We know that Labour’s mass immigration policy was a secret scheme to ‘brown Britain’, to rub the Right’s nose in diversity, and that it was to be done without alerting the working classes who would undoubtedly see it for what it was…a policy designed to eliminate them from their place in Britain…to be replaced by a compliant workforce who will work cheaply and come ready educated and trained….something Labour failed to do for the British working class people they abandoned.
Today we can see that attitude blatantly on show on the BBC (20 mins) ….when Bill Oddie opines that Brits should be put on the scrapheap and their jobs, homes and school places taken by lovely immigrants……..
Bill Oddie claims working-class Brits should be ‘contained’
Bill Oddie has sparked outrage on Twitter after suggesting in a live television debate that British working-class families need to be “contained”.
The Springwatch presenter claimed the answer to Britain’s over-population problem was not curbing immigration, but instead restricting the size of British working-class families.
Oddie made his controversial comments on BBC1’s Sunday Morning Live during a debate entitled: “Is the UK too hostile to immigration?”
The 73-year-old said: “There should just as likely be a restriction on the number of children that British people have because over-population is what you are talking about here, the big problem.
“So you say these perfectly well-qualified people can’t come in, but the woman down the road has just had her tenth baby.
“Well I’m sorry, but they are the people that really should be contained. It would make a difference.”
Oddie has three daughters from two different marriages and lives in affluent Hampstead in north London with his second wife Laura Beaumont.
Earlier in the programme he claimed he was “ashamed” to be British and described the British as being a “terrible race”.
He said: “Historically, we seem to have built up this ridiculous idea that: ‘Oh, we are British, this is our island and we don’t want anybody else in it’.
“I personally loathe that kind of chauvinism and I’m happy to say I’m not proud to be British. In fact, I’m very often ashamed to be British.
All sentiments, simplistic and naive, we have heard expressed on the BBC, by presenters, all too often.
Curiously whilst the Left make an enormous racket about the Tories ‘demonising’ the working class, and who can forget Owen Jones’ ‘Chavs..The Demonization of the Working Class’, there is not a peep about Oddie’s comments…not from the BBC nor from the Guardian, or indeed from Jones himself…champion of the downtrodden and demonised.
I guess that much as they did with the likes of Rotherham the BBC will look away from something they would normally consider appalling in order to support their own agenda and favoured projects…in this case the BBC are probably, as you read this, trying to work out a way to report the story without making supporters of mass immigration like Oddie seem irresponsible nutters verging on fascist.
At least we get the truth though…Britain is overpopulated. Shame Oddie’s solution is to replace Brits with just about anyone who can worm their way in.
Sunday Morning Live’s introduction to the already slantedly titled programme, ‘Is UK too hostile to immigration?’, was naturally the usual BBC happy clappy ‘aren’t immigrants wonderful’ approach telling us to look at how much racism from nasty Brits they have to put up with..all caused by nasty ‘certain sectors of the media’….they brought us a football team in Northern Ireland made up of immigrants…why bother? Any Premiership team would surely suffice….curious that the BBC is quite happy to ask whether football teams should have quotas for foreign players in order to promote British players….and no mention of crime and little emphasis on the massive infrastructure problems on the programme….oh hang on immigration has given us more than it has taken away.
All the guests were pro-immigration and all too ready to dismiss this as alarmist scaremongering by those ‘certain sectors of the media’ along with the innate hostility and hatred Brits feel towards any foreigner…..Dr Lez Henry, the dreadlocked black speaker, steeped in hostility and grievance, Bill Oddie in his Liberal issue sandals oozing hatred for Britain and Britons.
There is a lack of ‘true facts’ apparently….but credit where due…we did get from two of them, Charlie Wolf, Michelle Dewberry, the message that uncontrolled immigration is bad for Britain….however wrapped up in the usual qualifications about alarmism and ‘untrue facts’….presumably along the lines of one ‘ethnic voice’ the BBC brought to us and who told us that essentially….’Britain is a very harsh place for immigrants…they get no benefits at all and have to rely on foodbanks to feed their children….Britain is not an attractive prospect at all for immigrants, life is very hard.’ Sian Williams agreed totally with that statement.
Thank god Britain is so unattractive…can’t imagine if it were attractive…perhaps we would have more than the 270,000 masochistic foreigners who emigrated here last year….where would they all go?
Just the usual BBC propaganda about immigration.
Shame…the propaganda failed.…
Poll result: 27% of people who responded said Yes the UK is too hostile to immigration, while 73% said No.
“There should just as likely be a restriction on the number of children that British people have because over-population is what you are talking about here, the big problem.” To allow space for immigrants ?
It was a British people that sacrificed a substantial part of its population in two world wars, fighting for the freedom of this nation other nations, and indeed for the freedom of speech to enable that ‘Bird Brain’ to have his say? The man is off his tree.
So, Odious Oddie is ashamed to be British? Yet he’s happy enough to take money from British taxpayers for his ‘job’. If he really doesn’t like Britain, or the British, he should leave.
Surely you mean he should emulate his ‘feathered friends’ and migrate.
NO just fuck off !!!!!!!
Indeed I would sooner swop him for a hard working immigrant!
Just posted this on the Weekend thread, about the result of the vote on Sunday Morning Live:
No surprise to me, (and I bet many others), that the BBC does not want the result of this vote given any publicity.
Result: 73% do not agree we are too hostile to immigration.
This result certainly agrees with my streetwise view in the way our country is at the top of the world’s premier league of nations welcoming so many people from around the world with friendliness and help wherever possible.
It is not that we are racist bigots, as the left and their BBC indoctrination arm wants the world to believe, but it certainly is about:
– overwhelming numbers
– depressed wages
– queues at A&E
– unable to get GP appointments
– shortage school places
– house price inflation through high demand
– benefit scroungers
– radicalised Muslims
– social cohesion fail
– Multi-culti fail
– Unwanted cultural changes in our towns and cities.
– Shairia Law
– Pakistani Muslim rape and abuse of underage non-Muslim girls by the thousand all over our land (mainly under Labour auspices).
– Muslims going off to Jihad.
– Child benefit going to children not living in the country.
– Foreign Criminals coming here without any checks going on to murder and commit crime.
– Our Prisons disproportionately full of Muslims and others non-indigenous British .
Roll on when we no longer have to pay for BBC misinformation and left slanted indoctrination in all political and cultural affairs in our country .
Many of those that agreed with the question were probably immigrants or second generation. So the true % of Brits who agreed with the question is probably well over 80%.
What Labour would like to see in the UK, is what their political cousins have achieved in Sweden.
Sweden – Ship of fools
Pat Condell talks a lot of sense. What’s happening in Sweden WILL happen here if something isn’t done.
Mark Steyn’s piece posted elsewhere spelled out the statistics, the demographics. If the Muslim community has a birthrate of 3.5 children while the idigenous population keeps to the existing birthrate, a ratio of 90 indigenous to 10 Muslims in any community would become 50/50 after two generations. And of course in many many towns and boroughs this effect has already happened.
Steyn had 2 messages – wake up and recognise these demographic realities, if you feel that Islam is a threat to your culture. And cease all further sizeable Muslim immigration.
Do we want to keep our culture ?
Stopping Islamic immigration is now too late. Such is the existential threat, that nothing less then the reversal of Islamic immigration will do.
The only thing that may save us is that Muslims will get impatient, and try to establish sharia by force. This they have to, as conquest by force and blood, is the only way that Jihad’s gains are recognised.
You don’t need to pay. Just stop. Have no contact in any way with BBC or Capita and do not answer your door to them.
Frankly to fund the BBC of today is to fund child rape and terrorism.
They are no less than a criminal organisation.
Bill Oddie opines that Jews should be put on the scrapheap and their jobs, homes and school places taken by lovely Germans.
If I am not mistaken Britain and most of Europe’s ‘native’ birthrate has fallen below replacement levels i.e. less than 2 children per family. As ethnicity is not recorded it is hard to verify that claim.
The “woman down the road with 10 kids” is more than likely wearing a bloody burqa. What a wanker.
Or speaking Romanian.
What a pity – I had quite warmed to Mr Oddie, especially when he shared honours with Johnny Ball et al, of being ousted from the BBC for being insufficiently on-message (in Mr O’s case, something to do with Humble’s Tit, or am I dreaming?).
It’s not so much the distasteful opinions that stand out – they are common enough. It’s the evident celebrity fearfulness of ‘uncontrolled’ public opinion, which Mr O wishes to solve in a horrifically ‘biological’ manner – how appropriate for what passes now for a natural scientist. However, it’s just demophobia again – maybe he should get together with Messrs Parris (qv) and Attenborough.
‘Shame…the propaganda failed.…
Poll result: 27% of people who responded said Yes the UK is too hostile to immigration, while 73% said No.’
It wasn’t that long ago, but wasn’t there another poll on this programme (or at the weekend) where the results didn’t suit the narrative and vanished from their blog page?
Like this:
Is the UK too hostile to immigration?
We are sorry; this vote is now closed.
The results of this vote are not available to the public at this time.
Is this the same one, or another? If so, what happened to it?
If different, getting to be a wee bit of a habit, isn’t it?
‘The results of this vote are not available to the public at this time.’
Or to put it another way, ‘The results of this vote are not available to the licence fee payers at this time.’
Or…The results of this vote are not available to the owners of the BBC and the people who pay our wages, at this time.’
Or…The results of this vote are not available to the people who we have complete and utter contempt for, at this time.
I posted on the weekend thread, the result is on their Facebook page at
27 to 73 % in opposition to the bbeb view.
The one I am thinking of was back in late Aug/early September.
Under a similar title, ‘Is multiculturalism working?’ IIRC.
It too was obliterated from the record.
I think it was noted here too.
Consistently erasing results of their own polls whose results don’t suit smacks of pretty serious self-censorship.
Think you mean this Sunday Morning Live vote – on Mulit-culti has failed – 95% of voters agreed!
More importantly there was Sunday Morning Live vote on immigration which surprised them all – If I recollect correctly it was over 80% against ?
Owen clearly keener on other polls, and the BBC clearly agreeing that way as they appear to vanish any that don’t suit.
Raising the question surely what poll results by the BBC does the BBC rush to headline with, and which not, and why? HYS closings too, when things go off piste.
As with any media they are addicted to polls, but cannot get away with cherry picking on such a scale, especially with their own, without serious questions on impartiality.
The SML setee didn’t seem very multi culti.
Well worth watching. It gives a deep insight into what I felt but was unable to put into such sharp focus as Mr Steyn does.
Consistently erasing results of their own polls whose results don’t suit smacks of pretty serious self-censorship.
But they are doing it for our good. Dontcha see?
Here’s how it works at the BBC:
The BBC are running a radio programme on immigration and have decided to allow some callers to discuss the topic.
Quentin: “OK Adrian, how many callers have we had?”
Adrian: “We had 100 callers, 95 against immigration and 5 for it”.
Quentin: “Well, we’ve only time for 10 callers so we’ll take 5 from each group so it’s balanced”
Adrian: “OK, well here are the names of the callers we will use”
Quentin: “Hang on a minute, there’s a Nigel Foster on the list of those who are against immigration”
Adrian: “Er, I don’t understand the significance of the name”
Quentin: “Well, isn’t he the leader of UKIP?”
Adrian: “That’s Nigel Farage”
Quentin: “I know it’s Nigel something… we can’t be too careful… best not use it.”
Adrian: “You’re right. Don’t want people complaining about bias”
Quentin (back on air): “Okay, we are now ready to hear from a selection of callers. Most of our speakers favour immigration, but we’ll let everyone have their say…”
Judging by the size of his bulging stomach, the Britain hating Bill Oddie has spent most of his 73 years on this planet eating pies. He should volunteer to be turned into Soylent Green, and make space for some nice immigrants to move into his big house in Hampstead.
Be off with you ! I don’t fancy the thought of tucking into a steaming plate of Oddie and chips, thangyewverymuch. You’d end up with bits of beard and twig between your teeth for a start.
While we’re bagging the ‘Bearded Tit’, how in the name of all that’s holy did this unhappy troglodyte bag Laura Beaumont who was quite the dish back in her days on Sale Of The Century ? How drugged would you have to be ? Jeepers. 🙁
Such a shame. I’d always liked Bill Oddie, despite knowing he’s a leftie, but this is inexcusable nazi-style racism. His mother apparently had mental health problems according to his “Who do you think you are”, it shows that in his case it is genetic.
I’d always liked Kate Humble until she did a piece on the trail of frankinsence. She met lots of people on the way, and spoke to two charming and friendly so-called Palestinians who were reasonableness personified. These men were anti-Israel but not in a violent way (iirc). She interviewed only one Israeli, (he might have been a reform rabbi) who was overweight, had carrot-ginger hair and beard, wore thick glasses and a kippah and spoke in an irritatingly high-pitched, hectoring voice. He was demanding the destruction of the mosques on Temple Mount and there was nothing reasonable or pacific about him. Kate did a classic stare at the camera with a resigned shrug and said nothing.
If anybody who didn’t know the truth was watching; they would have to conclude that all Israelis are unreasonable and aggressive and want to commit heinous acts against the clearly friendly and decent so-called Palestinians. I lost interest in Nazi-Humble then, and now I’ve lost interest in Nazi-Bill. And they all worked for the so-called BBC!
Does this ‘containment’ mean forced abortions of English Foetuses or sending the English off to gas chambers to reduce the number?
Sounds very much like it – proves Labour are a load of fruitcakes, loons and totally unfit to hold public office.
Sending people to gas chambers is what socialists used to do, isn’t it?
More than 6 million abortions in England since the passing of the 1967 act. Hmm… 6 million. Where have we heard that number before?
For once senility results in the unadulterated truth , Mr Oddies views are completely in line with Liberal Inquisition’s the only thing he did differently is voice them openly.
It has been clear for some time that the BBC not only sees itself in the business of social ,but also racial engineering, a project dear to the heart of the bourgeois left.
They (the liberal left)have been quite about it since the end of the 2nd world war and the revelations of the National Socialist project in Germany .But recently we have had high priest of the liberal inquisition ,Dick Dawkins, openly calling for the abortion of sub-standard foetus’ and Milliband signing up the Party to assisted suicide and now Mr Oddies out-burst , perhaps they feel enough time has past so they can revisit the ideas of Wells and his paramour Sanger.
Oh and Mr Oddie if you feel that population control is so vital perhaps you should do the decent thing .I’m sure Ed has a few contact numbers you could try
‘Such a shame. I’d always liked Bill Oddie….’
I share that feeling – something to do with growing up with the Goodies. Although nowadays he is rather soppy about animals.
To give him credit, Oddie did blow the gaff on the BBC not knowing about Savile. Check You Tube, somewhere there you will find Oddie telling us ‘everyone at the BBC knew, the rumours were common knowledge’. This made Oddie one of the very few Beeboids to break ranks. Most towed the party line.
Concerning his anguish at being British and his willing the replacement of the English with people he finds more colourful – this is in fact standard Leftist thinking these days – although few of that ilk are forthright enough to say it out loud.
Look on the bright side, Oddie is refreshingly honest about his nutcase Leftist views.
To give a bit of light relief I recall a spat between Bill Oddie and John Peel.
Beeboid on Beeboid fire is always entertaining.
The former Goodie dismissed Peel and his show as playing a load of irrelevant nonsense records. To which the disgruntled posh would-be-Liverpudlian DJ replied with a quick rendition of ‘The Funky Gibbon’.
OUCH!!!!! Touche Monsieur Peel….Touche….
Apparently old Bill lives in lovely, affluent Hampstead. And there was me thinking the enlightened one lived on a housing estate in east London. Had he dared to mouth such an obscene and hostile opinion on any other race in Britain his fat little feet wouldn’t have touched the ground. As it was he chose a safe and soft target, the white working class, the very people who fund this ugly little parasite. These vile, well heeled, lefty racist tossers always seem to find a willing collaborator in the Beeb.
Can’t think why…
He was born in Rochdale, then famous for Gracie Fields, but a nondescript town back in 1941.
Why didn’t he move back there when his daughters were growing up ? They would have been enriched by the new vibrant cultural diversity that was changing the face of Rochdale.
Maybe he already knew about the huge problem with asian grooming and decided to protect his daughters from the fate that befell so many of the young white girls he despises so much. The man is clearly as mad as a box of frogs.
“Apparently old Bill (Oddie) lives in lovely, affluent Hampstead.”
Don’t these liberal/left-wing hypocrites ALWAYS live in Hampstead or somewhere equally affluent? Just as they can be socialists without the inconvenience of living in a socialist country, so they can bang on about the benefits of mass immigration knowing they are safely insulated against it by their wealth and high property prices. And, true to type, Oddie doesn’t want any other opinions to be allowed :
“Challenged by the presenter, Sian Williams, to leave Britain if he didn’t like it, he replied: “You don’t leave it, you’re talking like Ukip or something. For God’s sake, shut up!” (Daily Telegraph)
We need a new Northern rebellion, where fighters are armed with lethal black puddings to march on Parliament.
Wait – didn’t Bill Oddie and the Goodies do an episode about that ? 🙂
Eeh by gum – the lost martial art of Ecky Thump
Talking of Rochdale and Gracie Fields, did you spot the musical nod (“Wish Me Luck”) at the start ?
Gracie Fields the Rochdale Lass who couldn’t wait to get away. Just like professional Scotsman Shaun Connery. Lets face it, If I was born and raised in Rochdale I’d piss-off as soon as I could also
Connery threatened to return to Scotland if they voted for independence. I bet one reason the majority voted against, was because they didn’t want him. Connery is another hypocrite. He lives in Spain because he hates the Union, yet whinged and whined about not being knighted by the head of that Union, the Queen.
I would’ve have sold my house just to see the look on that miserable old bastard’s face when he heard the Scots had voted against independence. He probably consoled himself by slapping his wife around. Which is another reason I can’t stand him. He believes in hitting women. No real man would do that.
I have said for a long time that the left and labour abandoned the white working class. Now it seems their policy is to cull them.
Yet still the numpties vote for them in their thousands??
Yes, UKIP should get bloody nasty and really play on the way that Labour have abandoned the white working class, day after day, pour it on and work it into the labour voters how they have been used and abused……UKIP should aspire to be the working mans party, while embracing the industrial and commercial leaders too, a tough act, but essential to progress.
I always say, some people are so thick they’d vote for a pile of dog excrement if it had a red rosette on it. I cannot stand people who vote for a particular party, especially Liebour, simply because their parents, grandparents and great grandparents voted for them. It shows an appalling lack of free will and thought.
For socialists, the working class are only canon fodder. Once the revolution is successful, it devours the unwashed.
I always thought Bill was slightly Oddie. His revolting comments on Sunday Morning Leftist confirms my beliefs.
Can one imagine BBC-NUJ giving equivalent propaganda broadcasting time to another minor celebrity to counter Oddie’s anti-British remarks, by criticising immigrants?
“UK ‘40% ethnic minorities by 2050′”
This “containment” idea doesn’t surprise me. I’m not one for hyperbole but in rare cases it can be used to wake-up people, so:
The systematic % reduction of native groups in the UK by faster breeding groups imported from outside, and this “containment” idea is genocide.
That’s right. I said genocide. Because that’s what it is: in an attempt to commit the “destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.”
Is precisely what is happening to English cultures in some parts of the UK as we struggle to compete (breeding-wise) with new groups.
Remember you don’t have to bring about the demise of a group in one go. But slowly and surely that is what will happen to the Anglo-Saxon descendants in England.
Here are some definitions of genocide, many of which are applicable here – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_definitions. Question: Does mass immigration of this scale and purpose constitute a war crime?
Surely bill oldie has broken the law by attacking the ethnic British population ? Just because he is white does not mean he is exempt from laws governing racism ? If he had used the term Pakistani or African or black he would be getting a visit from PC plod ? Why are people not contacting their local police forces and making complaints that he has made racial comments about their relatives ? phone now, complain now.
A Goodie idea Western Crusader.
thank you old bloke, we need some 1017’s in this country to restore 1072 🙂
According to my Ian Allen, I cabbed 1072 at Bristol! Ah, those were the days, sigh.
Q: Surely bill oldie has broken the law by attacking the ethnic British population ?
A: No. The ethnic British population are not protected by such laws.
Q: Just because he is white does not mean he is exempt from laws governing racism ?
A: No, but as his targetted victims are white he is exempt.
Q: If he had used the term Pakistani or African or black he would be getting a visit from PC plod ?
A: Yes, he would feel the full force of the law.
Q: Why are people not contacting their local police forces and making complaints that he has made racial comments about their relatives ?
A: Because in accordance with the answer to the first question the police are not interested. Any person who made a complaint to the police would be likely to find themselves under investigation.
Any more questions?
So, myself not being an expert on the law you are saying the law treats members of the population differently according to their skin colour and ethnicity?
How is that treating all as equal under the law ?
So I could go on TV and call some white person a total piece of white sh1t, a white retard who ought to be sterilised to stop reproducing white scum and nothing would be said or done to me ?
How did we end up with such a blatantly unfair law ?
Who put that on the statute book?
Mrs Blair (with the help of hubby)?
Everyone is protected against race discrimination. There are numerous cases involving white people especially the Irish!
Bill Oddie wouldn’t be a Fabian, by any chance?
“The End of the World as We Know It, with Mark Steyn”
(38 min video, 2010.)
My comment seemed to end up in the wrong place. This is well worth watching and explains in piercing logic what I felt but was unable to say exactly why I felt it.
Stein said one thing that I had not really thought about before but it is pretty obvious. Labour started all this mad immigration malarkey, not to make Britain Muslim which would be counter-productive for them or to replace our culture or any other race related infamy, but to replace the missing population caused by low indigenous birth-rates. All to maintain the Welfare State. They need a high birth rate to pay the tax required by an all consuming state machine. Without the tax the Welfare State collapses and with its collapse goes Labour’s power.
Yes a timely book and interview on the problems in Europe, – although targetted at America it is accurate. Basically a demographic ‘time bomb’ is being unleashed with the liberal (BBC types) of weak willed wets surrendering to the Islamic state being largely ignorant of the fact that they too will immediatley perish if it comes to pass). America may survive, Europe is already besieged with Islamic idealist following Arabic laws funded by Saudi oil money. This is the source of the problem of non-integration with western culture and head on confrontation apocalypse. Wise up or die is the message from Mark Steyne. If only his kind of discussion on the BBC was possible, alas not and they never will introduce such talk – contrary to the liberal elitism that has submerged the nation and rest of Europe. The result is the title of his book.
What Oddie forgets is that as a country becomes more developed and civilised, the birthrate slows down and, eventually in many countries, actually starts decreasing.
It does this naturally UNLESS you start importing millions of immigrants from poor countries, who not only personally add to the population but also bring their countries high birthrate with them.
Parris,Oddie and soon a lot more. Scared all of them. Scared stiff.
I put forward to a die hard Tory today the notion that Farage is the last chance the liberal establishment has. Only UKIp can defuse the situation
The mood in England has really changed. About time and it is not in the liberal’s favour. The time for argument is over and unless the current establishment delivers what we want then we will soon to be in different territory. I listened to Barroso speaking tonight. It is clear that we cannot remain in the EU and regain control of our laws and borders. If the liberal establishment thinks we can be fooled over this then it needs it’s head tested. That includes the Cameron clique.
Oddie and the rest do not understand. Their insults are not just offensive but positively counter productive. To insult your own people is the ultimate weakness and despicable..
Parris and Oddie and soon the many more are an ancien regime. Soon to be a historical curiosity and laughed at by all.
Yes, just in case anybody still needed a wake-up call, Baroso obligingly came and provided it. This reportedly ex-Maoist from a tiny and bust country basically came here and laid the law down. We are a colony and we need to declare independence. It won’t be pretty; it never is. But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Incidentally, there is a snippet on the latest Kaiser Report involving Mitch Fierstein (if that’s how you spell it) about Baroso. Kaiser can be a tit, but Fierstein is often worth listening to if Kaiser will shut up and let him talk. It will be on Youtube or the RT site.
I’m with Bill on this. I’m ashamed Bill is British also
It was reassuring to be told by Dianne Abbott on R4 last week, that the drugging, torture and rape of white school girls by Pakistani savages, was just an “urban myth”
As opposed to those millions of black centurions that she personally discovered were marching around Britain “hundreds of years before Christ”, which was totally factual.
Sorry to be politically correct but it is Pakistani Muslim savages.
Bob, I like the cut of yer jib young feller-me-lad!
Just when I think that woman can sink no lower!
Yes, but we all know that Abbott is the Queen of the non-white racists. Anyway, give her a couple of large Big Mac meals and a large piece of chocolate cake and she soon shuts up.
“…give her a couple of large Big Mac meals and a large piece of chocolate cake and she soon shuts up.”
No wonder she’s sinking.
I hate the BBC it is very biased. I couldn’t believe a report a couple of weeks ago about ‘a poor suffering girl trapped in Cali’s’. She couldn’t get into Britain and the conditions for the people in the camps were awful, excuse me while I wipe away my tears! Piss off back to where you came from, or to one of the many other countries you passed through to get to Calis. The report was like a Disney film totally biased and overly sentimental. This is what we have to pay our licence for! On the other hand you have to blame our politicians for allowing our country to be overrun. Who wouldn’t want to come to the UK for a better life and get all the freebies? Bill Oddie is prat, have you seen how many children Muslims have? At least twice as many as the average English family. It makes me sick how our way of life, and our Englishness is being decimated. I live in East London and it is a real hell hole, no hope for it, and it is spreading outwards, very sad.
Mr Oddie seems to have a very selective memory. I can’t be the only person here who remembers a certain episode of ‘The Goodies’ that dealt with mass immigration to the UK can I?
As I recall, the plot was that the eponymous trio had been abroad for a while and returned to the UK to find it full of black people. As they came through Heathrow, a television was showing a black man who looked like Idi Amin ranting and the caption stated it was Enoch Powell (sic). That scene was used as a device to show how much the country had changed.
I can’t remember the entire episode so would be grateful if anybody else could elaborate. The BBC has probably destroyed all taped copies of that episode. I do hope not. If anybody has a copy of that episode, please, please put it on YouTube.
That definitely rings a bell with me too…….
The “South Africa” episode is still on DVD.
Many thanks for reminding me of the name of that episode and the link. I think I will buy the box set before the PC brigade, egged on by the BBC, try and destroy the remaining stocks.
Years ago I was looking for a complete set of Goodies series on DVD out of sheer nostalgia. As with Monty Python the BBC did not provide full series but only partial ones. Unlike Monty Python the original series could not be bought from the States.
This set is a combination of two previous DVD sets and does not contain full series. So be warned it is not the full shilling.
NB The only full Goodies series on DVD are the ITV ones – which are not as good as the first, BBC, ones.
Thanks for the warning about the missing episodes. Do I detect some censorship going on behind the scenes? Perhaps the modern BBC is trying to airbrush its past.
FWIW see here for a full list of BBC episodes. As you can see quite a few are missing.
Just noticed another episode in that list which now sounds remarkably prescient (or were the Goodies trying to draw attention to something they knew?) called ‘Scatty Safari’. In it the Goodies have to rid the land of a plague of Rolf Harris’s. Was using the term plague a metaphor for Rolf seeming to be everywhere?
This just gets better and better.
Interesting, its almost like the BBC is trying to airbrush the past to prevent embarrassment.
That’s what I thought, funnily enough. There are quite a few episodes where the Goodies black up so …
Wel, well, well…..yep, i remember that too…..Oddie you worthless pile of shite…..F.O.A.D…..
I remember it , I was about 12 or 13 at the time 1972 or 73 , I think . They repeated the Kitten Kong one, on BBC2 or 4 , not that long ago. At the time ,the political aspect of the satire, I was not aware of, but I remember them doing a film made only in `white` for export to South Africa.Thought it was funny at the time .
Bill Oddie and his grandchildren
No hypocrite, at least.
“…when Bill Oddie opines that Brits should be put on the scrapheap and their jobs, homes and school places taken by lovely immigrants…”
Well done Alan, another post based on little more than lies and misinformation.
“Bill Oddie claims working-class Brits should be ‘contained’”
Here’s what he actually said [talking about supposed pressure on public services];
“There should just as likely a restriction on the number of children that British people have, or people in general. Because over-population is what you’re talking about here; the big problem. So you say, ‘oh these perfectly well qualified people can’t come in’ but the woman down the road has just had her tenth baby. Well I’m sorry, but they’re the people who should be constrained.”
Not at any time does he mention the “Working Class”.
Indeed, it is you Alan that jumps to the conclusion that “a woman with ten kids” must be, and could only be, a member of the White Working Class.
Bill Oddie didn’t say that; you did.
A pitiful example of your own prejudice and raging hypocrisy.
Whilst not mentioning any particular groups by name, Herr Hitler spoke passionately on the need for certain populations to be “constrained”. Understanding what he meant, the audience responded enthusiastically.
“Indeed, it is you Alan that jumps to the conclusion that “a woman with ten kids” must be, and could only be, a member of the White Working Class.
Bill Oddie didn’t say that; you did.”
So to which group was he referring? I’m sure Bill Oddie knows exactly to whom he refers, and it is clear to everyone else who he means as well. You know that Alan is right on this, in just the same way you cannot deny that Oddie was calling for the culling of the ethnic British.
And you, Dez, are without prejudice and raging hypocrisy on anything yourself??…..yep…right…ok….go forth and….well you know.
just wow at that horrible little man
he has basically said what ALL leftwingers really think of British people and it is no wonder we are in the mess we are in because those people run everything now
People tend to assume that entertainers must have something interesting to say off-stage and, in particular, that comedians must be nice jolly people.
Wrong. I don’t automatically expect my window cleaner to be an expert on anything other than window cleaning. Same applies to people in the entertainment industry, and movies in particular.
What a disgusting snobby comment. You’re no better than Bill Oddy.
It wasn’t snobby it was just common sense and quite correct.
Read it again, carefully. Use a finger if necessary.
My window cleaner might have a deep interest in quantum theory, he might not. I don’t expect it automatically.
On the other hand, there seems to be an assumption that anyone who plies his/her trade in front of a camera automatically has something of significance to say on important national issues. We all know who they are and, as far as I’m concerned, they’re no more important than my window cleaner, or my doctor, or whoever.
Is it clearer now?
Like a lot of people you are incapable of reading closely. The clue is the word ‘automatically’
Precision in the use of language seems to have passed you by.
LLDD or Lefty Logic Deficit Disorder – quite a common illness amongst our BBC-loving friends.
“We know that Labour’s mass immigration policy was a secret scheme to ‘brown Britain’, ”
Must tell all the Poles and other Eastern Europeans I meet to brown up then as they look suspiciously white to me. It’s these newcomers that ALL shades of colour already living here object to. Better read the UKIP views a bit more carefully.
As for Oddie, he seems to be living up to his name as he is bipolar and probably needs another spell of rest…
Is it really the newcomers from Eastern Europe that people already here object to? Or is it just that’s the only group the BBC will let you talk about?
Exactly. We are using the EU immigrants as code for those we can’t mention on the BBC and dare not mention because the law will be used to shut us up.
Like non-EU immigration from Somalia, Afghanistan and Pakistan ?
Or EU immigration of Algerians and Moroccans from France ?
Don’t be taken in by some fantacists who think UKIP has a hidden agenda to rid the country of all ethnic groups. It hasn’t. If it had such views it would have the support levels of all the other fringe parties who do; bugger all. It would also guarantee its trouncing at the next election.
Watch Cameron’s moves carefully. He’s targeting Bulgaria and Romania quite deliberately as they come up on all the surveys as being the the cause of unease as they don’t stop coming!
If you want to find out what UKIP are trying to avoid, reading the rise and fall of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party is instructive.
UKIP isn’t making the same mistakes, but Cameron knows how to blunt its impact. Why do you think he appointed Lynton Crosby as an advisor, the man who destroyed One Nation’s impact?
Cameron might know how to blunt UKIP’s impact, but I don’t know anyone who is still listening to him.
The problem is the one whose name people dare not speak. The problem is not the EU. The problem is The Commonwealth. That is where the brown peple come from: Pakistan. India, Bangladesh, Africa, countries who were granted their independence 50 years ago but appear to have an open door here (to protect the jobs of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office staff?)
Problem is a few Brits think their escape route is white English-speaking Australia, so they want to keep open the portal that admits traffic the other way: The Commonwealth.
Our wealth, for them. Plus for us, AIDS, FGM, Ebola, 911 fraud, school places at £6,000 a year for a big family, free NHS maternity, what’s not to like? Can’t say it, can they. Political correctness, the real boot stamping on the human face. Orwell never really forsaw Multiculturalism. Airstrip One, all that, was pre-Commonwealth Invasion.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying toryboy , I am very worried if the evil Millipeed, & his henchmen get back in ,at the next election , England will be subjected to a `Reign of Terror ` the like we have never seen . Thats why I am voting Conservative , & not Ukip .
Surely the key point is that we should vote smart, rather than getting too hung up on Tory v UKIP!
If you are for UKIP in southern England, it might still be worth swallowing hard and voting Tory, especially if your Tory MP or candidate is Euro-sceptic. In urban northern England, UKIP will have the best chance of beating Labour, so it’s worth it for Tories to vote for them (look at what happened recently in Heywood & Middleton, where Labour could easily have been unseated!)
BBC favourite Billy Bragg organised vote swapping in Dorset to help Labour win (in 1997 I think). The four Dorset seats had all been Tory, so he encouraged Lib-Dem and Labour supporters to swap votes, helping whichever of their two candidates had the best chance of winning. The result was that the four MPs returned were two Tories, one Labour and one Lib-Dem.
So, remember the 2010 result where you live, keep a look out for any local opinion polling and pick the one most likely to defeat Labour.
Vote Tory get Labour.
I see Dez is still on that nightshift at aljabeeba.
He must love those dark shifts to spend all this time at HQ at night.
Wonder what he does all day.
Bill Oddie likes watching Blue Tits which is ironic since he’s a Tit himself.
To be fair, on a Detectives episode, where he guested as a bird expert, he called himself “a Bearded Tit”.
Can you imagine if Bill Oddie said black and muslim families need to be contained ?
Yet Anti White racism is perfectly acceptable.
Surely what he has said is discrimination, which is against the law in the UK? Why have the Police not got involved and taken him in for questioning? Why is no one in the media the slightest bit outraged about this? Why did no one ‘contain’ his parents 73 years ago? Bill Oddie, you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself for your grossly unpatriotic behaviour, especially in light of the fact that you have done very nicely out of the British tax and licence-fee payer.
I wonder if in Muslim culture they have an RSPB equivalent or programmes like Springwatch etc . Bill Oddie, like so many on the left, should realise that things they value in our culture, don’t necessarily exist in other cultures. They should defend our culture and values not routinely trash them like the BBC does every single day.
Or a Pakistani RNLI?
This is the crux of the matter. Our civil culture is very complex and built up over generations. It is our social capital. The left wants it gone and replaced by exactly what?
The left and the BBC/liberals are not just in the business of ethnic cleansing but of cultural obliteration. For now they are not powerful enough to do it but that is the end game of this we can be sure.
The worst of generations -the 68ers- and those they corrupted deserve only contempt and unyielding opposition.
Driving last week I heard R4 doing Under Milk Wood – The Richard Burton version of Dylan Thomas’ work.
About the only worthwhile thing the BBC have ever done that will truly last.
Sad really to see and hear the garbage churned out today.
“The results of this vote are not available to the public at this time.”
Why not?
The British people are finally waking up to the threat posed to their way of life by Bill Oddie and his fellow travellers on the BBC. However, the public need to be aware of the threat posed to democratic politics in this country by the subliminal left-wing message that Auntie spews out every day on its news programmes. If sufficient people refused to tune in to the BBC on a daily basis and witheld their annual licence fee, there soon would be a rethink in Salford. I used to listen to the live football matches on Radio Five Live, but now I follow them all through the internet which provides the same service. Try it!
“The village of Hampstead has more millionaires within its boundaries than any other area of the United Kingdom”
“but the woman down the road has just had her tenth baby”
Was She Wearing A Burqa By Any Chance?
Bill Oddie was never funny.
Bill Oddie lives in Hampstead.
Bill Oddie suffers from mental illness.
Bill Oddie made a fortune from the British public he hates.
Bill Oddie is a c@@t.
I than yo.
I’m just so disappointed to hear a comedy icon and respected nature presenter like Bill Oddie come out with such tiresome, bigoted neo-leftist crap about Britain. I thought he’d be a lot better than that. It just shows you that no amount of education or intelligence is enough to overcome a prejudice.
At the very least, he proved what we already knew – that liberals who keep spewing the term ‘racist’ actually haven’t got a clue what race is. British is not a race, not least because Britain is multi-racial and has been for decades, something most centre-right people here haven’t got a problem with despite the far-lefts claims to the contrary. So Oddie is showing himself up as massively racist for assuming British people are one race, or he’s ignorant for not knowing the definition of race. You can barely even call ‘British’ an ethnicity due to its diversity, let alone a race.
More and more people are thankfully starting to see through the BBC’s propaganda machine and are fighting back, as shown in that ridiculous ‘debate’ where the BBC tried to suggest Jihadists should be allowed back into the UK which was stopped early because it was causing such near-unanimous outrage. The alternatives to the BBC might be mostly naff, but you’re not forced by law to pay for them if you own a television set. I resent having to pay for a monolith of insular neo-liberal twats spouting inane garbage about what terrible people we all are just so they can convince themselves they’re better people. It’s immoral and should be illegal.
When considering the opinions of people like Bill Oddie you have to remember the bubble they inhabit. Multiculturalism is a wonderful idea for them because the version they live in is full of wealthy, professional, lefties. The real multiculturalism happens down the road and out of sight. If I had the money I would buy properties in the streets Oddie, Milliband et al live in and fill them with tenants from the enriching classes. Watch them squirm or move away then.
Speaking as someone who is proud to be British and who is also a nature lover, I will no longer be buying bird food from the company that Mr Oddie is associated with, hopefully a small gesture that will be taken up by other British bird lovers.
Chukky ,`Is it cos I am Black` was on LBC tonight , playing the `race card` not one once ,but twice . First , he didn`t like Mike Read`s little Ukip ditty , done in a calypso accent . Then he didn`t like Ukip teaming up with a Polish MEP in the Euro Parliament . It was waycist on both counts ,poor Chukky ,perhaps he should revisit his `roots` down in the `Dark Continent` . Oh I forgot ,they are all getting `Tombola` , way down there ,can`t see him setting foot there again, its only our Brave Lads, in the forces doing that for him.Tosser.
the truth of the matter is those who are most in favour of mass immigration tend to be guardianista labour party middle class socalists types who live in towns and villages that is not affected by mass immigration whether from the third world and eastern europe,they always tripe oit this same old tired diatribe how immigration has enriched us with diversity and multi culturism dont they,i ask them this,why dont you practice what you preach and indulge in a bit of diversity and enrichment by moving you and your familys into citys with mass immigration since 1997 when the labour party took power,they wont will they because they quiet like living in there nice all white middle class socalist surburbs,hypocrites the lot of them.
For Beeboids:- It is NOT racist for British people to oppose the entry of unending numbers of illegal immigrants from Africa, Asia, etc., via Calais-
“Running battles between African mobs, riot police with tear gas, a teenage girl killed chasing a truck to get to Britain… Just another day on the Calais front line.
“French police pictured breaking up fights between rival groups.
“Officers are stretched to breaking point by constant violence.
“The gangs fight over the best routes to the ferry port to the UK.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2802323/running-battles-african-mobs-riot-police-tear-gas-teenage-girl-killed-chasing-truck-britain-just-day-calais-line.html#ixzz3Grn7iihp
Meanwhile – just across the Channel our future awaits:
‘Running battles between African mobs, riot police with tear gas, a teenage girl killed chasing a truck to get to Britain… Just another day on the Calais front line’…
‘Former Labour minister Frank Field hits out at Ed Miliband for being soft on immigration’…
Frank Field, the former Welfare Reform Minister, accused Ed Miliband of making the same mistake as Tony Blair by taking the party’s traditional voters for granted on the grounds that they had “nowhere else to go.” He said many of the 5m supporters Labour has lost since 1997 have now moved from being non-voting and “politically homeless” to backing Ukip.