From what I’ve heard so far on this the BBC seem very anxious to frame it as ‘yet another lone wolf attack’. I mean, from what we know of Islamic atrocities so far, Islamists couldn’t organise themselves into cohesive terrorist groups if they tried, could they?
Have the BBC forgotten 9/11 and 7/7 already, or deliberately consigned them to the Memory Hole? I seem to remember on the 10th anniversary of 7/7 there wasn’t a sniff of a news item on the BBC let alone any kind of feature commemorating the atrocity.
Good point Ken – thanks for the correction. I stand by my comment about the lack of commemoration, though, especially as the BBC are keen to remind us ad nauseam about the Brevik atrocity.
This morning’s business news on the Today programme visited The British Invention Show, an exhibition paying homage to the innovation and inventiveness of our remarkable island race.
Sadly, the lady curator was soon turned and twisted by our intrepid reporter and all of a sudden found herself talking about ‘inequality’, ranging from the 10 million or so in Britain who don’t have access to the internet (willingly or otherwise – there was no distinction) to the research grants which go predominantly to male researchers (95% was quoted, but it was not substantiated).
Any opportunity to pursue an agenda, even when they have to fabricate it out of thin air. They just can’t stop themselves can they?
Lovely bunch. Really committed to giving folk a fair crack. More than reasonable exhibiting fees. And none of the quango meddling you get from the likes of NESTA or the blatant rigging of Dragon’s Den.
Some bonkers stuff but a few nifty ideas.
And usually a bit of decent media coverage to go with.
But the BBC has now decided to bring the malign weight of their inclusivity obsession to this too?
How the heck can these guys be expected to cope with all that? Tackle Suralun or RDAs on hurdles placed in the path of shed-based innovators, where it’s who you know and the boxes that please bean-counters that see largesse doled out over the left-field solo guys.
Please tell me they at least covered and celebrated some nice ideas whilst trying to wangle the angle?
She was very celebratory of British achievements and enthusiastic about how we need to encourage more innovation (though some obvious stuff about increasing science education) but I’m afraid once our Beeboid wangled and dangled the angle of his inclusivity/inequality schtick, that was it – any intrinsic value of the topic was killed stone dead.
I have to laugh when I see Camerons impotent anger at the latest demand from Brussels, which of course after much huffing & puffing he will pay quietly.
The BBC have been in damage limitation mode, not for the EU but for the UKs Labour appointed Baroness Ashton, who the Germans claim has been ineffective to the point that Britain had no commissioner at all!
When the beeboid went to damage limit suggesting that she had other commitments, the German audibly shrugged his shoulders, in a kind of ‘so what’ if she can’t do her job then why is she still commissioner?
The beeboid quick to counter suggested that her office was able to function effectively in her absence. The German interviewee with a tone of resignation said ‘well even that wasn’t being run effectively’ !
So lets blame the EU because it’s a ridiculous organisation which can’t even tell us how they made the calculation, but lets not forget that this is Labour foul up for appointing a commissioner who was unable to do the job, or organise her office to function properly, and as a result allowed this to happen.
Even if she couldn’t stop it, she could have at least given London the heads up it was coming, but she didn’t even manage to do that !
I have a theory, which is yet to be played out, that this sudden extra charge has been arranged between Cameron and the EU. Cameron is already talking big about how he will refuse to pay it. If I’m right, the EU will back down just in time to influence the voting in the forthcoming Rochester by-election.
Call me cynical but nothing this dishonest would surprise me about any politicians from the main parties, and even less where the EU is involved.
More climate guff on Today this morning: (paraphrased) ‘As well as warming the earth, man-made carbon emissions are acidifying our oceans with dire consequences for marine life’.
Still using models to spout ‘And this is what we expect to happen’ scenarios – those same clapped-out models that spectacularly failed to predict the lack of warming for the last 18 years:
‘In recent testimony to the Subcommittee on Environment of the US House – Science, Space and Technology Committee, Dr. John Christy, the Alabama State Climatologist, presented stark evidence that none of the climate models referenced in the 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR5 report accurately predicted the earth’s temperature history over the last several decades. Yet these are the same models that are the basis for establishing their climate sensitivity uncertainty range.’
Funny how we never heard this on the BBC, either from Dr. Christy (who would be denounced by some BBC-invited eco-fascist as a redneck, bible belt creationist anyway) or from a host of other scientific sources that have overwhelmingly disproven these models with real world evidence.
Tonight on PM [17:45] a lovely comment by Liverpool’s Green party protesting about the proposed removal of bus lanes there: Apparently the use of roads by people in cars going to work is not a ‘priority’ need. Better to stay at home on benefits?
How dare people want to have privately owned vehicles that permit them to travel as they please. They have to be forced into slow, inconvenient, disease laden public cattle trucks and pay 4K a year for the privilege. I commute by train and the provision is terrible – packed, slow, unheated, full of ill people and worst of all people unable to contain their farts in public. Vile. If I could travel in my nice warm comfortable car from door to door I would, and no doubt be a climate criminal. I wonder if the eco fascists will have Zil lanes for the worlock-crystal necromancer in charge of each population reduction zone? That is the usual way of things
These guys again shred BBC credibility like a Claymore in a balloon factory.
The BBC’s answers, such as they are, are pathetic.
Interestingly, early today some noted on FaceBook the BBC getting excited by other casualty figures.
US-led air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria have killed 553 people since September, UK-based activists say
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 464 IS fighters, 57 other militants and 32 civilians have died.
Beyond the BBC appearing a lot more sanguine about the ongoing collateral damage via Barry’s Bombers, given everything from combatants often not wearing uniforms to the aftermath realities of modern ordnance going boom, to get to such stats as 464/57/32… from a source in the UK, makes activist-based assessments low on the cred scale, so punting them out raises questions across the board on sensible news value.
Oh, and for BBC hate site groupies unaware of the law of unintended consequences, there’s a few to get them shut down if you fancy trying.
Unless it’s the right kind of hate this time for you. Darth Sidious would love the BBC, certainly.
BBC One 6 o’clock news reports concerns about whether parents should be allowed to take their children out of school during term time.
Usually a ‘school’ story demonstrates the ‘rich diversity’ of Clegg’s ‘Modern Britain’ but tonight’s story is from a 99% ‘white’ school, so this is clearly a problem confined to the idle indigenous.
Pity about poor old Ikram Hussain then.
‘ If you believe that 97% of climate scientists support the claim that global warming is driven directly by man-made CO2. It is true that 97% believe in climate change, which is the question they were asked, which is like asking them if the sun rises in the morning. Far fewer agreed with the man-made warming question and few of them agree on the details.’
Feedback with Roger Bolton raised the issue of positive discrimination in BBC recruitment in favour of BEM’s I think is now the term – Blacks and other ethnic minorities.
Roger explained he was now going to discuss this policy with two guests. Goody I thought, at least we will hear a view opposing the policy of positive discrimination. But wait – what’s this?
Both guests turn out to be black Jamaicans, both heavily in favour of the policy quelle surprise, and there is our Roger in the middle, chipping in helpfully to ask how we can make the policy work most effectively. You couldn’t make it up.
I was travelling up to the Midlands on Tuesday evening and heard an ‘Ad’ on BBC Radio WM asking, ‘Are you a woman…are you interested in broadcasting? The BBC is looking for women of any age who would like to get into broadcasting…’ It went on to talk about opportunities at a BBC broadcasting academy and an open day some time in, I think, November.
Not just immigration and multiculturalism – the activists and feminazis in the BBC continue to take on, for themselves, the task of changing the face of Britain for ever…all paid for by the TeleTax payers.
Why have the proles turned to UKIP? Notice the Beeb haven’t done a doco’ or anything like a proper investigation in to thie biggest political revolution in this country for decades. Apart from the “Farage Factor” hatchet job.
I can only presume it would open a can of worms about the failings (intentions) of the liberal ruling classes on mass immigration, sexual grooming, expenses, two party state, European Union, Islam, educational failure and of course the…erh BBC and its failure to report all the above years ago.
Anyone believe for one minute the Balkanising Britain Corporation knew nothing about mass rapes in Rotherham? Seriously the whole of the local BBC news staff should have resigned in shame for either they were (and are) useless or they hid the facts. Even the bone headed BNP knew and we’re shouting it from the roof tops for years ( to be fair to them) But the BBC? Nothing. Zilch.
When the BNP know more than you and your sole purpose is to investigate and report you really do need to call it a day as you are not fit for purpose.
Polly at the very time the ‘bone head BNP’ were shouting from the roof tops about the industrial scale hate crime that was being perpetrated in Rotherham and other towns around the country. the BBC spent a fortune (of your money) infiltrating and agitating in the BNP ,for a full six months filming hundreds of hours of conversations with bone head activists ( but still failing to get the money shot ). In fact the very evidence they eventually forwarded to CPS ,in a failed attempt to get Griffin jailed prior to his election to EU parliament, was his giving a speech on the very subject of muslim grooming gangs. So we know they were aware of the allegations and the scale of alleged abuse, but in all that six month of black ops or the months of post filming production (creative editing) they never followed up on any of it. (world leading journalists that they are)
The BBC have much to answer for, having played a leading role in the cover up of this war crime scale atrocity. One wonders how many young girls lives were ruined while they cynically sat on the story .
BBC Nothing Zilch!
No! The BBC secretly filmed Griffin exposing the racist sexual attacks on white girls(children!) at a meeting and instead of investigating, in conjunction with the police and authorities had him prosecuted for stirring up racial hatred.
Any chance that Chakrabarti and Liberty will take up his case and demand £millions in compensation?
The labour scum are still doing it now. A BNP councillor called Dawn Charlton has just been subjected to the THIRD court case brought by the labour party for daring to stand against them in a Yorkshire seat.
She got 42% of the vote and labour didn’t like it, the lefty poodle police were fully compliant..needless to say it was thrown out of court again. This is how the liberals work in conjunction with each other to bring down the likes of Dawn Charlton financially with expensive court cases.
I’d not come across her previously but, prompted by several mentions of this person’s name on BBBC, I followed up on news accounts and discovered someone with extremely disagreeable views. To my mind, Miss Charlton is not a person to be admired or supported, nor is the organisation she represents.
You’re very probably right about her views ( I haven’t done the research) but doesn’t English liberty also allow those with “disagreeable views” equality before the law, freedom of speech, political representation etc? Freedom of speech isn’t just for to “nice” people.
I am content that you acknowledge that I am probably right in my opinion. What I deliberately did not do was to suggest that a person’s views should be suppressed because they are disagreeable (to me). Freedom of speech has been hard won, and has already been egregiously eroded, most notably by Labour’s legislation (but willingly acceded to by Con and Lib). However, freedom of speech does not exclude someone passing an opinion on someone else’s views!
It is a shire based revolution and very much happening in England. The elite is aware but as usual in complete denial. The awareness is shallow and modified by a refusal to face reality.
I also think the leadership of UKIP is not sure what to do. It means this leadership will have to be very careful not to be overwhelmed. Or to let down this popular support and itself be swept aside.
Following historical precedent I assume that dramatic change ,which is coming, will come very suddenly and as a result of a key event that has yet to occur. Although it is possible that it has already occured but we are to close to realise this. It is quite possible that this has happened.
It takes around 2 years for a key event to produce real change
Already the established politicians are showing signs of stress as they react to events that are slipping beyond their control. Just watch how Cameron and Milliband are floundering . This is a time for optimism.
The liberal elite is fading. The violent left is left with violence as the only weapon and that is never enough.
As for the BBC -the pinnacle of liberal media fantasy- it is clueless. It cannot make a programme about something rapidy growing beyond their comprehension.
Finally it is almost a law of human nature that change, real change that sets the course of a nation or a culture, is always rapid and always unforeseen
This is an ancient nation and we are an ancient people. Liberalism attempted to deny this and to deny the reality that a nation is a compact between the past the present and the future.
Liberalism has threatened this and in particular the last- the future.
We respond to this in ways that we are dimly aware of and in ways that cannot be foreseen. The liberal elite ,the BBC/Guardian views ot the 68ers and so on have tampered with forces that need to be left alone. A conservative knows this instinctively. It is now up to us to put things right.
Thanks, excellent. As you say, it is usually the case that revolutions are only predicted in hindsight. However, there are indicators, even if they are inevitably ambivalent. Indicators of desperation – applying the methods and attitudes of censorship and distortion to ever wider and sometimes bizarre areas of news and programming. The introduction of gender-inequality to the innovation exhibition reporting mentioned elsewhere in this thread; the strange obsession with placing cigarettes into everyone’s mouths in absolutely every historical drama – they’ll be shoving them up the cat’s arse next; the eery degeneration of Lord Bragg’s programme in the face of compulsory gender-balanced panel composition; the frankly weird treatment of sport on the Today programme; and many other crazy examples.
What this may all show is an awareness that the water is running out of the bath-tub of lies, accompanied by a frantic turning of all the taps to full on, in the vain hope of concealing what lies beneath the scummy surface of misrepresentation .
Of course, this can’t go on forever, and eventually we may see (are already seeing?) the next phase, where an increasing number of news items simply can’t be broadcast, because the risk of contradiction and incoherence becomes an inevitability. As I implied in a previous post, this is when the more percipient ones start abandoning ship.
I think it behoves us to start thinking about how broadcasting should be resurrected WHEN not IF the BBC collapses. The failure to adequately envisage the collapse of the Soviet Communist bloc before it actually happened, was responsible for much of the bad that followed on.
So do I, and I find that its the older and mature people that are turning to UKIP from Labour. Plaid Cymru has not yet woken up to the fact that UKIP nearly took their only seat in the Euro elections.
With all the hiatus over the latest EU ‘tax’ demand, it would be all too easy to overlook this:
An an example of the people who run Europe, consider the most recently appointed European Commissioner, Violetta Bulc. According to Roger Helmer, a prominent UKIP Euroskeptic member of the European Parliament, Bulc is on record as claiming to be a practicing fire walker and a shaman.
On her blog, Bulc describes herself as an expert on balanced sustainable development strategies, organic growth and innovation ecosystems. She believes in the power of networks, holistic individual, and positive energy.
A recent post on Bulc’s blog is “The vibration of white lions in the new era”.
(Follow that link to understand the new age bollocks this trusted Commissioner actually, really believes in – it’s beyond parody).
Yet Bulc is now, or shortly will become, one of the most powerful people in Europe – one of 28 European commissioners, who have sole power to source new legislation, which is usually in my opinion rubber stamped by near powerless European parliament. The European commission is also the sole body responsible for ensuring the legislation they source is executed – the commission combines executive, oversight and legislative powers into a single polity.
Bulc will never have to face a vote – only members of the European parliament have to bother with all that populist democracy nonsense. Commissioners are appointed.’
I would everyone to read the ‘White Lions’ link, it’s worth it just for the comments at the bottom..the first one being “Bullshit”, It was laugh out loud after reading that crap.
The gist I can get is that Bulc is comparing the EU leaders to the superior beings represented by the White Lions? How I read through it I’ll never know.
No reports on BBC news about this, when a Pakistani newsagent refuses to serve a man in army uniform.
The excuses are everything you would expect – total lies – I didn’t think I was allowed to serve people in uniform, and then the inevitable ‘but I’m the real victim’ as I’ve had racist abuse.
An interesting aspect is that it was reported in the Daily Fail and not once was the race of the Newsagent mentioned?
Being in Preston, being a newsagent and concerning the refusal of uniformed Army personnel it didn’t take Holmes to work it out. The good thing is that the locals surrounded the shop and it had to be closed.
What kind of people do they think we are? In the council offices of my small market town there is a book of remembrance of our fallen.
I passed by today and the page was open at this week in October 1917.
For a small town at least a dozen names. All so young. What on earth would they have thought of a people that let this happen? We are becoming a people without honour and without our dignity.
of course liberalism has an answer . We must accept insults and accept that this is no longer our nation and our past was as nothing. I am sorry but damn liberalism and it’s poverty of spirit to hell.
They didn’t have to mention the race or religion of the perpetrator. When dealing with the mainstream media, unless the race of the offender is specifically mentioned, always assume its an ethnic minortity. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason- that reason being they are usually true.
BBC News @6pm. Reporter gave a breakdown of monies paid into the EU and monies we get back.
Somehow, managed to omit all the other EU costs.
Health especially childbirth, education, housing, crime, translation, not to mention the figure of hundreds of £millions each month in work related benefits, the only way the businesses that employ these foreign workers can afford them. If they had to pay the real costs, i.e. all the above plus a lot more, in wages, they could not afford to run their businesses. Instead they pay low wages and thanks to Labour’s stupid policies , the taxpayer subsidizes foreign workers who put our own out of work.
Fancy the BBC not giving the full picture!
Usual dose of (alleged) humour all at the expense of UKIP for full, continuous 30% of the HIGNFY right at the top of the programme this evening. We even had a laugh when Nigel Farage with a moustache was likened to Adolf Hitler……
Oh, it was sooo very funny I didn’t half laugh…..
Surely, there must be some way of stopping the open hatred of anything that doesn’t comply with the bbbc’s twee world
The intellectual level of Jeremy Hardy is STAGGERINGLY low, on top of the fact that he’s not very funny either. For instance, he said that the people of Clacton had little or no immigration in their community, so asked how could they know what it was like. The obvious point, which he failed to mention, is that they are aware of what’s going on elsewhere AND MAY INDEED HAVE BEEN PART OF WHITE FLIGHT TO CLACTON TO ESCAPE IT.
Another Hardy trick is his self-positioning by accent between the hated UKIP proles (on whom he looks down and whom he imitated by using a certain rough southern accent) and the equally hated Tory toffs (whom he sneeringly takes off with a ‘posh’ voice). This talentless BBC parasite would likely be very sensitive about remarks on his whining and unpleasant voice.
A few years ago I was at Balham tube station and who should be standing very close to the edge of the platform, Mr Jeremy Hardy. It was late morning and the rush hour had gone and there was no one else about. As I mentioned he stood precariously close to the edge; one decent sneeze or an “accidental” nudge and the weedy little runt would be history. Because of my inaction, or squeamishness we have all suffered years of hearing his pathetic whining voice preaching lefty dogma to us from Radio 4.
I still wake up at nights screaming…
Tonight I popped onto UKIP’s Facebook Page and noticed that so far they have 278,441 “Likes”(basically people who have “subscribed” although it’s free).
That is an amazing figure for a political party, especially for the “under dog”.
The BBC are desperate to blame the Conservatives for the so-called “austerity cuts” and never miss an opportunity to stick the boot in but I wonder if it’s actually back-firing on them and swaying people to UKIP.
You see, people are aware of such things as schools being closed and services being cut(austerity) but they’re also becoming more aware of UKIP’s message in relation to the £ Billions that it costs the UK to be in the EU and are realising that this money could do so much for Britain if it wasn’t handed over to Brussels every year.
UKIP are a breath of fresh air and the people are flocking to it.
do they think we are stupid or what,bbc newsnight ran a not for the first time ran a quiet sympathetic story tonight about the latest jihadist this time from tower hamlets who has been killed by american airstrikes in syria to molest his 72 underage virgins in paradise,he could of saved alot of trouble there and moved to rotherham,but as usual his family claim they did not have a clue they he was involved in terrorist grpups in syria,have we not heard that one before,the muslim community always say they are a interelated and close knit community and everybody knows what is going on in there closed community and ghettos,but when it comes to there sons and daughters fighting with isis and other terrorist groups around the world they seem to be in constant denial about there involment with these groups,the sympathetic bbc and there journaists might believe them,do you.
You are absolutely right Stuart.
One of the first items on the six o’clock news, in the BBC “sad solemn voice”, was the death of another “British” Jihadist. Only the BBC could deny that Jihadists are really Muslims while at the same time claim that the enemies of Britiain are “British”.
At least Chandry and other Islamists are being honest when they say that they see their British passports as “enhanced travel documents”.
The UK is a strange place. Jewish children harangued on the bus and in a shop, guide dog owners refused service in shops or taxi rides, a soldier in uniform refused cigarettes purchase because it’s ‘illegal’, over 1400 children raped by organised gangs in Rotherham, what’s going on?
In a nutshell, Its called a growing Islamic population …. (should be a red light to any sane person).
and abject wilful political, (not national) cowardice, by
intellectual and financial incompetent s who should be ashamed of themselves, ( but … don t worry they won t be).
About time to put up in shops and services, signs saying,…’ Pakistanis not served or welcome in this shop/premises’…..test the law….then if they do, throw the conditions they impose on us right back at the court….
Orla reports on the Egypt v Jihadist battle overnight in Sinai. She treats the Egyptian government closing of the Rafah crossing into Gaza as a matter of little consequence. No doubt the closing of the Israeli crossings would be a major international incident – with pictures of starving children, cripples & wailing women to illustrate it. Neither does she comment on why the Egyptians have taken this action. Surely they don’t see Gaza as the origin of their foes.
According to the many BBC reports about Israel blockading Gaza you can imagine many people not realising it has a border with Egypt. That fact also raises the awkward question of why Gaza isn’t best off being incorporated into Egypt.
The jihadist attacks in Canada are bad, but completely expected, and have only killed 2 soldiers. To put that in perspective nearly 2 000 Iraqi civilians were murdered by political violence last month alone, many presumably by jihadists []. The BBC needs to keep things in perspective and not take the spotlight off IS.
Similarily, while the BBC is happy to discuss whether a footballer who raped 1 woman should be punished after prison, the BBC seems curiously uninterested in the paedophile gangs who raped over 1400 girls in Rotherham.
Ebola we are constantly told has killed 4 500 people this year as the BBC steers a course which seems to alternate between instilling panic and complacency in the listener. Yet malaria kills nearly 2 000 a day []
And why might it be that big bad pharma which gets torn apart by hostile media for making a profit or overlooking side effects, and which faces state backed copying, why has it not yet developed an ebola vaccine? It’s a mystery isn’t it? As is why the WHO with a programme budget of around $4 billion [] ,which I assume excludes operating costs, hasn’t funded a vaccine?
And news from Zimbabwe and Ukraine seems to have dried up.
And many people still think the BBC is the world’s greatest news organisation.
‘Rev’ Richard Coles has been replaced by Jay Rayner, at least for today’s ‘Saturday Live’. Please God, let the absence of Coles be permanent. I would be happy to accept even the lefty Rayner, if it means that Coles (who seems completely unrepentent for his dogging and drug-taking) is no longer on our airwaves.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) continues its politically sympathetic propaganda for
‘British’ Islamic jihadist enemies of we Kafirs, who are killed in Syria.
“Briton confirmed dead in US air strike on Syria jihadists.”
The underlying political tone of the following video report by INBBC’s
Mr Secunder Kermani is inevitably: anti-West, pro-Islam.
The Muslim killed in Syria is typically portrayed by INBBC as a victim of the West; and,
we are led to believe: ‘he was a typical East End boy who became more religious.’
-More accurately: he was a Muslim who became an Islamic jihadist.
Quite right, George. When that story came on the BBC early evening news tonight I was muttering something along the lines of ‘good riddance to bad rubbish’. The way the BBC reported the story it really was clear they expected me to feel something akin to sympathy towards the racist, terrorist tosser.
I can’t tell you exactly what I said to the TV as the Community Cohesion Multicultural Enforcement Squad trawl even these pages for likely victims to single out for ‘correction’ in one of their new-fangled ‘Diversity Awareness’ re-education centres…
That’s the problem with liberal progressives: all opinions are welcome as long as they are the ‘correct’ opinions.
I used to enjoy HIGNFY, albeit you could always detect a very slight lean to the left – but that’s all it was.
Then I began to notice a disproportionate amount of its time was given over to slagging off the Daily Mail, whist the likes of the Guardian got away almost unscathed. Then Ian Hislop, hitherto the show’s freelance satirist who would have a go at all things absurd, regardless of political hue, started to join in the leftist hatefest of anything remotely right wing. Then it became obvious that the panels were skewed ridiculously leftwards and, like ‘comedy’ programmes on Radio 4, only jokes pitched at right-leaning politicians and newspapers were getting the laughs.
At that point I gave up.
The BBC wouldn’t know impartiality if it jumped up and bit it on the arse.
When Hislop and Merton ganged up on Deayton and made sure he got the sack, he was getting £11,000 per episode, and they were on £7,000 each. I think that, and not any genuine fury that he had snorted coke with a call girl, was what really angered them. That was years back, so God knows what they get paid now. Whatever it is, Hislop is clearly not going to bite the hand that feeds him. He may be the editor of Private Eye, but the big money comes from sucking up to Auntie Beeb, and there is no way he will forget that.
The late great satirist Willie Rushton would be spinning in his grave to witness how Hislop sucks up to the establishment, staying rigidly within “acceptable” taunting limits.
I agree, the idea that the editor of an anti-establishment satirical magazine should derive most of his income from working for the state broadcaster would once have been a joke worthy of Private Eye.
“Heartbreaking moment son of fallen Canadian soldier shot dead by Muslim convert bids farewell to his hero father as crowds line the streets of nation’s capital”
BBC New York axe attack ‘terrorist act’ ?
bit ambiguous?
This on the jihadi axeman, when you go to the page itself
“terrorist act by Muslim convert”
Liberal whitewashing of Islamic terrorism
“The question of what is or is not terrorism is one giant distraction that takes up far too much time. The real question that matters is, was this a jihad attack, motivated by the Islamic jihad doctrine that is held and taught by mainstream Islamic authorities. But this is an important step nonetheless — much better than calling this jihad attack ‘workplace violence’ or dismissing Zale Thompson as mentally ill and letting the whole thing go at that. And of course in this and many other contexts, to call it a terror attack is tantamount to admitting that it was a jihad attack, for jihad is the great enemy of freedom and of the United States that cannot and must not be named, on pain of charges of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia.'”
That is a really good analysis of how the “liberals” cringe at describing Islamic terrorism as Islamic or as terrorism. Calling it “mental health issues”, “aberration” – any weasel words and total denial of the TRUTH.
And right in the middle of this mess of political cowardice are Cameron, Clegg, and nearly all the British political class.
But the pattern must surely be clearer and clearer to the British public. Virtually all terrorism round the world has Islam at its root – just listen to what the terrorists themselves say.
I suppose we should thank Allah that they had the decency to hoist her up out of public view, unlike previous occasions.
As we all know, being pulled up slowly by a crane is ever so much more humane than that filthy Yank practice of injecting chemicals in the vein of a prisoner immobilized by muscle relaxants, and showing that hanging would not help to drive home the point of the immorality of capital punishment, so an American death chamber it is.
These parties have one or more MPs in the House of Commons:
Liberal Democrats
Scottish National Party
Plaid Cymru
Social Democratic and Labour Party
Democratic Unionist Party
Sinn Fein
Green Party of England and Wales
Alliance Party
Respect Party
No mention of UKIP and their MP, which based on opinion polls will have 2 in November. No point reporting any of that on the impartial BBC!
The European guests were both pro-EU and telling us, the British tax payer, to cough up that £1.7bn or else.
The other members of the panel were Canadian and didn’t have a clue about the topic although one did mention Thatcher in glowing terms. Which didn’t go down well with the European guests.
Watched Have I Got news for You last night 2 minutes in Farage was mentioned which was the green light to go anti UKIP for 12 minutes. Even had come gormless looking Canadian bint throwing her twopeneth in demonising UKIP. I Canadian of all people ! I wonder how they managed to fill the 30 minutes before UKIP and after Thatcher? And to top it all when someone mentioned Milliband was weird looking the host Victoria Coren Mitchell jumed down their throat
BBC TV Licensing threatens owners of properties with “10 days to get correctly licensed”, even though 4 out of 5 of them are correctly unlicensed already. If they don’t comply – not that they’re under any legal obligation to – they are threatened with a “full investigation” on their property: Full story.
So, rather clearly, even for an intellect as honed as Mr. Simpson’s, the ‘cuts’ are at best selective. In fact the priorities that have seen him so blessed, may explain if not excuse much.
That said, the last stages of the BBC do not appear traceable to ‘cuts’. Quite the reverse.
Such as eyewatering executive deals, massive wastes and a reputation for letting agenda trump professional integrity seem more likely explanations for the corporation’s tanking state.
Yes his family said he has wanted to return for ages but was too scared of what might happen to him if he did return.
So rather than face questioning and release by the Police he would rather stay in a war zone and continue fighting. Wow the injustice system in this country must be really tough. No I thought it was a load of crap also. From the same book of Jihad as instruction # 12 Parents send your children to fight. Make sure they arrive in Syria before saying they have gone missing and you don’t know where they are.
What’s new George? We’ve seen on numerous times from posters on this very site that the bourgeois fauxcialist foot soldiers of the liberal inquisition are always more concerned with thought crimes than real physical crimes like rape and murder…Always
Speaking of posters, ukip appears to have secured media headlines with one on this topic, and it is safe to say that in the world of outrage priorities are again confused.
Twitter is cranking up predictably, but again the faux affrontists seem less easily persuading anyone that the poster trumps the actions it refers to.
When Tell MaMa weighs in you know the machine is cranking up.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC reports this campaign.
I watched a recording of This Week, Andrew Neil’s late night show on Thursday. Mr Portillo was worried about the closing down of free speech by people who voiced opinions contrary to the current fashionable views , being attacked on the twittersphere , other social media and lobby groups and being forced to withdraw their remarks.
he cited the case of some footballer and also of the UKIP calypso.
So far so good. Then he said that he felt that it was up to the BBC to stand up for free speech!!!.
I was speechless, surely the BBC is the very organ that gives platforms to any and all leftist lobby groups on any topic they wish to vent their spleens about. Whilst at the same time it refuses to give platforms to any with whom it disagrees. Mr Portillo is, of course, well remunerated by the BBC and I expect he is hoping for many more contracts and appearances in the coming years. This must the explanation as to why he thought that the thoroughly undemocratic, leftist, stateist BBC might be the guardian of free speech. Leaving the BBC as the guardian of free speech is like leaving the fox in charge of the hen coop.
Portillo knows which side his bread is buttered (he has his very own BBC programme about railways) so he will never again diss the BBC. They have him just where they want. Using licence fee payers’ money.
Portillo is a BBC pet Tory and his income would be seriously damaged if he lost his gig at the BBC. He is also a git of the highest order like all politicians.
He is, however, right. The BBC should stand up for free speech. The fact that it doesn’t is not inconsistent with his statement.
Ok any of you claim responsiblity for this? Thanks for contacting the BBC.
We understand you feel our previous response did not accurately address your concerns about our reporters travelling to other countries to report on items.
We did raise your concerns with the relevant editorial team in our newsroom, who unfortunately have nothing more to add to your initial response.
If you would like to take your complaint further, you can contact Stage 2 of the complaints process, the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit, within 20 working days, and they will carry out an independent investigation. You can email them at: , or alternatively write to them at the following address:
Editorial Complaints Unit
The reference is for this: Complaint I made some time ago, in connection with the container of illegal immigrants that the BBc told me were asylum seekers Full Complaint: As you would expect I completely disagree with your reply. To clarify this point for myself and other parties who were interested in your reply could you please define when the BBC considers an illegal immigrant to be an illegal immigrant? Or does the BBC view that no immigrants are illegally entering the UK?
Why does this article conclude with a picture of an American death chamber and a list of the countries who execute most people?
It’s like the BBC are trying to tell us that some non-Islamic states execute lots of people, so we shouldn’t read too much into the fact that this injustice happened in an Islamic country.
Is it because (a) the BBC is anti-American and wishes to somehow equate a country with a proper legal process and procedure – America – with a country that has a rudimentary legal system and likes hanging women for the fun of it – Iran; or (b) the BBC is anti-American and wishes to somehow equate a country with a proper legal process and procedure – America – with a country that has a rudimentary legal system and likes hanging women for the fun of it – Iran.
R4’s Any Answers yet again stuffed end to end with Left-liberal callers.
Is it that anyone with a contrary opinion knows calling is a complete waste of time? Or does the BBC screen-out anyone daring to depart from the Guardianista orthodoxy?
even better …
Lone wolf or KNOWN WOLF
CT … “a colossal disaster because it has no roots in reality. It was always intended as a convenient fiction for politicians, bureaucrats, media and academics to avoid talking about the problem of the ideology that supports Islamic terrorism”
Good stuff. Why are the liberals getting so touchy all of a sudden? Is it anything to do, I wonder, with the law abiding, decent, quiet and downtrodden people of the world finally finding their voice and seeing through the lies and deceit that is bringing the world to the brink of WW3?
“Why does anyone take this clown of a poseur seriously? He’s lionised by the BBC and The Guardian as a political seer. The truth, says STEPHEN GLOVER, is that Russell Brand is a ludicrous charlatan”
“So BBC Newsnight gives a full 17-minute slot to the irredeemably silly Russell Brand to promote his book and spout the absurd and deeply offensive notion that the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks.
“Time was when Newsnight was a serious programme – indispensable viewing for serious people and an important part of the national discourse.
“Today, obsessed with juvenilia and gimmickry it’s become a gravitas-free zone. How sad.”
I saw the trailer for “anything can happen ” for Newsnight which seems to indicate it now seems to be slightly more serious than Newsround. I haven’t watched it for years as the trouble is you know pretty well exactly what’s going to happen
Mr. Brand seems to epitomize the wisdom of providing all necessary rope coveted.
I very much doubt those remaining who do watch Newsnight, much less take it seriously, will be too thrilled with the poster boy anointed by the BBC’s yoof wing as the new spokesperson for the country.
The piece on Quilliam is excellent, why doesn’t it surprise me that the first mosque was built in liverpool by a scouser who thought he was being clever and ‘progressive’.
How much taxpayer cash has been thrown at that dump with very little change, a bit like the muslim problem the country has and will have in a much larger way in the decades to come.
The money point was interesting. I believe that if ISIS is defeated there will,like the head of Medusa, be another offshoot of islam that will keep us firmly entrenched in the Middle East theatre. The only way to stop it will be to cut the head off completely.
The reason for this is down to money, the more the Western world is fighting wars against islam, the more money it costs, the weaker the West becomes and the easier it becomes for muslims to implement their prophesy written in the Koran which is to subjugate and live of the back of the ‘kuffirs’. The liberals are making it easier for them. The West seems to have been in permanent recession since the war on terror began.
The biggest disappointment regarding the killing of Mehdi Hassan is that I thought it was the Mehdi Hassan from the Huffington Post and regular bbc contributor! I nearly opened a bottle of Champers.
“We are trying to establish the law of God, the law of Allah,” he said.”
BBC – UK fighter ‘doing his duty’ in Syria
‘A police spokesman had earlier said the arrests were “in relation to conflicts overseas” and were “not linked to any immediate threat to local communities or anywhere else in the UK”.’
Conflicts overseas? What does that mean?
Do we have to guess amongst ourselves?
The word ‘fighter’ in this context.
What’s he ‘fighting’?
He’s fighting for the chance to slaughter civilians. The chance to butcher women and children on video.
He’d wet himself if confronted with British soldiers.
They are worse than the Rotherham paedos. And that’s saying something.
Strip them of glamour and rhetoric. Nothing but Bullying Gang Yobs with guns and knives. Treat them as such. And with no respect what so ever.
Posh tosser Xander Armstrong and Frankenstein’s monster Richard Osman were waxing lyrical about fellow Beeboids on Pointless Celebrities today. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised – they are employed by the BBC after all – but it’s interesting how they view anything other than the BBC.
‘Any single thing that either John Sergeant or Kate Adie says I take to be the truth’. That’s the problem I would suggest, people taking the BBC as gospel rather than what it is, deeply biased.
‘For our generation you [Kate Adie] are the most famous journalist we know’. Frankly, she looked embarrassed. ‘World events didn’t really become world events until you showed up … if someone else was reporting we knew it wasn’t that important.’ Pass the sick bucket.
At the same time they were disparaging to LBC presenters Nick Ferrari and Julia Hartley Brewer.
‘Nick Ferrari isn’t gonna outfox us any time soon’, says Osman. Famous last words it would turn out.
‘You do the Breakfast Show on LBC which I listen to a lot in when I’m in the back of minicabs and I find only if I only listen to 20 minutes, I get very wound up’, says Xander . You should hear me when I listen to the fucking BBC, mate.
Naturally, LBC got to the final and won it and won money for their charities. Go, Team LBC!
pugnaziousFeb 24, 17:26 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Somewhat misleading headline… ‘The former leader of Reform UK in Wales has appeared in court accused of accepting bribes to…
Fedup2Feb 24, 17:18 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I reckon labour will throw all its popular MPs into the campaign like …er… ok then … really popular labour…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 17:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 HA HA HAHA AH “Other departments like Defra – which spent £1,246,267 in total on civil service training – are…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 16:53 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “… and mould all Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the…
FlotsamFeb 24, 16:48 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The by-election will be an interesting test for Labour, Conservative and Reform. I wonder if Reform is going to be…
New York.
For INBBC: YES, he was an Islamic Jihadist.
” NYC hatchet jihadi”
INBBC only has:-
“NY axe attack: Islamist link probed”
For INBBC and ‘Guardian’: –
another mixed-up kid, following the fashion of the moment?
From what I’ve heard so far on this the BBC seem very anxious to frame it as ‘yet another lone wolf attack’. I mean, from what we know of Islamic atrocities so far, Islamists couldn’t organise themselves into cohesive terrorist groups if they tried, could they?
Have the BBC forgotten 9/11 and 7/7 already, or deliberately consigned them to the Memory Hole? I seem to remember on the 10th anniversary of 7/7 there wasn’t a sniff of a news item on the BBC let alone any kind of feature commemorating the atrocity.
The tenth anniversary of the 7/7 attack is next year. That terrorist attack happened in 2005.
It’s a date I will never ever forget. It’s my wedding anniversary.
Good point Ken – thanks for the correction. I stand by my comment about the lack of commemoration, though, especially as the BBC are keen to remind us ad nauseam about the Brevik atrocity.
Another question for the 8,000 compulsory TV taxpayer-funded churnalists at the bBC to consider. Just how large is this pack of ‘lone’ wolves?
Returning to the ‘nothing to do with isalm’ events in Canada for a moment .it seems the BBC’s favourite radicaliser might have a hand in it.
This morning’s business news on the Today programme visited The British Invention Show, an exhibition paying homage to the innovation and inventiveness of our remarkable island race.
Sadly, the lady curator was soon turned and twisted by our intrepid reporter and all of a sudden found herself talking about ‘inequality’, ranging from the 10 million or so in Britain who don’t have access to the internet (willingly or otherwise – there was no distinction) to the research grants which go predominantly to male researchers (95% was quoted, but it was not substantiated).
Any opportunity to pursue an agenda, even when they have to fabricate it out of thin air. They just can’t stop themselves can they?
We once exhibited at that.
Lovely bunch. Really committed to giving folk a fair crack. More than reasonable exhibiting fees. And none of the quango meddling you get from the likes of NESTA or the blatant rigging of Dragon’s Den.
Some bonkers stuff but a few nifty ideas.
And usually a bit of decent media coverage to go with.
But the BBC has now decided to bring the malign weight of their inclusivity obsession to this too?
How the heck can these guys be expected to cope with all that? Tackle Suralun or RDAs on hurdles placed in the path of shed-based innovators, where it’s who you know and the boxes that please bean-counters that see largesse doled out over the left-field solo guys.
Please tell me they at least covered and celebrated some nice ideas whilst trying to wangle the angle?
She was very celebratory of British achievements and enthusiastic about how we need to encourage more innovation (though some obvious stuff about increasing science education) but I’m afraid once our Beeboid wangled and dangled the angle of his inclusivity/inequality schtick, that was it – any intrinsic value of the topic was killed stone dead.
I have to laugh when I see Camerons impotent anger at the latest demand from Brussels, which of course after much huffing & puffing he will pay quietly.
The BBC have been in damage limitation mode, not for the EU but for the UKs Labour appointed Baroness Ashton, who the Germans claim has been ineffective to the point that Britain had no commissioner at all!
When the beeboid went to damage limit suggesting that she had other commitments, the German audibly shrugged his shoulders, in a kind of ‘so what’ if she can’t do her job then why is she still commissioner?
The beeboid quick to counter suggested that her office was able to function effectively in her absence. The German interviewee with a tone of resignation said ‘well even that wasn’t being run effectively’ !
So lets blame the EU because it’s a ridiculous organisation which can’t even tell us how they made the calculation, but lets not forget that this is Labour foul up for appointing a commissioner who was unable to do the job, or organise her office to function properly, and as a result allowed this to happen.
Even if she couldn’t stop it, she could have at least given London the heads up it was coming, but she didn’t even manage to do that !
I have a theory, which is yet to be played out, that this sudden extra charge has been arranged between Cameron and the EU. Cameron is already talking big about how he will refuse to pay it. If I’m right, the EU will back down just in time to influence the voting in the forthcoming Rochester by-election.
Call me cynical but nothing this dishonest would surprise me about any politicians from the main parties, and even less where the EU is involved.
Interesting how milipede and his gobshite mouthpiece McCluskey have been very quiet about this demand?
Is there any subject on which Millipede is not quiet?
Seems to me he has nothing to say about even the most major issues of the day
“Is there any subject on which Millipede is not quiet”
Yep this
McLuskey ‘ ‘wouldn’t even admit to liking Miliband’
More climate guff on Today this morning: (paraphrased) ‘As well as warming the earth, man-made carbon emissions are acidifying our oceans with dire consequences for marine life’.
Still using models to spout ‘And this is what we expect to happen’ scenarios – those same clapped-out models that spectacularly failed to predict the lack of warming for the last 18 years:
‘In recent testimony to the Subcommittee on Environment of the US House – Science, Space and Technology Committee, Dr. John Christy, the Alabama State Climatologist, presented stark evidence that none of the climate models referenced in the 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR5 report accurately predicted the earth’s temperature history over the last several decades. Yet these are the same models that are the basis for establishing their climate sensitivity uncertainty range.’
Click to access ExecutiveSummaryBoundingGHGClimateSensitivityForUseInRegulatoryDecisions140228.pdf
(Also see excellent diagram on p2)
Funny how we never heard this on the BBC, either from Dr. Christy (who would be denounced by some BBC-invited eco-fascist as a redneck, bible belt creationist anyway) or from a host of other scientific sources that have overwhelmingly disproven these models with real world evidence.
Funny, that.
Spot-on, Johnny, as always. The BBC’s ability to obfuscate and simply ignore the hard science of so-called ‘climate change’ is truly staggering.
Tonight on PM [17:45] a lovely comment by Liverpool’s Green party protesting about the proposed removal of bus lanes there: Apparently the use of roads by people in cars going to work is not a ‘priority’ need. Better to stay at home on benefits?
So they have got a policy?
Get the leaderene (not Low-watt Lucas, who I suspect most think is) on the debates, I say.
How dare people want to have privately owned vehicles that permit them to travel as they please. They have to be forced into slow, inconvenient, disease laden public cattle trucks and pay 4K a year for the privilege. I commute by train and the provision is terrible – packed, slow, unheated, full of ill people and worst of all people unable to contain their farts in public. Vile. If I could travel in my nice warm comfortable car from door to door I would, and no doubt be a climate criminal. I wonder if the eco fascists will have Zil lanes for the worlock-crystal necromancer in charge of each population reduction zone? That is the usual way of things
the left hate cars because they hate the freedom they bring people.
The left is toxic
These guys again shred BBC credibility like a Claymore in a balloon factory.
The BBC’s answers, such as they are, are pathetic.
Interestingly, early today some noted on FaceBook the BBC getting excited by other casualty figures.
US-led air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria have killed 553 people since September, UK-based activists say
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 464 IS fighters, 57 other militants and 32 civilians have died.
Beyond the BBC appearing a lot more sanguine about the ongoing collateral damage via Barry’s Bombers, given everything from combatants often not wearing uniforms to the aftermath realities of modern ordnance going boom, to get to such stats as 464/57/32… from a source in the UK, makes activist-based assessments low on the cred scale, so punting them out raises questions across the board on sensible news value.
Oh, and for BBC hate site groupies unaware of the law of unintended consequences, there’s a few to get them shut down if you fancy trying.
Unless it’s the right kind of hate this time for you. Darth Sidious would love the BBC, certainly.
BBC One 6 o’clock news reports concerns about whether parents should be allowed to take their children out of school during term time.
Usually a ‘school’ story demonstrates the ‘rich diversity’ of Clegg’s ‘Modern Britain’ but tonight’s story is from a 99% ‘white’ school, so this is clearly a problem confined to the idle indigenous.
Pity about poor old Ikram Hussain then.
This sort of draconian law is clearly racist as it prevents girls being taken from school in term time to attend their weddings in Kashmir.
For the true ‘climate change deniers’, including you lot at the BBC:
‘ If you believe that 97% of climate scientists support the claim that global warming is driven directly by man-made CO2. It is true that 97% believe in climate change, which is the question they were asked, which is like asking them if the sun rises in the morning. Far fewer agreed with the man-made warming question and few of them agree on the details.’
Feedback with Roger Bolton raised the issue of positive discrimination in BBC recruitment in favour of BEM’s I think is now the term – Blacks and other ethnic minorities.
Roger explained he was now going to discuss this policy with two guests. Goody I thought, at least we will hear a view opposing the policy of positive discrimination. But wait – what’s this?
Both guests turn out to be black Jamaicans, both heavily in favour of the policy quelle surprise, and there is our Roger in the middle, chipping in helpfully to ask how we can make the policy work most effectively. You couldn’t make it up.
BBC Midland s Today seems to have acquired at least three new presenters/reporters over the past couple of weeks; all female and all EMB!
When Nick Owen retires?!
And more to come Invicta.
I was travelling up to the Midlands on Tuesday evening and heard an ‘Ad’ on BBC Radio WM asking, ‘Are you a woman…are you interested in broadcasting? The BBC is looking for women of any age who would like to get into broadcasting…’ It went on to talk about opportunities at a BBC broadcasting academy and an open day some time in, I think, November.
Not just immigration and multiculturalism – the activists and feminazis in the BBC continue to take on, for themselves, the task of changing the face of Britain for ever…all paid for by the TeleTax payers.
The acronym is, I believe, BAME:- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic. It should be pronounced BA – ME.
Why have the proles turned to UKIP? Notice the Beeb haven’t done a doco’ or anything like a proper investigation in to thie biggest political revolution in this country for decades. Apart from the “Farage Factor” hatchet job.
I can only presume it would open a can of worms about the failings (intentions) of the liberal ruling classes on mass immigration, sexual grooming, expenses, two party state, European Union, Islam, educational failure and of course the…erh BBC and its failure to report all the above years ago.
Anyone believe for one minute the Balkanising Britain Corporation knew nothing about mass rapes in Rotherham? Seriously the whole of the local BBC news staff should have resigned in shame for either they were (and are) useless or they hid the facts. Even the bone headed BNP knew and we’re shouting it from the roof tops for years ( to be fair to them) But the BBC? Nothing. Zilch.
When the BNP know more than you and your sole purpose is to investigate and report you really do need to call it a day as you are not fit for purpose.
Polly at the very time the ‘bone head BNP’ were shouting from the roof tops about the industrial scale hate crime that was being perpetrated in Rotherham and other towns around the country. the BBC spent a fortune (of your money) infiltrating and agitating in the BNP ,for a full six months filming hundreds of hours of conversations with bone head activists ( but still failing to get the money shot ). In fact the very evidence they eventually forwarded to CPS ,in a failed attempt to get Griffin jailed prior to his election to EU parliament, was his giving a speech on the very subject of muslim grooming gangs. So we know they were aware of the allegations and the scale of alleged abuse, but in all that six month of black ops or the months of post filming production (creative editing) they never followed up on any of it. (world leading journalists that they are)
The BBC have much to answer for, having played a leading role in the cover up of this war crime scale atrocity. One wonders how many young girls lives were ruined while they cynically sat on the story .
BBC Nothing Zilch!
No! The BBC secretly filmed Griffin exposing the racist sexual attacks on white girls(children!) at a meeting and instead of investigating, in conjunction with the police and authorities had him prosecuted for stirring up racial hatred.
Any chance that Chakrabarti and Liberty will take up his case and demand £millions in compensation?
The labour scum are still doing it now. A BNP councillor called Dawn Charlton has just been subjected to the THIRD court case brought by the labour party for daring to stand against them in a Yorkshire seat.
She got 42% of the vote and labour didn’t like it, the lefty poodle police were fully compliant..needless to say it was thrown out of court again. This is how the liberals work in conjunction with each other to bring down the likes of Dawn Charlton financially with expensive court cases.
I’d not come across her previously but, prompted by several mentions of this person’s name on BBBC, I followed up on news accounts and discovered someone with extremely disagreeable views. To my mind, Miss Charlton is not a person to be admired or supported, nor is the organisation she represents.
You’re very probably right about her views ( I haven’t done the research) but doesn’t English liberty also allow those with “disagreeable views” equality before the law, freedom of speech, political representation etc? Freedom of speech isn’t just for to “nice” people.
I am content that you acknowledge that I am probably right in my opinion. What I deliberately did not do was to suggest that a person’s views should be suppressed because they are disagreeable (to me). Freedom of speech has been hard won, and has already been egregiously eroded, most notably by Labour’s legislation (but willingly acceded to by Con and Lib). However, freedom of speech does not exclude someone passing an opinion on someone else’s views!
‘I followed up on news accounts and discovered someone with extremely disagreeable views.’
Eh, this free speech – it’s a bugger innit? Never mind, at the rate things are going it won’t be for much longer…..
It is a shire based revolution and very much happening in England. The elite is aware but as usual in complete denial. The awareness is shallow and modified by a refusal to face reality.
I also think the leadership of UKIP is not sure what to do. It means this leadership will have to be very careful not to be overwhelmed. Or to let down this popular support and itself be swept aside.
Following historical precedent I assume that dramatic change ,which is coming, will come very suddenly and as a result of a key event that has yet to occur. Although it is possible that it has already occured but we are to close to realise this. It is quite possible that this has happened.
It takes around 2 years for a key event to produce real change
Already the established politicians are showing signs of stress as they react to events that are slipping beyond their control. Just watch how Cameron and Milliband are floundering . This is a time for optimism.
The liberal elite is fading. The violent left is left with violence as the only weapon and that is never enough.
As for the BBC -the pinnacle of liberal media fantasy- it is clueless. It cannot make a programme about something rapidy growing beyond their comprehension.
Finally it is almost a law of human nature that change, real change that sets the course of a nation or a culture, is always rapid and always unforeseen
This is an ancient nation and we are an ancient people. Liberalism attempted to deny this and to deny the reality that a nation is a compact between the past the present and the future.
Liberalism has threatened this and in particular the last- the future.
We respond to this in ways that we are dimly aware of and in ways that cannot be foreseen. The liberal elite ,the BBC/Guardian views ot the 68ers and so on have tampered with forces that need to be left alone. A conservative knows this instinctively. It is now up to us to put things right.
Thanks, excellent. As you say, it is usually the case that revolutions are only predicted in hindsight. However, there are indicators, even if they are inevitably ambivalent. Indicators of desperation – applying the methods and attitudes of censorship and distortion to ever wider and sometimes bizarre areas of news and programming. The introduction of gender-inequality to the innovation exhibition reporting mentioned elsewhere in this thread; the strange obsession with placing cigarettes into everyone’s mouths in absolutely every historical drama – they’ll be shoving them up the cat’s arse next; the eery degeneration of Lord Bragg’s programme in the face of compulsory gender-balanced panel composition; the frankly weird treatment of sport on the Today programme; and many other crazy examples.
What this may all show is an awareness that the water is running out of the bath-tub of lies, accompanied by a frantic turning of all the taps to full on, in the vain hope of concealing what lies beneath the scummy surface of misrepresentation .
Of course, this can’t go on forever, and eventually we may see (are already seeing?) the next phase, where an increasing number of news items simply can’t be broadcast, because the risk of contradiction and incoherence becomes an inevitability. As I implied in a previous post, this is when the more percipient ones start abandoning ship.
I think it behoves us to start thinking about how broadcasting should be resurrected WHEN not IF the BBC collapses. The failure to adequately envisage the collapse of the Soviet Communist bloc before it actually happened, was responsible for much of the bad that followed on.
It’s not just the shires!!
I live in West Wales and have noticed a shift in opinions over recent years.
How Leanne Wood (Hard Left Greenie) , leader of Plaid Cymru, plans to fight off the UKIP “threat”!!!!
So do I, and I find that its the older and mature people that are turning to UKIP from Labour. Plaid Cymru has not yet woken up to the fact that UKIP nearly took their only seat in the Euro elections.
With all the hiatus over the latest EU ‘tax’ demand, it would be all too easy to overlook this:
An an example of the people who run Europe, consider the most recently appointed European Commissioner, Violetta Bulc. According to Roger Helmer, a prominent UKIP Euroskeptic member of the European Parliament, Bulc is on record as claiming to be a practicing fire walker and a shaman.
On her blog, Bulc describes herself as an expert on balanced sustainable development strategies, organic growth and innovation ecosystems. She believes in the power of networks, holistic individual, and positive energy.
A recent post on Bulc’s blog is “The vibration of white lions in the new era”.
(Follow that link to understand the new age bollocks this trusted Commissioner actually, really believes in – it’s beyond parody).
Yet Bulc is now, or shortly will become, one of the most powerful people in Europe – one of 28 European commissioners, who have sole power to source new legislation, which is usually in my opinion rubber stamped by near powerless European parliament. The European commission is also the sole body responsible for ensuring the legislation they source is executed – the commission combines executive, oversight and legislative powers into a single polity.
Bulc will never have to face a vote – only members of the European parliament have to bother with all that populist democracy nonsense. Commissioners are appointed.’
Best of all, look out for her on the BBC and expect due reverence being accorded her every wise eco-utterance.
I would everyone to read the ‘White Lions’ link, it’s worth it just for the comments at the bottom..the first one being “Bullshit”, It was laugh out loud after reading that crap.
The gist I can get is that Bulc is comparing the EU leaders to the superior beings represented by the White Lions? How I read through it I’ll never know.
the Incredible Bulc.
Canada: for INBBC’s deniers-
“Canada’s Jihad Denial”
By Robert Spencer.
More INBBC ‘Newsnight’ political indulging of its chums?-
By James Delingpole.
Alternative to INBBC, on CANADA, etc-
Mark STEYN in conversation with Glenn BECK
(Scroll down page, for 11 min video clip)-
No reports on BBC news about this, when a Pakistani newsagent refuses to serve a man in army uniform.
The excuses are everything you would expect – total lies – I didn’t think I was allowed to serve people in uniform, and then the inevitable ‘but I’m the real victim’ as I’ve had racist abuse.
Truly sickening
An interesting aspect is that it was reported in the Daily Fail and not once was the race of the Newsagent mentioned?
Being in Preston, being a newsagent and concerning the refusal of uniformed Army personnel it didn’t take Holmes to work it out. The good thing is that the locals surrounded the shop and it had to be closed.
What kind of people do they think we are? In the council offices of my small market town there is a book of remembrance of our fallen.
I passed by today and the page was open at this week in October 1917.
For a small town at least a dozen names. All so young. What on earth would they have thought of a people that let this happen? We are becoming a people without honour and without our dignity.
of course liberalism has an answer . We must accept insults and accept that this is no longer our nation and our past was as nothing. I am sorry but damn liberalism and it’s poverty of spirit to hell.
They didn’t have to mention the race or religion of the perpetrator. When dealing with the mainstream media, unless the race of the offender is specifically mentioned, always assume its an ethnic minortity. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason- that reason being they are usually true.
Simply boycott Alpha News outlets. The profits in some part will probably go to Jihad anyway.
BBC News @6pm. Reporter gave a breakdown of monies paid into the EU and monies we get back.
Somehow, managed to omit all the other EU costs.
Health especially childbirth, education, housing, crime, translation, not to mention the figure of hundreds of £millions each month in work related benefits, the only way the businesses that employ these foreign workers can afford them. If they had to pay the real costs, i.e. all the above plus a lot more, in wages, they could not afford to run their businesses. Instead they pay low wages and thanks to Labour’s stupid policies , the taxpayer subsidizes foreign workers who put our own out of work.
Fancy the BBC not giving the full picture!…spot on nigel farage.
Usual dose of (alleged) humour all at the expense of UKIP for full, continuous 30% of the HIGNFY right at the top of the programme this evening. We even had a laugh when Nigel Farage with a moustache was likened to Adolf Hitler……
Oh, it was sooo very funny I didn’t half laugh…..
Surely, there must be some way of stopping the open hatred of anything that doesn’t comply with the bbbc’s twee world
The intellectual level of Jeremy Hardy is STAGGERINGLY low, on top of the fact that he’s not very funny either. For instance, he said that the people of Clacton had little or no immigration in their community, so asked how could they know what it was like. The obvious point, which he failed to mention, is that they are aware of what’s going on elsewhere AND MAY INDEED HAVE BEEN PART OF WHITE FLIGHT TO CLACTON TO ESCAPE IT.
Another Hardy trick is his self-positioning by accent between the hated UKIP proles (on whom he looks down and whom he imitated by using a certain rough southern accent) and the equally hated Tory toffs (whom he sneeringly takes off with a ‘posh’ voice). This talentless BBC parasite would likely be very sensitive about remarks on his whining and unpleasant voice.
A few years ago I was at Balham tube station and who should be standing very close to the edge of the platform, Mr Jeremy Hardy. It was late morning and the rush hour had gone and there was no one else about. As I mentioned he stood precariously close to the edge; one decent sneeze or an “accidental” nudge and the weedy little runt would be history. Because of my inaction, or squeamishness we have all suffered years of hearing his pathetic whining voice preaching lefty dogma to us from Radio 4.
I still wake up at nights screaming…
Farage as Hitler…so edgy! Not
‘Have I Got News For You’ tonight tried very,very hard to mock UKIP for the first ten minutes.
But it didn’t work and fell flat. The audience failed to titter and giggle.
Are we seeing a change?? A realisation perhaps that UKIP are actually supported by many if not most??
Interesting times ahead, I wager!
Not at all !
It was BBC ‘comedy’ and as usual it wasn’t in the least bit amusing !
I think you could be right.
Tonight I popped onto UKIP’s Facebook Page and noticed that so far they have 278,441 “Likes”(basically people who have “subscribed” although it’s free).
That is an amazing figure for a political party, especially for the “under dog”.
The BBC are desperate to blame the Conservatives for the so-called “austerity cuts” and never miss an opportunity to stick the boot in but I wonder if it’s actually back-firing on them and swaying people to UKIP.
You see, people are aware of such things as schools being closed and services being cut(austerity) but they’re also becoming more aware of UKIP’s message in relation to the £ Billions that it costs the UK to be in the EU and are realising that this money could do so much for Britain if it wasn’t handed over to Brussels every year.
UKIP are a breath of fresh air and the people are flocking to it.….ummm, i think this explains my dodgy tummy just lately.
Just watching Cameron on Al beeb news ! – Is he going to be the next defector to UKIP
do they think we are stupid or what,bbc newsnight ran a not for the first time ran a quiet sympathetic story tonight about the latest jihadist this time from tower hamlets who has been killed by american airstrikes in syria to molest his 72 underage virgins in paradise,he could of saved alot of trouble there and moved to rotherham,but as usual his family claim they did not have a clue they he was involved in terrorist grpups in syria,have we not heard that one before,the muslim community always say they are a interelated and close knit community and everybody knows what is going on in there closed community and ghettos,but when it comes to there sons and daughters fighting with isis and other terrorist groups around the world they seem to be in constant denial about there involment with these groups,the sympathetic bbc and there journaists might believe them,do you.
If he wanted 72 virgins why didn’t he go to Rotherham and team up with his mates ?
I suspect that there is now some doubt as to the numbers of remaining virgins in Rotherham. Pastures new, I think, for virgins in that quantity…
You are absolutely right Stuart.
One of the first items on the six o’clock news, in the BBC “sad solemn voice”, was the death of another “British” Jihadist. Only the BBC could deny that Jihadists are really Muslims while at the same time claim that the enemies of Britiain are “British”.
At least Chandry and other Islamists are being honest when they say that they see their British passports as “enhanced travel documents”.
Alternative to BBC, on Canada and denial of fact,
Mark Steyn – calling everyone out on it
Anybody know how many muslims the bbc employ both front of house, in positions of power and the lower echelons?
The UK is a strange place. Jewish children harangued on the bus and in a shop, guide dog owners refused service in shops or taxi rides, a soldier in uniform refused cigarettes purchase because it’s ‘illegal’, over 1400 children raped by organised gangs in Rotherham, what’s going on?
What’s going on? Your are seeing the result of Liberalism, that is what’s going on and promoted heavily by the BBC.
But aren’t liberals meant to be more tolerant of religious minorities and the disabled. It’s all very confusing isn’t it?
It doesn’t mean that those who are the benefit of Liberalism, practice it.
In a nutshell, Its called a growing Islamic population …. (should be a red light to any sane person).
and abject wilful political, (not national) cowardice, by
intellectual and financial incompetent s who should be ashamed of themselves, ( but … don t worry they won t be).
UK Cameron digs himself in deeper, calls Gaza a “prison camp”
Weeks after welcoming the Muslim Brotherhood into the UK, Cameron orders them investigated for “links” to extremism
“David Cameron was in Turkey yesterday endorsing Turkish membership of the EU, as blogger Laban Tall says, ‘doubtless driven by that grass-roots Tory pressure for a few million Turks to come to the UK.’”
“I want London to stand alongside Dubai as one of the great capitals of Islamic finance anywhere in the World”
About time to put up in shops and services, signs saying,…’ Pakistanis not served or welcome in this shop/premises’…..test the law….then if they do, throw the conditions they impose on us right back at the court….
Orla reports on the Egypt v Jihadist battle overnight in Sinai. She treats the Egyptian government closing of the Rafah crossing into Gaza as a matter of little consequence. No doubt the closing of the Israeli crossings would be a major international incident – with pictures of starving children, cripples & wailing women to illustrate it. Neither does she comment on why the Egyptians have taken this action. Surely they don’t see Gaza as the origin of their foes.
According to the many BBC reports about Israel blockading Gaza you can imagine many people not realising it has a border with Egypt. That fact also raises the awkward question of why Gaza isn’t best off being incorporated into Egypt.
The jihadist attacks in Canada are bad, but completely expected, and have only killed 2 soldiers. To put that in perspective nearly 2 000 Iraqi civilians were murdered by political violence last month alone, many presumably by jihadists []. The BBC needs to keep things in perspective and not take the spotlight off IS.
Similarily, while the BBC is happy to discuss whether a footballer who raped 1 woman should be punished after prison, the BBC seems curiously uninterested in the paedophile gangs who raped over 1400 girls in Rotherham.
Ebola we are constantly told has killed 4 500 people this year as the BBC steers a course which seems to alternate between instilling panic and complacency in the listener. Yet malaria kills nearly 2 000 a day []
And why might it be that big bad pharma which gets torn apart by hostile media for making a profit or overlooking side effects, and which faces state backed copying, why has it not yet developed an ebola vaccine? It’s a mystery isn’t it? As is why the WHO with a programme budget of around $4 billion [] ,which I assume excludes operating costs, hasn’t funded a vaccine?
And news from Zimbabwe and Ukraine seems to have dried up.
And many people still think the BBC is the world’s greatest news organisation.
‘Rev’ Richard Coles has been replaced by Jay Rayner, at least for today’s ‘Saturday Live’. Please God, let the absence of Coles be permanent. I would be happy to accept even the lefty Rayner, if it means that Coles (who seems completely unrepentent for his dogging and drug-taking) is no longer on our airwaves.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) continues its politically sympathetic propaganda for
‘British’ Islamic jihadist enemies of we Kafirs, who are killed in Syria.
“Briton confirmed dead in US air strike on Syria jihadists.”
The underlying political tone of the following video report by INBBC’s
Mr Secunder Kermani is inevitably: anti-West, pro-Islam.
The Muslim killed in Syria is typically portrayed by INBBC as a victim of the West; and,
we are led to believe: ‘he was a typical East End boy who became more religious.’
-More accurately: he was a Muslim who became an Islamic jihadist.
An indication of where INBBC’s Mr Kermani is coming from, in his tweets-
Tweets by SecKermani
Quite right, George. When that story came on the BBC early evening news tonight I was muttering something along the lines of ‘good riddance to bad rubbish’. The way the BBC reported the story it really was clear they expected me to feel something akin to sympathy towards the racist, terrorist tosser.
I can’t tell you exactly what I said to the TV as the Community Cohesion Multicultural Enforcement Squad trawl even these pages for likely victims to single out for ‘correction’ in one of their new-fangled ‘Diversity Awareness’ re-education centres…
That’s the problem with liberal progressives: all opinions are welcome as long as they are the ‘correct’ opinions.
Anyone watch Have I got news for you?
Stories of the week? Well it’s got to be the UKIP Calypso hasn’t it?
How else could the fragrant Coren-Mitchell smugly spread her anti-UKIP crap?
The token female “comedienne” then started spouting some all poor, black men are victims line and the off button was pushed.
It used to be a decent watch but I shan’t be going back.
It hasn’t been a decent watch for about 15 years.
I used to enjoy HIGNFY, albeit you could always detect a very slight lean to the left – but that’s all it was.
Then I began to notice a disproportionate amount of its time was given over to slagging off the Daily Mail, whist the likes of the Guardian got away almost unscathed. Then Ian Hislop, hitherto the show’s freelance satirist who would have a go at all things absurd, regardless of political hue, started to join in the leftist hatefest of anything remotely right wing. Then it became obvious that the panels were skewed ridiculously leftwards and, like ‘comedy’ programmes on Radio 4, only jokes pitched at right-leaning politicians and newspapers were getting the laughs.
At that point I gave up.
The BBC wouldn’t know impartiality if it jumped up and bit it on the arse.
When Hislop and Merton ganged up on Deayton and made sure he got the sack, he was getting £11,000 per episode, and they were on £7,000 each. I think that, and not any genuine fury that he had snorted coke with a call girl, was what really angered them. That was years back, so God knows what they get paid now. Whatever it is, Hislop is clearly not going to bite the hand that feeds him. He may be the editor of Private Eye, but the big money comes from sucking up to Auntie Beeb, and there is no way he will forget that.
The late great satirist Willie Rushton would be spinning in his grave to witness how Hislop sucks up to the establishment, staying rigidly within “acceptable” taunting limits.
I agree, the idea that the editor of an anti-establishment satirical magazine should derive most of his income from working for the state broadcaster would once have been a joke worthy of Private Eye.
Canada – Islamic jihad murder:
“Heartbreaking moment son of fallen Canadian soldier shot dead by Muslim convert bids farewell to his hero father as crowds line the streets of nation’s capital”
Read more:
here s two BBC examples from today
BBC New York axe attack ‘terrorist act’ ?
bit ambiguous?
This on the jihadi axeman, when you go to the page itself
“terrorist act by Muslim convert”
Liberal whitewashing of Islamic terrorism
Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’ on this:-
“The question of what is or is not terrorism is one giant distraction that takes up far too much time. The real question that matters is, was this a jihad attack, motivated by the Islamic jihad doctrine that is held and taught by mainstream Islamic authorities. But this is an important step nonetheless — much better than calling this jihad attack ‘workplace violence’ or dismissing Zale Thompson as mentally ill and letting the whole thing go at that. And of course in this and many other contexts, to call it a terror attack is tantamount to admitting that it was a jihad attack, for jihad is the great enemy of freedom and of the United States that cannot and must not be named, on pain of charges of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia.'”
That is a really good analysis of how the “liberals” cringe at describing Islamic terrorism as Islamic or as terrorism. Calling it “mental health issues”, “aberration” – any weasel words and total denial of the TRUTH.
And right in the middle of this mess of political cowardice are Cameron, Clegg, and nearly all the British political class.
But the pattern must surely be clearer and clearer to the British public. Virtually all terrorism round the world has Islam at its root – just listen to what the terrorists themselves say.
you missed out the classic “work place violence”
Fortunately the extremists are only a minority
Wishing all BBC fans a happy Islamic New Year 1436
“Iran has executed a woman”
And for some reason the BBC gives us a photo of “Execution room in Virginia, United States”
BBC : Bent biased thinking
They probably didnt want to put their readers off their latte’s by showing an Iranian execution room
I suppose we should thank Allah that they had the decency to hoist her up out of public view, unlike previous occasions.
As we all know, being pulled up slowly by a crane is ever so much more humane than that filthy Yank practice of injecting chemicals in the vein of a prisoner immobilized by muscle relaxants, and showing that hanging would not help to drive home the point of the immorality of capital punishment, so an American death chamber it is.
Directly from the BBC UK politics homepage..
These parties have one or more MPs in the House of Commons:
Liberal Democrats
Scottish National Party
Plaid Cymru
Social Democratic and Labour Party
Democratic Unionist Party
Sinn Fein
Green Party of England and Wales
Alliance Party
Respect Party
No mention of UKIP and their MP, which based on opinion polls will have 2 in November. No point reporting any of that on the impartial BBC!
What will the BBC say when UKIP has twice as many MPs as Respect and twice as many as the Greens ?
The ranking is pro lefty and pro nationalist. DUP have more members of parliament than SDLP, SNP or Plaid.
Oh and Sinn Fein have zero MP’s in the House of Commons since they refuse to take the oath.
Dateline London today.
The European guests were both pro-EU and telling us, the British tax payer, to cough up that £1.7bn or else.
The other members of the panel were Canadian and didn’t have a clue about the topic although one did mention Thatcher in glowing terms. Which didn’t go down well with the European guests.
Watched Have I Got news for You last night 2 minutes in Farage was mentioned which was the green light to go anti UKIP for 12 minutes. Even had come gormless looking Canadian bint throwing her twopeneth in demonising UKIP. I Canadian of all people ! I wonder how they managed to fill the 30 minutes before UKIP and after Thatcher? And to top it all when someone mentioned Milliband was weird looking the host Victoria Coren Mitchell jumed down their throat
BBC TV Licensing threatens owners of properties with “10 days to get correctly licensed”, even though 4 out of 5 of them are correctly unlicensed already. If they don’t comply – not that they’re under any legal obligation to – they are threatened with a “full investigation” on their property: Full story.
“John Simpson spoke at Winchester Cathedral fundraiser about how
the BBC was in ‘last stages’ due to cuts.”
And Simpson’s just got a BBC contract for life.
“John Simpson signs indefinite BBC contract”
So, rather clearly, even for an intellect as honed as Mr. Simpson’s, the ‘cuts’ are at best selective. In fact the priorities that have seen him so blessed, may explain if not excuse much.
That said, the last stages of the BBC do not appear traceable to ‘cuts’. Quite the reverse.
Such as eyewatering executive deals, massive wastes and a reputation for letting agenda trump professional integrity seem more likely explanations for the corporation’s tanking state.
INBBC’s euphemistic ‘report’-
“Fourth Portsmouth man killed in Syria”
Another ‘Porstmouth man’ ? Betcha his rallying call wasn’t “Play up, Pompey !”
I remember Robert Hardman getting into trouble for wearing a PFC hat in (IIRC) Turkey. Dunno why………
Yes his family said he has wanted to return for ages but was too scared of what might happen to him if he did return.
So rather than face questioning and release by the Police he would rather stay in a war zone and continue fighting. Wow the injustice system in this country must be really tough. No I thought it was a load of crap also. From the same book of Jihad as instruction # 12 Parents send your children to fight. Make sure they arrive in Syria before saying they have gone missing and you don’t know where they are.
May Allah grant that many more find their paradise.
The next UKIP target for the BBC – a poster UKIP has brought out slamming Labour for the Rotherham child sex trafficking scandal :
And easily edited to use in many other towns and cities too
Even the ones in which UKIP are in coalition with Labour?
Which ones are they Ralph ?
Good link John – that breibart site has zillions making comments.
“Nigel Farage claims left is more outraged by Ukip Calypso song than child abuse”
What’s new George? We’ve seen on numerous times from posters on this very site that the bourgeois fauxcialist foot soldiers of the liberal inquisition are always more concerned with thought crimes than real physical crimes like rape and murder…Always
Speaking of posters, ukip appears to have secured media headlines with one on this topic, and it is safe to say that in the world of outrage priorities are again confused.
Twitter is cranking up predictably, but again the faux affrontists seem less easily persuading anyone that the poster trumps the actions it refers to.
When Tell MaMa weighs in you know the machine is cranking up.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC reports this campaign.
we should have a competition to see who can make the best election poster here is my effort.
Not British? Not allowed to vote or simply don’t understand the voting system? Don’t worry Labour has already voted for you.
I watched a recording of This Week, Andrew Neil’s late night show on Thursday. Mr Portillo was worried about the closing down of free speech by people who voiced opinions contrary to the current fashionable views , being attacked on the twittersphere , other social media and lobby groups and being forced to withdraw their remarks.
he cited the case of some footballer and also of the UKIP calypso.
So far so good. Then he said that he felt that it was up to the BBC to stand up for free speech!!!.
I was speechless, surely the BBC is the very organ that gives platforms to any and all leftist lobby groups on any topic they wish to vent their spleens about. Whilst at the same time it refuses to give platforms to any with whom it disagrees. Mr Portillo is, of course, well remunerated by the BBC and I expect he is hoping for many more contracts and appearances in the coming years. This must the explanation as to why he thought that the thoroughly undemocratic, leftist, stateist BBC might be the guardian of free speech. Leaving the BBC as the guardian of free speech is like leaving the fox in charge of the hen coop.
Portillo knows which side his bread is buttered (he has his very own BBC programme about railways) so he will never again diss the BBC. They have him just where they want. Using licence fee payers’ money.
Michael Portillo has been critical of the Bbc on This Week in the past . His railway travels are really good, & are not Bbc productions anyhow.
Talkback Thames productions?
Portillo is a BBC pet Tory and his income would be seriously damaged if he lost his gig at the BBC. He is also a git of the highest order like all politicians.
He is, however, right. The BBC should stand up for free speech. The fact that it doesn’t is not inconsistent with his statement.
Ok any of you claim responsiblity for this? Thanks for contacting the BBC.
We understand you feel our previous response did not accurately address your concerns about our reporters travelling to other countries to report on items.
We did raise your concerns with the relevant editorial team in our newsroom, who unfortunately have nothing more to add to your initial response.
If you would like to take your complaint further, you can contact Stage 2 of the complaints process, the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit, within 20 working days, and they will carry out an independent investigation. You can email them at: , or alternatively write to them at the following address:
Editorial Complaints Unit
The reference is for this: Complaint I made some time ago, in connection with the container of illegal immigrants that the BBc told me were asylum seekers Full Complaint: As you would expect I completely disagree with your reply. To clarify this point for myself and other parties who were interested in your reply could you please define when the BBC considers an illegal immigrant to be an illegal immigrant? Or does the BBC view that no immigrants are illegally entering the UK?
Iran hangs Reyhaneh Jabbari despite campaign –
Why does this article conclude with a picture of an American death chamber and a list of the countries who execute most people?
It’s like the BBC are trying to tell us that some non-Islamic states execute lots of people, so we shouldn’t read too much into the fact that this injustice happened in an Islamic country.
Is it because (a) the BBC is anti-American and wishes to somehow equate a country with a proper legal process and procedure – America – with a country that has a rudimentary legal system and likes hanging women for the fun of it – Iran; or (b) the BBC is anti-American and wishes to somehow equate a country with a proper legal process and procedure – America – with a country that has a rudimentary legal system and likes hanging women for the fun of it – Iran.
R4’s Any Answers yet again stuffed end to end with Left-liberal callers.
Is it that anyone with a contrary opinion knows calling is a complete waste of time? Or does the BBC screen-out anyone daring to depart from the Guardianista orthodoxy?
For INBBC, re-its reporting of Ottawa and New York jihad attacks-
Crying “Lone Wolf”
by Mark Steyn .
even better …
Lone wolf or KNOWN WOLF
CT … “a colossal disaster because it has no roots in reality. It was always intended as a convenient fiction for politicians, bureaucrats, media and academics to avoid talking about the problem of the ideology that supports Islamic terrorism”
like her or not … the painful truth
Excellent. Thanks for posting.
Those pre-speech interviews perfectly expose the intellectual vapidity of the Left. Not a single argument – just blind cant.
She’s a good’un, just look and listen to those leftist bozos, morons.
Good stuff. Why are the liberals getting so touchy all of a sudden? Is it anything to do, I wonder, with the law abiding, decent, quiet and downtrodden people of the world finally finding their voice and seeing through the lies and deceit that is bringing the world to the brink of WW3?
Beeeboids’ political chum, Mr R. Brand-
“Why does anyone take this clown of a poseur seriously? He’s lionised by the BBC and The Guardian as a political seer. The truth, says STEPHEN GLOVER, is that Russell Brand is a ludicrous charlatan”
Read more:
‘Daily Mail’ Comment-
“A gravitas-free zone.”
“So BBC Newsnight gives a full 17-minute slot to the irredeemably silly Russell Brand to promote his book and spout the absurd and deeply offensive notion that the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks.
“Time was when Newsnight was a serious programme – indispensable viewing for serious people and an important part of the national discourse.
“Today, obsessed with juvenilia and gimmickry it’s become a gravitas-free zone. How sad.”
Read more:
I saw the trailer for “anything can happen ” for Newsnight which seems to indicate it now seems to be slightly more serious than Newsround. I haven’t watched it for years as the trouble is you know pretty well exactly what’s going to happen
Long may Mr. Katz indulge his infatuation.
Mr. Brand seems to epitomize the wisdom of providing all necessary rope coveted.
I very much doubt those remaining who do watch Newsnight, much less take it seriously, will be too thrilled with the poster boy anointed by the BBC’s yoof wing as the new spokesperson for the country.
Russell Brand is the new BBC Messiah !!
…..and he’s been a very naughty boy.
But he’s nearly 40 years of age. Is it a yoof-full act that he’s contrived? Does he have an agent? It’s probably not Max Clifford…
Islamic jihad apologetics (cont’d) today on INBBC TV News Channel-
Who does INBBC get to provide the sole analysis of the FOUR dead Islamic jihadists
who lived in Portsmouth?
Why, of course, none other than the Islamic outfit QUILLIAM!
INBBC censors out the views of any non-Islam critics of Islamic jihadists in Britain.
‘Liberty GB’ has this on the politically insidious Quilliam outfit-
So, the sum total of INBBC’s propaganda today on 4 dead jihadists from Portsmouth is:
1.) a Muslim INBBC report sympathetic to dead jihadists
[see ‘Open Thread Comment at 9:26 am today above];
2.) apologetics from Islamic Quilliam in sole propaganda spot on INBBC News Channel.
Would Islamic Al Jazeera do it differently?
INBBC is totally infiltrated ideologically by Islamic interests.
The piece on Quilliam is excellent, why doesn’t it surprise me that the first mosque was built in liverpool by a scouser who thought he was being clever and ‘progressive’.
How much taxpayer cash has been thrown at that dump with very little change, a bit like the muslim problem the country has and will have in a much larger way in the decades to come.
The money point was interesting. I believe that if ISIS is defeated there will,like the head of Medusa, be another offshoot of islam that will keep us firmly entrenched in the Middle East theatre. The only way to stop it will be to cut the head off completely.
The reason for this is down to money, the more the Western world is fighting wars against islam, the more money it costs, the weaker the West becomes and the easier it becomes for muslims to implement their prophesy written in the Koran which is to subjugate and live of the back of the ‘kuffirs’. The liberals are making it easier for them. The West seems to have been in permanent recession since the war on terror began.
The biggest disappointment regarding the killing of Mehdi Hassan is that I thought it was the Mehdi Hassan from the Huffington Post and regular bbc contributor! I nearly opened a bottle of Champers.
BBC – terror accused remanded in custody –
fill in your own blanks
“We are trying to establish the law of God, the law of Allah,” he said.”
BBC – UK fighter ‘doing his duty’ in Syria
A quote from Noggin’s link if I may:
‘A police spokesman had earlier said the arrests were “in relation to conflicts overseas” and were “not linked to any immediate threat to local communities or anywhere else in the UK”.’
Conflicts overseas? What does that mean?
Do we have to guess amongst ourselves?
The main points from the second link are;
The brother of the fighter just about sums up the feelings of 99.9% of muslims when it comes to their cult and jihad.
The piece at the end by Shiraz Maher was probably some of the most ridiculous views on Al Qaeda I’ve read.
The word ‘fighter’ in this context.
What’s he ‘fighting’?
He’s fighting for the chance to slaughter civilians. The chance to butcher women and children on video.
He’d wet himself if confronted with British soldiers.
They are worse than the Rotherham paedos. And that’s saying something.
Strip them of glamour and rhetoric. Nothing but Bullying Gang Yobs with guns and knives. Treat them as such. And with no respect what so ever.
The worm must turn.
BBC’s global broadcasting empire continues, headed by Tony HALL’s chum-
“BBC World Service Group Appoints Francesca Unsworth as Director”
Posh tosser Xander Armstrong and Frankenstein’s monster Richard Osman were waxing lyrical about fellow Beeboids on Pointless Celebrities today. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised – they are employed by the BBC after all – but it’s interesting how they view anything other than the BBC.
‘Any single thing that either John Sergeant or Kate Adie says I take to be the truth’. That’s the problem I would suggest, people taking the BBC as gospel rather than what it is, deeply biased.
‘For our generation you [Kate Adie] are the most famous journalist we know’. Frankly, she looked embarrassed. ‘World events didn’t really become world events until you showed up … if someone else was reporting we knew it wasn’t that important.’ Pass the sick bucket.
At the same time they were disparaging to LBC presenters Nick Ferrari and Julia Hartley Brewer.
‘Nick Ferrari isn’t gonna outfox us any time soon’, says Osman. Famous last words it would turn out.
‘You do the Breakfast Show on LBC which I listen to a lot in when I’m in the back of minicabs and I find only if I only listen to 20 minutes, I get very wound up’, says Xander . You should hear me when I listen to the fucking BBC, mate.
Naturally, LBC got to the final and won it and won money for their charities. Go, Team LBC!