I see the BBC is playing down the fact that this was a MUSLIM who cut the head of a fellow worker having tried to convert others to the religion of peace. The name for this is Fort Hood syndrome.
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It’s a ‘man’ again.
“Fort Hood Syndrome” is a perfect name for this sort of thing, wherein a Mulsim goes berserk and kills someone (or several someones), and the media (and sometimes even the government– but then what’s the difference?) tie themselves up into pretzels to avoid mentioning the “M” or “I” words, and try to pass it off as run of the mill “workplace violence”.
The name for this is Fort Hood syndrome.
Its also known as “workplace accident”.
Surely it must be obvious that all leading Western politicians are singing from the same hymn book. They know of Islam, but they cannot, for political, strategic and other reasons, admit that fact, while waging war against Muslim states.
Western states are doing what they have to do, for geopolitical reasons. Meanwhile
1. Prevent violent disorder in Western countries, and the breakdown of law and order. That is why EDL’s Tommy Robinson could not be allowed to gain traction. I agree with this.
2. To wage war on Islam (invading Muslim countries for genuine or any made-up reason), while pretending not to.
3. To divide the Islamic world while the war is in progress.
Oh please, the entire political class along with the chatterati media have totally deluded themselves into believing in a distinction between moderate Islam and extremist Islam. They can’t explain to you what either is, but the admission that the two are the same would destroy their entire multicultural world view , which is what this is all about. They are even willing to waste British lives to fight “extremism” in the belief that they are somehow protecting multiculturalism by doing so, rather than doing anything to tackle islam domestically.
DP111 I really wish our politicians were capable of the the level of thought and planning you describe but I fear that the truth is the total opposite. The entire political class is currently sh*t scared of the mess it has created. Instead however of planning they delude themselves with the wishy washy political correctness and only have the will to fight anyone who tries to point out that their ideology is bankrupt.
They are indeed frightened at what they have created. However, 9/11 and its aftermath, is changing all that. It will take 50 years or more to sort this problem out, with the added restriction that it must not sacrifice our own principles.
“But Sergeant Jeremy Lewis from Moore Police Department said the attack “did appear random”.
To be fair(ish) to the BBC, such statements from the authorities do offer the astoundingly uncurious many opportunities to ‘report’ rather than investigate.
The attack seems pretty targeted and specific to me, so no idea what Jeremy is on about.
Meanwhile the methodology opted for and the generic nature of the selected, if target of opportunity, victims might bear further contemplation for what may have inspired the killer’s choices.
What is certain is that it will all be about him, and like Woolwich drummers, or Italian Grandmothers, or Boston runners, the victims will simply be statistics as authorities try and paper over deeper concerns.
Note the comment from the police: “It appears they were just in his way when he came in,” the police spokesman said. Bit like those Jews being “in the way” in Palestine, eh? Or those Christians and religious minorities “in the way” of Islamic State? To say nothing of an elderly grandmother being “in the way” in North Londonistan.
I think that when the officer said the attack was random, what he meant was that if another defenceless middle aged lady / old man / small child had been nearest to the front door then Nolan would have attacked that person. The Biased BBC is intentionally highlighting that comment, whereas the comment about him being a marijuana user, coke dealer and just off probation are never mentioned!
A much better report on the incident (murder) that that from the BBC:
I wonder if the BBC will draw any conclusion from the fact that his murderous spree was stopped dead (literaly) by a concealed carry permit holder . How many of Roger Elliot’s victims would have been saved if he had been confronted by a legal gun owner?
Or will they add Noan’s death to their fire arm death death toll?
Perhaps Mason should get over there and see if it will all ‘kick off’
as a result of another ‘unarmed youth’ gunned down by a white police officer
Or perhaps they’ll simply do their best to ignore a story that contradicts their narative. I see its allready pushed to page 95 of any other parish news
Our authorities and the liberals would rather we just stood there and died. Sometimes guns really do stop evil men.
I agree and I’m all for our population having the right to bear arms as we used to. Most sensible people know that it’s not the gun or knife that kills, it’s the person in possession of it and the easy answer to that is capital punishment. As for gun and knife crime, it’s the criminals that commit it regardless of the laws on gun and knife possession and so the only people that lose are the law abiding that cannot defend themselves.
He wasn’t an orthodox Muslim more of a practitioner of Ebonics. His Muslim convert name is Jah’Keem Yisrael. Yisrael just means Israel so why would a Muslim convert take a Jewish name? Well according to his Facebook page.
“My Ancestors Who Are The True Jews Here In America Today Are Originally From Israel. They Were Bombed Outta Israel By The Roman Catholic Army So They Fled To Egypt And The Afrikans Sold Us To The White Man As Slaves Along With Any Other Black Person Here In Amerika Today Aka The True Jews From Israel. Our Ancestors Are Originally From Israel. Were Not from Afrika.”
His facebook page also quotes the Bible including the letter of Timothy and the Book of Revelations.
So we have some loony who is a follower of an Ebonic syncretistic religion that includes Black Israelites, Islam and Christianity.
If Barack Obama had a son, I’m sure he’d look like Jah’Keem.
How politically annoying for INBBC, that now, in its update, it has to imply, for the first time, that the (black) beheader is a Muslim.
But ‘Jihadwatch’ has been clear about this from its first report.
Here’s ‘Jihadwatch’s follow-up report-
“Oklahoma beheader:
‘O ye Muslims make sure u give your children the knowledge of Islam.'”
[Excerpt – by Robert Spencer]:-
“The Oklahoma beheader’s Muslim name is Jah’Keem Yisrael.
His Facebook page (thanks to Pamela Geller) is all about Islam. It is not only full of Qur’anic and moral exhortations, but also several pictures of Yisrael at a local mosque. Watch for mosque officials to say they hardly knew him and to complain about ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘backlash.’
“In Jah’Keem Yisrael we once again have a convert to Islam who became quite devout and became violent. In the wake of the murder he committed today, watch for more assurances that the murder had nothing to do with the religion that exhorts believers in its holy book, ‘When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks.'”
Also for INBBC, from ‘Daily Mail’:-
“‘Sharia law is coming’: Facebook rants of fired Muslim convert store-worker who beheaded female colleague and stabbed another woman before being shot by CEO.
“Alton Nolen, 30, allegedly beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, at Vaughan Foods.
“He also ‘stabbed co-worker Traci Johnson, 43, during attack in Oklahoma.’
“Seconds later, Nolen was shot and wounded by firm’s CEO Mark Vaughan.
“Co-workers revealed that Nolen, who has an extensive rap sheet, had recently converted to Islam and had tried to get them to convert as well.
“He apparently celebrated terrorism on Facebook in months before attack.
“He posted image of Pope Benedict XVI, saying: ‘SHARIA LAW IS COMING!’
“Also uploaded photo of 9/11, writing Statue of Liberty is ‘going into flames.’
“FBI is investigating whether conversion to Islam linked to alleged killing.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2771655/Fired-store-worker-beheaded-female-worker-stabbed-woman-shot-hero-boss-ranted-Sharia-law-coming-Facebook.html#ixzz3EW5yz5gk
Maybe one day the FBI will also be able to solve the vexed question of whether bears really do shit in the woods.
“the vexed question of whether bears really do shit in the woods. ”
I thought the Pope did that
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2770140/Police-chase-shooting-Oklahoma.html..peace loving muslim
So his former boss, and owner of the company, Mark Vaughan shot him…
He was also a reserve officer with the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office…
Just waiting for the progressives to start wailing about police brutality now…white on black killings….sheesh, i predict a riot.
“He was also a reserve officer with the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office…”
In spite of claims to the contrary, very few spree killings in the US have been stopped by private civilians licensed to carry firearms but without a police or military connection. In practice, they tend to be off duty or retired police officers, or similar.
9 Potential Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By Someone With A Personally Owned Firearm
Before anyone suggests that private individuals with legally owned firearms would reduce crime in the UK, I recommend scanning some of the comments on the Breibart site where law and order is the issue. Some of the people there have a huge amount of ego invested in their guns and I find them seriously scary. I tended to lean towards the right to bear arms point of view until I worked in the US for three years.
The chances of an armed civilian with not just the appropriate firearm, but the right training and judgement, being in the right place at the right time, is very remote in my opinion.
Breitbart, not Breibart.
Thank you for your snarky view of the right to keep and bear arms, you are clearly the self-appointed expert on the subject. American citizens who have used arms to protect themselves do not count, it seems, unless they happen to stop a spree killer. Even in the USA, these are very rare. Everyday crime is more banal, but you can guarantee that a armed citizen is one who refuses to become a statistic.
“American citizens who have used arms to protect themselves do not count”
Protecting themselves against other armed civilians, no doubt?
“Everyday crime”
Are you falling back on the old discredited claim that violent crime is worse in the (unarmed) UK? If so, I suggest you compare the definitions of violent crime used by the FBI and the British Crime Survey (both on the web).
I was offering an opinion. Clearly you have a problem with opinions you disagree with. Too bad.
If your opinion is based on your casual impressions, then that is all it is worth. You have been to the USA and spoken to some Americans whom you did not like? Big deal.
Not a single counter argument then?
Petulance is an unattractive trait.
September 28, 2014 at 9:33 am
Not a single counter argument then?
Petulance is an unattractive trait.
I do not propose to make any counter arguments, since I do not propose to waste my time debating you on this. You have obviously made your mind up, which is fine by me, but you also set yourself up as some sort of authority on the subject, which you are not. So do not expect to come on here and pretend to some sort of superior knowledge without being challenged on it. That is not petulance, and for you to consider it so merely shows you up as being rather pompous.
Your turn now?
I haven’t “set myself up” as anything. I’ve merely made reference to things I’ve heard/read/experienced/discussed. Sensitive lot around here, aren’t you?
Thoughful raised some good points, you (Rob or Stewart) threw a hissy fit.
No I’m definitely me
Hissy fit ? I thought I was being gentle with you
I’m wounded,wounded I tell you.
Now who was it that said petulance was an unattractive trait? I can see you are not used to being challenged in your assertions. No wonder the Americans you met didn’t like you. They don’t like being patronised by British people who think they know better than they do about their country.
I know an American who has recently bought a gun. She is allowed to keep it in the house or to transport it specifically to a gun range .
To take the weapon out in public requires a concealed weapons licence which is as onerous as a UK firearms licence and carrying a gun without one carries similar penalties to the UK.
The big difference is that if someone breaks into your home and you shoot them in the USA you are likely to be hailed a hero and given a medal. Here in the UK you are more likely to be sent to jail sent directly to jail not passing go for a very long time.
This is the land of criminal protection, and years of it have produced a culture of lawlessness.
If we stopped sending people to prison who didn’t represent any threat at all to society we might have enough prison space to send those who do.
Agree entirely with your first two paragraphs. This is why many criminals are stopped by ex-police and military people rather than complete civilians; it is easier for them to get the necessary licence.
The problem with home protection is that a firearm stored safely at home, which is essential if kids are around, might not be the answer to an intruder at 3am. Keeping a firearm under the pillow or in the bedside cabinet is asking for trouble (Oscar Pistorius springs to mind). Never met anyone in the US who did it.
Another problem is that few people can use a handgun with any degree of accuracy. The movies hugely exaggerate the accuracy of handguns.
I’m not sure about the medal bit. Depends on which State you’re in but you certainly can’t shoot home intruders regardless.
When capital punishment was abolished in 1965, there was an undertaking that prison sentences for former capital crimes would be severe. Successive governments have broken this pledge.
(Comments submitted without Rob in Cheshire’s approval.)
You don’t need my approval to do anything, but I do seem to have touched a raw nerve. Maybe you are unhappy about being challenged in your views? If that is the case, I am not surprised that armed civilians in the USA rubbed you up the wrong way. Americans are not too keen on British folk coming over there and telling them which of their constitutional rights are wrong, as Piers Morgan found.
Frankly, if you believe what you say about handgun accuracy, then you really don’t know what you are talking about, and my advice to you would be to find a topic which you know something about to comment on.
The only thing you’ve touched is my sense of humour.
You certainly make a lot of assumptions. I’m not British.
The civilians I met near Fulsom, where I worked and still use an office from time to time, were not armed and did not “rub me up the wrong way”. They did, however, know rather more about the US than you do.
On handgun accuracy, I’d refer you to an article published by the Police Policy Studies Council on handgun accuracy at short range.
You have one!
If you are not British, then I can only apologise. You are clearly someone of another nationality who patronises Americans.
As to whether the people you met were armed, how would you know? I would not advertise the fact, and I would not tell you if I were.
As to pistol accuracy, I get my knowledge from what I know from personal experience rather than a pamphlet. However, I take it from that that you really don’t know what you are talking about, but prefer to rely on secondary sources.
My American husband found that amusing.
Your “personal experience” emerged rather late. You need to update your profile: “Air pistol shooting in CW2”.
If petulance is an unattractive trait, what would you call incoherence? I have no idea what you are talking about, do you?
“I was offering an opinion”
That’s not the problem ,the problem is you offer it as fact ( you are entitled to personal possession of one but not the other)
ie “the old discredited claim that violent crime is worse in the (unarmed) UK? ”
Discredited by whom? those who have an ax to grind perhaps
The ‘fact is we don’t know for sure what the level of violent crime is the UK because the truth has been obfuscated for political ends by both sides of the debate.
But if we except that violent crime exists in both the UK and the US then why shouldn’t those who choose to be able to defend themselves?
Or “In spite of claims to the contrary, very few spree killings in the US have been stopped by private civilians licensed to carry firearms ”
how would we know – they were stopped
On your opinion that
“Protecting themselves against other armed civilians, no doubt?”
Er yes isn’t that the point -criminals will arm themselves regardless of the law – firearm laws only disarm the law abiding
So really it comes down to this
“I find them seriously scary.”
That not a good enough reason to legislate – in my opinion.
It isn’t difficult to distinguish between fact and opinion. It shouldn’t be necessary to insert a caveat into every sentence or to have each comment drafted by a lawyer. You know this perfectly well though – the real issue here is that you don’t like my stance on the private ownership of firearms. This is almost a BBC approach to dissent.
The UK v US violent crime argument flared up in 2009 or thereabouts, lead by a rabble rousing article in the Daily Mail. It used figures from the FBI and the British Crime Survey, ignoring the fact (easily verified) that these two organisations used totally different definitions of violent crime. The comparison was ludicrous. The British Crime Survey definition, for instance, said: “Violent crime contains a wide range of offences, from minor assaults such as pushing and shoving that result in no physical harm through to serious incidents of wounding and murder.” There was considerable analysis of the DM’s claim at the time. I’m surprised you don’t remember since it appears to be of interest to you.
You said: “Or “In spite of claims to the contrary, very few spree killings in the US have been stopped by private civilians licensed to carry firearms ”
how would we know – they were stopped”
We would know because the act of stopping a spree killing is still a recordable incident. The problem you face is that you can find very little evidence of private individuals intervening to stop spree killings. Probably because, as thoughtful pointed out, very few US citizens are licensed to carry.
If you think that having more guns in circulation would be an improvement, that’s up to you. I don’t.
It would have been interesting to have David Preiser’s opinion on this but he’s no longer here, is he?
“It isn’t difficult to distinguish between fact and opinion.”
Then why don’t you
ie “There was considerable analysis of the DM’s claim at the time. I’m surprised you don’t remember since it appears to be of interest to you.”
Were have I mentioned the Daily Mail?
That seems to me a typical BBC knee jerk reaction if ever there was one
But your right I don’t agree with your stance because ,as I said before, there is not enough evidence to prove that the general good would be served to a degree that justifies the denial of individual right
Let me make that simpler for you
I might agree if I thought the evidence that the hand gun ban has made life safer for every one but as there isn’t I would like the right to maintain my own safety , you would still be free to rely on the forbearance of reptiles
Just to prove other opinions are available
Not your usual suspects I think you’ll agree
Sorry last one is wrong link the lad has made an interesting deconstruction of an anti gun ad.,showing how the ad. actually supports legal gun ownership
“rely on the forbearance of reptiles”
A movie quote? Now I understand.
Humor CB ,you might try it in your posts sometime,you might get a more sympathetic hearing
Him/her resisting the urge to bolt on a very familiar style of snarky parting line whilst up on that high horse may help too.
‘But if we except that violent crime exists in both the UK and the US then why shouldn’t those who choose to be able to defend themselves?’
Can you tell me where I can buy an exclusively defensive gun please? I’ve tried Argos and John Lewis.
Dont buy one then (f cant trust yourself not take part in a drive by) no one would make you.
In the same way no one makes criminals buy offensive guns
If muslims do not support beheading, then why do they carry banners saying ‘behead those who insult the prophet’?
Worth checking up on many reports of knife attacks, especially if it mentions that injuries were inflicted on the victim’s neck.
Come on! One Muslim or two carries a banner saying that & you assume it’s all of them?
If you go to Jihad watch you can read that not all Muslims accept the violence and the murder. Suggesting that they do plays right into the hands of the Fasicsts who can then easily swat away your legitimate concerns about some Muslims as ‘Islamophobia’.
What is particularly galling is how, in the wake of a mass-shooting incident, much is made of how such incidents may inspire “copycat crimes.”
One could legitimately inquire whether the recent Islamic jihadi murders of Westerners by decapitation, and the murder of Trooper Rigby and of the elderly woman may have inspired this bit of human detritus in Oklahoma. So could the Media– but will they?
Oh, dearie me, no, as they clutch their pearls and feel faint at the very thought that an act of workplace violence (which it technically was, after all), committed by a self-professed Muslim bent on converting everyone at his worksite through hectoring them (and was justifiably sacked for it), was a murder identical to that sort which is performed by Islamic terrorists.
“B-b-b-b-but– GUNS!!!”
Hardly Fort Hood syndrome is it?
File this one under “workplace violence” or “employment dispute/incident”.
Which-I think you`ll find_was due to the Tories reducing the issue of hi-viz jackets and hard hats, despite the previous largesse of Yvette Cooper. Hazel Blears…and those protests of Len McClusky!
Vote Labour…get NSDAP within a couple of years.
Isn’t it time we asked the French to lend us one of their old guilotines? Seems the most appropriiate response to Muslim converts that take it on themselve to comit murder in this horrendous way.
The historical purpose of this attrocity is apparently to spread fear to their enemy. No need now, the British newspapers will help spread fear much more effectively widely with their front page pictures of men about to be beheaded. Allahs little helper, the Daily Mail, all of them, doing the terrorists job for them. Fear sells papers eh? “Jihadi John” and the other sick losers get all the publicity they crave.
The trouble about guillotines is that they can change retail execution into wholesale executions.
Exclusive update from ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Oklahoma beheader’s mosque taught caliphate, destruction of US and Israel”
[Excerpt by Robert Spencer]-
“The Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City is in full damage-control and victimhood mode, saying they hardly knew Oklahoma beheader Jah’Keem Yisrael, and asking for protection against ‘backlash.’ But here is a look inside that mosque, courtesy an ex-Muslim who attended there and still lives nearby, and who sent me this information directly:
“I went to the same mosque the Oklahoma Muslim who beheaded his co-worker today. I live ten minutes away!”
http://dailycaller.com/2014/09/26/sharia-law-is-coming-oklahoma-beheader-celebrated-terrorists-disparaged-non-muslims-on-facebook/….why are the media covering this terrorist attack up.
In the case of the Tory press, for the same reason they are burying the (very significant) defection of Mark Reckeless to UKIP beneath the (very insignificant) disgrace of Brooks Newmark.
In the case of the BBC and the Guardian, they lead with Reckless as they wish to embarrass the Tories.
Both media sides have their agendas and skew their news to fit it.
Where the Islamists’ war on the West is concerned, both sides of the media are terrified of the pubic reacting . Stupidly, they believe that if the lid is kept screwed down and the public given sufficient beer are circuses to distract it, the problem will somehow fade away.
This is, of course, utter madness.
This alternative report on Oklahoma jihadist beheading illustrates how severely
INBBC censors its ‘reports’ on this-
“PHOTO: One of the Victims of Jihad Beheader in Oklahoma.”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/photo-one-of-the-victims-of-jihad-beheader-in-oklahoma.html/#sthash.6yczIY8X.dpuf
Thats a very different picture of the accused than Ive seen so far
The workplace violence story becomes harder to accept. Come on BBC update your story. There are links between the alleged killer and other believers
“Father of Fort Hood Victim Says So-Called ‘Workplace Violence’ Attacks Are
a ‘Domestic Benghazi’”