The BBC has treated us to a lot of Islamist propaganda recently, a lot of it from CageUK.
Allowing such people onto the airwaves is a good thing. It allows us to hear their arguments and understand what are the reasons for the various actions taken by such people and then lets us assess the rights and wrongs of the situation.
Or it would be a good thing if the BBC did its job and actually engaged them in debate and challenged their views. All too often however the BBC does not do that, frequently presenting them as charity workers, community leaders, religious scholars and academics. They are then allowed to get away with presenting their views without any robust challenge giving them credibility and authority they don’t deserve and twisting the narrative to their own agenda.
Yesterday we had yet another Cage mouthpiece, Moazzam Begg, on the Today programme (08:10)
Sarah Montague was interviewing him and surprisingly gave him a hard time repeatedly asking him if he supported ISIS….which he refused to answer directly…indirectly he admitted he did support ISIS by saying we should negotiate with the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS…thereby indicating he believed these were legitimate organisations with aims and a status that we should recognise and accept.
Begg was claiming that he could have got Alan Henning released but that the government refused his help….therefore it is the government’s fault that he was killed. Begg being an Islamist propagandist you can discount that completely…and indeed Montague did seem suitably sceptical about his claims.
Montague did, as said, seem to conduct a reasonably tough interview that revealed Begg in his true light…Begg it has to be said does not give a good interview. Perhaps he should stay off the airwaves and stick to writing where he might seem less oily perhaps.
The problem is, as always with the BBC, when it comes to the news bulletins that then pick and choose which part of an interview they will highlight.
The bulletins chose to report Begg’s claims straight, and R4 made them the headline news…unfortunately the context and whole feel of the interview was lost and Begg’s slippery dissembling and evasiveness, which would have revealed the true nature of his claims, went missing, meaning any listener would have been misled as to the real truth of those claims…..all highly relevant if you believe that the government and society marginalises and ignores Muslims….as the BBC tells us is so…and yet does little to improve Muslim’s understanding of the truth.
Begg also claimed he knew who was holding the hostages….personally I don’t think an interview on the Today programme is sufficient here if he is telling the truth and yet refuses to reveal who those people are. The best place for Begg might be lying on his back with his head in a bucket of water.
That aside, war with the Islamists isn’t being fought merely in the deserts of the Middle East, it’s on the airwaves and in the newspapers here at home.
The Islamists are still winning…they have shaped the narrative….this morning I heard Peter Allen telling us that Muslims are radicalised because they are disenfranchised, angry and marginalised….and yet we know that’s not true…..only yesterday a Muslim was arrested who had been offered a place at King’s College London to study medicine...and how many times have we been told Muslims love being British?
Until the BBC understands what the underlying basis of the radicalisation is we won’t get a proper debate on the problem and the solution.
They could start with the fact that all Muslim terrorists are Muslim and an examination of the Koran and its commands.
Don’t hold your breath, unless you have your head in a bucket of water that is.
And bBBC NorthWest ran with Begg as their lead story all day, the supposed link being that Alan Henning came from the NorthWest therefore Begg was a good guy for saying that he had tried to help him.
At least it made a change from their usual NorthWest ‘news’, that Scousers have been whingeing about Hillsborough or that another foodbank has opened in the region.
Ah Hillsborough, the story that keeps on giving. As for Begg, ask him how those wells he was in Afghanistan to build are doing?
I would suggest that everytime one mentions Begg, they refer to him as a hardline supporter of Isis………see how he comments then.
To Teddy
He was digging them at night.
That’s why he needed all those night vision goggles though I still don’t know why he wanted those bullet proof vests.
I suspect the identity of the terrorists is known to our security services so Begg can claim anything he likes without compromising anyone.
There is an absolute refusal to take seriously the Isis claim of strict adherence to the Koran and Sharia. Must be very annoying for them being continually patronised by Western liberals.
The liberal cannot take Isis at face value because it means accepting reality.
First cracks in the unreal world of liberalism. Where could it lead?
Begg being an innocent Muslim, keeps strange company if he could have had Alan Henning released. What price would the UK have to pay?
I’m always suspicious of Muslims bearing gifts.
Q: “First cracks in the unreal world of liberalism. Where could it lead?”
A: Dhimmitude…the elite’s ruling us don’t have the spine to tackle the enemy at home.
Ah yes, Dhimmitude!
I adore that word.
It lies like an unused trump card in the pocket, while debating/discussing whether the ideology of islam is actually the reliogion of peace, forgiveness, tolerance and humanity.
All you need to do is ask the liberal in question to define the term dhimmi.
It puts them into a catch 22.
If they can, it forces them to acknowledge how badly non believers are treated in moslem majority society, and therefore gives the lie to its tolerance and inclusive nature.
If they cant, their ignorance of simple facts is exposed and they lose the argument,.
In times past, another time even, on here I waited almost a week for a definition.
In the end the flokkers had to invent a new ID to give a definition, one who kind of disappeared afterwards.
Time to read
It’s Time to Take the Islamic State Seriously
Rev. James V. Schall, S.J.
Dear BBC,
I don’t give a toss if we marginalise Muslims.
Dear Muslims,
If you don’t like the UK or our culture sod off back to the third world shit hole that you came from.
And now a video article with the headline: Islam “helped” US hostage Peter Kassig.
Having watched the video I’m still trying to figure out how it actually “helped” him which leaves the headline even more misleading.
I don’t mean to be heartless but what I can’t understand is WHY these people from the west think they can go to Syria/Iraq or wherever and be immune from the actions of ISIS.
Even months ago the message to any rational person was “it’s time to get OUT of here”.
Because some people are stupid beyond belief, and think they are Jesus….look what happened to him….lost on them.….is mr begg the frontman for isis in the uk ?
Beeboids are more concerned with trying to concoct a formula of words to describe the ISLAMIC STATE*, than they are to oppose our enemy, the Islamic State.
* Beeboids’ latest concoction to describe the Islamic State seems to be:
‘the so-called Islamic State jihadists.’
That is no clarification, and doesn’t work because:-
1.) it is too long;
2.) Beeboids don’t apply the formulation of ‘so-called’ to ‘so-called Palestine’ as it should for political consistency;
3.) the Beeboid phrase of ‘so-called’ can be interpreted as applying to the noun ‘jihadists’ – which is confusing, as it doesn’t. They ARE jihadists, not ‘so-called’ jihadists.
Beeboids relegate this in their latest attempt to appease Islamic interests:
“Dramatic moment anti-terror police arrested medical student dubbed The Surgeon over alleged ISIS-plot to attack Britain – in a flat just yards from scene of raid on 21/7 bombers”
Read more:
i have always said that this vile odious anti western organisation called cage is just a holding pen for every islamist extremist and supporter of al qaeda and isis in this country,4 weeks ago asim qureshi of cage was inteviewed on channel 4 and asked 3 times if he believed isis should be destroyed.3 times he refused to answer that question,deduct from that what you like.this week on radio 4 moazaam begg of cage was asked 3 times if he believed isis should be destroyed,oh yes, 3 times he refused to answer that question,deduct from that what you like,see, to me these lot in should not be in cage,they should be behind bars in belmarch prison well away from the decent folk of this country.
One of the first things the UK should do is to recognise ISIS as a legitimate state.
We are apparently not allowed to make a citizen stateless by revoking their passport without another country prepared to offer them one.
Well if the Islamic state were recognised we could comply with international law in taking away these undesirables passports in a completely legal way !
One of the first things the UK should do is to recognise ISIS as a legitimate state.
Excellent idea. I believe this was the original idea for supporting ISIS anyway.
We can not only deport radical Muslims to the caliphate but employ more vigorous procedures.
So how’s its a good thing these people are heard? That’s quite a u-turn there Al. As long as they’re challenged….which they never are on the BBC….but he was here. All a bit schizo Alan.
And then we get to the bias part….which is that the news picks the most newsworthy part of the interview and doesn’t broadcast it in full. Well, blow me down, what will they think of next.
“Our politicians must end their fear and evasion on Islam.
The fear of offending Muslims by speaking the truth is endemic in the mainstream British political class, and has been so for decades. We cannot afford politically correct evasions.”
By Vincent Cooper.
“This fear of offending Muslims by speaking the truth is endemic in the mainstream British political class, and has been so for decades. That fear lies behind the catastrophic failures to protect children in Rotherham. State institutions such as the police and social services failed to protect vulnerable children out of fear of offending Muslim sensitivities.
There are some signs of welcome change here. Part of the strong appeal of UKIP is its willingness to say what the public are thinking and saying. ”
One cannot be English or indeed ‘British’ without being racial imbibed. To ignore ones race and family is to become an orphan or stateless nobody. The issue is not ones race but upholding British democratic values and English ‘fair’ decency. The enforcement of gender neutral, one race, one wage, one health care, and a godless central state is the real danger behind our soft (wet) socialist inspired benefits society. The chance of teh UK fighting the enemy is already difficult if you cannot identify who or what (or where) the enemy is. Calling the enemy a ‘religion of a peace’ whilst adopting the same ‘cultural’ traits is already an admission of defeat not lost on the ISIS tourists claiming their campsite should pay taxes to Allah and follow pre-antiquarian laws of the prophet. This is a third world religion and should have no place in British aid or UK public policy. We should not quake for fear of giving ‘offence’ anymore than a punch on the nose ‘may give offence’. When one is race free then there are no nations, no competition, no commerce, no trade and no money. When that left utopia comes, the BBC won’t be there to see it. They are welcome to relocate to Saudi anytime they wish.
The context, for INBBC:-
“Security services monitoring ‘thousands’ of terrorism suspects in London, says Boris Johnson.
“Mayor of London discloses that threat from Isil and other terrorist groups is larger than previously known.”