Well, it must have been such a tough one for the Comrades. I am referring to Red Ed’s absolutely woeful keynote speech at #lab14 and that unfortunate business of “forgetting” to discuss the Deficit and Immigration! How to spin THAT one, then? As we get closer to next May, the BBC are going to have their work cut out portraying Miliband as the next Prime Minister. It’s a bit like Michael Foot all over again.
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He’s not a patch on Foot.
At least Foot believed in the rubbish he was spouting.
The BBC did not like Red Ed’s Mansion Tax at all so many of them live in mansions, which is why the BBC has been furiously briefing against him ever since. In the Godfather like struggle that has started the money must be on Chuka Umunna the British Obama as next Prime Minister…there is not a Labour voter who will dare not to vote for him.
Disturbinlgly true And wont the BBC love that, their very own barak obama
And like Obama, utterly inept.
I cannot believe that any sane person would vote for Labour. BBC bias? Yup, lots in support of Labour.
Chancellor Ed Balls in front of No.11, clutching the red briefcase should be enough to put of any intelligent voter
Ed M is simply the icing on the cake
‘Intelligent voter’ There lies the problem.
Any intelligent voter should take into account that mass rapes of some 30,000 young girls in England were conducted by Muslims when Labour was in power. Labour willfully ignored the cries of the victims, as the criminals were a valuable voting bloc. Besides, they engineered mass immigration to stay in power.
Muslim reps, now that the truth is out, argue that such rapes are against the Koran. Really? Well, we should ask, what would Mohammed have done?
But then, what has intelligence to do with voting?
Deficit what deficit? Red Balls previous accounting is bad enough but when ‘Big Ed’ speaks of England’s great ‘squeezed middle’ struggling to ‘get-by’ you’d never think he’s actually talking about ‘BBC executives’ – (struggling on a mere £370,000 per year) would you eh? This distinction is revealed in a new book on England’s ‘squeezed middle’ of which Miliband speaks with some passionate concern. According to a recent Sunday Times article (21/09/14) of a book by Prof Danny Dorling, who has identified an ‘inequality in the top 1% of UK earners’. This includes seniors managers, lawyers, accountants BBC EXECUTIVES and hospital consultants. Beyond this are the FTSE 250 Board Directors, Bankers and Footballers. He states; ‘…suggest the upper middle have developed an “Unrealistic vision of the world” because they compare themselves to the super-rich, and this “sense of grievance” is bad for society….’ ‘…it matters if people no longer want to go into more worthy types of work’, he said.
Life is such a ‘struggle’ when your working at the ‘cutting-wedge’ BBC. Rising cost of Private health care, high private Schools, luxury car pool and living in the largest house in your area (by far) – are all mentioned. Let’s remember this is the BBC’s ‘value-for-money’ we’re talking about (says Lord Haw Haw Hall) – a ‘snip’ at 4.8 Billion pounds per year. The great Gravy train waiting for that big fat BBC electoral staff bonus. Pay rises all round?, I think not – not until Labour win the general election and then ‘workers paradise’ resumes it usual trajectory.
The 7.40 review of the papers this morning on the Today programme started with The Guardian and then Independent followed by the Daily Mirror before only briefly mentioning that The Times and The Mail didn’t rate Milliband’s speech highly but after the edited highlights on last night’ news I could have believed it was a brilliant speech. Thank goodness for Quentin Letts for a more honest view. If it hadn’t been for the fact that Ed forgot the economy and immigration (inept to put the speech on the website when it was supposed to be off the cuff). Original reports on the BBC claimed the speech was from memory and it was only with the criticisms of the missing minor topics was it admitted that notes existed at all.
what the papers say
perhaps BBC reported a different speech
Even John Snow ripped Miliband a new one for failing to even mention the most important issue in our economy.
The Guardian and the Mirror had columns attacking it.
Labour man Dan Hodges (admittedly not a fan of Miliband) in the Telegraph was utterly brutal in his condemnation.
The Blairite left are turning on Miliband, because even they can see that after the 4.5 years of apprenticeship leadership, he is utterly and completely unfit to run this country. If Miliband is treating the next 7 months as an application and interview process for the job of Prime Minister, we should all save him some time and let him know that he is utterly and totally unfit to lead this country.
I was out all day but , did catch a few clips on Sky News , could not stomach al bbc fawning of their `Messiah` Did anyone notice the hoards of non Hideously White Labour supporters in the background. I thought , `What a load of PC bullshit `, then I thought hang on , is this a Kinnoccio moment . All those working class hideously white Labour voters, are now being reminded , that the party they may normally vote for ,does not care a fig about them, only the Effnicks proudly displayed on the the stage . Hopefully they will now vote for any other party, than the one they use to .The speech from Millitwat was dire ,& I hope that this finishes the idiot &his party .
did you notice that ed millband used that word internationalist 34 times in that sleep inducing speech he made yesterday,that brought a smile to len mcluskeys and billy braggs face sitting in the audience,now that word internationalist has meaning you see,it represents marxism and communism,i can safely say now that ed millband and the labour party has about as much chance as winning the general election next year as i have converting to islam and marrying 4 wifes.
Er , I hope you are right on that one.
It seems that the BBC has decided that Satire has to die and doesn’t bother making any really cutting satirical programs.
So I thought up a sketch along the lines of ITVs spitting image.
Milliband is a gimp kept in a box by certain Labour female ministers. He is brought out only to give a half cocked speech or to make a public appearance.
Behind the scenes everything is run by the evil feminists, including all women shortlists in a bid to strengthen their hold over the party.
Shame it’ll never be broadcast, it’s probably not too far from the truth!
I think I may be going a bit potty but I have detected a slight change in attitude by the BBC to Labour during the shambles of a conference. The BBC interviewers have been less deferential than usual and less willing to allow Labour’s outrageous claims to go unchallenged and even Ed has been criticised, although I admit it was criticise or not mention his dire performance at all. Of course it is still a far cry from the hostility with which Tory politicians will be interviewed and Tory policies scrutinised next week, but they have moved on from giving Labour a free run and treating Ed as though he was PM in waiting.
You could certainly detect an air of exasperation with shambles that Labour presented. You can sympathise , after all the BBC has worked hard to give Labour as much help as possible and they see it being squandered by third rate leadership and policies that hark back to the dark ages of Marxist Labour in the 70’s. Perhaps the BBC is changing tack because it realises that Labour , at least with Marxist Miliband as leader, are on the wrong side of so many issues eg EVEL, that they are going to lose, no matter how much help the BBC offers. So they are trying to reposition a little so as to be able to at claim that they are impartial and hope that the Tories don’t go for them at the next Charter renewal.
The Tories must realise that this is just a tactical withdrawal and the BBC will soon be back in full support of Labour once Marxist Miliband has been dumped. So no mercy, get rid of the LF and either leave the BBC to fend for itself, or better still, sell it off to anyone who wants it. In fact why not just give it Murdoch and let him sort the buggers out. Now that would make a great fly on the wall documentary!
‘You could certainly detect an air of exasperation with shambles that Labour presented.’
The BBC has long seen itself as the actual opposition, but inconveniences of democracy has meant they have needed a proxy to pursue their policies.
It is when the proxies show the competence of two short planks they reveal levels of overt frustration that they really shouldn’t.
Folk might notice.
Welcome to Vance’s fantasy land!
Did no one see Andree Neil and Nick Robinsons analysis immediately after the speech? Or the interview with Miliband on Breakfast then?!
Tell it often enough Vance.
An honest question. Why do you always start with personal attacks? You would be taken far more seriously if you stuck to facts. You even manage an example here (I didn’t see it so I will have to take your word that there was uniquely, a fair criticism of Milliband’s woeful perfortmance).
Then you spoil it by personal abuse. This policy has obviously been dictated by your bosses at Aunty because you all are doing the same and have been for some time now.
Vote Labour – Get Rotherham
Good point. The tone is always the same.
Because I think the authors on this site are utterly woeful and I wish to point that out.
Its not personal, I am critical of their writing and thinking.
Ed Miliband: How I forgot sections of conference speech:
Will Ed Miliband’s deficit slip haunt him?
Ed Miliband forgets deficit and immigration in speech
Conference coverage: (you only need watch the start. I can’t get the episode from the day of the speech yet – seems to be broken, but the after analysis is worth a watch when available):
Oh, and I’ve tried sticking to the facts before. I found it didnt take. Facts aren’t really appreciated here in my experience.
GPs 100k pa
“Oh, and I’ve tried sticking to the facts before”
Really Fletcher? Really???
‘I found it didn’t take.
So with things not going the way you wanted you have decided not to bother with even a stab at accuracy? Very BBC.
‘Facts aren’t really appreciated here in my experience.’
And what vast experience it must be by now.
There could of course be other interpretations.
Now, if BBBC fielded a spokesperson to say that their finest eyes have read your assertion but their own evidence doesn’t recognise the validity of the claim, would that satisfy you enough to cease and move on?
‘I think the authors on this site are utterly woeful and I wish to point that out.
It’s not personal, I am critical of their writing and thinking.’
As you seem, or at least claim, to be clued up on these matters behind the BBC curtain, what do you think happens to any from the public at large who would do the same of the BBC via, say, their complaints portal?
No I didn’t,t . Or the millipedes peach either . Which was better then ?
Vote Lasbour – Get Stafford
‘Tell it often enough’
Words to live by, clearly.
‘Did no one see Andrew Neil and Nick Robinson’s analysis..’
A link always helps at times like this.
‘And what can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence’
Jerry, you tease, I think you are here merely on a mission to wind folk up.
I cant understand most of your witterings, but you still havent addressed the OP. Quelle surprise.
In the circumstances, highlighting your cant is odd but honest.
Just an observation post.
The new show…………The BBC’s got talent.
Featuring panel judges, Rupe Murdoch, Noel Edmonds, and 3 New York hedge fund managers.
Miliband played a very sneaky trick over his speech by pushing the fact that he was so brilliant he didn’t use any notes. Had he used notes he could not have later made the excuse that he had missed mentioning immigration and the deficit because they had somehow slipped his mind. If he had used notes then both would have both been in them and if they weren’t they would obviously have been omitted intentionally leaving him with no excuse for having avoided the issues.
I think you are crediting him with more intelligence than he has. He thinks it is clever and impressive to try to do one of his fact free, rhetoric laden speeches without notes. The results were plain to see, he was so focused on trying to demonize the Government and provide what he thought was an inspiring delivery that he forgot the two most important issues of the day ( and all he colleagues knew it). He is a man of no substance and it shows.
It was probably psychological. His brain did not want to face the uncomfortable truths inherent in those two topics – and so they were shorted out.