When you are reading this, I should be in Paris and so beyond the reach of the BBC! Here’s a new thread to see you off into the weekend. I’ll be back Monday night.
Credit where credit’s due: a solid Beeboid report on presentday LIBYA.
Whatever past Beeboid faults on the reporting on Libya of 3-4 years ago, with their dreams of ‘Arab Springs’ etc, this latest TV report by Tim Whewell looks unblinkingly at the present harsh reality in Libya and how the Islamic jihad threat is tearing the country apart.
The final thought of the programme: ” Libya: Last Stand Against Jihad ” was the appropriate, and very disturbing one, that in the likelihood of Islamic jihadists taking over the whole of Libya, then southern Europe (Greece and Italy) would be in range of ISIS weaponry.
About 70 years ago, Churchill was concerned about the military vulnerability of
the ‘soft underbelly of Europe.’
There are new concerns about it now.
The only way to counter BBC bias (for now), is to ensure that Knights of truth, just like Bill Whittle, get to dissolve the propaganda, lies and myths on shows like Question Time. More of these types of people are required! How to do it:
ps: how can we be sure that QT audiences are truly representative?
Excellent stuff. I particularly liked Whittle’s comments on the lack liberal morality, you only have to look at the rise of paedohilia over the last 15 or so years to see that, with liberalism, it really is anything goes, and the bbc have been as bad as any of them.
I also like Christopher Hitchen’s youtube stuff, enlightening, and it shows just how scared the lefty liberals are of facing up to the truth, they truly are a ‘weenie’ bunch.
Sunday Morning and Broadcasting House on Radio 4
Guests Alexi Sayle – Communist Margaret Mountford – Labour party supporter, and someone whose name I missed but sounded like Rihail who was a right PC idiot whose entire conversation consisted of ‘integration,’ and ‘white flight’.
So another balanced program without a hint of bias! Well according to the BBC anyway !
worse, much worse …
Bill “Captain boriiiiing” Oddie – BBCs – Brit hating bird luvvie turns up on SML, yep the man whose bland drone can stump a Nat History doc at ten paces,
is ashamed to be British, this IS the BBC of course … so he joins the self loathers club on settee …..
There is something better on at that time ,Star Trek, on CBS Action ,all digitally remastered , enhanced special effects , widescreen , HD , dolby digital , excellent acting , just great .
More propagandising rubbish from the BBC, and SML is certainly a chief tool of BBC-Labour to push their pro-mass immigration agenda. Today’s question- “Are we too hostile to immigration?” Of course, I switched off to get on with the chores, but clearly even the choice of the question is biassed. Should it not be “is there too much immigration?” For those, such as Labour and the BBC, who wish to destroy Britain and exterminate its indigenous peoples, surely the burden is on them to explain why we should support our own extermination, our own impoverishment and the concreting-over of vast areas of our countryside.
Is it possible there is a frame flashed up halfway through that concedes that what the SMLive settee comes out with is in fact the exact reverse of what the country the BBC claims it speaks for actually thinks, so they are fully covered?
Seems to be their default excuse now.
‘People know we’re as bent as a nine bob note, so we don’t need to add context or disclaimers because it would be a waste of time’ is honest in its way, but an odd way too to run a supposedly impartial state broadcaster.
‘Daily Mail’-
“No 10: Web giants must take down terror videos…and hand over names of all jihadis.
“Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft summoned to top-level summit.
“Will be asked to hand over details about those posting extremist material.
“Downing Street wants information on who is radicalising British Muslims.
“But companies said to be worried about being branded police informants. ”
With Cameron in charge the mission will be to remove anything which implicates the good Islamists, the peaceful majority, in any wrongdoing. Goodbye to a number of sites where the truth about Islam is shown.
I’ve just watched Sunday Morning Live on the iPlayer.
The debate was about immigration. The level of bias towards supporting uncontrolled immigration was staggering.
I turned it off after 10 minutes of the discussion. Bill Oddie was doing the self loathing, I’m ashamed to be British role.
One thing I’ve noticed about Beeboid directors. Immediately any panelist makes a statement that might go against the multi culti message, they always cut to a left wing panelist to show them rolling their eyes in disdain.
The vote result is being suppressed by the BBC, as only 13% voted yes (i.e. yes, we are too hostile to immigration). The result is not stated on the SML website, all we have is “the result is not available at this time.”
No surprise to me, (and I bet many others), that the BBC does not want the result of this vote given any publicity.
Result: 73% do not agree we are too hostile to immigration.
This result certainly agrees with my streetwise view in the way our country is at the top of the world’s premier league of nations welcoming so many people from around the world with friendliness and help wherever possible.
It is not that we are racist bigots, as the left and their BBC indoctrination arm wants the world to believe, but it certainly is about:
– overwhelming numbers
– depressed wages
– queues at A&E
– unable to get GP appointments
– shortage school places
– house price inflation through high demand
– benefit scroungers
– radicalised Muslims
– social cohesion fail
– Multi-culti fail
– Unwanted cultural changes in our towns and cities.
– Shairia Law
– Pakistani Muslim rape and abuse of underage non-Muslim girls by the thousand all over our land (mainly under Labour auspices).
– Muslims going off to Jihad.
– Child benefit going to children not living in the country.
– Foreign Criminals coming here without any checks going on to murder and commit crime.
– Our Prisons disproportionately full of Muslims and others non-indigenous British .
Roll on when we no longer have to pay for BBC misinformation and left slanted indoctrination in all political and cultural affairs in our country .
Not that I particularly care what Bill Oddie thinks or says, but presumably his view here is one that is shared by many others at the BBC.
Notice his statement that ‘he is ashamed to be British because of the hooliganism and God knows what else’.
So instead of dealing with the factors that contribute to these problems, like addressing the benefit culture, and an improved education system, his solution is to compound the problem by adding more strangers within the society.
Also, instead of limiting immigration as a means of controlling population figures, he would restrict the number of children a family could have.
The lack of ability to really think things through to any extent, while clinging to dubious impositions on our society because they ‘sound good’ in theory, sums up the inferior BBC mindset.
MARDELL is back: (it is late October) pontificating on Radio 4 ‘World This Weekend’ about the wonders of his, and BBC-NUJ’s pro-E.U default political position; and (to him) puny British voices of criticism of Brussels. Mardell’s pro-E.U selfie editorial dovetailed politically neatly with Labour-tending MARR’s interview with non-elected ex-E.U top bureaucrat and federaliser: -Barroso, this morning on TV.
Of course, Beeboids should issue political disclaimer (but don’t), that the National Union of Journalists (inc BBC-NUJ) supports U.K continuing membership of federalising E.U., and supports Islamising Turkey’s future membership of E.U.
We can expect heavy political bias from BBC-NUJ against UKIP
in run up to Rochester by-election.
Britain, the Islamic jihad threat, Muslim Brotherhood, and BBC-NUJ.
Today’s ‘Telegraph’ (£) -two headlines-
UK and Muslim Brotherhood (MB).
‘Telegraph’ online- has two pieces today on MB- paywalled-
1.) Lorenzo Vidino -“For too long, London has been a hub for Muslim Brotherhood”
2.) “Downing Street set to crack down on the Muslim Brotherhood”
Will BBC-NUJ now politically begin to distance itself from its political proximity to the Muslim Brotherhood, as indicated for example in its empathetic stories on Islamic Al Jazeera’s journalists’ trial re-Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the political line emanating from INBBC’s Cairo Bureau, the pro-Qatar political line, the over-exposure of Mr T. Ramadan?
INBBC wouldn’t want to get accused of any potentially treasonable activity, would it?
Looks like no one “is home” in BBC land … on the latest round of Muslim Paedo Gang infestation, this week Birmingham, last week it was Manchester.
Cardiff, Oxford, Derby,, Rochdale, Leeds, Manchester, Keighley, Bradford. Bolton, Brighton, Ipswich, Swansea, Exeter, Blackpool, Birmingham, Bournemouth etc?
Oh and … “Rotherham” as the media keeps up as its deflector,
with the astounding figure of over 1400 victims, I ask you is it even possible to fathom how many overall?
The cover-up , as recently revealed is now ” the norm” …
Muslim Paedo Gang Rape scandal in Britain just widens on and on.
The latest real shocker is in Birmingham, reported widely by its own paper, last week Manchester.
… I double checked BBC News England, and the local BBC Bham/Black Country again … somehow well yes, they ve missed it.
Well … had to find space for this in Bham news eh!
“Bill Oddie says he’s often ‘ashamed to be British’ ”
‘No sour grapes’ at losing Stirling Prize for a Library
This erm, “Forgetfulness” is a such recurrent theme, and not only by the BBC, but all our media or even worse still, denial altogether.
I do however find this strange considering that the BNPs very own N Griffin was one step from jail for speaking about it widely in 2004 in a BBC documentary?, Ch 4 withdrew “edge of the city” in the same year?, and that precautionary videos were made about it in 2007, for use in schools in just the areas outlined above and then withdrawn, hardly used?.
We have the conundrum, of why have to make precautionary videos, for use in education about some obviously important issue, you later claim to know nothing about?
Oh and that video is 20mins long … think its out in the open now?,
then try and find it?.
You might be lucky and find a music vid, or a trailer …
then … ask why?.
I most certainly will note the latest euphemism, as ‘made an impact’ seems set to rattle a few cages in certain areas losing staff, as others gain more and more.
Given the calibre of reporting perhaps no loss, but like the NHS the staffing seems to have stayed the same or even increased, only instead of folk who actual do TV news jobs, there appear to be raft upon raft of clipboard toters sucking up budget.
And they do seem to like to follow the nicer weather for the season.
‘And at the BBC, boss James Harding has put a little more flesh on his exercise looking at “The Future Of News”, revealing it’s not just him heading to Stanford, but a team. “We are not giving ourselves a great deal of time. Stanford University in California has kindly agreed to host us for two weeks’
Lighter fare to the BBC proving coy about publishing its own poll results, but it seems even their own pensioners are less than impressed with how the young guns like Danny, James, James, Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick, Titch, Bob, Carol, Ted, Alice, Hugs, Rona, Tone etc are handling things…
Of course, money is involved, so maybe he is just bitter (I don’t think that, but ready for the duty Flokker to try*)
Best to pull an Oddie to get back in Aunty’s good books. They may throw him a morsel.
*Comments are a hoot, especially the duty Flokkers there.
A deserved top slot:
John Bascombe Double standards by the BBC. It won’t repeat It Ain’t Half Hot Mum because Windsor Davies says “bunch of poofs”, but they were quite happy to pay licence payers’ cash to 4 Poofs and a Piano on the Jonathan Ross Show
Yet, again, what they give as reasons to cut seldom stack up when their pet projects do the same thing.
Just an observation, are Guess Who , & ChrisH ,one & the same ,or did they have the same English teacher ,they both seem to write in the same , slightly chaotic ,amusing way . Not a criticism , I was only wondering , that`s all.
Al Beeb reporting… “Barrosso: EU exit would harm UK: He also said free movement of people within the EU was an “essential” principal that could not be changed. Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps said Mr Borroso was “out of touch” and an “unelected bureaucrat”
Mr Shapps is beginning to sound like like an UKIP supporter.
It was also reported that, according to European Commissioner, the UK would have “Zero” influence if it voted to leave the EU.
Well Mr Borroso, Great Britain is are part of a Commonwealth of Nations, 52 member states. How about that ‘influence’ Mr Borroso?
20 murdered in CONGO: INBBC mentions “puritanical” Muslims:
“Second massacre in days leaves 20 dead in east DR Congo”
“Formed in 1996 by a puritanical Muslim sect in the Ruwenzori mountains of western Uganda, the group” [ADF, Ugandan Islamic jihadists] “recently established links with Somalia’s al-Shabab militants, according to the UN.”
“’This is a genocide, the way in which the ADF kills these people.’
Of course, we know already that it has nothing to do with Islam, but will any of the learned analysts kindly explain why Muslims around the world are misunderstanding Islam in exactly the same way?”
“Congo: Islamic jihadists murder at least 22, including 8 children.”
I have just switched off Country File not two minutes after switching on. Some woman, surrounded by children collecting berries. She was telling us that berries are ripening earlier than ever and leaves are falling later than ever. And surprise, surprise, it is, she says, all due to climate change.
But that is all too simple and how I wish the scientific community would really consider what is happening and do real research that the BBC could honestly report. 2014 was a mild winter but harvest was not early. Thirty years ago I know that my vine was turning yellow in October whilst for the past few years the leaves are green into November. But that was true in 2013 when we had a bitterly cold winter and spring so certainly not a hot year where I live. But the BBC quick as ever to promote climate change
Oh great another one of the earlier/ later stories well couple of things=
One in 46 years on this rock the variation in leaf fall timing and berries being late /bigger/smaller hasn’t changed in that they are different every bloody year as it should be, not this fictional and unnatural ‘stable state’ heaters think we should have !
Two every thing they say isn’t the same is based on a human construct ‘the calendar’ !some one should explain to them it has no bearing on anything anywhere in the universe except in our heads !
“”Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Mr Barroso, whose term of office ends this month, said he believed Mr Cameron wanted Britain to remain in the EU””
Beeboid Ms Caroline WYATT, who must have had a ‘calling’ and seamlessly switched from being Beeboid Defence correspondent in May, 2014 to being Religion correspondent.
Tonight, on INBBC TV News Channel, Wyatt seems to have adapted easily as some sort of empathiser with Islam, sympathising, sotto voce, with some Muslim mother in UK whose son had gone to commit violent jihad in Syria. Wyatt seemed to present these Muslims as as some sort of victims, who “needed” the “right support”.
There was no hint from Wyatt that the following judgement is more valid:
Islamic jihadists are commiting TREASON against Britain and other Western countries; they are murdering and beheading our citizens.
These Muslims are our ENEMIES who are fanatically opposed to us, who insultingly call us the “Kafir,” whether in Afghanistan Syria, Britain, United States, etc.
No, our governments must NOT allow the enemy back inside our countries.
These most dangerous and deceitful tourist jihadists must be kept out.
They are at WAR with us; we must be at war with them.
Any other policy they will regard as weakness to be exploited.
Were the mother and son concerned not both converts from Christianity? Thus implying that they are not from immigrant families?
Anyway, they were trailing this again on this morning’s Today. Apparently there is a programme on the matter to be broadcast tonight for London viewers. So it’s all a big puff piece for a BBC programme. Note, though, how there is criticism (by implication of the Government) that not enough is done to counsel these poor deluded souls. Well, how about the Muslim community take the responsibility for that, or would that spoil the narrative that it’s Nothing To Do With Islam?
They don’t have to try too hard either. Ofsted are demanding that Islam should be part of every Catholic School assemblies, ‘invite-an-Inam’ (or else we will close your school). Who needs an enemy when Ofsted politically-correct barbarism is now to be taught at School to get a ‘good’ Ofsted mark.
Today there was a demonstration in Manchester by Jews protesting about the increase in anti Semitic attacks. The MEN headline has been singled out for criticism, unsurprisingly misinformed as a left wing newspaper might be expected to be.
Comments on the page appear a bit upset, but even though the BBC have a link to the story on their Manchester page, they have no story of their own. This is something of a glaring omission given that the BBC are only a few hundred yards away, and they are aware of the story in the MEN where it is headline news.
I wonder why they might not want to report on this.
Al Beeb is reporting that Cameron is trying to do something about EU immigrants!
Its something that Farage warned about many months ago about Romanians arriving here but was humiliated by Al Beeb, the press and our ‘so called’ government.
Actions that reminded me of the events during Enoch Powell’s statements in the 1970s.
Mr Cameron is “shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted”
Wake up true Britons and vote UKIP.
Just watched Sunday Morning Live on IPlayer, I have to say that I have never seen such a bunch of ‘freaks’ considered as ‘experts’ on a TV panel, certainly none that your average guy in the street could identify with.
This on a show that has an opening sequence made up of numerous boxes each containing an individual that extends into a map of the British Isles, within those boxes its almost impossible to spot an indigenous face.
Note also that when Charlie Woolf mentions the unmentionable (UKIP) Williams, our fragrant host immediately slaps him down stating that ‘But all parties are now taking about immigration’. As far as Oddie goes, one should feel sorry for the guy obviously dosed up on his anti depressants making his comments of no value whatsoever.
One additional note …
What is it with Al Beebies very own G Moonbat?
Waffling on about wolves, lynx and bears, to the amazement
of that Scottish farmer. it appears he s re-doing through his “summer of love” too, a phase often seen in gentleman of a certain age.
Only certain gentlemen of a certain age, ie ex university types well versed in lefty doctrine, keen to wear what I call ‘lefty wear’ there’s a female equivalent too, modeled by Germaine Greer types.
I’m not too dissimilar an age to Moonbat but have no desire to dress lie a pr1ck….
Thanks to the insane policies of ‘green’ campaigners this morning it looks even more likely that the lights WILL go out this Winter.
Whilst politicians mess around thinking up new and original lies to fool the public with, all of them have failed to deal with the imminent problem which industry experts have been telling them is coming.
So we lost Heysham 1 and Hartlepool & Hunterston B, and then last night there was a ‘major fire’ at Didcot B.
There have also been fires at the biomass plants at Ironbridge and Ferrybridge, causing both to reduce their outputs.
Total generating capacity in the UK should be around 76GW but according to one energy ‘expert’ on radio 4 we have lost around 4.5GW this year !
In a system which is already pretty marginal the loss of any capacity is concerning, but this is a huge issue.
No doubt there will be finger pointing at the coalition, because they happen to be in power, and to be fair they’ve had 5 years and done nothing what so ever to undo the damage of the BLiar years. Surely though the time has come that BLiar was called to account for what his government did to this country.
Good comment with hard facts Thoughtful.
Coal that we need and have an abundance of in this country is left in the ground due to:
1. Unions blackmailing employers over unrealistic pay demands.
2. Mrs T. stockpiles foreign coal to keep country going.
3. Mines now uneconomic and closed.
4. North sea oil and gas creates energy bonanza.
5. Most homes heating & cooking needs turned over to gas.
6. Atomic power stations closed.
7. Gas runs out.
8. Energy companies buy gas from Russia.
9. USA & EU play political games in Ukraine.
10. Russia takes over Crimea to protect its strategic port there.
11. EU & USA put sanctions on Russia.
12. Russia cuts of gas supply to Ukraine/Europe.
13. Obama grins, says “serves ‘em right for torturing my father”.
14. Green loonies demonstrate against fracking
15. Great Shameron makes speech, does nothing.
16. UK closes or burns down more power stations.
17. Very small energy contingency left in UK.
18. Power cuts.
19. The vulnerable die in thousands.
20. The BBC, unions & Prime Minister Miliband blames last Tory government.
21. Goodnight Britain.
If the lights go out the BBC will tell us that it’s all the fault of the evil energy companies who’ve been greedily taking money for their shareholders rather than investing in even more windmills. The energy industry must be renationalised and profits are the work of the devil. Long live socialism (and tractor production is up).
Didcot B is a dual-fuel Power station. One of the daft thing about bio-fuel is that it this has be shipped 3,000 miles away from the USA as they have switched over to ‘fracking’ and don’t need bio-fuel so it is ‘sold’ to the UK. Not really ‘green’ at all…
‘burning biomass actually emits more CO2 from their smokestacks than burning coal does. ‘
Interesting interview last night between with Stephen Nolan and some Labour mumpty on Millipedes latest missive – Cancer patients receiving a test and the test results within 7 days if we all vote Labour next year.
When challenged by Nolan, it transpired that:
a. It will not be a final diagnosis within 7 days, just the results of the first test.
b. It obviously could not apply to all types of cancer but, when pushed on at least three occasions, our man could not even name one type of cancer that it would apply to.
c. It would only come into operation in 2020 – the end of the next parliament.
Give Stephen Nolan his due, he is one of the very few Beeboids willing to get stuck in to a Labour spokesman/person/woman until he gets some sort of response but even he gave up when it became obvious that this was just a total piece of electioneering nonsense.
obvious that this was just a total piece of electioneering nonsense
Da Daahh, add to that, milipede; Will sort out immigration,
the bankers,
tax the rich until they all leave the country (modelled on the French socialist version),
destroy UKIP/right wing,
save the NHS (but try not to kill hundreds of patients this time),
invest in even more climate change measures to save us all from impending doom,
build thousands of affordable homes for local people (slightly racist until you realize that the local people milipede talks about will all be immigrants),
make sure there are jobs for all (in the public sector of course),
raise the minimum wage to £25 an hour,
Integrate even more with Europe,
reform the House of Lords (as Bliar did all those years ago),
secure the bbc licence fee for another 100 years, with a substantial rise of course.
sell his grandmother and stab his brother in the back for any chance of finishing the hatchet job Bliar started a long time ago.
‘As I researched this, I guessed that the hand of the BBC – and its climate change agenda – would somehow enter the equation.’
‘And so it did. Stuart is so fanatical about his views that he also sits on the board of the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit. This was formed and is run by the BBC’s former so-called ‘environment’ correspondent Richard Black, whose news reports were object lessons in propaganda. His ‘Unit’ claims to provide a debating platform about climate issues, but this is BBC-style Newspeak: its real aim is to rubbish politicians like Owen Paterson who dare to speak out about the alarmist agenda.’
Dangerously close to a tail-end sacrifice, so I may repost if this thread updates soon, but a couple of URLs to show how BBC Complaints is always good value…
Not quite ‘Islamic Benediction’ grade, but certainly worth adding to the list that includes ‘what we say can be 180 degrees to the truth so long as somewhere in the editorial there’s a hint our guys just made it up’.
And speaking of complaints, as the Future of the BBC winds down (they are still taking submissions it seems), having popped back to see what was new on the committee website, I found this from a sterling soul…
“My own conclusions are that the BBC will go to any lengths necessary to avoid admitting anything but the most self-evident mistakes, including breaking its own Editorial Guidelines and flying in the face of reason. Moreover, this culture of misrepresentation, denial and prejudice against non-consensus views is systemic and institutionalized at every level of the organization, from the bottom to the top.”
The BBC will likely claim that as the BBC believes this not to be true, it cannot be true. As with this, following what appears to be a wealth of factual support:
‘Perhaps the BBC Complaints department would care to enlighten its funding public as to how it arrived at the conclusion that Hamas has “modified its position” on the destruction of Israel and why it employs that and other such obviously inaccurate claims in response to complaints made by licence fee payers? “
Well we have all seen the non-replies from BBc complaints, the template replies the refusal to admit many of their reports are biased, when they blatently are. The sooner the BBc is shut down or forced to fund themselves without a licence fee the better.
This is a cracker. Pressed about the number of complaints, they actually say:
“Because of evidence of lobbying we can’t provide the figures as they are not a genuine reflection of how the audience feels.”
The wrong type of complaint, one must assume. But something of a hostage to fortune, that one.
‘not a genuine reflection of how the audience feels’
Very speaking for the nation. Might be interesting to ask them how they know that.
Though possibly that question may get one back into BBC ‘we don’t have to answer as it’s our little secret’ territory. Effective as a stonewall; less so as evidence of trust and transparency (c) Any Market 2nd Rater
By now they have done it so often, and enough people know they have, that even the bare-faced bluffitout core of the department may struggle to keep it together much longer if the pressure maintains.
Which it just might.
Even their semantic self-justifications have more than a hint of desperation to them now.
From Johns Link (above): ….The BBC slush funds pays for Panorama bollocks: ‘This is not the first time the BBC has tried to hide facts and figures’….
The BBC receives funding from the European Union: Figures obtained by the Spectator showed it had applied and been granted £3 million of EU funds between April 2011 and November 2013.
“The Taliban boy aged just THREE being trained for war who says
he’s ‘going to shoot people.’
“Film obtained by BBC shows young child playing with gun in Afghanistan.
“Boy lives in Tangi Valley, where Taliban has grip on schools and courts.
“Another pupil says of hopes for future: ‘To serve my country and Islam.’
The BBC shows the human side of Hamas, by not being shot,beheaded etc by Hamas.
Go on BBC tell it like it is and see how long the cuddly nice Hamas treat you then.Dare you…..
I notice that BBC journalists, who were quite happy to go to Gaza and undergo the random indiscriminate bombing as the Israelis tried to commit Genocide on the poor defenceless Palestinian women and children are not exactly describing the fighting in Kobami – even though both sides are inherently peaceful in their religion.
Can’t they ask ISIS if they can be sequestered with their armed forces so that they can report the conflict. I am sure that ISIS would only be to pleased to have them.
BBC News making a fuss on FaceBook about its new Australian service. Mixed comments in reaction. I liked the chap thanking the Poms for paying for their ‘decent news at last’. Clearly a Jon Donnison fan. They’ll learn.
Ironically, a BBC World News story appears next to it, from Australia. It screams the question whether horror bush fires are the new threat they face.
Most native Australians seem to be pointing out that Australia has always had them; it’s just increased population has caused more human and property cost, and what on earth are the BBC trying to do winding things up stupidly?
Well it’s a very rare thing that I find myself writing about bias the other way around !
The Today program on Radio 4 broadcast an interview that the EU banning neo nicitinoid pesticides would cause the price of British produced fruit and vegetables to rise because of smaller yields.
They did mention the reason for the ban as being the pesticides effect on bees, but it was in the context of reasons as to why they got the results of experiments wrong!
There was a statement from the farmer that now things are worse because he has to spray his crops three or four times, when he only needed to do it once previously. It didn’t seem to occur to him that the long life of the neo nicitinoids meant they could kill bees long after the crops were treated, and overspray of fields meant that other crops might be affected.
The agri chemical industry has past form, with chemicals like DDT which they told us were perfectly safe. Now it’s better to be safe than sorry, and the loss of the bees would be a far greater problem to farmers than the loss of a group of insecticides.
A very odd report from a BBC which is normally firmly on the EUs side.
BBC trying to use the Mike Reid song to say that UKIP is racist – John Humphrys this morning let a rabid nonentity interviewee assert repeatedly that UKIP is racist. His line seemed to be – if anyone alleges UKIP is racist, that means it is racist, it automatically gets a “history of racism”.
Humphrys let those assertions go without challenge, and seemed to find it all very funny. He seems to think it is fine to implicitly tag millions of UKIP voters as racists.
There’s no such thing as racism ! Two black people unable to agree whether the song was or not, it seems to revolve around whether the ‘accent’ was ‘racist’, but because there’s no such thing as racism the argument was as effective as the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin.
In its day Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess was described as ‘racist’ so was Longfellow’s poem ‘Hiawatha’. The BBCs repeated broadcasting of both of these would make it complicit in spreading ‘racism’ !
What about white yoof, using a Jafakan accent ? Are they racist too? Probably not because they’re often involved in crime and not normally UKIP supporters !
What gets me is that the very nature of bbc asian network, by the bbc definition, is surely racist? Why can’t they just integrate?
I was hoping that ex boxer Winston McKenzie was going to knock the arrogant nihal out live on air.
I also loved Winston’s response when the jug eared interveiwer (surely a face only for radio) tried to pull McKenzie on his Commonwealth spokesman plans, Mckenzie calmly explained his job in educated and sensible terms…it wiped the smile of jug ears’ face.
A bit of fluff and flounce from the usual affront industry suspects, but that link text does need a fisk…
UKIP Calypso sings the praises of UKIP leader Nigel Farage. But some Twitter uses complained that the track was racist.
Now who would these ‘Twitter uses’ be, BBC? Bunch of on-hand, anonymous-source (is there any other the BBC uses now?) sock puppet vox poppets (ditto) by chance?
And maybe hire a reporter or sub for whom English is not a second language.
‘BBC Asian Network DJ Nihal told Newsnight that the track “made his ears vomit” and was “naff”.’
Maybe so. But Newsnight making a bee-line for a fellow staff BBC member to make such statements, and then quote them (presumably to ‘balance’ their guest) seems… predictably skewed and screwed up.
I am also constantly told by BBC’s finest satirists that UKIP is populated exclusively by old white men. How do they rationalise Mr. Mackenzie in their broad brush claims on HIGNFY, MTW, etc?
Seems the BBC (and Newsnight especially, inevitably, as now run and staffed by a bunch of sub 6th form, hideously white aspiring Wolfies) has again hitched itself to a banwagon that is already halfway off a cliff as far as the public is concerned.
“Canadian who ran down two soldiers and charged police with knife was a “radicalized” convert to Islam”
[Excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:
“This French-language QMI Agency piece has the information that he said he was acting ‘in the name of Allah.’ And so yet another convert to Islam misunderstands his peaceful religion, turns traitor, and attacks the soldiers of his own nation, like U.S. Army Sergeant Hasan Akbar and so many others. Yet no one would dare suggest that mosques institute programs to teach converts to reject this understanding of Islam. That would be ‘Islamophobic.’ As a society we have to put the loaded gun in our mouth and fire, and hope that the gun will somehow not go off — to do anything else would be ‘racist’ and ‘bigoted.'”
On the radio I heard several rather vague reports about a man in Canada who had been “radicalised”. No mention of Islam – so I assumed he must be an extreme leftie.
Oh dear, it’s so blatant that it’s funny..I also like the way the beeb report ‘poverty’, every time I see a food bank report on the beeb the only people who are using them are white and are usually leaning towards the middle class type, who have ‘fell on hard times’, or the chav labour voting class , never do you see eastern europeans, africans or asians using them? Very strange.
You need to know that ‘poverty’ is defined by the lefties as being just above the amount paid by state benefits.
Unfortunately this blunt tool doesn’t take into account other benefits such as free rent and council tax, and school meals etc etc. If all the costs incurred by a working person were taken into account then almost everyone would be in ‘poverty’.
I wonder if the irony in the use of the subheading “Everday Sexism” when promoting the “100 Women” series went completely over the heads of the Beeboids.
Anybody hear the blustering child from the Met Office being interviewed about the erstwhile “hurricane” Gonzalo, this morning? Cringeworthy stuff, trying to justify their weather warnings, and admitting that really only northern areas will be affected.
It’s October, the season of autumnal depressions, and seasonal gales and rainfall. 60 – 70 MPH? Quite normal for the time of year.
But as usual, overblown panic from the mainstream media (and the Met Office, for whom a gentle breeze is now “extreme weather” and worthy of amber warnings).
We live in the dumbed down, scaremongering, and timid Age of Stupid, and the BBC (and the Met Office, for that matter) are fully paid up members.
Most of the people on this site appear to have an above average level of intelligence, but I can tell you from experience that there are some amazingly dim and complacent people out there.
A while ago I went on an organised nature walk with a guide showing a party various fungi in Autumn – some of them were very dangerous, some edible. There were kids on the walk who were aged around 6 – 8 and they were touching some of the fungi.
Towards the end of the walk the amazingly brainless Grandmother decided to give each one a small bag of sweets ! We hadn’t got back to the centre so they could wash their hands, and she didn’t have a clue what they had been touching, so that when they got sick later on she wouldn’t have been able to tell medics what the cause might be.
During one severe winter an elderly councillor who knew the dangers and the weather forecasts, decided it would be a good idea to set off on a trans Pennine journey on a minor road, without any kind of preparation or emergency equipment. He ended up needing to be rescued by Mountain rescue.
Normally there might be a few blushes and a realisation of what an idiot he was, but no, he went to the local paper to thank the Mountain Rescue, and then everyone knew what an idiot he was.
Then there were the dozens of old people who having been told to stay indoors while the streets were icy decided it would be a good idea to go for a walk ! The hospital wards were full of the fools who had broken bones as a result.
Unfortunately when there are people are brain dead as this then there’s a duty of the Met Office to try to drum into the thick heads of these idiots the potential dangers they might face. The aren’t aiming this at reasonable people who have a degree of understanding, like you and I, but a slew of people who believe that the weather doesn’t apply to them !
I live in the dark North of England, it is very windy today and there are armageddon style clouds above warning us of the impending doom we all face, as it’s obviously the fault of global warming.
But, for me, there is a more sinister and dangerous force that has had the North of England under it’s grip for far longer…it’s called labour.
I do watch the bbc weather all of the time, even during one of the best summers we have had for a while the beeb were constantly warning of rougher weather to come,they are not happy unless they are depressing us all.
Not that Paul Hudson , he is a scientist & freelance too,he is not normally `on message`, Then there is Philip Avery ,ex RN officer ,he use to be the 5 dead ,resident forecaster, but one day the `Dame`N . Campbell had a go at him for admitting , in the 80`s , while in the Navy , voted ,not for the killing of the 1st born, but Conservative . The fucking Dame , just went on & on about it , as if he had been a prison guard at Auschwitz . What a socialist scum .
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) continues its ignorance and appeasement of Islam, by submitting itself to Muslims for apologetics on the tenets and practices of Islam.
(Of course, Islam means “submission”.)
“The Myths of Islam.” http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/myths-of-islam.htm
“Fight jihadis on Facebook and Twitter, says BBC’s top Muslim presenter Mishal Husain ”
Remember when the BBC used to comment on the Oxford Union debates. For the past few weeks the left, UAF etc. have been collecting signatures on a petition to prevent Tommy Robinson from speaking. It appears that Cameron and May have listened to their comrades and had him arrested. The charge is interesting and worthy of a BBC inquiry as they would if he were a radical muslim preacher.
A strange turn of events. I doubt the BBC/liberals will concern themselves with Tommy Robinson too much. English working class and a bit too mouthy for them. Anyway liberals are right about everything and free speech is not for the likes of him or us ordinary folk.
Freedom is just another word for the English to forget. Nasty stupid people that they are. Oddie and Parris are so right.
Give the liberal elite five more years and their bully boys willl be kicking our doors down at dawn.
The end result of all fantasy dogma and liberal certainty is tyrrany.
Just seen this on a friend’s Facebook page and I think the BBC and our failing politicians should consider themselves foremost amongst those being addressed.
Bill Cosby
“I’m 83 and I’m Tired”
I’m 83. Except for brief period in the 50’s when I was doing my National Service, I’ve worked hard since I was 17. Except for some serious health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn’t call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn’t inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I’m tired. Very tired!
I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I’m tired of being told that Islam is a “Religion of Peace,” when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family “honor”; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren’t “believers”; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for “adultery”; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur’an and Sharia law tells them to.
I’m tired of being told that out of “tolerance for other cultures” we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and madrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia, New Zealand UK, America and Canada, while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance.
I’m tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.
I’m tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?
I’m tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I’m tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.
I’m really tired of people who don’t take responsibility for their lives and actions. I’m tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
I’m also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20’s be-deck themselves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves un-employable and claiming money from the Government.
Yes, I’m tired. But I’m also glad to be 83… Because, mostly, I’m not going to have to see the world these people are making. I’m just sorry for my granddaughter and their children. Thank God I’m on the way out and not on the way in; there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!
This is your chance to make a difference.
“I’m 83 and I’m tired. If you don’t forward this you are part of the problem.”
Thanks Arthur, it’s always a hazard with this sort of post and I’m sorry to hear that but I’d still be happy to swap Bill Oddie for whoever wrote it any day.
It does not matter who the writer is. It sums up our position here in England.
Which is why I say UKIP is the establishment’s last chance . Let UKIP run or else we might ,at last, get really angry.
INBBC’s Persian Service has limited reports on this, via its Persian Service, for which British people pay, but for whom the progammes are not intended.
In this report, we have to wait until the penultimate paragraph before the key word, “Islamic” in mentioned:-
“Four arrests over acid attacks against women in Iran”
“Third Portsmouth jihadist reported killed in Syria.
City’s religious authorities* express shock following death of Manunur Roshid, 24, believed killed in battle for Kobani.”
* This seems to be reference to one mosque’s Islamic spokesperson, who says that he is ‘shocked’ that Islamic jihadists have gone to Syria to commit jihad.
While ‘religious authority’ no doubt is accurate on some form of semantic basis, in this modern era it sounds like trying to accord a lot more heft than exists (beyond it being one bloke).
‘Ifthekar Jaman, from Southsea, Hampshire, told the BBC before his death he joined IS as he felt it was his “duty” because Muslims were “being slaughtered”.
Mr Jaman’s family told the BBC that he was killed while fighting forces loyal to the government.’
The BBC apparently not too interested in the faith of such loyal fighting forces. A pity, as it might have added valuable context to who was slaughtering the Muslims to which Mr. Jaman refers.
Making the whole thing less faith based and more a turf issue.
A few days earlier in Portsmouth, there was an EDL demo by indigenous British people against Islamic jihad, and the demonstrators were vilified by the usual ‘leftist’ suspects and misrepresented by ‘journalists,’ who are anti-EDL (but not anti-Islamic jihad).
Well, a personal visit and audience with a market second rate like Danny Cohen after just a few weeks sounds a wee bit more than most still awaiting a ‘haven’t read it but we’re right’ reply after several months.
‘”The correct reply from the BBC is to say they have noted their complaint with interest and then dump it in the nearest waste bin.”
I believe that is standard BBC policy when they receive a complaint.’
Guessing the BBC Trust will see an all-ex’s paid ‘inquiry’ tour may be necessary?
Maybe Gavin Esler could have popped by and asked her to chair the next ‘Is the UK Sabre-rattling by defending the Falklands against re-invasion’ collection of pontificators for Dateline London?
‘”Ambassador Castro noted the excellent degree of cooperation various ongoing BBC projects continue to enjoy in Argentina, stressing her desire for this to remain the case.
BBC Radio 4 presenter Richard Coles ‘Britain’s most famous vicar’, former pop star with The Communards, beloved Radio 4 host and inspiration behind BBC’s Rev. talks about his new ‘bio’ book ‘…As together they ‘inhale’ a round of sandwiches…enthusing about the joys of dogging…”I was very much healed by the experience of anonymous sex with strangers in lay-bys,” he says. “This might stretch my credibility to the point of knicker-elastic twanging, but I really was. There were moments of profound intimacy with people who were dying to be intimate. Dying for it – just being close and being able to be vulnerable and express longing.'”Plus, I offer, there must be the wholly welcome breeze. Coles laughs. ‘It’s like a picnic!’ he says…” Coles says he “found God” in 1990. But he continued dogging in local parks -(that makes him a perfect BBC presenter for the BBC. This is the BBC bought to you by the BBC home service.
Paul Gambercini is back on the BBC airwaves soon. Not enough evidence to make a conviction (say the Police). He will no doubt talk about such harassment as all BBC presenters are ‘faced with such hostile bigotry of those (outside the BBC). I wonder why.
Culture, Media and Sport Committee meeting today on the future of the BBC had the new head Rhona with 2 side-kicks.
After telling the committee how wonderful the BBC is and how much better it is inside the BBC, Ben Bradshaw (yes the ONE) said to them;
I cannot believe your arrogance. After all the problems, you should appear before this committee with humility but you appear with unbridled arrogance. I think you have a death wish myself. (summary).
They still believe that they represent us and that we still have to cough up our sub because they consult us. Astounding!
Ben Bradshaw, ex-Beeboid, Labour ex-Culture Sec, best-bud-to-Purnell-et-al, after the obligatory national treasure preamble… gives the smug sods a serve? And tells them they are apparently suicidal?
That must have rattled a few latte cups in Wasserface’s 2nd Job early slope[correct use]-off market rate coffee shop.
Can’t wait to see it (didn’t watch live) once posted. They also provide transcripts eventually.
Is Beeboid presenter, NIHAL, of apartheid Beeboid radio station, ‘Asian Network’, saying that if a white man, who is a Beeboid presenter, sings a calypso for UKIP, that this is ‘racist’?
‘Huffington Post’ (politically ‘left,’ Soros finance) doesn’t like UKIP, doesn’t like its calypso, and so (unfortunately for ‘Huff Post’) decides to politically support Beeboid Nihal of ‘Asian Network’-
“Winston McKenzie Defends The Ukip Calypso In The Most Bizarre Newsnight Debate Ever”
Use of the word ‘defends’ about the oldest trick in the book.
The BBC should be asked to ‘defend’ wheeling on a staffer to ooze distain over a guest in a thinly-veiled attempt to further smear a political party they appear to be very worried about.
Had a look at the tweets around this, and Ian Katz and Nihal are having a bromance on how their merry jape has gone down wiv’ da kidz. Best wheel in Russell Brand and it will be the BBC beardy threesome to moisten kickers from Notting Hill to W1A. Maybe even some of the women.
Still, HuffPo has managed to assemble some supportive tweets. But as pointed out here, control of the edit may make these less than representative.
With luck this may be Mr. Katz’ latest Operation Clarke County backfire, as much more of this, and I may consider making voting plans for Nigel.
I watched the video clip and saw Winston deal with his opponent quite well over the song. But the BBC interviewer had only one question, which he repeatedly raised – is UKIP racist? When Winston spoke about Commonwealth trade he gave an opportunity for the interviewer to discuss the relative merits of EU and Commonwealth trade, maybe catch Winston out on his (lack of?) knowledge about international trade. But no.. the issue was is UKIP racist? Why is it associated with racists in the EU? And the man from the Asian network played his role by asserting that all of the BBC ‘s Asians believed UKIP was racist
Evan seems totally out of his depth, or is arriving where Paxman did a bit sooner, wondering what the hell his career has come to trying to oversee a BBC stitch-up going South again, with Katz’ kindergarten screaming ‘ask the black representative about party racism’ over and over down the earwig.
As to Nihal, it was… interesting… a person of Indian subcontinent origin lecturing us, and a person of likely Carribean orgin on how seriously Calypso needs to be taken. Sanctimonious berk.
Still, we can only look forward to Emily, Kirsty, etc, in saris, scampering around peaking around pillars soon, ending with a bang as Lenny Henry and some BAME troopers storm in to demand their Bhangra rights.
Even Evan must be embarassed by the depths Newsnight has sunk to.
I think the song is poor but I don’t think it’s important. Does anybody in the real world think it matters?
Only on the Beeb could an ‘Asian’* presenter from the ‘Asian Network’ play the part of a non-racist with a straight face.
*Asian according to the BBC i.e. Indian sub-continent
The bBBC has told the Culture, Media and Sport Committee that it traces people not paying the TV tax by mis-using the RIPA (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000), but won’t say how they do it. According to https://twitter.com/wturvill/status/524512057987977216
Interesting ‘RIPA’ updated 2006. It should be buried somewhere in the text here under ‘Wireless telegraphy’ and sub clauses added by Labour for the benefit of you know who. How they get license ‘information’ from that would be interesting. Sale of TV aerials perhaps or sale of TV sets (more likely).
Such an admission might, if made by other parties, result in full ‘Big Brother’ froth and foam, and by the BBC in particular.
If about their own activities, likely not, or maybe ‘tucked away’.
Going beyond broadcasting stuff and using already excessive powers to ensure unique funding flows is one thing, but squads of STASI-emulators to abuse already discredited state investigative powers in pursuit of sales commissions seems a wee bit beyond the pale.
It is clear they already have ‘we note..’ takers, presumably paid, from some budget (unless volunteers in return for Glasto passes), to monitor critical sites.
… “militants”! …
by the eyes of allaaah!, we can t make it any clearer!
we checked it out, no connection to the “far right” at all.
don t you geddit! …
look, overall we got the report “just about right”
aloha snackbar to that!
The Biased Broadcasting Crescent,
thanks you for your enquiry
… ma’a as-salaama
I dunno, maybe they are militant Zoroastrians or possibly radicalised trainspotters.
If only we had a world renowned news organisation to make things clear for us.
ps http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/battle_for_islam/4183234.stm
if reading … do not hold anything fragile
“Islam has nothing to do with the recent acts of terror.
History has shown that Jews, Christians, Hindus, atheists and pagans all react in a similar manner when you bomb, invade and occupy their lands.”
Was able to join the dots re the BBCs sheer hypocrisy over this Mike Read non-story.
Saw The One Show yesterday-where the topic of “cover/tribute ” songs was covered.
And one Mike Read was on doing a passable impression of Paul McCartney talking to him in his scouse accent about people covering his songs.
Yes-Mike Read taking off a scouser…surely this is every bit as much an “incident” as his doing a UKIP skit with a Carribean
No doubt, Typically Tropical, Graham Gouldman(Dreadlock Holiday) will be feeling Andy Burnhams selective scouse heat under their collars…and a retrial of Jim Davidson for his “chalkie character is assured.
By the way-only caught the end of Newsnights piece on this UKIP atrocity…but didnt`they themselves offer a calypso mock accent in slagging off UKIP and Mike Read by way of finishing their piece?
And-doesn`t Read only confirm that racism…like child abuse…is more a factor in “working” at the BBC, than is any UKIP membership.
An ‘Al Beeb’ warning!
As UKIP gather momentum in popularity so will the propaganda and deceit be broadcast to the nation to discredit the anti EU party. Its already started.
Al Beeb is afraid – very afraid.
FlotsamFeb 24, 20:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I was pondering the conviction, for assault, of Labour MP Michael Amesbury. How many MP’s have been known to commit…
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ScrobleneFeb 24, 20:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It could be worse, Tomo, with Major’s shirt tucked into his ‘Y’Fronts! Actually, come to think of it, Starmer’s flies…
diggFeb 24, 19:56 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I read that Starmer has claimed that releasing details of the Southport vile children stabber early might have risked the…
tomoFeb 24, 19:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I rather hope TTK manages a stupid faux pas like Broon’s trousers tucked into his socks when he alighted from…
Credit where credit’s due: a solid Beeboid report on presentday LIBYA.
Whatever past Beeboid faults on the reporting on Libya of 3-4 years ago, with their dreams of ‘Arab Springs’ etc, this latest TV report by Tim Whewell looks unblinkingly at the present harsh reality in Libya and how the Islamic jihad threat is tearing the country apart.
The final thought of the programme: ” Libya: Last Stand Against Jihad ” was the appropriate, and very disturbing one, that in the likelihood of Islamic jihadists taking over the whole of Libya, then southern Europe (Greece and Italy) would be in range of ISIS weaponry.
About 70 years ago, Churchill was concerned about the military vulnerability of
the ‘soft underbelly of Europe.’
There are new concerns about it now.
Video access is possible here:-
Another link: iPlayer-
The only way to counter BBC bias (for now), is to ensure that Knights of truth, just like Bill Whittle, get to dissolve the propaganda, lies and myths on shows like Question Time. More of these types of people are required! How to do it:
ps: how can we be sure that QT audiences are truly representative?
Excellent stuff. I particularly liked Whittle’s comments on the lack liberal morality, you only have to look at the rise of paedohilia over the last 15 or so years to see that, with liberalism, it really is anything goes, and the bbc have been as bad as any of them.
I also like Christopher Hitchen’s youtube stuff, enlightening, and it shows just how scared the lefty liberals are of facing up to the truth, they truly are a ‘weenie’ bunch.
Sunday Morning and Broadcasting House on Radio 4
Guests Alexi Sayle – Communist Margaret Mountford – Labour party supporter, and someone whose name I missed but sounded like Rihail who was a right PC idiot whose entire conversation consisted of ‘integration,’ and ‘white flight’.
So another balanced program without a hint of bias! Well according to the BBC anyway !
worse, much worse …
Bill “Captain boriiiiing” Oddie – BBCs – Brit hating bird luvvie turns up on SML, yep the man whose bland drone can stump a Nat History doc at ten paces,
is ashamed to be British, this IS the BBC of course … so he joins the self loathers club on settee …..
…………….. Click! – off switch! ……………
There is something better on at that time ,Star Trek, on CBS Action ,all digitally remastered , enhanced special effects , widescreen , HD , dolby digital , excellent acting , just great .
It’s life Jim, but not as we know it …
Sunday Morning Live, BBC1, 19.10.2014
More propagandising rubbish from the BBC, and SML is certainly a chief tool of BBC-Labour to push their pro-mass immigration agenda. Today’s question- “Are we too hostile to immigration?” Of course, I switched off to get on with the chores, but clearly even the choice of the question is biassed. Should it not be “is there too much immigration?” For those, such as Labour and the BBC, who wish to destroy Britain and exterminate its indigenous peoples, surely the burden is on them to explain why we should support our own extermination, our own impoverishment and the concreting-over of vast areas of our countryside.
BBC – is Britain too hostile on immigration?
BBC SMLive settee -100% Yes
British public – 73% No
……….. ????????????????????? ………
Is it possible there is a frame flashed up halfway through that concedes that what the SMLive settee comes out with is in fact the exact reverse of what the country the BBC claims it speaks for actually thinks, so they are fully covered?
Seems to be their default excuse now.
‘People know we’re as bent as a nine bob note, so we don’t need to add context or disclaimers because it would be a waste of time’ is honest in its way, but an odd way too to run a supposedly impartial state broadcaster.
Whose side are ‘Hacked Off’ and Beeboids on?:-
EITHER, the privacy of Islamic jihadists,
OR, the security of the British people?
‘Daily Mail’-
“No 10: Web giants must take down terror videos…and hand over names of all jihadis.
“Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft summoned to top-level summit.
“Will be asked to hand over details about those posting extremist material.
“Downing Street wants information on who is radicalising British Muslims.
“But companies said to be worried about being branded police informants. ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2798655/no-10-web-giants-terror-videos-hand-names-jihadis.html#ixzz3GaeScXVs
“Online hate is the very fabric of terror…we must tear it down”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2798679/lord-carlile-online-hate-fabric-terror-tear-down.html#ixzz3GanP3cfz
With Cameron in charge the mission will be to remove anything which implicates the good Islamists, the peaceful majority, in any wrongdoing. Goodbye to a number of sites where the truth about Islam is shown.
And expand the scope of the law to any site critical of the Government or the EU, (which is pretty much the same thing)
I’ve just watched Sunday Morning Live on the iPlayer.
The debate was about immigration. The level of bias towards supporting uncontrolled immigration was staggering.
I turned it off after 10 minutes of the discussion. Bill Oddie was doing the self loathing, I’m ashamed to be British role.
One thing I’ve noticed about Beeboid directors. Immediately any panelist makes a statement that might go against the multi culti message, they always cut to a left wing panelist to show them rolling their eyes in disdain.
The programme was a disgrace.
The vote result is being suppressed by the BBC, as only 13% voted yes (i.e. yes, we are too hostile to immigration). The result is not stated on the SML website, all we have is “the result is not available at this time.”
Result on their facebook page as:
27% yes
73% No
No surprise to me, (and I bet many others), that the BBC does not want the result of this vote given any publicity.
Result: 73% do not agree we are too hostile to immigration.
This result certainly agrees with my streetwise view in the way our country is at the top of the world’s premier league of nations welcoming so many people from around the world with friendliness and help wherever possible.
It is not that we are racist bigots, as the left and their BBC indoctrination arm wants the world to believe, but it certainly is about:
– overwhelming numbers
– depressed wages
– queues at A&E
– unable to get GP appointments
– shortage school places
– house price inflation through high demand
– benefit scroungers
– radicalised Muslims
– social cohesion fail
– Multi-culti fail
– Unwanted cultural changes in our towns and cities.
– Shairia Law
– Pakistani Muslim rape and abuse of underage non-Muslim girls by the thousand all over our land (mainly under Labour auspices).
– Muslims going off to Jihad.
– Child benefit going to children not living in the country.
– Foreign Criminals coming here without any checks going on to murder and commit crime.
– Our Prisons disproportionately full of Muslims and others non-indigenous British .
Roll on when we no longer have to pay for BBC misinformation and left slanted indoctrination in all political and cultural affairs in our country .
I’m ashamed of Bill Oddie and think he should be ‘contained’.
Not that I particularly care what Bill Oddie thinks or says, but presumably his view here is one that is shared by many others at the BBC.
Notice his statement that ‘he is ashamed to be British because of the hooliganism and God knows what else’.
So instead of dealing with the factors that contribute to these problems, like addressing the benefit culture, and an improved education system, his solution is to compound the problem by adding more strangers within the society.
Also, instead of limiting immigration as a means of controlling population figures, he would restrict the number of children a family could have.
The lack of ability to really think things through to any extent, while clinging to dubious impositions on our society because they ‘sound good’ in theory, sums up the inferior BBC mindset.
Bill Oddie claims working-class Brits should be ‘contained’
Standard BBC NUJ guidelines. Reporting the truth has no place in the NUJ guidelines.
MARDELL is back: (it is late October) pontificating on Radio 4 ‘World This Weekend’ about the wonders of his, and BBC-NUJ’s pro-E.U default political position; and (to him) puny British voices of criticism of Brussels. Mardell’s pro-E.U selfie editorial dovetailed politically neatly with Labour-tending MARR’s interview with non-elected ex-E.U top bureaucrat and federaliser: -Barroso, this morning on TV.
Of course, Beeboids should issue political disclaimer (but don’t), that the National Union of Journalists (inc BBC-NUJ) supports U.K continuing membership of federalising E.U., and supports Islamising Turkey’s future membership of E.U.
We can expect heavy political bias from BBC-NUJ against UKIP
in run up to Rochester by-election.
“We can expect heavy political bias from BBC-NUJ against UKIP
in run up to Rochester by-election.”
It all depends on how the polls are going.
If we have Lab 34% Con 31% UKIP 23% LD and Others 12%
then the BBC will stay schtum. (Split the non-socialist vote)
If we have Con 38% UKIP 30% Lab 25% LD and Others 7%
then the BBC will shill for UKIP. (Embarrass the Tories)
Britain, the Islamic jihad threat, Muslim Brotherhood, and BBC-NUJ.
Today’s ‘Telegraph’ (£) -two headlines-
UK and Muslim Brotherhood (MB).
‘Telegraph’ online- has two pieces today on MB- paywalled-
1.) Lorenzo Vidino -“For too long, London has been a hub for Muslim Brotherhood”
2.) “Downing Street set to crack down on the Muslim Brotherhood”
Will BBC-NUJ now politically begin to distance itself from its political proximity to the Muslim Brotherhood, as indicated for example in its empathetic stories on Islamic Al Jazeera’s journalists’ trial re-Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the political line emanating from INBBC’s Cairo Bureau, the pro-Qatar political line, the over-exposure of Mr T. Ramadan?
INBBC wouldn’t want to get accused of any potentially treasonable activity, would it?
About the Muslim Brotherhood-
“Salafis and the Muslim Brotherhood: What is the difference?”
Looks like no one “is home” in BBC land … on the latest round of Muslim Paedo Gang infestation, this week Birmingham, last week it was Manchester.
Cardiff, Oxford, Derby,, Rochdale, Leeds, Manchester, Keighley, Bradford. Bolton, Brighton, Ipswich, Swansea, Exeter, Blackpool, Birmingham, Bournemouth etc?
Oh and … “Rotherham” as the media keeps up as its deflector,
with the astounding figure of over 1400 victims, I ask you is it even possible to fathom how many overall?
The cover-up , as recently revealed is now ” the norm” …
Muslim Paedo Gang Rape scandal in Britain just widens on and on.
The latest real shocker is in Birmingham, reported widely by its own paper, last week Manchester.
… I double checked BBC News England, and the local BBC Bham/Black Country again … somehow well yes, they ve missed it.
Well … had to find space for this in Bham news eh!
“Bill Oddie says he’s often ‘ashamed to be British’ ”
‘No sour grapes’ at losing Stirling Prize for a Library
This erm, “Forgetfulness” is a such recurrent theme, and not only by the BBC, but all our media or even worse still, denial altogether.
I do however find this strange considering that the BNPs very own N Griffin was one step from jail for speaking about it widely in 2004 in a BBC documentary?, Ch 4 withdrew “edge of the city” in the same year?, and that precautionary videos were made about it in 2007, for use in schools in just the areas outlined above and then withdrawn, hardly used?.
We have the conundrum, of why have to make precautionary videos, for use in education about some obviously important issue, you later claim to know nothing about?
Oh and that video is 20mins long … think its out in the open now?,
then try and find it?.
You might be lucky and find a music vid, or a trailer …
then … ask why?.
A bit of news from Sack-o-rats central, which always intrigues…
I most certainly will note the latest euphemism, as ‘made an impact’ seems set to rattle a few cages in certain areas losing staff, as others gain more and more.
Given the calibre of reporting perhaps no loss, but like the NHS the staffing seems to have stayed the same or even increased, only instead of folk who actual do TV news jobs, there appear to be raft upon raft of clipboard toters sucking up budget.
And they do seem to like to follow the nicer weather for the season.
‘And at the BBC, boss James Harding has put a little more flesh on his exercise looking at “The Future Of News”, revealing it’s not just him heading to Stanford, but a team. “We are not giving ourselves a great deal of time. Stanford University in California has kindly agreed to host us for two weeks’
Which is nice.
Lighter fare to the BBC proving coy about publishing its own poll results, but it seems even their own pensioners are less than impressed with how the young guns like Danny, James, James, Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick, Titch, Bob, Carol, Ted, Alice, Hugs, Rona, Tone etc are handling things…
Of course, money is involved, so maybe he is just bitter (I don’t think that, but ready for the duty Flokker to try*)
Best to pull an Oddie to get back in Aunty’s good books. They may throw him a morsel.
*Comments are a hoot, especially the duty Flokkers there.
A deserved top slot:
John Bascombe
Double standards by the BBC. It won’t repeat It Ain’t Half Hot Mum because Windsor Davies says “bunch of poofs”, but they were quite happy to pay licence payers’ cash to 4 Poofs and a Piano on the Jonathan Ross Show
Yet, again, what they give as reasons to cut seldom stack up when their pet projects do the same thing.
Just an observation, are Guess Who , & ChrisH ,one & the same ,or did they have the same English teacher ,they both seem to write in the same , slightly chaotic ,amusing way . Not a criticism , I was only wondering , that`s all.
Only their mothers can tell ’em apart. Sources close to the BBC say. Apparently.
Likely not a matter of great concern if addressing BBC lack of accuracy, professional objectivity or integrity is the key topic.
The BBC tells me ‘those in the Catholic Church hoping for a relaxation of the traditional teaching on social issues were disappointed….’
Yeah, and those who hoped the Pope would maintain traditional teaching were pleased – but it seems those people never matter to the BBC.
Dare I suggest ‘those hoping’ (like the BBC) have not got the proper Catholic message?
It is as though the BBC grows ever bolder in interpreting other people’s religions for them.
Beeboids’ default policy on Catholic chuch (but not Islam) is to promote homosexuality.
“Priests race to save manuscripts from jihadists in Iraq”
Al Beeb reporting… “Barrosso: EU exit would harm UK: He also said free movement of people within the EU was an “essential” principal that could not be changed. Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps said Mr Borroso was “out of touch” and an “unelected bureaucrat”
Mr Shapps is beginning to sound like like an UKIP supporter.
It was also reported that, according to European Commissioner, the UK would have “Zero” influence if it voted to leave the EU.
Well Mr Borroso, Great Britain is are part of a Commonwealth of Nations, 52 member states. How about that ‘influence’ Mr Borroso?
It also has a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, that the EU would love to take over.
20 murdered in CONGO: INBBC mentions “puritanical” Muslims:
“Second massacre in days leaves 20 dead in east DR Congo”
“Formed in 1996 by a puritanical Muslim sect in the Ruwenzori mountains of western Uganda, the group” [ADF, Ugandan Islamic jihadists] “recently established links with Somalia’s al-Shabab militants, according to the UN.”
In contrast, the unevasive ‘Jihadwatch’ has:-
“’This is a genocide, the way in which the ADF kills these people.’
Of course, we know already that it has nothing to do with Islam, but will any of the learned analysts kindly explain why Muslims around the world are misunderstanding Islam in exactly the same way?”
“Congo: Islamic jihadists murder at least 22, including 8 children.”
I have just switched off Country File not two minutes after switching on. Some woman, surrounded by children collecting berries. She was telling us that berries are ripening earlier than ever and leaves are falling later than ever. And surprise, surprise, it is, she says, all due to climate change.
But that is all too simple and how I wish the scientific community would really consider what is happening and do real research that the BBC could honestly report. 2014 was a mild winter but harvest was not early. Thirty years ago I know that my vine was turning yellow in October whilst for the past few years the leaves are green into November. But that was true in 2013 when we had a bitterly cold winter and spring so certainly not a hot year where I live. But the BBC quick as ever to promote climate change
Oh great another one of the earlier/ later stories well couple of things=
One in 46 years on this rock the variation in leaf fall timing and berries being late /bigger/smaller hasn’t changed in that they are different every bloody year as it should be, not this fictional and unnatural ‘stable state’ heaters think we should have !
Two every thing they say isn’t the same is based on a human construct ‘the calendar’ !some one should explain to them it has no bearing on anything anywhere in the universe except in our heads !
‘some woman’ was blonde fluffy Ellie Harrison, who got her bBBC job by being blonde and fluffy but doesn’t like to be thought of as blonde and fluffy.
BBC Online News Headline:
”EU exit would leave Britain with zero influence, says Barroso”
“”Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Mr Barroso, whose term of office ends this month, said he believed Mr Cameron wanted Britain to remain in the EU””
Sky Online News Headline:
No mention anywhere on Sky’s site of BBC’s topic.
hmmm…. The Marr Is The Message?
Yes and note how Beeboids deal in a politically biased, devious way with lobbyists they likes.
E.g, today-
Beeboids don’t like criticism of solar farms, so they insert a comment from their chums at ‘Friends of the Earth’ on this-
“Solar farms are a blight on the landscape, says minister”
Did they link to this story
probably not
Beeboid Ms Caroline WYATT, who must have had a ‘calling’ and seamlessly switched from being Beeboid Defence correspondent in May, 2014 to being Religion correspondent.
Tonight, on INBBC TV News Channel, Wyatt seems to have adapted easily as some sort of empathiser with Islam, sympathising, sotto voce, with some Muslim mother in UK whose son had gone to commit violent jihad in Syria. Wyatt seemed to present these Muslims as as some sort of victims, who “needed” the “right support”.
There was no hint from Wyatt that the following judgement is more valid:
Islamic jihadists are commiting TREASON against Britain and other Western countries; they are murdering and beheading our citizens.
These Muslims are our ENEMIES who are fanatically opposed to us, who insultingly call us the “Kafir,” whether in Afghanistan Syria, Britain, United States, etc.
No, our governments must NOT allow the enemy back inside our countries.
These most dangerous and deceitful tourist jihadists must be kept out.
They are at WAR with us; we must be at war with them.
Any other policy they will regard as weakness to be exploited.
These vile people are the ‘dogs that bite the hand that feed them’
Its Treason.
Were the mother and son concerned not both converts from Christianity? Thus implying that they are not from immigrant families?
Anyway, they were trailing this again on this morning’s Today. Apparently there is a programme on the matter to be broadcast tonight for London viewers. So it’s all a big puff piece for a BBC programme. Note, though, how there is criticism (by implication of the Government) that not enough is done to counsel these poor deluded souls. Well, how about the Muslim community take the responsibility for that, or would that spoil the narrative that it’s Nothing To Do With Islam?
Well on Twitter, the BBC’s natural comfort zone, the attempted claim, and the bbc’s facilitating of it, are getting slaughtered across the board.
Which may be spoiling a few morning water-cooler moments at W1A.
They don’t have to try too hard either. Ofsted are demanding that Islam should be part of every Catholic School assemblies, ‘invite-an-Inam’ (or else we will close your school). Who needs an enemy when Ofsted politically-correct barbarism is now to be taught at School to get a ‘good’ Ofsted mark.
INBBC is so proud of WYATT’s propaganda piece on:- ‘Islamic jihadists as victims,’
that it repeated it today, on Radio 4 ‘World at One.’
Today there was a demonstration in Manchester by Jews protesting about the increase in anti Semitic attacks. The MEN headline has been singled out for criticism, unsurprisingly misinformed as a left wing newspaper might be expected to be.
Comments on the page appear a bit upset, but even though the BBC have a link to the story on their Manchester page, they have no story of their own. This is something of a glaring omission given that the BBC are only a few hundred yards away, and they are aware of the story in the MEN where it is headline news.
I wonder why they might not want to report on this.
… and on the ‘promoted stories’ section directly underneath is ’20 hot celebrities you didn’t know were Jewish.’
i.e. stop knocking one off to Mila Kunis pics – she’s a Zionist child killer etc.
Al Beeb is reporting that Cameron is trying to do something about EU immigrants!
Its something that Farage warned about many months ago about Romanians arriving here but was humiliated by Al Beeb, the press and our ‘so called’ government.
Actions that reminded me of the events during Enoch Powell’s statements in the 1970s.
Mr Cameron is “shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted”
Wake up true Britons and vote UKIP.
Cameron proposes ,Barosso disposes
Just watched Sunday Morning Live on IPlayer, I have to say that I have never seen such a bunch of ‘freaks’ considered as ‘experts’ on a TV panel, certainly none that your average guy in the street could identify with.
This on a show that has an opening sequence made up of numerous boxes each containing an individual that extends into a map of the British Isles, within those boxes its almost impossible to spot an indigenous face.
Note also that when Charlie Woolf mentions the unmentionable (UKIP) Williams, our fragrant host immediately slaps him down stating that ‘But all parties are now taking about immigration’. As far as Oddie goes, one should feel sorry for the guy obviously dosed up on his anti depressants making his comments of no value whatsoever.
One additional note …
What is it with Al Beebies very own G Moonbat?
Waffling on about wolves, lynx and bears, to the amazement
of that Scottish farmer. it appears he s re-doing through his “summer of love” too, a phase often seen in gentleman of a certain age.
Only certain gentlemen of a certain age, ie ex university types well versed in lefty doctrine, keen to wear what I call ‘lefty wear’ there’s a female equivalent too, modeled by Germaine Greer types.
I’m not too dissimilar an age to Moonbat but have no desire to dress lie a pr1ck….
Thanks to the insane policies of ‘green’ campaigners this morning it looks even more likely that the lights WILL go out this Winter.
Whilst politicians mess around thinking up new and original lies to fool the public with, all of them have failed to deal with the imminent problem which industry experts have been telling them is coming.
So we lost Heysham 1 and Hartlepool & Hunterston B, and then last night there was a ‘major fire’ at Didcot B.
There have also been fires at the biomass plants at Ironbridge and Ferrybridge, causing both to reduce their outputs.
Total generating capacity in the UK should be around 76GW but according to one energy ‘expert’ on radio 4 we have lost around 4.5GW this year !
In a system which is already pretty marginal the loss of any capacity is concerning, but this is a huge issue.
No doubt there will be finger pointing at the coalition, because they happen to be in power, and to be fair they’ve had 5 years and done nothing what so ever to undo the damage of the BLiar years. Surely though the time has come that BLiar was called to account for what his government did to this country.
Good comment with hard facts Thoughtful.
Coal that we need and have an abundance of in this country is left in the ground due to:
1. Unions blackmailing employers over unrealistic pay demands.
2. Mrs T. stockpiles foreign coal to keep country going.
3. Mines now uneconomic and closed.
4. North sea oil and gas creates energy bonanza.
5. Most homes heating & cooking needs turned over to gas.
6. Atomic power stations closed.
7. Gas runs out.
8. Energy companies buy gas from Russia.
9. USA & EU play political games in Ukraine.
10. Russia takes over Crimea to protect its strategic port there.
11. EU & USA put sanctions on Russia.
12. Russia cuts of gas supply to Ukraine/Europe.
13. Obama grins, says “serves ‘em right for torturing my father”.
14. Green loonies demonstrate against fracking
15. Great Shameron makes speech, does nothing.
16. UK closes or burns down more power stations.
17. Very small energy contingency left in UK.
18. Power cuts.
19. The vulnerable die in thousands.
20. The BBC, unions & Prime Minister Miliband blames last Tory government.
21. Goodnight Britain.
If the lights go out the BBC will tell us that it’s all the fault of the evil energy companies who’ve been greedily taking money for their shareholders rather than investing in even more windmills. The energy industry must be renationalised and profits are the work of the devil. Long live socialism (and tractor production is up).
On the news last night we were told that Didcot B was a user of ‘natural gas.’ Biomas never mentioned.
Didcot B is a dual-fuel Power station. One of the daft thing about bio-fuel is that it this has be shipped 3,000 miles away from the USA as they have switched over to ‘fracking’ and don’t need bio-fuel so it is ‘sold’ to the UK. Not really ‘green’ at all…
‘burning biomass actually emits more CO2 from their smokestacks than burning coal does. ‘
Interesting interview last night between with Stephen Nolan and some Labour mumpty on Millipedes latest missive – Cancer patients receiving a test and the test results within 7 days if we all vote Labour next year.
When challenged by Nolan, it transpired that:
a. It will not be a final diagnosis within 7 days, just the results of the first test.
b. It obviously could not apply to all types of cancer but, when pushed on at least three occasions, our man could not even name one type of cancer that it would apply to.
c. It would only come into operation in 2020 – the end of the next parliament.
Give Stephen Nolan his due, he is one of the very few Beeboids willing to get stuck in to a Labour spokesman/person/woman until he gets some sort of response but even he gave up when it became obvious that this was just a total piece of electioneering nonsense.
obvious that this was just a total piece of electioneering nonsense
Da Daahh, add to that, milipede; Will sort out immigration,
the bankers,
tax the rich until they all leave the country (modelled on the French socialist version),
destroy UKIP/right wing,
save the NHS (but try not to kill hundreds of patients this time),
invest in even more climate change measures to save us all from impending doom,
build thousands of affordable homes for local people (slightly racist until you realize that the local people milipede talks about will all be immigrants),
make sure there are jobs for all (in the public sector of course),
raise the minimum wage to £25 an hour,
Integrate even more with Europe,
reform the House of Lords (as Bliar did all those years ago),
secure the bbc licence fee for another 100 years, with a substantial rise of course.
sell his grandmother and stab his brother in the back for any chance of finishing the hatchet job Bliar started a long time ago.
H/T to Guido Fawkes for pointing me to the link to this BBC-flavoured snippet provided by David Keithley (ex-BBC)
‘As I researched this, I guessed that the hand of the BBC – and its climate change agenda – would somehow enter the equation.’
‘And so it did. Stuart is so fanatical about his views that he also sits on the board of the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit. This was formed and is run by the BBC’s former so-called ‘environment’ correspondent Richard Black, whose news reports were object lessons in propaganda. His ‘Unit’ claims to provide a debating platform about climate issues, but this is BBC-style Newspeak: its real aim is to rubbish politicians like Owen Paterson who dare to speak out about the alarmist agenda.’
Intelligence Unit?
I take it use of that word is ironic, as in German Democratic Republic.
Dangerously close to a tail-end sacrifice, so I may repost if this thread updates soon, but a couple of URLs to show how BBC Complaints is always good value…
Not quite ‘Islamic Benediction’ grade, but certainly worth adding to the list that includes ‘what we say can be 180 degrees to the truth so long as somewhere in the editorial there’s a hint our guys just made it up’.
And speaking of complaints, as the Future of the BBC winds down (they are still taking submissions it seems), having popped back to see what was new on the committee website, I found this from a sterling soul…
“My own conclusions are that the BBC will go to any lengths necessary to avoid admitting anything but the most self-evident mistakes, including breaking its own Editorial Guidelines and flying in the face of reason. Moreover, this culture of misrepresentation, denial and prejudice against non-consensus views is systemic and institutionalized at every level of the organization, from the bottom to the top.”
The BBC will likely claim that as the BBC believes this not to be true, it cannot be true. As with this, following what appears to be a wealth of factual support:
‘Perhaps the BBC Complaints department would care to enlighten its funding public as to how it arrived at the conclusion that Hamas has “modified its position” on the destruction of Israel and why it employs that and other such obviously inaccurate claims in response to complaints made by licence fee payers? “
Expect a nuanced response.
Well we have all seen the non-replies from BBc complaints, the template replies the refusal to admit many of their reports are biased, when they blatently are. The sooner the BBc is shut down or forced to fund themselves without a licence fee the better.
Weasel words from the BBC about the number of complaints over the Panorama hatchet job on Farage :
This is a cracker. Pressed about the number of complaints, they actually say:
“Because of evidence of lobbying we can’t provide the figures as they are not a genuine reflection of how the audience feels.”
The wrong type of complaint, one must assume. But something of a hostage to fortune, that one.
‘not a genuine reflection of how the audience feels’
Very speaking for the nation. Might be interesting to ask them how they know that.
Though possibly that question may get one back into BBC ‘we don’t have to answer as it’s our little secret’ territory. Effective as a stonewall; less so as evidence of trust and transparency (c) Any Market 2nd Rater
By now they have done it so often, and enough people know they have, that even the bare-faced bluffitout core of the department may struggle to keep it together much longer if the pressure maintains.
Which it just might.
Even their semantic self-justifications have more than a hint of desperation to them now.
From Johns Link (above): ….The BBC slush funds pays for Panorama bollocks: ‘This is not the first time the BBC has tried to hide facts and figures’….
The BBC receives funding from the European Union: Figures obtained by the Spectator showed it had applied and been granted £3 million of EU funds between April 2011 and November 2013.
‘Licence fee payers might assume that the Corporation would have been compelled to disclose the source of this money in its annual reports, but they bear no trace of it specifically. In the latest set of accounts, for example, these funds are simply referred to as ‘other grant income’.
For INBBC’s Lyse “the humanity of the Taliban” DOUCET?:-
”’I’ll shoot you!’ Chilling moment Taliban toddler with AK-47
gives death threat to BBC cameraman.”
‘Panorama’: ” Inside the Taliban”
BBC1 tonight, Monday 20 Oct, 8:30 pm.
“The Taliban boy aged just THREE being trained for war who says
he’s ‘going to shoot people.’
“Film obtained by BBC shows young child playing with gun in Afghanistan.
“Boy lives in Tangi Valley, where Taliban has grip on schools and courts.
“Another pupil says of hopes for future: ‘To serve my country and Islam.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2799349/the-taliban-boy-aged-just-three-trained-war-says-s-going-shoot-people.html#ixzz3GgefUfA6
Lyse DOUCET, INBBC, 2008-
“TV reporters are not showing the Taliban’s humanity, says BBC presenter.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1048939/TV-reporters-showing-Talibans-humanity-says-BBC-presenter.html#ixzz3GiFoBckb
The BBC shows the human side of Hamas, by not being shot,beheaded etc by Hamas.
Go on BBC tell it like it is and see how long the cuddly nice Hamas treat you then.Dare you…..
“Hamas top dog’s daughter received medical treatment in Israel”
I notice that BBC journalists, who were quite happy to go to Gaza and undergo the random indiscriminate bombing as the Israelis tried to commit Genocide on the poor defenceless Palestinian women and children are not exactly describing the fighting in Kobami – even though both sides are inherently peaceful in their religion.
Can’t they ask ISIS if they can be sequestered with their armed forces so that they can report the conflict. I am sure that ISIS would only be to pleased to have them.
Heads would roll.
BBC News making a fuss on FaceBook about its new Australian service. Mixed comments in reaction. I liked the chap thanking the Poms for paying for their ‘decent news at last’. Clearly a Jon Donnison fan. They’ll learn.
Ironically, a BBC World News story appears next to it, from Australia. It screams the question whether horror bush fires are the new threat they face.
Most native Australians seem to be pointing out that Australia has always had them; it’s just increased population has caused more human and property cost, and what on earth are the BBC trying to do winding things up stupidly?
Welcome to our world, mates.
Well it’s a very rare thing that I find myself writing about bias the other way around !
The Today program on Radio 4 broadcast an interview that the EU banning neo nicitinoid pesticides would cause the price of British produced fruit and vegetables to rise because of smaller yields.
They did mention the reason for the ban as being the pesticides effect on bees, but it was in the context of reasons as to why they got the results of experiments wrong!
There was a statement from the farmer that now things are worse because he has to spray his crops three or four times, when he only needed to do it once previously. It didn’t seem to occur to him that the long life of the neo nicitinoids meant they could kill bees long after the crops were treated, and overspray of fields meant that other crops might be affected.
The agri chemical industry has past form, with chemicals like DDT which they told us were perfectly safe. Now it’s better to be safe than sorry, and the loss of the bees would be a far greater problem to farmers than the loss of a group of insecticides.
A very odd report from a BBC which is normally firmly on the EUs side.
Too much EU, as usual. Hopelessly out of touch, hopelessly dictatorial, and they wonder why so many of us want out of it.
BBC trying to use the Mike Reid song to say that UKIP is racist – John Humphrys this morning let a rabid nonentity interviewee assert repeatedly that UKIP is racist. His line seemed to be – if anyone alleges UKIP is racist, that means it is racist, it automatically gets a “history of racism”.
Humphrys let those assertions go without challenge, and seemed to find it all very funny. He seems to think it is fine to implicitly tag millions of UKIP voters as racists.
Al Beeb is worried – very worried!
Daft song, in my opinion, although its message is spot on. Even dafter interview(s). A bit of fun, but probably not very helpful
I am so sick of everything being tarred as ‘racist’. What are they so scared of?
There’s no such thing as racism ! Two black people unable to agree whether the song was or not, it seems to revolve around whether the ‘accent’ was ‘racist’, but because there’s no such thing as racism the argument was as effective as the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin.
In its day Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess was described as ‘racist’ so was Longfellow’s poem ‘Hiawatha’. The BBCs repeated broadcasting of both of these would make it complicit in spreading ‘racism’ !
What about white yoof, using a Jafakan accent ? Are they racist too? Probably not because they’re often involved in crime and not normally UKIP supporters !
If i
Do we now assume that Mike Read no longer has a job at BBC Radio Berkshire?
I’ve never heard a Jamaican sound like a white, middle class bbc employee before?
What else is a Caribbean calypso song supposed to sound like?
BBC Asian Network DJ Nihal told Newsnight that the track “made his ears vomit” and was “naff”.
I feel much the same way about the BBC Asian Network, and 1 Xtra
What gets me is that the very nature of bbc asian network, by the bbc definition, is surely racist? Why can’t they just integrate?
I was hoping that ex boxer Winston McKenzie was going to knock the arrogant nihal out live on air.
I also loved Winston’s response when the jug eared interveiwer (surely a face only for radio) tried to pull McKenzie on his Commonwealth spokesman plans, Mckenzie calmly explained his job in educated and sensible terms…it wiped the smile of jug ears’ face.
UB40 with their faux whiny reggae have been making my ears vomit for over 30 years.
The Asian Network is a racist as a BBC WASP Network would be.
A bit of fluff and flounce from the usual affront industry suspects, but that link text does need a fisk…
UKIP Calypso sings the praises of UKIP leader Nigel Farage. But some Twitter uses complained that the track was racist.
Now who would these ‘Twitter uses’ be, BBC? Bunch of on-hand, anonymous-source (is there any other the BBC uses now?) sock puppet vox poppets (ditto) by chance?
And maybe hire a reporter or sub for whom English is not a second language.
‘BBC Asian Network DJ Nihal told Newsnight that the track “made his ears vomit” and was “naff”.’
Maybe so. But Newsnight making a bee-line for a fellow staff BBC member to make such statements, and then quote them (presumably to ‘balance’ their guest) seems… predictably skewed and screwed up.
I am also constantly told by BBC’s finest satirists that UKIP is populated exclusively by old white men. How do they rationalise Mr. Mackenzie in their broad brush claims on HIGNFY, MTW, etc?
Seems the BBC (and Newsnight especially, inevitably, as now run and staffed by a bunch of sub 6th form, hideously white aspiring Wolfies) has again hitched itself to a banwagon that is already halfway off a cliff as far as the public is concerned.
Islamic jihadist in CANADA: contrasting reports.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’ –
“Canadian who ran down two soldiers and charged police with knife was a “radicalized” convert to Islam”
[Excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:
“This French-language QMI Agency piece has the information that he said he was acting ‘in the name of Allah.’ And so yet another convert to Islam misunderstands his peaceful religion, turns traitor, and attacks the soldiers of his own nation, like U.S. Army Sergeant Hasan Akbar and so many others. Yet no one would dare suggest that mosques institute programs to teach converts to reject this understanding of Islam. That would be ‘Islamophobic.’ As a society we have to put the loaded gun in our mouth and fire, and hope that the gun will somehow not go off — to do anything else would be ‘racist’ and ‘bigoted.'”
2.) INBBC-
“Canada PM: St-Jean-sur-Richelieu hit-and-run man ‘radicalised'”
On the radio I heard several rather vague reports about a man in Canada who had been “radicalised”. No mention of Islam – so I assumed he must be an extreme leftie.
The Mail manage to report the details – shouldn’t be too difficult for a multi-billion pound news organisation to do if they put their minds (sic) to it.
I wonder what picture the woman (?) 2nd row left has on her ID tag?
“Last Collection From This Postbox: 4.00 P.M. “ ?
Oh dear, it’s so blatant that it’s funny..I also like the way the beeb report ‘poverty’, every time I see a food bank report on the beeb the only people who are using them are white and are usually leaning towards the middle class type, who have ‘fell on hard times’, or the chav labour voting class , never do you see eastern europeans, africans or asians using them? Very strange.
You need to know that ‘poverty’ is defined by the lefties as being just above the amount paid by state benefits.
Unfortunately this blunt tool doesn’t take into account other benefits such as free rent and council tax, and school meals etc etc. If all the costs incurred by a working person were taken into account then almost everyone would be in ‘poverty’.
I wonder if the irony in the use of the subheading “Everday Sexism” when promoting the “100 Women” series went completely over the heads of the Beeboids.
Anybody hear the blustering child from the Met Office being interviewed about the erstwhile “hurricane” Gonzalo, this morning? Cringeworthy stuff, trying to justify their weather warnings, and admitting that really only northern areas will be affected.
It’s October, the season of autumnal depressions, and seasonal gales and rainfall. 60 – 70 MPH? Quite normal for the time of year.
But as usual, overblown panic from the mainstream media (and the Met Office, for whom a gentle breeze is now “extreme weather” and worthy of amber warnings).
We live in the dumbed down, scaremongering, and timid Age of Stupid, and the BBC (and the Met Office, for that matter) are fully paid up members.
Most of the people on this site appear to have an above average level of intelligence, but I can tell you from experience that there are some amazingly dim and complacent people out there.
A while ago I went on an organised nature walk with a guide showing a party various fungi in Autumn – some of them were very dangerous, some edible. There were kids on the walk who were aged around 6 – 8 and they were touching some of the fungi.
Towards the end of the walk the amazingly brainless Grandmother decided to give each one a small bag of sweets ! We hadn’t got back to the centre so they could wash their hands, and she didn’t have a clue what they had been touching, so that when they got sick later on she wouldn’t have been able to tell medics what the cause might be.
During one severe winter an elderly councillor who knew the dangers and the weather forecasts, decided it would be a good idea to set off on a trans Pennine journey on a minor road, without any kind of preparation or emergency equipment. He ended up needing to be rescued by Mountain rescue.
Normally there might be a few blushes and a realisation of what an idiot he was, but no, he went to the local paper to thank the Mountain Rescue, and then everyone knew what an idiot he was.
Then there were the dozens of old people who having been told to stay indoors while the streets were icy decided it would be a good idea to go for a walk ! The hospital wards were full of the fools who had broken bones as a result.
Unfortunately when there are people are brain dead as this then there’s a duty of the Met Office to try to drum into the thick heads of these idiots the potential dangers they might face. The aren’t aiming this at reasonable people who have a degree of understanding, like you and I, but a slew of people who believe that the weather doesn’t apply to them !
They, then, would appear to be in the majority…
I live in the dark North of England, it is very windy today and there are armageddon style clouds above warning us of the impending doom we all face, as it’s obviously the fault of global warming.
But, for me, there is a more sinister and dangerous force that has had the North of England under it’s grip for far longer…it’s called labour.
I do watch the bbc weather all of the time, even during one of the best summers we have had for a while the beeb were constantly warning of rougher weather to come,they are not happy unless they are depressing us all.
Not that Paul Hudson , he is a scientist & freelance too,he is not normally `on message`, Then there is Philip Avery ,ex RN officer ,he use to be the 5 dead ,resident forecaster, but one day the `Dame`N . Campbell had a go at him for admitting , in the 80`s , while in the Navy , voted ,not for the killing of the 1st born, but Conservative . The fucking Dame , just went on & on about it , as if he had been a prison guard at Auschwitz . What a socialist scum .
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) continues its ignorance and appeasement of Islam, by submitting itself to Muslims for apologetics on the tenets and practices of Islam.
(Of course, Islam means “submission”.)
“The Myths of Islam.”
“Fight jihadis on Facebook and Twitter, says BBC’s top Muslim presenter Mishal Husain ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2801038/fight-jihadis-facebook-twitter-says-bbc-s-muslim-presenter-mishal-husain.html#ixzz3Glvuitpv
Remember when the BBC used to comment on the Oxford Union debates. For the past few weeks the left, UAF etc. have been collecting signatures on a petition to prevent Tommy Robinson from speaking. It appears that Cameron and May have listened to their comrades and had him arrested. The charge is interesting and worthy of a BBC inquiry as they would if he were a radical muslim preacher.
A strange turn of events. I doubt the BBC/liberals will concern themselves with Tommy Robinson too much. English working class and a bit too mouthy for them. Anyway liberals are right about everything and free speech is not for the likes of him or us ordinary folk.
Freedom is just another word for the English to forget. Nasty stupid people that they are. Oddie and Parris are so right.
Give the liberal elite five more years and their bully boys willl be kicking our doors down at dawn.
The end result of all fantasy dogma and liberal certainty is tyrrany.
Just seen this on a friend’s Facebook page and I think the BBC and our failing politicians should consider themselves foremost amongst those being addressed.
Bill Cosby
“I’m 83 and I’m Tired”
I’m 83. Except for brief period in the 50’s when I was doing my National Service, I’ve worked hard since I was 17. Except for some serious health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn’t call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn’t inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I’m tired. Very tired!
I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I’m tired of being told that Islam is a “Religion of Peace,” when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family “honor”; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren’t “believers”; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for “adultery”; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur’an and Sharia law tells them to.
I’m tired of being told that out of “tolerance for other cultures” we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and madrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia, New Zealand UK, America and Canada, while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance.
I’m tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.
I’m tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?
I’m tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I’m tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.
I’m really tired of people who don’t take responsibility for their lives and actions. I’m tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
I’m also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20’s be-deck themselves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves un-employable and claiming money from the Government.
Yes, I’m tired. But I’m also glad to be 83… Because, mostly, I’m not going to have to see the world these people are making. I’m just sorry for my granddaughter and their children. Thank God I’m on the way out and not on the way in; there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!
This is your chance to make a difference.
“I’m 83 and I’m tired. If you don’t forward this you are part of the problem.”
Note that this is apochryphal. It does not originate from whom it is purported to have originated.
Thanks Arthur, it’s always a hazard with this sort of post and I’m sorry to hear that but I’d still be happy to swap Bill Oddie for whoever wrote it any day.
It does not matter who the writer is. It sums up our position here in England.
Which is why I say UKIP is the establishment’s last chance . Let UKIP run or else we might ,at last, get really angry.
IRAN: violent Muslims impose Sharia.
INBBC’s Persian Service has limited reports on this, via its Persian Service, for which British people pay, but for whom the progammes are not intended.
In this report, we have to wait until the penultimate paragraph before the key word, “Islamic” in mentioned:-
“Four arrests over acid attacks against women in Iran”
INBBC doesn’t have a report on the following- is some ‘Persian Service’ self censorship in operation?:-
“Islamic Republic of Iran sentences church leaders to long prison terms”
News from Islamised England: e.g. PORTSMOUTH:-
1.) ‘Guardian’-
“Third Portsmouth jihadist reported killed in Syria.
City’s religious authorities* express shock following death of Manunur Roshid, 24, believed killed in battle for Kobani.”
* This seems to be reference to one mosque’s Islamic spokesperson, who says that he is ‘shocked’ that Islamic jihadists have gone to Syria to commit jihad.
2.) INBBC:
“Briton Mamunur Roshid ‘killed fighting in Syria’, mosque says”
All these ‘reports’ derive form Muslim/Islamic sources apparently sympathetic to Islamic jihadists.
There is no condemnation of the Islamic jihadists.
While ‘religious authority’ no doubt is accurate on some form of semantic basis, in this modern era it sounds like trying to accord a lot more heft than exists (beyond it being one bloke).
‘Ifthekar Jaman, from Southsea, Hampshire, told the BBC before his death he joined IS as he felt it was his “duty” because Muslims were “being slaughtered”.
Mr Jaman’s family told the BBC that he was killed while fighting forces loyal to the government.’
The BBC apparently not too interested in the faith of such loyal fighting forces. A pity, as it might have added valuable context to who was slaughtering the Muslims to which Mr. Jaman refers.
Making the whole thing less faith based and more a turf issue.
A few days earlier in Portsmouth, there was an EDL demo by indigenous British people against Islamic jihad, and the demonstrators were vilified by the usual ‘leftist’ suspects and misrepresented by ‘journalists,’ who are anti-EDL (but not anti-Islamic jihad).
“Third Portsmouth jihadist reported killed in Syria.”
Oh no, what a shame!
I wonder if Argentina will get any further with their complaint, than your averaged pissed-off viewer or listener:
Well, a personal visit and audience with a market second rate like Danny Cohen after just a few weeks sounds a wee bit more than most still awaiting a ‘haven’t read it but we’re right’ reply after several months.
‘”The correct reply from the BBC is to say they have noted their complaint with interest and then dump it in the nearest waste bin.”
I believe that is standard BBC policy when they receive a complaint.’
Guessing the BBC Trust will see an all-ex’s paid ‘inquiry’ tour may be necessary?
Maybe Gavin Esler could have popped by and asked her to chair the next ‘Is the UK Sabre-rattling by defending the Falklands against re-invasion’ collection of pontificators for Dateline London?
‘”Ambassador Castro noted the excellent degree of cooperation various ongoing BBC projects continue to enjoy in Argentina, stressing her desire for this to remain the case.
BBC Radio 4 presenter Richard Coles ‘Britain’s most famous vicar’, former pop star with The Communards, beloved Radio 4 host and inspiration behind BBC’s Rev. talks about his new ‘bio’ book ‘…As together they ‘inhale’ a round of sandwiches…enthusing about the joys of dogging…”I was very much healed by the experience of anonymous sex with strangers in lay-bys,” he says. “This might stretch my credibility to the point of knicker-elastic twanging, but I really was. There were moments of profound intimacy with people who were dying to be intimate. Dying for it – just being close and being able to be vulnerable and express longing.'”Plus, I offer, there must be the wholly welcome breeze. Coles laughs. ‘It’s like a picnic!’ he says…” Coles says he “found God” in 1990. But he continued dogging in local parks -(that makes him a perfect BBC presenter for the BBC. This is the BBC bought to you by the BBC home service.
Only the BBC could promote this as a religious content programming. Is it any wonder we despise the BBC and it’s perverted presenters.
Paul Gambercini is back on the BBC airwaves soon. Not enough evidence to make a conviction (say the Police). He will no doubt talk about such harassment as all BBC presenters are ‘faced with such hostile bigotry of those (outside the BBC). I wonder why.
Meanwhile those that have rather too much evidence against them are still shocking their legal defense team). This is the BBC right to abuse and get away with it.
Culture, Media and Sport Committee meeting today on the future of the BBC had the new head Rhona with 2 side-kicks.
After telling the committee how wonderful the BBC is and how much better it is inside the BBC, Ben Bradshaw (yes the ONE) said to them;
I cannot believe your arrogance. After all the problems, you should appear before this committee with humility but you appear with unbridled arrogance. I think you have a death wish myself. (summary).
They still believe that they represent us and that we still have to cough up our sub because they consult us. Astounding!
Hoping I am reading this right.
Ben Bradshaw, ex-Beeboid, Labour ex-Culture Sec, best-bud-to-Purnell-et-al, after the obligatory national treasure preamble… gives the smug sods a serve? And tells them they are apparently suicidal?
That must have rattled a few latte cups in Wasserface’s 2nd Job early slope[correct use]-off market rate coffee shop.
Can’t wait to see it (didn’t watch live) once posted. They also provide transcripts eventually.
See; http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04m3r6k/select-committees-live-future-of-the-bbc-committee
@ 47:00
UKIP, Calypso and BBC ‘Asian Network.’
Is Beeboid presenter, NIHAL, of apartheid Beeboid radio station, ‘Asian Network’, saying that if a white man, who is a Beeboid presenter, sings a calypso for UKIP, that this is ‘racist’?
‘Huffington Post’ (politically ‘left,’ Soros finance) doesn’t like UKIP, doesn’t like its calypso, and so (unfortunately for ‘Huff Post’) decides to politically support Beeboid Nihal of ‘Asian Network’-
“Winston McKenzie Defends The Ukip Calypso In The Most Bizarre Newsnight Debate Ever”
(inc video clip).
Use of the word ‘defends’ about the oldest trick in the book.
The BBC should be asked to ‘defend’ wheeling on a staffer to ooze distain over a guest in a thinly-veiled attempt to further smear a political party they appear to be very worried about.
Had a look at the tweets around this, and Ian Katz and Nihal are having a bromance on how their merry jape has gone down wiv’ da kidz. Best wheel in Russell Brand and it will be the BBC beardy threesome to moisten kickers from Notting Hill to W1A. Maybe even some of the women.
Still, HuffPo has managed to assemble some supportive tweets. But as pointed out here, control of the edit may make these less than representative.
With luck this may be Mr. Katz’ latest Operation Clarke County backfire, as much more of this, and I may consider making voting plans for Nigel.
I watched the video clip and saw Winston deal with his opponent quite well over the song. But the BBC interviewer had only one question, which he repeatedly raised – is UKIP racist? When Winston spoke about Commonwealth trade he gave an opportunity for the interviewer to discuss the relative merits of EU and Commonwealth trade, maybe catch Winston out on his (lack of?) knowledge about international trade. But no.. the issue was is UKIP racist? Why is it associated with racists in the EU? And the man from the Asian network played his role by asserting that all of the BBC ‘s Asians believed UKIP was racist
Evan seems totally out of his depth, or is arriving where Paxman did a bit sooner, wondering what the hell his career has come to trying to oversee a BBC stitch-up going South again, with Katz’ kindergarten screaming ‘ask the black representative about party racism’ over and over down the earwig.
As to Nihal, it was… interesting… a person of Indian subcontinent origin lecturing us, and a person of likely Carribean orgin on how seriously Calypso needs to be taken. Sanctimonious berk.
Still, we can only look forward to Emily, Kirsty, etc, in saris, scampering around peaking around pillars soon, ending with a bang as Lenny Henry and some BAME troopers storm in to demand their Bhangra rights.
Even Evan must be embarassed by the depths Newsnight has sunk to.
I think the song is poor but I don’t think it’s important. Does anybody in the real world think it matters?
Only on the Beeb could an ‘Asian’* presenter from the ‘Asian Network’ play the part of a non-racist with a straight face.
*Asian according to the BBC i.e. Indian sub-continent
The bBBC has told the Culture, Media and Sport Committee that it traces people not paying the TV tax by mis-using the RIPA (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000), but won’t say how they do it. According to https://twitter.com/wturvill/status/524512057987977216
Interesting ‘RIPA’ updated 2006. It should be buried somewhere in the text here under ‘Wireless telegraphy’ and sub clauses added by Labour for the benefit of you know who. How they get license ‘information’ from that would be interesting. Sale of TV aerials perhaps or sale of TV sets (more likely).
Such an admission might, if made by other parties, result in full ‘Big Brother’ froth and foam, and by the BBC in particular.
If about their own activities, likely not, or maybe ‘tucked away’.
Going beyond broadcasting stuff and using already excessive powers to ensure unique funding flows is one thing, but squads of STASI-emulators to abuse already discredited state investigative powers in pursuit of sales commissions seems a wee bit beyond the pale.
It is clear they already have ‘we note..’ takers, presumably paid, from some budget (unless volunteers in return for Glasto passes), to monitor critical sites.
David better lock his bins.
“We’re going to inform, educate and entertain. Who wouldn’t be happy to stump up for that?”
[Eddie Grundy, talking about his planned turkey-themed promotional show, in ‘The Archers’, circa 19:15 on 21/10/2014.]
For an organisation supposedly averse to commercialism and advertising, the BBC’s self-promotion is shameless.
Have the BBC (predictably) left some vital information out here?
… “militants”! …
by the eyes of allaaah!, we can t make it any clearer!
we checked it out, no connection to the “far right” at all.
don t you geddit! …
look, overall we got the report “just about right”
aloha snackbar to that!
The Biased Broadcasting Crescent,
thanks you for your enquiry
… ma’a as-salaama
I dunno, maybe they are militant Zoroastrians or possibly radicalised trainspotters.
If only we had a world renowned news organisation to make things clear for us.
if reading … do not hold anything fragile
“Islam has nothing to do with the recent acts of terror.
History has shown that Jews, Christians, Hindus, atheists and pagans all react in a similar manner when you bomb, invade and occupy their lands.”
But I thought that ISIS WAS the organisation bombing, invading and occupying Iraq and Syria.
It starts here, Nicky…
@NickyAACampbell: I’m abroad filming. Just catching up with the Mike Read story. I don’t know where to start.
…and then it just gets better and better. Talk about navel-gazing way too late to be taken seriously.
When Beeboids get an itch, they really need one of those cones we have for the dog, as they clearly have no concept of self harm.
Was able to join the dots re the BBCs sheer hypocrisy over this Mike Read non-story.
Saw The One Show yesterday-where the topic of “cover/tribute ” songs was covered.
And one Mike Read was on doing a passable impression of Paul McCartney talking to him in his scouse accent about people covering his songs.
Yes-Mike Read taking off a scouser…surely this is every bit as much an “incident” as his doing a UKIP skit with a Carribean
No doubt, Typically Tropical, Graham Gouldman(Dreadlock Holiday) will be feeling Andy Burnhams selective scouse heat under their collars…and a retrial of Jim Davidson for his “chalkie character is assured.
By the way-only caught the end of Newsnights piece on this UKIP atrocity…but didnt`they themselves offer a calypso mock accent in slagging off UKIP and Mike Read by way of finishing their piece?
And-doesn`t Read only confirm that racism…like child abuse…is more a factor in “working” at the BBC, than is any UKIP membership.
“BBC funding would be up for debate after Tory election win, says Javid.”
“Of course, this is a key political reason for Beeboids and Guardianistas to continue to campaign for Labour Party.)
“Batley terror suspect Haroon Aswat extradited to US”
(Ah, but INBBC, you don’t say whether he’s a Muslim, and whether he believes in Islam.
Do we have to infer that?)
An ‘Al Beeb’ warning!
As UKIP gather momentum in popularity so will the propaganda and deceit be broadcast to the nation to discredit the anti EU party. Its already started.
Al Beeb is afraid – very afraid.