Hi folks! Just back from a week’s holiday and apart from enduring the occasional BBC World Service broadcast, managed to avoid the ‘world class” journalism so beloved of the Beeb. Ah, bliss. Now, back to reality…
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Looks like Sky news is learning from bBC, Skies big news story was the one they broke about the woman who was one of those sending tweets about the McCann’s. Was that is until she topped herself, then ‘what story’, gone not a peep. I know another News service that does the same.
Correction: just seen a news entry, lasted for about 15secs. NO mention that Sky was the one that outed her.
another victim of Saints Gerry and Kate. No doubt I’ll have Sky at my doorstep for posting this
‘No doubt I’ll have Sky at my doorstep’
Or you might get Hugh Grant, another one from Hacked Off with clout.
Apologies. He really is a wonderful actor and deserves a place within the BBC. Don’t want to get into trouble now
Looking on the Yahoo posts and others. The sympathy shown to this couple by the BBC and media is in contrast to the large number of hostile comments from many of the public.
As a newby around here who is 99% in agreement with the general thrust of this website can i offer a small plea against the vindictive trolls who trail the Mccann’s ?
These people seem to have nothing better to do in life but twit endless abuse at a pair of people who no matter what might be your feelings about their shortcomings as parents still have to suffer the daily grief of a missing child.
The fact is that many of these trolls seem to live in the maccann’s locality and try and follow their daily routines so as to twit about their bravery of making faces at them in some supermarket carpark, thereby making themselves feel virtuous and good members of society.
Sorry, but brave these people are not, silly gossips with too much time on their hands they most certainly are, as seen by the attitude and location of the troll on SKY who has been found out and decided rather than face any legal issues to end it all in a hotel room.
The McCann’s didn’t court fame, they had it dumped on them in the most unpleasant way possible, we ought not show any support for nasty trolls.
Thank you
Totally agree.
3 year old left in charge of 2 babies so parents can go out and get pissed. If that were to ever happen I’m sure everyone would think it a shocking state of affairs. (No relation to any past, present or future news article) Just thinking out loud M’ Lud.
I’m not usually a class warrior but I will become one for a bit…..if the McCains had been a couple who work in Mcdonalds then the media would have torn them a new one and made sure that public opinion was against them. I have my ideas about what really happened but I’ll keep them to myself
in fact I don’t know anyone who likes the McCains and paid off their mortgage with the fund set up to find their daughter…horrible couple
INBBC still tries to perpetuate myth of receding Islmic jihad in Libya,
and it refuses to update its 2012 Utopian pieces such as this-
“Has Libya bucked the Islamist trend?”
By Rana Jawad
BBC News, Tripoli (2012).
Update for INBBC, as of October, 2014:-
“Islamic State Militants First Seen in Derna, Eastern Libya: Reports”
Isis using human shields? Never. A bit like claims made by those Israelis during their conflict with Gaza, when we were told that the IDS were targeting civilians.
Couldn’t help notice the odd caption on one of the photographs.
Raqqa residents fear the air strikes will help IS reconcile with the Syrian rebel groups it is currently fighting
One of the ‘residents’ is carrying a Kalashnikov and two are raising a single raised index finger, which I believe stands for one Allah, one true religion i.e. Islam and one Caliphate. It is also the gesture associated with the Islamic State.
If they are residents I don’t want to live in that neighbourhood.
The Neighbourhood Watch AGM minutes must be a hoot…
1. Tow Mo from No.42 down the street behind a moped. Blame Israel.
2. Throw Mo from No.46 off the roof of No. 44. Blame Israel.
3. Get the kids from Nos. 42 & 46 into the play area. Launch rocket. Blame Israel.
That said if the onesie being sported by the dude on the left is any indication, the wives-swapping parties must be epic.
that’s a really good point and never noticed until you pointed it out!
I use a similar one fingered gesture whenever I see IS on tv. Though I use the one next to my index finger.
How likely was Clarkson’s car registration number likely to have been a mistake? This morning’s City AM have kindly provided a guesstimate:
With kids on board, vanity or rude or risque plates can be a spotting opportunity.
However, I simply question how anyone can make the leap to a combination of outraged significance as that set whizzes by without a bit of a nudge.
But as areas of precedent do swirl around the BBC, maybe time to trawl the corporate carparks (innocent face) to see if some long-standing market rate’s Porsche or even camper van sports something like A 69 SVL (feel free to play and improve:).
The odds calculated, (following the link), are rubbish, it doesn’t matter what make of car the plates were on.
I can’t believe that the average Argentinian in the street would be offended by the number plate. I would even suggest that if, as puzzle, the question “What does this number plate suggest to you?” had been put in The Guardian no-one would have got it. Even GCHQ working night and day would have struggled.
Yet we are told that ‘thousands’ threw stones at a car marked ‘FLK’ supposedly referencing the islands known to the locals as Islas Malvinas.
What next, Clarkson taking a Jaguar to Köln with the number K942CGE, (a blatant reference to ‘the thousand bomber raid’ (K) in (1)942 on ColoGnE)?
I have an alternative scenario. The plates were no more than a coincidence. Someone from production management noticed, thought a little action would be good television and informed some Argentinian hoodlums. It just got out of hand.
Now all concerned are seat covering and I am not referring to upholstery.
Certainly if winding up social media to full flounce was the intention…. Bingo!
Interesting the polarisation in comments. In the Jezza corner, the ‘stick it to ’em’ brigade; and from parts of the BBC who haven’t grasped what’s sparing them from a P45, Milibanwagon demands for yet another inquiry, apology, epaulette-ripping or public execution.
Speaking of which, maybe Gavin Esler can break out his Dateline London Jane’s book of Sabre-rattling and reconvene the chaps from the last Falklands love-fest, to assess proportionality and decide that a lynching would be entirely justified for driving around with a number and letter number plate combo that may or may not be dissing folk a lot older than those who turned up, using a malaprop code.
It occurred to me that Clarkson et al had been set up by somebody, and that somebody was the BBC itself. While the BBC always play the “it is popular and makes us loads of dosh” card I think it is fair to say that Top Gear is despised by some BBC staff, so perhaps the opportunity to sling some mud was too much to resist?
Jeremy Clarkson is in the news for the wrong reasons; driven from Argentina by crowds of angry war veterans for an offensive number plate, which read: H982 FKL.
Clarkson says
“He explained that it was merely a coincidence and that two days in to the journey, when he realised the issue via Twitter, they were removed.
He said; ‘The number plate in question was not even mentioned down there because it had been replaced.”
“because it had been replaced”
So canary wharf (cant) giveaway ad flyer gets it wrong again
In two words, ‘Highly Unlikely’. This incident though demonstrates perfectly why I despise Argentinians. It’s ok for them to send one of their athletes to the Falklands and desecrate a memorial to Britain’s war dead. It’s a different story though when a group of middle aged, middle class men go to Argentina, and drive a car with a plate referencing the war. Argentina, the country that evolution forgot.
When will the British public learn that the news output of the BBC is not to be trusted, and that many of its so-called journalists lack the ability to be impartial and therefore do not derserve that tile? The public funding of that organisation needs to stop immediately, unless it is prepared to adopt a more professional approach. If members of the public stopped paying their licence fee, “Auntie” would soon be brought to her senses!
Paddy Pantsdown on the Politics Show this lunchtime laying down his conditions for joining a coalition in the unlikely event that they even get enough voters to fill a phone box. never mind win a parliamentary. seat. Asked by Andrew Neil if how they would select the “lucky” party, good old Pantsdown said that they would have to consider whether to base their selection on the total number of votes won or the number of seats won. Not a hint of irony that it was his merry mob that voted out the re-drawing of the constituency boundaries which would have at least made the number of votes cast reflect the number of seats won.
‘enough voters to fill a phone box’
Totally OT, but the Guido image collection from the conference suggests that they’d struggle to achieve a party member to voter one-on-one complement.
It will be interesting how the BBC continues to accord the Limp Dims coverage, doubtless based mainly on ‘bashing stuff and folk we don’t like’ basis.
Rotherham according to the BBC
“Islamic State and Rotherham abuse ‘fuelling far right'”
So, the real problem of Rotherham is it might fuel the far right?! Surely left wing, right wing, centre, all decent people are outraged that over 1400 children were abused by organised paedophile gangs protected by police, social services and local authority indifference. It’s not a political position to want justice.
“Rotherham protest: Traders call for demonstration ban”
According to the BBC, people protesting against inaction are a problem. Well maybe if there was some action for justice people wouldn’t feel compelled to demonstrate.
“Karl Battersby, Rotherham Borough Council’s Strategic Director for Environment and Development Services, said: “These marches are just not welcome in Rotherham.”
Well Karl, for 16 years paedophile rape gangs were ‘welcome’ in Rotherham, so maybe a few days disruption for marches is not such a big deal?
The Guardian reports clearly what the problem is
“Widespread sexual abuse in Rotherham has caused outrage – but little action
While the alleged abusers still walk free, many victims lack support, legal help, and even police protection from the men they have accused”
Samira Ahmed’s (the writer of the Guardian piece) special report on Rotherham is on BBC1 HD tonight (6 October) at 7.30pm. So let’s see if the BBC can be shamed by it’s own programme into realising that the real problem in Rotherham is not the ‘far right’ but the lack of justice.
This is a time for all those in positions of power and responsibility, including the BBC as the nations leading news organisation, to stand up and be counted.
Yes, INBBC is in denial about the Islamic aspects of both the Rotherham violent sex attackers, and of Islamic State.
Rotherham abuse ‘fuelling far right’”?
Whether the BBC, or anyone likes it or not, it is a simple statement of fact, that the BNP were first to expose muslim grooming gangs widely, as long ago as 2001, I think Mr Griffin went to trial about 2004 after the BBC Secret Agent programme, where I think he spoke about it.
The talk then was of 60 young girl victims that had been known about, in and around Keighley, a Lancashire paper had stated (if I recall correctly) over a hundred.
Rotherham and all the other towns suffering,(and still suffering) Muslim paedophile gang abuse should have been … ‘fuelling”…
The Police,
The Councils,
The BBC,
The Childrens Services
The Children s Charities,
and MPs of EVERY faction.
It is telling what used to be the BNP, Britain First, marched in Rotherham this year, and apparently were warned by the police that Justice For Victims of Muslim Paedophile Gangs banners, should not be shown, or used.
What would be the BBCs view?,
any guesses?,
shoot the messenger?
ban the message? … perhaps
There is still an enormous media issue here
I am finding it hard to believe that even after all the sorry dirty mess has come to light still no action is being taken by the authorities. The the hell do they expect from ordinary people, of course they/we are bloody angry.
Look! Labour voters like this kind of thing! They’re quite happy for the children to be abused, even their own if necessary. Just look at the polls for the coming Heywood elections where the Rochdale gang abused their victims if you don’t believe me.
Talking to one committed Labour voter, he said he would still vote Labour if they promised to slowly torture him to death and sell his grandkids into sexual slavery.
At this rate it might turn out to be a prophecy not some daft unlikely question.
Good luck with that.
The BBC is back on the ‘expensive food’ promotion again, (ignoring The Food Programme where that is a staple [sorry!])
Analysis has author Michael Pollan pushing the line. How to pay for it? Well we need a complete social change, increased benefits and increased minimum wages. Right up the BBC’s street.
I wonder who will pay these wages and benefits, once the supermarkets and food processors have closed down? No doubt the ‘honest poor’ will get jobs back on the land, doing the odd turn for the retired BBC staff who will expect to still make £200k p.a. on the back of six named free-range chickens living on their Surrey ‘small holdings’!
For the plebs Jeremy Vine tackles the low price of milk. Apparently he was touched about his earlier story on deliveries of milk in glass bottles. Despite the wise words of his wife he is now shelling out 80p per pint. Breakfast at the Vine’s must be fun now as daddy is forced to drink his expensive bottled milk that has just ‘turned’ and shows evidence of being sampled by the local birds! Meanwhile the rest of the family ‘get by’ with their fresh-tasting, chilled, homogenous, ‘cheap’, supermarket stuff.
I don’t see how it really matters! The country is F****d thanks to years of Labour and Nu Tory stupidity, the old Keynsian / Friedman economic models are difficult if not impossible to apply.
In the old days Keynes would advocate spending in the bad times borrowing if necessary, and paying back in the good.
Monetarism is more about the control of the money supply.
With mass immigration, and mass people born here who maintain strong links with the ‘home’ country, money can flow out of the economy as soon as it is released into it.
What’s the solution ? I don’t know, but I do know that it isn’t going to work if it involves starving millions of people to death, while cutting taxes for the rich !
I wonder how long you could survive on next to nothing before you resorted to crime to feed yourself ?
One of the things we often rail about here is the way that the Television Tax criminalises the poor and that people on very low incomes are denied access to what should be free to watch programs without paying.
200 000 people criminalised last year alone goodness knows how many imprisoned.
We all pay into a system which is supposed to pay out to at least pay us a minimum amount we need to live on – if it stops doing that then we shouldn’t be paying for it !
The only parties talking about balancing the budget is UKIP and the Fib Dems.
Both the Tories & Labour are on massive spending binges, Tories want to make the rich richer, Labour want to give a little more to the poor. To be honest Labour have the better policy, because the poor will spend the money in the economy whereas the rich will save it probably abroad!
Okay, so i decided to watch the recent panorama programme regarding low wages…. Straight away i noticed the fact that the BBC reporter was sat wringing his hands whilst sat in a first class seat (the red number one was next to him) he then travelled first class again and again throughout his journey pretending to be sympathetic to struggling families on low wages… all i could think was `What a complete w*****r!!`
I remember that the BBC News on radio recently referred to Septembers good weather as being a “severe weather event”.
Let`s hope October is just as apocalyptic…and only the climate change numpties like Naomi Klein and Nanny Stern would bemoan a nice bout of weather until the clocks go back.
Have deciced to start smoking for this month…the NHS seem awful keen on me doing this…it`ll be three years now since the late great Sir James of Broadcasting House laid down his medallion of peace…any chance of a retrospective into how he`s put Yorkshire on the map once again?
Not THAT much worse than Paul Madely was he?
It has recovered now, but after a more than welcome ‘East Asian Subcontinent, or Native Place Between Pakistan and Bangladesh’ Summer, I can testify that this morning round here things were a bit too severe for the gutters to cope.
I am pretty sure Autumn may be skipping through to Winter soon, as can happen.
Worth pointing out that the phrase “Indian Summer” is nothing to do with the Indian sub-continent. It actually originates from North America. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_summer
I was more aiming to tease global PC-dom, and figured it was one of the two places (hence the ‘Native…’ for how the Cowboys like their locals referenced to), so that will teach me to scrimp on the research:).
And drinking , don`t they want us to cut down on the booze or Real Ale too . Couldn`t find any thing in the latest edition of What`s Brewing or Wetherspoon News however .
Paul Madeley was an excellent utility player – centre back, midfield – even a striker on occasion. Later owned a chain of DIY stores.
Far more productive than any Beeboid.
I remember that the BBC News on radio recently referred to Septembers good weather as being a “severe weather event”.
Let`s hope October is just as apocalyptic…and only the climate change numpties like Naomi Klein and Nanny Stern would bemoan a nice bout of weather until the clocks go back.
Have decided to start smoking for this month…the NHS seem awful keen on me doing this…it`ll be three years now since the late great Sir James of Broadcasting House laid down his medallion of peace…any chance of a retrospective into how he`s put Yorkshire on the map once again?
Not THAT much worse than Paul Madely was he?
I remember that the BBC News on radio recently referred to Septembers good weather as being a “severe weather event”.
Let`s hope October is just as apocalyptic…and only the climate change numpties like Naomi Klein and Nanny Stern would bemoan a nice bout of weather until the clocks go back.
Have decided to start smoking for this month…the NHS seem awful keen on me doing this…it`ll be three years now since the late great Sir James of Broadcasting House laid down his medallion of peace…any chance of a retrospective into how he`s put Yorkshire on the map once again?
Not THAT much worse than Paul Madeley was he?
have you noticed since the beheading of alan henning how the bbc are giving quiet a big platform to these self appointed muslim leaders in the last few days to tripe out this old rhetoric about islam is a religion of peace and the death of one man is like the death of humanity,i hear this all the time,isis claim and they might be right that they are true muslims who follow the true teachings of the koran and the hadith to the word,i tend to believe them.what gets me about this is just because alan henning was a freind of the muslims he is classed as a hero to them and mourned over,i find that very sectarian and offensive,i did not see the same sympathy for the british hostage david haines who got beheaded,i see no vigils.no appeals,no ribbons tied around trees for the other british hostage the british journalist john cantlie who is being held and tortured by isis and faces the same fate as alan henning,something is not right here and i think the muslim community should be appealing for the release of all these western hostages and not those in there view who help muslims out in countrys wars zones like iraq and syria,
They probably viewed the unfortunate Alan as a useful dhimmi, whereas the others are mere kufars who are of no interest.
A friend of the US hostage, next for killing by Isis, was on Radio 4 this morning . Pointing out that throughout his life he has sought to help people, is a wonderful human being and converted to Islam before he was captured and that his conversion was not a ruse to free himself. The message was clear – insisting that Islam is a religion that attracts those who care deeply for their fellow human beings .
The message was clear – insisting that Islam is a religion that attracts those who care deeply for their fellow human beings . …
and then kills them.
That’s unfair. The message is, ‘my friend is a good guy (even by your i.e. IS standards) don’t cut off his head’!
Another victim who actually believed the crap the UK Government and Media spout about Islam. I bet he also believed the beheading in Woolich was ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
Apparently Henning didn’t believe they would kill him right up to the end.
I sit next to a Muslim at work and I had to listen to him today on the phone to Bradford Council as he makes plans to turn a former pub into a Muslim community centre. I used to know a landlord of that pub, we shared a house together in the 1990s before he moved into it.
The reaction by too many… government, media, ‘groups’… has served only to highlight what a calculating bunch of chancers they all are.
What happened to him was terrible, and one has to feel for the family. But for the collective establishment to go full gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes is pathetic given, as you say, what and who has been ignored elsewhere, and doubtless will again if the social media chicken bones don’t fall correctly to make it worth their cynical, tunnel-vision trouble.
The media world was going bonkers with gush about the Indy’s ‘no propaganda’ front page. I’m afraid I was less impressed; they’ve certainly gone the right to know route before if the ratings served. If this is a watershed where they don’t ever again, and don’t stoop to crowing rather than just not doing it, then kudos. Not sure I trust ’em one jot.
At least it serves to highlight the contrast with the BBC’s Pulitzer-chasing cubicle gardeners, who are usually off on a blindfolded LandCruiser ride to discover motivations and get recipe tips to plaster over their pages before you can say ‘a nice Chianti and a side of Fava beans’.
Just, what’s that droning noise…?
Apart from their strategy of publicly beheading Westerners – and industrial quantities of others, what is the difference between IS and Hamas, Hezbullah, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc.?
Er, one of them is worth hundreds of billions of pounds in oil shipments, weapons sales and investments and so can never be criticised, but the others are not and so can be?
And in other news…
‘Richard Bacon made much noise about a portfolio career including work in America – all we know for certain is a BBC series finding top amateur painters, co-hosted with Una Stubbs, due for transmission in 2015. Meanwhile he tweets restaurant tips.’
I merely report a “quote”, free of ‘analysis’, if with maybe a hint of a tear in my eye that such a talent appears to be on side-step duty like so many before him.
Muslim population of UK is a little over 5% (but increasingly rapidly , via continuing mass immigration and high birthrates), but much higher percentage of Muslims than that appear on INBBC to deceitfully propagandise to the other 95% non-Muslims population that Islamic State barbarity is not Islamic; however, although largely excluded and censored by INBBC, non-Muslims can work out that the Islamic State is Islamic by:
1.) studying key tenets of Islam;
2.) studying Islamic imperialist history;
3.) studying how Islamic State barbaric Islamic jihadists describe themselves, and their beliefs;
4.) studying the Islamic jihad affiliations of those Muslims who join Islamic State- from the West, and from global jihadist organisations.
More fantasy from the BBC… this article asks “Why are Western women joining Islamic State?”. It gives some examples of these ‘Western women’: “missing school girl Yusra Hussien, university student Aqsa Mahmood and twins Salma and Zahra Halane”. By ‘Western’ they really mean ‘unassimilated colonist invaders currently residing in Western welfare states’. We also learn that “The perceived failure of Western states to give young Muslims a sense of belonging, purpose and value as Muslims and citizens is striking in the online accounts of these women jihadis”. Yep, you guessed – it’s all our fault after all. The article (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29507410) is written by one Dr Katherine E Brown, who appears to be a real person. According to her bio on the King’s College London website, “My research work is motivated by a concern for the ways in which knowledge about the actors and activities of security/insecurity/war are organised and gendered… Dr Brown is willing to co-supervise students wishing to research in British Muslim politics, gender and counter-terrorism, and women and political violence. ” Look forward to seeing her programmes on the BBC any day now – sounds like a perfect fit.
Because they want to be ‘comfort woman’ for 1000 unwashed jihadists. Best part is there is no way back, not the kind of job where you can say I’m tired of this now, think I’ll do something else.
But we know the ‘left-Islamic political alliance will soon campaign to get them back in Britain, new bastards included, so that they can all live on welfare benefits and breed large numbers of potential jihadists for the next generation.
Will INBBC’s Belgium-based HEWITT be covering this?:-
“Belgium: Jihad Mega-Trial Begins”
by Soeren Kern.
“BBC promises to put up a plaque to John Peel following pleas from his widow.”
-Will plaque be inappropriately placed on INBBC”s ‘John Peel wing’ which now houses INBBC’s Arabic TV service at INBBC’s London HQ (paid for by we licencepayers)?
Typical of the BBC to honour a bloke whose approach to pre-adult girls was…shall we say…a typical one of blokes when in the USA in certain states.
In short…the type of BBC staffer that gets the BBCs blessing…if only Max Clifford had discovered the Fall or cried at the Underage…sorry Undertones…
John Peel had the good sense to die ten years ago. His agent must be terrific.
‘Breitbart’ politically dissects Beeboids’ chum, Mehdi HASAN-
Robert Peston examines the ideas of Amir Sufi and Atif Mian in <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04k9n03"Analysis in preventing another financial crisis.
Surprise, surprise, what is needed is that ‘banks’ share the risks with the ‘borrowers’. So if house prices fall so does your mortgage and if you sell your house at a profit the bank takes a cut too.
What gets missed out, (in a UK context), is the way that stamp duty and capital gains taxes can be avoided too, (one for you St. Margaret of Portland Place?). This
scamscheme sounds awfully like that Sharia stuff, (part of our ‘British Values’ according to Imam Khameron).Google’s page today has an illustration referring to Thor Heyerdahl’s epic voyage on the balsa raft Kon Tiki from Peru across 5000 miles of ocean to Easter Island. It is 100 years since Heyerdahl was born, says Google.
Now THAT would have made some interesting programming for today – the voyage itself which was hot news at the time, including the near wrecking on a reef, plus Heyerdahl’s theory (now disproven) that the Easter Island stone block cutting started from Peru. The BBC must have tons of existing footage and recordings on all this – drama at sea, history, the curiosities of Easter Island, Heyerdahl’s genuine concerns for the environment. Colourful and educational.
But no. The bloody BBC would rather give us a dose of Naomi Klein advocating the abolition of capitalism. Is the BBC doing anything to remember Kon Tiki ? – I can’t see anything.
A BBC article from 2002 when Heyerdahl died said “The Kon-Tiki expedition caught the imagination of a world enduring post-war austerity” – his book sold 60 million copies. “Heyerdahl will be forever remembered as the Kon-Tiki man”
Remembered by millions of people – but now forgotten by the pig-ignorant BBC ?
here is the 2002 article :
What do you expect, Thor is just white scum to the Bbc . Can`t see them doing a programme on Essex & East Anglian culture, through the centuries , as we are all white scum too .Now if it had been some ethnic rasta from Ethiopia ,doing what Thor achieved , they will make multi programmes to ram down whiteys throat, to prove African culture & superiority .
Just watched Coronation Street with a lesson on how peace loving and welcoming Muslims are. How the Eid festival is for openness and self sacrifice not like our uncouth western traditions. We had a little lecture on what this Eid celebration was in aid of also. And then we had a non-Muslim white boy hitting on a Muslim Asian girl who was all smiles. What next Albert Square doing one better Phil Mitchell converting?
It may be a much loved long running programme, but Coronation Street is highly subversive. There are a disproportionate number of homosexuals in it. Marriage ceremonies always go wrong. Fathers are feckle, abandoning their offspring until rediscovered late in life. Nearly every new man/woman relationship in it involves a multi-racial couple. Look at the scenes in the Rover’s Return and notice how, invariably, there are ethnics in the background. None of these things are necessarily wrong or objectionable in their own right, but are shown in such frequency that it is clear there is an “agenda” at work.
Doctor Who is exactly the same and that is aimed at children
shame as the new Doctor is actually very good but the show has turned into a soap opera to keep the girlies who watch happy
also a disproportionate number of alleged rapists and kiddy fiddlers
did you notice that american hostage has now converted to islam and his mother was wearing a blue niqab in that appeal to save him,dont think that matters to the islamists,they will still behead him.
Anyone catch “Inside Out”? BBC 1?
“Criminals”… who exploited … “Women” across the north of England ?
I m sorry ….. I ll translate the “Beeb-ish” for our readers
… Yep … its Rotherham, and Muslim Paedophile Gang Rapists/Sex
Traffickers .
“Women”? … well … if 11 and 12 year olds count that is.
The BBC have the abject, and total insensitivity to send …
… Samira Ahmed … to get the harrowing story.
Plus, they illuminate us that it is a, “gender” issue not a “race”
issue … (the link is Islamic issue? .. hello anyone home?)
in this report on, “Muslim”? Paedophile gangs!.
The BBC show their overt protection for all things Islam, by a
shameful link , to a child who was abused by a white paedophile?
What has this got to do with Oxford, Derby, Bradford, Rotherham Keighley. Leeds etc … yep! … no I don t know either.
Is this what you get … “up north”?
Shame, SHAME! on the BBC
There is so much “wrong” here its hard to know where to start
A local TV report on the epidemic of Muslim paedophile gangs in northern England.
Racist Muslim Paedophile Epidemic
But do start somewhere ! Just focus on one thing in the programme that was wrong and complain to the BBC. The BBC may just be able to deal with one issue and that will be an achievement -it ‘s so important to complain. Make them work to explain something – don’t let them get away with it all because there is too much to complain about .
It would appear that leftie Daves favouritism of public school boys is about to bite him in the ass, I’m just surprised that the BBC hasn’t made more of it.
Cameron decided he wanted to give a nice juicy EU position to his chum Lord Hill, a man he had earlier awarded a peerage.
The problem is that Cameron has been pushing for the financial services commissioner. In the anti democratic EU this appointed, not elected post carried tremendous power.
The problem is that this man has never worked in finance, and has no direct experience of it at all.
This has been found out by questioning him and he has been found wanting. Today he faces a second round of questioning.
Here is his C.V.
He was educated at Highgate School, then an all-boys independent school in the Highgate area of North London, before going up to Trinity College, Cambridge where he read History.
Hill worked in the Conservative Research Department (1985–86), before serving as Special Adviser to Kenneth Clarke at the Department of Employment, Department of Trade and Industry and Department of Health until 1989. After working for Lowe Bell Communications (1989–91), he worked at the Number 10 Policy Unit (1991–92) and served as Political Secretary to Prime Minister John Major and Head of the Prime Minister’s Political Office (1992–94) during the Maastricht Treaty negotiations. He was appointed CBE in the 1995 New Year Honours List.
Subsequently, Hill worked at Bell Pottinger Group from 1994 until 1998 as a senior consultant, before leaving to become a founding director of Quiller Consultants. (PR companies).
As you can see, absolutely no experience of finance what so ever. It would appear that this has been pushed personally by Cameron for what ever reason.
If Hill is not appointed then I am certain that Cameron will blame the EU, when on this rare occasion it isn’t their fault. I wonder what the BBC will make of this with their pro EU bias and anti Tory stance.
Over this though Cameron deserves everything he gets !
On 27 May 2010, he was created a Life Peer as Baron Hill of Oareford, of Oareford, in the County of Somerset, and was introduced to the House of Lords on the same day, taking office as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Schools in the Department for Education.
It sounds as if he knows as much about financial services as Lady Ashton knows about foreign affairs.
So were Kinnocio & Ashton all qualified to do their jobs when appointed by Blair & Brown ? I don`t think so , one was totally useless ,& sucking it up for the freebee , the other nobody had ever heard of ,like the the rest of the EU Commissars . Mr T . just because you got it in for DC , no doubt you will be cheering on Millitwat at the next election . Anyhow I quite like DC , he is the best of a bad bunch .
He doesn’t have to know anything about finance as he will have no policy nor decision making functions. He is a figurehead whose job is to sit on top of an army of public sector minions who will do all the work necessary.
It’s just another one of those jobs, never open to the like of you and I, where our money is used to pay for their lifestyle.
And they wonder why the peasants are revolting.
BBC News this morning, and, as usual, we are required to accept two unlikely propositions before breakfast.
Firstly, the missing British teenaged girl who popped off to join ‘so-called Islamic State’…. “is afraid of returning – in case she is arrested”
Well, to be fair, there are other reasons that I myself have turned my back on committing acts of treason and terrorism – but I guess fear of arrest and prosecution are reasonably significant.
Next up, “Ebola does not respect international borders” – actually the BBC may find that it is those people infected with the virus that are crossing the borders. In fact cases in the West seem to be the reasult of our own international health services whipping people out of Africa and winging them back here tout suite.
Still, “Ebola does not respect international borders” is a fine slogan and a clarion call for our International Health Service sister organisation to our well-funded Internation Broadcasting Corp.
“Still, “Ebola does not respect international borders” is a fine slogan ”
So is “ISIL does not respect international borders”
Seems to me that an outbreak of Ebola in the new Capihate is long overdue
Ed Davey, this morning, struggling with the likelihood that the LibDumbs will do a “U” turn over airport expansion.
He is still raving on about carbon reduction, and greenhouse gas emissions and intends to shut all coal-fired power stations by 2025. He won’t admit that the CO2 fallacy has been totally debunked. Still under the delusional impression that “renewables” will provide all our electricity, and satisfy demand. I notice that the BBC refer to him as the “Climate Change Secretary” – a very grand title, but utterly stupid – a little like him.
I wish to arrange for Mr. Davey to be buried up to his neck in some convenient slag heap, and the general public to be invited to hurl lumps of nutty slack at his head.
Professor Cantle on Radio 4 said something I think the BBC weren’t expecting.
The usual gushing leftie ‘well how would you repair community cohesion in Rotherham’?
Well he replied we have to get away from the Labour policy of completely ignoring the problems and talk openly about them !
‘Community cohesion’ is not the problem. The question should be ‘well how would you deal with organised paedophile rape gangs in Rotherham?’.
One radical answer would be to treat them as criminals.
INBBC’s ‘Today’ gave broadcasting time to Moazam Begg this morning
(i-player, about 8:20 am).
A typical exchange:
‘Will you condemn Islamic State?’
‘Look, Sarah..’.
For INBBC, more on chum Begg-
“Alan Henning, Cage and Moazzam Begg”
INBBC ‘Today’ does not have on e.g. Robert Spencer to criticise Islamic nature of Islamic State?
Instead, INBBC continues to feed us the Islamic propaganda of the Moazzam Beggs.
I actually got the feeling that midway through that interview Ms Montague suddenly realised what a despicable creature she was dealing with.
She put in a:
“thank you very much” at end of interview.
The distaste certainly came through but, in this struggle against the government, any weapon will do – even scum like Begg. Moreover, the extended interview with Begg cleverly linked to the earlier Today interview with the US parents of a (I believe – I didn’t hear the intro to this one) murdered hostage. They blamed the US (and by implication the UK) governments for IS murder by their refusal to pay ransom as a matter of policy. As the father implied “what’s a few million here or there in payments to IS against the cost of war?”.
He might have been correct that the US government (and, by implication the UK government) bungled any rescue or release. However, this is only another example of victims – or victims’ families – trying to dictate policy. For another instance, only last night on BBC1 10:00 News we were given Alan Henning’s uncle blaming Cameron for not coughing up to rescue Alan. Setting aside the understandable upset, even I – not a fan of Cameron – don’t consider that Cameron was, effectively, wielding the IS knife personally which is the presumed position of the Hennings family and the BBC on this.
Missing in the coverage of this saga (and this is not restricted to BBC coverage) is the question of the responsibility of Henning (and the other victims) for their own fate. FFS Henning was warned that he would be in mortal danger. Even on the BBC he and we were shown the murderous expression of Islam (sorry “so-called” Islam) practised by IS. So it’s not as if Henning didn’t know what he was risking. And still the victims’ families expect taxpayers to cough up – and/or British soldiers to risk their lives – for these displays of what can only be described as perverse vanity.
Absolutely correct. Without wishing to seem unsympathetic it appears to me that Mr. Henning made some bad choices in his life which ultimately led to his demise.
bad choices like trusting his co-passengers
I noticed Mozzam Begg offered to help in the release of Alan Henning. he said he knew the group who was keeping Alan. Odd how a totally innocent law-bidding upstanding citizen of this great country should know these things
The Islamic State is the biggest danger the West has faced in decades. The leadership in the West is complacent. There are many who are afraid to speak their minds because of years of political correct brainwashing, that we must not criticise or judge the behaviour of others.
I suspect that IS will attempt to get into Turkey before too long on their way into Europe, where sleepers will be activated to help them. And by Europe I mean England too.
Can’t happen here? That’s what they have been saying about Ebola.
Yep! …. Turkey … Gates of Baghdad
Muslims flocking from UK, France , Spain, US and Canada
to mass murder, and swell the ranks.
US bombing ineffective, IS advance
… what could wrong eh!, never mind, whens the next discussion on passports? anyone know?
Turkey is a long term goal and they won’t go for that in our lifetime.
More likely targets after the conquest of Iraq will be states which are reasonably east to conquer and control.
Jordan, because it’s not very big, Lybia, because it doesn’t have a coherent government, Algeria similar, and maybe Morocco.
Mid term goals will be Saudi Arabia and the UAE. They have announced their plans to demolish the Kabba at Mecca to the consternation of many Muslims.
Long terms goals which will require a large fighting force and equipment:
Egypt – a lot of Muslim Brotherhood members feeling persecuted but a huge well equipped army.
Iran – a huge army, not necessarily well equipped, but seeing as they’re Shia they’re no friends of ISIS and are fanatical fighters.
Turkey – a stated target, but again a huge well equipped army and no persecuted groups to help them.
Further goals
Israel – for obvious reasons.
Spain – the re-establishment of the old Caliphate.
Sicily – ditto
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘Today’ missed a political trick this morning by not having Muslim Mishal HUSAIN interview Muslim Moazzam BEGG about the ‘non-Islamic’ (!) Islamic State.
Maybe next time.
‘Jihadwatch’ archive on Moazzam Begg-
“Moazzam Begg Admits to Involvement in Henning Rescue Attempt –
One Day After Breitbart Questions”
“It is becoming increasingly clear that the charitable organisations that Alan Henning was involved with at the time of his capture may not have been all they appeared. The Al-Fatiha Global charity, which purported to raise money for the people of Syria, Bosnia, and Gaza, and for whom Henning was a ‘valued fellow convoy member, volunteer and friend’ is now under investigation by the Charity commission for links to violent extremists in Syria and misuse of funds. Its director was photographed posing with armed militants earlier this year, and it has been suggested the group who took Henning may have had received a tip-off of his coming.”
Perhaps this is how INBBC should treat the propaganda of the Moazzam Beggs-
Is Islamic State responsible for the barbaric Islamic jihad murder of Mr Henning?
INBBC does not seem sure about the answer to that question.
BBC hero – just look at the adoring portrait of this idol – could have saved Henning. There are plenty more lined up for the knife of allah. Perhaps he could try to save one of them.
More … As a adjunct to Georges post.
BBC – Begg offered help over hostage release,
(BBC eh!, shakes head)
Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg tells the BBC he offered to intervene to help secure the release of British hostage Alan Henning.
It is a measure of where the despicable Begg stands in the BBC’s Pantheon that even for an utterly pointless interview they give him the prime 8.10 am slot on Today, their flagship news programme – the slot they give to party leaders etc.
This is only a quick summation of what I picked up.
so it depends on a ruling of sharia court finding him innocent? so what about the other hostages?
would you like ISIS to be defeated?, I have already asked you and you won t answer
would you like ISIS to be defeated?
erm … er what happened to A Hemming was …
would you like ISIS to be defeated?
look erm the issue here is, I m still under some constraint
would you like ISIS to be defeated?
er … I have been found not guilty
would you like ISIS to be defeated?
erm …look, I would like peace
If Mr Begg s only interest, was freeing all prisoners
without his Islamist agenda, that is to be lauded.
However, my question would be, how can, after an interview like that, the positive shine be warranted that the BBC is glossing up on its news-pages?
BBC Radio … leader report … a growing epidemic of orchestrated child grooming in Middlesbrough, and that parents are now living in fear.?
Goodness better turn up the radio
In other news, tv celebrity begins her etc etc.
… BBC eh!
You know all that hot water in the oceans to explain the lack of global warming, as pontificated by those experts on the BBC.
Guess what it aint’ happening
Did you catch the Montague/Begg jewellery-waving bitchslap on Today at 8a.m today?
A masterclass in a railroading lefty being unable to steer one of her liberal favourites into the pen of progress and peaceful things.
Atrocious radio-and should be required listening for any proper journalist in how NOT to interview…even a client sap like Gareth Peirces spear of destiny…Begg(PBUH).
The worst car-crash interview and airwave malfunction since La Montague Herself interviewed Bradfords finest re Shannon Matthews a few years back.
That big hole in Bradford is where they buried any credibility that the BBC ever had…and it`s ongoing landfill.
Saviles Sarcophagus maybe, once George Galloway can work out the sharp end of the scissors when he gets to cut the ribbon?
Hopefully without the attached head.
Lib Dems could change position on airport expansion – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-29515800
Tweet from Brian Paddick:
BBC 100% wrong. I support UK airport expansion within strict environmental limits on noise & carbon = better aircraft
Funny how deluded the Greens are.
Insufficient runway / airport capacity means aircraft have to be stacked waiting landing burning off fuel all the time they are airborne. Over capacity means not having to stack or queue aircraft and landing them as they arrive.
In addition trying to cram so many people into one area means that transport links which have no been designed for this level of traffic cannot cope meaning traffic jams over crowding and angry people.
Failing to provide extra capacity is just about the most anti green position to take – congratulations to the Fib Dems for getting it completely wrong again !
Countryfile had an item about sheep farmers enjoying a rise in sales of sheep for mutton because it is a favourite of Muslims, sales expected to increase because of Eid.
Item on the BBC Webb pages ‘Around the UK; N East, more than 200 sheep stolen overnight in raids in area!
Today program this morning, the Nobel prize winner who was born in USA but is naturalised British was used as an attack on proposals to restrict immigrants in case we presumably fail to attract other geniuses.
The very next item was about the huge increase in fraud in the UK over the past few years. No connection made here with all those (beneficial) immigrants from eastern Europe who statistics and reports tell us are behind most of it, strange the BBC are unable to connect the two.
Did anyone catch on BBC the fact that Mo Farrahs 21 year old brother has been sent to prison for burglary and has 15 previous convictions? Unfortunately, this other Farrah is all too typical of Somali asylum seekers, unlike the good and great Mo.
Of course had this been the brother of a Tory politician the BBC would have run and run with it and Jeremy Hardy would be shouting about it for decades.
Interesting comment on Jeremy Vine today that Ebola and ISIS are the two major crises in the world today.
Couldn’t we use one to solve the other?
Exclusive: Lee Hieb, M.D., sees transportation restrictions as woefully inadequate”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/10/ebola-jihad-how-terrorists-could-sicken-thousands/#a42PDA98zc8xhPeh.99
Id be more concerned about the annual “Hajj” the Muslim faux pilgrimage, how many go from the UK, and mingle with many many 1000s in close proximity from all areas of Africa?
… valid and factual point I think, but of course it s so “waycist”
and “offensive”, and “islamofauxbic”, and, and, and.
Any possibility of a BBC, report on such a concern? by the “worlds broadcaster”
Hope we`ll be checking them all for ebola.
Wouldn`t be surprised if Sheikh Mohammads mob haven`t already decided to send the “pilgrims” back to the West with a little party bag of viruses for the rest of us.
Hoping that their biology is as shit as their chemistry what with their bombs in undercrackers etc…or else we`re stuffed.
No, no, that can’t be right – the other day it was climate change – it’s going to kill us all, apparently. The other two are a distant second and third, respectively.
It’s good to see that the bBBC Trust has its priorities right, giving a 5-page defence of Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear calling a Nissan Qashqai a Nissan Kumquat!
At first it seems a bit of a lark, but with the BBC nothing is quite what it seems, especially if the Guardian has been drafted in to take a minor nonsense from a hidden corner of their complaints pages (always eye-opening for trivia they publicise the public to be exercised about but ever coy on more substantive issues they’d prefer no one knew were being raised) up a notch.
Priorities indeed.
Given the BBC can think nothing of blowing off a real matter on the hilarious basis that the BBC thinks the BBC will say the BBC got it about right (so why bother), that this nonsense got propelled up through the system as far as it did before being blown off speaks volumes.
All that time, and effort, and money, to ‘defend’ satire, yet when nailed on accuracy, objectivity or integrity on a serious matter they will do all in their power to see the plug pulled at the first hurdle, calling in every semantic dodge, concocted internal rule or simple ‘it’s our ball’ withdrawal.
This one they wanted plastered everywhere.
Try asking them about those that they like to keep their little secret, which may have total merit but foundered on the attrition system most usually deployed.
See how far you get. Maybe the Guardian could ask, for the purposes of journalism?
On the Daily Politics yesterday they conducted one of their’ mood box’ surveys of Lib Dem activists, asking them whether they would prefer a coalition after the next GE with either Labour or the Tories. In these surveys they offer passers bye, in this case Lib Dem members, balls which they can put into either of two boxes , one for a preference for coalition with Labour and one for a coalition with the Tories.
During the survey they interviewed about a dozen members, a few of whom said that they disliked the idea of coalition with either party, but most , perhaps nine , said they preferred Labour and usually went into a bit of a rant about Nasty Tories. No one interviewed said they preferred the Tories. So you imagined that the Lib Dems supported a coalition with Labour over the Tories, by a very big margin. Yet when they showed the number of balls in each box there was only a slight majority in favour of Labour, more like 55 to 45 %.
So why were no Lib Dems who preferred the Tories interviewed on camera? Why did the BBC chose to ignore 45% of those who voted in this ‘ test of the Lib Dem mood’ ? Perhaps it was because they said such horrid things about the two Eds and the economic car crash they helped to create. After all the BBC are trying to help us forget about that particular Labour Legacy.
Oh they did the same with whether Tories would prefer to do a deal with UKIP…or stick with the LibDems.
Done last week in Birmingham.
Sheesh-the lazy `tards wouldn`t have even had to change the colours of one half of their “mood swing box”.
Talk about the political elite simply phoning it all in, now that Brussels yanks their velveteen collars…like chihuahuas in a handbag this lot of cretins.
Poor sods shouldn`t have to watch this crap…even if they`re as wasted as White Dee, and as useless as Jack Monroe.
I have been away so I apologise if this has already been posted – a sharp discussion on Islam chaired by Bill Maher (light grey suit) who is very liberal/progressive on most issues but tells it like it is on Islam – versus Ben Affleck who ends up frothing at the mouth about Maher’s “Islamophobia”. As someone said elsewhere, in Affleck’s Hollywood word he probably hasn’t been told he’s wrong / ignorant for 20 years or more.
The problem with British broadcasting goes much wider than the dominance and bias of the BBC. ALL British TV and radio is severely constrained in what can be said and discussed, all is essentially stuck or forced into the PC mould by broadcating legislation.
We need to abolish or savagely reduce the BBC – but we also need freedom of the airwaves.
An email in the text section of todays Daily Star has the BBC again claiming that its “good value for money” and quoting one supposed survey that allegedly says support for the tax has risen 22% since 2004 .
Strange when most surveys i read say the exact opposite and most want the tax reduced or scrapped .
As for the usual “good value for money” shite continually trotted out , just how is something you neither want nor like good value for money ?
I don’t have a TV and only watch old BBC programmes on the iPlayer, or listen on the radio. So as it’s free for me I’d say it’s ‘good value for money’ 🙂
Does propaganda have less of an effect if you don’t pay for it !
Don’t knock those emailers who say the BBC is value for money, join in with them saying it is worth twice the present licence fee and you would gladly pay if it were on subscription.
The last 48 hours of “rolling news” on the BBC seem to be constantly recycling the news and views of
a) Moazzam Begg
b) Jonathan Powell
c) Paddy Ashdown.
One was Blairs bag-carrier as we went to war on lies in 2003, one has Gareth Pierce sorting his compo out; and one tupped his secretary and did nothing much as the head of a party with supreme irrelevance.
One`s got a book out, so he keeps telling me.
You sort out which waster and grief-thieving shill merchant of worthlessness is which…my head is spinning, as they keep being sent out on the last baggage carousel to hell.
The Generation Game Conveyor belt continues to roll…is there ANYBODY outside the BBC who gives a flying flubb at their circular verbiage and goss?
How I pine for that testcard…we`d still have it if Savile, Hall and Teret hadn`t been doing their worst to it…Peel was, of course in Texas at the time!
So his blue plaque will doubtless confirm for us all.
@chrish.spot on mate,it has been a sickening spectacle listening to these appeasers of islamists and isis spouting out there ill informed appeasment of these isis nazi scum,anybody catch moazaams beggs savaging on the today programme on radio 4 today.3 times he was asked do you condemm isis and do you believe they should be defeated,3 times he refused to condemm them,for once radio 4 and the today programme done there job and exposed moazamm begg for what he really is and that is a hard core islamist and supporter of isis and al qaeda, but like anjem choudary he is clever enough not to admit it.
Actually, Begg did say that the hostages were “taken into custody” by IS which suggests Begg sees IS as some sort of bona fide state. The lamentably stupid interviewer did not notice this. Strange when you consider the BBC’s hypersensitivity about language when it suits their agenda.
The sphincters that regulate the flow of BBC propaganda excreta seem to have been fully opened yesterday for some reason. Even a story about a Nobel prize winner was used to push the pro-immigration agenda.
I was expecting to hear an interview with Jonathan Powell,
Blair’s ” righthand man”, plugging his latest masterpiece
“Talking to Terrorists: How to End Armed Conflicts” or why the Western political classes are too scared to tackle Muslim terrorism because they have already created a sizeable Muslim 5th column in their own countries.
Anti-homophobia classes + Trojan horse School = 😀
“A confrontation between parents and the head of one of the Trojan Horse schools was over the introduction of an anti-homophobia programme, a teaching union has claimed.
Jamie Barry, from Welford Primary School in Birmingham, was confronted by about 15 parents last Friday. Rob Kelsall, from the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), is calling for a “thorough investigation”.
The council said parents could not “pick and choose” the curriculum. Welford Primary School was one of 21 schools inspected by Ofsted earlier this year during its Trojan Horse investigations.”
An update from my earlier post-
BBC Radio this afternoon … leader report … a growing epidemic of orchestrated child grooming in Middlesbrough, and that parents are now living in fear.? … hmmm I turn up the radio … and
………….. nothing, on to next item
Now I couldn t find this story, even in local BBC news pages,
but I tracked up the BBC Radio tucked away in the “in short” section
A report prepared for Middlesbrough council has described child sexual exploitation as a “GROWTH INDUSTRY” in Middlesbrough, with children as young as 11 being targeted
“CEO at the Women’s Support Network Dilys Davy
“There certainly is a problem in Middlesbrough, whether it’s worse than any other area of the country I couldn’t say, but our reports are GOING UP year on year.”
and yet
Front page news … Jimmy Savile s driver raped a girl in 1964
News England … the same,
Local … Manchester news the same
Noggin, I noticed that and wrote a wee something on the very subject:
Heard the same thing myself and as you , couldnt find any more of it anywhere .
It seems that INBBC will try to keep this quiet for as long as possible.
For the usual political reasons?
In the meantime, perhaps more and more non-Muslims will turn to sites like the following for information?-
‘Kafir Crusaders’-
I just heard Brian Cox talk about Thermodynamics on the One Show, but it was safe for the BBC, no need for censorship as he was only talking about the temperature in an oven.
Well at least they’ll be correct this time if they claim entropy is increasing!
Cox gets a drubbing in todays Daily Mail TV spot ‘Brian Cox on climate change was clap-trap on a cosmic scale’. BBC2 blind spot fossil alarm lives on.
IS are getting a pounding from the air strikes. I have just read Senator Allen West’s Facebook note where he says that the total number of IS killed is 29.
I wonder just how serious the US Community Worker and Appeasing Dave are in this war.
It is an utter farce. The nations that should be fighting – such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia – are chickening out of it all. So is Iran ?
The US and the UK have been suckered into a trap. ISIS wanted to goad us into an expensive and mostly futile bombing campaign that would show the West as against Islam – thus drumming up more recruits and likely causing problems from disaffected idiots in the US and the UK. ISIS have achieved this by using Western social media to show a few brutal decapitations – of people who probably should not have been there in the first place.
Obama caused the problem after the successful surge by pulling the US troops out of Iraq and leaving a power vacuum and losing any ability to force Maliki to have a balanced Government, so maybe Obama needs to do something for political reasons – but he will not put boots on the ground so it will all be high-cost panto.
There is no point the UK getting drawn into this, but Cameron is a mug so it was to be expected.
The BBC goes along with the assumption that the UK needs to intervene. Why not Spain, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi, Russia, China, India, South Africa or even the UN? What British interest is at stake?
You mean apart from Luton and many of our Northern towns and cities?
Britain has a very significant interest in this growing menace and the token gesture it is making now doesn’t even begin to address the issue.
One of the problems is that Turkey is not enamoured of the Kurds and neither is Iran or Iraq. The Kurds want an independent Kurdistan and this does not meet with approval. Isis have been a bit sharp by attacking the Kurdish areas knowing full well the position. This has left the West in a difficult place . Arming the Kurds with heavy weapons might be sensible but this too will upset Turkey in particular. I cannot see an immediate solution
INBBC censors ‘Islam’ from its report on terror arrests in London.
It happens to fit with its political agenda.
1.) ‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Four suspected Islamist terrorists arrested in London”
2.) INBBC-
“Arrests ‘may have foiled terror attack planning in UK'”
INBBC seems to have censored the following from its report:-
“A Scotland Yard statement said: ‘These arrests and searches are part of an ongoing investigation into Islamist-related terrorism’.”
Lead report in ‘Telegraph’ (£) for Wednesday-
“First alleged Isil terror plot on UK foiled amid growing fears of beheadings.
Four men arrested in London suspected of plotting ‘significant’ attack in UK with alleged links to Syria terror group Isil.”
Supplementary, for INBBC:-
“Jihadi plot to attack UK smashed: MI5 seize Briton who’d fought in Syria amid fears his gang was planning a beheading ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2783689/Four-men-arrested-suspicion-terror-offences-series-raids-London.html#ixzz3FVLn11jF
At least we know they cannot be Muslims as Cameron and May have told us that Isis are monsters not muslims.
“Middlesbrough “not another Rotherham” says Mayor”
Er…. yes it is.
Another BBC report based on a report published by a charity. Interesting issue that has to be highlighted but a demonstration of typically lazy BBC journalism. In my opinion it soft pedals the true level of abuse and horror that is going on in London today within a very specific [unnamed] “community”.
Well it seems that there is an inability to identify any common features amongst those heroically combating the epidemic of witchcraft and daemonic possession in London today. Yes a brave band of British people are fearlessly torturing the daemons out of small enslaved children or conducting human sacrifices ….
“the torso of a young boy was found floating in the Thames. It is believed he may have been the victim of a ritual sacrifice”
Bloody hell, those cockneys are a vicious bunch… They must have a real mission to defend us from Kindoki, oddly enough Kindoki is is a Congolese belief system so I am not sure why this is an issue in Bow.
Now there may be no basis in my speculation but I really doubt that the people responsible for this bizarre per-medieval animist madness are net contributors to the British economy, nor are their cultural beliefs a positive contribution to the rich cosmopolitan mix that is modern Britain because personally I can live without human sacrifice and forcing kinds to drink hydrochloric acid and I am willing to point this out – unlike the BBC whose prime directive – cultural relativism – forbids the criticism of any belief set other than traditional liberal conservatism a la Thatcher!
Watch out for a counter example from the BBC Real Soon Now, perhaps a one-off involving some redneck Christian fundamentalist in the Ozark mountains about 100 years. Proof positive that this issue “affects all communities equally”.
Yeah those mad, extreme, beheading Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists and Christians causing mayhem and running amok all over the globe. Terrible.