Hi folks! Just back from a week’s holiday and apart from enduring the occasional BBC World Service broadcast, managed to avoid the ‘world class” journalism so beloved of the Beeb. Ah, bliss. Now, back to reality…
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Wednesday morning and the BBC sofa team invite me to news “wherever” I am….
Or is this just a London-themed Public Sector notice board?
‘BBC London has learned…’ Too many, too expensive, agency nurses in the NHS
– Well, what am I supposed to do with that information, other than to say – hey NHS, sort yourselves out!
‘Police and social services warned about increase in cases of ‘Witchcraft’
– Which craft? The BBC just said witchcraft…. have I slipped back into the seventeeth century? Helpfully BBC London pops up a photo of Victoria Climbie – just so we niave indigenous slow thinkers know that it is “faith and belief-based” problems about which they speak.
I say again – what I am I supposed to do with that information? I conclude I am watching BBC London News by mistake? Rename it ‘Public Sector Notice Board’
Er…well…the witchcraft is all down the mass uncontrolled immigration. But you’re not allowed to use the “I” word. Much too harsh. The BBC simply calls it “migration”, which conjures up images of swallows peacefully flying around, rather than of the third-world riot zones which pass for British cities. Yes life is so much more exciting in modern Britain, compared to the 50s. Honour killings, suicide bombings, torsos floating down the Thames, Ebola, AIDS, and the rise and rise of witchcraft and satanism. Thank you Mr Blair!
The United Kingdom does not really comprise four countries. There are five: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and LONDON (or LONDONISTAN if you prefer). Of these, LONDON is most important and has nothing in common with the the rest, which just provide food and water for it. Oh, and England provides weekend country estates for the Tories, Scotland and Wales provide votes for Labour and Northern Ireland is only a temporary possession at best.
I think there are four countries of the UK – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales – with a foreign one (London) in our midst. Unfortunately the bBBC thinks the foreign one is the only one that matters.
I had been thinking something similar.
The term ‘British’ used to be a catch-all for the English, Scots, Welsh and Irish, (they are all parts of the British Isles). We were mostly quite content about that, it saved getting down to Battle Of The Roses detail which would be inevitable once we start drilling down.
We also knew ‘who we were’, we didn’t need to put a flag on every street corner or work Britain/British into every second sentence in political speeches (c.f. the USA). Then gradually the politicians started talking about ‘British Values’, it certainly goes back to Gordon Brown at least. What were they on about, we knew who we were!
Of course what they were on about were their ‘new Britons’, those that are apparently more likely to call themselves British than the British!
Thanks to the joys of mass immigration and multi-culturalism we now have the nations of Pakistan, Somalia etc. to add to the ‘home’ nations. That these nations are ‘virtual’ and don’t (yet) have formal geographical boundaries (they are working on them) doesn’t mean that they don’t exist and that they are not recognised by the authorities. The BBC, for instance, provides a UK-wide radio service for one of the new virtual nations, unlike the English (Radio 4) or Scots (Radio Scotland) which are geographically confined.
It used to be that the news ‘British Couple Murdered in Pakistan’ referred to missionaries/tourists attacked by locals, now it means ‘Virtual Pakistanis murdered by own cousins/grandparents while on home visit’, one of the new ‘British Values’ of course.
I see that four members of the religion of Peace have been detained by MI5 on suspicion of plotting terrorist offences.
At least one 3-character organisation is showing commendable sense.
However the BBC is giving more prominence on a story about a homosexual being imprisoned in Morocco. (Not totally unrelated, really)
Politically irresponsible Beeboids have now buried their ‘Islam’ censored item on London terror arrests, and instead elevated this item, which they are more comfortable with:
“Jail a ‘nightmare’, says freed Briton.
A 69-year-old British man freed after spending 20 days in a Moroccan jail for “homosexual acts” says his experience ‘was a total nightmare’.”
So, for INBBC to censor further:-
“London arrests disrupted public beheading plot by jihadis returning from the Islamic State.”
If the ‘British’ perpetrators get caught and convicted, what’s their punishment ?
If the ‘British’ perpetrators get caught and convicted, what’s their punishment ?
Counselling, followed by regular interviews on the BBC
A £100K public sector job as a Tell Mama co-ordinator as advertised in the Grauniad.
Mr Begg s your man, he s pretty good at playing a victim, and cooking up some convoluted stories
Oh come come now gentlemen, a severe beating over the head with a feather duster, at least!
Growth Industry … Reports going up and up every year
… erm quite good, you could imagine, until you realise its …
“a growing epidemic of orchestrated child grooming in Middlesbrough, and that parents are now living in fear”
“not Rotherham”? … what? … geographically? erm, thanks for that “Mayor” …
Strangely, EXACTLY … like Cardiff, Bradford, Derby, Manchester, Oxford, Leeds, Keighley and … erm … Rotherham in the
Muslim orchestrated child gang rape stakes.
Not a Reuters report the BBC, would want to cut and paste.
Attack non Muslims
“Kill!, kill the idol worshippers,
Wherever you find them …
shoot them if you can,
stab them,
throw stones at their heads,
poison them,
run them over,
burn their fields –
and if you are unable
… spit in their faces.”
Bombing Buddhists? cranky Christodelphians? ,
Jumpy Jians ?, Pesky Presbyterians?
Quantifying Quakers?, “mad as hell” Methodists?
any other possible “religions of peace”?
… I give up … is it the Jews?
Another example of a “far right” chap fuelling Islamofauxbia
get, Tell MAMA on the phone
“diversity and sensitivity”, “interfaith cultural awareness”
training for you my boy.
It was the run up to the 8a.m news on Today when that gossipy water cooler moment so required for the Montessori school run cropped up.
Some Tory was on the naughty step in Ms Montagues study, and so she asked him
“And how many more hostages might ISIS have?”
The impertinent little scamp had the nerve to say that” this is not the kind of question that should be answered live on air”.
Tonights headlines…Tory dissembler refuses to give Montessori Mum the soundbite, so desired for the playground bitchfest of Notting Hill.
Utterly appalling-does a BBC hausfrau on her salary NEED to be told that loose lips cost ships?
Or that BBC lies cost lives…which they continue to do each and every day.
Sack Montague…the most dangerous idiot on our airwaves as we speak!
What Beeboids censor on the NHS and Mass Immigration-
“Health services buckle under the pressure of migrant baby boom as UK birthrate soars.
“MASS migration to Britain has pushed birthrates in parts of the UK to among the highest in Europe.”
By Anil Dawar.
No No No ! It’s the Tory cuts to the health service. You never ever ever equate the dropping of performance standards with the mass immigration and importing of sick poor people from the third world. Tory cuts. Get on with it.
You know that immigration provides the NHS with the doctors not the patients.
The great Grayson Perry has spoken out against white middle class males and must therefore be given a prominent spot on Today in which to spout off in a friendly chat with John Humphrys.
How terribly BBC. Bring on someone most of us have never heard of, except perhaps when recalling him dressed as Bo Peep on HIGNFY simply because said person has pronounced on one of their Favoured Topics.
Radio 4 proudly announced on the Today programme that the Russians won the space race. Odd that, I thought the Americans landed on the moon – six times in fact. It seems the BBC are determined to re-write history to fall in line with their internal doctrine that communist science & technology is much the best sort. Newton was a commie you know. Maxwell was a socialist. Oh yes. Never let the truth get in the way of the anti-American bile and hatred.
But in BBC land they did win ! but in the BBC’s happy place they also won on tractor stats /Olympics /cold war/ who can get the most KGB run spies in the BBC !
One is always right to question the BBC’s view of the world (or maybe other worlds in this case?). But the Russians did put the first artificial satellite up, put the first man in space, and put probes on the Moon, Venus and Mars before anyone else. And at this stage, the Americans do not even have a functioning manned space programme at all. If we say “space war” rather than “space race” then it is clear that the Russians did win some of the most important battles, but not necessarily the war.
Yeah. The Russians were canny. They managed to get their hands on most of the Nazi rocket tech at the end of WW2. So they got a head start in the spacerace.
The Amercians had to make do with a Nazi war criminal to run the apollo space program instead.
Must be true I heard all that on the history channel, not a BBC documentary.
The Soviets had the early successes when it came to near-space and unmanned lunar exploration, but after the Apollo Moon landings, they had less good fortune with the planets, with the exception of the Venera (Venus) project.
I am waiting for your brother, Alan Bond of Reaction Engines to build the Skylon Spaceplane and make Britain win the Space race, well before Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Spaceplane can reach 60 miles high, probably many many years after Branson dies of old age.
Britain was actually a major player in the space race and not that far behind the Russians and Americans in the 1950s (partly because we had our own group of captured German rocket scientists, too). Britain was one of the few countries to develop its own indigenous launch system and place a satellite in orbit using it (Prospero, on board the Black Arrow rocket in October 1971)… and the ONLY country to then abandon the capability. The Heath government didn’t see any future in it; just a few years later the market for communication satellites developed, which could have generated tens of billions of pounds for the country. BBC Editors: please feel free to make a programme about this!
And more recently, two goons from a certain motoring programme tried to launch a Reliant Robin into space in the manner of a Shuttle. The attempt was not a success, much to the amusement of a third goon.
I remember people and bits and pieces from Blue Streak up near Carlisle, Starchaser near Manchester and Bristol Spaceplanes, and I remember talking to someone about Project Greenglow, something about rotating a type of giro fast enough to produce polarised anti-gravitational thrust, greater than the weight of the rotating disk, rotating to the point of structural disintegration. But not the Eric Laithwaite type of giro experiment at the Royal Society, where the weight travelled down Laithwaites spine, if only he could have worked that out.
-Of course, INBBC’s default political position on Islam is to romanticise it and Utopianise it.
Hmmm….so islam per se not really anything to do with it. Thank you BBC, glad that’s been cleared up.
Cameron to chair a meeting on Ebola threat. Expect a statement explaining that Ebola is not really harmful, but actually benefits the countries it reaches. There is a monstrous imitation of the Ebola virus that is triggered off by scaremongering people of a the far right political standpoint. No need for border checks, as the BBC point out.
A reprise-
Exclusive: Lee Hieb, M.D., sees transportation restrictions as woefully inadequate.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/10/ebola-jihad-how-terrorists-could-sicken-thousands/#iZ1hIUOsqBZ4ux1u.99
I’m sure all those industrialists and brain surgeons camping out in Calais will bring some samples with them, just as soon as they find an axle to hang off, land in the UK and start “contributing” to our economy.
When the COBRA meeting regarding Ebola was discussed on this morning’s Today, David Cameron was more or less mocked by the talking head brought in. Apparently Ebola is no threat in countries with a developed health care system and you can expect to make a full recovery. Talking Head was not challenged on this assertion.
That’s odd. Wasn’t some poor chap airlifted over here a few weeks ago after he caught it while helping in Africa and survived only having been put in a protective bubble and given the last supplies of some new experimental drug? Are we truly in a position to do that for every patient who catches it in the event of an outbreak? With a drug of limited supply? And unproven efficacy.
Or am I remembering something else entirely?
… or a Spanish health worker yesterday, and the others she could have been in contact with
… thank goodness Camoron s border, and port controls are so infallible.
… and that people have never been known to catch any nasties, in our continually being run down hospitals
Have to say that although “COBRA” sounds terribly good and rather exciting, a bit like U.N.C.L.E. or S.H.A.P.E., it’s little more than coffee and biscuits in No 10. It was when the phrase “no problem for countries with a properly functioning healthcare system” cropped up that I started to wonder.
It is not even in No 10 – more boring than that. COBRA is just an acronym for Cabinet Office Briefing Room A, a fairly nondescript room in the Cab Office building adjoining No 10.
But John….’COBRA’ sounds good, doesn’t it? It gives Cameroon the opportunity to be in front of the cameras wearing his ‘serious, but I mean business face’, make some kind of soundbite laden 30 second announcement which means nothing.
Personally, I will definitely be listening harder and I will learn lessions from my experiences, I will also be re-doubling my efforts and through it all I will try to endeavour to and persevere. …….lool
‘No need for border checks’,
No need at all – just picture the amount of illegals that get in here anyway – how are they going to check them for Ebola? The message from our so called government is ‘don’t panic, don’t panic! ‘
Roll on UKIP!
Ali Bongo’s Old Snackbar!
or should that be..
Live Long and Prosper
definitely NOT one for the BBC
roll on Turkey’s EU membership-eh? At least the EU will get some proper ‘elf and safety in there…
Beeboids, and Resistance to Islamic State in Britain.
Beeboids give political support to e.g. ‘Occupy,’ and to anti-frackers- but where is their support (or even reporting) of anti-Islamic State demos in U.K?:-
“Protestors Fill North London Streets In Support Of Kurds Fighting IS”
“Exeter University protest in support of Kurds battle with ISIS”
Read more: http://www.exeterexpressandecho.co.uk/Unioversity-protest-support-Kurds-battle-ISIS/story-23062378-detail/story.html?#ixzz3FYqfPpBU
Follow us: @expressandecho on Twitter | expressecho on Facebook
Read more at http://www.exeterexpressandecho.co.uk/Unioversity-protest-support-Kurds-battle-ISIS/story-23062378-detail/story.html?#5tMckAAQQvCB7Lf2.99
And a broader context, for INBBC:-
“Now ISIS clashes spread across Europe:
Riot police separate hundreds of Kurds and Islamist supporters in Germany after at least nine are killed in protests in Turkey”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2784809/Now-ISIS-clashes-spread-Europe-Riot-police-separate-hundreds-Kurds-Islamist-supporters-Germany-nine-killed-protests-Turkey.html#ixzz3FYy9VSZd
“Germany: Pro-Islamic State Muslims attack Kurds with machetes and knives.”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/10/germany-pro-islamic-state-muslims-attack-kurds-with-machetes-and-knives.html/#sthash.qCU9tBMh.dpuf
And that ‘s only in Germany where the islamisation ,although going back decades, is small in comparison with UK or France
IRA sycophants at the BBC portray Norman Tebbitt as a villain who will not forgive the IRA for crippling his wife for life and, for attempting to murder him. Heartless Tories!
Not sure I can track the thinking behind this story.
A moment in history seems to have been selected that involved covert mass murder, yet the headline appears concerned with a legitimate reaction from one of those targeted and who lost colleagues and saw their wife mutilated.
‘Refusal’ is an extraordinary term in this context. The BBC appears to have made a demand and reacted poorly to it not being met in their terms.
Can’t see it reflects well on them at all.
Maybe they can trot out and ask a local community leader to ‘forgive’ errant meat product deployers… and cover the response in a style only the BBC can?
I see the bbbc are steadfastly trying to ignore the fact that there is a bi- election (or two) tomorrow. Perhaps, this is their new policy i.e. every time democracy raises it’s head and pronounces something (UKIP victory by miles and scottish independence) that doesn’t fit into the bbbc version of the world that they live in they just pretend it isn’t there.
I noticed that the very few times it has been mentioned it has been a ‘well, it isn’t really that important, anyway’ message that they try and put across…………..
It is on their website under the politics section (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-29530559). Whether this is an appropriate amount of coverage or not can be debated. There is more comprehensive coverage on Sky, including this article on their website at present – http://news.sky.com/story/1349305/farage-parks-tanks-on-all-party-lawns. In general, there is a tendency to wind down the coverage the day before and not to cover it on the actual day to avoid accusations of influencing the outcome. Note to BBC management: your constant promotion of immigration, multi-culturalism, diversity and such has already influenced the outcome but not in the way you would like!
Nothing from the BBC about the muslim child abuse in Middlesborough , could it be anything to do with the by elections, especially the Heywood and Middleton one ?
No bi election coverage allowed from midnight Thursday to close of polls at 10pm ,on the Thursday . Something to do with the `Representation of the Peoples Act` or various Broadcasting Acts , simply its the Law .
Illegal immigrants cause M6 motorway deadlock chaos.
Two reports, compare and contrast-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“12 suspected illegal immigrants found in the back of refrigerated lorry on the M6 after one of them makes panicked 999 call ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2785104/12-suspected-illegal-immigrants-refrigerated-lorry-M6-one-makes-panicked-999-call.html#ixzz3FZ1WVOnQ
2. ) BBC-NUJ-
“M6 closed as 12 found in refrigerated lorry”
“Imam’s gone to Iceland.”
Just heard the BBC version of Mr Clegg’s conference speech. According to the BBC he bashed the Tories, which of course he did , but there was no mention of his scathing summing up of Labour.
This is forming a pattern. Yesterday I mentioned how the BBC distorted the Lib Dem ‘mood box’ such that only delegates who preferred a coalition with Labour were interviewed. The 45% who favoured a coalition with the Tories were ignored.
Basically the BBC are using the Lib Dem conference to hammer away at the nasty Tory theme whilst covering up anything negative said by the Lib Dems about Labour.
As key broadcasters of the West, Beeboids will critically and relentlessly expose enemy Islamic State’s vicious propaganda, won’t they?
E.g.- this –
“Digital Jihad: Inside Islamic State’s Savvy PR War”
The bBBC ‘news’ is too busy to report that the illegal immigrants, waiting in Calais for their opportunity to enrich us, have been rejecting the offerings from the local foodbank because the food is too bland!
Unbelievable!? I have just watched BBC Midlands Today, the first item was about grooming and abuse of young girls in Stoke on Trent.
In a five minute item involving the BBC reporter talking to two young victims and a father; as , totally expected, the ethnicity of the perpetrators was not mentioned once, although a clue was given when taxi drivers and takeaways was mentioned!
The ”blame” factors leading to blah blah blah the BBC reporter claimed were ..wait for it social deprivation, and something about care homes!!!
Next we had a studio interview with Nick Owen, BBC, and some lady who has been on a social services/police committee since 2007. She said the police had reported claims of abuse back as far as 2002.
When asked if there were similarities with Rotherham she claimed there were none and get this, she and her team were working to end abuse by going into the communities where the abusers came from and trying to educate them!
When questioned about the abusers she said that taxi drivers and takeaways are part of the nightlife in Stoke, sidestepping any mention of ethnicity
Not once was the words Muslim, Pakistani or any identity mentioned.
The blame factors are the perpetrators and their culture and their frankly racist contempt for white girls. The remedy is the very strongest police action to bring prosecutions and very long prison sentences.
Also required are the removal of those who have failed to act despite the fact this was known about and the BBC needs to adopt the same level of reporting these crimes as it does whenever a Catholic priest or someone in the media is the subject.
This was disgraceful and inept and cowardly reporting of the first order!
Well … Ch4 News Special on NOW
Rotherham? … uncovered dozens of Towns/cities in network of Muslim paedostani abuse …
Rotherham not the exception but the norm in a unprecedented , un believable wave of Muslim gang paedophilia
so … what now BBC, hide reports away on “in short” items?
ignore it all together?.
Rotherham as I ve stated before … very tip of a massive iceberg
Ch4 … looks like the poor girl abused, by that white online
paedophile gang is being wheeled out again, like earlier in the week … in a sad attempt at equivalence?
The bBC, a story about a young black boy , misguided Hysteria and half the story:
Ebola: Sierra Leone boy’s visit to Stockport school cancelled after ‘misguided hysteria
“A headteacher has blamed “misguided hysteria” about Ebola for the cancellation of a school visit by a nine-year-old boy from Sierra Leone. Kofi Mason-Sesay had been due to attend classes this month at St Simon’s Catholic Primary School in Stockport. The boy, who has studied there during previous visits to England with his mother, does not have the disease and the headteacher said she had obtained public health reassurances. But some parents expressed their fears. In a letter to parents, St Simon’s headteacher Elizabeth Inman wrote: “It is with great sadness that we decided to cancel the visit; the misguided hysteria emerging is extremely disappointing, distracting us from our core purpose of educating your children and [it] is not an environment that I would wish a visitor to experience.”
And here is what the bBC doesn’t mention in its white British parents can only be misguided racists article towards a little black boy from an area where Ebola is rife…
He and his Mother landed in the Uk (that Uk which has no screening for Ebola or intends to have any) last week.
Would anybody here, feel that the views of the parents are….Misguided?
Stockport is only a short journey (M60 & M602) from Media City at Salford Quays. I’m sure that the BBC would like to make him feel better with a couple of days touring round their pleasure palace.
Parents have the duty and the absolute right to protect their child.
Misguided does not come into it. Sierra Leone is in chaos and that is the reality. This head is typical of a liberal. Ignore reality and spout liberal platitiudes. I suspect the parents made it absolutely clear what would happen .
bBBC NorthWest Tonight ‘news’ doesn’t fail us: it interviewed the child’s mother who says that the British parents are racist.
How do the BBC Feminists cope with this? Female muslim football supporters going to a match. Now under threat from their men folk.
Here’s a quote from the article:-
“Women aren’t interested in football, so why go to a stadium to watch a live match?” wrote one. “Does this woman not have a man? Her place is in the house,” said another. Many who oppose women being allowed into stadia say it encourages immoral and sinful behaviour.”
(Muslim men…what can you do with ’em? Sigh…..).
Prof David Reynolds delivers, a BBC sanctioned polemic in favour of the EU, using honored war dead as a moral justification for servitude to the new undemocratic empire.
Why do people like him, always find a platform at the BBC?
People like him are the BBC. So sure that they are right. So sure that they are the end product of history. In their own way they are as dogmatic as any Islamist.
The Islamist and the BBcboid have the truth. Which is why so many are turning to the internet for real people with real thoughts. The BBC is worthless.
dave s
“Which is why so many are turning to the internet for real people with real thoughts. The BBC is worthless.”
At risk of repeating the message so many times on this website for the benefit of the so called ‘Trustees’ of Al Beeb, who without doubt monitor this site ….
You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Yes, Reynolds has shown himself in his current series to be pro-Atlee and anti-Churchill; pro-federalising E.U, and anti-nation state.
All in line with BBC-NUJ policies.
Yes, good old signed-up lefty boy Reynolds tells us that the EU is the time-honoured antidote to nationalism.
The likes of Schumann, Gramsci, Monnet were democrats in search of a peaceful solution to all that flag waving and nasty selfish national urges.
Hmm…Golden Dawn, Marine Le Pen…and all the other rising national movements popping up all round Europe in response to the lime green silent creeping Fascism of the left…called the Euro Project?
Yet Reynolds waves in Nigel Farage and UKIP the new Hitler tendency for the UK?
The BBC have their heads right up Own Jones arse…and as long as it`s pointing some way towards Mecca then they`ll be content with that.
We the chavs and beige civilians can`t allow ourselves the luxury of listening to one word from the BBC unless its Jonathon Meades or Tom Holland.
“Why do people like him, always find a platform at the BBC?”
Though fictional, and possibly unqualified (ironically a perfect BBC ‘source’), Mrs. Merton rules may apply in answer.
British Troops to Sierra Leone to fight Ebola.
I wonder how the BBC will report this as it develops?
I’m sure the military will wonder at the logic of this political deployment. And Obama has promised thousands of American troops to the area.
“Mr Kerry said the US and UK were “standing together” to battle the virus in West Africa”
And NUJ-TUC want
cuts in Defence spending!
National Union of Journalists (NUJ): supporting Islamising TURKEY.
Despite Turkey’s current violent actions against the Kurds, and complicit action towards the barbaric Islamic State at Kobani, the NUJ will not shift from its campaigning (nor will Labour, Tories and Lib Dems) to get the Islamic Trojan Horse of Erdogan’s Turkey into the European Union.
“Turkey must prevent further Kurdish protest deaths”
Crispin Black shocks Jeremy Vine [1:46] – “not everybody shares the BBC’s view of the IRA” – Gerry Adams should be in prison, imagine that!
Crispin Black also gets a counter in against Diane Foley’s dismissive comment on US action: “Except for the one unsuccessful raid this summer.. umm..[there was no evidence] that anything was done”. Our journalists and politicians can be very flippant in the way they expect instant action from the military and that it involves no planning or risks. (As for considering the work of civilian support staff, don’t even go there – ‘front line’ is all – staff work and logistics are just detail).
A bit of a problem for the BBC elite who are still high on soft drugs! The Liberal lefties have long campaigned for Cannabis to be legalised for ‘recreational use’. A recent report based on a 20 year research project by Prof Hall for the World Health Organisation, confirms that Cannabis is NOT as harmless – as the Liberal left claim. The BBC is part of that general disorder. The WHO report concludes that Cannabis creates drug dependancy, psychotic disorders, schizophrenia which can also inhibit brain development in the young. Increased Crime and social breakdown are also reported in Manchester (New BBC Homeland is Salford Quay Manchester) according to GP Dr Christain Raabe (in Mancheter) he has been called a ‘bigot’, ‘aggressive’ ‘intolerent’, ‘homophobic’ etc. by wet liberals and was banned from Labour Gov. ‘Advisory Council on the misuse of drugs’ for stating his professional medical views. Ironically this pro Drug cartel is feverishly anti ‘Smoking’ and favors increasing harsh laws on Alcohol ignoring the far more disturbing effect of legalised ‘recreational drugs’. I can think of a few BBC ‘celebrities’ caught and arrested on that distinction. One is well known former BBC TV prime time presenter. And then there is one current BBC Trustee who admits same in his bio. Same value-for-money License fee sponsoring depravity, immorality and recreational drugs. That’s our BBC. Biased to drug induced absurdity.
I give all of em, at the Bbc free drugs , that would hopefully cut the work force ,or make them confess their real political views , as they would be `all Stoned ` for weeks . The black drug gangster in `Live & Let Die ` proposed that to get rid of his rival gangsters, by giving everyone on the street free drugs. Maybe Sky & ITV could hand them out at New Broadcasting House & Manchester Studio`s too.
Given my user name here I suppose I should comment on the Beeb’s ‘charidee’ version of God Only Knows…
Heretical thoughts from the BBC! An article on the website asks “Why do Chinese pupils do so well in school tests?” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-29544986). It is a well known phenomenon that Chinese children do very well in school and college and the question is: why? There are several possible causes: a strong work ethic, parental commitment, extra time spent studying and so on. But right at the end of the article this gem is slipped in: “or else it could be that these pupils have ‘higher inherent ability’. Translation: they are born cleverer, it’s in the DNA, it’s a racial thing. Interesting. Can you imagine them publishing a claim that, say, white people have “higher inherent ability”? And if some racial or ethnic groups have “higher inherent ability” in some areas might it not also be the case that some groups have “lower inherent ability”? Any candidates for the latter?
Golly. I wonder if that story may yet ‘evolve’?
A page grab may be worthwhile.
‘Heretical thoughts from the BBC’ On a similar transgression beyond the party line – I couldn’t help but note the discomfort in the eyes of the BBC Breakfast sofa jockeys the other morning when John Cleese began rambling around in loose cannon mode. He was there to plug but in one anecdote about his mother he said ‘she had absolutely no knowledge of current affairs – just like a modern teenager!’ Whoops, note to booker : next time please try to get Palin not Cleese. The public sector crowd are tuned in – this is no time for something completely different.
An utterly pointless page by the BBC:
I await similar reports highlighting Far Left and Islamic extremist groups online….
Don’t know about pointless, as the BBC seldom does anything without a lot of people involved in deciding points. This does come on the heels of ‘a BBC Reporter says his Home Office anonymous source claims something the BBC likes the sound of, so let’s spray it from Today to Newsnight’.
Certainly selective unsurprisingly, as you say, especially given the odd conflation with the creation of FaceBook pages and democratic representation. Not saying I agree with the political stance (no link so hard to assess), but surely any ‘group’ has to start somewhere before seeking support via ballot?
They may as well have door-stepped that Peppa Pig chappie about who put him in charge of deciding what should or should not be on air.
Did they?
Have I got this right? In one way or another our PM appears to be eager to get Ebola to Britain as soon as possible.
Do you think he might simply be after a good write up from the BBC?
Every day new reasons to scrap the lot of them.