I was listening to Tony Livesey castigating Sky News journalist Martin Brunt and explaining that the internet troll, Brenda Leyland, who has killed herself after being investigated by the police and interviewed by Brunt for Sky News, was in fact merely expressing an opinion in her Tweets and Livesey asks are we now unable to express opinions without the Press doorstepping, hounding and exposing us?
An interesting take on ‘opinion’ and freedom of speech by the BBC which is very quick to pillory anyone who steps over the BBC imposed line of ‘common decency’…..
#BBCtrending: The racist video that’s shocked Australia
Followed up by this report…
Australia train rant: Is racism getting worse?
Never mind theBBC’s hounding of the EDL leader Tommy Robinson who held the same views as our esteemed PM who recently told us that we must destroy this ‘poisonous ideology’…you know the one, brought to us by the ‘enemies of the UK’.
I guess Robinson was white and working class and therefore not entitled to an ‘opinion’ if it jarred with the Latteratti.
Yet to see the BBC being so eager to show Black people racially abusing whites.
Essentially this is just another ruse to attack Murdoch and his media empire.
Yesterday the Independent headlined with this story which concentrated its attack on Murdoch and the Mail:
With Alan Henning’s death, the media finally stops playing the terrorists’ tune
No surprise there, the author was Joan Smith, executive director of ‘Hacked Off’
And why no mention on the BBC of this from the Mirror on Saturday…the day Brenda Leyland took her own life:
Madeleine McCann internet trolls are devoid of humanity – much like the people who abducted her
One of these trolls, Brenda Leyland, is a church-going 60-something divorcee who lives in a pretty village in the Home Counties. She looks like a perfectly respectable woman. But of course she isn’t.
She’s a cowardly bully who hides behind her smart front door and spews her bile in secret because she doesn’t have the guts to do it in public.
This piece of work was sending up to 50 texts a day to the McCanns. But when Sky News cameras approached her she wasn’t quite so brave.
She looked like a frightened rabbit (typical). But as she was running away (also typical) she said she thought she was entitled to do what she’d done.
Really? She thinks she’s entitled to threaten, hound and bully the innocent? Is that because her own life is so lonely, so miserable, so poisoned that she wants others to suffer the same. Or is she just a twisted, fecked up bitch who gets her kicks from hurting people.
Well, newsflash for these sickos – you guys aren’t the worst thing that’s ever happened to Kate and Gerry McCann. The very worst thing that could ever happen to them already has. And they will for ever have to live with that. I truly hope all the people in that dossier are prosecuted and I hope Sky continue to confront and identify every one of them. We should all know what a black heart and a twisted mind looks like.
Let’s see how brave and opinionated they are when their evil is made public alongside their names and their faces.
Quite vitriolic…and yet not a peep from the BBC about the Mirror’s piece.
Nor indeed is there any criticism of the BBC’s own interview with Gerry McCann when he said
on Friday “Clearly something needs to be done about the abuse on the internet. I think we probably need more people charged.”
John Humphrys asks what should happen to the woman who trolled the McCanns saying ‘This woman was pretty vile about you and your wife….’
McCann stated that “I’m glad to see the law around this area is being reviewed, but I do think we need to make examples of people who are causing damage.”
So he wanted an example to be made of people like Brenda Leyland.
And yet it is Martin Brunt from Murdoch’s Sky that takes the blame for the death of this women…not the police investigation which she knew about, nor the Mirror, nor the BBC itself.
In her Tweets Brenda Leyland says ‘outing’ trolls, or shills, is a good thing….
516506719313473536|Mon Sep 29 08:36:12 +0000 2014|#mccann Outing Shills who have threatened others, is no different to FBI releasing name of Jihadi John, 4 good of safety
She also wants to see Oscar Pistorious ‘shamed, ruined and alone’….
512966679706746880|Fri Sep 19 14:09:21 +0000 2014|#justice4Reeva The : Rip tide ” is indeed Global, Oscar is reviled in Europe and the USA, we hope he is shamed, ruined and alone
Here she attacks the McCanns, wishing the worst upon them….
512142957022302208|Wed Sep 17 07:36:10 +0000 2014|I fear, that we are in this 4 long haul, up to all of us to a) Bang home the facts b) make #mccann s live in shame for years
483234259252310016|Sun Jun 29 13:03:20 +0000 2014|#mccann To Kate and Gerry, you will be hated by millions for the rest of your miserable, evil, conniving lives, have a nice day !
In this Tweet she complains that the site moderator is telling her to stop the abuse…..
516692353130967040|Mon Sep 29 20:53:51 +0000 2014|#mccann Mod says ” Stop, people will get hurt ” He never ONCE said that when Shills were busy threatening, outing and stalking others
Her opinion of the moderator….
516694945034698752|Mon Sep 29 21:04:09 +0000 2014|@siamesey Mod is a total Fucktard, I despise him
It is very sad that events had such a tragic end but pillorying Martin Brunt for doing his job in a responsible fashion merely because his critics hate Murdoch is unjust…and ironically is doing the same, in fact far worse, than they are complaining that Brunt has done…what if Brunt were to commit suicide because of the trolling?
Bizarre hypocrisy from his critics…and the usual double standards from the BBC happy to park their ethics and standards when a Murdoch ‘target’ hoves into view.
I will not pass any opinion on the rights and wrongs of the McCanns here, but this woman was clearly deranged to be so full of venom, so it was right she was outed as what she was doing was unacceptable. Clearly her unbalanced mind led to her suicide, I doubt remorse as much as embarrassment at being caught. The only person to blame was the woman herself.
But the hypocritical BBC having the gall to blame Sky is disgusting. Using the death of a sad nutter to have a go at their, innocent, rivals is wicked!.
You’re a disrespectful moron. Questioning the McCanns is legitimate and not to be called “trolling” or any other of the abusive things you claim Brenda Leyland to have been.
Journalists are in no position to attack anyone for “trolling” given what they say and write every single day.
Is this questioning the McCanns?
483234259252310016|Sun Jun 29 13:03:20 +0000 2014|#mccann To Kate and Gerry, you will be hated by millions for the rest of your miserable, evil, conniving lives, have a nice day !
Or this?
512142957022302208|Wed Sep 17 07:36:10 +0000 2014|I fear, that we are in this 4 long haul, up to all of us to a) Bang home the facts b) make #mccann s live in shame for years
this a new week and a new line up on radio 5 live with its new presenters,anybody that thought vicky derbyshire was more left wing than a cuban road sign has not heard the diatribe and rethoric of old big head know it all tony livesey,the new line up on radio 5 live is a definite sign of where that station is going with its drift to the far left and liberalism,tony livesey is daddy of them all and i will be not surpised in the future if the comments of arrogant comrade tony livesey features strongly in this blog.