Oh…Just seen it…beats dancing outside Buck House I guess.
The BBC has been making up the news and doing it in a way that paints David Cameron in a bad light….
BBC criticised over coverage of David Cameron’s Queen gaffe
BBC accused of ‘speculation’ after claiming David Cameron said that the Queen cried when told about Scottish Independence
The BBC is facing criticism after suggesting that David Cameron said it was great to hear the Queen ‘tear up’ after he told her Scotland had voted against independence.
Peter Hunt, the BBC’s Royal Correspondent, said on Twitter that the BBC’s “finest ears” believed he had said: “I’ve never heard someone tear up like that. It was great”.
Channel 4 News subsequently claimed the words were “cheer up”, significantly changing the meaning of his comments.
The BBC’s interpretation seems more wishful thinking than reality…I doubt the Queen would ‘tear up’, she has after all been around the block a few times, can’t see her blubbering down the phone, and Cameron’s comment after, ‘It was great’, doesn’t really fit the BBC’s interpretation…why would Cameron think it ‘great’ to hear the Queen ‘tear up’? Great to hear her ‘cheer up’? I’d have thought so.
Pure speculation from the BBC…..and why don’t they make so much of Salmond’s reaction…when he wishes more stomach ulcers upon David Cameron…..just after having called Cameron ‘pathetic’ for talking about his royal conversation….the BBC cuts short his comments with this ‘final’ one…“That’s absolutely pathetic and he should hang his head in shame.” No embarrasing comment about wanting Cameron to suffer medically then.
By coincidence this morning I was thinking the BBC was indulging us with their speculative thoughts a bit too much as I listened to the BBC’s James Shaw (38 mins) reveal his impressions of the probable next, and female, leader of the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon.
First of all we heard the no vote dismissed as merely the women of Scotland being irrational and scatty beings influenced by shallow, inconsequential, trivial things such as Alex Salmond’s Shrek-like appearance and abrasive personality.
Somewhat patronising on the good women of Scotland who voted no. Perhaps they had rational, well reasoned and sound grounds for voting the way they did and it wasn’t just a case of PMT, girlish immaturity or whatever nonsense the BBC has gallantly decided put the skids under Salmond’s crusade….though of course the BBC’s lack of rigorous challenge and questioning of Salmond and Co might well mean that a lack of genuinely informed debate meant having to make decisions based upon less objective measures.
Pure speculation from the BBC….and are they building a case for the SNP to have another, ‘real’, ‘representative’, referendum?…the last one obviously being not legitimate due to those irrational women….and the BBC does like to emphasise that 45% voted ‘Yes’…and are telling us that…‘Two Scotlands have emerged’… and you know what?…..‘ 45% voted “Yes”. I think the three main parties at Westminster should be worried about that.’
It ain’t over and the BBC are happy to keep stirring things up. So much for maintaining civic society and social cohesion.
Then we were told the beauteous and charming Sturgeon will have the men of Westminster eating out of her hand in the negotiations for new Scottish powers…Cameron and Osborne will be putty in her hands, purring with delight perhaps, practically surrendering the keys to the kingdom, and will in fact move themselves and their families, lock, stock and barrel, up to Scotland to live under the enlightened and fair rule of that Nicola Sturgeon lassy.
Once again pure speculation from the BBC.
Still, it fills the schedule up with something I suppose.
see,when i heard about this so called gaffe made by david cameron yesterday, i tuned into the bbc expecting some shocking revelation that might end his premiership,nothing of the sort,and even my freind jock down the pub a vocal yes voter found camerons comments quiet amusing and lighthearted in its nature,only the bbc can make a story out of a non story for what i guess is there own politacal agenda against the prime minister.
Could be worse, Cameron could have made a joke about beheading the Queen instead, like one of Aunties in-house “comedians”
It’s what’s in the heart, what makes the man…
Why is it Liberal progressives think they can say just about anything they want, yet trample all over our right to free speech?
Because the BBC lets them. No, encourages them.
Ooh Matron!
The BBC and Channel 4 were in full maiden aunt mode over this bit of tittle tattle recorded by some sleb pickup mic on full beam.
A complete non-story…but if it can be used to get Cameron, to suckup in ironic fashion to the Queen…then fair enough.
If only he employed Frankie Boyle, or trick recorded the Queen “having an epi”…THEN the BBC and the liberal hypocrites could feign yet more outrage.
Desperate toads the BBC.
Going by the BBC’s output over the last week, you would be forgiven for thinking that the UK consisted of two countries, Scotland and somewhere else, both happily in a one party socialist state.
After a mass outbreak of bed wetting last week, when they nearly broke up the Union without thinking of the 40+ Scottish Labour seats they (The BBC and Labour) would lose and having to madly back pedal and even unleash the mad Gordon McRuin; They have really pulled out all the stops for wall to wall coverage of their parliamentary party.
The best of it is they are wheeling all these Labour faces in front of a camera and have witnessed one car crash after another from a shadow pension secretary who didn’t know how much a pension was, to Chukka’s embarrassing performance with Brillo, to the Guardian panning Ed’s speech they haven’t put a foot right once.
With open goals and virtually zero reporting on the Tories and none whatsoever on UKIP, the BBC have done their level best to win their party the next election, but Labour seem woefully unable to capitalise on all this backing.
It really makes me think that without the BBC’s support Labour would never get a sniff of office again.
Mind you, I am also beginning to think that Cameron’s brand of socialism is so in step with Labours, that the BBC might just as well back the Tories and at least get competent-ish liars.
I have laid down a stock of popcorn and beer for the forthcoming by elections. I can only think that there must be a D notice on the reporting of these for the total lack of coverage. It’s a bit like Chilcott, Chilcott Who? *innocent face*
Hopefully when Cameron meets the Queen he will apologise for this gaffe and the Queen will also demand an apology for failing to stand up for Britain, sucking up to Islam, and his smears against Christianity.
‘the BBC’s “finest ears” believed he had said..
Ah, that BBC ‘belief’ at play again. Not so sure it also plays as well when outside the BBC’s many buildings, mind.
So safe to say the BBC asserted much based on little confirmed evidence?
Very McAlpine of them.
Someone’s ears will be burning. Or should be.
‘a BBC spokesman said: ‘The Christian O’Connell Manifesto is a light-hearted entertainment programme.
‘The comment was made by a guest – comedian Andy Zaltzman – and we have received five complaints.’
Now that… is comedy.
Top comment:
‘Now if Clarkson made a comment along the lines of ‘let’s have a referendum to see if we should behead the head of the Muslim Council of Great Britain’, the BBC would apologise instantly, Clarkson would be sacked, and the Director General would be pushed for resignation. Somehow, you now this won’t happen to this baldy, ugly, ginger haired yahoo.
Have to hope the DG, after learning further lessons, does not commit the full resources of the BBC to tracking down this gingerist poster to hand over to a doubtless primed police squad hovering overhead to swoop down on any such thing.
However, the BBC also offers yet more fabulous precedent for any it sees needing holding to account.
‘A BBC spokesman said: “Peter Hunt offered his interpretation of this significant news story involving the Prime Minister and the Queen which is part of his job as Royal Correspondent. He also made it clear that there were other interpretations.”
Basically, according to the BBC, any BBC staff can ‘interpret’ anything any way they feel inspired, so long as they find a way of saying it may also be a crock of sh*t too?
The BBC – views their own, and do not reflect anything like reality. But pay up anyway, mugs
You want to try listening to BBC Radio Scotland. They to cannot quite bring themselves to believe that the people of Scotland gave the ‘wrong’ answer to the question in the Referendum and are doing their best to whip up calls for the EU method of Vote, Vote and Vote again until you give us the answer we insist on.
They are taking every opportunity to use their Phone In programmes to pick over the bones of the Referendum in an obvious attempt to give the impression that there is wide dissent over the result and that, somehow, the people of Scotland have been tricked out of being given the Independence they really want and deserve by the sneaky, deceitful and untrustworthy scoundrels in Westminster.
Fortunately most people in Scotland appear to have more sense than to fall for the Radio Scotland troublemaking attempts to stir up demand for an immediate rerun which, of course, slimy Salmond would so dearly love.