And of course, who does the bbc bring on to harangue ISIS, but a woman. Maybe the ISIS equality commission will ensure her questions and exhortations will get a fair hearing.
Perhaps they have an all wimmin shortlist for their political classes? Maybe not.
You’ll notice they dont bring on Anjem fuckin Chowdrey to let the whole country hear the truth !
But the humanity of ISIS is being prepared even as I write this.
Bastards, both bbc and Isis.
It seems that in Australia, ABC (BBC) has the same issues for viewers. Their programme Q&A (Question Time) has recently enjoyed this episode:
It seems to be a fact of life that state broadcasters veer to the left. ABC’s liberal bias is a constant source of complaint in that country, but Canada’s CBC is even worse than the BeeB – it’s like listening to The Guardian!
Friends tell me that the state broadcaster RAI in Italy is very Left-wing too.
BBC1 local (London) news last night demonstrated two delightful examples of the BBC’s “impartiality” commitment. First up, reports of the Climate Change “protest” march in London. 10,000 claimed the BBC but, on the evidence of the BBC’s own pictures, I reckon it just managed 5,000 (if that). Then friendly interviews with a couple of the “protestors” and then, surprisingly, the BBC commentator noted that there has been no global warming for the past 17/18 years: switch to warmist spokesman who stated categorically and unchallenged that “there’s been a pause but science proves there’ll be a resumption [at some unstated future time – my interpolation]”.
Next item: “news” of possible self-government for London: this was not news, just some unwarranted speculation by lazy journalists seeking to divert attention from Labour’s confusion and indecision on this (and much of everything else).
In all, a meaningless and uninformative 5 minutes of pure dross punctuated by warmist lies and speculation in Labour’s interest: actually a mini-version of most of the BBC’s news offerings.
I don’t suppose the bbc have made any mention of the fact that the EDL is still in existence and has been organising protests in various places, to highlight the effects of having so many muslims in our midst? No, thought not.
BBC-NUJ’s main political enemy is certainly not the barbaric Islamic, Islamic State,
but is the English Defence League (EDL) which opposes the Islamic State!
And yes, the EDL is still active:-
How many children have the EDL raped and murdered? How many have the “religion of peace” murdered?
Yet the EDL are the bad guys?
Good for the EDL…they may make gentle noses wrinkle and provoke titters from soft lefties at the apparent roughness and gauch deportment of a lot of their members, but they are all we have, really, against the rising muslim horde approaching adulthood and the order by their leaders to attack and destroy our way of life…forever. As the saying goes, something like, ‘ be thankfull that rough men stand ready to do violence to ensure we sleep safely in our beds’…… them, please, wake up to Islam, it is our biggest threat. Our useless leaders practice ‘taqiyya’ on us as much as the muslims do on them….beware.
The BBC, of course, never questions the wider politics of these “climate change protesters”. They’re anti-capitalist Luddites. Their banners tell you everything you need to know about them – e.g. “flood Wall Street”!
None of the eighteen computer models on which our UN and governments energy and tax policies are based predicted an eighteen years of natural variation. It isn’t a “pause”. It’s much worse for the alarmists. The temperature rises and falls from year to year. They can’t stop lying. It’s incontravertibly unrelated to levels of CO2, which continue to rise as the world’s population and economy grows.
This data comes from troposphere satellite data which can’t be adjusted tweaked and fiddled like the thermometer data was in the hands of the guardians of that data “climate scientists” aka climate liars.
No one knows reliably what happened – the models (which are not “science”) are built on faulty assumptions. So some soap-dodging nobody says “science” knows its going to restart and the BBC no doubt leaves them the final word. There you are, the pause has been publicly rebutted. “Science says so”. Never mind “science” is data, observations, and we don’t have any future observations.
There’s been no change in the climate for 18 years, and no change in the BBC in that time, that’s for sure. BBC holding out in hope it will start again, hoping we are doomed, and therefore need saving. Utter lying bastards, God, I hate them.
National treasure my arse.
For attention of BBC-NUJ/Labour Party brothers and sisters at Manchester get-together:-
“Labour faces industry call from RadioCentre to toughen up its policies toward the BBC”
By John Glenday.
Anyone seen the NUJ guidelines on race reporting? Explains a lot about coverage of, for example, the 1400+ rapes carried out by “Asians” in Rotherham alone.
Statement on Race Reporting
1. The NUJ believes that the development of racist attitudes and the growth of fascist parties pose a threat to democracy, the rights of trade union organisations, a free press and the development of social harmony and well-being.
2. The NUJ believes that its members cannot avoid a measure of responsibility in fighting the evil of racism as expressed through the mass media.
3. The NUJ reaffirms its total opposition to censorship but equally reaffirms its belief that press freedom must be conditioned by responsibility and an acknowledgement by all media workers of the need not to allow press freedom to be abused to slander a section of the community or to promote the evil of racism.
4. The NUJ believes the methods and lies of the racists should be publicly and vigorously exposed.
5. The NUJ believes that newspapers and magazines should not originate material which encourages discrimination on grounds of race or colour, as expressed in the NUJ’s Rule Book and Code of Conduct.
6. The NUJ recognises the right of members to withhold their labour on grounds of conscience where employers are providing a platform for racist propaganda.
7. The NUJ believes that editors should ensure that coverage of race stories should be placed in a balanced context.
8. The NUJ will continue to monitor the development of media coverage in this area and give support to members seeking to enforce the above aims.
Guidelines on Race Reporting
• Only mention someone’s race if it is strictly relevant. Check to make sure you have it right. Would you mention race if the person was white?
• Think carefully about the words you use. Words which were once in common usage are now considered offensive, e.g. half-caste and coloured. Use mixed-race and Black instead. Black can cover people of Arab, Asian, Chinese and African origin. Ask people how they define themselves.
• Do not make assumptions about a person’s cultural background – whether it is their name or religious detail. Ask them or where it is not possible check with the local Race Equality Council.
• Investigate the treatment of Black people in education, health, employment and housing. Do not forget travellers and gypsies. Cover their lives and concerns. Seek the views of their representatives.
• Remember that Black communities are culturally diverse. Get a full and correct view from representative organisations.
• Press for equal opportunities for employment for Black staff.
• Immigrant is often used as a term of abuse. Do not use it unless the person really is an immigrant. Most Black people in Britain were born here and most immigrants are white.
• Be wary of disinformation. Just because a source is traditional does not mean it is accurate.
• Do not sensationalise race relations issues. It harms Black people and it could harm you.
Reporting Racist Organisations
• Do not sensationalise by reports, photographs, film or presentation the activities of racist organisations.
• Seek to publish or broadcast material exposing the myths and lies of racist organisations and their anti-social behaviour.
• Do not allow the letters column or ‘phone-in’ programmes to be used to spread racial hatred in whatever guise.
• When interviewing representatives of racist organisations or reporting meetings or statements or claims, journalists should carefully check all reports for accuracy and seek rebutting or opposing comments. The anti-social nature of such views should be exposed.
So there you have it. Seems like “racism” is the greatest threat facing society and as long as that is held in check, who cares about rape, FGM, forced marriage, beheadings in the street, bombs, kidnapping of journalists, execution of journalists, crucifixions, murderous rampages in shopping malls, planes being flown into skyscrapers, schoolgirls being kidnapped, widescale “ethnic cleansing” and all that?
To summarise the NUJ guidelines, they seek to withhold details of black-on-white crime whilst promoting coverage of white-on-black crime; to label any person or organisation seeking to expose the truth as fascist/ racist; to ignore any party or movement that opposes the Left’s race war against the indigenous white population; and if they become too big to ignore, seek to destroy them.
Explains a lot. Freedom of the press is mentioned as a mere afterthought. And as for a search for the truth? Not if it gets in the way of the NUJ’s agenda.
Of course the NUJ support anti Israeli activities, backing the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign.
It is interesting that nowhere do they define what a racist is. In the OED a racist is someone who believes in their racial superiority and are antagonistic towards other races. But we all know that most of the English people who the leftwing media, typically led by the BBC, label as racist certainly don’t believe that their race is superior to others. Nor are they antagonistic towards other races, under normal circumstances. Most English people who are labeled as racist actually only want to live in a culture that is English and resent that this is increasingly difficult due to there being so many immigrants with cultures that are very different to ours. We don’t think our culture is superior, it is just that we prefer it, as I am sure many other races prefer their own cultures . We don’t feel antagonistic to people from other races unless we feel that they are threatening our way of life.
If the leftwing media, typified by the BBC, think that many people in England are racist, it is only because of the mass immigration they have forced upon us without our consent.
I agree and another thing I find unacceptable about the left is the introduction a few years ago of the Orwellian concept of ‘hate crimes’. Don’t get me wrong, a crime is a crime but the need to categorise some into hate crimes is surely a political tool just as the misuse of the term racist is. TPTB invented Racism,Homophobia, Islamophobia and hell knows what else and then categorised the ‘transgressors as hate criminals.
And ‘racists’ have been defined, with the connivance of the bBBC, as those who – often accidentally – don’t use the latest PC-approved word for black/ coloured/ ethnic/ urban/ whatever this year’s word is. So racism has gone from denoting the practice of discriminatory behaviour against people of other races to meaning silly name-calling.
But only by white people. Black (whatever the approved word is) people are allowed, even encouraged, to say whatever they like about white people.
In England, only the English are tolerant, that’s why in England, only the non-English have free speech.
“3. The NUJ reaffirms its total opposition to censorship but equally reaffirms its belief that press freedom must be conditioned by responsibility and an acknowledgement by all media workers of the need not to allow press freedom to be abused to slander a section of the community or to promote the evil of racism.**”
** Unless it is the evil of the racism as expressed by members of the Jihadist Islamic community against non-Islamic people according to their literal interpretation of the Haddith of the Quoran and the Sunnah, in which case any form of racist abuse, being verbal, physical, violent or sexual or a combination of all 4 is acceptable and all reporting of such racist/sexist/homophpbic bigotry must be either completely censored or adjusted so as to avoid implicating the actual racist, homophobic and sexist bigots.
There FTFY!
“3. The NUJ reaffirms its total opposition to censorship but equally reaffirms its belief that press freedom must be conditioned by responsibility and an acknowledgement by all media workers of the need not to allow press freedom to be abused to slander a section of the community or to promote the evil of racism.”
I wonder if they’ve ever thought that it would read better as:
“3. The NUJ reaffirms its total opposition to censorship but equally reaffirms its belief that press freedom must be conditioned by responsibility and an acknowledgement by all media workers of the need not to allow press freedom to be abused to promote the evil of child rape.”
“7. The NUJ believes that editors should ensure that coverage of race stories should be placed in a balanced context.***”
*** The balance is as follows. If white people commit racism, this should be exposed and condemned as widely as possible. If non-white people commit racism this should be censored at all costs. We believe that non-whites cannot possibly be racist and that it is racist to suggest as much.
There FTFY again.
“• Be wary of disinformation. Just because a source is traditional does not mean it is accurate.”
the BBC in a nutshell
The BBC went big on Labour’s caring proposals to protect women and girls from sexual abuse as announced by Yvette Cooper. But almost unnoticed is that Labour’s policy proposals are supposed to prevent another Rotherham. Labour’s new big idea is to make the provision of “relationship lessons” compulsory for all children.
This despite the fact that all the officials and police who failed to act in Rotherham were leftists with excellent feminist credentials. How about some analysis on how useless Labour’s policy would be.
There’s a good post on that called: Liberal Monsters at:
Yes, and of course, BBC-NUJ and Labour Party do not see the connection beteen their policies of mass immigration plus ‘multicultiuralism’ and such dire, irreversible consequences as this:-
“Britain’s Female Jihadists”
Cooper has said that she wants feminism to be “taught” in schools – it now seems that this would be in the guise of “relationship lessons”. It has been well said that “the desire to indoctrinate the next generation is at the heart of the totalitarian instinct”.
Following the usual BBC biased reporting from Gaza during the recent Hamas Israel conflict a group that I work with has produced an on line petition which hopefully we can look forward to your support.
It can be found at
and is as follows..
Fair Reporting requests the BBC to release the Balen Report to satisfy public concern of bias against Israel in reporting on the Middle East
We the undersigned believe that the recent BBC news coverage (TV, Radio, Online) of the Gaza conflict has been extremely anti-Israel in content. This has created an atmosphere in the United Kingdom which has directly led to an exceptional increase in attacks, both verbal and physical, on Jewish individuals, places of worship, other properties and businesses. The BBC, by virtue of its skewed coverage, bears some degree of responsibility for such criminal behaviour.
The Balen Report was commissioned in 2004 to investigate and report on biased news coverage in relation to Israel and has never been published. Indeed the BBC has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money in its attempt to prevent and conceal its publication, suggesting potentially damaging content. In the wake of the report we believe that the BBC has retained an anti-Israel reporting agenda which in turn is leading to anti-semitic, criminal activity.
Therefore we now ask for:
a) the complete publication of the Balen Report and
b) independent investigation of BBC reporting on Israel to expose anti Israel bias since the Balen report to date
The purpose of the Petition is to determine if the BBC has, and is acting within its Charter and to expose biased media reporting.
Post #indyref, where would we be without the guiding wisdom of polls?
Interesting one this, beyond the inevitable conclusion reached.
Reflecting a BBC HYS at its most nervous, comments reached… two… before being pulled.
It is possible that them asking who these.. anonymous… what else… ‘media professionals’ were could have gone in directions not favoured.
‘Another commented: “I despair at the constant attack on the BBC from certain quarters. My whole family love the BBC output, it plays a really large part in our lives every day – TV, radio, online. It is amazing value for money and raises the bar on quality. We feel a genuine sense of pride in the BBC.”
Gush like that… where could they work? Given the rest reads like a LordPantone/Hugs ‘We’re the ones that we want’ duet (a BBC spokesperson says), this may explain why it has languished a bit in the promo, lest anyone not in the BBC or Graun group hug lose their lunch.
Still, all that matters is the headline. Job done.
That’s jolly nice for them. And the reason I should have to pay for what this person and their family like is….?
“and the reason I should have to pay for what this person and their family like is….? ”
Skewered. Thank you. Says it all, and in so few words. Wonderful economy of expression, not offered by all that market rate talent we have to pay for (comments are now closed)
Every so often they can surprise you:
Channel 4 News @Channel4News
Read @lindseyhilsum’s powerful blog on Tawfik Bensaud, the young Libyan civil activist murdered by Islamists #c4news
I did. Not sure how it went with Jon ‘The Emoter’ Snow, but one may also wonder if it could inspire the world’s most lavishly funded investigative news broadcaster to change the stuck record it plays?
Sorry, there are no results for Tawfik Bensaud.
Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.
Try watching Strictly Come Dancing
Get to know the glittering celebrities taking part in this year’s show
I rather doubt the “quoted” culprits would see such billing, what with watertight oversight ‘n all. Now, if he had been killed by members of a group the BBC wasn’t keen on…
Try watching strictly…
This is how it works. The sheep must be fed, continually, a diet of trash, soaps, cheap titillation, “celebs”, footie, the latest diet, whatever and et cetera; absolutely anything and everything to occupy their little minds: as long as they don’t start to question, as long as they do what they are told and believe what the great and good liberal intelligencia tell them is good for them.
Such is the condescension of the leftist mind.
The squeezed upper middle includes senior managers, lawyers, accountants, BBC executives, hospital consultants and university vice-chancellors.
For some reason, my first thought was…
‘…you end up just talking to yourself a lot, which gets terribly boring because half the time you know what you’re going to say next.”
“Only half the time?” asked Arthur in surprise.
The Captain thought for a moment.
“Yes, about half I’d say. Anyway – where’s the soap?”
Luckily an answer the BBC may have to hand.
If not off at some march in New York or London.
Maybe it’s ‘not news’ (c) A Newsroom Tealady?
Well, this week at least.
Of course there is always the economy.
That’s awkward. And as it emerged on one of their own (if niche) programmes, they will doubtless propel such a fiscal FUBAR to headline status.
Won’t they?
The Reeves interview ranks as one of the worst I have ever seen. Andrew Neil didn’t even have to try very hard, she was just awful. Shouting louder and louder doesn’t make the fact that she didn’t know very much any better.
Watched Countryfile last night for the first time in ages. All ok till they embarked on a completely unwarranted piece about second home owners in Padstow. It had absolutely nothing to do with country living, wild life, farming or anything else that a sane person would consider as part of country or rural living and everything to do with envy of those who can afford a second home.
It will probably be some time before I watch it again. I recall that this programme always has some campaigning element to it, without fail.
I caught a bit of the programme as well – the bit about the sheepdog trials. There appear to be heats involving England, Scotland and Wales, but why did they combine Northern Ireland with the Republic of Ireland? I thought that they had been separate since 1922, or is there another agenda?
Perhaps I am becoming paranoid in my dotage.
They , the R of I, want to rejoin the UK after the ‘big bail out’ perhaps ?
Yes I too caught this piece, but it was all cleverly done. I was in a rage as I started to watch, but every few seconds the new older woman presenter would give a few seconds to the pro second home owners for example that they brought employment to the area before a minute or two explaining that the poor locals couldn’t afford to live in Padstow. How far they would have to go to find something affordable wasn’t covered. So some of the counter argument was covered but in such a way that we all knew which side the Countryside team were on. Mind you I wonder how many of them have the country cottages as well as a place in town. They probably think it justifies their knowledge of rural issues that they use in their job (sarcasm intended).
Drivel. Being born in a place does not give you the right to live there for life if you can’t afford it.
Or do you believe that a bone-idle doley has the right to live in Mayfair because that was where his junkie mother had a council flat?
1979 – BBC Persian Service – widely known in Tehran as ‘Ayatollah BBC’ for its promotion of the ayatollah’s Islamists.
Example of its World Wide Biased Service.
The Iranian communist Tudeh Party had assisted the Islamists in toppling the Shah but in power the Islamists imprisoned the Tudeh party leaders, had dozens executed as Russian spies, arrested over a thousand members and finally outlawed the party.
Lefties take note Islamist/ lefty political love affairs = rather nasty fatal attractions and dead ends.
Gardener sends photo of ‘weed’ to BBC show – which turns out to be cannabis
Presenters of Radio Devon’s The Potting Shed identify 5ft bush with a ‘sickly sweet pong’, but police decide not to take action
Just as well they didn’t play an 80-year-old tune with a non-PC word in it … they’d have been in real trouble then.
Biased BBC readers – because of time constraints there were a few things Ed Balls had to leave out of the Conference speech today but I will record them here for you so you get the full picture at the eminent Biased BBC site (EDS OMISSIONS in CAPS):
Ed Says: “…… where we made mistakes – we should be grown up about it.
So Conference, we should have had tougher rules on immigration from Eastern Europe – it was a mistake not to have transitional controls in 2004.
“…….. ….A longer time people have to work before they can get unemployment benefit.
Stopping people claiming child benefit and tax credits for families abroad.
Cracking down on employers who exploit migrant workers and undercut wages by avoiding the minimum wage and proper rights at work.
And Conference, while it was the banks which caused the global recession, and it was the global recession which caused deficits to rise here in Britain and around the world, the truth is we should have regulated those banks in a tougher way.
It was a mistake. We should apologise for it. And I do.
And so as we get the deficit down, we must reform our banks for the future so that can never happen again.
And Conference, and we didn’t do enough to tackle the underlying causes of rising spending on housing benefit and in-work poverty.
So the next Labour government will raise the minimum wage, build more homes to get the housing benefit bill down and cap overall spending on social security.
And Conference, we should not have scrapped the 10p starting rate of income tax.
But we don’t just need to learn from our mistakes.
Well put, and plenty for UKIP to get their teeth into in Labour areas between now and next May. Bring it on!
Noticed this post is doing the rounds of MPs all parties….. so good for everyone else to put on their Facebook etc….do your bit folks…if you agree help the cause…
Print that out and push it through every letterbox in the UK.
Ed Balls sets out priorities for ‘first Labour Budget’ –
The comments section is beautiful. The most popular posts all lay into Labour’s record on the economy. I bet the BBC are regretting letting the public have a say on this one!
BTW, I don’t get the purpose of Editor’s Pics on comments sections. Surely when people are commenting on political matters, it’s not appropriate for the BBC to say which posts they like the most.
And tomorrow the bBBC will be lapping up the Labour conference telling us they will ‘save the NHS’ … just don’t mention Stafford, Furness, Basildon or any of the other ‘envy of the world’ examples of their Nationalised Death Service.
Yes the number of times we get NHS “the envy of the world” quote from all parties is a complete joke.
Where did the little kid with the brain tumor go, emm Czech Republic. They can probably afford the proton beam therepy since they dont pay their GPs 100k p.a. , dont have 1000s of paper pushers doing non jobs, etc
Sorry, folks, my prediction was wrong. The bBBC can’t even wait until tomorrow to spread the Labour propaganda about their Nationalised Death Service. Second item on the bBBC ‘news’ website tonight is “Labour leader Ed Miliband will pledge to increase spending on the NHS in England in his party conference speech on Tuesday, the BBC understands.”
Surely ‘news’ is when Miliband actually makes his speech, why does the BBC have to give advance notice by its ‘understanding’?
Perhaps ‘some say’ that the BBC ‘has been led to believe’ that another news story will wipe Ed’s party piece off the front page?
Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia.
“I bet the BBC are regretting letting the public have a say on this one!”
They seemed to have resolved this problem.
Just in from work, and it looks like it closed around 6.30pm, before most of the UK public returns to have their say, or not, it having opened around lunchtime.
Predictable, are they not?
“… not appropriate for the BBC to say which posts they like the most”
Again, true.
But you need to be aware of the Way of the Weasel.
It is a ‘pick’; not a ‘like’.
Just as a JonDon or Jasmine RT on twitter does not mean endorsement, or any vox pop selected by any editor in any BBC suite is other than random, or the audience to a QT could possibly be skewed by production team preferences. All of course, secure behind a ‘purposes of’ exemption if the the methodology is questioned. Their word is their bond.
Semantics are all. And rule, absolutely. Or should that be uniquely?
I’m I the only one here, who wants to smash fatty in the face with a baseball bat.
No you’re not!
Don’t agree with violence.
However ………
BBC news in the North just showed some clips again of Imams appealing for Alan Henning to be released in order to pretend that Islam is all nice and cuddly after all.
What the BBC failed to explain was that the black flag behind one of them was the black flag of Jihad, proving all these appeals are merely more Taqiyya lies.
re: isitme’s post on the NUJ guidelines [straight from common puropose I would think]..
‘Most Black people in Britain were born here and most immigrants are white’.
Cherry-picking of the worst order.
Arguendo it is true, what does it prove? One could, if one were unkind, bring up the old “A dog born in a stable is STILL not a horse” tired saw. But the problem is not race per se, of course; it is, to what extent do non-white immigrants acculturate, as opposed to white immigrants, and to what extent are the white immigrants “most of the way there already,” in terms of acculturation, versus non-white.
And as to the question of whether the bulk of the black population is UK-born as opposed to African- or Caribbean-born, again, what does this signify, in terms of whether they regard themselves as fully British with regard to their outlook on the world on not-particularly-skin-colour-fraught issues? That is, where did they stand on, e.g., Scottish independence/the EU/other sorts of things that affect them qua Briton and not qua black? It will not do to say “they’re British” and for someone then to say “These are ‘white people’s problems’.” Too many would wish to absolve the black population of any indifference to such issues, if indeed indifference exists; “Not their problem– they walked into it late.” Not if they were born in the UK they didn’t.
But frank discussion of such issues is seldom had.
Could’t agree more.
It is very much in the interest of the liberal leftists’ agenda to stick labels on people because of their ethnicity or religion.
Thus they can stereotype all black people as racially oppressed, all Indians as hard working, and all whites as racist. Then they can use their media cronies to reinforce the victimhood of the feckless minorities within each group, confirm and enhance the stereotypes, and build a new cutural apartheid aka multi-culturalism. A classic exercise in “divide and conquer”.
Meanwhile back in the real world, some of my Indian friends are a touch on the idle side and some of my black friends will be extremely wealthy soon because of their work ethic.
A piece on the local news this evening informed us that the NHS is to open the first specialist centre for young girls who have undergone the grotesque horror of FGM. Good God almighty! Can you imagine that this evil, filthy abomination could ever have been contemplated by Aneurin Bevan when he helped set up the NHS all those years ago? Generations of our politicians have excused this despicable practice and it’s now so rife we need an entire centre to combat it.
As born and bred Englishman I find this so alien and inhumane that it is completely beyond my comprehension.
Multicultural Britain has become a foreign country.
That was the intention. Make us, the old English, feel like strangers in a different land. This makes it so much easier to divide and rule.
We were always the real enemy as far as the EU federalists are concerned.
Its Child Abuse.…rotherham/isis.noticed the link here.
Interesting: the One Show has just done a topical piece on the impact Scottish devolution will have on the issue of England’s own (potential) devolution. They are pushing the Labour party’s preferred line of regionalism by discussing the potential devolution of Manchester and Sheffield, over the idea of an English parliament or similar, which would be much more harmful to Labour from an electoral perspective. Then cutting back for left-wing comedian Andy Hamilton’s opinion.
We are starting to gear a load of waffle designed to obscure the easy and correct answer.
There is no need for any more parliaments. Deprive Scottish MPs of the right to vote on devolved matters that will now only affect England and Wales ( at present ) .An ancient democratic principle here and one that has always been accepted.
Not hard at all despite the rubbish being spouted. It will make a Labour government’s position hard but who cares?
The BBC/liberal press does and that is about all.
I am in Yorkshire, and I had never heard of that BBC approved Yorkshire regional political party, but Doncaster had a popular English independence party politician as Mayor. I wonder why the BBC did not talk to him?
check this
Sunday Times. ‘Arts Chief ready to conduct Radio 3’ Oh really? BBC’s Lord Haw Haw Hall is off to a cracking start on this Radio 3 diversity agenda and first up is his old mate Alan Davey (hideously white) former Chief tax sponger of the UK ‘Arts Council’ is (according to Lord Haw Haw) ‘suitably qualified’ to run the ailing Radio 3 with his superb skill set. His qualifications are as follows: ‘no broadcast experience ‘[tick], ‘career as a civil servant [tick], ‘listens to Desert Island Disks’ [tick], ‘sat on the same ‘Olympiad’ committee as Lord Haw Haw [tick], ‘tone-deaf’ [tick] err… that’s it! The job is yours Alan Davey and don’t forget that you can keep your ‘day job’ to a 3 day week! (just like Lord Haw Haw Haw does). Money money money, public money…
Seriously the BBC sees ‘Classic FM’ as a ‘threat’ to eradicate, it had tried to stop it’ slaunch (stating there was no market for Classics). Since then it (BBC) has tried to copy the format, style and recently tried to copy the playlist (see complaints made to OfCom for more scandal). Classic FM now has TWICE the audience of Radio 3 and runs on less than half the royalty payment costs. Classic FM offers better working conditions, award winning radio presenters, state-of-the-art equipment and makes a tidy profit. The BBC meanwhile costs 4.8 Billion a year to run, makes no profit (for the taxpayer), is stuffed full of civil-servants on-the-make with large ‘expenses’ looking to retire on a thick ‘wad’ of money pay and a Lordship title). Its a no brainer. The BBC Gravy train express, contact Lord Haw Haw Haw for details and help run the BBC diversity unit.
Classic FM puts the BBC to shame which is why the beeboids are desperate to attack it.
Won’t work but will cost the taxpayer money. The BBC has a terrible business model. Time to put an end to it.
Funny how the BBC never seem to manage to report stories like this when they’re so quick to pick up on any story when a Muslim is disadvantaged.
But perhaps its an everyday story of a lying cheating Pakistani Muslim involved in VAT fraud, corruption, money laundering, perjury, motoring offences, etc etc.
Of course this kind of thing is going on all over Britain – far too commonplace for the BBC to bother with, it’s the cases where Muslims are allegedly the victims of ‘racism’ which are so rare that the BBC deem them worthy of reporting.
compare & contrast:
Sorry, why, when they only constitute about 4pc of the population, do we have to be subjected to non-stop Muslim news stories everyday? I’m bloody sick of it. We never hear anything positive about Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Christians. All we get is Muslim propaganda, with tambourine-tapping lefties constantly whining about Muslim rights and how they’re being oppressed (even though Muslims cause many of the terrorist atrocities in the world, today). I’m beginning to think that all of this multicultural bollocks is just a smokescreen for the surreptitious advancement of Islam.
What do you mean ‘beginning…’? I’ve thought it all along!
If that wasn’t sarcasm, has it only just dawned on you?
While Beeboids support the climate alarmists, there was an interesting remark,
by Greg Gutfeld, on ‘Fox News’ TV this evening:
– that Obama appears as somewhat powerless in the face of Islamic State;
– but on ‘climate’ he suddenly sees himself as-
Superman saving the Earth,
with Climate Change being Kyrptonite,
and the USA as villain, Lex Luthor.
Why blame Al Gore. THOUSANDS of Greenies must have arrived by car/ taxi to reach the marches.
(Even the ones who didn’t will have exerted extra energy to get there and walk – resulting in more heat into the environment.)
Sea Ice News – Arctic sea ice extent turns the corner for 2014, new high sea ice record set in the Antarctic
La la la…….Fingers in my ears so I can’t hear you……….The science is settled…….Big oil something something……..let’s have a nice march……anyone have Emma Thompson’s number……la la la…….
From my EU bulletin Mailbox this morning..
‘Sea ice extent in the Antarctic is greater than it’s been since satellite records began in 1978 but you’re not likely to be told that by the media, particularly the BBC which has an agreed policy to suppress all stories and data undermining the climate change narrative.
Arctic sea ice hit a record low in 2012 but may now be recovering with the Northwest passage now blocked, in contrast to recent years. It is much too early to say definitively Arctic sea ice is recovering but predictions of an ice free Arctic look less plausible.
There has been no statistical rise in global temperatures for nearly 18 years.
Clearly, the models predicting runaway warming have failed but that doesn’t impact the climate alarmist narrative in which so many (including the Political ruling elite) have a vested interest’.
as an ordinary working class man living in england, 2 things give me nightmares every night,no 1 is catching the ebola virus off some illegal immigrant coming over here in a back of a lorry from france,no2 is if the labour party got back into power next year,in fact that scares me more than catching the ebola virus,i just could not live in this country anymore if harriet harrman,jack dromey,ed balls,dianne abbott and the rest of these socalists and marxist lot who totally destroyed england working class communitys with there mass immigration and importation of terrorism get elected again,that is the nightmare we all face in the coming year.
Sorry Stuart but I can’t see any difference in the Cameron government, in fact I think Cameron is probably to the left of all of them in social policy, after all the Labour lot don’t usually have much truck with the nutters of the SWP, but Cameron revels in it !
Agree there stuart. Labour is proud of making London the TB capital of Europe, UK Blood transfusions will soon rival the US in Aids blood contamination, England is a world leader in post war Syphallus, Gonorrea and Gynacological problems before you factor in the new found freedoms of EU homosexuals tourists to bankrupt the NHS – on expensive life long medication (there is no cure and life is short). So Ebola treatment will be widepread (on the NHS) and will be added to this new dysfunctional ideology of Marx/Liberalisms along with the slow destruction of the natural family with expensive high speed trains to nowhere. Disease has no passports and the English are an easy target. We have a weak democracy with no borders and the nation is falling apart. Labour will have no nation to govern and there will be no need for elections. All will be ‘Rotherham’, and the Police will be as indifferent. Cities will be too dangerous for the English to live in ‘discriminated against’ by their own broadcaster which will still demand a license fee to promote ‘death’ by Euthansia at a certain age or because you (or me) are too expensive due to the population rapidly becoming out of control. This is the future.
They dont hide their lunacy either
I really do shake my head at others burying their heads in the sand over the truths which they don’t like and refuse to confront.
Never mind what Labour did & will do, do you not realise that Cameron & his gang of loons set a new record for the speed of immigration last year? That means he let more in during one 12 month period than even Labour managed !
UK blood transfusions are unlikely to rival the US because it’s tested prior to use, and blood donors are not paid, so the clinics are not stuffed full of druggies.
New found freedoms of homosexuals? yep that’s the Tories too with their unannounced and not in the manifesto gay marriage law.
Ebola is like the Flu, you either have it or you don’t. It’s not a disease like HIV which cannot be cured.
We have the same levels of democracy any Communist country has, a choice between candidates who all believe the same basic things the party says it can.
The cities are already unsafe, and it will likely get worse for a variety of reasons.
There is no difference between Labour & the Tories, non at all. In fact Labour might actually slow down the rate of immigration from the record highs Cameron set.
What does it matter if they bankrupt the country? The less money available for the government to waste the better, and once the benefits begin to run out, then we might begin to see a reverse in immigration trends.
Euthanasia or EU-then-asia?
Take your pick.
Chilling prediction Phil, but very accurate i reckon…..the usual morons will vote labour and then they will moan about their lot…..
Be it Labour or Tory (both members of the EU party) nothing will change, the Tory’s may be the lesser of the two evils, but is that really the right reason to vote for them? After all that’s how we find ourselves in the position we do today, do you really believe the Tory’s will give us a referendum in 2017?
If the latest opinion polls are to be believed UKIP are polling 23%, the two upcoming bye-elections on the 9th October will be every interesting.
Of course the Biased BBC will never report that UKIP are polling a 23% in a Liebour stronghold! Because that is not “newsworthy”. Or maybe because it is just off message. Whatever, they just won’t do it!
The Conservatives will give us a referendum in 2017, however they will require the Parliament Act to ensure it becomes enforceable, the last attempt was scuppered by the House of Lords.
It is pretty redundant anyway as a majority of voters will not vote to leave the EU which makes UKIP splitting of the centre right vote a futile gesture that will result in Labour gaining power.
More than possible, highly likely.
I continue to believe that all the pro-No bribes offered during the last days of the Scottish referendum were promulgated to ensure that four million pro-EU voters will still be eligible.
Frenchman kidnapped by Islamic jihadists in Algeria,
or, in INBBC’s censored headline:-
“French national abducted in Algeria.”
‘France 24’ has:-
“Video shows Frenchman kidnapped in Algeria by IS-linked group.”
thank god that the usa are bombing the crap out of isis tonight,no thanks to that weak liberal weasel cameron who has not joined in with the air strikes.
Don’t worry though, we will make sure Miliband and Labour still gets the maximum coverage in all of our news programmes including Newsround and the appalling 60 second news for the BBC3 morons who can’t handle a longer news bulletin . Of course we won’t mention confusion or conflicts in any of Labour’s policies, spending or revenue raising plans. Vote Labour.
“Both the BBC and Channel 4 News last night reported that Labour will pledge to pay for an increase in NHS funding with a ‘mansion tax’ on higher value homes”
The whole ‘Labour will say’ ‘pr as news’ gets tired pretty quick when commentators who actually pay attention compare with what they do say, or have said.
The BBC is pretty quick with ‘analysis’ when things need ‘explaining’, but yesterday on social media especially I noticed they had restricted themselves to bullet point “quotes” of statements with near zero qualification on accuracy (Andrew Neil an honourable exception; was his filleting of Reeves headlined on the main news?).
That’s self-censorship on top of propaganda. This is what there is currently headlined:
“Miliband: Give me decade to fix UK
Labour leader Ed Miliband will set out a 10-year plan to make Britain a “world class country” in his final conference speech before the general election.
Labour vow to boost NHS spending”
Our Experts
Article written by Nick Robinson
Nick Robinson
Political editor
More from Nick
Ed Miliband to pledge rise in NHS spending
22 September 2014
Labour leader Ed Miliband will pledge to increase spending on the NHS in his party conference speech, the BBC understands.
Yes, it seems the BBC ‘understands’ very well. And will continue to do so, apparently.
A mansion tax is a really stupid idea, after all as we know not every person living in a mansion is rich beyond the dreams of avarice as the bigoted left seem to think. In fact many of them are poor as church mice and hanging on by the skin of their teeth.
This short sighted and blinkered policy born out of jealousy will of course result in many fine old buildings simply falling into dereliction as owners who can no longer afford to live in them and cannot find buyers willing to fund the expense simply abandon them to the deprivations of time and the elements.
But of course there’s worse. Who lives in a mansion? Well eventually all of us will and that’s why the tax should be fiercely opposed.
Back in 1998 the government decided that cars registered in 1973 (25 years old) would not pay road tax. This doesn’t cost the government much and ensures the survival of vintage motoring history, but since then the 1973 date has never changed and it never will.
Stamp duty on houses was changed back in 1997 so that up to £250K paid 1% after that 3% up to £500K and 5% thereafter. If this had kept pace with house price inflation the current 3% should be around £750K.
This means that effectively stamp duty in the South East has trebled, and the chancellor is rubbing his hands together and unwilling to change it because of all the lovely tax it brings in. This is despite the penalty on moving house for many people, which is what drives the economy, and the protestations of back benchers and economists.
In other words, the government has form on setting thresholds, and then never changing them. With house price inflation being what it is, it is inevitable that sooner or later all of us will be deemed to be living in a ‘mansion’ and taxed accordingly. The chancellor will rub his hands at the thought of all that lovely tax money he can squander and refuse point blank to ever move the threshold to something more in line with the original intention.
It should be opposed by everyone.
Not all of us can afford to run about on New cars approved by the EU. It won’t be long before even the London to Brighton Banger run in November will be banned along with any ‘Classic car’ or ‘old Motorbike’ that has been slightly modified (Mechanics modify and repair all the time). So new MOT rules will ban your old motor from public roads for any reason they dream up.
Old diesels (pre 2008) will soon be taxed off the road because of diesel particulates, yet tax incentives have encouraged us to buy them, potentially rendering them valueless.
I have a 2002 VW diesel, still at 150k it returns over 55mpg fully loaded.
Whats more polluting? to manufacture 3 throwaway Far Eastern/Euro boxes packed with failable electronics or one long lasting diesel?
And London’s buses on ‘stop and start’ have caused much of the increased Diesel pollution in the first place. Diesel particulates (or soot) as they were once called are joined by other hidden additives in ‘petrol’ exhaust in built-up city areas which are potentially much more damaging. So called ‘clean fuel’ (Petrol) may actually cause Asthma in children – I read somewhere. Diesel/Electric trains are pretty efficient and Aircraft spent fuel pollution (soot) is everywhere particularly near airports. They won’t be banning that in a hurry. The buses are big polluters and run by the state not the private car.
Miliband is proposing a ‘mansion tax’ on all houses worth £2,000,000 or more. I wonder how much Miliband’s is worth – £1,900,000?
‘World class country’ says Miliband.
One less syllable and he describes himself perfectly.
BBC World News on FaceBook seems to be managing in India what Nick Robinson managed with Scotland.
It’s turning into a ‘Not Feeling The Love’ site if the top rated comment is anything to go on (interesting side observation on the UK’s structural integrity too):
“Go F*** yourself BBC !!
First protect your country from getting disintegrated..and dont act like a lame loser of generalising and stereotyping entire India..”
The BBC… generalising and stereotyping… the very idea.
Dont know what the fuss is about scotish MP’s voting on english laws,just have english days,scottish days,Uk days at parliament.
Woke up and found this in my inbox this morning. Accusing me of being not very democratic and tolerate of views I may not like. The fact is they always attack views they don’t like from the sofa or bring in an opposing voice to the right thinking/conservative point of view. Plus there is no real right of reply to this either. The BBC are despicable.
From the BBC:
Thank you for contacting us regarding ‘Breakfast’ broadcast on 8 September.
I understand that you were unhappy with the interview conducted with Saimi Alvi from the British Muslim Heritage Centre about trying to de-radicalise young people from violent extremism.
Although I recogninise your views, the programme made no editorial comment or judgement on the views expressed by Saimi about those young men who went to Syria to take up arms, the aim of the interview was to ask whether a mentoring system would benefit these young men to reintegrate into society.
Within a democratic society the BBC would be failing in its duty if it didn’t discuss the issue of islamic extremism. Charlie and Louise’s job was therefore to ask the questions likely to be in the minds of informed viewers, and to seek the relevant answers. Although some people believe that a programme should not allow certain people to air their views, we feel that it’s better to include many viewpoints wherever possible. This may include hearing opinions which some people may personally disagree with but which individuals may be fully entitled to hold in the context of legitimate debate.
We appreciate your feedback on this and can assure you all complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we have made sure to include your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thanks again for taking the trouble to share your views with us.
Kind Regards
Richard Carey
“Charlie and Louise’s job was therefore to ask the questions likely to be in the minds of informed viewers, and to seek the relevant answers.”
Charlie and Louise’s job is to look pretty and ask what they are told to ask via TelePrompTer or earwig from the control room.
Try seeking how the BBC arrives at such questions and who these so informed viewers are, and the BBC will close up like a uniquely exempted clam.
It’s all too easy to recogninise their likely SOP now.
Great salary, paid for by the taxpayers, for reading a teleprompter.
Gizza f**king job, I could do that.
” Although some people believe that a programme should not allow certain people to air their views, we feel that it’s better to include many viewpoints wherever possible. This may include hearing opinions which some people may personally disagree with but which individuals may be fully entitled to hold in the context of legitimate debate.”
The problem is that the BBC does not allow a plurality of views. It will allow Islamic “extremists” to talk about their views and it is maintained beyond the point of absurdity that the latest act of Islamic terrorism is “nothing to do with Islam”.
I truly value free speech. I wouldn’t mind the BBC allowing these Islamic extremists and their apologists to speak if there were someone there to challenge their claims and beliefs. But whatever they say seems also to go unchallenged and that is my
I think the NUJ guidelines on race reporting explain a lot. Fighting “racism” is the top priority of journalists these days. Not press freedom. Not a search for the truth. Of course, many will counter “Ah, but Islam isn’t a race”. True. But most Muslims are either brown or black and that affords a great deal of press protection. A black Muslim will, of course, always trump a black Christian in journalistic top trumps.
There will never be much press outrage about the thousands of white girls raped by Pakistani Muslims and now we know why. Pure racism – or the NUJ’s concept of it, where white, indigenous and Christian equals bad; black (using their very broad definition), foreign and Islamic equals good.
There’s none so blind as those that cannot – or will not – see.
I agree that in general we should have these Islamic dangerous religious nutjobs on but they should be robustly challenged, which they seldom are, if ever.
BBC say they must be heard – unlike Nigel Lawson, David Bellamy or Johnny Ball on Climate change, presumably.
Emma Thompson is the go-to expert on that.
She’s about as scientifically literate as Bono is about economics.
The NUJ is a vicious nest of leftism.
Had this problem on the phone in Jimmy Young show -there were few who expressed anything other than racism.There are certain views that cannot be valid for a democracy to put forward and discuss as they are go against the very idea of democracy.. eg A past example – The BBC sponsored Jenny Tonge to visit Israel and justify her views “If I was a Palestinian I would be a suicide bomber” Even Malcolm Balen wrote “Surely you should agree that in a democracy views should be tested” But what would be the value in a democracy of testing the views of someone who openly supported the indiscriminate cold blooded murder of civilians ? See
“Although some people believe that a programme should not allow certain people to air their views, we feel that it’s better to include many viewpoints wherever possible. This may include hearing opinions which some people may personally disagree with but which individuals may be fully entitled to hold in the context of legitimate debate.”
Of course they regularly have members of the EDL on don’t they or even Paul Weston from Liberty GB. Bollucks to the BBC!! (sorry B-BBC is just that they make you swear)
Dr Jago Cooper is a history presenter who surely must warm the cockles of the BBC heart. In his ‘Lost Kingdoms of Central America’ : ‘The People Who Greeted Columbus’ the indigenous Taino (pronounced Tah-ee-no by our Dr Jago) meet Columbus and his Spaniards – and on the BBC in 2014 at any rate – the gold-greedy colonial Catholic latter were always going to come off worse.
Beause, you see, Dr Jago plays a neat hand of BBC (leftist) buzzword bingo. So the local islanders were ‘multicultural’ and ‘ethnicly diverse’. Chalk up two good ones there.
No surprises really, we know very well that the Conquistadores were no boy scouts.
Still, Doc Jago was having to dig very deep into the jungles and caves of the Caribbean to unearth this wonderful vibrant culture. But, you have to hand it to the chap, he can make an awful lot out of a very little. He shows us some stick men painted on stone – “beautiful” and a gruesome-looking clay animal/human morph-head (was Tony Hart out there?) is, to our Doc at least – you guessed it – “beautiful”.
Apart from the fact that these people spent their time nude, body-painted and spaced out on hallucinogens, I really couldn’t see that much to recommend their culture – that is to anyone but a group of 1960s hippies.
Then suddenly I realised I should have been doing my ironing – because the irony started to flow….
Dr Jago quoted George Orwell : “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
Ain’t that what the BBC loves to do with the English, day in day out?
Fragile ancient island cultures- eh?
Turned that off, after witnessing the good Doctor just walking purposefully around (a la Dan Snow), and mentioning ‘multicultural’ – watched the first episode Of Downton (which I’d recorded) instead.
The Beeb quite often have a problem with history programs particularly British history ones, because it can sometimes be difficult to get the diversity boxes ticked. I recently watched operation Stonehenge as I’m interested in history and wanted to see how they would tackle the problem – no ethnic minorities about then and the experts and talking heads also very unlikely to be EMs. Part 1 nothing, ahh but the clip for the next part showed a black guy. This guy turned out to be a nano artist (he was good, did some unbelievable models the size of a pin-head) not an expert on ancient gold metal work, but the producer no doubt sighed with relief that the got box ticked.
Another thing I noted was that the BBC voice over insisted on using the term B.C.E. whilst the archeologists used B.C. Why could they not for the sake of consistency stick to a universally understood term?
How long before they start referring to B.M.? (Before Mohammed).
Ooops! Nearly forget the PBUH! No virgins for me – I’ll have to make do with 72 Harriets.
Oh God, what a thought – dying a martyr to the cause and discovering that your reward is 72 Harpersons.
Pass me that revolver, Jeeves.
The use of BCE / CE (for BC / AD) is popular among academics, and the terms stand for “Before Common Era” / “Common Era” to de-Christianise the Western dating system.
In other words, it’s a PC term.
Got it in one Mark – and the common era is based on…….? Oh, that’ll be the birth of Christ then. They don’t really do themselves any favours, do they?
I translate BCE into “Before Christian Era” and CE into “Christian Era”. They fit just as well, and are less “Common”.
@AsISeeIt, that’s a shame because the first episode on the Olmec civilisation was mercifully free of references to multiculturalism and climate change bollocks (usually given as the reason why civilisations collapse). Extra kudos too for the use of BC and AD.
INBBC and Islamic State.
Although Islam Not BBC (INBBC) persistently pushes its political agenda of relegating the Islamic nature of the Islamic State, which gloatingly beheads British citizens, the fact is that the Islamic State is at war with we ‘kafirs’, and it seems, we are now at war with it:-
“ISIS blasted from the air: America and Arab allies launch 50 strikes on terrorist group’s Syrian heartland and warns its fanatical leaders ‘this is only the beginning'”
Read more:
‘The Long War Journal’ on U.S attack on jihadists:-
“US launches airstrikes in Syria”
Call me a bigot. I am just reading a shocking US report on the queering of the US military which is becoming an epidemic in the US. What are the chances of the UK avoiding exactly the same consequences when our own UK Troops are told to be ‘politically correct’ to remain abuse silent*?The troops will eventually fail to recognise who the ‘real’ enemy is. What are the chances of a cadet reporting an ‘offence’ (of a military superior)? Practices approved by Cameron and the Home Office ‘as totally harmless’ is evidence of corruption within our political and media elite.
Absorb this tragic excerpt:
‘When a man enters the military he is ten times likelier to be sexually abused, and in 2012 alone there were an estimated 14,200 reports of male rape’.
Read that again. A man who enlists in the United States military is ten times more likely to be on the receiving end of sexual abuse than if he remains in the civilian population. The risk of being raped jumps a staggering 1,000 percent.
* Daily Mail report (September 2014):
Sometimes it’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that the powers-that-be see Monty Python as some sort of instruction manual.
Lovely boy, lovely boy.
Where is Mr la-di-dah gunner Graham?
Ah yes of course, we don’t get repeats of that show for one reason or another….
Stop this sketch now. It’s getting SILLY !
I constantly spent my half an hour to read this web site’s articles everyday along with a mug of coffee.
Yesterday afternoon I – God forgive me – listened to Radio 5 in the car. I’m sorry, it’s just that the radio is just about knackered and Radio 5 is the only station even vaguely listenable. I’ll try not to let it happen again.
Anyway, the ever hilarious John Bishop was being interviewed about various things and the talk moved on to his donation to the Hillsborough Disaster Appeal. He moved on from this to a rant against the police and the Conservatives for their responsibility for the disaster. Apparently it all happened because of the police and the Conservatives hatred of the North. He talked for two or three minutes about this without even the hint of a challenge from the presenter.
I know, I know, for the benefit of my blood pressure I’ll just drive in silence in future.
Yeah, I hear that Liverpool fans blame the Torys for what they did at Heysel.
It was Fatchers fault that all the English teams got thrown out of Europe.
On Hillsborough, ‘Sky News’-
“Hillsborough Fans Spat At Me, Says Policeman”
Since my car radio broke, several years ago, I have never bothered to repair it. This coincided with my suspicion hat the BBC are sponsored merchants of death with ‘jingles’. I still cannot listen to the BBC at home for long or watch telly.
Bishop is a BBC fav, most recently found doing cover work on Radio 2, but there again which ‘Z’ List ‘sleb hasn’t? Kielty, Ross, Charlotte Church , Alex Jones and Martine McCutcheon and all at our great expense.
What happened to good old DJ’s ?
Arrested or dead.
Her implosion yesterday was of course from a different time, so the BBC will doubtless be all over this like a rash…
Ok, maybe later. Currently:
Miliband: Give me decade to fix UK
Labour leader Ed Miliband will set out a 10-year plan to make Britain a “world class country” in his final conference speech before the general election.
Yup, he and the guys really made the most of the last decade they had, so clearly need to be gifted another to get the current shambles out what with all the mess they are making of the economy.
‘Her MP state pension is £672.52 a week’
So many do seem blessed with the variety that also goes up as well as up, too. You just need to have access to a pot of money that can be used without needing to account for where it gets diverted.
Here the BBC looks in to the issues;
Frankly milk prices I am not so bothered by (I buy it daily and have no clue as it goes in the basket & bill and that’s it).
But a ShadMin on economic matters (well, Pensions Secretary) about the state pension…?
Yes sounds familiar, increase the state pension by a small amount and then ‘up’ the age that you can claim for it. Labour will either bankrupt the economy again or die trying. After all if you can just print ‘more of it’ (quantum easing) which devalues the money – to make it worth no more than it was (or a great deal less). The EU is busy doing this at the moment, and with Labour sucking us in the EU embrace we will all be flushed with EU cash, all as worthless a pre-war German Deutchmark for a loaf of bread.
E.Miliband, Labour Party, and their political propagandists of BBC-NUJ,
would lock us into a federal European Union, with no referendum,
and continue to campaign to get 80 million Muslim Turks into the E.U,
with consequences of even more of Labour disaster of mass immigration into Britain.
The so-called BBC has, today, decided to label the Islamic, Islamic State as ‘the so-called Islamic State’ -as on Radio 4, ‘World at One’.
The Islamisation of Islam Not BBC (INBBC) continued.
“As I see it: If the West denies what it’s up against, it will lose”
I read Melanie Phillips’ article and can fully understand what she is saying. I have read many similar articles. Why is it that, faced with indisputable facts backed up by the Qur’an and the actions of Muslims based on that book, our “rulers” and policy makers refuse to see the truths that are plain as the noses on their faces? They must think that danegeld, in the form of wilful acceptance of taqiyya, will somehow make the problem go away. Making the generous assumption that they are not stupid one must wonder as to their motives. In Germany some leading Jews did help the Nazis in the hope that they could ameliorate the suffering of their people but they too, in the end, went to the gas chambers having served the purpose of calming the Jewish population and preventing an armed uprising.
I worry also that some politicians have stated that the devolution of powers to regions may include justice. It is not inconceivable that eventually a devolved regional assembly will have a Muslim majority that would take advantage of this misconceived policy to allow the free use of Sharia law. And don’t say it couldn’t happen. Could our forefathers have seen where we are today from their position of blissful ignorance fifty years ago?
Ms Kearney, of so-called BBC, ‘World at One’ at Labour Party conference seemed to interview two Muslims and one non-Muslim about West’s military action against the Islamic, Islamic State.
I am sick of the bBBC bolstering the egos of that bunch of psychopaths by calling them ‘Islamic State’. I think we should call them ‘tiny penis’ and see what they think of that.
Some ladies I know confirm that that is a highly accurate description.
Just starting breakfast this morning, when I heard that Jim al-Khalili was about to host a programme including the pretty BBC poster boy Brian Cox.
I switched back to Classic FM.
Did I do right?
The calibre of music and DJ’s make it a great complement to the day.
Enough even to tune out the not too frequent car ads which now seem 50% t&c gabble.
I would however offer that the 3min ‘News from Global’ at the top of the hour is on par with that of the BBC, and worth using to make a cuppa.
Always remember that the owner of Global is a strong Labuor supporter, so you do get yet another Labour friendly spin. I wish we had something like Fox.
Who supports Labour & is head of Global ? Not Ashley Tabor , I don`t believe It !
The interview went on and on and on and it was very clear that he couldn’t do anything wrong by the BBC.
I heard Dr Cox talking about quantum mechanics. Do you guys have a problem with quantum mechanics? Is it another leftist plot to undermine Western Civilisation?
I believe I predicted that Cameron would respond to IS atrocities with a clamp down on the so called far right. Anti terror squad arrest the leader of Britain First today.
just wow at that picture
I wonder who took the photograph. Shades of the Cliff Richard debacle?
Good point, another dodgy tip-off from the boys in blue.
They want people to see this picture as it frightens people into staying quiet……I know it is cliché but it really is like 1984
“Anti terror squad arrest the leader of Britain First today”
The picture dates back to at least 2009 and can be seen on the blog here:
And used as a generic image in the middle of this video from 2011:
Appears to be little more than yet another cynical attempt by “Britain First” to generate some fake publicity. Just like they’ve done before:
Bit sad really.
Those policemen, in my opinion, are traitors, nothing but fools in blue, who have given up any common sense and the recognition of injustice by their superiors, they are mere automatons, tools of a treacherous, and very, very stupid government. All of them could be mowed down with a machine-gun…..and i would not care less, shame on them.
Robert Brown,
“Those policemen, in my opinion, are traitors… All of them could be mowed down with a machine-gun…..and i would not care less, shame on them.”
‘Those policeman’ are pictured attending to an incident over five years ago which had nothing to do with ‘Britain First’.
The ‘anti terror’ squad did not arrest the leader of ‘Britain First’.
It didn’t happen.
It’s a fake story.
Which part of this are you having trouble with?
Just read that link and I take back what I have said. Plus I don’t like seeing those blokes in those terrible uniforms either
Don’t like what I have just seen of Britain First
I will not bow to the likes of you Dez, coming out of the woodwork when you sniff a chance to score brownie points over the posters here. The Police in general are derelict in their duties increasingly, i pointed out drug-dealing on the street in Bristol to some policemen, and they could not be bothered to intervene…shocking. Their tardiness in dealing with those riots a few years ago showed their ineptness, and i bet if their was a huge rally against the Rotherham mafia of police and social services, they would end up clubbing the protesters, like at the Countryside protest….yet run away when a few dozen muslims run at them screaming blue murder….useless bastards.
They are only obeying orders.
Does that defence still work?
It does in the SS (Social Services that is).
It seems that any British person who is critical of Islam, or who is claimed by some Islamic organisation (often state-funded), to be ‘Islamophobic,’ is liable to be targeted, censored, banned and prosecuted by the British state, and its propagandists, nowadays.
Probably just a coincidence. Nothing to do with the country being in hock by several hundred billion pounds to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, or numerous Conservative MPs having business links to the Middle East, or several dozen Labour MPs being dependent upon Muslim constituents to get elected, or the EU’s desire to incorporate North Africa and the Levant (Barcelona Process), or any need to just stop people talking about the problems caused by unfettered immigration. No, just a coincidence. Being arrested could happen to anyone. And probably one day it will be.
This is the current top comment on the latest BBC World News FaceBook post (Guess the story):
Shadia Rafiuddin Well that’s awfully convenient isn’t it? No trial, nothing? How convincingly democratic of Israel
Seems the BBC serves an audience with time to spare on social media.
Shadia’s memory of non-combat due process in Gaza on the other side, with their own, a bit hazy.
I wonder if the BBC will reinforce her views, or point out where they fall apart on inconvenient facts.
As it stands Lyse, Orla, Jon, Jezza & crew are likely en route to see just how outraged she is.
Two contrasting headlines / reports:-
“Muslim who threatened Prime Minister stabs police officer and federal agent, is shot dead.”
INBBC ‘report’-
If one can politically decipher this censored INBBC ‘report’ of same event in Australia, apparently it’s about a so-called Muslim and a so-called Islamic State-
“Australian ‘terror suspect’ killed in Melbourne.”
Lucky he wasn’t in the UK or there would be an enquiry about the loss of his human rights.
I much prefer the short-sharp shock of a bullet. Saves £100,000s in costs of looking after him.
‘..decipher this censored INBBC ‘report’ of same event in Australia’
Is it possible the deft hand of JonDon is involved?
Possibly not, as he’d have Mr. Abbott personally to blame for existing in provocation of the poor lad.
Feel sorry for the police hurt, but inviting psycho jihadi terrorist suspects round for a chat, and when seen in full kick-off regalia meeting him outside the station without being a bit better prepared seems… ‘casual’.
Tony Abbott – a prime minister with actual cojones, like Stephen Harper in Canada and unlike Dave.
For non-Muslim Beeboids:-
“Islamic State beheads, mutilates as the Koran instructs.
“Obama, Cameron et al say Islamic State are just a bunch of barbarians, not real Muslims. But as they behead and mutilate ‘infidels’ they’re only doing what the Koran and the Prophet instructs.”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
yawn! … more of the usual fossil induced methane from BBC fear monger central … erm “crucial” 😀 climate change talks
A brilliant, classic expose, by Ezra Levant
With all the “so called” jihad, “so called” extremists, rushing over to the “so called” Caliphate, of the “so called” Islamic state.
From here, and across the pond
So maybe a rally is apt, but on … erm … climate change?!?
… gimme a break!
What a load of effing drivel from that anti-English Marxist geek, Rubberband, today at the luvvie conference. BBC jaws drop in admiration for their hero.
I note that the Fabians are ecstatic in regards to Red Eds speech….
Sky news cut him off as he was so dull, but the Comrades of the BBC
celebrated every minute..
I was driving most of the day so I heard all the reports. Just dreadful. Lacking in any political common sense. How to alientate the voters trying hard to make things better for themselves Hopefully that will lose him the election
But then we get more of Cameron.
Fantasy politics from both of them. We deserve better.
Even celebrating the large parts he forgot!. He tries to be a clever boy but is just another student Marxist, except he is much more dangerous than most of these youngsters who grow out of their silliness before they reach thirty.
BBC folk hero Tony Blair has ‘ordered’ that we should have ‘boots on the ground’ to combat ISIS.
Who on earth listens to him? Why does he still get airtime? Will he be a pair of boots on the ground? Or maybe two pairs if Cheri joins him?
I hope that the West has learned NOT to involve ground troops. With ground troops come imbedded squads of Kate Adies.
Why try to bring democracy as in Afghanistan?
The air assault is doing well.
ISIS cannot compete with superior technology that kills them. They want to drag us into a ground war where we will be dragged to their level of road side bombs and suicide attacks.
Hold the line.
Not sure I can agree with you on that one; hit them on the ground, fast and hard, armour with air support, US airborne divisions, UK Special Forces and Paras, French 2REP and the 1st French RE Armoured, roll them back into the desert and then get the hell out.
The mistakes in earlier conflicts seem to me to have been made because we decided to try to stay put.
Get in, do the damage, then leave it to friendlier locals.
Agree to a degree.
But you mention ‘friendlier locals’. I wouldn’t trust any locals.
John wrote:
“Not sure I can agree with you on that one; hit them on the ground, fast and hard, armour with air support, US airborne divisions, UK Special Forces and Paras, French 2REP and the 1st French RE Armoured, roll them back into the desert and then get the hell out.”
John, I can see where you are coming from, however I feel this bun fight has to be carried out by Muslims. Why, because when Muslims are seen as taking on the ugliness which is carried out in their name, then and only then will Muslims around the world (And not just in the West) see that actually this isn’t about Muslims and non-Muslims, but rather about ‘Islam’. For our part in the West. Any citizen caught across there, gets no help from the Government, let them stew, they made their bed. Anybody who gets caught in the West to be deported (Along with family) back to the middle East to face..Islamic justice. Tell you what the thrill of belonging to ISIS will soon drop.
Pounce that is wishful thinking. The Muslims cause trouble across the world – and not just within the Middle East of ISIS followers. It has been commented on by the ‘real news’ (not BBC) that the local Imams / mosques in UK and Europe will not berate or change what is happening as they see it as their predicted future to rule over former western civilisations. (Corrupt Liberals) The BBC like to read the tea leaves and they know there is a plan within the EU to ‘accommodate’ a vast influx of Muslims and that means root and branch bloodshed to the rest of us. What they have not predicted was the opposition of the inhabitants of these Islands to repel forces that seem to overwhelm us until we are forced to fight back and retake back our identity, as this is going to be a long war. Even Cameron knows that. The EU and Arab states might be ‘invited’ to bomb ISIS but the end result will be the same EU policy of appeasement and a protracted ISIS war will move on to the next failing state. But we still have the same problem back home and the EU double dealing will still sponsor a form of ethnic cleansing on its own peoples of Europe to ensure compliance to the new (part Muslim) super state they are mapping out soviet style. I wish it were not so.
“Moslems cause trouble across the world” Yes they do and we will have trouble enough dealing with that ,Pounce is right let the moslems fight their own wars ,while we prepare to fight for our very existance.
Suadi’s’ favourite song? Onward Christian soldiers
Agree with every word.
I think the ability of forces like ISIS to project power over here is overrated. Many of our problems are almost entirely home produced.
Send his kids to fight. Get their boots on the ground.
Blair is quite happy for someone elses kids to be sent to war zones. Oddly all his children now hold Irish passports (thanks to the fragant, flagrant more like, Cherrie) so if any nastiness does kick off they will never be conscripted.
The Bliars are quite happy for them to be parachuted in to safe Labour seats. Parachute them to a Iraq or Syria I say.
Maybe he wouldn’t be such a warmongering-lieing-egotistical-self-serving-greedy-heartless-mass-murdering-country-betraying-hypocrite.
Oops. Have I gone too far again mother? Sorry, Well I haven’t killed hundreds of thousands…So At least I can rest well at night. …Trouble is I think the Blair creature does as well.