Did anyone else pick up a tacit cheerfulness on the BBC, today, with Abu Quatada’s release in Jordan? They even saw fit to mention that the extremist preacher has criticised Isis!
I think it is a wonderful thing that Abu Qatada has been found not guilty and that he is free to live in Jordan.
I proves that all the fascist nutters who supported his staying in Britain, and their pettifogging lawyers, lied about him not being able to have a fair trial and that he would not be safe in Jordan.
He’s not in the UK, and he’s not coming back, but it does mean that having cried wolf, the next time this happens it will be much more difficult for the fascists to claim the same, and spin it out for years at our expense.
“Another beheading”
the way it will be covered? … pretty much the same as every other?
overt protection of the root cause, wilful attempt at deceiving the wider public? … you betcha!
As for the British hostage, the BBC is keen to show how the moslems and Christians are displaying their interfaith solidarity.
I suppose we have to accept the Government position that people who kill and rape in the name of Islam are not Moslems.
If so, then when arrested and put in prison, why are they allowed all the privileges – halal food, prayer facilities – enjoyed by Moslems?
Funny how no one has asked whether he was set up. Seems strange that he was picked up so soon after crossing the border. If he was, then the very people he travelled with, betrayed him … that’ll include many of those shedding crocodile tears at this meeting.
I said that on an earlier post on the Daily Mail website when it showed the guy with his ‘friends’ I said I bet one of those guys dobbed him in. Of course it was never uploaded
Double up their sentence for bringing the the Islamic faith into bad repute . I’m sure the real Muslims want that .
That goes for Travellers as well .??
Nibor, the real muslims are Isis….red in tooth and claw, all the rest are sleepers, waiting to do their part to bring about the world-wide Caliphate…read the Koran, it’s their only book…..
I see the problem of not having a sufficient quota of “Black” managers is now heading for top spot on the BBC sports pages. They are promoting their own Garth Crooks who has now stated there aren’t enough “Black” managers in league football teams. Interestingly enough, the Rooney Rule (much quoted) states that *Black and Ethnic coaches etc…..” The BBC and Garth Crooks only refer to Black people with no mention of Ethnic groups in their reporting and promotion. So just who is being racist Mr Crooks and the BBC?
Ability and merit are bourgeois constructs created by old white males to cement their position in society.
I know this to be true because the liberal says it is.
I call it the post reality world.
The Isis jihadi has rejected the reality of the modern world in favour of a savage future.
The Western liberal believes he can reorder reality to fit a dream of the future.
Between the two of them the world could go down in flames.
I just overheard the news – Cameron has recalled parliament so he can attack ISIS – rekons that they present immediate danger to Britain!! – Now, where have we heard that one before?? I trust that our MP’s will show some spine and say “NO”. Come one boys, remember what people say about Bliar, if we go to war for no reason they will say the same about you too!
Yes, I get the idea that this ‘war’, and the events leading up to it, have been deliberately manufactured as a means to take down Assad. Obama’s war-mongers got a bloodied nose last year but now they have had time to rethink their strategy, time to enable and supply weapons and cash to ISIS/ISIL, and, finally, to let the animals off the leash. Like gun dealers supplying weapons to native tribes during the American Indian Wars, there’s money to be made, factions to be set one against the other, land and resources to be taken. Our prime minister will go along for the ride with Obama’s ‘cavalry’, like Blair did with Bush’s. Of course we have a right to defend ourselves but, when we have been aiders and abettors in the creation of the threat, there’s no high ground to be claimed here.
Isis are an existential threat to the West. Maybe not today but in the future. The so called clash of civilisations is a reality. It always was and until Islam learns to share space with other faiths, to drop the concept of the Dar al Harb ( the non Islamic world) it always will be.
The history of Europe since the fall of Rome is testament to this.
What motivates the fighters of Isis is the same motivation that spread Islam from the seventh century onwards and it is foolish to deny it.
War and loot are peculiarly attractive to young men irrespective of cultural origin. Now we can make an effort to stop Isis for now or do the only other possible thing which is to isolate Europe from the Islamic world.
That will cause great economic and personal hardship so although I see it as the preferred option it is most unlikely to happen.
The current policies are born out of some desperation but as long as we avoid putting our men on the ground and instead use the concept of the raid in strength we can hold the line. How long for I cannot tell.
In essence the West is reacting and not initiating here. Time will tell but Isis is real and although wars produce profit for someone this is a serious matter.
Easy … no matter what they do, or say, even though all of them have Islamic names, all carry Qurans, and quote the verses used to mandate their action, and all have the same motives and goals, and all want to dominate for Allah
…. every single one of them has … “nothing to do with Islam”
what is it with you? are you waycist?
ps. what race is Islam again?
The BBC … yes!, Islamophile to the hilt but …
read it, and literally weep
Cameron .. “i repeat Islamic state nothing to do with Islam. islam is peace”
Blair: Islamic State’s ideology “based in a complete perversion of the proper faith of Islam”
Kerry: Anti-Islamic State effort must “begin to put real Islam out there”
UK immigration minister: Beheading of aid worker “nothing to do with Islam”
US Senate votes 78-22 for Obama’s plan to arm jihadis against … other jihadis?
Hammond: Islamic State regime “goes against the most basic beliefs of Islam”
Kerry: “Anti-Islamic” State coalition means “demolishing the distortion” about Islam
Obama: “The American forces do not and will not have a combat mission” against the Islamic State
French Foreign Minister: Islamic State not “a state or representative of Islam”
Cameron on Islamic State’s claim to be Islamic: “Nonsense, Islam is a religion of peace”
Beheaded aid worker’s brother says Islam “not to blame”
Australian PM: Highest terror alert “not about religion”
Kerry: Islamic State is “an ugly insult to the peaceful religion
Cameron -London jihad murder: “nothing in Islam justifies acts of terror”
T May – Denial – Britain just capitulates to jihad
Gove – UK Education Secretary: “Fantastic” if every school in England were sent free copies of the Qur’an
Cameron – Islam Is Peaceful and Compatible with Democracy – UN General Assembly
Cameron justifying and clearing Islam from guilt of Woolwich Muslim Murder attack
Had a new one yesterday morning from some left leaning guy on TV. Jihadi attacks on Europe and the US. Notice not terrorist attacks but Jihadi. Less threatining
First one to hear the words ‘proportionate response’ on the BBC in reference to their hero Obama’s bombing campaign as part of his not-a-war, please write in or is the phrase only reserved for Israel?
Using a $1,000,000 missile to take out a $30,000 truck doesn’t seem very proportionate to me.
But I wasn’t given the Nobel Peace Prize so I obviously don’t know how these things work.
You’re correct A S-G; but the Leftards removed BL755 and napalm from the arsenal, which were a fraction of the price and probably more effective in this scenario. Not to mention the psychological effect of seeing your mates running around in flames; they tend not to be so keen on Jihad after witnessing either……
US air strikes? I thought it was a coalition, or does it only become US-only strikes when a “Briton” is killed. BBC trying to stoke up anti-US sentiment there.
It seems that leftie Dave is being economical with the actualité again.
He’s talked about going to war (well a limited set of airstrikes) against ISIS. He’s lied to the house and the public that he is going to war with a clear set of goals.
So what are those goals? Apparently to degrade and destroy ISIS capability to wage war. As simple and easy as that.
Except it’s anything but!
We know from military strategists that airstrikes alone will not do anything substantial to degrade ISIS, especially when they are embedded alongside civilian populations.
Unless someone is prepared to go in with troops on the ground then this is a war which cannot be won and has in reality no clear objectives, or strategy. We might be bombing ISIS in ten years time!
As long as they all end up dead, that’s the thing. Personally I could never understand why the west discontinued WW2/Vietnam type saturation bombing. Probably expensive admittedly but just flatten every damn building.
In fact I’d probably stick with the ancient methods – kill all the fighters, anyone who surrenders gets sold into slavery.
Has anyone noticed that Cameron has recalled parliament on the day Farage makes his leader’s speech to the UKIP conference. I wonder which story the BBC will cover.
Which story will the BBC cover? Here’s a prediction. Main story Cameron recalling Parliament, with a few photographs of Stop the War protesters and the usual unwashed. Then secondary story, the least interesting part of Farage’s speech, with photographs of the usual unwashed Trots and Left Lunities holding Stand Up to Ukip banners, and shouting Waycist.
Here’s a cool-headed assessment of last week’s events, by Theodore Dalrymple.
‘Last week’s referendum on Scottish Independence was an excellent illustration of the famous dictum of Frederic Bastiat, the 19th century French liberal economist, that the state is the means by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else.’
The Scottish Play – The Nationalists win by losing. http://www.city-journal.org/2014/eon0923td.html
Considering that dictum, I think not so much of those on the bottom rung of the economic ladder, but more of our political class & their cronies; the Qangos, the charities (Common Purpose), the hand-in-glove consultancies, & oddly enough, the BBC – all past masters at the systematic looting of the public purse.
I posted this in an earlier thread, but relates to this.
Going by the BBC’s output over the last week, you would be forgiven for thinking that the UK consisted of two countries, Scotland and somewhere else, both happily in a one party socialist state.
After a mass outbreak of bed wetting last week, when they nearly broke up the Union without thinking of the 40+ Scottish Labour seats they (The BBC and Labour) would lose and having to madly back pedal and even unleash the mad Gordon McRuin; They have really pulled out all the stops for wall to wall coverage of their parliamentary party.
The best of it is they are wheeling all these Labour faces in front of a camera and have witnessed one car crash after another from a shadow pension secretary who didn’t know how much a pension was, to Chukka’s embarrassing performance with Brillo, to the Guardian panning Ed’s speech they haven’t put a foot right once.
With open goals and virtually zero reporting on the Tories and none whatsoever on UKIP, the BBC have done their level best to win their party the next election, but Labour seem woefully unable to capitalise on all this backing.
It really makes me think that without the BBC’s support Labour would never get a sniff of office again.
Mind you, I am also beginning to think that Cameron’s brand of socialism is so in step with Labours, that the BBC might just as well back the Tories and at least get competent-ish liars.
I have laid down a stock of popcorn and beer for the forthcoming by elections. I can only think that there must be a D notice on the reporting of these for the total lack of coverage. It’s a bit like Chilcott, Chilcott Who? *innocent face*
Did I hear Lyse Doucet say on ‘Toady’ this morning, after 7, that there is “concern” about bombing IS because of all the EU/British citizen jihadists that could be killed?
Can you fu*king believe it? (Yes). That’s the best reason to do it in the first place…
The Times Atlas getting a mention this morning, and how the Antarctic consists of huge mountains and valleys beneath the ice. Climate change and global warming, of course, got a mention, and the idea that warmer waters were melting the ice from beneath around the Antarctic coastline, and how this might raise sea levels.
Yet, surprisingly, not a peep out of either Humphrys or the interviewee about the fact that Antarctic ice this year, is at an all-time record.
As I recall, it was the Times Atlas which came under fire not that long ago, for exaggerating ice loss around Greenland…
Yes, that I found most amusing. Lots of big words, eco this, sustainable that – it’s only a golf tournament, for Christ’s sake – once a year, and now there has to be a mega eco operation to “repair the damage”. Is this what they mean by “green jobs”, because there are precious few others, despite the wild promises?
Yes, indeed. But the failure of Humphreys to point to the fact that the Antarctic continent has been accumulating ice for many years (something he must be aware of) was trumped, in my view, by the sheer breathtaking deceit of the spokesman from BAS who, in response to Humphrey’s question about ice, decided to obfuscate and talk about what “could happen” instead of what has and is happening.
Sooner or later, the BBC will have to ask proper, penetrating questions about the whole scam of AGW, and the sooner they do, the better for us all.
“…Sooner or later, the BBC will have to ask proper, penetrating questions about the whole scam of AGW, and the sooner they do, the better for us all.”
Except they won’t. Ever. It’s not in their vocabulary. Mainly because this isn’t about something airily referred to as ‘climate change’, but about so much more, things that are never, ever, mentioned in the same breath: the political project, the social experiment, the cultural indoctrination, etc.
CAGW is a political agenda. It always was and always will be. This explains, in part, why the science is so lacking (some might argue quite legitimately ‘non existent’) some twenty-odd years after the scam was first dreamt up, just as the Berlin wall fell. It’s a ‘progressive’ mandate (socialist red in tooth and claw) to ‘redistribute wealth’, to tax away fossil fuel economies and to return us all to the fields to toil beneath the wind turbines of their Grand Agrarian Future.
Common purpose trolls understand this; it’s an unspoken thing; you just have to blindly accept the propaganda and do all you can, at every opportunity, to reinforce the messaging – something the BBC has proven itself singularly adept at doing. Whether it’s making casual asides in support of the CAGW meme in entirely unrelated programming, or doing its level best to exclude the voices of climate dissenters, it’s all the same : the Agenda Is Served.
And all at tax payer’s expense, too. It’s a perfect ponzi scheme for the progressive’s publicly-funded job creation and political ambitions.
Have just listened to the weather forecast at 6.30 on BBC1 with this constant message of a very warm September. Warmish possibly but in this part of the UK it has been an almost cloud cover, meaning mildish nights (although some have been blooming cold) and warm for cloudy days but not the hot sunny days I have known in October in years past. Relatives in London have also reported frequent cloud cover. I presume this is part of the narrative to talk up warm weather because people have short memories it will be believed.
I do not disagree with anything of what you say about other agendas at every level, up to the UN (and hidden by the MSM, including the BBC), and the baleful and sinister influence of Common Purpose.
“rapists charter” … Taxis … any concern over “public safety” at all?
… Rotherham … has it been that long already
Gov, plans to cut red tape for taxi and private hire drivers have been slammed as “a charter for thieves, rapists and paedophiles.”
BBC News? … BBC UK? … BBC England?
BBC Radio …. Sheffield, tentatively takes up the story … http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p026jd4x
Sheffield I wonder why?
Yes, Sam Mason at BBC Bristol, it must also be remembered that her replacement (Peter Rowell) disappeared not turning up for his show one day, only to be later found, arrested and convicted of abusing young girls….. (another BBC Pedophile)
Apologies if this was posted at the time, but I see she had something to say about Rotherham last month on her Facebook page.
“Dirty dirty filthy p*ki Rotherham bastards.
Some p*ki woman is blaming the government for not looking after the p*ki community! Wtf is that all about? Jesus Christ.
Now, anyone i offended by booking my daughter a taxi can you please f#ck off.”
Whilst I might not have used that language, I can well understand why she might be a tad pissed off about it.
Yes the language leaves a lot to be desired, but it as with all local press items the comments/votes always reflect the ‘established’ view. I have no doubt they are manipulated , I have actually seen it happen on a UKIP story on my local paper’s website, suddenly all Farage ‘recommends’ went the other way and the down votes suddenly reversed.
Her comments now are offensive, but we will never know if she was really racist until the PC nazis got her sacked for sensibly trying to protect her daughter. (Was her daughter special needs or am I thinking of something else?)
“Its how you respect one another, how you integrate, respect and embrace each other’s cultures.”
“It’s NOT about hard line radical retarded extremists who try to infiltrate our schools and prey on our children.
“It’s not about sending your wife out looking like Darth fekin Vader and trying to change our country into the s**t forsaken desert you came from.
“So please do us all a favour, come here and be BRITISH and if thats too much for you
….please do f**k off”
… not how I would have put it … but 😀 the point is crystal clear.
She must feel exactly like the 90 odd per cent of the public who keep giving the traitors at the Al BBC, the clearest message possible, on the rare occasion they get the opportunity … like on Sunday Morning Live, the Big Questions, or Free Speech.
Good for her, foul language is right and proper when faced with the result of mass immigration and a govt telling us we are racist to complain…..if you see the architects of all this, all of New Labour, in the streets, shout and swear at them, push and shove them, just let them see how angry we are, otherwise they just sail on oblivious to the damage they’ve done…..
Not sure if anyone else caught it, but on Tuesday night a power failure at the bBC’s studio in Exeter prevented the 6.30 edition of Spotlight (Devon, Cornwall, Dorset and the Channel Islands) from being being broadcast. Instead the whole of the South West was treated to the delights of Bristol and Somerset’s Points West.
Said edition also included stories from the blacked out regions, yet still it was only just enough to fill the 30 minutes with actual news. Watching, it occurred to me that for once we had been spared the normal main filler of the program that is always some PC tosh about immigrants in Bristol, a global warming story from bBC’s Bristol’s natural history studio’s or the horrors of badger gassing. We also found that our local weather presenter was actually able to give a forecast for the whole of the South West!
It then occurred to me that we could actually get rid of 66% of the bBC local studio’s, presenters and production staff and actually get local NEWS and not some brainwashing agenda filler that the bBC’s regions are so good at and maybe presented by local presenters who’s names we can actually pronounce.
‘…we could actually get rid of 66% of the bBC local studio’s, presenters and production staff and actually get local NEWS…’
Not just the regions mate, BBC London ‘so-called’ news specialises in campaign group press releases, left-approved arts plugs and an occasional plug for one of their own BBC shows.
I’m convinced the ‘so-called’ BBC long ago handed regional news over to what we might once have called their ‘community units’. BBC London was never so happy as when for years they took Ken Livingston press releases as gospel delivered from on high.
INBBC goes in to bat again today for Islam, CAIR and Hamas;
INBBC is unable to criticise the politically dangerous Islamic CAIR,
but ‘JIHADWATCH’ rightly criticises it:-
“International group of Muslim scholars ‘refutes’ Islamic State’s Islamic case
— while endorsing jihad, Sharia, caliphate.”
By Robert Spencer
(still banned from U.K by Cameron, Clegg, May).
INBBC’s CASCIANI’s profound first words on arrest of Islamic jihad supporter,
Anjem CHOUDARY today:-
” Anjem Choudary is a deeply controversial Islamic figure…!”
Why not more inane ‘profundities’?
– E.g.
‘Bin Laden was a deeply controversial Islamic figure,’ etc.
‘Jihadwatch’ (again) has it right:-
[Opening excerpt]-
“What took them so long? Anjem Choudary for years has been preaching jihad and sedition, and praising Islamic jihad murderers. He was a friend of Mujaahid Abu Hamza, who murdered soldier Lee Rigby on a London street, and other jihadists. It has struck so many people so odd that he has lived and operated freely in Britain for so long that it has long been widely rumored that he was really a spy, a ‘honeypot’ to attract genuine jihadists who would then be arrested. But apparently he wasn’t. Unless this arrest is an elaborate ruse, it makes clear that Choudary’s longtime freedom was just more of the British government’s suicidal appeasement policy toward Islamic supremacists.”
– from-
“UK: Jihad preacher Anjem Choudary among nine arrested in anti-terrorism raid”
Hmm intelligence agencies claim they are about to arrest Jihadi John’s terror cell in England. And today these 9 men are arrested. I wonder if it is a coincidence?
Obviously Anjem Choudhary is another one who has misunderstood the true meaning of Islam. He really should go to Dhimmi Dave for some lessons on the Koran.
‘MediaGuardian understands that Newsnight’s senior editorial team sought advice from the BBC’s editorial policy unit about putting Choudary on air. The interview was also pre-recorded.’
Well that fair screams the MediaGraun tore Aunty a new one with the holding to account. All nicely ‘BBC thinks BBC is fine’ again. Reads more like a cut & paste from a press release.
All the liberal broadcast media seem to be at the bier of the last Mitford sister….some old Duchess or other.
Funny how these weekend rebels in the media go all hoity-toity on us when it comes to one of mummys friends, or somebody that nanny served a sherry to way back.
Pathetic brown nosing to some shagbag of a brownshirt…well sister of one anyway.
Still-no better that the red ending of one of Stalins aromatherapists…funnily enough, yet another berth occupied by a talentless bluestocking of Bloomsbury, also called Mitford.
I`d not bet on this dead nomark being the “last of the Mitfords”…surely some BBC brown noser will know a niece or nephew who camped out for Occupy before getting a job as “environment correspondent for the BeeGuardian”.
Eff Off BBC…doubtless already in the process of moving Antiques Roadshow as we speak. in order to suck up to the dead dowager on “Last Word”.
Here we go…Gertrude Stein, Mitfords 1-7, Hitler, Mosley, Burgess, Blunt, Stopes, Woolf and the other bluestocking nobodies…yesterdays Harmans and Smiths without the porn on expenses and paedo links….
Are not the risks of immigration from such a place as the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan to Britain, now proved to be obviously too great for non-Muslims to take?
I’m sure it was mentioned before, but does every BBC report of an EDL march have to include in its opening paragraph the number of arrests and/or the costs of policing?
The real problem isn’t ISIL in Iraq and Syria, its what is going to happen when some of those foul fanatics who survive the bombing arrive back in the UK. If they want to cause mayhem and kill lots of UK citizens then it is going to be difficult for the security services and police to stop at least some of their attacks from succeeding. If they do then the politicians of all stripes are fearful that the tolerance and patience shown by the British people after years of provocation will finally break and we will descend into country wide violence between the Muslims in the UK and the Brits.
Continuing the years of appeasement by the left and calming disinformation , suppression of the truth and outright lies from the likes of the BBC, won’t be enough to calm things , the whole tinder box will erupt.
As Enoch Powell said , the left must be mad, literally mad to promote mass immigration into our country of people who had such a different culture and values. Did they really expect that these folks would assimilate and adopt our ways of doing things, embrace democracy, reject some key teachings of their religion?
Its has been clear for years that we were heading for disaster but the liberal left just kept thrusting their heads deeper into the sand. Well now we don’t have chickens coming home to roost but hundreds of evil people who hate us and our society and want to do maximum damage to us. What a mess the stupid left have caused. They will have blood on their hands but they will try to blame us for not just peacefully accepting the squalid end to our country that they have caused.
But the truth is that moslem’s’ are responsible for none of those things , like all so called moslem arts and sciences the they looted them from the smoldering ruins of the civilizations they destroyed .
There is a very good case to be made for the decline of the Roman world being due to the closing of the Med as a highway for trade.
Guess who closed it.
BBC Trendies eh! …
always like to finish with pontificating snigger into their latte s
poor, poor little arrogant Muslim adherents eh!
“Sorry for Algebra, cameras, universities, hospitals, oh and coffee too,” wrote one. “I’m so sorry for coffee, cheques, parachutes, chemistry, inoculations, soap, shampoo, cameras,”
“others asked “has anyone asked the Christians to apologize for Hitler?” … oooer! missus
… anyone asked turkeys to apologise for Christmas yet?
mind you … we know a song about the Islamic Fibberati don t we children?
Science and Islam: Reply to “1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets
Time to quote Solhenitsyn again
“life organised legalistically has thus shown it’s inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil”
How stupid the liberal mind is not to grasp exactly how true these words are and have always been. Nothing ever really changes.
Reality is coming to our world.
Thanks for these quotes of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.
Undoubtably the greatest, most quotable Man of Truth since Orwell…and every bit as profound as any current day Soldier of Christ could ever be.
Keep on sending his quotes to us…always puts the liberal media into historys recycling bin when you do so.
For all I know it may well be true that, in years gone by, Islam has been responsible for many wonderful scientific, cultural and mathematical advancements. Algebra, superb architecture, soap, shampoo and lenses. But I would still have to ask all contemporary Muslims just one question.
What have you done lately?
The point that the BBC fudges is that ‘Islam’ is NOT responsible for any scientific advances, (the same could be said of Christianity, Judaism, etc.). The ‘science’ contained in the Koran is clearly rubbish, which doesn’t help the argument that Allah is ‘all knowing’.
Personally I don’t find it at all surprising that Arabs made important discoveries in mathematics and astronomy. Camped out on top of an infinite sand table and with clear skies and big horizons and nothing else to do once you’ve fed your camel it would be surprising if you didn’t keep an eye on the stars. Contrast that with densely forested Europe with the sky clouded over most of the time it is a miracle that we ever had any astronomers here, especially with all the light pollution from the ironworks and steam engines!
The megalith monuments found all over Britain predate Islam by thousands of years. They exhibit a very precise knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. Funny that.
The Gothic cathedrals are quite good as well or do we not count them? Those master masons must have been good at sums.
What is true is that in the Turkish empire printed books were banned until the later 18th century. I think the scholars were worried by contamination from the rest of Europe.
It is about time we admitted that the West during the 17th century created the modern world..Not the Chinese, the Indians or the Muslims but us. Must be hard to admit it if you are a self hating Western liberal but it is the reality.
So these liberal want us to chuck it all away in favour of superstition and poltical correctness.
Better to be nice than right .The liberal’s creed in a few words.
How right you are. The liberal does believe he is being nice though.The rest of us conservatives are nasty.. I think liberals learn this at university or sixth form..
Zealots by nature and in the end tyrants.
All the liberal-left people I knew in the workplace were seething with hatred. It’s a false face “I am nice” to conceal “I am nasty”. Stand up to them and pretty quickly comes the veiled accusation “Are you a racist?” Many of them lived in Brighton, which is the capital of white middle class left wing pricks.
The great library of Alexandria was burned down by the Muslim Arabs in the 7th century, but of the works which survived, the most important was the great astronomical treatise by Claudius Ptolemaeus (aka Ptolemy) from AD 180, written four centuries before Mohammed’s birth. This treatise then became known as the Almagest, and was the standard reference for astronomers until the time of Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler.
Sir William Herschel observed from Slough in the 1700s and compiled an excellent catalogue of stars, clusters and nebulae, plus discovering the planet Uranus.
Lord Rosse, in the 1840s, built an admittedly cumbersome scope in Ireland, where the weather is crap for astronomy, but it didn’t stop him from discovering the ‘spiral nebulae’, now known to be external galaxies.
Don’t know if is anywhere else across their ‘reporting’ empire, but the BBC ‘news’ is excelling on the climate topic on FaceBook.
Seems weather-related damage costs have gone up by 300% since the 80s.
A few folk are trying to ask if population expansion and inflation was factored in by them, but it’s possible the 80s was another time, and the BBC have again moved on.
We all know that the BBC gave the Bush administration a hard time when the bombs started to fall, because, well you know, bush being one of those nasty right wingers etc. So how are the BBC treating their lovely lefty in the White House now that the bombs have started falling again?
Blisteringly good account of UKIP, of a womans role in the party by the peerless Suzanne Evans, Deputy Chair.
Listen in from 12 mins in , and the squauks from the telly tubby with her chichuahau in Club Class…Jenni “The Grievance Minger” Murray.
Well done Suzanne-keep on rockin` girl…you`ve got them in terror! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04hz49k
She is excellent. This is why the Biased BBC does not allow UKIP on the airwaves very often, because common sense trumps politically correct sprouting every day of the year!
News about the US Attorney General resigning – well glossed over on the Biased BBC – the reason for his resignation restricted to two sentences in the last paragraph. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-29365988
What really happened – Holder was unfavourably compared to Nixon’s AG – who went to jail – “Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) praised the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday, saying that Holder is the worst attorney general in his lifetime—including John Mitchell, Richard Nixon’s attorney general who went to jail for covering up Watergate.
“For many years now, I have been calling for Attorney General Holder’s resignation,” Gohmert said. “Not only has he lied before members of Congress and, ultimately, been held in contempt, he has obfuscated the truth and been the most partisan, partial, prejudiced, and self-pitying attorney general in my lifetime, including John Mitchell who went to jail for his crime.”
“As a former judge who has questioned Holder numerous times before the House Judiciary Committee, it is frustrating to seek the truth and receive dishonesty and arrogance from the chief law enforcement officer of the United States government,” Gohmert stated, adding:
Additionally, he has prosecuted more people for leaking—which sometimes is an effort at whistleblowing—than all other attorneys general added together. He has not only failed to investigate crimes and potential crimes occurring in this administration, he has been the Cover-Upper-in-Chief and will be sorely missed by those in the administration, like Lois Lerner, who want to disobey the law and flaunt it. It is my sincere hope that the Obama administration will appoint an attorney general who is reputable and truly desiring to uphold law and order for all Americans—not just cater to this administration’s whims and ideology.”
For anyone who hasn’t yet heard about Obama’s dishonest, corrupt and muddle-headed plan to supply automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels, Google for “obama fast and furious” or “ATF gunwalking”.
Another beauty from the Biased BBC – totally forgot to tell you that the EU satellites have ‘gone into the wrong orbit’ – ie. floating scrap in the sky that cost £5 Billion.
These are the BBC’s latest update on the fiasco – a successful launch a month ago, and how cool it would be to have more accurate GPS services – August 22 and 26 – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-28860851 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-28779524
“Muhammad Asghar, 70, who previously lived in Edinburgh, is in hospital after being shot by a guard in prison.
His family say he has a long history of mental illness, including a diagnosis for severe paranoid schizophrenia.
… He returned to live in Pakistan in 2010 and was arrested for writing several letters claiming to be a prophet.”
“severe paranoid schizophrenia”
Well … If its good enough for Mohamhead and his sockpuppet!
The cult of ignorance eh!, I still find it astounding, throwback
sh-tholes like Islamic State, Pakistan, Sudan or in Saud where if they couldn t dig money out of the ground they would still be in the stone age, (shakes head).
Yep! that’s Pakistan … not IS, murdering for blasphemy is routine.
Yep! that’s Saud where 19 have been beheaded just in August!
… Obviously “has nothing to do with Islam” eh
BBC, Ch4, Camoron, Obama, Hammond, Kerry, T May, Brokenshire … etc etc
For all of the above, a simple coloured chart, with yes/no answers
This gentleman Mr Asghar, obviously mentally ill,(and now thanks to his namesake, seriously physically ill too). and this is not to detract from his condition in anyway.
Note how many times someone, who is not so … is deemed “mentally ill” in these Islamic sh-tholes, when that absurd “Blasphemy” charge, (on the rare occasion) is
questioned by lily livered western media?.
This now quite regular occurrence begs the question, …
are the lunatics running the asylum?
BBC Parliament overage of UKIP Conference: After 5 minutes of very clear speech from the platform, suddenly the platform microphones were turned down and the microphones in the main hall were turned up, so then the platform speakers ceased to be clearly heard. It now sounds as though they are speaking to a remote microphone, making the whole set-up seem amateurish. This, in my opinion is not accidental, but a deliberate act on the part of the BBC producer to downgrade the occasion and damage the image of UKIP. The BBC had a proper sound balance at the Labour and Conservative Parties (and indeed the Greens and SNP) with very clearly heard speakers, but they deliberately degrade the sound at the UKIP Conference. BBC should be prosecuted for its lack of balance, and political bias.
Update: after a while, the sound adjustment was made, but not until the particular speaker had finished her speech, which contained scathing comments about Labour’s criminal role in hiding Pakistani paedophilia in Rotherham.
The ‘frighteners’ will have to be put on the BBC producers and engineers at Doncaster to prevent this happening again during the next two days, and unless this is done, I would not be at all surprised if they do the same for Nigel Farage’s keynote speech.
The BBC has now cancelled coverage of the UKIP Conference, BBC Parliament now advertising playing recorded coverage in the middle of the night from 1am, maybe?
Can we trust UK / Scottish electors democracy? I ask as this video clearly shows Scottish fraud actually taking place. It may be just a ‘one off individual case. If I was a ‘Scotsman’ – I would of probably voted YES for patriotic reasons – (but then again – I don’t trust Gordon Brown either or David Cameron, Nick Clegg or Ed Miliband to make the same UK push for independence either). Scotland’s loss would be worse (whilst we would be benefit hugely by leaving the EU). Not that the EU care for the electorate. But see how easy it is for ‘polling staff’ to simply ‘switch votes’ at will. I just hope this can never happens in the EU vote for independence. The EU is NOT opposed to large scale electoral fraud or imposing restrictions on ‘how you should vote’ or how the end votes are counted as ‘not spoilt’…. (or simply lost). As we come to expect this will not be broadcast even though it is is a criminal offence.
Worth checking the BBC account of the riots in China, and how the BBC report the problems in that particular region. The M word seems to be missing. Sorry cannot get the links as I have a poor internet connexion, but it looks as if the ROP are up to their tricks and the BBC minimising again
Hey … “horrible” Harribin, fear monger central at the BBC
… It’s not getting warmer guys! cue there’s a “global warming hiatus” … even if the UN doesn’t admit it, but scrambles for excuses anyway.
So enviro-hypocrites are trying to whip up a bit of enthusiasm through protests.
At the time of writing, there are 858 comments, but only one Editors’ Pick (which, by random chance, is anti-UKIP).
Is the editor so spoiled for choice with all of the messages that s/he’s suffering from paralysis by analysis?
Or does s/he not want to promote comments like this (the most popular)?
‘Why not simply give everyone a decent tax free allowance and get rid of all the rebates such as working tax credits, family tax credit, child benefit etc with a flat rate above that.
Less government spending and trusting people to make their own choices about how they live their lives’
Hmm, I wonder…
I imagine that the BBC only opened the comment section because they were hoping for a flood of pro-big government messages from the resident lefties who tend to dominate the comments sections.
PS I’m surprised the second most popular comment didn’t make the Editors’ Picks:
It was very ineteresting to hear Justin Webb on the Today prog present the proposed tax cut from 40p to 35 p for those earning up to £55K as being for the benefit of millionaires. I suppose it is , but millionaires also benefit if 1p is knocked off a litre of petrol or baked beans are halved in price. He went on to describe the UKIP manifesto as drivel. Hardly an unbiased interview Mr Webb.
‘surprised the second most popular comment didn’t make the Editors’ Picks’
I’m not.
It does rather offer an interesting insight into what the BBC considers news, and likely prays won’t become news and mashes watertight oversight with astounding uncuriosity. Maybe… Astounding oversight?
It may be worth asking what guides their focus and lack of interest, but Jerry would likely find another way of spelling fatnasty and that would… make it even more worthwhile.
Be interesting when plugs get pulled on this one.
And i don’t just mean the modding on the more popular posts.
“The BBC is employing its own version of taqiyya, promoting a misleading impression of what is going on. Shame on the BBC.
“It is perniciously irresponsible of the BBC to represent Islamic State’s agenda as
‘their view of conservative Islamic traditions’.
Islamic State are extremely dangerous to us all.
This is why the UK and allies are bombing them.”
“11 Muslims arrested in Spain, Morocco and UK for jihad terror plots”
[Opening excerpt- by Robert Spencer]:-
“Despite condemnations from Muslims in the West, the Islamic State continues to have appeal for Muslims in Europe, as well as the U.S. and Canada. Its claim to have reestablished the caliphate clearly resonates.”
Interesting to see the only major story on the BBC website they are allowing comments on is the UKIP conference – for which, naturally, the sock puppets have been mobilised…
BBC HYS has always erred on the deranged, even with modding that would have the Flokkers so concerned about free speech here rushing to… say they get it about right.
And as for their FB feeds, between the nutters invoking death on all and young ladies from China seeking BFFs and the odd Toyota salesmen, it can be an eye-opener.
But the occasion of the UKIP conference has seen all reason fly South for the winter.
I’ve lost count of the number demanding to know why the BBC is giving them the oxygen of publicity; ironic give the BBC getting slapped down over old Abu.
I could see why tempers frayed before because the BBC had Nige on all the time when really he had no good reason to be, and in a reverse Operation Clarke County managed to establish UKIP in the public eye better than any Kipper could have hoped. Backfire blowback of the funniest order.
But a small mutter about them on the occasion of their conference, when Ed’s every eyebrow twitch was greeted with full broadcast glory, is beyond bonkers.
And by heavens, there are an awful of them, free to comment all Friday long. I wonder what their day jobs are? And if the BBc will again be pulling plugs before anyone with a real job gets home.
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
Did anyone else pick up a tacit cheerfulness on the BBC, today, with Abu Quatada’s release in Jordan? They even saw fit to mention that the extremist preacher has criticised Isis!
I think it is a wonderful thing that Abu Qatada has been found not guilty and that he is free to live in Jordan.
I proves that all the fascist nutters who supported his staying in Britain, and their pettifogging lawyers, lied about him not being able to have a fair trial and that he would not be safe in Jordan.
He’s not in the UK, and he’s not coming back, but it does mean that having cried wolf, the next time this happens it will be much more difficult for the fascists to claim the same, and spin it out for years at our expense.
We should all be very pleased about this result !
It’s only like saying the Luftwaffe were not quite as bad as the Waffen-SS.
Another beheading. I wonder how the BBC will cover it. This time it is a French national in the wrong place at the wrong time:
French gov received proof of the beheading of French hostage Hervé Gourdel, a professional mountain guide kidnapped for 48h in Kabylia (NE Algeria).
It is reported that a local jihadist group were to blame.
“It is reported that a local jihadist group were to blame.”
Makes it sound like the local pub darts team.
“Another beheading”
the way it will be covered? … pretty much the same as every other?
overt protection of the root cause, wilful attempt at deceiving the wider public? … you betcha!
biting critique of this phenomena … Camoron/Obama etc
the “not the BBC/SMLive” version of D Murray
As for the British hostage, the BBC is keen to show how the moslems and Christians are displaying their interfaith solidarity.
I suppose we have to accept the Government position that people who kill and rape in the name of Islam are not Moslems.
If so, then when arrested and put in prison, why are they allowed all the privileges – halal food, prayer facilities – enjoyed by Moslems?
Maybe they converted?
Funny how no one has asked whether he was set up. Seems strange that he was picked up so soon after crossing the border. If he was, then the very people he travelled with, betrayed him … that’ll include many of those shedding crocodile tears at this meeting.
I said that on an earlier post on the Daily Mail website when it showed the guy with his ‘friends’ I said I bet one of those guys dobbed him in. Of course it was never uploaded
Double up their sentence for bringing the the Islamic faith into bad repute . I’m sure the real Muslims want that .
That goes for Travellers as well .??
Nibor, the real muslims are Isis….red in tooth and claw, all the rest are sleepers, waiting to do their part to bring about the world-wide Caliphate…read the Koran, it’s their only book…..
Well so far as food is concerned it’s probably all there is.
I see the problem of not having a sufficient quota of “Black” managers is now heading for top spot on the BBC sports pages. They are promoting their own Garth Crooks who has now stated there aren’t enough “Black” managers in league football teams. Interestingly enough, the Rooney Rule (much quoted) states that *Black and Ethnic coaches etc…..” The BBC and Garth Crooks only refer to Black people with no mention of Ethnic groups in their reporting and promotion. So just who is being racist Mr Crooks and the BBC?
The criterion of MERIT is rejected in all social, economic, cultural and political spheres
by Tony ‘Diversity’ HALL, in favour of preferential treatment for his favoured groups.
Ability and merit are bourgeois constructs created by old white males to cement their position in society.
I know this to be true because the liberal says it is.
I call it the post reality world.
The Isis jihadi has rejected the reality of the modern world in favour of a savage future.
The Western liberal believes he can reorder reality to fit a dream of the future.
Between the two of them the world could go down in flames.
I just overheard the news – Cameron has recalled parliament so he can attack ISIS – rekons that they present immediate danger to Britain!! – Now, where have we heard that one before?? I trust that our MP’s will show some spine and say “NO”. Come one boys, remember what people say about Bliar, if we go to war for no reason they will say the same about you too!
Yes, I get the idea that this ‘war’, and the events leading up to it, have been deliberately manufactured as a means to take down Assad. Obama’s war-mongers got a bloodied nose last year but now they have had time to rethink their strategy, time to enable and supply weapons and cash to ISIS/ISIL, and, finally, to let the animals off the leash. Like gun dealers supplying weapons to native tribes during the American Indian Wars, there’s money to be made, factions to be set one against the other, land and resources to be taken. Our prime minister will go along for the ride with Obama’s ‘cavalry’, like Blair did with Bush’s. Of course we have a right to defend ourselves but, when we have been aiders and abettors in the creation of the threat, there’s no high ground to be claimed here.
Yes, one suspects that the target of the airstrikes will be Assad’s infrastructure.
Isis are an existential threat to the West. Maybe not today but in the future. The so called clash of civilisations is a reality. It always was and until Islam learns to share space with other faiths, to drop the concept of the Dar al Harb ( the non Islamic world) it always will be.
The history of Europe since the fall of Rome is testament to this.
What motivates the fighters of Isis is the same motivation that spread Islam from the seventh century onwards and it is foolish to deny it.
War and loot are peculiarly attractive to young men irrespective of cultural origin. Now we can make an effort to stop Isis for now or do the only other possible thing which is to isolate Europe from the Islamic world.
That will cause great economic and personal hardship so although I see it as the preferred option it is most unlikely to happen.
The current policies are born out of some desperation but as long as we avoid putting our men on the ground and instead use the concept of the raid in strength we can hold the line. How long for I cannot tell.
In essence the West is reacting and not initiating here. Time will tell but Isis is real and although wars produce profit for someone this is a serious matter.
They now want to vote to bomb the very people they were asked to vote to provide arms and air cover to only last year.
What would Warsi say?
Question for Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
which of the following Islamic jihad organisations, if any, is not Islamic?-
Islamic Jihad,
Boko Haram,
Islamic State.
Easy … no matter what they do, or say, even though all of them have Islamic names, all carry Qurans, and quote the verses used to mandate their action, and all have the same motives and goals, and all want to dominate for Allah
…. every single one of them has … “nothing to do with Islam”
what is it with you? are you waycist?
ps. what race is Islam again?
Obama at the UN: “United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Islam teaches peace.”
More fantasy and wishful thinking
The BBC … yes!, Islamophile to the hilt but …
read it, and literally weep
Cameron .. “i repeat Islamic state nothing to do with Islam. islam is peace”
Blair: Islamic State’s ideology “based in a complete perversion of the proper faith of Islam”
Kerry: Anti-Islamic State effort must “begin to put real Islam out there”
UK immigration minister: Beheading of aid worker “nothing to do with Islam”
US Senate votes 78-22 for Obama’s plan to arm jihadis against … other jihadis?
Hammond: Islamic State regime “goes against the most basic beliefs of Islam”
Kerry: “Anti-Islamic” State coalition means “demolishing the distortion” about Islam
Obama: “The American forces do not and will not have a combat mission” against the Islamic State
French Foreign Minister: Islamic State not “a state or representative of Islam”
Cameron on Islamic State’s claim to be Islamic: “Nonsense, Islam is a religion of peace”
Beheaded aid worker’s brother says Islam “not to blame”
Australian PM: Highest terror alert “not about religion”
Kerry: Islamic State is “an ugly insult to the peaceful religion
Cameron -London jihad murder: “nothing in Islam justifies acts of terror”
T May – Denial – Britain just capitulates to jihad
Gove – UK Education Secretary: “Fantastic” if every school in England were sent free copies of the Qur’an
Cameron – Islam Is Peaceful and Compatible with Democracy – UN General Assembly
Cameron justifying and clearing Islam from guilt of Woolwich Muslim Murder attack
10 best verses to understand ISIS.
Had a new one yesterday morning from some left leaning guy on TV. Jihadi attacks on Europe and the US. Notice not terrorist attacks but Jihadi. Less threatining
“Jihadi”….nothing to do with Islam….noooo siree, nope…only one problem…
Jihad & Jihadi derive from the word “Mujahidin” meaning….”Warrior of God”
Good job these rebels aren’t part of a word-wide problem.
The BBC should be shut down, now.
First one to hear the words ‘proportionate response’ on the BBC in reference to their hero Obama’s bombing campaign as part of his not-a-war, please write in or is the phrase only reserved for Israel?
Using a $1,000,000 missile to take out a $30,000 truck doesn’t seem very proportionate to me.
But I wasn’t given the Nobel Peace Prize so I obviously don’t know how these things work.
‘a $30,000 truck’
I knew Qatar’s funding was generous, but these guys do seem to have sweet rides. Albeit briefly.
The rules of war don’t factor in the costs of armaments.
You’re correct A S-G; but the Leftards removed BL755 and napalm from the arsenal, which were a fraction of the price and probably more effective in this scenario. Not to mention the psychological effect of seeing your mates running around in flames; they tend not to be so keen on Jihad after witnessing either……
Reporting Islamic jihad barbarians of Islamic State-
Two contrasting headlines of same report-
1.) INBBC headline, which is anti-West:
“Brighton teen ‘killed in US air strikes in Syria'”
2.) ‘Sky News’ headline, which is anti-Jihad:
“Brit Jihadi Reportedly Dies In Syria Airstrikes”
US air strikes? I thought it was a coalition, or does it only become US-only strikes when a “Briton” is killed. BBC trying to stoke up anti-US sentiment there.
It seems that leftie Dave is being economical with the actualité again.
He’s talked about going to war (well a limited set of airstrikes) against ISIS. He’s lied to the house and the public that he is going to war with a clear set of goals.
So what are those goals? Apparently to degrade and destroy ISIS capability to wage war. As simple and easy as that.
Except it’s anything but!
We know from military strategists that airstrikes alone will not do anything substantial to degrade ISIS, especially when they are embedded alongside civilian populations.
Unless someone is prepared to go in with troops on the ground then this is a war which cannot be won and has in reality no clear objectives, or strategy. We might be bombing ISIS in ten years time!
Maybe try the nuclear option rather than boots on the ground – fire from hell, the Devil’s light and all that.
Correct, right missiles wrong warheads.
As long as they all end up dead, that’s the thing. Personally I could never understand why the west discontinued WW2/Vietnam type saturation bombing. Probably expensive admittedly but just flatten every damn building.
In fact I’d probably stick with the ancient methods – kill all the fighters, anyone who surrenders gets sold into slavery.
Has anyone noticed that Cameron has recalled parliament on the day Farage makes his leader’s speech to the UKIP conference. I wonder which story the BBC will cover.
Which story will the BBC cover? Here’s a prediction. Main story Cameron recalling Parliament, with a few photographs of Stop the War protesters and the usual unwashed. Then secondary story, the least interesting part of Farage’s speech, with photographs of the usual unwashed Trots and Left Lunities holding Stand Up to Ukip banners, and shouting Waycist.
Here’s a cool-headed assessment of last week’s events, by Theodore Dalrymple.
‘Last week’s referendum on Scottish Independence was an excellent illustration of the famous dictum of Frederic Bastiat, the 19th century French liberal economist, that the state is the means by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else.’
The Scottish Play – The Nationalists win by losing.
Considering that dictum, I think not so much of those on the bottom rung of the economic ladder, but more of our political class & their cronies; the Qangos, the charities (Common Purpose), the hand-in-glove consultancies, & oddly enough, the BBC – all past masters at the systematic looting of the public purse.
I posted this in an earlier thread, but relates to this.
Going by the BBC’s output over the last week, you would be forgiven for thinking that the UK consisted of two countries, Scotland and somewhere else, both happily in a one party socialist state.
After a mass outbreak of bed wetting last week, when they nearly broke up the Union without thinking of the 40+ Scottish Labour seats they (The BBC and Labour) would lose and having to madly back pedal and even unleash the mad Gordon McRuin; They have really pulled out all the stops for wall to wall coverage of their parliamentary party.
The best of it is they are wheeling all these Labour faces in front of a camera and have witnessed one car crash after another from a shadow pension secretary who didn’t know how much a pension was, to Chukka’s embarrassing performance with Brillo, to the Guardian panning Ed’s speech they haven’t put a foot right once.
With open goals and virtually zero reporting on the Tories and none whatsoever on UKIP, the BBC have done their level best to win their party the next election, but Labour seem woefully unable to capitalise on all this backing.
It really makes me think that without the BBC’s support Labour would never get a sniff of office again.
Mind you, I am also beginning to think that Cameron’s brand of socialism is so in step with Labours, that the BBC might just as well back the Tories and at least get competent-ish liars.
I have laid down a stock of popcorn and beer for the forthcoming by elections. I can only think that there must be a D notice on the reporting of these for the total lack of coverage. It’s a bit like Chilcott, Chilcott Who? *innocent face*
Did I hear Lyse Doucet say on ‘Toady’ this morning, after 7, that there is “concern” about bombing IS because of all the EU/British citizen jihadists that could be killed?
Can you fu*king believe it? (Yes). That’s the best reason to do it in the first place…
On bbc breakfast, she kept inserting the phrase ‘so-called’ in relation to the Islamic State.
Not long before she’s bleating about the humanity of IS.
Self declared Islamic State?
I still think the bBBC should reduce their self-importance by calling them ‘tiny penIS’.
I believe she’s married to a Palestinian……..fair to say she’s gone native, there.
The Times Atlas getting a mention this morning, and how the Antarctic consists of huge mountains and valleys beneath the ice. Climate change and global warming, of course, got a mention, and the idea that warmer waters were melting the ice from beneath around the Antarctic coastline, and how this might raise sea levels.
Yet, surprisingly, not a peep out of either Humphrys or the interviewee about the fact that Antarctic ice this year, is at an all-time record.
As I recall, it was the Times Atlas which came under fire not that long ago, for exaggerating ice loss around Greenland…
And on a similar theme… guess what the most important sporting story was on the Today sports roundup?
Yes, that’s right. How green the Ryder Cup was going to be.
Yes, that I found most amusing. Lots of big words, eco this, sustainable that – it’s only a golf tournament, for Christ’s sake – once a year, and now there has to be a mega eco operation to “repair the damage”. Is this what they mean by “green jobs”, because there are precious few others, despite the wild promises?
I’d just like to add that my response to this comment is totally carbon neutral
Yes, indeed. But the failure of Humphreys to point to the fact that the Antarctic continent has been accumulating ice for many years (something he must be aware of) was trumped, in my view, by the sheer breathtaking deceit of the spokesman from BAS who, in response to Humphrey’s question about ice, decided to obfuscate and talk about what “could happen” instead of what has and is happening.
Sooner or later, the BBC will have to ask proper, penetrating questions about the whole scam of AGW, and the sooner they do, the better for us all.
“…Sooner or later, the BBC will have to ask proper, penetrating questions about the whole scam of AGW, and the sooner they do, the better for us all.”
Except they won’t. Ever. It’s not in their vocabulary. Mainly because this isn’t about something airily referred to as ‘climate change’, but about so much more, things that are never, ever, mentioned in the same breath: the political project, the social experiment, the cultural indoctrination, etc.
CAGW is a political agenda. It always was and always will be. This explains, in part, why the science is so lacking (some might argue quite legitimately ‘non existent’) some twenty-odd years after the scam was first dreamt up, just as the Berlin wall fell. It’s a ‘progressive’ mandate (socialist red in tooth and claw) to ‘redistribute wealth’, to tax away fossil fuel economies and to return us all to the fields to toil beneath the wind turbines of their Grand Agrarian Future.
Common purpose trolls understand this; it’s an unspoken thing; you just have to blindly accept the propaganda and do all you can, at every opportunity, to reinforce the messaging – something the BBC has proven itself singularly adept at doing. Whether it’s making casual asides in support of the CAGW meme in entirely unrelated programming, or doing its level best to exclude the voices of climate dissenters, it’s all the same : the Agenda Is Served.
And all at tax payer’s expense, too. It’s a perfect ponzi scheme for the progressive’s publicly-funded job creation and political ambitions.
Have just listened to the weather forecast at 6.30 on BBC1 with this constant message of a very warm September. Warmish possibly but in this part of the UK it has been an almost cloud cover, meaning mildish nights (although some have been blooming cold) and warm for cloudy days but not the hot sunny days I have known in October in years past. Relatives in London have also reported frequent cloud cover. I presume this is part of the narrative to talk up warm weather because people have short memories it will be believed.
I do not disagree with anything of what you say about other agendas at every level, up to the UN (and hidden by the MSM, including the BBC), and the baleful and sinister influence of Common Purpose.
Sorry, Phil, hit the report button on my ipad. The curse of the fat finger strikes again! Wholeheartedly agree with your comment.
‘..decided to obfuscate and talk about what “could happen” instead of what has and is happening.’
Entirely legitimate. And for Humphrys to allow it.
As part of the new BBC finest ears’ ‘interpretations of significant news stories’ rules.
Useful idiots.
Will Beeboids aid demonstrations with
political ‘left’ & Islamic Trojan horse people
in support of Islamic State jihadists?
“rapists charter” … Taxis … any concern over “public safety” at all?
… Rotherham … has it been that long already
Gov, plans to cut red tape for taxi and private hire drivers have been slammed as “a charter for thieves, rapists and paedophiles.”
BBC News? … BBC UK? … BBC England?
BBC Radio …. Sheffield, tentatively takes up the story …
Sheffield I wonder why?
Didn’t the BBC sack a young Female DJ who asked for a non-Asian minicab driver? The BBC puts political correctness before the safety of women.
Yes, Sam Mason at BBC Bristol, it must also be remembered that her replacement (Peter Rowell) disappeared not turning up for his show one day, only to be later found, arrested and convicted of abusing young girls….. (another BBC Pedophile)
Just read the case and the taxi was for her 14yr old daughter. BBC putting PC before the safety of children yet again.
Apologies if this was posted at the time, but I see she had something to say about Rotherham last month on her Facebook page.
Whilst I might not have used that language, I can well understand why she might be a tad pissed off about it.
Thanks for that, hadn’t seen it.
Yes the language leaves a lot to be desired, but it as with all local press items the comments/votes always reflect the ‘established’ view. I have no doubt they are manipulated , I have actually seen it happen on a UKIP story on my local paper’s website, suddenly all Farage ‘recommends’ went the other way and the down votes suddenly reversed.
Her comments now are offensive, but we will never know if she was really racist until the PC nazis got her sacked for sensibly trying to protect her daughter. (Was her daughter special needs or am I thinking of something else?)
“Its how you respect one another, how you integrate, respect and embrace each other’s cultures.”
“It’s NOT about hard line radical retarded extremists who try to infiltrate our schools and prey on our children.
“It’s not about sending your wife out looking like Darth fekin Vader and trying to change our country into the s**t forsaken desert you came from.
“So please do us all a favour, come here and be BRITISH and if thats too much for you
….please do f**k off”
… not how I would have put it … but 😀 the point is crystal clear.
She must feel exactly like the 90 odd per cent of the public who keep giving the traitors at the Al BBC, the clearest message possible, on the rare occasion they get the opportunity … like on Sunday Morning Live, the Big Questions, or Free Speech.
It would be great if fox revisited that debate in the light of the rotherham reverlations
Joan Rivers: “I say what you think” (and daren’t say)
Not nice language, but I wonder what kind of language was used by the men who raped the children in Rotherham. Not the Queen’s English I am sure.
Urdu or Arabic.
But nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with Islam.
Good Downboy your learning
Good for her, foul language is right and proper when faced with the result of mass immigration and a govt telling us we are racist to complain…..if you see the architects of all this, all of New Labour, in the streets, shout and swear at them, push and shove them, just let them see how angry we are, otherwise they just sail on oblivious to the damage they’ve done…..
Not sure if anyone else caught it, but on Tuesday night a power failure at the bBC’s studio in Exeter prevented the 6.30 edition of Spotlight (Devon, Cornwall, Dorset and the Channel Islands) from being being broadcast. Instead the whole of the South West was treated to the delights of Bristol and Somerset’s Points West.
Said edition also included stories from the blacked out regions, yet still it was only just enough to fill the 30 minutes with actual news. Watching, it occurred to me that for once we had been spared the normal main filler of the program that is always some PC tosh about immigrants in Bristol, a global warming story from bBC’s Bristol’s natural history studio’s or the horrors of badger gassing. We also found that our local weather presenter was actually able to give a forecast for the whole of the South West!
It then occurred to me that we could actually get rid of 66% of the bBC local studio’s, presenters and production staff and actually get local NEWS and not some brainwashing agenda filler that the bBC’s regions are so good at and maybe presented by local presenters who’s names we can actually pronounce.
‘…we could actually get rid of 66% of the bBC local studio’s, presenters and production staff and actually get local NEWS…’
Not just the regions mate, BBC London ‘so-called’ news specialises in campaign group press releases, left-approved arts plugs and an occasional plug for one of their own BBC shows.
I’m convinced the ‘so-called’ BBC long ago handed regional news over to what we might once have called their ‘community units’. BBC London was never so happy as when for years they took Ken Livingston press releases as gospel delivered from on high.
They have £4bn p.a. to get rid of.
INBBC goes in to bat again today for Islam, CAIR and Hamas;
INBBC is unable to criticise the politically dangerous Islamic CAIR,
but ‘JIHADWATCH’ rightly criticises it:-
“International group of Muslim scholars ‘refutes’ Islamic State’s Islamic case
— while endorsing jihad, Sharia, caliphate.”
By Robert Spencer
(still banned from U.K by Cameron, Clegg, May).
INBBC’s sychophantic, Islamophilic propaganda on that-
“Muslim scholars write open letter to IS”
Muslim scholars write open letter to IS
INBBC’s CASCIANI’s profound first words on arrest of Islamic jihad supporter,
Anjem CHOUDARY today:-
” Anjem Choudary is a deeply controversial Islamic figure…!”
Why not more inane ‘profundities’?
– E.g.
‘Bin Laden was a deeply controversial Islamic figure,’ etc.
‘Jihadwatch’ (again) has it right:-
[Opening excerpt]-
“What took them so long? Anjem Choudary for years has been preaching jihad and sedition, and praising Islamic jihad murderers. He was a friend of Mujaahid Abu Hamza, who murdered soldier Lee Rigby on a London street, and other jihadists. It has struck so many people so odd that he has lived and operated freely in Britain for so long that it has long been widely rumored that he was really a spy, a ‘honeypot’ to attract genuine jihadists who would then be arrested. But apparently he wasn’t. Unless this arrest is an elaborate ruse, it makes clear that Choudary’s longtime freedom was just more of the British government’s suicidal appeasement policy toward Islamic supremacists.”
– from-
“UK: Jihad preacher Anjem Choudary among nine arrested in anti-terrorism raid”
Note how, in contrast to ‘Jihadwatch,’ INBBC merely describes Choudary, in its euphemistic headline, as ‘preacher’. (Link is in ‘Jihadwatch’ article.)
“Anjem Choudary arrested in ‘Islamist terror’ raids”
Hmm intelligence agencies claim they are about to arrest Jihadi John’s terror cell in England. And today these 9 men are arrested. I wonder if it is a coincidence?
Obviously Anjem Choudhary is another one who has misunderstood the true meaning of Islam. He really should go to Dhimmi Dave for some lessons on the Koran.
When will the BBC acknowledge their giving Choudary the oxygen of publicity, long after the group he lead was banned for supporting terrorism? Even the Guardian noticed it. BBC and Channel 4 criticised for giving radical cleric Anjem Choudary airtime
It is BBC S.O.P. to ignore BBC connections when their favs are arrested.
Shouldn’t the BBC senior management now be under police caution for ‘aiding and abetting terrorism’?
‘MediaGuardian understands that Newsnight’s senior editorial team sought advice from the BBC’s editorial policy unit about putting Choudary on air. The interview was also pre-recorded.’
Well that fair screams the MediaGraun tore Aunty a new one with the holding to account. All nicely ‘BBC thinks BBC is fine’ again. Reads more like a cut & paste from a press release.
All the liberal broadcast media seem to be at the bier of the last Mitford sister….some old Duchess or other.
Funny how these weekend rebels in the media go all hoity-toity on us when it comes to one of mummys friends, or somebody that nanny served a sherry to way back.
Pathetic brown nosing to some shagbag of a brownshirt…well sister of one anyway.
Still-no better that the red ending of one of Stalins aromatherapists…funnily enough, yet another berth occupied by a talentless bluestocking of Bloomsbury, also called Mitford.
I`d not bet on this dead nomark being the “last of the Mitfords”…surely some BBC brown noser will know a niece or nephew who camped out for Occupy before getting a job as “environment correspondent for the BeeGuardian”.
Eff Off BBC…doubtless already in the process of moving Antiques Roadshow as we speak. in order to suck up to the dead dowager on “Last Word”.
Here we go…Gertrude Stein, Mitfords 1-7, Hitler, Mosley, Burgess, Blunt, Stopes, Woolf and the other bluestocking nobodies…yesterdays Harmans and Smiths without the porn on expenses and paedo links….
BBC-NUJ, Labour Party enabled mass immigration from Islamic and other countries.
And the consequences-
“UK: Unemployment Benefits to Finance Jihad”
by Soeren Kern
And, in America-
“Immigration surges from Muslim-majority countries”
Another exercise in barrel scraping from the professional victimisation lobby.
Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN: jihad murders, updates.
INBBC does not have this, although ‘Jihadwatch’ does-
“Pakistan: Muslims murder Christian leader imprisoned for blasphemy”
INBBC does have this:
“Blasphemy case: Scot shot in Pakistan jail”
Are not the risks of immigration from such a place as the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan to Britain, now proved to be obviously too great for non-Muslims to take?
Just in case anyone missed it: he’s a Scot, right? Scottish. A Scottish grandfather. A real Scot. Got it yet, or should we say it again?
– Not feminists who INBBC is likely to support.
I’m sure it was mentioned before, but does every BBC report of an EDL march have to include in its opening paragraph the number of arrests and/or the costs of policing?
It wouldn’t be so bad if they told us WHO had been arrested and WHY the police costs were so high.
The real problem isn’t ISIL in Iraq and Syria, its what is going to happen when some of those foul fanatics who survive the bombing arrive back in the UK. If they want to cause mayhem and kill lots of UK citizens then it is going to be difficult for the security services and police to stop at least some of their attacks from succeeding. If they do then the politicians of all stripes are fearful that the tolerance and patience shown by the British people after years of provocation will finally break and we will descend into country wide violence between the Muslims in the UK and the Brits.
Continuing the years of appeasement by the left and calming disinformation , suppression of the truth and outright lies from the likes of the BBC, won’t be enough to calm things , the whole tinder box will erupt.
As Enoch Powell said , the left must be mad, literally mad to promote mass immigration into our country of people who had such a different culture and values. Did they really expect that these folks would assimilate and adopt our ways of doing things, embrace democracy, reject some key teachings of their religion?
Its has been clear for years that we were heading for disaster but the liberal left just kept thrusting their heads deeper into the sand. Well now we don’t have chickens coming home to roost but hundreds of evil people who hate us and our society and want to do maximum damage to us. What a mess the stupid left have caused. They will have blood on their hands but they will try to blame us for not just peacefully accepting the squalid end to our country that they have caused.
I don’t even know where to begin with this one….
But the truth is that moslem’s’ are responsible for none of those things , like all so called moslem arts and sciences the they looted them from the smoldering ruins of the civilizations they destroyed .
There is a very good case to be made for the decline of the Roman world being due to the closing of the Med as a highway for trade.
Guess who closed it.
BBC Trendies eh! …
always like to finish with pontificating snigger into their latte s
poor, poor little arrogant Muslim adherents eh!
“Sorry for Algebra, cameras, universities, hospitals, oh and coffee too,” wrote one. “I’m so sorry for coffee, cheques, parachutes, chemistry, inoculations, soap, shampoo, cameras,”
“others asked “has anyone asked the Christians to apologize for Hitler?” … oooer! missus
… anyone asked turkeys to apologise for Christmas yet?
mind you … we know a song about the Islamic Fibberati don t we children?
Science and Islam: Reply to “1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets
But still no apologies for raping, beheading, bombing & killing?
here is NOT the BBC News
Just imagine – “Jeremy Hardy is indisposed so this week we present Pat Condell Speaks To The Nation” – Halal Pigs Will Fly!
It is legal to bomb Isis.
BBC inserts photograph of objectors from Stop the War. Gives the article a sense of balance
Time to quote Solhenitsyn again
“life organised legalistically has thus shown it’s inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil”
How stupid the liberal mind is not to grasp exactly how true these words are and have always been. Nothing ever really changes.
Reality is coming to our world.
Thanks for these quotes of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.
Undoubtably the greatest, most quotable Man of Truth since Orwell…and every bit as profound as any current day Soldier of Christ could ever be.
Keep on sending his quotes to us…always puts the liberal media into historys recycling bin when you do so.
BBC Feature. Why?
Causes a feeling of victimhood? Offsets the beheadings and crucifixions perhaps?
Does INBBC care about the security of Breitish people, especially at this time?
Or, is it still politically with ‘Guardian’/Snowden?
“An intelligence expert’s devastating verdict:
Leaks by Edward Snowden and the Guardian have put British hostages in even greater peril”
By Professor Anthony Glees.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2768841/An-intelligence-expert-s-devastating-verdict-Leaks-Edward-Snowden-Guardian-British-hostages-greater-peril.html#ixzz3EMBzlzRG
For all I know it may well be true that, in years gone by, Islam has been responsible for many wonderful scientific, cultural and mathematical advancements. Algebra, superb architecture, soap, shampoo and lenses. But I would still have to ask all contemporary Muslims just one question.
What have you done lately?
I think you will find many of those wonderful advancements came after they had conquered the originators.
The decimal “Arabic” number system was Hindu in origin IIRC.
The point that the BBC fudges is that ‘Islam’ is NOT responsible for any scientific advances, (the same could be said of Christianity, Judaism, etc.). The ‘science’ contained in the Koran is clearly rubbish, which doesn’t help the argument that Allah is ‘all knowing’.
Personally I don’t find it at all surprising that Arabs made important discoveries in mathematics and astronomy. Camped out on top of an infinite sand table and with clear skies and big horizons and nothing else to do once you’ve fed your camel it would be surprising if you didn’t keep an eye on the stars. Contrast that with densely forested Europe with the sky clouded over most of the time it is a miracle that we ever had any astronomers here, especially with all the light pollution from the ironworks and steam engines!
The megalith monuments found all over Britain predate Islam by thousands of years. They exhibit a very precise knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. Funny that.
The Gothic cathedrals are quite good as well or do we not count them? Those master masons must have been good at sums.
What is true is that in the Turkish empire printed books were banned until the later 18th century. I think the scholars were worried by contamination from the rest of Europe.
It is about time we admitted that the West during the 17th century created the modern world..Not the Chinese, the Indians or the Muslims but us. Must be hard to admit it if you are a self hating Western liberal but it is the reality.
So these liberal want us to chuck it all away in favour of superstition and poltical correctness.
Better to be nice than right .The liberal’s creed in a few words.
“Better to be nice than right ”
Except the liberals are rarely nice. Most can be downright unpleasant.
How right you are. The liberal does believe he is being nice though.The rest of us conservatives are nasty.. I think liberals learn this at university or sixth form..
Zealots by nature and in the end tyrants.
All the liberal-left people I knew in the workplace were seething with hatred. It’s a false face “I am nice” to conceal “I am nasty”. Stand up to them and pretty quickly comes the veiled accusation “Are you a racist?” Many of them lived in Brighton, which is the capital of white middle class left wing pricks.
The great library of Alexandria was burned down by the Muslim Arabs in the 7th century, but of the works which survived, the most important was the great astronomical treatise by Claudius Ptolemaeus (aka Ptolemy) from AD 180, written four centuries before Mohammed’s birth. This treatise then became known as the Almagest, and was the standard reference for astronomers until the time of Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler.
Sir William Herschel observed from Slough in the 1700s and compiled an excellent catalogue of stars, clusters and nebulae, plus discovering the planet Uranus.
Lord Rosse, in the 1840s, built an admittedly cumbersome scope in Ireland, where the weather is crap for astronomy, but it didn’t stop him from discovering the ‘spiral nebulae’, now known to be external galaxies.
Well, there’s all the great literature, music and paintings for a start…
INBBC: condoning, not criticising Islamic Republic of Iran:
INBBC uncritically has Rouhani’s anti-West tirade at U.N today, but INBBC hasn’t got around to this:-
“BREAKING NEWS: Iran Executing “Iran’s Mandela,” Dissident Hero Ayatollah Boroujerdi”
by Shadi Paveh.
Melanie Phillips on West’s dangerous political and military links with Iran now-
Don’t know if is anywhere else across their ‘reporting’ empire, but the BBC ‘news’ is excelling on the climate topic on FaceBook.
Seems weather-related damage costs have gone up by 300% since the 80s.
A few folk are trying to ask if population expansion and inflation was factored in by them, but it’s possible the 80s was another time, and the BBC have again moved on.
We all know that the BBC gave the Bush administration a hard time when the bombs started to fall, because, well you know, bush being one of those nasty right wingers etc. So how are the BBC treating their lovely lefty in the White House now that the bombs have started falling again?
Blisteringly good account of UKIP, of a womans role in the party by the peerless Suzanne Evans, Deputy Chair.
Listen in from 12 mins in , and the squauks from the telly tubby with her chichuahau in Club Class…Jenni “The Grievance Minger” Murray.
Well done Suzanne-keep on rockin` girl…you`ve got them in terror!
On the night shift, I have just listened to it . First class from Suzanne Evans . Come on lads vote UKIP !
She is excellent. This is why the Biased BBC does not allow UKIP on the airwaves very often, because common sense trumps politically correct sprouting every day of the year!
I follow the link and first thing I see is a photograph of Mother of the Murdered Teenager.
News about the US Attorney General resigning – well glossed over on the Biased BBC – the reason for his resignation restricted to two sentences in the last paragraph.
What really happened – Holder was unfavourably compared to Nixon’s AG – who went to jail – “Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) praised the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday, saying that Holder is the worst attorney general in his lifetime—including John Mitchell, Richard Nixon’s attorney general who went to jail for covering up Watergate.
“For many years now, I have been calling for Attorney General Holder’s resignation,” Gohmert said. “Not only has he lied before members of Congress and, ultimately, been held in contempt, he has obfuscated the truth and been the most partisan, partial, prejudiced, and self-pitying attorney general in my lifetime, including John Mitchell who went to jail for his crime.”
“As a former judge who has questioned Holder numerous times before the House Judiciary Committee, it is frustrating to seek the truth and receive dishonesty and arrogance from the chief law enforcement officer of the United States government,” Gohmert stated, adding:
Additionally, he has prosecuted more people for leaking—which sometimes is an effort at whistleblowing—than all other attorneys general added together. He has not only failed to investigate crimes and potential crimes occurring in this administration, he has been the Cover-Upper-in-Chief and will be sorely missed by those in the administration, like Lois Lerner, who want to disobey the law and flaunt it. It is my sincere hope that the Obama administration will appoint an attorney general who is reputable and truly desiring to uphold law and order for all Americans—not just cater to this administration’s whims and ideology.”
For anyone who hasn’t yet heard about Obama’s dishonest, corrupt and muddle-headed plan to supply automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels, Google for “obama fast and furious” or “ATF gunwalking”.
Now Holder can hang out at Ferguson full-time.
Another beauty from the Biased BBC – totally forgot to tell you that the EU satellites have ‘gone into the wrong orbit’ – ie. floating scrap in the sky that cost £5 Billion.
These are the BBC’s latest update on the fiasco – a successful launch a month ago, and how cool it would be to have more accurate GPS services – August 22 and 26 –
But the Daily Mail knew that there was a problem on 23 August –
And so did the Telegraph –
“Muhammad Asghar, 70, who previously lived in Edinburgh, is in hospital after being shot by a guard in prison.
His family say he has a long history of mental illness, including a diagnosis for severe paranoid schizophrenia.
… He returned to live in Pakistan in 2010 and was arrested for writing several letters claiming to be a prophet.”
“severe paranoid schizophrenia”
Well … If its good enough for Mohamhead and his sockpuppet!
The cult of ignorance eh!, I still find it astounding, throwback
sh-tholes like Islamic State, Pakistan, Sudan or in Saud where if they couldn t dig money out of the ground they would still be in the stone age, (shakes head).
Yep! that’s Pakistan … not IS, murdering for blasphemy is routine.
Yep! that’s Saud where 19 have been beheaded just in August!
… Obviously “has nothing to do with Islam” eh
BBC, Ch4, Camoron, Obama, Hammond, Kerry, T May, Brokenshire … etc etc
For all of the above, a simple coloured chart, with yes/no answers
biting critique of this phenomena … Camoron/Obama/Hammond etc
the “not the BBC/SMLive” version of D Murray
This gentleman Mr Asghar, obviously mentally ill,(and now thanks to his namesake, seriously physically ill too). and this is not to detract from his condition in anyway.
Note how many times someone, who is not so … is deemed “mentally ill” in these Islamic sh-tholes, when that absurd “Blasphemy” charge, (on the rare occasion) is
questioned by lily livered western media?.
This now quite regular occurrence begs the question, …
are the lunatics running the asylum?
Blasphemy laws and mental illness in Pakistan
The Psychiatric Bulletin
Another example of the care you get from the third world NHS.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s non-Muslims:
the interlocking of Islamic State and Islamic ideology-
“Comparing Islamic State and Islam”
BBC Parliament overage of UKIP Conference: After 5 minutes of very clear speech from the platform, suddenly the platform microphones were turned down and the microphones in the main hall were turned up, so then the platform speakers ceased to be clearly heard. It now sounds as though they are speaking to a remote microphone, making the whole set-up seem amateurish. This, in my opinion is not accidental, but a deliberate act on the part of the BBC producer to downgrade the occasion and damage the image of UKIP. The BBC had a proper sound balance at the Labour and Conservative Parties (and indeed the Greens and SNP) with very clearly heard speakers, but they deliberately degrade the sound at the UKIP Conference. BBC should be prosecuted for its lack of balance, and political bias.
Update: after a while, the sound adjustment was made, but not until the particular speaker had finished her speech, which contained scathing comments about Labour’s criminal role in hiding Pakistani paedophilia in Rotherham.
The ‘frighteners’ will have to be put on the BBC producers and engineers at Doncaster to prevent this happening again during the next two days, and unless this is done, I would not be at all surprised if they do the same for Nigel Farage’s keynote speech.
The BBC has now cancelled coverage of the UKIP Conference, BBC Parliament now advertising playing recorded coverage in the middle of the night from 1am, maybe?
Can we trust UK / Scottish electors democracy? I ask as this video clearly shows Scottish fraud actually taking place. It may be just a ‘one off individual case. If I was a ‘Scotsman’ – I would of probably voted YES for patriotic reasons – (but then again – I don’t trust Gordon Brown either or David Cameron, Nick Clegg or Ed Miliband to make the same UK push for independence either). Scotland’s loss would be worse (whilst we would be benefit hugely by leaving the EU). Not that the EU care for the electorate. But see how easy it is for ‘polling staff’ to simply ‘switch votes’ at will. I just hope this can never happens in the EU vote for independence. The EU is NOT opposed to large scale electoral fraud or imposing restrictions on ‘how you should vote’ or how the end votes are counted as ‘not spoilt’…. (or simply lost). As we come to expect this will not be broadcast even though it is is a criminal offence.
(Original weblink from The Unit Uk):
It looks dodgy and needs to be investigated. But who is to say that the film was genuine? It could easily be a pallywood-style fake.
Islamic State crisis: ‘More than 3,000’ Europeans join IS
Yeah, right. If they’re (ethnic) European I’m a Chinaman.
French = Algerians
German = Turks
Belgian = Moroccans
And don’t forget:
British = Anyone but the British
Worth checking the BBC account of the riots in China, and how the BBC report the problems in that particular region. The M word seems to be missing. Sorry cannot get the links as I have a poor internet connexion, but it looks as if the ROP are up to their tricks and the BBC minimising again
The ‘M’ word was mentioned – though barely! Clearly the report was written to minimise the chances of a reader drawing the correct conclusion.
Hey … “horrible” Harribin, fear monger central at the BBC
… It’s not getting warmer guys! cue there’s a “global warming hiatus” … even if the UN doesn’t admit it, but scrambles for excuses anyway.
So enviro-hypocrites are trying to whip up a bit of enthusiasm through protests.
another classic Ezra Levant video
UKIP conference: Income tax cuts plan to be unveiled
– http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-29368838
At the time of writing, there are 858 comments, but only one Editors’ Pick (which, by random chance, is anti-UKIP).
Is the editor so spoiled for choice with all of the messages that s/he’s suffering from paralysis by analysis?
Or does s/he not want to promote comments like this (the most popular)?
‘Why not simply give everyone a decent tax free allowance and get rid of all the rebates such as working tax credits, family tax credit, child benefit etc with a flat rate above that.
Less government spending and trusting people to make their own choices about how they live their lives’
Hmm, I wonder…
I imagine that the BBC only opened the comment section because they were hoping for a flood of pro-big government messages from the resident lefties who tend to dominate the comments sections.
PS I’m surprised the second most popular comment didn’t make the Editors’ Picks:
It was very ineteresting to hear Justin Webb on the Today prog present the proposed tax cut from 40p to 35 p for those earning up to £55K as being for the benefit of millionaires. I suppose it is , but millionaires also benefit if 1p is knocked off a litre of petrol or baked beans are halved in price. He went on to describe the UKIP manifesto as drivel. Hardly an unbiased interview Mr Webb.
‘surprised the second most popular comment didn’t make the Editors’ Picks’
I’m not.
It does rather offer an interesting insight into what the BBC considers news, and likely prays won’t become news and mashes watertight oversight with astounding uncuriosity. Maybe… Astounding oversight?
It may be worth asking what guides their focus and lack of interest, but Jerry would likely find another way of spelling fatnasty and that would… make it even more worthwhile.
Be interesting when plugs get pulled on this one.
And i don’t just mean the modding on the more popular posts.
‘only one Editors’ Pick (which, by random chance, is anti-UKIP).’
Just checked back; it seems to have been ‘unpicked’.
The reasons behind that may crank up the fun factor.
As misled by Islamic interests today, as illustrtated in on-going Parliamentary debate on Islamic State:
-most of U.K’s MPs ‘hear, hear’ to Cameron-Clegg-Miliband false assertion that Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam.
And, of course, INBBC is in the forefront of spreading this misinformation on Islam.
” Not Islamic?”
“The BBC is employing its own version of taqiyya, promoting a misleading impression of what is going on. Shame on the BBC.
“It is perniciously irresponsible of the BBC to represent Islamic State’s agenda as
‘their view of conservative Islamic traditions’.
Islamic State are extremely dangerous to us all.
This is why the UK and allies are bombing them.”
The on-going Islamic jihad threat in USA, Europe and UK.
This INBBC report can be seen in a broader context
“Counter-terror police arrest two men* on M6 motorway”
*( INBBC’s ‘M-word is not Muslim, but ‘men’.)
“11 Muslims arrested in Spain, Morocco and UK for jihad terror plots”
[Opening excerpt- by Robert Spencer]:-
“Despite condemnations from Muslims in the West, the Islamic State continues to have appeal for Muslims in Europe, as well as the U.S. and Canada. Its claim to have reestablished the caliphate clearly resonates.”
The Islamic jihadist Al Qaeda competes with Islamic State to kill we non-Muslims first.
Interesting to see the only major story on the BBC website they are allowing comments on is the UKIP conference – for which, naturally, the sock puppets have been mobilised…
Great stuff.
BBC HYS has always erred on the deranged, even with modding that would have the Flokkers so concerned about free speech here rushing to… say they get it about right.
And as for their FB feeds, between the nutters invoking death on all and young ladies from China seeking BFFs and the odd Toyota salesmen, it can be an eye-opener.
But the occasion of the UKIP conference has seen all reason fly South for the winter.
I’ve lost count of the number demanding to know why the BBC is giving them the oxygen of publicity; ironic give the BBC getting slapped down over old Abu.
I could see why tempers frayed before because the BBC had Nige on all the time when really he had no good reason to be, and in a reverse Operation Clarke County managed to establish UKIP in the public eye better than any Kipper could have hoped. Backfire blowback of the funniest order.
But a small mutter about them on the occasion of their conference, when Ed’s every eyebrow twitch was greeted with full broadcast glory, is beyond bonkers.
And by heavens, there are an awful of them, free to comment all Friday long. I wonder what their day jobs are? And if the BBc will again be pulling plugs before anyone with a real job gets home.
‘And if the BBc will again be pulling plugs before anyone with a real job gets home.’
And the results are in…
Last: 2058. Felix
(about half hour ago. 4.30pm±)
First: 1. Average Joe
8 HOURS AGO – about 9am
They really don’t seem to care about the people they claim to speak for at all.