Evan Davis was so upset about the homeless migrants in Calais living hand to mouth in makeshift shelters that he cried all the way to his second home in France.
He could of course give some of them a room in one of his homes if he cares so much about them.
Next time anyone reading this is passing through Calais I recommend you hand out Evan Davis’ email address, along with his fellow pro-immigration advocate’s and tell the migrants to give them a call.
Don’t suppose Davis and Co would be all that keen on immigrants then…. the ones that take your job, your home, your kids place at the school, your place in the queue for medical treatment, the ones that rob and rape and kill you…they don’t mind so much about.
BBC employees like Davis are well insulated from the downsides of immigration with the money to keep the unpleasantry at a distance…though of course they do their bit for the immigrants by employing them…cheaply…at the expense of the local workers.
And no surprise the BBC often uses Davis to front its programmes and interviews on immigration.
Better still-give the Calais lads, directions and bus timetable to Evans Normandy gaff.
After all, were it in Wales; it would once have been torched.
Bleeding second home owners, not paying their local taxes, not creating wealth and putting local French families out of work and housing.
Davis and BBC types often bewail this kind of colonialism of the privileged…and rather like the notion of squatting in such places.
So hope Evan leaves a key under the dope plant pot , so the vulnerable and marginalised chaps of Somalia and DRC can “Occupy” his house profitabaly enough until he needs it once again.
Do the Turks/Kurds know that John Humphreys offers a house letting service somewhere in Greece for the likes of Evans people?
The BBC needs to advertise the kindness and largesse of its top talent in the cause of social mobility and equality…
Evan Davis hosting Newsnight. That’s enough to make anyone who cares about impartiality “break down in tears”.
To be fair the Left make Newsnight for themselves, they just expect (with the usual BBC sense of entitlement) you to pay for it.
The chief purpose of Newsnight – other than a source of employment – is to calibrate the emotional mix (the arrogance, ignorance, and resentments) of the public sector (and public school) Left. As a source of information it is worse than useless. Reality is everything they are trying to avoid.
Fair enough you might say, reality is often not very nice, but since all they offer is their own sourness and boredom I would not purchase an article written by them about anything given the choice.
Revealing. Empathy empathy empathy. Those men in Calais have a choice. They have chosen to try to get to Britain ( they are already safe in Europe). Their choice I stress.
If we choose not to admit them then that is our right and our choice.
Who is this Davis to emote and wail at our expense?
A second home in France. How fortunate that man is and no doubt how easy has been his path through life. Perhaps he has known struggle and pain but I doubt it. The liberal to a fault and a prime reason why our civilisation will go down into chaos and darkness if it is any longer in the hands of men like him.
No wonder Isis have such contempt for us.
Maybe Evans will be going to Calais to pick himself out a nice one. Might even let him see his Prince Albert.
Polly ditched the Tuscany Albatross quite soon after her LittleJohning, though the whereabouts of the considerable funds realised in the sale remain intriguing.
So now we have a new ‘homes to match standards’ champion, in Evan.
The baton has been passed.
Did she really get rid if her Tuscany villa after her super trouncing by Litlejohn? If so brilliant. I’ve all ways found him boorish but changed my view when she (Pollyana) looked utterly stupid on QT and showed herself to be e disgusting hypocrite she was/is.
You can still “Tuscany”without the ignomony of being wrong-footed by a media-audit. A friend of mine revealed he goes to Tuscany every year for a month in August – just pays £10k rental for a 5-bed villa with pool. Who needs to know? It’s the arrogance of the left inside the media bubble that they don’t know we are jeering as we see through them. Only the BBC doesn’t see through them. Because they are made of the same stuff.
More weeping and wailing by Davis over these ‘asylum seekers’?:-
“Iraqi asylum seekers make fortune renting out luxury London flats – paid for by you: Claimants stay in a taxpayer-funded lavish apartment, which are then let to super-rich tourists. ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2772214/Iraqi-asylum-seekers-make-fortune-renting-luxury-London-flats-paid-you.html#ixzz3EdhLq9qO
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what evan davis fails to understand with his bbc middle class liberal leftie empathy for all these bogus asylum seeking tourists who are so desperate to get into soft touch england is that they all come from muslim countrys that if he was walking down the street holding hands with his boyfreind they would be no doubt end up hanging from a crane after his toenails are pulled out just because he is homosexual and that kind of behaviour is haram in the mindset of these people,that is the reality of what type of people these lot are waiting to break into are overcrowded country evan davis you naive fool.
Evan is no ‘leftie’ Stuart, he is very much an example of a far right Open Borders Globalist, who notoriously walked past a picket line and went to work when there was a strike at the BBC!
On another occasion he said on Radio Fours Broadcasting House that ‘immigrants who are willing to squash up a bit’ (i.e. live in overcrowded housing) might be ‘the solution to Londons need for cheap labour’.
Evan Davies the nasty face of Globalism!
here you go
Several big names crossed the picket line, including Andrew Neil and Jonathan Dimbleby.
On Saturday, Evan Davies and Sarah Montague infuriated Radio 4 colleagues by presenting Saturday’s edition of the Today programme.
Read more: http://biasedbbc.proboards.com/thread/1097#ixzz3EemtIW8I
No thought for the lorry drivers then from fluffy Davis ?
Nah most of them hideously white and very rough hands to boot.
No not as cuddly as exotics.
But Davies hasnt had an entirely easy life and this might explain his hatred for his own country and people:
RUComingOut, the Radio 4 Today programme presenter speaks about his teenage struggle to come to terms with his sexuality.
“I had a feeling that I might be gay just around and after puberty. For a couple of years I was tortured by that and tried hard to suppress any such desires I had,” disclosed Davis, who has been open about his sexuality throughout his career.
The Dragons’ Den presenter, 50, said he waited until after he had graduated before telling his parents.
“I had a feeling that I might be gay just around and after puberty.”……….and my botfriend agreed.
Well, there you are….that’s why these chancers, yes,chancers roll up to Calais…..news….24 Eritreans in back of lorry….now put up in a hotel at £100 a night each, with pocket money no doubt…..the ‘authorities’ are seeking homes in Cardiff for them….WTF!!!!!!???? What about the British people waiting to be placed?…..this is why they horde at Calais…the stupid govt let them stay…..if you can make it across, you are made……utter stupidity……the EU is running this country, wake up people.
Land of Milk and Honey. They can’t speak a word of English but they all know from friends and relatives already here. Free money Free housing Free lawyers Free health care Free education, and a Muslim Caliphate in the making, what’s not to like?
Dave would rather betray his country rather than be thought “nasty”. During the Scotch referendum he said he loved his country more than his party. He should have added he loved himself more than either. And all that windfarm income to inherit from father-in-law
“Land of Milk and Honey. They can’t speak a word of English but they all know from friends and relatives already here. ”
No this is where you are very wrong! Everyone in the world speaks a bit of English now, and even a limited knowledge is better than none at all. This is why they prefer Britain to even Sweden and Finland, even though they have open invitations to go there (both Governments have said they will give asylum to ANY Syrians who rock up!). They dont want to face the challenge of learning Swedish from scratch while they have ALL learned some English at school.
And bear in mind, the ones who can pay the traffickers are from the ‘middle class’ in their homelands, and they dont’ ideally want to live on benefits for ever, although they welcome the assistance benefits provide. They know that in Britain they can find jobs and can improve their English, while in Sweden they will really struggle with the language, as for Finnish, well its a ‘challenge’, a big challenge.
BTW I am not defneding them, simply pointing out how cutting benefits will NOT stop them. We have to be far far harsher than that.