Overdue but here you go. Detail the bias. It’s been a busy week for the BBC as they have pushed pro EU propaganda as fact, coped with their hero Obama becoming toxic, and endured Weird Ed being mocked by one and all! Detail the bias here please.
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Woo-hoo ! First !
So yesterday morning we had Peter Allen interviewing Simon Bailey who is heading up the police’s new child sexual exploitation unit (or such like).
If ever a man (Bailey) sounded like your typical soundbite politician it was he. Quite remarkable thought I over how adamant he was that it was the “community’s” responsibility to report cases of child sexual exploitation (a gentle euphemism for rape).
You know, like when people approached the police to report Muslim rape gangs only to be turned away for fear of cries of racism.
Or like when Nick Griffin publicly raised the matter a decade ago only to be vilified by the BBC’s Panorama.
Is that the responsibility he was talking about?
And of course, Allen challenged him on these matters right? Erm……….well……..actually………
And it was funny that the piece that followed about the North/South divide– a good ole Beeb favourite – was interspersed with texts and e-mails and telephone calls from listeners.
And yet not one opinion from the public was shared in respect of the child rape item.
Can’t have been any expressed…….and yet I sent in three reasonably argued points. Funny that isn’t it?
Appeasing, biased bastards.
‘like when people approached the police to report Muslim rape gangs only to be turned away for fear of cries of racism.’
You’d have thought that might cause a frisson of concern with the likes of Mr. Bailey or our astoundingly-uncurious when it suits account-holding national disgrace.
Guess Who, just posted on their site requesting a thousand good ‘ole boy cops from the South, itching to go medieval on these scum, show our worthless police how it’s done, not pretty, but neither are the ugly bastards that have perpetrated these horrible crimes……notice how the politicians are scurrying to move on and brush the whole scandal aside. Remember this at the election.
Another piece of parliamentary news you will never see on the B-BBC, because they don’t like people to know powers are being handed over until it is too late!
A message from UKIP –
Mass Lobby of Parliament – MONDAY
THE TIME HAS COME: it has now been announced that on Monday afternoon (10th) the House of Commons will debate the hand-over of 35 Law and Justice powers to the EU – without a referendum.
These include the infamous European Arrest Warrant, used recently to handcuff and imprison the parents of Ashya King.
These powers – part of the 135 powers that the UK can opt out of this year under the Lisbon Treaty – are being handed back to the EU voluntarily, without a referendum.
They end the tradition of Habeas Corpus which has protected British citizens from arbitrary arrest for 900 years.
They open the door for UK citizens to come under the power of the new European Public Prosecutor, even though the government has opted out of this.
They constitute a clear hand-over of powers to the EU without a referendum. Given the opportunity to ‘repatriate’ powers, the government is doing the opposite – and again breaking its pledge to ask the people.
Here’s what to do:
Get a party together from your branch, and reply to let us know you’re coming.
Email your MP to tell him/her that you want to see them before the debate, to ask them not to vote for this handover of powers.
Gather at Old Palace Yard, opposite the House of Lords, from mid-day on MONDAY. The debate will go on all afternoon from around 2.45 onwards.
Steve Crowther,
Party Chairman
The important thing for UKIP is that they must try (I gather a Legal Challenge is in the works) and FAIL. It is important that they fail.
Article in the Guardian
Note the following
“Community sources said the property raided in High Wycombe had been targeted several months ago and a young man who lives there had later had his passport revoked. It is also claimed that in the latest raid officers had a standoff with the wife of the man arrested and that there is some community unhappiness after the arrest.”
Now most British would probably be happy that a potential terrorist attack had been thwarted.
On Tuesday afternoon the World Service ‘reported’ on the brutal killing of a Christian couple by a Muslim mob in Pakistan:
Police in Pakistan say a Christian couple has been beaten to death by a group of local Muslims who allegedly accused them of desecrating a copy of the holy Koran. [My emphasis]. The police say the attackers later burnt the bodies in the brick kiln where the couple had worked. The attack was in a town about 60km from Lahore in Eastern Pakistan.
Allegations of blasphemy are highly sensitive in Pakistan.[My emphasis].
That last little bit almost reads like a justification for the atrocity. And I imagine there are plenty of BBC employees who regard the Koran as holy, but that’s no reason to inflict that belief on the broader public.
I monitored the subsequent broadcasts of the story over a few hours and it was interesting to note that the Koran oscillated from holy to a plain Koran and back to holy a few times. It was as if there was some resistance put up against the continuing Islamification of the BBC.
There was even the following qualification to the sensitive statement:
Allegations of blasphemy are highly sensitive in Pakistan and are sometimes used to target religious minorities or settle personal scores.
There is hope yet for the BBC.
There is no hope for the BBC as they believe that this is a few extremists and not the view of ‘mainstream’ Islam, although what that is they seem unable to define. One thing is for certain despite the persecution of Christians in Muslim countries, non of those countries represent mainstream Islam.
As I found recently from a BBC director, mainstream Islam is to be found in Western academia, where it can be sanitised for Western consumption and presented as something it is not.
I am not able as yet to share the details of what has gone on, but please believe me, the BBC is every bit as Islamophilic as it’s accused of being.
thoughtful………Thanks for that. We await more details with great interest, when you able to share.
Hope for the BBC? Well, I guess I was being both charitable and wildly optimistic.
Good post – imagine if a Christian hurt a Muslim here in the UK, can you imagine the B-BBC defending him – “Allegations of blasphemy are highly sensitive in Milton Keynes”
Let’s face it, those unhappy community members are not British. I can guarantee that they won’t see themselves as British, so why should I? In fact, I think the police and MI5 should be taking a very close look at that community.
All week long, BBC News has been in overdrive over devolved powers in England. Mark Easton has been driving round the country in very sedate style (we wouldn’t want to see him break a speed limit after all) in his beat-up mini with a Union Jack on the roof, seeking the public’s opinion on devolving power to the english regions.
I have a couple of issues with this:
1. No proposals have been made yet formally, and so it cannot be construed as news,
2. His reporting has been thoroughly biased, and
3. His activities and others, alongside those of Jeremy Vine who has run a couple of programmes on devolving power to London, demonstrate the BBC in full campaigning mode.
Here’s the link to his blog on this subject http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29934867
Never mind that Mr Easton’s driving being at a sedate speed he shouldn’t be driving whilst presenting at all, it is unnecessary and the piece should be delivered when the car is stopped. It happens frequently on the BBC. Mr D and I are both waiting for there to be a car accident (hoping no third party is injured) and that the BBC will stop this dangerous habit.
Actually this “devolution” has already started. Greater Manchester is to have an elected mayor, even though no-one here was asked their opinion. It was just presented to us as a fait accompli this week.
I thought we had got rid of the unwanted aberration of “Greater Manchester County” in 1986, but it seems David Cameron is the heir to Ted Heath as well as Tony Blair, and has brought this abortion back to life. Of course, the ten local councils will continue to exist, it is just a question of a new mayor and his staff of hundreds if not thousands being added on top. In theory, they will take over functions from London. Does anyone think the ministries in London will get any smaller? Me neither. The balkanisation of England under the so-called Conservatives has begun.
It looks increasingly likely that Mark Easton is desperately helping the Labour Party, who aim to ensure that non-English constituency MPs retain votes on English Laws by unbelievably complicating matters as much as possible with as many nefarious reasons thrown into the pot.
Really is it beyond the wit of MPs to decide which laws affect which MPs constituency and MPs vote in Parliament on that basis?
It would only take a committee in Parliament to decide which issues will affect only England, (or devolve to a Region like Manchester has just decided), and which MPs are therefore eligible to debate and vote.
There would be no need for a new layer of bureaucracy; just existing boundaries respected.
You only have to look around the rest of the MSM, (SKY, ITV etc), and immediately appreciate this is only promoted with such gusto by the BBC, and readers of this site know exactly the reason for that!
I heard somewhere that the plan is to create 9 regions for England. Do these coincide with the 9 regions that the EU wants to split England into. Labour and the BBC in cahoots with the EU.
This is liblabcon democracy at its finest, Rob, I recall the first Manchester Mayor choice as being wholeheartedly rejected in a referendum, they obviously didn’t like that so they are saying “you’re having one whether you like it or not”and they said Nazism and communism were destroyers of freedom. The utter contempt from the political scum is breathtaking.
With Greater Manchester being overwhelmingly labour run I seriously worry about this move;
if you give a smack head limitless heroin what will be the result?
If you give an alcoholic limitless alcohol what will be the result?
If you give a labour mayor the keys to the bank…well, I think we know what the result will be!!
On top of the ridiculously toothless poodle force commissioners this mayoral appointment is just another step down the big brother road with smaller regions completely swamped with the iron hand of government bureaucracy.
It’s the conspirators involved that is the worrying bit..tories and labour all very cozily working together? Something stinks very badly.
As I sit here, wearing a very fetching tinfoil hat, and dreaming up conspiracy after conspiracy, I’ll repeat my pet theory:
The regionalising is nowt to do wi’t english.
They are preparing the way for sharia controlled inner cities, to be done under the umbrella of local democracy.
I know, I know, the men in white coats will be here any minute, but one day I’ll be able to say: I told you so!
Devolving powers to the regions is Labour’s way of muddying the waters over the question of English votes on English matters, which they oppose with the full backing of the BBBC.
I think the BBBC would prefer that we pay the 2.0 Billion Euros the EU claim because they seem to be leading the charge to refute the Chancellors claim that he got a better deal.
Good bit of Sherlock Holmsing there barry!
As for that carbon footprint of Eastons?…pointless tootling around the country to spout air and provide snaps for the BBC luvvies?
Well-=that Mini runs on tea-tree oil, and Mother Gaia would consider Eastons “petrol investment” to be a in a good cause, and offset against the kerosene wasted in 9/11.
The BBCs self-regarding virtue and self importance really needs bottling and putting in their vehicles…might pay for saviles overnight parking fees at Wood Lane eh?
it’s taken me a while to get round to wholeheartedly agreeing with this post Nofan. I was puzzled by the whole Easton project. It was the first I’d heard of regional assemblies and powers in England since Prescott’s doomed attempt to divide and rule the English to make them easier for the EU to handle. This was a simple attempt to muddy the waters and raise doubts about whether the English should be treated the same as Scotland – what with their intense regional rivalries. None of them anything like as intense as the Catholic/Loyalist, Edinburgh/Glasgow/Highland Lowland rivalries. Pathetic.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): determined to Islamise British society.
INBBC’s ‘Today’ programme: still mouthpiece for CHOUDARY-
‘Jihadwatch’, quoting ‘Breitbart’-
“UK jihadi cleric Anjem Choudary:
Give me my passport and let me join the Islamic State”
“A spokesman for the BBC defended the corporation’s choice of guest in Mr Choudary for their flagship radio programme Today, saying ‘We have a responsibility to both report on the story and try to shed light on why it happened.
“ ‘His views were robustly challenged by both the presenter, John Humphrys and by Lord Carlile, the government’s former anti-terrorism adviser.’
“Yet the Telegraph pointed out that, while Mr Choudary was given 12 minutes of airtime, his debate opponent Lord Carlisle was only granted less than four minutes in response.
“Commenting on the Radio 4 debate, John Spellar, the Labour MP for Warley said: ‘I find it quite extraordinary that someone who is so hostile to British values and so unrepresentative of the Muslim community is endlessly given space by the BBC.
“ ‘Their idea of balance seems to be Anjem Choudary and somebody from the BBC and mainstream voices get excluded. The worst thing is that they probably even think that it made good radio.’”…
Last night World Have Your Say made its usual effort to pretend to be impartial re the Israeli-Arab conflict, this time in a programme on Jerusalem. And as usual it didn’t fool anyone who didn’t want to be fooled. The programme, hosted by Chloe Tilley, kicked off with former Middle East correspondent Paul Adams, who could be trusted to sound reasonable and balanced while giving a distorted, pro-Arab slant to the conflict. He made it seem as if Jews had had no connection with East Jerusalem before it was in Jordanian hands, omitting to mention that when the Jordanians overran East Jerusalem in 1948, they killed or expelled all Jews in that part of the city, destroyed all the synagogues and even used headstones of Jewish graves to pave roads and build latrines.
I recall Adams’ biased reporting on UN personnel accidentally killed in 2006 in Lebanon by Israeli shelling. He said when UN spokespeople referred to Israel, “they could scarcely conceal their contempt.” In fact, Adams is the one who is contemptuous of Israel and he would never look at that period of history since he would then be obliged to acknowledge the Jewish presence in East Jerusalem before the establishment of Israel.
Adams is allowed to pump out his propaganda for 7 minutes, setting the tone for what is to come. Chloe Tilley then introduces Ruala, “An activist and a mother who lives in East Jerusalem.” She is given 5 or 6 minutes to whinge on about how terrible everything allegedly is for Arabs in East Jerusalem, with the occasional sympathetic prompt from Chloe Tilley. So we’re half way into the programme before there’s the introduction of a Jew, Avi, “Who works for an organisation promoting links between Jews around the world and Israel.” He’s given just over 2 minutes to talk about insecurity over the light rail attacks before the mike is handed to Talal, an Arab film producer, who is given 3 minutes for his own brand of anti-Israel propaganda.
Then there’s Daniel, a left-wing Jewish lawyer who frequently visits East Jerusalem and is given 2 minutes to make it clear that he believes the innocent Palestinians are being hard done by and the Israeli authorities are causing the problems. Chloe Tilley brings Avi back in for 40 seconds to rebut Daniel’s argument and point out that Netanyahu has called for calm. Next comes the Arab Affairs correspondent for Channel 9 TV, a Russian immigrant who talks for 4 minutes about insecurity and how she frequently visits the Arab areas in East Jerusalem where she has Arab friends.
And that’s it – 28 minutes with about 3 minutes allowed for a Jew to talk about Israeli concerns in a positive light. The title of the programme, What’s life like in Jerusalem, provides some comic relief – as if the BBC would be able to clear its anti-Israel bias out of its eyes long enough to be able to see it:
Except that it wasn’t quite it. That was the edited Internet version, which chopped off the last 15 minutes or so. I only know about it because I was listening to it last night on an old-fashioned thing with an aerial and taping it on a cell phone. Here’s what was edited out:
David, introduced by Chloe as a foreign affairs correspondent, but actually the Managing Editor of the Jerusalem Post, is given less than 2 minutes to talk about whether or not the violence in Jerusalem is the start of a 3rd Intifada. Then the actual foreign correspondent, Matthew, picks up on that theme for a minute before a freelance journalist living in East Jerusalem (code for Arab) talks about, “The Israeli occupation army,” and employs a bit of terrorist agitation about people thinking that if now is not the time to fight, when will the time be right.
Then David Horowitz, Editor of the Times of Israel and a staunch supporter of Israel, rejects the idea of the occupation army and points out that Ehud Olmert was ready to relinquish Israeli control in the Old City but the Palestinians walked away from that proposal.
Chloe lets him talk for under two minutes before bringing the freelance activist back in to object to Horowitz mentioning the religious conflict and go off again about anger and so on. That takes a minute and then Chloe brings David Horowitz back in for another minute to point out that Israel is prepared to accept a Palestinian state but not at the expense of Israel.
Then Chloe brings Daniel, the left-wing lawyer, back in for two minutes and then there’s a bit of back and forth for a minute between him and Avi.
Then David Horowitz is asked back in and is interrupted by Daniel, who objects to the statement that Arabs in East Jerusalem can get Israeli citizenship and accuses Horowitz of misleading the public. Horowitz points out that he didn’t interrupt Daniel and ends by mentioning the Palestinian leadership fanning religious violence.
And that really is it. Just when the Israelis are beginning to Have their Say, BBC website ‘Editors’ pull the plug. Alternatively, Chloe
Tilley knew they were going to pull the plug and so made sure the Israelis would have their say too late.
World Have Your Say used to accept comments from the great unwashed public but those days are long gone. And since they are insistent on mostly pumping out the propaganda they agree with, it’s past time for them to rename the programme. World Hear Our Say should do fine.
How about World Hearsay as a title for the programme.
I like it. And with your permission I’ll borrow it.
Excellent posts, TT, and yet more sad proof that in every debate, discussion or report cojncerning Israel and the Arabs, the BBC ignore the inconvenient facts of history.
Thanks for that, johnnythefish.
An example of how the BBC manufactures ‘news’.
Yesterday on R4 the BBC headline was the claim that the security services policy permits eavesdropping on lawyer/client communications. I didn’t listen to the full story but the BBC was clearly trying to imply that this is being done, not just that it could be done.
Today in reviewing the morning papers, Justin Webb cites the Guardian reporting the story that the security services policy permits eavesdropping on lawyer/client communications, but with no mention that this story came from the BBC!
So the BBC runs a story, which may or may not be true.. The following day the Guardian reports the same story, and the BBC can now quote the Guardian as if the Guardian originated the story.
Who else but Ken Clarke gets the call up,whenever the BBC wish to discuss some EU spat with the current Tories.
No doubt, he is marked down as a Tory spokesman and therefore a counter to their usual Labour-Liberal biased list of nobodies…but we all know Clarke is an EU Toady who happens to have been a Tory way back…now he`s a fully-paid up member of the Bildenberg Party.
Same as all those BBC shills who delight in inviting Clarke on…just so he can pop at the Tories and UKIP, while safely on the BBCs leash.
At least there`s no pretence or effort to be balanced these days-so UKIP must have put the fear of Loki into them!
Clarke’s quasi-religious belief in the Euro’s ability to work miracles in the face of all the evidence to the contrary, from Black Wednesday to today, only shows what a delusional, pompous windbag he is. Every time he babbles the same old platitudes on the BBC, I’m sure, thousands of the “swivel- eyed loons” go over to UKIP.
Bring on the ‘clowns’ Mr Clarke, bring on the ‘clowns’
“Mass immigration has been a total disaster for the UK.
“The drive by the metropolitan elite to foist mass immigration on this country has been accompanied by a barrage of deceitful propaganda.”
By Leo McKinstry.
But Beeboids will continue with their political propaganda for continuing mass immgration, and the colonisation of British society.
Thousands of Commonwealth and Empire volunteers of all races and religions (and a fair few Southern Irish) laid down their lives for this country. How ironic that now it is only the descendants of those Southern Irish have the right to immigrate and work here. No easy entry for the Canucks, Diggers, Kiwis, Sikhs or Gurkhas.
The Commonwealth includes 500 million Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh and half of Nigeria. Entry seems to be easy for THEM though !
Or is it only the “hideously white” Commonwealth citizens who are being overlooked ?
as we remember this sunday are brave young servicemen and women from world war 1 and 2 who laid down there lifes for are freedoms and democrasy,we look now in the year 2014 how these straw men weak politicians have ruined are country and turned it into something i would not be proud to lay down my life and fight for.
Skipping through The Passing Bells, a BBC WW1 drama I’ve not seen before. ‘Aryan’ looking German POW says of his guards ‘They seem just like us’. What, has he not noticed some of the British troops escorting him are black Jamaicans? Is this intentionally funny?
Next scene, British army deserter clearly shout out of hand off camera by two military police, and no-one bats an eye. Like I’m sure that was a common occurrence.
Are these scenes typical or I have just chanced on two bizarre moments?
British army deserter clearly shout out of hand off camera by two military police?
Unless anyone can provide any evidence that serving British MP’s ever did this then I call utter B/S BBC lie!
Haven’t watched The Passing Bells but did catch the ‘credits’ once – a lot of East European names came up. This is probably something the BBC has ‘bought in’/paid for maybe.
Message for West’s political class (inc Beeboids)-
“Islamist plans right on track, and the West is helping”
Another bit of Islamic enrichment foiled in High Wycombe.
BBC news at 6 have a “community” leader on stating how helpful the “community” have been but warning that if the police don’t act respectfully that help might not be so forthcoming.
Twat should have been arrested on the spot (any trumped up charge would suffice).
Truly sickening
It wasn’t Mr Khan was it?
Have just enjoyed the panel of rabid socialists on The News Quiz trying to rationalise the recent election disaster for the Democrats in the US.
They don’t like democracy when the proles vote for the ‘wrong people’ do they?
One of the p*ss poor so called comedians tried to suggest that whilst the Americans had voted for the wrong people they had, in fact, embraced Democrat policies. Now that was funny.
I switched on part way through. Something about nude photographs of Nigel Farage’s mother. I spent 10 seconds trying to work out what they were on about, then decided that my time could be better spent and switched off.
I can confirm that your time was better spent. Wise choice.
News Quiz was unfunny and biased – not surprised.
What was the biggest running political story in Westminster at end of the week? Yes, the utter uselessness of Red Ed and the attempts to defenestrate him. Number of mentions on the news quiz? Erm, zero.
They did have time, though, to laugh at the size of Nigel Farage’s red poppy, laugh at his mum , laugh at the Toreees and in the wake of a shellacking for the Democrats in the US, they laughed at those extremist Republicans.
Gavin Fslers response to the poor results for the Democrats
‘The era of hope is over.’
Hopey, changey…
‘how’s that hopey changey stuff workin out for ya?’…
palin has bigger stones than the entire democrat party
Breakfast sat morning. The government is to let military widows keep husbands pension if they remarry. Most people would consider this good news. The BBC’s quota filler was relentlessly negative.
Uh Oh! … BBC – its the “men” again
Yet another UK Islamic terror plot, 4 more Muslims arrested
no not really …
we get … “Four held alleged terror plot”
Armed police arrest four men over ‘Islamist terror plot
“Another day in Britain, another series of jihad terror-related arrests.
Just imagine what a paradise the Subjugated Isle is going to be in another five or ten years”
and in other news
After lying about the economy, lying about the EU rebate, just in time to for the Tories to sell us out to Qatar …
The No 10 Selfservatives strike again
and, who has sold it?
Arab oil deals, arms contracts, property deals,
“Cameron wants London to “stand alongside Dubai” as an Islamic finance hub”
‘DPP orders inquiry into alleged rape victim suicide case’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29946823
It is sad when anyone takes their live, but the BBC seem to have decided that she was innocent and a victim of an over-zealous justice system.
Why else call her an alleged rape victim, rather than an alleged false accuser?
And why quote a left-wing talking head, but not ask a men’s rights group for comment?
If a mentally ill young man were to take his life after being charged with rape on flimsy evidence, the BBC wouldn’t be interested. They’d assume he was probably guilty. That they make this a front page story shows their liberal bias.
I heard some of the BBC coverage. It certainly seemed designed to portray the woman as a rape victim, with depression, who was being maliciously prosecuted for alleging rape, to the complete bafflement of her lawyer(?). Being sceptical of the BBC I wondered if we were being told the whole story.
Yes, I heard this article and got to wondering why? All that was missing from this interview was the obligatory tinkling piano in the background.
Very strange that such a fact-free story should get so much media coverage so quickly and that the DPP gets personally involved. What raises the public interest in this case beyond others of a similar nature? Are the participants in the case “better connected” than ordinary members of the public?
A sad story, a beautiful daughter lost, but also deeply troubling, strange and ID, as you say, ‘fact free’ (did I see a promo for BBC News the other day with a strap line – ‘BBC News – All of the Story’, or something similar?)
Needless to say it’s not all of the story. The man has not been tried and not been found guilty….but the court of the left wing and BBC doesn’t seem satisfied with that. ‘All men are rapists’ as some in the militant women’s movement used to say.
And are we saying now that having some sort of psychological disorder prevents someone from standing before a court to account for their actions? That’s a dangerous road to go down, it is a court’s job to decide, not the BBC or Emily Thornberry, and it’s the court’s job to take into account any mitigating factors, including the alleged offenders state of mind.
And why should the man, if aggrieved and falsely accused, not seek a remedy through the courts? …but the BBC have already taken a position. This is a clear case of sexual politics and you can see which side the BBC is on. Troublingly we now seem to have yet another DPP who has brought some sort of activism into their considerations.
And BTW, I notice on one bulletin, it was alleged that the man had spent £200,000 (?) on bringing the prosecution. That had echoes of the Ched Evans case where the BBC repeatedly mentioned that Evans’ father in law was funding the review of his rape sentence and was (shock, horror) ‘rich’.
The BBC don’t half like to paint a picture.
Ah, “rape”. We were told from the start during training, that rape was ‘easy to allege, and difficult to disprove’. How true that was. In the good old days, when police had the nous to ascertain, often from the get-go, whether someone was lying through their teeth, or was a genuine victim, the vast majority of alleged rapes, then, were not proceeded with for good reason – they never happened.
Now, of course, we have gone full circle, with unmitigated sympathy for the “victim” whether or not he/she was a victim at all, and the assumption that the accused is always guilty, as alleged.
“Sex crimes” which often are not crimes at all, seem to generate this faux outrage all the time, without the application of logic and common sense.
With more and more allegations against the Savile creature (who despite his sordid history, cannot speak for himself), one wonders if he has allegedly been up to his nefarious business in two or more diverse locations at the same time, such is the rush to get on the band-wagon of victimhood, and possible compensation.
The new principle by which these things are judged seems to be “victims must be believed”. Does this mean if someone turns up at a police station and claims to have been abducted and intimately probed by aliens that the police are obliged to believe in the existence of aliens? The police should, of course, try to determine if a confused or disturbed person has been the victim of some crime but cannot describe coherently what has happened. Are certain classes of people to be considered more trustworthy just because of who they are?
The main BBC Website headline this morning was that the Leaders of the “Nordic Countries” were warning that the UK backing out of the EU “Free Movement” Charter/Law was a bad, if not illegal thing.
The article actually came with a “Have Your Say” comments section so I left a comment stating that it was a bit rich for the Nordic Countries to lecture against restricting the movement of mass immigration when their own countries were all but Islamified.
I stated that as someone who visits Norway on holiday I was shocked by the numbers of “Middle Eastern” people now in Norway, particularly in the bigger cities, and that the main Norwegian Broadcaster NRK is as fixated with “ethnic inclusiveness” as the BBC.
Indeed, anybody looking on the NRK website will see that half of their programmes are hosted, or co-hosted, by people of “Middle Eastern” decent.
In relation to Sweden I simply stated that:
Sweden is finished. Game Over. It’s Islamified.
Just look on Youtube.
By lunchtime the entire article had disappeared.
“Islamization of Europe: The Numbers Don’t Lie”
By Bruce Bawer.
(April, 2014.)
And now the ECHR has decided that asylum seekers can’t be returned to the first safe country they reached.
This case is about Switzerland, which like Norway is outside the EU, so even BREXIT isn’t going to help. Only leaving the European Human Rights Convention will solve this one.
I wonder how the BBC will spin it?
From ABBA to Abbas in one generation.
You’re right, Sweden is screwed.
Is that Compton Abbas?
Mahmoud Abbas, sorry to say.
From ABBA to ALLA(H).
The winner takes it all.
… and next year the Dancing Queens will meet their Waterloo.
Knowing me, Knowing you, Allah,
There is nothing they can do.
Not for INBBC’s ‘Education & Family’ pages.
Islamisation of Burnley, Lancashire.
“UK: Vice principal of ‘Muslim Eton’ fired, told she would go to hell for opposing rules forcing girls to wear veils during lessons”
Heard something on the BBC about a school in Bradford where the dress code is no girls permitted to wear skirts. Odd that the BBC only focused on kids being turned away for not wearing their ID cards.
Should we be surprised, true to form Have I Got News For You shows its lefty credentials adorned with two feminist lefties (Caroline Lucas and the hideously racist Jo Brand).
Did anyone notice the edit when Richard Osman asked Lucas what was the Greens policy on drugs, adding ‘after all its almost compulsory in Brighton’ we weren’t allowed to hear the reply.
The rest of the program was as could be expected a pro immigration anti British fest, note in the ‘Immigration Top Trumps’ game how the Non European immigrant was depicted as Chinese (other types of Asians are available) and the Brit an overweight Shameless type, more shameful anti British shite from the bBC…
This has been predicted, but it can still surprise when ‘Have We Got Narrative For You’ conforms so easily.
Seems the chekky-wavers have left our courageous equal-opportunity wits in no doubt what satire is ‘in’ and what is off the books.
It’s an interesting twist when you think who is not being laughed at… Or even mentioned. I wonder if they know that means they are not winning?
I was looking for the card with Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Somali and African migrants same details, including number and % under12 years old.
Of course they could also have a card showing the % of young unemployed in Greece 64.8% and Spain 58.2% that would have been good for a laugh.
Could have included figures for black economy, oh no that would be racist, alternative economy as the Revenue now describe it.
yes I watched that also. Amazing just how much better foreigners are than us native Brits in our grubby vests. Very racist but in a right-on sort of way as the lefties like to think. Now Caroline Lucas got a very easy ride for a politician. No fruitcake or loon title for her and her supports which would not only be fitting but would be correct also.
Excellent point on Lucas, yes the term ‘fruitcake’ is far more apt when referring to the the Green party who are far more dangerous to the security of the UK than UKIP could ever be,
I hadn’t seen Have I Got News For You in a while, but it seems to have gone from bad to worse since I last did. They’re playing a game of Top Trumps with immigrants and UK natives. The point seems to be “Immigrants are young, highly educated and wonderfully cultured whilst the British are… Crap.” Both Merton and Hislop looked like they were displeased with the segment to be fair.
I wonder how long people are going to put up with being spat on like this.
I still watch HIGNFY but the Immigration Top Trumps “game” was nothing more than sheer propaganda, what was embarrassing were the complete lack of laughs in this overlong piece which wasnt even disguised as a competition. As David James mentions above Merton seemed uncofortable with the lack of comic material this offered and Hislop at least pointed out that the Native Briton comparison was completely meaningless.
A new low for HIGNFY
If one had ever been in any doubt, then this Top Trumps segment exposed HIGNFY to be no longer a true satire – dealing out derrision on the politically absurd wherever it might be.
How could they miss that the author of this pro-EU pro-immigration research was named Prof Dustmann? That he was the expert during the new EU accessions advising that just the one Polish builder and his mate would turn up in Britain? His research out by a factor of about a million? A laugh or two are there, Paul and Ian?
It is not even a satirical comedy from a leftist standpoint anymore. A ‘One Direction’ satire, busy lapooning the right for the amusement of a shrinking leftist audience. Why? It was simply not funny. Not by any measure.
Ladies and gentlemen, it can now be revealed that HIGNFY is in fact a leftist educational programme.
The sort of tactic used when a Maoist theatre group put on a little show to teach the ignorant village peasants how to think – the way of their communist masters.
Just made a complaint. No doubt I will receive the
I am sorry that YOU FEEL that the programme….Take it seriously…add to audience log…fuc*k off you prole…
computer generated response.
I would love to see if the BBC would dare use a racist (Brit/Frenchman) type image of a Somali mendicant forcing himself onto a lorry at Calais to illustrate non-european immigrants. These are real and therefore factually accurate images http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2812918/By-hook-crook-Frantic-migrants-pictured-breaking-lorries-Calais-port-s-mayor-warns-willing-risk-lives-come-El-Dorado-UK.html
I guess that reality would be considered too offensive!
We were even invited to mock the fact that the average age of an indigent Brit was much older than the average immigrant. And, of course, illustrated by a pot bellied white bloke in a vest.
Truly truly puke inducing.
What the BBC reports:
Israel to destroy homes of Palestinian Jerusalem attackers
What the BBC doesn’t report:
Fatah Homes Blown-up Overnight in Gaza Ahead of Arafat Rally
I said it last weekend. As soon as Cameron said he won’t pay the EU demand for cash I knew he would.
I must run down the bookies each time he says he’ll do something and bet on the opposite.
Why do people listen to him? These politicians are digging their own graves. Never have I known them so loathed.
I felt sorry for Osborne. Sent to stitch a deal with our EU overlords and give away money which his policies and our austerity measures have helped galvanise our economy to…erh..the German and French economies.
The financially f@@ked Greeks have to give too. ..
Generally agreed except that rising debt and deficit, triple lock on pensions, ring fencing and indexing of sacred cows of public spending, indexing benefit payments, HS2 and increasing EU contributions doesn’t constitute austerity.
Here’s a fine example of ‘how many boxes can a Guardian reader tick in one shot?’ from BBC R4’s list of plays (currently at an all-time low for quality).
The Boy from Aleppo Who Painted the War
The Syrian conflict seen through the eyes of a teenage boy with Asperger’s syndrome”
It’s on tomorrow afternoon, so be sure not to miss it!
Me and my wife (who is a LibDem voter and has worked at the Beeb as an “independent”) hooted with laughter when we drove in to work and the trailer for that came on.
Beyond belief. I’d like to find out the writer for that one…
Hey. I got an idea. How about at play about the systematic sexual abuse seen through the eyes of a young vulnerable girl in a South Yorkshire town?
Me thinks that after yesterday’s statement by our leader of the new so called ”EU deal’, we are going to see another new UKIP member in the form of Daniel Hannan?
For the survival of this beloved country of ours everyone should vote UKIP.
DH is not stupid ,he won`t join Ukip .He know`s that dividing the Right vote will let the Millipeed win the election by default .Obviously that`s what the kippers want ,Premier Millipeed next May, because that WILL happen now .
Hannan is career politician who only cares about one thing, Daniel Hannan, a turncoat used by Cameron within the EU. Its not it what he says, its what he does and was probably instrumental in the recent failed attempt to break up Farage’s EU group.
This vote UKIP get Labour rubbish is getting annoying, you TORY under the misapprehension that there is a difference between them and the Labour, both are EU apparachiks.
Vote UKIP get UKIP, they topped yesterdays Survation poll in both the South East and South West.
No vote Ukip get Millipeed ,when that happens on May the 8th , I hope both kippers & Millipeed live happily ever after, that will only benefit the Tories in the future ,but we will have to endure 5 years of Millipeed /bbc / Guardian `Reign of Terror `. It will be awful, but it will show splitting the right vote in marginal`s, only benefits Labour.
So Essex man this is who you think we should vote for to keep Miliband out?
You must be ,like Powel said ,truly mad to heap up your own funeral pyre
Get it striaght it is tribal tory voters like you who are going to put Labour in power you will no one to blame but your self for what follows
vote tory get labour
‘Essex Man’ seems to be the only voice of reason on this thread. It seems from reading the responses to ‘Essex Man’ that the debating skills of some UKIP supporters is to be as insulting and abusive as many of the BBC’s left-wing comedians.
Only if its reasonable to put a liar and fraud back in No .10.
A quote direct from CCHQ if ever I saw one, Lib Lab Con are one and the same, it makes no odds which of the three we vote for the result is the same, more immigration and metric road signs.
Get your finger on the pulse, the British (read English) are well and truly pissed off, we want our country back and we don’t want an Asian for prime minister…..
Geoff, and some Welsh people.
Apologies, of course.
Immigrants and metric road signs? Now I know you’re having a laugh!
I cannot in good conscience vote for a continuation of a 100Billion + deficit, no reductions in immigration, more green madness, more destruction of our armed forces, more subservience to the EU and even more politically correct division and destruction of the British Culture. In short, the tories continuing labour policies.
What is the point of a Conservative party which delivers no change from labour?
If I vote tory, I am condoning and endorsing that continued failure and will be voting for all those policies I hate.
How do I vote for the policies I want, if the only choice you want to offer me is betweena continuation of a 100Billion + deficit, no reductions in immigration, more green madness, more destruction of our armed forces, more subservience to the EU and even more politically correct division and destruction of the British Culture under the tories, or a continuation of a 100Billion + deficit, no reductions in immigration, more green madness, more destruction of our armed forces, more subservience to the EU and even more politically correct division and destruction of the British Culture under labour?
I will be expressing my wishes at the general election by voting FOR the policies I want. I can only do that by voting UKIP.
Have you ever considered that perhaps it’s the Tories who are dividing the right?
I simply don’t vote Tory as I would not Labour. Nor would I. Strange those who think UKIP voters are naturally Tories who have gone astray. Yes the Tories split the Right. We should all vote UKIP…If you want the right.
Ah excellent piece of deduction MR Deschain…
We have the Conservatives who are currently leading the coalition and have won numerous General Elections, all done under a right of centre ticket…..and then we have UKIP which was started by a cross-party group of individuals and had a centre left political stance during its early years and has won some seats by behaving like any other populist nationalist party.
Ironically Roland, UKIP spent the first years of its existence being beaten by the Referendum Party (a true right-wing party), talk about dividing the right!
The Referendum Party – Who?
In last four electoral tests UKIP have beaten the Tories hollow
As for the present conservatives being right of centre well if you choose to believe that that’s your look out
Like Roland for me miliband and cameron are like Laurel and Hardy and I wont be voting for either of them.
If as you say you live in terror of another labour government then you better think about holding that high Tory nose you’ve been sneering down and vote UKIP
But I suspect your simply a Tory loyalist shilling for Dave. hoping to scare back the wayward sheep , problem is many of us have never been part of your flock (and many of those that were like their new found freedom)
Well Said stewart. Many of us were never Tories. Many of us have not voted for years .
“Many of us have not voted for years .”
Thats the big constituency.
Sorry Joseph…I have a good friend who is an ex Tory councillor. He said to me “You know the Conservatives are one of the most successful post war parties in the world because we have pretended to be right wing when we are not really…The (present) Conservatives cannot get any more right wing votes so are chasing the middle ground….because that’s where the votes are…they know they will lose if they are right wing…people won’t vote for them.”
…pretty close word-for-word that.
Also Joseph. If you want people to get “on side” with you views condescension isn’t the best way to go about it. I’d suggest it just entrenches people’s ideas and may well reaffirm why many won’t vote for the Conservatives as they would Labour or the Libdems.
I don’t agree with that statement. The Conservatives were at their most right-wing under Maragaret Thatcher and won three elections by a good margin. Since its drift leftwards from Major onward the Conservative share of the vote has plummeted. For many, UKIP are the true heirs of Thatcherism and is why they are popular.
And because for those who could never vote Tory but who shared the same political views on many things (possibly even only subconciously) UKIP are the answer. That’s why UKIP are attracting people from all party allegiances and from none. They are the alternative from the three almost-identikit parties.
I agree that Milliband is a lot worse even than Cameron, but until we leave the EU the Westminster vote is almost completely useless.
Your tory councillor friend is wrong. Back in 2008 when Cameron was pretending to be a right wing Eurosceptic, he had a 20+ points lead in the polls. Since then he has lurched over to the liberal progressive left and binned all those votes he needed for what was sure to be a landslide victory.
Those votes went to UKIP. Cameron has lost a lot more votes from the patriotic, non politically correct “right” than he could ever have gained from the liberal progressive left.
The only time that the tories have surged is in the very too rare times that they stood up for Britain… Sadly we now know that they were lying and only pretending to stand up for Britain, and in every case, Cameron backed down like the coward he is.
We need UKIP more than ever, or England will be destroyed.
I have just been watching a repeat of Julia Bradbury’s Iceland Walk to the volcano Eyjafjallajokull. Why, I am forced to wonder, did the BBC divest themselves of her services on ‘Country File’ Surely not ageism again, or is she not blonde enough?
She had a few issues in the past with “flight points” (seriously) and was shuttled away for a while till it was erh…cleared up and it was all a mistake involving her agent sister and nothing to do with her, nothing to see here….she did nothing wrong and….move along….move along please….She’s now back at the Beeb who don’t have issues with that sort of thing….
At least she can safely be left with children.
I note other posters hereabouts have highlighted this BBC Radio 4 play as a typical example of the BBC pandering to Guardian-reader box tickable interest.
‘The Boy from Aleppo Who Painted the War’
I can’t help but be reminded of this hoax
Oh how fondly the media liberal elite wished for their ‘Arab Spring’. Ignoring all past and present knowledge of the region its peoples and cultures, defying all logic, self-interest and common sense.
The BBC and its love of “Regional” government, despite that fact that nobody apart from some communists want it. And to prove my point here is a paean of praise to the brave fight of the People’s Republic of Merseyside against the evil Himmleresque Fatcher regime
Please note the 70’s style East German propaganda photo gallery
Vomit making partisan shit from the BBC. Even the Kinoccio clique saw Deggsy and the Liverpool Trotts as mad irresponsible communists but not the BBC. This is an outrageously biased piece. Perhaps the BBC could point out that everything these Militants did was explicitly political – the destruction of the city was grist to their ideological mill and the worse the case the better for them. These ***kers had an explicit political agenda – a communist britain.
I imagine that the BBC’s longed for regional governments in certain regions will all be captured by ideologues or religious factions. Just look at Tower Hamlets.
Is there no limit to what the BBC will do to support the gerrymandering of the Labour Party – after all, all that stands between the workers and the evils of a popular and fair election of someone vaguely right of Karl Marx is the massively distorted boundaries and the in built communist majorities in the hugely pampered and vastly over represented peripheries.
I wonder why the BBC is making no effort whatsoever to air the views of the large number of people who either want an English Parliament or exclude the Scotch Welsh and Irish MPs from England specific policy areas yet we get lots of coverage of a (Labour) policy initiate that has already been massively rejected by the electorate.
Funny isn’t it
To their credit, SNP MPs at Westminster abstain on any votes affecting only England and Wales.
At the moment. Though if they get a coalition with the shameless and desperate Labour Party in 6 months that might change. Smart Alec’s gang will outflank simple Ed at every turn and the English who both parties have little time for (though I suspect the SNP have at least some respect for us) will pay.
“Vomit making partisan shit from the BBC. Even the Kinoccio clique saw Deggsy and the Liverpool Trotts as mad irresponsible communists but not the BBC.”
Obviously you missed the bit where it says:
“…the collapse of Liverpool’s economy produced the ideal recruiting ground for an ultra-left-wing movement operating within the Labour party… sprung from a Trotskyist group…”
“This is an outrageously biased piece.”
Why biased? Because the photos were in black & white? And that’s your best argument?
“… and the in built communist majorities in the hugely pampered and vastly over represented peripheries.”
“Peripheries”, interesting choice of words CCE , and if you think the north of England is “pampered” (yet somehow also “communist”) then you are doing little more than strutting around whilst wearing your ignorance like a badge of pride.
“I wonder why the BBC is making no effort whatsoever to air the views of the large number of people who either want an English Parliament…”
“BBC News – Support for English devolution – BBC poll”
“BBC News – English devolution – the options”
“BBC News – Hague says English devolution to be election issue”
“BBC News – Do the English want their own parliament?”
“BBC News – UK devolution: The view from the countryside”
“BBC News – Nick Clegg backs radical English devolution plan”
“BBC News – Devolution in the UK: What could change?”
“Funny isn’t it”
Hilarious as always CCE 🙂
None of your links to the BBC stories showing balance on the issue of English Regional Assemblies or an English Parliament seem to have worked. Could you re-supply them please?
Dez, still with us – thanks for your patronising post. Unfortunately, It was deliberately polemical and intended to be a bit OTT. However:
The use of “peripheral” was carefully chosen – Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are economically and politically peripheral yet paradoxically have a greater per head representation politically and attract significantly greater funding per head than the wealth creating part of the UK (i.e. both Pampered and over represented)
The City enclaves of Labour are also politically and financially over represented. This is a product of gerrymandering.
The article was biased because it did not place the events in their political and historical context – Militant were using Liverpool as part of a greater strategy along with many on the hard left, and Kinnoccio (“We’Re All Right!!!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TOgB3Smvro
only acted as Militant entryism became a threat to the stability of his political leadership and was toxic electorally.
Finally it is quite clear that regional governments and directly elected mayors are unwanted and have been rejected catagorically in the ballot box yet the BBC has spent a week traveling round England in a mini collating vox-pops in support of regional administrations. Advancing a spurious argument that this is a solution to the over representation of the peripheries (see above)
The BBC has avoided public debate about English nationalism beyond characterisng it as an enclave of stupid and bigoted despite there being a strong public interest in the matter post the Scottish nationalist referendum.
As for parading my ignorance I was having a bit of fun at the lumpen hard left wank fest presented by the BBC. Presumably I was successful as it was hilarious.
“I don’t like it that the greatest broadcasting organisation in the world is getting away with not telling the truth.”
Can vex those compelled to pay for it too.
Rather rains a bit on the trust and transparency schtick as well.
Probably time for one of Lord Pantone’s spokesdroids to get out there with how he believes the BBC is a national treasure, or Danny Cohen to mutter darkly about disloyalty and pension payments.
Envy of the world, ma!
On this morning’s Today Sarah Montague interviewed the lady who headed the team which took over the failing Doncaster council a few years ago. She was obviously keen to find out what kind of reception she got and how Eric Pickles’ hit squad might be received by Tower Hamlets council.
Fair enough – sort of, until she came out with (paraphrased) ‘But the auditors found no evidence of fraud at Tower Hamlets and in fact the council are now making progress in putting things right’.
Sarah, her Editor and the army of BBC researchers are obviously blissfully unaware of this:
‘Two people have been arrested in connection with alleged electoral irregularities in Tower Hamlets.
The Metropolitan Police is carrying out eight investigations into allegations of malpractice in the borough, where voting took five days amid allegations of voter intimidation.’
And this:
‘The police have been called to investigate allegations of fraud and financial mismanagement against an elected mayor in London.
The activities of Lutfur Rahman, the Tower Hamlets mayor, will also be probed by inspectors after Communities Secretary Eric Pickles ordered an investigation.
The Bangladeshi mayor is alleged to have more than doubled funding recommended by officers for Bengali-run charities in an attempt to buy influence.’
Not to mention the really disturbing stuff about this backward rural Bangladeshi Islamist fiefdom operating in our 21st century capital city – ‘Lutfur Rahman: 30 things you need to know about the extremist-linked mayor of Tower Hamlets’:
Your BBC: Judiciously applying censorship in the interests of community cohesion.
Reporting Islamic jihad threat on British people.
Who does Islam Not BBC (INBBC) turn to reporting on this latest Islamic jihad threat?-
‘Daily Mail’ -page 1 story-
“‘Her Majesty will not shirk her duty’:
Queen to attend Remembrance ceremony at Cenotaph tomorrow despite police arresting four Islamic extremists over ‘plot to kill her.’
“Officers from terrorism command seized men after months of surveillance.
“It comes ahead of events honouring the nation’s war dead on Sunday.
“Police warned that Parliament and London landmarks could be terror targets.
“Officers will step up security as Queen leads events to mark WWI centenary.
“One of the suspects, a 27-year-old, arrested by armed police in the street.
“Remaining three men, aged 22, 19, and 25, were held at different addresses.
“The home of Yousaf Syed, the 19-year-old suspect, had been raided before.
“Scotland Yard says the arrests are linked to ‘Islamist related terrorism.’
“Raids in High Wycombe, Hounslow, Uxbridge and Southall, west London.
“Officers are also searching eight properties linked to the arrested men.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2825277/Four-Islamic-terror-plot-suspects-arrested-west-London-Home-Counties.html#ixzz3ITcZhyTS
-Of course, INBBC turns to representatives of ‘the Muslim Community’ in West London to appease we ‘Kafirs’ (see video clip)-
“Terror arrests: Four men questioned over alleged plot”
The further Islamisation of West London, and INBBC.
Notice the difference in the reporting of this. Where they are ‘4 men’ accused, and the other arrest earlier this week where within hours the person was named as Liam Lyburd, 18. Could it possibly be the 4 men arrested do not have British sounding names?
It’s Those “Men” Again !
Can you imagine what would happen if our Queen was the victim of an attack?
The next day we would be in a new world without any guidelines.
It is for reasons like this conservative minded people deplore liberal fantasies and oppose the imposition of the liberal’s dream multicultural society.
Can you imagine what would happen if our Queen was the victim of an attack?
Yes I can. Mass arrests of anyone associated with anti moslem actvities, a task force set up to monitor extreme right wing organizations, Farage and anyone else likely to criticise political correctness in our police force placed under house arrest, a statement from Cameron and Clegg with quotations from the Koran emphasizing that it had nothing to do with Islam, BBC interviews with moslem community leaders who deny responsibility but draw attention to UK foreign policy.
But nobody would be listening. They’re barely listening now.
The “Arrests over ‘vigilante’ action linked to sexual assault” are just the start.
Civil war brought 10/20 years closer.
Don’t forget the Muslim ‘community leaders’ stating that Muslims are being victimised and an increase in made up attacks being presented by ‘Tell Momma a pack of lies’. Also the parents of those responsible will not have been aware of any trouble brewing and show pictures of them playing football etc.
” The elite STILL don’t get it on immigration ”
“For their part, the BBC and Left-wing media continue to discount facts about migration they consider inconvenient.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2826088/DAILY-MAIL-COMMENT-elite-don-t-immigration.html#ixzz3ITeSdhCA
Trying (not easy) to ignore the inevitable tribal fealties that are associated with various media, there are a lot of facts in that DM piece I’d simply ask any knee-jerk dismissal Flokkers to counter if not correct.
The one above is of course harder to prove but their editorial omissions in certain areas are as blatant as they are frequent.
Clearly playing up the convenient, and down the inconvenient is the very definition of state propaganda backed by censorship.
Not really DNA-embedded impartiality.
Then there are the quotes of institution (police, education) heads in charge of key aspects of public service supply who the PC pols and media servants seem determined to sideline. Or outright attack anyone, especially from safely ‘non-u’ quarters to their comfort zone, who are raising concerns in complement.
‘…the BBC gave blanket coverage to a deeply questionable report… while overlooking figures…
Did they or did they not play up the former, and down, or out, the latter?
Yes, or no?
If they did, they have no business being in business, much less on a uniquely funded basis taken from those they are misinforming and trying to re-educate.
BBC R4 just gets worse
R4 – Jerusalem – (propaganda) “from our own correspondent”
R4 – Any Questions – Fatty Abbott, D Grieve, sheesh!
Simon Hughes,
Which S Hughes? … this S Hughes?
D Cameron – I want to see an British Asian PM …
“Asian” in the BBC sense?
which D Cameron? …
this D Cameron?
Yeah this who knee jerk tory voter ‘essexman’ thinks is a credible alternative to milliband
Vote tory get labour or worse
Your argument is nonsensical, if enough people decide to follow your lead and vote for UKIP then it will be you and your fellow travellers who would be responsible for Labour gaining power.
Farage as a credible Prime Minister……you must be having a laugh.
Your reply is nonsenicle , if people follow your lead camamoron will be in power unrestrained -Oh I see you think i’m an ex tory!
Farage wil not be prime minster nor is it nessary for him be so
The idea is to finish off the current Tory party particularly the current leadership. Only a large UKIP vote can do this. If the price is a useless labour government then so be it. It will not last long and then we will see.
The current denial of a real voice to the conservative majority in England( yes there is one ) cannot continue. Cameron is entirely a creature of the liberal ascendancy. Mind you a UKIP role as kingmaker would be interesting . AS for credible PMs the last few have hardly done wonders for that office.
It’s a risky strategy, as Millipede and Balls-up can inflict horrific damage in the space of five years.
Import a few million more Labour-voting, benefit-claiming immigrants from the Third World, for starters.
Yeah and cameron has done so much to stop that hasnt he?
I’ll take the risk the alternative is the same old same old ,for ever and ever amen
… “can inflict horrific damage” 😀
That is happening NOW, where have you been the past 5 years, lie after lie after lie, imbecilic blame narrative, inept, corrupt, divisive, an outstanding double whammy of not being able to run or manage.
Typical Tories, sell off/sell out, bleat the need for prudence, and spend billions on unnecessary ideological vanity projects. a money go round for their own, Selfservatives to a tee.
The Tories are less bad than Labour.
Admittedly that is a bit like saying get stabbed is less bad than been shot …
There are loads of tiny, labour gerrymandered seats up North where UKIP are the challengers. Voting tory in any of them will let labour win. Will tories ever ask their voters in those seats to vote UKIP to beat labour?
I have asked many tories this and they have all said no. they would rather labour win seats than UKIP.
Why? Because labour and tory are almost identical and tories want to stay in the EU.
Diversions into corners of political dogma can be diverting, but as the name suggests diversions too.
I struggle to see much that remains pertinent to the BBC’s role as the slanging match proceeds and deteriorates.
It also intrigues looking at the post history of those who seem singular in their messages, especially when appearing mainly if not exclusively to engage on non-media reporting topics.
And when tag-team high horses and flounces on ‘isms get dragged in, the pattern becomes familiar, and not in a good way.
As far as ukip is concerned, I struggle to cope with the BBC’s swings between addictive coverage that can only serve the party, and platform for crass satirical efforts that backfire more often than not, if unintentionally.
The only sense seems to be boosting or damning appears to coincide with direct threats to political partners, or on an enemy of enemy basis.
Such meddling is a BBC hallmark, but not what they are supposed to be engaged upon.
I wonder if Jasmine is back in the control suite yet?
Yeah ,right ,I have nothing personally against kippers , but I have been arguing these points in the pub together with an ex Labour & Lib dem voter , who agrees with me , about millipeed winning the election by default . He hates what Labour have done to this country, & does not want to see them in power ever again . Together we have been pointing out about kippers tunnel vision, which would end up with Millipeed in No.10. And you are all foaming at mouth about D.C.`s comment about an Asian PM , well as long as he is a Conservative ,whats the problem ? It would tie Labour / Bbc / Guardian ,& their fellow travelers in total PC meltdown . They all worship at the high alter of PC , an Asian Conservative PM , what could they say, without breaking all the waycist gospel they worship from. They wouldn`t dare say anything critical of an Asian Tory PM . It would be the perfect nuclear option to silence the Left for good , Think about it .
If you seriously can’t see the problem with an Asian PM you should be seeking employment with the bBC, ever heard of Taqiyya?
Did Cameron and his friends ever get permission for the mosque in Chipping Norton? There were objections to the proposal. Perhaps he attends another one.
It is possible to have a non-Muslim Asian PM. A Hong Kong Chinese would be a good start.
The problem for me is not having an Asian PM, he surely couldn’t be a lot worse than the last few, but Cameron saying he wants one. Why???? It is an extremely racist statement and is nearly on a par with Simon Hughes’s racist claptrap above.
Essexman, how are you going to vote to end the politically correct division in this country? How are you going to vote for reducing immigration and getting immigrants to integrate, instead of creating seperate ghettos? How are you going to vote to clear the deficit? How are you going to vote for an end to the grotesque “green” madness which is pushing energy prices through the roof? How are you going to vote for a party which puts the interests of British people first, instead of the interests of foreign interests and foreign corporations? How are you going to vote to get us out of the EU?
Labour and tory are utterly united in being on the wrong side of all the above.
What is the point in voting tory if they are dedicated to continuing the same failed policies over and over again?
I want real change for the better. We CANNOT get that from the current tory party.
Who do I vote for if I want a change from the lousy, failed and anti-British policies of the last 17 years?
Cameron is the only person in the country who could make that happen. But then he’s a politically correct snotty but dim upper-class lying twit.
As with his promise not to pay the EU that 1.7 billion extra, he has no intention of carrying out his wishes by appointing Sajid Javid as his deputy, and then resigning.
I wonder, has anyone asked the idiot if that is his intention, and if not, why not?
Yes, his latest stroke of Tory “fag packet” EU genius, kick it into the long grass
so our PM is a Asian lover then,what if he had said In my lifetime i would like to see a white PM.What would the press say…
Best reason to vote UKIP
Cameron was doing what any normal politician would do with an election coming up…..he was pandering to part of the electorate.
Also, I would like to point out that your post bogtrott is racist and xenophobic, clearly you and UKIP are a match made in heaven.
Uh, oh, you said racist. And not content with that, you say xenophobic as well! Does that mean you win? The way you played that race card so quick would make me think that you and cast-iron are a match made in heaven. Or should that be hell? Grow a pair, mate, the Guardian is that way ->
I wonder what Cameron meant by that. If pushed to explain himself would he say he meant Muslim? Is Asian just a short hand way of saying relatively recent immigrant descent? So why not a Black PM in his lifetime? Would anyone except a self-declared Asian object to a hard working, patriotic Hindu, Sikh or Chinese as Prime Minister?
I wonder how it would have been taken had he said a Catholic Prime Minister in his lifetime? (Tony Blair arguably converted after his period as PM). Asians make up and estimated 6.9% of the British population (of which around ⅔ are Muslims) while Catholics make up an estimated 8.3%. Surely the Catholics are first in line.
With Muslims and Catholics there is the issue of advising the Monarch about succession in the Anglican Church. Has Cameron ever give that thought?
Could we put Cameron’s statement as the platitude we hear before elections that no one is really supposed to take seriously?
Be careful what you don`t wish for , Millipeed `might` get the boot as Labour leader, & Chucky replaces him . Labour win & instead of an `Asian` Consevative PM , you gotta Chucky, the European`s Left Mini – me, Obama , is that what the kippers want , better the devil you know . If Farage held the balance of power , or say became PM , this country will not return to the 1950`s at all . Ukip ,will not close all mosques , boot out all muslim`s , migrant`s etc ,. If they did we would be suject to South African type sanctions from the UN ,& others .What you want , will not happen & is all fantasy . But what will happen ,is a Labour Govt, no Ukip Govt. at all . & your worse nightmares . The bbc will be even more powerful too.
Essex Man – are you Grant Shapps in disguise?
No , he is not my relation ,or either his cousin from The Clash . But I do know some of the presenters from Bbc Essex & Suffolk , & some of Dr Feelgood , vaguely know Wilko Johnston & Sir Rod of Epping & Sir Ronnie Wood . But thats it really, lifelong Tory who hates Millipeed & Labour .
Grant Shapps , cousin Mick Jones `( The Clash) , not one from Ukip`s favourite band `Foreigner ` .
We’ve drifted from the BBC, but I think most UKIP supporters would be happy to sing along with “Dirty White Boy”.
I hope in my lifetime I see a British Prime Minister not a European one like we have had in the past 2 decades.
Did you see camoron and his stepford wife attending a Diwali celebration all dressed in Indian finery? There’s pandering and there’s pandering and there’s embarrassing.
Maybe he can hand the reigns to Latfur Rahman and his cronies;
What a wonderful thought, then we can really be like the countries that the liberals so want us to be.
Vote labour and tower hamlets will make the expenses scandal look like petty theft.
I don’t care if joseph thinks it’s racist, I’ll be voting UKIP every time until we get rid of the liberal scum and it’s corrupt acolytes.
You are aware that Diwali is a Hindu festival?
For once this really is ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
“you are aware that Diwali is a Hindu festival”?
“Dressed in Indian finery”..I’m guessing Hinduism is a religion synonymous with India?
It may be nothing to do with Islam but it is further proof, along with wanting an Asian PM, (could be Indian of course) that camoron is more in tune with foreign cultures than his own.
So no kippers dress up ,& go to a fancy dress party then , so what . Their are a lot of Indians who vote Tory . We have Priti Patel next door to my constituency , If she was in our constituency , all the people I know would vote for her , she is feisty , a good MP, & very good looking too , an asset to Essex & the Conservative Party . Every body round here thinks she is great , & if the boundaries had been enlarged ,for a smaller House of Commons , she would of been our candidate , but Cleggy put the boot into that, cos he wanted an elected House of Lords. Tories said `No`.
Alternative to Hamas-supporting INBBC on Jerusalem-
” The Islamization of Jerusalem ”
By Daniel Greenfield
(- born in the city)-
“No one objects when Muslim settlers build houses in Jerusalem or anywhere else.
But the objections pour in when the indigenous Jewish population builds so much as an outhouse”
Yes and not only from the corrupted minds of the Islamic adherents.
Yes … in their own capital too, the eternal capital of the Jewish people … truly “the world turned upside down”
Probably as embarrassing a speech as I have ever seen. No wonder the lib dems are virtually extinct.
FOUR of today’s national newspapers – the Times, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail and The Sun have the ‘Remembrance Terror Plot’ as their page 1 reports.
Sky News online has it as its main story on both its ‘Home’ and ‘UK’ pages,
whereas INBBC doesn’t.
BBC mantras: ‘Relegate the Islamic jihad threat’. ‘Campaign for mass immigration’.
Did the recent UCL report on “migration”, treated as a sacred text by the left/BBC, take into account the enormous extra costs of the counter-terrorism and police operations needed to contain our thriving diversity?
Ed Miliband and 14-year old Roma beggar.
Here is an investigative report by ‘Daily Mail’ which Beeboids of local Media City may want to censor, so as not to divert from Beeboids’ pro-mass immigration political message-
“Child exploitation and the deeply disturbing story behind Red Ed’s 14-year-old Roma beggar.
“Rebeca State spends her days begging on the streets of Manchester.
“Came to attention when Ed Miliband was photographed handing her money.
“The youngster, was brought up with ten siblings in Tandarei, Romania.
“But she is now living in the UK as a minor without an apparent guardian.
“Now, Romania’s child protection authorities, alerted to Rebeca’s begging by the Mail, are investigating why she is in Britain and if she is at risk.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2826035/Child-exploitation-deeply-disturbing-story-Red-Ed-s-14-year-old-Roma-beggar.html#ixzz3IU0Lu12l
Libyans and Cambridgeshire.
Two contrasting reports:
‘Daily Mail’-
“Inside a village under siege:
How one of the most peaceful corners of England was turned into a state of anarchy by Libyan cadets accused of rape and violence… that left residents in constant fear.
“Bassingbourn became home to a controversial programme for Libyan cadets.
“Aim was to give leadership skills to 2,000 cadets to help war-torn country.
“MoD promised soldiers would not be allowed off barracks, residents say.
“But the village has been swamped by drunkenness, theft and violent clashes.
“A culture of anarchy also seems to have prevailed inside the barracks.
“Police are now investigating allegations of male rape and sexual assaults.
“Five cadets in police custody following sex assaults in Cambridge last month.
“David Cameron said none of the cadets should be granted asylum in the UK.
“Head of the British Army said the soldiers’ behaviour was ‘beyond the pale.’
“One soldier claimed Government did not tell recruits ‘about British law.’ ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2826076/It-couldn-t-tranquil-corner-England-Libyan-cadets-arrived-train-claims-erupted-rape-violence.html#ixzz3IU2U9fUK
2.) Beeboid report-
“More Bassingbourn Libyan cadets to leave UK”
A portent of the Islamisation of Cambridgeshire.
I read this piece and was utterly astonished at what has happened. What was worse though was the fact that the M.O.D and the Army top brass were complicit in everything that went on, even going so far as to tell local girls to cover their bare arms when the libyan animals went into a shop?
They promised the locals that they wouldn’t even be allowed off the base!! They built a mosque, new showers, as muslim men are not allowed to see each other naked…but it is ok to commit male rape??? The coward liberals even covered a WWII B-17 memorial so as not to upset the libyan vermin!! You couldn’t make it up.
Even the army are now infested with the liberal cowards and who suffers? The local populace again. I dread to think what will happen when this country needs to once more fight for its survival.
Of course the bbc, in the interests of fairness, had a quote from a libyan serviceman stating “it’s the governments fault for not telling us what is right or wrong under British law”
Damn those pesky tories for not explaining that, no matter where you are from, rape is rape is wrong, it’s all their fault.
While boiling the kettle I switched the radio on, it was the News Quiz.
Osborne yada yada Farage yada yada Right wing yada yada Daily Mail yada yada – off switch.
I hadn’t listened to it for ages, but those here who regularly criticise its relentless bias are spot on.
I listened to Sarah “I never met a Conservative I didn’t loathe” Montague interviewing Ozzi on Today. She was even more motivated than usual to make goulash out of him concerning the “deal” over our extra EU “Contribution” particularly – as noted in the news and intro to the interview – how Labour had described it (correctly for once) as “smoke and mirrors”. And whaddya know, she didn’t lay a glove on him: not that she didn’t have ammunition. Ozzi claimed that he was in the clear since no-one mentioned before the “deal” that the UK rebate was “uncertain” implying that, somehow, this was new money magicked from the EU’s petty cash.
In a clash of competent journalist and slippery politician such a debating point would have been the trigger ending with Ozzi being led bleeding and humiliated from the studio: not this morning however. I waited in vain for Montague to ask the obvious question as to why Ozzi himself, before he went to the EU finance meeting, didn’t mention that the rebate was available even if it was – as he
liedclaimed – uncertain. Moreover, she could have hammered the point that the extra contribution has nothing to do with the rebate since AFAIAA they come under different headings in the EU’s payments structure ie they’re completely unrelated. Balancing the receipt against the payment here is the same as believing that if HMRC sends you an extra tax demand for £100 payable next week and you expecting to receive an unconnected share dividend of £50 means that the tax demand is “really” for only £50.This wasn’t bias. Had Ozzi been a Labour chancellor trying this on Montague and the BBC would have broken out the champagne. No, this was a BBC signature failure of competence. The idea that, but for the bias, the BBC journalist cadre comprises the best there is was definitively exploded.
Amazing, no, how Cam the Sham who has only had one real job in his life (realish) as a PR bunny can’t even do that without fouling it up.
‘We don’t like the £1.7 billion, we’ll go to Europe and see what we can do about it, I’ll do my best etc’ would have worked given the outcome.
But no; he had to give it the whole Thatcher – not a penny-piece… the people are my masters… UK first…crap and then return with the most obvious piece of legerdemain you’ve seen since Labour tried to persuade us if only we knew the real Gordon horse-shit
In other news, thin gruel but enough for a wet weekend…
‘His stricture – that women should be presenters (or co-presenters) on 50% of breakfast shows by the end of this year – must have passed the judges by.’
Maybe Danny Cohen can have a quiet word and ensure that all must have prizes equally next time?
‘missing after Rebekah Brooks changed the company’s email deletion policy,’
Naughty private sector company.
The public-funded BBC’s methods seem much more effective: deny, obscure, have an internal inquiry or six, get astoundingly uncurious and/or selectively forgetful, then redact or simply refuse to disclose ‘for the purposes of journalism’. Plus losing stuff too, if push comes to shove.
That… is how you build a reputation for trust and transparency.
If you tell it enough.
Meanwhile, at a BBC editor near you…
‘…the phrase “senior police source” was just a euphemism.’
And really, if your integrity is such that no one is able to ask further, ‘sources who say’ could really be the HoC tealady, eh, Nick?
People, men, a man, vigilantes, after a sexual assault on a 13 year old girl in South Yorkshire. Cops to take robust action against vigilantes.
No information here – but it smacks of people taking the law into their own hands where police have a record of PC and community cohesion
“Police say they will take robust action against vigilantism.” Says the report. Shame they didn’t against the sexual abusers of 1400 girls.
More politically correct policing to ensure that child rapes continue unabated as they have been since 1997.
So, the lefty poodle force can get tough when it wants to! Shithouse cowards sat by and watched thousands of young girls get raped and did nothing?
If saw one on fire in the street I wouldn’t slash on him/her.
Educating Rona Part 2
Worth noting that the ex-journalist woman in the story below, who accuses the BBC of forcing her out ‘for being too old’, and then unsuccessfully tried to get her to sign a gagging order, happened in 2012.
This is a year after the Miriam O’Reilly case, who successfully sued the BBC for ageism, and the subsequent BBC assurances that they would address this issue. Of course, they had previously tried to deny that it was ever an issue, but the judge wasn’t so easy to convince.
So we see a few examples that illustrate the BBC mindset from this.
*First they have no compunctions about lying in an effort to present themselves in a different light.
*The light they want to be seen in, according to what they preach to the public, has nothing to do with what they actually practice. Just a pure sham.
*Having been found out, they offer immediate assurances that ‘lessons have been learned’ and things will now change.
*Nothing changes! They go on just like they did, only trying to close the loopholes that might reveal future transgressions.
‘The BBC rubbed me out because I’m an older woman’: Journalist claims she was forced out of corporation after 30 years because it is sexist and ageist
*Olenka Frenkiel, 59, was asked to sign a gagging order when she left in 2012
*She refused to sign it but evidence heard in House of Lords on women and broadcasting prompted her to speak out after keeping quiet for two years
*The journalist admits the broadcaster is getting away with not telling truth
*She has described being ‘starved’ of work and feeling that she had to leave
*Complaint comes after Miriam O’Reilly sued the BBC for age discrimination
*BBC says 16% of female presenters are over 50 and 25% of correspondents
Andrew Marr
Sheila Hancock – White Poppy on Remembrance Sunday.
Grossly insulting. Profoundly offensive.
So angry I can barely type
Presumably BBC producers felt that there was no chance of her being mistaken for presenters, or she may have been instructed to remove it.
Funny how a person so minded was invited to grace the sofa today of all days.
Can you imagine the BBC ever inviting Nick Griffin on to talk about religion on Eid or Ramadan?
The BBC have no cultural sensitivity at all when it comes to the British culture.
Sorry, what was I thinking? The racist BBC deny the British even have a culture.
Well passed her sell by date. Getting very little work so how do I stand out ? look at me yoo hoo.
Lots of complaints she is impossible to work with, her bossy arrogant domineering personality.
She said the best way to close the Tower of London display was to crush the ceramic poppies by driving a tank over them. To their credit there was a stunned silence from the others on the couch who pretended that she hadn’t said anything.
To their credit??? Acceptance by acquiescence is not creditable at all. They should have kicked her out.
Typical rubbish. The poppies have been sold and the monies will benefit many. Rich liberals never think of things like that. Beneath their principles I suppose.
One may wonder if the stunned silence extended to the prodcucer’s control room, or they were pretty sure she was going to come out with something just like that?
Hence the invitation.
The offensive old bat has shamelessly exploited the death of her husband for years in order to keep herself in the public eye. Still, she is probably too drunk to realise.
How glad am I that I didn’t see or hear that. Just knowing it has made me furious.
Me too.
Sheila Hancock clearly said that the tanks should crush the poppies to symbolise the deaths. There was nothing wrong with what she said.
Forgive me, but a beautiful, peaceful, silent act of reflective remembrance that at its conclusion can be turned into funds for the living sounds pretty right to me.
Running it over with tanks, less so.
I guess interpretations may vary.
Fred, you Beeboids claim that the normal people on here make personal attacks on your kind. I’m afraid that isn’t necessary in your case as you have adequately shown us exactly what type of person you are.
My purpose in posting about Sheila Hancock was to draw attention to her actual words and meaning. It was absolutely clear that she wasn’t being disrespectful of the war dead.
I will continue to make personal attacks in response to wildly inaccurate claims of BBC bias, because I am concerned that if this forum is to do any good it needs to be taken seriously, and the rantings of the nutter faction here are currently making that impossible. If we are to be taken seriously all claims of BBC bias must be justified, accurate, and verifiable. There is no room here for stupid rants that can be shown to be groundless by one minute’s internet search.
“I will continue to make personal attacks”
Shocked I tell you, shocked.
“If we are to be taken seriously”
Along with Di, your occasional services on behalf of the non-nutter ‘us’ to tell people how you interpret things should be taken seem familiar in tone, but still doubtless appreciated by some.
Looking forward to your thoughts on how the much better resourced BBC handles actual threats as well as inaccuracies on open forums it hosts, as well as those propagated by its editorial without accountability.
No one thinks she was ‘being disrespectful’ by showing contempt for the war dead, her proposal was to make an ‘artistic statement’. Fundamentally her message was that all the war deaths were pointless and that her gripe was with ‘society’ and a tank crushing poppies was the best way to show this. This was a puerile and utterly inappropriate thing to propose on Remembrance Sunday.
I am fairly tired of the constant lectures I hear about the ‘heroism’ of conscientious objectors and by the historically illiterate interpretation of the First World War peddled by the Left, based on the writings of half a dozen war poets and a post war modernist movement = the Peace Pledge Union (who invented the White Poppy)*. They insult the war dead by constantly telling us that the war was pointless and that everything done by the leadership was incompetent. We need to remember that we won those wars and the World is a better place as a result – but at huge and terrible cost
BTW some of the things said about Hancock above are quite offensive – is anybody seriously comparing her with Nick Griffin etc. As for her being a Quaker does this entitle her views to some enhanced respect?
* This progenitor of the CND wanted ‘collective security’ via the league of nations and gave rise to a plan to abolish the RAF in the inter war period. Which became Labour Party policy – http://www.labour-party.org.uk/manifestos/1935/1935-labour-manifesto.shtml
We can all imagine what would have happened if that [Labour] policy had been implemented. The Peace Pledge Union were a small vocal group of cranks – very like the CND and other fringe fanatics and that their view has somehow morphed into the accepted orthodoxy despite of the truth.
Sheila Hancock is a Quaker. It’s her faith. Do you have problems with Quakers, who were stretcher-bearers and ambulance drivers on the front line in WW1?
More Marr – nice balance on show with a pro Labour rant by Helena Kennedy
Big Bad Rupert has invented the Milliband collapse.
“There are vested interests who do not want a Labour victory in the next election…..”Let the electorate know that….”A Tory victory would absolutely tear the heart out of this country”…
Clearly she is influenced by the appalling efforts of that right wing rag, the New Statesperson.
Something one is sure our ever well-briefed, forensic and impartial hero pointed out?
There are vested interests who do not want a Labour victory in the next election
She’s right. They are called the ‘public.’
Noted that Helena Kennedy was cited as a trustworthy candidate for that sex abuse enquiry that seems to be dying on its arse by the day…better that though than lying on its back sucking a lollipop as Saviles BBC waves its Pudsey!
Oh look here comes Auntie on cue, dressed as Uncle.
Apart from Kennedy, Mansfield Robertson and the like are all hoped for by the liberati…just a little matter of grooming all those victims that -funnily enough-the BBC seem to have on speed dial.
Helenas campaign has obviously started…but isn`t she a Catholic?
Who`s gonna tell Saunders and the other grief-groomers who sail under that charitable flag of convenience?….Children In Need indeed…thank you BBC for creating the “client base”!
Here is a totally non informative story by the BBC. Typically we have a
“Briton” who has “died” in a “suicide bombing” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29974766
Was he a bloke who had nipped out to the shops for a pint of milk and a newspaper and died when a suicide bomber blew him up – or was he a radicalised “Briton” who murdered himself and others OR was he a British service man there on duty?
Any chance the world’s best funded ‘news’ organisation will enlighten me?
Try this:
Context is everything – I know nothing about Gamergate, but something a little strange. On 18 Oct when World Service radio prog Tech Tent did a long item where they brought 2 victims of trolling against women in tech, most listeners must have thought hangon that second one’s rather deep voice shows that she must be a transexual surely ? (confirmed by a websearch) It being radio the voice is the main thing, yet the producers decided not to mention anything. Yes of course for any other topic it’s not relevant, but when the producers have chosen to divide the world into 2 and basically ask “How do you feel as a woman ?”, they might have done a little mention so not to leave the listeners confused.
Watching the minute’s silence before the Wales Oz game yesterday, it was noticeable that the camera zoomed in on the only black soldier on the field. Just now at the Cenotaph, a regimental pipe band, the camera travels up to reveal – yes, the only black soldier.
Do you think they’re trying to make some kind of point here ?
Al Beeb’s attempt at Tokenism
They did it twice, first one was a black clarinettist.
Not in keeping with the spirit of the occasion, IMO, but typical BBC.
Lots of pictures, lots of Queen Elizabeth today on BBC.
something is slightly amiss however
An alleged? Islamist terrorism plot targeting the UK ??
The arrests and searches were “part of an ongoing investigation into Islamist related terrorism activity???
maybe if we look elsewhere, might get some clarity.
Plot to kill Queen Elizabeth, 4 Muslims arrested
No doubt the London poodle force will put the terrorists in a nice warm cell until the poppy remembrance is over and then release them with a flea in their ear.