Sorry for the delay in this – been away on business straightaway after being away on holiday! Phew. Anyway, a few things to update you on. The site has been moved to a faster server so it should not take so long to load. Second, were you as touched as I was at seeing the BBC portray Moazzam Begg as the hero of Iraq? New open thread open for business..
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A joy to hear Johnny Rotten(or Mr Lydon as the BBC now see him as, now he`s safe to them) on 5 Live.
I accept that he too is on the BBC merry-go-round with a book…but unlike Klein, Jones, Begg, Ashdown and Powell(J)…this is a man who actually has a mind, who`s a friend of Israel and who has thought for himself for some time now(“Big Business is very wise ” etc).
He swats the BBC Mutt and Jeff DJs who continually push their BBC agendas, their constant interruptions and verbal ADHD…and refers to their like as “institutional dummy-dum dums”.
Has anybody else summed the BBC Lifers any better?
Has the BBC sub contracted out all of it’s financial reporting to Asia?
Lummox, and luvaducks!
Twiggys only gorn an` bleedin fah`n `erself as a descendent of a load of crims and coin fraudsters in`she?( Who Do You think You are?…last night BBC 1?)
Ah but-when it`s the gels wot does the bird…all on film bewail the lack of social cohesion and the urge to being a crim being due to poverty and them blokes wot had it easy.
Prison splits the family and is a male conspiracy against the Lennox Doctrine( Sisters are doing it for themselves).
But making your own coinage fits that I guess…so a pioneering Vicky Huhne we now have in Twiggys line.
Not so the worthless blokes…who dun a runner and left Her Indoors up the duff!
Oh wait-he died in the workhouse, with a hernia brought on by `ard labour…very Moazzem Begg!
Compo for Twiggy then…her useless great grandad was a victim of Thatchers harsh penal code now it transpires.
`e`s a victim nah, inne ducks?
Typical BBC crap-love the criminal and all that get a living from defending such scum from justice…mock those who tried to make their own way without crime…and finally blame the State for all death and all circumstances.
Very Labour, very liberal and Guardian…and oh, so BBC!
Where`s mi mockney Thesaurus for Bedales then Giles?
Its not just Ebola the BBC is being PC about, how about witches?
October 8th Jane Kelly. The BBC, a hiding place for witches ?
BBC R4 this morning had a news report about some children in the UK being savagely abused after being accused of witchcraft. These infant ‘witches’ are beaten, secluded, forced to drink strange, noxious substances, abandoned, and some sent back to Kinshasah where they live on the streets. The BBC said the perpetrators live in, ‘faith communities.’ They did not mention Africa or African churches.
Outside the BBC it is hard to ignore the fact that this abuse has been happening for years inside African communities in Britain. It first came to public attention in September 2001, when the headless trunk of a young black boy was dredged from the Thames near the Globe theatre. Detailed analysis of a substance in the boy’s stomach was identified extracts of calabar bean which induces paralysis. These beans from south east Nigeria, contain physostigmine, a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor alkaloid. The alkaloid physostigmine acts in effect like nerve gas, disrupting communication between the nerves and muscles resulting in seizures, loss of control over the bladder and bowels, and eventually loss of control over the respiratory system, causing death by asphyxiation. It was traditional in ‘Old Calabar’ in Nigeria to force people to consume these beans after they’d been accused of witchcraft.
His stomach also included tiny clay pellets containing small particles of pure gold, an indication that the five year old whom the police named ‘Adam’ was the victim of a Muti ritual killing. Muti murders, common in sub-Saharan Africa, are carried out in the belief that the body parts of children are sacred. These are often disposed of in flowing water. A Nigerian suspect in the ‘Adam’ murder was arrested in Dublin in 2003, but never charged.
The communities involved in child abuse involving witchcraft can be pin pointed to those from west Africa, centring around their churches in London. In November 2013 there was an attempt in the House of Lords to make accusing children of witchcraft illegal but that was thrown out as ‘discriminatory,’ and there have been no prosecutions, apart from the notorious cases of Victoria Climbie in 2000, and Christie Bamu who was murdered in Newham on Christmas Day 2010. His relatives, from the Congo, were obsessed with ‘Kindoki’ the belief in sorcery which leads to many children in DRC being tortured and cast out.
This belief and dread of witchcraft is hardwired in many Africans, even those who are well educated and hold middle-class professional jobs. When I worked as a teacher in a London prison I tried to persuade prisoners from Angola to reconsider this belief, I took them through history lessons looking at the belief in witchcraft in Europe and how it declined, but I could never get through on that issue. Despite all this, the BBC today, October 8th 2014, announced that children were accused of witchcraft in ‘faith communities.’ At a stroke this allowed them to accuse all religious groups, including mine, Anglican Christian, of being dangerously round the bend and liable to violently abuse of young children, and above all excused them from saying the word ‘African,’ in case that in any way was discriminatory.
For awhile they refused to say the word ‘tribes’ when referring to Africa, although they always used it when discussing Afghanistan. There was the long silence over the ethnicity of men abusing young girls in the north east. We still have a silence over the group most involved with gang culture and gang violence about girls. The British public of course know who’s who in this game and what’s what. This obfuscation is almost quaint these days, harking back to the great, dear, dead days of Guardian reporting in the 1980s, when it was possible to believe that Britain was about to be transformed into a peaceful, contented multi-cultural society, where no one said a word out of place. Jane Kelly
Looking forward to seeing a wide range of viewpoints presented in Dimbelby’s show
Here is an opportunity for the Interfaith Dhimmis, Socialists, Trots, and the good Mohamidans.
Right up Beeboids’ political propaganda street:-
Disturbing stuff.
BBC World News
· ·
This rubble is all that remains of an #Iraq hospital after air strikes against Islamic State militants:
Seems IS ‘militants’ had been holding out here. Sadly collateral damage when some don’t play by the rules of others.
The BBC very understanding, of course. Barack & Dave will be pleased, Plus of course all of us who understand war is gritty business and sometimes preventing attack means dealing with those armed, dangerous and dedicated to making threats real.
The BBC also seems to have easily located dead combatants. No civilians fortunately. maybe incredible precision or they were not mixed in with the guys making go boom. Very sensible.
This of course was the right kind of rubble on the line. For balance, there must be the wrong kind:
I should highlight this comment:
AUGUST 29, 2014 @ 3:25 AM
Not sure how one woman working in the occupied Syrian Golan can pretend to have more knowledge of structural damage in Gaza than BBC reporters on the ground in Gaza?
As no one seems to be arguing she’s wrong, hardly a pretence. As to the comparison with BBC reporters’ ‘knowledge’, that is a indeed a mystery..
Just wait. BBC will be showing grieving parents carrying dead children after anti Isis attacks. Any day now. Just as they did with Gaza. Isis will even supply the footage for the so called BBC, just as Hamas did
Beeboids: don’t mention the costs to British people of:-
a.) mass immigration;
b.) Islam.
“The women who come to the UK as brides but end up as slaves”
By Katie Razzall
Special correspondent, BBC Newsnight.
I have to say that R4 coverage today of yesterday’s by elections was quite good, and even positive for UKIP.
However, elsewhere in the BBC ’empire’ the World Service sparts still feel able to describe UKIP as an anti-migration party. The BBC can be more biased when it thinks the audience knows less.
Can`t say that I thought PM was any good-or even balanced.
Lady Prosser, Ken Clarke(who set THAT Spitting Image free from its ATV block then?) and Wee Lord David Steel were all pitched against the genial but ineffective Lord Pearson from UKIP.
That`ll be three Westminster padded rumps on the Lords…against one rather useless UKIP one.
Where`s Suzanne Evans?…and she can`t be everywhere can she?
UKIP need a few fighters to threaten the TV Licence and an end to sex education….THAT`LL wind the BBC up enough to give UKIP its landside.
We hate the BBC, and will vote exactly to avenge their JImmy Savile…HE`S more popular that Ed Miliband even!
I see the BBC are in full lying mode over their favourite schoolgirl Malala Yousefzai.
Their lie is that Malala was shot by the Taliban because she objected to their extremist views on not allowing females access to education.
I imagine its a fair belief to accept the statement of the Taliban as to why they shot her as being the actual reason as to why they shot her !
To this end they issued a statement to clear up any confusion, and last year yours truly brought this statement to their attention and at the time they agreed they had misrepresented the Taliban position.
Here is the truth.
The Taleban shot Malala Yousefzai because she criticised them and their actions shooting teachers. They were able to support the theological basis for this by reference to Islamic documents.
The Taleban do not oppose the education of girls
The Taleban do oppose mixed sex education
Where there is no facility for single sex education or to time share then males must come first.
All of this comes perilously close to the demands of certain Muslims in Birmingham and the Trojan horse plot. We can’t let people know that the reasons for shooting Malala were actually held by ‘mainstream’ Muslims, and also the belief in single sex education.
Radio 4’s … Any Questions? debate show at …
The Al-Mahdi Mosque later this month.
1st question … its not internet, and apparently not the mosques
why are so many 1,000s rushing to join the Islamic state
from Europe, US, Canada, Turkey Iraq and Syria, young and older,
some, educated and professional?
INBBC has political knack of censoring Islamisation of Europe, e.g.-
“Belgium: Jihad Mega-Trial Begins”
by Soeren Kern
“Photos: Days after Denmark joins coalition against Islamic State, caliphate supporters march in Copenhagen with jihad banners”
By Nicolai Sennels.
“11-Member Muslim Family–Including Baby–Leave France For Syria Jihad”
By Pamela Geller.
– See more at:
Link for 2.) above-