Racism is ’embedded into our [white] culture but people don’t even think of themselves as racist.’ Peter Allen 5Live
I did laugh when I heard Jim Naughtie’s schoolboy crush on the Washington Post Editor Ben Bradlee….
No-one took on the aura of the swashbuckling newspaperman with more style than Ben Bradlee, who became one of the great editors. He loved the life, but he was also a man of steel.
It wasn’t chance that made Watergate a turning point in the modern American story, but grit and ambition….It made him a hero for two generations of journalists.
Explaining to a later generation why Watergate mattered so much is sometimes difficult, because it’s hard to recapture the mood of the early 70s, when the Nixon White House believed it could crush any opponent and would do whatever it took to do it……In the end it was Richard Nixon who resigned as president, in August 1974, and the Post had brought about a convulsion in American life which is still being felt today, by bravely challenging those who’d forgotten that power brings responsibility.
Bradlee was able to turn it into a crusade in part because he was a dazzling figure – a handsome, high-living lion of a man, who exuded an air of supreme confidence but also, as one of his colleagues put it, had something of the Mississippi riverboat gambler about him……he combined glamour with the rough spirit of a streetwise reporter, who’d tell stories from the US Navy, Paris after the liberation or the White House with the same raconteur’s relish….always exhilarating……. At a table or in a bar, he was a magical presence…The kind of editor every journalist dreams about.
I didn’t laugh because of Naughtie’s gushing eroticism but because he is part of an organisation that shows none of that swashbuckling flair and fearless searching for the truth that drove Bradlee on to tackle the highest power in the land and hold it to account that Naughtie so admires.
The BBC in a sad comparison is itself that dishonest power, an organisation that has forgotten about responsibility and which has chosen instead to attempt to shape Society so that it conforms with the BBC’s own vision of how a ‘good society’ should look and think. Rather than challenge and expose those corrupt politicans it sides with them and hides their crimes.
Today we had two classic examples when the BBC’s Big Brother politicking has caused untold harm to Society.
The BBC has given a lot of airtime to the story that the National Audit Office has criticised the government on its lack of success at deporting foreign criminals. Naturally this is a Labour led story with Yvette Cooper asking an ‘urgent House of Commons question‘.
The Guardian headlines with this….
UK government has ‘blood on its hands’ over failure to track foreign criminals
Paul Houston, whose daughter, Amy, died six weeks after she was knocked down by an Iraqi-Kurdish asylum seeker, Aso Mohammed Ibrahim, in Blackburn in 2003, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the failure to keep track of foreign offenders had ruined lives. “Ultimately, the responsibility falls on the politicians because what’s happened in the last 10 years has been a social experiment and we are the guinea pigs. The politicians have blood on their hands because families’ lives have been ruined and people have died because of this,” he said.
“They have a responsibility to protect society and its citizens – that’s their number one priority. I feel too much is given to the rights of the criminal and not to the protection of society and victims.”
The BBC has also given a lot of time to the story that a Taxi firm has provided white drivers when asked for by customers.
Both these stories centre around two major political, cultural and social concerns, immigration and Islam or multi-culturalism, that the BBC has consistently lied to its audience about or refused to investigate in order that its own narrative on the ‘benefits’ of immigration and the joys of Islam were the only narratives that dominated the discussions, such as they were.
Now today the BBC is all too ready to talk about the subjects having once deliberately sought to hide the truth about Labour’s open borders policy and the part played by race and Islam in places such as Rochdale….of course to talk about it only as a means to attack the government and to highlight the ‘racism’ of white Britons.
The NAO tells us that failure to control who comes across our borders is a major reason as to why we have so many foreign criminals (FNO’s…Foreign National Offenders) roaming the UK….
One important way of reducing the number of FNOs is to stop serious foreign criminals from entering the UK in the first place. The government[s] collectively did relatively little in this area before December 2012.
It is crucial that information on an FNO’s identity and circumstances is collected as early as possible to speed up removal.
The Department should build on the FNO action plan by evaluating fully the preventative and early intervention measures trialled so far and investing further in these where appropriate. In particular, early evidence suggests the Department should build its plan to prevent more FNOs from entering the UK at the border.
Clearly Labour’s uncontrolled immigration has allowed into this country untold numbers of serious and dangerous criminals that has led to death and suffering for countless thousands of victims who have suffered only as a result of that policy.
Blood is almost certainly on the hands of Labour politicians but also on the hands of BBC journalists who deliberately sought to hide what was happening and even today continue with that narrative about immigration and multi-culturalism.
On Sunday we had a blatantly one sided programme about immigration and today we have the BBC hunting down the taxi firm that offers ‘white’ taxi drivers on request to customers.
Peter Allen on 5Live (28 mins ) gave us a perfect illustration of BBC Think when he denounced this firm as racist and then went on to say that customers who asked for white drivers demonstrated that racism was ’embedded into our culture but people don’t even think of themselves as racist.’ Of course when Allen says ‘our culture’ he means White people.
That of course is a racist statement in itself…a sweeping claim that maligns all white people…if you’re white you are probably racist (the problem is Peter Allen doesn’t even realise he is racist).
That was the line taken by the Stephen Lawrence inquiry when it found that it could find no evidence of any racism in the way police fulfilled their operational tasks but that essentially, because they were white, there must have been some embedded racsm in the institution somewhere.
Allen laughed when told that Asian drivers were far more reliable and hardworking that white ones…and yet that is a sweeping, racist comment itself…I’m certain there are many hardworking and reliable white taxi drivers out there who would object to that statement.
The BBC’s failure to tackle the questions about race, Islam and immigration wasn’t a ‘failure’, it wasn’t just bad journalism, it was a deliberate and orchestrated attempt to control the narrative and the public’s perceptions of those issues. The BBC not only hid the truth but actively sought to lie about the issues and the hugely negative effects that resulted from the implementation of mass immigration and multi-culturalism policies.
People have died because of Labour’s immigration policies. People have been raped, people have been attacked, people have been robbed and defrauded because of Labour’s mass immigration policies.
But the BBC doesn’t ever link the two together when talking of immigration preferring instead to tell us of the untold benefits of immigration, how wonderful and hardworking the immigrants are and how they suffer terrible racism from the white population. The crime that comes with immigration is swept under the carpet excpet when the BBC can use it to political, pro-Labour, advantage as today.
There is a good case to be made that there is blood on the BBC’s hands. People have been killed by immigrants who would still be alive now if Labour had been challenged on its open door, uncontrolled immigration policies, by the BBC.
So much for swashbuckling and fearlessly brave journalism ‘challenging those who’d forgotten that power brings responsibility.’
LBC James O’brian did exactly the same yesterday by perpetuating the myth that asian drivers were better than white ones, right off the bat. I suspect O’brian is still being groomed by the so-called British Broadcasting Corporation and look forward to more appearances on newsshite and other al-beeb “news” output.
he is insufferable and a text book leftie off the production line
plus as with all lefties he is always so angry – one of those people where you go for a drink and then within five minutes he is ranting about some injustice and you stand there wondering why you bothered to invite him out
My answer that problem is to drink alone. I then pick a fight with my reflection at the end of the night. I always seem to come of worse though
When he says ‘Asian’ does he mean Bengali, Indian, Bangladeshi, Thai, Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese or ?? When he says ‘White’ does he mean Cockney, Irish, Polish, German, Welsh or ??
He’s just playing the race card to stir up listening figures.
“How common is it for taxi customers to ring up a firm and specifically request a white rather than an Asian driver? A firm in Heywood in Manchester has told this programme it happens all the time. Although the local council says there’s nothing in the conditions of their licence which state that they CAN’T do this, employment lawyers have told us any company agreeing to their customers’ demand could be breaking the law. ”
Well employment lawyers would say that wouldn’t they?
In this day and age I am rather surprised what still remains outside the control of authorities as much as too much that does, especially when a small minority demand that they act.
It is also intriguing how much so-called reporting revolves around quoting what ‘could’ be, without much further checking to confirm.
I appreciate that the law is often woefully vague, but like authority that too often abuses it to get a result they want, the BBC too often brings in and only quotes those who say what they want to hear.
Like SMLive polls, one very much doubts the listeners of Radio Bristol will be offered any context on how the actions of their station ‘could’ have been driven solely by knee-jerk political correctness.
How many ‘whites’ front programmes on the BBC ‘Asian’ network?
I came to the conclusion that racism was just one subset of the whole called tribalism. There are numerous subsets, one being bBC so called libertarians who look down their nose at those they perceive do not share their views. Tribalism is endemic in the human world and will be while the human race exists, so get over it!
A very good article Alan. There is no doubt the BBC and Labour have blood on their hands and Cameron’s lot are no better.
Not once have I heard Cameron, or any minister TELL the community leaders of the RoP bluntly to be better citizens or leave. They have been free to preach terrorism in their unassailable meeting places where the police dare not go. They kill, they rape, they ignore our laws at will in favour of nasty medieval and tribal habits.
Not once have we seen the BBC point the accusing finger at those that would kill us without a seconds thought. They appease, they use euphemisms, they look to the culprits for excuses. They are in short, traitors to the very name they use.
We know they do it but do we know why? Why on earth do people employed so securely and paid so well think they can get away with hating the very society they came from? Is it indoctrination, thoughtlessness or just plain madness?
There is no parallel in history in any nation, where a bunch of immigrants have been allowed into a country, and then raped little girls over decades, with the authorities turning a blind eye.
Why is their no parallel in history for such an occurrence?
The answer is that no government has been so weak, so immoral and so far down the road to cowardice, as to allow immigrants to rape thousands of little girls.
I had to ask myself then, why did immigrant Muslims do this? What was in the minds of these Muslims in the UK or Scandinavia, that their fellow believers would not do elsewhere?
The actions of these rapists reminded me of what happens to a country that is invaded and occupied. Soldiers rape any female they can – young, old or whatever, does not matter, as all are the spoils of victory. For this, there are plenty of parallels in history. The reason is clear. A cohort of Muslims view themselves as a conquering force. Most of these rapes took place under the aegis of Labour. It is inconceivable that Labour did not know, as they claim. They knew.
And now they are trying to brush it under the carpet. The matter is of such huge national shame, that they have no option but to.
Historians will view this chapter in our history as one of the most shameful if not the most.
We need to put the spotlight on this in EVERY PLACE that this occurred and show the local Labour voters what their own party did to them. Then there needs to be a witch hunt to track down every last one of these criminals wherever they are and punish them.
The bbc were so scared during their move to Salford that they employed taxis by the dozen to ferry their coward workers to the HQ, some of them for just a few hundred yards.
How would these morons know anything about what goes on in places like Glodwick, Alexandra park (both no go areas for whites in Oldham) Rochdale, Bradford, Longsight, Hulme etc,etc,etc? Would they have let their children be ferried to work on their own after they had been dropped off??
BBC/liberalism blunts normal survival instincts. The liberal puts his fantasy world view ahead of his own safety. As these idiots now largely run the West we are in deep trouble.
In any difficult situation the very last person I would want at my side is a BBC/liberal.
A normal view of the taxi situation is that any parent of any race or colour who failed to take the very best care when ordering a taxi is failing in their duty. The Rochdale/Middlesborough matters are evidence enough of real concern .The Taxi firm is not doing anything other than responding to customers’ demands.
The liberal would rather expose a child to possible harm than be thought to be “racist”.
Evolution will get rid of liberals.Let us hope they do not do for us as well in the process.
As usual in the case of the Taxi firm, the relevant questions were not asked.
I strongly suspect the ‘customers’ requesting white drivers were in fact whie women and young girls. The news has recently been full of the reports of Muslim gangs operating around taxi companies, grooming, abducting and raping white girls. Their disgusting attitude towards white females being fair game has been widely reported together with the unbelievable facts that several police forces refused to take action against Muslims accused by victims and allowed their abuse to continue. Is it any surprise therefore that white women would be afraid to get into a taxi late at night with a Pakistani driver? Hard luck on the decent ones but totally understandable. Recently a Muslim woman refused to shake my hand as she did not shake hands with non Muslim men. Racial slights only work one way.
Would the Beeb have any problem if the customers asked for a woman taxi driver? I think we know the answer to that.
‘Star launches women only cab firm’
Last night heard a report on Radio 4 about Child Grooming and exploitation in Sheffield. Not once was the I or M word mention in over 30 mins of discussion. The closest we got was Pakistani heritage and Iraqi Kurds with some Afro-Caribbean thrown in for good measure and at the very end a guy mentioned ‘twisted’ religious ideology. Also that the reason why the Police did nothing wasn’t anything to do with multiculturalism but target setting by the Home Office as in Target Drivers but in Allah’s name never target the Muslim population. The cover up continues.
“Rotherham Council announces tougher inspection regime for taxi drivers in wake of Jay report”
shouldn’t that be tougher inspection of those seeking Executive positions on the council and council members?
“TAXI for Shafiq: Ex-Mayor of Milton Keynes linked to immigration ‘racket’”
He probably can’t lie straight in bed at night..all in the name of diversity and ethnic job equality.
“Taxi firm turns down blind army veteran with guide dog”
“The owner of Galaxy Cars, Mohammed Zubair, has since told Get Surrey he has sacked a member of staff following the incident.”
So well done Mr Zubair. We can only guess at what might possibly have been the reason his former employee had to object to the presence of a dog. I haven’t a clue.
“Rochdale taxi Firm: You can book white driver.
A TAXI firm in a town rocked by Britain’s biggest Asian sex gang scandal has sparked a row by offering customers white drivers on demand.”
BBC sacking of Ms Sam Mason (2008)-
“BBC Radio host sacked after call to taxi firm requesting ‘non-Asian’ driver .”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1084702/BBC-Radio-host-sacked-taxi-firm-requesting-non-Asian-driver.html#ixzz3Gxza5LwA
Like Saville, it makes you wonder if people in the BBC at the time already were hearing about what was going on, even if that news couldn’t be broadcast. Maybe she just forgot how important it was to the BBC to maintain the facade.
The BBC is quite clearly the media arm of the Labour Party on account of the fact that its so-called journalists have often in the past played down the implications of the last Labour Government’s approach to immigration in order to provide a strong left-wing narrative for the benefit of that party. These journalists compromised their professional standards a long time ago and cannot in any way be compared with those responsible for investigating the Watergate affair. The problem is that a large part of the news outlet in this country is controlled by the BBC, because local radio stations are not able to effectively compete due to a lack of resources. This clearly presents a problem for democratic politics in this country, which is likely to intensify in the period leading up to next May’s election.
Multiculturalism – two definitions.
Establishment/BBC version: the chance to eat in ethnic restaurants; enjoy the services of foreign whores and rentboys; have affordable maids and nannies; plus relive colonial days without the guilt and the discomfort of overseas travel.
Ordinary people’s version: the chance of being robbed, raped, beaten, stabbed or murdered in your own country by someone from another country and then having it hidden up and ignored by the people using the first definition.
Ian Rushlow you have hit the nail square on the head!
It was predominantly white England which welcomed the Asians from Uganda when racist thug Idi Amin decided to cleanse his country of such people, in the 1970s.
Yes and, by and large, they integrated quite well (the awful Yasmin excepted).
peter allen is just a posh sounding politacaly correct poncy leafy surburb living white lefty who like many of his type at the bbc and in these socalist labour party islington circles does not have a clue what they are talking about when its comes to the issue of race,he says racism is embedded in are white culture,yes peter,you and your types at the bbc might have a hang up about slavery and imperialism with your embedded racism but dont tag the rest of us with your middle class guilty conscience over these issues,you know what,peter allen and his types should get out of there nice middle class white leafy surburbs and see what it is like for the white minoritys living in the big citys who experience racist attacks and racial injustice on a daily basis from people with black and brown skins as proved in these child grooming rings revealed in the past few months.
What it needs is for some of them to have their children’s lives ruined by being groomed, just like the thousands of white working class girls who have suffered, only then will they see the result of their lies.
I think Peter Allen lives in `Hideously White` Cambridge or the even more H.W. County of Cambridgeshire . Says it all .
People like him ALWAYS live far, far away from the realities of their politics
“Taxi firm in Rochdale offers white drivers on demand after two of Pakistani origin were jailed for sex-grooming of girls in town ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2802543/taxi-firm-rochdale-offers-white-drivers-demand-two-pakistani-origin-jailed-sex-grooming-girls-town.html#ixzz3GzgaaWcu
Plenty of non-white people get chosen for jobs simply because they are not white.
So why should white taxi drivers not get chosen for jobs because they are white?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2803704/Tory-MP-kicked-Channel-4-newsroom-angry-stand-row-veteran-broadcaster-Jon-Snow.html…channel 4 are just the surrogates of the biased bbc.
Consequences of the hidden monopoly of journalist employment and revolving doors in the labour-dominated media. Like cancer, it quickly kills off all healthy cells to establsh it self, until it kills its host: us.
There are no right wing comedians on air, or indeed right wing news journalists with a salary to feed a family. The biggest disappointment however is Murdoch, for wimping out of UK news reporting, and instead we get Dermot prat-on-a-sofa SKY morning TV and chasing sports subscriptions.. plus syndicated BBC news with an advert break. In return the BBC did everything they could to exterminate Murdoch. There’s leftie gratitude.
With the horrors of Canada’s muslim-converted criminal shooter, within yards of taking out its entire government, I turned to Canada’s Sun News for superb reporting and political analysis, no punches pulled.
Forget BBC/ITV/SKY, ljust ike Lib/Lab/Con worthless echo-chamber of liberal-left hypocrites.
Racism is a way of life around the world.
It’s an accepted fact amongst and between Africans, Arabs and Asians. Their cultures regard racism as the norm.
But according to the BBC and the Left, the only racists are white Europeans.
I despair at times. We need a voice. I’ll contact Woman’s Hour…
Even the infantile fantasists of the Left realise that racism is widespread and normal in many cultures and regions.
This is why they have come up with the pseudo-formula:
This is convenient for them when, for example, a Black or Muslim expresses racial prejudice, because these groups can be excused on the basis that they have no power.
Once they do have power, then the next line of defence is the legacy of slavery, colonialism, exploitation, etc; and as these slip away into the background, then there’s always Western foreign policy, inequality, etc.
White europeans are the only ones expected to despise themselves because of their race , racial pride in others is seen as normal and desirable.