The singer Cat Stevens became a Muslim….I’m sure it had nothing to do with Islam.
However his stated desire to kill Salman Rushdie had everything to do with Islam.
Shame that, present day events considered, the BBC thinks such a person is fit to star on their shows when DLT has been erased from history for squeezing a girl’s boobs.
Another muslim in The News: The owner of the property in Amwell, Hertfordshire, where more than 100 dogs (including Pit-Bulls) were being held in shocking conditions, and apparently being trained to be aggressive to humans, is now revealed to have the name Nijamul Islam. The woman cleaner who was savaged is in hospital, with surgeons battling to save both arms from amputation. I ask myself why these dogs were being trained in aggression, and what what the intended purpose? The answer is horrific, but in view of events in recent years, entirely plausible. And we have the governing classes (of blue, yellow and red colours) STILL ignoring what is obvious to everyone else. They just chant “la, la. la” with the fingers in the ears.
Yusuf Islam, also known as Cat Stevens, talks to Samira Ahmed about his new album Tell ‘Em I’m Gone, his first for five years.
& William Morris, how his Socialism contributed to his arts.
One great big leftie love in, only to be expected of Radio4. Not a chance of them running a piece on Rudyard Kipling who they would like expunge from history despite poems like Gunga Din in which he tells the story of a heroic Indian man, and how he could never hope to match his bravery, finishing “You’re a finer man than I am Gunga Din”.
But no he is a symbol of the British Empire and to be avoided at all costs.
In fact the final stanza is…
Though I’ve belted you and flayed you,
By the livin’ Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
Kipling has all but been erased from our literary heritage.
That Cat Stevens interview included a rather odd bit when discussing his reworking of the ‘all American folk song’ You are my sunshine. The interviewer, Samira Ahmed, asked about his new version and the Arabic words added in it and sung by a group from Mali. Yusuf Islam said “They tried to mirror the words, you know, “You are my sunshine” but they did it in a slightly more personal way.” Then Samira Ahmed made a very odd little, what sounded to to me rather conspiratorial, giggle; as though she knew what the Arabic meant.
I covered this last night here. Maybe we should all know what the Arabic translates as… Anybody speak Arabic and are willing to listen to some Yusuf Islam?
I used to love Cat Steven’s music. In fact I still do. Great poetry and beautiful tunes. What the hell happened to this obviously highly intelligent and talented man to turn him to this vile creed?
Rod ,did the best version of Cat`s `First Cut is the Deepest `.I think at the time in the 70`s it was about spurned love , but today with ref to ISIS , it brings out a very different meaning .
I preferred the PP Arnold version…
And as far as i know, Richard Thompson, ex Fairport, is a wretched muslim too……..….future leaders of the labour party
Don’t like himself but he is a musician. End of story really.
Stevens, i will not refer to him by his muslim name as i hold him in utter contempt, called for the killing of Salman Rushdie……was he even cautioned?…..
did you watch sky news tonight and listen to the transcripts of the secret recordings of this alleged terrorist which i cant name because of contempt of court who is on trial at the old bailey,he said he hated white,people,he described us all as dirty filthy pigs.wanted to spray fire us dirty kuffars with a uzi sub machine,what gets me about this unnamed piece of racist filth is if he hated the kuffar and white people that much why did he move to england from turkey,why have the police not charged him with a racially aggravated offence since they have his racist rantings played out in court,and finally,why are they calling this man a british citixen when he was born in turkey and claimed asylum here,makes you mad dont it,just crazy mad how this country imports all these islamist haters into are christian lands.
I wonder if this dick realises that the Uzi machine gun is Israeli? I feel enriched.
i just read 30 so called isil british jihadis have been killed by the us air strikes in kobane.hang on a sec while i unplug my champagne bottle.cheers.
I think that’s terrible, I thought a few thousand had gone there.