Here you go, pretty much on-time and awaiting your informed comments! It’s the Labour party conference this week so THAT should be interesting to watch how the comrades at the BBC cover their dear friends…
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Don`t know about you, but I fail to see how Labour promising to chuck yet more money at Harold Shipman, UNITE and mid-Staffs can possibly count as “news”….let alone be top of all their bulletiins.
We all remember Balls and Brown crashing the Porsche into a wall in Dugganville…melting the keys, wiping the dabs…and now blaming the Candlewick Toffs for the firestorm, whilst throwing shit at any passing fireman or hack who`d dare to remind us all who fucked this country over.
Not that the liberal elite and their papers, their media pimps like Snow or Naughtie would be so indelicate to remind us, or even mention it to the Labour criminals of 1997-2010.
So…Miliband will throw stolen money at his union paymasters, will shake down any enterprising talent to pay for White Dee and Owen Jones?…what else would we expect from Labour scum hoping to stick a kitten heel onto the throat of the few that still work with no state massaging required.
News it ain`t
The Fascists are coming… it`s lavender sta-prest nowadays, not black leather…but it`s Fascism, mark my words.
Let Labour and its public sector payroll vote know what you think of them, while you can…
Tuesday, BBC1 10pm News showing Kurds returning to Syria from Turkey. Old man speaking Arabic, we had it translated. But it was the very same man that we have seen before this week (Mr D agreed). What are the chances in the middle of a humanitarian crisis (and the BBC keep telling us this every few days ‘……..the UN warn there is going to be a humanitarian crisis in Syria) that the same man was chosen to tell us how he was suffering. Unless of course he was one employed by the BBC
Listening to Eddie Mair Radio 4 5pm interviewing Andy Burnham. Burnham sounded very tetchy and at point told Mair not be stupid in his questioning -tells you something. But what Mair did not ask Burnham about why he would do any better if Labour won the next election than he did whilst minister responsible when Stafford was a killing field.
Did Mair ask Burnham why he keeps saying that the Tories are privatising the NHS when Gordon Brown last week assured the Scots that that was categorically untrue?
Qatar and Islamic State.
We know that INBBC is political chums with Islamic propagandising broadcaster,
Al Jazeera, of Emirate of Qatar.
We know that Qatar has been supporting Islamic State.
So who does INBBC get to examine the extent to which Qatar has been supporting
Islamic State, but a Mr Stephens, who is based in Qatar!:-
“Islamic State: Where does jihadist* group get its support?”
*(- got that, INBBC- the ‘jihadist’ group, and not the ‘so-called’ Islamic State).
‘Telegraph’ (£) has:-
“How our allies in Kuwait and Qatar funded Islamic State.
The Gulf states of Kuwait and Qatar have actively – and openly – helped terrorist money-raising efforts for Isil.”
By Andrew Gilligan.
Exposé of Emirate of Qatar & Islamic jihad here:-
“*(- got that, INBBC- the ‘jihadist’ group, and not the ‘so-called’ Islamic State)”
Sure ‘correct’ terminology can soon be ‘evolved’ to ‘fit’.
For INBBC to notice about reaction to attacks on its ‘so-called’ Islamic State:
– how Islamic jihadists globally react to U.S air atrikes on Islamic State positions:-
“Jihadis Respond to Airstrikes on Islamic State: ‘A war on Islam.’”
– See more at:
“IS in Qatar Is Richer Than Ireland And Better At Extortion Than Hamas”
The party faithful exiting the conference hall after Ed’s speech, and being vox-popped by Brillo’s female sidekick, said more about where Labour is at now than I could put in any picture.
Pity he forgot to mention ‘immigration’ in his speech.
Yes it interesting the non mention of immigration, an issue which tops voters concerns.
Ed tells us the bloated NHS needs even more money, why is this? Because of the greater demands we are making on its services. Where is this demand coming from, maybe its got something to do with the extra millions living in England?
Ed then goes on to tell us that the NHS will employ 1000s of more nurses and GPs to cater for all this new demand. Where are all these qualified people going to come from? Maybe they wont all be from the UK, maybe hardly any of them will be!
Maybe Ed should start looking at the demand part of the equation.
The exact same arguments are made about the need for concreting over the South East to build new houses. The reasons for the demand for houses are of course exactly the same.
No wonder he didn’t mention immigration.
If a measure is needed of how utterly corrupt the BBC has become, take its World Service ‘business’ coverage, which is airing as I type, under the false flag title of ‘Business Matters’.
This morning’s lead stories? The ‘climate change’ nonsense currently taking place in the USA and the ‘plight’ of illegal immigrants to Europe.
And how precisely is this any different to the rest of the BBC’s piss-poor ‘news reporting’ 24 hours a day? In what sense is this in any way related to the world of business?
Of course, it isn’t. The juveniles who make this rubbish didn’t even run the tuck shops at their prep schools. They didn’t even work in shoe shops. Mummy and Daddy sent them to Oxbridge where they learned to affect contempt for commerce, imbibe Marxism from effete dons and get sent into the world to preach the nonsense with which they had been programmed.
Shut it down. Now. It is dangerous.
The BBC’s efforts on economics and business are like watching a fish mount a bicycle. Only when there is bad business news do the boys and girls get excited. Note the relish with which Tesco’s recent problems were met at the BBC. In the socialistic public sector tax subsidised luvvie BBC world where profits are evil how can they possibly comprehend real life business and finance? Just like Miliband who hasn’t a clue : ‘I’m going to control this price and that cost…” No, what the state can control is tax – not prices.
New BBC drama The Driver is very white, considering it seems to be set in multiculti Manchester (refernce to Piccadilly station) That is, all the characters are bad guys, so each one ethnic British!
But wait, the ‘driver’ goes to see his GP, and it turns out she is a middle aged black woman. Now given the vanishingly small number of black women GPs, let alone in the middle aged generation, what are the odds, even in an ‘enriched’ area?
BBC Drama operates a strict quota system which scriptwriters have to conform to. Even had the writer originally made the GP a white male, he or she would have had to change it .
We have a state broadcaster as much under the control of political commissars as was that of the former Soviet Union. It might be less obvious, but it is just as much a vehicle for thought control.
It would have been far more likely that his GP would be Asian. However, this is, after all, the BBC. In the trade, the phenomenon of inappropriate racial product placement is called the “Lenny Henry Effect”.
I wasn’t really paying attention when The Driver was advertised on TV. When I realised I was watching a BBC advert I immediately dismissed it.
Been caught out by this PC crap before. I used to laugh when, in US movies, every judge, scientist, general and computer expert was black. It least I wasn’t obliged to pay for it.
“At least…”
I tried so hard to enjoy that new series, but once you know the subtle (and not so subtle) Marxist messages that infest all BBC drama it becomes too much of a chore, so on goes prog via internet radio. Bliss! …..and it has that Liebour luvvie David Morrisey as the main man, so it’s another hour of my time I won’t be wasting on BBC bilge
For a change I paid fairly close attention to BB1 News at 10:00 last night. Oddly, although we were informed that the US and 5 Moslem countries were bombing Syria, the BBC was extremely coy about telling the audience specifically (or at all) who these 5 countries are. Yes, we were told that they are “mostly Sunni” and yes that Jordan was one of them but it is only from this story on the BBC US & Canada web page (it might be elsewhere on the BBC site) that I’ve been able to find out that the Famous Five are Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar. Qatar and Saudi? Oh yes, the major financiers of Islamic terrorism have the chutzpah to “bomb” their ultimate proteges. The story is that they’re shoulder to shoulder with the Yanks but I suspect that their contribution is as close to zero as you can get: minimal “logistical” support and a few mumbles at the UN probably sums it up.
‘”bomb” their ultimate proteges.’ Qatch-22?
You may have missed the story of Dr Myles Bradbury last week. the BBC seem not to have made too much of a fuss about it.
The bloke abused terminally-ill young boys as he did his childrens cancer clinics…does it REALLY get any worse than this?
According to Miliband and the BBC, it clearly does…didn`t DLT grope some woman on the Mrs Merton show?..and those last few years on Magic FM and being the inspiring voice of the World Service for Aung San Suu Kyi count for zippo now…apparently.
Poor DLT-if only he`d worked for the NHS that Miliband wants to keep a-funding…maybe we`ve not had enough Shipmans, Mid-Staffs or Bradburys yet…but let the Paedos Papers of choice like the BBC/lefty broadsheets and the evelle Labour Party tell us that the NHS is a God worth sacrificing our kids and parents for.
Very true. the case of Bradbury is as bad as it gets.DLT is not in the same league.But it is the cult of celebrity at work and this is why the different treatments.
@BBCr4today: LISTEN: @Ed_Miliband says Labour is ‘open’ to UK military action against IS #r4today
Churchillian hedging there from the man himself on the Edsez channel.
In the end, decided not to LISTEN as there seemed very little point.
Wise choice. I heard it and can summarise for you.
“Waffle. Waffle waffle prevaricate waffle Tories blah blah waffle.”
Ah, but… I am sure this was forensically filleted by a well-briefed interviewer dedicated to holding power to account, right? Right?
Certainly this is what got sampled to feature on the main news page. Or, then again….
‘Miliband insists deficit priority’
Er… maybe it was another time? Or later? Just… not now.
Speaking of leaving out, what is interesting is what that ‘no room for the full story’ headline leads to…
Miliband says deficit is priority despite speech leaving it out
Comments opened at around 8.30am, so most nicely away at work. I wonder when it will get pulled, given…
7. mathsman
So he forgot to mention the deficit as he “can’t remember every detail” ! The deficit underpins every decision we make and can’t be ignored or brushed under the carpet. This man (and Ed Balls as well) is a liability. God help us if he ever got in power. Don’t get me wrong – I’m no lover of David Cameron either but unfortunately voting has been reduced to choosing the least worst option.
Comment number 1. TJ1949
I gather he forgot to mention both the deficit, still around £100 billion, and immigration. It shows what he thinks isn’t important.
I guess that, under Labour, we will be back to tax, borrow and spend, spend, spend, and have more immigration.
Unsurprising they are not trusted.
Comment number 34. Demad
Ed says it will take them 10 years to fix the UK. Last time they had it for 13 years and wrecked it.
Labour buy votes with false promises, lies and deceit. They’ll say anything, and jump on any bandwagon to get votes. Disgraceful!
No English representation eh Ed? Putting the party before the people again I see…
Comment number 26. Telanian
Oh Ed. You spend 70 minutes telling us about the bright new world you’re going to create, but you ‘forget’ to mention how you’ll pay for it!
Is it too much to ask to have someone credible to vote for at the next election?
No Editor’s Pick. Probably wise.
“I am sure this was forensically filleted by a well-briefed interviewer dedicated to holding power to account, right?”
Well, maintaining the kitchen metaphors it wasn’t so much a grilling as a “waft it in front of the radiator”.
For instance, how is this £2½ billion from the mansion tax going to help the NHS?
“We have a plan to turn it around.”
“We’re going to make a big difference.”
“We’re going to have the GP access.”
And that’s it. There’s a plan. A cunning one, I’m sure. It wasn’t thought necessary to flesh out what this plan is, the fact that there’s a plan appeared to be sufficient to render further questioning on the matter superfluous.
There have been plenty of reports on the BBC about parliament being recalled on Friday to discuss war tactics against Islamic State (I refuse to call it IS), and how Cameron wanted to avoid clashes with both the Labour and the Conservative Party Conferences. To my knowledge, the BBC have made no mention whatsoever about the UKIP Conference on Friday, let alone observe that parliamentary recall will clash with it. Hmm, business as usual, then.
I believe the unions, the UAF, and usual unwashed will be demonstrating outside the UKIP conference hall shouting WAYCISTS. Bound to be a BBC reporter nearby.
“We can no longer justify paying the licence fee when the BBC wastes so much money
on expenses”
Joy in court as BBC hero is found not guilty in Jordan. Joy in the BBC, joy in No 10, and Joy from our Home Secretary who did so much to keep him from facing trial. Is the hero due to return?
But he’s not ‘British’, is he?
I thought the whole bunfight on his repatriation was the inability to get a fair trial.
Given the result, is he likely to claim it wasn’t fair?
Hence… enjoy home life, dude. Seems to have worked out OK.
Well, not sure on the benefit system there…
How grand of the BBC to worry so about the effects of the airstrikes on ISIS there in Raqqa(TWATO 1.15 pm 24/9/14)
Apparently, it could cost the US any “support and sympathy” from the civilian population there…those diverse, cosmopolitan and carefree civilians who presumably have managed to keep their heads from being impaled up on the local roundabout at the edge of that delightful city.
The hospital was bombed-apparently only ISIS used it and banned the plebs from any healthcare…and they used it for a base for their meetings, with a prison nearby.
But-vulnerable prisoners?…NHS waiting lists and bombing a hospital?…THAT`S the message from the BBC.
Let`s hope we can get that BBC motorcade ready for the triumphant return of Qatada…sponsored by the Guardian no doubt.
F888 Off BBC….lying hounds.
‘The hospital was bombed-apparently only ISIS used it and banned the plebs from any healthcare…and they used it for a base for their meetings’
That’s OK then. Lyse, Orla & Betty Rubble spared the emoting wander round the vicinity then. Jezza, Jon, Wyre and the guys can phone it in as soon as Barack’s people finesse how he is not channeling his inner Benjamin N.
Just have to hope that no off-piste stringer loses a relly to a blowback and has to tout them around the internet, or things may start looking like variable standards are at play.
Let’s just hope IS don’t get wise to placing the AA kit in playgrounds, or a lot of folk, especially the BBc, are going to feel very conflicted on how to spin it.
Come on now, it’s the Obamamessiah bombing them, not Israel
Tricky times in narrative central.
Seems one trusted and transparent national treasure’s warmongering indiscriminate ‘civilian’ murderer is the exact same one’s reluctant global drone-deploying, militia ragamuffin-slotting, precision sheriff.
Note: Only ‘militants’ (mostly) were harmed in the making of this semantic weasel.
Is there a spy in the camp?
From Radio 4’s programme listing:
Farming Today: Shadow Farming Minister, Oil Seed Rape, Bovine Viral Diarrhoea
Items 1 and 3 are, I would suggest intimately connected!
I have yet to learn about “Shadow Farming” – can you enlighten me?
Having had ‘one of those days’ thanks GCooper for making me smile
Labour Party Conference and Rotherham.
Has Labour Party discussed the tragic failure of its responsibilities in Rotherham?
Perhaps BBC-NUJ will let us know.
“When Progressives Consider Child-Rape Defensible”
“Rotherham Politics”
2.) Dont expect use of the ‘M’ word, nor the ‘I’ word, here:-
Sadiq Khan, Labour Party conference, today-
‘Sheffield Star’-
“Labour promise ‘victims’ law’ in wake of Rotherham scandal”
Anyone catch Panto on 5Live your call … sheesh!
ISIS what to do eh!, thought I d inadvertently got
The bloody BBC Asian network
Where are all the Muslim states? And their troops?
Troops on the ground? Non for us thanks …. Unless
It’s Willy Vague, Clegg, Camoron, Teflon Tone and their broods .
might as well stick to bombing the b..tards, the forked tongues are already bleating about war on Islam
BBC-NUJ & Labour: won’t like this:-
Stand by for lots of photographs of starving children who will suffer worse if nasty Farage cuts their daily bowl of rice.
And India has just placed a satellite in orbit around Mars.
Will BBC-NUJ, ‘Guardian’ and ‘Hacked Off’ now also campaign against Labour-supporting MIRROR newspaper group?:-
“Trinity Mirror pays compensation to string of celebrities over alleged phone hacking”
Read more:
Note that it is the MGN “subsidiary company” of the Trinity Group that accepted the blame for the hacking.
So nothing whatsoever to do with the Daily Mirror-according to TWATO, I surmises.
Now that MGN stands for Mirror Group Newspapers…that STILL does not imply that Piers Morgan and the Mirror were guilty…
Course not Martha.
Fine world is leftyville…when an acronym is allowed to be charged, but the paper that shelters beneath it seems to be innocent.
Now then…DLT is guilty…but Dave Lee Travis is innocent…
Oh to be a lefty eh?
‘Hacked Off’ has ‘Fucked Off’
Two nights ago, the first few minutes of the News at Ten was indistinguishable from a party political broadcast for the Labour party. At least last night they were forced to acknowledge (as briefly as possible) Ed Millibands complete failure to mention the economy. Only because the entire country had noticed, I assume.
Just been sent this by way of balance:
BBC World News
What happened to #BringBackOurGirls? #BBCtrending investigates:
Did seem encouraging, except… by the end I was none the wiser what had happened to them. But the Chinese moppet seemed very thrilled the hashtag had been retweeted a lot. Lovely. And the Sheriff of Congresswoman said… ‘tweet, tweet, tweet’.
Seems the ‘what happened to the actual girls’ part was secondary.
Has BBC-NUJ really scrutinised (rather than mention) Labour Party’s policies this week?:-
“Bold boasts that don’t stand up to scrutiny:
JAMES SLACK sorts the claims from reality in Ed Miliband’s speech.”
Read more:
This speech at the Labour conference by 91 year old Mr Smith has undoubtedly caught the attention of both BBC and Sky, and it is easy to see why… but does anyone else think (as I do) that he didn’t write it himself?
Some of the words used and the order in which they are used sound as if they might have been plundered from elsewhere. The language seems quite political to me, and not that of a typical 90 year old.
Well I for one think it’s nice of Labour to use a war veteran to push it’s weepymotion buttons given just how many their wars have created and crippled but at the same time they did turf the disabled out of their front row seat for the young an pretty labour groomed !
‘One delegate during Harry Smith’s speech’
Looked like the kind of bloke (£200k council CEO or BBC producer ?) you’d expect at a PPC, with the expression you’d expect at a PPC.
‘Harry Smith brings Labour delegates to their feet with the plea: “Mr Cameron, Keep your mitts off my NHS.”
Most of this ‘report’ reads like it was dictated by Labour’s spinners direct into the BBC feed. For a ‘debate’ of anything, it is essentially a Trash a Tory diatribe.
Sadly for them, even with the BBC pumping tripe like this out for all they are worth, most will see the totality as ‘When Harry Met Aunt Sally’, as Ed’s brickbats will be the defining take-out.
As for Harry, hope he doesn’t find himself in care of Andy B’s acolytes from Mid-Staffs, as he’ll likely need more than a teary-speech to get a glass of water.
-politically doing what we British licencepayers have to finance it to do-
INBBC ARABIC (serving Middle East Muslims, at our expense) unsurprisingly finds, in Jordan, Muslim support for barbaric jihadists of Islamic State; but some Muslims there prefer the jihadists of al-Qaeda, and other Muslims prefer the jihadists of al-Nusra.
“Islamic State finds fertile ground in Jordan”
And can we say:
Islamic State finds fertile ground in INBBC ARABIC?
Labour insiders worried that they could lose Heywood and Middleton seat to UKIP in by-election
There are two by elections coming up and it looks to me that the BBC are ignoring both of them. Couldn’t have anything to do with the possibility of UKIP winning both of them could it?
Labour might lose Heywood, BBC silent. Time for a slogan:
‘If you want a groomer for a neighbour vote Labour’.
ALGERIA: Islamic jihad beheading of Frenchman.
Islamic State barbaric jihadists have extended its war against
we ‘kafirs’, we ‘infidels’, we-non Muslims.
“French hostage Herve Gourdel ‘beheaded in Algeria'”
Will Western, non-Muslims now boycott all visits to Islamic countries
which host Islamic jihadists?
If one goes to Turkey on a cheap holiday, one’s on one’s own.
Hopefully, any Beeboid holiday programmes extolling the wonders of particular Islamic countries will now be shelved in the security interests of British people.
French hostage beheaded. I am not being cynical but watch out for more of Cameron’s these are not muslims twaddle followed by arrests of so called ‘far right’ politicians. Britain First leader has been released but all their equipment removed, which limits their ability to respond to these jihadist killngs. More government activity on the way, backed by either silence or bias from the bBC
‘(insiders only)’
Taken as read chum; taken as read.
I am hearing two Millibands. The first one- the conference and political interview one- seems barely literate and mangles the English language. Dropped consonants litter his words.
The other one when speaking about Iraq and possible British involvement manages to speak coherently ( if misguidedly) and sounds like the upper middle class twit he really is.
To think he is a possible PM. He must represent the ultimate triumph of the political class. Little real ability but a huge sense of entitlement.
Milliband is not leadership material. He must know this so why on earth is he still in charge of the Labour party?
91 year old Harry Smith leaves many delegates at the Labour Party Conference in tears.
Yep, Ed had that affect me yesterday…
I was waiting for Balls to call security and the Police so he could be charged under the terrorism act !
Jeremy Hardy does his political balancing act, Nigel Farrage, BNP (fans of the holocaust), Michael Gove, Conservatives (English votes for English laws, but haters of the NHS).
Jeremy Hardy R4 tonight. I suggest no other broadcaster in the Western world would have permitted this man to express his loathing of Israel on air. Not in an interview but given the BBC’s blessing.
That is descended into an anti Semitic rant makes it all the more deplorable.
We must challenge men like this. Smug, condescneding and given a platform without deserving it.
For his and other’s information. The UK abstained at the UN when the motion to set up Israel was passed. When Israel was attacked the Arab armies had many British officers. Got that.
Israel has been a marvel of how to create a first world nation in two generations. Is that what so rankles with the decadent liberals of the West? That the Jews are actually able to do what the Westerners increasingly cannot. That is create something that endures and works.
The BBC is worthless and it shows all the time now.
Totally agree, Dave and Jim.
I heard a few minutes of this show and observed 2 things before I had to turn it off. Number one, it was a relentless far lefty harangue. Number two (not unrelated to the first point) totally and completely unfunny.
How did this get commissioned? Surely even beeboids couldn’t raise a laugh? Oh wait, they and Hardy are laughing at US!
Reporting U.S military action against Islamic State-
As an example of photo-journalism, this from ‘Daily Mail’ beats anything online
from Beeboids-
“U.S. strikes to avert another 9/11:
America deploys its awesome arsenal – including its new F-22 Raptor stealth fighter
over fears Jihadis were about to launch attacks on passenger planes.”
Read more:
E. Miliband.
-Not a BBC-NUJ interview.
Rotherham, UKIP, etc.
(2 min video clip.)
Vote Labour – get Rotheram
(or Stafford)