Looks like we could have an epidemic of ‘Asian’ paedo gangs on our hands. But the sandal-wearing, elderberry tea-sipping cultural theorists at the BBC are more concerned with protecting the religious identity of these vile scum and the Liebour filth who turned a blind eye in the name of PC.
The BBC at 6pm.
All of three or so minutes on the Canadian shooting.
It was all to do with Islamist converts apparently.
So not the REAL ISLAMISTS then?
Move on quickly.
Then our trusted BBC moves on to….
The police in Rotherham are at fault for not following up on the abuse of young white girls by……?
I’ll answer that: THE MUSLIMS.
But, but but…….
Who made the police ineffective, politically correct and criminally useless?
And what political party was running Rotherham?
I’ll answer that one too: THE LABOUR PARTY.
And what broadcasting corporation harassed the only organisation that tried to get the abuse in the open?
And what broadcasting corporation ignored child abuse by its homemade celebrities?
And what biased corporation will not state the truth to its population?
Could it be: THE BBC?
There is clearly a link somewhere to rapists, terrorists, politicians and a certain broadcasting corporation.
I wonder what it is?
Please, please, please, who will rid us of this troublesome and evil triad?
And STILL, the political ‘left’ (inc INBBC), campaigns for more of their ‘open-door’, mass immigration from Islamic countries, and we see the results in terms of Islamic jihadists, who hate we ‘Kafirs’; such Muslims use Britain as a base for their jihadi violence, and all the time the ‘left’ indulges the Islamic supremacists, who act to impose repressive Shariah law.
Beeboids are truly campaigning for the Islamisation of Britain.
Do not worry, Cameron’s anti fascist UAF fascists are on their way this weekend to lend support to the muslim rape gangs of Rotherham, whilst putting all the blame on racism, class divisions in our society and male oppression. Their scripts and poster looks surprisingly like a BBC job.
I have just turned over after 10 mins of Channel 4 News. 10 minutes on the Canada shootings, but only a in passing mention of the shooting last week by a Muslim convert (why wasn’t it reported last week by either the Beeb or Channel 4?) and no mention of Sheffield which even the Beeb mentioned at 5pm although I arrived home, switched off the car radio and so don’t know how much the BBC told us.
“Spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham called for attacks on Canadians on Sunday in an apparent attempt to deter members of the military alliance that has formed to challenge the terrorist … “group” (group?)
Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani urged ISIS supporters to kill Canadians, Americans, Australians, French and other Europeans, regardless of whether they were civilians or members of the military.
“Rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be. Do not ask for anyone’s advice and do not seek anyone’s verdict. Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military”
Rely upon Allah??? hmmm,,,,
yep! no idea on motivation?, law enforcement still searching for clues?
So that s military personnel killed on both occasions?
Does that mean its two instances of …
“workplace violence” now?
Maybe Shameron can take to the airwaves again?
To allay our fears as our threat level from …
“militant” and “criminal” “workplace violence”
is still “severe”?
After many hundreds going from this country already …
and at least five a week still on the move .. that is some bunch of armed robbers eh! .
“…only a in passing mention of the shooting last week by a Muslim convert (why wasn’t it reported last week by either the Beeb or Channel 4?)…”
Yep, I was amazed to hear about that shooting last week for the first time last night – almost as a sly aside by the obfuscating troglodytes at the BBC. I think it’s fairly clear to anyone paying even slight attention that the liberal left media are making very strenuous efforts to protect the Religion of Peace from exposure to its sins in the msm.
The latest obfuscation, the wilful deflection, “spontaneous act of extremism”
… there appears to be numerous “men” at numerous times, in different countries all acting spontaneously.
And at 333 pages long its no quick read either! But it is something to send to our MP’s /BBC when they try to justify the EU policies of Islamic appeasement. But then they will not be MP’s for long if they do!
Due to speak at the Oxford Union this week, Tommy Robinson was arrested on a curious charge involving breaking his parole by responding to a death threat. Presumably the police did not think it wise to pursue the person who threatened him.
Cameron and May must have authorized this politically motivated arrest. All superfluous as the Trots and UAF were planning to cause disruption such that the police would ban the meeting. A petition was signed to ban Robinson by anti racists, such as Diane Abbott and Kenneth Loach.
Nice photo of Robinson selected by the BBC – just in case you thought he was a decent chap trying to protect his family.
Robinson will be released in 28 days He has already been attacked inside the prison.
But tommorrow the UAF will be demonstrating in order to peacefully persuade – know what I mean – the Oxford Union never to invite Robinson in the future.
Oh no, not Diane ‘ i’ve researched this, there were hundreds of black centurions in Britain hundreds of years before Christ’ Abbott? I think her mate Mary ‘ i look just the same now as i did when i was a student, cool’ Beard about that statement……..the stupid, fat black racist bitch……
BBC regional TV (Essex) talking about forced marriages this morning. Interview with a victim, they use an actor’s voice obviously and a name, ‘Mary’. How truly despicable the BBC are. Yep forced marriages have been going for years haven’t they?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) touts the Islamic ‘CALIPHATE’ as part of its unending pro-Islam series of programmes and reports.
The bland Beeboid, Mr E. STOURTON gave us a bland, but inaccurate, dangerously misleading, pro-Islam ‘Analysis’ of the Caliphate on Radio 4 for 30 minutes, with propaganda from a variety of Muslim proponents- but with non-Muslims/ Kafirs,
including Stourton, as mere bystanders-
While black UKIPer Winston talks for UKIP, and Indian Asian guy working for the BBC Asian network attacks UKIP, which one seems more racist? At least Winston didn’t represent the Black UKIP Party.
Who’d have imagined that Syrian aid convoys and their supporting charities could be helping ISIS? What next, news that Saudi and Qatar are providing finance to ISIS?
Charitable funding has been severely undermined by the Liberal Left to allow overt and subtle political donations as tax free ‘gift aided’ donations without having to prove any ‘charitable purpose’. This is Gordon Browns finest legacy and his choice of Labour’s Quango Queen (Suzi Leather) and BBC World Service head (Andrew Hind) to both head the Charity Commission has demolished the original concept of ‘charity’. Not a coincidence that Labour also abolished ‘Treason’ (as a punishable offence) and that enabled former BBC Andrew Hind (and Labours Ed Balls whilst at the Treasury) to unravel over 400 years of Charitable good works set aside by previous parliaments for public ‘good works’ (without state intervention) for the common good of Philanthropy included City Schools, Parks, Hospitals and Church philanthropy. What we have now is not fit for purpose and the funding much greater. Charity is now simply a vehicle for tax avoidance for the very rich to hide money transfers. The largest beneficiary being the government itself through ‘NGO’s and QUANGOS requiring public (state) funded bodies that often share government policies. Often without claiming any charitable purpose.
Cameron has only reformed existing ‘Charity regulations’ to exclude obvious abuses of ‘Trade Unions’ money laundering. (so called gagging order limited to the run up in this general election). The new head of the Charity Commission (William Shawcross) has limited powers to clean up ‘charitable’ purpose. The BBC is a direct beneficiary of ‘charity’ for tax purposes and is able to offset tax on its many ‘BBC Limited’ companies. It is also exempt from any charity regulations.
‘Look North’ led with a major story the other day. It took up about a quarter of the whole programme. It was based on something barely newsworthy at all by normal standards: the fact that the NFU is concerned that in the event that there is ever fracking in the areas of the Yorks Moors where there are old mine workings there might be subsidence. Of course we all know the bias here without me spelling it out.
Yes. Look North Leeds has a long history of bias. They were the ones who marginalised the massively important local story about flooding in favour of items about the death of Mandela; these items mostly being old rehashed stuff from when Mandela visited Yorkshire years ago. I wrote to the editor and then to the Trust and got no satisfaction whatsoever.
Incidentally I’m well pleased that my comment actually appeared. I’ve been attempting to post here for a long time, but my posts have never appeared. This time, as an experiment, I used a different name and email address and it worked! What on earth was wrong with my normal name and address I wonder. It’s been frustrating not being able to get my posts visible because I believe I’ve got quite a lot to offer this group, for various reasons.
They are obsessed with sport on Look North Leeds. The only thing worth watching is Paul Hudson the weather man.
I am convinced that his banter finally got rid of that female poseur presenter Ackroyd.
But I wish that Paul Hudson would buy some new shirt and tie boxed sets”. I assume he bought them at Hornsea free port when it was still open (it has been closed for donkeys’ years) I thought that BBC wages would mean he could afford better.
Paul Hudson is `freelance` & a climate scientist , not a Bbc employee . You may ask ,how does Essex Man know this when , our local news is London , Norwich or, Southampton , on ITV HD. I have relations in North Yorkshire , so have seen him doing the weather ,when I am up visiting over the last few years .Even remember twice nightly Whitley doing Calender News , as well as Countdown .
To its credit, while leading with the relatively unimportant news from Canada (how many Iraqis are murdered each day by jihadists?) the BBC website is heavily tipping towards this being another killing by the RoP http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-29724907
The second story is about more paedo rape gang abuse – this time in Sheffield http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-29725855. Two surprises for me, one, the prominence given this story and two, I thought Doncaster was next to be exposed after Rotherham – has that still to come or did I miss it?
Still, I guess every Yorkshire post-industrial town will get it’s turn. Odd how no-one expects the same pattern of abuse to be found in Leicester, why would that be?
In none of its ‘analysis’ of why Muslims are commiting Islamic jihad and murdering we ‘Kafirs’, do Beeboids discuss the central jihadist message of Islamic tenets.
Robert Spencer, of ‘Jihadwatch’ was saying THIS on Canada and Islamic jihad,
days BEFORE the latest Islamic jihadist murder of a ‘Kafir’ in Ottawa today-
“Video: Robert Spencer and Michael Coren on Canadian jihadi Ahmad Rouleau”
Better new comedies have not made it past the first series on the BBC, yet as just advertised on bBC1 the unfunny Citizen Khan gets a 3rd series – Why? (I think I know the answer). Will there be a Christmas special….?
Still on the plus side Sugar has just fired the incompetent token…
In August Vince Cable announced that the UK would halt the export of components for radar systems, combat aircraft and tanks, in the event of “significant hostilities” resuming in Gaza amid fears the equipment could be used by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) in Gaza.
In response I wonder if Israel will allow it’s new ‘groundbreaking’ defense against IEDs to be sold to the UK?!!! http://tinyurl.com/n92ejxn
Israel has long, long given up on Europe as a secure supplier to its military. Since the French embargoed their jets and we changed our mind about selling them the Chieftain tank. Israel will sell us weapons, but maybe downgraded versions.
Only now after today’s events in Ottawa do the bBC in the UK report yesterdays hit and run in Canada by a Muslim convert, leaving one soldier dead and another one seriously injured.
Of course, there’s political left-wing bias at Channel 4, as well as at BBC-
“Tory MP accuses Jon Snow of being a lefty who should think of retiring.
“Philip Davies asked to leave Channel 4 News offices by Krishnan Guru-Murthy after row with veteran presenter.”
Jay Rayner has come out with a Jaw dropping presentation to MPs that food simply isn’t expensive enough, and we should all be paying more for it.
This is a major BBC ‘star’ son of BBC ‘star’ Clair Rayner and food critic for the Observer.
Food poverty isn’t an issue because it’s caused by other things – such as low pay & benefits and this is why food banks are growing.
The biggest problem he highlights is that of farmers receiving insufficient income.
Pardon me for asking, but aren’t we donating £55 million a day to the EU, partly to finance the Common Agricultural Policy to support farmers so they can produce cheap food for the poor people of Europe?
Hasn’t this been going on since the Roman state gave free grain to the populace to make sure the people didn’t go hungry?
I don’t really know Rayners politics, but having heard him come out with some insane left wing twaddle on the one show with the odious Adrian Chiles, and he seems to switch in some very odd ways.
Have a read of the article and see what you make of it:
Jay Rayner got his job because? Because he is the son of Claire Rayner.
The Beeb love nepotism and like inviting other sons and daughters of the system on QT with that other product of lazy nepotism the Dimbleby boy to preside. Let’s get the Coren kids on! or the Snow boy! All shooting their cosy public school, liberal gobs and sneering away from their rarified self perpetuating backgrounds.
Don’t get me wrong. I have some great friends who went private. But they don’t sneer nor are they hypocrites.
Won’t make the liberal media face reality. Isis must be getting very fed up with the liberal media’s denial of the facts to do this.
The declaratation of a Caliphate is all the authority an Islamist needs to go on the attack in the West. It legitimizes any action any action at all.
Our leaders are in denial and this simply canot go on like this.
These terrorists do seem frustrated that whatever they are trying to provoke isn’t yet happening.
Interesting then who in the media continually tries to wind things up in oddly febrile areas to provoke more.
Maybe if the media celebrated the stoicism and calm that the vast majority demonstrate in such cases, rather than escalation scenarios that don’t transpire, it would be easier to believe they are not doing the terrorists’ jobs for them.
They have been in denial for years, and there is no hint of reality dawning upon their cosy protected world.
Reality can be brought to them in a couple of ways:
The electoral meltdown of their support, towards UKIP, the green shoots of which are beginning to show promisingly.
Or a Canadian style attack within the Palace of Westminster which actually succeeds in nailing a couple of the stupid bastards who insist on defending the ROP.
Two?…….in 1605 a Catholic resistance group came very close to wiping out Parliament entirely!!!!…..there is more than two who deserve to meet a grisly end because they have blood on their hands, and show us utter contempt……an angry John Felton stabbed the duke of Buckingham, one George Villiers for the military debacle against the Isle de Rhe at La Rochelle………Kings are killed…..the useless, fawning, preening gobshites at Westminster need a lesson…..
And another thing…….the soldier shot in Canada had an un-loaded weapon…..why?????…..all the politicos were guarded by dozens of men with live ammo…..shows what they think of the common man eh????
Frank Gardner Beeb security ‘expert’ on Newsshite tonight warning not to jump to conclusions about events in Ottawa because there was a terrorist attack 3 years ago in Oslo which didn’t involve Mu$lim$
Thank you for alerting to that Mark Steyn interview. As I watched it, I realised with certainty that the BBC would never have broadcast such a clear and truthful message. Such is that state of our ‘national broadcaster’. On ‘Today’, it is the usual meme, that the Canadian killing was because of Canada supporting the attack on ISIS. Nonsense. It is part of the gathering attack on western governments and way of life.
Now when you read the headline, would you know who Asia Bibi is, or even if it was a man or woman? Since the last article run by the BBC on this woman was back in 2010, when she was first arrested, do they really expect for people to remember her?
As you will also see if you read the rest of the article, whatever are the salient points that might give you a better understanding of what exactly is going on here are sketchy at best, typical of the BBC when covering the Islamic mindset.
To her credit, Orla Guerin covered her arrest much more comprehensively back in 2010, where far more detail of what this woman and her family were enduring, and other factors that reflected the mindset pursuing her.
You will still have to read other articles on it by different media organisations to know that this woman was working in the fields alongside Muslim women and she inadvertently drank water from the same cup as them. This is what led to their accusing her some days later of insulting Allah, the crime for which she has been sentenced to death.
I have no doubt that most of not all will be sickened by this story and the actions of the Pakistan court.
In the same way that a petition was raised to try and save the Christian woman, Meriam Ibrahim, in Sudan, which ultimately succeeded, another has been raised by the same British woman as before to try and achieve the release of Asia Bibi.
Please sign it and tell your friends and family.
If the BBC were doing their job properly, it wouldn’t be necessary.
In June this year, a mother of two was found decapitated at her home and her husband was arrested for her murder.
Yesterday at the Old Bailey, her husband denied attacking her.
Here’s the only 2 articles on this incident I can find on the BBC website.
First I notice that it took nearly a week for the BBC to publish an article on it. Here’s the article from the Evening Standard on the day it happened and as you will also see it goes into far greater detail than the BBC. So no question that the BBC were unaware of this incident long before they decided to publish anything on it.
So it raises the questions, why should the BBC take so long to ‘inform their public’ of this incident, and why too in such a meagre fashion?
So let’s compare this to another gruesome incident that happened earlier this year, a hammer attack on 3 sisters visiting the UK from the UAE. This time the BBC runs their first article the next day.
The search of the BBC website reveals 10 articles since this incident, and in far more gory detail, to make sure the reader is sickened by it.
So how do you account for the differences in reporting on these 2 crimes?
Might the fact that in the first the accused is named Naveed Ahmed, and in the second the name is Phillip Spence, have something to do with it?
I was thinking about it today and by the definition of racism which I understand – the BBC are RACIST.
Everybody would agree that Hitler and the Nazis were racist. They promoted the Aryan being while demonizing minorities like Jews, Gypsies, etc. People assume that a racist would only promote their own race, when in Hitler’s case, he was not Aryan.
Given the way the BBC promote and protect Islam, the end results of their racism may eventually equal or exceed the number of deaths attributable to the Nazis.
With the distinguishing factor between a Patriot and a Nationalist being that the former supports his nation while the latter is against every other, the BBC are clearly Nationalist on this and a host of other issues. Just like the Nazis.
Who are you or I to judge this man? In his interpretation of his religion, he is perhaps fully justified in chopping his wife’s head off. I find that people on this site are too quick to make judgements, and worse, those judgements are rooted in old fashioned British values where chopping off you wife’s head is frowned upon. Britain has moved on and become multiculturalist so we have no right to impose our values on people from other cultures. Of course, because our forebears imposed their hideously white values on half the world , we must accept that it is right and proper for the oppressed cultures , such as Muslims, to now impose their values on us. After all Islam is the Religion of Peace and has so much to admire about the sensitive approach it takes to those who don’t believe.
Just keep in mind who the BBC actually are when you read this story, and consider how can they possibly imagine they can be justified in using laws formed to combat terrorists to track down licence fee dodgers.
An example to show just how foul and insidious this organisation has become, in addition to the rest of their agenda which brings this country further down.
Proves the old saying. Give the ruling class powers and they will always misuse them.
This alone is enough evidence that the BBC needs to be broken up and sold off. How long would it take?
A few weeks at the most and we would be rid of it.
Hello Al Beeb and your ever watchful trustees.
Have you noticed on your own news media …
Children being raped and exploited by those people that you call ‘men’.
Jails in Britain full of foreign ‘men’ costing this country millions of pounds.
Armed ‘Men’ attacking the Canadian Parliament.
Have you worked out who these ‘men’ are yet?
If you contact those UKIP people they will probably help you.
All night the hourly R2 news bulletin has been leading with events in Canada but I noticed the 2am bulletin made no mention of it at all! Nada, not a sausage , like it hadn’t happened.
Could this be due the the confirmation that is was performed by a Muslim covert in the past couple of hours or is it just a coincidence? I’m pretty certain we all know the answer to that conundrum.
What’s ‘convert’ got to do with this Muslim terror? He’s either Muslim or not. Yet again the BBC and the Left are doing all they can to protect their Muslim masters. You never hear ‘Christian convert!’
BBC 8 o’clock news this morning seizes on bad figures from Tesco for its headline this morning, then comes an NHS story and then something terroristy happened in Canada yesterday.
Sky news – as one would expect of a news outfit – leads with Canada.
Take notice of BBC news priorities and you will understand. News which appears to offer a critique of capitalism are a favourite. Anything to do with the public sector are also a natural choice for our national taxing broadcaster.
Yes, there’s an obvious political agenda at work on ‘Today.’
-To largely censor out the Islamic jihad murder in Ottawa, and instead appease Beeboids’ Labour and trade union chums by filling the programme with scares that a small amount of health provision for NHS patients may be provided by private companies.
But surely the big NHS news this week – splashed across newspaper headlines – is the failings of the Welsh NHS under Labour. The main item on PMQs, yesterday, for example.
I must have missed all the BBC coverage. I wonder why ?
The BBC interviewed Jeremy Hunt this morning on BBC1 Breakfast. Charlie Staydt interrupted him several times and queried most of hist answers and the BBC’s side of the interview appeared to be confrontational and angry. Then, on the same programme Andy Burnham was interviewed. Naga Munchetty didn’t interrupt him once, and didn’t even question his answers, and it was conducted quite gently. Why the double standards BBC?
How the the BBC reported the death of an Israeli baby..
absolute bloody disgrace..seemingly blaming Israel…I am fuming…
at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-29725278
East Jerusalem has experienced months of unrest since a Palestinian teenager was abducted and burned to death in early July, two days after the discovery of the bodies of three Israeli teenagers who were abducted and killed in the occupied West Bank in mid-June.
In what Israel terms a “run-over” terrorist attack, a Palestinian deliberately rammed his car into a crowd of Israelis near a light-rail train station in Jerusalem on Wednesday evening (18:00 Israel time, 22 Oct 2014).
As it was reported in Israel
Chaya Zisel Braun, a three-month-old baby girl, flew at least ten meters from her stroller after being struck by the car. Critically injured in the attack, she died of her head wounds an hour later in the nearby Mount Scopus Hadassah Hospital. Eight others were wounded, including two who are in critical condition and the baby’s father. The victims had just disembarked from a light-rail train at the station near the Ammunition Hill memorial and were on the pavement when hit.
The attacker, identified as Abdel Rahman Al-Shaludi, a Palestinian resident of the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, who had served a prison sentence for Hamas terrorist activities, was shot by police as he fled the scene and died in hospital.
A Hamas spokesman reportedly openly welcomed news of the terror attack in Jerusalem by one of its terrorists: “This is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and invasion of our land by the Jews, particularly on the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran stated on official Hamas television. Hamas television has also confirmed the identity of the terrorist.
“The atrocious murder of an innocent baby girl, a victim of indiscriminate terrorism, should disgust all those who have a heart.” (Israeli President Reuben Rivlin…Please note BBC…
Notice how the BBC sets the scene with “East Jerusalem has experienced months of unrest since a Palestinian teenager was abducted and burned to death in early July, two days after the discovery of the bodies of three Israeli teenagers who were abducted and killed in the occupied West Bank in mid-June.” The death of the Palestinian teenager is mentioned first, implying greater importance, whilst the term “occupied West Bank” is used to infer that the Israelis were somewhere they shouldn’t have been and that there is some sort of justification (sic) for what happened to them. This type of reporting is intended as subliminal propaganda, operating at a deep level and designed to create a certain impression in the audience without awareness of their manipulation.
At least the wretched BBC reported it but as usual in a sanitised form. Passive tense and all. . Remember the silence over the Fogel family? I have never forgotten this nor will I ever forgive the liberal media for their weasel words and near silence.
The headline is a masterpiece. On one hand obsessive detail. Is there a Netanyahu anywhere else? On the other vagueness. Was a car attacked or did a car attack someone or more accurately did someone attack someone else using a car or did Abbas attack a car?
The caption on the photo is another masterpiece being completely unintelligible to someone who doesn’t already know the story. The Palestinian driver died after being shot trying to flee the scene Presumably the damaged car in the photograph is the one referred to but we are still left in doubt. Was this ‘another’ case of evil Israel murdering Palestinians or a criminal/terrorist fleeing the scene? What connection does the police officer in the foreground have with the shooting?
For the record I don’t think Abbas had anything directly to do with this particular terrorist attack but years of incitement from the Abbas controlled Palestinian media did nothing to prevent it.
without mentioning once that the suspect had actually (allegedly) converted to Islam – very keen to mention possible mental illness before introducing Islam, even tangentially
If you believe the questionable RAJAR stats it would seem that people are waking up (literally) to the mind-numbing dross, banality and bias that bBC breakfast radio is offering and switching off in their 100’s of thousands.
Gob on a stick Evans minus 608k listeners
I’m gay you know Grimshaw minus 149k
Today continues its decline with the loss of a further 18k
The top rated comment in the Mail on this story encapsulates Champagne Socialist Evans really well.
From our own correspondent coming from Eastern Europe with a program about the Roma and the persecution and discrimination they suffer.
Then Cuba Offline
From the last Communist paradise which is accessible yet another yawn inducing report on what a tragedy it is that the island has not yet discovered the internet !
Not that the BBC is biased to the left – they have to balance their output across several programs, and of course there will be one to the far right to balance this.
Would someone please let me know when they hear this?
On Today this morning Simon Stevens chief executive of NHS England answered BBC-selected tweets concerning the future of the NHS. This farce was prompted by Stevens’ assertions that the NHS will need an extra £8 billion/year (on top of £22 billion “efficiency savings”) to pay for, amongst other things (as Today revealed this morning) gastric bands for sufferers from food-related incontininence.
AFAIAA no-one on the BBC (or in the MSM it appears) has called this guy’s bluff or even questioned his figures: certainly no tweet was selected by Today which might have suggested that Stevens, as head of a state organisation, will always ask for more (cf BBC, police, social services etc etc). After all, in 2, 3, 5 years time it can be confidently predicted that Stevens or his successor will fail to produce the goods and will turn round and blame the lack of resources (rather than himself or the dysfunctional organisation that he runs) for his manifest failure (before being appointed at an increased salary to head another state organisation).
Oh no, the BBC concentrates on the “rich” not paying even more to pour down the throat of the incontinent NHS (if any organisation requires a gastric band, it’s the NHS) and constantly gives a fair wind to the Labour meme concerning invidious “privatisation” of the NHS. Does anyone really care who provides what (except for carefully selected BBC vox pop interviewees and Labour/points-left apparatchiks) as long as the genuinely ill patient gets what is required economically and efficiently?
I’ve never understood what the big deal is about using private providers. As long as you get the treatment your taxes have paid for, why should it matter who is giving it? Yet the BBC always makes such a fuss about it and treats it as a given.
Highlighting cod-privatisation is a Labour election gimmick (much like the “victims” charter, the cost of living “crisis” and the cost of legitimate tax avoidance). As such you can expect the BBC to keep it to the forefront of anything it does in respect of the NHS.
In the exact reverse, considering Labour opened our national doors to the great migration from the sub-continent from 1997 onwards, the BBC forbears to mention that the great unhappiness of UK indigenes with “immigration” has more to do with the inordinate number of Moslems presently in the UK rather than with the EU inward migration.
This is not to underestimate the deleterious social effects of EU migration from Southern and Eastern Europe but by concentrating its migration news fire on the European element, the BBC avoids harming its political friends Labour. Of course, the same avoidance of mentioning the negative social and other effects of sub-continental migration is carried out by the 3 main parties at Westminster.
Similarly, and to come back to my/your original points: the same three parties indulge in a competition to see how much taxpayers’ money they can throw down the NHS tip rather than ask how much the country can afford and then tailor NHS services accordingly.
The BBC is in its ‘play it all down mode and deny its anything to do with Islam’ mode on the Ottawa shootings. Their response has been used so many times that you can almost write the news headlines on the story day by day. basically it goes as follows :
Phase 1 :query if it was done by Muslims until the heat dies down
, often run the story that the perpetrators were known to have mental problems
Phase 2: say the perpetrators were from a tiny splinter group who don’t represent mainstream Islam and are disowned by Muslims across the globe who wish to co-exist peacefully with other faiths
Phase 3: ask what responsibility the West has for making/forcing people to behave like this. Bring on lots of ‘moderate’ Muslim clerics etc who claim that their community is doing all it can to prevent extremists gaining any recruits but that we in the West are not helping them by our Islamophobia.
As the terror increases the modus operandii of the BBC is looking increasingly pathetic. The British people are beginning to realise that we are under attack from many groups within Islam , not a microscopic splinter group, and that we want some action taken to protect our country and its citizens.
The appeasement of Islam, which takes so many forms, touted by the BBC and it fellow liberal lefties, will only result in Islam gaining more ground and its encroachment into ordinary British lives. At some point the Brits will have had enough and then the tragic consequences of allowing so many Muslims into the UK will unfold.
I am sure that the clever folks at the BBC must know this is unlikely to end well but perhaps they just can’t bring themselves to admit it and so bury their heads further in the sand.
It is a sad reflection on current times to admit that I am relieved that I am of an age when the events of 30 years time are unlikely to bother me. The future looks bleak for those of us who don’t want to embrace Islam and don’t want to fight for our values either, because it looks as though we will have to. The sooner that defence of British values and culture starts the easier and less divisive it will be.
Thirty years time will see the end of me also. But I have many grandchildren and they too are part of what I am and of my people.
I am not at all prepared to be responsible for a possible dreadful future for them so it is my duty to do all I can to prevent it.
It means that we must oppose liberalism without qualification. It means that those liberal media and semi state organisations are my enemy. That the BBC is never to be considered trustworthy or worthwhile.
I am old enough not be concerned what will happen to me if the liberal stasi state starts kicking down doors. And it will mark my words.
It is the liberal fantasy world view that has bought us to this pass. We have done nothing except that we have let them rampage through our way of life and our Christian civilisation.
The more intelligent liberals seem to be realising this hence the concerted anti UKIP vilifications. I have always thought UKIP is about a lot more the the EU. Maybe it’s leaders do not yet fully grasp this. Time will tell. The mood in the shires has changed irrevocably and all the politicians can do is go with it .
The liberal has made the usual error. Thinking that he is the end product of history . Not so and hopefully the next few years will make that plain.
As for the BBC- the pinnacle of the liberal media- it is worthless.
Liberal socialist elitism always ends the same and they never learn from history.
Basically they are busy bodies, the sort of people on your street wanting to put their nose into everyone’s business and have a say, which is why many of them work in the public services.
The ruling socialists at the top are more powerful, have lots of money and want you to live your life by their ‘progressive’ morals…so, while they are having dinner with an asian/black diplomat you have to put up with the garbage they have flooded your neighbourhood with even though you never asked for it.
This causes huge resentment but the accusations of racism, etc,etc, keeps the masses quiet, but it can only last so long and you can feel the backlash coming. Pre WW2 Hitler’s Nazi party started slowly, but the more the disenfranchised people had had enough of the social and economic troubles the more they moved to the right and the left wing could do nothing about it, It was too late and they just never listen.
People by and large aren’t right wing lunatics! They just want what is right for their community and for their taxes to be spent in their interests and that of their families, that is what communities are about, the liberals don’t seem to understand this and the rapidly increasing destruction of those communities will have dire consequences. They don’t get the fact that the UK is as much ours as it is theirs.
The rise of UKIP isn’t happening for nothing yet still the liberals blame us for not falling in line with their righteous ways because they can never be wrong, that is why they rise again and again, it’s like the busybody..smacking him/her on the nose won’t make the slightest difference to their outlook.
Another EU recession, as is expected, could be the catalyst. The right is on the rise throughout the EU, how long can the likes of the UK and Germany go on propping the EU up, not to mention Africa and the Middle East? Don’t expect the liberals to give a shit, they’ll watch from the sidelines and then start all over again…like a cockroach they always survive.
In a classic diversionary tactic, Frank Gardner yesterday on News 24 mentioned for no reason at all that the Norwegian shootings had at first (ie for about 3 minutes) been a suspected Moslem outrage and – just to get the real BBC villains in its sights – were actually carried out by a far right (rather than a religious) loony. This is the same Gardner who in the immediate aftermath of the Lee Rigby murder basically accused the security services of responsibility because (according to Gardner) a “hitherto reliable” tweeter had informed him that the murderers were secret service recruits.
“This is the same Gardner who in the immediate aftermath of the Lee Rigby murder basically accused the security services of responsibility because (according to Gardner) a “hitherto reliable” tweeter had informed him that the murderers were secret service recruits. ”
Really? Good God these people have a mental disease.
They really don’t ever grow up do they. They stick to the sort of ridiculous ideas Sixth Formers have and I suppose the fact that they are very well off and never actually done a real day’s work means they harbour these crazy beliefs all through their lives
For anyone who hasn’t seen this, its a breakdown of bBC management salaries and expenses. It makes eye watering reading.
I haven’t had the time to check them all out, but it would appear that the bBC believe that ‘Director of Music’ (Bob Shennan) is worth £236k (+ expenses) of tele tax payers money, that’s 1627 licence payers yearly subs for just one director!
“Bob is responsible for driving the music strategy across the BBC, delivering a step change in music output across TV, Radio and online.
He has the expertise and leadership skills necessary to deliver a rapid roll-out of the music strategy, and be able to coordinate day-to-day genre activity, including the operation of a pan BBC list of priority events, music strands, partnerships and talent – delegating account management of partnerships and talent to genre board colleagues where appropriate.
Bob also chairs the Music Genre Board.”
Not sure quite what all that means, but I guess it does make him responsible for the dire re-hash of the Beach Boy classic that the bBC keep self promoting, in which the ‘stars’ gave their ‘time for free’ but cost the licence payer a fortune in technical staff, technical equipment, hospitality’s and utilities.
This is self-serving BBC management-speak of an odious kind:
“driving the music strategy” – I think people drive cars and buses, not strategy. Why not ‘driving forward’ or simply ‘implementing’? And, anyway, does the BBC really need a ‘music strategy’?
“a step change” – Why say ‘step change’ and why is the change necessary in any case? Is it because ‘step change’ sounds more radical, dynamic and ‘edgy’ than just ‘change’?
“rapid roll-out” – so trendy, so achingly ‘now’!
“genre” – a nice French word, but do we really need it THREE times in ONE short paragraph?
“partnerships and talent” – repeated far too soon and close together to be good style.
No wonder they are so desperate to keep the tax . With paydays like this it is gold rush time for them.
They cannot even use the English language correctly. Gibberish and more gibberish.
I suppose they think it makes them sound psuedo scientific about matters which are really very simple.
Louise Bours, UKIP MEP, is in the Question Time lions’ den tonight, lined up again Alex Salmond, Caroline Flint and (Stand up to UKIP’s) Len McCluskey. I wonder what the question aimed at UKIP will be this time:
‘Does UKIP’s huge lead in the polls for the Rochester and Strood by-election show that at last we have a political party in tune with the concerns and aspirations of the British people?’
Yea, right, expect something on the theme of ‘calypso’ and ‘racist’.
First question … is UKIP racist? That’ll last for half an hour with everyone saying UKIP is racist. The audience will all agree … politics of fear etc. Canada probably won’t even get a mention. Then, the last ten minutes where UKIP will get another kick in the nuts. That’ll be followed by Abbotpotamus who’ll go on about UKIP being racist. Just another day of bias at the beeb. I don’t know about you but I can smell the fear.
Of course only comments by Flint and McCluskey will be received with rapturous applause. No need to ship the audience in tonight, just checked its from Liverpool…
I sugggest nobody watches who reads this blog. We all know how it will go. It is a pointless exercise. Then we can all sleep peacefully and none of the rubbish spouted on the show will have any effect. In the end the liberal left needs to be ignored or laughed at.
Yes, I’m tired of the ‘Cultural Marxism’, but I don’t have to watch Channel 4 or financially contribute to it by law. It is entitled to be a Culturally Marxist as it wants. There’s always the ‘off’ switch if you don’t like it.
The BBC on the other hand, the publically funded BBC, should be impartial and unbiased. It isn’t, but you still have to pay for it. You get charged to have their do-gooding left wing claptrap rammed down your throat whether you want it or not.
Although I am giving serious consideration to not bothering paying my ‘telly tax’. It would undoubtedly help with the blood pressure.
Look North Leeds today has an item about racial abuse in Rotherham. Apparently some people are unhappy with the Asian community because of the 1,400 child rapes, and are expressing this unhappiness by swearing at taxi drivers, etc. No actual evidence or examples of this racial abuse, but the (Asian-sounding) Asian the BBC now employs as a reporter for such items told us in hushed tones of horror that there was a lot of it about, so it must be true. This really isn’t a news story; it’s just shit stirring. All it will do, if anything, is give the white thickos ideas, and revive any feelings of resentment that the mainstream indigenous people might feel. Running a puff story like this for no good reason just stirs up trouble, yet when the BBC fails to report the misdeeds of an Asian the excuse is ‘community cohesion’. Sheer hypocrisy!
I wonder where the idea for this story came from? A complaint to the BBC from a Rotherham Asian? If so they turned it into an item that was totally disproportionate. Or did the idea come from the fertile imagination of a BBC staff member?
Much better story, factual … and I tell you, a massive thank goodness for that … from anyone who like me, has travelled extensively in the UK, and watched the Pakxi nightmare unfold
over the years, in town/city after town/city … about time.
Al BBCs take on it
“Manager of a cab firm in Rochdale has said that a small number of the company’s customers are requesting white drivers, following the rise of the so-called Islamic State in the Middle East”
oh 😀 … is that why ?
But for sure the ongoing restraint by the author in face of such hogwash shilling for life-threatening ineptitude and/or venality never ceases to impress and amaze me.
‘It may of course well be that the BBC’s lack of coverage of missile launches and other terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip was motivated by concern for the personal safety of its correspondents on the ground at the time and its permanent local bureau staff. Whilst that would be perfectly understandable, that policy did however affect the credibility of BBC reporting and had a major effect on its adherence to BBC editorial guidelines concerning accuracy and impartiality, thus affecting the way in which audiences understood the story as a whole.
Sublime. Damned by faint empathy.
It should be posted up in every lift and loo cubicle in BBC offices everywhere. So staff can read it as part of an ongoing commitment to locating some professional integrity.
“The main reason is that militant groups keep the location of launch sites secret.”
Well the IDF had a pretty damn good idea where they were! Just point your cameras at any school or hospital, or even hotel packed full of foreign journos, it’s odds on there’ll be a launch site nearby.
There’s none so blind as will not see, as the saying goes.
Belgium chocolate maker ISIS needs to change its name again
It would be fun to see the reaction if one of the current acronym-addicted nutjob outfits changed their name to something like Bonkers Boko Collective, if only for a bazillion meetings being called at W!A simply to have a policy on what a spokesperson can say.
Terrorist loons, take note. In a world dominated by PC-obsessed brand weenies, you have more power to disrupt the West sitting round a table from Wollff Olins than an arms dealer from North Korea.
Suzanne Evans (UKIP) made an appearance on BBBC2 ‘politics today’ at lunchtime today programme after we had a small section of video telling us (with supportive commentary from the presenter) how important it was to stay in the EU and that if Churchill were alive he would be wanting to stay in europe as well as all the sensible people(presumably, that means anyone who agrees with the bbbc). In the discussion afterwards Suzanne Evans was interrupted by both the presenter and/or the host every time she tried to answer the question. Suzanne, on the other hand did not interrupt when the pro eu talking head was speaking………
Don’t you just love that impartiality from the bbbc……they just don’t get it, do they?
Suzanne Evans’ clear and pleasant manner – and obvious intelligence – makes her far more persuasive on telly than most of the leftie talking heads the BBC finds.
Continuing the ‘all cultures are equal’ agenda, so beloved of the Left, on the BBC national and North West news at lunchtime: ‘Well it’s that time of year when some of you will be celebrating Dwali’.
That’s in both weather forecasts. Two gratuitous plugs for multiculturalism and no doubt there’ll be more before the day’s out.
“Coca-Cola used it. Carlsberg used it on their beer bottles. The Boy Scouts adopted it and the Girls’ Club of America called their magazine Swastika. They would even send out swastika badges to their young readers as a prize for selling copies of the magazine”
‘We’ borrow, ‘you’ steal. it all depends on one’s viewpoint!
Hilarious clip from Guido following his trip to the BBC after his party.
The egregiously left wing BBC sends some gurning woofter called Giles along to the party to declare that the bash is “egregiously right wing.”
Lots of comments about how “right wing” it all is and how all the Tories are there.
Next come the studio interview with the loathsome Michael White who seethes with undisguised envy and rage. Constantly interrupting and making a total clown of himself with continuous interjections about “Murdoch” and the “Daily Mail”. Lots more commenting on “right wing” and “Tories”, completely ignoring the fact that Staines column goes after all parties.
The BBC just can’t get over themselves that there are people who don’t slavishly follow their left, and sometimes, far left views and who may actually disagree with them.
Also there is a Deborah Mattinson who was fraudulently involved in some bogus charity called “The Smith Institute” working for Gordon Brown and exposed by Staines for what it was.
She also “writes” for the Guardian.
I don’t follow him, but he seems to engage with quite a few I do.
Almost always he appears to seethe with rage if not being the most pompous, patronising buffoon possible.
He’s like a Fast Show character mated with a honey badger, only without the charm.
One can see why the BBC love him.
If Murdoch and the Daily Mail didn’t exist, he and Kevin Maguire could settle down together and run a nice stress-free B&B in Brighton.
I also don’t get all the froth and flounce over a party.
People were invited; some went. Others didn’t.
Folk from Oborne to the BBC’s finest hatchet squad trying to get excited about possible affiliations based on obsessive tallies seems dafter than usual. It’s a private media outfit anyway.
If the public-funded BBC had an invite-only bash and the ratio was 99 Trots to one Lib Dem, they’d claim a fair split.
I liked the part when Mattinson aimed a remark at White with regards to not receiving an invite to the Guido party.”I never had an invite, did you Michael”? He uncomfortably replied that he had but decided not to go…I wonder why?
The Murdoch associates would have made him explode as he nearly did on Daily Politcs. Guido had a good laugh at his expense though, the disdain between them was seething.
“He uncomfortably replied that he had but decided not to go…I wonder why?”
The logic on display seems impeccable. A particular group decided not to attend an event, and then make great play of how they were not properly represented. Maybe Guido could have got Danny Cohen to force attendance balances?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) devotes a whole webpage on how its fellow,
like-minded ‘leftist’ journalist chums campaign for more
mass immigration, and for more mis-representation of Islam
as a ‘religion of peace.’
In a nutshell, the leftists are saying:
‘they’ (the unnameable Islamic jihadists) ‘are at war with us in the West,
and are murdering our people, but we should carry on
being nice to them!’
Teachers, Trots, Labour Party Councillors, Unions, and a couple of BBC luvvies all committed to censoring the Oxford Union. Tonight’s demo called off but it looks as if these representatives of Multiculty Oxford will flex their muscles should Robinson be asked to appear on another date. There are some of us who believe in freedom of speech and are fully aware that Robinson will not incite violence or law breaking at the Oxford Union. Come on BBC, lets hear it for British values like freedom of opinion.
The liberal left does not do freedom of speech. Why should it? Once the fantasy heaven of the left is here on earth why should anyone need freedom of anything?
I am very confused as to exactly why Tommy Robinson has been recalled to prison and why he was ever there in the first place. Obviously to the elite he is a dangerous man so they unleash their tame lefties against him. Very silly but there you are. The left has little sense of reality.
Apparently for replying to a tweet in the wrong tone? Threatening? Although how replying in kind to a threat to your family is deemed threatening is beyond me…very convenient though!
“Ok agent liberal, send the tweet”
“Roger, chief constable (pause), It’s done and we’ve had the suitable reply”
“Well done, agent liberal, we are outside his house now, ho won’t be going to Oxford any time soon…your dirty money is on the way to your bbc registered address”
All he did was to reply to a death threat by telling the sender where he would be and when.
If that can get you into the nick we’re all fucked big time.
Well the only real fact is that Robinson is back in prison. No news outlet seems to be sure why. There must be a reason .I have checked many outlets but no luck. So it is odd to say the least. We have Tommy’s story but no other. Odder still.
“Well the only real fact is that Robinson is back in prison. No news outlet seems to be sure why.”
Wrong. It’s a fact that he’s a convicted fraudster and is back in prison for breaching the terms of his early release.
He was “tagged” in other words and subject to a “Home Detention Curfew” for the remainder of his sentence. This means being required to stay at home between 7pm-7am every night & most probably (in Robinson’s case) forbidden from using social networking sites such as twitter:
I see, so in your world ‘most probably’ means he breached his release conditions huh?
So, you, in ignorance of the facts of the case have him convicted once again?
So, perhaps ‘ most probably’ dez ought to be denied access to social media as well?
Night shift at aljabeeba getting you down Dez?
Cry me a river indeed, give me a country filled with Robinsons, Dez, and devoid of people like you any day.
Thanks god jailed for ‘tweets’.
No doubt in your idiotic mental state this is far worse than the systematic sexual abuse of young British girls or the tsunami of violence perpetrated on the rest of humanity by islam.
You are already drowning in a river.
An interesting article, to be sure. It looks like the BBC contacted the Prison Service to ask them their thoughts on the Twitter account, or more likely, to nudge them into shutting Robinson up.
And that is what happened.
So a bit of an own goal there. I wonder how many other prisoners the BBC nudges the Prison service about and on which side of the political spectrum they are?
‘It’s not entirely clear why the DCMS lighted upon David Perry QC to conduct the review of tv licence enforcement. He’s clearly a legal polymath, with expertise in all sorts of bad behaviour…’
It’s not entirely clear why this lovely chap can’t see what’s staring at him in his own words.
The TV licence has very little to do with media, and a lot to do with bad behaviour.
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
10p in the meter usually gets it restored!
Operation Damage Limitation.
Looks like we could have an epidemic of ‘Asian’ paedo gangs on our hands. But the sandal-wearing, elderberry tea-sipping cultural theorists at the BBC are more concerned with protecting the religious identity of these vile scum and the Liebour filth who turned a blind eye in the name of PC.
The BBC at 6pm.
All of three or so minutes on the Canadian shooting.
It was all to do with Islamist converts apparently.
So not the REAL ISLAMISTS then?
Move on quickly.
Then our trusted BBC moves on to….
The police in Rotherham are at fault for not following up on the abuse of young white girls by……?
I’ll answer that: THE MUSLIMS.
But, but but…….
Who made the police ineffective, politically correct and criminally useless?
And what political party was running Rotherham?
I’ll answer that one too: THE LABOUR PARTY.
And what broadcasting corporation harassed the only organisation that tried to get the abuse in the open?
And what broadcasting corporation ignored child abuse by its homemade celebrities?
And what biased corporation will not state the truth to its population?
Could it be: THE BBC?
There is clearly a link somewhere to rapists, terrorists, politicians and a certain broadcasting corporation.
I wonder what it is?
Please, please, please, who will rid us of this troublesome and evil triad?
And STILL, the political ‘left’ (inc INBBC), campaigns for more of their ‘open-door’, mass immigration from Islamic countries, and we see the results in terms of Islamic jihadists, who hate we ‘Kafirs’; such Muslims use Britain as a base for their jihadi violence, and all the time the ‘left’ indulges the Islamic supremacists, who act to impose repressive Shariah law.
Beeboids are truly campaigning for the Islamisation of Britain.
Do not worry, Cameron’s anti fascist UAF fascists are on their way this weekend to lend support to the muslim rape gangs of Rotherham, whilst putting all the blame on racism, class divisions in our society and male oppression. Their scripts and poster looks surprisingly like a BBC job.
I have just turned over after 10 mins of Channel 4 News. 10 minutes on the Canada shootings, but only a in passing mention of the shooting last week by a Muslim convert (why wasn’t it reported last week by either the Beeb or Channel 4?) and no mention of Sheffield which even the Beeb mentioned at 5pm although I arrived home, switched off the car radio and so don’t know how much the BBC told us.
“Spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham called for attacks on Canadians on Sunday in an apparent attempt to deter members of the military alliance that has formed to challenge the terrorist … “group” (group?)
Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani urged ISIS supporters to kill Canadians, Americans, Australians, French and other Europeans, regardless of whether they were civilians or members of the military.
“Rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be. Do not ask for anyone’s advice and do not seek anyone’s verdict. Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military”
Rely upon Allah??? hmmm,,,,
yep! no idea on motivation?, law enforcement still searching for clues?
So that s military personnel killed on both occasions?
Does that mean its two instances of …
“workplace violence” now?
Maybe Shameron can take to the airwaves again?
To allay our fears as our threat level from …
“militant” and “criminal” “workplace violence”
is still “severe”?
After many hundreds going from this country already …
and at least five a week still on the move .. that is some bunch of armed robbers eh! .
NOT … the nine o clock news
maybe Camoron,, Vague,, May, Hammond, Brokenshire.
BBC and Ch4 should tune in.
“…only a in passing mention of the shooting last week by a Muslim convert (why wasn’t it reported last week by either the Beeb or Channel 4?)…”
Yep, I was amazed to hear about that shooting last week for the first time last night – almost as a sly aside by the obfuscating troglodytes at the BBC. I think it’s fairly clear to anyone paying even slight attention that the liberal left media are making very strenuous efforts to protect the Religion of Peace from exposure to its sins in the msm.
Utterly reprehensible. Quislings, all.
The latest obfuscation, the wilful deflection, “spontaneous act of extremism”
… there appears to be numerous “men” at numerous times, in different countries all acting spontaneously.
And the 3 month old baby girl mown and killed in Jerusalem ?
Yes but all you need to know from the media is that the Israelis shot him. Poor chap, just driving by and Bam!
If you are concerned about the depth of corruption in the civil service, police, Labour (right up to No. 10) I urge everyone to read this work;
Click to access Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf
It is well researched and very frightening.
And at 333 pages long its no quick read either! But it is something to send to our MP’s /BBC when they try to justify the EU policies of Islamic appeasement. But then they will not be MP’s for long if they do!
I do not fancy printing this lot off, is it in booklet form?
Due to speak at the Oxford Union this week, Tommy Robinson was arrested on a curious charge involving breaking his parole by responding to a death threat. Presumably the police did not think it wise to pursue the person who threatened him.
Cameron and May must have authorized this politically motivated arrest. All superfluous as the Trots and UAF were planning to cause disruption such that the police would ban the meeting. A petition was signed to ban Robinson by anti racists, such as Diane Abbott and Kenneth Loach.
Nice photo of Robinson selected by the BBC – just in case you thought he was a decent chap trying to protect his family.
Robinson will be released in 28 days He has already been attacked inside the prison.
But tommorrow the UAF will be demonstrating in order to peacefully persuade – know what I mean – the Oxford Union never to invite Robinson in the future.
UAF ‘peacefully’ protesting reminded me of this….http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXjrMU0jpAE
So according to BBC etc.. We can expect this type of gentle persuasion??? But definitely no pro – `Gentile` persuasion??
Oh no, not Diane ‘ i’ve researched this, there were hundreds of black centurions in Britain hundreds of years before Christ’ Abbott? I think her mate Mary ‘ i look just the same now as i did when i was a student, cool’ Beard about that statement……..the stupid, fat black racist bitch……
BBC regional TV (Essex) talking about forced marriages this morning. Interview with a victim, they use an actor’s voice obviously and a name, ‘Mary’. How truly despicable the BBC are. Yep forced marriages have been going for years haven’t they?
.. and ‘Mary’ is such a typical name amongst the communities who embrace forced marriage. Those pesky Catholics again eh?
The Today programme similarly had “Linda” talking about her son “James” who had gone to Syria to wage Jihad yesterday.
Gone to join Jihadi JOHN!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) touts the Islamic ‘CALIPHATE’ as part of its unending pro-Islam series of programmes and reports.
The bland Beeboid, Mr E. STOURTON gave us a bland, but inaccurate, dangerously misleading, pro-Islam ‘Analysis’ of the Caliphate on Radio 4 for 30 minutes, with propaganda from a variety of Muslim proponents- but with non-Muslims/ Kafirs,
including Stourton, as mere bystanders-
An alternative, anti-Islamic Caliphate analysis such as the following was censored out of existence by INBBC-
“Video: Raymond Ibrahim discusses what an Islamic caliphate would mean for the West”
(5 min video clip)
UKIP Calypso by DJ Mike Read is “fantastic” says Winston McKenzie – Newsnight – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lep6XIVPevk&feature=youtu.be
I felt like punching my screen whilst watching Evan Davis and some beeboid from the Asian network try to portray UKIP as a party of racists!
How is this song racist?!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJitroavVjU
It’s no more racist than Kung Fu Fighting!
While black UKIPer Winston talks for UKIP, and Indian Asian guy working for the BBC Asian network attacks UKIP, which one seems more racist? At least Winston didn’t represent the Black UKIP Party.
And INBBC needs to stop touting Islamic ‘charities’:-
“David Cameron cracks down on use of charities to fund terrorist organisations.
“PM publishes draft legislation amid concerns about whether UK is doing enough
to stop funding reaching Isis.”
Who’d have imagined that Syrian aid convoys and their supporting charities could be helping ISIS? What next, news that Saudi and Qatar are providing finance to ISIS?
Charitable funding has been severely undermined by the Liberal Left to allow overt and subtle political donations as tax free ‘gift aided’ donations without having to prove any ‘charitable purpose’. This is Gordon Browns finest legacy and his choice of Labour’s Quango Queen (Suzi Leather) and BBC World Service head (Andrew Hind) to both head the Charity Commission has demolished the original concept of ‘charity’. Not a coincidence that Labour also abolished ‘Treason’ (as a punishable offence) and that enabled former BBC Andrew Hind (and Labours Ed Balls whilst at the Treasury) to unravel over 400 years of Charitable good works set aside by previous parliaments for public ‘good works’ (without state intervention) for the common good of Philanthropy included City Schools, Parks, Hospitals and Church philanthropy. What we have now is not fit for purpose and the funding much greater. Charity is now simply a vehicle for tax avoidance for the very rich to hide money transfers. The largest beneficiary being the government itself through ‘NGO’s and QUANGOS requiring public (state) funded bodies that often share government policies. Often without claiming any charitable purpose.
Cameron has only reformed existing ‘Charity regulations’ to exclude obvious abuses of ‘Trade Unions’ money laundering. (so called gagging order limited to the run up in this general election). The new head of the Charity Commission (William Shawcross) has limited powers to clean up ‘charitable’ purpose. The BBC is a direct beneficiary of ‘charity’ for tax purposes and is able to offset tax on its many ‘BBC Limited’ companies. It is also exempt from any charity regulations.
‘Look North’ led with a major story the other day. It took up about a quarter of the whole programme. It was based on something barely newsworthy at all by normal standards: the fact that the NFU is concerned that in the event that there is ever fracking in the areas of the Yorks Moors where there are old mine workings there might be subsidence. Of course we all know the bias here without me spelling it out.
Some BBC Regional broadcasters are heavily pro-Islam, and anti-frackling.
Yes. Look North Leeds has a long history of bias. They were the ones who marginalised the massively important local story about flooding in favour of items about the death of Mandela; these items mostly being old rehashed stuff from when Mandela visited Yorkshire years ago. I wrote to the editor and then to the Trust and got no satisfaction whatsoever.
Incidentally I’m well pleased that my comment actually appeared. I’ve been attempting to post here for a long time, but my posts have never appeared. This time, as an experiment, I used a different name and email address and it worked! What on earth was wrong with my normal name and address I wonder. It’s been frustrating not being able to get my posts visible because I believe I’ve got quite a lot to offer this group, for various reasons.
They are obsessed with sport on Look North Leeds. The only thing worth watching is Paul Hudson the weather man.
I am convinced that his banter finally got rid of that female poseur presenter Ackroyd.
But I wish that Paul Hudson would buy some new shirt and tie boxed sets”. I assume he bought them at Hornsea free port when it was still open (it has been closed for donkeys’ years) I thought that BBC wages would mean he could afford better.
Aren’t there lots of nice big shops in Leeds?
I have only visit the place once but I am sure there were lots of shops. 🙂
Paul Hudson is `freelance` & a climate scientist , not a Bbc employee . You may ask ,how does Essex Man know this when , our local news is London , Norwich or, Southampton , on ITV HD. I have relations in North Yorkshire , so have seen him doing the weather ,when I am up visiting over the last few years .Even remember twice nightly Whitley doing Calender News , as well as Countdown .
To its credit, while leading with the relatively unimportant news from Canada (how many Iraqis are murdered each day by jihadists?) the BBC website is heavily tipping towards this being another killing by the RoP http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-29724907
The second story is about more paedo rape gang abuse – this time in Sheffield http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-29725855. Two surprises for me, one, the prominence given this story and two, I thought Doncaster was next to be exposed after Rotherham – has that still to come or did I miss it?
Still, I guess every Yorkshire post-industrial town will get it’s turn. Odd how no-one expects the same pattern of abuse to be found in Leicester, why would that be?
In none of its ‘analysis’ of why Muslims are commiting Islamic jihad and murdering we ‘Kafirs’, do Beeboids discuss the central jihadist message of Islamic tenets.
Robert Spencer, of ‘Jihadwatch’ was saying THIS on Canada and Islamic jihad,
days BEFORE the latest Islamic jihadist murder of a ‘Kafir’ in Ottawa today-
“Video: Robert Spencer and Michael Coren on Canadian jihadi Ahmad Rouleau”
Supplementary information for INBBC-
“Non-‘Senseless’ Violence”
by Mark Steyn.
Steyn is another BBC non person. I wonder who number one on their banned list is?
Frank Gardener has just managed to allude to the shooter in Canada being like Anders Brevik.?
You couldnt fu***ng make it up!
Yes, he’s just warned us not to assume that the shooter with the Algerian name was a Muslim terrorist.
It seems the Islamic jihadist murderer was a zealous convert –
see Mark STEYN’s (brilliant) 6 mins video clip on ‘Fox News’-
Yes, the INBBC appeasers of Islam are trying every political trick in the book, be it touting:
– ‘Islamophobia’ (i.e. Islamorealism),
– ‘Islamic State’ not being Islamic (despite all its killers being Muslims, quoting Islam at us),
– Muslim violent jihadists as victims, NOT the perpetrators of death, which they are.
Beeboids are not part of the solution to British people’s Islamic jihad problem:
they are part of the problem.
Poor Frank just doesn’t want to get shot again, so hopes to avoid antagonising the RoP.
Yep, unbelievable! I’ll happily give him 500/1 if he wants to put money on it…
Probably the reason Frank stopped a muslim bullet…..’ a muslim shot me?….no…no….i am their friend…..deny…deny…’
Better new comedies have not made it past the first series on the BBC, yet as just advertised on bBC1 the unfunny Citizen Khan gets a 3rd series – Why? (I think I know the answer). Will there be a Christmas special….?
Still on the plus side Sugar has just fired the incompetent token…
In August Vince Cable announced that the UK would halt the export of components for radar systems, combat aircraft and tanks, in the event of “significant hostilities” resuming in Gaza amid fears the equipment could be used by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) in Gaza.
In response I wonder if Israel will allow it’s new ‘groundbreaking’ defense against IEDs to be sold to the UK?!!!
Israel has long, long given up on Europe as a secure supplier to its military. Since the French embargoed their jets and we changed our mind about selling them the Chieftain tank. Israel will sell us weapons, but maybe downgraded versions.
First thing the Israelis would do would be to change the engine on any Chieftan, dual fuel heap of Leyland junk…..and put a decent diesel one in……
Cable is an idiot. Always was, always will be. Waste of space, not to mention air.
Only now after today’s events in Ottawa do the bBC in the UK report yesterdays hit and run in Canada by a Muslim convert, leaving one soldier dead and another one seriously injured.
Of course, there’s political left-wing bias at Channel 4, as well as at BBC-
“Tory MP accuses Jon Snow of being a lefty who should think of retiring.
“Philip Davies asked to leave Channel 4 News offices by Krishnan Guru-Murthy after row with veteran presenter.”
By John Plunkett.
Jay Rayner has come out with a Jaw dropping presentation to MPs that food simply isn’t expensive enough, and we should all be paying more for it.
This is a major BBC ‘star’ son of BBC ‘star’ Clair Rayner and food critic for the Observer.
Food poverty isn’t an issue because it’s caused by other things – such as low pay & benefits and this is why food banks are growing.
The biggest problem he highlights is that of farmers receiving insufficient income.
Pardon me for asking, but aren’t we donating £55 million a day to the EU, partly to finance the Common Agricultural Policy to support farmers so they can produce cheap food for the poor people of Europe?
Hasn’t this been going on since the Roman state gave free grain to the populace to make sure the people didn’t go hungry?
I don’t really know Rayners politics, but having heard him come out with some insane left wing twaddle on the one show with the odious Adrian Chiles, and he seems to switch in some very odd ways.
Have a read of the article and see what you make of it:
Jay Rayner, another Guardian and bBC luvvie, a regular on the One Show – who can forget his support of Harperson on Question Time?
Jay Rayner got his job because? Because he is the son of Claire Rayner.
The Beeb love nepotism and like inviting other sons and daughters of the system on QT with that other product of lazy nepotism the Dimbleby boy to preside. Let’s get the Coren kids on! or the Snow boy! All shooting their cosy public school, liberal gobs and sneering away from their rarified self perpetuating backgrounds.
Don’t get me wrong. I have some great friends who went private. But they don’t sneer nor are they hypocrites.
CANADA, Islamic jihad murder: Update, for Islam Not BBC (INBBC) –
(with mug shot).
Pamela Geller has this-
“Islamic State Releases This Photo of Canadian Shooter Michael Zehaf Bibeau”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/10/islamic-state-releases-this-photo-of-canadian-shooter-michael-zehaf-bibeau.html/#sthash.jR2FLIE7.dpuf
Won’t make the liberal media face reality. Isis must be getting very fed up with the liberal media’s denial of the facts to do this.
The declaratation of a Caliphate is all the authority an Islamist needs to go on the attack in the West. It legitimizes any action any action at all.
Our leaders are in denial and this simply canot go on like this.
These terrorists do seem frustrated that whatever they are trying to provoke isn’t yet happening.
Interesting then who in the media continually tries to wind things up in oddly febrile areas to provoke more.
Maybe if the media celebrated the stoicism and calm that the vast majority demonstrate in such cases, rather than escalation scenarios that don’t transpire, it would be easier to believe they are not doing the terrorists’ jobs for them.
They have been in denial for years, and there is no hint of reality dawning upon their cosy protected world.
Reality can be brought to them in a couple of ways:
The electoral meltdown of their support, towards UKIP, the green shoots of which are beginning to show promisingly.
Or a Canadian style attack within the Palace of Westminster which actually succeeds in nailing a couple of the stupid bastards who insist on defending the ROP.
Wouldn’t it be great for them to actually attack the arseholes who constantly defend them
Two?…….in 1605 a Catholic resistance group came very close to wiping out Parliament entirely!!!!…..there is more than two who deserve to meet a grisly end because they have blood on their hands, and show us utter contempt……an angry John Felton stabbed the duke of Buckingham, one George Villiers for the military debacle against the Isle de Rhe at La Rochelle………Kings are killed…..the useless, fawning, preening gobshites at Westminster need a lesson…..
And another thing…….the soldier shot in Canada had an un-loaded weapon…..why?????…..all the politicos were guarded by dozens of men with live ammo…..shows what they think of the common man eh????
Where is Gut Fawkes when we need him?
Frank Gardner Beeb security ‘expert’ on Newsshite tonight warning not to jump to conclusions about events in Ottawa because there was a terrorist attack 3 years ago in Oslo which didn’t involve Mu$lim$
.. and remember it wasn’t a Muslim who shot JFK.
CANADA Islamic jihad murder.
Censored by BBC-
Mark Steyn on’Fox News’-
“Mark Steyn: Violence against the state isn’t ‘senseless'”
( 6 min video)
Thank you for alerting to that Mark Steyn interview. As I watched it, I realised with certainty that the BBC would never have broadcast such a clear and truthful message. Such is that state of our ‘national broadcaster’. On ‘Today’, it is the usual meme, that the Canadian killing was because of Canada supporting the attack on ISIS. Nonsense. It is part of the gathering attack on western governments and way of life.
Looking at an article on the BBC website posted on the 16th October:
Pakistan court upholds Asia Bibi death sentence
Now when you read the headline, would you know who Asia Bibi is, or even if it was a man or woman? Since the last article run by the BBC on this woman was back in 2010, when she was first arrested, do they really expect for people to remember her?
As you will also see if you read the rest of the article, whatever are the salient points that might give you a better understanding of what exactly is going on here are sketchy at best, typical of the BBC when covering the Islamic mindset.
To her credit, Orla Guerin covered her arrest much more comprehensively back in 2010, where far more detail of what this woman and her family were enduring, and other factors that reflected the mindset pursuing her.
You will still have to read other articles on it by different media organisations to know that this woman was working in the fields alongside Muslim women and she inadvertently drank water from the same cup as them. This is what led to their accusing her some days later of insulting Allah, the crime for which she has been sentenced to death.
I have no doubt that most of not all will be sickened by this story and the actions of the Pakistan court.
In the same way that a petition was raised to try and save the Christian woman, Meriam Ibrahim, in Sudan, which ultimately succeeded, another has been raised by the same British woman as before to try and achieve the release of Asia Bibi.
Please sign it and tell your friends and family.
If the BBC were doing their job properly, it wouldn’t be necessary.
In June this year, a mother of two was found decapitated at her home and her husband was arrested for her murder.
Yesterday at the Old Bailey, her husband denied attacking her.
Here’s the only 2 articles on this incident I can find on the BBC website.
Tahira Ahmed case: Wife ‘found decapitated after row’
2 June 2014 Last updated at 16:29
Tahira Ahmed case: Husband denies decapitating wife
20 October 2014 Last updated at 11:31
First I notice that it took nearly a week for the BBC to publish an article on it. Here’s the article from the Evening Standard on the day it happened and as you will also see it goes into far greater detail than the BBC. So no question that the BBC were unaware of this incident long before they decided to publish anything on it.
So it raises the questions, why should the BBC take so long to ‘inform their public’ of this incident, and why too in such a meagre fashion?
So let’s compare this to another gruesome incident that happened earlier this year, a hammer attack on 3 sisters visiting the UK from the UAE. This time the BBC runs their first article the next day.
Hammer attack in women’s Marble Arch hotel room
7 April 2014 Last updated at 17:21
The search of the BBC website reveals 10 articles since this incident, and in far more gory detail, to make sure the reader is sickened by it.
So how do you account for the differences in reporting on these 2 crimes?
Might the fact that in the first the accused is named Naveed Ahmed, and in the second the name is Phillip Spence, have something to do with it?
I was thinking about it today and by the definition of racism which I understand – the BBC are RACIST.
Everybody would agree that Hitler and the Nazis were racist. They promoted the Aryan being while demonizing minorities like Jews, Gypsies, etc. People assume that a racist would only promote their own race, when in Hitler’s case, he was not Aryan.
Given the way the BBC promote and protect Islam, the end results of their racism may eventually equal or exceed the number of deaths attributable to the Nazis.
With the distinguishing factor between a Patriot and a Nationalist being that the former supports his nation while the latter is against every other, the BBC are clearly Nationalist on this and a host of other issues. Just like the Nazis.
Who are you or I to judge this man? In his interpretation of his religion, he is perhaps fully justified in chopping his wife’s head off. I find that people on this site are too quick to make judgements, and worse, those judgements are rooted in old fashioned British values where chopping off you wife’s head is frowned upon. Britain has moved on and become multiculturalist so we have no right to impose our values on people from other cultures. Of course, because our forebears imposed their hideously white values on half the world , we must accept that it is right and proper for the oppressed cultures , such as Muslims, to now impose their values on us. After all Islam is the Religion of Peace and has so much to admire about the sensitive approach it takes to those who don’t believe.
And chopping his wife’s head off has to be seen in its appropriate context
Allegedly. You have to be careful, with an ongoing trial. It’s quite possible it fell off on its own.
Easy mistake – could happen to anyone.
Just keep in mind who the BBC actually are when you read this story, and consider how can they possibly imagine they can be justified in using laws formed to combat terrorists to track down licence fee dodgers.
An example to show just how foul and insidious this organisation has become, in addition to the rest of their agenda which brings this country further down.
BBC uses anti-terror spy powers to track down licence fee dodgers who do not pay annual £145.50 cost
BBC admits using RIPA anti-terror legislation to find licence fee dodgers
Proves the old saying. Give the ruling class powers and they will always misuse them.
This alone is enough evidence that the BBC needs to be broken up and sold off. How long would it take?
A few weeks at the most and we would be rid of it.
Hello Al Beeb and your ever watchful trustees.
Have you noticed on your own news media …
Children being raped and exploited by those people that you call ‘men’.
Jails in Britain full of foreign ‘men’ costing this country millions of pounds.
Armed ‘Men’ attacking the Canadian Parliament.
Have you worked out who these ‘men’ are yet?
If you contact those UKIP people they will probably help you.
All night the hourly R2 news bulletin has been leading with events in Canada but I noticed the 2am bulletin made no mention of it at all! Nada, not a sausage , like it hadn’t happened.
Could this be due the the confirmation that is was performed by a Muslim covert in the past couple of hours or is it just a coincidence? I’m pretty certain we all know the answer to that conundrum.
Like other Radio 2 overnight output now, it was probably pre-recorded!
What’s ‘convert’ got to do with this Muslim terror? He’s either Muslim or not. Yet again the BBC and the Left are doing all they can to protect their Muslim masters. You never hear ‘Christian convert!’
Islam is a religion of peace. So clearly this man was not a true Muslim and this alleged attack – which probably never even happened but if it did then it would be as a result of Canadian foreign policy – was nothing to do with Islam. Got it? Now move on. Meanwhile, here’s some more important news from the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-29660391, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29612236, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-29707728, zzzzz….
BBC 8 o’clock news this morning seizes on bad figures from Tesco for its headline this morning, then comes an NHS story and then something terroristy happened in Canada yesterday.
Sky news – as one would expect of a news outfit – leads with Canada.
Take notice of BBC news priorities and you will understand. News which appears to offer a critique of capitalism are a favourite. Anything to do with the public sector are also a natural choice for our national taxing broadcaster.
Yes, there’s an obvious political agenda at work on ‘Today.’
-To largely censor out the Islamic jihad murder in Ottawa, and instead appease Beeboids’ Labour and trade union chums by filling the programme with scares that a small amount of health provision for NHS patients may be provided by private companies.
But surely the big NHS news this week – splashed across newspaper headlines – is the failings of the Welsh NHS under Labour. The main item on PMQs, yesterday, for example.
I must have missed all the BBC coverage. I wonder why ?
The BBC interviewed Jeremy Hunt this morning on BBC1 Breakfast. Charlie Staydt interrupted him several times and queried most of hist answers and the BBC’s side of the interview appeared to be confrontational and angry. Then, on the same programme Andy Burnham was interviewed. Naga Munchetty didn’t interrupt him once, and didn’t even question his answers, and it was conducted quite gently. Why the double standards BBC?
You, I, and the rest of the world know very well why…
Radio 4 on FaceBook has a helpful five facts on what pressures the NHS is having to bear.
Second is a rise in folk using it.
First is an ageing population.
No apparent thought given to where this rise has come from, or what happens when age factors compound.
All of which could reasonably be posed to a Labour spokestool, but seems they are spared.
It seems to be NHS Day on the Beeb. I’m guessing it’s a slow news day with nothing much important happening in the rest of the world.
The fact that Butcher Burnham is still at liberty, never mind still Shadow Health Secretary is astonishing.
How many people do Labour MPs have to kill before the BBC will question them about it?
How the the BBC reported the death of an Israeli baby..
absolute bloody disgrace..seemingly blaming Israel…I am fuming…
at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-29725278
East Jerusalem has experienced months of unrest since a Palestinian teenager was abducted and burned to death in early July, two days after the discovery of the bodies of three Israeli teenagers who were abducted and killed in the occupied West Bank in mid-June.
In what Israel terms a “run-over” terrorist attack, a Palestinian deliberately rammed his car into a crowd of Israelis near a light-rail train station in Jerusalem on Wednesday evening (18:00 Israel time, 22 Oct 2014).
As it was reported in Israel
Chaya Zisel Braun, a three-month-old baby girl, flew at least ten meters from her stroller after being struck by the car. Critically injured in the attack, she died of her head wounds an hour later in the nearby Mount Scopus Hadassah Hospital. Eight others were wounded, including two who are in critical condition and the baby’s father. The victims had just disembarked from a light-rail train at the station near the Ammunition Hill memorial and were on the pavement when hit.
The attacker, identified as Abdel Rahman Al-Shaludi, a Palestinian resident of the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, who had served a prison sentence for Hamas terrorist activities, was shot by police as he fled the scene and died in hospital.
A Hamas spokesman reportedly openly welcomed news of the terror attack in Jerusalem by one of its terrorists: “This is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and invasion of our land by the Jews, particularly on the Al-Aqsa Mosque,” Hamas spokesman Hossam Badran stated on official Hamas television. Hamas television has also confirmed the identity of the terrorist.
“The atrocious murder of an innocent baby girl, a victim of indiscriminate terrorism, should disgust all those who have a heart.” (Israeli President Reuben Rivlin…Please note BBC…
You are right, only, we know how the bbc like to cover up the suffering of children when it suits their ends. Poor baby, it’s the worst of crimes.
Notice how the BBC sets the scene with “East Jerusalem has experienced months of unrest since a Palestinian teenager was abducted and burned to death in early July, two days after the discovery of the bodies of three Israeli teenagers who were abducted and killed in the occupied West Bank in mid-June.” The death of the Palestinian teenager is mentioned first, implying greater importance, whilst the term “occupied West Bank” is used to infer that the Israelis were somewhere they shouldn’t have been and that there is some sort of justification (sic) for what happened to them. This type of reporting is intended as subliminal propaganda, operating at a deep level and designed to create a certain impression in the audience without awareness of their manipulation.
At least the wretched BBC reported it but as usual in a sanitised form. Passive tense and all. . Remember the silence over the Fogel family? I have never forgotten this nor will I ever forgive the liberal media for their weasel words and near silence.
Perhaps we should compare it with Israel’s Netanyahu accuses Abbas over Jerusalem car attack?
The headline is a masterpiece. On one hand obsessive detail. Is there a Netanyahu anywhere else? On the other vagueness. Was a car attacked or did a car attack someone or more accurately did someone attack someone else using a car or did Abbas attack a car?
The caption on the photo is another masterpiece being completely unintelligible to someone who doesn’t already know the story. The Palestinian driver died after being shot trying to flee the scene Presumably the damaged car in the photograph is the one referred to but we are still left in doubt. Was this ‘another’ case of evil Israel murdering Palestinians or a criminal/terrorist fleeing the scene? What connection does the police officer in the foreground have with the shooting?
Perhaps I missed it but did the BBC actually find the Abbas statement newsworthy enough to record before Netanyahu accused him of incitement. For the record Abbas: ‘Settlers’ have no right to ‘desecrate’ Temple Mount Abbas calls on activists to prevent Jewish ‘settlers’ from entering Temple Mount Doesn’t exactly sound like Abbas the peacemaker.
For the record I don’t think Abbas had anything directly to do with this particular terrorist attack but years of incitement from the Abbas controlled Palestinian media did nothing to prevent it.

Biased BBC –
UKIP get gratuitous mention in totally unrelated article on resignation of an MP with marital problems, including the headline : “UKIP defection”
Actually, very little is said about the resignation, more about UKIP and Mark Reckless….
extraordinary that the Beeb manages to get to the end of this article
without mentioning once that the suspect had actually (allegedly) converted to Islam – very keen to mention possible mental illness before introducing Islam, even tangentially
Islam seems to have an attraction for those with dangerous mental illness, for some unfathomable reason.
If you believe the questionable RAJAR stats it would seem that people are waking up (literally) to the mind-numbing dross, banality and bias that bBC breakfast radio is offering and switching off in their 100’s of thousands.
Gob on a stick Evans minus 608k listeners
I’m gay you know Grimshaw minus 149k
Today continues its decline with the loss of a further 18k
The top rated comment in the Mail on this story encapsulates Champagne Socialist Evans really well.
Radio 4 today
From our own correspondent coming from Eastern Europe with a program about the Roma and the persecution and discrimination they suffer.
Then Cuba Offline
From the last Communist paradise which is accessible yet another yawn inducing report on what a tragedy it is that the island has not yet discovered the internet !
Not that the BBC is biased to the left – they have to balance their output across several programs, and of course there will be one to the far right to balance this.
Would someone please let me know when they hear this?
I heard it. And I also saw a flying pig ridden by Lord Lucan.
On Today this morning Simon Stevens chief executive of NHS England answered BBC-selected tweets concerning the future of the NHS. This farce was prompted by Stevens’ assertions that the NHS will need an extra £8 billion/year (on top of £22 billion “efficiency savings”) to pay for, amongst other things (as Today revealed this morning) gastric bands for sufferers from food-related incontininence.
AFAIAA no-one on the BBC (or in the MSM it appears) has called this guy’s bluff or even questioned his figures: certainly no tweet was selected by Today which might have suggested that Stevens, as head of a state organisation, will always ask for more (cf BBC, police, social services etc etc). After all, in 2, 3, 5 years time it can be confidently predicted that Stevens or his successor will fail to produce the goods and will turn round and blame the lack of resources (rather than himself or the dysfunctional organisation that he runs) for his manifest failure (before being appointed at an increased salary to head another state organisation).
Oh no, the BBC concentrates on the “rich” not paying even more to pour down the throat of the incontinent NHS (if any organisation requires a gastric band, it’s the NHS) and constantly gives a fair wind to the Labour meme concerning invidious “privatisation” of the NHS. Does anyone really care who provides what (except for carefully selected BBC vox pop interviewees and Labour/points-left apparatchiks) as long as the genuinely ill patient gets what is required economically and efficiently?
I’ve never understood what the big deal is about using private providers. As long as you get the treatment your taxes have paid for, why should it matter who is giving it? Yet the BBC always makes such a fuss about it and treats it as a given.
Highlighting cod-privatisation is a Labour election gimmick (much like the “victims” charter, the cost of living “crisis” and the cost of legitimate tax avoidance). As such you can expect the BBC to keep it to the forefront of anything it does in respect of the NHS.
In the exact reverse, considering Labour opened our national doors to the great migration from the sub-continent from 1997 onwards, the BBC forbears to mention that the great unhappiness of UK indigenes with “immigration” has more to do with the inordinate number of Moslems presently in the UK rather than with the EU inward migration.
This is not to underestimate the deleterious social effects of EU migration from Southern and Eastern Europe but by concentrating its migration news fire on the European element, the BBC avoids harming
its political friendsLabour. Of course, the same avoidance of mentioning the negative social and other effects of sub-continental migration is carried out by the 3 main parties at Westminster.Similarly, and to come back to my/your original points: the same three parties indulge in a competition to see how much taxpayers’ money they can throw down the NHS tip rather than ask how much the country can afford and then tailor NHS services accordingly.
The BBC is in its ‘play it all down mode and deny its anything to do with Islam’ mode on the Ottawa shootings. Their response has been used so many times that you can almost write the news headlines on the story day by day. basically it goes as follows :
Phase 1 :query if it was done by Muslims until the heat dies down
, often run the story that the perpetrators were known to have mental problems
Phase 2: say the perpetrators were from a tiny splinter group who don’t represent mainstream Islam and are disowned by Muslims across the globe who wish to co-exist peacefully with other faiths
Phase 3: ask what responsibility the West has for making/forcing people to behave like this. Bring on lots of ‘moderate’ Muslim clerics etc who claim that their community is doing all it can to prevent extremists gaining any recruits but that we in the West are not helping them by our Islamophobia.
As the terror increases the modus operandii of the BBC is looking increasingly pathetic. The British people are beginning to realise that we are under attack from many groups within Islam , not a microscopic splinter group, and that we want some action taken to protect our country and its citizens.
The appeasement of Islam, which takes so many forms, touted by the BBC and it fellow liberal lefties, will only result in Islam gaining more ground and its encroachment into ordinary British lives. At some point the Brits will have had enough and then the tragic consequences of allowing so many Muslims into the UK will unfold.
I am sure that the clever folks at the BBC must know this is unlikely to end well but perhaps they just can’t bring themselves to admit it and so bury their heads further in the sand.
It is a sad reflection on current times to admit that I am relieved that I am of an age when the events of 30 years time are unlikely to bother me. The future looks bleak for those of us who don’t want to embrace Islam and don’t want to fight for our values either, because it looks as though we will have to. The sooner that defence of British values and culture starts the easier and less divisive it will be.
Thirty years time will see the end of me also. But I have many grandchildren and they too are part of what I am and of my people.
I am not at all prepared to be responsible for a possible dreadful future for them so it is my duty to do all I can to prevent it.
It means that we must oppose liberalism without qualification. It means that those liberal media and semi state organisations are my enemy. That the BBC is never to be considered trustworthy or worthwhile.
I am old enough not be concerned what will happen to me if the liberal stasi state starts kicking down doors. And it will mark my words.
It is the liberal fantasy world view that has bought us to this pass. We have done nothing except that we have let them rampage through our way of life and our Christian civilisation.
The more intelligent liberals seem to be realising this hence the concerted anti UKIP vilifications. I have always thought UKIP is about a lot more the the EU. Maybe it’s leaders do not yet fully grasp this. Time will tell. The mood in the shires has changed irrevocably and all the politicians can do is go with it .
The liberal has made the usual error. Thinking that he is the end product of history . Not so and hopefully the next few years will make that plain.
As for the BBC- the pinnacle of the liberal media- it is worthless.
Liberal socialist elitism always ends the same and they never learn from history.
Basically they are busy bodies, the sort of people on your street wanting to put their nose into everyone’s business and have a say, which is why many of them work in the public services.
The ruling socialists at the top are more powerful, have lots of money and want you to live your life by their ‘progressive’ morals…so, while they are having dinner with an asian/black diplomat you have to put up with the garbage they have flooded your neighbourhood with even though you never asked for it.
This causes huge resentment but the accusations of racism, etc,etc, keeps the masses quiet, but it can only last so long and you can feel the backlash coming. Pre WW2 Hitler’s Nazi party started slowly, but the more the disenfranchised people had had enough of the social and economic troubles the more they moved to the right and the left wing could do nothing about it, It was too late and they just never listen.
People by and large aren’t right wing lunatics! They just want what is right for their community and for their taxes to be spent in their interests and that of their families, that is what communities are about, the liberals don’t seem to understand this and the rapidly increasing destruction of those communities will have dire consequences. They don’t get the fact that the UK is as much ours as it is theirs.
The rise of UKIP isn’t happening for nothing yet still the liberals blame us for not falling in line with their righteous ways because they can never be wrong, that is why they rise again and again, it’s like the busybody..smacking him/her on the nose won’t make the slightest difference to their outlook.
Another EU recession, as is expected, could be the catalyst. The right is on the rise throughout the EU, how long can the likes of the UK and Germany go on propping the EU up, not to mention Africa and the Middle East? Don’t expect the liberals to give a shit, they’ll watch from the sidelines and then start all over again…like a cockroach they always survive.
In a classic diversionary tactic, Frank Gardner yesterday on News 24 mentioned for no reason at all that the Norwegian shootings had at first (ie for about 3 minutes) been a suspected Moslem outrage and – just to get the real BBC villains in its sights – were actually carried out by a far right (rather than a religious) loony. This is the same Gardner who in the immediate aftermath of the Lee Rigby murder basically accused the security services of responsibility because (according to Gardner) a “hitherto reliable” tweeter had informed him that the murderers were secret service recruits.
Muslims are always the victim.
“This is the same Gardner who in the immediate aftermath of the Lee Rigby murder basically accused the security services of responsibility because (according to Gardner) a “hitherto reliable” tweeter had informed him that the murderers were secret service recruits. ”
Really? Good God these people have a mental disease.
They really don’t ever grow up do they. They stick to the sort of ridiculous ideas Sixth Formers have and I suppose the fact that they are very well off and never actually done a real day’s work means they harbour these crazy beliefs all through their lives
For anyone who hasn’t seen this, its a breakdown of bBC management salaries and expenses. It makes eye watering reading.
I haven’t had the time to check them all out, but it would appear that the bBC believe that ‘Director of Music’ (Bob Shennan) is worth £236k (+ expenses) of tele tax payers money, that’s 1627 licence payers yearly subs for just one director!
“Bob is responsible for driving the music strategy across the BBC, delivering a step change in music output across TV, Radio and online.
He has the expertise and leadership skills necessary to deliver a rapid roll-out of the music strategy, and be able to coordinate day-to-day genre activity, including the operation of a pan BBC list of priority events, music strands, partnerships and talent – delegating account management of partnerships and talent to genre board colleagues where appropriate.
Bob also chairs the Music Genre Board.”
Not sure quite what all that means, but I guess it does make him responsible for the dire re-hash of the Beach Boy classic that the bBC keep self promoting, in which the ‘stars’ gave their ‘time for free’ but cost the licence payer a fortune in technical staff, technical equipment, hospitality’s and utilities.
This is self-serving BBC management-speak of an odious kind:
“driving the music strategy” – I think people drive cars and buses, not strategy. Why not ‘driving forward’ or simply ‘implementing’? And, anyway, does the BBC really need a ‘music strategy’?
“a step change” – Why say ‘step change’ and why is the change necessary in any case? Is it because ‘step change’ sounds more radical, dynamic and ‘edgy’ than just ‘change’?
“rapid roll-out” – so trendy, so achingly ‘now’!
“genre” – a nice French word, but do we really need it THREE times in ONE short paragraph?
“partnerships and talent” – repeated far too soon and close together to be good style.
Who writes this sh*t and how much are they paid?
That’s his BBC pay. No mention of all the kick-backs he receives via the back door from the recording industry.
No wonder they are so desperate to keep the tax . With paydays like this it is gold rush time for them.
They cannot even use the English language correctly. Gibberish and more gibberish.
I suppose they think it makes them sound psuedo scientific about matters which are really very simple.
Canada: Islamic jihad murder.
Information for obfuscating INBBC-
“Canadian Parliament Attacker was Son of Libyan Muslim Jihadist”
By Daniel Greenfield.
But at least we can all be thankful the attack had nothing to do with Islam…cue Nick Clegg.
Louise Bours, UKIP MEP, is in the Question Time lions’ den tonight, lined up again Alex Salmond, Caroline Flint and (Stand up to UKIP’s) Len McCluskey. I wonder what the question aimed at UKIP will be this time:
‘Does UKIP’s huge lead in the polls for the Rochester and Strood by-election show that at last we have a political party in tune with the concerns and aspirations of the British people?’
Yea, right, expect something on the theme of ‘calypso’ and ‘racist’.
First question … is UKIP racist? That’ll last for half an hour with everyone saying UKIP is racist. The audience will all agree … politics of fear etc. Canada probably won’t even get a mention. Then, the last ten minutes where UKIP will get another kick in the nuts. That’ll be followed by Abbotpotamus who’ll go on about UKIP being racist. Just another day of bias at the beeb. I don’t know about you but I can smell the fear.
Thanks for the heads up, I might watch.
Of course only comments by Flint and McCluskey will be received with rapturous applause. No need to ship the audience in tonight, just checked its from Liverpool…
McCluskey was on PM tonight with the woman whose name I forget who talks to people over food. Inane!
Here is my question for Question Time.
Can the panel explain why the chicken crossed the road?
Answer from the left members of the panel
‘It was Thatcher’s fault
UKIP are racist’
The all purpose left answer.
Didn’t UKIPs stance against TTIP win favour with the unions?
Question Time is little more than a kangaroo court for the Left to shriek its prejudices and display its contempt for democracy.
Can I apologise in advance for Salmond and re-iterate that he does not represent the majority of Scots – 38% only.
I sugggest nobody watches who reads this blog. We all know how it will go. It is a pointless exercise. Then we can all sleep peacefully and none of the rubbish spouted on the show will have any effect. In the end the liberal left needs to be ignored or laughed at.
Isn’t it time for a biased C4 website? Aren’t we tired of all the cultural Marxism?
Yes, I’m tired of the ‘Cultural Marxism’, but I don’t have to watch Channel 4 or financially contribute to it by law. It is entitled to be a Culturally Marxist as it wants. There’s always the ‘off’ switch if you don’t like it.
The BBC on the other hand, the publically funded BBC, should be impartial and unbiased. It isn’t, but you still have to pay for it. You get charged to have their do-gooding left wing claptrap rammed down your throat whether you want it or not.
Although I am giving serious consideration to not bothering paying my ‘telly tax’. It would undoubtedly help with the blood pressure.
Look North Leeds today has an item about racial abuse in Rotherham. Apparently some people are unhappy with the Asian community because of the 1,400 child rapes, and are expressing this unhappiness by swearing at taxi drivers, etc. No actual evidence or examples of this racial abuse, but the (Asian-sounding) Asian the BBC now employs as a reporter for such items told us in hushed tones of horror that there was a lot of it about, so it must be true. This really isn’t a news story; it’s just shit stirring. All it will do, if anything, is give the white thickos ideas, and revive any feelings of resentment that the mainstream indigenous people might feel. Running a puff story like this for no good reason just stirs up trouble, yet when the BBC fails to report the misdeeds of an Asian the excuse is ‘community cohesion’. Sheer hypocrisy!
I wonder where the idea for this story came from? A complaint to the BBC from a Rotherham Asian? If so they turned it into an item that was totally disproportionate. Or did the idea come from the fertile imagination of a BBC staff member?
Much better story, factual … and I tell you, a massive thank goodness for that … from anyone who like me, has travelled extensively in the UK, and watched the Pakxi nightmare unfold
over the years, in town/city after town/city … about time.
On another note the always worth a listen – P Condell
Al BBCs take on it
“Manager of a cab firm in Rochdale has said that a small number of the company’s customers are requesting white drivers, following the rise of the so-called Islamic State in the Middle East”
oh 😀 … is that why ?
Got it in two Fred
It must take a very special kind of person to be a BBC CECUTT staffer. They for sure cannot have any mirrors at home.
But for sure the ongoing restraint by the author in face of such hogwash shilling for life-threatening ineptitude and/or venality never ceases to impress and amaze me.
‘It may of course well be that the BBC’s lack of coverage of missile launches and other terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip was motivated by concern for the personal safety of its correspondents on the ground at the time and its permanent local bureau staff. Whilst that would be perfectly understandable, that policy did however affect the credibility of BBC reporting and had a major effect on its adherence to BBC editorial guidelines concerning accuracy and impartiality, thus affecting the way in which audiences understood the story as a whole.
Sublime. Damned by faint empathy.
It should be posted up in every lift and loo cubicle in BBC offices everywhere. So staff can read it as part of an ongoing commitment to locating some professional integrity.
“The main reason is that militant groups keep the location of launch sites secret.”
Well the IDF had a pretty damn good idea where they were! Just point your cameras at any school or hospital, or even hotel packed full of foreign journos, it’s odds on there’ll be a launch site nearby.
There’s none so blind as will not see, as the saying goes.
Belgium chocolate maker ISIS needs to change its name again
It would be fun to see the reaction if one of the current acronym-addicted nutjob outfits changed their name to something like Bonkers Boko Collective, if only for a bazillion meetings being called at W!A simply to have a policy on what a spokesperson can say.
Terrorist loons, take note. In a world dominated by PC-obsessed brand weenies, you have more power to disrupt the West sitting round a table from Wollff Olins than an arms dealer from North Korea.
Suzanne Evans (UKIP) made an appearance on BBBC2 ‘politics today’ at lunchtime today programme after we had a small section of video telling us (with supportive commentary from the presenter) how important it was to stay in the EU and that if Churchill were alive he would be wanting to stay in europe as well as all the sensible people(presumably, that means anyone who agrees with the bbbc). In the discussion afterwards Suzanne Evans was interrupted by both the presenter and/or the host every time she tried to answer the question. Suzanne, on the other hand did not interrupt when the pro eu talking head was speaking………
Don’t you just love that impartiality from the bbbc……they just don’t get it, do they?
Well done, Suzanne keep going girl!!
Suzanne Evans’ clear and pleasant manner – and obvious intelligence – makes her far more persuasive on telly than most of the leftie talking heads the BBC finds.
Continuing the ‘all cultures are equal’ agenda, so beloved of the Left, on the BBC national and North West news at lunchtime: ‘Well it’s that time of year when some of you will be celebrating Dwali’.
That’s in both weather forecasts. Two gratuitous plugs for multiculturalism and no doubt there’ll be more before the day’s out.
Beam me up, Scotty (no, not you).
How the world loved the swastika – until Hitler stole it
“Coca-Cola used it. Carlsberg used it on their beer bottles. The Boy Scouts adopted it and the Girls’ Club of America called their magazine Swastika. They would even send out swastika badges to their young readers as a prize for selling copies of the magazine”
‘We’ borrow, ‘you’ steal. it all depends on one’s viewpoint!
Hilarious clip from Guido following his trip to the BBC after his party.
The egregiously left wing BBC sends some gurning woofter called Giles along to the party to declare that the bash is “egregiously right wing.”
Lots of comments about how “right wing” it all is and how all the Tories are there.
Next come the studio interview with the loathsome Michael White who seethes with undisguised envy and rage. Constantly interrupting and making a total clown of himself with continuous interjections about “Murdoch” and the “Daily Mail”. Lots more commenting on “right wing” and “Tories”, completely ignoring the fact that Staines column goes after all parties.
The BBC just can’t get over themselves that there are people who don’t slavishly follow their left, and sometimes, far left views and who may actually disagree with them.
Also there is a Deborah Mattinson who was fraudulently involved in some bogus charity called “The Smith Institute” working for Gordon Brown and exposed by Staines for what it was.
She also “writes” for the Guardian.
Michael White crops up on my twitter feed a lot.
I don’t follow him, but he seems to engage with quite a few I do.
Almost always he appears to seethe with rage if not being the most pompous, patronising buffoon possible.
He’s like a Fast Show character mated with a honey badger, only without the charm.
One can see why the BBC love him.
If Murdoch and the Daily Mail didn’t exist, he and Kevin Maguire could settle down together and run a nice stress-free B&B in Brighton.
I also don’t get all the froth and flounce over a party.
People were invited; some went. Others didn’t.
Folk from Oborne to the BBC’s finest hatchet squad trying to get excited about possible affiliations based on obsessive tallies seems dafter than usual. It’s a private media outfit anyway.
If the public-funded BBC had an invite-only bash and the ratio was 99 Trots to one Lib Dem, they’d claim a fair split.
I liked the part when Mattinson aimed a remark at White with regards to not receiving an invite to the Guido party.”I never had an invite, did you Michael”? He uncomfortably replied that he had but decided not to go…I wonder why?
The Murdoch associates would have made him explode as he nearly did on Daily Politcs. Guido had a good laugh at his expense though, the disdain between them was seething.
“He uncomfortably replied that he had but decided not to go…I wonder why?”
The logic on display seems impeccable. A particular group decided not to attend an event, and then make great play of how they were not properly represented. Maybe Guido could have got Danny Cohen to force attendance balances?
CANADA – Islamic jihad murder.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) devotes a whole webpage on how its fellow,
like-minded ‘leftist’ journalist chums campaign for more
mass immigration, and for more mis-representation of Islam
as a ‘religion of peace.’
In a nutshell, the leftists are saying:
‘they’ (the unnameable Islamic jihadists) ‘are at war with us in the West,
and are murdering our people, but we should carry on
being nice to them!’
Brilliant alternative media response, whose message is censored by INBBC:
Mark STEYN on ‘Fox News’-
(6 min video clip)
Excellent clip. Thanks for posting.
Teachers, Trots, Labour Party Councillors, Unions, and a couple of BBC luvvies all committed to censoring the Oxford Union. Tonight’s demo called off but it looks as if these representatives of Multiculty Oxford will flex their muscles should Robinson be asked to appear on another date. There are some of us who believe in freedom of speech and are fully aware that Robinson will not incite violence or law breaking at the Oxford Union. Come on BBC, lets hear it for British values like freedom of opinion.
The liberal left does not do freedom of speech. Why should it? Once the fantasy heaven of the left is here on earth why should anyone need freedom of anything?
I am very confused as to exactly why Tommy Robinson has been recalled to prison and why he was ever there in the first place. Obviously to the elite he is a dangerous man so they unleash their tame lefties against him. Very silly but there you are. The left has little sense of reality.
Apparently for replying to a tweet in the wrong tone? Threatening? Although how replying in kind to a threat to your family is deemed threatening is beyond me…very convenient though!
“Ok agent liberal, send the tweet”
“Roger, chief constable (pause), It’s done and we’ve had the suitable reply”
“Well done, agent liberal, we are outside his house now, ho won’t be going to Oxford any time soon…your dirty money is on the way to your bbc registered address”
All he did was to reply to a death threat by telling the sender where he would be and when.
If that can get you into the nick we’re all fucked big time.
“All he did was to reply to a death threat…”
Surely you mean; “According to Tommy Robinson that’s all he did…”
The man has a long criminal record, including; drugs offences, multiple assaults & travelling under a false passport.
He was sent back to prison for breaching the terms of his early release after being jailed (and pleading guilty) for a £160,000 mortgage fraud.
Why should any, otherwise rational, person believe a single word out of the lips of this convicted liar?
Well the only real fact is that Robinson is back in prison. No news outlet seems to be sure why. There must be a reason .I have checked many outlets but no luck. So it is odd to say the least. We have Tommy’s story but no other. Odder still.
dave s
“Well the only real fact is that Robinson is back in prison. No news outlet seems to be sure why.”
Wrong. It’s a fact that he’s a convicted fraudster and is back in prison for breaching the terms of his early release.
He was “tagged” in other words and subject to a “Home Detention Curfew” for the remainder of his sentence. This means being required to stay at home between 7pm-7am every night & most probably (in Robinson’s case) forbidden from using social networking sites such as twitter:
“Ex-EDL chief Tommy Robinson has Twitter account suspended”
[Remember that £160,000 mortgage fraud? He wasn’t acting alone.]
With his criminal record he was lucky to be out of prison at all after being inside for just one and half months of an 18 month jail term.
So he breaches the conditions of his curfew, goes back to prison, plays the victim card… and EDL idiots express their sympathy.
Cry me a bleedin’ river.
I see, so in your world ‘most probably’ means he breached his release conditions huh?
So, you, in ignorance of the facts of the case have him convicted once again?
So, perhaps ‘ most probably’ dez ought to be denied access to social media as well?
Night shift at aljabeeba getting you down Dez?
Cry me a river indeed, give me a country filled with Robinsons, Dez, and devoid of people like you any day.
Thanks god jailed for ‘tweets’.
No doubt in your idiotic mental state this is far worse than the systematic sexual abuse of young British girls or the tsunami of violence perpetrated on the rest of humanity by islam.
You are already drowning in a river.
An interesting article, to be sure. It looks like the BBC contacted the Prison Service to ask them their thoughts on the Twitter account, or more likely, to nudge them into shutting Robinson up.
And that is what happened.
So a bit of an own goal there. I wonder how many other prisoners the BBC nudges the Prison service about and on which side of the political spectrum they are?
‘It’s not entirely clear why the DCMS lighted upon David Perry QC to conduct the review of tv licence enforcement. He’s clearly a legal polymath, with expertise in all sorts of bad behaviour…’
It’s not entirely clear why this lovely chap can’t see what’s staring at him in his own words.
The TV licence has very little to do with media, and a lot to do with bad behaviour.