I commend this YOUTUBE post to you. Here is the background.
“In the run-up to the BBC’s application for the renewal of its Royal Charter – i.e. the legal device by which the BBC has the right to demand a tax of £145.50 of every inhabitor of a U.K. dwelling with a colour TV – the BBC’s adherance to its present Charter’s conditions will come under scrutiny – in particular, the onorous requirement for political impartiality.
This video – the first in a series of fifteen entitled “Educating Rona” – serves to assist that debate. It features acknowledgements, both implicit and explicit, by more than thirty serving and former BBC staff – including: three editors of the agenda-setting “Today” programme; two director-generals; and several news editors, producers, and reporters – which indicate that there exists within the BBC an institutional Left-wing bias.
The full list of acting/former BBC staff whose comments are reproduced include:”Today” reporter Robin Aitken; “Panorama” producer Gerard Baker; former “Newsnight” reporter Joan Bakewell; former director of news Helen Boaden; former “Feedback” presenter Roger Bolton; “The Moral Maze” presenter Michael Buerk; “Top Gear” presenter Jeremy Clarkson; former “Newsnight” political editor Michael Crick; documentary presenter Sebastian Foulks; former diplomatic correspondent Freddie Forsyth; “Woman’s Hour” presenter Jane Garvey; director-general Tony Hall; former “Panorama” producer Steve Hewlett; former director of news Peter Horrocks; former “Panorama” producer Anthony Jay; director of editorial policy and standards David Jordan; former documentaries commissioning editor Richard Klein; former “Today” editor Rod Liddle; former “Today” editor Tim Luckhurst; former “Good Morning Sunday” presenter Don Maclean; Radio 2 presenter Simon Mayo; former political editor Andrew Marr; former “Today” editor Roger Mosey; former BBC governor Dame Neville-Jones; former “One Man And His Dog” presenter Robin Page; former “Newsnight” presenter Jeremy Paxman; former news producer Nick Pollard; former business editor Jeff Randall; political editor Nick Robinson; former “Crimewatch” presenter Nick Ross; former “Talking Politics” presenter Dennis Sewell; former head of current affairs Samir Shah; former news anchor Peter Sissons; former director-general Mark Thompson; “Today” presenter Justin Webb; former Online science editor David Whitehouse; and creative director Alan Yentob.”
Brilliant clip. Excellent, shows it for what it is. Thank you.
Message to Rona – have you seen this yet?
‘The Farage Factor’…
The BBC Panorama of bias: it’s a vindication of all that we have said over the years that we are not the only ones who see it, hear it and reluctantly end up paying for a compulsory License fee, we’d rather not have forced on us. Good link. Thanks.
The BBC is the key liberal mouthpiece. The elite will defend it to the end. It never gives voice to real allternative viewpoints . Those who utterly reject the decadent liberal consensus of the last 40 odd years.
Yes it sometimes allows Melanie Phillips and Peter Hitchens to put a word in against the consensus view but they are the exceptions. And they are always subtly undermined and are never really abrasive.
Now somebody really hard edged like Daniel Greenfield or the late Lawrence Auster and Takuan Seiyo plus others have never been permitted a voice. The new writers of the counter revolution are not the sort the BBC could ever handle
Fortunately we have the internet and this is something the elite really wants to control. Thank God it cannot.
News Night http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20038436
Panorama http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20038436
Question Time next ….?
Its not just Left wing bias that is irritating about the BBC, but its output over the last two decades, has been progressively dumbed down.
This became apparent some time 20 years ago, when even a good science program such as Horizon, was made to reflect the Left bias of the BBC. Instead of letting an expert talk on his/her subject, it was now a BBC reporter, with meagre knowledge of the subject, explaining what he thought the expert was trying to explain. What this invariably showed was that the reporter was an idiot.
As with left-wing ideology throughout the last hundred years, censorship of science, scientists and scientific debate becomes more and more necessary for the ideology, as it fails, as we see with the scientifically unqualified environmental activists at the BBC posing as “the best scientific experts”, and the loony non-expert who heads the Royal Society.
The media in Britain is reluctant to allow live free debate for scientists, due to the influence of goons from the BBC. But scientists are beginning to produce and sell their own documentaries on DVD. See http://www.thecloudmystery.com
When I retired 16 years ago I listened to BBC R4 for several hours a day. Since then the programme variety and content has deteriorated so markedly that I seldom listen now. When I do, I find that I spend time shouting at the radio in exasperation at the lies, stupidities and rubbish that they try to inflect on me.
Horizon??? Don’t get me started.
You can see that the muppets at the BBC have been musing over what is popular with people and how can they make a ‘science ‘programme about it. So they look at the Internet and find ‘lolcats’ has loads of hits. Hey presto three programmes on cats.
But they still can’t get out of the 3 shell trick with Horizon. i.e. Tell the story, tell the problems, tell the ‘solution’. Non of which is in depth and all of which is constantly repeated. No doubt they want to attract the thick into science and they think this will help. it doesn’t.
The chairman of the Media, Culture and Sport Select Committee, John Whittingdale, has said “The bias is, not necessarily, party political – it is the BBC view of the world, and the BBC has always found it difficult to understand there may be alternative views of the world”.
(1) “not necessarily” is far as you would expect the Chairman of a committee that includes Labour members, could go, and remain neutral.
(2) “BBC view of the world” would be a neutral version of “left-wing bias”.
(3) “the BBC has always found it difficult to understand” would mean that he as a Mensa member, finds that the left-wing Management at the BBC, has always been dominated by left-wing people of low intelligence, such as the arts qualified, Lord Hall.
(3) “alternative views of the world” would mean that the BBC censors views that are not left-wing views, or in the case of Science, the censorship of scientific facts that contradict or disprove politically correct or left-wing ideology. A bit like NAZI book burning or Rotherham Labour party file burning.
As an aside, I no longer use the term “Nazi”. I prefer “National Socialism”.
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What is depressing about the clips is that so many of them date from 5 or 6 years ago but nothing has changed. The new chair of the trust , even if committed to rectifying this leftist bias, has no chance of making even a tiny inroad. As the clip fulsomely demonstrates the overwhelming majority of those who work for the BBC are left leaning and in many cases work to promote the left and do down the right. The power of the BBC is enormous. You often hear that the electoral system is biased against the Tories with Labour being able to get into power with many fewer votes than the Tories would need. But what is really undemocratic in this country is that the state funded broadcaster is brazen in its support of Labour and antipathy towards the Tories. For the Tories to win an election not only do they need many more votes than Labour they have to do so with the National Foghorn of the BBC bellowing its support for Labour.
After decades of this daily leftist diet, there are worrying signs that the whole mindset of the country is being brainwashed into accepting leftist views as the norm. This may well be the reason why the Brits have accepted the highly dangerous policy of mass immigration with so little protest.
The BBC is a major threat to our democracy and is way beyond reform. It should be scrapped as soon as possible in order to safe guard our democracy.
So who is going to change the BBC? Labour won’t and the conservatives under Cameron have moved to BBC’s politics, and one wonders if UKIP will bow in that direction.
…” a colour TV”
I’d forgotten about that curious quirk whereby you pay so much less for a b/w TV -do they even still exist by the way?
As someone who doesn’t pay a brass farthing to AL Beeb I nevertheless still wonder what that is about. Are programmes somehow cheaper to make when broadcast in black & white? Less paint used on the sets?