The Canadian parliament is honouring Kevin Vickers their Sergeant at Arms for shooting a murdering islamist gunman on entering the parliament building. He did his job viz. protecting MPs.
What would have happened here?
After an inquest he would be arrested, charged with murder, given bail and await trial.
The slimy bastard which politicians are have made sure that new laws will be passed which will further restrict the liberty of the citizenry.
They claim that these laws have been in the pipeline and would have been brought in anyway, but seeing as they care nothing for the likes of you & I, and everything about themselves they can manage to implement these with almost instant speed.
If this happened in the UK any sergeant at arms with any sense would allow a gunman to shoot a few MPs before killing him thus ensuring maximum gratitude. The slimy MPs will always honour anyone who saves their cowardly arses, had this man shot a Muslim convert who was trying to murder ordinary citizens, it would have been a very different story.
“Imagine the outrage of the BBC if it caught a Right-of-centre newspaper abusing anti-terrorism powers to track down readers owing their subscriptions.
“Yet this is precisely how the Corporation chases viewers who fail to pay the £145.50 licence fee, abusing the surveillance rights granted to public bodies under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act.
To his credit, Culture Secretary Sajid Javid has ordered a review of the BBC’s chilling conduct.
“But with the police exploiting RIPA to hack journalists’ phones in search of whistleblowers – and local councils using it to spy on parents suspected of breaking school catchment rules – there’s surely an urgent need for a far wider official investigation into the ways the Act is being misapplied.
“Meanwhile, the BBC must be ordered forthwith to desist from this liberty-crushing method of raising cash – and concentrate on slashing its bloated empire to bring the licence fee down.”
More on Beeboids’ leftist newsroom chums at Channel 4:-
“The luvvie newsreader, the bluff Yorkshire Tory and a furious scrap played out across the newsroom at ‘Left-wing’ Channel 4.
“Backbencher Philip Davies allegedly launched blistering attack on Mr Snow.
“Row got so heated presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy ‘asked MP to leave.’
“Mr Davies allegedly accused presenter of being biased suggested retirement.
“But the Tory MP said the allegations were ‘lies’ and insists he said ‘nothing.’
“Mr Davies told MailOnline he was ‘ambushed’ during tour of newsroom.
NOT on INBBC’s ‘Education and Family’ news page online:-
“Father’s anger at being fined for taking his five-year-old daughter out of school to go
to her grandmother’s funeral in Pakistan…but they were away for 40 DAYS.
“Ikram Hussain angry at court decision to fine him over £400 for absence.
“Father of four, 51, took his daughter out of school from March 4 until April 9.
“Travelled to Pakistan for funeral and stayed for traditional 40 days of prayer.
“Taxi driver says it is unfair he has been fined for daughter’s lengthy absence.”
But Beeboids seem to be still unable to understand (or are in denial about) why it happened, as are much of the political class and MSM in West, viz-
“ABC News: ‘Authorities in Canada are trying to understand what motivated a gunman to kill a soldier in the country’s capital’”
-Comment, by Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Well, let’s see. He is a Muslim — not one who recently converted, but one who has been a Muslim for at least three years. His father is a veteran of the jihad in Libya. His photo was sent out yesterday by the Islamic State, which has repeatedly called upon Muslims in the West to stage freelance jihad attacks. In other words, the gunman’s motive is staring ABC News and the Canadian authorities in the face, but it the one thing that the mainstream media and all too many Western officials do not wish to see, and spend a great deal of time trying to obfuscate.”
The beeb were actually reporting this ‘ALLEGED’ crime from the viewpoint that the guy was a loner and didn’t fit in…rather like your average American teen nutcase who commits a high school shooting. It’s like it’s a complete shock and surprise, as if it has never happened before? It’s just embarrassing.
“UK: Over 20 investigations into honor-based violence and forced marriage in the Cambridge area alone in one year”
“This is the Britain that David Cameron, Theresa May, Tony Blair et al have made. This is the Britain that British voters have chosen by not throwing out these clueless and compromised hacks and demanding more of their political elites. This is the Britain that British authorities made when they heeded the claims of the establishment Left — Nick Lowles, Matt Collins, Fiyaz Mughal, etc. — that to stand up against these largely Muslim practices would be ‘racist’ and ‘bigoted’ and ‘Islamophobic.’ This is the Britain the British government chose when it decided that instead of standing up against jihad terror, Sharia and Islamic supremacism, it would demonize, hound, stigmatize and destroy all those who dared to oppose these things.”
Seems the BBC is just fine with the Graun until its Sauron gaze alights on competitive markets. Then they feel the pinch.
‘The BBC recently announced plans to expand to Australia, a country in which the Guardian has already invested heavily in building a business.
“Australia is already a diverse and highly-competitive market. As such, the BBC’s expansion into Australia goes beyond its public service remit. More than that, it does not benefit UK license fee payers or meet the requirement of the BBC to provide news in parts of the world where there are limited alternatives.”
I wondered if there may be more to the BBC opening yet another outlet when this was PR’d recently.
However, the BBC has replied:
“The BBC’s commercial operations overseas are not funded by the licence fee and we are happy to compete on an equal footing with all other news providers.
“Independent research shows that the BBC’s global activities bring an economic return to the wider UK. The BBC does not stop other news providers being successful, and we already provide footage of events to news providers in the UK on a case by case basis.”
The BBC’s ‘commercial operations’ (cake and eat it much?) compete on an equal footing?
Really? Limitless start-up, market share-grabbing funding from a state-backed monopoly with revolving doors on staff and content sounds like a fair foot up to me.
‘You can see why regulators would be afraid that the BBC might move votes in an election. Today, the UK’s media watchdog calculates the share of news consumed across all platforms, giving the BBC 44%. In comparison, uncensored social media comes in with just 5%. The BBC is still the country’s overwhelming source of news..
So it overwhelmingly churning out inaccurate, unobjective or zero integrity versions of propaganda backed by censorship ‘news’ 24/7 is a bit of a worry.
From the BBC, ‘My Brother the Terrorist’ – ‘Film-maker Robb Leech attempts to understand his stepbrother’s journey from middle-class white boy to a Muslim man convicted of preparing terrorism acts and jailed for six years.’ []
Sounds like an insightful account of a typical and representative jihadist terrorist, who are overwhelmingly middle-class and white aren’t they? Or might there be an agenda at play here?
Like ‘discovering motivations’, with ‘attempts to understand’ there’s a fine line between precautionary information and promotion the BBC rather too often falls the wrong side of with the oxygen of publicity.
I think I should explain, although I am not a fully paid member of the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, UAF, Union or an enthusiastic Labour Supporter, I would still make an excellent single token member of your Taunton audience next week.
I do realise this is a bit risky for me and goes against your audience selection principles, (and I am probably likely to be very lonely in your audience), however as I represent part of the majority of this nation that does not vote Labour maybe this would go a minuscule way to ensure the BBC political remit to be unbiased and your requirement to be balanced ‘without fear or favour’ could be met.
Yours sincerely,
A very disappointed BBC Licence payer, who is wishing like hell your disgraceful contempt for the people that pay your inflated salaries can be ended as soon as possible.
The good people of Taunton are some of the most avid readers of the Guardian in England. There are almost no Tories in Taunton and there is a solitary UKIP member who is mad.
Most people are members of a Public service union or are teachers .There is virtually no TV licence evasion .Even the mad UKIP member has a licence.
In many ways Taunton is a model of the future but at present it has relatively few asylum seekers or ethnic minorities. That is expected to change in the near future. The MP is a non entity but sound. It is believed he is a liberal democrat.
Question Time will thus have a very representative audience so your appication will be denied.
Louise Bours was on Question Time. She called for more Democracy but without more Politicians and Bureaucrats, it did not get any applause from the audience, so the BBC must have excluded UKIP supporters from the audience, but it must also indicate that the audience must have been made up of card carrying supporters of the other parties, because if any of them showed support for direct democracy for the people, bypassing the political establishment, then they would have been suspected as a possible future defector to UKIP.
Also, Bours found it very difficult to explain UKIP policy without constant interruption by other members of the panel insisting that they new better what UKIP policy was on said subjects such as the death penalty, which was for a referendum on the death penalty. I thought this was an amusing change for UKIP, because it means that the insistence that UKIP only has one policy has come to an end, and instead they are digging up old half hearted policy commitments planted by a failed MI6 operation, such as the Cambell-Banerman manifesto that Farage called a disaster. So we have the establishment trying to censor current UKIP policies, by using the old policies that the establishment wished upon UKIP.
Because of what’s happened in Climate Science (fiddling of data, careerism at the expense of scientific truth, groupthink, political expediency, persecution of dissenters) I have lost all faith in any sort of scientist. If the climate scientists can be corrupt and can pervert their science, so can all the rest. It’s twice now that the world has seen this: once with the Nazis and once with the Environmentalists. So I think science, where it has social and economic ramifications, is now totally untrustworthy.
Is the ‘Question Time’ audience selected by the BBC so that it has a left-wing bias? Tonight I studied the audience shots, in slow motion, as they reacted to what the panellists had said. On the face of it it certainly appeared that the audience was heavily biased to the left. However, it seemed to me that when there was a large and favourable reaction to the words of a left-wing panellist only about half of the audience were actually applauding. So, I have two alternative hypotheses. Either left-wing people make far more noise than right-wing people, or the BBC augment the audience reaction in some way so that leftist comments appear to get a better response.
“Either left-wing people make far more noise than right-wing people..”
There might be something in that. I’m thinking of the awful practice of smugly applauding worthy, right-on, lefty jokes instead of laughing which, in the world that I occupy, is the usual response. I suppose laughing is bit common for self appointed sophisticates and doesn’t really broadcast the fact that you agree with the political message.
@AboutTheBBC: BBC Local Radio is looking for women who want to be on the radio. More from @TheBBCAcademy here. >>
Only one reply thus far.
A man.
Maybe that DJ Mum ejected from BBC Bristol should reapply?
Re this new EU effort to force Britain to subsidise the druggies and pimps of Paris-namely the tapping of we taxpayers to top up the EUs malice, greed and sheer stupidity-the Mishal Interview after 7am was a joke.
She referred to this being a “done deal”…and the UKIP bloke and his liberal oppo both didn`t see that it was a DUMB deal…so what the hell is there to discuss?
But no-five mins of gas and gaiters, blandfill of the airwaves, analysis of the digital widgitals continues until Quentin upstairs nods his bonce..and over to Jim, all point and purpose long sucked dry.
We pony up for this…they call it “news”…Ye God!
‘Re this new EU effort to force Britain to subsidise the druggies and pimps of Paris…’
Come, come, dear boy. It’s as if you think there are such things as “foreign” countries. No no no. We’re in the EU. Gosh, we’re in the World! Every true pink BBCer knows there is simply no such thing as foreign.
For example, Rachel Burden (BBC 5 Live)…
Rachel Burden @rachelburden · Oct 21
Evening, here’s how Wednesday’s looking so far.. deporting ‘foreign’ criminals, teachers’ paperwork, NICE, Rev Richard Coles, cassette tapes
NB. Scare quotes or shudder quotes are quotation marks placed around a word or phrase to imply that it may not signify its apparent meaning or that it is not necessarily the way the quoting person would express its concept. The quotes serve a function similar to verbally prefixing a phrase with “so-called”. When referred to as “scare quotes”, the quotation marks are suggested to imply skepticism of or disagreement with the quoted terminology.
Environmentalists on Acid… An article on the BBC website by Roger Harrabin – “Science chief warns on acid oceans” (see Apparently the seas are becoming more acidic due to them absorbing too much Carbon Dioxide, which is being produced as a result of man-made global warming (sic). Several issues here. Firstly, the seas are not acidic – they are alkaline. Sea water measures between 7.5 to 8.4 pH and on the scale and anything over 7.0 constitutes alkalinity. Technically, one could say that seawater is becoming less alkaline, but that is not the same as saying it is becoming acidic (this is not just a matter of semantics). Secondly, note that its alkalinity exhibits considerable variation anyway (i.e. 7.5 to 8.4 pH), as does its temperature, salinity and density.
The article continues with this gem: “…the current rate of acidification is believed to be unprecedented within the last 65 million years…”. There is, of course, no reliable method of measuring the pH level of seawater over the past 65 million years. Scientific measurements only go back to the 19th Century (and the pH scale itself dates from 1909). Figures before then are guestimates, so-called proxy readings based upon core samples and measurements taken from the remains of dead sea creatures. They may give some indications, but we do not and cannot have an accurate and continuous record for seawater for every part of the world in every era.
Finally, consider why they say “the last 65 million years”. Why not the last 60 million years, or the last 70 million years? The reason is simple: it is believed that 65 million years ago the dinosaurs were wiped out when the Earth was struck by an asteroid. An extinction event. The subliminal suggestion is that the events are related: dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago; the seas were as acidic then as they are now; ergo, we are about to become extinct also (unless we correct global warming).
That is particularly alarming. I wonder if there is anything we could do? Maybe if we all paid a lot more green taxes, shutdown the sceptics, banned private car ownership, perhaps create some sort of world government under the auspices of the UN? Would that help perhaps? Why is nobody suggesting these things Before It Is Too Late™?
Bbc breakfast this morning, worried there might be good news on the economy, runs a Labour party soundbyte for them
They went to a wallpaper factory somewhere, and managed to find two workers off the shop floor to interview.
Two guys with job
Secure jobs.
Paid employment
Clean conditions.
The focus of the interview?
Do you ” feel” any better off if the economy grows.
No prizes for guessing the answers:
Wages not keeping pace with inflation
Hard to make ends meet
You got it.
I wonder if these are yer actual shop stewards? Labour party members? Well rehearsed anyhoos.
Next slot about 20 mins later…..hack brings on one of the managers, a woman.
Same question, well actually an ambush, because, put your self in her position, and try to tell all your workers you are not struggling?
Of course you cant. Interviewer even asked her if she shops in Aldi and Lidl.
So…more of the same, cost of living crisis.
Meanwhile Wallace munches on a bacon sarnie somewhere.
Question Time, last night. Dumbledore saw fit to include a UKIP MEP on the programme (Louise Bours), which was a start, but not much of a start as things turned out. Last night’s edition came from The People’s Republic of Liverpool. ‘Nuff said.
It was immediately apparent which way this was going to go (and of course Dimbles and his motley crew must have known that, all along). After the first ten minutes – and following a tetchy, ill-mannered exchange between UKIP’s Bours and Labour’s Caroline Flint (Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change – one of Labour’s joke shadow ministerial portfolios) – it was clear that a belligerent Flint, along with militant socialist Len McCluskey (General Secretary, UNITE) and the SNP’s recently defeated First Minister Alex Salmond (the ‘Dear Leader’), all felt they had UKIP booted firmly into touch from the get-go.
Their bravado was further encouraged not just by the totally ineffectual responses of the final member of the panel (Conservative Mark Harper, Disabilities Minister, in case you missed him), who himself seemed just as keen to distance himself from UKIP as the the other three, but also by a particularly hostile studio audience – well, hostile to anything either UKIP or the Conservatives had to say, that is. Remember, we were in Liverpool.
In contrast, anything Flint said (and by now she really was playing to the gallery – at times her performance ventured into the realms of pantomime, complete with impromptu ‘jazz hands’ every five minutes) was taken as absolute gospel by the assembled mob and almost always awarded a rapturous round of applause in abject gratitude. Flint, sensing not just that she was in good company with both McCluskey and Salmond but also a clearly ‘on-side’ audience, then started chipping-in on her colleagues’ comments, joking with them, urging them on at seemingly every opportunity as they laid into both UKIP and the Tories.
Dimbles, meanwhile, did nothing. Whether it was Flint showing off and making a fool of herself, or McClusky delivering yet another extended socialist oratory, the Great Man Himself seemed singularly disinterested in stopping either of them ranting at length, uninterrupted.
Louise Bours did her best against both a hostile panel and a hostile crowd. She was confident and brave, but ultimately hopelessly – and quite deliberately – outnumbered.
Yes, well said. I saw most of QT, some of it from through my fingers, so appalling and uncomfortable was the bias. I often feel when watching any BBC political prog’ that their audience must be shipped in from another planet. Perhaps Dr Who transports them. I can only hope that the British sense of fair play is alive and well and the majority of viewers will be as outraged as we are at this flagrant corruption.
If you’re a UKIP candidate you’ve got to be brave to go on there. It must be akin to being an Everton supporter at an away Liverpool derby and cheering your team from the middle of the Kop.
Your football analogy is an interesting one. Suppose for a moment that Everton’s ground burnt down or was declared unsafe. Everton would have to play half their games away, as usual, and the other half on neutral territory at a stadium large enough for their supporters. Would the derby match be held at Anfield, for convenience’s sake? There would be no more home advantage, for a while anyway.
Question Time gives you an example of what this is like. “Home” games for UKIP, such as Clacton and Newbury, are, at best, in front of mixed support, because the crowd is fixed, whereas away games always have a hostile audience.
Quite apart from the gross unfairness of all this, one question keeps bothering me: does the BBC have ANY sense of shame?
The BBC reports ‘a memorial for Lee Rigby will not feature the murdered soldier’s name, it has been revealed.’
A number of points here.
If the monument doesn’t bear his name then it’s not really a Lee Rigby memorial is it? Thousands of people signed a petition for the soldier to be given a permanent memorial but the local council have seen fit to ignore these wishes. The BBC tell us that Lee Rigby was slaughtered by two ‘Moslem converts’ just as they told us yesterday that the Ottawa shootings were carried out by a ‘Muslim convert’. Are we supposed to infer that these murderous fanatical ‘converts’ have no direct connection to Islam? Will the BBC kindly explain at what stage a ‘Moslem/Muslim convert’ becomes a fully fledged Moslem/Muslim? I’m sure they can enlighten us on this matter as they obviously know the answer.
Why do the BBC start their report with the pathetic ‘it has been revealed’? By implication, then, discussion of the matter had earlier been concealed and, if that’s the case, then why won’t the BBC tell us why and by whom? According to the BBC report ‘his mother Lyn said: “I support the council’s plans and will feel able to visit the memorial in the chapel.” Why, then, have I heard on LBC Radio this morning that his family believed that the memorial would bear Lee Rigby’s name? Are the BBC incapable of talking to his mother directly? They certainly seem able to consult with and deliver the Greenwich Council’s views and to report that ‘local MP Nick Raynsford said at the time a memorial would attract “undesirable interest from extremists”.’ It’s a cowardly reaction from a craven MP and the Greenwich Borough Council but there’s no mention in this BBC report as to the political affiliation that they hold. I think I may be able to hazard a guess.
One of the killers of Lee Rigby was filmed addressing a crowd at a UAF rally. Perhaps he got ‘radicalised’ or ‘converted’ by fellow UAF members, who proudly display support from Cameron, Abbot and Livingstone, plus the usual trades union aristocracy
On Today there were at least 2 bites at the cherry involving “Jacqui”. “Jacqui” appears to be a woman of easy virtue and was certainly an active member of a quasi-terrorist organisation. She has just been awarded £400K from the taxpayer because a brave undercover PC impregnated her during his assignment with the Animal Loonies. Here though was the BBC giving its imprimature to stiffing the taxpayer by having on “Jacqui” herself and (with a police rep) Jules Carey, her lawyer. Jules appears to make an excellent living off the taxpayer through fronting legal actions against the police. BTW we weren’t told, although I’d bet £100 to a jam tart, that the taxpayer funded all sides of this litigation.
Not that I disapprove of actions against the police, even taxpayer funded ones. After all, knowing that they can end up in court keeps the police on the straight and narrow (well almost!). However, who actually loses here? PC Lambert, Lambert’s family and the taxpayer are first in line. But, more important, the rest of us, who are not on the legal and loony gravy train, are now in more danger from terrorism because the police are constrained in doing undercover work.
Such a result fits in well with the BBC Narrative which has it forever weeping crocodile tears for the “Jacqui”s of this world (as well as, while we’re on, for those so-called “moderate” Moslems who are allegedly targetted by “far right” extremists after every Moslem-related outrage). Moreover, AFAIAA, “Jacqui” has never resiled from her quasi-terrorist beliefs which underlaid her role with the animal rights loonies and, as it happened, was the ultimate cause of her impregnation. But I didn’t expect the BBC to give her a hard time for either her support of thuggery and social naivete: and Mishal didn’t.
So – all these organisations need to do to unmask the government infiltrators from now on is to look out for the members (if you’ll pardon the expression) who aren’t interested in shagging the other members?
It’s going to make the intelligence services job somewhat difficult if sex is verboten.
I don’t link ‘animal rights’ with ‘quasi terrorism’. However it’s typical of a taxpayer funded body to cave in and pay.
I suspect this was an affair of the heart – it happens. ‘Jacqui’ herself said the former PC now has a good relationship with their son. Hard to see what the £400k was for, and I also wouldn’t be surprised if there was a pile more for legal fees, and I wonder how much benefit ‘Jacqui’ has been claiming over the decades. As you’d expect the BBC questioning on this was probing.
INBBC: still clueless on OTTAWA Islamic jihad murder.
INBBC’s Ms B. Plett Usher (of ‘tears for Arafat’ of yester-year) goes along with ‘gunman,’
NOT Islamic jihadist, in misleading political narrative.
So she feeds us:- ” a gunman who attacked the Canadian capital,” NOT the truth that it was a
Islamic jihad murderer who blew an unarmed Canadian soldier’s brains out at point-black range, before going for his Kafir targets inside Parliament.
And INBBC’s Ms Plett Usher also misleadingly goes along with the description of the Ottawa Islamic jihadi murderer’s father as merely, in her final words:-
“his father a Libyan who once ran a cafe in Montreal.”
But, ‘Jihadwatch’ has this:-
“Canada: Ottawa shooter’s father waged jihad in Libya in 2011;
shooter not a recent convert but a lontime Muslim.”
The question as usual is – does the BBC and its huge research staff not know the truth about the jihadist-Dad of the Ottawa murderer, or does it deliberately ignore/hide the truth ?
If Nigel Farage’s figure of £55 million per day, which we already pay to the EU criminals, is correct then it is over £20 billion a year before any increase. About £315 per year for every man woman and grandchild in the country. And very grateful the corrupt, elite, grandiose, arrogant non-elected over paid grinning fools are too I am sure. A bit like the ones at the BBC.
So, the £1.7 billion increase that has just been announced, that obviously Cameron knew about, but was ashamed to tell us, is an extra 8.5%. Perhaps Cameron thought that the Canadian capers by the Muslim chappie yesterday was a good day to bury bad news? Except of course that the BBC played that event down a tad compared with the rest of the media. Another own goal by our nice but dim PM.
This brings the total paid to the EU to about £60 million a day or £340 for every human being in this country.
Then there is that £145 a year paid by every family to that other bloated corporation whose name I think you know. Then there is the £millions or is it £billions that we pay to foreign dictators to squirrel away in Swiss bank accounts called humorously Foreign Aid. And I’m sure there are also many other instances of our hard earned cash being squandered away willy-nilly.
So, the fat cats in Brussels get fatter and fatter but I have to listen every day to some young thing on the TV telling me that pensioners who have worked hard to put a few quid by for their old age are living too long and stripping the country of cash.
Well I still have my vote and guess where I will put my X next May?
Cameron ,did not know about it ,this is a typical EU ambush , on the back of our economic growth , & who says he will pay up. If Millipeed was PM, the answer will always be Yes, as he kneels before his EU `Masters`
I admire your confidence in Dave but;
There is a formula for calculating the amount that each country in the EU has to pay. That formula has been in place since the last EU treaty was signed by old boom & bust Brown.
Are you saying that our Whitehall mandarins with their wiz bang calculators have been sitting quietly with their thumbs in their bums and brains in neutral hoping that the EU bods will not bother to press refresh on their spreadsheets? I don’t think so.
And do you think that those very same geeky mandarins would not have dared to inform our, “oh I’m so angry I could scream and scream and scream”, call me Dave, Prime Minister. I don’t think that either. Those mandarin civil service geeks are probably left wing Trotskyites who would sell their sisters to a Rotherham taxi driver for the chance to stick it to Davy boy.
Brilliant post Old Timer. And still the labour liars will cry poverty! The EU is getting worse by the day, this is a huge embarrassment for Cameron’s referendum lie, if he tried to cover this up how can we ever trust him on a referendum?
There is a saying ‘you can gauge a nation on how it treats its elderly’. Well the UK socialists have shown exactly what they are about, I have a feeling that if they could get away with legalised killing of the elderly they would, they are that devious.
When the lib dems and labour started blaming the welfare problems on the aged I was disgusted…the elderly who have paid tax all of their lives?, the elderly who fought for this country against one type of fascism only to have it usurped by another? The elderly who believed in the political classes of the UK and thought they would put their families interests first?
Now we know how low the modern socialists would sink.
Yeah , but Old Timer would of passed on to the next world, while we have to live under Millipeed & Balls reign of terror. Voting Ukip will give us a Labour Govt, Reign Of Terror.
A nasty little party standing in the 2015 general election, called Class War, will soon be discovered by BBC leftoids eager to put forward the views of a pro-jihadist/anarcho standpoint and support the Rotherham groomers. Worth noting their enthusiasm for the release of Harry Roberts, one of their heroes.
They’ve just taken their name from Labour, and their ‘policies’ – double dole, double pension, double all other benefits, 50% mansion tax – make about as much economic sense as Balls and Miliband. Sounds ideal for the bBBC.
On the subject of Harry Roberts, did anyone catch PM on the subject of his release last night?
I’m guessing the BBC must have laboured long and hard to find such an inarticulate policeman to argue against his release, compared to an articulate ex-jailbird Guardian reporter arguing in favour.
“Womens death brigade”, and this is allowed on our liberal streets of the UK, fascists who want to kill free speech, unless it is based on anarchy that is. This country needs a serious clean up.
I find their views on the rich comical. Last night McCluskey had his usual rant about the bankers and then, in the next sentence, begged the bankers to do us all a favour and start giving money away? Would you release money on the say of this moron.
The unwashed scum from classwarparty are the same, happy to live of everyone else’s taxes yet hate those very people. Utter vermin.
I have it on very good authority that the UK police have been told not to go to public places on their own in their uniform after finishing work as there is very good intelligence that muslim extremists want to behead a British police officer on the streets of the UK.
I also know that ALL water treatment plants and reservoirs are being upgraded with state of the art security protection devices due to a possible threat. It’s not islam’s fault though?
Rona Fairhead, chairman of the BBC Trust, was interviewed on “Today”. Even though she claimed to have a commercial background she didn’t see any reason to cease jailing licence fee evaders. I guess she sees the provision of BBC services as being far more vital to people than those of gas, electric & water where non-payment doesn’t result in criminal record & risk of jail.
Going by the reaction on the BBC’s favourite source of news and public reaction, Twitter, her latest outing could have gone better. Certainly already channeling her inner Hugs when the seat still warm from Patten’s ample rear.
Interestingly, many seemed to feel she was feeling a lot of the heat from new colleagues in Sack’o-rats Central. So, pleasing no one, which in Beebworld equates to balance.
This Guardian article with its Newsnight clip of the awful Russell Brand shows how low the BBC is going in its dumbing down. Brand “writes” a crap book – or has the disgraced Johann Hari write much of it – the bbok is widely panned – so the BBC gets him on to laud the book and give Brand a platform for his nihilist pro-Occupy nonsense.
It is interesting that Mr. Katz seems to keep his job no matter what, whilst creating new ones almost weekly, mainly using ex-colleagues.
‘At one point Davis was reduced to almost pleading: “I’m trying to take you seriously.”
The same could be said of the old Newsnight slipway.
The Graun seems less enthused with Mr. Brand than many groupies, and it is possible that allowing the man to use his own words so often has been the most damning thing to have enabled.
Lee Rigby will not have his name on his memorial. BBC only tell half the story. Opposition to the memorial came from Labour.
From Wiklopedia:
‘In May 2014 the Labour-run council refused to support the building of a memorial to Lee Rigby, whose murder by Islamists occurred in the borough, in spite of being “overwhelmed by interest in a local memorial”. The authority previous faced criticism at the time of the killing, with the cabinet attending an away day immediately after the murder, therefore missing a visit by the Prime Minister.[2] Following a campaign which saw 25,000 people sign a petition in support of the memorial the council dropped its opposition to the tribute.’
It is understood that the family have accepted the council’s recommendation, so we have to respect their wishes. But the lad deserves his name, and the council deserve shaming.
Meanwhile Stephen Lawrence is named on his memorial.
Just watched the BBC13:00 hour news as I’ve already seen the film on movies4 men. Harabin presenting (again) global warming as fact blah blah oceans turning more acid blah blah,in reference to the new EU deal (how much will that cost us? No one of course to say he’s talking complete bollocks. Fair and balanced reporting again…errr no…never mind it will be balanced over a period of indeterminable time.
There was also a piece on bbc Northwest news regarding the deregulation of the bus lanes. Apparently the taxpayer funded transport companies aren’t happy because it is causing delays, the reporter approached a bus, she interviewed a Somalian looking woman who could barely speak English…needless to say she thought it was a bad idea? Not a word about hard pressed taxpayers trying to get to work though!!
Glen saw that. They were talking about seconds of delays all adding up and that commuters may on mass go back to driving their cars. Which of course would mean the sky will fall in. Well maybe not but where exactly would these commuters all park and how much a day does it cost to park in Liverpool?
Dave; For once, I applaud the scousers for having a bit of sense. I just wish Manchester would now do the same, I pay tax, car tax and tax that goes to the running of public transport, and, when travelling to the City Centre, have to witness bus after empty bus sailing past? Yet the labour morons go on about traffic congestion costing the country millions?
We could use the redundant bus depots for parking! Is the parking is the Socialist Republik of Liverpool not free to fellow socialists?
“A “traffic incident” in Jerusalem, (“traffic incident” – shakes head)
Another traffic incident in Canada just a few days ago. Odd coincidence: both drivers were devout Muslims who killed Infidels “in the name of Allah” (as the Canadian bad driver put it).
Meanwhile, also in Canada, a “mentally ill” man shoots up the Parliament building and murders a soldier.
… And in New York City, a “man” wielding a hatchet injures several
police officers. Another odd coincidence: both the Canadian mentally ill man and the New York hatchet-wielder were also devout Muslims.
The father of the former waged jihad in Libya, and the latter called for armed revolt in the U.S! .
But you must put all of these odd coincidences out of your mind right now.
We know that none of this can have anything to do with Islam.”
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
The Canadian parliament is honouring Kevin Vickers their Sergeant at Arms for shooting a murdering islamist gunman on entering the parliament building. He did his job viz. protecting MPs.
What would have happened here?
After an inquest he would be arrested, charged with murder, given bail and await trial.
I have to disagree with you on this.
The slimy bastard which politicians are have made sure that new laws will be passed which will further restrict the liberty of the citizenry.
They claim that these laws have been in the pipeline and would have been brought in anyway, but seeing as they care nothing for the likes of you & I, and everything about themselves they can manage to implement these with almost instant speed.
If this happened in the UK any sergeant at arms with any sense would allow a gunman to shoot a few MPs before killing him thus ensuring maximum gratitude. The slimy MPs will always honour anyone who saves their cowardly arses, had this man shot a Muslim convert who was trying to murder ordinary citizens, it would have been a very different story.
Warning Blatant Promotion !
Andrew Marr 2 Volume British History Set
Normally would cost you £19.98, but is available until midnight at a reduction of just 90% – £3 !!!
Any lefties you know might appreciate it for Xmas !
‘Daily Mail’ Comment-
“BBC’s licence to spy.'”
“Imagine the outrage of the BBC if it caught a Right-of-centre newspaper abusing anti-terrorism powers to track down readers owing their subscriptions.
“Yet this is precisely how the Corporation chases viewers who fail to pay the £145.50 licence fee, abusing the surveillance rights granted to public bodies under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act.
To his credit, Culture Secretary Sajid Javid has ordered a review of the BBC’s chilling conduct.
“But with the police exploiting RIPA to hack journalists’ phones in search of whistleblowers – and local councils using it to spy on parents suspected of breaking school catchment rules – there’s surely an urgent need for a far wider official investigation into the ways the Act is being misapplied.
“Meanwhile, the BBC must be ordered forthwith to desist from this liberty-crushing method of raising cash – and concentrate on slashing its bloated empire to bring the licence fee down.”
Read more:
More on Beeboids’ leftist newsroom chums at Channel 4:-
“The luvvie newsreader, the bluff Yorkshire Tory and a furious scrap played out across the newsroom at ‘Left-wing’ Channel 4.
“Backbencher Philip Davies allegedly launched blistering attack on Mr Snow.
“Row got so heated presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy ‘asked MP to leave.’
“Mr Davies allegedly accused presenter of being biased suggested retirement.
“But the Tory MP said the allegations were ‘lies’ and insists he said ‘nothing.’
“Mr Davies told MailOnline he was ‘ambushed’ during tour of newsroom.
Read more:
NOT on INBBC’s ‘Education and Family’ news page online:-
“Father’s anger at being fined for taking his five-year-old daughter out of school to go
to her grandmother’s funeral in Pakistan…but they were away for 40 DAYS.
“Ikram Hussain angry at court decision to fine him over £400 for absence.
“Father of four, 51, took his daughter out of school from March 4 until April 9.
“Travelled to Pakistan for funeral and stayed for traditional 40 days of prayer.
“Taxi driver says it is unfair he has been fined for daughter’s lengthy absence.”
Read more:
CANADA: Islamic jihad murder.
But Beeboids seem to be still unable to understand (or are in denial about) why it happened, as are much of the political class and MSM in West, viz-
“ABC News: ‘Authorities in Canada are trying to understand what motivated a gunman to kill a soldier in the country’s capital’”
-Comment, by Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Well, let’s see. He is a Muslim — not one who recently converted, but one who has been a Muslim for at least three years. His father is a veteran of the jihad in Libya. His photo was sent out yesterday by the Islamic State, which has repeatedly called upon Muslims in the West to stage freelance jihad attacks. In other words, the gunman’s motive is staring ABC News and the Canadian authorities in the face, but it the one thing that the mainstream media and all too many Western officials do not wish to see, and spend a great deal of time trying to obfuscate.”
“Terror in Canada”
(inc Geert Wilders video clip)-
The beeb were actually reporting this ‘ALLEGED’ crime from the viewpoint that the guy was a loner and didn’t fit in…rather like your average American teen nutcase who commits a high school shooting. It’s like it’s a complete shock and surprise, as if it has never happened before? It’s just embarrassing.
For INBBC to censor:
Islamising England – e.g. CAMBRIDGE-
“UK: Over 20 investigations into honor-based violence and forced marriage in the Cambridge area alone in one year”
“This is the Britain that David Cameron, Theresa May, Tony Blair et al have made. This is the Britain that British voters have chosen by not throwing out these clueless and compromised hacks and demanding more of their political elites. This is the Britain that British authorities made when they heeded the claims of the establishment Left — Nick Lowles, Matt Collins, Fiyaz Mughal, etc. — that to stand up against these largely Muslim practices would be ‘racist’ and ‘bigoted’ and ‘Islamophobic.’ This is the Britain the British government chose when it decided that instead of standing up against jihad terror, Sharia and Islamic supremacism, it would demonize, hound, stigmatize and destroy all those who dared to oppose these things.”
Very interesting website in the US which covers Media bias:
Newsnight plugging Russel Brand again.
Well if the fakir messiah luvvie is going to get plugged by anyone ,best it’s one of his friends!
They are filly invested in him.
Were the latest reviews of his latest bookie-wookie included and comprehensive, or was the Newsnight slipway its usual selective self?
“The Guardian’s CEO Just Blasted The BBC Over Its ‘Distortive Dominance’ — But He Has A Solution”
Read more:
Interesting one this.
Seems the BBC is just fine with the Graun until its Sauron gaze alights on competitive markets. Then they feel the pinch.
‘The BBC recently announced plans to expand to Australia, a country in which the Guardian has already invested heavily in building a business.
“Australia is already a diverse and highly-competitive market. As such, the BBC’s expansion into Australia goes beyond its public service remit. More than that, it does not benefit UK license fee payers or meet the requirement of the BBC to provide news in parts of the world where there are limited alternatives.”
I wondered if there may be more to the BBC opening yet another outlet when this was PR’d recently.
However, the BBC has replied:
“The BBC’s commercial operations overseas are not funded by the licence fee and we are happy to compete on an equal footing with all other news providers.
“Independent research shows that the BBC’s global activities bring an economic return to the wider UK. The BBC does not stop other news providers being successful, and we already provide footage of events to news providers in the UK on a case by case basis.”
The BBC’s ‘commercial operations’ (cake and eat it much?) compete on an equal footing?
Really? Limitless start-up, market share-grabbing funding from a state-backed monopoly with revolving doors on staff and content sounds like a fair foot up to me.
In passing, I noticed a link:
‘You can see why regulators would be afraid that the BBC might move votes in an election. Today, the UK’s media watchdog calculates the share of news consumed across all platforms, giving the BBC 44%. In comparison, uncensored social media comes in with just 5%. The BBC is still the country’s overwhelming source of news..
So it overwhelmingly churning out inaccurate, unobjective or zero integrity versions of propaganda backed by censorship ‘news’ 24/7 is a bit of a worry.
From the BBC, ‘My Brother the Terrorist’ – ‘Film-maker Robb Leech attempts to understand his stepbrother’s journey from middle-class white boy to a Muslim man convicted of preparing terrorism acts and jailed for six years.’ []
Sounds like an insightful account of a typical and representative jihadist terrorist, who are overwhelmingly middle-class and white aren’t they? Or might there be an agenda at play here?
Like ‘discovering motivations’, with ‘attempts to understand’ there’s a fine line between precautionary information and promotion the BBC rather too often falls the wrong side of with the oxygen of publicity.
I hope they treat it carefully.
Dear David Dimbleby,
Re: Question Time Audience Request
In the light of tonight’s Liverpool QT Programme.
I think I should explain, although I am not a fully paid member of the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, UAF, Union or an enthusiastic Labour Supporter, I would still make an excellent single token member of your Taunton audience next week.
I do realise this is a bit risky for me and goes against your audience selection principles, (and I am probably likely to be very lonely in your audience), however as I represent part of the majority of this nation that does not vote Labour maybe this would go a minuscule way to ensure the BBC political remit to be unbiased and your requirement to be balanced ‘without fear or favour’ could be met.
Yours sincerely,
A very disappointed BBC Licence payer, who is wishing like hell your disgraceful contempt for the people that pay your inflated salaries can be ended as soon as possible.
The good people of Taunton are some of the most avid readers of the Guardian in England. There are almost no Tories in Taunton and there is a solitary UKIP member who is mad.
Most people are members of a Public service union or are teachers .There is virtually no TV licence evasion .Even the mad UKIP member has a licence.
In many ways Taunton is a model of the future but at present it has relatively few asylum seekers or ethnic minorities. That is expected to change in the near future. The MP is a non entity but sound. It is believed he is a liberal democrat.
Question Time will thus have a very representative audience so your appication will be denied.
Can anyone explain to me why Bonnie Greer frequently appears on Al Beeb and other channels to give her ‘opinion’ on the politics of Grate Britain ?
bomb isis with napalm,then finish them off with dropping bombs of the ebola virus on the lot of them.problem solved.
Louise Bours was on Question Time. She called for more Democracy but without more Politicians and Bureaucrats, it did not get any applause from the audience, so the BBC must have excluded UKIP supporters from the audience, but it must also indicate that the audience must have been made up of card carrying supporters of the other parties, because if any of them showed support for direct democracy for the people, bypassing the political establishment, then they would have been suspected as a possible future defector to UKIP.
Also, Bours found it very difficult to explain UKIP policy without constant interruption by other members of the panel insisting that they new better what UKIP policy was on said subjects such as the death penalty, which was for a referendum on the death penalty. I thought this was an amusing change for UKIP, because it means that the insistence that UKIP only has one policy has come to an end, and instead they are digging up old half hearted policy commitments planted by a failed MI6 operation, such as the Cambell-Banerman manifesto that Farage called a disaster. So we have the establishment trying to censor current UKIP policies, by using the old policies that the establishment wished upon UKIP.
Because of what’s happened in Climate Science (fiddling of data, careerism at the expense of scientific truth, groupthink, political expediency, persecution of dissenters) I have lost all faith in any sort of scientist. If the climate scientists can be corrupt and can pervert their science, so can all the rest. It’s twice now that the world has seen this: once with the Nazis and once with the Environmentalists. So I think science, where it has social and economic ramifications, is now totally untrustworthy.
Is the ‘Question Time’ audience selected by the BBC so that it has a left-wing bias? Tonight I studied the audience shots, in slow motion, as they reacted to what the panellists had said. On the face of it it certainly appeared that the audience was heavily biased to the left. However, it seemed to me that when there was a large and favourable reaction to the words of a left-wing panellist only about half of the audience were actually applauding. So, I have two alternative hypotheses. Either left-wing people make far more noise than right-wing people, or the BBC augment the audience reaction in some way so that leftist comments appear to get a better response.
“Either left-wing people make far more noise than right-wing people..”
There might be something in that. I’m thinking of the awful practice of smugly applauding worthy, right-on, lefty jokes instead of laughing which, in the world that I occupy, is the usual response. I suppose laughing is bit common for self appointed sophisticates and doesn’t really broadcast the fact that you agree with the political message.
Empty vessels and all that.
@AboutTheBBC: BBC Local Radio is looking for women who want to be on the radio. More from @TheBBCAcademy here. >>
Only one reply thus far.
A man.
Maybe that DJ Mum ejected from BBC Bristol should reapply?
Re this new EU effort to force Britain to subsidise the druggies and pimps of Paris-namely the tapping of we taxpayers to top up the EUs malice, greed and sheer stupidity-the Mishal Interview after 7am was a joke.
She referred to this being a “done deal”…and the UKIP bloke and his liberal oppo both didn`t see that it was a DUMB deal…so what the hell is there to discuss?
But no-five mins of gas and gaiters, blandfill of the airwaves, analysis of the digital widgitals continues until Quentin upstairs nods his bonce..and over to Jim, all point and purpose long sucked dry.
We pony up for this…they call it “news”…Ye God!
‘Re this new EU effort to force Britain to subsidise the druggies and pimps of Paris…’
Come, come, dear boy. It’s as if you think there are such things as “foreign” countries. No no no. We’re in the EU. Gosh, we’re in the World! Every true pink BBCer knows there is simply no such thing as foreign.
For example, Rachel Burden (BBC 5 Live)…
Rachel Burden @rachelburden · Oct 21
Evening, here’s how Wednesday’s looking so far.. deporting ‘foreign’ criminals, teachers’ paperwork, NICE, Rev Richard Coles, cassette tapes
NB. Scare quotes or shudder quotes are quotation marks placed around a word or phrase to imply that it may not signify its apparent meaning or that it is not necessarily the way the quoting person would express its concept. The quotes serve a function similar to verbally prefixing a phrase with “so-called”. When referred to as “scare quotes”, the quotation marks are suggested to imply skepticism of or disagreement with the quoted terminology.
Environmentalists on Acid… An article on the BBC website by Roger Harrabin – “Science chief warns on acid oceans” (see Apparently the seas are becoming more acidic due to them absorbing too much Carbon Dioxide, which is being produced as a result of man-made global warming (sic). Several issues here. Firstly, the seas are not acidic – they are alkaline. Sea water measures between 7.5 to 8.4 pH and on the scale and anything over 7.0 constitutes alkalinity. Technically, one could say that seawater is becoming less alkaline, but that is not the same as saying it is becoming acidic (this is not just a matter of semantics). Secondly, note that its alkalinity exhibits considerable variation anyway (i.e. 7.5 to 8.4 pH), as does its temperature, salinity and density.
The article continues with this gem: “…the current rate of acidification is believed to be unprecedented within the last 65 million years…”. There is, of course, no reliable method of measuring the pH level of seawater over the past 65 million years. Scientific measurements only go back to the 19th Century (and the pH scale itself dates from 1909). Figures before then are guestimates, so-called proxy readings based upon core samples and measurements taken from the remains of dead sea creatures. They may give some indications, but we do not and cannot have an accurate and continuous record for seawater for every part of the world in every era.
Finally, consider why they say “the last 65 million years”. Why not the last 60 million years, or the last 70 million years? The reason is simple: it is believed that 65 million years ago the dinosaurs were wiped out when the Earth was struck by an asteroid. An extinction event. The subliminal suggestion is that the events are related: dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago; the seas were as acidic then as they are now; ergo, we are about to become extinct also (unless we correct global warming).
Also worth pointing out that the BBC ran a similar article in 2009 (see Here’s another debunking of the topic:
And what’s more, it’s Worse Than We Thought™.
That is particularly alarming. I wonder if there is anything we could do? Maybe if we all paid a lot more green taxes, shutdown the sceptics, banned private car ownership, perhaps create some sort of world government under the auspices of the UN? Would that help perhaps? Why is nobody suggesting these things Before It Is Too Late™?
There was a piece on Twitter yesterday from bbc’s Pallab Ghosh regarding the origin of man.
Apparently scientists found a piece of bone that was 45 million years old, they proved this by DNA testing and had it down to around June or July!
The ‘experts’ then built a model of the first man from this shard of bone, and, SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! He was BLACK!!
Meanwhile, back in 2014, the cure for the common cold is ongoing!
Bbc breakfast this morning, worried there might be good news on the economy, runs a Labour party soundbyte for them
They went to a wallpaper factory somewhere, and managed to find two workers off the shop floor to interview.
Two guys with job
Secure jobs.
Paid employment
Clean conditions.
The focus of the interview?
Do you ” feel” any better off if the economy grows.
No prizes for guessing the answers:
Wages not keeping pace with inflation
Hard to make ends meet
You got it.
I wonder if these are yer actual shop stewards? Labour party members? Well rehearsed anyhoos.
Next slot about 20 mins later…..hack brings on one of the managers, a woman.
Same question, well actually an ambush, because, put your self in her position, and try to tell all your workers you are not struggling?
Of course you cant. Interviewer even asked her if she shops in Aldi and Lidl.
So…more of the same, cost of living crisis.
Meanwhile Wallace munches on a bacon sarnie somewhere.
Question Time, last night. Dumbledore saw fit to include a UKIP MEP on the programme (Louise Bours), which was a start, but not much of a start as things turned out. Last night’s edition came from The People’s Republic of Liverpool. ‘Nuff said.
It was immediately apparent which way this was going to go (and of course Dimbles and his motley crew must have known that, all along). After the first ten minutes – and following a tetchy, ill-mannered exchange between UKIP’s Bours and Labour’s Caroline Flint (Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change – one of Labour’s joke shadow ministerial portfolios) – it was clear that a belligerent Flint, along with militant socialist Len McCluskey (General Secretary, UNITE) and the SNP’s recently defeated First Minister Alex Salmond (the ‘Dear Leader’), all felt they had UKIP booted firmly into touch from the get-go.
Their bravado was further encouraged not just by the totally ineffectual responses of the final member of the panel (Conservative Mark Harper, Disabilities Minister, in case you missed him), who himself seemed just as keen to distance himself from UKIP as the the other three, but also by a particularly hostile studio audience – well, hostile to anything either UKIP or the Conservatives had to say, that is. Remember, we were in Liverpool.
In contrast, anything Flint said (and by now she really was playing to the gallery – at times her performance ventured into the realms of pantomime, complete with impromptu ‘jazz hands’ every five minutes) was taken as absolute gospel by the assembled mob and almost always awarded a rapturous round of applause in abject gratitude. Flint, sensing not just that she was in good company with both McCluskey and Salmond but also a clearly ‘on-side’ audience, then started chipping-in on her colleagues’ comments, joking with them, urging them on at seemingly every opportunity as they laid into both UKIP and the Tories.
Dimbles, meanwhile, did nothing. Whether it was Flint showing off and making a fool of herself, or McClusky delivering yet another extended socialist oratory, the Great Man Himself seemed singularly disinterested in stopping either of them ranting at length, uninterrupted.
Louise Bours did her best against both a hostile panel and a hostile crowd. She was confident and brave, but ultimately hopelessly – and quite deliberately – outnumbered.
BBC ‘impartiality’, in a nutshell, folks.
Yes, well said. I saw most of QT, some of it from through my fingers, so appalling and uncomfortable was the bias. I often feel when watching any BBC political prog’ that their audience must be shipped in from another planet. Perhaps Dr Who transports them. I can only hope that the British sense of fair play is alive and well and the majority of viewers will be as outraged as we are at this flagrant corruption.
If you’re a UKIP candidate you’ve got to be brave to go on there. It must be akin to being an Everton supporter at an away Liverpool derby and cheering your team from the middle of the Kop.
Your football analogy is an interesting one. Suppose for a moment that Everton’s ground burnt down or was declared unsafe. Everton would have to play half their games away, as usual, and the other half on neutral territory at a stadium large enough for their supporters. Would the derby match be held at Anfield, for convenience’s sake? There would be no more home advantage, for a while anyway.
Question Time gives you an example of what this is like. “Home” games for UKIP, such as Clacton and Newbury, are, at best, in front of mixed support, because the crowd is fixed, whereas away games always have a hostile audience.
Quite apart from the gross unfairness of all this, one question keeps bothering me: does the BBC have ANY sense of shame?
Ironically, Everton did have their home at Anfield until 1892 !
Most of their squad moved to Goodison Park because of a rent dispute, but those who remained at Anfield founded a new club, Liverpool.
The BBC reports ‘a memorial for Lee Rigby will not feature the murdered soldier’s name, it has been revealed.’
A number of points here.
If the monument doesn’t bear his name then it’s not really a Lee Rigby memorial is it? Thousands of people signed a petition for the soldier to be given a permanent memorial but the local council have seen fit to ignore these wishes. The BBC tell us that Lee Rigby was slaughtered by two ‘Moslem converts’ just as they told us yesterday that the Ottawa shootings were carried out by a ‘Muslim convert’. Are we supposed to infer that these murderous fanatical ‘converts’ have no direct connection to Islam? Will the BBC kindly explain at what stage a ‘Moslem/Muslim convert’ becomes a fully fledged Moslem/Muslim? I’m sure they can enlighten us on this matter as they obviously know the answer.
Why do the BBC start their report with the pathetic ‘it has been revealed’? By implication, then, discussion of the matter had earlier been concealed and, if that’s the case, then why won’t the BBC tell us why and by whom? According to the BBC report ‘his mother Lyn said: “I support the council’s plans and will feel able to visit the memorial in the chapel.” Why, then, have I heard on LBC Radio this morning that his family believed that the memorial would bear Lee Rigby’s name? Are the BBC incapable of talking to his mother directly? They certainly seem able to consult with and deliver the Greenwich Council’s views and to report that ‘local MP Nick Raynsford said at the time a memorial would attract “undesirable interest from extremists”.’ It’s a cowardly reaction from a craven MP and the Greenwich Borough Council but there’s no mention in this BBC report as to the political affiliation that they hold. I think I may be able to hazard a guess.
One of the killers of Lee Rigby was filmed addressing a crowd at a UAF rally. Perhaps he got ‘radicalised’ or ‘converted’ by fellow UAF members, who proudly display support from Cameron, Abbot and Livingstone, plus the usual trades union aristocracy
The BBC is often very keen on guilt by association, so a good question for them to pursue?
On Today there were at least 2 bites at the cherry involving “Jacqui”. “Jacqui” appears to be a woman of easy virtue and was certainly an active member of a quasi-terrorist organisation. She has just been awarded £400K from the taxpayer because a brave undercover PC impregnated her during his assignment with the Animal Loonies. Here though was the BBC giving its imprimature to stiffing the taxpayer by having on “Jacqui” herself and (with a police rep) Jules Carey, her lawyer. Jules appears to make an excellent living off the taxpayer through fronting legal actions against the police. BTW we weren’t told, although I’d bet £100 to a jam tart, that the taxpayer funded all sides of this litigation.
Not that I disapprove of actions against the police, even taxpayer funded ones. After all, knowing that they can end up in court keeps the police on the straight and narrow (well almost!). However, who actually loses here? PC Lambert, Lambert’s family and the taxpayer are first in line. But, more important, the rest of us, who are not on the legal and loony gravy train, are now in more danger from terrorism because the police are constrained in doing undercover work.
Such a result fits in well with the BBC Narrative which has it forever weeping crocodile tears for the “Jacqui”s of this world (as well as, while we’re on, for those so-called “moderate” Moslems who are allegedly targetted by “far right” extremists after every Moslem-related outrage). Moreover, AFAIAA, “Jacqui” has never resiled from her quasi-terrorist beliefs which underlaid her role with the animal rights loonies and, as it happened, was the ultimate cause of her impregnation. But I didn’t expect the BBC to give her a hard time for either her support of thuggery and social naivete: and Mishal didn’t.
INBBC does it so often that it’s become a long-running theatrical Islamic ‘Mousetrap.’
So – all these organisations need to do to unmask the government infiltrators from now on is to look out for the members (if you’ll pardon the expression) who aren’t interested in shagging the other members?
It’s going to make the intelligence services job somewhat difficult if sex is verboten.
I don’t link ‘animal rights’ with ‘quasi terrorism’. However it’s typical of a taxpayer funded body to cave in and pay.
I suspect this was an affair of the heart – it happens. ‘Jacqui’ herself said the former PC now has a good relationship with their son. Hard to see what the £400k was for, and I also wouldn’t be surprised if there was a pile more for legal fees, and I wonder how much benefit ‘Jacqui’ has been claiming over the decades. As you’d expect the BBC questioning on this was probing.
“I don’t link ‘animal rights’ with ‘quasi terrorism’”
Well, you ought to.
INBBC: still clueless on OTTAWA Islamic jihad murder.
INBBC’s Ms B. Plett Usher (of ‘tears for Arafat’ of yester-year) goes along with ‘gunman,’
NOT Islamic jihadist, in misleading political narrative.
So she feeds us:- ” a gunman who attacked the Canadian capital,” NOT the truth that it was a
Islamic jihad murderer who blew an unarmed Canadian soldier’s brains out at point-black range, before going for his Kafir targets inside Parliament.
The INBBC headline is misleading:-
“Ottawa shootings: No Islamic State link found”
-‘Jihadwatch’ has:-
“Ottawa shooter had ‘connections’ to jihadists”
And INBBC’s Ms Plett Usher also misleadingly goes along with the description of the Ottawa Islamic jihadi murderer’s father as merely, in her final words:-
“his father a Libyan who once ran a cafe in Montreal.”
But, ‘Jihadwatch’ has this:-
“Canada: Ottawa shooter’s father waged jihad in Libya in 2011;
shooter not a recent convert but a lontime Muslim.”
The question as usual is – does the BBC and its huge research staff not know the truth about the jihadist-Dad of the Ottawa murderer, or does it deliberately ignore/hide the truth ?
“And now, here is the BBC misleadingly going along with…”
At what point does the BBC failing to deliver on any count start to sink in as unacceptable?
Long ago.
A few numbers to rattle around your mind.
If Nigel Farage’s figure of £55 million per day, which we already pay to the EU criminals, is correct then it is over £20 billion a year before any increase. About £315 per year for every man woman and grandchild in the country. And very grateful the corrupt, elite, grandiose, arrogant non-elected over paid grinning fools are too I am sure. A bit like the ones at the BBC.
So, the £1.7 billion increase that has just been announced, that obviously Cameron knew about, but was ashamed to tell us, is an extra 8.5%. Perhaps Cameron thought that the Canadian capers by the Muslim chappie yesterday was a good day to bury bad news? Except of course that the BBC played that event down a tad compared with the rest of the media. Another own goal by our nice but dim PM.
This brings the total paid to the EU to about £60 million a day or £340 for every human being in this country.
Then there is that £145 a year paid by every family to that other bloated corporation whose name I think you know. Then there is the £millions or is it £billions that we pay to foreign dictators to squirrel away in Swiss bank accounts called humorously Foreign Aid. And I’m sure there are also many other instances of our hard earned cash being squandered away willy-nilly.
So, the fat cats in Brussels get fatter and fatter but I have to listen every day to some young thing on the TV telling me that pensioners who have worked hard to put a few quid by for their old age are living too long and stripping the country of cash.
Well I still have my vote and guess where I will put my X next May?
Cameron ,did not know about it ,this is a typical EU ambush , on the back of our economic growth , & who says he will pay up. If Millipeed was PM, the answer will always be Yes, as he kneels before his EU `Masters`
I admire your confidence in Dave but;
There is a formula for calculating the amount that each country in the EU has to pay. That formula has been in place since the last EU treaty was signed by old boom & bust Brown.
Are you saying that our Whitehall mandarins with their wiz bang calculators have been sitting quietly with their thumbs in their bums and brains in neutral hoping that the EU bods will not bother to press refresh on their spreadsheets? I don’t think so.
And do you think that those very same geeky mandarins would not have dared to inform our, “oh I’m so angry I could scream and scream and scream”, call me Dave, Prime Minister. I don’t think that either. Those mandarin civil service geeks are probably left wing Trotskyites who would sell their sisters to a Rotherham taxi driver for the chance to stick it to Davy boy.
Ambush my a……………..
Brilliant post Old Timer. And still the labour liars will cry poverty! The EU is getting worse by the day, this is a huge embarrassment for Cameron’s referendum lie, if he tried to cover this up how can we ever trust him on a referendum?
There is a saying ‘you can gauge a nation on how it treats its elderly’. Well the UK socialists have shown exactly what they are about, I have a feeling that if they could get away with legalised killing of the elderly they would, they are that devious.
When the lib dems and labour started blaming the welfare problems on the aged I was disgusted…the elderly who have paid tax all of their lives?, the elderly who fought for this country against one type of fascism only to have it usurped by another? The elderly who believed in the political classes of the UK and thought they would put their families interests first?
Now we know how low the modern socialists would sink.
Cheers Glen. I shall raise me glass to yers as I play me little game (of cards) with the ladies tonight.
Yeah , but Old Timer would of passed on to the next world, while we have to live under Millipeed & Balls reign of terror. Voting Ukip will give us a Labour Govt, Reign Of Terror.
A nasty little party standing in the 2015 general election, called Class War, will soon be discovered by BBC leftoids eager to put forward the views of a pro-jihadist/anarcho standpoint and support the Rotherham groomers. Worth noting their enthusiasm for the release of Harry Roberts, one of their heroes.
They’ve just taken their name from Labour, and their ‘policies’ – double dole, double pension, double all other benefits, 50% mansion tax – make about as much economic sense as Balls and Miliband. Sounds ideal for the bBBC.
On the subject of Harry Roberts, did anyone catch PM on the subject of his release last night?
I’m guessing the BBC must have laboured long and hard to find such an inarticulate policeman to argue against his release, compared to an articulate ex-jailbird Guardian reporter arguing in favour.
“Womens death brigade”, and this is allowed on our liberal streets of the UK, fascists who want to kill free speech, unless it is based on anarchy that is. This country needs a serious clean up.
I find their views on the rich comical. Last night McCluskey had his usual rant about the bankers and then, in the next sentence, begged the bankers to do us all a favour and start giving money away? Would you release money on the say of this moron.
The unwashed scum from classwarparty are the same, happy to live of everyone else’s taxes yet hate those very people. Utter vermin.
Class War are an even viler outfit than Respect and the SWP.
Muslim convert launches axe attack on US police is The Times’ headline
NY axe attack: Islamist link probed on the bBBC
Mustn’t jump to conclusions when yet another Muslim convert axeman tries to behead people, eh?
I have it on very good authority that the UK police have been told not to go to public places on their own in their uniform after finishing work as there is very good intelligence that muslim extremists want to behead a British police officer on the streets of the UK.
I also know that ALL water treatment plants and reservoirs are being upgraded with state of the art security protection devices due to a possible threat. It’s not islam’s fault though?
Rona Fairhead, chairman of the BBC Trust, was interviewed on “Today”. Even though she claimed to have a commercial background she didn’t see any reason to cease jailing licence fee evaders. I guess she sees the provision of BBC services as being far more vital to people than those of gas, electric & water where non-payment doesn’t result in criminal record & risk of jail.
Going by the reaction on the BBC’s favourite source of news and public reaction, Twitter, her latest outing could have gone better. Certainly already channeling her inner Hugs when the seat still warm from Patten’s ample rear.
Interestingly, many seemed to feel she was feeling a lot of the heat from new colleagues in Sack’o-rats Central. So, pleasing no one, which in Beebworld equates to balance.
Maybe the money compensates?
This Guardian article with its Newsnight clip of the awful Russell Brand shows how low the BBC is going in its dumbing down. Brand “writes” a crap book – or has the disgraced Johann Hari write much of it – the bbok is widely panned – so the BBC gets him on to laud the book and give Brand a platform for his nihilist pro-Occupy nonsense.
And they wonder why the Newsnight audience is disappearing ?
It is interesting that Mr. Katz seems to keep his job no matter what, whilst creating new ones almost weekly, mainly using ex-colleagues.
‘At one point Davis was reduced to almost pleading: “I’m trying to take you seriously.”
The same could be said of the old Newsnight slipway.
The Graun seems less enthused with Mr. Brand than many groupies, and it is possible that allowing the man to use his own words so often has been the most damning thing to have enabled.
Lee Rigby will not have his name on his memorial. BBC only tell half the story. Opposition to the memorial came from Labour.
From Wiklopedia:
‘In May 2014 the Labour-run council refused to support the building of a memorial to Lee Rigby, whose murder by Islamists occurred in the borough, in spite of being “overwhelmed by interest in a local memorial”. The authority previous faced criticism at the time of the killing, with the cabinet attending an away day immediately after the murder, therefore missing a visit by the Prime Minister.[2] Following a campaign which saw 25,000 people sign a petition in support of the memorial the council dropped its opposition to the tribute.’
See Telegraph
It is understood that the family have accepted the council’s recommendation, so we have to respect their wishes. But the lad deserves his name, and the council deserve shaming.
Meanwhile Stephen Lawrence is named on his memorial.
Just watched the BBC13:00 hour news as I’ve already seen the film on movies4 men. Harabin presenting (again) global warming as fact blah blah oceans turning more acid blah blah,in reference to the new EU deal (how much will that cost us? No one of course to say he’s talking complete bollocks. Fair and balanced reporting again…errr no…never mind it will be balanced over a period of indeterminable time.
There was also a piece on bbc Northwest news regarding the deregulation of the bus lanes. Apparently the taxpayer funded transport companies aren’t happy because it is causing delays, the reporter approached a bus, she interviewed a Somalian looking woman who could barely speak English…needless to say she thought it was a bad idea? Not a word about hard pressed taxpayers trying to get to work though!!
Glen saw that. They were talking about seconds of delays all adding up and that commuters may on mass go back to driving their cars. Which of course would mean the sky will fall in. Well maybe not but where exactly would these commuters all park and how much a day does it cost to park in Liverpool?
Dave; For once, I applaud the scousers for having a bit of sense. I just wish Manchester would now do the same, I pay tax, car tax and tax that goes to the running of public transport, and, when travelling to the City Centre, have to witness bus after empty bus sailing past? Yet the labour morons go on about traffic congestion costing the country millions?
We could use the redundant bus depots for parking! Is the parking is the Socialist Republik of Liverpool not free to fellow socialists?
Memo from US Consulate refers to Jerusalem jihad terror attack that murdered baby girl as “traffic incident”
“A “traffic incident” in Jerusalem, (“traffic incident” – shakes head)
Another traffic incident in Canada just a few days ago. Odd coincidence: both drivers were devout Muslims who killed Infidels “in the name of Allah” (as the Canadian bad driver put it).
Meanwhile, also in Canada, a “mentally ill” man shoots up the Parliament building and murders a soldier.
… And in New York City, a “man” wielding a hatchet injures several
police officers. Another odd coincidence: both the Canadian mentally ill man and the New York hatchet-wielder were also devout Muslims.
The father of the former waged jihad in Libya, and the latter called for armed revolt in the U.S! .
But you must put all of these odd coincidences out of your mind right now.
We know that none of this can have anything to do with Islam.”
Concerning just the incidents listed above
BBC Ottawa shootings: No Islamic State link found
For the BBC etc … OK the, “not the” Islamic State …
but this guy is Muslim, a real Muslim?, but is a convert
What to? the “not the Islam” Islam?
Mark Steyn calls everyone out on it
Is INBBC now censoring Islamic jihad atrocities?:-
Where’s this reported?
“Nigeria: Muslims storm two churches, murder 31 Christians as they worshiped.”
Who’s in control of INBBC’s reporting on Nigeria?
-Islamic INBBC Radio Hausa?
I don’t trust the bbc to report the truth on the numerous islamic atrocities, no, really. I don’t!!
I use the site just about everything you need to know about the, well, religion of peace!!
Don’t you just wish the bBBC would adopt some tell-it-like-it-is honest reporting like this?
Tell me that is for real:)
She is barely avoiding corpsing throughout.
The ‘cowboy hat experience’ was truly described with all pertinent facts and quotes included, to be sure.
Let me repeat: to be sure.