One of the most popular reports on the BBC website is that the UK economy is in a double dip recession…a story from 2012.
Even then it wasn’t a true story:
There was no UK double dip recession, ONS data suggests
Britain’s double-dip recession may be erased from the history books after the Office for National Statistics said the construction industry grew more strongly than thought at the start of last year.
Even the BBC admitted as much:
UK double-dip recession revised away
Could it be union activists trying to distort the news? Or perhaps it could be all those lefty Daily Mirror reporters doing their research trying to cook up an anti-Tory story such as they did with this: (From the Telegraph)
Brooks Newmark sex scandal: How a tabloid newspaper tried to snare Tory MPs
The Telegraph’s report delves into the Mirror’s entrapment of the Tory MP and its attempts to snare others and looks at the rules in regard to ‘Public interest’ journalism.
The BBC isn’t very interested, limiting its exploration of the issues on the Labour supporting Mirror’s actions to this:
Asked whether he thought Mr Newmark had been entrapped, Mr Fallon said he was unable to comment as he “hadn’t seen the details”.
Looks like a very dirty election….and think about it…this is a Labour paper setting out to trick a Tory MP into doing something for which he is then forced to resign his position.
If that had been a Murdoch paper the BBC would have been all over this questioning the malign influence of the right wing Press on UK politics.
“One of the most popular reports on the BBC website is that the UK economy is in a double dip recession…a story from 2012”
Pretty sure the Goodwin one isn’t exactly ‘news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) either.
Now why does one suspect the weekend shift claiming anything older than a week can’t be referred to when it suits, will feel the BBC has got it about right in such cases?
it was a bit sneaky of that daily mirror socalist journalist to snare and entrap that dopey idiot brooks newmark,but fool on him for thinking some bird in her 20s would be interested in some man in his 50s,oh yes the bbc and radio 5 live has gone to town on this non story,funny that really when in the daily mail today we had a story about how the labour party when they was in power allegedly ordered the police not to investigate the antics of the labour party lord janner and his quiet allegedly historical criminal behaviour in the past,funny how the bbc and radio 5 live are not digging there claws into that scandal.
What the Daily Mirror did to Brooks Newmark was far worse than Phone Hacking scandel. Far more illegal and the consequences far worse than Hugh Grant ever suffered. In fact his lot should be up in arms helping him sue the DM.
What the Daily Mirror did to Brooks Newmark was far worse than Phone Hacking the scandal. Far more illegal and the consequences far worse than Hugh Grant ever suffered. In fact his lot should be up in arms helping him sue the DM.
Isn’t Labour’s Sleaze Creator General, what was his name again, MacNewlywed or something, back in the fold? Funny how the same kind of dirty tricks are back in th4e game, especially with a General Election in the offing.
Isn’t Labour’s Sleaze Creator General, what was his name again, MacNewlywed or something, back in the fold? Funny how the same kind of dirty tricks are suddenly back in the game, especially with a General Election in the offing.
Hopefully, the women whose photos were shopped online by the Mirror hack will be suing for breach of confidentiality.
Since when has it been lawful to use other peoples photos to snare and entrap others-even oafs as dopey as Nomark?
After the hacking compo of last week-let`s hope they get the pants sued off them, so only the Guardian remains to groom Labours stools .