There are probably other signs on the wall claiming
“War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength”
No wonder Orwell wrote 1984 while working at the BBC
(who the hell is Katie Lusk anyway?)
Wow – she inspired me with her profound thought – (whoever the F she is!) so much so that I thought that I would inspire the readership.
All cheese isn’t Cheddar – some is Stilton too.
It’s nice when people are nice
It hurts when you stub your toe – so wear shoes.
The poor are freezing whilst the rich have jumpers, life isn’t fair.
Sufficiently Lusk-esque?
A serious contender for the BBC journalism vision statement….
A lie told ofter enough [by the BBC] becomes the truth*
I wonder how many BBC memes have become liberal orthodox ‘truths’, Starting with AGW and working through to Zero Growth economics?
I found her! She is some sort of education guru and has a number of ‘books’ for sale. Go to a site called and search for the said Ms Lusk. The titles of her tomes say it all.
The most effective way to cope with change is to help create it.
Love this! Proof by intimidation:
The presenter makes it appear that only an idiot won’t understand. Example: “It is painfully obvious to the casual observer that the following is clearly true …”
Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud – Maya Angelou
The first step of a child is the first step to his death ! Schopenhauer
Al Beeb reports Travis’ statement after his court case…
“With millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money, thousands of hours of police resources, the judge accepted today that the Crown had failed to prove their case against me – namely that I was a sexual predator,”
Now, I just wonder if the CPS and the police are going to pursue the Rotherham child rape gangs with the same alacrity?
” let’s be clear about we’re doing — and what we’re not doing.
Let’s start by explaining what this fight is not. it is not a clash of civilizations.
Muslim scholars are outraged about the Islamic State’s brutality and perversion of Islam, calling its savagery deviant and heretical. Sunni and Shiite alike have joined forces against these outrages.”
Outrages? … hmmm
Saud … 19 beheadings! … just in August
Pakistan … Apostasy/Blasphemy, obsessed with carrying out Islamic punishment … death, shootings, stabbings etc etc
Sudan the same, “inhuman Muslim barbarity in Sudan “…
Somalia the same rape, slavery, murders,
Qatar slavery, inhuman conditions, beatings, floggings …
Nigeria, murders, beheadings, kidnap, rape, slavery …
now then, any outrages at all? …
… anyone seen any outrages lying around anywhere?
Any link between Saud, Qatar, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and the Islamic State? … hello? … come on, anyone? …
wooo! thank goodness, obviously …
“nothing to do with Islam” then
“Prime Minister David Camoron told MPs that intervention at the request of the Iraqi government was “morally justified” to combat a “brutal terrorist organisation” and was clearly lawful.”
“Terrorist” … bit vague? … does he mean Islamic terrorist?
“The number of Europeans joining Islamist fighters in Syria and Iraq has risen to more than 3,000, the EU’s anti-terrorism chief says”
Oh! … so that ll be 3000 new … NON Muslims then? will it?
now then, erm love 😀 … calm down dear
The vagary of your non point, is a little disappointing … must try harder 😀
Yep! I S … ISLAMIC state,(appears many have a problem
connecting the dots – sadly … it appears wilful?).
Pity you ignorance of THE FACTS. I S kill any broadcaster, or journalist, or indeed aid worker, dead by constant repetition. … OF ATROCITIES LIKE BEHEADINGS
Pretty obvious who ISIS are …
yep! that s ISLAMIC state don t forget to remind all of your friends, the root cause ISLAM,
do you know what,stephen nolan on radio 5 live is getting on my nerves the last few nights with his bias,tonight again he lined up all these angry leftie callers to attack nigel farage and ukip because of the success of ukips party conference,the nolan boy does not like ukip.last night and tonight he posed the question again should we talk to isis instead of bombing them,what would you say to isis nolan.nolans off his rocker if he thinks isis are up for negotiation.did you listen to that debate he had tonight about bombing the isis retards,just total bias again and sympathy from him towards these anti war lefties pushing there anti western narrative.
Talk to them? Fair enough this is a sort of free country. I suggest that he gets on a plane and talks to them. I am sure that they will welcome him with open arms….. He is clearly a rational man with a good head on his shoulders – at least for the moment!
R4 7.20am Political news round up. It’s the ‘we won’t tell you everything that’s relevant’ bBC mindthink. The session was talking about the Iraq debate and vote. At the end there was a quick mention of the vote and that some abstained and some voted against. NO MENTION of a LABOUR pps sacked because he voted against. AND defintely NO MENTION that a LABOUR minister resigned because she wanted to abstain.
what I find unbelievable is that we have potential ministers of state who support the barbarity of ISIS. How do these people get security clearance let alone a place at Parliament . They should be stripped of any clearance and be sacked from their elected positions as MP’s. I would if the laws still existed try them for treason also
I think your suggestion of supporting ISIS is a bit strong. However it does call into question the way a MP represents it’s constituents. A MP is supposed to make judgements on behalf of ALL of their constituents. This MP clearly decided that the religion of some of her constituents would take precedence. She did not have the conviction to vote NO as might have been her judgement, but ducked the issue by abstaining, .
I find her judgement unfortunately, show’s how her religion trumps integrity, but then she is a labour MP, where integrity has little to do with being a MP.
“…what I find unbelievable is that we have potential ministers of state who support the barbarity of ISIS…”
I agree. It’s tantamount to a British MP supporting the Nazi Party in the full knowledge of the atrocities they committed. It’s a dangerous, delusional belief they have that somehow we should be ‘talking’ with Islamic State rather than answering their inhumanity with absolute force. It’s a disgrace these shameless quislings and cowards are allowed anywhere near Parliament.
“ALI SAYS: Andrew you do know that the people of this country view your corrupt biased interviews against the labour party as rude, and we are all ready to turn you off. Why politicians on all sides put up with you I will never know”
– Come on Ali please accept most of us are working class in the country but Labour has got to take some flak for their heinous 13 years: million dead in Iraq, Rotheram, Stafford, PIE, Deficit, WMD, Eccleston, ISIS, Immigrating millions, EU Blair agreeing £55 m per day, Rochdale Muslim Pedo Problems – plus Derby, Slough, Oxford, Sheffield, Tower Hamlets, PFI, Stuffing QUANGOS and BBC, highest ever NEETS, Zero Power Stations built under watch, Banking Crash, not regulating banks, Manufacturing decline biggest ever, lowest house building for generation even though importing millions, Postal Voting fraud, Fuel duty escalator, 50% attending Uni – only 20% uni jobs avail – crony Labour dynasty Blair – Straw – Benn – Harmon- Dromey, Millennium Dome, Cheap Gold, Foreign Aid Corruption, Lisbon Treaty no referendum, bequeathing largest ever peacetime deficit and longest ever recession, inequality, Sharia Courts, Muslim Patrols – loads more but getting bored now.,
10 hrs · Like
I think the BBC needs to gear up for the silent majority backlash building up to the next election, where the tolerant majority no longer accepts the memory lapsing ‘lefty’ rentagobs:
Ali?…sounds like a Tell Mama kinda shill, so coveted by Labour for those phone-it-in payroll voters up there in Rotherham, Rochdale, Doncaster, Sheffield, Derby, Oxford, Moseley Hill etc.
Interestingly enough, heard an unusually candid piece on “From Our Own Correspondent” from Hugh Schofield in France.
Hollandes Brave New World sounds like a lying weasly public sector racket against the laity…optician scams, claiming for nothing but getting loads of free glasses…driving school cartels that feel like a Mafia..and, of course the arrest of British ski instructors etc.
No wonder Miliband likes the idea of Hollandes France so much…we`ll get the same if we forget Neils list above, as well as all those lists sent in by friends on this site…thirteen years of Labour have brought us to this pickle…vote UKIP!
For me Labour is McShane, Rotherham, Paul Flowers and Harmans PIEmen like Dromey and Chris Bryant…mid Staffs and lost tax discs while queuing at Northern Rock!
Please God-keep them out of power for a generation…at least!
Well said, Charlatans.
The view from over here is that Hollande is already finished, only a split in the right will get them back.
The left’s experiment in France has ‘left’ the country in tatters, all everyone is doing now is seeking ways to avoid taxes.
They are now so far behind the Laffer curve that I can hang a sign outside my front gate in the evening, and get a queue of workmen waiting there in the morning – as long as it’s payment in cash.
Ok you remember all the things the cult of peace and understanding have been up to, although it may or may not have anything to do with the cult of peace and understanding. Remember I said I was going to make a complaint about the sudden report on the “far-right” which appeared with a blaze of anonymous comments and zero facts. Well I have a reply. “Reference CAS-2927983-0GQZ8V
Thank you for contacting us regarding BBC One’s ‘Breakfast’ which was broadcast on 18 September.
I understand you felt that the report on the threat of a growth in right-wing extremism was biased and did not include any contribution from representatives of the far right groups mentioned in the piece.
I can assure you that impartiality is the cornerstone of all our news and current affairs output and we ensure all our correspondents and production teams are aware of this to help us deliver fair and balanced coverage for all the stories we report.
It is not always possible or practical to reflect all the different opinions on a subject within individual programmes. Editors are charged to ensure that over a reasonable period they reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends in their subject area. The BBC does not seek to denigrate any view, nor to promote any view. It seeks rather to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of the audience. Among other evidence, audience research indicates widespread confidence in the impartiality of the BBC’s reporting.
BBC journalists are well aware of our commitment to impartial reporting. They are expected to put their own political views to one side when carrying out their work for the BBC. They seek to provide the information which will enable viewers and listeners to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be heard.
Senior editorial staff, the Executive Committee and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.
I would like to assure you that we value your feedback. All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future output.
Thank you once again for getting in touch.
Kind Regards”
Yes the same old template reply. Obviously impartiality isn’t a cornerstone of their news as I’ve been complaining about their one sided reports on various subjects for for years and I’ve been getting these same replies every time, as anyone who’s been on this site a while will know. This time I intend to push it a bit further. I know I will get nowhere against these people, but they are beyond a joke.
Beyond the one line summary intro of what you knew because you wrote it, everything that follows could be about anything, whilst saying nothing. Seems that the Salmondisation of a reply is fine with the BBC so long as they are the ones offering it.
It would be interesting what any others who complained get back.
The heft accorded this on the day will of course be easily lost in ‘purposes of’ editorial decision semantics and exclusions, but what remains unexplained is it all being based on a single source, to a single BBC employee, that surely maintains questions on what checks and balances there are on a) the validity of a source b) the validity of a story claimed.
The precedents being set these days are getting depressingly dafter and more overt in justifying anything a member of staff fancies taking a punt on in guise of ‘news’.
This was the day’s top story and best I am aware remains a unsubstantiated source-who-says-what-the-BBC-needs diversion, as their pr clients continue to make the crisis management efforts look ever more lame with deeds at odds with warm words.
Then there was the clown whose story was just one interpretation but that was all ok as somewhere in the text he admitted as much.
If the BBC continues to justify headling Black* whilst losing (*could also be white) in the small print without a hint of professional concern, they have truly lost the plot.
I bet old USSR hands from the Pravda days would regard this reply as masterly and be rightly envious.
Does the BBC employ old Stasi and Pravda hands? Or is the word Isvestia about as much of the truth the BBC understands these dark days.
The question to ask of this standard trite response is this:
Who is monitoring the BBC output to ensure that impartiality is delivered over a reasonable period and how is this measured?
The response you have is an admission that the program you complained about was biased, and the only response they can offer is that they will broadcast something equally biased the other way within a reasonable time.
Oh yeah? well I’d love to see/ hear that because up to now I’ve never seen anything close to a bias the other way in a single program.
Go on ask the question and see what the answer is.
I fully intend to ask them as this has been the reply I’ve had for a number of years.But I’ve never noticed any balances. I still have not received a reply about my complaint over the use of the word “illegal” in respect of illegal migrants.
The BBC was going big this morning about the NHS and privatisation. Straight out of the Labour Party Propaganda manual. We will probably get this stuffed down our throats right up to the election. The Beeboids comments really show how little the BBC knows about the NHS. (They probably all go private, just like some Labour front benchers.)
Fail to mention that Labour would not ring fence NHS spend, also their latest promise of extra funding is less than that promised by the Cons. Nether let the truth get in the way of a bBC/Labour lie.
Mind you, given Chelsea’s “unconventional” beauty, the fact that someone actually wanted to bang her, probably is of some news interest. Actually, it must be that. I just searched the BBC for any story about the birth of Jenna Hager’s daughter (G.W Bush’s grandchild) in 2013 and can’t find anything. Jenna is a former president’s daughter and isn’t a complete moose, yet is not newsworthy – ergo the reason for the existence of today’s prominent story must be “look, someone actually shagged the Clinton spawn, FFS”.
I have just found the whopper to all BBC whoppers. In today’s website there was an article about Zimbabwe, at the bottom the usual list of previous items and I chanced to click on “Mugabe inauguration” and there was this gem:
Policies of indiginisation which ALLOWS FOR INVESTORS TO RELINQUISH 51% OF THEIR STAKE.
Which is about the same as calling the recent events in Ferguson a giant shopping spree.
Love Troll – Thanks for advice :
Vote Labour – Get Rotherham
NHS Wales
I think that trend is way out of date. The new current trend for Labour voters, is to vote UKIP, to keep the Tories out, and for Tory voters to vote UKIP to keep Labour out. While Libdem voters no longer bother to vote or vote for the Green morons.
Well, boasting Richard Pinder doppelganger, I assume you work for the BBC, and I presume that Mensa members must be busy helping with the UKIP conference, so there has been nothing sent to me or published lately about developments with the BBC Climate Change censorship policy, or the Frazer Steel investigation, or what is not being published by the Culture, Media and Sport Committee.
This could be so. Labour might win the GE.
The English in particular need to see just how incompetent and mired in fantasy the political class has become. A Labour victory will hasten that day .
Milleband is not up to the job of PM and he must know it.
All predictions about the future are now off as far as I can see.
Reality is seeping through into our world and who knows what will result.
The end of fifity years of liberal incompetence and absurdities is close. Whoever wins the next GE will have to face reality.
Would any of us want to face it with Milliband as PM?
Actually, why not?
Let the crisis come, let the liberal-left paradigm collapse in glorious technicolour, bring it on soon and let it be utterly devastating. At least then we will be guaranteed that there will be no return. I, for one, am heartily fed up with living through periods of Labour devastation which is then put right by the Tories, who are then thrown out by a bunch of sheep who don’t like the medicine they have to take after they themselves have voted in favour of the disease.
Just a thought?
If you were fortunate enough to be listening to yesterday’s Any Questions you would have heard the delightful Yasmin Alibhai Brown. Most of her opinions, I think, are quite ridiculous, but one in particular really stopped me in my tracks. Yasmin wants anyone in a mansion to pay through the nose for the privilege. “It’s the old socialist in me.” she squealed, “I see hundreds of these huge houses in London and I want the owners to pay and pay again.” Even by pathetic lefty standards (Brigstocke, Hardy, Rosie and Toksvig etc etc,) this woman is an irritating idiot. I can’t quite work out why the Beeb keep asking this ridiculous twerp onto their stations.
Oh, hang on…
Normally the utterances of Alibhai Brown are indeed idiotic, but she did have one sound point she made over & over again. That of Saudi Arabia bankrolling radical fundamentalist Islamic propaganda, which leads inevitably terrorism.
We do need to stop this Saudi funding as a matter of urgency – but no government seems even willing to talk about the issue.
For the past year or so we have had the BBC reporting every day about what they refer to as the illegal bombing of Gaza by Israel and the horrific effect on innocent Palestinian civilians and children. Well Obama has been bombing areas of Iraq and Syria for a couple of weeks and we are to join in in Iraq. So what about the undoubted ‘collateral’ damage this is causing to the civilian population of Iraq and Syria ? I heard on the BBC that civilian deaths would be inevitable as a result of the bombing, so by what criteria is the charge of reckless aggression towards civilian judged and if it is accepted that America and it allies cannot avoid the death of innocent civilians when responding to the terror imposed by ISIS why does this not apply to Israel’s response to Hamas rockets fired on civilians?
one of the sofa-surfers on bbc breakfast questioned the foreign minister about involvement in raids against isis…
…he asked if not putting boots on the ground was ‘a fudge’…
…when you know that as soon as a stray bullet hit a civilian the bbc would be banging on about how waycist our armed forces are and about how sending in troops to actually do something radicalises more kids to go and join isis…
it would also not be shy about mentioning how the ‘(yawn) evil tories’ don’t care about the lives of british troops as soon as the inevitable body bags landed back home…
the bbc hasn’t supported the british armed forces one iota for the last few decades, be it ireland, iraq, afghanistan, the balkans etc.
Completely agree Zoid, and note that the same PC approach is likely to be applied in this Iraq war – it will take three years to win hearts and minds, convince the Iraqis and others of the peaceful nature of Islam. Hence British troops on the ground will be scrutinized a lot harder than Labour appointed social workers in Rotherham.
But my immediate worry concerns information regarding air strikes, their location, and objectives, which the BBC will broadcast should anyone in the Ministry of Defence be fool enough to tell them. Remember the Falklands.
I’m not sure why I still scour the BBC’s news output but recently I’ve noticed some very positive spin being put on the European Arrest Warrant (one of the more direct interventions of the EU in our affairs).
The first is here ( where, on top of putting positive spin on the NHS in Ashya King’s case, they minimise any mention of the European Arrest Warrant’s disgraceful effect on that case.
They then promote here (( the arrest of a criminal in Spain as being primarily because of the European Arrest Warrant – as if an extradition treaty would not already exist with a European country.
I support the USA in the Ryder Cup , it used to be Britain & N.I . , against the USA , but when they allowed other European Countries to join, ( not against that ) , but some Fuckwitt thought we can use the EEC flag now , & of course the Evil Empire then jumped on the bandwagon, pretending it was the the EEC (EU ) against Uncle Sam , so fuck them , the USA is a Country, the EEC ( EU ) ain`t ,yet . Thank God .
Your not kidding big happy family who cannot get off sucking on the extremely generous public teat!
Talk about jobs for the (Labour) Boys!
Tonies Cronies all of them!
But who is surprised on this site – I should think no one as it is something we have come to expect and one of the reasons we all want shut of the God Dam Biased Organisation leeching off our taxes.
Yes on that list is Alan Davey who has just been made Director of BBC Radio 3 as ‘suitably qualified’ according to Lord Haw Haw. That web link (thanks Guest Who) we find that not only was he top public sponger on the Art Council but also previously was employed on the culture of death (department of Culture Media and Sports). The same civil service department that supposibly runs the BBC for impartiality, independence and public account without bias or favor.
The BBC continues to beat the drum about the Indian Prime Minister Modi’s past in relation to the Gujarat riots that ended up with 1,000 dead:
Never mind that the Supreme Court of India exonerated him, even though the Congress party was in power at the time so the probable direction of bias would have been against him.
Never mind that even 1000 dead muslims would represent a tiny fraction of deaths attributable to Bush, Obama, Blair, Brown and various assorted western leaders.
Never mind that since that spate of violence 12 years ago, Gujarat is now a more prosperous state than any other in India and that muslim provocations have been kept in check there more successfully than elsewhere in India, and certainly far better than they have been here in the UK and the rest of the west.
This open pandering to muslims and islam in general continues unabated at the BBC, and I suspect that many of them hate Modi simply because his leadership has actually accomplished what western leaders are unable to do – whether through cowardice, loss of control of the political narrative to ‘journalists’ like the BBC, or simple foolishness in remaining fixated to the multicultural ideology – to wit, controlling muslim aggression against the wider culture they are in and desire to change it into their own vision of the caliphate.
Perhaps the momentum that propels Modi forward on the world stage however will be a wake up call for other leaders hoping to deal with the issues they face in relation to integrating muslims into their own countries and communities. One can only hope.
Finally a BBC documentary worth watching : Terror at the Mall (currently on iPlayer). A sad but gripping tale told by CCTV cameras, and where the usual tired slogans of ‘this is not the Religion of Peace’ are thankfully kept to a minimum.
I wish that bbbc creature Lyse Doucet would get captured by ISIS. A few weeks with them and then an heroic release by the SAS might change the way she reports………Oh, I suppose I don’t mean that really…………
that pic of lyse is obviously a couple of decades out of date…her boat looks like a well used spitting image puppet these days…but then, even from the photo, it appears that she was never blessed….
Anyone noticed La Doucet on that 60 second countdown thing they show just before hourly headlines on BBC News 24? Wandering round the Gazan rubble with a face like a smacked arse.
Al Beeb reports ‘Second Tory MP defects to UKIP’, could this be the start of a domino effect?
Where are the Labour MPs with the ‘Balls’ to defect and put Great Britain first?
A member of the Communist Education Youths of the BBC (Com-Ed-Y) has said that there should be a referendum on whether the Queen should be beheaded. The Ha-Ha-He sound, must have been the BBC abbreviation for Hack Hack of the Head.
love and marriage … love and marriage, go together like a ….
forgive me … just checked the listings for BBC Sunday Morn Live
the ethical, moral, supposedly religious flagship Al Beeby prog,
Dealing with the biting, serious issues of the day!.
The Fonz has been resurrected to blab about a C-Beebies show …
and…… well … if there is a serious or biting ethical, moral religious issue, it appears the BBC doesn t want you to know, or lazy Sunday Beebots, are too engaged in meandering aimlessly around the “fishbowl” in Salford, to care … t
o be on that payroll eh!.
I caught the titles of said program this morning, the faces that fill the squares would have you believe that this were a production from some far away place, certainly not a British one, but I guess its what we should expect from the bBC. I make it approx 25% indigenous faces, maybe less?
No, she’s not wearing a wig and singing with The Cure.
She’s back on the Beeb reviewing the Sunday’s with Handy Andy Marr.
Plus some bloke…. “who used to write speeches for David Cameron”
So guess what…. the consensus seems to be that if the Tories are in difficulties it is because “the reforms didn’t go far enough”
” they should be greener and more European”.
Because that’s what the voters want…. really?
It’s a nice BBC-friendly message anyway and even has Marr playing Devil’s Advocate for a moment asking questions from the right. Gosh that felt awkward. Stiil it’s soon over and normal service can be resumed.
BBC Breakfast is looking forward next week to special guest Oscar Winning Actress Emma Thompson
Of course they didn’t say so, but I bet that gets political!
Back to Marr and how could he and Shami not suck up to George Cluny and his Human Rights Lawyer tottie.
Marr and Shami – the cut price BBC version?
You know how the saying goes – Put them all in a sack…..
“BBC Breakfast is looking forward next week to special guest Oscar Winning Actress Emma Thompson”
I wonder how she is getting there? Maybe Leo is offering her a lift in his wee boat, the one with marked lack of sails?
The battle to stop UKIP is underway. Cameron’s comrades in the UAF and the interfaith wallahs descend on Doncaster. The main objection, to be echoed by the BBC as the election draws near – Ukip are waycist and fascist. Who needs an argument when you have these dummies?
This protests was organised by ‘Stand up to Ukip’. Now I wonder who they might be :
Diane Abbott MP
Len McCluskey – Unite the Union General Secretary
Ken Livingstone – Mayor of London – 2000 – 2008
Owen Jones – Writer and Journalist
Sally Hunt UCU Union General Secretary
Manuel Cortes TSSA Union General Secretary
Ava Vidal Comedian
Gerry Gable – Editor/ Publisher Searchlight Magazine
Hugh Lanning Vice chair, Unite Against Fascism
Lynsey German. Convenor Stop the war coalition
Leon Silver – President of the East London Central synagogue and steering group member, Tower hamlets interfaith forum
Jo Cardwell We Are Waltham Forest
Denis Fernando – Rainbow Coalition Against Racism
Sean Hoyle – President – Wessex Region of RMT Union
Lisa Fletcher – Branch Chair – Unite Community – Portsmouth and District
Jon Woods- President Portsmouth TUC – Chair -Unison Portsmouth City Branch
It’s interesting that the left have finally caught up with the fact that UKIP is almost as big a threat to the Labour party in their northern heartland as it is to the Tories in the south. A huge amount of Labour support in these parts (Yorkshire) comes from older middle aged and elderly people who have never voted anything but Labour. These people have been treat dreadfully by the Labour party over the last 20 years and they know it. Now though there is an alternative for them and they are voting UKIP in droves with a number of old Labour seats in danger at the next election. All Labour have left up here are the *professional* public sector classes of whom their aren’t that many and the benefit receiving class who often can’t arsed to get out of bed to vote on election day.
Except Beebiod attacks on UKIP to increase but it won’t make any difference.
Clearly some protests are newsworthy and as part of the democratic process warrant coverage.
However, party political attempts to shut down one group by another, especially using proxy activist organisations as fronts for mainstream persons, presents clear issues.
At the very least any coverage should make very clear that these individuals are trying to operate on multiple bases, only varying by the degree of leftist censorship they are hypocritically seeking to impose.
That Ms. Abbott is indulged in this by party and BBC commissioning editors is beyond me.
How on earth can a Labour MP also seek to ‘stand up’ to (presumably, ban) another party? That’s what ballots are for, after debates, etc.
On Radio 4 ‘World this Weekend’ ( at about 1-15 pm), Beeboid Mr LEY showed hypocrisy in his criticism of UK’s small number of combat aircraft in campaign against the Islamic State.
In a hostile interview with Tory Minister Fallon, LEY referred back to ‘cuts’ in
defence spending, as though this was not a key policy of Labour Party, TUC and NUJ!
Yes, I heard that interview, too. The staggering hypocrisy of a BBC interviewer giving a minister grief over our inadequately funded armed forces was hilarious.
What next? The BBC wagging an admonishing finger at George Osborne for not cutting taxes?
I could hear the relish with which Ley laid into the Tories. This general BBC approach used to anger me, especially as the approach was never the same with Labour – now I expect it.
It’s taken since the 1980s till around 2010 for me to distrust BBC totally. I shall never return to believing it.
I am reluctant to listen or watch BBC and usually only do so to test whether the bias I have come to expect is still there.
As others have said – a truly loathsome organisation.
To be fair, Fallon was a slippery customer and deliberately obfuscated the legitimate question about our lack of carrier air power (which was the result of this coalition’s policy) with an irrelevant point about cruise missiles based on submarines.
Clive Myrie over in Cyprus for the BBC seems somewhat put out that the RAF are not going to give us/him “…a running commentary….” on their combat operations.
What a great show that would have made.
Still, at least our Clive gets some airmiles out of it.
Not exclusive to the BBC, but in armed conflict I have never understood why the military give even supposedly home team media access that can and will only serve to undermine men and mission. Hand and inch and a mile will get taken, and most likely twisted to suit anyway.
Maybe our Clive would like to reflect on the esteem the BBC is held in by our armed forces.
From revised bomb settings to times and coordinates of sorties handed out by the next faith-affiliated Panorama researcher with a press pass, the history of letting the world’s least trusted narrative enhancer near matters of life and death is a poor one.
Good on the RAF if they told him to await details once they are safe to be shared. Hope his hotel has a balcony.
What does this refer to? ‘From revised bomb settings to times and coordinates of sorties handed out by the next faith-affiliated Panorama researcher with a press pass’
Leave the analysis to those with a sense of factual history, perhaps events that happened in the Falklands weren’t part of your media studies doctorate?
Wars are not fought only on the battlefield but also on the fields of public perception (at home and abroad) and diplomacy.
Use the recent Israel/Gaza spat as an example. Israel was all over Hamas militarily but arguably lost the battle for public perception. The use of embedded journalists is a recognition of the importance of how the puiblic sees the war.
Doing a little bit of reading on the net, I came across this report
Which discusses BBC ‘perceived’ bias up to the year 2000. The interesting things about this, is that a perceived Conservative bias by some plummets around 1997 when NU Liebour come to power, and it is my theory in the absence of further data, that this bias has continued to date.
The article details some of the previous accusations of bias by all sides in the past and some of the responses. I somehow cannot imagine the spineless jellyfish who leads the Tories of ever writing a Letter to the DG complaining of bias no matter how egregious.
I wrote to the Prime Minister’s office when Tony Blair was PM about the fact that the BBC were delaying answering my letter that stated bias against the PM by the political commentator on 10 o clock news saying “This is what the PM MEANT to say” The Director General received a letter from the PM’s office to answer my letter directly but instead as the Head of Complaints explained he felt it appropriate that the Head of Complaints would answer me (which he did with the usual gobbledegook.) So complaints of bias even if they came from the PM’s office would not necessarily be treated seriously.
Oklahoma: Islamic jihadist beheading- INBBC sustains its censorship.
Compare reports-
“OK beheader:
‘Sharia law is coming!’ — posted photos of beheadings on FB.”
[Opening excerpt- by Robert Spencer]-
“While the FBI pretends that Oklahoma beheader Jah’Keem Yisrael’s Facebook page doesn’t exist and goes in search of a motive that the social media page makes abundantly clear,
I used the page yesterday to show the dishonesty of the mainstream media
and the beheader’s mosque. And now even the mainstream media is having to take note of what Jah’Keem Yisrael has posted there.”
I wonder if this beheading will turn out to be related to the religion of peace. Beheaded victim found with his arms tied. Cops suspect suicide. Well that’s OK then.
I had presumed this was a satirical site, especially looking at the Related story section. But no.
It is doubtless possible to effect a suicide involving decapitation, but given the masterfully vague story thus far, it surely ranks with shooting oneself a dozen times claims of yore.
Yep! … Some hiccups in the BBC/Media/Gov “enrichment” program?, after beheadings in UK, FRANCE, US and Canada, and several further attempts, and 100s of tweets/e-mails urging more.
As for the motives? … why … WHY? 😀
“Man found decapitated, police suspect suicide”
“FBI – Motive for Oklahoma beheading not yet determined”
“London beheading was “not terrorism”, insist police”
“insist” eh!
“an attempted attack on two people at another address in Nightingale Road is also being investigated”
“The killers were to behead a victim and then drape the body in the black flag”
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks
…” (Qur’an 47:4)
Nah!, that can’t be it … It’s a Religion of Peace!
Which European player will win the point that retains the Ryder Cup?
That’s the competition running on the BBC website with the contest still in full flow! Impartial or what?
The Beeb are never this gushing over England games but then we all know Europe is their true country. Must thrill them to see those 12 stars draped everywhere.
It looks like BBC-NUJ has dropped the ball on Rotherham.
‘The Commentator’-
“Don’t drop the ball of Labour’s Rotherham disgrace.”
“One factor has emerged about the political culture at Rotherham. The politicians, police, and Pakistani community were all too palsy-walsy. It was a cocktail of multi-culti political correctness, and cronyism. Meanwhile, under Labour’s watch, kids were being raped.”
I think this is an important and neglected point (perhaps deliberately neglected by bourgeois apologists) the real game changer will be if/when china starts fracking ( were there’s coal there’s gas apparently and they have plenty of that) the Arabs might find themselves drinking the black stuff.
Jim Petrie died on 26 August 2014 and the BBC did a piece on him on Last Word by Ian McMillan.
Who was Jim Petrie? Think Baby Crockett, The Bash Street Kids, Beryl The Peril, Black Bob, The Broons, Biffo The Bear, Dennis The Menace, Desperate Dan, Keyhole Kate, Korky The Kat, Little Plum, Lord Snooty, The Numskulls or Oor Wullie. An artist who drew comic characters for pre-pubescent children. Drew being the operative word as he was just one of the artists that continued the work of others who created the originals.
Ian McMillan doesn’t cover any of this work, indeed he doesn’t say much about Jim Petrie himself, apart from telling us that he was very left-wing (naturally) and would probably have voted for Scottish Independence.
So what makes up most of Mr.McMillan’s thesis supposedly about the life and death of this 82 year-old man? Minnie The Minx! Surely another character for the pre-pubescent child? No! Minnie The Minx, who has just died, was a ‘Lesbian Icon’, (we get told that twice. She was a hero of the left as she fought against Hitler, (who always won!)! Hitler? That was her dad, complete with moustache and ‘comb-over’!
Unfortunately Minnie The Minx was created by Leo Baxendale in 1953, nine years before Jim Petrie started with publisher D.C Thomson. Eighty-Two and still drawing comics? Well no, Minnie The Lez must have died 13 years ago, when other artists took over.
Should have been ‘Minnie The Muff Diver’ then ? Gosh.
I look forward to McMillan explaining how the tail and horns on Desperate Dan’s cow pies were actually representative of the struggle of the worker to retain his individuality in an industrialised society, hopefully followed by a reasoned exploration of the catapult as the Beano/Dandy weapon of choice : “The ‘catty’ in comic fiction: Softy punisher or symbol of imperial nostalgia ?”
A rather odd post-#indyref programme in iPlayer; a sort of comedy come debate come diatribe come guest, audience and vote rigging, hosted by BBC-forgiven (sort of) Frankie Boyle.
I must confess that I usually enjoyed his envelope-pushing dyspeptic observations on Mock The Week. A bit less keen when he decided to lower the taste barrier to indigestible and/or took against individuals often undeserving or unable to counter. And I think this latter was got him bumped.
But he has been forgiven it seems, and handed coal-raking freedoms.
I lasted about halfway. A few good lines, but he is not a natural host. And seems to have acquired the most deranged snigger this side of a Marvel baddie.
What ended it for me was a discussion on perceived media bias (it would be hard to argue this show was not coming from a particular direction, no matter the protestations of objectivity) with some Professor of Journalism.
He and Frankie disagreed on much (with the selected audience ‘voting’ that the newspapers are simply awful), but all were agreed that broadcasters were and are the epitome of objectivity.
Given what actually happened, this was hard to credit. So when some cute little moppet was wheeled out to discuss lowering the voting age to two, it became apparent things were headed to places I didn’t fancy, and was over to the Secret Life of Pets on Demand 5.
I commend the end few seconds alone to the house. An old dear, a Great Dane, a distraction, 5 metres of lead limit, and physics #101. I hope she was not hurt.
It has been clear for some months if not years. If many of us can see it what is the point of our leaders? Useless bunch.
So what does our stupid government do? Bombs Libya and tries to bomb Syria and refuses entry to Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.
Western governments are failing in their duty.
Dave s
Agreed, they all look like schoolboys compared to Farage !
Vote for UKIP and get Britain Great again!
All the the media are against them – so UKIP must be on course. Just watched BBC 2 ‘At the Conference ‘
“UK: KFC customer refused hand-wipe to avoid offending Muslims”
“More absurd self-subjugation in Deranged Britannia. The local Muslim groups haven’t even demanded this; KFC just did it preemptively. Isn’t assuming that Muslims will grow enraged over alcohol-based hand-wipes a kind of ‘Islamophobia’?”
“’Leicester KFC customer shocked as he is refused hand-wipe because of branch’s halal policy’.”
Most of the reports on animal welfare in relation to religious slaughter have come from the FAWC, which consists of veterinarians, welfare scientists and representatives within the meat industry. They have produced numerous reports showing misgivings about halal. Generally the RSPCA have accepted FAWC’s standpoint. Here are a couple of links but there are many publications by FAWC.
Rupert ‘Wingman’ Hayes pops up on BBC news this morning with a piece to camera proving that we Licence Payers just can’t understand the citizen jounalism of vulcanos caught on the phone camera without the guiding hand of some BBC bod clocking up the airmiles.
Meanwhile Clive Myrie from his Cypriot hotel balcony has been busy adding that certain BBC something to footage of Tornado jets taxiing on the runway.
Sad stay-at-home girl BBC Breakfast business presenter, the gauky Stephanie McGovern (is she really Alistair McGowen in drag channelling his inner Geordie?), doesn’t ever seem to find business news unless it’s bad news… bloody capitalists eh?
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I saw this item yesterday about the “bending” iPhone 6(or something).
But that’s neither here nor there.
Pause the video at 00.14 and look at what’s written on the wall in the background…..
(You might need the full screen option to read it clearly).
There are probably other signs on the wall claiming
“War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength”
No wonder Orwell wrote 1984 while working at the BBC
(who the hell is Katie Lusk anyway?)
No Wikipedia entry for Katie Lusk.
No books for sale on Amazon by Katie Lusk.
Maybe if I make up some cod-philosophical saying that sounds profound I can have mine written on a wall at the BBC.
How about: “People should stop watching the BBC and do something more worthwhile with their spare time.”
– Techno
Wow – she inspired me with her profound thought – (whoever the F she is!) so much so that I thought that I would inspire the readership.
All cheese isn’t Cheddar – some is Stilton too.
It’s nice when people are nice
It hurts when you stub your toe – so wear shoes.
The poor are freezing whilst the rich have jumpers, life isn’t fair.
Sufficiently Lusk-esque?
A serious contender for the BBC journalism vision statement….
A lie told ofter enough [by the BBC] becomes the truth*
I wonder how many BBC memes have become liberal orthodox ‘truths’, Starting with AGW and working through to Zero Growth economics?
*not mine the BBC pin up boy Lenin
I give that many more Likes.
Is she some sort of Common purpose ‘preacher’?
they like an orwellian slogan -‘leading beyond authority’ and all that
I found her! She is some sort of education guru and has a number of ‘books’ for sale. Go to a site called and search for the said Ms Lusk. The titles of her tomes say it all.
She seems to have made a career out of further infantalising already simple concepts ,small wonder the BBC like her.
Hey ! That’s already a BBC motto
The most effective way to cope with change is to help create it.
Love this! Proof by intimidation:
The presenter makes it appear that only an idiot won’t understand. Example: “It is painfully obvious to the casual observer that the following is clearly true …”
Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud – Maya Angelou
The first step of a child is the first step to his death ! Schopenhauer
Al Beeb reports Travis’ statement after his court case…
“With millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money, thousands of hours of police resources, the judge accepted today that the Crown had failed to prove their case against me – namely that I was a sexual predator,”
Now, I just wonder if the CPS and the police are going to pursue the Rotherham child rape gangs with the same alacrity?
Since the Beeb haters wanted a witch hunt, they got one. Fiasco isn’t it. Be careful what you wish for.
Hello ‘Love’,
Please be kind enough to elaborate on your statement?
Will Beeboids be there to support illegal immigrants, as usual?-
“Hundreds of truckers to descend on Dover in protest against lax immigration controls”
” let’s be clear about we’re doing — and what we’re not doing.
Let’s start by explaining what this fight is not. it is not a clash of civilizations.
Muslim scholars are outraged about the Islamic State’s brutality and perversion of Islam, calling its savagery deviant and heretical. Sunni and Shiite alike have joined forces against these outrages.”
Outrages? … hmmm
Saud … 19 beheadings! … just in August
Pakistan … Apostasy/Blasphemy, obsessed with carrying out Islamic punishment … death, shootings, stabbings etc etc
Sudan the same, “inhuman Muslim barbarity in Sudan “…
Somalia the same rape, slavery, murders,
Qatar slavery, inhuman conditions, beatings, floggings …
Nigeria, murders, beheadings, kidnap, rape, slavery …
now then, any outrages at all? …
… anyone seen any outrages lying around anywhere?
Any link between Saud, Qatar, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and the Islamic State? … hello? … come on, anyone? …
wooo! thank goodness, obviously …
“nothing to do with Islam” then
“Prime Minister David Camoron told MPs that intervention at the request of the Iraqi government was “morally justified” to combat a “brutal terrorist organisation” and was clearly lawful.”
“Terrorist” … bit vague? … does he mean Islamic terrorist?
“The number of Europeans joining Islamist fighters in Syria and Iraq has risen to more than 3,000, the EU’s anti-terrorism chief says”
Oh! … so that ll be 3000 new … NON Muslims then? will it?
ps . Tiny minority of extremists alert
Can anyone explain the US Islamic pilot disowned by her own Islamic family for bombing the “non Islamic”, Islamic state
how about , “1000s Muslims from Asia join Islamic State,
“terror expert” says because of slick videos”
how about , Children as young as 13 are now leaving Germany to join Islamic State’s jihad
how about , Belgium jihad mass murder plots by Muslims returning from Syria and Islamic State sympathizers
or this – its the Al BBC so its got to be the truth eh! …
Islamic State crisis, as over ‘3,000 European jihadists join fight’
or this – Turk Muslims now move to Islamic State – Living under Sharia, the Islamic legal code, means children s spiritual lives secure
now then, erm love 😀 … calm down dear
The vagary of your non point, is a little disappointing … must try harder 😀
Yep! I S … ISLAMIC state,(appears many have a problem
connecting the dots – sadly … it appears wilful?).
Pity you ignorance of THE FACTS. I S kill any broadcaster, or journalist, or indeed aid worker, dead by constant repetition. … OF ATROCITIES LIKE BEHEADINGS
Pretty obvious who ISIS are …
yep! that s ISLAMIC state don t forget to remind all of your friends, the root cause ISLAM,
And your point is? Do they add Jew to every reference to Israel? Or Christian to Cameron?
Pity you ignorance of journalism. You’d kill any broadcast dead by constant repetition. Pretty obvious who ISIS are.
do you know what,stephen nolan on radio 5 live is getting on my nerves the last few nights with his bias,tonight again he lined up all these angry leftie callers to attack nigel farage and ukip because of the success of ukips party conference,the nolan boy does not like ukip.last night and tonight he posed the question again should we talk to isis instead of bombing them,what would you say to isis nolan.nolans off his rocker if he thinks isis are up for negotiation.did you listen to that debate he had tonight about bombing the isis retards,just total bias again and sympathy from him towards these anti war lefties pushing there anti western narrative.
Stuart, the best way you can beat these guys is to spread the message – ‘Vote UKIP’
Talk to them? Fair enough this is a sort of free country. I suggest that he gets on a plane and talks to them. I am sure that they will welcome him with open arms….. He is clearly a rational man with a good head on his shoulders – at least for the moment!
FFS would you go to English as a foreign language classes and learn punctuation!
“and learn punctuation!”
should be “to learn punctuation?”
or ‘… and learn to punctuate’ even?
R4 7.20am Political news round up. It’s the ‘we won’t tell you everything that’s relevant’ bBC mindthink. The session was talking about the Iraq debate and vote. At the end there was a quick mention of the vote and that some abstained and some voted against. NO MENTION of a LABOUR pps sacked because he voted against. AND defintely NO MENTION that a LABOUR minister resigned because she wanted to abstain.
Economical with the Labour propaganda as usual.
what I find unbelievable is that we have potential ministers of state who support the barbarity of ISIS. How do these people get security clearance let alone a place at Parliament . They should be stripped of any clearance and be sacked from their elected positions as MP’s. I would if the laws still existed try them for treason also
I think your suggestion of supporting ISIS is a bit strong. However it does call into question the way a MP represents it’s constituents. A MP is supposed to make judgements on behalf of ALL of their constituents. This MP clearly decided that the religion of some of her constituents would take precedence. She did not have the conviction to vote NO as might have been her judgement, but ducked the issue by abstaining, .
I find her judgement unfortunately, show’s how her religion trumps integrity, but then she is a labour MP, where integrity has little to do with being a MP.
“…what I find unbelievable is that we have potential ministers of state who support the barbarity of ISIS…”
I agree. It’s tantamount to a British MP supporting the Nazi Party in the full knowledge of the atrocities they committed. It’s a dangerous, delusional belief they have that somehow we should be ‘talking’ with Islamic State rather than answering their inhumanity with absolute force. It’s a disgrace these shameless quislings and cowards are allowed anywhere near Parliament.
And the most famous British MP to support the Nazis?
Oswald Moseley, founder of the British Union of Fascists.
Nobody in Govt supports ISIS except in the bizarre nightmare inside your head.
Openly supporting is one thing . Appeasing is another but equally dangerous action.
They’re Labour, they’re not in government.
Just noticed this comment and reply on Andrew Neil’s Facebook:
“ALI SAYS: Andrew you do know that the people of this country view your corrupt biased interviews against the labour party as rude, and we are all ready to turn you off. Why politicians on all sides put up with you I will never know”
– Come on Ali please accept most of us are working class in the country but Labour has got to take some flak for their heinous 13 years: million dead in Iraq, Rotheram, Stafford, PIE, Deficit, WMD, Eccleston, ISIS, Immigrating millions, EU Blair agreeing £55 m per day, Rochdale Muslim Pedo Problems – plus Derby, Slough, Oxford, Sheffield, Tower Hamlets, PFI, Stuffing QUANGOS and BBC, highest ever NEETS, Zero Power Stations built under watch, Banking Crash, not regulating banks, Manufacturing decline biggest ever, lowest house building for generation even though importing millions, Postal Voting fraud, Fuel duty escalator, 50% attending Uni – only 20% uni jobs avail – crony Labour dynasty Blair – Straw – Benn – Harmon- Dromey, Millennium Dome, Cheap Gold, Foreign Aid Corruption, Lisbon Treaty no referendum, bequeathing largest ever peacetime deficit and longest ever recession, inequality, Sharia Courts, Muslim Patrols – loads more but getting bored now.,
10 hrs · Like
I think the BBC needs to gear up for the silent majority backlash building up to the next election, where the tolerant majority no longer accepts the memory lapsing ‘lefty’ rentagobs:
Ali?…sounds like a Tell Mama kinda shill, so coveted by Labour for those phone-it-in payroll voters up there in Rotherham, Rochdale, Doncaster, Sheffield, Derby, Oxford, Moseley Hill etc.
Interestingly enough, heard an unusually candid piece on “From Our Own Correspondent” from Hugh Schofield in France.
Hollandes Brave New World sounds like a lying weasly public sector racket against the laity…optician scams, claiming for nothing but getting loads of free glasses…driving school cartels that feel like a Mafia..and, of course the arrest of British ski instructors etc.
No wonder Miliband likes the idea of Hollandes France so much…we`ll get the same if we forget Neils list above, as well as all those lists sent in by friends on this site…thirteen years of Labour have brought us to this pickle…vote UKIP!
For me Labour is McShane, Rotherham, Paul Flowers and Harmans PIEmen like Dromey and Chris Bryant…mid Staffs and lost tax discs while queuing at Northern Rock!
Please God-keep them out of power for a generation…at least!
Please God-keep them out of power for ever!
Well said, Charlatans.
The view from over here is that Hollande is already finished, only a split in the right will get them back.
The left’s experiment in France has ‘left’ the country in tatters, all everyone is doing now is seeking ways to avoid taxes.
They are now so far behind the Laffer curve that I can hang a sign outside my front gate in the evening, and get a queue of workmen waiting there in the morning – as long as it’s payment in cash.
Charlatans, is that the ukip manifesto on why not to vote labour? I hope so!
Ok you remember all the things the cult of peace and understanding have been up to, although it may or may not have anything to do with the cult of peace and understanding. Remember I said I was going to make a complaint about the sudden report on the “far-right” which appeared with a blaze of anonymous comments and zero facts. Well I have a reply. “Reference CAS-2927983-0GQZ8V
Thank you for contacting us regarding BBC One’s ‘Breakfast’ which was broadcast on 18 September.
I understand you felt that the report on the threat of a growth in right-wing extremism was biased and did not include any contribution from representatives of the far right groups mentioned in the piece.
I can assure you that impartiality is the cornerstone of all our news and current affairs output and we ensure all our correspondents and production teams are aware of this to help us deliver fair and balanced coverage for all the stories we report.
It is not always possible or practical to reflect all the different opinions on a subject within individual programmes. Editors are charged to ensure that over a reasonable period they reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends in their subject area. The BBC does not seek to denigrate any view, nor to promote any view. It seeks rather to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of the audience. Among other evidence, audience research indicates widespread confidence in the impartiality of the BBC’s reporting.
BBC journalists are well aware of our commitment to impartial reporting. They are expected to put their own political views to one side when carrying out their work for the BBC. They seek to provide the information which will enable viewers and listeners to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be heard.
Senior editorial staff, the Executive Committee and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained.
I would like to assure you that we value your feedback. All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future output.
Thank you once again for getting in touch.
Kind Regards”
Yes the same old template reply. Obviously impartiality isn’t a cornerstone of their news as I’ve been complaining about their one sided reports on various subjects for for years and I’ve been getting these same replies every time, as anyone who’s been on this site a while will know. This time I intend to push it a bit further. I know I will get nowhere against these people, but they are beyond a joke.
That does take ‘cookie-cutter’ to a new level.
Beyond the one line summary intro of what you knew because you wrote it, everything that follows could be about anything, whilst saying nothing. Seems that the Salmondisation of a reply is fine with the BBC so long as they are the ones offering it.
It would be interesting what any others who complained get back.
The heft accorded this on the day will of course be easily lost in ‘purposes of’ editorial decision semantics and exclusions, but what remains unexplained is it all being based on a single source, to a single BBC employee, that surely maintains questions on what checks and balances there are on a) the validity of a source b) the validity of a story claimed.
The precedents being set these days are getting depressingly dafter and more overt in justifying anything a member of staff fancies taking a punt on in guise of ‘news’.
This was the day’s top story and best I am aware remains a unsubstantiated source-who-says-what-the-BBC-needs diversion, as their pr clients continue to make the crisis management efforts look ever more lame with deeds at odds with warm words.
Then there was the clown whose story was just one interpretation but that was all ok as somewhere in the text he admitted as much.
If the BBC continues to justify headling Black* whilst losing (*could also be white) in the small print without a hint of professional concern, they have truly lost the plot.
Blair started it all with such phrases as ‘I’m sorry to hear that you…(fill in required answer from templates at this point).
Not an apology, but sounded like one.
And two minute national silences for a dead footballer. It denigrated the November 11th two minute silences. Was that its purpose, perhaps?
I bet old USSR hands from the Pravda days would regard this reply as masterly and be rightly envious.
Does the BBC employ old Stasi and Pravda hands? Or is the word Isvestia about as much of the truth the BBC understands these dark days.
The question to ask of this standard trite response is this:
Who is monitoring the BBC output to ensure that impartiality is delivered over a reasonable period and how is this measured?
The response you have is an admission that the program you complained about was biased, and the only response they can offer is that they will broadcast something equally biased the other way within a reasonable time.
Oh yeah? well I’d love to see/ hear that because up to now I’ve never seen anything close to a bias the other way in a single program.
Go on ask the question and see what the answer is.
I fully intend to ask them as this has been the reply I’ve had for a number of years.But I’ve never noticed any balances. I still have not received a reply about my complaint over the use of the word “illegal” in respect of illegal migrants.
The BBC was going big this morning about the NHS and privatisation. Straight out of the Labour Party Propaganda manual. We will probably get this stuffed down our throats right up to the election. The Beeboids comments really show how little the BBC knows about the NHS. (They probably all go private, just like some Labour front benchers.)
Fail to mention that Labour would not ring fence NHS spend, also their latest promise of extra funding is less than that promised by the Cons. Nether let the truth get in the way of a bBC/Labour lie.
I awoke this morning to find that the third most important news in the world was that an american woman had given birth. Fascinating….
Mind you, given Chelsea’s “unconventional” beauty, the fact that someone actually wanted to bang her, probably is of some news interest. Actually, it must be that. I just searched the BBC for any story about the birth of Jenna Hager’s daughter (G.W Bush’s grandchild) in 2013 and can’t find anything. Jenna is a former president’s daughter and isn’t a complete moose, yet is not newsworthy – ergo the reason for the existence of today’s prominent story must be “look, someone actually shagged the Clinton spawn, FFS”.
she gave birth in some $6000 a night hospital according to the DM so the Clintons showing their socialist credentials as always
“Do as I say, not as I do”.
The epigram of all socialists, everywhere.
I have just found the whopper to all BBC whoppers. In today’s website there was an article about Zimbabwe, at the bottom the usual list of previous items and I chanced to click on “Mugabe inauguration” and there was this gem:
Policies of indiginisation which ALLOWS FOR INVESTORS TO RELINQUISH 51% OF THEIR STAKE.
Which is about the same as calling the recent events in Ferguson a giant shopping spree.
Tory MP defected to UKIP this afternoon at their conference.
BBC states he blames the only reason is his disillusionment with Tory leadership.
Sky states far wider issues with all Parties being out of touch with the people..
Funny that?
For those ,like me,that have only just got in from work and have not heard the news
Thanks Nige & Mark – you give us hope.
You made our day.
Totally agree. Recklies now gifted his marginal seat to Labour. Landslide is coming. Thanks Nigel!
Love Troll – Thanks for advice :
Vote Labour – Get Rotherham
NHS Wales
I think that trend is way out of date. The new current trend for Labour voters, is to vote UKIP, to keep the Tories out, and for Tory voters to vote UKIP to keep Labour out. While Libdem voters no longer bother to vote or vote for the Green morons.
It has been a while since I reminded people that I am in Mensa. I am and you most likely are not and because of this I am better than you.
Well, boasting Richard Pinder doppelganger, I assume you work for the BBC, and I presume that Mensa members must be busy helping with the UKIP conference, so there has been nothing sent to me or published lately about developments with the BBC Climate Change censorship policy, or the Frazer Steel investigation, or what is not being published by the Culture, Media and Sport Committee.
This could be so. Labour might win the GE.
The English in particular need to see just how incompetent and mired in fantasy the political class has become. A Labour victory will hasten that day .
Milleband is not up to the job of PM and he must know it.
All predictions about the future are now off as far as I can see.
Reality is seeping through into our world and who knows what will result.
The end of fifity years of liberal incompetence and absurdities is close. Whoever wins the next GE will have to face reality.
Would any of us want to face it with Milliband as PM?
Actually, why not?
Let the crisis come, let the liberal-left paradigm collapse in glorious technicolour, bring it on soon and let it be utterly devastating. At least then we will be guaranteed that there will be no return. I, for one, am heartily fed up with living through periods of Labour devastation which is then put right by the Tories, who are then thrown out by a bunch of sheep who don’t like the medicine they have to take after they themselves have voted in favour of the disease.
Just a thought?
Do not feed the Love Troll
Sound advice indeed.
If you were fortunate enough to be listening to yesterday’s Any Questions you would have heard the delightful Yasmin Alibhai Brown. Most of her opinions, I think, are quite ridiculous, but one in particular really stopped me in my tracks. Yasmin wants anyone in a mansion to pay through the nose for the privilege. “It’s the old socialist in me.” she squealed, “I see hundreds of these huge houses in London and I want the owners to pay and pay again.” Even by pathetic lefty standards (Brigstocke, Hardy, Rosie and Toksvig etc etc,) this woman is an irritating idiot. I can’t quite work out why the Beeb keep asking this ridiculous twerp onto their stations.
Oh, hang on…
Does that count huge families living in mansions at public expense because regular accommodation would be too small?
Entertainingly enough, that’s more or less the same policy that dear old Idi Amin showed towards the Ugandan Asians. How ironic.
Every time Yasmin She-ain’t-got-no Alibhai Brown gives tongue I start to think that the old brute was on to something.
I saw her once waiting in the First Class lounge at Euston station …… must have been the old socialist in her, I suppose.
Normally the utterances of Alibhai Brown are indeed idiotic, but she did have one sound point she made over & over again. That of Saudi Arabia bankrolling radical fundamentalist Islamic propaganda, which leads inevitably terrorism.
We do need to stop this Saudi funding as a matter of urgency – but no government seems even willing to talk about the issue.
For the past year or so we have had the BBC reporting every day about what they refer to as the illegal bombing of Gaza by Israel and the horrific effect on innocent Palestinian civilians and children. Well Obama has been bombing areas of Iraq and Syria for a couple of weeks and we are to join in in Iraq. So what about the undoubted ‘collateral’ damage this is causing to the civilian population of Iraq and Syria ? I heard on the BBC that civilian deaths would be inevitable as a result of the bombing, so by what criteria is the charge of reckless aggression towards civilian judged and if it is accepted that America and it allies cannot avoid the death of innocent civilians when responding to the terror imposed by ISIS why does this not apply to Israel’s response to Hamas rockets fired on civilians?
one of the sofa-surfers on bbc breakfast questioned the foreign minister about involvement in raids against isis…
…he asked if not putting boots on the ground was ‘a fudge’…
…when you know that as soon as a stray bullet hit a civilian the bbc would be banging on about how waycist our armed forces are and about how sending in troops to actually do something radicalises more kids to go and join isis…
it would also not be shy about mentioning how the ‘(yawn) evil tories’ don’t care about the lives of british troops as soon as the inevitable body bags landed back home…
the bbc hasn’t supported the british armed forces one iota for the last few decades, be it ireland, iraq, afghanistan, the balkans etc.
Completely agree Zoid, and note that the same PC approach is likely to be applied in this Iraq war – it will take three years to win hearts and minds, convince the Iraqis and others of the peaceful nature of Islam. Hence British troops on the ground will be scrutinized a lot harder than Labour appointed social workers in Rotherham.
But my immediate worry concerns information regarding air strikes, their location, and objectives, which the BBC will broadcast should anyone in the Ministry of Defence be fool enough to tell them. Remember the Falklands.
I’m not sure why I still scour the BBC’s news output but recently I’ve noticed some very positive spin being put on the European Arrest Warrant (one of the more direct interventions of the EU in our affairs).
The first is here ( where, on top of putting positive spin on the NHS in Ashya King’s case, they minimise any mention of the European Arrest Warrant’s disgraceful effect on that case.
They then promote here (( the arrest of a criminal in Spain as being primarily because of the European Arrest Warrant – as if an extradition treaty would not already exist with a European country.
Something doesn’t smell quite right.
I support the USA in the Ryder Cup , it used to be Britain & N.I . , against the USA , but when they allowed other European Countries to join, ( not against that ) , but some Fuckwitt thought we can use the EEC flag now , & of course the Evil Empire then jumped on the bandwagon, pretending it was the the EEC (EU ) against Uncle Sam , so fuck them , the USA is a Country, the EEC ( EU ) ain`t ,yet . Thank God .
At least some are evidently happy with the revolving doors at the BBC…
Just one, great big happy family.
You can just feel the Love.
Well spotted Guest Who.
Your not kidding big happy family who cannot get off sucking on the extremely generous public teat!
Talk about jobs for the (Labour) Boys!
Tonies Cronies all of them!
But who is surprised on this site – I should think no one as it is something we have come to expect and one of the reasons we all want shut of the God Dam Biased Organisation leeching off our taxes.
♫ “It’s the circle, the circle of life.”♫
Yes on that list is Alan Davey who has just been made Director of BBC Radio 3 as ‘suitably qualified’ according to Lord Haw Haw. That web link (thanks Guest Who) we find that not only was he top public sponger on the Art Council but also previously was employed on the culture of death (department of Culture Media and Sports). The same civil service department that supposibly runs the BBC for impartiality, independence and public account without bias or favor.
The BBC continues to beat the drum about the Indian Prime Minister Modi’s past in relation to the Gujarat riots that ended up with 1,000 dead:
Never mind that the Supreme Court of India exonerated him, even though the Congress party was in power at the time so the probable direction of bias would have been against him.
Never mind that even 1000 dead muslims would represent a tiny fraction of deaths attributable to Bush, Obama, Blair, Brown and various assorted western leaders.
Never mind that since that spate of violence 12 years ago, Gujarat is now a more prosperous state than any other in India and that muslim provocations have been kept in check there more successfully than elsewhere in India, and certainly far better than they have been here in the UK and the rest of the west.
This open pandering to muslims and islam in general continues unabated at the BBC, and I suspect that many of them hate Modi simply because his leadership has actually accomplished what western leaders are unable to do – whether through cowardice, loss of control of the political narrative to ‘journalists’ like the BBC, or simple foolishness in remaining fixated to the multicultural ideology – to wit, controlling muslim aggression against the wider culture they are in and desire to change it into their own vision of the caliphate.
Perhaps the momentum that propels Modi forward on the world stage however will be a wake up call for other leaders hoping to deal with the issues they face in relation to integrating muslims into their own countries and communities. One can only hope.
The BBC don’t like Modi because he is tough on Muslim extremism and is pro business and against the Gandhi pamby lefty Congress party.
They clearly are not happy about him.
It has moved on to FaceBook, with BBC World News doing what the BBC does best by concealing advocacy as a BBC question.
And FaceBook being FaceBook, they are getting a robust set of responses rendering the thread a difficult read.
The BBC contribution to community cohesion working its magic again at home and abroad.
Finally a BBC documentary worth watching : Terror at the Mall (currently on iPlayer). A sad but gripping tale told by CCTV cameras, and where the usual tired slogans of ‘this is not the Religion of Peace’ are thankfully kept to a minimum.
I wish that bbbc creature Lyse Doucet would get captured by ISIS. A few weeks with them and then an heroic release by the SAS might change the way she reports………Oh, I suppose I don’t mean that really…………
Something like Dolores Umbridge and the centaurs in Harry Potter? There is a degree of resemblance.
that pic of lyse is obviously a couple of decades out of date…her boat looks like a well used spitting image puppet these days…but then, even from the photo, it appears that she was never blessed….
Anyone noticed La Doucet on that 60 second countdown thing they show just before hourly headlines on BBC News 24? Wandering round the Gazan rubble with a face like a smacked arse.
The important Jewish festival of Rosh Hashana has just finished to minimal BBC attention. Will they ignore Eid this year to keep it balanced?
For BBC-NUJ ‘multicultural’ propagandists-
“It is multiculturalism that makes Isis a threat to Britain.”
By Ed West.
Al Beeb reports ‘Second Tory MP defects to UKIP’, could this be the start of a domino effect?
Where are the Labour MPs with the ‘Balls’ to defect and put Great Britain first?
One would hope Graham Stringer might be in the frame…
He certainly chalks up a few good points. He has a scientific background and he appears to support a referendum on Europe…
How about the admirable Labour MP Kate Hoey?
A member of the Communist Education Youths of the BBC (Com-Ed-Y) has said that there should be a referendum on whether the Queen should be beheaded. The Ha-Ha-He sound, must have been the BBC abbreviation for Hack Hack of the Head.
love and marriage … love and marriage, go together like a ….
forgive me … just checked the listings for BBC Sunday Morn Live
the ethical, moral, supposedly religious flagship Al Beeby prog,
Dealing with the biting, serious issues of the day!.
The Fonz has been resurrected to blab about a C-Beebies show …
and…… well … if there is a serious or biting ethical, moral religious issue, it appears the BBC doesn t want you to know, or lazy Sunday Beebots, are too engaged in meandering aimlessly around the “fishbowl” in Salford, to care … t
o be on that payroll eh!.
I caught the titles of said program this morning, the faces that fill the squares would have you believe that this were a production from some far away place, certainly not a British one, but I guess its what we should expect from the bBC. I make it approx 25% indigenous faces, maybe less?
See for yourself
Anyone out there still playing ‘Where’s Shami?’
No, she’s not wearing a wig and singing with The Cure.
She’s back on the Beeb reviewing the Sunday’s with Handy Andy Marr.
Plus some bloke…. “who used to write speeches for David Cameron”
So guess what…. the consensus seems to be that if the Tories are in difficulties it is because “the reforms didn’t go far enough”
” they should be greener and more European”.
Because that’s what the voters want…. really?
It’s a nice BBC-friendly message anyway and even has Marr playing Devil’s Advocate for a moment asking questions from the right. Gosh that felt awkward. Stiil it’s soon over and normal service can be resumed.
BBC Breakfast is looking forward next week to special guest Oscar Winning Actress Emma Thompson
Of course they didn’t say so, but I bet that gets political!
Back to Marr and how could he and Shami not suck up to George Cluny and his Human Rights Lawyer tottie.
Marr and Shami – the cut price BBC version?
You know how the saying goes – Put them all in a sack…..
“BBC Breakfast is looking forward next week to special guest Oscar Winning Actress Emma Thompson”
I wonder how she is getting there? Maybe Leo is offering her a lift in his wee boat, the one with marked lack of sails?
She who derided the fair city of Exeter for beng too English. A real piece of work.
The battle to stop UKIP is underway. Cameron’s comrades in the UAF and the interfaith wallahs descend on Doncaster. The main objection, to be echoed by the BBC as the election draws near – Ukip are waycist and fascist. Who needs an argument when you have these dummies?
This protests was organised by ‘Stand up to Ukip’. Now I wonder who they might be :
Diane Abbott MP
Len McCluskey – Unite the Union General Secretary
Ken Livingstone – Mayor of London – 2000 – 2008
Owen Jones – Writer and Journalist
Sally Hunt UCU Union General Secretary
Manuel Cortes TSSA Union General Secretary
Ava Vidal Comedian
Gerry Gable – Editor/ Publisher Searchlight Magazine
Hugh Lanning Vice chair, Unite Against Fascism
Lynsey German. Convenor Stop the war coalition
Leon Silver – President of the East London Central synagogue and steering group member, Tower hamlets interfaith forum
Jo Cardwell We Are Waltham Forest
Denis Fernando – Rainbow Coalition Against Racism
Sean Hoyle – President – Wessex Region of RMT Union
Lisa Fletcher – Branch Chair – Unite Community – Portsmouth and District
Jon Woods- President Portsmouth TUC – Chair -Unison Portsmouth City Branch
It’s interesting that the left have finally caught up with the fact that UKIP is almost as big a threat to the Labour party in their northern heartland as it is to the Tories in the south. A huge amount of Labour support in these parts (Yorkshire) comes from older middle aged and elderly people who have never voted anything but Labour. These people have been treat dreadfully by the Labour party over the last 20 years and they know it. Now though there is an alternative for them and they are voting UKIP in droves with a number of old Labour seats in danger at the next election. All Labour have left up here are the *professional* public sector classes of whom their aren’t that many and the benefit receiving class who often can’t arsed to get out of bed to vote on election day.
Except Beebiod attacks on UKIP to increase but it won’t make any difference.
So many Labour Party members, hypocrites after what they did to the Children of Rotherham.
all the more reason to put an x in the right box 😉
Tricky dilemmas abound ‘reporting’ such a thing.
Clearly some protests are newsworthy and as part of the democratic process warrant coverage.
However, party political attempts to shut down one group by another, especially using proxy activist organisations as fronts for mainstream persons, presents clear issues.
At the very least any coverage should make very clear that these individuals are trying to operate on multiple bases, only varying by the degree of leftist censorship they are hypocritically seeking to impose.
That Ms. Abbott is indulged in this by party and BBC commissioning editors is beyond me.
How on earth can a Labour MP also seek to ‘stand up’ to (presumably, ban) another party? That’s what ballots are for, after debates, etc.
What a shower.
UK Defence & National Security:
BBC-NUJ hypocrisy, today.
On Radio 4 ‘World this Weekend’ ( at about 1-15 pm), Beeboid Mr LEY showed hypocrisy in his criticism of UK’s small number of combat aircraft in campaign against the Islamic State.
In a hostile interview with Tory Minister Fallon, LEY referred back to ‘cuts’ in
defence spending, as though this was not a key policy of Labour Party, TUC and NUJ!
Yes, I heard that interview, too. The staggering hypocrisy of a BBC interviewer giving a minister grief over our inadequately funded armed forces was hilarious.
What next? The BBC wagging an admonishing finger at George Osborne for not cutting taxes?
I could hear the relish with which Ley laid into the Tories. This general BBC approach used to anger me, especially as the approach was never the same with Labour – now I expect it.
It’s taken since the 1980s till around 2010 for me to distrust BBC totally. I shall never return to believing it.
I am reluctant to listen or watch BBC and usually only do so to test whether the bias I have come to expect is still there.
As others have said – a truly loathsome organisation.
To be fair, Fallon was a slippery customer and deliberately obfuscated the legitimate question about our lack of carrier air power (which was the result of this coalition’s policy) with an irrelevant point about cruise missiles based on submarines.
Clive Myrie over in Cyprus for the BBC seems somewhat put out that the RAF are not going to give us/him “…a running commentary….” on their combat operations.
What a great show that would have made.
Still, at least our Clive gets some airmiles out of it.
Are these Beeboids concerned about Britain’s national security?
Not exclusive to the BBC, but in armed conflict I have never understood why the military give even supposedly home team media access that can and will only serve to undermine men and mission. Hand and inch and a mile will get taken, and most likely twisted to suit anyway.
Maybe our Clive would like to reflect on the esteem the BBC is held in by our armed forces.
From revised bomb settings to times and coordinates of sorties handed out by the next faith-affiliated Panorama researcher with a press pass, the history of letting the world’s least trusted narrative enhancer near matters of life and death is a poor one.
Good on the RAF if they told him to await details once they are safe to be shared. Hope his hotel has a balcony.
What does this refer to? ‘From revised bomb settings to times and coordinates of sorties handed out by the next faith-affiliated Panorama researcher with a press pass’
or did you just make that up again?
“did you just make that up again?
No. ‘Again’ suggests I have before. When?
Leave the analysis to those with a sense of factual history, perhaps events that happened in the Falklands weren’t part of your media studies doctorate?
Al Beeb – AKA The Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation.
Wars are not fought only on the battlefield but also on the fields of public perception (at home and abroad) and diplomacy.
Use the recent Israel/Gaza spat as an example. Israel was all over Hamas militarily but arguably lost the battle for public perception. The use of embedded journalists is a recognition of the importance of how the puiblic sees the war.
Unfortunately, this is just another example of how much the BBC thinks of itself.
In other words, “we’re more important than everybody else so we should know what’s happening”.
At the same time it shows how gormless they are expecting the RAF to disclose military details.
Thankfully, the RAF knew exactly what the BBC would so with said information and politely told them to take a hike…….
The Tornado has two seats.
They could take him on a mission and eject him over the target. That way he’d get a much better idea of what’s going on.
Doing a little bit of reading on the net, I came across this report
Which discusses BBC ‘perceived’ bias up to the year 2000. The interesting things about this, is that a perceived Conservative bias by some plummets around 1997 when NU Liebour come to power, and it is my theory in the absence of further data, that this bias has continued to date.
The article details some of the previous accusations of bias by all sides in the past and some of the responses. I somehow cannot imagine the spineless jellyfish who leads the Tories of ever writing a Letter to the DG complaining of bias no matter how egregious.
I would question those findings. The BBC has been moving Leftwards since the 1960s.
I wrote to the Prime Minister’s office when Tony Blair was PM about the fact that the BBC were delaying answering my letter that stated bias against the PM by the political commentator on 10 o clock news saying “This is what the PM MEANT to say” The Director General received a letter from the PM’s office to answer my letter directly but instead as the Head of Complaints explained he felt it appropriate that the Head of Complaints would answer me (which he did with the usual gobbledegook.) So complaints of bias even if they came from the PM’s office would not necessarily be treated seriously.
Oklahoma: Islamic jihadist beheading- INBBC sustains its censorship.
Compare reports-
“OK beheader:
‘Sharia law is coming!’ — posted photos of beheadings on FB.”
[Opening excerpt- by Robert Spencer]-
“While the FBI pretends that Oklahoma beheader Jah’Keem Yisrael’s Facebook page doesn’t exist and goes in search of a motive that the social media page makes abundantly clear,
I used the page yesterday to show the dishonesty of the mainstream media
and the beheader’s mosque. And now even the mainstream media is having to take note of what Jah’Keem Yisrael has posted there.”
INBBC:- headline censored of word ‘Muslim’; only one mention of ‘Islam’;
no mention of Facebook entries-
“Fired US worker beheads female colleague”
I wonder if this beheading will turn out to be related to the religion of peace. Beheaded victim found with his arms tied. Cops suspect suicide. Well that’s OK then.
I had presumed this was a satirical site, especially looking at the Related story section. But no.
It is doubtless possible to effect a suicide involving decapitation, but given the masterfully vague story thus far, it surely ranks with shooting oneself a dozen times claims of yore.
Yep! … Some hiccups in the BBC/Media/Gov “enrichment” program?, after beheadings in UK, FRANCE, US and Canada, and several further attempts, and 100s of tweets/e-mails urging more.
As for the motives? … why … WHY? 😀
“Man found decapitated, police suspect suicide”
“FBI – Motive for Oklahoma beheading not yet determined”
“London beheading was “not terrorism”, insist police”
“insist” eh!
“an attempted attack on two people at another address in Nightingale Road is also being investigated”
“The killers were to behead a victim and then drape the body in the black flag”
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks
…” (Qur’an 47:4)
Nah!, that can’t be it … It’s a Religion of Peace!
Motive? …
even when he posted picture s of beheadings on his FB page?
extolling “sharia is coming”
yep! … “unclear” … obviously, as now I suppose “workplace violence” is getting “old”.
Which European player will win the point that retains the Ryder Cup?
That’s the competition running on the BBC website with the contest still in full flow! Impartial or what?
The Beeb are never this gushing over England games but then we all know Europe is their true country. Must thrill them to see those 12 stars draped everywhere.
Come on USA! Whoops…did I say that out loud?
It looks like BBC-NUJ has dropped the ball on Rotherham.
‘The Commentator’-
“Don’t drop the ball of Labour’s Rotherham disgrace.”
“One factor has emerged about the political culture at Rotherham. The politicians, police, and Pakistani community were all too palsy-walsy. It was a cocktail of multi-culti political correctness, and cronyism. Meanwhile, under Labour’s watch, kids were being raped.”
For INBBC to note, not censor:-
“In Six Minutes, an Atheist Tears Apart the Way Liberals Defend Muslim Atrocities
‘In the Name of Multiculturalism’”
(inc video clip).
Bad news for Beeboid HARRABIN?-
“Fracking lets us ditch Saudi oil to use our own”
I think this is an important and neglected point (perhaps deliberately neglected by bourgeois apologists) the real game changer will be if/when china starts fracking ( were there’s coal there’s gas apparently and they have plenty of that) the Arabs might find themselves drinking the black stuff.
BBC and Nigel Farage.
Has anyone else noticed how uncomfortable the BBC has become with interviewing Farage?
Today, Andrew Marr, the BBC’s Flagship soshilst inturlekshull on a 2 stroke scooter, was very unsettled and passive with Nigel Farage.
Conversely, Nigel Farage impressed me with his authority, composure and style. He is NOT a David Cameron or one of the other doppelgangers.
And that is so damn important to the future of this country.
And perhaps a threat to the future of the BBC as we know it?
Jim Petrie died on 26 August 2014 and the BBC did a piece on him on Last Word by Ian McMillan.
Who was Jim Petrie? Think Baby Crockett, The Bash Street Kids, Beryl The Peril, Black Bob, The Broons, Biffo The Bear, Dennis The Menace, Desperate Dan, Keyhole Kate, Korky The Kat, Little Plum, Lord Snooty, The Numskulls or Oor Wullie. An artist who drew comic characters for pre-pubescent children. Drew being the operative word as he was just one of the artists that continued the work of others who created the originals.
Ian McMillan doesn’t cover any of this work, indeed he doesn’t say much about Jim Petrie himself, apart from telling us that he was very left-wing (naturally) and would probably have voted for Scottish Independence.
So what makes up most of Mr.McMillan’s thesis supposedly about the life and death of this 82 year-old man? Minnie The Minx! Surely another character for the pre-pubescent child? No! Minnie The Minx, who has just died, was a ‘Lesbian Icon’, (we get told that twice. She was a hero of the left as she fought against Hitler, (who always won!)! Hitler? That was her dad, complete with moustache and ‘comb-over’!
Unfortunately Minnie The Minx was created by Leo Baxendale in 1953, nine years before Jim Petrie started with publisher D.C Thomson. Eighty-Two and still drawing comics? Well no, Minnie The Lez must have died 13 years ago, when other artists took over.
Should have been ‘Minnie The Muff Diver’ then ? Gosh.
I look forward to McMillan explaining how the tail and horns on Desperate Dan’s cow pies were actually representative of the struggle of the worker to retain his individuality in an industrialised society, hopefully followed by a reasoned exploration of the catapult as the Beano/Dandy weapon of choice : “The ‘catty’ in comic fiction: Softy punisher or symbol of imperial nostalgia ?”
A rather odd post-#indyref programme in iPlayer; a sort of comedy come debate come diatribe come guest, audience and vote rigging, hosted by BBC-forgiven (sort of) Frankie Boyle.
I must confess that I usually enjoyed his envelope-pushing dyspeptic observations on Mock The Week. A bit less keen when he decided to lower the taste barrier to indigestible and/or took against individuals often undeserving or unable to counter. And I think this latter was got him bumped.
But he has been forgiven it seems, and handed coal-raking freedoms.
I lasted about halfway. A few good lines, but he is not a natural host. And seems to have acquired the most deranged snigger this side of a Marvel baddie.
What ended it for me was a discussion on perceived media bias (it would be hard to argue this show was not coming from a particular direction, no matter the protestations of objectivity) with some Professor of Journalism.
He and Frankie disagreed on much (with the selected audience ‘voting’ that the newspapers are simply awful), but all were agreed that broadcasters were and are the epitome of objectivity.
Given what actually happened, this was hard to credit. So when some cute little moppet was wheeled out to discuss lowering the voting age to two, it became apparent things were headed to places I didn’t fancy, and was over to the Secret Life of Pets on Demand 5.
I commend the end few seconds alone to the house. An old dear, a Great Dane, a distraction, 5 metres of lead limit, and physics #101. I hope she was not hurt.
What is true of Obama, is true of INBBC:-
“Obama: ‘We underestimated the threat posed by Islamic State’ ”
– See more at:
Also true of Obama (and INBBC):-
‘We underestimated the threat posed by Islamic jihadists globally -and still do.’
It has been clear for some months if not years. If many of us can see it what is the point of our leaders? Useless bunch.
So what does our stupid government do? Bombs Libya and tries to bomb Syria and refuses entry to Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.
Western governments are failing in their duty.
Dave s
Agreed, they all look like schoolboys compared to Farage !
Vote for UKIP and get Britain Great again!
All the the media are against them – so UKIP must be on course. Just watched BBC 2 ‘At the Conference ‘
Why should INBBC report this?
“UK: KFC customer refused hand-wipe to avoid offending Muslims”
“More absurd self-subjugation in Deranged Britannia. The local Muslim groups haven’t even demanded this; KFC just did it preemptively. Isn’t assuming that Muslims will grow enraged over alcohol-based hand-wipes a kind of ‘Islamophobia’?”
“’Leicester KFC customer shocked as he is refused hand-wipe because of branch’s halal policy’.”
The rapid Islamisation of Britain continues.
“Boycott Halal”
Where is the heavily funded RSPCA on this, and what are they doing about Halal ?
Or Animal Rights even ?
Most of the reports on animal welfare in relation to religious slaughter have come from the FAWC, which consists of veterinarians, welfare scientists and representatives within the meat industry. They have produced numerous reports showing misgivings about halal. Generally the RSPCA have accepted FAWC’s standpoint. Here are a couple of links but there are many publications by FAWC.
Click to access pb8347.pdf
Now that’s a good topic for the government’s broadcasting corporation to cover, investigate or discuss ?
Rupert ‘Wingman’ Hayes pops up on BBC news this morning with a piece to camera proving that we Licence Payers just can’t understand the citizen jounalism of vulcanos caught on the phone camera without the guiding hand of some BBC bod clocking up the airmiles.
Meanwhile Clive Myrie from his Cypriot hotel balcony has been busy adding that certain BBC something to footage of Tornado jets taxiing on the runway.
Sad stay-at-home girl BBC Breakfast business presenter, the gauky Stephanie McGovern (is she really Alistair McGowen in drag channelling his inner Geordie?), doesn’t ever seem to find business news unless it’s bad news… bloody capitalists eh?