I see the BBC are bigging up this welcome news.
Hundreds of people have taken part in a protest led by France’s leading Muslim cleric against the beheading of a French hostage by jihadists in Algeria. Dalil Boubakeur, head of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, told the crowd outside the main Paris mosque that the killers had no claim to Islam. He said French Muslims were united against “barbarism”.
However, the BBC seems unaware of this…
Up to 15 percent of French people said they have a positive attitude toward the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The share of ISIS supporters is largest among France’s younger generation,
So, maybe not ALL Muslims? I wish they would give us balance, but they won’t.
so why have we no protests by the muslim community or candle light vigils for the forgotten british hostage the journalist john cantley being held by the isis head cutting retards,not a peep from the muslim community about him or the bbc, but alan henning the other british hostage has been getting plenty of bbc and radio 5 live attention and vigils on his behalf just lately by the muslim community,thats worrys me because there seems to be a sectarian slant here going on betreen alan henning and john cantley,yes alan henning worked for a muslim charity and converted to islam so it seems to me that the muslim communuity favours him over john cantley just because he is pro muslim in there eyes,thats to me seems just totally wrong.ps, have you noticed the bbc and other media outlets have had a total news blackout about that poor white woman in america beheaded at her place of work by some recent black convert to islam today,i wonder why that is.
David Vance,
“a protest led by France’s leading Muslim cleric…”
“Up to 15 percent of French people…”
Well done David, lovely bit of false equivalence there.
It should also be noted that the “
KremlinRussia Today” survey (you so lovingly quote) took place in July; before the mass execution and beheading videos which turned ISIS into headline news.I bet that 15% is stuffed full of octogenarian Catholics.
And from way back in July, eh? Such a long time ago! Wasn’t that when IS were going round handing out candy and welfare payments to minorities, preaching multiculturalism and promoting gay rights?
He appears to be on quota.
Hard to discern any other motivation.
“I bet that 15% is stuffed full of octogenarian Catholics”
The total Muslim population of France is estimated to be 7%. Even if you believe all French Muslims had a favourable opinion of “the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant otherwise known as ISIS”; that leaves 8% of the non-muslim population with a “positive attitude”.
“And from way back in July, eh? Such a long time ago!”
My point is that most people don’t follow the news in any great depth, so won’t have been fully aware of ISIS till they started to make headline news – which, in this country at least, has only been for the last coupe of months. Such a long time ago huh?
Er… What?
I think you’re trying to make 2 points there but I can’t for the life of me understand what they are.
When a leading imam speaks out against authentic Islam, which ISIS is, then we know that something is up.
So what is up? Since 9/11, 13 years ago, there have been tens of thousands of barbaric atrocities committed by the Religion of peace. And yet there has been no concern or protest by Muslims living behind enemy lies ie the West. They were not concerned, as they were sure that their continued growth was not in doubt. But now they are worried. There is a different atmosphere in the West, and some imams can sense it. More and more people are that the realizing the continued growth of Islam, presents a very real and present danger to the West.
Under these circumstances, it now becomes necessary for Muslims in the West, to show that they are not the same as ISIS, al Qaeda etc. The last thing any good Muslim wants, is that all that investment in setting up Islam in the West, could be a waste.
I predict, that as Islam awareness increases in the MSM, and politicians, there will be much greater effort, protests,and demonstrations by Muslims in the West, to persuade us, that all is well – Islam is peace, Muslims come in peace. Mosques will be open all day, dispensing free curries and rice, etc etc.
This is all part of the war that Islam has waged all over the world, since its inception. Deception is a vital component of war..
Clear and accurate. The Dar al Harb is not quite as easy to deal with as many Islamists thought despite the Western liberal’s determination to trash his own culture in favour of what he thinks is the exotic and a governing class which is all to ready to accept the dhimmi status the Islamists have in store for us.
I do not live in the Dar al Harb. I live in Europe which is my home and the birthplace of my culture.
The Islamist cannot accept this and wants to turn my Europe into the Dar al Islam which means I and millions of others and my grandchildren will have to accept submission.
The clash of civilisations is real and was never sought by the Europeans . Is this so hard for the decadent self hating liberals to grasp?
On a positive note even Cameron is starting to grasp this. Late in the day but it is a start.
By the way, have you heard that “Nothing to do with Islam” is the leading cause of beheadings worldwide.
“And yet there has been no concern or protest by Muslims living behind enemy lies ie the West.”
In a Joint Statement by American Muslim Alliance, American Muslim Council, Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers, Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Medical Association of North America, Islamic Circle of North America, Islamic Society of North America, Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Muslim American Society, Muslim Public Affairs Council, stated:
“American Muslims utterly condemn the vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts.”
Muslims Against Terrorism (MAT):
“As Muslims, we condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Ours is a religion of peace. We are sick and tired of extremists dictating the public face of Islam.”
Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt:
“We strongly condemn such activities that are against all humanist and Islamic morals. We condemn and oppose all aggression on human life, freedom and dignity anywhere in the world.” (Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 13 – 19 September 2001)
Shaykh Muhammed Sayyid al-Tantawi, imam of al-Azhar mosque in Cairo, Egypt: “Attacking innocent people is not courageous; it is stupid and will be punished on the Day of Judgment…. It is not courageous to attack innocent children, women and civilians. It is courageous to protect freedom; it is courageous to defend oneself and not to attack.” (Agence France Presse, September 14, 2001)
Mehmet Nuri Yilmaz, Head of the Directorate of Religious Affairs of Turkey:
“Any human being, regardless of his ethnic and religious origin, will never think of carrying out such a violent, evil attack. Whatever its purpose is, this action cannot be justified and tolerated.” (September 21, 2001)
Ayatollah Ali Khamene’i, Supreme jurist-ruler of Iran:
“Killing of people, in any place and with any kind of weapons…. carried out by any organization, country or individual is condemned. … It makes no difference whether such massacres happen in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Qana, Sabra, Shatila, Deir Yassin, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq or in New York and Washington. (Islamic Republic News Agency, September 16, 2001.
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar), Turkey:
“Islam does not encourage any kind of terrorism; in fact, it denounces it. Those who use terrorism in the name of Islam, in fact, have no other faculty except ignorance and hatred.”
Shaikh Muhammad Yusuf Islahi, U.S:
The sudden barbaric attack on innocent citizens living in peace is extremely distressing and deplorable. Every gentle human heart goes out to the victims of this attack and as humans we are ashamed at the barbarism perpetrated by a few people. Islam, which is a religion of peace and tolerance, condemns this act and sees this is as a wounding scar on the face of humanity. I appeal to Muslims to strongly condemn this act, express unity with the victims’ relatives, donate blood, money and do whatever it takes to help the affected people.
Abdal-Hakim Murad, Britain:
Targeting civilians is a negation of every possible school of Sunni Islam. Suicide bombing is so foreign to the Qur’anic ethos that the Prophet Samson is entirely absent from our scriptures. (“The Hijackers Were Not Muslims After All: Recapturing Islam From the Terrorists,”
Hamza Yusuf, U.S:
Religious zealots of any creed are defeated people who lash out in desperation, and they often do horrific things. And if these people [who committed murder on September 11] indeed are Arabs or Muslims, they’re obviously very sick people and I can’t even look at it in religious terms. It’s politics, tragic politics. There’s no Islamic justification for any of it. … You can’t kill innocent people. There’s no Islamic declaration of war against the United States. I think every Muslim country except Afghanistan has an embassy in this country. And in Islam, a country where you have embassies is not considered a belligerent country. In Islam, the only wars that are permitted are between armies and they should engage on battlefields and engage nobly. The Prophet Muhammad said, “Do not kill women or children or non-combatants and do not kill old people or religious people,” and he mentioned priests, nuns and rabbis. And he said, “Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees and do not poison the wells of your enemies.” The Hadith, the sayings of the Prophet, say that no one can punish with fire except the lord of fire. It’s prohibited to burn anyone in Islam as a punishment. No one can grant these attackers any legitimacy. It was evil. (San Jose Mercury News, September 15, 2001. )
Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai, Pakistan:
It is wrong to kill innocent people. It is also wrong to praise those who kill innocent people. (Cited in the New York Times, September 28, 2001.)
King Abdullah II, Jordan:
What these people stand for is completely against all the principles that Arab Muslims believe in. (cited in the Middle East Times, September 28, 2001.)
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, U.S.:ISCA
We categorically condemn yesterday’s hijackings and attacks against the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and all other targets. From coast to coast, we join our neighbors, co-workers and friends across ethnic, cultural and religious lines in mourning the devastating loss of precious life, which Islam holds as sacred. We pray for the thousands of innocent victims, for their families, for law enforcement and emergency workers, for stranded travelers, and for all whose confidence and security have been shaken. We pray that God’s Infinite Mercy reaches us all. We join the US Congress in declaring today a day of mourning and also call on the entire faith community of America to spend the day in prayer for the victims and their families who so tragically died. All of our centers across the world will observe three minutes of silence tonight at our sunset prayer. We stand with the administration and law enforcement agencies in support of discovering the persons responsible and bringing them to justice. We encourage whoever is able to donate generously both blood and money to local chapters of the Red Cross…ISCA has many times warned the nation to guard against the possibility of such actions and reiterates its condemnation of all terrorism, whether ideological, geographical, cultural or religious.”
In July, the American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC), made up of the nation’s four most prominent Muslim political advocacy groups – American Muslim Alliance (AMA), American Muslim Council (AMC), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) – called on all faith communities to participate in a national “Day of Unity” by opening houses of worship on September 11, 2002, for interfaith visits, prayers, congregational exchanges, and other activities intended to foster national unity and religious tolerance.
Some of us have read the Koran and the Hadiths and the Sura.
There is a certain difference in tone between these and the New Testament. It is on the New Testament that we have built Western civilisation . Not on the Koran or the Sura or the Hadiths.
When the young men who take up arms for Isis say that their motivation is the life of Mohammed and the unchanging Koran it is better to accept what they say rather than indulge in wishful thinking…When they say that Jihad against the Dar al Harb is an obligation that too I believe and when they say that Sharia is the only way to organise society that too I accept. They say it loud and clear and all the time. It is their reality and if we wish to defend our civilisation we had better make it ours. Understanding what we face is the only rational course of action. Those quotes mean nothing. Nothing to the young men of Isis and nothing to us if we have any sense.
Dave s
Yes, Muslims seem to think that can still peddle Taqqiya.
The trouble for the so called moderate Muslims is that the Jihadis can quote chapter and verse from the koran, as well back it up with the example of Mohammed. They can trump “moderate Muslims” every time.
Now it is obvious that the present “moderate Muslims” (till they get Sudden Jihad Syndrome), know this, so there is no point in protesting the actions of REAL Muslims, unless it becomes absolutely necessary to do so, for the greater good of Islam.
In effect, and for all practical purposes for the survival of Western civilisation, the distinction between moderate Muslims and radicalised ones is meaningless.
Dez you are quoting just words. They have about as much sincerity and intent as Milliband’s speech last week.
“International group of Muslim scholars ‘refutes’ Islamic State’s Islamic case —
while endorsing jihad, Sharia, caliphate.”
Dez again…..sigh…..this is all just Taqiyya, you understand?…..you are a fool to believe anything a muslim says to you, or writes down for the West…..read ‘islam dismantled’ by Sujit Das…..if you can manage it, open your sleepy eyes.
Well, Dez, instead of saying “Up to 15 percent of French people…” I guess David could have said “100 percent of French Muslim people…” – but would that have made you happy?
Good to see David in action hiding behind one of false identities!
Can you imagine a situation where Protestants and Catholics were at each others throats, and the media merely referred to them as ‘Christians’?
Yet this is the case with any Muslim issue. We need to know if the Muslims are Sunni or Shia, because it has a critical bearing on their view of ISIS.
ISIS are Sunni and have been killing Shias because they believe they are heretics. It’s no surprise that Shias regard ISIS Sunnis in a similar way, and say of them that they have ‘no claim to Islam’.
No one Imam can speak for all the Muslims, just as no Cardinal or Archbishop can speak for all Christians.
Imagine a situation in Northern Ireland where the BBC reported a leading Christian – Ian Paisley had condemned the barbarity of the IRA and that they had no claim to be Christians and that all Christians condemned their barbarity.
If you were wanting to paint Christianity in the best light possible then it might be the way to go, but as a news item it is highly misleading verging on lying.
Because we know the NI situation and knew who Ian Paisley was we can see this, but who the hell is Dalil Boubakeur?
Look him up on Wikipedia and this is the sum total of his entry:
“Dalil Boubakeur (born 2 November 1940) is a Mufti, and current rector of the Great Mosque of Paris”.
The external links send you to a supermarket shopping site !
The BBC et al are relying on ignorance to spin a misleading story, short on essential facts, when it suits them to.
“Can you imagine a situation where Protestants and Catholics were at each others throats, and the media merely referred to them as ‘Christians’?”
Funnily enough “Thoughtful” no I can’t.
Neither can I imagine BIasedBBC describing the IRA/UVF as “Christian Terrorists”; or Robert Spencer as “Banned Christian Hate Preacher”; or Jimmy Savile as “Yet Another Christian Peadophile”.
How very strange…
Nice that you agree with me Dez.
However I don’t think Robert Spencer can be described as a preacher at all regardless of whether you believe truth and reality and academic research constitute ‘hate’ simply because you don’t like the truth being spoken.
Saville as it happens was a committed Catholic attending Mass & confession regularly. This would only be relevant if the religion in someway was involved in the abuse – such as it was with several Catholic priests which was well reported.
We know that the Catholic priests were largely isolated individuals not gangs of organised abusers.
We also know that there are gangs of Pakistani Muslim men who are abusing children, and that it is relevant because more than one senior judge has officially told us so.
I am not convinced that the sectarian division is relevant here, but because it hasn’t been reported again we don’t know.
Pakistan is mainly Sunni so it’s fair to assume the abusers also were.
To be fair to Dezi, he has done what his ilk (including himself normally) signally fail to do, i.e. provide examples of Muslims speaking out against their co-religionists reigns of terror.
Three big buts, however: the first is that these are very minor people in Islam and their words will be totally ignored as they are too unimportant; the next doesn’t explain the dancing on the streets around much of the Islamic world when an evil act (e.g. 9/11) has been perpetrated – until this is resolved the words of these minor leaders will be even less relevant.
The final and most important point is that to ignore the Islamic root of this terror is to lose to it. Whether these other Muslims are correct and that these terrorist incidents are nothing to do with “True” Islam is completely irrelevant. To the terrorists, who are quoting Islamic scriptures and issuing Islamic “Benedictions” when committing these atrocities, and follow the Qu’ran explicitly – their actions are completely Islamic. 100% Islamic in fact.
To defeat these evil people, one must first understand what motivates them. And that is Islam and all the Islamic teachings. They are following the example of the prophet, who was an extremely violent man and started murdering all who would not convert to his ideology. If the West wants to defeat them, they must first appreciate exactly what motivates these monsters and predict their next moves. Know your enemy was always a good instruction.
“Islamic State – Do We Believe Obama or Mohammed?”
(inc 4 min video)
By Bill Warner.
“Frenchman’s murder puts Algeria back on the shifting map of jihad”
“Weekly Update on the Worldwide Islamic Army: Jihad is Jihad”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/weekly-update-on-the-worldwide-islamic-army-jihad-is-jihad.html/#sthash.mDtehA7D.dpuf
Nice, France.
” Walk in honor Hervé Gourdel in Nice.”
“More than 3,000 people marched Saturday morning in Nice tribute to Hervé Gourdel , French hostage killed Wednesday by jihadists.”
Required reading today. Daniel Greenfield on his Sultanknish blog.
Absolutely brilliant. Why is a man like him never heard on the liberal media?
Well the answer is obvious. He is the liberal’s worst nightmare.
Watching the lie of liberalism crumbling is not going to be a pretty sight. Good honest people are going to get hurt and for what the liberal has done to old England there can be no forgiveness.
The BBC is worthless.
I wonder if Beeboids operate a political black-list.
Yes is the answer. Not officially or anything so crass as that but the BBc staff just cannot comprehend just how angry and fed up with liberal lies and futility many of us are. It is so un British is it not? . In fact it is very English.
It is literally beyond their comprehension.
They are an ancien regime and their day is ending.