When you are reading this, I should be in Paris and so beyond the reach of the BBC! Here’s a new thread to see you off into the weekend. I’ll be back Monday night.
Question Time last night. First question was regarding worries over immigration. All agreed that immigration was ‘a good thing for this country’. Some bloke called Giles Fraser (Guardian columnist, regular BBC contributor) took the opportunity to lay into UKIP (who were not there to answer his bilious accusations) to much audience applause.
*off switch*
Life really is too short to waste on such complete bollocks.
“took the opportunity to lay into UKIP (who were not there to answer his bilious accusations) to much audience applause.”
They’re not from Newbury or West Berkshire then. Seeing as the railway line to Newbury was closed for a while because of a person hit by a train between Reading and Newbury, it’s just as well they bus in the lefty majority part of the audience.
Yep, i’d like to know how many of the audience are from the area chosen for the venues…….can someone infiltrate and ambush dumbleby and to a quick hands up? They’d probably lie though, being lefties.
I agree – see my post on the Midweek Open Thread. BUT … to see the bias in operation is fascinating and frightening.
This edition was from Newbury, last week’s was from Clacton, but you wouldn’t know from the audience, who appear to be selected for their Leftish political preferences by the biased and corrupt BBC. Then there are the Labour plants such as the overgrown baby Amy Rutland, who was put in a while ago to attack and heckle Diane James of UKIP over immigration from Bulgaria.
The same applies to “Any Questions?” on Radio 4: it matters not that the programme be broadcast from a little church hall in c-/C-onservative rural England, since the audience reactions are usually the same, presumably because of pre-selection and the infiltration of young students and urban activists. The edition from Steyning (semi-rural West Sussex) earlier this year was another case in point, with a surprising show of hands from the unrepresentative audience at one point.
The panel last night seemed to lack the most basic intellectual rigour in the ‘discussion’ on immigration. Simply parroting out the mantra that it is a good thing does NOT constitute a reasoned argument! Some immigration may be beneficial but how much is really desirable or sustainable? Thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands? Nobody mentioned the staggering figure of net immigration of 583,000 in 2004 alone though Ms Eagle was happy to attack the Coalition over the smaller 246,000 in the last year. Empiricism is “out” and sentimental waffle holds sway. Even if EU migrants such as Poles and French can fit in well enough, what of other groups who don’t assimilate and stand apart for religious and cultural reasons? Immigration is regularly raised on Question Time and Any Questions but rarely discussed properly other than by UKIP members and one or two Right-wing commentators, who are met with hostility and interruption.
The BBC is at best failing to allow a proper discussion on what is, in the long term, an existential issue for the British people; and at worst is betraying the people who fund the corporation.
A couple of years ago, QT came to Woking where I lived at the time, and I thought it would be nice to get a ticket. I was asked to download a form to complete and return.
It was absolutely clear from the questions who they wanted in the audience. I thought then that not many in this audience were from Woking.
I’d love to see a govt dismiss all the BBC staff and employ only immigrants on a fraction of what they pay these idiots now…..let’s see how the BBC lot react to that, plus NUJ…. sweet revenge.
Maybe this sheds some light on your query. I can’t see much wrong with the usual programming which throws up some really good entertainment but am increasingly bugged by the opinion balance delivered by BBC newsmedia and several of its political departments.
Take Question Time. I am regularly frustrated by obvious bias, but this is the prerogative of the panel and the grist of the programme. However this is not the whole story – what of the platform provided by the BBC for the delivery of such opinion? For example what yardsticks are used to achieve a balance of reaction and opinion within the audience? Do we think that for example a Tory view in Newcastle or Liverpool would go down too well – as would a Labour view in Eastleigh or Uxbridge? Would many watching the box come away thinking ‘my Party representative’ didn’t come across too well in that programme?
So I guess this annual sway would depend somewhat on the selection of venue.
I looked at this over 2013 and counted the number of local councilors for each party for venue as a yardstick of voting opinion. To emphasize this, only venues where one of the major political parties had a clear majority of over twice the number of its major ‘competitor’ was outed in a detailed spreadsheet.
If we leave out the London venues where there is a slight Labour bias overall, 2013 venues stack up at 15 heavily pro Labour, 7 heavily pro Tory, and one pro Lib Dem. The remainder fall below the 2:1 cut off. So the BBC has stacked the audience then.
The workings are on a spreadsheet for 2013. This year we started off in Lewisham. Another spreadsheet has been started.
‘what of the platform provided by the BBC for the delivery of such opinion?’
Beyond the overt, which of course can be measured quite easily, there are countless covert means to tip balances that are nigh on impossible to quantify in testimony, and hence used mercilessly by every BBC operative to ‘help’.
Audience selection, commenter selection, camera angles, cutaways, sound levels up, or down, subsequent edits… all terrific tools in the arsenal should the unscrupulous wish their favoured view get seen in the best light, be protected from counter, and shared free of any aspects that do not serve.
Was Ms. Vulture’s face like a slapped haddock (I amy have mixed metaphors here) when QT went pear-shaped the basis of news summaries from Today to Newsnight? Or satire from Now Show to HIGNFY? If it was I missed any outings there may have been, when one can be assured a non-FriendofBBC being humiliated would have formed the core of the next few days.
The BBC still need to invite the odd right-winger on to prove their impartiality. When they do that rightie has got to go for the throat like Andrew Breitbart did. Sadly, even Ukip invitees to Question Time seem apologetic for their party.
There’s very strong indications that even Nigel Farage is now censoring himself to the point of shiftiness.
There’s a pretty good post analysing his reaction to leftie Panorama journalists called”Tell It Like It Is…” at:
I’ve given up with QT and HIGNFY entirely – far too bad for the blood pressure.
The NUJ guidelines probably explain why audiences are always so partisan and overwhelmingly pro-immigration, given that even now people who openly express concerns about immigration are branded as “bigots” or “racists”. But given that immigration regularly appears at or near the top of the list of what people see as concerns facing the country, it’s clear that the stacked audiences are far from representative. Biased, in fact.
From NUJ guidelines:
“•Racist attitudes and the growth of far-right parties pose a threat to democracy, the rights of trade union organisations, a free media and racial equality.
•Its members have a responsibility to stop racism being expressed in the media.
•Do not allow letters or online comments to be published or allow phone-ins to continue that contain racist hate speech.”
“• Oppose the attitudes and the growth of ALL opposition ‘right’ parties that pose a threat to Labour, the rights of trade union organisations to intimidate, a free media (payable by UK taxpayer) to avoid ‘strategic’ immigration controls.
• Union members have a responsibility to stop criticism being expressed by the public – in the media.
• Union members must censor letters and online comments before publishing we only allow phone-ins to continue that contain pro Milliband praise.”
Keep it coming BBC. Keep on attacking UKIP. It is worth hundreds of votes every time. The BBC thinks we are stupid .
Wait for the next General Election and the BBC will find out just how little millions of us care for it’s pompous attempts to subvert the popular will.
A necessary reminder to INBBC on: Islamic jihadists and treason to UK-
‘The Times’ (£) has the following, as its Page 1 headline report today:-
“British jihadists could face trial for treason”
[Opening excerpt]:
“British jihadists who fight for Islamic State or swear allegiance to the militant group could be charged with treason, the foreign secretary said yesterday.
“Philip Hammond revealed that discussions had taken place within government about resurrecting the obsolete law, not used since 1946 when the Nazi propagandist Lord Haw-Haw [William Joyce] was hanged.
“Any Briton convicted of the offence could be given a life sentence.”
So when INBBC is thinking of broadcasting more propaganda sympathetic to Islamic jihadists and their supporters, it should consider whether it is aiding and abetting treason.
After quarter of a century of Al Beeb and indeed various governments of all political colours telling us that Immigration or ‘migration’ – call it what you like?, is good for the country, along with the brainwashing PC media promoting the ‘benefits ‘ of a multicultural society, contrary to the belief of a vast majority of the British people.
We now see headlines of “218 terrorism-related arrests in the England, Scotland and Wales this year,” We see thousand of our children assaulted and raped by groups of ‘men’. People walking around completely covered from head to foot dressed such that they cannot be recognised in public places calling for us to change our laws. We have a shortage of houses, school places and laws that are made by a Europe that has always been hostile to this island. I don’t think that a majority of the politicians have been listening to us?
‘The tail has been wagging the dog’ for far too long’.
The BBC/liberals are dim. Apparently intelligent but truly dim. In the shires and some other parts of Britain the argument over immigration is over. We don’t want it. So what does the liberal elite do? Ignores this fact and continues to support the indefensible. The will of the majority counts for nothing in their eyes.
QT and the rest of the dreadful rubbish masquerading as news but really opinion is just not working any more.
Time to laugh at them all .PM and Today and Qt and Any Questions. The worthless BBC talking to itself and a minority of attention seeking liberal fantasists.
Indeed Demon, a man is what I am, at least it was the last time I looked!
And to Dykevisions, the pronunciation is such a dawdle, as Welsh is much more phonemic than English. If you ever try it, you will be amazed.
All I said in the post was:
I agree completely!
Great point about Europe hating the UK, they always have and always will…well, until they need our fighting forces to bail them out their wars that is!
Saw them discussing this on “The Papers” on BBC News last night.
Everyone (presenter and two “commentators”) agreed how it was a “bit extreme” to charge returning jihadists with treason because “mostly they were just misguided people” who had made a mistake in going out to Syria in the first place.
Why is this cosy consensus never challenged? The reason many jihadists themselves give for wanting to return home is because they are worried that, in killing other Muslims, they might not qualify for an afterlife in paradise, complete with 72 virgins. Not exactly renouncing terrorism and seeing the error of their ways, it it?
I don’t know just how much clearer ISIS and their supporters have to be to make it plain to the useful idiots of the Western world that they despise us and all we stand for.
Sorry, whilst I hate the ISIS terrorists as much as anyone, wanting to fight for them is not, in any sense of the word, treason. It is terrorism, or murder, but not treason. No more than any other person in this country of foreign ancestry wanting to fight for their own ancestral home would be.
Whilst I fervently support charging members of ISIS with terrorism offences and kicking them out of this country for ever (seeing as the death penalty has been repealed), Treason is not the appropriate charge and any such trial would fail.
The real treasonous criminals in this country are all those politicians who have handed over our sovereignty and the right to create English law to a foreign entity without us being defeated in war. That IS treason and all living PMs up to and including Cameron should be charged with it.
Much simpler to return them to Syria or Iraq (as appropriate) for the authorities there to investigate whether any crimes had been committed during the sight seeing visit.
Of course we’ve need to amend the Human Rights Act or the judges would prevent deportation.
Saw that UKIP show the other day that was one big smearfest. I am loving it as the more the establishment slag them off, the more people will vote for them
” but…”Islam is a religion of peace”?
The Islamic State has “nothing to do with Islam”!
Why on earth would the police be, “stretched” ?
dealing with a “tiny minority of extremists”? ”
Obviously the BBC, (or Camoron and co) no idea why?, no?, not a clue?
is it Israel? … , the BNP perhaps? …, the always on their lips, “far right”? … perhaps the unicorn of Islamofauxbia has appeared?.
Would Friday’s Daily Politics be the lowest viewed episode of the week? Clever then to have 2 non-Lefty commentators (Isobel Hardman of the Spectator + a chap) on the show so that the BBC can prove their even handedness. (that team at Cardiff University will be keeping score)
‘A chap’ as you refer to him is Ian Dunt. Never having heard of him before, I decided to Google the name. From what I have discovered he appears to me to be a ‘leftie’
Now the BBC is a little hesitant over the rebellion on the Tory back benches over the European arrest warrant.
Over play it and it could just assist UKIP who obviously oppose it, underplay it and they risk a chance of damaging the Tory chances at the election come May.
It does show however just how far to the left spineless Dave has gone when he needs to rely on the support of Labour MPs to get his policies through against the wishes of his own back benchers.
Is it not further proof that liblabcon are one and the same, they are all colluding to make sure that the EU experiment continues as planned. It makes me laugh when any of them go against their EU policy masters, the EU elite must be loving it also, finally got the UK firmly under their boot…with plenty of help from the useless three of course.
Surprise Surprise! … found space for this though
BBC Local WM
Your marathon costumes, what will they will be wearing when they run the Birmingham Half Marathon .
The question on the Freudian slip didn’t go the way the mad mullah’s at al – beeb would have hoped though with even the knuckledraggers in the audience questioning what all the fuss was about.
Al – beeb would have hoped it would have been another ‘plebgate’ non story and would have been preparing to rant on and on about it for months on end and hopefully culminating in demands that the firstborn of every UKIP and Tory voter be put to the sword.
Still, it took the pressure off potential questions about Moribunds dismal performance at PMQ’s.
‘You can’t keep a good man down. When Jeremy Paxman hosts Channel 4’s election coverage next year, he might not be the only former BBC stalwart starting a new chapter that night. The Londoner hears that when Channel 4 courted Paxman, the only condition the gruff Rottweiler asked for was that George Entwistle be brought in to edit the election-night show…..Entwistle became famous for being the shortest-serving director-general in BBC history — he stepped down after just 54 days in 2012, following Newsnight’s false allegations against Lord McAlpine…’
‘After an online petition gained 65 signatures, Glastonbury has added Native American headdresses to the list of items traders cannot sell at the festival without “prior authorisation”.’
Oh, I see, now that “Glasto” has been mentioned I can see why the BBC are all over this vital topic. But are the Licence Payers actually interested?
‘In the UK there is no significant Native American population…’
You could have knocked me down with a feather!
Oooops, could that be construed as offensive?
‘…what happens at a festival in Somerset is unlikely to matter much to Native Americans in the US, says Dr. Tim Lockley of the American Studies department at Warwick University.’
Phew, there’s the cost of those several hundred BBC staff forging relationships with the Glasto staff in the VIP Yurt right there.
I’d have said this was more another triumph for the offence industry over PC-obsessed bedwetters in the organisation, so coverage may not be quite the PR coup imagined. Maybe I am just the wrong audience.
Still, pity any errant reveler shouting ‘Geronimo’ as he leaps into the mosh pit at the next gig.
Likely will be crushed by an avalanche of iPhone pedal chargers.
‘The Magazine’s recommended daily allowance of news, culture and your letters.’
Would appear to be… zero. Yet another BBC job creation empire part of Lord Pantone’s cuts that add staff and cost.
‘But some see them as offensive – using an ethnic minority’s traditional culture as novelty clothing.’
I love the smell of a #lawofunintendedconsequence precedent in the morning.
Gentlemen, ladies… LBGTs.. fire up your outrage engines!
If the YMCA segment of the outrage bus is out there…. guys, gals…. they have the money are prepared to buy off any hint of controversy. Time to hit the compo warpath, y’all!
Surely the key thing is that there is no significant Native American population here (Red Indians for the benefit of older readers). Why not? Could be down to institutional racism? I can’t even recall the last time I saw the BBC news read by a Cherokee or was able to watch a movie in Cheyenne or see Horizon with Apache sub-titles. Nor are there any reservations here in Surrey. Waycism, waycism, waycism!
Why didn’t they just run it past Jo Whiley, that smug saviour of all music and Glasto itself, indeed, if it weren’t for her there wouldn’t be another festival in the UK!
For all the difference it makes, the BBC could report on the ginned-up “controversy” in the US over the name of the Washington DC NFL team, “The Washington Redskins, ” and how, for example, the Presiding Officer of the Navajo Nation’s attitude is one of, “Go find someone who gives a good crap.”
This is a “cultural appropriation” issue– the war bonnets have even been appropriated by Natives in the US whose tribes NEVER had them as part of their cultural heritage, because, hey, they LIKE them! But of course, it is strictly verboten that white people should do so. For whites to do so “pollutes” it somehow, you understand!
Another one in Leeds was exposed today too. There is a veritable epidemic of racial and religiously motivated gang rape of white working class children happening in the UK today. There must be close to 100,000 victims by now, if not more.
All ably abetted by labour councillors and bbc coverups of course, what labour has done to white children in the name of ‘integration’ goes beyond treason. labour and the bbc should be utterly and totally destroyed, i despise both.
One has to enquire, just Like “Rotherham” which should have never happened, been an abhorrent anomaly
… we find out it is, in fact “the norm” …
Today its … Birmingham, (not reported by Al BBC)
In Islamic majority schools is behaviour like that now
… “the norm” ?
Lee Rigby s terrible murder the manner of it, was hideous
now we see it every couple of weeks, shocked yes we should be
as its Brit nationals doing it, and has been since Daniel Pearl
… is that now … “the norm”?
After hearing that Scotland yard is now “stretched” dealing with hundreds of terrorism arrests, is that now “the norm” http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-29649010
What I find so offensive is that if the overtly homophobic indoctrination of pupils had happened at a Roman Catholic religious school, (instead of the majority Muslim state schools) then the BBC would be all over it like a rash screaming about how vile and bigoted the Roman Catholics are, with stonewall on every programme screaming from the rooftops about backwards religion.
However it was Muslim state schools removing the PC pro-homosexual indoctrination and so the BBC and their “liberal progressive” lefty acolytes are turning themselves in knots trying desperately to remain in denial about it all.
The BBC and the liberal left are stinking hypocrites. The lot of them.
as a matter of interest,and i dont have the answer to this, so i need your help,if there are any brothers and sisters from northern ireland in this blog can i ask this serious question,as a part of the union and the the uk,does northern ireland have a problem with muslim child grooming gangs targeting northern ireland children for sexual abuse and slavery,we have this problem in england,scotland and wales.does northern ireland have the same problem,if so .what would be the responce and reaction from the community on both sides of the divide if this was happening under your noses and covered up like in the rest of the uk.could anybody from northern ireland in this blog reply to my comment i have posted here on this most serious problem that seems to be getting worse by the day in the rest of the uk.
There have been a few claims about individual instances, and we have seen immigrants forced out of houses…mostly in loyalist areas of Belfast.
Without delving any deeper, the media have been content to scream ‘racism’ and drown out any differing opinion.
Thou must not question the enrichment that Islam brings us all.
There’s a rather alarming regularity of Eastern European immigrants being involved in sexual offences though.
In this court report, INBBC unhelpfully translates the word which the Islamic jihad terror suspect uses- “Kuffar,” as meaning ‘unbelievers’ – which is misleading in an Islamic sense.
“Terror accused talked of Syria visit and plan ‘to get a gun'”
“The word ‘kafir’ should be used instead of ‘unbeliever’, the standard word. Unbeliever is a neutral term. The Koran defines the kafir and kafir is not a neutral word. A kafir is not merely someone who does not agree with Islam, but a kafir is evil, disgusting, the lowest form of life. Kafirs can be tortured, killed, lied to and cheated. So the usual word ‘unbeliever’ does not reflect the political reality of Islam.”
If the BBC politically correct brigade had any belief in “equality” at all, then they would rate that word as being at least as equally offensive as the word “Ni**er” and treat it accordingly.
It is a vile pejorative term which means “worthless non-human”
“Kafir is a subject based on the verb Kufr. One who commits Kuf’r is Kafir. Kuf’r in Arabic dictionary bears three meanings.
*To conceal,
*To be ungrateful
*To deny or to reject.
This word has been used in all these three meanings in the holy Book.
Now let us deliberate over these three meaning of ‘Kufr’:
Concealment is associated with possession and endowment. One who possesses nothing precious has no need to hide. The Word of God, the Knowledge given by Him is a most valuable asset a man may possess. All along in the history of mankind, men of knowledge have been concealing from masses the Knowledge they possess so as to exploit them in the name of religion. Those who forbade the Knowledge of Vedas to the Shudras were indeed ‘Kafir’. Those who conceal from masses that Vedas forbid idol worship, have committed the crime of concealment. Not a single verse of the four Vedas speaks of the next life of a person in the mould of any animal or vegetation. Instead, they explain in detail the descriptions of eternal paradise and hell Hereafter. There are detailed prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) in Vedas. Those who conceal these facts from the people having faith in Vedas are Kafir (in Arabic). Jesus Christ never once in his gospel, claimed to be ‘The Only Begotten Son of God’. On the contrary, to emphasise his human origin he always referred to himself as ‘son of man’. Those who hide this truth are Kafir in the eyes of Qur’an, which is in Arabic. This is an undisputable fact that prior to Qur’an, all the previous scriptures revealed by God could not remain safe from human interpolation. Those who made changes in the Word of God were Kafir. It is also a verifiable truth that among all scriptures, claiming to be Word of God, only Qur’an is unaltered to the last word and letter. This is the biggest endowment of God to the mankind that Muslims claim to possess. This wealth was sent for the whole of mankind. If the possessors of this precious asset do not distribute it among mankind, for whom it was revealed, they would be Kafir. In the past, the men of knowledge stopped others from knowing the word of God, but at present, those who possess the most precious wealth, the way to ‘Mukti’ and salvation, are in general becoming the greatest criminals of concealment if they do not distribute the ‘Gyan’ (knowledge) of salvation. A large number of Muslims I dare say, are practically becoming the greatest Kafirs of today as far as this meaning of the word ‘Kuf’r’ goes. Mr. Chatterji can call them Kafirs who keep the knowledge of unadulterated Word of God to themselves.
Gratitude and ingratitude are also associated with prize, endowment and bestowment. Whoever has been bestowed by someone has an obligation to be grateful to his benefactor. If those calling themselves Muslims think that they have been bestowed with the safest and unaltered Word of God by their Lord, it is they who can be grateful or ungrateful. If their lives do not bear witness to the teachings of Islam and Qur’an, if they are becoming unwanted instead of blessing for the society and if their conduct is driving Non-Muslims to hate Islam and Qur’an then they are becoming ungrateful or Kafir in Arabic. In principle he cannot be called ungrateful who has not been gifted anything worth while.
Denial and Rejection
Denial or rejection is essentially linked to an order or request or an offer. You cannot deny or reject anything unless an offer has been made to you or you have been ordered or requested something. If I ask someone to bring me a glass of water and he rejects my request I can say that he has rejected my request or denied it. I have no right to claim he has denied if I did not ask or requested him in the first place. Whether the Non-Muslims are technically Kafir or not in the eyes of Islam, those who have not asked them to accept it after explaining and presenting it in a decent and convincing manner, have no moral right in letter and spirit to call them Kafir.
The decree or Fatwa is passed on apparent admission but Allah knows all that is apparent and hidden as well. On two counts above it is for every Muslims to introspect whether he is being a Kafir or not. Only the third meaning of the word may brand a non-Muslim as Kafir but only after he has been offered Islam in a convincing and acceptable manner.
Kafir in itself is not an abuse. It has been used in Qur’an for faithful and devout Muslims also. “There is no compulsion in religion. Verily the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever becomes Kafir of the false deities and believes in Allah, has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break…” (2:256)
From the above verse it must be clear that the word Kafir itself is not abusive. Kafir is a subject that needs an object. The rejecter of – what? Muslims are the Kafirs of Hinduism (in its present form). Hindus are the Kafirs of Islam (provided they have rejected it after understanding it). In Islamic terminology the word, if spoken without an object, is used for those who reject the Islamic Faith.”
You can deliberate all you want.
It is of no concern to anyone whether anyone Islamic
does or doesn t, or for how long.
Deliberating over your own self delusion of supremacism
and how to impose, Mohamheads sky fairy, is sadly an Islamic penchant.
It simply shows clearly, Islam is a warped and dangerous ideology, the term itself , “conceal, be ungrateful, deny or reject” what inherrent arrogance … another Islamic trait.
What is of concern, is how Muslims act, on those wicked texts to other society, in every strata it is extremely problematic if the population is fairly small, AND it is sadly far, far worse as it grows.
You can delude yourself over …”belief”, the facts however speak for themselves.
“It is also a verifiable truth that among all scriptures, claiming to be Word of God, only Qur’an is unaltered to the last word and letter. This is the biggest endowment of God to the mankind that Muslims claim to possess. ”
Verifiable truth ? Then prove it.
The Qur’an is an incoherent, rambling tract, peaceful and violent by turns, with several sections “gone missing” and others altered to suit the political and military ambitions of the early Muslims.
You are completely misguided in your assertion that nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus claim to be “the only begotten Son for God” (sic).
If you have studied Matthew, Mark, Like and John, you will discover that Jesus was sentenced to death by the Sanhedrin for the crime of blasphemy. ie. He claimed to be God. He said to His disciples, I and the Father are one. If you have seen me you have seen the Father, and by these and many other words, e.g. He frequently refers to God as His Father and even addresses God as as Daddy in prayer and his many miraculous actions and authoritative statements all combine to show that Jesus certainly believed he was God and not just a prophet.
Since Jesus Himself says, who can forgive sins but God Himself, and then proceeds to forgive individuals their sins, there can be no question about Jesus claiming to be Divine.
If you really are a seeker after truth and it is your hearts desire to love and know God and do His will, can I respectfully ask you to read the four Gospels and note all Jesus’ statements and actions that relate to His divinity. You may be surprised by what you discover about the unique God/man who came from heaven to earth to save humankind from the consequences of their wrongdoing.
We will have to agree to disagree on the status of the Son of Mary.
However I am pleased to read your comment. You seem to be sincere in your beliefs and respectful. These qualities are fast fading from the Earth.
“respectful”? …
AHH! It appears once again there is a slight issue of Islam struggling with the concept of true free speech, and expression … often inverting it, compressing its own, attempting to pervert the notion for others, to protect its own “house of cards”
Until adherents manage to elevate themselves intellectually to grasp this concept, Islam will simply remain the “black hole”.
Speaking of respectful M, may I remind you that we were engaged in a debate last week where you responded to my request to show me something from the Koran that can be seen to contribute to humanity.
I did answer you, and made clear that your example fails to fit, but you haven’t replied.
Does this mean, as I predicted, that you are unable to find any example within the Koran that contributes something to humanity that wasn’t already in existence?
I want to make it clear to you that If you continue to fail to respond you are showing yourself in your real true colours and that will be apparent to everybody.
On last night’s This Week in Politics ,chaired by Andrew Neil, with Portillo and Abbott, they discussed immigration and in particular if the UK could stand indefinitely an influx of 250 thousand pa.
Incredibly those on the panel seemed to think that it could!! They trotted out all sorts of rubbish to support this lunacy. Firstly, all our public services had been built by using loads of immigrants, secondly, we wouldn’t be able to pay for our pensions unless we had loads of young people and we, the Brits they meant, weren’t breeding fast enough, so we needed foreigners to breed for us!
They even totted out that we needed immigrants to do specialist jobs that we didn’t have enough people for. They seemed to ignore using a points system and only taking those that we need.
It doesn’t seem to occur to these idiots that if we had never had mass immigration, then our own native Brits would have been forced to step up to the mark and our employers would have been forced to invest in ways of increasing productivity, rather than relying on cheap foreign labour, which only serves to depress the wages of everyone.
Even after the advent of UKIP and recent by election results the commentariat , the Westminster elite bubble still doesn’t get it. We, the British people, do not want mass immigration and we bitterly resent the mass immigration that has already occurred and the fact that it was imposed on us undemocratically.We want it stopped asap. There is no need for our politicians to discuss it further. If they want our votes they had better do it.
The problem has been that Cameron promised to bring nett migration down to tens of thousands and they have planned public service provision based on this. Obviously this is a huge problem when hundreds of thousands have arrived.
It’s like planning to cater for 100 guests at a wedding, and then discovering on the big day that 250 have turned up and 10 of those are criminals or terrorists and you can’t kick them out!
In theory, Eastern European immigrants could return to their own countries just as quickly as they arrived here e.g. if and when their own countries’ economies start to thrive. This ebb and flow within Europe (though it seems to affect us most, for some unfathomable reason!) could continue ad infinitum as economies go through the cycle of recession and growth.
So what is a country like Britain supposed to do? How do we plan, infrastructure-wise, for all these extra millions of people when in a few years they could all have gone elsewhere?
Yet another case of half-baked socialist thinking which never lets practicalities get in the way of their Marxist agenda.
“the beloved and trusted BBC owe licence-fee payers an explanation as to how they could produce such specious content on the history of the genocide.”
As the BBC doesn’t do explanations, as a source close to the BBC, it seems pretty clear that specious content is usually a given.
Caught my eye too, and here’s what I commented there.
I don’t pretend to know very much about this conflict, and who did what to who and why. As far as BBC bias is concerned, it appears to be their raison d’etre on a host of their agendas whilst taking in as much money for themselves as they can.
However, looking at your personal position I can see that you would have a particular desire for the narrative to go a certain way – rightly or wrongly.
I am put in mind of the Israel/Palestine conflict where both claim bias by the BBC, but it is only where one researches more details that one can see really on which side their bias lies. You seem to present an argument which is akin to the one put by Palestinians, and you fail to present real hard facts to support your case.
After reading your article I did a Google search on the Rwandan Patriotic Front and came across this webpage:
It suggests a completely different narrative than what you are putting forward, and provides far more evidence than yourself.
The picture the BBC might have put forward could well have been nothing to do with reality, that’s par for them, that doesn’t mean your version is any more valid.
Maybe one reason why the loony left does not “get it” is that for them immigration is a moral question, at least in the limited way the left understand morality. The practical consequences of mass immigration are of little or no consequence to them. For them criticism of immigration is hatred of immigrants and hatred of those different from oneself is fascism and fascism is evil. Anything evil must be opposed, criticism of immigration must therefore be stopped. Critics of immigration must be silenced. No enumeration of facts or consequences will ever be found convincing by those who hold pseudoreligious beliefs. In fact, the simplistic moral messages from the BBC are very like the homilies from pious Christians of the Victoriana era. No wonder the BBC like Islam so much – these are people who really know how to promote their irrational beliefs. As a self-employed person who has suffered on going sight loss, I woold be deluding myself if I believed my income was increasing or staying the same as my disability progressed. Clearly “Every disabled person is worth the minimum wage” is a tenet of faith and not a statement of fact about the world as it is.
BBC Question Time last night.
I analysed it today courtesy of their iplayer.
First question was about immigration. Labour MP Angela Eagle was allowed 2 minutes and 10 seconds to provide a Party Political Broadcast without being interrupted by Dimbleby or anyone.
Tory MP Jeremy Hunt gave his response but was interrupted twice by Dimbleby. More than twice if you count the attempted interruptions.
Interruptions are the equivalent of heckling and have the same purpose.
Panel member Giles Fraser ( NOT a Margaret Thatcher supporter) then launched into his monologue. ‘ I wish politicians would stop pandering to bargain basement prejudice against immigrants…’ (huge applause!! He couldn’t go wrong here).
He then gave the following list as to why immigrants are good for us:
-they contribute to society
-make us richer
-more colourful society
-more vibrant society
He then added:
‘There is a Jeremy Clarkson in what Jeremy Hunt says and I’m worried about it. It’s so easy to follow UKIP and scapegoat’ (Huge applause!! He was on a roll!).
Next, a labour supporter was selected from the audience. He said he couldn’t agree more with Giles Fraser.
At this point, I terminated my Analysis and chose a beer. Spitfire or Bombardier? Oh, the agony of choice…
You should have stayed and watched Angela Eagle get slaughtered by the audience for suggesting that Lord Freud should resign over his comment on pay levels for profoundly mentally disabled people.
Just as most thirteen year olds would be reduced to near silence if deprived of the word “bored”, fans of mass immigration would be done for without “vibrant”, a shibboleth so massively overused by now that it’s just so much aural wallpaper.
Since it basically implies that the native population is oh-so-dull without the presence of tropical folks and their habits, maybe the next time ‘vibrant’ is parroted out by one of the usual crew they might be asked to confirm this interpretation. Would be nice to see the buggers squirm a bit as they mentally calculate the votes to be lost by explicitly insulting the indigenes at any rate.
Fraser is the sort of sneering, patronising, closeted, metropolitan elitist lefty that the BBC so adore…the sort that infest the BBC and the Guardian and who look down on the rest of us. No wonder people have had enough.
I was particularly incensed with his taxi driver story. Sneering, as he was, at an ordinary man, going about his business and expressing himself about the concerns he and hundreds of thousands of others have, in the only way a working man could.
And this odious Marxist creep calls himself a Christian. He is devoid of any empathy and not fit to wear the cloth.
I can’t wait until he is exposed as a paedophile, he had that arrogant ‘saville’ air about him that says ‘look at me, I’m so protected by my liberal friends that I can do what I want’
I wonder if he voiced his concerns with said taxi driver? I seriously doubt it, the shithouse lefties only gob off when backed up by many fellow lefties to support their nefarious arguments.
Public schoolboy, Guardian writer, guest lecturer at the LSE, BBC “Moral Maze” contributor. Now individually that’s fine…but all together? He ticks all the BBC boxes to be a PC sneerer or a “snurt” as we call them in our house hold.
Old Speckled Hen for me… An evening listening to those smug, ill informed, patronising lefties, spouting clichés they’ve cobbled together from a Guardian leader would certainly lead me to drink.
Whose round is it?
For a change, and In fairness to the BBC – last night’s episode of ‘This Week’, they let Jon Gaunt give a good account of his views on immigration. – Ms Abbott was also put under pressure.
Is the new ‘Chair’ Rona getting to grips ?
Watch from 06:16 http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04m0p7s/this-week-16102014
Portillo was as bad as Abbott in response to Jon Gaunt’s clear message – and Andrew Neil’s clear questions. You expect Abbott to play the race card and avoid the issue – but Portillo was wrong on nhis facts about the birthrate and crazy to accept that we can continue to have a net immigration / population increase of 250,000 a year.
It seems that labour and half the Tory Party don’t accept there is a problem – the other half of the Tories accepts there is a problem but has no feasible solution for it.
If I was with abbot, had a gun with one bullet and was facing a frothing at the mouth ISIS group charging at us I would shoot abbot…it would be the happiest beheading you’d ever see.
If there was ever proof that a person can get to where they are because of the colour of their skin she is it.
I’m sure this has been raised here before, but wanted to draw attention to the new BBC-approved Newspeak name for the Islamic State: It’s the ” **so-called** Islamic State”. Absolutely nothing to do with Islam you see. Right, I’m just going to eat my so-called dinner and maybe watch some so-called television.
When is the ‘so called’ prime minister of our ‘so called’ government going to secure our borders from ‘so called’ asylum seekers and ‘so called’ migrants?
Technically they are correct to label it “so-called” because they are a self-declared state. But to differentiate how I see it from how the BBC see it, I shall put quotes around what should be in dispute.
INBBC treads very lightly on reporting on Asia BIBI, the Christian woman (Kafir)
sentenced to death in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
But then INBBC/’Liberty’ give more of their political priority to jihadist men in Guantanamo.
‘Daily Mail’-
“Pakistani Christian woman is sentenced to hang for ‘blasphemous’ comments about prophet Mohammed during row with Muslim women who refused to share water.”
“Islamic Death Sentence Upheld for Christian Mother in Pakistan “-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“If Obama were half a man (or half an American), he would make this
an international cause. Instead, he ignores the persecution and slaughter of non-Muslims under the sharia and insists ‘it has nothing to do with Islam.’
“Worse, he covers for these savages.
“For the past six years he has demonstrated that he is an enemy of freedom. An enemy of the state.
“For the whole of his presidency, Obama has scrubbed any US documents of the persecution and slaughter of non-Muslims under the sharia (Islamic law).”
If our government had any courage it would recall our ambassador. Then if the sentence is carried out close our embassy.
We cannot go on like this . it is intolerable.
“Pakistani Christian loses appeal against death sentence for ‘blasphemy.”
[Opening comment by Robert Spencer]:-
“Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are a massive human rights abuse, used to destroy the lives of countless numbers of people, including Asia Bibi. But the world takes little notice.
After all, no ‘Islamophobia’ is being committed, so what’s the big deal?”
I know I didn’t, well at least not half of it after I turned it off because of its constant attacks on UKIP, and some snot nosed sixth former wittering on about being a far left Guardianista and trying to explain to every one where all the grown ups got it wrong.
I heard some of it. There was a 1984 spoof which presented a future where UKIP has become Big Brother and tortures Winston Smith into becoming a member etc.
Aside from being as dismally unfunny as you’d expect, it stunningly missed the point of a novel written by a left winger about that famous right wing, free market conservative, Stalin.
With no Brigstocke in the show I made it to the end of the Saturday repeat, although I almost switched off during the sixth former’s rant. The most interesting point for me was the audience’s applause for the anti-Thatcher comment. It didn’t rise and fall as the natural audience applause for the other “jokes” – cue the edit suite on that one.
I thought I would listen for the first anti-UKIP “joke”. It took about thirty seconds. I didn’t bother to listen any more, but I am sure the rest of the show was devoted to satirizing Ed Miliband’s shameless misuse of disabled people to smear a government minister.
I watched QT last night, it was going great for the liberal lefties until the smug Eagles trotted out the tough milipede stance on Lord Freud being made to resign (thus giving labour a major morality boost for the polls) because of his terrible slur on the disabled.
That’s when the guy in the audience shot her down in flames by accusing her of totally taking the comments out of context and exploiting the situation, cue the audience applause and jeers aimed at Eagles..the look on her face was priceless, she couldn’t quite believe that the most left of left wing programmes had gone against her! milipede will have to have a serious word with their sponsors.
I was surprised that no one picked up on ming campbell’s opinions on the Latvian national who has been accused of murdering a young English girl, Alice Gross, before hanging himself. campbell defended the immigration policy instead blaming the murder on a breakdown in the system?
Not once did the liberal scumbag mention Alice Gross, not once did he mention the Gross family and their grief, not once did he mention that if it wasn’t for the open door policy the liblabcon fully support Alice Gross would probably have lived a fantastic life full of promise.
This is the liberal left for you, the rape, abuse and murder of thousands of young British girls means absolutely nothing to them, after all, it’s something they’ll never have to confront on a personal basis, their cosseted children will be well protected from such evils and probably don’t give any credence to the crimes.
Angela Eagle was taken aback by the audience reaction as she thought the selected audience would back her. It was funny when the questioner revealed how predictable Eagle’s partisan response was.
She’s barely in role, and it has been made pretty clear that ‘management’ of the BBC doesn’t influence editorial, except of course when it does by a whisper off minutes in a corridor. But this, like all else bbc, has been only when the Charter-shredding suits all parties. Her telling any producer or editor to ease off writing stupid tweets or encouraging left of centre programming too overtly would result in screams.
The only time she could make views known is at a Trust review of complaints (if she attends) but the first will be several months away as CECUTT operates its mincer manoeuvres.
As far as the Latvian was concerned, Campbell even implied that it might not have been him who committed the crime, as he’s not around to answer to it.
The Labour ‘rapid rebuttle unit’ reborn (again)
PR Week: ‘Labour strategists are keen to respond to the growing influence of right-wing blogs. The eventual system could resemble a modern-day version of Labour’s famous Excalibur unit, which was successfully used to kill negative stories by Tory-supporting newspapers in the run-up to the 1997 general election.’ I read they have already one set-up to monitor 2014 ITV news (no need with the BBC).
It gets wheeled out at General elections and polished.
No more and no less than any sensible party would need in this modern spin over substance politico-media world, and I am sure others have similar, but creepy nonetheless.
Bit intrigued how they successfully did anything with independent media. Facts are facts, and they still need editorial cooperation to counter. And the calibre of Flokkers on blogs now is dire. You either get daft one liners or a Cease and Dezist screed of gibberish.
The problem returns to the BBC, and secret editorial decisions on what, or who, goes in, and anything that doesn’t suit which will be omitted.
An interesting trend gaining pace though, with the SNP, UKIP and their supporters working on the basis anything the national disgrace decides to analyse politically being as bent as a bbc production assistant interview.
Seemed like a BBC sack of rats special so I almost passed by, but the story is interesting.
Loved the conclusion to the Twitter exchange, which reminded me of the mayor’s office scene in Ghostbusters.
Clearly the not uncomely Ms. Bradbury did indeed conform to some BBC producer’s new format.
But keeping her pert lips zipped from the outset may have been wise.
Showing that the BBC producer class doesn’t like being subject to laws they would scream be applied to mere mortals perhaps not the smartest thing to highlight.
HIGNFY tonight grossly misrepresented Freud’s comments on helping the disabled gain beneficial work. Especially sickening since well read comics like Hislop, Merton & Skinner must be aware of their true context and the way they’ve been misrepresented by Labour. Those maggots would sell their mothers to the A-rabs if they thought there was a BBC/Labour pay cheque in it for them.
Go to the pub ,ignore the fuckwitts , only sado guardianisters,are in on friday night watching that bile . Its not worth any bollox ,fire & forget rehearsed script . Hope they all catch `Tombola ` the evil ` bbc ,& Millipeed & co .
Odd they should persist in the misrepresentation after what happened on QT with Ms. Vulture. Clearly the HIGNFY audience knows when to laugh… or is it a laugh track. I know it is topical, but when is it actually recorded? They may regret it yet.
Hey now ! I’ve quite a liking for vultures – sociable, interesting creatures which carry out a vital job on the plains of Africa, India etc as well as doing sterling service in countless westerns down the years. I wish we had a few majestically flying around hereabouts, soaring on the wind currents and happily “Carrrrk”-ing away.
None of the above can be applied to either Eagle sister.
” It comes as somewhat of a surprise that the BBC, which obstructs information requests and covers up scandal at every turn, is taking the moral high ground on the issue of keeping information in the public domain.
It’s a shame the BBC hasn’t been so forthcoming about its own internal sex scandals and corruption.”
Indeed. The BBC also getting excited about the Chinese blocking them. It seems that only when the BBC does it all is well.
Three little words… the BBC website currently leading with the story that “MPs call for an urgent investigation into allegations files relating to the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal went missing” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-29660345). You know, that slightly inconvenient matter of 1,400 children being raped in Rotherham whilst the local council and police turned a blind eye. Three words missing from the article that might be relevant: “Labour”, “Pakistani”, “Muslim”. I wonder why.
I stay clear of watching any BBC iplayer programmes as most are crap anyway, (and I do not have a TV) but I’ve always been a follower of The Apprentice. I watched episode 2 last night and the strangest thing. As you know there are two “teams”, boys and girls, and in this edition a fair spread of diversity. The programme now ticks all the boxes. But throughout the episode, all but one of the teams had at least some focus on them be it boy or girl, so you got to know of the contestants. Not a word, not a camera shot, not even a grilling from Mr Sugar at the end as to why their team lost. Nothing, airbrushed out of the programme completely. Why I wonder? The person I’m referring to was the “Black” guy on the boys team. For an hour last night, he didn’t exist, how strange?
He was all mouth last week but though unpopular with his colleagues he got a ‘get out of jail’ card from Lord Sugar, and presumably off camera was told to keep mum. He did come across as a bit of a mum’s boy.
On R4 this morning, & not for the first time, one of the headline world news reports is that Labour have made a “new” (or recycled) “promise” should they be elected. Today it is making some marginal improvement in cancer testing times. I don’t remember in past years everyday policy announcements by an opposition party being headline news
If Millipede becomes PM (Heaven and Hell forbid) , then we’re talking about importing another three million immigrants to join the Labour-voting client class and parachuting them into marginal seats.
I was taken aback when with a straight face Today announced that this headlining item was first announced in the Labour 2010 Manifesto! Yet, as you say it was the lead story for the programme. Bizarro.
Well the BBC gave life after death to Rev Dr Giles Fraser, I wonder whether similar support will continue to be given to uniform designer Sir Hugh Orde when ACPO is wound up.
Oh Lord, whilst scanning down the Radio 4 schedule to see if anything is worth listening (i.e. before the incomparable Richard Burton in Under Milk Wood) I’ve just noticed the panellists on ‘Any Questions’. Heseltine (soft-left), Chukka (left), Frances Grady (hard left), and Delingpole (phew, a Conservative at last). Despite Delingpole, I shall not listen.
Had you looked to 4 Extra instead, you could be enjoying a two and a half hour circle jerk to the greatness of John Peel, bon viveur and underage sex pest of this parish all round fantasy date for the entire beeboid universe.
Ha, ha! Obviously I would not have listened to that. However, I thought him a good presenter and link-man in the R4 ‘Home Truths’ programmes, and rather liked listening to them. (I’d better not say anything about his successor – the Coles person – in Saturday Live, for fear of saying something libellous).
The mouthy but honest Julie Burchill was loudly telling the world that John Peel had sex with underage girls when he was in Texas as a DJ when that particular BBC DJ was held in wide regard. (Based on his own revelations). He made a 15 year old girl in this country pregnant when he in his thirties and had regular sex with a 13 year old. So John Peel was simply a disgusting pedophile. Some people might not like it (the BBC and serious alternative music lovers) sorry but Its that simple.
So why do the BBC still think its okay to have a BBC MUSIC JOHN PEEL LECTURE?
..would be at least honest.
Predictably, in the joyfest over Miliband’s latest wheeze, none of the BBC so-called journalists asked whether the tobacco companies actually produce £150million/year from their tobacco-related activities in the UK. Since tobacco companies are massive conglomerates, I suspect the profits (not sales) directly related to smoking is substantially less than the amounts required to fund this bribery. Accordingly, another less “glamorous” wedge of the sick and infirm will find its funding reduced so that Labour and the BBC can produce a few favourable headlines. Not that I underestimate the benefit of such reduction to those affected but, in the balancing act which is the NHS, there are just as worthy (but less glamorous) areas to concentrate on.
BBC reports, that due to the Met being “stretched” with 200 and counting terrorist cells, it is initiating heightened target specific surveillance, increased CCTV, on the community in question, all relevant area mosques are to be opened up to enhanced scrutiny …
in the interest of public safety …..
Well … No not really.
But there has been a nauseating pneumatic on loop report on ….
“call” for a meeting of “all faiths and none”, to have “interfaith dialogue”, on “extremism from all faiths”, have “acts of unity” etc etc. etc
“Four men from London appear in court charged with terrorism offences including swearing oaths to join ISIS and obtaining a handgun and ammunition”
On the review of the papers last night, the Beeb was wetting its knickers at the prospect of Clinton for President. “There would be so many firsts”…She would be the first grandmother to be President, the first spouse of a former President to be President… And, to get to their main thrust (to use a more BILL Clinton word), she would be the first WOMAN to be President. There was also much talk of sixty-nine. This could have been a reference to her age rather than what they thought she might end up doing with a White House intern.
How progressive, a mere 35 years after the UK and a mere 45 years after Israel elected a woman as leader, the BBC are gushing over the possibility that the US may in a few years get a woman leader. More of the Beebs obsession with the US.
Anyone remember if the Beeb has ever celebrated Mrs T as a pioneer for women in politics?
Good point. The BBC and the Left have never come to terms with MT’s success. She broke all the ‘glass ceilings’ yet was never accepted as a ‘true sister’. Why? Is it because feminists only vote Labour? Could politics be involved???
Perhaps if she had worn cropped hair, jeans and a T shirt and spoke with a miner’s Yorkshire accent, she might have been accepted. Hmmm… I think I’ll now delete that image from my mind…
There are many reasons why Mrs Thatcher is hated by the left but I suspect the main reason was she was, as is often said on the BBC, a ‘grocers daughter.’ She was from trade old boy, not family. She was not one of them but one of us.
Hillary is gotta be better than Barry , & in the left right spectrum , she is in the Heseltine part of it ,moderate right , I would say. A mate of mine down the pub, thinks Chelsea Clinton will run for President one day. He is really keen on her .
Here’s a link to a BBC interactive web page http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141016-your-life-on-earth
At first sight it seemed interesting, but as I got further down the page it all went tits up ….. Rising sea levels / Hole in the ozone layer / Rising temperatures / Co2 levels / Threatened species ….. you name it, it’s there.
I should have known better………
“News” 24 6pm today. Re tragic events in Nepal.
Interviewer : what do you consider to be the main reasons for this dreadful loss of life.?
Interviewee: first of all, Global Warming( or words to that effect)
Went unchallenged or commented upon , natch.
On Friday morning, Radio Five Live dealt with the findings of a report highlighting the way football clubs treat their supporters over issues such as facilities at the grounds and ticket prices. The interview was conducted by Rachel Burden and the interviewee was Simon Jordan, the former chairman of Crystal Palace Football Cliub. Jordan’s argument was that as the most important changes to the game occurred during the thirteen years of Labour Government, then any reforms should have been introduced during that time. He was immediately interrupted by Burden, who quite clearly lacks any manners when it comes to interviewing people, who insisted that he should address his comments to the present time. What she clearly meant was that reform can only be carried out by the state, and that it was the fault of the wicked Coalition Government for not having done so. Jordan then went on to argue that reform had to start within the clubs themselves, and he quoted the example of Swansea City, a club that I have supported since childhood, where the supporters trust do have a good deal of influence on account of the club having to fight against bankruptcy tenm years ago. Again Jordan was not allowed to develop this argument as he was quickly interrupted by Burden, who quite clearly felt that he was giving the wrong answers. The interview was then quickly terminated, and no doubt Jordan will not be asked to apear on the show again! I felt that Jordan had some interesting ideas, but he was not allowed to develop them as they did not fit in to the parameters of discussion set beforehand by Burden. I quickly turned over to the relative calm of Classic
FM in order to get my blood pressure down! This approach is likely to intensify on the BBC between now and next May, which as I have stated before represents a threat to democratic politics in this country.
He suggested the idea from the Labour Party was popularism in the run up to the election and was interrupted. Can’t question the motives of the LP now can we?
“Rotherham abuse scandal: Joyce Thacker given £40k payout”
is the banner on the BBC NEWS website this afternoon. Nowhere does it say that she worked under a Labour Council and that this was the woman who presided on the removal of two children from “exemplary” foster parents because these two happened to be members of UKIP.
By the way she found out from a secret source that they were UKIP members and acted promptly…but over 1200 abused girls? She and the council knew nothing, zilch, zero and now important files have gone missing…Well, well, well
“ISIS sex slaves, Muhammad, and Western confusion.”
“While, preposterously, Western leaders keep saying that Islamic State terrorists are not real Muslims, Islamic State just keeps on pointing to the Koran and the Prophet to justify atrocities. You couldn’t make it up, and they don’t have to!”
ISIS don’t seem to be the only ones enjoying the benefits of sex/domestic slaves. According to last week’s Woman’s Hour there are now 20,000 sex/domestic slaves in Britain. The programme tried to give the impression that this was a general and widespread traditional British practice, but I suspect that,, as the women talking about the problem seemed to be of Asian origin, this custom is due to the millions of “non Muslims” from the more rural areas of certain “Non-islamic” states who are enriching our prosaic way of life in new ways. Believe it or not there were some on the program who thought serfdom and forced labour were acceptable aspects of “cultural diversity”.
Audience and panel in both programmes massively in favour.
But that’s nothing new for the BBC.
How can our national broadcaster’s output be so consistently out of touch with public opinion?
Answer: because when you’re in control of 70% of the nation’s news and current affairs coverage, you can do what the hell you want – even influence public opinion over time.
“…because when you’re in control of 70% of the nation’s news and current affairs coverage, you can do what the hell you want – even influence public opinion over time.”
It’s much worse than that, though. The BBC doesn’t have to work for any of the £3.5bn pa it extorts out of ordinary members of the public. It then uses these proceeds of crime to propagandise on behalf of the political left, knowing full well that nobody – absolutely nobody – will ever seriously call it out on its blatant politicising, be that on issues of immigration, the EU, climate change, anti-Israel sentiment and so on. The sheer fact the BBC almost daily encourages, incites and enacts such naked aggression against UKIP, for example, across its airwaves should be a wake-up call to anyone still unsure if this bastion of ‘broadcasting excellence’ is indeed anywhere near as ‘impartial’ or ‘balanced’ as it likes to constantly claim it is.
The BBC is a perfect example of what happens when large publicly-funded organisations with absolute power corrupt absolutely. It cannot see that it is doing anything wrong. It cannot hear its critics. It will not brook valid criticism; it sneers and denigrates or – worse – simply ignores or censures those who take issue with its bias.
Funded by you and I, and with a Chartered mandate to provide balance and impartiality (until slippery BBC progressives dreamt up the useful concept of ‘due impartiality’ to permit their ongoing censure of climate change critics), it is signally failing – some might argue even actively refusing – to do any such thing. Radio 4 these days – in fact on any given day at almost any given time – increasingly (and worryingly) sounds more and more like a left-wing, socialist propaganda unit, rather less like a balanced, impartial broadcaster for everyone, of any political hue, to enjoy without the fear of subtle, sly propagandising being sneaked into the subtext at every available opportunity.
To add further to your excellent summary, this inability to hear is of course self-inflicted, deliberately.
From a humble editor blocking anyone asking why a BBC staffer is being partisan on Twitter, to CECUTT conspiring to expedite complainants on the basis they can’t cope with their own failures to offer answers, to endless redactions and ‘purposes of’ exemptions from the very acts they use on others, the BBC is just a festering sore of unaccountable hypocrisy, with such insult compounded by HMG compelling the public to fund it… ‘Uniquely’.
Some hope that such as Rona will manage to correct this. But she is as good as what the BBC hierarchy serves up to her, and filters back out. It is all internal and in secret. The BBC’s little secret.
Not the healthiest route to credible transparency or actual trust beyond the ‘tell it often enough’ cloak the BBC covers itself with; one fast becoming a shroud.
The tragedy is that so few people who should know better are unaware they are being manipulated into a certain way of thinking . It is only because I have a certain amount of knowledge on a particular subject that I realised a Professor of history was telling lies and the BBC commentator endorsed his lies because they suited a BBC agenda to blame the Jews for Arab behaviour. see http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/07/imortance-of-tone-of-voicerepetiton-of.html . The answer to my complaint was “not enough people would be offended” . So that’s OK for the BBC because as long as people do not know that they are telling lies, the BBC can continue to tell lies!
‘The tragedy is that so few people who should know better are unaware they are being manipulated into a certain way of thinking.’
That was my point exactly, Lynette – I was being semi-ironic I suppose and as a result understated it.
The BBC is brainwashing its listeners with a constant stream of left-leaning opinion – even when it’s clearly out of step with the majority of voters – which in the end makes said listeners doubt their own views and believe it is they who are out of step with ‘public’ opinion. You only have to look at how many calls to the BBC are rigged i.e. apparently ordinary members of the public revealed by this website as being well known leftists (leading lights in the NUT and Friends of the Earth spring to mind).
The only reason I watch the bbc is to educate myself to the evil ways of the liberal left wing and their constant stream of lies and misinformation.
The political bias on every radio and TV station is breathtaking, they are experts at political social engineering (a dark art that has been used extensively by both the Chinese and old Soviet governments).
I believe the latest attempt to sway a situation to the favour of the labour party is the constant reference to giving 16/17 year olds the vote. Many of these teenagers have been brainwashed in our schools with the key liberal mantras, such as the EU,diversity,multiculturalism,integration,liberalism, poverty…who are these people likely to vote for?
It’s got to the stage now that if a bbc employee told me today was Sunday I’d have to check on the calender, the problem is that many people in the UK believe everything they broadcast.
pugnaziousFeb 24, 17:26 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Somewhat misleading headline… ‘The former leader of Reform UK in Wales has appeared in court accused of accepting bribes to…
Fedup2Feb 24, 17:18 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I reckon labour will throw all its popular MPs into the campaign like …er… ok then … really popular labour…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 17:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 HA HA HAHA AH “Other departments like Defra – which spent £1,246,267 in total on civil service training – are…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 16:53 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “… and mould all Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the…
FlotsamFeb 24, 16:48 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The by-election will be an interesting test for Labour, Conservative and Reform. I wonder if Reform is going to be…
Question Time last night. First question was regarding worries over immigration. All agreed that immigration was ‘a good thing for this country’. Some bloke called Giles Fraser (Guardian columnist, regular BBC contributor) took the opportunity to lay into UKIP (who were not there to answer his bilious accusations) to much audience applause.
*off switch*
Life really is too short to waste on such complete bollocks.
“took the opportunity to lay into UKIP (who were not there to answer his bilious accusations) to much audience applause.”
They’re not from Newbury or West Berkshire then. Seeing as the railway line to Newbury was closed for a while because of a person hit by a train between Reading and Newbury, it’s just as well they bus in the lefty majority part of the audience.
Yep, i’d like to know how many of the audience are from the area chosen for the venues…….can someone infiltrate and ambush dumbleby and to a quick hands up? They’d probably lie though, being lefties.
I agree – see my post on the Midweek Open Thread. BUT … to see the bias in operation is fascinating and frightening.
This edition was from Newbury, last week’s was from Clacton, but you wouldn’t know from the audience, who appear to be selected for their Leftish political preferences by the biased and corrupt BBC. Then there are the Labour plants such as the overgrown baby Amy Rutland, who was put in a while ago to attack and heckle Diane James of UKIP over immigration from Bulgaria.
The same applies to “Any Questions?” on Radio 4: it matters not that the programme be broadcast from a little church hall in c-/C-onservative rural England, since the audience reactions are usually the same, presumably because of pre-selection and the infiltration of young students and urban activists. The edition from Steyning (semi-rural West Sussex) earlier this year was another case in point, with a surprising show of hands from the unrepresentative audience at one point.
The panel last night seemed to lack the most basic intellectual rigour in the ‘discussion’ on immigration. Simply parroting out the mantra that it is a good thing does NOT constitute a reasoned argument! Some immigration may be beneficial but how much is really desirable or sustainable? Thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands? Nobody mentioned the staggering figure of net immigration of 583,000 in 2004 alone though Ms Eagle was happy to attack the Coalition over the smaller 246,000 in the last year. Empiricism is “out” and sentimental waffle holds sway. Even if EU migrants such as Poles and French can fit in well enough, what of other groups who don’t assimilate and stand apart for religious and cultural reasons? Immigration is regularly raised on Question Time and Any Questions but rarely discussed properly other than by UKIP members and one or two Right-wing commentators, who are met with hostility and interruption.
The BBC is at best failing to allow a proper discussion on what is, in the long term, an existential issue for the British people; and at worst is betraying the people who fund the corporation.
Thanks for explaining so well all that I couldn’t be bothered to. Also, I have a chuckle every time I see your name – genius! *lol*
A couple of years ago, QT came to Woking where I lived at the time, and I thought it would be nice to get a ticket. I was asked to download a form to complete and return.
It was absolutely clear from the questions who they wanted in the audience. I thought then that not many in this audience were from Woking.
I’d love to see a govt dismiss all the BBC staff and employ only immigrants on a fraction of what they pay these idiots now…..let’s see how the BBC lot react to that, plus NUJ…. sweet revenge.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the truth is always the opposite to the way an ‘Any Questions?’ audience applauds. Funny that.
Maybe this sheds some light on your query. I can’t see much wrong with the usual programming which throws up some really good entertainment but am increasingly bugged by the opinion balance delivered by BBC newsmedia and several of its political departments.
Take Question Time. I am regularly frustrated by obvious bias, but this is the prerogative of the panel and the grist of the programme. However this is not the whole story – what of the platform provided by the BBC for the delivery of such opinion? For example what yardsticks are used to achieve a balance of reaction and opinion within the audience? Do we think that for example a Tory view in Newcastle or Liverpool would go down too well – as would a Labour view in Eastleigh or Uxbridge? Would many watching the box come away thinking ‘my Party representative’ didn’t come across too well in that programme?
So I guess this annual sway would depend somewhat on the selection of venue.
I looked at this over 2013 and counted the number of local councilors for each party for venue as a yardstick of voting opinion. To emphasize this, only venues where one of the major political parties had a clear majority of over twice the number of its major ‘competitor’ was outed in a detailed spreadsheet.
If we leave out the London venues where there is a slight Labour bias overall, 2013 venues stack up at 15 heavily pro Labour, 7 heavily pro Tory, and one pro Lib Dem. The remainder fall below the 2:1 cut off. So the BBC has stacked the audience then.
The workings are on a spreadsheet for 2013. This year we started off in Lewisham. Another spreadsheet has been started.
‘what of the platform provided by the BBC for the delivery of such opinion?’
Beyond the overt, which of course can be measured quite easily, there are countless covert means to tip balances that are nigh on impossible to quantify in testimony, and hence used mercilessly by every BBC operative to ‘help’.
Audience selection, commenter selection, camera angles, cutaways, sound levels up, or down, subsequent edits… all terrific tools in the arsenal should the unscrupulous wish their favoured view get seen in the best light, be protected from counter, and shared free of any aspects that do not serve.
Was Ms. Vulture’s face like a slapped haddock (I amy have mixed metaphors here) when QT went pear-shaped the basis of news summaries from Today to Newsnight? Or satire from Now Show to HIGNFY? If it was I missed any outings there may have been, when one can be assured a non-FriendofBBC being humiliated would have formed the core of the next few days.
The BBC still need to invite the odd right-winger on to prove their impartiality. When they do that rightie has got to go for the throat like Andrew Breitbart did. Sadly, even Ukip invitees to Question Time seem apologetic for their party.
There’s very strong indications that even Nigel Farage is now censoring himself to the point of shiftiness.
There’s a pretty good post analysing his reaction to leftie Panorama journalists called”Tell It Like It Is…” at:
After watching QT last night, how can the BBC even begin to claim that the audience is a natural cross-section? Just a biased lefty love fest.
Take a look at the application form for being in the audience…..say’s it all…..
Two weeks without watching QT and it’s refreshing also good for the blood pressure.
I’ve given up with QT and HIGNFY entirely – far too bad for the blood pressure.
The NUJ guidelines probably explain why audiences are always so partisan and overwhelmingly pro-immigration, given that even now people who openly express concerns about immigration are branded as “bigots” or “racists”. But given that immigration regularly appears at or near the top of the list of what people see as concerns facing the country, it’s clear that the stacked audiences are far from representative. Biased, in fact.
From NUJ guidelines:
“•Racist attitudes and the growth of far-right parties pose a threat to democracy, the rights of trade union organisations, a free media and racial equality.
•Its members have a responsibility to stop racism being expressed in the media.
•Do not allow letters or online comments to be published or allow phone-ins to continue that contain racist hate speech.”
NUJ (Translation from Union-speak into English):
“• Oppose the attitudes and the growth of ALL opposition ‘right’ parties that pose a threat to Labour, the rights of trade union organisations to intimidate, a free media (payable by UK taxpayer) to avoid ‘strategic’ immigration controls.
• Union members have a responsibility to stop criticism being expressed by the public – in the media.
• Union members must censor letters and online comments before publishing we only allow phone-ins to continue that contain pro Milliband praise.”
Keep it coming BBC. Keep on attacking UKIP. It is worth hundreds of votes every time. The BBC thinks we are stupid .
Wait for the next General Election and the BBC will find out just how little millions of us care for it’s pompous attempts to subvert the popular will.
God, I hope you’re right…sorry, hit report button
A necessary reminder to INBBC on: Islamic jihadists and treason to UK-
‘The Times’ (£) has the following, as its Page 1 headline report today:-
“British jihadists could face trial for treason”
[Opening excerpt]:
“British jihadists who fight for Islamic State or swear allegiance to the militant group could be charged with treason, the foreign secretary said yesterday.
“Philip Hammond revealed that discussions had taken place within government about resurrecting the obsolete law, not used since 1946 when the Nazi propagandist Lord Haw-Haw [William Joyce] was hanged.
“Any Briton convicted of the offence could be given a life sentence.”
And ‘Daily Mail’ has this today-
“British terrorists fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria could be tried for ‘high treason’ reveals Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2795771/british-terrorists-fighting-isis-iraq-syria-tried-high-treason-reveals-foreign-secretary-philip-hammond.html#ixzz3GOcxMKKQ
INBBC has:
“Treason charge idea considered for UK jihadists”
So when INBBC is thinking of broadcasting more propaganda sympathetic to Islamic jihadists and their supporters, it should consider whether it is aiding and abetting treason.
After quarter of a century of Al Beeb and indeed various governments of all political colours telling us that Immigration or ‘migration’ – call it what you like?, is good for the country, along with the brainwashing PC media promoting the ‘benefits ‘ of a multicultural society, contrary to the belief of a vast majority of the British people.
We now see headlines of “218 terrorism-related arrests in the England, Scotland and Wales this year,” We see thousand of our children assaulted and raped by groups of ‘men’. People walking around completely covered from head to foot dressed such that they cannot be recognised in public places calling for us to change our laws. We have a shortage of houses, school places and laws that are made by a Europe that has always been hostile to this island. I don’t think that a majority of the politicians have been listening to us?
‘The tail has been wagging the dog’ for far too long’.
The BBC/liberals are dim. Apparently intelligent but truly dim. In the shires and some other parts of Britain the argument over immigration is over. We don’t want it. So what does the liberal elite do? Ignores this fact and continues to support the indefensible. The will of the majority counts for nothing in their eyes.
QT and the rest of the dreadful rubbish masquerading as news but really opinion is just not working any more.
Time to laugh at them all .PM and Today and Qt and Any Questions. The worthless BBC talking to itself and a minority of attention seeking liberal fantasists.
‘Dim’? Worse than that. Educated into ignorance.
Cytuno’n llwyr Merched, yn llwyr.
That’s easy for you to say!
I thought you were a man. Or are you talking about women in general?
That was to Dysgwr_Cymraeg.
Indeed Demon, a man is what I am, at least it was the last time I looked!
And to Dykevisions, the pronunciation is such a dawdle, as Welsh is much more phonemic than English. If you ever try it, you will be amazed.
All I said in the post was:
I agree completely!
Diolch !
Great point about Europe hating the UK, they always have and always will…well, until they need our fighting forces to bail them out their wars that is!
Saw them discussing this on “The Papers” on BBC News last night.
Everyone (presenter and two “commentators”) agreed how it was a “bit extreme” to charge returning jihadists with treason because “mostly they were just misguided people” who had made a mistake in going out to Syria in the first place.
Why is this cosy consensus never challenged? The reason many jihadists themselves give for wanting to return home is because they are worried that, in killing other Muslims, they might not qualify for an afterlife in paradise, complete with 72 virgins. Not exactly renouncing terrorism and seeing the error of their ways, it it?
I don’t know just how much clearer ISIS and their supporters have to be to make it plain to the useful idiots of the Western world that they despise us and all we stand for.
A misguided person can kill you just as easily as the most hardened terrorist. It’s the same gun* and the same bullets*.
* Change to sword/ knife/ cheesewire/ ied as appropriate.
So why didn’t the defence lawyers at Nuremburg say that their Nazi clients were misguided?
The reason many jihadists themselves give for wanting to return home is because they are worried that, in killing other Muslims
Seriously? Who the fuck did they expect to be killing in Syria? Jews?
Shias, apostates and the Infidel.
Sorry, whilst I hate the ISIS terrorists as much as anyone, wanting to fight for them is not, in any sense of the word, treason. It is terrorism, or murder, but not treason. No more than any other person in this country of foreign ancestry wanting to fight for their own ancestral home would be.
Whilst I fervently support charging members of ISIS with terrorism offences and kicking them out of this country for ever (seeing as the death penalty has been repealed), Treason is not the appropriate charge and any such trial would fail.
The real treasonous criminals in this country are all those politicians who have handed over our sovereignty and the right to create English law to a foreign entity without us being defeated in war. That IS treason and all living PMs up to and including Cameron should be charged with it.
Well put Ken.
All they do is talk……just do it Hammond….actions speak and all that…..
Much simpler to return them to Syria or Iraq (as appropriate) for the authorities there to investigate whether any crimes had been committed during the sight seeing visit.
Of course we’ve need to amend the Human Rights Act or the judges would prevent deportation.
Saw that UKIP show the other day that was one big smearfest. I am loving it as the more the establishment slag them off, the more people will vote for them
UKIP signed up an extra 1000 members that evening after that Panorama programme.
I saw this story on the BBC News iPad App and thought you should see it:
Tesco tells guide dog owner ‘get out’
A blind woman is left “horrified” after staff at Tesco shout at her to get her guide dog out of the store and “never come back”.
Read more:
Anyone care to guess the religion of those who told the victim to leave the shop?
Probably the same as the security guard who ordered Jewish children to leave Sports Direct, I would imagine.
And Tesco wonder why they are going down the pan.
Mystifying report from the BBC
Terror-related crime ‘stretches police’ – Scotland Yard
” but…”Islam is a religion of peace”?
The Islamic State has “nothing to do with Islam”!
Why on earth would the police be, “stretched” ?
dealing with a “tiny minority of extremists”? ”
Obviously the BBC, (or Camoron and co) no idea why?, no?, not a clue?
is it Israel? … , the BNP perhaps? …, the always on their lips, “far right”? … perhaps the unicorn of Islamofauxbia has appeared?.
Would Friday’s Daily Politics be the lowest viewed episode of the week? Clever then to have 2 non-Lefty commentators (Isobel Hardman of the Spectator + a chap) on the show so that the BBC can prove their even handedness. (that team at Cardiff University will be keeping score)
‘A chap’ as you refer to him is Ian Dunt. Never having heard of him before, I decided to Google the name. From what I have discovered he appears to me to be a ‘leftie’
Now the BBC is a little hesitant over the rebellion on the Tory back benches over the European arrest warrant.
Over play it and it could just assist UKIP who obviously oppose it, underplay it and they risk a chance of damaging the Tory chances at the election come May.
It does show however just how far to the left spineless Dave has gone when he needs to rely on the support of Labour MPs to get his policies through against the wishes of his own back benchers.
Is it not further proof that liblabcon are one and the same, they are all colluding to make sure that the EU experiment continues as planned. It makes me laugh when any of them go against their EU policy masters, the EU elite must be loving it also, finally got the UK firmly under their boot…with plenty of help from the useless three of course.
Just exactly why do we need a EAW?
Oh yes. It’s to help the NHS be spiteful. Silly me.
Here’s one that won’t make in onto BBC South East News, or be discussed on Question Time.
“Immigrants in 20s put in Kent schools with pupils as young as 11”
Checked out BBC news England, then West Mids … not there.
You would think, important story?
More “men” again
As has been revealed this is, “the norm”, in Rochdale, Rotherham,
Derby, Blackburn, Oxford, Leeds, Manchester, Bradford etc.
Surprise Surprise! … found space for this though
BBC Local WM
Your marathon costumes, what will they will be wearing when they run the Birmingham Half Marathon .
The question on the Freudian slip didn’t go the way the mad mullah’s at al – beeb would have hoped though with even the knuckledraggers in the audience questioning what all the fuss was about.
Al – beeb would have hoped it would have been another ‘plebgate’ non story and would have been preparing to rant on and on about it for months on end and hopefully culminating in demands that the firstborn of every UKIP and Tory voter be put to the sword.
Still, it took the pressure off potential questions about Moribunds dismal performance at PMQ’s.
Old Boys’ Network
Just on the off chance that anyone hereabouts may have been concentrating on BBC news output and consquently missed this report…
‘You can’t keep a good man down. When Jeremy Paxman hosts Channel 4’s election coverage next year, he might not be the only former BBC stalwart starting a new chapter that night. The Londoner hears that when Channel 4 courted Paxman, the only condition the gruff Rottweiler asked for was that George Entwistle be brought in to edit the election-night show…..Entwistle became famous for being the shortest-serving director-general in BBC history — he stepped down after just 54 days in 2012, following Newsnight’s false allegations against Lord McAlpine…’
‘Is wearing a Native American headdress offensive?’
I don’t know, so happily the BBC is here to help me out with this tricky new PC issue.
‘After an online petition gained 65 signatures, Glastonbury has added Native American headdresses to the list of items traders cannot sell at the festival without “prior authorisation”.’
Oh, I see, now that “Glasto” has been mentioned I can see why the BBC are all over this vital topic. But are the Licence Payers actually interested?
‘In the UK there is no significant Native American population…’
You could have knocked me down with a feather!
Oooops, could that be construed as offensive?
‘…what happens at a festival in Somerset is unlikely to matter much to Native Americans in the US, says Dr. Tim Lockley of the American Studies department at Warwick University.’
Phew, that’s just as well.
Phew, there’s the cost of those several hundred BBC staff forging relationships with the Glasto staff in the VIP Yurt right there.
I’d have said this was more another triumph for the offence industry over PC-obsessed bedwetters in the organisation, so coverage may not be quite the PR coup imagined. Maybe I am just the wrong audience.
Still, pity any errant reveler shouting ‘Geronimo’ as he leaps into the mosh pit at the next gig.
Likely will be crushed by an avalanche of iPhone pedal chargers.
‘The Magazine’s recommended daily allowance of news, culture and your letters.’
Would appear to be… zero. Yet another BBC job creation empire part of Lord Pantone’s cuts that add staff and cost.
‘But some see them as offensive – using an ethnic minority’s traditional culture as novelty clothing.’
I love the smell of a #lawofunintendedconsequence precedent in the morning.
Gentlemen, ladies… LBGTs.. fire up your outrage engines!
Karma can be funny…
If the YMCA segment of the outrage bus is out there…. guys, gals…. they have the money are prepared to buy off any hint of controversy. Time to hit the compo warpath, y’all!
I suppose that is as offensive as wearing an ‘Afro’ hairstyle .
No, more likely as offensive as wearing fake Victoria Crosses.
You don’t post often but when you do, it is really worth it.
Another booking gone west for The Village People.
Surely the key thing is that there is no significant Native American population here (Red Indians for the benefit of older readers). Why not? Could be down to institutional racism? I can’t even recall the last time I saw the BBC news read by a Cherokee or was able to watch a movie in Cheyenne or see Horizon with Apache sub-titles. Nor are there any reservations here in Surrey. Waycism, waycism, waycism!
It is a litigious culture in the UK these days, where victimhood reigns supreme, so we should Sioux the ass off any racists.
Why didn’t they just run it past Jo Whiley, that smug saviour of all music and Glasto itself, indeed, if it weren’t for her there wouldn’t be another festival in the UK!
For all the difference it makes, the BBC could report on the ginned-up “controversy” in the US over the name of the Washington DC NFL team, “The Washington Redskins, ” and how, for example, the Presiding Officer of the Navajo Nation’s attitude is one of, “Go find someone who gives a good crap.”
This is a “cultural appropriation” issue– the war bonnets have even been appropriated by Natives in the US whose tribes NEVER had them as part of their cultural heritage, because, hey, they LIKE them! But of course, it is strictly verboten that white people should do so. For whites to do so “pollutes” it somehow, you understand!
Exeter Chiefs fans (premier league Rugby Union side) will have a problem then 🙂
http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/west-midlands-police-report-reveals-7948902….another labour council,another muslim child grooming police cover up.
It says ‘a bombshell police report’.
Regrettably it isn’t.
Another one in Leeds was exposed today too. There is a veritable epidemic of racial and religiously motivated gang rape of white working class children happening in the UK today. There must be close to 100,000 victims by now, if not more.
All ably abetted by labour councillors and bbc coverups of course, what labour has done to white children in the name of ‘integration’ goes beyond treason. labour and the bbc should be utterly and totally destroyed, i despise both.
Trojan horse schools not improved, sheesh welcome to reality BBC
the very same that spouted “I wouldn t believe it” in one of its headers … well … believe it!
In fact awareness of discrimination against gays was met with a lynch mob … and that s just the parents!
One has to enquire, just Like “Rotherham” which should have never happened, been an abhorrent anomaly
… we find out it is, in fact “the norm” …
Today its … Birmingham, (not reported by Al BBC)
In Islamic majority schools is behaviour like that now
… “the norm” ?
Lee Rigby s terrible murder the manner of it, was hideous
now we see it every couple of weeks, shocked yes we should be
as its Brit nationals doing it, and has been since Daniel Pearl
… is that now … “the norm”?
After hearing that Scotland yard is now “stretched” dealing with hundreds of terrorism arrests, is that now “the norm”
With that in mind, is it time for this?
Imagine if the required amount of signatories was reached
the behaviour, of the usual suspects …
and you think the “Pally-stan” vote was a shocker
What I find so offensive is that if the overtly homophobic indoctrination of pupils had happened at a Roman Catholic religious school, (instead of the majority Muslim state schools) then the BBC would be all over it like a rash screaming about how vile and bigoted the Roman Catholics are, with stonewall on every programme screaming from the rooftops about backwards religion.
However it was Muslim state schools removing the PC pro-homosexual indoctrination and so the BBC and their “liberal progressive” lefty acolytes are turning themselves in knots trying desperately to remain in denial about it all.
The BBC and the liberal left are stinking hypocrites. The lot of them.
Just signed the petition,.
Not really OT, as it may remind some of dealing with certain complaints drone bots, a bit of Friday Fun:
as a matter of interest,and i dont have the answer to this, so i need your help,if there are any brothers and sisters from northern ireland in this blog can i ask this serious question,as a part of the union and the the uk,does northern ireland have a problem with muslim child grooming gangs targeting northern ireland children for sexual abuse and slavery,we have this problem in england,scotland and wales.does northern ireland have the same problem,if so .what would be the responce and reaction from the community on both sides of the divide if this was happening under your noses and covered up like in the rest of the uk.could anybody from northern ireland in this blog reply to my comment i have posted here on this most serious problem that seems to be getting worse by the day in the rest of the uk.
David ought to have a view on that one Stu.
I profoundly object to the term “grooming”. What were these Muslims accused of doing? Violently combing their victim’s hair?
It was the religious and racially motivated violent gang rape of children.
Yes. Use of the word ‘grooming’ along with ‘Asian’ should be exposed as as an attempt to sanitise evil.
My neighbour runs a successful dog grooming business.
There have been a few claims about individual instances, and we have seen immigrants forced out of houses…mostly in loyalist areas of Belfast.
Without delving any deeper, the media have been content to scream ‘racism’ and drown out any differing opinion.
Thou must not question the enrichment that Islam brings us all.
There’s a rather alarming regularity of Eastern European immigrants being involved in sexual offences though.
Hi Stuart, I’m not sure about Belfast city but I don’t think it is a huge issue over here in NI.
@ stuart,i would imagine the responce to these child groomers would be very brutal to say the least.
For INBBC: what the word “KUFFAR” really denotes.
In this court report, INBBC unhelpfully translates the word which the Islamic jihad terror suspect uses- “Kuffar,” as meaning ‘unbelievers’ – which is misleading in an Islamic sense.
“Terror accused talked of Syria visit and plan ‘to get a gun'”
Bill Warner ‘Political Islam’-
“The word ‘kafir’ should be used instead of ‘unbeliever’, the standard word. Unbeliever is a neutral term. The Koran defines the kafir and kafir is not a neutral word. A kafir is not merely someone who does not agree with Islam, but a kafir is evil, disgusting, the lowest form of life. Kafirs can be tortured, killed, lied to and cheated. So the usual word ‘unbeliever’ does not reflect the political reality of Islam.”
“Thge Worst Word.”
“The worst word in any language is the word that describes me: I’m a Kafir.”
If the BBC politically correct brigade had any belief in “equality” at all, then they would rate that word as being at least as equally offensive as the word “Ni**er” and treat it accordingly.
It is a vile pejorative term which means “worthless non-human”
For INBBC: the real meaning of ‘KAFIR’ in Islam-
Dr. Bill Warner: –
” Kafir is the worst word.”
( 6 min video)-
In the interests of disclosure I am a Muslim.
Kafir does not mean unbeliever. It means one who hides or conceals something, either from himself or others.
Please read the comment from Mohammed Ameer on June 29, 2012 @ 11:7PM at http://www.politicalislam.com/blog/kafir/ for a more accurate understanding.
“Kafir is a subject based on the verb Kufr. One who commits Kuf’r is Kafir. Kuf’r in Arabic dictionary bears three meanings.
*To conceal,
*To be ungrateful
*To deny or to reject.
This word has been used in all these three meanings in the holy Book.
Now let us deliberate over these three meaning of ‘Kufr’:
Concealment is associated with possession and endowment. One who possesses nothing precious has no need to hide. The Word of God, the Knowledge given by Him is a most valuable asset a man may possess. All along in the history of mankind, men of knowledge have been concealing from masses the Knowledge they possess so as to exploit them in the name of religion. Those who forbade the Knowledge of Vedas to the Shudras were indeed ‘Kafir’. Those who conceal from masses that Vedas forbid idol worship, have committed the crime of concealment. Not a single verse of the four Vedas speaks of the next life of a person in the mould of any animal or vegetation. Instead, they explain in detail the descriptions of eternal paradise and hell Hereafter. There are detailed prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) in Vedas. Those who conceal these facts from the people having faith in Vedas are Kafir (in Arabic). Jesus Christ never once in his gospel, claimed to be ‘The Only Begotten Son of God’. On the contrary, to emphasise his human origin he always referred to himself as ‘son of man’. Those who hide this truth are Kafir in the eyes of Qur’an, which is in Arabic. This is an undisputable fact that prior to Qur’an, all the previous scriptures revealed by God could not remain safe from human interpolation. Those who made changes in the Word of God were Kafir. It is also a verifiable truth that among all scriptures, claiming to be Word of God, only Qur’an is unaltered to the last word and letter. This is the biggest endowment of God to the mankind that Muslims claim to possess. This wealth was sent for the whole of mankind. If the possessors of this precious asset do not distribute it among mankind, for whom it was revealed, they would be Kafir. In the past, the men of knowledge stopped others from knowing the word of God, but at present, those who possess the most precious wealth, the way to ‘Mukti’ and salvation, are in general becoming the greatest criminals of concealment if they do not distribute the ‘Gyan’ (knowledge) of salvation. A large number of Muslims I dare say, are practically becoming the greatest Kafirs of today as far as this meaning of the word ‘Kuf’r’ goes. Mr. Chatterji can call them Kafirs who keep the knowledge of unadulterated Word of God to themselves.
Gratitude and ingratitude are also associated with prize, endowment and bestowment. Whoever has been bestowed by someone has an obligation to be grateful to his benefactor. If those calling themselves Muslims think that they have been bestowed with the safest and unaltered Word of God by their Lord, it is they who can be grateful or ungrateful. If their lives do not bear witness to the teachings of Islam and Qur’an, if they are becoming unwanted instead of blessing for the society and if their conduct is driving Non-Muslims to hate Islam and Qur’an then they are becoming ungrateful or Kafir in Arabic. In principle he cannot be called ungrateful who has not been gifted anything worth while.
Denial and Rejection
Denial or rejection is essentially linked to an order or request or an offer. You cannot deny or reject anything unless an offer has been made to you or you have been ordered or requested something. If I ask someone to bring me a glass of water and he rejects my request I can say that he has rejected my request or denied it. I have no right to claim he has denied if I did not ask or requested him in the first place. Whether the Non-Muslims are technically Kafir or not in the eyes of Islam, those who have not asked them to accept it after explaining and presenting it in a decent and convincing manner, have no moral right in letter and spirit to call them Kafir.
The decree or Fatwa is passed on apparent admission but Allah knows all that is apparent and hidden as well. On two counts above it is for every Muslims to introspect whether he is being a Kafir or not. Only the third meaning of the word may brand a non-Muslim as Kafir but only after he has been offered Islam in a convincing and acceptable manner.
Kafir in itself is not an abuse. It has been used in Qur’an for faithful and devout Muslims also. “There is no compulsion in religion. Verily the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever becomes Kafir of the false deities and believes in Allah, has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break…” (2:256)
From the above verse it must be clear that the word Kafir itself is not abusive. Kafir is a subject that needs an object. The rejecter of – what? Muslims are the Kafirs of Hinduism (in its present form). Hindus are the Kafirs of Islam (provided they have rejected it after understanding it). In Islamic terminology the word, if spoken without an object, is used for those who reject the Islamic Faith.”
It is unfortunate that many (ignorant) Muslims use Qu’ranic words incorrectly, hence contributing to unnecessary tension.
You can deliberate all you want.
It is of no concern to anyone whether anyone Islamic
does or doesn t, or for how long.
Deliberating over your own self delusion of supremacism
and how to impose, Mohamheads sky fairy, is sadly an Islamic penchant.
It simply shows clearly, Islam is a warped and dangerous ideology, the term itself , “conceal, be ungrateful, deny or reject” what inherrent arrogance … another Islamic trait.
What is of concern, is how Muslims act, on those wicked texts to other society, in every strata it is extremely problematic if the population is fairly small, AND it is sadly far, far worse as it grows.
You can delude yourself over …”belief”, the facts however speak for themselves.
“It is also a verifiable truth that among all scriptures, claiming to be Word of God, only Qur’an is unaltered to the last word and letter. This is the biggest endowment of God to the mankind that Muslims claim to possess. ”
Verifiable truth ? Then prove it.
The Qur’an is an incoherent, rambling tract, peaceful and violent by turns, with several sections “gone missing” and others altered to suit the political and military ambitions of the early Muslims.
You are completely misguided in your assertion that nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus claim to be “the only begotten Son for God” (sic).
If you have studied Matthew, Mark, Like and John, you will discover that Jesus was sentenced to death by the Sanhedrin for the crime of blasphemy. ie. He claimed to be God. He said to His disciples, I and the Father are one. If you have seen me you have seen the Father, and by these and many other words, e.g. He frequently refers to God as His Father and even addresses God as as Daddy in prayer and his many miraculous actions and authoritative statements all combine to show that Jesus certainly believed he was God and not just a prophet.
Since Jesus Himself says, who can forgive sins but God Himself, and then proceeds to forgive individuals their sins, there can be no question about Jesus claiming to be Divine.
If you really are a seeker after truth and it is your hearts desire to love and know God and do His will, can I respectfully ask you to read the four Gospels and note all Jesus’ statements and actions that relate to His divinity. You may be surprised by what you discover about the unique God/man who came from heaven to earth to save humankind from the consequences of their wrongdoing.
@ Old Theologian.
We will have to agree to disagree on the status of the Son of Mary.
However I am pleased to read your comment. You seem to be sincere in your beliefs and respectful. These qualities are fast fading from the Earth.
“respectful”? …
AHH! It appears once again there is a slight issue of Islam struggling with the concept of true free speech, and expression … often inverting it, compressing its own, attempting to pervert the notion for others, to protect its own “house of cards”
Until adherents manage to elevate themselves intellectually to grasp this concept, Islam will simply remain the “black hole”.
Speaking of respectful M, may I remind you that we were engaged in a debate last week where you responded to my request to show me something from the Koran that can be seen to contribute to humanity.
I did answer you, and made clear that your example fails to fit, but you haven’t replied.
Does this mean, as I predicted, that you are unable to find any example within the Koran that contributes something to humanity that wasn’t already in existence?
I want to make it clear to you that If you continue to fail to respond you are showing yourself in your real true colours and that will be apparent to everybody.
On last night’s This Week in Politics ,chaired by Andrew Neil, with Portillo and Abbott, they discussed immigration and in particular if the UK could stand indefinitely an influx of 250 thousand pa.
Incredibly those on the panel seemed to think that it could!! They trotted out all sorts of rubbish to support this lunacy. Firstly, all our public services had been built by using loads of immigrants, secondly, we wouldn’t be able to pay for our pensions unless we had loads of young people and we, the Brits they meant, weren’t breeding fast enough, so we needed foreigners to breed for us!
They even totted out that we needed immigrants to do specialist jobs that we didn’t have enough people for. They seemed to ignore using a points system and only taking those that we need.
It doesn’t seem to occur to these idiots that if we had never had mass immigration, then our own native Brits would have been forced to step up to the mark and our employers would have been forced to invest in ways of increasing productivity, rather than relying on cheap foreign labour, which only serves to depress the wages of everyone.
Even after the advent of UKIP and recent by election results the commentariat , the Westminster elite bubble still doesn’t get it. We, the British people, do not want mass immigration and we bitterly resent the mass immigration that has already occurred and the fact that it was imposed on us undemocratically.We want it stopped asap. There is no need for our politicians to discuss it further. If they want our votes they had better do it.
The problem has been that Cameron promised to bring nett migration down to tens of thousands and they have planned public service provision based on this. Obviously this is a huge problem when hundreds of thousands have arrived.
It’s like planning to cater for 100 guests at a wedding, and then discovering on the big day that 250 have turned up and 10 of those are criminals or terrorists and you can’t kick them out!
It simply is unworkable.
In theory, Eastern European immigrants could return to their own countries just as quickly as they arrived here e.g. if and when their own countries’ economies start to thrive. This ebb and flow within Europe (though it seems to affect us most, for some unfathomable reason!) could continue ad infinitum as economies go through the cycle of recession and growth.
So what is a country like Britain supposed to do? How do we plan, infrastructure-wise, for all these extra millions of people when in a few years they could all have gone elsewhere?
Yet another case of half-baked socialist thinking which never lets practicalities get in the way of their Marxist agenda.
This caught my eye on the Spectator site and wondered if anyone has any insight into what might be going on ?
“the beloved and trusted BBC owe licence-fee payers an explanation as to how they could produce such specious content on the history of the genocide.”
As the BBC doesn’t do explanations, as a source close to the BBC, it seems pretty clear that specious content is usually a given.
Caught my eye too, and here’s what I commented there.
I don’t pretend to know very much about this conflict, and who did what to who and why. As far as BBC bias is concerned, it appears to be their raison d’etre on a host of their agendas whilst taking in as much money for themselves as they can.
However, looking at your personal position I can see that you would have a particular desire for the narrative to go a certain way – rightly or wrongly.
I am put in mind of the Israel/Palestine conflict where both claim bias by the BBC, but it is only where one researches more details that one can see really on which side their bias lies. You seem to present an argument which is akin to the one put by Palestinians, and you fail to present real hard facts to support your case.
After reading your article I did a Google search on the Rwandan Patriotic Front and came across this webpage:
Who was Behind the Rwandan Genocide? The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s Bloody Record and the History of UN Cover-Ups
It suggests a completely different narrative than what you are putting forward, and provides far more evidence than yourself.
The picture the BBC might have put forward could well have been nothing to do with reality, that’s par for them, that doesn’t mean your version is any more valid.
guide dog for the blind banned by Tescos
wonder why that might have been?
not much of a clue in the bbc’s `analysis` http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-29652764
Yes, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is politically empathetic –
Islamic interests are allowed to dictate now in Britain to we Kafirs,
whether it be practicing Sharia law or Jihad.
Maybe one reason why the loony left does not “get it” is that for them immigration is a moral question, at least in the limited way the left understand morality. The practical consequences of mass immigration are of little or no consequence to them. For them criticism of immigration is hatred of immigrants and hatred of those different from oneself is fascism and fascism is evil. Anything evil must be opposed, criticism of immigration must therefore be stopped. Critics of immigration must be silenced. No enumeration of facts or consequences will ever be found convincing by those who hold pseudoreligious beliefs. In fact, the simplistic moral messages from the BBC are very like the homilies from pious Christians of the Victoriana era. No wonder the BBC like Islam so much – these are people who really know how to promote their irrational beliefs. As a self-employed person who has suffered on going sight loss, I woold be deluding myself if I believed my income was increasing or staying the same as my disability progressed. Clearly “Every disabled person is worth the minimum wage” is a tenet of faith and not a statement of fact about the world as it is.
BBC Question Time last night.
I analysed it today courtesy of their iplayer.
First question was about immigration. Labour MP Angela Eagle was allowed 2 minutes and 10 seconds to provide a Party Political Broadcast without being interrupted by Dimbleby or anyone.
Tory MP Jeremy Hunt gave his response but was interrupted twice by Dimbleby. More than twice if you count the attempted interruptions.
Interruptions are the equivalent of heckling and have the same purpose.
Panel member Giles Fraser ( NOT a Margaret Thatcher supporter) then launched into his monologue. ‘ I wish politicians would stop pandering to bargain basement prejudice against immigrants…’ (huge applause!! He couldn’t go wrong here).
He then gave the following list as to why immigrants are good for us:
-they contribute to society
-make us richer
-more colourful society
-more vibrant society
He then added:
‘There is a Jeremy Clarkson in what Jeremy Hunt says and I’m worried about it. It’s so easy to follow UKIP and scapegoat’ (Huge applause!! He was on a roll!).
Next, a labour supporter was selected from the audience. He said he couldn’t agree more with Giles Fraser.
At this point, I terminated my Analysis and chose a beer. Spitfire or Bombardier? Oh, the agony of choice…
You should have stayed and watched Angela Eagle get slaughtered by the audience for suggesting that Lord Freud should resign over his comment on pay levels for profoundly mentally disabled people.
Agreed, at least the audience didn’t swallow Angela’s false indignation on that matter.
She looked cheap.
Just as most thirteen year olds would be reduced to near silence if deprived of the word “bored”, fans of mass immigration would be done for without “vibrant”, a shibboleth so massively overused by now that it’s just so much aural wallpaper.
Since it basically implies that the native population is oh-so-dull without the presence of tropical folks and their habits, maybe the next time ‘vibrant’ is parroted out by one of the usual crew they might be asked to confirm this interpretation. Would be nice to see the buggers squirm a bit as they mentally calculate the votes to be lost by explicitly insulting the indigenes at any rate.
Add “Celebrate” and “Embrace” to the ‘buzz word bingo’ list with “Vibrant”.
Fraser is the sort of sneering, patronising, closeted, metropolitan elitist lefty that the BBC so adore…the sort that infest the BBC and the Guardian and who look down on the rest of us. No wonder people have had enough.
I was particularly incensed with his taxi driver story. Sneering, as he was, at an ordinary man, going about his business and expressing himself about the concerns he and hundreds of thousands of others have, in the only way a working man could.
And this odious Marxist creep calls himself a Christian. He is devoid of any empathy and not fit to wear the cloth.
I can’t wait until he is exposed as a paedophile, he had that arrogant ‘saville’ air about him that says ‘look at me, I’m so protected by my liberal friends that I can do what I want’
I wonder if he voiced his concerns with said taxi driver? I seriously doubt it, the shithouse lefties only gob off when backed up by many fellow lefties to support their nefarious arguments.
I forgot ‘arrogant’
Public schoolboy, Guardian writer, guest lecturer at the LSE, BBC “Moral Maze” contributor. Now individually that’s fine…but all together? He ticks all the BBC boxes to be a PC sneerer or a “snurt” as we call them in our house hold.
Old Speckled Hen for me… An evening listening to those smug, ill informed, patronising lefties, spouting clichés they’ve cobbled together from a Guardian leader would certainly lead me to drink.
Whose round is it?
Timothy Taylor’s Landlord for me – and that’s a Lancastrian endorsing it !
Innis & Gunn Original – 6.6% to deal with this lefty shite !
For a change, and In fairness to the BBC – last night’s episode of ‘This Week’, they let Jon Gaunt give a good account of his views on immigration. – Ms Abbott was also put under pressure.
Is the new ‘Chair’ Rona getting to grips ?
Watch from 06:16
Portillo was as bad as Abbott in response to Jon Gaunt’s clear message – and Andrew Neil’s clear questions. You expect Abbott to play the race card and avoid the issue – but Portillo was wrong on nhis facts about the birthrate and crazy to accept that we can continue to have a net immigration / population increase of 250,000 a year.
It seems that labour and half the Tory Party don’t accept there is a problem – the other half of the Tories accepts there is a problem but has no feasible solution for it.
Well, they could become UKIPPers?
If I was with abbot, had a gun with one bullet and was facing a frothing at the mouth ISIS group charging at us I would shoot abbot…it would be the happiest beheading you’d ever see.
If there was ever proof that a person can get to where they are because of the colour of their skin she is it.
Will INBBC investigate the following- or it is too far, geographically and politically,
from INBBC’s and INBBC Arabic TV’s Portland Place HQ?
I’m sure this has been raised here before, but wanted to draw attention to the new BBC-approved Newspeak name for the Islamic State: It’s the ” **so-called** Islamic State”. Absolutely nothing to do with Islam you see. Right, I’m just going to eat my so-called dinner and maybe watch some so-called television.
Ah, but have you paid your so-called licence fee?
This terminology was trialled on the BBC R4 Sunday programme a week or so back and is being adopted by the BBC. It’s a puny attempt at Islamowash.
I’ve noticed an increase in the use of the phrase “So called”. Is it what they are called or not?
adjective: so-called · adjective: socalled
1.used to show that something or someone is commonly designated by the name or term specified:
“Western Countries belonging to the so-called Paris club”
synonyms: inappropriately named · supposed · alleged · presumed ·
2.used to express one’s view that such a name or term is inappropriate:
“she could trust him more than any of her so-called friends
When is the ‘so called’ prime minister of our ‘so called’ government going to secure our borders from ‘so called’ asylum seekers and ‘so called’ migrants?
Technically they are correct to label it “so-called” because they are a self-declared state. But to differentiate how I see it from how the BBC see it, I shall put quotes around what should be in dispute.
My version: so-called Islamic “state”
BBC version: so-called “Islamic” state.
INBBC treads very lightly on reporting on Asia BIBI, the Christian woman (Kafir)
sentenced to death in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
But then INBBC/’Liberty’ give more of their political priority to jihadist men in Guantanamo.
‘Daily Mail’-
“Pakistani Christian woman is sentenced to hang for ‘blasphemous’ comments about prophet Mohammed during row with Muslim women who refused to share water.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2796178/pakistani-christian-woman-sentenced-death-blasphemy-making-derogatory-remarks-muslim-neighbours-loses-appeal.html#ixzz3GQrgoyAd
“Pakistan court upholds Asia Bibi death sentence”
Pamela Geller has-
“Islamic Death Sentence Upheld for Christian Mother in Pakistan “-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“If Obama were half a man (or half an American), he would make this
an international cause. Instead, he ignores the persecution and slaughter of non-Muslims under the sharia and insists ‘it has nothing to do with Islam.’
“Worse, he covers for these savages.
“For the past six years he has demonstrated that he is an enemy of freedom. An enemy of the state.
“For the whole of his presidency, Obama has scrubbed any US documents of the persecution and slaughter of non-Muslims under the sharia (Islamic law).”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/10/islamic-death-sentence-upheld-for-christian-mother-in-pakistan.html/#sthash.ljZZEUqO.dpuf
“Persecuted Christian:
Will Pakistan’s Asia Bibi be killed for alleged blasphemy?”
If our government had any courage it would recall our ambassador. Then if the sentence is carried out close our embassy.
We cannot go on like this . it is intolerable.
And send their ambassador packing. Break off diplomatic relations with them and allow no more immigration from there.
I tried to edit this to “allow only limited immigration” but it didn’t play.
“Pakistani Christian loses appeal against death sentence for ‘blasphemy.”
[Opening comment by Robert Spencer]:-
“Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are a massive human rights abuse, used to destroy the lives of countless numbers of people, including Asia Bibi. But the world takes little notice.
After all, no ‘Islamophobia’ is being committed, so what’s the big deal?”
No one listen to the ‘Now Show’?
I know I didn’t, well at least not half of it after I turned it off because of its constant attacks on UKIP, and some snot nosed sixth former wittering on about being a far left Guardianista and trying to explain to every one where all the grown ups got it wrong.
I heard some of it. There was a 1984 spoof which presented a future where UKIP has become Big Brother and tortures Winston Smith into becoming a member etc.
Aside from being as dismally unfunny as you’d expect, it stunningly missed the point of a novel written by a left winger about that famous right wing, free market conservative, Stalin.
With no Brigstocke in the show I made it to the end of the Saturday repeat, although I almost switched off during the sixth former’s rant. The most interesting point for me was the audience’s applause for the anti-Thatcher comment. It didn’t rise and fall as the natural audience applause for the other “jokes” – cue the edit suite on that one.
I thought I would listen for the first anti-UKIP “joke”. It took about thirty seconds. I didn’t bother to listen any more, but I am sure the rest of the show was devoted to satirizing Ed Miliband’s shameless misuse of disabled people to smear a government minister.
I watched QT last night, it was going great for the liberal lefties until the smug Eagles trotted out the tough milipede stance on Lord Freud being made to resign (thus giving labour a major morality boost for the polls) because of his terrible slur on the disabled.
That’s when the guy in the audience shot her down in flames by accusing her of totally taking the comments out of context and exploiting the situation, cue the audience applause and jeers aimed at Eagles..the look on her face was priceless, she couldn’t quite believe that the most left of left wing programmes had gone against her! milipede will have to have a serious word with their sponsors.
I was surprised that no one picked up on ming campbell’s opinions on the Latvian national who has been accused of murdering a young English girl, Alice Gross, before hanging himself. campbell defended the immigration policy instead blaming the murder on a breakdown in the system?
Not once did the liberal scumbag mention Alice Gross, not once did he mention the Gross family and their grief, not once did he mention that if it wasn’t for the open door policy the liblabcon fully support Alice Gross would probably have lived a fantastic life full of promise.
This is the liberal left for you, the rape, abuse and murder of thousands of young British girls means absolutely nothing to them, after all, it’s something they’ll never have to confront on a personal basis, their cosseted children will be well protected from such evils and probably don’t give any credence to the crimes.
Angela Eagle was taken aback by the audience reaction as she thought the selected audience would back her. It was funny when the questioner revealed how predictable Eagle’s partisan response was.
Has ‘Rona’ the new Chair of Al Beeb , taken hold and ‘gotten a grip’ of the lefty liberal employees ? We shall see …
Can’t see how.
She’s barely in role, and it has been made pretty clear that ‘management’ of the BBC doesn’t influence editorial, except of course when it does by a whisper off minutes in a corridor. But this, like all else bbc, has been only when the Charter-shredding suits all parties. Her telling any producer or editor to ease off writing stupid tweets or encouraging left of centre programming too overtly would result in screams.
The only time she could make views known is at a Trust review of complaints (if she attends) but the first will be several months away as CECUTT operates its mincer manoeuvres.
Only if she had sacked about 2000 BBC managers would she be able to reform this monstrous tyranny.
As far as the Latvian was concerned, Campbell even implied that it might not have been him who committed the crime, as he’s not around to answer to it.
That would seem reasonable. Presumption of innocence being a long-standing tenet of the Englah legal system and all that.
Labour Party
National Union of Journalists (inc Beeboids)-
combine in their anti-UKIP political campaigning propaganda-
‘Sky News’-
“Labour Sets Up Anti-UKIP Unit To Tackle Farage”
National Union of Journalists (London)
see Motion 4 –
‘UKIP and immigration’
One key reason why ‘Open Door’ BBC-NUJ politically opposes UKIP and Farage:-
‘Daily Express’ front page headline, Saturday-
” 1 m migrants to flood Britain.
” EU referendum will be too late to stop them, says Farage.”
Link now available-
The Labour ‘rapid rebuttle unit’ reborn (again)
PR Week: ‘Labour strategists are keen to respond to the growing influence of right-wing blogs. The eventual system could resemble a modern-day version of Labour’s famous Excalibur unit, which was successfully used to kill negative stories by Tory-supporting newspapers in the run-up to the 1997 general election.’ I read they have already one set-up to monitor 2014 ITV news (no need with the BBC).
It gets wheeled out at General elections and polished.
No more and no less than any sensible party would need in this modern spin over substance politico-media world, and I am sure others have similar, but creepy nonetheless.
Bit intrigued how they successfully did anything with independent media. Facts are facts, and they still need editorial cooperation to counter. And the calibre of Flokkers on blogs now is dire. You either get daft one liners or a Cease and Dezist screed of gibberish.
The problem returns to the BBC, and secret editorial decisions on what, or who, goes in, and anything that doesn’t suit which will be omitted.
An interesting trend gaining pace though, with the SNP, UKIP and their supporters working on the basis anything the national disgrace decides to analyse politically being as bent as a bbc production assistant interview.
“Ageism row presenter Miriam O’Reilly attacks BBC for giving John Simpson new indefinite contract ‘because he’s a man’ ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2797440/ageism-row-presenter-miriam-o-reilly-attacks-bbc-giving-john-simpson-indefinite-contract-s-man.html#ixzz3GRf88Y35
Seemed like a BBC sack of rats special so I almost passed by, but the story is interesting.
Loved the conclusion to the Twitter exchange, which reminded me of the mayor’s office scene in Ghostbusters.
Clearly the not uncomely Ms. Bradbury did indeed conform to some BBC producer’s new format.
But keeping her pert lips zipped from the outset may have been wise.
Showing that the BBC producer class doesn’t like being subject to laws they would scream be applied to mere mortals perhaps not the smartest thing to highlight.
HIGNFY tonight grossly misrepresented Freud’s comments on helping the disabled gain beneficial work. Especially sickening since well read comics like Hislop, Merton & Skinner must be aware of their true context and the way they’ve been misrepresented by Labour. Those maggots would sell their mothers to the A-rabs if they thought there was a BBC/Labour pay cheque in it for them.
One does wonder, when is Cameron going to do something about Al Beeb’s blatant bias. Will there be an inquiry? Come on Rona go for it !
Go to the pub ,ignore the fuckwitts , only sado guardianisters,are in on friday night watching that bile . Its not worth any bollox ,fire & forget rehearsed script . Hope they all catch `Tombola ` the evil ` bbc ,& Millipeed & co .
Odd they should persist in the misrepresentation after what happened on QT with Ms. Vulture. Clearly the HIGNFY audience knows when to laugh… or is it a laugh track. I know it is topical, but when is it actually recorded? They may regret it yet.
Hey now ! I’ve quite a liking for vultures – sociable, interesting creatures which carry out a vital job on the plains of Africa, India etc as well as doing sterling service in countless westerns down the years. I wish we had a few majestically flying around hereabouts, soaring on the wind currents and happily “Carrrrk”-ing away.
None of the above can be applied to either Eagle sister.
Yes, the Eagle has Crash Landed.
” It comes as somewhat of a surprise that the BBC, which obstructs information requests and covers up scandal at every turn, is taking the moral high ground on the issue of keeping information in the public domain.
It’s a shame the BBC hasn’t been so forthcoming about its own internal sex scandals and corruption.”
Indeed. The BBC also getting excited about the Chinese blocking them. It seems that only when the BBC does it all is well.
Three little words… the BBC website currently leading with the story that “MPs call for an urgent investigation into allegations files relating to the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal went missing” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-29660345). You know, that slightly inconvenient matter of 1,400 children being raped in Rotherham whilst the local council and police turned a blind eye. Three words missing from the article that might be relevant: “Labour”, “Pakistani”, “Muslim”. I wonder why.
I stay clear of watching any BBC iplayer programmes as most are crap anyway, (and I do not have a TV) but I’ve always been a follower of The Apprentice. I watched episode 2 last night and the strangest thing. As you know there are two “teams”, boys and girls, and in this edition a fair spread of diversity. The programme now ticks all the boxes. But throughout the episode, all but one of the teams had at least some focus on them be it boy or girl, so you got to know of the contestants. Not a word, not a camera shot, not even a grilling from Mr Sugar at the end as to why their team lost. Nothing, airbrushed out of the programme completely. Why I wonder? The person I’m referring to was the “Black” guy on the boys team. For an hour last night, he didn’t exist, how strange?
He was all mouth last week but though unpopular with his colleagues he got a ‘get out of jail’ card from Lord Sugar, and presumably off camera was told to keep mum. He did come across as a bit of a mum’s boy.
On R4 this morning, & not for the first time, one of the headline world news reports is that Labour have made a “new” (or recycled) “promise” should they be elected. Today it is making some marginal improvement in cancer testing times. I don’t remember in past years everyday policy announcements by an opposition party being headline news
Not available until 2020, though, by which time we should be looking at a UKIP government.
If Millipede becomes PM (Heaven and Hell forbid) , then we’re talking about importing another three million immigrants to join the Labour-voting client class and parachuting them into marginal seats.
I was taken aback when with a straight face Today announced that this headlining item was first announced in the Labour 2010 Manifesto! Yet, as you say it was the lead story for the programme. Bizarro.
Well the BBC gave life after death to Rev Dr Giles Fraser, I wonder whether similar support will continue to be given to uniform designer Sir Hugh Orde when ACPO is wound up.
Oh Lord, whilst scanning down the Radio 4 schedule to see if anything is worth listening (i.e. before the incomparable Richard Burton in Under Milk Wood) I’ve just noticed the panellists on ‘Any Questions’. Heseltine (soft-left), Chukka (left), Frances Grady (hard left), and Delingpole (phew, a Conservative at last). Despite Delingpole, I shall not listen.
Had you looked to 4 Extra instead, you could be enjoying a two and a half hour circle jerk to the greatness of John Peel, bon viveur and
underage sex pest of this parishall round fantasy date for the entire beeboid universe.Ha, ha! Obviously I would not have listened to that. However, I thought him a good presenter and link-man in the R4 ‘Home Truths’ programmes, and rather liked listening to them. (I’d better not say anything about his successor – the Coles person – in Saturday Live, for fear of saying something libellous).
The mouthy but honest Julie Burchill was loudly telling the world that John Peel had sex with underage girls when he was in Texas as a DJ when that particular BBC DJ was held in wide regard. (Based on his own revelations). He made a 15 year old girl in this country pregnant when he in his thirties and had regular sex with a 13 year old. So John Peel was simply a disgusting pedophile. Some people might not like it (the BBC and serious alternative music lovers) sorry but Its that simple.
So why do the BBC still think its okay to have a BBC MUSIC JOHN PEEL LECTURE?
..would be at least honest.
More a hebephile than a paedophile but disgusting either way.
It’s one law for Labour’s supporters …
Predictably, in the joyfest over Miliband’s latest wheeze, none of the BBC so-called journalists asked whether the tobacco companies actually produce £150million/year from their tobacco-related activities in the UK. Since tobacco companies are massive conglomerates, I suspect the profits (not sales) directly related to smoking is substantially less than the amounts required to fund this bribery. Accordingly, another less “glamorous” wedge of the sick and infirm will find its funding reduced so that Labour and the BBC can produce a few favourable headlines. Not that I underestimate the benefit of such reduction to those affected but, in the balancing act which is the NHS, there are just as worthy (but less glamorous) areas to concentrate on.
BBC reports, that due to the Met being “stretched” with 200 and counting terrorist cells, it is initiating heightened target specific surveillance, increased CCTV, on the community in question, all relevant area mosques are to be opened up to enhanced scrutiny …
in the interest of public safety …..
Well … No not really.
But there has been a nauseating pneumatic on loop report on ….
“call” for a meeting of “all faiths and none”, to have “interfaith dialogue”, on “extremism from all faiths”, have “acts of unity” etc etc. etc
with the always added …
“spread hatred by attempting to any place blame on Muslims or on the Islamic faith ”
Today, INBBC News online has cleared its ‘Home’ and ‘News UK’ pages of all references to Islamic jihad terror threats.
In contrast-
“Posing with Ed Balls, the teenager who just five years after being pictured with Labour MP turned into a notorious jihadist ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2797690/posing-ed-balls-reyaad-khan-5-years-later-turned-jihadist.html#ixzz3GUqNAYsN
“Four men from London appear in court charged with terrorism offences including swearing oaths to join ISIS and obtaining a handgun and ammunition”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2797169/four-men-london-charged-terrorism-offences-including-swearing-oaths-join-isis-obtaining-handgun-ammunition.html#ixzz3GUqhLL53
On the review of the papers last night, the Beeb was wetting its knickers at the prospect of Clinton for President. “There would be so many firsts”…She would be the first grandmother to be President, the first spouse of a former President to be President… And, to get to their main thrust (to use a more BILL Clinton word), she would be the first WOMAN to be President. There was also much talk of sixty-nine. This could have been a reference to her age rather than what they thought she might end up doing with a White House intern.
How progressive, a mere 35 years after the UK and a mere 45 years after Israel elected a woman as leader, the BBC are gushing over the possibility that the US may in a few years get a woman leader. More of the Beebs obsession with the US.
Anyone remember if the Beeb has ever celebrated Mrs T as a pioneer for women in politics?
Good point. The BBC and the Left have never come to terms with MT’s success. She broke all the ‘glass ceilings’ yet was never accepted as a ‘true sister’. Why? Is it because feminists only vote Labour? Could politics be involved???
Perhaps if she had worn cropped hair, jeans and a T shirt and spoke with a miner’s Yorkshire accent, she might have been accepted. Hmmm… I think I’ll now delete that image from my mind…
There are many reasons why Mrs Thatcher is hated by the left but I suspect the main reason was she was, as is often said on the BBC, a ‘grocers daughter.’ She was from trade old boy, not family. She was not one of them but one of us.
So infer dig don’t cha’ kno’.
Hillary is gotta be better than Barry , & in the left right spectrum , she is in the Heseltine part of it ,moderate right , I would say. A mate of mine down the pub, thinks Chelsea Clinton will run for President one day. He is really keen on her .
Keen? Bloody hell, no accounting for taste I guess!
Aaaiiiiieeeeee ! Please. No ! How very dare you stick this image into my mind when I’m fresh out of brain bleach with the chemist closed til Monday. 🙁
Dead animals…….dead animals…..Not working…….flesh-eating parasites…..Oh heck…..Laurie Penny on heat……please…….McRuin in a thong……..in a thongggggg
Nothing’s working, damn you !
An update for INBBC to censor:-
“Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Britain: Muslim Rape Gangs Run Wild”
(with references to INBBC)
Here’s a link to a BBC interactive web page
At first sight it seemed interesting, but as I got further down the page it all went tits up ….. Rising sea levels / Hole in the ozone layer / Rising temperatures / Co2 levels / Threatened species ….. you name it, it’s there.
I should have known better………
“News” 24 6pm today. Re tragic events in Nepal.
Interviewer : what do you consider to be the main reasons for this dreadful loss of life.?
Interviewee: first of all, Global Warming( or words to that effect)
Went unchallenged or commented upon , natch.
They froze to death.
On Friday morning, Radio Five Live dealt with the findings of a report highlighting the way football clubs treat their supporters over issues such as facilities at the grounds and ticket prices. The interview was conducted by Rachel Burden and the interviewee was Simon Jordan, the former chairman of Crystal Palace Football Cliub. Jordan’s argument was that as the most important changes to the game occurred during the thirteen years of Labour Government, then any reforms should have been introduced during that time. He was immediately interrupted by Burden, who quite clearly lacks any manners when it comes to interviewing people, who insisted that he should address his comments to the present time. What she clearly meant was that reform can only be carried out by the state, and that it was the fault of the wicked Coalition Government for not having done so. Jordan then went on to argue that reform had to start within the clubs themselves, and he quoted the example of Swansea City, a club that I have supported since childhood, where the supporters trust do have a good deal of influence on account of the club having to fight against bankruptcy tenm years ago. Again Jordan was not allowed to develop this argument as he was quickly interrupted by Burden, who quite clearly felt that he was giving the wrong answers. The interview was then quickly terminated, and no doubt Jordan will not be asked to apear on the show again! I felt that Jordan had some interesting ideas, but he was not allowed to develop them as they did not fit in to the parameters of discussion set beforehand by Burden. I quickly turned over to the relative calm of Classic
FM in order to get my blood pressure down! This approach is likely to intensify on the BBC between now and next May, which as I have stated before represents a threat to democratic politics in this country.
He suggested the idea from the Labour Party was popularism in the run up to the election and was interrupted. Can’t question the motives of the LP now can we?
“Rotherham abuse scandal: Joyce Thacker given £40k payout”
is the banner on the BBC NEWS website this afternoon. Nowhere does it say that she worked under a Labour Council and that this was the woman who presided on the removal of two children from “exemplary” foster parents because these two happened to be members of UKIP.
By the way she found out from a secret source that they were UKIP members and acted promptly…but over 1200 abused girls? She and the council knew nothing, zilch, zero and now important files have gone missing…Well, well, well
Something for INBBC to censor?:-
The explanation for INBBC to be in denial about-
“ISIS sex slaves, Muhammad, and Western confusion.”
“While, preposterously, Western leaders keep saying that Islamic State terrorists are not real Muslims, Islamic State just keeps on pointing to the Koran and the Prophet to justify atrocities. You couldn’t make it up, and they don’t have to!”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
ISIS don’t seem to be the only ones enjoying the benefits of sex/domestic slaves. According to last week’s Woman’s Hour there are now 20,000 sex/domestic slaves in Britain. The programme tried to give the impression that this was a general and widespread traditional British practice, but I suspect that,, as the women talking about the problem seemed to be of Asian origin, this custom is due to the millions of “non Muslims” from the more rural areas of certain “Non-islamic” states who are enriching our prosaic way of life in new ways. Believe it or not there were some on the program who thought serfdom and forced labour were acceptable aspects of “cultural diversity”.
Question Time – immigration.
Any Questions – Europe.
Audience and panel in both programmes massively in favour.
But that’s nothing new for the BBC.
How can our national broadcaster’s output be so consistently out of touch with public opinion?
Answer: because when you’re in control of 70% of the nation’s news and current affairs coverage, you can do what the hell you want – even influence public opinion over time.
“…because when you’re in control of 70% of the nation’s news and current affairs coverage, you can do what the hell you want – even influence public opinion over time.”
It’s much worse than that, though. The BBC doesn’t have to work for any of the £3.5bn pa it extorts out of ordinary members of the public. It then uses these proceeds of crime to propagandise on behalf of the political left, knowing full well that nobody – absolutely nobody – will ever seriously call it out on its blatant politicising, be that on issues of immigration, the EU, climate change, anti-Israel sentiment and so on. The sheer fact the BBC almost daily encourages, incites and enacts such naked aggression against UKIP, for example, across its airwaves should be a wake-up call to anyone still unsure if this bastion of ‘broadcasting excellence’ is indeed anywhere near as ‘impartial’ or ‘balanced’ as it likes to constantly claim it is.
The BBC is a perfect example of what happens when large publicly-funded organisations with absolute power corrupt absolutely. It cannot see that it is doing anything wrong. It cannot hear its critics. It will not brook valid criticism; it sneers and denigrates or – worse – simply ignores or censures those who take issue with its bias.
Funded by you and I, and with a Chartered mandate to provide balance and impartiality (until slippery BBC progressives dreamt up the useful concept of ‘due impartiality’ to permit their ongoing censure of climate change critics), it is signally failing – some might argue even actively refusing – to do any such thing. Radio 4 these days – in fact on any given day at almost any given time – increasingly (and worryingly) sounds more and more like a left-wing, socialist propaganda unit, rather less like a balanced, impartial broadcaster for everyone, of any political hue, to enjoy without the fear of subtle, sly propagandising being sneaked into the subtext at every available opportunity.
To add further to your excellent summary, this inability to hear is of course self-inflicted, deliberately.
From a humble editor blocking anyone asking why a BBC staffer is being partisan on Twitter, to CECUTT conspiring to expedite complainants on the basis they can’t cope with their own failures to offer answers, to endless redactions and ‘purposes of’ exemptions from the very acts they use on others, the BBC is just a festering sore of unaccountable hypocrisy, with such insult compounded by HMG compelling the public to fund it… ‘Uniquely’.
Some hope that such as Rona will manage to correct this. But she is as good as what the BBC hierarchy serves up to her, and filters back out. It is all internal and in secret. The BBC’s little secret.
Not the healthiest route to credible transparency or actual trust beyond the ‘tell it often enough’ cloak the BBC covers itself with; one fast becoming a shroud.
The tragedy is that so few people who should know better are unaware they are being manipulated into a certain way of thinking . It is only because I have a certain amount of knowledge on a particular subject that I realised a Professor of history was telling lies and the BBC commentator endorsed his lies because they suited a BBC agenda to blame the Jews for Arab behaviour. see http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/07/imortance-of-tone-of-voicerepetiton-of.html . The answer to my complaint was “not enough people would be offended” . So that’s OK for the BBC because as long as people do not know that they are telling lies, the BBC can continue to tell lies!
‘The tragedy is that so few people who should know better are unaware they are being manipulated into a certain way of thinking.’
That was my point exactly, Lynette – I was being semi-ironic I suppose and as a result understated it.
The BBC is brainwashing its listeners with a constant stream of left-leaning opinion – even when it’s clearly out of step with the majority of voters – which in the end makes said listeners doubt their own views and believe it is they who are out of step with ‘public’ opinion. You only have to look at how many calls to the BBC are rigged i.e. apparently ordinary members of the public revealed by this website as being well known leftists (leading lights in the NUT and Friends of the Earth spring to mind).
The only reason I watch the bbc is to educate myself to the evil ways of the liberal left wing and their constant stream of lies and misinformation.
The political bias on every radio and TV station is breathtaking, they are experts at political social engineering (a dark art that has been used extensively by both the Chinese and old Soviet governments).
I believe the latest attempt to sway a situation to the favour of the labour party is the constant reference to giving 16/17 year olds the vote. Many of these teenagers have been brainwashed in our schools with the key liberal mantras, such as the EU,diversity,multiculturalism,integration,liberalism, poverty…who are these people likely to vote for?
It’s got to the stage now that if a bbc employee told me today was Sunday I’d have to check on the calender, the problem is that many people in the UK believe everything they broadcast.