MB – that sounds like wishful thinking ! This site ought to be required reading for any member of the BBC Trust. But I bet none of them ever check this site.
I am not too sure about that one John? Being at the head of the trust I would be very surprised if she hadn’t got her researchers, of which there are many, to surf the net to get an opinion about what the people of the nation thought of this publicly funded body. Especially after all the negative events that have beset the organisation and its employees over the recent years. I would be very surprised if this intelligent lady hadn’t wandered to this site occasionally herself?
Would you really trust a BBC researcher to let this site get anywhere near the BBC Trust Chairman ? As far as I know the staff at the Trust are seconded in from the main BBC. And that is maybe why the Trust has been so blind to public concern about BBC bias.
The Trust is kinda “the great and the good”. Placeseekers mostly. My exprience of the Great and the Good is that most of them aren’t much good. Scanning the list of Trust members I can’t see a single “rebel” or iconoclast among them.
I think they would highlight this site. It would be used as an example of how those opposed to the BBC are rampant Islamophobes by cherry picking those posts which negatively highlight Muslims and Islam. It could then be safely ignored.
Remember what this site actually is would be irrelevant to how it is described.
Top bananas often used to get there by empathizing with those they sought to lead, and initially it worked well. But pretty soon the trappings and constraints of power inevitably kick in and the connection erodes. Not really their fault as security and time pressures leave less and less opportunity to stay grounded in the real world. But certainly isolation from fiscal or other realities (how many Ministers know what it is like to work around maternity cover in their departments, when they simply get HR to pop a new one in from the pool the next day – no budget issues, no colleagues taking up the slack) can be accelerated as the perks of great and goodness sink in.
Sadly these days we now have way too many parachuted in to senior representative roles with no real world experience or background at all. Nice school, Oxford PPE (or a BAME get into gravy fee card) and then ‘people’ to handle everything from Glasto or Wimbledon VIP tickets to popping to California to ‘study’ online subscription models.
But there remains a choice to try and stay in touch, pretend to be doing so or lose all sense of sanity and pull a Miliband and claim you stay abreast of EastEnders not by watching it but getting the state to pay for a Spad to supply a weekly summary.
Ms. Fairhead could do worse than follow this site. If she even knows about it. For sure her minions in the hierarchy are, but as suggested likely would freak if she checked out this site, BBC Watch, etc.
So there will be filters, executive summaries, etc. But… GIGO.
Pollard showed just what self-created, implausibly-denied ivory towers they have created and maintain specifically to get paid telephone numbers to end up astoundingly uncurious or forgetful.
The BBC Trust is about as dire an example of this as can be imagined. Not least because it does everything internally, in secret and with no oversight of the overseers.
Get rid of this wagon-circling, bunker-dwelling mindset and they may stand a chance of recognising failure and improving.
But they are institutionally incapable of admitting they can get anything but right, so it won’t happen.
The possibility that senior BBC staff might look at this site is all the more reason why we should all try to be reasonable, logical, and above all accurate. There are a few on here who let the rest down badly by making allegations of bias that turn out to be false.
No argument, but the bar you set is an impossible ideal, and needs to be recognized on a pragmatic basis.
This is a very light touch-modded, free, free-speech open forum. The line between draconian censorship and sensible, decent oversight errs from tricky to impossible to manage. One can only hope for the best.
Bear in mind the allegations the BBC made of Lord McAlpine and how that turned out, despite being a £4Bpa, supposedly professional, force-funded media monopoly.
Senior BBC staff, or anyone else, will look pretty stupid if they try and use the excuse of a few bad eggs to avoid holding up a valuable mirror to their crumbling credibility.
As with Labour in Rotherham, sticking Ostrich heads in the sand and using all kinds of facile excuses for avoiding responsibility when the poo hits the fan no longer cuts it.
Despite the site name, bias is such a hard to define subject I pay it passing heed only. What is damning are the many examples of fact where BBC inaccuracy, lack of objectivity or integrity are incontrovertible.
I find it fascinating when folk share their adventures taking these to CECUTT, with Trust as final (in all senses) arbiter.
How many times have we seen them flat out claim black is white at every stage?
What is even more relevant is their “selective reporting”.
An example I saw a report on Friday evening that stated that 14 members of South Yorkshire Police had been arrested in connection with the Rotherham investigations. None of the main media has reported this at all.
C4 made an investigative documentary some years ago concerning paedo gangs. The Police and social services ran interference on when they could broadcast and what they could report because they feared the muslims would riot.
The plot thickens !
Why indeed was this kept from the main news? What are they trying to hide from the rest of us?
This is another good reason for the existence of this website and long may it continue.
UKIP is aiming to win the election for Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire – being held next Thursday, 30 October. So that is another reason why the spotlight should be on South Yorks police issues – if UKIP wins it will be a severe blow to Labour in its heartland, a blow of national significance ?
Mark Steyn has been warning about the Islamist threat for many many years – he was much in demand for interviews this week after the murders in Canada, Here is a corker of an interview with an Australian radio station :
Thanks for the link. I have just listened. The points which I remember are:
* Multiculturalism incubates extremism, and
* Those home-grown, UK national, extremists are traitors, not victims. They should be prosecuted for treason.
“I’m tired of being told that we have to change to accommodate them. THEY … are the ones who HAVE TO CHANGE, or have change FORCED upon them!”
There, ladies and gentleman … is the rub, the self destructive, hand wringing folly of the revolving Tory/Labour administrations, especially over the past 5 years, they ought to be ashamed of themselves, and made to be.
You try and be multi/religious/community/kulti in Saudi Arabia see where it gets you … and by the way beheading there is old news baby!, its a sport, virtually on pay for view …
and hilariously they are our erm ….”allies”? who along with Qatar, also just happen to be the biggest funders of that” kamikaze” throwback religion in the West.
Somebody ought to tell Camoron, Osborne and co, that turning London into the money laundering capital of Europe is not growth,
Doctoring statistics, including gaming, and prostitution into national accounts throwing in drugs, to foster an illusion, a smokescreen, of a recovery … I hope all that Muslim dollar is worth it for the Selfservatives, in that attempt at the “Sharia Banking” international London hub.
No wonder, Mr Scameron (laughably) turns all “paper tiger” over Europe. They really are panicking, now the EU are taking them at their deceitful word.
… liar, liar, bums on fire eh!
I caught the Marr Show this morning due to the clocks going back. What an utter crock of poo it is. Talk about a bunch of lovies and out of touch political elites. I’m glad I usually miss it.
I would like to second that, maturecheese. I also had the misfortune to catch this increasingly odious, misleading programme. Today we were told that the main headline was the trouble that cameroon has got himself into over the eu. The talking heads included that awful green mp and some former liebor advisor/policy generator for tony blair. Sir Max Hastings was the only sensible talking head on show and he looked and sounded as if he was there just to pick up the cheque. We also had the promise of some black, female singer who deserved to be ‘celebrated’ plus there was some other minority subject to be publicised…….
UKIP only got a mention when they were referring to their ‘enemy’ and the problems of the liebor party and millibrain didn’t really get a mention……….its as if they didn’t exist
It does appear to me as though the bbbc are quite desperately trying to cling on to the world as they know and have created but they seem to sense that there is some other reality out their that is just to appalling for them to contemplate….I couldn’t survive until the end of the programme so I turned over to another channel
One of those silly exchanges on QI this weekend, no, not the usual sub-Carry On double entendres but what happened to the Titanic iceberg. This led to exchanges about it [the Iceberg] being ‘followed by the press, bastard iceberg, he’s foreign, other foreign icebergs that have ruined our stuff, you don’t want an iceberg moving in next door’ etc etc. And in the midst of it all was wonky faced Fry desperately trying to make himself heard by saying ‘Nigel Farage’.
Damien Green seems to have used the Andrew Marr Show this morning to launch his new career as a stand-up comedian.
“Britain will become a haven for criminals and terrorists from all over the world unless we sign up again for the European Arrest Warant” Great dead-pan delivery.I certainly laughed out loud.
He’s a lot funnier than the vulva-featured Brigstock or the talentless tosser Mark Steele. Although, the latter does seem to have disappeared from the airwaves recently. Brand, for some reason, now seems to be the preferred cretin du jour. Unfortunately, the Hackney Hippo is still as popular as ever.
“Oh, the irony… For years I was accused of being racist – just for warning about immigration.
“Now I’m being made a Lord: The expert who told the truth about migrants can, at last, have his say.
“Andrew Green co-founded MigrationWatch with Professor Coleman in 2001.
“At the time, there was widespread fear of being accused of racism
An article in the Daily Mirror implied Mr Green was linked to the Ku Klux Klan.
“But now the public are demanding action and they will not be ignored.
“Immigration will add 12 million to our population in the next 20 years.”
Daily invasion of illegal immigrants from Africa, into E.U, via Spain-
“Fairway to heaven: Desperate migrants sit on top of Moroccan border fence beside luxury golf course in latest bid to enter Spanish territory ‘promised land'”
That entry into the Spanish enclave is the first step on the road to Calais, and hence a lifetime on benefits and free housing and healthcare once the get across the channel !
I sent a complaint in to BBC the other day, by way of email to Mr Dimbleby on ‘audience application’ for Question Time (see below).
I copied my email to the BBC Trust and members of Culture Media and Sport Committee.
Guess what – I got a reply from an MP direct saying
“Well said. I couldn’t have put it better myself.
Best wishes
*********** MP”
Dear Mr Dimbleby,
Re: Question Time Audience Request
In the light of your Liverpool QT Programme last Thursday.
I think I should explain about my application to be in your audience since I am NOT a Labour Supporter, (since they seriously trashed the nation twice now in my lifetime) nor am I member of the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, nor UAF. I am also not in a Union. But I would still make an excellent token middle of the road politically wise, (undecided UKIP supporter), in your Taunton audience next week.
I do realise this is a bit risky for me personally, since I have observed this definitely goes against your biased to the left audience selection principles. I will probably be very lonely. However as I represent part of massive political army on the ascendancy and I am also part of the majority of this nation that does not vote Labour, maybe this would go a minuscule way to ensure the BBC political remit to be unbiased and your requirement to be balanced ‘without fear or favour’ could be met just a tiny little bit.
Yours sincerely,
******************* name deleted
A very disappointed BBC Licence payer, who is wishing like hell your disgraceful contempt for the people who pay your gigantic inflated salaries can be ended as soon as possible.
While INBBC has reported that Merkel opposes any Cameron plans to restrict immigration from E.U, INBBC seems to censor what is going on with certain people of recent immigrant origins in Germany at present:-
Pamela Geller has-
“Euro War Zone: Germany’s 7,000 JIhadists”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“I assure you that they are underestimating the number. And the more success the Islamic State has, the more they recruit Muslims worldwide.After supporters of the Islamic Sate were found patrolling the streets of Germany enforcing Sharia law last month, Germany made the decision to criminalize all forms of support for the terrorist organization.But this had little effect. The war is in their streets.”
Read the article, the Caliphate just happened, (no fighting, no opposition), all was sweetness and light until the brutal Mongols and Israeli military messed things up!
“5 Insane, But Utterly Predictable, Reactions to the Ottawa Jihad Attack.
“The mainstream and progressive media were eager to offer the usual politically correct platitudes and evasions of the obvious.”
Agreed. On the Sunday programme, Bishop of Ottawa interviewed on premise that the most important thing about the attack was to bring reassurance to the Muslim community that there would be no backlash from everyone else… I kept waiting for some condemnation of the perpetrators of the original offences, or praise/sympathy for the brave fellow who brought the attack to an end, but I was still waiting when the week’s Appeal came on.
Did I just dream it all? I still can’t quite believe it – can someone confirm, please?
“Stoffel quickly deleted his tweet and backtracked from his flagrantly counter-factual statement”
Sounds like a familiar SOP.
Of course, the BBC’s finest tend not to backtrack, and usually retreat behind spokesweasels before going into shutdown mode, backed by ‘purposes of’ refusals to explain. With maybe a side order of blocking or banning.
That’s how trust and transparency gets handled here.
“Brother of British jihadi who died in Syria is charged with preparing to carry out terrorist acts.
“Mustakim Jaman has been charged with preparing to carry out terrorist acts.
“Brother Ifthekar Jaman, 23, died in Syria after boasting about ‘5-star jihad.’
“Mustakim, 23, was arrested, along with his parents on October 14.
“He is due to appear at Westminster magistrates’ court tomorrow.”
They’re the same man but the images were downloaded by his assistant, Paul Diggett. Diggett has since confessed and been charged. I haven’t discovered what sentence he received; hopefully not fifty hours community service picking up litter in a girl’s school!
I do think we have to be careful though; there’s enough mud to lob at Labour and their BBC cronies without resorting to unfounded innuendo, particularly if it involves child abuse.
“unfounded innuendo, particularly if it involves child abuse.”
Tell it to McAlpine – Ok maybe I dont know enough about computers to know how this could have been done without Purnells knowledge , perhaps Purnell brought it to police attention . But surely there is a public interest issue here if ever there was one
I’m not sure what knowledge of computers you would need to understand that two different people can use a computer at different times and not know what the other was looking at. It is more that probable that Purnell was in the dark, especially if he was using the PC for legal and not naughty reasons only.
Most people seem to be unaware that everything looked at on the Web is stored on disk and simply clearing the browser history is not enough to remove footprints.
Most people, who consider themselves important do not bother to learn about the tools they use. There’s a serf for that!
Michael Fallon said it was vital to impose some restrictions on the free movement of people in the EU, as many towns feel “under siege” by workers and those claiming benefits.
His language attracted criticism, with Labour saying it was “desperate”.
He is getting to sound more like a UKIPper !
Anything to do with the imminent by-election I wonder ? If Farage had made that statement , there would be outrage at Al Beeb .
Pretty much a re-run of what Mrs Thatcher said in the late 1970’s to head off the rise of the National Front (“people worried about being swamped” etc). Just a soundbite – they have no intention of doing anything about it. The difference now is that UKIP are not a bunch of extremists with very limited electoral appeal, but a mainstream party that has the values that most people themselves held in the 1970s (i.e. conservative with a small ‘c’).
The BBC has been doing Labour’s dirty washing for it again. All week the Mail has been running stories about how atrocious the Welsh NHS has become.
Has the BBC, with its ‘world class’ news team been investigating the claims? No. But it did find time today to run a rebuttal from some Labour stooge in Wales.
How many times have we seen this behaviour? Does the Corporation really think people don’t notice?
Listening to R4 on occasion today I realised that the liberal is in trouble. It must be hard facing the reality of the world with an increasingly worn out fantasy .
Biased they are for sure but sounding more absurd each week.
Early morning Sunday. The Ottowa attack . What really happened was that a Canadian soldier in full uniform guarding the symbol of Canadian sacrifice in the two world wars was brutally murdered by a man whose motivation was that of the Islamic State. The destruction and humiliation of the West.
I heard nothing like this. Just platitudes as usual.
Then a section dealing with the flight of Jews from France to Israel. Now this is no small matter. France has the largest Jewish population in Europe but they are no longer feel safe. Now we know why but listening to the BBc one would never have understood exactly why it was so hard for a Jew to face the future in France with contentment and just why going is becoming the sane option. It will be like this here soon but that is another matter.
Then tonight a profile of Sir Richard Green of Migration watch.
She tried hard to be impartial but it was laughable. To the liberal beeboid any deviation form a liberal perspective is a thought crime and to be condemned. They just don’t get it anymore. From the Jewish flight to Israel to the need in England to control our own destiny and land,
So out of touch now and soon to be out of time. Clear off beeboids/liberal lefties and let this people and this country rediscover reality and the future.
‘There is a deeply ingrained militant liberal politics at every level of the BBC, despite the fact that it’s tax-payer funded and supposed to be neutral. It’s a biased organisation and the only sorts of political comedians that are welcome within its corridors are those that reflect it’s values.
Essentially when we’re watching these ‘political’ comedians cracking their piss-poor UKIP gags on the BBC, I think we need to be aware they are neither engaged nor passionate about their subject- but money-grubbing charlatans, toadying up to the militant liberals that pay their wages, mirroring their own beliefs back at them in an act of false flattery so that they’ll feel smug and validated and keep them on the BBC tax-payer funded gravy-train.’
What connects these PM’s on Have I got News For You, this week. Chamberlain, Atlee, Eden, MacMillan … rather simply, it was moustaches. ‘Do you think someone couldn’t be made PM now with a moustache … would you like to see a moustachioed Premier’ asked tub o’ lard Vicky Coren. ‘Yeeees’, says Hislop, ‘I think Farage … put a little one here’ [pointing to his upper lip]. Hmm, seems like that question was put there just so some ‘wit’ could equate Farage to Hitler. Woeful.
This is just the beginning. I posted on here this week saying how strange it was that suddenly there was a glut of Hitler documentaries on every channel? Everything from how he was a drug addled lunatic to his underwear was too tight which caused him to start WW2.
I just knew what was coming next from the bbc. The comparisons to Hitler will be inevitable and will intensify if UKIP win in Rochester. I’ve been on various social networks and the lefty loonies are frothing at the mouth at the rise of UKIP, any sort of anti liberal dialogue is met with the same garbage..”Bigot, racist, holocaust denier, Hitler fan, neanderthal”, and so it goes on, they can’t hold a rational discussion.
Certainly I am having trouble rationalising the unproven links being attempted between Mr. Farage and Hitler by the entire BBC machine and its fellow travellers, and the faux outrage of the same crowd about the political point being made regarding the actual proven failures of certain parties when it comes to the responsibility lapses for, ironically, PC reasons.
For the BBC’s stormtroopers to make Godwinesque comparisons with the Nazis seems… brave… given the BBC itself appears to have learned from bits of their history they appear to like, ranging from ‘tell it often enough’ propaganda to censorship in the form of editorial by omission, moddings, blockings, expeditings, redactions and FoI exclusions by deafult.
Then of course there is twisting the law anywhere possible.
Perhaps Beeboids disapprove of ‘unnecessay’ security against Islamic jihadists in Parliament, given Beeboid continuing (and most dangerous) utopian hope for Islamic reform.
Just as Beeboids still campaign for Islamic mass immigration into Britain, despite the blatantly obvious negative consequences in terms of the importation of Islamic jihad and Sharia.
SAS saved lives. Our national broadcaster ought to say something positive about this. So should our Prime Minister. But if Isis complain to the BBC that they showed disrespect by pissing in the direction of Mecca – forbidden to US soldiers – they will be vilified.
Islamic jihadisation of England: e.g. the Isle of Wight-
“Depiction Of Islamic State Flag Found In Cell.
A basic description of the inside of Parkhurst jail was also discovered and there are reports a breakout may have been planned.”
The Muslim Convert who attacked the Parliament in Canada was, it turns out motivated by ideological and political ideals. So nothing to do with Islam then? He just happens to be a Muslim convert?
Apparently the answer to both those questions is yes, it has nothing to do with Islam, and like Lee Rigbys killers, his motivation was the countries foreign policy in them fighting ISIL in Syria.
Funny but I know of no other religious or ethnic group which has ever taken such drastic action in a protest against their countries foreign policy.
This is just yet more Islamophilia, from a broadcaster who has decided lying to the people is preferable to telling the truth and shinning a spotlight on the Fascist lefts idiocy.
Well, if, like me, you are left wondering just what tne bbc have left out, i’m sure their bias by omission will soon be exposed.
In a way, the ideology term is itself adequate, because islam is not a religion, but an ideology.
I look forward to seeing the video before making up my mind about the ROP ( not).
Cant find anything better than this at the monent:
Radio 4 takes the opportunity tonight to revisit hanging chads & after.
America’s Ballot Battles Radio4 8Pm
Rajini Vaidyanathan asks whether a bitter controversy over voting rights is forcing the US to reconsider its model of democracy. Travelling to North Carolina, the presenter hears from people who argue that a concerted campaign is underway to deprive liberal-leaning groups of access to the electoral process.
Why doesn’t Rajni or anyone else at the BBC exhibit a similar concern or curiosity about voting irregularities in the UK “banana republic”?
Unfortunately NISA is right about the corruption in the UK voting system, and we are ill placed to offer smug BBC criticism of the US, especially as the US is the only country which still has free speech.
Since the BBC and the Met Office fell head over heels for the religion of global warming, our weather reports have been transformed into a desperate search for signs and portents.
Unimpressed, we now suffer our weathermen pouring over obscure statistics like latter day McWhirter twins at the Paralympics – everso anxious to bring us something longer, shorter, higher, wetter, hotter…. since who-knows-when? All in some hitherto unmeasured unregarded sub-catagory. I paraphrase but let’s say it’s the rainiest Wednesday in Arbroath since records for rainy Wednesdays in Arbroath began (1972). Breathlessly this factoid is rushed upstairs to be broadcast to the Nation.
You can’t fail to have noticed the BBC subtext.
This morning for instance, perhaps lacking a lame recordbreaker, Carol Kirkwood on BBC Breakfast instead introduces the Moral Imperitive into her weather forecast.
She tells us that ‘temperatures are higher than they SHOULD be…’
Are you worried? The BBC feels that you SHOULD be!
Is the stupid Kirkwood creature still around? I haven’t watched BBC Breakfast since before I left the shores of the Former UK, eight years ago. It was crap then, I presume that it is still crap, if not mega-crap. ‘Today’ is bad enough.
What she would say is… what she has been told to, and pretty much the same thing over and over. A lot. Like that famous Milibot outing.
It’s like Stepford Political Babes.
All in the face of actual facts and reasonable questions.
Nothing she came out with made any sense. As far as I could gather she contradicted herself most of the time. And seems to have hung the future energy needs of the country being legally met on CCS, a technology of as yet unproven value and yet again eye-watering cost (was watching ‘Nazi Megastructures’ last night on 4OD – thank heavens they loved their vast capital projects that sucked the war economy dry).
She hardly impresses. Another diversity box-tick success that digs the country a deeper hole.
Some of them also went to the nearby headquarters of the ruling Fidesz party and threw outdated computer parts at the building, breaking some windows, local Internet website Index.hu reported
As facial recognition software is quite accurate now, would some genius please design a black box capable of filtering out certain people from my TV screen? Please!
I’d be happy to pay for this and all Brands would be on by ‘filter out’ list.
Has INBBC reported on this non-Muslim British victim?:-
“Ordeal of OAP who quipped ‘I’m not Muslim’ at airport security after he was stopped:
Man spends six months facing racism charges before case is finally dropped”
A bit like this poor bloke who inadvertently crossed the line (one that was drawn by PIE loving Harriet Harman back in 2008 – reminding us what a totalitarian Miliband government will look like).
Which reminds me…when, exactly, will the BBC be challenging Harman on her hypocrisy?
Seven thirty am Radio 4, sports news. Interview with a cricketer who seemed a nice chap, but lets not talk about cricket, lets talk about the under representation of Asians ( we mean Pakistani Muslims) in UK cricket. I am sure the young man could have said something interesting about our national sport. But he was never asked for his views on cricket.
No, I DID hear that right!
I listened to the 7.00 news-and just in case my ears deceived me, I listened again at 8am.
But old Sleety (or wevs) said the same damn thing.
The Canadian atrocity in Ottawa was deemed “ideologically motivated”…and I think they added the word “politically” too lest we think that was a bit harsh on Mustafa Leek or whoever used ISLAM…was Inspired by the KORAN…and was a self-referring, self-identifying MUSLIM…to kill people in the Canadian Parliament late last week.
Absolutely unbelievable!
This scumma was NOT too worried about a passport delay from nasty Stephen Harpers Tories over there…nor was he so angry about being unable to continue his humanitarian efforts in Syria.
Yet this is the very clear desire for the BBC…and let`s not fuss ourselves with all that Muslim stuff…shall we?
Only hope that Harper isn`t sanctioning this snowjob for whatever(wevs) happened there last week.
Next-workplace violence and its prevalence where Muslims don`t get the whetstone and Stanleys c/o the State…NYC,Bali, London, Madrid, Mumbai,Volvograd, Boston, Fort Hood…need I go on.
Lying hounds one an` all!
Canada’s PM Harper was clear from the outset that this was terrorism. And according to Mark Steyn the RCCP (Mounties) have been rounding up some 100 Muslims to check on their jihadist views. The one mistake Canada made was denying the 2 murderers in Canada the chance to go to Syria. They and others should be allowed to leave – and their passports cancelled immediately.
The guy planned a jihad attack, perpetrated a jihad attack driven by Islam, that’s it!.
Why? – ISLAM
Aim? – for ISLAM
Motive? – further ISLAM
… if the media want to lie to themselves then that’s on them, but the don t “spit in my face and tell me its raining” crowd is getting louder, and larger.
I find myself very relaxed about this sort of thing now. It’s not just the anti-BBC crowd who notice it, it’s becoming something of a standing joke well beyond this site.
And as people from many political viewpoints and none realise this, they start to ask what other sh*te they are being fed by the BBC. The more the Beeb obfuscates, the more it hastens its own demise. I think the Beeboids know it, but don’t know what to do about it.
mmm… yes, I do agree. There are many more out there beyond the active forum-folk, who seem to be spotting the cracks in the edifice. Certainly the balance has shifted in my own conversations with normally quite neutral people. The Russell Brand exposure continues, for instance (was he really on Start the Week alongside the other ‘serious’ heads?), and I’ve had more than one person boggling at the obvious idiocy of treating him as though he had any functioning neurons. I think the BBC are turning into a bunch of duck worshippers.
“So,” Brand says in a conclusion worthy of a Thought for the Day vicar, “when Elton John said Marilyn Monroe was ‘like a candle in the wind’ he was probably bloody right, and if he wasn’t we’ll never know.”
Nick accuses St Paul of having “hysterics about lesbianism”.
Seeing as there is absolutely NO mention( let alone cognisance) of “said deviancy” back in Roman-occupied Palestine/Israel…I`ve asked him to explain.
After all-he slates Brand for reflex postures and ignorant shibboleths…so “tis a pity” if he too is guilty of phoned-in nonsense.
Any helpers to fathom out Cohens trope welcome…getting awful foggy down here in Labours coal mine of jam butties…
Al Beeb trumpeting the results of a poll that they carried out on public opinion of British involvement in Afghanistan on their main news.
They did not broadcast the results of their poll on the public’s opinion on immigration on their main news ? I wonder why
Listening to WATO on Radio 4 this lunchtime I noticed the results of this BBC poll were gabbled through with no time to draw conclusions; or rather it resulted me in thinking that the results were not what the BBC wanted. But such stupid questions. All about British perceptions of Afghanistan. Just because I perceive it safer (or not) over there it doesn’t make it one iota safer for a person living there. (Perhaps that is not quite true as the constant BBC propaganda from Iraq contributed to the early withdrawal of the UK army from there and the rise of ISIS).
South African football captain shot dead by armed burglars.
B-BBC report it as a terrible tragedy, which it is. But they totally forget how disdainful they (and the rest of the MSM) were just a week or two ago when a man facing a murder charge claimed to have fired at a supposed burglar in self-defence….
Ten minutes silence this one surely…up and down the land here, to salute the fallen warrior of the “football family”.
Oscar WAS locked up wasnt he?…and I bet his prison won`t be second in any Jailhouse-rock type face off in disabled sports, any time soon!
‘So is the BBC trying to tell us that the Al Qaeda-linked Al Nusra Front with its known (not “believed” as the BBC claims)..’
The self-styled standard-setter for international journalism BBC fallback on ‘belief’ is now the stuff of legend, but when outright factual inaccuracy to serve the narrative weasel is routinely deployed in this manner, they have truly lost the plot.
Can’t believe they have sold out so easily just to get some petrodollars and Sopey Sopel gigs in 9* hotels gushing about prince’s wives’ gold flake soap businesses.
Guido, with additional video, which shows that his direction was towards Cameron, and the movement is not that of a jogger. It looks as if the BBC is covering up for the poor security around their favourite politician
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Charlie FarleyFeb 24, 18:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Obnoxious Barry Gardiner (£500k from China) on Michelle Dewsbury GBnews with Rupert Lowe……Liebour on a mission to discredit Reform ……Rupert…
This item has the word ‘Muslim’ in the headline. Let’s see how long it lasts.
Is this the hand of Rona getting a grip ?
MB – that sounds like wishful thinking ! This site ought to be required reading for any member of the BBC Trust. But I bet none of them ever check this site.
I am not too sure about that one John? Being at the head of the trust I would be very surprised if she hadn’t got her researchers, of which there are many, to surf the net to get an opinion about what the people of the nation thought of this publicly funded body. Especially after all the negative events that have beset the organisation and its employees over the recent years. I would be very surprised if this intelligent lady hadn’t wandered to this site occasionally herself?
Would you really trust a BBC researcher to let this site get anywhere near the BBC Trust Chairman ? As far as I know the staff at the Trust are seconded in from the main BBC. And that is maybe why the Trust has been so blind to public concern about BBC bias.
The Trust is kinda “the great and the good”. Placeseekers mostly. My exprience of the Great and the Good is that most of them aren’t much good. Scanning the list of Trust members I can’t see a single “rebel” or iconoclast among them.
I bet they are having “great and good ” fees for their trusteeship though .
in essence – the BBC licence payer cannot trust the Trust.
Just like “Conservative Party” does not conserve.
Just like Labour does not give a damn about thir working class voters except as voter-fodder.
Just like Green means socialism to the extreme.
Just like “British” Broadcasting Corporation does not put Britain first.
And its Charter mission to “inform, educate and entertain” has been subverted to “misinform, propagandise and churn out endless repeats of crap”
I think they would highlight this site. It would be used as an example of how those opposed to the BBC are rampant Islamophobes by cherry picking those posts which negatively highlight Muslims and Islam. It could then be safely ignored.
Remember what this site actually is would be irrelevant to how it is described.
Top bananas often used to get there by empathizing with those they sought to lead, and initially it worked well. But pretty soon the trappings and constraints of power inevitably kick in and the connection erodes. Not really their fault as security and time pressures leave less and less opportunity to stay grounded in the real world. But certainly isolation from fiscal or other realities (how many Ministers know what it is like to work around maternity cover in their departments, when they simply get HR to pop a new one in from the pool the next day – no budget issues, no colleagues taking up the slack) can be accelerated as the perks of great and goodness sink in.
Sadly these days we now have way too many parachuted in to senior representative roles with no real world experience or background at all. Nice school, Oxford PPE (or a BAME get into gravy fee card) and then ‘people’ to handle everything from Glasto or Wimbledon VIP tickets to popping to California to ‘study’ online subscription models.
But there remains a choice to try and stay in touch, pretend to be doing so or lose all sense of sanity and pull a Miliband and claim you stay abreast of EastEnders not by watching it but getting the state to pay for a Spad to supply a weekly summary.
Ms. Fairhead could do worse than follow this site. If she even knows about it. For sure her minions in the hierarchy are, but as suggested likely would freak if she checked out this site, BBC Watch, etc.
So there will be filters, executive summaries, etc. But… GIGO.
Pollard showed just what self-created, implausibly-denied ivory towers they have created and maintain specifically to get paid telephone numbers to end up astoundingly uncurious or forgetful.
The BBC Trust is about as dire an example of this as can be imagined. Not least because it does everything internally, in secret and with no oversight of the overseers.
Get rid of this wagon-circling, bunker-dwelling mindset and they may stand a chance of recognising failure and improving.
But they are institutionally incapable of admitting they can get anything but right, so it won’t happen.
The possibility that senior BBC staff might look at this site is all the more reason why we should all try to be reasonable, logical, and above all accurate. There are a few on here who let the rest down badly by making allegations of bias that turn out to be false.
No argument, but the bar you set is an impossible ideal, and needs to be recognized on a pragmatic basis.
This is a very light touch-modded, free, free-speech open forum. The line between draconian censorship and sensible, decent oversight errs from tricky to impossible to manage. One can only hope for the best.
Bear in mind the allegations the BBC made of Lord McAlpine and how that turned out, despite being a £4Bpa, supposedly professional, force-funded media monopoly.
Senior BBC staff, or anyone else, will look pretty stupid if they try and use the excuse of a few bad eggs to avoid holding up a valuable mirror to their crumbling credibility.
As with Labour in Rotherham, sticking Ostrich heads in the sand and using all kinds of facile excuses for avoiding responsibility when the poo hits the fan no longer cuts it.
Despite the site name, bias is such a hard to define subject I pay it passing heed only. What is damning are the many examples of fact where BBC inaccuracy, lack of objectivity or integrity are incontrovertible.
I find it fascinating when folk share their adventures taking these to CECUTT, with Trust as final (in all senses) arbiter.
How many times have we seen them flat out claim black is white at every stage?
What is even more relevant is their “selective reporting”.
An example I saw a report on Friday evening that stated that 14 members of South Yorkshire Police had been arrested in connection with the Rotherham investigations. None of the main media has reported this at all.
C4 made an investigative documentary some years ago concerning paedo gangs. The Police and social services ran interference on when they could broadcast and what they could report because they feared the muslims would riot.
Well there you go. This is of national interest and buried in regional news.
The plot thickens !
Why indeed was this kept from the main news? What are they trying to hide from the rest of us?
This is another good reason for the existence of this website and long may it continue.
UKIP is aiming to win the election for Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire – being held next Thursday, 30 October. So that is another reason why the spotlight should be on South Yorks police issues – if UKIP wins it will be a severe blow to Labour in its heartland, a blow of national significance ?
Mark Steyn has been warning about the Islamist threat for many many years – he was much in demand for interviews this week after the murders in Canada, Here is a corker of an interview with an Australian radio station :
Yet here in Britain we are denied Mark Steyn’s views, based on long study. Instead on security matters we get – Frank Gardner.
Sheesh !
Thanks for the link. I have just listened. The points which I remember are:
* Multiculturalism incubates extremism, and
* Those home-grown, UK national, extremists are traitors, not victims. They should be prosecuted for treason.
“I’m tired of being told that we have to change to accommodate them. THEY … are the ones who HAVE TO CHANGE, or have change FORCED upon them!”
There, ladies and gentleman … is the rub, the self destructive, hand wringing folly of the revolving Tory/Labour administrations, especially over the past 5 years, they ought to be ashamed of themselves, and made to be.
You try and be multi/religious/community/kulti in Saudi Arabia see where it gets you … and by the way beheading there is old news baby!, its a sport, virtually on pay for view …
and hilariously they are our erm ….”allies”? who along with Qatar, also just happen to be the biggest funders of that” kamikaze” throwback religion in the West.
Somebody ought to tell Camoron, Osborne and co, that turning London into the money laundering capital of Europe is not growth,
Doctoring statistics, including gaming, and prostitution into national accounts throwing in drugs, to foster an illusion, a smokescreen, of a recovery … I hope all that Muslim dollar is worth it for the Selfservatives, in that attempt at the “Sharia Banking” international London hub.
No wonder, Mr Scameron (laughably) turns all “paper tiger” over Europe. They really are panicking, now the EU are taking them at their deceitful word.
… liar, liar, bums on fire eh!
When in Rome do as the Romans do.
How hard is that to understand?
I caught the Marr Show this morning due to the clocks going back. What an utter crock of poo it is. Talk about a bunch of lovies and out of touch political elites. I’m glad I usually miss it.
I would like to second that, maturecheese. I also had the misfortune to catch this increasingly odious, misleading programme. Today we were told that the main headline was the trouble that cameroon has got himself into over the eu. The talking heads included that awful green mp and some former liebor advisor/policy generator for tony blair. Sir Max Hastings was the only sensible talking head on show and he looked and sounded as if he was there just to pick up the cheque. We also had the promise of some black, female singer who deserved to be ‘celebrated’ plus there was some other minority subject to be publicised…….
UKIP only got a mention when they were referring to their ‘enemy’ and the problems of the liebor party and millibrain didn’t really get a mention……….its as if they didn’t exist
It does appear to me as though the bbbc are quite desperately trying to cling on to the world as they know and have created but they seem to sense that there is some other reality out their that is just to appalling for them to contemplate….I couldn’t survive until the end of the programme so I turned over to another channel
One of those silly exchanges on QI this weekend, no, not the usual sub-Carry On double entendres but what happened to the Titanic iceberg. This led to exchanges about it [the Iceberg] being ‘followed by the press, bastard iceberg, he’s foreign, other foreign icebergs that have ruined our stuff, you don’t want an iceberg moving in next door’ etc etc. And in the midst of it all was wonky faced Fry desperately trying to make himself heard by saying ‘Nigel Farage’.
Smell the fear.
Damien Green seems to have used the Andrew Marr Show this morning to launch his new career as a stand-up comedian.
“Britain will become a haven for criminals and terrorists from all over the world unless we sign up again for the European Arrest Warant” Great dead-pan delivery.I certainly laughed out loud.
He’s a lot funnier than the vulva-featured Brigstock or the talentless tosser Mark Steele. Although, the latter does seem to have disappeared from the airwaves recently. Brand, for some reason, now seems to be the preferred cretin du jour. Unfortunately, the Hackney Hippo is still as popular as ever.
“Oh, the irony… For years I was accused of being racist – just for warning about immigration.
“Now I’m being made a Lord: The expert who told the truth about migrants can, at last, have his say.
“Andrew Green co-founded MigrationWatch with Professor Coleman in 2001.
“At the time, there was widespread fear of being accused of racism
An article in the Daily Mirror implied Mr Green was linked to the Ku Klux Klan.
“But now the public are demanding action and they will not be ignored.
“Immigration will add 12 million to our population in the next 20 years.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2807844/Oh-irony-years-accused-racist-just-warning-immigration-m-Lord-expert-told-truth-migrants-say.html#ixzz3HFeTkHlN
Daily invasion of illegal immigrants from Africa, into E.U, via Spain-
“Fairway to heaven: Desperate migrants sit on top of Moroccan border fence beside luxury golf course in latest bid to enter Spanish territory ‘promised land'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2806106/Fairway-heaven-Desperate-Moroccans-sit-border-fence-luxury-golf-course-latest-bid-enter-Spanish-territory-promised-land.html#ixzz3HG8qTpgy
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
That entry into the Spanish enclave is the first step on the road to Calais, and hence a lifetime on benefits and free housing and healthcare once the get across the channel !
A non-INBBC Arabic TV, non-INBBC Persian Service view of the Middle East:-
“Saudi Arabia: As executions rise, allies must focus more closely on warring anti-IS forces”
By Patrick Cockburn.
I sent a complaint in to BBC the other day, by way of email to Mr Dimbleby on ‘audience application’ for Question Time (see below).
I copied my email to the BBC Trust and members of Culture Media and Sport Committee.
Guess what – I got a reply from an MP direct saying
“Well said. I couldn’t have put it better myself.
Best wishes
*********** MP”
Dear Mr Dimbleby,
Re: Question Time Audience Request
In the light of your Liverpool QT Programme last Thursday.
I think I should explain about my application to be in your audience since I am NOT a Labour Supporter, (since they seriously trashed the nation twice now in my lifetime) nor am I member of the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party, nor UAF. I am also not in a Union. But I would still make an excellent token middle of the road politically wise, (undecided UKIP supporter), in your Taunton audience next week.
I do realise this is a bit risky for me personally, since I have observed this definitely goes against your biased to the left audience selection principles. I will probably be very lonely. However as I represent part of massive political army on the ascendancy and I am also part of the majority of this nation that does not vote Labour, maybe this would go a minuscule way to ensure the BBC political remit to be unbiased and your requirement to be balanced ‘without fear or favour’ could be met just a tiny little bit.
Yours sincerely,
******************* name deleted
A very disappointed BBC Licence payer, who is wishing like hell your disgraceful contempt for the people who pay your gigantic inflated salaries can be ended as soon as possible.
While INBBC has reported that Merkel opposes any Cameron plans to restrict immigration from E.U, INBBC seems to censor what is going on with certain people of recent immigrant origins in Germany at present:-
Pamela Geller has-
“Euro War Zone: Germany’s 7,000 JIhadists”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“I assure you that they are underestimating the number. And the more success the Islamic State has, the more they recruit Muslims worldwide.After supporters of the Islamic Sate were found patrolling the streets of Germany enforcing Sharia law last month, Germany made the decision to criminalize all forms of support for the terrorist organization.But this had little effect. The war is in their streets.”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/10/euro-war-zone-germanys-7000-jihadists.html/#sthash.wicwMlrY.dpuf
BBC just love analysing and making excuses for their beloved Islam….
Oh darling, right on…. it’s soooo trendy to flirt with Islam. Make mine a latte, please, and could I also have a cranberry tartlet? Yaar for sure.
Bland INBBC’s Edward STOURTON’s propaganda piece, given over to Muslims, on a Caliphate, still does the rounds in INBBC’s global broadcasting empire.
“What’s the appeal of a caliphate?”
[ For Stourton: title should read-
‘What’s the appeal of a caliphate for Muslims, and what’s the repulsion of it
for Non-Muslims?’]
Alternative Non-Muslim critique of Caliphate-
“New Islamic Caliphate Declares Jihad on … Muslims”
by Raymond Ibrahim.
(July, 2014.)
Read the article, the Caliphate just happened, (no fighting, no opposition), all was sweetness and light until the brutal Mongols and Israeli military messed things up!
Genghis Cohen ?
(Sorry. ;()
INBBC could be included in this-
“5 Insane, But Utterly Predictable, Reactions to the Ottawa Jihad Attack.
“The mainstream and progressive media were eager to offer the usual politically correct platitudes and evasions of the obvious.”
By Robert Spencer-
Agreed. On the Sunday programme, Bishop of Ottawa interviewed on premise that the most important thing about the attack was to bring reassurance to the Muslim community that there would be no backlash from everyone else… I kept waiting for some condemnation of the perpetrators of the original offences, or praise/sympathy for the brave fellow who brought the attack to an end, but I was still waiting when the week’s Appeal came on.
Did I just dream it all? I still can’t quite believe it – can someone confirm, please?
This has been the pattern following every single outrage by Muslim terrorists.
“Stoffel quickly deleted his tweet and backtracked from his flagrantly counter-factual statement”
Sounds like a familiar SOP.
Of course, the BBC’s finest tend not to backtrack, and usually retreat behind spokesweasels before going into shutdown mode, backed by ‘purposes of’ refusals to explain. With maybe a side order of blocking or banning.
That’s how trust and transparency gets handled here.
More on the Islamic jihadisation of Portsmouth?:-
“Second Portsmouth man charged under Terrorism Act”
Oh, the ‘diversity’!
In contrast, ‘Daily Mail’ has:-
“Brother of British jihadi who died in Syria is charged with preparing to carry out terrorist acts.
“Mustakim Jaman has been charged with preparing to carry out terrorist acts.
“Brother Ifthekar Jaman, 23, died in Syria after boasting about ‘5-star jihad.’
“Mustakim, 23, was arrested, along with his parents on October 14.
“He is due to appear at Westminster magistrates’ court tomorrow.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2808555/UK-man-charged-terrorism-laws.html#ixzz3HHRYUD2j
Just read this by poster on breitbart
“Child rape images on the chairman of Labour friends of Israel & Freemason James Purnell’s computer.”
This james purnell?
Is this true?
They’re the same man but the images were downloaded by his assistant, Paul Diggett. Diggett has since confessed and been charged. I haven’t discovered what sentence he received; hopefully not fifty hours community service picking up litter in a girl’s school!
I do think we have to be careful though; there’s enough mud to lob at Labour and their BBC cronies without resorting to unfounded innuendo, particularly if it involves child abuse.
“unfounded innuendo, particularly if it involves child abuse.”
Tell it to McAlpine – Ok maybe I dont know enough about computers to know how this could have been done without Purnells knowledge , perhaps Purnell brought it to police attention . But surely there is a public interest issue here if ever there was one
I’m not sure what knowledge of computers you would need to understand that two different people can use a computer at different times and not know what the other was looking at. It is more that probable that Purnell was in the dark, especially if he was using the PC for legal and not naughty reasons only.
Most people seem to be unaware that everything looked at on the Web is stored on disk and simply clearing the browser history is not enough to remove footprints.
Most people, who consider themselves important do not bother to learn about the tools they use. There’s a serf for that!
Michael Fallon said it was vital to impose some restrictions on the free movement of people in the EU, as many towns feel “under siege” by workers and those claiming benefits.
His language attracted criticism, with Labour saying it was “desperate”.
A Downing Street source later said Mr Fallon “accepts he should have chosen his words better.” – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-29776970
Yes, we can’t have government ministers voicing hurtful truths, can we?
He is getting to sound more like a UKIPper !
Anything to do with the imminent by-election I wonder ? If Farage had made that statement , there would be outrage at Al Beeb .
Pretty much a re-run of what Mrs Thatcher said in the late 1970’s to head off the rise of the National Front (“people worried about being swamped” etc). Just a soundbite – they have no intention of doing anything about it. The difference now is that UKIP are not a bunch of extremists with very limited electoral appeal, but a mainstream party that has the values that most people themselves held in the 1970s (i.e. conservative with a small ‘c’).
There was an on-line article in the Mirror last night;
When I completed the poll it was 87% agree 13% disagree
The BBC has been doing Labour’s dirty washing for it again. All week the Mail has been running stories about how atrocious the Welsh NHS has become.
Has the BBC, with its ‘world class’ news team been investigating the claims? No. But it did find time today to run a rebuttal from some Labour stooge in Wales.
How many times have we seen this behaviour? Does the Corporation really think people don’t notice?
Listening to R4 on occasion today I realised that the liberal is in trouble. It must be hard facing the reality of the world with an increasingly worn out fantasy .
Biased they are for sure but sounding more absurd each week.
Early morning Sunday. The Ottowa attack . What really happened was that a Canadian soldier in full uniform guarding the symbol of Canadian sacrifice in the two world wars was brutally murdered by a man whose motivation was that of the Islamic State. The destruction and humiliation of the West.
I heard nothing like this. Just platitudes as usual.
Then a section dealing with the flight of Jews from France to Israel. Now this is no small matter. France has the largest Jewish population in Europe but they are no longer feel safe. Now we know why but listening to the BBc one would never have understood exactly why it was so hard for a Jew to face the future in France with contentment and just why going is becoming the sane option. It will be like this here soon but that is another matter.
Then tonight a profile of Sir Richard Green of Migration watch.
She tried hard to be impartial but it was laughable. To the liberal beeboid any deviation form a liberal perspective is a thought crime and to be condemned. They just don’t get it anymore. From the Jewish flight to Israel to the need in England to control our own destiny and land,
So out of touch now and soon to be out of time. Clear off beeboids/liberal lefties and let this people and this country rediscover reality and the future.
re. the attacks on soldiers in Canada – see how angry Mark Steyn is about the Islamists and the politicians who make excuses for them :
Andrew Green of course. Apologies for my mistake.
‘There is a deeply ingrained militant liberal politics at every level of the BBC, despite the fact that it’s tax-payer funded and supposed to be neutral. It’s a biased organisation and the only sorts of political comedians that are welcome within its corridors are those that reflect it’s values.
Essentially when we’re watching these ‘political’ comedians cracking their piss-poor UKIP gags on the BBC, I think we need to be aware they are neither engaged nor passionate about their subject- but money-grubbing charlatans, toadying up to the militant liberals that pay their wages, mirroring their own beliefs back at them in an act of false flattery so that they’ll feel smug and validated and keep them on the BBC tax-payer funded gravy-train.’
From https://www.facebook.com/andrewlawrencecomedy/posts/10154749255720253
What connects these PM’s on Have I got News For You, this week. Chamberlain, Atlee, Eden, MacMillan … rather simply, it was moustaches. ‘Do you think someone couldn’t be made PM now with a moustache … would you like to see a moustachioed Premier’ asked tub o’ lard Vicky Coren. ‘Yeeees’, says Hislop, ‘I think Farage … put a little one here’ [pointing to his upper lip]. Hmm, seems like that question was put there just so some ‘wit’ could equate Farage to Hitler. Woeful.
Smell the fear
This is just the beginning. I posted on here this week saying how strange it was that suddenly there was a glut of Hitler documentaries on every channel? Everything from how he was a drug addled lunatic to his underwear was too tight which caused him to start WW2.
I just knew what was coming next from the bbc. The comparisons to Hitler will be inevitable and will intensify if UKIP win in Rochester. I’ve been on various social networks and the lefty loonies are frothing at the mouth at the rise of UKIP, any sort of anti liberal dialogue is met with the same garbage..”Bigot, racist, holocaust denier, Hitler fan, neanderthal”, and so it goes on, they can’t hold a rational discussion.
‘Smell the fear’
Certainly I am having trouble rationalising the unproven links being attempted between Mr. Farage and Hitler by the entire BBC machine and its fellow travellers, and the faux outrage of the same crowd about the political point being made regarding the actual proven failures of certain parties when it comes to the responsibility lapses for, ironically, PC reasons.
For the BBC’s stormtroopers to make Godwinesque comparisons with the Nazis seems… brave… given the BBC itself appears to have learned from bits of their history they appear to like, ranging from ‘tell it often enough’ propaganda to censorship in the form of editorial by omission, moddings, blockings, expeditings, redactions and FoI exclusions by deafult.
Then of course there is twisting the law anywhere possible.
Did this little venture into STASI territory attract the attention of our finest satirists? Or was it a wee bit close for comfort to the next chekky?
“Jihadists inspected UK Parliament as tourists – intel report”
Perhaps Beeboids disapprove of ‘unnecessay’ security against Islamic jihadists in Parliament, given Beeboid continuing (and most dangerous) utopian hope for Islamic reform.
Just as Beeboids still campaign for Islamic mass immigration into Britain, despite the blatantly obvious negative consequences in terms of the importation of Islamic jihad and Sharia.
INBBC: part of the problem.
I can’t find this on INBBC yet:-
“SAS ‘saved hundred of lives’ in battle with Islamic State for Kobani”
SAS saved lives. Our national broadcaster ought to say something positive about this. So should our Prime Minister. But if Isis complain to the BBC that they showed disrespect by pissing in the direction of Mecca – forbidden to US soldiers – they will be vilified.
Islamic jihadisation of England: e.g. the Isle of Wight-
“Depiction Of Islamic State Flag Found In Cell.
A basic description of the inside of Parkhurst jail was also discovered and there are reports a breakout may have been planned.”
Today Program on Radio 4 07:05
The Muslim Convert who attacked the Parliament in Canada was, it turns out motivated by ideological and political ideals. So nothing to do with Islam then? He just happens to be a Muslim convert?
Apparently the answer to both those questions is yes, it has nothing to do with Islam, and like Lee Rigbys killers, his motivation was the countries foreign policy in them fighting ISIL in Syria.
Funny but I know of no other religious or ethnic group which has ever taken such drastic action in a protest against their countries foreign policy.
This is just yet more Islamophilia, from a broadcaster who has decided lying to the people is preferable to telling the truth and shinning a spotlight on the Fascist lefts idiocy.
Well, if, like me, you are left wondering just what tne bbc have left out, i’m sure their bias by omission will soon be exposed.
In a way, the ideology term is itself adequate, because islam is not a religion, but an ideology.
I look forward to seeing the video before making up my mind about the ROP ( not).
Cant find anything better than this at the monent:
Well Mr T … all change then, from the much vaunted lone wolf-ery and … “spontaneous acts of extremism”
Honestly you couldn t, “make” it up
The guy planned a jihad attack, perpetrated a jihad attack
driven by Islam, that’s it … if the media want to lie to themselves then that’s on them, but don t “spit in my face and tell me its raining” etc.
Radio 4 takes the opportunity tonight to revisit hanging chads & after.
America’s Ballot Battles Radio4 8Pm
Rajini Vaidyanathan asks whether a bitter controversy over voting rights is forcing the US to reconsider its model of democracy. Travelling to North Carolina, the presenter hears from people who argue that a concerted campaign is underway to deprive liberal-leaning groups of access to the electoral process.
Why doesn’t Rajni or anyone else at the BBC exhibit a similar concern or curiosity about voting irregularities in the UK “banana republic”?
The USA. Isn’t that where dead people vote – several times over?
Unfortunately NISA is right about the corruption in the UK voting system, and we are ill placed to offer smug BBC criticism of the US, especially as the US is the only country which still has free speech.
Since the BBC and the Met Office fell head over heels for the religion of global warming, our weather reports have been transformed into a desperate search for signs and portents.
Unimpressed, we now suffer our weathermen pouring over obscure statistics like latter day McWhirter twins at the Paralympics – everso anxious to bring us something longer, shorter, higher, wetter, hotter…. since who-knows-when? All in some hitherto unmeasured unregarded sub-catagory. I paraphrase but let’s say it’s the rainiest Wednesday in Arbroath since records for rainy Wednesdays in Arbroath began (1972). Breathlessly this factoid is rushed upstairs to be broadcast to the Nation.
You can’t fail to have noticed the BBC subtext.
This morning for instance, perhaps lacking a lame recordbreaker, Carol Kirkwood on BBC Breakfast instead introduces the Moral Imperitive into her weather forecast.
She tells us that ‘temperatures are higher than they SHOULD be…’
Are you worried? The BBC feels that you SHOULD be!
Is the stupid Kirkwood creature still around? I haven’t watched BBC Breakfast since before I left the shores of the Former UK, eight years ago. It was crap then, I presume that it is still crap, if not mega-crap. ‘Today’ is bad enough.
Here are a couple of videos from Youtube that may interest Kirkwood … but I doubt it.
2015-2035 Mini Ice Age | Record Cold & Snow Sept-Oct 2014
2015-2035 Mini Ice Age | Sunspots and Cooling Earth Temperatures
BBC: We never allow the facts to get in the way of what we think the facts SHOULD be.
Andrew Neil: a notable exception to the BBC meme!
What she would say is… what she has been told to, and pretty much the same thing over and over. A lot. Like that famous Milibot outing.
It’s like Stepford Political Babes.
All in the face of actual facts and reasonable questions.
Nothing she came out with made any sense. As far as I could gather she contradicted herself most of the time. And seems to have hung the future energy needs of the country being legally met on CCS, a technology of as yet unproven value and yet again eye-watering cost (was watching ‘Nazi Megastructures’ last night on 4OD – thank heavens they loved their vast capital projects that sucked the war economy dry).
She hardly impresses. Another diversity box-tick success that digs the country a deeper hole.
The BBC/Truss thoughts on such as this would be an interesting follow up…
Time to store your old computer parts? They might be needed should the BBC extend their grip onto the internet.
Thousands of Hungarians protest against tax on Internet traffic
Some of them also went to the nearby headquarters of the ruling Fidesz party and threw outdated computer parts at the building, breaking some windows, local Internet website Index.hu reported
It’s early it’s BBc Breakfast. An item about Dylan Thomas, so who do you get to make a comment? Jo (I eat cake) Brand. ?
Yeah, saw that fat ugly cow….almost choked on my eggy soldiers.
As facial recognition software is quite accurate now, would some genius please design a black box capable of filtering out certain people from my TV screen? Please!
I’d be happy to pay for this and all Brands would be on by ‘filter out’ list.
Has INBBC reported on this non-Muslim British victim?:-
“Ordeal of OAP who quipped ‘I’m not Muslim’ at airport security after he was stopped:
Man spends six months facing racism charges before case is finally dropped”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2808822/Ordeal-OAP-quipped-m-not-Muslim-airport-security-stopped-Man-spends-six-months-facing-racism-charges-case-finally-dropped.html#ixzz3HKcpjcJn
He should have said “I am not a Christian”.
Simples !
You can bet El Al profiles passengers and prioritises Muslims as higher risk other things being equal.
El Al is in the business of reality. I despair of this country.
A bit like this poor bloke who inadvertently crossed the line (one that was drawn by PIE loving Harriet Harman back in 2008 – reminding us what a totalitarian Miliband government will look like).
Which reminds me…when, exactly, will the BBC be challenging Harman on her hypocrisy?
Absolutely appalling. It took the CPS SIX MONTHS to notice that it was a man in a tiger suit and not an actual tiger!!!!!
FFS as if it was possible to have sex with a real tiger!
That’s Grrrrrrreat!
Seven thirty am Radio 4, sports news. Interview with a cricketer who seemed a nice chap, but lets not talk about cricket, lets talk about the under representation of Asians ( we mean Pakistani Muslims) in UK cricket. I am sure the young man could have said something interesting about our national sport. But he was never asked for his views on cricket.
No, I DID hear that right!
I listened to the 7.00 news-and just in case my ears deceived me, I listened again at 8am.
But old Sleety (or wevs) said the same damn thing.
The Canadian atrocity in Ottawa was deemed “ideologically motivated”…and I think they added the word “politically” too lest we think that was a bit harsh on Mustafa Leek or whoever used ISLAM…was Inspired by the KORAN…and was a self-referring, self-identifying MUSLIM…to kill people in the Canadian Parliament late last week.
Absolutely unbelievable!
This scumma was NOT too worried about a passport delay from nasty Stephen Harpers Tories over there…nor was he so angry about being unable to continue his humanitarian efforts in Syria.
Yet this is the very clear desire for the BBC…and let`s not fuss ourselves with all that Muslim stuff…shall we?
Only hope that Harper isn`t sanctioning this snowjob for whatever(wevs) happened there last week.
Next-workplace violence and its prevalence where Muslims don`t get the whetstone and Stanleys c/o the State…NYC,Bali, London, Madrid, Mumbai,Volvograd, Boston, Fort Hood…need I go on.
Lying hounds one an` all!
Canada’s PM Harper was clear from the outset that this was terrorism. And according to Mark Steyn the RCCP (Mounties) have been rounding up some 100 Muslims to check on their jihadist views. The one mistake Canada made was denying the 2 murderers in Canada the chance to go to Syria. They and others should be allowed to leave – and their passports cancelled immediately.
from the much vaunted lone wolf-ery and … “spontaneous acts of extremism”
Honestly you couldn t, “make” it up
The guy planned a jihad attack, perpetrated a jihad attack driven by Islam, that’s it!.
Why? – ISLAM
Aim? – for ISLAM
Motive? – further ISLAM
… if the media want to lie to themselves then that’s on them, but the don t “spit in my face and tell me its raining” crowd is getting louder, and larger.
I find myself very relaxed about this sort of thing now. It’s not just the anti-BBC crowd who notice it, it’s becoming something of a standing joke well beyond this site.
And as people from many political viewpoints and none realise this, they start to ask what other sh*te they are being fed by the BBC. The more the Beeb obfuscates, the more it hastens its own demise. I think the Beeboids know it, but don’t know what to do about it.
mmm… yes, I do agree. There are many more out there beyond the active forum-folk, who seem to be spotting the cracks in the edifice. Certainly the balance has shifted in my own conversations with normally quite neutral people. The Russell Brand exposure continues, for instance (was he really on Start the Week alongside the other ‘serious’ heads?), and I’ve had more than one person boggling at the obvious idiocy of treating him as though he had any functioning neurons. I think the BBC are turning into a bunch of duck worshippers.
Our Russell’s Newsnight rant and book selling charade rightly takes a good old battering on Conservative Woman:
Newsnight is definitely finished, no doubt about it.
Here is Nick Cohen’s put-down of idiot Brand in yesterday’s Observer :
Nice one Nick!
“So,” Brand says in a conclusion worthy of a Thought for the Day vicar, “when Elton John said Marilyn Monroe was ‘like a candle in the wind’ he was probably bloody right, and if he wasn’t we’ll never know.”
Nick accuses St Paul of having “hysterics about lesbianism”.
Seeing as there is absolutely NO mention( let alone cognisance) of “said deviancy” back in Roman-occupied Palestine/Israel…I`ve asked him to explain.
After all-he slates Brand for reflex postures and ignorant shibboleths…so “tis a pity” if he too is guilty of phoned-in nonsense.
Any helpers to fathom out Cohens trope welcome…getting awful foggy down here in Labours coal mine of jam butties…
Al Beeb running with the news of the British forces final draw down from Afghanistan in a very negative manner .
Really ? !!! Who’d have thought the BBC was full of spineless pacifists ?
Al Beeb trumpeting the results of a poll that they carried out on public opinion of British involvement in Afghanistan on their main news.
They did not broadcast the results of their poll on the public’s opinion on immigration on their main news ? I wonder why
Listening to WATO on Radio 4 this lunchtime I noticed the results of this BBC poll were gabbled through with no time to draw conclusions; or rather it resulted me in thinking that the results were not what the BBC wanted. But such stupid questions. All about British perceptions of Afghanistan. Just because I perceive it safer (or not) over there it doesn’t make it one iota safer for a person living there. (Perhaps that is not quite true as the constant BBC propaganda from Iraq contributed to the early withdrawal of the UK army from there and the rise of ISIS).
South African football captain shot dead by armed burglars.
B-BBC report it as a terrible tragedy, which it is. But they totally forget how disdainful they (and the rest of the MSM) were just a week or two ago when a man facing a murder charge claimed to have fired at a supposed burglar in self-defence….
Ten minutes silence this one surely…up and down the land here, to salute the fallen warrior of the “football family”.
Oscar WAS locked up wasnt he?…and I bet his prison won`t be second in any Jailhouse-rock type face off in disabled sports, any time soon!
‘So is the BBC trying to tell us that the Al Qaeda-linked Al Nusra Front with its known (not “believed” as the BBC claims)..’
The self-styled standard-setter for international journalism BBC fallback on ‘belief’ is now the stuff of legend, but when outright factual inaccuracy to serve the narrative weasel is routinely deployed in this manner, they have truly lost the plot.
Can’t believe they have sold out so easily just to get some petrodollars and Sopey Sopel gigs in 9* hotels gushing about prince’s wives’ gold flake soap businesses.
Jogger or jihadic jostler?
Guido, with additional video, which shows that his direction was towards Cameron, and the movement is not that of a jogger. It looks as if the BBC is covering up for the poor security around their favourite politician
Fortunately he was not a moslem as the Koran forbids er jostling and jihadist jogging
At last, a comedian has seen the light: