Overdue but here you go. Detail the bias. It’s been a busy week for the BBC as they have pushed pro EU propaganda as fact, coped with their hero Obama becoming toxic, and endured Weird Ed being mocked by one and all! Detail the bias here please.
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Having spent many happy days by the banks of the mighty Mekong River, I was interested to see that there is a series of documentaries about it on BBC2. What a great opportunity for some real diversity, I thought, a chance to have someone of South-East Asian origin to present it, perhaps. Surely it would at least be someone with expert knowledge and something original to say. Sadly, no, it’s yet another run out for Sue sodding Perkins: white, dyke and shite.
I’ve set up my black box to record this because, like you, I’ve been there. I’ll attempt to watch it in spite of this irritating, attention grabbing woman, but I’ll be surprised if I get past the first 15 minutes. This is the usual problem with half-interesting BBC programmes these days.
Remains to be seen.
Did you hear her absolute gem on British culture? Whilst watching a silhouetted puppet show on the beautiful courtship between a man and a woman, perkins, clearly drunk on a far superior foreign culture, remarked…”if this was the UK it would involve lots of beer and some wife beating”!!!
WTF? How do they get away with it? She is clearly a man hater and a Britain hater, it just beggars belief. If it wasn’t for the fact she’s a dyke, left wing and completely unfunny she’d be unknown..only on the bbc.
Yup. The Old Country got it variously in the neck for ;
Not having paddy fields plus extreme heat ‘n’ humidity where people work hard for not much reward. Yah boo you feeble office workers/ gym rats of the Anglosphere! Don’t evah complain about your lot ! (Mrs Bug: “Just how strenuous IS it being a stand up comedienne really ?” )
Not having the monsoon. Something about our weather being a “feeble pisser” IIRC. Well boo bloody hoo ! How exactly this is the fault of the British people wasn’t explained but the clear implication is that we’re somehow diminished by the lack of extreme climate.
Apparently producing women who make no effort to learn foreign languages and have never heard of sunblock.
We did enjoy the way that the kids were happy and bright and had (ho ho) no prejudice. Maybe Susie Sue would like to take along a duskier chum on the next instalment to blow that particular fondly held libbo conviction back up her hew-haw.
Very strange to hear frequent descriptions of the various Mekong dwellers as vibrant, since to my eyes they appeared to be monocultural. This I always understood (from the Perkinses of this world, natch) to be A Vewwy Vewwy Bad Thing Indeed, but clearly that only applies to pasty European types with their offices, gym memberships and curious lack of rice paddies and deadly climate. The weeds.
It’s easy to be seduced by the (mostly) smiling faces, and good weather in that part of the world. Oh and I forgot, the food. Wonderful though it is, middle class hypocritical twits are very fond of judging cultures by their food alone.
In SE Asia, there’s a lot of hidden crime and violence, some of it very nasty, which pride prevents them from exposing.
Given that British culture does not include much puppetry beyond Mr Punch, who is a drunken wife beater, she’s not that far wrong.
I take your general point though, it was an abysmal example of the usual BBC ‘Foreign Good, English Bad’ meme.
“BBC spends ‘£70,000 of licence-payers’ money on annual party for more than 200 local radio staff’ – despite plans to axe 400.
“Corporation spent thousands on Gillard Awards for local radio stations.
“Thousands spent on shift cover, wine and travel for staff, a source claimed.
“BBC spokesman said figure was closer to £30,000 for last year’s event.
Comes after it was announced 400 jobs will be scrapped to save money.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2827307/BBC-spends-70-000-party-local-radio-staff.html#ixzz3Ia8mobVt
Presumably BBC NUJ-INBBC is concerned about this, and will report it sometime:-
“Islamic State murders five journalists in Mosul”
Not a roll of Gaffa in W1A and forecourts crammed with BBC staff in protest.
Or, maybe, not so much on this one?
Maybe it’s a different time.
LBC’s Nick Abbot discusses the recent case of a non-TV viewer who successfully sued TV Licensing after years of harassment:
The Islamic jihadisation of Derby.
“UK Muslim who told BBC he wanted to be a homicide bomber becomes a homicide bomber”
“He told the BBC he wanted to blow himself up in the process of killing infidels for Allah. Did the British authorities investigate him? Try him? Jail him? No, they let him go to the Islamic State, where he got his wish and murdered infidels in a homicide bombing attack. Probably the Brits thought it would have been ‘islamophobic’ to try to stop him.”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/11/uk-muslim-who-told-bbc-he-wanted-to-be-a-homicide-bomber-becomes-a-homicide-bomber.html/#sthash.5dP08t4D.dpuf
Not really a bad thing tho’ is it? There’s one less to worry about and all that.
Perhaps that’s the point of Western interventions in Muslim lands. It allows all those homicidal jihadis to obtain their most fervent desires – to kill themselves for Allah.
At least he didn’t do it here.
“A BBC spokesman this morning rubbished the claims, insisting the total costs for the event were in fact £34,115.15 – just shy of £200 per head. ”
Imagine the outrage if any other public organisation (or some private companies) blew that much.
Nice to see that sometimes they can see their way clear to providing more detailed information, even if the anonymous rubbishing perhaps still doesn’t really help as much as hoped.
Typical pro-Muslim smokescreen bias from the Islamic Broadcasting Corp; just look at the title when you post the link below; ‘Briton killed by bomb’ etc. It should read Isis fanatical scum does us all a favour and removes himself from this world’
And note how Islam Not BBC (INBBC) seems to have made the reporting of Islamic jihad violence as exclusively reserved for only Islamic jihadists and other Muslims to comment on; while we ‘kafirs’ are made to play the role of dhimmi bystanders in our own country.
And yet another INBBC sympathetic piece on Islamic jihadist returning to Britain.
1.)Pamela Geller, (who is not allowed to return to Britain by U.K government)-
“British Muslim To Return Home after ‘Tasting Sweetness of Jihad’ in Syria”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/11/british-muslim-to-return-home-after-tasting-sweetness-of-jihad-in-syria.html/#sthash.2F3ventU.dpuf
2.) INBBC:-
“Third Deghayes brother: ‘I could return home from Syria'”
-The Islamic jihadisation of Brighton.
Don’t worry, Amer, Gameshow Nikki will have you on a Your Call special debating whether you should be given a Victoria Cross and the ultimate honour (cf Moazzam Begg) – The Freedom of the BBC.
The Islamic jihadisation of Northern Ireland.
Two reports:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Northern Ireland: Muslim who fought with ‘Army of Islam’ denied bail”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“ ‘His only intention was to help the Muslim population. He genuinely does not believe he has done anything wrong.’ Why should he? He was waging jihad for the sake of Allah. From his perspective, he has nothing to apologize for or be sorry about — not even the weapons and explosives training.”
2.) INBBC-
“Eamon Bradley in court to face weapons charges in Syria inquiry”
How indulgent can Counryfile get? A whole programme dedicated to the presenters finding out about what their ancestors did in France in WW1. Not really a programme about the countryside at all. Perhaps Noel Fielding and Phil Jupitus could take the Buzzcocks team to arrange to find out what NDubbs greatgrandfather did in France? The BBC can never get it right.
Yes it was very generous of us telly tax payers to assist lightweight Matt Baker to find out about his ancestors.
Nearly every program on the bBC today has had a Remembrance theme have just suffered Strictly with the faux glittery poppies and the Z Listers ‘doing their bit’ at Trafalgar Square.
I guess the idea is to promote the day but IMO the over exposure and dumbing down of a day that should really be somber and reflective just does the reverse and cheapens it to the level of Children In Need
Joss Stone singing a soul version of Eric Bogle’s ‘No Man’s Land’ and doubtless releasing it as a single ‘for Children In Need’.
How low can you go.
I disagree. I was glad to see the Strictly crowd doing their bit in Trafalgar Sq. and wearing their poppies on the show. It’s a hugely popular show and is setting a good example. There’s plenty of more traditional coverage on the BBC as well.
Also nice to see Downton Abbey for the ‘other side’ also doing its bit with a nice war memorial scene.
Producer capture.
In the same way the coal mines in the 60s and 70s were there to provide jobs for the miners rath,er than energy for the country; so the BBC exists to provide perks, benefits, salaries and pensions for its staff not entertainment, information, and education for you.
I just saw in the background a presenter from BBC’s Hire-A-Gay-Asian initiative on holiday in China with a camera crew, all masquerading (I believe) as a travel programme.
China’s growing rapidly.
Who knew.
“China’s growing rapidly.”
Blimey, uncle, can’t you keep a secret ? My ultra sharp business brain feels that China’s likely going to become economically exciting sometime this century and I’d like to invest in it before anyone else realises. So please don’t go blabbing. Thanks.
There was a strange incident during today’s Remembrance programme on bbc1 involving an ex-para who fought in the Arnhem battle.
The story of the Battle for Arnhem bridge, Arnhem and Oosterbeck was being told as part of the progamme, during the piece an ex-para was giving his moving story of how he was involved and how his unit fared in the battle…all’s well so far.
The story moved on to how the Germans launched a fierce counter attack, involving some crack Panzer troops and Storm troopers, which pushed the British troops back beyond Arnhem after which the nazis forced the locals out of their town during the winter, in retribution for helping the British wounded, which resulted in many Dutch deaths.
Then came the bbc sting. The blame for these deaths was put firmly on the shoulders of the British for stirring the wrath of the nazis, the ex-para actually apologized for the deaths the British ’caused’? I was absolutely stunned, this hero was virtually in tears whilst saying sorry!!
I might be wrong here but I thought it was the Germans who caused the war, who occupied Europe, who caused the deaths of millions of innocent people…there isn’t a single serviceman from WWII who should apologize for what he did in fighting against tyranny…but the bbc managed to get one to do it!! Even a Dutch freedom fighter interviewed by Sophie Raworth as part of the piece looked bemused.
it seems that the Empire is too far lost to history for the bbc apologists so WWII is now fair game to show that, even in fighting for a righteous cause, not everything the British do is for the right reason. Why, for once, can’t the lefty bbc scum just be proud of what the British stand for!
The starvation of the Dutch after Arnham is down to the Germans and the Germans alone. They could have fed the Dutch but they chose not to.
It is however a common meme amongst the Dutch left (Nationalists included) that the fault lies with the British for not defeating a Panzer division with lightly armed, airborne troops.
A similar meme has being brewing over Waterloo and the Dutch involvement there and how they have been ‘written out’ of the story by the dastardly British. I’m expect the BBC, should they deign to cover it, to raise this meme during the 200th Anniversary events next summer.
I guess the moral of the story is that, if the Continental nations were able to defend themselves a little better against another German onslaught (they had plenty of warning) then there would be no need to blame anyone but themselves.
It’s a little like the current problem with the EU, we British are obviously too successful at looking after ourselves for our own good and have ended up looking after little Europe again, this time in cash.
Maybe he was blaming himself for not being able to stop the German attack. Years ago I knew a very brave officer( now sadly gone) who was shot to bits there and barely survived. He always felt that he could have fought harder. What a man he was!. I did not hear it but let us hope that was what the old man meant.
It was a strange interview to broadcast. A case of getting the negativity in first. An elderly war hero with understandably complex feelings about Arnhem, expressing his regret, guilt, even, at the failure of the mission, & the price the Dutch paid afterwards. But he, & the rest of the British Airborne Brigade went in as liberators, heroes. The ‘Red Devils’ could not have fought any harder than they did – even the Germans, the culprits behind the whole bloody mess, acknowledged their exceptional bravery & ferocity.
To anybody not overly acquainted with ‘Operation Market Garden’, the impression given was that, yet again, British intervention overseas was a costly failure &, in this case, the blame for what happened in the winter of ’44, lies on the shoulders of those who gave so much to rid Holland of its oppressors. Blame, if we must go down that path, lies squarely with the Third Reich. And, yes, the logistical & technical failures that left the troops so horribly isolated & damned the mission to failure could, & should, have been avoided. But there are elderly Dutch women who know the truth. When asked about Arnhem, they break down in tears as they remember the sacrifices made, often the ultimate sacrifice, by young British men.
It took an elderly Dutch gentleman interviewed near the Cenotaph, to try to put the record straight: after the damage had been done. Every September, the people of Arnhem/Oosterbeek pay tribute, from the heart, to the brave men who tried so valiantly to set them free. The overwhelming majority do not blame them – they revere them.
Too bloody true.
But, sadly, those who were 16 in 1944 are 86 now. Soon there will be no one left who remembers how Arnhem went down.
By the time all who were there are dead the BBC will have re-written Market Garden as a British war crime.
“U.S. airstrikes ‘hit ISIS leader’:
“Terror group chief ‘critically wounded’ in Iraq after coalition forces bomb jihadi leaders.
“Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said to be among several hurt or killed ISIS leaders.
“Fighters struck town of al-Qaim on Iraq-Syria border, witnesses said.
“They say jihadis emptied hospital and demanded blood donors for wounded.
“U.S. security sources would not confirm or deny al-Baghdadi was targeted.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2826488/U-S-air-strikes-hit-ISIS-leader-Abu-Bakr-al-Baghdadi.html#ixzz3Ibiqr4B8
As we are all aware the BBC thinks that everything Muslim is good.
But just suppose that there are some aspects of the behaviour of the followers of the Great World Religion of Peace that cause concern? Clearly impossible, they would be people who distort the wonderful message that David Cameron can see that the rest of us can’t, (at the same time as forgetting the ‘messages’ of his own self-declared religion).
But, despite all this, just try and image that their might just infinitesimally probably be some aspects of Muslim behaviour that could, on a bad day, cause a Beeb-type to half-raise one eyebrow in disbelief, how to spin it?
Conservative Muslims, Liberal Britain on Analysis
“The recent so called Trojan Horse dispute in some Birmingham schools shone a light on how separately from the liberal British mainstream a significant conservative bloc of British Muslims wants to live. Although some Muslim parents objected, most seemed happy to go along with rigorous gender segregation, the rejection of sex education and ban on music and arts lessons.
Why is it that so many British Muslims – especially from Pakistani and Bangladeshi backgrounds – seem to be converging much more slowly, if at all, on liberal British norms? Is this a problem in a liberal society and what are the future trends likely to be?
David Goodhart, of the think tank Demos, visits Leicester in search of some answers. He listens to many different Muslim voices from a mufti who advises Muslims on how to navigate everyday life in a non-Muslim society to a liberal reformer who is dismayed at seeing more women wearing the niqab.”
Yep, it’s those nasty old Conservatives again!
“Islamic extremists infiltrating schools, university campuses and scout groups across the UK in ‘unprecedented scale’, report warns.
“Hardline groups, blamed for radicalising young British Muslims, have posted invitations on social media sites to public talks.
“They include the Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA)
Members have been accused of anti-Semitic and homophobic views.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2827762/Islamic-extremists-infiltrating-schools-university-campuses-scout-groups-UK-unprecedented-scale-report-warns.html#ixzz3IcG0hjJq
I find it objectionable when these liberals use the word conservative to suit themselves.
Applied to devout Muslims it is incorrect. They are not ‘conservative’ they simply are following their faith as they feel they should.
I think we should use the word ‘liberal’ to describe all manner of deviant and objectionable behaviour by anti social elements.
I agree with the deliberate misuse of the word ‘conservative’ to describe Muslim oppression of women.
However I’d also like to see the word ‘liberal’ regained for those who support free trade, and the freedom of the individual from state interference. Not those who want to restrict and regulate.
-The Islamic jihadisation of East London.
“BBC snubs official poppy appeal song by refusing to play it on radio”
A bit intrigued that it is the Daily Mirror often running such pieces, as it makes tricky (though clearly not impossible) to claim it is all a right wing media plot.
And yet again there is a poll the result of which one doubts was expected or will be one the BBC selects to boost.
Had to laugh, just watched a recording of last nights TOTP2 broadcast at 11.15pm. The program featured Jilted John which in the coda ‘Auntie’ felt necessary to cut the words ‘slag’ ‘slut’ and ‘bitch’ a song that back in 1978 the bBC were more than happy to broadcast at 7.30 and play daily on Radio 1 in full.
Far worse is heard before the watershed, in right on lefty fests such have I Got News For You and the majority of rap played on bBC’s own kiddiy stations Radio1 and 1xtra. Seriously who the hell is going to be offended by such words at 11.15 on a Saturday night other that touchy feminists, I’ve answered my own question…
Leaping where angels fear, before committing to a new post excuse me dipping a toe with this one as all does not quite seem well on a variety of counts.
And now to hit ‘Post Comment’ to see what happens….
Going from posts on the 9th/10th to four days later suggests a bit of a sink hole has occurred. Hope it resets & restores soon.