The Now Show has either had a word of advice about the meaning of impartiality in the run up to the general election next year or it has seen that Ed Miliband is so atrociously bad as leader of Labour that they could remain silent no longer.
For the last two weeks The Now Show has put the boot into Miliband.
It was especially unimpressed by his failure to remember to mention the economy in his big conference speech.
Curiously though The Now Show itself failed to mention the other topic Miliband ‘forgot’ to mention…immigration….usually a topic they are very eager to mention…in relation to UKIP…a party that would love to change the gun laws so that they could shoot more immigrants…says ‘The Now Show’. I’m certain there would have been a lot of mileage for a satirical comedian in the news that a Labour party that lied about opening the borders and flooding Britain with immigrants now didn’t want to talk about it.
After all, Alice Gross, age 13, would still be alive today if Labour hadn’t allowed in all and sundry from Europe….and the BBC hadn’t spent 10 years covering up for Labour.
Perhaps Evan Davis would like to explain the benefits of uncontrolled immigration to Alice Gross’s family.
Ah, but they’d just say you were exploiting a young girl’s death to make a political point and anyway, you don’t need to worry about mass immigration of criminals & rapists because the open door policy allows you to move to France and have Indian restaurants in the high street or something (cue round of applause from hand-picked audience of Question Time lefties and union activists)
And the selfsame lefties that would say what Chilli says above would have conveniently chosen to expunge their usage of Millie Dowler to create a Leveson for themselves.
And, of course, the using of Alice Gross as some filler in their last Question Time cud-chewing, spittoon-swilling excuse of a “show”.
The BBC have a range of shrouds to wave at times like these…as long as there`s no Cross in sight, and/or only the “enemies of progress” are sewn into them.
News is coming in of of Rape Jihad in Manchester.
There is no parallel in the history of any nation, where a bunch of immigrants have been allowed into a country, and then raped little girls over decades, with the authorities turning a blind eye.
Why is their no parallel in history for such an occurrence?
The answer is that no government has been so weak, so immoral and so far down the road to cowardice, as to allow immigrants to rape thousands of little girls.
I had to ask myself then, why did immigrant Muslims do this? What was in the minds of these Muslims in the UK or Scandinavia, that their fellow believers would not do elsewhere?
The actions of these rapists reminded me of what happens to a country that is invaded and occupied. The soldiers rape any female they can – young, old or whatever, does not matter. Young being better. For this, there are plenty of parallels in history.
The reason is clear. A cohort of Muslims view themselves as a conquering force.
It is inconceivable that the authorities did not know, as they claim. They knew.
And now they are trying to brush it under the carpet. The matter is of such huge national shame, that they have no option but to.
The last Labour government unleashed a plague on Britain far more deadly then Ebola. Ebola we can find a cure for, but what to do with the ever expanding Muslim population, that one day will demand, and impose Sharia in Britain.
Historians will view the last Labour government as the most traitorous in history.
“Historians will view the last Labour government as the most traitorous in history.”
No they won’t because history is written by the victors, does it look to you like we’re winning?
Even if we do survive then history will only be the approved version written by hard line Fascists like Eric Hogsbawm, or the poisonous Mary Beard.
Thoughtful: No they won’t because history is written by the victors, does it look to you like we’re winning?
You are right.
I was assuming, that despite the awful scenario that we are looking at, somehow we will pull through.
Worth reading
Ben Affleck: Portrait of Islam’s Clueless Apologists – Raymond Ibrahim
A Hollywood actor clueless about his subject playing “Let’s pretend.”
October 7th is the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto
Remember Lepanto! Robert McMullen
The year is 1565. On the island of Malta, 600 Knights of St. John, commanding a force of some 8000 men, prepare to defend their island fortress from attack.
They won. Some historians argue that a Turkish victory could have led to Western Europe being overrun.
Could Affleck not be some kind of UN ambassador/envoy sent to negotiate with IS and tell them how they are getting Islam so wrong?
I can forgive Labour for all the mess they have created – education, law and order, and even immigration. But to have allowed millions of Muslims into the country, knowing full well the nature of Islam and its imperative to conquer in the name of Allah, is unforgivable.
Now we are reaping the consequences. We have the security services quite unable to cope with terrorist plots. But this is the least of our worries. With a growth rate ten times that of any other community, within 50 years or less, Muslims will be able to form a majority in parliament.
Goodbye Britain.
More peace from the Religion of Peace
Jihadi plot to attack UK smashed: MI5 seize Briton known as ‘The Surgeon’ who’d fought in Syria amid fears his gang was planning a beheading
and the BBC hadn’t spent 10 years covering up for Labour
Is there a figure missing? 100 years? or is the 1 wrong? 40 years perhaps?
The BBC have been pushing Labours points for much longer than 10 years.
During the run-up to one General Election (2005 I think) Vicoria Derbyshire interviewed Nick Griffin of the BNP. The first email she read out after the interview was, predictably, along the lines of: “Why didn’t you give that fascist ******** a hard time?”
VD pointed out, almost with pride, that in the run-up to a GE, they are supposed to treat ALL political parties equally.
Err….no! You’re supposed to do that all the time.
So, as the next GE approaches, I shall listen out for such boasts with interest.
Does anyone know if Evan Davis was successful in getting that young Latvian lad he met at a ‘barbecue’ a job in order to prevent him having to go home?
Also, is the Now Show worth listening to? It’s a bit of a cheek to ask I know but I can’t bring myself to listen to it only to find out it is as bad and biased as ever.
No, it’s still shit.
Thank you for sparing me the pain of listening, much appreciated.
If the Now Show was kicking Ed, it can only be to set up David’s triumphal return to save party, country and, as a plus, the BBC.
Is there any doubt the ditching Ed for anyone other than him (or the other Ed) would see such a surge of relief the result for Labour would be a landslide, despite the entire Shadow Cabinet being inept and any policies (such as they are) being the same or worse that crippled the UK already.
The kicking is not across the entire BBC satirical infirmament, though.
Mock the Week spared him, and again went mostly for UKIP, including a ‘joke’ about white dominance as policy, ignoring actual membership and candidates, and also ignoring the hideously consistent hue across the entire BBC market rate top floor (in management… Danny and Lenny have sorted the token stuff front of camera).
Meanwhile HIGNFY, whose history means I can and have forgiven a lot, was unwatchable.
The sacrificial Tory buffoon was a humour void, installed purely for endless weak digs at anyone or thing right of Mao.
Nothing symbolises better than HIGNFY the BBC’s continued descent. Once a must-watch on my TV schedule, it’s now a must-avoid.
Well worth asking just what kind of hold the likes of Merton, Fielding, Jupitus, Hardy and the Godawful Noel Fielding have over their BBC paymasters.
For the life of me, the likes of HIGNFY and Buzzcox just get re-commissioned on the nod…and no need to check whether they`re required…they`re not.
Bloody Libby Purvis and Laurie Taylor are similarly tenured, becalmed and going nowhere on the radio either. Just there-and don`t even seem to take holidays!
They just keep on getting paid, a la Michael Rosen.
The selfsame smug fuckers named would all have sneered at the perpetual employment of the Last Of The Summer Wine stiffies….a walking pension pot and retirement home for clapped-out actors, whilst nurse gets a break from them all.
But at least these clapped out luvvies HAD been something once….what the hell has Phil (Porky the Poet) Jupitus ever done, except hide in the Green Room at the BBC, and claim asylum from empty phone boxes and skipyards-where he`d be if he didn`t have the BBC bankrolling their eyes for his brand of…er “comedy”.
Thought Enoch meant to clear out the psychiatric units by way of care in the community…how did we end up re-admitting them all into the BBCs Savile Row Suites sine die?
HIGNFY was truly awful this week. I dont expect an even keel on political bias, but I do expect the odd laugh, this week neither.
Roland Deschain October 7, 2014 at 3:17 pm
Spot on. That weasel Hislop is also a disgrace as editor of Private Eye having sold his soul to the BBC. PE should be ripping into the green agenda, particularly the renewables scam, but its silence is deafening. I wonder if it could have anything to do with the BBC’s stance on this and also Mrs Hislop’s day job.
Peter Cook will be spinning in his grave and Richard Ingrams will too (just as soon as he gets there which, hopefully, will not be for a long time).
Given the forensic debunking of much of the Savile witch hunt by Anna Racoon and Moor Larkin you’d think Hislop and his gnomes would be doing a special, a la ‘Death on the Rock’.
But no. Complete silence. One was to wonder why.
Our Ian is the consummate professional editor, and in no way would be influenced by the eye-wateringly nice little earner any off piste investigations of his night job paymasters might compromise.
By way of balance….
(laugh a minute footage. Not. Even the laugh track struggled. Nice the way the panel decided the best avenue of discussion was anyone but the BBC and staff’s role, and oo, look… the Daily Mail!)
Also, it seems a great way to get stuff past the BBC is flaunt it.
if i was dumb enough to be a labour supporter,i would be a little pissed of knowing going into the election ed millband was my leader.nice man and all that but can you see him leading this country as prime minister,not a chance,the labour party could replace millband with the likes of andy burham and i think they would win the election next year,but do you know what,the lot are them are so arrogant to change there leader and that will lead them into certain defeat in 2015,cant wait for the conservative/ukip coalition goverment next year,bring it on i say.
Frankly too much in word and/or deed he comes out with or is traced back to him or his ‘people’ reassures me that he is at least ‘nice’.
I could almost live with an SOB as leader if they were competent and you knew where they stood, but a banwagon-jumping, incompetent weasel with a stiletto the minute a back is turned… no, not really.
He epitomises the UK we now have, where truly all in power… politicians, corporate CEOs, NGO placefolk, the entire BBC top floor, have simply promoted each other upwards based on no more than belonging to the same old Remora club and an apparent addiction to self-reward over any other service.
just watched 15 minutes of free speech on bbc 3 tonight and i had to switch off,biased,biased pro immigration lefty student audience again,as usual, bbc poster posh boy guardianista marxist got owen jones howls of cheers from the socalist workers packed out audience every time he opened his big commie mouth,,pukeeeeeee inducing biased rubbish again from bbc 3.
lol@ owen jones on bbc 3s no free speech for ukip.
Given that Evan Davis is all over the BBC, on account of his gay credentials, it’s surprising he hasn’t commented on this as well.
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