Paris has the Eiffel Tower, we have the Matthew Parris, a tower of Piffel.
Matthew Parris, the wettest of wet Tories, the great mouldering tower of Piffel that he is, doesn’t like criticism….his critics, all rightwing fanatics….a bilious, bigoted, resentful underworld of fomenting Fascism given voice by the affable Nigel Farage….
Reading the comments on my Ukip columns, I finally understand the Nazis
It’s these voters’ opinions about their fellow countrymen, about foreigners, about immigrants, about Muslims, about MPs (all MPs), about the rich, about London, about culture, about business people, and about anyone of a liberal disposition, that have offered me the dismaying glimpse I describe. It’s a dark, bilious and resentful world down there among the readers’ posts.
I am coming miserably to the conclusion that a kind of collective mental illness can whip large numbers of people into a Gadarene rush — and reason is helpless in its path.
So no, these people aren’t Nazis and I’m sure never will be. But I have begun to understand the mass psychosis we call populism and, rather late in my life, almost to despair.
Remarkably, considering the title of his piece, he disengenuously claims he isn’t calling UKIP Nazis…..but, and there is always a but…they are really.
But I’ve had recently a glimpse into the psyche of populism in our era and country; and this has helped me understand how things might have felt in another.
That ‘other country’ of course being Nazi Germany.
Parris is conveniently offering us a ‘glimpse into the psyche of the liberal mindset’ as exhibited so well by those employed by the BBC…Parris so often being one of those.
The hatred of ‘populism’, which is a bit inconvenient in a democracy where the voice of the People is sacrosanct, the lofty condescension where someone of such superior intellect and morality has to ‘understand’ the mindset of the lower, inferior, less intellectually able classes…dismissed as ‘mentally ill’ by Parris, and the BBC’s so often aired narrative along the lines of its ‘Warning from history‘, a narrative that gratuitously links UKIP to the ‘Far Right’ and Nazism.
Must be a full moon again in Parris’ Piffel Towers.
Here’s a little backup for Parris from a soul mate, Giles Fraser, as he retweets this…
and oh look who said it originally…Michael Rosen, that voice of sanity and reason…..
Michael Rosen, BBC Radio presenter First tweet on Margaret Thatcher’s passing:
Parents, be careful when explaining to your children tonight who Thatcher was. Horror stories often best left till the morning. — Michael Rosen (@MichaelRosenYes) April 8, 2013
Why doesn’t he move to a country that doesn’t have democracy ?
The way things are going, he will probably find it more convenient to stay put…
The so called IS (Intelligencia State) is responsible for the virtual collapse of Western Europe’s civilisation. There was a time when Britain was great. Made great by Christian men of invention, industry, discipline and common sense.
Now we are ruled by the Parasitic Intelligencia, the likes of Parris who live in Ivory Towers and contribute nothing but sneering words condemning the people who just want democracy and not to be forced to submit to the foreign hordes that would destroy us.
Not only was Enoch right but perhaps the landladies of the 60’s who put up notices in their windows, saying no to certain types of folks, knew more than they were given credit for.
First they came for the landladies………………………………..
Did the landladies really put up those signs? I know Jeddah in Saudi has a whole motorway signed for Muslims only, but I think some of the tales about No blacks, No Irish, No Dogs signs in the UK are just myths.
When my family (of English-Irish stock) arrived in London from India after Partition (1947). My father, an Army officer ex-Indian Army, could only find a bench in Waterloo Station for his wife, two toddlers, and one babe-in-arms.
For four days and three nights we slept on benches and used Public Conveniences. Why? Because when my father knocked at house after house with notices in windows advertising “Room to Let ” he was told ” NO CHILDREN ! ” And you think it all started with Banglideshis and Pakistanis?
Lijang China. I don’t know how many Japanese were around to read the sign.
I don’t know if those signs ever existed. I’ve certainly never seen them myself, but then I was young and wasn’t looking for a place to rent in an inner city. What I say then, is based merely on suspicion: I suspect that it is over-played – quite possibly massively – and that suspicion is reinforced when I see younger politicos who couldn’t possibly have seen any such signs themselves, repeating the tale as if you couldn’t walk along any road in the country without encountering such placards. They are painting a false impression of the country in recent history for their own contemporary political benefit. The young, if they have any grasp of history at all, have a totally perverted image of the country in the first two or three decades after WWII – how it was and how they think it was bear no relationship to each other at all. Unlike them I remember it. It wasn’t that bad, a lot of babies have been thrown out with the bath water and common sense should tell anyone who had the ability to exercise some, that things couldn’t have been so bad for immigrants, otherwise they would stop coming. Instead the exact opposite is true.
Parris has resorted to hyperbole (of course he’s making comparisons to Nazi Germany, why else refer to it at all?) because he has discovered the social media. But in reality people are merely expressing on the internet the thoughts they, and their parents, have had for decades.
If that now means politicians listen to the concerns of the people that’s great. However I suspect people like Parris will use the occasion to dismiss the concerns of the people by categorising such things into boxes labelled “Populist nonsense.”
So be it Mr. Parris.
Twatterati, Faecesbook, what could be less interesting than the thoughts of Mathew (plaster of) Parris? Who cares tuppence what he thinks? Let’s hope his constituents can deselect this conceited metrosexual dandy and replace him with a conservative, or better still, a Ukipper.
Maybe “Populist” will now join “Racist and Sexist” as a pejorative?
“-ist: the Suffix Of Shame”
I quite like Parris’ writing and radio work, but his protest that he is not comparing UKIP to the Nazis takes disigenuity to a new level.
I would never compare Parris to an ageing, bitter, smug queer losing his looks but ….
Whenever I look at the wartime history of Norway I am always puzzled by the actions of Vidkun Quisling. How could he think that it was right to betray his country and its people to further the interests of a foreign ideology.
But the more I read Matthew Parris the better I understand the mass psychosis we call Eurofedralism, and the need of its devotees to follow Quisling’s example.
With the BBC playing the role of Radio Hamburg.
A much more dangerous illness than democratic populism , is the blindness of the elite useful idiot. It was people like Parris , who in the 30’s, believed that the USSR was good and wholesome and showed the way forward for all mankind. Even when the full horror of the USSR was exposed after the Second World War these idiots, still blinked by their own self delusion, continued to support the USSR. Some even went so far as to give the USSR the A Bomb which nearly resulted in nuclear war 15 years later.
The whole gamut of self delusion is being replayed in a grotesque rerun with new caste members , the useful idiots being played by the liberal left, with the BBC as their star performer, and the USSR being played by an even more sinister character , Muslim Fundamentalism.
How much more evidence do these fools , including the sanctimonious and over mighty BBC, require to convince themselves that having millions of muslims in this country, a significant proportion of whom are, at the very least, susceptible to the teachings of the fundamentalists, is a highly dangerous state of affairs?
What will it take to convince them that their views are wrong and dangerous? When the next terrorist outrage occurs, as it surely will do, will they find a way of saying its the West’s fault , or will they come to see the danger they have put us all in ?
How much blood do they want on their hands?
Michael Rosen says “ doesn’t walk in saying, our programme means militias, mass imprisonments, transportations, war and persecution”.
That could equally be said of any of the ‘great’ communist movements too.
Of course the militia don’t have to wear brown shirts, they could be all those local authority workers looking out for those in the special ‘equality’ categories. Mass imprisonment? Well the UK prison population has quadrupled over the last 100 years. Transportation? Like the ethnic cleansing of London’s East End and the so-called slums of our major cities. Wars? Well we haven’t been formally invaded since 1945 yet the UK army has been continuously deployed overseas since then. Persecution? Offer an opinion that doesn’t fit in with the Parris set’s view; hint that maybe the human species has two sexes and that is the natural order; question the value of an individual’s work output; stand back and await a torrent of abuse from our ‘tolerant’, ‘non-judgemental’, ‘diversity’ loving media rulers.
All you need to know about Rosen is here,
Terrifying that he is allowed anywhere near children.
HITLER WAS A ‘Green’ SOCIALIST” by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.)
‘Hitler was a fairly mainstream Leftist of his day. It must be remembered that he gained power by way of a democratic election, not by way of a revolution or a military coup. If any of that seems wrong to you, you need to keep reading’…
It was the Left who were on Hitler’s side, not the conservatives. And the Left were on his side because he was one of them.
My thoughts:
There are many similarities between the Liberal left and Hitler including the mechanism of media (BBC) propaganda and the totalitarian ‘Walter Malthusian) idealism to fosters (young blackshirts) through school camps introducing ‘food scares by way of of Green Food policies, Crisis Climate Change, National Abortion directives, Forced (disabled oe Autistic) sterilisation and disability (or now infirm/eldeley) proposed solution is ‘Euthanasia’, ‘Eugenics’ is already part of an adopted policy (UN Agenda 21), along with, liberalised multi-sexual ‘diversity’ and profitable exploitation for prostitution and adoption (babies for sale) paedophlia represent this ruling class abomination our working lives is the new EU power ‘dictat’ the liberal left have no morality.
There are some very scared people out there at the moment, scared of the fact that the normal people of the world are seeing through the ‘progressive’ garbage that people with a superiority complex, the likes of Parris and his liberal socialist mates suffer badly from, are forcing onto people who simply don’t want it.
Those people are then labelled as racist, bigots, right wing loonies and, finally, Nazis simply for disagreeing! At first people are scared to say anything remotely risky, then the backlash comes as the more power the liberals get the more they abuse their position, that worsens our lives which results in people becoming bolder in defending their way of life.
You can feel that build up happening, so can the liberals, hence the disgusting verbal attacks on millions of people who just want to have a say regarding the country that is as much ours as it is the liberals.
Parris is of no account and does not merit even this post. he knows nothing of old England and nothing of it’s people. We need to do what Parris cannot. Teach our children and grandchildren just what England really is and what a fine people we are.
Perhaps this is why he loathes us so much. He cannot ever do this.
Matthew Parris is and could never be a Mensa member, but he is an elitist with a hypocritical mental problem when it comes to Democracy and Fascism, who wishes to abolish Populist Democracy, because the Populist form of Democracy, wins elections by giving power to the majority, whilst his form of Democracy, worships and gives power to the minorities, such as the LibDems, Quangocrats, Foreign Bureaucrats and Members of the House of Lords.
The last people to call themselves Fascists where Italian, but the Italian group that UKIP are aligned with in the EU Parliament are a radical Direct Democracy group wanting to bring back powers from the EU elitists to the people of Italy, so that Italy and Britain can have the freedoms enjoyed by the people of Switzerland, which would only be possible if we left the EU. This is why the Freedom Association is so supportive of UKIP.
This proves that Matthew Parris is as hypocritical as a Socialist. Fascists, Nazis and Communists called themselves Socialists.
There is no evidence that UKIP are Socialists, but like Winston Churchill, the hatred of National Socialism does not make you immune from the possibility of the BBC labelling you a Nazi if you are a patriot who is proud to be British.
I tried to join Mensa, years ago. But my IQ was too high
If one is not taking unfair advantage, quite the contrary, Is cheating allowed?
I do not blame Mr Parris personally for his apparent demophobia. He would very naturally share this underlying fear of the general public with all tyrannies, whether individual or collective. There is always a time of reckoning, and every intelligent despot knows this, deep down.
He was perhaps predisposed to being groomed into the isolationist paranoia of the political cabal, having led an openly heterophobic lifestyle for many years. He is to be pitied rather than hated, certainly. Wit and waspishness maybe always have a sting in the tail – for the author, too.
Censored by INBBC ‘Education & Family’ News online?:-
Christian school ‘downgraded for failing to invite an imam to lead assembly.'”
Comment by Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Are any Islamic schools being downgraded for failing to invite Christian priests or ministers to lead assemblies? Doubtful in the extreme. In the wake of the Trojan Horse takeover plot of British state schools, British authorities appear to have decided that the remedy is to further the Islamization of schools. They appear intent on rushing their nation toward civil strife and disintegration. ”
-Comment above is on the following report-
“Christian school ‘downgraded for failing to invite an imam to lead assembly,’”
-by John Bingham, the Telegraph (£), October 19, 2014. ]
“Christian school faces closure ‘for failing to promote other faiths’ despite its academic success.
“Details of case revealed in complaint letter to the Education Secretary.
“Christian Institute group expressed fears of ‘disturbing consequences.’
Home Counties school ‘warned it could be downgraded by Ofsted.'”
Read more:
Of course, INBBC promotes the spread of Islam in Britain daily.
Is UK political class (inc INBBC) promoting a pro-Islam,
anti-Christian role for OFSTED?
“Back ‘British values’ or face closure, Christian school told”
How the the BBC endorse a British ‘Islamic’ School education: ‘The report found that Islamists had used ‘fear and intimidation’ to infiltrate school governing bodies in order to impose a ‘narrow faith-based ideology’. Children as young as six had been taught that western women are ‘white prostitutes’…
So no surprise that Ofsted want to impose that same set of values into the majority of Schools as that set by the BBC.
Beeboids tout the ludicrous lie that a calypso about UKIP is ‘racist’!
More votes for UKIP?
“DJ Mike Read defends UKIP Calypso song”
“‘Ukip Calypso’ is viral hit as Nigel Farage urges supporters to propel song to number one”
All together-
‘UKIP Calypso’ –