“We all live by robbing Asiatic coolies, and those of us who are ‘enlightened’ all maintain that those coolies ought to be set free; but our standard of living, and hence our ‘enlightenment’, demands that the robbery shall continue”
Labour MP Simon Danczuk tells us that Cheap immigrant labour has cost blue-collar Britain dear
He blames the politicians who don’t care about the working class…..and we know from Andrew Neather that the Labour Party recognised the threat to the working class but deliberately concealed the problem so that they could continue with their ideologically driven immigration policy regardless of the cost in jobs and community……the Neather revelations told us that….
Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”.
As a result, the public argument for immigration concentrated instead on the economic benefits and need for more migrants.
Critics said the revelations showed a “conspiracy” within Government to impose mass immigration for “cynical” political reasons.
“Nervous” ministers made no mention of the policy at the time for fear of alienating Labour voters.
“Part by accident, part by design, the Government had created its longed-for immigration boom.
“But ministers wouldn’t talk about it. In part they probably realised the conservatism of their core voters: while ministers might have been passionately in favour of a more diverse society, it wasn’t necessarily a debate they wanted to have in working men’s clubs in Sheffield or Sunderland.”
Simon Danczuk says:
There’s been a cosy agreement among the main political parties around immigration and Britain’s labour market for too long. The thinking is that we cannot survive without a record injection of cheap migrant labour.
We all know the benefits of immigration. Our country has been enriched greatly by migrants. But there’s been far too little said about the consequences that uncontrolled immigration has on poorer, working class communities. And when a note of caution is heard, a near evangelical chorus that believes nothing bad ever comes from record immigration always drowns it out.
On both sides of the political spectrum there’s a dogmatic belief that the free movement of cheap migrant labour can only bring bountiful returns. The right is in thrall to big business and slavishly continues to feed its addiction to cheap migrant labour. While the left constantly argue that without record immigration the National Health Service would collapse.
Both arguments are bogus.
The argument of the right is wrong because a cheap, disposable and compliant labour force only brings insecurity, resentment and a breadline existence. It’s the opposite of the confident, proud and secure communities we should be building. While the argument of the left allows a bizarre ‘diversity dogma’ to trump all other reasoning. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t be training up more doctors and nurses here for starters. And why are we constantly recruiting nurses from developing countries where they are struggling to provide basic care?
To many in the Metropolitan bubbles this is all quaint talk, as the working classes to them are an invisible people, an all but extinct tribe. But there’s a lot more of them than they realise and they won’t be beaten down and ignored forever. If politicians continue to demonstrate a lack of understanding about their lives and ignore their demands for a fairer deal they will soon make their existence painfully known to all main political parties – at the ballot box.
That ‘cosy agreement’ between the political parties is held together by the silence of the BBC, silent on the downsides of immigration but extremely vocal about the supposed benefits.
The BBC, instead of being a critical outsider questioning policies, has been an insider cheerleading from the front for mass immigration allowing politicians to do as they like without having to answer for their actions.
Metropolitan elitists, well paid and privileged such as Evan Davis with his French boyfriend, whilst applauding the immigrants flooding here to work the bars, restaurants and fancy shops they frequent, are in reality exploiting them ruthlessly for their cheap labour, either keeping the prices down in those establishments or providing cheap builders and other workers to improve their already comfortable existences….and what of the countries that have educated and trained this workforce at their own expense only to find they have taken that expensive training to make the wallets of the rich and famous go even further in La Grande Bretagne.
Orwell told us that:
“We all live by robbing Asiatic coolies, and those of us who are ‘enlightened’ all maintain that those coolies ought to be set free; but our standard of living, and hence our ‘enlightenment’, demands that the robbery shall continue”
That robbery does indeed continue….but now we import the wage slaves to maintain our standards of living and think nothing of the British working men and women we put on the scrap heap by doing so.
And the BBC is part of the conspiracy.
It’s that statement ‘We all know the benefits of immigration. Our country has been enriched greatly by migrants’ – spouted as a ‘given’ truth, that really gets me going – where is it writ that all immigration is beneficial – to all countries in all situations. It most certainly isn’t and many thinking people would strongly resist this perception. Some countries, like the US, Canada and Australia, certainly needed immigration to establish and grow their infrastructure and society, but this is not true of European countries. Why wouldn’t it be more beneficial to ensure all indigenous people are trained and have jobs, and turn around the horrible welfare system? Why is it necessary to import people to carry out work that there are plenty of people able (some encouragement might be necessary to make them willing) already in the country and sitting on benefit street. It makes no sense whatsoever.
There are over 200,000 Somali immigrants , almost all of them unemployed, and on Benefits of all sorts. Plus of course they cheat on Welfare Benefits. One must not question this, as that would violate their culture of piracy etc.
But rest assured, in next to no time, there will be many Somali Nobel Prize winners in Physics and Medicine, and entrepreneurs, who will enrich Britain greatly.
I don’t think Britain can survive another Labour government.
Picky, it’s my belief that if we hadn’t been aborting babies at the rate of 200,000 or so per year for the past 30 or more years, we wouldn’t need any immigrants; if, of course the reason was truly that we needed them to replace an aging population. What is astounding is that the union leaders have been complicit in the underhand arrangements whereby unwanted and un-needed third world immigrants have been shipped en masse to our country and their members are apparently too stupid to realise what has been happening and they’ve paid for it.
Thank you John, i agree, the well-paid Union leaders have betrayed their members, and wonder why union membership is at an all-time low……except….you guessed….in the bloated and un-productive public services…..They should have been savage towards the Labour Party for this…….not a whimper…traitors…all of them….and still the members vote Labour in numbers….morons.
The need for more immigrants to replace an aging population is one of those nonsense linear graph arguments, because what happens when the immigrants start to get old? Oh you need more immigrants and so it goes on….forever!
Well done (again) to Simon Danczuk, an almost extinct breed – an honourable Labour MP
Labour need the Welfare State, in all its guises, to keep them in with the possibility of power. The Welfare state is very expensive and requires a healthy number of tax payers. In that it is a feed back loop. The NHS is inefficient and expensive and needs to be fed bucket loads of tax every second. In order to do that we need a healthy tax paying public. Hence Andy Burnham’s despicable behaviour towards the OAPs murdered by the NHS under his care. They had passed their usefulness to Labour.
The education system produces ignorant wage slaves designed to pay tax without question. Critical thinking is not required or desirable from their cattle.
An army of public servants create another feed back loop designed to create tax payers who depend upon their jobs paid for by other tax payers.
All dependant on a party that keeps them going.
The Tories are now left with a huge number of voters who are indebted to Labour and Turkey at Christmas Syndrome is now endemic. So they have to keep it going too.
If the indigenous population starts to fall then new tax payers are required. Hence mass immigration.
All other consequences of mass immigration like crime, racism, cultural clashes, pliant block postal voting and State dependency are happy side effects for Labour.
Simple really.
I’m unsure about the motives of Danczuk, during and before the Rochdale grooming scandal Danczuk said nothing, when gordon brown disgracefully called a local woman a ‘bigot’ shortly after hearing her concerns for the town Danczuk said nothing.
In fact, Nick Griffin was highlighting the grooming scandal years before it the scandal broke while Danczuk still said nothing, the bbc then destroyed Griffin, his appearance on Question Time was one of the most shameful episodes in British TV history..I would imagine it was as close to bear baiting that you could get in the modern UK, utterly despicable.
Fast forward a few years, the scandal broke and now Danczuk can’t keep his mouth shut and has wrote a book on what he knew during those shocking years! I sense an element of self preservation.
During the Heywood and Middleton By-election Danczuk appeared on the local news with the UKIP candidate, it didn’t take long for the party slogans to spew out..racist, homophobe, dodgy poiltical alliances etc,etc. He than accused the UKIP candidate of using the scandal for political gain, when asked about his book the debate was ‘moved on’?
The only thing I like about Danczuk are the twitter pics his wife was posting!
Mr Brown’s words are still ringing in my ears ….
That’s a great opening quote Alan. I’m following it up. There’s more to Orwell than I realised. Thanks.
Danczuk is a Labour traditionalist who has sounded out the warning bells on the rise of Fascism within his party, a message repeated by Manchester council leaders Pat Karney and Sir Richard Leese.
Unfortunately it is a message falling on deaf ears as the Fascist wing rushes headlong into a repeat of the past, which it doesn’t recognise because so many of them have no insight as to how it came about before, and cannot accept it is a construct of left wing thinking, and not right wing.
Every time anyone objects to unrestricted immigration we are told that immigrants are vital to many companies who need their specialist skills. Social costs are ignored and everything comes down to economics, but even in these terms there is no accounting made for the financial cost of the displaced and unemployed native population. However, I think I have a possible solution that will concentrate the minds of those running the companies employing immigrants.
Those of us who can remember the Wilson government of the 1960 will have heard of the Selective Employment Tax. Wilson’s view was that manufacturing industry needed to be helped, but without cost to the taxpayer. His answer was the SET where all companies paid a fixed tax per employee, but manufacturing companies were given their money back, plus an extra amount. Service companies didn’t get a rebate, so paid the tax.
If we have an SET payable for employees not born in the UK we would quickly find out which companies really need immigrant workers; and there would be a new source of funds for extra training for UK workers who don’t have modern skills.
And as it’s based on a Labour policy the BBC can hardly complain about it.
The liberal elite does not do real work. It has been allowed to siphon off the nation’s wealth to create large numbers of non jobs. Jobs that are mostly unnecessary.
Then the import of cheap labour makes sense. To replace what the liberal sees as expensive indigenous workers by a new subservient near slave class.
The problems that then arise are dumped on the indigenous working class who lose jobs and have to compete for resources particularly in education, housing and health.
That is why only a complete economic collappse will bring about the end of liberal hegemony.
The last recession nearly did it but this elite is clever. It printed money that mostly went to it’s favoured clients. Who pays the bill? The working and lower middle class as usual. This vicious vindictive elite had the nerve to portray this as is in our interests and a masterstroke. For them maybe.but not for us – those old English they so despise.
The liberal media drones, the liberal legal drones and the liberal useless educators could be dispensed with and who would notice?
They also portray the white working class as lazy feckless and workshy. They then cut their benefits to less than what is needed to survive and those who are still in work lap it up with great enthusiasm
liebour need a certain section of the indigenous society to be sat at home ‘rebelling’ against the machine, it’s liebour’s reason for being, imagine if these people actually worked and discovered that you could have the finer things in life, like a holiday every now and again? What would be the point of liebour?
These people..mostly in Northern English towns..are totally dependent on liebour and believe in every policy they have, even the ones that will eventually see them disappear.
Had this French guy on the BBC this morning saying no immigrants come to Britain for the benefits. ‘Who comes to Britain for £31’ a week he said. He conveniently forgot to add the rest of the benefits free housing, free healthcare, free schooling, free child support etc etc etc
It’s a lot more than £31 !
Theresa May recently lost a case in the High Court for refusing to increase asylum seekers benefits, so it’s now £37 pw
But most UK benefits claimants would give their eye teeth to change places with the asylum seekers rates. Heres what the extremely left wing ‘Shelter’ pamphlet for asylum seekers says:
“You will get a standard weekly allowance to pay for the essentials for you and your family. This is less than ordinary benefits because you do not have to pay any bills in your accommodation.”
Yep that’s right, no electricity, gas. or water bills no matter how much you use. No council tax or bedroom tax deductions either, and get this, twice a year you will receive a ‘bonus’ payment of £300 allegedly for clothes as the seasons change !
“Also, you are entitled to £300 if you have a baby. This is not paid
automatically – you must apply for it and no later than six weeks after the baby is born”
There are many other ‘add ons’ which increase the amount a person receives.
It’s amazing how easily the government fools people into believing that because the headline rate of £37pw is less that a UK claimant receives in benefits, that asylum seekers are receiving less when in reality they are receiving much more.
This of course doesn’t not include the earnings from work, which asylum seekers are prohibiting from undertaking, but many still do.
As the old saying goes you can fool some of the people, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
You forgot another benefit, they get a free tv licence. Oh the irony!
My culture and heritage are priceless and not for sale. I don’t care if immigration makes the country better off by 0.1%, 1%, 10% or even 100%. Understand that BBC? No, you don’t. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, you and your cohorts “know the price of everything and the value of nothing”. And that’s why you can never, ever win.
Exactly and the true figure is probably 0%!
Mass immigration is at the core of cultural Marxism, as practised by Beeboids.
You could simply pass a law stating that immigrants are not liable to pay the BBC licence fee and then sit back and watch the fun.
And today the BBC has been making HOURLY reports on a new ‘study’ from UCL claimign EU immigrants benefit the economy taking out less than they put in. Who is responsible for this report? Oh yes Professor Dustmann, German immigrant and massive advocate of immigration into Britain a man who should have fallen on his sword long ago after he was responsible for advising Tony Blair than only 13K Eastern Europeans would come to Britain.
Now you know the liberals are desperate when they peddle the old chestnut of putting in more than they take out. It’s a case of cry wolf, apart form the liberal zealots no one really believes it any more.