I got back from France late Monday evening and caught the BBC “Today” programme running a story about the “racist” song released by Mike Read in support of UKIP. The BBC oozes visceral contempt for UKIP and whether one supports them or not, this bias is self evidently wrong. Is it possible that UKIP’s views on our continued membership of the EU and its focus on enforcing immigration limits are so at odds with the BBC hive?
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Currently R5 Lit is describing the song as ‘controversial’
That is code for us lefties don’t like it
It’s ‘controversial’ because they chose to create the controversy.
The splendid circular reasoning of the Leftist mind in all its squalor.
“..critics are saying, the BBC has learned.”
I am tempted to be of the opinion that Al Beeb are the founders of the whole idea and concept of ‘Political Correctness’. It seems to be continuously generated by them .
Anyone who has a copy of this http://www.discogs.com/John-Bird-The-Collected-Broadcasts-Of-Idi-Amin/master/562182 better watch out as well then.
I just don’t understand why the silent majority don’t just rise up and storm this Marxist hive of revolting lefty scum. We need a revolution of the respectable-Right in this country; the Left have done too much damage and it is time their anti-English disgusting ideologies were kicked out of this country.
I get the sense that the Left is starting to get very worried that this is finally happening. It’s why they are so agitated about UKIP.
Yes, I agree. And the horrific irony in all of this, is the fact that we’re bloody paying for their anti-Ukip crusades!
I’m not.
Or deport the fuckers to Syria.
The expected bbc anti UKIP drive is exactly what we knew would happen and you only have to look across the liberal media to see that they are all frothing at the mouth over the temerity that normal people have shown by supporting them.
The Telegraph has carried out a poll on the EU involving 1002 ‘neutral’ people and 53% voted to stay in the EU..a huge picture of Nigel Farage (pulling a weird face as they usually show) was used to go along with the poll? Look, people disagree with UKIP, is obviously the message.
I also find it strange that all of a sudden there are Hitler documentaries on every channel exposing Hitler’s madness, paranoia, hatred, drug taking and, more importantly, how he was a one man band who, despite the warnings of all the ‘moderate’ Nazis, dragged the world to destruction. It was him and only him.
Now, I think we know the score with Hitler, so do we need to see it all again? But, I have a feeling that there is more to it than meets the eye. When will the Farage ‘one man band’ accusations start, when will the ‘Panorama’ style exposes start where any bit of dirt will be dragged up to smear the man and basically say he is the next Hitler.
It remains to be seen between now and May but when it comes to character assassinations there is no better outfit than the left wing fascists.
The jokey Calypso record has a fine tradition in this country. I suppose this is racist as well, by Lance Percival:
and this, by Bernard Cribbins:
On a slightly different note, here’s Peter Sellers being a real racist:
Fuc*ing spoilsports…
According to the theme then UB40 must be racist as well as their white singer sings with a afro Caribbean accent. What pains me is the fact that people cave in to this PC bullying technique of fake offence.
I saw UB40 once (1982ih in Hannover). My friend suggested I might like it. I didn’t they were crap.
I fear for Nigel. It wouldnt be the first time the elite have bumped off someone they see as a threat.
Mike Read – BBC Radio Berkshire. You forgot to mention this.
Why would DV have mentioned that? Is the song only racist because he’s a BBC employee?
As a BBC employee he shouldn’t in my view have been involved in something so political, but that’s a different argument. Then again the Beeb seems remarkably unconcerned about all its employees’ political tweets so often exposed here.
Remarkable unconcern being a unifying factor between the BBC and its one-line drive-by keyboard warriors here.
Don’t recall much engagement when a senior news editor, a person who sets the political agenda covertly, was quietly shuffled sideways for a while after saying something stupid vs. singing something daft.
I agree he should avoided the overt politicising and promotion, but those up in arms, and the BBC, seem to have been flailing around clutching at shifting reasons to object.
When they often forget to mention words or deeds they approve of, but really shouldn’t see connections made that could prove awkward.
Why shouldn’t he be in something political, most of the bBC operate on behalf of the Labour party.
We are all overlooking the fact the BBC receives monies from the EU
Farage under attack for forming an alliance with a baddie. Why no complaints about other MEPs and parties forming alliances with communists? Their body count during the 20th century was quite staggering. And remember Barosso, the EU President, was a member of an underground Maoist party. So why is Farage required to defend his decision and not others.
Yes, anything the smug media consensus considers “right wing” must inevitably lead to the concentration camp, gas chambers and genocide. However, the Hackney Hippo can claim that Mao was the greatest man of the 20th century on This Week and no one accuses her of advocating Stalin’st Terror, the Gulag or Pol Pot’s mass exterminations.
Well they do, but the BBC and other MSM won’t give them a platform. You have to look in the comments sections.
Because we (UKIP) are threatening the political establishment we are the focus of every dirty trick in the book. The LibLabCon and their cronies will chuck the kitchen sink at us but it just attracts more support to the people’s army. Keep it coming ~ you just don’t get it, do you.
The Flak is always heaviest when you are directly over the target…
Maybe this accounts for latest surge by the liberal inquisition
Ukip back over the target again?
UKIP looking to win the next By-election .
The reason
Child exploitation by ‘men’.
Failure of successive governments to address ‘migration’
British jails full of foreign criminals.
Overcrowding, causing demands on schools, hospitals and housing.
Excessive use of P.C. and finally , the childish anti UKIP propaganda broadcast by Al Beeb, becoming more and more transparent to the ordinary British people .
Linked to that – “More and more people can now see that Cameron is lying through his teeth when he claims he will reduce out-of-control immigration”
plus – “Carswell and Reckless both did the honourable thing by resigning their seats and standing for re-election. A refreshing bit of honesty and integrity compared with the people’s sense that British politics are rotten to the core.”
We can also see that while immigration goes up, so does the defecit, so does the NHS budget, so does the welfare bill..surprise, surprise!! And i thought that all the money they paid in tax would help us all.
“Breitbart London Editor Becomes Senior Aide to UKIP’s Nigel Farage”
“Breitbart London’s Managing Editor, Raheem Kassam, is set to leave the organisation following the successful launch in February of this year. Kassam will join the insurgent UK Independence Party as of today as the Senior Advisor to the party leader Mr Nigel Farage.
“Following on from UKIP’s win in the European Elections in May this year, the party is set to fight the most important general election in its history, having just recently achieved its first elected Member of the House of Commons in Douglas Carswell MP.
“As a result, the party is moving onto an election footing, with Kassam set to lead on advising Mr Farage in developing party messaging, strategy, fundraising and publicity. The role is the first of its kind as UKIP grows and professionalises, and Breitbart London understands from senior UKIP sources that Kassam was picked specifically for his political nous and campaigning prowess.”
It will be interesting if the consistently caucasian (as opposed to totally tropical*, but Danny’s wimmin edict does mean the few comediennes that actually exist are propped up by the new blonde bombshells on the circuit) HIGNFY stalwarts and guests continue the programme’s UKIP obsession.
Because chaps like Mr. McKenzie & now Mr. Kassam’s membership and indeed seniority in the party seem rather at odds with the ongoing ‘old, white, male, racist’ meme they are trying to maintain.
And it’s possible what they are hoping to tell often enough is in reality being seen through by many as a crock of BBC narrative.
*Clearly unacceptable, but it was another time…
Coconut Airways..oh dear, oh dear!
Kaseem is an excellent writer – focussed and blunt.
Aarrgghhh! I’ve just watched the bbc2 Daily left wing blog with Jo Coburn, the liberal mug they had on the last piece regarding the EU nearly sent my TV out of the window.
He basically quoted Winston Churchill, now obviously deceased, and had Winnie as a committed Europhile who would have fought to stay in the disastrous EU federalist state and said that the UK could not survive outside of the ‘world’..so the EU is now the world according to this moron.
When pressed by a UKIP spokeswoman his basic defence was we are better in the EU to try and get change rather than out of it, where we could deal with the real World community whilst the EU destroys itself, it was the usual embarrassing liberal garbage only the guy was so smug it just made you want to smash the TV.
He was ably backed by a guardianista who, despite the fact that UKIP wiped the floor in the EU elections said that the majority of the public would want to stay in the EU, of course using a recent liberal poll which stated as much! Unbelievable, give us the vote and lets find out, eh!!
Even when the discussion was over he couldn’t help himself shouting ‘racist and misogynist’ (not shouted down by Coburn) regarding the Polish national who has just made a pact with numerous parties to keep a voice at the EU protest table. You just couldn’t make it up.
Yes, the tired old lie about Churchill.
He was, indeed, in favour of some form of united Europe.
But with Britain outside of it.
Still, when has the telling of blatant untruths troubled Leftists or Europhiles?
What about Churchill’s statement “If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea”?
Talking of lies, last night on QT Caroline Flint said that ukip had no policies. Dimbleby cut Louise Bours short when she tried to refute the lie, and afterwards Len McCluskey reiterated the point and again Louise was not given a right of reply. Caroline, Dave & Len seemed very comfortable in each others company.
“Nigel Farage on the Ottawa shooting: It could just as easily happen on the streets of London.
“As a nation, our priority must shift to homegrown Islamists”
By Nigel Farage.
“home-grown” is an odd word to use to describe Jihadists.
The connotation evoked is that Jihadism is somehow rooted in the native traditions of this island. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jihadism is a direct consequence of the influx of millions of Muslims who have more or less turned large swathes of England into a Pakistani or Turkish village with all its customs and mores and religious piety. Family honour, religious fervour, martyrdom, forced marriage, the absolute power of patriarchs, vendetta, honour killings, strict social taboos were all topics that would have made sense to the 19th century audience of an early 19th century Italian opera, but not to the indigenous population of England now. As politicians did not make integration or assimilation a condition for settlement, or restrict numbers, conflict is preprogrammed.
The great majority of Muslims may be passive followers but as they are pious, the Western way of life will be rejected as ungodly and eliminated without regret whenever an opportunity presents itself. Farage is 20 or 30 years behind the times. The Rushdie affair was a clear indication of things to come – the fervent Muslim support for the Fatwa and the supine qiuescence from the usual bien-pensant commentators
To the BBC and the rest of the Left, Nigel Farage is regarded as a greater terrorist than any product of Islam.
They regard the growth of UKIP as the equivalent of an Islamic Caliphate.
Perhaps the establishment will order the bombing of Clacton and Rochester to maintain the status-quo??
Interesting times ahead. I hope for the best.
Al Beeb reporting that we, the UK has been told to pay an extra £1.7bn towards the EU because of our countries ‘relative economic health’. This money would be much better spent on our NHS’s health!
Don’t you agree?
I hope that UKIP get wind of this.
Louise Bours was on Question Time. She called for more Democracy but without more Politicians and Bureaucrats, it did not get any applause from the audience, so the BBC must have excluded UKIP supporters from the audience, but it must also indicate that the audience must have been made up of card carrying supporters of the other parties, because if any of them showed support for direct democracy for the people, bypassing the political establishment, then they would have been suspected as a possible future defector to UKIP.
Also, Bours found it very difficult to explain UKIP policy without constant interruption by other members of the panel insisting that they new better what UKIP policy was on said subjects such as the death penalty, which was for a referendum on the death penalty. I thought this was an amusing change for UKIP, because it means that the insistence that UKIP only has one policy has come to an end, and instead they are digging up old half hearted policy commitments planted by a failed MI6 operation, such as the Cambell-Banerman manifesto that Farage called a disaster. So we have the establishment trying to censor current UKIP policies, by using the old policies that the establishment wished upon UKIP.
Bours was consistently shouted down by rent a gob McCluskey and his constant socialist slogans..poverty, austerity, NHS safe with labour, wage depression blah,blah,blah…yet, when he was pressed on his opinion on the Scots referendum he bottled it, he couldn’t answer, typical socialist shithouse liar. Funny though, he barely mentioned immigration?
“Trust the doctor” McCluskey said! The ‘doctor’ in the audience blamed the NHS ills on everything but immigration, in fact he didn’t mention NHS tourism once? Trust him? I wouldn’t let him lance a boil.
I was surprised they didn’t mention the Mike Read Calypso? I had a feeling that maybe they had got wind of a hijack, why else would the bbc, surrounded by a scouse audience of dyed in the wool lefties, not make the most of it?
Today we hear of a £1.7 billion threat, welcome to the ‘democratic’ state of Europe, you will pay..or else!! it’s a disgrace, but typical of the socialist Robin Hood politics, rob from the rich and give to the poor. It makes a mockery of the liars who say that we need the EU more than they need us!
To me it’s as simple as this…I live in a street, I have neighbours, I am doing a little better than some are…but would I want to share a full access bank account with them or give them the extra money I earn at work at the risk of letting my family go without? It’s the economics of madness.
Andrew Neill was an embarrassment on Daily lefty rant, he just wouldn’t let the UKIP/Polish MEP link go, despite being told “It’s not a link with the party, it’s with a single MEP for the matter of convenience to get round pathetic EU rules”. Neill was like a dog with a bone. Racist,racist..you’re just racist!
Like a child who isn’t winning a his own game they will cry and cry until they are allowed to win.
‘Bours found it very difficult to explain UKIP policy’
Tonight’s HIGNFY will be interesting.
The last several they have got away with ‘jokes’ about UKIP being the preserve of white, aged racist males, when this lady and such as Mssrs. Mackenzie & Kasseem would suggest they are either woefully ill-informed or simply self-selecting their humour on a ‘tell it often enough’ basis.
As to policies, or lack of, and dubious associations, for the latter LibLabCon have more than their fair share of dubious fellow travellers in word and deed, and the forthcoming debates will surely address the former in reality, rather than the fictions being put forward by the entire BBC machine and LibLabCon press corps.
I am actively supporting the inclusion of the Greens in this, as I don’t recall the BBC doing anything but support them on the few, dubiously thought-through or costed policies they have, and seems more than forgiving on the vast areas they haven’t a thought in their pretty heads about.
Also, Mensa.
The BBC might have to have a rethink on it’s stance when this goes out to children every day. Hypocrites.
Just part of the early liberal brainwashing that tell children ‘one day you must have a partner of ethnic origin’. Apparently, so a lefty told me on twitter “it’s in the context”.
“Farage on Friday: ‘The British taxpayers are the real losers’ after new EU cash demand”
“Nigel Farage defends Mike Read’s Ukip Calypso song – video”
Good post. You can clearly see that Nigel Farage and UKIP thought this was just a bit of harmless fun and even Clegg struggled to spit out his usual liberal garbage.
What Farage is guilty of is not forward thinking, the liberal media have got it in for him, they have all but compared him to Hitler, I’ve seen it on Twitter, he can’t leave the party open to stuff like this. In saying that, normal thinking people will see it, laugh and support them even more. Fcuk the liberals.
Farage sets the pace!
Cameron and Milliband follow, just like little schoolboys !
That’s the calibre of our ‘so called’ leaders.
“BBC dilemma on Mike Read’s Ukip Calypso: Broadcaster refuses to say if DJ’s ‘racist’ song will be played in full if it’s in the Top 40”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2807264/BBC-dilemma-Mike-Read-s-Ukip-Calypso-Broadcaster-refuses-say-DJ-s-racist-song-played-s-40.html#ixzz3HANCXaxs