Sorry for the delay in this – been away on business straightaway after being away on holiday! Phew. Anyway, a few things to update you on. The site has been moved to a faster server so it should not take so long to load. Second, were you as touched as I was at seeing the BBC portray Moazzam Begg as the hero of Iraq? New open thread open for business..
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Have I got this right? In one way or another our PM appears to be eager to get Ebola to Britain as soon as possible.
Do you think he might simply be after a good write up from the BBC?
Every day new reasons to scrap the lot of them.
Will Beeboids be more concerned for the ‘human rights’ of potential Ebola carriers to Britain than it will for the ‘human rights’ of British people to security and protection of their own health from infection?
“Why won’t UK test air travellers for Ebola?
Fears of complacency after President Obama announces tough measures at major US airports.”
Read more:
Beeboids (‘Today’) inevitably had on Vaz (whom Beeboids still believe is part of the Government) this morning to tell us how hard-pressed immigration staff are at U.K airports.
“Ebola: Britain has NO plans to screen travellers for deadly virus.
“There are NO plans to screen travellers entering Britain for the deadly Ebola virus, health officials have revealed.”
Erh.. I guess that’s because it is ‘discriminatory’ to have a disease without sharing it first with every one else. The NHS can cure the world of all diseases – except it can’t discriminate between peoples who distribute disease – which then cannot be contained and hence Ebola will rapidly spread whist the Liberals say what a ‘wonderful success’ it all is that we are all multiculturally aware. Meanwhile Labour will rub their hands in glee demanding extra funding for the epidemic that will ensure yet more ‘extra funding’ before it (NHS) collapses under the strain. Then Bankrupt Milliband will stand up and say it’s all the Conservatives fault, the Liberals will say ‘let them all in’ we are rich country. The BBC ‘ditto’ – except they have five star ‘private’ heath-care insurance for all their holiday infections. The rest of us do not have that luxury.
Quick mention … 1000s from UK going on the Hajj?
from every city?
– mingling close proximity with countless 1000s from all over Africa?, jammed all together for days … then coming back? sorry for being offensive and all that.
not an issue?
– along with the long list of everything else – with our infallible port procedures etc
what could go wrong eh!
Can someone ask the incompetents in No 10, whether S.H.A.D.O or S.P.E.C.T.R.E, have considered any sort of contingency for themselves? because it appears “non are so blind as though who will not see”
maybe they ought to be called
… E.L.I.T.E.
As I understand it, the Saudis are not allowing anyone from West Africa to go to the Hajj. Very sensible, and so this may not present a problem. Our problem will be those flying directly here (or via another city such as Paris) from West Africa. The BBC will stand foursquare on their right to do so.
Admit it sounds good … from the intellectual behemoths that still imprison folks for witchcraft, think camel urine is a cure all, and if they couldn t shovel money out of the ground would still be in the stone-age.
And riots on German streets. All the more shocking when you consider that such demonstrations are just the tip of the Muslim iceberg of intimidation in Europe.
All in all thousands of British Muslims in Saudi and Syria is a bit of a holiday for the rest of us.
There’s apretty good angle on the “religion of peace” lie that in a post: “Why The Obvious Lie” at:
You have to ask?
I am fascinated how the health editor or whatever the BBC call her could on Wednesday night explain that Ebola is very difficult to catch and only through body fluids and a few minutes later it be reported that the Spanish nurse may have caught the Ebola by touching her face with her gloves. Now I understand that to catch AIDS through blood contact needs a significant amount of fresh blood to be transferred (ie a small scratch from a dry needle probably won’t do it) so if the nurse caught Ebola from touching her face it can be easily caught. Either the BBC’s medical correspondent doesn’t understand the briefing or she is involved in delivering propaganda presumably so the general population doesn’t turn on recent African immigrants.
I have HIV and I’ve been on treatment now so my viral load is less than 20 ‘undetectable’ so I can have sex without protection with practically zero risk of infecting anyone. I still wouldn’t fancy my chances at shagging an Ebola victim though.
A Teddy called Moh,
Please don’t forget to vote ukip…
“When asked what sort of people should be allowed to migrate to Britain, he [Nigel Farage] said: “People who do not have HIV, to be frank. That’s a good start.”
I agree with Nigel. I can’t go and work in the Middle East because I have HIV. I already lost an opportunity to work in Oman so why should infected people come and live here? Also if I live abroad I have to pay for my own treatment which is very expensive so why should we give treatment away to others.
Well, would you allow people to come in to this country with cholera, typhoid, smallpox, tuberculosis or even Ebola ? What would be the cost to our “international” National Health Service ?
But if you don’t have your child vaccinated against MMR then you’re endangering the whole of the civilised world according to our government and the BBC.
And….beware of bloody africans on the tube, coughing their guts up, they will probably have tuberculosis, and so will you soon after, wear a mask…..bastard politicians…..punch one today.
Its not just Ebola that the BBC is being PC about, how about witches?
its no just Ebola the BBC is being PC about, what about witches?
Not Strictly BBC, see what I did there? But my tiny personal campaign of writing to the great and the good about BBC Bias and their failure to tackle Islam results in this reply which sums up what the ruling class think about the situation and just how they are doing. I think we are doomed with this lot in charge.
Thank you for your email, which I have read carefully.
In addressing this issue, I think it is important to make the distinction between Islam and Islamist extremism. Islam is a religion observed peacefully and devoutly by over a billion people worldwide. It is Islamist extremism, a political ideology supported by a small minority, which we need to confront. That is why the Government is stopping extremists such as Abu Hamza al-Masri from coming to our country to preach hatred and division.
On the issue of extremism, I can assure you that the Government takes the threat of all forms of extremism very seriously. Some of the toughest terrorism prevention controls in the democratic world have recently been put in place. However, we must work harder to defeat the radical views which lead some people to embrace violence.
The Government’s PREVENT strategy responds to the ideological challenge we face from aspects of extremism. It provides practical help to prevent people being drawn into terrorism and works with a wide range of sectors where there are risks of radicalisation. The strategy helps local authorities understand the threat from extremism and the powers available to them to challenge extremist speakers, funds a specialist police unit which works to remove online content that breaches terrorism legislation, and supports community-based campaigns which can effectively rebut terrorist and extremist propaganda.
The Prime Minister’s Extremism Task Force, set up after the murder of Lee Rigby, has identified a number of practical steps which will address any gaps in our response to extremism. This includes considering new civil powers to target the behaviours extremists use to radicalise others, considering new types of order to ban groups which seek to undermine democracy, improve the process for the public to report extremists content online, work with internet companies to restrict access to terrorist material online and ensuring that prisoners who have demonstrated extremist views in prison receive intervention and support on release.
I am glad that Ministers have prevented hate preachers from coming to Britain to spread their hateful beliefs. Hate preachers such as Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada have been deported, and the Government does not give a public platform to groups or individuals that condone, or fail to distance themselves from, extremism. More illegal terrorist content is being removed from the internet than ever before. Since the start of this year, for example, the police have secured the removal of more than 28,000 pieces of terrorist material, and I have been assured that the Government will continue to work with the industry to prevent extremist material from getting into people’s homes.
I agree with Ministers that we need to reach out to, and work with, people in Muslim communities in the United Kingdom to ensure that we address the real issues of potential radicalisation and extremism, which many people in those communities are concerned about.
Ministers have put in place measures to ensure the Governments does not fund and does not collaborate with organisations that do not share British values. My colleagues are very clearly addressing non-violent extremism as well as ideology that justifies terrorism. I am also pleased that the UK citizenship test has been reformed to focus on values and principles at the heart of being British. Instead of telling people how to claim benefits it encourages participation in British life. In addition the Government’s integration approach, which supports youth organisations, community and faith groups, will encourage us to focus on the things that unite us.
It is also important that new migrants make a genuine effort to integrate into British society, and this includes learning the English language. The Government has increased English language requirements to guarantee that migrant workers and students are able to speak English to an appropriate level.
Lastly, I agree that Britain is a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so. The Bible has helped to give rise to the values and morals that we have in Britain today. The Prime Minister has stated publically that these values should be defended. Christians are playing a role in society, winning arguments over prayers before council meetings and taking a strong stance on the right to wear a crucifix. I fully support this and I am proud that the Government has acted to ensure that these practices can continue.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.
Source please?
Conservative MP
“Islam a religion observed peacefully and devoutly by over a billion people worldwide”
hmmm well thanks for reading out the Tory party propaganda sheet
Mr ? Tory MP
….… only … it isn t though.
and …… the more devoutly it is observed the more propensity for being problematic it becomes.
Never mind the world, example .. UK
70% of muslims polled believe, moh-toonists should be incarcerated, 25% have sympathy with 7/7 bombers, 40% want sharia law areas in the UK, and there is more.
I spoke with a middle east terror expert for over a decade, and someone from the governments initiative
on terror, only the other week.
With their combined intellect on all things terror, they could not answer a very simple query, why they insist on trying to totally differentiate all of the Islamic terror groups, somehow trying to downplay the threat, when the overall motives and aims are the same …
Boko haram … dominate the area, for the furtherance of strict Islam. by force and violence
Hamas … dominate the area, for the furtherance of strict Islam. by force and violence
ISIS … dominate the area, for the furtherance of strict Islam. by force and violence
Taliban the same, Al Quaida the same and the aim for all is it to spread, until there is no area not dominated by strict Islam for the furtherance of Islam. by force and violence.
… the only answer I got, was to immediately change the subject and talk about the “means” of ISIS?
These groups may have differences, but one thing that unites them strongly is the obsession of obliterating the West and Israel.
All of the above is a … “greater” jihad if you like,
the “lesser” Jihad? … is all of the concerted effort to subvert western societies, to use democracy against itself
pump literally billions of dollars into countries to encourage subversive attitude and behaviour
… aim yep!, dominate the whole area, for the furtherance of stricter Islam. (by force and violence if population is able), or demographics and infiltration at local and national government levels if not.
This Tory government has the grandson of the founder of the M.Brotherhood as an advisor, has Warsi as OIC intermediary, and has even consistently denied fact and reality over the aims, motives and goals, of what the Islamic threat is, the Jihadis themselves are telling you, and 1000s from this country are joining them!.
I could go on and on, but you get the point.
The Muslims who oppose terrorism may only be practicing Taqiyya (Islamic duty to decieve non-believers) so even your statistics may well drastically underestimate a majority of Muslims being in favour of terrorism.
Could be my MP. Could be any MP. No acceptance of the elite’s responsibility for unrestricted immigration since the 1950s. No real attempt to do anything but waffle.
As useless as the BBC.
They are just following orders. So many MP’s lack passion and Independence from the EU. The next general election will decide what Country we represent to inspire the next generation. Once out of Europe MP’s will have to work harder to win back public trust. The unspoken hidden (UN) agenda must go along with EU smug political correctness.
Taqiyya……from the BBC.
Today’s Independent is displaying a cringing lack of ‘independence’ in its support of the state broadcaster:
“In the face of cuts and questions over the licence fee the BBC is probably hoping that the rather less-than subliminal messaging in a star-studded new cover version of “God Only Knows” (which continues “What I’d Be Without You”) it released last night will remind us all just how necessary the corporation is.
I’ve seen that a few times now. How much of our money did they spend to make that, including the ridiculously high fees these “big” stars charge?
“ God only What I’d Be Without You”
In many case’s a shelf stacker at the quicky-mart
But the BBC completely oblivious to irony
This project/title actually just shows the utter contempt that the BBC has for Christians/Christianity.
A voluntary subscription would gauge how ‘necessary the corporation is’ using the free market, instead of forcibly stealing money from wealth creators using a totalitarian socialist idea of a state imposed licence to watch Freeview, which is not free to view in Britain, even for those on the minimum wage, who can go to prison if they cannot afford to pay.
YES, one of Israel’s two ‘cable’ networks has dropped the BBC.
The YES satellite company announced it would no longer host BBC World, as the channel enjoys low ratings in Israel as a consequence of being perceived to harbor anti-Israeli bias.
“Customer satisfaction with the channel is low, which is demonstrated in part by the data on the number of people watching it, which is very low,” a YES statement was quoted by Haaretz as saying.
Israeli satellite TV provider nixes BBC World
Israelis subscribed to YES still receive SKY News for a British perspective.
If only I could turn the bbc off in Leeds !
What a prime example of a damming indictment of BBC Bias as perceived in Foreign Lands!
Although this is about only one strand of BBC indoctrination, ie ‘Israel BBC blame game’ , what more proof does anyone need?
It is an insult to us here in UK that we have to statutorily pay for the ‘lefty’ slants to most of the BBC output, including EU, pro-Islam – anti-Israeli, Party Politics generally favouring left, Immigration misinformation! A substantial portion of the Nation would surely not choose to pay without the threat of breaking the law.
Thanks deegee for bring this to light.
I am definitely writing to the BBC, copy to my MP plus Media, Sport Committee members with this prime example and would encourage others here who wish to stop the BBC utilising it’s historical and statutory unfair advantage to indoctrinate the Nation to do the same . After all now is the prime time for all those who want action to do so, whilst the Licence is being reviewed ready for 2016 renewal.
As it’s Cameron’s watch the BBC 2016 license Charter will be an already done deal with the Liberals. The famous ‘BBC independence’ is totally threadbare and is very closely aligned to the Labour/Marxists axis existing within the civil-service culture (Department of Culture, Media and Sports) work hand in hand with the BBC ‘Trustees’ and swop key top ‘jobs’. The BBC is the one for (Lords) ennoblement and generous BBC pay awards to keep the show on ‘bias’ whilst maintaining its monopoly in broadcasting ‘correctness’.
I watched the Long Shadow episode three yesterday and found it to interesting and informative. Almost everything the BBC should be. The presenter Professor David Reynolds did a good job. He made a persuasive case that the two World Wars had their roots in nationalism and that the EU started life as an attempt to bind nations and their minorities into a greater whole which transcended nationality. He gave numerous examples of how nationalist sentiments across Europe had very often led to tensions and sometimes escalated to war. Interestingly, perhaps in line with BBC policy and liberal left thought, he was much less damming of the Irish brand of nationalism and went easy of the Welsh and Scottish brands as well.
What struck me though, was how little difference there was between the communities who often caused so much trouble . The Poles massacred Czechs, the Czechs and Slovaks couldn’t live together in one country, Serbs and Croats fought each other. So it went on and on, example after example, of how even in two communities sharing similar cultures, often the same language, sometimes the same religion, tensions would be present even after centuries of ‘ cohabitation’.
What Professor Reynolds failed to do, was to draw the obvious conclusion from history, viz, that even small differences between communities often lead to tension and war. So why on earth did the leftist politicians of the UK encourage millions of people, very different to ourselves, to come and live in our country? Surely the left would vigorously support the adoption of the Precautionary Principle on matters of the environment when the science is still disputed. Why then do they abandon this principle in the face of hundreds of years of painful, proven, historical examples, and encourage mass immigration? Surely with all the evidence that mixing peoples up often leads to awful consequences, they ought to have tried to limit migration not to encourage it with open doors. Are they mad, literally mad , as Mr Powell declared?
One thing we can be certain of is that, even if the Prof had thought this, he would never have been allowed to say it on the BBC and it would certainly have been the end of his BBC career if he had even hinted at it.
And Reynolds’ political subtext is:
-subsume Britain’s national interests under the federalising, undemocratic
European Union, as do BBC-NUJ, Labour and Lib Dems.
One thing Reynolds didn’t do in this magisterial survey of the effects of WW1 was plead for or advocate the subsuming of Britain’s interests in the EU. On the contrary, he highlighted how shocked and surprised our rulers were that, less than 20 years after the end of WW2, the leaders of Germany and France (Adenauer and De Gaulle) agreed to merge their countries into a putative political union. He noted that the UK – coming late to the party – accepted (through Heath who would have signed up to absolutely anything) structures and arrangements that, had we entered the ECSC (the first step to a USE), might not have been set up.
These bureaucratic and undemocratic arrangements are one reason why – as Reynolds explained – we are perpetually uncomfortable as part of this club and that the UK is in but not of Europe. Indeed the whole series explains why that has always been the British position whether or not the EU had been created. Surprisingly, he failed to highlight that the major part of the reasons Germany and France came together was that they had both been defeated in WW2 and thus an accommodation, although shocking to our politcal class, was not (as it turned out) impossible. Reynolds did imply that because we had won both WW1 and WW2 we failed to appreciate what defeat meant.
Portraying the Reynolds analysis as part of the BBC Narrative is an insult to Reynolds. Moreover, that such programmes can still be made and transmitted by the BBC is a cause for celebration rather than uncalled for criticism. However, it does highlight the propagandising dross which most BBC “factual” output comprises.
We supposedly won both WW’s but strangely were left with a wrecked economy that we seem to have not recovered from. Germany on the other hand did very nicely, eventually, and so it seems odd that we apparently ‘won’
“left with a wrecked economy that we seem to have not recovered from.”
Obviously there are several reasons for this, a tendency towards complacency being one. A big one, in my opinion, is our 20-something world ranking in Reading, Maths and Science.
I think the expression is “Won the War but Lost the Peace”
“The Poles massacred Czechs, the Czechs and Slovaks couldn’t live together in one country, Serbs and Croats fought each other. So it went on and on”
So England and Scotland have behaved pretty well since 1707. We should give ourselves a little more credit from time to time.
So far as the Left’s attitude to immigration is concerned, I always think of W S Gilbert: “Then the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone, All centuries but this, and every country but his own;”
By “Left” I include trendy, middle class hypocrites as well. Thinking of people I’ve actually met or worked with over the years, these have been the worst. Specifically, the doctor’s son who sneered at my middle class preference for classical music. His hobby was …… sailing. The hypocrisy escaped him completely.
“By “Left” I include trendy, middle class hypocrites as well. Thinking of people I’ve actually met or worked with over the years, these have been the worst. Specifically, the doctor’s son who sneered at my middle class preference for classical music. His hobby was …… sailing. The hypocrisy escaped him completely”
Can’t stand people like that
who Sailors? Me neither. Marines all the way for me
Sailors have an irritating habit of inventing their own words for absolutely everything and pointing out every transgression even though they know exactly what you mean.
“It’s the head, not the toilet.”
Sorry Popeye, but as far as I’m concerned, a toilet is a f***ing toilet, regardless of where you’ve put the damn thing.
Porthole = Window
Galley = Kitchen
Pulling = Rowing
Golden Rivet = Bend Over
So why on earth did the leftist politicians of the UK encourage millions of people, very different to ourselves, to come and live in our country?
To cause the very tensions that have occurred since they started. They want people of different groups to hate each other because it allows them to introduce oppressive legislation they can turn against the populace. It also helps distract from the electorate their incompetence and corruption.
It is part of human nature that people cannot abide difference and will often perform quite irrationally just to achieve conformity. It is part of what makes us human. But we are also violent, territorial and greedy; whish is why we invented civilisation because as intelligent beings we found that compromise and co-operation are more advantageous to more people than conflict.
However the veneer of civilisation is thin and we wear it away at our peril.
Indeed, it is called divide and rule.
Are Beeboids ears burning?:-
“The Leftist Jihad Has Nothing To Do with Liberalism”
By Daniel Greenfield.
Beeboid Humphrys raised questions of NATO member, Islamising Turkey’s inaction against Islamic State at Kobani, while Kurds have been killed in Turkey. But Beeboids are totally uncritical of the way Labour, Lib Derms, Tories, TUC, inc BBC-NUJ campaign for Turkey’s membership of E.U.
Stop the Islamisation of Europe. No to Turkey in E.U.
“Who Does Turkey Support?”
Turkey hates both ISIS and the Kurds. They are hoping that they wipe each other out.
The political ‘left’ (inc Beeboids) campaign to cut U.K Defence spending.
BUT when there are crises such as those from Islamic State, and from Ebola, that same political ‘left’ is critical of the reduced availability of British troops, planes, ships,
and other equipment!
Communists/Socialists/Fascists/Greens etc- all victims of arrested development. If they weren’t so dangerous I’d recommend we just pity them and ignore them. But they are and we can’t afford to, no matter how pitiable and infantile their ideas and actions. Socialism in all its guises must be defeated if we as a nation ever want to regain some measure of sanity. Neutralising the bbc’s propaganda would be a good first step.
I agree John but the less people vote in local and general elections the more freakish kinky and perverted get in and start rigging the vote. The BBC is exploitative by simply being the biggest player in the media circle/ It should have been abolished 10 year ago but was instead given a new lease of life to corrupt society further. Our democracy is so frail now that only a big turnout at the local and general election wipe-out will remove them and the Liberal elite who benefit from forced ‘integration’.
BBC news has now started referring to ‘so called Islamic State’. I first noticed this terminology on the last R4 Sunday programme and expected it to spread. Funny how the BBC never thought it necessary to refer to the ‘so called Irish Republican Army’ even when most Irish people opposed it.
You think the BBC came up with this Islamowash on its own or in concert with the ‘so called’ Muslim Council of Great Britain?
Hows about “The so-called British Broadcasting Corporation”?
It works for me.
… even when most Irish people opposed it.
But did they oppose what the IRA wanted, i.e. a united Ireland? In my experience I only ever met two Irish people who supported the IRA but I am yet to meet an Irish catholic who does not want a united Ireland. None of them, of course would actively do anything to achieve that end, beyond reluctantly placing something in the hat down the pub.
It is similar to the position of Muslims in the UK today. Most of them have no interest in the extremists. But would they do anything to stop them and when the fez is passed around do they drop a fiver in?
When I did voluntary work with a Lebenese Muslim 18 year old whose family had been in the UK for 30 years -she said that her boyfriend had very strong views but that she didn’t. At the Christmas party we helped each other out pointing out the ham sandwiches to each other but when I expressed support for Israel she nearly literally strangled me ! – her total and utter hatred for anyone that supported Israel took over. The BBC continues to fuel this hatred by its biased reporting against Israel
I recently worked in an office with many Muslims in it, in fact at times I was the only Englishman, if not the only white man there. Most of the Muslims were from Sri Lanka and when one of them made an anti-Semitic remark about Jews and Israel the rest jumped on him.
Incidentally the office often did charity gubbins like casual Fridays or raffles and only one of the Muslims there refused to contribute to Help for Heroes the week after Lee Rigby was murdered. I wasn’t even aware he was a Muslim and I had been down the pub with him on a number of occasions. He was a very urbane and generally nice bloke. But not on the subject of Iraq.
So I suppose it depends on the individual.
For once I agree with the BBC although my personal preference is for self-declared Islamic State.
The three names in the one organisation are very confusing. Is it ISIS or ISIL or IS? Perhaps they are branches of the same organisation? Perhaps they are separate groups loosely aligned?
Calling them Islamic State is problematic and I don’t mean simply because they are murderous thugs. No one accepts they are a state and we don’t want to lend legitimacy by accepting their own label or by repetition. They are not the only Islamic state and that confuses the issue further. Not even those who in principle accept their ideology, such as Hamas, necessary accept their claim to the Caliphate i.e the Islamic state that rules over all Muslims.
Even from a media perspective the inevitable abbreviation to IS plays havoc with search engines and the Ctrl F command by selecting both the word ‘is’ (3rd person singular of the verb ‘to be’) and every instance of the ‘is’ combination. That’s 532 on this page at time of writing. SCIS or SDIS is a much more manageable solution.
I have much more problem with the implication that they are not really Islamic than the BBC’s chosen label.
True, it is one of the few times the BBC uses the “so-called” prefix correctly, But only if they are doubting the “statehood” of IS, rather than the “Islamic” designation. Islamic state is not recognised as a state by the UN, just as the Islamic State does not recognise the UN or any international border. I would prefer the BBC to use the phrase “Self designated Islamic State”
Sadly though, I can’t help feeling that the BBC is using that “so-called” prefix due to the establishment’s attempt to manipulate the public into distancing the perception of the IS from being Islamic, rather than being a “state”
‘so called’ Muslim Council of Great Britain?
or maybe the” Muslim Parliament of Britain”, yep! Muslims working feverishly towards it since 1992!, now advising the Quilliam foundation,
Click to access MuslimManifesto.pdf
From the manifesto:
Jihad is a basic requirement of Islam and living in Britain or having British nationality by birth or naturalisation does not absolve the Muslim from his or her duty to participate in jihad : this participation can be active service in armed struggle abroad and/or the provision of material and moral support to those engaged in such struggle anywhere in the world ..
Nice to know who we are sharing our ‘British Values’ with, Prime Imam Khameron!
The muslim Head of Religious Broadcasting at the BBC continues to push islam a little-bit-more each time as the days and months go by. But quietly so we don’t notice. All week, ‘Prayer For the Day’ on R4 has had a stream of imams with deceiving messages about the peacefulness of islam and its care for others. For myself, I see only a socio-political construct with a veneer of religion whose ‘prophet’ was a war-lord and murderer and who to criticise is a death sentence.
It’s always telling to see what the bBBC ‘news’ website is allowing us to comment on. Today:
Muslim terrorists on the borders of Turkey – NO
Ebola virus in Europe – NO
The UK’s counter-terrorism policy – NO
Allowing lazy teenagers to start school late – YES!
There are ways round the BBC suppression of unwanted comments by commenting on another, but related article. Look at the comments on Sarkozy’s remarks from a couple of years ago
“Nicolas Sarkozy says France has too many foreigners”
Look at the most popular comments..
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Comment number 27.
7th March 2012 – 9:49
I was born and lived in London all my life, until 7 years ago. My eldest was 5 and about to start school. When I looked at our options I discovered that she would be the ONLY child in her class with English as 1st language. The teacher also spoke very poor English. I moved 300 miles so that she would not be at a disadvantage. The situation seems out of control now. Very difficult to change it now.
Comment number 92.
7th March 2012 – 10:35
All this user’s posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 19.
7th March 2012 – 9:41
@2. dirtydonki
There’s nothing xenophobic about it. Immigration is a big problem in
France as it is in the UK and although I’m not a massive fan of Sarkozy I think taking a strong stance on this is a good thing. A country can only take so many people and too many health and benefits tourists are bleeding richer countries dry. Keeping France French sounds like something the PM should be doing.
The 2nd most popular comment was deleted by the BBC. I wonder why?
Now look at the top BBC picks from the comments
7th March 2012 – 16:15
Just hope the Asians are more tolerant to our children when they emigrate to great cities of the next generation. Business is global & only those who can think that way will succeed.
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Comment number 547.
7th March 2012 – 16:15
I have come legally to France through membership in the Foreign Legion, I am foreign now but will be citizen soon through my service to the great country of France. If you do not wish to work for your privilege to live IN privilege, go back to a place you do not have to work. France is not a free ride!
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Comment number 469.
7th March 2012 – 14:59
I am appalled at the level of intolerance & ignorance displayed in many of the “popular” comments to this post. Most seem unaware that Nations and nationalities are an artificial construct of the 18th century. The history of humankind is dominated by mobile populations – constant emigration and immigration. Any “foreigners” in France or the UK are often there as a consequence of our imperial past.
Do you spot any pattern?
I guess when you are ‘on the left’ everything else is ‘far right’.
The BBC worries that people it doesn’t like have discovered Facebook.
I expect no-one else uses Facebook because the BBC gives them an open microphone! Talking of which what was Jeremy Hardy babbling on about last night? A continuous stream of havering about what he thinks other people think. Wouldn’t it be nice Caroline Raphael if you could actually commission a comedian rather than someone you went to university with? Comedians tell jokes; Hardy is a joke.
UKIP was referred to as “Far Right” again this morning – lumped in with Le Pen.
But all the evidence is that UKIP are taking shoals of votes from Labour – the byelections today will show that yet again.
How is “appealing to the ordinary bloke in the street” equivalent to “Far Right” ?
Yes the BBC states makes that comparison often but then in reality the ‘establishment’ has all moved substantially to the left and the main three parties are re-aligned like this:
> UKip is where the Conservatives should be.
> The Conservatives have adopted Liberal policies.
> The Liberals have adopted Labour policies
> Labour has openly aligned itself to Marxism.
The BBC would adopt all the Socialist manifesto and bind us to a permanent socialist alliance in Europe.
God alone knows why Cam the Sham whores after the LibDums’ 6%, when the kippers are sitting there with the 16% extra available for any party that can actually come up with a halfway sensible policy.
Vote UKIP – You Get Ukip !
John, you should know perfectly well by now that the ordinary English bloke in the street is, likely as not, a shaven headed, tattooed white fascist who cannot be relied upon to do as he is told.
As I understand the terms the principal differences between Left and Right are in economic terms. The Left wants to tax more and expand the state. The Right wants to tax less and give the individual greater freedom.
In those terms Marine Le Pen’s Front National are actually Far Left; UKIP are mildly right; and on current form these past 4 years the Tories are mildly Leftist.
Except in BBC land Far Right is code for ‘we think these guys are big fat racists, who we hate’. The idea that Left wingers could be racist simply does not compute.
Its ‘Simples’ – Al Beeb always
looks upon the ordinary bloke in the street or pub even , as “Far Right “. They are completely out of touch.
Vote UKIP!
But UKIP have only one policy.
Or two if you count Repeal the handgun ban a policy.
You have got to agree though, it’s one hell of a good policy – get out of Europe and its absurd laws, the ECHR, and the unfettered immigration that we are experiencing .
uncle bup.
Al Beeb is ‘bleating’ on about some illegal and ‘desperate’ Eritrean immigrant girl trying to get in to Great Britain illegally from France. Why Great Britain and why not stay France? What’s wrong with her staying in France if the European Union is so good?
That is so out of date, the latest UKIP conference was all about the policies that are planed for an Independent Britain, after the basic one policy goal has been achieved.
‘A far right political group in the UK has half a million followers on Facebook, despite having no democratically elected representatives.’
I remain intrigued by the link being attempted. What does the latter mitigate against the former? It’s… Facebook.
‘The BBC worries that people it doesn’t like have discovered Facebook.’
Like a HYS thread going off the rails, they must be already winding up the troops to get it shut down.
That can be a risky strategy, as a huge chunk of BBC output is now on Facebook, and few topics get too far down a thread without a lot of hate getting posted.
And the BBC is for sure not unique enough to have that acceptable for themselves if others are being called to account.
I heard some of his rubbish. The brave lad was so edgy attacking Christianity. That’s the stuff we like to hear from our brave lefty BBC types.
As for a certain other faith. Well our brave lad is not that brave.
Worthless as is his employer.
The bBBC doesn’t seem to have followed up the non-story about a university rugby club writing a non-PC leaflet.
Now the university vice-chancellor has offered counselling to anyone upset by the leaflet! Worth every penny of their £9,000 student fees, and his £466,000 salary.
Not just any university: the LSE, the Fabians’ very own madrassah. No wonder they got their knickers in a twist!
Holy shit, if anyone is that sensitive about a few adjectives god bloody help the future of this country.
Are these people serious about counselling for heaven sake? I despair.
The other night while trying to digest a late night Indian I heard an interview at about 3.20am R4. The conversation was about the Scots referendum and how the councils were still after those who owed tax, but the voters were now on the radar because they had finally registered.
Bits of the conversation were, Glasgow had the lowest poll, with 75%. Answer was ‘Glaswegians like to stay of the radar. A comment from the female interview, ‘don’t you think it harsh to go after those who have newly registered to vote’. Inteviewing people in a poor Glasgow area, ‘nearly 100% voted for independence.
So I took several things from the array of comments, the bBC think it is ok for you to be a crook and not pay your taxes as you have finally crawled out of your pit and registered to vote. The other is that the Scots so called ‘referendum for Independence’ was as the evidence suggests, only a means to an end. The vote was really the Scots saying ‘whats in it for me’. The ideals of an independent state being a long way back in second place. The evidence is now strong that this is true, but bBC would never go down that path as it would enrage the locals.
Clearly obvious that fat Salmond got the scum out to vote by promising everything under the sun. The councils then see all their trash suddenly registered and can start collecting unpaid poll tax/rates/etc .
The SNP quick off the mark and prevent councils from collecting the debt and protect their voters.
SNP = crooks/wasters/thieves/criminals
Exciting BBC career opportunity tweeted by none other than Adam Woodyatt, aka Ian Beale from Eastenders:
Exciting if you’re not white, that is, as if you are then you won’t be considered.
The job is only open to people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.
I didn’t think that it was legal to racially discriminate in a job ad.
I agree with you, it is illegal, breaks the equality act. Nice to see the new chairmen of the bBC trust is up to speed and getting these illegal actions stamped upon.
I previously complained to the Equality and Human Rights Commission about a racially discriminatory job advert.
They said they would investigate and get back to me (that was two years ago and they still haven’t heard back from them), and they also informed me that:
Under section 13 of the Equality Act 2010, which came into force on 1 October 2010, it is unlawful to treat an individual less favourably because of a protected characteristic. Protected characteristics include age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
Section 19 makes it unlawful to indirectly discriminate against an individual by applying a policy which particularly disadvantages individuals with a protected characteristic.
In the context of recruitment, section 39 makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate in the arrangements made to fill a post. An advertisement could be regarded as part of the arrangements made to determine who should be offered employment.
I’m about to email to see if this job advert is illegal.
The Twiiter advert may also be illegal. I am sure that any public corporation must also post the advert on a public newspaper (that would be the Guardian). Only then can they sign up the Twitter ‘feed’. Subtext is that they must also espouse gender ‘oneness’ (queer folk) and be an African Guardian reader (obviously).
I’ve had some involvement with this type of thing and the advertisement is perfectly legal. The get-out clause is usually considered to be Section 37 [1] of the Race Relations Act 1976, which basically states that if a racial group is under-represented then employers can offer training to individuals from that group. That’s why the BBC advertisement talks about a “training and development opportunity” rather than a job per se. Note that this legislation precedes the obnoxious Equality Act 2010 by 24 years. There have been some challenges to this legislation but it is still in force.
Fair point Ian – I had a feeling that the BBC would have consulted their lawyers before running this ad.
Are non-whites under-represented in the national media though? I’d be surprised if they were, given how London-centric the industry is, and how big they are on diversity.
It gets worse. The term “under represented” does not have a strict challengable legal definition. The layman might think that it relates to demographics and numbers; for instance if, say, ethnic group xyz makes up 10% of the population then it might be thought that they should provide 10% of the TV presenters. It doesn’t work this way. The interpretation used is that a group is “under represented” if it does not have enough members with power or authority to speak for them or help them. So, it is possible to have a situation where, say, 50% of the BBC staff are from ethnic group xyz but are still under represented because of a background of historical prejudice, discrimination, poor perception and so on. People have to realise that this is not about rationality or fairness and letters of complaint to the BBC or their MPs will have about as much effect as someone in 1930’s Germany writing to Hitler to complain that he’s being a bit beastly towards certain groups. These laws have been carefully formulated by highly intelligent people over more than a generation with very certain long term political ends in mind.
Think Alice Through the Looking Glass: “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
“Get me out of here: London is the ‘childbirth capital of Europe’”
Ian, it is advertise under their Careers section and says for 12 months. I assume they are paid so therefore it is a job. I expect my logic is to simple for employment law.
Not really I’m afraid, Fred. There is no direct relationship between “job” and “payment”, which is why you can have unpaid jobs, voluntary work and internships. And training schemes, for which specific provision has been made in the legislation quoted above.
Here is the link to the job; it is listed under ‘Vacancies’ and NOT the section ‘Training’. However there is a big BOLD entry at the top stating this is a training job. I suppose this is so the slimy bastards can get it to comply with the race relations act.
But it says “building on existing Television……” So not offering new jobs to “disadvantaged” ethnics then, just embedding them further into the meme. Surely the BBC has a disproportionate number by now and if so could they now start advertising for white British to maintain a balance? Silly me, this is the BBC and the liberal paradise on earth called England
You’ll notice there is no mention of remuneration, just an ‘allowance’.
Is the BBC offering unpaid internships again? Surely not?
Once again only the children of the rich need apply.
BBC neo-fascism at work.
There are some mixed race black people who look white, there are lots of Asians who can pass off as white Europeans and there are plenty of minority ethnic groups like Jews and Gipsies who can look European. Numbers of these type of people increase if you include those who use hair straighteners and skin whitening makeup.
So in theory it is possible that all six could pass off as indigenous English, especially if they added merit to the racial profiling.
But I suppose the BBC is far too racist to allow this random possibility to occur.
Richard ‘Albedo’ Pinder,
“There are some mixed race black people who look white…”
Sorry to be so blunt, but Richard; go fuck yourself.
“Richard ‘Albedo’ Pinder,
“There are some mixed race black people who look white…”
Sorry to be so blunt, but Richard; go fuck yourself.”
Erm….elaborate please Dezzy, Ryan Giggs is mixed race, his father is black, he very easily passes for 100% white.
He is also very proud of his black roots, even though he does not like his father, when he was young, he used to refer to himself as “black”
So what was wrong with Richard Pinders initial statement?
[Pinder; “There are some mixed race black people who look white…”]
“So what was wrong with Richard Pinders initial statement?”
It subscribes to the “one-drop rule”; that if you are of “mixed race” you are black even if you look white. The lowest and most infantile form of racial prejudice.
If you’d been following Pinder’s posts for some time you would know that he is a white supremacist who believes that black people are genetically inferior.
Amusing interlude on BBC 5Live’s Afternoon Edition today. In the course of an interview with John (Johnny Rotten) Lydon, he announced that he had never been a big fan of Nelson Mandela’s, due to Mandela’s henchmens habit of placing burning tyres around peoples necks. You could almost hear the chins hitting the floor in shock! The presenters asked Lydon to justify the claim and when he did, they closed down the argument with “It was only a few rogue ANC members”. They were clearly horrified that ANYONE could criticize St Nelson, let alone someone they clearly believed was one of their own. I’ve rather warmed towards Mr Lydon
Didn`t Jon Snow tell us on Tuesday that he would be interviewing Mr Lydon on yesterdays Channel 4 News.
But no Mr Lydon…wonder why?
Or am I wrong…I hate Jon Snow so much, I might have got a wire or two crossed.
Not good if you hope to plug his chair in for him…wanker!
BBC Washington senior writer and Echo Chambers blogger Anthony Zurcher:
In other news…
‘A computer inside the BBC has updated Rona’s Wikipedia entry to read “Chairwoman”.
‘It’s comforting to see such a respected and august national institution lead the way against politically correct butchery’
I mentioned the other day about the merry-go-round of liberals with books to sell…compo to plough for..or dead careers of irrelevance to resuscitate.
Begg, Ashdown, Powell and the likes of Owen Jones came to mind.
Can i now add Naomi Klein to the favoured list of golden people that the BBC seems to like.
She too has a new book…climate change will do for us, if ebola doesn`t.
It`ll be all Reagans fault…Thatchers, Bush and Nick Ridleys.
Always is.
Once again Daniel Greenfield( Sultanknish) nails these liberal idiots. Today is a classic and I would love to see him on the BBC.
But that will never happen
A self selecting clique of the like minded . All you will get from the worthless BBC.
Yesterday morning Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell was conducting an interview on the subject of cruelty to children suspected of witchcraft. Campbell tried to get the interviewee to state that this occurred only within fundamental Christian denominations, but when the interviewee stated that he had recently a number of referrals concerning the Muslim faith, Campbell immediately changed tack!! This was obviously not part of the script!
BBc seem to think some naff baking program is the pinnacle of artistic achievement. Once again this I’ve watched virtually no BBc programming, so excellent value for money…not. I’m building a conservatory in the garden but today due to weather I’ve been in and had the misfortune to see the news. So almost up with (don’t panic) Ebola, (the cult who are not acting like other members of the cult) ISL we have some cooking program
the good news news is, mohammed shafiq i shout everybody down with his leftist nonsense has gone to pakistan for 3 weeks so we wont have to put up with him bullying that limp wristed fake conservative gerry hayes on stephen nolans radio 5 live friday paper review,the bad news is president barack obola seems to be ending his legacy as president by letting in infected west africans in to his country with that virus that is spreading like wildfire over the states,lets hope that clegg and cameron dont make the same mistake as president barack obola by infecting us in the uk with this deadly virus.
Did anyone watch the lead story on the one show tonight?
Sorry, but was that for réal? Or was i imagining things? Re. The interview with the mother of a jihadist who was killed in syria by an american air strike.
Maybe the BBC ought to have this pinned to the wall of the gents urinal up there in BBC Salford, you know, like the adverts I see when I’m urinating in the toilets of a motorway service station:
This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are Muslim drug gangs operating in every town and city, worse it is completely known about by the Muslim community. If they aren’t dealing or benefitting directly then they know someone who is, and are not reporting them to the Police. Yes their community have drug addicts, but it seems that even then they will not report anyone to the Police.
I am told that they view the Police with a great deal of suspicion because of the corruption and violence of the Police in Pakistan. No one ever tells these immigrants that the UK is not the same as Pakistan, because that would be racist, and anti multiculturalism.
Worse still it would appear that the BLiar government openly turned a blind eye to all the dealing preventing the Police from arresting known dealers when the Coalition came to power the change was very noticeable.
Drug dealing produces a lot of money – ever wondered why all these takeaways that never seem to have customers never seem to go bust? Well a way of laundering money is needed and they’re a great front for that. How about all those money transfer shop? Think they’re transferring the odd bit of benefit money back to Pakistan? Think again. When one woman lost money to a Pakistani fraudster operating one of these shops Galloway stepped in to demand the government compensated her, the amount she lost? £67K ! When she was asked where she got the money, the best she could come up with was ‘the sale of a house’.
In Rochdale not that long ago a money transfer shop in Rochdale was raided by Police in the belief it had laundered an almost unbelievable £200 million !
Then there are the arms caches found to support this kind of crime, but who knows what else they might be used for, and we’re not talking the odd ancient handgun, there are some serious pieces of kit such as machine guns .
Whilst the media are prepared to report these miscreants as one off incidents, they have yet to put them together into any kind of bigger picture. I believe that this is not an accident as it can’t possibly have gone unnoticed, I hear the regular excuses that dealers come from all ethnicities, and this is of course true. But no other ethnic group has such a high involvement, nor a link via Afghanistan to heroin, and no other community is as committed and accepting as the Pakistanis are.
“This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are Muslim drug gangs operating in every town and city, worse it is completely known about by the Muslim community. If they aren’t dealing or benefitting directly then they know someone who is, and are not reporting them to the Police.”
And your evidence for this is what exactly; apart from two “Muslims” found guilty of smuggling drugs? You think drug smugglers make a habit of telling everyone?
How about this other gang:
”12 September 2014
Members of a gang which attempted to flood north-east England with drugs have been jailed.
Nine men from Tyneside, Teesside, Northampton, Nottingham and Slough were given jail terms ranging from two years eight months to 11 years.
Michael Watts, Neil Hoban, David Faulkener, Darren Herbert, Michael Li, David Drew, Kevin Christopher Murray, Andrew Yates, Abdur Rahman Kahn”
Or this gang:
”22 August 2014
Protein Masters drug gang jailed for 105 years
A gang that used a health supplements shop as a front to manufacture and supply drugs has been jailed for a total of more than 100 years.
Daniel Robinson, Craig Donnelly, Ben Mullins, Richie Fido, Anthony Donnelly, Edward Taylor, Andrew Brimble, Charles Corke, Paul Critchlow, Michael Lawrence, Joshua Patchett”
Or this gang:
”7 February 2014
England-wide heroin and crack cocaine drugs gang jailed
Nine people have been sent to prison for conspiracy to supply Class A drugs across England.
Craig Wright, Tina Brophy, Chantelle MacDowell, Michael O’Dell, Qamar Zaman, Sanchez Hamilton, Robert Tallis, Calville Wiggins, Abdul Rashid, Aiden Collins, Nicholas Clarke”
Obviously they must have been known about by the White/Christian/British community huh? Why didn’t you report any of them ‘thoughtful’?
“- ever wondered why all these takeaways that never seem to have customers never seem to go bust?”
Lots of takeaways go bust, survive on a meagre income, or are sold on to new, more
naiveoptimistic, owners on a regular basis.It’s quite obvious you are making up this stupid, bigoted rubbish as you go along. What I do wonder, is why? Were you hoping that no one would notice?
“In Rochdale not that long ago a money transfer shop in Rochdale was raided by Police in the belief it had laundered an almost unbelievable £200 million!”
Yes, and…
Mohammed Aslam Jalal found not guilty of alleged £200 million money laundering fraud
“I am told…”
Wow, nothing gets past you does it.
The usual typical blinkered response from the left who cannot see an issue when it involves the Muslim community.
I wonder if you actually bothered to read my post as you have failed in your rage & hatred to actually address what was written.
In the final paragraph I address the fact that there are dealers from other ethnicities, and make the distinction between them and the Pakistani community. You have failed to address this, and therefore I think it safe to assume that you have to accept my piece as true.
Again with the money laundering fraud, I reported it that ‘police believed’ I never reported it as a fact, which you have had to twist it into to be able to allege that I did.
Just because a man has been found not guilty of a £200 million laundering crime does not mean that a £200 million laundering crime did not happen !
You have (deliberately) missed the point. There are very many of these money transfer shops and there have been other issues of money laundering.
You have done exactly what I expect the Fascist left to do. You have not stopped to think whether there might be some merit to my piece, nor truth. You haven’t even read it properly before you rushed to the defence of your brown eyed boys. Unfortunately for you, in doing so you failed to address a single concern or point raised, you just showed a desperation to defend the top of the hierarchy of isms regardless.
May I remind you this is exactly what the Fascists did in Rotherham – desperate to deny that any issue was going on with the Pakistani Muslim community, because after all paedophiles are of all ethnicities, look at Jimmy Saville !
Well I guess that makes child rape alright then !
“…you have failed in your rage & hatred…”
You flatter yourself.
“In the final paragraph I address the fact that there are dealers from other ethnicities, and make the distinction between them and the Pakistani community.”
Be honest; you don’t address it, you mention it is a casual aside. You go onto say;
“But no other ethnic group has such a high involvement, nor a link via Afghanistan to heroin, and no other community is as committed and accepting as the Pakistanis are.”
And for this you provide absolutely no evidence other than “nudge nudge takeaways” and “wink wink a money transfer shop”
“Again with the money laundering fraud, I reported it that ‘police believed’ I never reported it as a fact, which you have had to twist it into to be able to allege that I did.”
LOL! I didn’t twist anything, I simply posted a link showing that the alleged fraud was thrown out of court!
But apparently that’s not good enough because; “being-found-not-guilty-doesn’t-mean-he-wasn’t-guilty-and-anyway-there-are-other-cases-which-I-don’t-know-about…”
“You have done exactly what I expect the Fascist left to do. You have not stopped to think whether there might be some merit to my piece, nor truth.”
Again, you flatter yourself. Your post is devoid of any evidence; it consists of nothing more than heresay and innuendo.
Your desperate squirming [Jimmy Saville!] shows just how pitiful your version of “truth” really is
When UKIP wins its first U.K Parliamentary seat, will BBC-NUJ give it the same politically sympathetic treatment which Beeboids give to their anti-fracking chums
in the Green Party?
They won`t win any more seats , the only winner is going to be Millitwat .
Thank you, Mr Hague. The exit is that way.
Essex Man is the other Yorkshireman Eric Pickles, who defected to Essex and has gone left of Labour on issues such as the NHS and the Environment Agency.
What a f*cking shower. Just watching Question Time.
It’s in Clacton and the audience a cheering every lefty on the panel.
seems like a normal BBc audience to me. Stacked to the rafters
Yep Clacton are just about to return a UKIP MP by quite a margin, yet lefty QT editor Mr Gentchev seems not to be able to find a single UKIP voter from Clacton to join the audience. Note also the lefty slant on the red button comments.
The result from Heywood and Middleton will be far more interesting as to how much UKIP eat into Labours majority.
Now I have been watching QT for some years. I have noticed on occasion that the left clap louder but a fair chunk of the audience are not.
Tonight, in a seat where UKIP look like they will get at least 40% there was no doubt that the audience were all shipped in.
How long before this Hamburg violence, consequent of the ‘left’-sponsored,
mass immigration (Hall’s ‘diversity’?), spreads to London?
“Kurds demonstrate against Islamic State in violent clashes with radical Islamists
in Hamburg”
“It’s Time to Kick Terrorist Turkey Out of NATO”
By Daniel Greenfield.
-while National Union of Journalists, alongside Labour, Lib Dems, Tories, campaign for 80 million Muslim Turks to get entry to European Union!
Good grief!! The question time rent a reds are out in force big time tonight.
It makes me want to puke!!!!
I was wondering who the novelist was. So i looked a wiki.
Bit of a BBC past in there.
Have just got in from work and checked Guido for election results
See UKIP won as expected in clacton and labour held (as expected) haywood
Does any one have an voting figures on that?
Also from comments section I see question time excelled it’s self again.
Check this from breitbart
John Bickley (UKIP) – 11,016
Iain Gartside (Conservative) – 3,496
Abi Jackson (Green) – 870
Liz McInnes (Labour) – 11,633
Anthony Smith (Liberal Democrat) – 1,457
Now thats an earthquake
what surprises me is that the Lib Dems actually got people to vote for them. Let alone Labour actually won. I’ve been to Heywood and Middleton its a place where I keep my foot down as I drive through
and the narrow margin could well have been caused by fiddled postal votes.
A very good point – postal votes should only be allowed for those who cannot attend polling stations for medical reasons.
Almost 25% of all votes cast were postal votes
“Also from comments section I see question time excelled it’s self again”
There does seem quite the discrepancy between representation based on actual voting public and who the BBC manages to install in its audiences.
Maybe the time for questions has arrived as to how or why this is?
Any bland spokesperson statements that the BBC believes the BBC acts with a BBC version of professionalism and integrity that trumps lying eyes may well struggle to convince.
Watched BBC Breakfast just now for the first time in years to see the look of disgust of the presenter’s faces as they are forced to announced a UKIP win.
Grant Shapps – who got rich through a dodgy “internet marketing” company – can only say “a vote for UKIP is a vote for Miliband”.
I could only stand a few minutes of it before turning over.
BBC FaceBook pages are a treat, with many loyal if irony-bereft viewers lamenting the failure of democracy created by too many voting for the wrong people.
I wonder if the BBC will ask any Lib Dems for comment? If so more likely easy serves to further snipe at their coalition partner’s performances than their own deposit-sacrificing streak.
And whilst the prospect of an Edestration does appall, if the best the Tories can manage is they are not as bad as Labour, they may struggle to convince voters seeking solutions and not excuses.
BBC has a serious problem with Lib Dems. They can’t find either of them.
And I`ve put poor old Malcolm Bruce on my Dignitas List, having seen the poor old fool spluttering into his Sanatogen on Question Time last night!
Ming Campbell is now 5/1 on for pegging out before the Christmas season…but I can`t get odds on Bruce now!
Who put HIM out there in the wilting arclights?
An accumulator that the dead nonentitys name will begin with “M” will have to do.
“Go back to your funeral home…and leave your eulogy with Ian MacMillan” seems to be the LibDems Grey motto.
As long as Last Word get the ” Parliamentarian and statesman” bits in…no-one else will give a flying flop!
Heywood and Middleton would suggest that it’s a vote for the Tories that would let in Miliband.
If just 700 of them had switched to UKIP…..
Incidentally, I wonder what the postal vote figures say?
Postal voting, especially in certain constituencies, seems well worth ‘analysis’. Things seem to have taken a poor turn since legitimate accommodation for valid physical inability to attend has been expanded to a silly degree.
Meanwhile the idiot Tory strategy of trying to spin a vote for UKIP is a vote for Labour has backfired about as spectacularly as it possibly could have.
Sofa dwellers in damage control mode. “It’s only one MP”,”It’s a By election” “it’s the same bloke” . Never mind back to horse in police station and baking fever stories.
Milliband says that UKIP are more Tory than the Tories under Cameron who regards anyone who votes UKIP as loonies, because they are more Tory than he is, but Farage is right and they are wrong, because they are Socialists, and he is a realist.
I suppose its because Farage is a Patriotic Realist just like the Tory Winston Churchill, the peoples favourite Tory, who detested Socialism and Socialists like Cameron and Milliband, and especially National Socialism and Soviet Socialism.
That’s why a safe Labour seat which was impossible for the Tories to win because they are not patriotically Churchillian enough, almost fell to UKIP tonight.
Very soon this web site will be famous among all blogging people, due to it’s
fastidious articles
“’The devolutionaries’, the BBC and some difficult questions”
Listening to Pienaar this morning. Interview about Heywood, only 36% of the vote, UKIP run you very close. Negative questions as far as Labour are concerned but factually correct.
Now talking about Clacton, this is just BEFORE the interview. Carswell is seen as a traitor, he is at odds with UKIP as he is pro immigration. Then when he is interviewed immigration is talked about Carswell says we must secure our borders. So Carswell got two negative comments but neither was fair or honest.
How can he be a traitor, the people are free to vote for whoever they fancy. Also if he wants to secure and control our borders I think it is fair to say he is against MASS uncontrolled immigration.
83% of the total Hey & Middleton electorate did not vote for the winner. That says something!
Actually Carswell is not the first Ukip MP , another Essex MP , Bob Spink defected in about 2009 , then was thrown out of Ukip . They won`t win Rochester & Strood , the only winner is going to be PM , Millipeed . Simples . I fear the next Labour government , with Millipeed , Balls & Harperson , I hope you will all like living in the new Marxist England , just look how well things are going in France under Socialist Pres .Holland.
Even Beeboids must recognise the political significance of this UKIP result:
and not merely view it in terms of the electoral chances of their Labour Party.
“Douglas Carswell’s Clacton victory speech: ‘Ukip must stand for all Britons.’
Former Conservative regains seat to become Ukip’s first MP and says party
must represent people from all backgrounds.”
By Nicholas Watt.
BBC news reports this week have been full of reassurances that it is almost impossible for me to win the tombola – shortly followed, in the self same BBC news bulletins, by reports of how people here there and everywhere have indeed landed first prize… and have no clue as how they managed it.
This morning the BBC is heralding an impending Government announcement as to the control of sales of tombola tickets – and I can already sense the relish with which the BBC are about to call foul whatever might be planned.
BBC news can be so confusing for us ordinary licence payers. Have I got the wrong end of the stick?
In Clacton yesterday Labour polled 11.2% and yet when Harriet Harman appeared on BBC Question Time she was cheered to the rafters by at least 50% of the audience. She must be quite some orator.
Or could audience selection for the show be a BBC Great British Fake Off?
In fairness to Dimbleby though he did ask her the question of what it was about UKIP that made people want to vote for them in such numbers. As ever her lefty addled brain heard a totally different question judging by her answer. Dimbleby stopped her and pointed out that wasn’t the question he asked her.
That was a real paint her in the corner mode because she would have had to have admitted they resonate with the local population whereas the others don’t or she would have had to have offered the idea that she thought the people of Clacton were racist bigots.
The reason they only got 11% was because the rest of them were getting ready to be on QT with their heroes. 😉
Frederick Forsyth-
“The two weapons of the propagandist are the misnomer (the wrong word with the wrong meaning) and the euphemism (the wimp that dare not say what it really means.) Way out in the lead for both categories is the BBC. Listen to the news and you’ll see what I mean.
“The Beeb will never under any circumstances use the word ‘terrorist’. It says ‘militant’ instead. Len McCluskey of Unite is a trade union militant. But he does not torture prisoners, massacre villages of men, women and children, or crucify opponents. ISIL, Al Qaeda and Al Shebaab do that. They are terrorists. Why not use the right word?”
-excerpt from-
“The lingo conceals the lies.
“Language matters and every day our lives are governed by things we are told.”
By Frederick Forsyth.
Please explain to me why ISIL are terrorists?
To call them something they are not plays into the hands of the fascist left in seeking to marginalise and isolate people who are actually following the commands of their religion, and who have many more supporters in the Muslim communities in the West than the media are letting on.
It is the position of the UK government that ISIL are terrorists as they seek to isolate Islamic militarism and Jihad from Muslims in the UK. This should be sounding out alarm bells !
It is my position that ISIL are just Muslims who are following the instructions in their holy books to the letter.
Yes, ‘jihadist’ is the accurate word for the Islamic activities of Islamic State. And yes, there seems to be a continuum in affiliation of Muslims to Islamic jihad and imposition of shariah.
Forsyth’s piece is, in my view, misguided in places, but his preference for using the word ‘terrorist’, rather than the INBBC weasel word ‘militant’ to describe Islamic State, is something.
“Proof of anti-white racism at the National Union of Journalists”
(10 min video clip, 2010).
I particulary liked the mention of travellers , try telling a traveller that he’s black and wait for the response !!!
Sometime Newsnight presenter James O’Brien is busting his blood vessels this morning on the radio about UKIP – “carpet slippered fascism”.
Great stuff. The fkak is strongest when you’re directly over the target.
Anyone catch Matthew Parris at the end of this morning’s Today?
“The voters are wrong”
What an arrogant loathsome little prick.
voters are wrong?
… roll on May then
Been a bile-inducing 24 hours from the BBC and its pliant agents like Parris and Shapps.
Only Question Time could have concocted a Guardian reading group from Clacton last night…because , by me reckonong there must have been a FEW UKIP supporters there with a tongue matching the brain.
Or are “UKIP supporters in the audience” merely Wood Lane Drama school graduates from the Peel/Savile Scholarship Scheme?
All we`ve heard the last 24 hours is the BBC thinking that Farage will be jealous now…that this temporary blip will hit the Tories, and only make Miliband even more of a shoo-in.
“Fruit cakes, loons, closet racists”-I must have heard that one 145.5 times by now from them all.
Buts as Humph splutters and repeats what Justin just read…as Parris and the other loathsome cockroaches squirm in the light…and as the bile, the slurry pour down from on high like a phlegm volcano…UKIP quietly march on.
If UKIP promised to abolish the BBC license fee, they`d get a few more seats…now`s the time to do it Nige and Douggie!
The way I suspect the BBC load the QT audience is this. They ask equal numbers from all the local political parties, say 3 from Labour, Tory, UKIP etc so that, should anyone complain they can produce evidence of ‘balance’.
On top of that they add 3 from the TUC, selected charities and campaign groups, the NHS, schools etc and these organisations send their ‘naturally’ left wing representatives.
Before too long you have 3 Tories, 3 UKIP and over 100 lefties. Job done.
NB all figures are notional to show the proportion not the actual numbers involved.
Certainly some eye-opening opinions from the political-media elite today.
Seems democracy is… was fine and dandy if the result they wanted got delivered. Otherwise all hands to the pump to ‘correct’ matters.
I don’t really have a problem with pols or spokesweasels doing this as they are free to speak as they wish, so long as they are also prepared to be judged on it. In the case of pols, every few years at the ballot.
Where I do get interested is when the supposedly impartial state broadcaster weighs in, big time, on behalf of not as many as they claim to represent, unaccountably, without check or balance, in perpetuity.
So far their Operation Clarke County attempts have backfired as hilariously as Ian Katz’ initial creation, but they only need to get lucky once.
I’d prefer they were denied the power and opportunity to subvert democratic process as soon as possible.
Taking people’s money to tell them how to think… or that they are wrong… seems perverse.
“…loathsome little prick”
So I hear from a confirmed bachelor friend…
Yes I did, and yes, he is.
You’ll enjoy reading James Delingpole’s dissection of him here
“Andrew Allison: What would the BBC do without the licence fee? God only knows”
What pro-E.U Beeboids still don’t get-
Of course, INBBC, along with U.K political class, is reverential towards Quilliam-
BBC announcement of those by-election results this morning was most interesting. Their text service was crowing about Clacton but barely mentioned ‘the other one’. Couldn’t find details anywhere other than a passing reference to Labour holding onto the seat.
IMHO proof positive that the Beeb are quick to attack the Tories but reveal their true leftie bias when it come to anything detrimental to the Labour Party.
A disaster for Milleband. That is the reality. He needs to go if labour is to stand a chace. I hope he stays.
I well remember the Man United fans holding up banners saying “Souey Must Stay” in “support” of Graeme Souness when he was Liverpool manager.
I therefore -as a closet racist loon-hope that the BBC forces Miliband to walk the plank…or Owen Jones as he likes to be called.
Labour will then push to keep Milipead…and thereby ensuring that Labour are decimated.
Or is that all a bit too Machiavellian…vote Tory, get Labour and all that.
Nice one Nigel…good quote that!
24 hours of BBC crapola…and with iPlayer, it`s any 24 hours that you choose these days.
So it was that I heard Roger Boltons “Feedback” laying into a BBC monkey up the corridor for taking 15 mins off “You and Yours”.
Apparently that prevents the serial lefty moaners in Highgate from bemoaning the fact that a blind lesbian can`t get a sonic turkey baster on the NHS, to check on her fertility…and partially-sighted types are not yet able to claim for a disability hovercraft for the Serpentine Charity Flotation.
That 15 mins lost in slating the Tories and their heartless NHS/ DWP and UKIP?…not near enough aimless privileged bitching from the BBC and its Trusties…
Indeed. Clipping the time for You and Yours is a cause for rejoicing in the land !
Postal voting “turnout” at Heywood and Middleton was 66% – nearly double the turnout by those who had to actually walk to their local poling station.
The established parties are the main beneficiaries of postal voting – because they have more detailed records of who voted in previous elections. Labour in particular farms all this – often in a corrupt manner.
So it looks clear that postal voting swung the by-election. I bet the BBC does not highlight that.
Yes, here’s a report ‘Telegraph’ (£), on postal vote election fraud in Tower Hamlets, (2012):-
“Tower Hamlets electoral fraud: here’s some more evidence”
I agree entirely with your suggestion. Is there any way that you can find out what the resulting voting figures would have been if the total postal votes were discounted?
Various judges have now commented that the postal voting is riven with fraud.
Superb result for Lord F, anyhow…….I was quite amused to see that awful labour mp…?andy milburn saying that the labour vote held up so we don’t have to worry.
I just hope cameroon and millibrain stay exactly where they are until after the gen election and then UKIP can maximise their potential
Good comment English Gentleman. I can almost see in my mind’s eye sunlit uplands.