Why is the BBC’s use of a West Indian tune for its Test Match cricket theme not racist? Surely it is mocking Afro-Caribbean culture? Is it not cultural theft and mis-appropriation? Modern day slavery exploiting Black people and their work for white people’s profit and gain.
Mike Read has unfortunately caved in to the intimidation and bullyboy tactics of a few race hustlers whose very selective choice of who is and who is not racist is remarkable….though not remarkable enough to be remarked upon by the BBC which is all too happy to give airtime to those expressing all that synthetic outrage.
Of course it is for the BBC just another chance to have a dig at UKIP and associate them with ‘racism’ in an attempt to smear them…mud sticking and all that.
Yesterday John Humphrys told us (08:52) that ‘We know of course what UKIP’s attitude is to Caribbean culture…or at least we think we do.’
Really? Humphrys is clearly of the belief that UKIP has racist views about Caribbean culture…where does he get that idea from? and where does he get the idea that ‘We’ know that….does he mean ‘Us’, the General Public?
Rather suspect ‘we’ have no idea and most go along with UKIP’s immigration policy which is based upon numbers not race.
Humphrys’ comment is just another example of the belief that runs through Beeboid’s bloodstream that they are the guardians of the national culture and it is their job to propagate their version of the ‘truth’.
For the BBC Mike Read withdrawing the song is a very important story…third place on the BBC’s front page….
Of course we know that it is only white people that can be racist….
…….which is why this fellow obviously gets a pass for his mocking portrayal of various nationalities from Polish plumbers to Nigerian fraudsters…coz we know all Nigerians are computer scammers don’t we?
How about the Beebs favoured son….is this Irish accent racist…and is he calling Irish people stupid?
The Today programme continued its assault on UKIP today (08:45) with what turned out to be a leftwing, pro-EU ‘expert’ from a think tank who told us that unfortunately Polish youth are turning to the Right….and that UKIP is linking to a pretty extreme group….a ploy which is a completely cynical attempt to grab some EU money.
Not really journalism from the BBC just another anti-UKIP smear….note there was no UKIP representative to give their side of the story.
“Cab firm in white driver service”
P.A report-
“A minicab company in the town at the centre of one of Britain’s biggest grooming scandals is sending white drivers on request.
“The firm has received requests in Heywood, Rochdale, after two local drivers were jailed for their part in the rape and trafficking of young white girls.
Stephen Campbell, manager of Car 2000, said the number of people asking for a white driver shot up after the 2012 grooming case.”
Read more:
Of course, BBC SACKED employee, Ms Sam MASON, from BBC Radio Bristol in 2008,
re-her choice of taxi driver for her daughter.
“BBC Radio host sacked after call to taxi firm requesting ‘non-Asian’ driver”
Read more:
How prescient Ms MASON was, and how cruelly wrong the ‘politically correct’ BBC is on this. This happened before DG HALL was in post; he should re-instate Ms Mason NOW,
otherwise he supports the BBC’s politically unfair, cruel act against her.
There’s a TV commercial on (at least catchup like 4OD) that we were surprised made it past various censorious bodies…
Someone in casting up for some dark looks, as it were, surely?
‘‘We know of course … or at least we think we do.’
Hardly strikes me as the most confidence-inspiring claim for a media monolith monopoly.
Certainly Lord McAlpine suffered from such attention to detail.
I hadn’t listened to the song as it wasn’t of interest to me. But now the “let’s take offence crowd” is in full cry I’ve just listened to it on YouTube. There is one clearly anti-racist line “our target, Commonwealth not Common Market.
Those complaining haven’t even bothered to listen to it. Their stance seems to be – if it’s by a UKIP supporter it must be evil.
BBc North West ran this with the “presenter” and story pushing the “it’s racist” angle. Situation at North west tonight. As soon as I heard this story I knew how North West would present this. I wasn’t wrong.
There’s another firm in Middleton that having the same problem. Rochdale labour nazis have been sending asian spies to try and get a job with the firm but the rank owner only has so many cars so refuses them, he has been threatened with the law numerous times by the council scumbags.
The local imam in the Rochdale mosque has threatened to outcast any driver who works for the ‘racist’ firm! Can you blame any parent for not wanting to send their daughter in a cab driven by an asian? They may not all be groomers but would you want to take a chance with your child?
“Taxi firm offers ‘white-only drivers’ after five Asians jailed in sex-grooming scandal”
Talking of INBBC and taxi-drivers, this was INBBC about 5 years ago, reporting on the increasing segregation and even apartheid between non-Muslims and Muslims, including taxidrivers in Blackburn, complete with Straw’s Labour homilies-
‘White Fright’ Part 1
(10 min video)
The BBC/liberal blob of idiocy is difficult territory for the right.
So corrupting has been their influence over the last 50 years that direct confrontation or even giving them any form of ammunition is dangerous.
Homer has Odysseus act carefully and use his cunning and intelligence when reclaiming Ithica. So must we if we are to reclaim England from these lunatics.
The song was harmless but unwise. We of common sense know that .The BBC/liberal lunacy does not have common sense but a permanent sense of faux outrage aimed at anything that threatens their fantasy world.
So act strategically and think carefully. Our enemies are powerful idiots .Stay clear of social media and stay clear of the liberal media as well.
The shires and the small towns are with us. The BBC/liberal left is fading fast and now a Metropolitan clique. Let them do their own damage to themselves .
But we must make it clear that we hold them as our enemy and that we will not give them an inch.
Dave you make a good point. the enemy is the PC left in all it’s forms, left wing press, left wing politicians and the miserable bbc. No doubt they all have a collection of little robots who scan social media all day long looking for outrage, looking for unwise interviews and online comments. We must behave like the populations of Western Europe under hitler, which in effect we are. Always on guard, thinking before talking, remember ‘careless talk costs lives ? ‘ it’s like that here and now.
You may jest about the ‘army of robots’ but the Labour Party had an active smear unit which came a cropper under Miliband due to internal fighting but is no doubt still working. Their aim is to route out scandals and create smears against their opponents.
Hence the stuff about McAlpine and Savile aimed at the Tories and the Rochdale children’s home scandal aimed at the LibDems. The stuff about Leon Brittan and the missing files is also a ‘dirty trick’ .
Basically if the names Danczuk or Watson are involved then chances are it is a ‘smear’.
The anti racist lobby is so completely silly that they make millions of us laugh. The best comedy show in Britain. But of course there is a sinister side to all of this , the gradual curtailing of free speech, which for centuries had been a corner stone of British culture and identity.
On the Media Show this afternoon members of the BBC Trust were interviewed about the governance of the BBC. Both Trust members said that they felt the BBC had a key role in protecting democracy in Britain and, quite amazingly, that the BBC provided plurality of news internally.
The liberal left and their in-house broadcaster , the BBC , only believe in democracy and free speech provided that everyone agrees with their views. If you don’t agree, they want to shut you up and certainly don’t provide you with a platform equal to that of those with leftist views. So much for the BBC’s defence of British democracy.
Ah, remember the days of the “Black & White Minstrels”?
Or, Lance Percival’s calypso:
Not forgetting UB40
If the BBC has taken against white people singing calypso I assume that we’ll not be seeing Lance Percival’s “Shame and Scandal in the Family” in any Top of the Pops repeat. Not only was Lance white but he was making fun of a disfunctional family – how racist can you get?
Joe beat me to it while I was on YouTube looking for the song.
Yes, it’s quite blatant, the Beeb have been running this mock story all day. I simply fail to understand how anyone, with an IQ above double figures, could possibly be offended by this nonsense. I’ll accept that from what I’ve heard of the song it sounds ghastly, but of course that’s not their beef. I’m afraid that Mike Read comes out of this looking pretty feeble. I really do wish that people would occasionally show a little backbone and resist the howls of affected outrage and tell these militant moaners to “poke it.”
I wonder if the BBC switchboard has been jammed with irate folk complaining about the revolting and racist remarks uttered by the Beeb’s favourite twitcher, odious Bill Oddie. Will Billyboy be forced to make a grovelling apology to the millions of white working class people he so maliciously maligned?
The West Indian people of Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Barbuda, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, Nevis, St Kitts, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines and the Turks & Caicos Islands are far more loyal to Her Majesty the Queen than the people in any other member of the hideously white European Union. And therefore “UKIP Calypso” is far more appropriate than something from Beethoven.
Don’t know about some of the Caribbeans living in the UK though. Benjamin Zephaniah, Lee Jasper, Winston Silcott and the late Bernie Grant for example.
It’s not about racism it’s about the song being in support of UKIP
And then there’s BBC favourite Al Murray, a Cambridge graduate who’s ‘act’ consists of dressing up as caricature working-class guy, complete with funny accent, and inviting his audience of fellow privledged tossers to laugh at how stoopidly stoopid he is….
…..which is completely different from a Minstrel show because Shut Up!
yep – his act shows the left wing middle class saying what they really think of the working class even though they claim to be on their side….would be laughable if so many of the working class didn’t just tick Labour every time without a second thought
Al Murray’s ‘Pub Landlord’ act is far more astute than that.
You are right in that he is a member of one class mocking another but he also plays the other side of the coin by deliberately encouraging the audience to indulge in ‘Alf Garnet Syndrome.’
It is quite possible to watch Murray and believe in the attitudes he mocks and still come out laughing.
Murray has also done a number of documentaries on WW2 which, whilst avoiding jingoism, were very much approving of British soldiers who fought then. Not many left wing comedians will do that …
remember ali g,the media loved him.but he was not black but boy did he mickey take the west indian accent in a quiet rude way and some say racist way,did you hear any wimpers or protests from the angry leftists and the media and there cronies,no,but why may you ask that.simple,mike read is a ukip supporter and ali g is not.typical media skull duggery to smear ukip by the intolerant bitter leftists.
Ali G is a piss take on ‘wiggers’ it is not aimed at blacks. The character is a white boy from Staines who acts like a LA gangsta’ rapper. It is perfectly consistent with leftist doublethink.
Baron-Cohen only started getting real flak when he did Borat and it became widely known that he is a Jew.
Soul Limbo from Booker T & the MG`s featuring guitarist ,Steve Cropper ,& bassist Donald `Duck` Dunn , who were both featured in the `Blues Brothers` band , in the movie , & the live Blues Brothers shows . All ,`Good Ole Boys ` from the deep South . Hideously White in other words .
Petition started by a Labour Councillor shows the level of offence “taken” here
Just tweeted both of the labour luvvies involved telling them to do the same with BBC4’s Mitch Benn, somehow I think their twitter account will be quiet tomorrow. #shithouse hypocrites.