From 1976 to 2013 a total of 1,716 people died from Ebola. Around 45 a year. Kind of puts things into perspective.
Ebola is being treated as if it were a nuclear bomb ready to detonate and contaminate vast swathes of the world, a huge threat that the drugs industry has ignored despite having known about it for nearly 40 years.
The BBC is on the warpath eagerly quoting the ‘experts’ who tell us that a cure for Ebola would have been found if it had broken out in the West.
The drug companies get the blame…There have been no drugs to do the job because developing them is extremely expensive, and, until now, the major pharmaceutical companies have not seen enough of a market.
And yet research has been ongoing for years….Research….and a potentially successful drug has been developed:
The first Briton to contract Ebola, Will Pooley, received ZMapp and then recovered, but the drug’s American manufacturer warned it would take months to replenish supplies.
Ebola has not been ignored….Oxfam thinks differently…..
It is neither ethical nor sustainable to leave decisions and financing for research and development to be dictated by the commercial interests of pharmaceutical companies. They will continue producing the medicines that can make the highest profits rather than the therapies that are desperately needed for public health.”
But hang on….Ebola’s history is described as “Until this outbreak, Ebola was a rare disease occurring in small instances and burning itself out.”
Discovered in 1976, just how many cases have there been since then?
From 1976 (when it was first identified) through 2013, the World Health Organization reported a total of 1,716 cases
So over the course of 38 years there were 1,716 cases…around 45 per year. Any wonder the drugs industry (clue’s in the name) didn’t mobilise and direct massive resources to the disease.
Shame the BBC allows politically motivated people onto its programmes to spread damaging lies. BBC journalists have themselves been making such statements about this….one saying ‘Isn’t it awful the west didn’t apply resources to defeat Ebola decades ago!’
Just how much in the way of resources does the BBC think would have been suitable to cure 45 people a year?
“The BBC is on the warpath eagerly quoting the ‘experts’ who tell us that a cure for Ebola would have been found if it had broken out in the West.”
The BBC promoting it’s racist agenda again I see.
As for Oxfam well they have been reduced to being nothing more than a loony left echo chamber. Much like the BBC really.
A cure for Ebola is not within the hands of the pharmaceutical industry because it’s not just the availability of an effective drug that matters, it would need a change in politics and mind-set of the populace in affected areas. Remember that TB had been eradicated in Britain, then Labour encouraged sick foreigners to re-introduce it to our cities. Polio could easily be eradicated worldwide but remains endemic in just three countries – Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan – because Muslim terrorists won’t allow vaccination programmes. And even in Britain, measles has come back, mostly in urban ghettos, ‘travelling communities’ and enclaves of stupid women who refuse to allow vaccines.
The reality is, as you have pointed out, a relatively rare disease found mainly in the tropical regions of Africa. Since it is rare no real effort has been made to find a treatment other than generic broad spectrum anti-viral agents.
What has changed? Up until now people affected have been in remote sparsely populated areas and transmission has been limited. It has always been known as a very aggressive disease. Conditions have changed. African populations have exploded as a result of better medical care, vaccination and Western aid. Ebola has hit the jackpot because it has got into densely populated slums in the poorest regions of Africa. Like HIV/AIDS, its contagion is surrounded by poorly educated impoverished people who have little knowledge of basic hygiene and even less basic healthcare. Most would seek out the sangoma or witchdoctor before consulting any form of Western medical care because in their eyes it is the retribution of evil spirits.
If this gets into dense population areas like London, New York or Paris with similar ghettos it could cause havoc.
Even if the drugs companies had found a cure for this horrible disease, the Africans would not want to pay for it, despite some countries fabulous oil wealth which is concentrated in the hands of a few chiefs and politicians.
This is the culture of he chief / leader has everything the people nothing – welcome to the vibrancy of diversity !
So because the Fascists understand nothing of other peoples cultures, and not wanting to cause a fuss, they don’t demand the massed billions in Swiss bank accounts are spent paying for the drugs, they either insist the drug companies give them away for next to nothing as they did with HIV medication, or they force us to pay for them.
It will likely find its way into Europe not by human travellers, but by contaminated ‘bush meat’ which is again widespread in most cities with useless politically correct public service who are paralysed by thoughts and fears of being called ‘waycist’
Beeboids and pro-Pally lefies will be suffering mixed emotions here.
News of development of the Ebola vaccine:
Well I hope that any leftidiots that supported the apartheid BDS movement who contract the disease refuse any treatment that originates from Israel. After all, I’m sure leftidiots don’t want to break their boycott and be seen as hypocrites, would they!
it’s worse then that for the BBC as its Israelis using Tobacco plants and I bet the labs use alcohol so we have the trinity of BBC evils !
Bbc must be in a panic , if over 10,000 Africans a week ( Sky News) get Tombola , the `Dark Continent ` might one day turn out to be the ` Hideously White ` Continent . That would really piss them off ,ha ha .
What`s everybody worried about?
Christ stopped at Ebola did He not?
Hopefully He`ll shut the Godless temple of the BBC down before Winifred Robinson and her doughty crew head off to The Theatre of the Absurd(or Anfield as we call it!) to squauk about footie numpties being screwed over by Suarez` agents and such,
Wrap up warm Winnie!,,,bobble hat, rattle? End of the World Sandwich board? Check please!
Oh-and a Hollands meat and potato pie and a Delia Bovril concotion…just add hot water luvvie-her recipes are for the dummies like you lot on Radio 4.
Football-Radio 4.-You and Yours?…a holy trinity well worth a listen!
Maybe Wazza should put something in their tins outside as good role models are supposed to do…the Bankers do the same I`m told!
Toss Off BBC!
“Fiona Bruce:
‘BBC staff worried about working with people from Ebola-hit nations’”
Wow! Will Beeboids be concerned about UK’s lax border controls next?
I wonder if the bbc would allow nigel farage’s common sense idea’s on foreign aid be brought up. Were by billions are not chucked at useless projects and too countries who have no need for money and instead saved for emergencies such as ebola , then our great nation could flood the problem with resources and maybe halt the problem alot sooner. Then the bbc could report on how well the uk performs in such emergencies, making us all feel proud . Wishful thinking for now, i would like to see how ukip’s policies would change this country though. Common sense is always best.
Tonbola Essex Man?
Nice one centurion!
Having a bit of fun listening round southern local BBC stations.
You can imagine how bad most of them are, by the fact that even the BBC won`t use them in that Hoover Factory called Broadcasting Centre.
Some poppet asks some firebug college pansy at a former tech, whether we should all be rewiring our houses, and sparking up in the shower as long as we`ve watched a YouTube clip on how to do such things.
Given the fact that this battery chicken is a lecturer-and therefore couldn`t wire a bike light-you`ll not be surprised to find that he wants his 160 dole wallah to sign up for his 4 YEAR Course!
Of which Health and Safety( as well as drawing a battery and getting your hi-viz jacket on without the bursars help…and MCQ to show you don`t always have your pencil behind your ear!), takes up approx 55% of the “contacts time”…which ones red…and which is otherly-coloured?
The BBC poppet fed the polly wally the usual gentle lobs…but no-one has been hurt as long as the clip is over 4 minutes long!
Ban the clips though is MY thought now…and am now consulting the Institute for Electrical Installation Euroenginues to check my mobile phone battery is on OK…£45 per hour(plus parts),,,which the BBC lady reckons is great value for her peace of mind.
Can we send a Liberian sparky round to put her mind at rest…isn`t that the default position of ALL BBC payroll monkeys?
Except for the fine Steve Yabsley…yabbo, yabbo hey!
This bBBC/ Hard Labour/ NHS onslaught is missing a line of commentary about the 3- 4 million excess immigrants that the Labour party allowed to happen on its despicable watch.
Maybe the Tories and/ or UKIP can find a suitable way of linking the two so that labour’s NHS platform can be pulled from under their feet like the hangman’s gallows.
Yep! That’s the way of the world, you don’t spend out on a big army if nobody is going to attack you. Same goes for disease, if your not dying of it, you ignore it. That’s the way the world operates, get over it bBC.
The BBC…………..EUbola
First thing that occurred to me when I heard this report on LBC this morning was the hypocrisy evidenced by the BBC in regard to this.
What they are doing is what they would define as racism, only now it’s their lives at risk they are running scared.
I really don’t disagree that they need to be cautious with regard to those who might be carrying this virus, seems like common sense.
But when we read of over 24,000 deadly Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11 that have killed many more thousands of people, not to mention the wars started by this mentality, should our society not be cautious in who we let in to our shores, and within our society?
Not according to the BBC, their way of dealing with this ‘virus’ is to befriend it at our expense. Then we are the ‘racists’ and Islamophobes’.
The BBC are therefore ‘racist’ Ebolaphobes.
The Ebola disaster has been manna from heaven for the B’PC’, as was the Lord Freud(ian slip) comments on the disabled, which has knocked the homegrown muslim (or just older men as the lefty media like to describe them) grooming reports way down the news list, so far down the news list in fact that even inflation gets better coverage…murdered 13 year old white English girls and the family ‘s grief count for very little on planet beeb. Only to be expected I suppose.
Extraordinary report on the government’s decision to screen at airports on yesterday’s BBC R4 6.00 o’clock news. They managed, as they always do, to dig out a dissenting voice about the policy, this time a doctor from Public Health England who had reservations and was given two minutes airtime, along with the shadow minister and anyone else who opposed. And then, right at the end, in hushed tones had to admit that “the majority of doctors agreed with the decision to screen”. It was reported as if a throw-away line, as if somehow the majority verdict didn’t matter…and yet of course, undermined entirely their own wretched report and the bias within.
Stupid post, unpleasant comments. Standard fare.