The BBC announced that it, in the shape of The Media Show (13 mins), would investigate the ‘Media’s’ reporting of Europe….
A new report from the Reuters Institute of Journalism [John Lloyd] argues that the British media’s coverage of the EU is falling short.
In spite of increased column inches and headlines since the Eurozone crisis hit, the study claims mainstream papers and broadcasters still struggle to distil and dramatise the complexities of EU policy and process.
I immediately thought ‘Great…the BBC has finally turned the camera upon itself and was about to ask a few difficult questions about its infamously biased reporting on the EU.’
Naturally I was badly mistaken.
The problem, we were told, with reporting of the EU is the ‘Press’, the irresponsible newsapers which chose to spread fear and loathing of the EU using polemical rants and a focus upon the absurdities and errors of the EU that are preferred to fact.
So the EU is not absurd nor does it make any errors?…never mind its accounts have never been signed off as they are so not based upon those precious ‘facts’ but upon lies, fraud and corruption.
The report tells us that the newspapers attitude is one of misguided stridency unconcerned with details and unfortunately presenting a powerful message to the Public.
However their scepticism was useful as it did show a problem with the EU….it was set up to be a federalist state but is in fact run by individual, sovereign nations….there has been a failure of the federalist ideal.
I thought that the problem, as highlighted by the papers, was that the EU is all too powerful and continues to grow ever more powerful at the expenswe of the sovereign nations…that is the problem…the complete opposite to what this report by John Lloyd tells us….Lloyd being a big fan of the EU.
Whilst Lloyd bashes the papers he thinks the ‘Broadcasters’ ‘do pretty well’….such as the BBC which even in its own report on its EU journalism had to admit it was institutionally inclined to be pro-European.
The problem for those Broadcasters, apparently, is that the EU is a pretty dry subject….lots of men in suits, all very technical, repetitive, too complex and lacks drama.
If only it were more exciting the Public would take an interest in this vital subject and realise that it is very important for their own interests to pay attention to what is going on in Brussels….and of course don’t listen to those nasty, rude sceptical papers….hmmm…I thought the Public were only too aware of what went on in Brussels, that’s the problem, they know the truth.
When Kelvin Mackenzie said he wished the Sun was more sceptical and reported even more of the absurdities of the EU project the presenter stepped in to demand if that was being ‘responsible’. So we know that reporting errors and absurdities of the EU is ‘irresponsible’ in the opinion of the BBC….an attitude it takes to much in life such as climate change and Islam.
The programme turned out to be the usual BBC half-baked, self-serving piece of twaddle as it tells us that the EU is great if only people realised that and didn’t listen to those dreadful, sceptical newspapers….the BBC’s job is such a hard one battling ignorance and prejudice whipped up by the Redtops whilst the complex and undramatic nature of events in the EU political sphere make reporting on it so much more difficult that they can’t get anyone to listen to their siren messages.
Good job then that Labour imported millons of EU citizens who will vote for the EU should Cameron actually, for once, do what he said he will do and hold a referendum.
Another reason the BBC loves mass immigration.
I just read the Daily Express, to find out what the BBC is censoring. It is irresponsible of the BBC to censor criticism of an undemocratic body that has usurped the power that a democratic politician should have, and our democratically elected politicians should be criticised for giving powers such as immigration control to these corrupt despotic autocratic bureaucrats.
The Labour Party is pro Europe, so the BBC must follow the party line.
15 Labour MP’s want a referendum. They are not convinced by Miliband and Co and even less by Cameron. Some will join Ukip I am sure. There is no alternative (or hope) elsewhere.
“…mainstream papers and broadcasters still struggle to distil and dramatise the complexities of EU policy and process.”
They could show more of Farage’s EU speeches. Problem solved.
It does seem the BBC does not see itself as part of ‘the media’.
Certainly Leveson highlighted a weird notion that everyone needed tighter legislative controls except them, as the BBC Trust was all that was needed to keep the BBC on the straight and narrow, as Lord McAlpine may have testified in a BBC documentary with a big asterisk inserted subliminally in frame 22/24 of the 13th minute that says *Everything here may be the exact opposite of what we say, but thanks to this we’re covered’
What amazed me was the number of supposedly informed characters wheeled out, like MPs (ok, usually Labour ones) to reassure that OFCOM was there if things got hairy, when it has nearly zero to do with BBC oversight on editorial.
As I have stated before the BBC = EUbola
It’s ironic that the EU is now everything that the labour hypocrites hate about this country. They despise the rich and the bankers yet are happy to support an increasingly isolated EU Elite who are exactly the same, all about making the most of their opportunity while it lasts while the rest of us rot because of their forced policies.
If labour are so worried about poverty they need look no further than the 13 years they had in power along with their wholehearted embracing of the EU experiment. No coincidence really.
There is clearly a short term BBC BENEFIT to gain from Labour’s profligacy. It is a BONANZA for those Guardian readers who still think the BBC independent and the EU is an accountable and democratic overlord with the same interests.
• BBC LANGUAGE translation services: ‘UK Gov Spend £500,000 on legal ‘translation services’ for foreign ‘jobseekers’ Languages for all
• BBC ‘POP-UP’ Shop front Universities and Colleges: ‘fake colleges which are in reality no more than “visa factories’’ for illegal immigration’… An Englisch Edujashun!
• BBC LEGAL AID now highest in Europe: Stay as long as you like!
• BBC PROMISES highest FGM (cover up) in Europe: No prosecutions here!
• BBC PROMISES highest TB in Europe: Join the London experience!
• BBC PROMISES an ‘Islamic’ School education: ’The report found that Islamists had used ‘fear and intimidation’ to infiltrate school governing bodies in order to impose a ‘narrow faith-based ideology’. Children as young as six had been taught that western women are ‘white prostitutes.’ Visit Britain and join ISIS!
• BBC FREE NHS now clogged up with immigrants: ’Immigrants who should not be entitled to free healthcare have “clogged up” hospitals across the country, forcing British people to wait longer for treatment…’ We are all full up!
• BBC MEDIA of paedophiles and philanderers: The BBC has a disturbing history of cover up and sexual abuse -one of many and still shocking! A long history of sexual perversion(s)
The BBC are not liable in reporting UK risks (or any risk at all). Hiding the EU agenda, accusing the English of bigotry when we are obviously the most generous and open democracy in the World. Another serial abuser is the EU that sponsors the ‘politically correct’ BBC agenda programming.
In under two minutes:
-why Cameron (and UK political class, inc BBC-NUJ) cannot be trusted on:-
1.) E.U referendum; 2.) ending mass immigration; 3.) halting Islamic jihad threat.
“Cameron backs Turkey to join EU”
(2 min video clip.)
“Britain’s stated aim of getting Turkey to join the EU is mad”
By Melanie McDonagh
(Oct 2013).