Pub boss threatens to call time after apparently being “stitched up” by the BBC’s TV licence enforcers:
He claims that he didn’t know he was summoned to court and didn’t have a TV set at the time TV Licensing claims he was watching unlicensed.
We hear a lot of stories like this! It’s little wonder, given the fact TV Licensing employees earn commission for every collar they feel, by fair means or foul.
Here’s a thought that is never going to be aired on the BBC, although part of it has, recounting the fate of the poor British Jihadis who had gone to Syria and didn’t like it but couldn’t get back because ISIS had taken their passports. They daren’t ask for them back because ISIS might view it as desertion and kill them.
Here’d the other side of the coin.
ISIS have the passports of British Jihadis who are not getting them back for a myriad of reasons not least being KIA, but what’s to stop some other Jihadist hell bent on revenge for UK bombing them, using one or more of these passports to enter the UK and exact that revenge?
Of course our security services work very hard to protect us especially in the face of lunatic politicians who don’t even want to believe there is a Muslim threat, but it only takes one of them to get through to cause a terrorist outrage.
This guy must be crapping himself ! If anyone’s told him of course !
Daniel Fitzsimons, from Rochdale, is currently serving 20 years in an Iraqi prison for the murders of Droylsden dad-of-two Paul McGuigan and Australian Darren Hoare
I’ve just got around to watching da beeb’s ‘The Secret History of our Streets’ (which was on a few months ago) concerning Glasgow’s Duke Street, supposedly the longest street in Britain (although wiki says there’s a longer street in Aberdeen). A stirring tale of Duke Street’s ordinary folk taking on the bureaucrats of Glasgow Corporation who decided on a year zero solution to Glasgow’s housing problems i.e. wholesale destruction of entire neighbourhoods and the movement of people onto far away schemes which soon turned into the gangster-ridden, crack-dens/graffiti-covered, shit-holes. Anyway, one Glasgee smackheed was allowed to get away with saying that Thatcher was responsible for the alcohol and drug abuse at these schemes/high rise flats and if the Tories get back in, it’ll go back to that (as if it ever went away). I know Thatcher is responsible for a lot of things but forcing a bottle of Buckfast in your mouth or sticking a needle into your fucking arm isn’t one of them.
Beard. Jammies. ‘Colourful views’. What’s not to like?
Guess they are just compensating for one of those rare occasions when they were told that dashing straight for him at the drop of an atrocity was overdoing the oxygen of publicity.
By doing the exact same thing.
The BBC: we don’t need to learn lessons, we teach them (check out There’s Something About Mary)
Nick Clegg says ‘universal suffrage’ means what it says on the tin.
I’m waiting for the BBC to challenge him on the words ‘liberal’ and ‘democrat’, neither of which describe the contents of his ‘tin’.
(For balance they could also ask which part of the best of the past the Conservatives are ‘conserving’ and what Labour has done to support ‘the working man’ for the last 50 years).
AL Beeb reports the first case of Ebola has been confirmed in the US.
This is interesting, as they have more stringent checks on their borders than we have – lets hope our border controllers are now going to wake up?
Here in Italy I get something called BBC Pop Up which is so stupid I imagine the BBC feed it only to us furriners? It’s described as
“The BBC has launched its first mobile bureau in the US, as part of an experimental project. On the road for 6 months from September 2014, BBC Pop Up comprises a small team of BBC video journalists who are taking up residence in a different US city each month to produce locally sourced short and long-form video content for the BBC’s global news services on TV and online.
BBC Pop Up is an immersive journalism experiment driven by three key objectives:”
Etc and much more Birt speak.
The first report is of rape in a US college. Hardly suitable material for video journalism? Perhaps not, what do I know …
Here’s some more (sorry if this is boring):
BBC News not only brings audiences the latest breaking news, it also gives them the global perspective – showing the diversity of people’s lives and helping people understand how international stories are connected.
As part of the BBC’s commitment to live the story, we’re launching a new project called BBC Pop Up.
Living the story, of rape, is a strange choice to pick.
“Of course the body which rules whether or not a complaint has a “reasonable prospect of success” and which rejects or accepts an appeal is none other than the self-regulating BBC itself.
The concept of stakeholders in an organisation they are obliged to fund by law being subjected to limitations on complaints on the basis of arbitrary decisions made by that same self-regulating organisation is surely one which is worthy of public debate ahead of the renewal of the BBC’s Royal Charter in 2016.”
Catch-22 to be sure, now with added Leopard in the basement.
That such a system exists, and is allowed to prevail, is indeed a wonder. Maybe Sajid could ask Rona or Lord Tone could get a spokesperson to explain whilst he’s jetting about?
By the way they phrase their phone-in questions shall ye know them. You or I might ask should British jihadis be locked up for a long time, should they have their citizenship revoked, passport confiscated, deported etc. The BBC asks on Nicky Campbells phone-in
Should jihadis receive an amnesty?
“We’ve had a lost of support for amnesty”, Nicky says at the end.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Pub boss threatens to call time after apparently being “stitched up” by the BBC’s TV licence enforcers:
He claims that he didn’t know he was summoned to court and didn’t have a TV set at the time TV Licensing claims he was watching unlicensed.
We hear a lot of stories like this! It’s little wonder, given the fact TV Licensing employees earn commission for every collar they feel, by fair means or foul.
End of an era as BBC letters are removed from TVC:
This is quite symbolic I think. Hopefully it’s a sign of what’s yet to become with the BBC!
Here’s a thought that is never going to be aired on the BBC, although part of it has, recounting the fate of the poor British Jihadis who had gone to Syria and didn’t like it but couldn’t get back because ISIS had taken their passports. They daren’t ask for them back because ISIS might view it as desertion and kill them.
Here’d the other side of the coin.
ISIS have the passports of British Jihadis who are not getting them back for a myriad of reasons not least being KIA, but what’s to stop some other Jihadist hell bent on revenge for UK bombing them, using one or more of these passports to enter the UK and exact that revenge?
Of course our security services work very hard to protect us especially in the face of lunatic politicians who don’t even want to believe there is a Muslim threat, but it only takes one of them to get through to cause a terrorist outrage.
This guy must be crapping himself ! If anyone’s told him of course !
Daniel Fitzsimons, from Rochdale, is currently serving 20 years in an Iraqi prison for the murders of Droylsden dad-of-two Paul McGuigan and Australian Darren Hoare
I’ve just got around to watching da beeb’s ‘The Secret History of our Streets’ (which was on a few months ago) concerning Glasgow’s Duke Street, supposedly the longest street in Britain (although wiki says there’s a longer street in Aberdeen). A stirring tale of Duke Street’s ordinary folk taking on the bureaucrats of Glasgow Corporation who decided on a year zero solution to Glasgow’s housing problems i.e. wholesale destruction of entire neighbourhoods and the movement of people onto far away schemes which soon turned into the gangster-ridden, crack-dens/graffiti-covered, shit-holes. Anyway, one Glasgee smackheed was allowed to get away with saying that Thatcher was responsible for the alcohol and drug abuse at these schemes/high rise flats and if the Tories get back in, it’ll go back to that (as if it ever went away). I know Thatcher is responsible for a lot of things but forcing a bottle of Buckfast in your mouth or sticking a needle into your fucking arm isn’t one of them.
P.S. I’m not even a Tory
Three showings of Anjem Choudary on UK tv today – two on the BBC and one on C4.
Each time he was given the chance to state his position with a ‘poor me’ context.
Just WTF is wrong with our journalists and editors?
Beard. Jammies. ‘Colourful views’. What’s not to like?
Guess they are just compensating for one of those rare occasions when they were told that dashing straight for him at the drop of an atrocity was overdoing the oxygen of publicity.
By doing the exact same thing.
The BBC: we don’t need to learn lessons, we teach them (check out There’s Something About Mary)
Nick Clegg says ‘universal suffrage’ means what it says on the tin.
I’m waiting for the BBC to challenge him on the words ‘liberal’ and ‘democrat’, neither of which describe the contents of his ‘tin’.
(For balance they could also ask which part of the best of the past the Conservatives are ‘conserving’ and what Labour has done to support ‘the working man’ for the last 50 years).
AL Beeb reports the first case of Ebola has been confirmed in the US.
This is interesting, as they have more stringent checks on their borders than we have – lets hope our border controllers are now going to wake up?
Here in Italy I get something called BBC Pop Up which is so stupid I imagine the BBC feed it only to us furriners? It’s described as
“The BBC has launched its first mobile bureau in the US, as part of an experimental project. On the road for 6 months from September 2014, BBC Pop Up comprises a small team of BBC video journalists who are taking up residence in a different US city each month to produce locally sourced short and long-form video content for the BBC’s global news services on TV and online.
BBC Pop Up is an immersive journalism experiment driven by three key objectives:”
Etc and much more Birt speak.
The first report is of rape in a US college. Hardly suitable material for video journalism? Perhaps not, what do I know …
Here’s some more (sorry if this is boring):
BBC News not only brings audiences the latest breaking news, it also gives them the global perspective – showing the diversity of people’s lives and helping people understand how international stories are connected.
As part of the BBC’s commitment to live the story, we’re launching a new project called BBC Pop Up.
Living the story, of rape, is a strange choice to pick.
“Of course the body which rules whether or not a complaint has a “reasonable prospect of success” and which rejects or accepts an appeal is none other than the self-regulating BBC itself.
The concept of stakeholders in an organisation they are obliged to fund by law being subjected to limitations on complaints on the basis of arbitrary decisions made by that same self-regulating organisation is surely one which is worthy of public debate ahead of the renewal of the BBC’s Royal Charter in 2016.”
Catch-22 to be sure, now with added Leopard in the basement.
That such a system exists, and is allowed to prevail, is indeed a wonder. Maybe Sajid could ask Rona or Lord Tone could get a spokesperson to explain whilst he’s jetting about?
By the way they phrase their phone-in questions shall ye know them. You or I might ask should British jihadis be locked up for a long time, should they have their citizenship revoked, passport confiscated, deported etc. The BBC asks on Nicky Campbells phone-in
Should jihadis receive an amnesty?
“We’ve had a lost of support for amnesty”, Nicky says at the end.
Last sentence corrected.
“We’ve had a *lot* of support for amnesty”, Nicky says at the end.