When you are reading this, I should be in Paris and so beyond the reach of the BBC! Here’s a new thread to see you off into the weekend. I’ll be back Monday night.
“Five Britons A WEEK are flying out to join jihadis, says Met chief Bernard Hogan-Howe – and true figure may be higher as officers cannot keep watch on all routes.
“But Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said the true figure could be far higher.
“Sir Bernard has backed plans to hand police the power to seize passports.
“Police believe that number will leap by 50 per cent within a year.
“This is despite the deaths of up to 30 British jihadis in the fighting.”
Is Hogan-Howe mad? Seize their passports? How about a farewell party at the airport for them, the more that go the happier I’ll be. Of course they don’t represent the cult of islam though!
It looks like Mike Read ‘has been got at’ in asking his record company to withdraw the UKIP Calypso. No doubt under threat of the sack from his employers the BBC, who we know will not allow any of its employees to hold such right wing views, Johnny Ball, David Bellamy etc etc.
Hopefully, all this hot air will spawn, a few more politically incorrect UKIPPY colonial stylee ditties … and powers that be will either :-
get crosser and crosser fume and fume, until they explode with offence, or
bloody, GET OVER IT!.
Can we now express our feelings of offence whenever someone who is neither Irish, Welsh, Scottish or English sings one of the traditional songs of these nations? I will take extreme offence should Lenny Henry or one of his people of colour ever sings an English traditional song or acts in a traditional English play. Keep him away from Shakespeare. Can we please forbid anyone who is not African American from singing Blues, Jazz, etc.? And concerts where non German or Italian opera performers sing either Wagner or Verdi should have their licences immediately withdrawn.
I understand that the original version of the Star Spangled Banner was an English drinking song. That too should be banned.
Mike Read did not have to apologise, did not have to withdraw his song. Its a funny song, not very well performed, but far from offensive.
But then, the Socialist Worker Party and BBC trots, are in control. Whoops, they even control the programming of the Oxford Union.
A Reading newspaper reports a Labour idiot chastising Mike Reid. But it also carries a poll asking if you think the calypso is offensive. 79% so far are saying no, it is not offensive.
I can see possible reason for Reid to withdraw the song, as if he is a BBC employee he maybe should not be expressing political views so overtly ? But it really is a sign of PC Britain when a harmless bit of fun causes such a brouhaha.
And would you believe it – Chuka Ummama has joined in, trying to tag UKIP as racist – as usual.
The good news – UKIP stays in the news. A lot of those 79% are going to be annoyed that the censorship is closing the song down.
It would be even better if there were enough downloads to make the son No 1 for the week.
Now running at 81% not offensive. They might, however, take a leaf out of the BBC’s book and hide the results on the basis that they don’t think it representative of general opinion because, well, they just know these things to be true.
I await with interest the BBC giving a platform to those who wish to castigate rappers who use fake black American accents. Presumably that must be racist too, no?
I presume The Specials and UB40 will be banned from the bbc playlists? Both heavily influenced by reggae/black music and fronted by white men…disgusting.
As with many a BBC ‘law of unintended consequences meets karma, with a sprinkle of precedent’, there will likely be exemptions in the BBC’s secret bookie-wookie addendum to the Editorial Guidelines that clearly state it all only applies to people they don’t like.
But the scales of what they don’t cover, or play, and why, vs. what they do, and have done since time immemorial, will soon make them look even more daft and venal than now.
‘poll asking if you think the calypso is offensive’
84% No now. That went well then.
Guessing, in the spirit of SMLive, the BBC may feel, despite their clearly sack-of-rats affinity with a fellow employee, the public should be unaware of this result as much as possible too.
Looks like Labour, its councillors, MPs and Ministers have all scored another hit hitching to another banwagon falling off a cliff. The Miliband leadership style working down?
There are of course also the usual po-faced media PR shills who may be wiping a small dob of egg from their sanctimonious screens about now too.
I tend to fall back on (dark) humour when things turn grotesque as a coping mechanism, so I mean no disrespect for how this has affected me may come across:
What next? Lee Rigby on Ice the Pantomime, with George Galloway as Widow Twanky, staged by Woolwich UAF Am Dram Soc? With the director explaining his motivations on The One Show?
That this ‘art form’ was conceived at all with living relatives coping still is bizarre, much less against their express wishes.
But the as always forensic factual filleting of the BBC handling of the ‘interview’ truly appalls.
Maybe they should have wheeled in Mishal Husain to offer a critique a la BBC Pet Project DJ Nihal, along the lines of it could have been perked up a bit by having a Fogel scene in there too to even up the score more?
Maybe the Klinghoffers need to engage whoever worked with the BBC to get Mike Read to retract?
Even on an ‘art’ v. censorship basis: Silly ditty… psychotic terrorist murder atrocity, the parallels and precedent are clearly there.
In the interests of artistic integrity and historical accuracy the Kinghoffer Opera should include a walk on part from the prophet Mohamid whose teachings no doubt inspired and justified the killing of the American Jew. So in the interests of diversity who can play this important role, and why have the writers of this daring piece of art not written Mo into the script?
BBC were content to let the Mike Read UKIP Calypso song story lie at the bottom of the News page, when it was first announced. Now that he’s withdrawn it the story suddenly leaps to 3rd position importance.
I see the Daily Mail comments on this story have been gerrymandered, as are most UKIP stories that appear in the publication. The rating of the top 4 or 5 are completely out of kilter with the less higher rated ones that follow further down.
It begs a couple of questions, do the DM’s readership really hate UKIP that much? (unlikely) ; Does the DM hate UKIP and they are manipulating them? If not who is manipulating them?
Here in Canada our taxpayer funded main TV channel, CBC, love to ape the BBC.
Yesterday a muslim freak mowed down two soldiers in his car, killing one. After a brief chase the police shot the bastard dead (never mess with the police here, they are all armed)
Today a soldier standing guard at the main war memorial on Parliament Hill in the capital, Ottawa has been shot by a gunman.
No need to guess which religion is responsible.
The meme CBC are already floating is ……. no prizes for guessing ……. “muslims fear backlash”.
Another thing they mimic from the BBC.
These backlashes keep getting willed on, but seldom seem to actually manifest much (so far) beyond a snark on twitter or inappropriately displayed charcuterie.
Meanwhile not too much in the media about communities who may now legitimately be a bit edgy about being shot, sliced, rammed, etc in ongoing forward lashing by what does a appear a rather narrow demographic the establishment seems in denial about.
Clearly the ‘war started when they fired back’ meme pioneered by the BBC in the ME is being attempted elsewhere.
At least the Canadian cops described him as a muslim. Now the UK cops would just regard him as a man, and the BBC would take it no further. One day the UK police will accept that the world is not as PC as they are taught in their diversity courses.
I joined the UK police in 1977 having done military service and then travelling around the world training other countries’ armed forces.
Whilst I was at training school I had a complaint made to my by a visiting speaker, a labour councilor from south London because I had the temerity to scoff at his rose tinted PC comments. I did point out to him that, unlike him, I had seen first hand how many of those he was seeking to promote actually behaved in their own habitat.
Thankfully, at that time, the management gave me full backing.
We need a statement fast on why these shootings in Canada are nothing to do with Mulims/Islam and anyone who says so is a racist. The BBC must interview community leaders without delay. They must explain how worried they are about a backlash against the kindly folks in the RoP.
It is all the fault of right wing organisations of course, especially if their leader has been arrested and locked up for complaining because his family was being attacked by men from the RoP.
Global News in Canada, which tends to be slightly more worldly wise than other news outlets, had a speaker on this morning who was allowed to speak uninterrupted. I love Canadians (well I am one now) but they tend to be somewhat naïve and too trusting.
The speaker pointed this out and went on to say that it is now time for Canada to grasp the nettle and accept that the argument between civil liberty and security needs to be closely looked at. Essentially fire needs to be fought with fire.
Whilst not saying it yet I suspect that this speaker and others will quite rightly point to the source of the problem, muslims.
We now need to be discussing far closer scrutiny of all muslims in the west, and if need be, curfews and lockdowns and the immediate shutting of all muslim schools and mosques if there is the slightest whiff of terrorist teachings.
They either embrace the west or f**k off.
I for one am sick to death, as a white male, white haired OAP, being constantly stopped and frisked at airports, especially when I’m travelling with my white wife and my white nine year old daughter, whilst all the time seeing burka clad muslims and bearded jihadists being waved though without so much as a second glance.
In any eventuality it is time to stop all muslim immigration into western countries and to encourage repatriation.
Wonder if the BBC would be prepared to discuss that.
And when there’s a crisis in Canada, Beeboids do their best to censor the ‘M’ and ‘I’ words, as in ‘PM’ Radio 4 this evening.
And not ironically, the second item on ‘PM’ is on child sex abuse in Rotherham and Sheffield, with Beeboids avoiding ‘M’ and ‘I’ words and only managing words ‘Pakistani heritage’ etc.
So now as I type Muslim Jihadis have shot a soldier at the national war memorial dead, and have entered the Canadian Parliament where heavy shooting has been heard.
The BBC has entered full cover up mode, and reported it as ‘a man or men’ although the web page does note a Muslim convert.
Tonights news is again full of misbehaving ethnics with the BBC moaning about Sheffield Police covering up the abuse of white kids by Pakistani Muslims. Strange how they never seem to see the irony of this given their own behaviour.
Shooter in the Canadian Parliament. Message for Cameron and May: you can appease, you can deny that the religion of peace is ever involved in acts of terror, you can celebrate Eid, you can complain about white Christian faces, but your House of Commons is still at risk. You live in fear. We know why you are so tolerant of this peaceful religion but despite arresting critics you cannot guarantee safety. Our Government is headed by a bunch of appeasers – In the name of God – the Judao- Christian one – Go.
PS Listening to the Eddy Mayr show 5pm Canadians interviewed mention converts, and beards and Arab clothes. But the BBC were pushing at the argument that its because Canada joined aggression against those cuddly Isis chappies.
And now the BBC excuses for Muslims are coming out, that it’s all the fault of foreign policy, and if only the horrid white people just let Muslim terrorists get on with killing everyone they want to then life would be wonderful.
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas https://www.spiked-online.com/2025/02/23/the-bbc-is-turning-into-a-megaphone-for-hamas/
BBC censorship police:
-‘don’t use words “Muslim” and “Islamic jihad” here’;
-‘use instead words ”woman” and ”Syria” :-
“Terror suspect held over Syria investigation.”
The Islamisation of Luton?
“Five Britons A WEEK are flying out to join jihadis, says Met chief Bernard Hogan-Howe – and true figure may be higher as officers cannot keep watch on all routes.
“But Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said the true figure could be far higher.
“Sir Bernard has backed plans to hand police the power to seize passports.
“Police believe that number will leap by 50 per cent within a year.
“This is despite the deaths of up to 30 British jihadis in the fighting.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2802480/five-britons-week-flying-join-jihadis-says-met-chief.html#ixzz3Grln7mJa
“This is despite the deaths of up to 30 British jihadis in the fighting.”
I can’t help wondering what has happened to their passports and who will be using them to enter Britain.
Is Hogan-Howe mad? Seize their passports? How about a farewell party at the airport for them, the more that go the happier I’ll be. Of course they don’t represent the cult of islam though!
It looks like Mike Read ‘has been got at’ in asking his record company to withdraw the UKIP Calypso. No doubt under threat of the sack from his employers the BBC, who we know will not allow any of its employees to hold such right wing views, Johnny Ball, David Bellamy etc etc.
Another victory for the Fascist Left – a harmless piece of fun forced out by those whose profession is to be offended.
This piece of publicity will encourage thousands to download the song before it’s pulled, despite the BBC’s squeals of protest.
Hopefully, all this hot air will spawn, a few more politically incorrect UKIPPY colonial stylee ditties … and powers that be will either :-
get crosser and crosser fume and fume, until they explode with offence, or
bloody, GET OVER IT!.
Shall we start a list 😀
Can we now express our feelings of offence whenever someone who is neither Irish, Welsh, Scottish or English sings one of the traditional songs of these nations? I will take extreme offence should Lenny Henry or one of his people of colour ever sings an English traditional song or acts in a traditional English play. Keep him away from Shakespeare. Can we please forbid anyone who is not African American from singing Blues, Jazz, etc.? And concerts where non German or Italian opera performers sing either Wagner or Verdi should have their licences immediately withdrawn.
I understand that the original version of the Star Spangled Banner was an English drinking song. That too should be banned.
Mike Read did not have to apologise, did not have to withdraw his song. Its a funny song, not very well performed, but far from offensive.
But then, the Socialist Worker Party and BBC trots, are in control. Whoops, they even control the programming of the Oxford Union.
A Reading newspaper reports a Labour idiot chastising Mike Reid. But it also carries a poll asking if you think the calypso is offensive. 79% so far are saying no, it is not offensive.
I can see possible reason for Reid to withdraw the song, as if he is a BBC employee he maybe should not be expressing political views so overtly ? But it really is a sign of PC Britain when a harmless bit of fun causes such a brouhaha.
And would you believe it – Chuka Ummama has joined in, trying to tag UKIP as racist – as usual.
The good news – UKIP stays in the news. A lot of those 79% are going to be annoyed that the censorship is closing the song down.
It would be even better if there were enough downloads to make the son No 1 for the week.
here is the link :
Now running at 81% not offensive. They might, however, take a leaf out of the BBC’s book and hide the results on the basis that they don’t think it representative of general opinion because, well, they just know these things to be true.
I await with interest the BBC giving a platform to those who wish to castigate rappers who use fake black American accents. Presumably that must be racist too, no?
I presume The Specials and UB40 will be banned from the bbc playlists? Both heavily influenced by reggae/black music and fronted by white men…disgusting.
Was Sting a racist, with his White Reggae songs?
Maybe we should call the police (or even the Police).
Lance Pervival with his calypsos could be done for historical offensive imitation of ethnic songs.
As with many a BBC ‘law of unintended consequences meets karma, with a sprinkle of precedent’, there will likely be exemptions in the BBC’s secret bookie-wookie addendum to the Editorial Guidelines that clearly state it all only applies to people they don’t like.
But the scales of what they don’t cover, or play, and why, vs. what they do, and have done since time immemorial, will soon make them look even more daft and venal than now.
‘poll asking if you think the calypso is offensive’
84% No now. That went well then.
Guessing, in the spirit of SMLive, the BBC may feel, despite their clearly sack-of-rats affinity with a fellow employee, the public should be unaware of this result as much as possible too.
Looks like Labour, its councillors, MPs and Ministers have all scored another hit hitching to another banwagon falling off a cliff. The Miliband leadership style working down?
There are of course also the usual po-faced media PR shills who may be wiping a small dob of egg from their sanctimonious screens about now too.
What they need is a distraction, PDQ.
I tend to fall back on (dark) humour when things turn grotesque as a coping mechanism, so I mean no disrespect for how this has affected me may come across:
What next? Lee Rigby on Ice the Pantomime, with George Galloway as Widow Twanky, staged by Woolwich UAF Am Dram Soc? With the director explaining his motivations on The One Show?
That this ‘art form’ was conceived at all with living relatives coping still is bizarre, much less against their express wishes.
But the as always forensic factual filleting of the BBC handling of the ‘interview’ truly appalls.
Maybe they should have wheeled in Mishal Husain to offer a critique a la BBC Pet Project DJ Nihal, along the lines of it could have been perked up a bit by having a Fogel scene in there too to even up the score more?
Maybe the Klinghoffers need to engage whoever worked with the BBC to get Mike Read to retract?
Even on an ‘art’ v. censorship basis: Silly ditty… psychotic terrorist murder atrocity, the parallels and precedent are clearly there.
In the interests of artistic integrity and historical accuracy the Kinghoffer Opera should include a walk on part from the prophet Mohamid whose teachings no doubt inspired and justified the killing of the American Jew. So in the interests of diversity who can play this important role, and why have the writers of this daring piece of art not written Mo into the script?
BBC were content to let the Mike Read UKIP Calypso song story lie at the bottom of the News page, when it was first announced. Now that he’s withdrawn it the story suddenly leaps to 3rd position importance.
I see the Daily Mail comments on this story have been gerrymandered, as are most UKIP stories that appear in the publication. The rating of the top 4 or 5 are completely out of kilter with the less higher rated ones that follow further down.
It begs a couple of questions, do the DM’s readership really hate UKIP that much? (unlikely) ; Does the DM hate UKIP and they are manipulating them? If not who is manipulating them?
Here in Canada our taxpayer funded main TV channel, CBC, love to ape the BBC.
Yesterday a muslim freak mowed down two soldiers in his car, killing one. After a brief chase the police shot the bastard dead (never mess with the police here, they are all armed)
Today a soldier standing guard at the main war memorial on Parliament Hill in the capital, Ottawa has been shot by a gunman.
No need to guess which religion is responsible.
The meme CBC are already floating is ……. no prizes for guessing ……. “muslims fear backlash”.
Another thing they mimic from the BBC.
Latest update from someone inside the Parliament building where the gunman ran into.
Police have shot dead this bastard too.
Standby for BBC and all to foist muslim outrage onto us … “couldn’t have been overpowered” and yet more “muslims fear backlash”
These backlashes keep getting willed on, but seldom seem to actually manifest much (so far) beyond a snark on twitter or inappropriately displayed charcuterie.
Meanwhile not too much in the media about communities who may now legitimately be a bit edgy about being shot, sliced, rammed, etc in ongoing forward lashing by what does a appear a rather narrow demographic the establishment seems in denial about.
Clearly the ‘war started when they fired back’ meme pioneered by the BBC in the ME is being attempted elsewhere.
Latest update from someone inside the Parliament building.
Police have shot dead this bastard too.
Standby for BBC and all to foist muslim outrage onto us … “couldn’t have been overpowered” and yet more “muslims fear backlash”
And a double tap from me too. Sorry about that
At least the Canadian cops described him as a muslim. Now the UK cops would just regard him as a man, and the BBC would take it no further. One day the UK police will accept that the world is not as PC as they are taught in their diversity courses.
I joined the UK police in 1977 having done military service and then travelling around the world training other countries’ armed forces.
Whilst I was at training school I had a complaint made to my by a visiting speaker, a labour councilor from south London because I had the temerity to scoff at his rose tinted PC comments. I did point out to him that, unlike him, I had seen first hand how many of those he was seeking to promote actually behaved in their own habitat.
Thankfully, at that time, the management gave me full backing.
Where’s Shameron?
We need a statement fast on why these shootings in Canada are nothing to do with Mulims/Islam and anyone who says so is a racist. The BBC must interview community leaders without delay. They must explain how worried they are about a backlash against the kindly folks in the RoP.
It is all the fault of right wing organisations of course, especially if their leader has been arrested and locked up for complaining because his family was being attacked by men from the RoP.
Probably those “Men” again ?
Global News in Canada, which tends to be slightly more worldly wise than other news outlets, had a speaker on this morning who was allowed to speak uninterrupted. I love Canadians (well I am one now) but they tend to be somewhat naïve and too trusting.
The speaker pointed this out and went on to say that it is now time for Canada to grasp the nettle and accept that the argument between civil liberty and security needs to be closely looked at. Essentially fire needs to be fought with fire.
Whilst not saying it yet I suspect that this speaker and others will quite rightly point to the source of the problem, muslims.
We now need to be discussing far closer scrutiny of all muslims in the west, and if need be, curfews and lockdowns and the immediate shutting of all muslim schools and mosques if there is the slightest whiff of terrorist teachings.
They either embrace the west or f**k off.
I for one am sick to death, as a white male, white haired OAP, being constantly stopped and frisked at airports, especially when I’m travelling with my white wife and my white nine year old daughter, whilst all the time seeing burka clad muslims and bearded jihadists being waved though without so much as a second glance.
In any eventuality it is time to stop all muslim immigration into western countries and to encourage repatriation.
Wonder if the BBC would be prepared to discuss that.
Beeboids usually ignore things CANADA.
And when there’s a crisis in Canada, Beeboids do their best to censor the ‘M’ and ‘I’ words, as in ‘PM’ Radio 4 this evening.
And not ironically, the second item on ‘PM’ is on child sex abuse in Rotherham and Sheffield, with Beeboids avoiding ‘M’ and ‘I’ words and only managing words ‘Pakistani heritage’ etc.
At the moment things are presumably quite confused so we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.
After all the gunman/men could be white right-wing Canadian Supremacists dissatisfied at the influence of the left in Canada.
If it is no doubt we will hear it shouted from the rooftops.
So now as I type Muslim Jihadis have shot a soldier at the national war memorial dead, and have entered the Canadian Parliament where heavy shooting has been heard.
The BBC has entered full cover up mode, and reported it as ‘a man or men’ although the web page does note a Muslim convert.
Tonights news is again full of misbehaving ethnics with the BBC moaning about Sheffield Police covering up the abuse of white kids by Pakistani Muslims. Strange how they never seem to see the irony of this given their own behaviour.
Shooter in the Canadian Parliament. Message for Cameron and May: you can appease, you can deny that the religion of peace is ever involved in acts of terror, you can celebrate Eid, you can complain about white Christian faces, but your House of Commons is still at risk. You live in fear. We know why you are so tolerant of this peaceful religion but despite arresting critics you cannot guarantee safety. Our Government is headed by a bunch of appeasers – In the name of God – the Judao- Christian one – Go.
PS Listening to the Eddy Mayr show 5pm Canadians interviewed mention converts, and beards and Arab clothes. But the BBC were pushing at the argument that its because Canada joined aggression against those cuddly Isis chappies.
“We know why you are so tolerant of this peaceful religion ”
Do we? Do please tell those of us with mere suspicions !
And now the BBC excuses for Muslims are coming out, that it’s all the fault of foreign policy, and if only the horrid white people just let Muslim terrorists get on with killing everyone they want to then life would be wonderful.