Another Party Political Broadcast for the Labour Party on The World at One. Ten whole minutes after the news headlines lauding Milliband’s speech; then another six minutes at 13h30 as two Labour people discussed it.
To who it may concern – can you please ban the infantile “First” and “Second” comments and delete them from the blog. Let us try to have an intellectual approach.,
I thought the same and it was lead item on the news headlines. I then turned to Classic FM in disgust. The 3 o’clock news on this station covered his speech in one sentence and it was the SEVENTH item to be covered, much more reflective of the interest of most people I would have thought
Agreed. There was something much more important that happened to the EU parliament that the BBC has not reported on at all.
They have changed their voting system in that parliament. Now when votes are rammed through, it is impossible to vote against them. There are only two permitted options. Vote yes, or abstain. So even if, in the incredibly unlikely event that the vast majority of that parliament opposed a measure coming from the EU Commision, then all it would take is ONE member to support it and it gets passed!
It is utterly, breathtakingly sickening! I only know of it, because of UKIP’s twitter feed. Everyone else has utterly ignored it!
How good of the BBC News channel to give Steve Richards of the Independent newspaper the warm up act for Ed Milibands speach. With his staring eyes and disheveled hair he looked slightly unbalanced, he then told us that Labour had far better policies than the hated Tories.
INBBC still campaigns to ideologically distance Islamic State from Islam,
although the Islamic State’s appeal to Muslims globally is intrinsic to Islam.
But INBBC’s Mr Gardner is unable to fathom it:
…”there is no denying the spread of IS’s popularity among violent extremists* across the Middle East and even in Europe.”
*(Gardner means ‘ many young Muslims’, but self-censors.)
Widespread support for ISIS which Cameron insists is not Islamic, suggests that there might not be many real muslims in the west. Perhaps we shall have to visit the Chipping Norton mosque for true Islam – eh Dave.
Five Live at it again this morning. A snide Sam Walker asking just before nine if the part of the Philae lander that seemed not to be working was built by the British was only a precursor to Five Live’s main morning event: a sustained attack on the FA, found guilty by FIFA of assorted minor indiscretions relating to their 2018 bid.
Five Live couldn’t wait to pile into the English FA over the criticism of them and exoneration of Qatar this morning. As the 9am report embargo ended Burden held sway over the phone-in where the FA faced several sneers from Five Live reporters, and a caller who called the Qatari state as “bent as an Arab’s dagger” was swiftly removed to a BBC re-education facility,
Sad then that within hours the author of the report was denouncing FIFA’s interpretation, and that FIFA might well have thrown the England FA under the bus to save the Russians and the Qataris from far, far more embarrassing revelations.
And that’s all you need, right? Good company to be in.
Not seeing you anywhere near the rest.
Like pictures from Syria ported to Gaza, as conveyed by a £4b professional news monopoly.
Interesting what gets you out of your bunker and what keeps you in most of the time. Look around the rest of this thread and see what you have studiously avoided.
For your sake, here’s hoping the BBC doesn’t enhance the pictorial narrative any time soon.
Lessons have been learned and notes made in the daily log.
‘conversing with the photographer is interesting more for what he doesn’t say’
For both I found the comments fascinating, especially when real detail was gnawed upon, pro and con.
What was also interesting was how easily things got away from by some angel pinhead Strictly rejects on small matters of semantics or detail. ignoring the actual point.
This one summed it all up pretty well:
‘How odd that out of all the thousands of photos of white steam coming from the cooling towers, the one the Guardian uses, and continues to use, again and again and again, is the one that gives the impression that black filth is belting out instead of steam.
What an amazing coincidence.
Obviously the Guardian wouldn’t come out and SAY exactly why they use that particular photo. That is the point of propaganda.
Of course, for some not coming out and saying why they opt the way they do is another unique art form in complement.
About an hour ago. Opened… four hours ago. That’s 2.30pm to 5.30pm. Awesome.
Top comments may offer a hint as to why Labour’s PR agency adopted a scorched everything policy:
’85. ronnieboy1 oh come on ED you and your party didnt worry to much about vested interests 97-2010….you had enough time to sort a few things…and you did precisely nothing except almost bankrupt the country..
Chop; Yep, and i wonder how many of the Syrians’ now bemoaning the lack of intervention by the West were celebrating the Twin Tower attacks and the deaths of nearly 3000 souls, and rising, thanks to that toxic dust cloud……just a thought…..
I don’t remember seeing anything of the Syrians lauding it up over the twin towers (That does not say that they didn’t), but I certainly remember the Pallys lapping it up…
I assume the video is still widely available on Youtube or Liveleak.
I also remember VIVIDLY the Islamic charmers of Cheetham Hill in Manchester celebrating it, even down to an defaced McDonnalds billboard with a crude drawing of a plane crashing into a building with the eternal slogan “USA Ha ha ha ha ha!” on the day it happened.
Yep, Chop, seen the Pallys celebrating, but my friend was in Damascus at the time, and he reported cheering and widespread support for the strike….there.
They were celebrating in South Wales as a teacher friend told me, 8 year old kids laughing in the classroom at America the day after. The adults obviously celebrated in secret but their kids let it out of the bag.
I had a History teacher in my Sixth Form at the time saying how America deserved it the day after and it took me and a couple of other blokes to point out how many may be dead (20,000 I think was the estimate) and she soon shut up. But then she was a classic man hating feminazi and wasn’t afraid to blame men in class for all the world’s and her ills.
Teachers are mostly unemployable outside of the classroom
It’s the liberal world according to the bbc. They report on Syria on every media outlet they have in the hope of shaming the people of the UK into accepting as many Syrian refugees as we can.
I saw the news report, it was laughable, the reporter all but said that the UK is a disgrace for not doing enough. But why not, they hate the UK for just about everything else.
Just like the somali’s who fled the continent and ended up in Coventry so the Syrians in France will end up here..if the beeb get their way.
Why does the BBC never ask a Syrian, or find a Syrian asking, what the Arab League or the Organisation of Islamic States or China or Brazil or India or the UN is going to do in regard to the Syrian Civil War? Why is it always the fault and responsibility of ‘the West’ aka the USA and its allies?
The comments were overwhelmingly against milipede and the ‘impartial’ bbc shut the comments page! Now they know that he is a busted flush.
Will the bbc never learn, every ‘Sunday morning live’ poll goes against them, comments pages are the same yet they still peddle the garbage.
You have to pity ed, look at the pictures on the piece and you can tell he has been having acting lessons from a tough guy actor….”Raarrrggghhh, I’m a Tiger”.
Actor; “Yes ed, you’re a Tiger, now try it again (take 999) but with more anger”.
Ed; “Okay, but can I have a piece of Wensleydale first”.
Even the bbc are reporting on the growth of wages compared to inflation yet still ed peddles the poverteh and living crisis rubbish. The zero-zero soundbite is yet another embarrassment from the liebour spin morons, there’s one every month.
It doesn’t matter what the PR people do, the man is as exciting as a wet lettuce left out in the summer heat.
They think it is a very small, but well organised group of people all voting in those online and TV polls. They think that those results are not representitive of the audience as a whole. even when they run to 80%+ against them.
Two wrongs to be sure, but as pointed out, when the stilleto was in the other back, the Labour PR agency was all over a favoured ‘ism like a tribalist rash in complement. So far, on this… not so much.
David Miliband refused to talk about his brother as a precondition to appearing on Newsnight.
So, how is that sanctity of BBC editorial independence (unless, uniquely, it can get suspended when quiet words in corridors off the books take place) working out for you guys?
Appreciating Newsnight’s professional rigour has slipped past The Beano, having the terms of an interview dictated and agreed up front seems hardly designed to secure many new fans.
At least Kay Burley only said ‘you can’t say that’ live to a vox popper in a bit of idiot stable-bolting self-censorship. The BBC seems to be happy to touch toes and take instruction up front like troopers.
As this morning appears to have disappeared In the spirit of the BBc I’m starting off with a repeat. Just turned on Breakfast Millibland damage control in full swing.
And now… BBc run sob sob story on Syrian refugees. Western Countries are being asked to do more. Oh that’s besides the wads of cash handed over and the Syrian refugees we have already taken after the Government telling us they wouldn’t. I never had a straight answer out of my MP on the details and the BBc appear to have had to go to France as opposed to where ever they are here. More sob sob about how they can’t work in France. Made me laugh when the reporter in Jordan was telling us the Jordanians were unhappy about Syrian refugees taking their jobs, using their facilities etc.. Although that report is not on the 18:00 news.
Not too sure these guys have quite nailed anything any more than the BBC’s expose did/has.
Mostly it comprises pretty dubious chancers sniping at equally dubious chancers.
And while the fake sheik has much to answer for, possibly in the courts, if laws were broken, that the BBC sees itself as the shining knight to nudge, nudge accusations and claims into the court of public opinion seems the height of hypocrisy given their woeful record.
The ‘Police’ have said they are investigating 400 other cases like this….400. Multiply that countrywide in muslim areas…..wake up Cameron, grow a brain…..and the BBC, you should be flagging this stuff up….not trying to keep the lid on, like the useless cops.
‘Pat Younge, saw the move as a way of paying talent (ideas teams, scriptwriters, directors, actors and presenters) more, not less, freed from the shackles of Auntie’s pay and grading system, under the uncomfortable scrutiny of FoI, The Trust and Fleet Street. Let’s hope that’s in the comparison model.’
Some may see paying more, free of scrutiny, as pretty much a BBC hallmark already.
‘Danny Cohen talks about long-term protection for shows like East Enders and Strictly within NewCo
Rather hard to reconcile with the purity of the BBC getting vast sums to produce what the commercial sector cannot or will not.
Some fat getting trimmed? If so, good. But the question could be asked what the heck they were doing for so long, on so much, before. Or is it just juggling designations with no real changes?
Especially as James & Danny etc forge new empires of too expensive to fire executives.
A question is asked on what a role actually means. If an ex-Beeboid doesn’t know, who could? Answers doubtless an internal secret in ‘the biggest board in the licence-fee funded world’.
We can all agree that the BBC are lying liberal scum…but, to be honest; Channel 4 and its execrable “news” at 7pm is equally odious.
Tonights was a disgrace-Mardell is seemingly able to do his UKIP doorstep routine with Boris Johnson at City Hall , London.
A good story-but the usual showboating crap from Mardell ruined the point…a good reporter(as opposed to a retread from BBC Savile Skip dippiing) would have nailed Boris for this one.
Next up-some Muslim model accusing us all of being Islamophobic-even though it was Muslims telling her to cover up-and as for her excuses for carrying ISIS money on her “leggings”…well it turns out to be cultural…and , no that`s not racist or patronising as long as she says so,
As for Cathy Newman baring her chest and accusing Farage of dissing her ilk….re womens pay…well, her brass neck and chrome dome didn`t survive Nigels takedown of her…but, of course that won`t stop Anne of Cleves from thinking that Ed will be pleased with her.
Disastrous telly for the libs, a joy for UKIP…well done Channel 4.
Remember some BBC bint doing the same personal breast beating about her being traduced by Nigel for the same comments when first he made them(two years ago?…reheated sloppy seconds c/o Milibands team no doubt)…was it Maitlis or Wark…WGAF?
Same old lefty ladies of the media seeking offence and a rumble with Nigel…but the ship has long sailed.
And still we pay…why so?…and for how much longer?
Chris H in my opinion (worth zero) Channel 4 news is actually worse than BBc to the extent I haven’t watched channel 4 news for a number of years now, In fact I can’t think of the last time I watched a program on Channel 4.
Despite my rants at the BBC, supported on the whole by you lovely fellow posters, er…maybe not Dez…or even maybe Mr Stubber, who considers me the anti-christ for daring to diss the rancid Blunkett, i must applaud the BBC for some of their coverage of the Great War. In particular, Antiques Roadshow, the first episode of My War about the fight for the bridges in 1914, and a lovely Country File which was outstanding…..a prog about a German and British soldier, amateur photographers, and their descendants, BBC4 i believe. Superb, and moving. So, BBC, credit where it’s due….take a bow.
I don’t give a shit about Blunkett. I know a lot more about him than you do and what I know doesn’t make me like him at all. My point was about disability, not Blunkett. You don’t take the piss about of people’s disabilities. It isn’t right.
Whoa…Mr Stubber, who took the jam out of your doughnut!!….How do you know more about him than me?….laughable….also, i did not make fun of his blindness…merely gave my view that his lack of sight, the premier sense in my book, should preclude him from the office of Home Sec… is a vital role that demands rigourous attention to detail and an awareness of the situation at any time….you cannot do that without sight, you just cannot, and he proved that over and over. If he could see the mess his voters live in he would be shocked, muslims and Roma fighting in the streets….his fault. So please do not tarnish me as some kind of cruel monster who would kick his dog or stick away. I explained this some time ago to you in a reply, but the same foam flecked vitriol comes forth… need to chill.
So, BBC, credit where it’s due….take a bow.So, BBC, credit where it’s due….take a bow.’
Give me £3.5 bill a year and I guarantee I’ll manage to make at least one decent programme.
I always enjoy Escape to the Country as a bit of brainless TV but it just makes me miserable as I’d love nothing more than to escape to a hidden part of the countryside and away from the dump that is London and the awful commute every day
Jeez, tried to avoid the 10 o’clock new just prior to Question Time (sucker for punishment) but caught the last few seconds, Mishal Husain in the the Lebanon handing back to Reeta Chakrabarti in London, now its time for your local news, over to Sabet Choudhury in the Points West studio….
I just hope these people were appointed on merit….
Was she really in the Lebanon admittedly I wasn’t taking a great deal of notice but it looked blue screened when she was describing the living accommodation.
Perhaps Casciani will fly out to Syria to set up a sympathetic interview with a putative returning Islamic jihadist. It doesn’t matter that we ‘Kafir’ licencepayers may not be happy to pay for that.
Or Husain, who’s out there, could do the interview instead, giving it more of a direct Islamic slant.
Has Cameron worked it out in simple General Election terms:
he is likely to lose more votes of non-Muslim people by being soft on Islamic jihad threat, than the few votes he may gain from Islamic jihad sympathisers?
Cameron does not really care if he loses votes from the old fashioned Tories. He despises us .What are we ? Old, .expensive drain on the state and a waste of time. He has said as much.
In return we can kick him put of power along with the clique that has hijacked the party. Who cares if Milliband wins as long as this awful Tory leadership goes down.
Striking a reasonable balance close to an election. Seeming to look tough for the non-muslim vote but not too tough that he will lose a lot of Muslim support. Its all cr@p anyway, the 1st time its done it will be overturned by the human rights court at our expense and the claimant will be given enough money to keep himself comfortable and send some to support ISIS
It’s a classic case of semantic manipulation, Media Studies 101, if you will. Palestinian ‘shot dead by Israeli army’ in Hebron
Out of 466 words only 49, including the headline and the bold type lead paragraph, have anything directly to do with the death. But as any Media student learns that’s the way a news article is structured. In the so-called inverted triangle structure the main points of the story , the who, what, when, why and how should be right at the top while less essential elements can be relegated further down.
If one was to read the whole story we learn On Monday, an Israeli soldier and an Israeli woman were killed in separate knife attacks but only in the fourth paragraph. Many readers don’t reach that far but even if they do the impression is strongly that the story is that a Palestinian was graphically shot dead by Israeli army. It’s what they do, isn’t it?
The way the the two sets of deaths are covered is instructive. Imad Jawabreh is 22 years old – the BBC has given him an identity. The two Israelis are anonymous although the BBC reported on their deaths three days ago and named them Almog Shiloni and Dalia Lamkus. Referring back to the inverted triangle where the further down the information the less essential, Lamkus’s name was only mentioned 11 lines down and Shiloni’s 18 lines down in a story about their deaths.
Perhaps there was some doubt because the BBC covers itself. Lamkus and Shiloni were named by Israeli media. Jawabreh was simply named although presumably the BBC acquired his name from the Palestinian media or health authorities.
While it is true that the Israeli soldier was in uniform he was not on duty at the time. He was waiting for a train. The woman was waiting for a bus. By contrast the Palestinian was probably engaged in deadly assaults throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at passing vehicles and Israeli soldiers.
A report like that would fail any self-respecting journalism class but competent journalism may not have been the result the BBC was looking for.
A disgusting report from the BBC. Words nearly fail me. The murder, savage and without provocation of Dalia is too horrific for me to recount. It stands with the murder of the poor Fogel family as a act of utter savagery. Without a shred of justification. I suppose Dalia was near a Jewish settlement on the West bank. . Is that what the wretched BBc was trying to suggest? That the settlement is somehow relevant? No it is not. It was a brutal killing without pity or reason. Sometimes I really have had enough of this so callled news outfit that we are saddled with. It is a giant incubus on us and I want it gone.
Here we go again, a hugely impartial Question Time full of lefty liberals with their usual popular soundbites for the masses.
Bankers are devils, everyone is living in poverty, the UK in a living crisis yet even the beeb has reported that wages % are on the rise compared to inflation, liebour politician can’t answer a question, immigration brings nothing but good, if we don’t adopt a green future we’re all doomed…blah, blah, blah, everything Rod ‘lefty’ Liddle says applauded after every comment.
Is leanne wood a robot? Start me up me up and I’ll say what you programme me to say…time for bed, thank god for the off button.
Surprisingly, UKIP wasn’t mentioned until 40 minutes into the programme with very little reaction, hostile or supportive, from the audience.
Perhaps the most ludicrous comment in the programme came from Liddle who managed to slip in to the discussion that “Kinnock was the best Prime Minister we never had.” If he was expecting an overwhelming positive response from the Welsh audience he was sadly disappointed.
The bBBC’s latest silly attack on UKIP is that Farage once suggested looking at funding the NHS through an insurance scheme, as, for instance, the French do with their national health service. To the leftie beeboids, this is ‘privatisation’.
But half the world comes over to use it . . . (Perhaps because thir own countries have been stripped bare of decent medical staff because they’re all here employed by the NHS.)
By “contradicted himself” I guess you mean that he changed position over the course of several years. Millipede changes position on most issues several times a week, and the B-BBC never notice or never think it is important enough to mention, but when it comes to UKIP then “the BBC are right to highlight it”….
You mean like it started out in Britain? The clue should have been in the title National Insurance, which has just been turned into another tax, and the benefits of which have reduced as the premiums have increased.
If any private company behaved as the corrupt UK government does, then it would quickly find itself in court with corrupt politicians, (especially from the left) queuing up to criticise it.
A BBC headline at the weekend described a woman standing trial for making false rape accusations as an “alleged rape victim”. Talk about turning reality on its head!
Anyway, thankfully they’ve been forced into a u-turn now:
But Mr Corbyn risked causing further offence by insisting the comedy night – organised as a tribute to Labour firebrand and anti-war campaigner Tony Benn, who died in March aged 88 – was ‘a great event’ that he ‘really enjoyed’.
Ah, that would be this ‘Labour firebrand’ would it:
After Tony Benn died in March, at the age of 88, his Socialist Campaign Group co-founder, the Labour MP John McDonnell, gave a personal tribute on the floor of the House of Commons.
‘I want to go back to Labour’s programme of 1982, which was the Bennite programme and virtually all of it was written by Tony Benn. Tony’s ideas in that programme were straightforward — we would undertake a fundamental, irreversible shift in the redistribution of wealth and power. How would we do that? Through a fair and just tax system, tackling tax evasion and tax avoidance . . . That is what he was about.’
I wonder how Mr McDonnell felt yesterday, on reading the news of Tony Benn’s will. The former Labour Cabinet minister left an estate of £5,085,001, ‘reduced after liabilities’ to £5,020,389 according to probate records. It seems that apart from the odd small bequest to carers, all of that has been bequeathed to his four children, one the shadow secretary of state for communities, Hilary Benn.
A rich seam for ‘The News Quiz’ to plunder, maybe? Or good material for Today, Newsnight or TWATO to muse over with Mr McDonnell? As far as I’m aware, none of that happened. Funny, that.
BBC Breakfast spends what appeared to be hours listening
(not interviewing), to the “Jihadidaddy” this morning, cue absurd its your fault/all innocent/far right/blame Israel nonsense.
“Quick, better shift the Jihadi Daddy out of the Breakfast studio pretty sharpish now, luvs…. we’re about to do 10 minutes on Strickly Come Dancing – wouldn’t want to offend the beardy-weirdy”
I did see parts of that. I noted what appeared to be concern about these poor people from the sofa possibly being made “stateless” like we give a f***.
We are warned, this morning (courtesy of “Today”) by American “scientists”, that there will be stronger thunderstorms, and much more lightning as global temperatures rise.
These, presumably, would be the “rising temperatures” which haven’t been, for over eighteen years.
Apparently, lightning releases “puffs of greenhouse gases” into the atmosphere. Now, when I was at school, I learned the lightning “fixed” nitrogen in the atmosphere, which, when washed to earth with the rain, was beneficial to life – plants, in particular.
Now, I can see nothing but benefits in a warming world (if, indeed, the world was warming – which it patently is not). Why is it that every day we hear yet another nonsensical scare story on the BBC which implies that due to global warming, we are all going to hell in a hand cart?
On a personal note, I love a good thunderstorm, so bring it on.
I heard the BBC “Environment Correspondent” say as a statement of fact that the temperature would rise by 4 degrees by the end of the century. Where on Earth did that come from?
‘[Labour] Party members even hissed the polite chap from the BBC, much to the acute embarrassment of Mr Miliband, who was forced to calm his crowd with a ‘come on now, it’s a fair question’.’
‘Demonising Murdoch and the Mail is part of Labour’s 2015 core-vote strategy, but the constant poison dripped about the media from the very top of the party is having a noticeable impact’.
I fully expect that in response to this Labour strategy the BBC will tend to pussyfoot around Miliband even more than they did previously. Already the BBC’s corporate self-interest demands they attack free media rivals. What a jolly mili-band-wagon we have to look forward to from the BBC.
Yes, I read in that, that Labour having sewn up their messaging with their BBC colleagues (with just the occasional, perfunctory challenge allowed so that the BBC can show their ‘impartiality’!) have got their cross hairs on ITV – Baldwin having apparently complained that one of ITVs correspondents had the temerity to ask Weird Ed a question.
They have started already with a snide reference to ‘important people’ in this headline piece. Of course no names are named but it should be obvious to even the smallest brains that they mean those evil Torieeeeees. The McAlpine fubar will be nothing to the drip, drip, drip of Tory names ‘linked’ to this nonsense over the months leading up to the election.
The political difference in message on this between:
a.) Cameron &Hague, and
b.) Beeboids,
a.) ‘we may not let some of you Muslims in for a couple of years until you tell us you have “good intentions;”
b.) ‘we think you Muslims should have the freedom to do what you want, and unless we know otherwise, we regard you as a political asset to our political Left-Islam alliance.’
The man the bbC bring on every time in which to promote the view that Islamic terrorists can only be victims of the British is …. Abubaker Deghayes.
A man whose family fled Libyia for its Jidadist views. The man who took control of a Mosque in Brighton by force and then turned it into a radical one. The very same man who brainwashed lots of young men to go to fight in Afghanistan(Including his brother), the man who openly declared he wanted Tony Blair murdered and who brainwashed his children to die for allah. It appears the bBC is unable to join the dots and see just what a nasty piece of work this man is. Instead it shove into our face that those who murder when they utter ‘Allah ackbar’ are not only righteous, but victims as well.
BBC News – Britons who travel to Syria and Iraq to fight could be temporarily barred from returning home under plans announced by David Cameron.
Cameron: We have to deal with threat
‘My fighter son is no threat to UK’
Can UK stop jihadists coming home
could be – possibly – temporarily ….
This clearly shows the cluelessness, of the government, and
the BBC.
The same handwringing, half-hearted, attitude over Syria, combating extremism that’s got to be fair, in all its forms etc.
Look, there s one reason Assad is still strong, and successful,
He doesn t fight with both hands tied behind his back, he s target specific and acts on it … he has dangerous fanatic, Islamic mass murderers at hand and so deals with them, with no qualms.
Then again
Obama, Just get rid of Assad, have a deal with ISIS, happy days?
TA RA! … what could go wrong eh!
As Assad’s father was placed in power by the USSR and Assad himself maintained there by Russia how is the Sainted One going to get rid of Putin’s Poodle?
if you listen to the latest fairy story from our No10 traitors, its Wavy Davey Camoron himself,
(no come on, stop laughing) … whose going to “tell” Putin “straight”.
It’s not encouraging is it? I think I would have preferred Little Willy Vague, or even IDS who, despite being charismaless is at least a serious and sincere politician, than Blair -Lite. Cameron has not been an asset has he?
Non of them are capable of dealing with that snake Putin tho’.
Hezb-allah is a terrorist outfit with plenty of blood on its hand, yet the bBC affords them pop star status in which to support their anti-western bent. What next bBC, defending the action of Harold Shipman on Government cuts.
I’ll credit Mr. Mumsnet for not getting the Mrs. in (as far as I am aware) to Newsnight since his Editorship was formalised, but she was a regular gob-for-hire in speaking for the Yummie, nanny-managing segment of the nation, and now well installed as media royalty along other corridors.
But I do wonder at what sees pillow talk become editorial and hence policy, when really a bit of professional objectivity, sensible self-counsel and distance may be reasonably felt appropriate for those whose decisions or oversight so sway the public in how they think about issues.
Noreena Hertz@noreenahertz Disgrace if another club hires him: MT @DannyCohen: Malky Mackay sent racist & anti-semitic messages.Why has there been no sanction?
Now what’s disgraceful and what’s legal and what’s not is one thing, but what needs and then gets an overt pan-BBC ‘why has there not been..’, albeit one degree-of-separation public sector driven campaign to influence private sector decisions, is quite another.
A ‘Head of’ of Mr. Cohen’s seniority coming out with a ‘who will rid me of this troublesome priest?’ tweet like this seems to me in turn troublesome, especially as the BBC does seem to be adopting a rather singular approach to ruining the careers of any who transgress in fields deemed beyond the pale, even if having paid their dues to society.
Mob rule driven by the national broadcaster’s elite, especially on a clearly selective basis, leaves a nasty taste. What next may such folk decide needs stirring up on twitter amongst spouses, followers and eager-to-please staff?
I’m sure there’s a BBC Guideline (that Mr. Cohen probably wrote) to ensure how Mr. Cohen expressed his opinion publicly was fine. Some may feel otherwise.
Quite interesting if a bit of reading between the lines (of what I would presume to be private exchanges, so how they got into the public domain unsure post-Leveson. Comparing apparent ‘private communications’ with twitter is frankly daft. Also worth noting that were it a BBC employee, any such record would immediately be off limits ‘for the purposes of’ and hence nothing would happen unless the BBC so chose. Like Carole T vs. those they are more forgiving about) needed.
And given the head of the ‘speaking for the nation’ broadcaster has decided what needs doing, or not, The Mirror has at the end another of those polls it runs.
Not sure the results so far show Mr. Cohen and family are in sync with The Mirror audience at least.
Watching the genesis of a BBC policy-influencing agenda being spun up between like-minded social engineering market rates can be grotesquely fascinating…
Just been listening to ‘You and Yours’, the BBC’s lunchtime consumer programme.
Apparently some woman called ‘Claire’ had been scammed on the internet by someone purporting to be a bloke called ‘David’ in South Africa. One of those romances over the ether, apparently, and – guess what – she’d ‘fallen in love’ with him. Then she heard from a ‘friend’ of David’s that he was in hospital needing urgent surgery and needed money to pay for it. Guess what – she did.
And so the item progressed. The female reporter had met Claire who was a ‘witty and intelligent woman’ but guess what – David didn’t exist. At the end of the report we heard that Claire is determined to get to the bottom of the scam because ‘she’s got nerves of steel’.
The normal questions that anyone with an ounce of common sense would have asked e.g. ‘How can you fall in love with a fictitious person?’ – weren’t.
Your world-class investigative BBC, doing their bit for emotionally crippled, dumb, victimhood Britain.
You and Yours is full of crap like that. Endless stories involving many different scenarios but all on the same theme about a fool and his (her) money. The BBC always sides with the gormless as being completely blameless.
Another programme crossed off my R4 listening schedule, there isn’t much left.
It`s just a washing line bitchfest over the garden wall-but with the Filipinas doing the washing, as the hi-viz tartlets ensure that they themselves are not at risk from being garrotted by the washing line.
BUPA skirts whose only role is to nurse grievances-as opposed to their own kids or parents-which is what the State is now meant to do, as they cream it in from the ECHR or some Council Poly Jolly.
Why no wind farms at the BBCs studios?…could run the national grid off their aimless carping.
White Dees all, only less fragrant and less honest about stiffing the rest of us.
Only the BBC would run some Brum babymuvva crapola on the same day as their Children in Need Hogwarts fest.
The show was on this morning at 11 am…consisted of black women in Birmingham creaming the State for their broods of feckless children as spawned by the Black diaspora of young men-vulnerable I`d imagine of course.
All those kids will of course be needing free school dinners and Michael Mansfields 24/7 client based landline-as I deprived all the decent kids of a days schooling to dress up as Mary Seacole, I passed the bucket around and gathered loads of money to send to the Birmingham appeal for a Fathers day bran tub…or was it a state-lined trough?
Glad to know all those wifeys and babymothers are doing grand…Gloria Gaynor on a tape loop and some BBC double-barrelled redstocking using her Patricia Hewitt voice to tell us that these women are mens playthings, but their families will exceed White van mans in cultural hegemony and slicing the states largesse into saltfish-type goodness.
The Beebers have all left B`rum and can now cluck about Russell Brands libido over canapes in Islington for the weekend now…and normal agitprop patronising racist feminista blackguarding shit will scattergun all over us all NEXT week as well…and we“ll pay for the slurry AND the clean up too.
Where`s the Black Pudsey bear then…racist scum there at the BBC huh?
Whenever a misdemeanor is perpetrated by those that cannot be mentioned the bBC always report them as being Asian in the skewed way that we might just think ‘those naughty Chinese or Japanese…’
Paradoxically the bBC operate The Asian Network (funded by 98% of licence payers who don’t listen) but not a single program in Mandarin or Japanese yet there is in Urdu, Punjabi and Bengali…..
Shouldn’t it be called the South Asian Network and be funded by just those 500k that want it?
No, it should simply be scrapped. There are dozens of South Asian television and radio channels available both on a subscription basis as well as free-to-air that address just about every linguistic, cultural and religious group from the Indian sub-continent. The very concept of a BBC Asian (sic) Network is racist and patronising and belongs to the pre-1947 era.
TV News item at lunchtime today about new allegations of “historic” sex abuse in the 1970s and 80s. Interviewed alleged victim who sounded plausible enough. Said that many of his abusers were powerful men.
My point is the BBC interviewer asking if any of the abusers were “military”. Didn’t ask if they were teachers, trades union officials, journalists, BBC employees or social workers, just “military”.
A lot of Jimmy Savile costumes going cheap today!
My medallion, my shell suit, blonde mop and old trainers/sweatsocks have had no takers-despite the bargain basement, bottom-scraping prices I`ve been charging.
The bean bags have gone alright-but the best I could do was to offer them a Pudsey suit, a onesie or PJs that they could wear OVER the Savile regalia.
All the usual Public Sector shills fo Saviisation and Progress seem to reckon that their old JS gear is a come-on for cigar smoking, which as we all know is Saviles real crime as far as Labours High Command and the BBC Big Beasties are concerned.
Still-all those kids in onesies and pyjamas eh?…Saviles Spirit lives on in our schools and council offices, BBC studios today does it not?
Anyone want a set of Sheffield United shirts going cheap and for hire?
The BBC are pushing the ‘historic sex abuse’ cover-up theme for all it’s worth, desperately trying to link it to Thatcher’s government in the 80s, whilst gang rape and child trafficking for sex with all the evidence you could want of a multiculti-agenda-protecting cover-up by police and local authorities is there for the taking.
Apparently Sheffield United is ‘facing increased pressure’ regarding the player convicted of rape.
This seems another of their pet projects where they are absolutely out for the guy.
Contrast this with the tone taken for Mozzam Begg/Any Gitmo Muzzies/Ex-IRA/Anjem Choudary
Maybe if he takes a few months off to train for jihad, the same women-and it IS mainly women( and how the hell they have a view on football when they can`t play it , and hardly watch it) will insist that he is innocent until proved guilty…and that the UK has no right to deprive the freedom fighting British born enthusiast of his rights-especially the one that involves him getting work again after his “community service” in the cause of the umma.
Over to you Gareth Peirce…
“No, it’s not atomic rain, it’s just a hard rain. It isn’t the fallout rain. I mean some sort of end that’s just gotta happen … In the last verse, when I say, ‘the pellets of poison are flooding the waters’, that means all the lies that people get told on their radios and in their newspapers.”
It ain’t caused by the weather, like everything our infrastructure is creaking from unlimited immigration, just as flooding is caused by building on flood plains.
Of course to the bBC and government that’s an inconvenient truth.
By all accounts, the combination of a million monkeys and a million typewriters gets you Shakespeare.
20,000 staff, too many platforms (but not enough for them to fill) and a desperation to avoid dead air gets you… this….
BBC World News Meet Elvis Romano. He says he’s the only person in the world who dared to sing Elvis Presley in the Roma language.
Having actually watched (not sure many have) this Pulitzer entry, I remain in the dark as to what made this daring at all. Unless he charges for performances.
This weekend I will be doing what many others are, & watching the cult BBC series ‘The Box of Delights’. Shown in 6 parts prior to Christmas originally in 1984 it really is a classic. Written in the 1920s by John Masefield the series is set in an England now sadly vanished, with references to our history and a dastardly villain out to enrich his gang.
With evocative music by Victor Hely Hutchinson, steam trains, vintage cars, magic, evil clergymen, and a heroic punch & judy man played by Patrick Troughton it really does show what the BBC could do when it wasn’t having one eye on left wing idiocy.
Biddy Baxter was involved in the production and chose the music as one of her desert island discs.
Do yourselves a favour and buy the disc on Ebay, or have a watch on You Tube where the entire thing is available. It’s a real feel good experience I promise !
And the seasons greetings when it comes ! (if it’s not the purple pim !)
A ridiculous web site which takes an age to load because it’s so motivated by selling advertising it doesn’t bother to check the size of them or what ridiculous scripts they might be running !
It was that bad that it wouldn’t even load for me. When the need for advertising overtakes the merit of the copy a web site is not worth visiting.
Unfortunately it’s not the only one doing this and advertisers don’t give a shit about whether they crash someone’s site.
Rant over if this was the remark Livingstone made about the administrators & making their lives a misery then it’s something I had already posted about on the vanished thread.
If Livinigstone said this then he is inciting violence ad should be arrested and charged. So slippery is he that no doubt his words were chosen with care and he will get away with it.
I have problems with Breitbart as well and I have BT broadband (supposedly high speed) I find it loads better on google chrome rather than explorer -(can I install an ad block on chrome?)
Just type in (on chrome “Ad Block plus” and double it up with Ad Block Pro and install them as a plug in.
I used to use BT, but it is absolutely dire, switched to Virgin about a year ago now, and it is superb, BT tends to throttle (even though they say they don’t, they definitely do), they are also prone to blocking sites that encourage freedom of speech.
Thanks so much Chop – you’re advice is very timely.
Just browsing Breitbart and had one of these ads start up. I clicked on the X button to shut it off and it opened a full webpage that took over the computer.
After I shut down Chrome and reopened it by pure coincidence I came across your post.
Brilliant :o)
If Beeboids didn’t have a political soft spot for Livingstone, they might report this
That’ll be the story broken by a BBC reporter on Today yesterday morning? Using the recording she made of Livingstone making the comments? And where she repeatedly accused him, Galloway and Rahmann of lying? Get back in your box, eejit.
“…the former Mayor of London told Rahman’s supporters to find out where the commissioners lived and “make their lives intolerable”.”
Anyone know where Livingstone lives?
did you hear david cameron grovelling speech last night in australia to the islamists by declaring again that in his view islam is a religion of peace,what world is david living on,apart from ukraine the 53 fighting wars across the world from east to west involve muslim insurgent groups who are trying to impose there wahabi ideology on the country they chose to move to and live in including the uk,sorry david,your islam is a religion of peace diatribe just does not wash anymore with the public.
Yes, Cameron and many others, including Obama, seem intent on pushing the idiotic line that Islam is a Religion of Peace and that those Muslims who kill in the name of Islam are “distorting” this wonderful, inspiring religion.
This despite the fact that not a day goes by without some atrocity committed somewhere on the planet by Muslims shouting “Allah is great.”
However, reading up on the attempts to build a mosque in Cameron’s Chipping Nortonstan one might get the impression that Dave is supporting a religion of peace which is under attack from waycists.
You seem to be under the illusion that Cameron is an honest man, when in fact only one thing motivates him – money.
This is a man obsessed by personal wealth and holding onto it and there is no limit to what he considers sufficient.
We heard this past week that tony BLiar had been paid £42K per month by the Saudis, ostensibly to promote their oil to the Chinese. Anyone reading this believe that this was a legitimate payment?
My belief is that the Saudis are ‘bribing’ Western leaders to promote Islam and if they did this with BLiar, then they’ve almost certainly done the same with the greed obsessed Cameron.
As I’ve said quite a few times there’s no way the Saudis would pay a leader while in office, hence why Cameron doesn’t want a second term and you’ll probably see him pull some stunt coming up to the election to make sure it doesn’t happen.
That’s why we have to put up with ever increasing mosques. They are funded by the Saudis and SA is the world’s biggest oil exporter.
The irony is that it was British and US engineers who taught the Saudis how to extract oil out of the ground, before the last stake in the Saudi Oil Company was sold to the Saudis in 1980 (bit of a mistake, that).
If it weren’t for the British and the Americans SA would just be a few tents in the desert.
His speech will have been vetted for approval by his Saudi paymasters, who don’t like ISIS but wish for a deception of Islam to be perpetrated on the world.
The 18:00 news and yes they are advertising the entertainment vacuum that is children in need. Lucky I just discovered Motors TV on my freeview box. I’m still paying for the shite fest on BBc even though we won’t be watching..value for money.
BBC news on R4 this morning reported the latest from some bunch of ‘climate scientists’ who obviously have far too little to occupy their overfunded time.
Apparently thunderstorms ‘might’ get more violent and louder because of global warming. That will be a another ‘might’ in this endless spinfest of climate hysteria and scaremongering because, because – well, they just don’t effing know because it’s all based on a hapless theory endlessly played out in the fantasy world of computer models – and miserably failed ones at that.
No wonder the BBC worships the ‘mighty’ reports from the IPCC – ‘might be more violent thunderstorms..’, ‘might have more flooding…’, ‘might experience wilder weather…’, ‘might suffer more flooding….’, ‘might see more hurricanes….’ etc etc
Think of what rhymes with ‘might’ then think of a billion tons of it, endlessly spewed at us through the BBC spreaders, day in day out by Club of Rome footsoldiers like Harrabin..
BBC News bulletin this morning reporting on Cameron’s latest proposal to bring British jihadists to book had a soundbite from the father of 3 brothers, all of whom joined ISIL, calling the proposed policy ‘unbalanced’.
I think it’s fair to say that this chappie (whose name I really can’t be arsed looking up) is an irony-free zone – either that or he hasn’t yet realised he’s not still living in some shithole backwater of the Punjab. Nonetheless, I think he is the BBC’s latest favourite speed-dial Muslim on all matters terrorism – or at least, teenage Jihad. His views went unchallenged, of course, nor were any opposing views sought in the name of balance.
I’d like to think that Cameron doesn’t actually believe the nonsense he speaks about Islam being a religion of peace, and that it is just out of political necessity. But surely the day must come, perhaps soon, when this charade has to end, and Islam, so-called mainstream Islam has to be named and identified for what it truly is: an anti-progressive, disruptive, inhumane, anti-western ideology; a pseudo-religion based on a plagiarism and Arabisation of the Old Testament; founded by a deluded, illiterate bandit, murderer and serial philanderer 1400 years ago.
“The Cameron government is restricted by its own policy stances and lack of imagination from doing anything effective to defend Britain from jihadists.
So instead, there is this endless parade of ridiculous half-measures, combined with obsequious pandering to Islamic supremacists and official dissimulation about the nature and magnitude of the threat.
This … is not going to end well.”
UK: Cameron will ban jihadis returning from Islamic State, for two years
Has someone lent Wavey Davey a pair?, along with the latest laughable “fag packet” attempt at policy?
Sadly no, as the next portion of his speech shows clearly …
hope all that, “muslim dollar” is worth it for you, and your buddies Dave.
“As we do so we must work with the overwhelming majority of Muslims who abhor the twisted narrative that has seduced some of our people. We must continue to celebrate Islam as a great world religion of peace.”
The News Quiz
Sandi Toksvig (lefty)
Mark Steel (extreme lefty)
Lucy Porter (lefty if anything)
Andy Hamilton (lefty)
Jeremy Hardy (extreme lefty)
Another of my old favourites that has gone down the pan. It is now just an ever shrinking lefty love-in that will implode as the public wakes up to their nonsense.
Lucy Porter was the one who dobbed DLT in it all with her sexual harassment case recently was she not?
I`m guessing that her PTSD only took hold five years after she giggled and made jokes out of it at her Edinburgh festival show.
Yes indeed-exactly the lefty feminista traumatised victim of hideous white blokes in need of a career and a day in court-with(who knows?) compo and a radio series to follow.
Womans Hour and You and Yours interview no theirs any more do they?
moggiemooFeb 24, 11:20 Start the Week 24th February 2025 You may jest but it was weeks before it properly registered that it was Jeremy, not Jim. You can imagine…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 11:19 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” { aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech. 1765…
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MarkyMarkFeb 24, 11:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “Let me start off today, if I offend anybody then I don’t give a site” @0:20
ZephirFeb 24, 10:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “Ed Miliband’s net-zero plan exposed as fantasy but Labour already knew it was ‘b*****t’ ” We should be just five…
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First! 🙂
As they say in FPTP elections, “second” is just “first loser.”
Another Party Political Broadcast for the Labour Party on The World at One. Ten whole minutes after the news headlines lauding Milliband’s speech; then another six minutes at 13h30 as two Labour people discussed it.
To who it may concern – can you please ban the infantile “First” and “Second” comments and delete them from the blog. Let us try to have an intellectual approach.,
Thank you.
I thought the same and it was lead item on the news headlines. I then turned to Classic FM in disgust. The 3 o’clock news on this station covered his speech in one sentence and it was the SEVENTH item to be covered, much more reflective of the interest of most people I would have thought
Agreed. There was something much more important that happened to the EU parliament that the BBC has not reported on at all.
They have changed their voting system in that parliament. Now when votes are rammed through, it is impossible to vote against them. There are only two permitted options. Vote yes, or abstain. So even if, in the incredibly unlikely event that the vast majority of that parliament opposed a measure coming from the EU Commision, then all it would take is ONE member to support it and it gets passed!
It is utterly, breathtakingly sickening! I only know of it, because of UKIP’s twitter feed. Everyone else has utterly ignored it!
Here’s a link to Roger Helmer MEP’s twitter feed about it…
Does anyone know of a site with more information about this? I’ve had a quick look, but can’t find anything.
How good of the BBC News channel to give Steve Richards of the Independent newspaper the warm up act for Ed Milibands speach. With his staring eyes and disheveled hair he looked slightly unbalanced, he then told us that Labour had far better policies than the hated Tories.
It was a bit of fun for Christ’s sake. Lighten up.
INBBC still campaigns to ideologically distance Islamic State from Islam,
although the Islamic State’s appeal to Muslims globally is intrinsic to Islam.
But INBBC’s Mr Gardner is unable to fathom it:
…”there is no denying the spread of IS’s popularity among violent extremists* across the Middle East and even in Europe.”
*(Gardner means ‘ many young Muslims’, but self-censors.)
-from INBBC’s-
“Islamic State: ‘Baghdadi message’ issued by jihadists”
And, imply Hague-Clegg-Miliband-INBBC, etc:-
let’s all be nice to the murderous Islamic jihadists
of ‘good intentions’ ** wanting to return to U.K.
** ( Their ‘good intentions’ are towards Allah, not towards we British ‘Kafirs’.)
Keep them out.
Stop the Islamisation of Nations.
Widespread support for ISIS which Cameron insists is not Islamic, suggests that there might not be many real muslims in the west. Perhaps we shall have to visit the Chipping Norton mosque for true Islam – eh Dave.
Watch and wonder……no additional comments required………………
Wild Bill speaks as bluntly as you’ll hear anywhere…click below:
Sort of like the American version of Pat Condell.
The more people speak up, and against Islam (not radical Islam…just Islam) the better.
Five Live at it again this morning. A snide Sam Walker asking just before nine if the part of the Philae lander that seemed not to be working was built by the British was only a precursor to Five Live’s main morning event: a sustained attack on the FA, found guilty by FIFA of assorted minor indiscretions relating to their 2018 bid.
Five Live couldn’t wait to pile into the English FA over the criticism of them and exoneration of Qatar this morning. As the 9am report embargo ended Burden held sway over the phone-in where the FA faced several sneers from Five Live reporters, and a caller who called the Qatari state as “bent as an Arab’s dagger” was swiftly removed to a BBC re-education facility,
Sad then that within hours the author of the report was denouncing FIFA’s interpretation, and that FIFA might well have thrown the England FA under the bus to save the Russians and the Qataris from far, far more embarrassing revelations.
Harrabin Ignores BBC Guidelines…
The shock here is palpable I can tell you.
Doubtless he, as have countless others, has solemnly promised not to do it again until the next time, when the process restarts.
That’s not a cooling tower, it’s a boiler chimney.
Shocked, shocked I tell you.
Doubtless Guest Who, will solemnly promise not to do it again until the next time.
Score one for you two.
And that’s all you need, right? Good company to be in.
Not seeing you anywhere near the rest.
Like pictures from Syria ported to Gaza, as conveyed by a £4b professional news monopoly.
Interesting what gets you out of your bunker and what keeps you in most of the time. Look around the rest of this thread and see what you have studiously avoided.
For your sake, here’s hoping the BBC doesn’t enhance the pictorial narrative any time soon.
Lessons have been learned and notes made in the daily log.
Sleep tight my princes; tomorrow is another day.
Pointing out when you’re wrong is wrong, because it hasnt been pointed out how you were wrong every other occasion when you’re wrong.
I recall the poster who addressed every simgle post on an open thread. Still didnt get him anywhere.
Not sure if Google translate is configured for Friday Night Beeboid to English, so it may take a while to get back to you on that one.
Maybe invest in a cup of Horlicks in the meantime?
Coming from you, I’ll take that as a compliment.
Which has been photoshopped.
Tx for that.
The update link is worth a read too.
‘conversing with the photographer is interesting more for what he doesn’t say’
For both I found the comments fascinating, especially when real detail was gnawed upon, pro and con.
What was also interesting was how easily things got away from by some angel pinhead Strictly rejects on small matters of semantics or detail. ignoring the actual point.
This one summed it all up pretty well:
‘How odd that out of all the thousands of photos of white steam coming from the cooling towers, the one the Guardian uses, and continues to use, again and again and again, is the one that gives the impression that black filth is belting out instead of steam.
What an amazing coincidence.
Obviously the Guardian wouldn’t come out and SAY exactly why they use that particular photo. That is the point of propaganda.
Of course, for some not coming out and saying why they opt the way they do is another unique art form in complement.
The second photograph (sent by the photographer in ‘evidence’ isn’t even a wider version of the first. It, too has been photoshopped.
After last night’s Newsnight love letter to Ed and his ‘resilience’, more from the BBC’s ‘Operation Save Ed’.
BBC ‘Six o’ Clock News’ reporter Ben Wright reports that Miliband’s ‘punchy speech’ has ‘stabilised his leadership’ and ‘silenced his critics’.
That’s the BBC’s Political Correspondent, Ben Wright, son of former LABOUR MP, Tony Wright.
Top billing on the home page gets you…
Amazingly, it is now ‘closed for comments’.
About an hour ago. Opened… four hours ago. That’s 2.30pm to 5.30pm. Awesome.
Top comments may offer a hint as to why Labour’s PR agency adopted a scorched everything policy:
’85. ronnieboy1
oh come on ED you and your party didnt worry to much about vested interests 97-2010….you had enough time to sort a few things…and you did precisely nothing except almost bankrupt the country..
And there are more. Many, many more…
On the same page, under “Features”
“Through teenage eyes
Smartphone snapshots of life in Syrian desert camp”
Nice…but I am sorry BBC, I simply do not give a shiny shit about Syria and Muslims.
I wonder if they will ever go for my suggestion, y’know, seeing as it is in Britain:
“Through white teenage eyes
Smartphone snapshots of life in Rotherham’s Islamic sex den”
No, I doubt it too.
Chop; Yep, and i wonder how many of the Syrians’ now bemoaning the lack of intervention by the West were celebrating the Twin Tower attacks and the deaths of nearly 3000 souls, and rising, thanks to that toxic dust cloud……just a thought…..
@ Robert Brown:
I don’t remember seeing anything of the Syrians lauding it up over the twin towers (That does not say that they didn’t), but I certainly remember the Pallys lapping it up…
I assume the video is still widely available on Youtube or Liveleak.
I also remember VIVIDLY the Islamic charmers of Cheetham Hill in Manchester celebrating it, even down to an defaced McDonnalds billboard with a crude drawing of a plane crashing into a building with the eternal slogan “USA Ha ha ha ha ha!” on the day it happened.
Yep, Chop, seen the Pallys celebrating, but my friend was in Damascus at the time, and he reported cheering and widespread support for the strike….there.
They were celebrating in South Wales as a teacher friend told me, 8 year old kids laughing in the classroom at America the day after. The adults obviously celebrated in secret but their kids let it out of the bag.
I had a History teacher in my Sixth Form at the time saying how America deserved it the day after and it took me and a couple of other blokes to point out how many may be dead (20,000 I think was the estimate) and she soon shut up. But then she was a classic man hating feminazi and wasn’t afraid to blame men in class for all the world’s and her ills.
Teachers are mostly unemployable outside of the classroom
It’s the liberal world according to the bbc. They report on Syria on every media outlet they have in the hope of shaming the people of the UK into accepting as many Syrian refugees as we can.
I saw the news report, it was laughable, the reporter all but said that the UK is a disgrace for not doing enough. But why not, they hate the UK for just about everything else.
Just like the somali’s who fled the continent and ended up in Coventry so the Syrians in France will end up here..if the beeb get their way.
Why does the BBC never ask a Syrian, or find a Syrian asking, what the Arab League or the Organisation of Islamic States or China or Brazil or India or the UN is going to do in regard to the Syrian Civil War? Why is it always the fault and responsibility of ‘the West’ aka the USA and its allies?
The comments were overwhelmingly against milipede and the ‘impartial’ bbc shut the comments page! Now they know that he is a busted flush.
Will the bbc never learn, every ‘Sunday morning live’ poll goes against them, comments pages are the same yet they still peddle the garbage.
You have to pity ed, look at the pictures on the piece and you can tell he has been having acting lessons from a tough guy actor….”Raarrrggghhh, I’m a Tiger”.
Actor; “Yes ed, you’re a Tiger, now try it again (take 999) but with more anger”.
Ed; “Okay, but can I have a piece of Wensleydale first”.
Even the bbc are reporting on the growth of wages compared to inflation yet still ed peddles the poverteh and living crisis rubbish. The zero-zero soundbite is yet another embarrassment from the liebour spin morons, there’s one every month.
It doesn’t matter what the PR people do, the man is as exciting as a wet lettuce left out in the summer heat.
They think it is a very small, but well organised group of people all voting in those online and TV polls. They think that those results are not representitive of the audience as a whole. even when they run to 80%+ against them.
Two wrongs to be sure, but as pointed out, when the stilleto was in the other back, the Labour PR agency was all over a favoured ‘ism like a tribalist rash in complement. So far, on this… not so much.
Then, to top things off…
David Miliband refused to talk about his brother as a precondition to appearing on Newsnight.
So, how is that sanctity of BBC editorial independence (unless, uniquely, it can get suspended when quiet words in corridors off the books take place) working out for you guys?
Appreciating Newsnight’s professional rigour has slipped past The Beano, having the terms of an interview dictated and agreed up front seems hardly designed to secure many new fans.
At least Kay Burley only said ‘you can’t say that’ live to a vox popper in a bit of idiot stable-bolting self-censorship. The BBC seems to be happy to touch toes and take instruction up front like troopers.
As this morning appears to have disappeared In the spirit of the BBc I’m starting off with a repeat. Just turned on Breakfast Millibland damage control in full swing.
And now… BBc run sob sob story on Syrian refugees. Western Countries are being asked to do more. Oh that’s besides the wads of cash handed over and the Syrian refugees we have already taken after the Government telling us they wouldn’t. I never had a straight answer out of my MP on the details and the BBc appear to have had to go to France as opposed to where ever they are here. More sob sob about how they can’t work in France. Made me laugh when the reporter in Jordan was telling us the Jordanians were unhappy about Syrian refugees taking their jobs, using their facilities etc.. Although that report is not on the 18:00 news.
I wouldn’t give them the steam off my shit!
is it my imagination or has the open thread prior to this one just disappeared?
No, there’s something going on with the site at the moment? It seems to getting infiltrated?
That the world of media involves desperate low-lifes seeking ratings at any cost is no real surprise.
But this case has brought out all sorts in a fit of the vapours.
Not too sure these guys have quite nailed anything any more than the BBC’s expose did/has.
Mostly it comprises pretty dubious chancers sniping at equally dubious chancers.
And while the fake sheik has much to answer for, possibly in the courts, if laws were broken, that the BBC sees itself as the shining knight to nudge, nudge accusations and claims into the court of public opinion seems the height of hypocrisy given their woeful record.
This is a shame; seems the BBC and its fave geriatric luvvie have fallen out:
Not sure when Dino is collecting his P45 so Newsnight can keep serving us the Grand Dame’s expertise on climate science.
Meanwhile on NWT they run this story doing their best to avoid the m word.
However plod points out all races, religions etc are involved.
The ‘Police’ have said they are investigating 400 other cases like this….400. Multiply that countrywide in muslim areas…..wake up Cameron, grow a brain…..and the BBC, you should be flagging this stuff up….not trying to keep the lid on, like the useless cops.
And in other news…
‘Pat Younge, saw the move as a way of paying talent (ideas teams, scriptwriters, directors, actors and presenters) more, not less, freed from the shackles of Auntie’s pay and grading system, under the uncomfortable scrutiny of FoI, The Trust and Fleet Street. Let’s hope that’s in the comparison model.’
Some may see paying more, free of scrutiny, as pretty much a BBC hallmark already.
‘Danny Cohen talks about long-term protection for shows like East Enders and Strictly within NewCo
Rather hard to reconcile with the purity of the BBC getting vast sums to produce what the commercial sector cannot or will not.
Some fat getting trimmed? If so, good. But the question could be asked what the heck they were doing for so long, on so much, before. Or is it just juggling designations with no real changes?
And the word ‘new’ does keep cropping up:
Especially as James & Danny etc forge new empires of too expensive to fire executives.
A question is asked on what a role actually means. If an ex-Beeboid doesn’t know, who could? Answers doubtless an internal secret in ‘the biggest board in the licence-fee funded world’.
We can all agree that the BBC are lying liberal scum…but, to be honest; Channel 4 and its execrable “news” at 7pm is equally odious.
Tonights was a disgrace-Mardell is seemingly able to do his UKIP doorstep routine with Boris Johnson at City Hall , London.
A good story-but the usual showboating crap from Mardell ruined the point…a good reporter(as opposed to a retread from BBC Savile Skip dippiing) would have nailed Boris for this one.
Next up-some Muslim model accusing us all of being Islamophobic-even though it was Muslims telling her to cover up-and as for her excuses for carrying ISIS money on her “leggings”…well it turns out to be cultural…and , no that`s not racist or patronising as long as she says so,
As for Cathy Newman baring her chest and accusing Farage of dissing her ilk….re womens pay…well, her brass neck and chrome dome didn`t survive Nigels takedown of her…but, of course that won`t stop Anne of Cleves from thinking that Ed will be pleased with her.
Disastrous telly for the libs, a joy for UKIP…well done Channel 4.
Remember some BBC bint doing the same personal breast beating about her being traduced by Nigel for the same comments when first he made them(two years ago?…reheated sloppy seconds c/o Milibands team no doubt)…was it Maitlis or Wark…WGAF?
Same old lefty ladies of the media seeking offence and a rumble with Nigel…but the ship has long sailed.
And still we pay…why so?…and for how much longer?
Chris H in my opinion (worth zero) Channel 4 news is actually worse than BBc to the extent I haven’t watched channel 4 news for a number of years now, In fact I can’t think of the last time I watched a program on Channel 4.
Channel 4 news tonight , was Michael Crick ,ex Newsnight , Mardell , is lying in wait somewhere, for Weight Watchers .
Despite my rants at the BBC, supported on the whole by you lovely fellow posters, er…maybe not Dez…or even maybe Mr Stubber, who considers me the anti-christ for daring to diss the rancid Blunkett, i must applaud the BBC for some of their coverage of the Great War. In particular, Antiques Roadshow, the first episode of My War about the fight for the bridges in 1914, and a lovely Country File which was outstanding…..a prog about a German and British soldier, amateur photographers, and their descendants, BBC4 i believe. Superb, and moving. So, BBC, credit where it’s due….take a bow.
They occasionally (accidentally?) get things right on the beeb, but not very often.
I cannot bring myself to watch most things on television any more thanks to this widespread common purpose programming bollocks.
But i am still forced to pay for it…lucky old me 🙂
I don’t give a shit about Blunkett. I know a lot more about him than you do and what I know doesn’t make me like him at all. My point was about disability, not Blunkett. You don’t take the piss about of people’s disabilities. It isn’t right.
Whoa…Mr Stubber, who took the jam out of your doughnut!!….How do you know more about him than me?….laughable….also, i did not make fun of his blindness…merely gave my view that his lack of sight, the premier sense in my book, should preclude him from the office of Home Sec… is a vital role that demands rigourous attention to detail and an awareness of the situation at any time….you cannot do that without sight, you just cannot, and he proved that over and over. If he could see the mess his voters live in he would be shocked, muslims and Roma fighting in the streets….his fault. So please do not tarnish me as some kind of cruel monster who would kick his dog or stick away. I explained this some time ago to you in a reply, but the same foam flecked vitriol comes forth… need to chill.
So, BBC, credit where it’s due….take a bow.So, BBC, credit where it’s due….take a bow.’
Give me £3.5 bill a year and I guarantee I’ll manage to make at least one decent programme.
I always enjoy Escape to the Country as a bit of brainless TV but it just makes me miserable as I’d love nothing more than to escape to a hidden part of the countryside and away from the dump that is London and the awful commute every day
Jeez, tried to avoid the 10 o’clock new just prior to Question Time (sucker for punishment) but caught the last few seconds, Mishal Husain in the the Lebanon handing back to Reeta Chakrabarti in London, now its time for your local news, over to Sabet Choudhury in the Points West studio….
I just hope these people were appointed on merit….
Was she really in the Lebanon admittedly I wasn’t taking a great deal of notice but it looked blue screened when she was describing the living accommodation.
Hague threatens security of British people by welcoming back Islamic jihadists
of ‘good intentions.’
It seems that Cameron is not so sure now-
“Exclusion order plan to target jihadists returning to UK”
By INBBC’s Dominic Casciani.
Perhaps Casciani will fly out to Syria to set up a sympathetic interview with a putative returning Islamic jihadist. It doesn’t matter that we ‘Kafir’ licencepayers may not be happy to pay for that.
Or Husain, who’s out there, could do the interview instead, giving it more of a direct Islamic slant.
Has Cameron worked it out in simple General Election terms:
he is likely to lose more votes of non-Muslim people by being soft on Islamic jihad threat, than the few votes he may gain from Islamic jihad sympathisers?
Cameron does not really care if he loses votes from the old fashioned Tories. He despises us .What are we ? Old, .expensive drain on the state and a waste of time. He has said as much.
In return we can kick him put of power along with the clique that has hijacked the party. Who cares if Milliband wins as long as this awful Tory leadership goes down.
Even Cameron has worked out that public opinion is very much against return .Give him a star!.
we propose. we may,, we could
coulda – woulda – shoulda
must soon be “baby kissing time”
… give him a star?
A brain closely, followed by a spine might help
mind you, look at the No10 traitors not a single vertebrae between them,
Striking a reasonable balance close to an election. Seeming to look tough for the non-muslim vote but not too tough that he will lose a lot of Muslim support. Its all cr@p anyway, the 1st time its done it will be overturned by the human rights court at our expense and the claimant will be given enough money to keep himself comfortable and send some to support ISIS
It’s a classic case of semantic manipulation, Media Studies 101, if you will.
Palestinian ‘shot dead by Israeli army’ in Hebron
Out of 466 words only 49, including the headline and the bold type lead paragraph, have anything directly to do with the death. But as any Media student learns that’s the way a news article is structured. In the so-called inverted triangle structure the main points of the story , the who, what, when, why and how should be right at the top while less essential elements can be relegated further down.
If one was to read the whole story we learn On Monday, an Israeli soldier and an Israeli woman were killed in separate knife attacks but only in the fourth paragraph. Many readers don’t reach that far but even if they do the impression is strongly that the story is that a Palestinian was graphically shot dead by Israeli army. It’s what they do, isn’t it?
The way the the two sets of deaths are covered is instructive. Imad Jawabreh is 22 years old – the BBC has given him an identity. The two Israelis are anonymous although the BBC reported on their deaths three days ago and named them Almog Shiloni and Dalia Lamkus. Referring back to the inverted triangle where the further down the information the less essential, Lamkus’s name was only mentioned 11 lines down and Shiloni’s 18 lines down in a story about their deaths.
Perhaps there was some doubt because the BBC covers itself. Lamkus and Shiloni were named by Israeli media. Jawabreh was simply named although presumably the BBC acquired his name from the Palestinian media or health authorities.
While it is true that the Israeli soldier was in uniform he was not on duty at the time. He was waiting for a train. The woman was waiting for a bus. By contrast the Palestinian was probably engaged in deadly assaults throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at passing vehicles and Israeli soldiers.
A report like that would fail any self-respecting journalism class but competent journalism may not have been the result the BBC was looking for.

A disgusting report from the BBC. Words nearly fail me. The murder, savage and without provocation of Dalia is too horrific for me to recount. It stands with the murder of the poor Fogel family as a act of utter savagery. Without a shred of justification. I suppose Dalia was near a Jewish settlement on the West bank. . Is that what the wretched BBc was trying to suggest? That the settlement is somehow relevant? No it is not. It was a brutal killing without pity or reason. Sometimes I really have had enough of this so callled news outfit that we are saddled with. It is a giant incubus on us and I want it gone.
Here we go again, a hugely impartial Question Time full of lefty liberals with their usual popular soundbites for the masses.
Bankers are devils, everyone is living in poverty, the UK in a living crisis yet even the beeb has reported that wages % are on the rise compared to inflation, liebour politician can’t answer a question, immigration brings nothing but good, if we don’t adopt a green future we’re all doomed…blah, blah, blah, everything Rod ‘lefty’ Liddle says applauded after every comment.
Is leanne wood a robot? Start me up me up and I’ll say what you programme me to say…time for bed, thank god for the off button.
Surprisingly, UKIP wasn’t mentioned until 40 minutes into the programme with very little reaction, hostile or supportive, from the audience.
Perhaps the most ludicrous comment in the programme came from Liddle who managed to slip in to the discussion that “Kinnock was the best Prime Minister we never had.” If he was expecting an overwhelming positive response from the Welsh audience he was sadly disappointed.
The bBBC’s latest silly attack on UKIP is that Farage once suggested looking at funding the NHS through an insurance scheme, as, for instance, the French do with their national health service. To the leftie beeboids, this is ‘privatisation’.
You have got to remember that the NHS is the envy of the world. They are so envious of it that no other country has ever copied it.
But half the world comes over to use it . . . (Perhaps because thir own countries have been stripped bare of decent medical staff because they’re all here employed by the NHS.)
How to replicate the NHS:
Dig a really, really large hole and then start filling it up with tax payers money.
He had a point – I’ve found the French system to be second to none – it knocks the NHS into a cocked hat. World class? Pah !!
In this case I don’t think it’s a silly attack. Farage has contradicted himself and the BBC are right to highlight it.
As I said elsewhere – political parties do sometimes change their policies.
I mean labour used to have policies to benefit the British working class.
By “contradicted himself” I guess you mean that he changed position over the course of several years. Millipede changes position on most issues several times a week, and the B-BBC never notice or never think it is important enough to mention, but when it comes to UKIP then “the BBC are right to highlight it”….
You mean like it started out in Britain? The clue should have been in the title National Insurance, which has just been turned into another tax, and the benefits of which have reduced as the premiums have increased.
If any private company behaved as the corrupt UK government does, then it would quickly find itself in court with corrupt politicians, (especially from the left) queuing up to criticise it.
Not covered by al-Beeb:
Majot Israeli involvement in the Rosetta project
A BBC headline at the weekend described a woman standing trial for making false rape accusations as an “alleged rape victim”. Talk about turning reality on its head!
Anyway, thankfully they’ve been forced into a u-turn now:
Perhaps it might be better not to cut and paste from the Guardian in future?…how sick can the labour party get mocking the war not reporting the story.
But Mr Corbyn risked causing further offence by insisting the comedy night – organised as a tribute to Labour firebrand and anti-war campaigner Tony Benn, who died in March aged 88 – was ‘a great event’ that he ‘really enjoyed’.
Ah, that would be this ‘Labour firebrand’ would it:
After Tony Benn died in March, at the age of 88, his Socialist Campaign Group co-founder, the Labour MP John McDonnell, gave a personal tribute on the floor of the House of Commons.
‘I want to go back to Labour’s programme of 1982, which was the Bennite programme and virtually all of it was written by Tony Benn. Tony’s ideas in that programme were straightforward — we would undertake a fundamental, irreversible shift in the redistribution of wealth and power. How would we do that? Through a fair and just tax system, tackling tax evasion and tax avoidance . . . That is what he was about.’
I wonder how Mr McDonnell felt yesterday, on reading the news of Tony Benn’s will. The former Labour Cabinet minister left an estate of £5,085,001, ‘reduced after liabilities’ to £5,020,389 according to probate records. It seems that apart from the odd small bequest to carers, all of that has been bequeathed to his four children, one the shadow secretary of state for communities, Hilary Benn.
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A rich seam for ‘The News Quiz’ to plunder, maybe? Or good material for Today, Newsnight or TWATO to muse over with Mr McDonnell? As far as I’m aware, none of that happened. Funny, that.
Did you – like me – think the BBC commissioning a third series of Citizen Khan was taking the Licence Fee a tad too for?
Then no doubt you will be none too happy with the return this morning of BBC Breakfast’s now seemingly regular feature ‘My Jihadi Daddy’.
It certainly wasn’t because of it’s comedy content.
Were it not for the fact that its written by its ‘star’ It would be blasted for being racially stereotypical.
BBC Breakfast spends what appeared to be hours listening
(not interviewing), to the “Jihadidaddy” this morning, cue absurd its your fault/all innocent/far right/blame Israel nonsense.
just relentless
“Quick, better shift the Jihadi Daddy out of the Breakfast studio pretty sharpish now, luvs…. we’re about to do 10 minutes on Strickly Come Dancing – wouldn’t want to offend the beardy-weirdy”
I did see parts of that. I noted what appeared to be concern about these poor people from the sofa possibly being made “stateless” like we give a f***.
I went away to make a cup of tea. When I came back he was still there.
I’m not going to reveal what I called him. Not even here.
Nothing to do with Islam, then? Honestly. The BBC couldn’t hit a barn door from five paces.
Bloody hell, that tiptoes round the facts of who is doing most of the religious persecution. It does mention it once, I think.
And then there’s this:
“Elsewhere, even Muslims and Buddhists fight…”
Spotted the common denominator yet, BBC?
Yeah those nasty violent Buddhists causing mayhem all around the world.
We are warned, this morning (courtesy of “Today”) by American “scientists”, that there will be stronger thunderstorms, and much more lightning as global temperatures rise.
These, presumably, would be the “rising temperatures” which haven’t been, for over eighteen years.
Apparently, lightning releases “puffs of greenhouse gases” into the atmosphere. Now, when I was at school, I learned the lightning “fixed” nitrogen in the atmosphere, which, when washed to earth with the rain, was beneficial to life – plants, in particular.
Now, I can see nothing but benefits in a warming world (if, indeed, the world was warming – which it patently is not). Why is it that every day we hear yet another nonsensical scare story on the BBC which implies that due to global warming, we are all going to hell in a hand cart?
On a personal note, I love a good thunderstorm, so bring it on.
I heard the BBC “Environment Correspondent” say as a statement of fact that the temperature would rise by 4 degrees by the end of the century. Where on Earth did that come from?
Harrabin, IPCC, Caroline Lucas, The idiot who praises in enthusiastic tones, all centuries but this and every country but their own?
Not a gram of brain matter amongst them.
Not forgetting :
“And that terroristic nuisance who just now is rather rife,
The home-grown jihadist – I’ve got HIM on the list ! “
Vivid, but warped imagination, aimed with the sole purpose of “frightening” the masses.
Doesn’t work any more, does it?
‘[Labour] Party members even hissed the polite chap from the BBC, much to the acute embarrassment of Mr Miliband, who was forced to calm his crowd with a ‘come on now, it’s a fair question’.’
‘Demonising Murdoch and the Mail is part of Labour’s 2015 core-vote strategy, but the constant poison dripped about the media from the very top of the party is having a noticeable impact’.
I fully expect that in response to this Labour strategy the BBC will tend to pussyfoot around Miliband even more than they did previously. Already the BBC’s corporate self-interest demands they attack free media rivals. What a jolly mili-band-wagon we have to look forward to from the BBC.
Yes, I read in that, that Labour having sewn up their messaging with their BBC colleagues (with just the occasional, perfunctory challenge allowed so that the BBC can show their ‘impartiality’!) have got their cross hairs on ITV – Baldwin having apparently complained that one of ITVs correspondents had the temerity to ask Weird Ed a question.
They have started already with a snide reference to ‘important people’ in this headline piece. Of course no names are named but it should be obvious to even the smallest brains that they mean those evil Torieeeeees. The McAlpine fubar will be nothing to the drip, drip, drip of Tory names ‘linked’ to this nonsense over the months leading up to the election.
The Labour 25 on the other hand get a free pass.
‘They have started already… will be nothing to the drip, drip, drip’
Just so long as the ‘views are their own’.
Wouldn’t do for the likes of Danny, etc to say or RT to anything stupid {innocent face}
For Beeboids’ Religious Affairs, Ms Wyatt, to self-censor?:-
“The Church of England Chooses Extremist Islam”
-Re- Islamic jihadists returning to U.K-
The political difference in message on this between:
a.) Cameron &Hague, and
b.) Beeboids,
a.) ‘we may not let some of you Muslims in for a couple of years until you tell us you have “good intentions;”
b.) ‘we think you Muslims should have the freedom to do what you want, and unless we know otherwise, we regard you as a political asset to our political Left-Islam alliance.’
I see the bBC is batting for Islamic terrorists once again:
Father criticises plan to restrict return of Syria fighters
The man the bbC bring on every time in which to promote the view that Islamic terrorists can only be victims of the British is ….
Abubaker Deghayes.
A man whose family fled Libyia for its Jidadist views. The man who took control of a Mosque in Brighton by force and then turned it into a radical one. The very same man who brainwashed lots of young men to go to fight in Afghanistan(Including his brother), the man who openly declared he wanted Tony Blair murdered and who brainwashed his children to die for allah. It appears the bBC is unable to join the dots and see just what a nasty piece of work this man is. Instead it shove into our face that those who murder when they utter ‘Allah ackbar’ are not only righteous, but victims as well.
BBC News – Britons who travel to Syria and Iraq to fight could be temporarily barred from returning home under plans announced by David Cameron.
Cameron: We have to deal with threat
‘My fighter son is no threat to UK’
Can UK stop jihadists coming home
could be – possibly – temporarily ….
This clearly shows the cluelessness, of the government, and
the BBC.
The same handwringing, half-hearted, attitude over Syria, combating extremism that’s got to be fair, in all its forms etc.
Look, there s one reason Assad is still strong, and successful,
He doesn t fight with both hands tied behind his back, he s target specific and acts on it … he has dangerous fanatic, Islamic mass murderers at hand and so deals with them, with no qualms.
Then again
Obama, Just get rid of Assad, have a deal with ISIS, happy days?
TA RA! … what could go wrong eh!
“Sources: Obama seeks new Syria strategy review to deal with ISIS, al-Assad,”
Obama mulls giving the Islamic State what it wants, and removing Assad
As Assad’s father was placed in power by the USSR and Assad himself maintained there by Russia how is the Sainted One going to get rid of Putin’s Poodle?
Ask nicely?
if you listen to the latest fairy story from our No10 traitors, its Wavy Davey Camoron himself,
(no come on, stop laughing) … whose going to “tell” Putin “straight”.
It’s not encouraging is it? I think I would have preferred Little Willy Vague, or even IDS who, despite being charismaless is at least a serious and sincere politician, than Blair -Lite. Cameron has not been an asset has he?
Non of them are capable of dealing with that snake Putin tho’.
Got to love the anti-western angle of the bBC:
Hezbollah minister blames foreign ‘intervention’ for Syrian suffering
Hezb-allah is a terrorist outfit with plenty of blood on its hand, yet the bBC affords them pop star status in which to support their anti-western bent. What next bBC, defending the action of Harold Shipman on Government cuts.
The bBC , the traitors within our midst.
I’ll credit Mr. Mumsnet for not getting the Mrs. in (as far as I am aware) to Newsnight since his Editorship was formalised, but she was a regular gob-for-hire in speaking for the Yummie, nanny-managing segment of the nation, and now well installed as media royalty along other corridors.
But I do wonder at what sees pillow talk become editorial and hence policy, when really a bit of professional objectivity, sensible self-counsel and distance may be reasonably felt appropriate for those whose decisions or oversight so sway the public in how they think about issues.
Noreena Hertz@noreenahertz
Disgrace if another club hires him: MT @DannyCohen: Malky Mackay sent racist & anti-semitic messages.Why has there been no sanction?
Now what’s disgraceful and what’s legal and what’s not is one thing, but what needs and then gets an overt pan-BBC ‘why has there not been..’, albeit one degree-of-separation public sector driven campaign to influence private sector decisions, is quite another.
A ‘Head of’ of Mr. Cohen’s seniority coming out with a ‘who will rid me of this troublesome priest?’ tweet like this seems to me in turn troublesome, especially as the BBC does seem to be adopting a rather singular approach to ruining the careers of any who transgress in fields deemed beyond the pale, even if having paid their dues to society.
Mob rule driven by the national broadcaster’s elite, especially on a clearly selective basis, leaves a nasty taste. What next may such folk decide needs stirring up on twitter amongst spouses, followers and eager-to-please staff?
I’m sure there’s a BBC Guideline (that Mr. Cohen probably wrote) to ensure how Mr. Cohen expressed his opinion publicly was fine. Some may feel otherwise.
Decided to do a bit of context surfing, and found this:
Quite interesting if a bit of reading between the lines (of what I would presume to be private exchanges, so how they got into the public domain unsure post-Leveson. Comparing apparent ‘private communications’ with twitter is frankly daft. Also worth noting that were it a BBC employee, any such record would immediately be off limits ‘for the purposes of’ and hence nothing would happen unless the BBC so chose. Like Carole T vs. those they are more forgiving about) needed.
And given the head of the ‘speaking for the nation’ broadcaster has decided what needs doing, or not, The Mirror has at the end another of those polls it runs.
Not sure the results so far show Mr. Cohen and family are in sync with The Mirror audience at least.
Watching the genesis of a BBC policy-influencing agenda being spun up between like-minded social engineering market rates can be grotesquely fascinating…
Just been listening to ‘You and Yours’, the BBC’s lunchtime consumer programme.
Apparently some woman called ‘Claire’ had been scammed on the internet by someone purporting to be a bloke called ‘David’ in South Africa. One of those romances over the ether, apparently, and – guess what – she’d ‘fallen in love’ with him. Then she heard from a ‘friend’ of David’s that he was in hospital needing urgent surgery and needed money to pay for it. Guess what – she did.
And so the item progressed. The female reporter had met Claire who was a ‘witty and intelligent woman’ but guess what – David didn’t exist. At the end of the report we heard that Claire is determined to get to the bottom of the scam because ‘she’s got nerves of steel’.
The normal questions that anyone with an ounce of common sense would have asked e.g. ‘How can you fall in love with a fictitious person?’ – weren’t.
Your world-class investigative BBC, doing their bit for emotionally crippled, dumb, victimhood Britain.
Witty and intelligent? The evidence would suggest that the latter, at least, was lacking.
You and Yours is full of crap like that. Endless stories involving many different scenarios but all on the same theme about a fool and his (her) money. The BBC always sides with the gormless as being completely blameless.
Another programme crossed off my R4 listening schedule, there isn’t much left.
It`s just a washing line bitchfest over the garden wall-but with the Filipinas doing the washing, as the hi-viz tartlets ensure that they themselves are not at risk from being garrotted by the washing line.
BUPA skirts whose only role is to nurse grievances-as opposed to their own kids or parents-which is what the State is now meant to do, as they cream it in from the ECHR or some Council Poly Jolly.
Why no wind farms at the BBCs studios?…could run the national grid off their aimless carping.
White Dees all, only less fragrant and less honest about stiffing the rest of us.
Only the BBC would run some Brum babymuvva crapola on the same day as their Children in Need Hogwarts fest.
The show was on this morning at 11 am…consisted of black women in Birmingham creaming the State for their broods of feckless children as spawned by the Black diaspora of young men-vulnerable I`d imagine of course.
All those kids will of course be needing free school dinners and Michael Mansfields 24/7 client based landline-as I deprived all the decent kids of a days schooling to dress up as Mary Seacole, I passed the bucket around and gathered loads of money to send to the Birmingham appeal for a Fathers day bran tub…or was it a state-lined trough?
Glad to know all those wifeys and babymothers are doing grand…Gloria Gaynor on a tape loop and some BBC double-barrelled redstocking using her Patricia Hewitt voice to tell us that these women are mens playthings, but their families will exceed White van mans in cultural hegemony and slicing the states largesse into saltfish-type goodness.
The Beebers have all left B`rum and can now cluck about Russell Brands libido over canapes in Islington for the weekend now…and normal agitprop patronising racist feminista blackguarding shit will scattergun all over us all NEXT week as well…and we“ll pay for the slurry AND the clean up too.
Where`s the Black Pudsey bear then…racist scum there at the BBC huh?
Not the Mike Mansfield , who devised & produced `Supersonic` ? 70`s TV brill ,& Tiswas too .
The BBC has described a well-known scam. As in most cons the victim ropes his or herself in, if not by greed but by a need to find love.
Whenever a misdemeanor is perpetrated by those that cannot be mentioned the bBC always report them as being Asian in the skewed way that we might just think ‘those naughty Chinese or Japanese…’
Paradoxically the bBC operate The Asian Network (funded by 98% of licence payers who don’t listen) but not a single program in Mandarin or Japanese yet there is in Urdu, Punjabi and Bengali…..
Shouldn’t it be called the South Asian Network and be funded by just those 500k that want it?
No, it should simply be scrapped. There are dozens of South Asian television and radio channels available both on a subscription basis as well as free-to-air that address just about every linguistic, cultural and religious group from the Indian sub-continent. The very concept of a BBC Asian (sic) Network is racist and patronising and belongs to the pre-1947 era.
TV News item at lunchtime today about new allegations of “historic” sex abuse in the 1970s and 80s. Interviewed alleged victim who sounded plausible enough. Said that many of his abusers were powerful men.
My point is the BBC interviewer asking if any of the abusers were “military”. Didn’t ask if they were teachers, trades union officials, journalists, BBC employees or social workers, just “military”.
A lot of Jimmy Savile costumes going cheap today!
My medallion, my shell suit, blonde mop and old trainers/sweatsocks have had no takers-despite the bargain basement, bottom-scraping prices I`ve been charging.
The bean bags have gone alright-but the best I could do was to offer them a Pudsey suit, a onesie or PJs that they could wear OVER the Savile regalia.
All the usual Public Sector shills fo Saviisation and Progress seem to reckon that their old JS gear is a come-on for cigar smoking, which as we all know is Saviles real crime as far as Labours High Command and the BBC Big Beasties are concerned.
Still-all those kids in onesies and pyjamas eh?…Saviles Spirit lives on in our schools and council offices, BBC studios today does it not?
Anyone want a set of Sheffield United shirts going cheap and for hire?
The BBC are pushing the ‘historic sex abuse’ cover-up theme for all it’s worth, desperately trying to link it to Thatcher’s government in the 80s, whilst gang rape and child trafficking for sex with all the evidence you could want of a multiculti-agenda-protecting cover-up by police and local authorities is there for the taking.
But let’s not jump to conclusions….
Apparently Sheffield United is ‘facing increased pressure’ regarding the player convicted of rape.
This seems another of their pet projects where they are absolutely out for the guy.
Contrast this with the tone taken for Mozzam Begg/Any Gitmo Muzzies/Ex-IRA/Anjem Choudary
Maybe if he takes a few months off to train for jihad, the same women-and it IS mainly women( and how the hell they have a view on football when they can`t play it , and hardly watch it) will insist that he is innocent until proved guilty…and that the UK has no right to deprive the freedom fighting British born enthusiast of his rights-especially the one that involves him getting work again after his “community service” in the cause of the umma.
Over to you Gareth Peirce…
It’s A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
Newsniffer reveals the BBC’s ‘End of Days’ initial reaction to a bit of weather.
Version 0
‘M25 section in Surrey collapses in heavy rain’
Wait a minute… calm down you Greens, the world is not just about to fall apart…
Version 1 (13 minutes later)
‘M25 section in Surrey collapses following roadworks overnight’
And an interesting comment from Bob Dylan (1963)
“No, it’s not atomic rain, it’s just a hard rain. It isn’t the fallout rain. I mean some sort of end that’s just gotta happen … In the last verse, when I say, ‘the pellets of poison are flooding the waters’, that means all the lies that people get told on their radios and in their newspapers.”
Couldn’t have put it better
It ain’t caused by the weather, like everything our infrastructure is creaking from unlimited immigration, just as flooding is caused by building on flood plains.
Of course to the bBC and government that’s an inconvenient truth.
By all accounts, the combination of a million monkeys and a million typewriters gets you Shakespeare.
20,000 staff, too many platforms (but not enough for them to fill) and a desperation to avoid dead air gets you… this….
BBC World News
Meet Elvis Romano. He says he’s the only person in the world who dared to sing Elvis Presley in the Roma language.
Having actually watched (not sure many have) this Pulitzer entry, I remain in the dark as to what made this daring at all. Unless he charges for performances.
Still, it was enough to mobilise a full BBC crew.
This weekend I will be doing what many others are, & watching the cult BBC series ‘The Box of Delights’. Shown in 6 parts prior to Christmas originally in 1984 it really is a classic. Written in the 1920s by John Masefield the series is set in an England now sadly vanished, with references to our history and a dastardly villain out to enrich his gang.
With evocative music by Victor Hely Hutchinson, steam trains, vintage cars, magic, evil clergymen, and a heroic punch & judy man played by Patrick Troughton it really does show what the BBC could do when it wasn’t having one eye on left wing idiocy.
Biddy Baxter was involved in the production and chose the music as one of her desert island discs.
Do yourselves a favour and buy the disc on Ebay, or have a watch on You Tube where the entire thing is available. It’s a real feel good experience I promise !
And the seasons greetings when it comes ! (if it’s not the purple pim !)
love the Box of Delights
If Beeboids didn’t have a political soft spot for Livingstone, they might report this:-
Just when you think this odious, traitorous piece of shit can’t stoop any lower….
I’ve never thought that.
A ridiculous web site which takes an age to load because it’s so motivated by selling advertising it doesn’t bother to check the size of them or what ridiculous scripts they might be running !
It was that bad that it wouldn’t even load for me. When the need for advertising overtakes the merit of the copy a web site is not worth visiting.
Unfortunately it’s not the only one doing this and advertisers don’t give a shit about whether they crash someone’s site.
Rant over if this was the remark Livingstone made about the administrators & making their lives a misery then it’s something I had already posted about on the vanished thread.
If Livinigstone said this then he is inciting violence ad should be arrested and charged. So slippery is he that no doubt his words were chosen with care and he will get away with it.
@ Thoughtful:
Ever thought of installing Ad-Block plus, and Ad-Block Pro to your browser?
Oh, and also, you might want to think about jumping away from a dial up connection. 😉
(Loaded for me in less than a second)
I have problems with Breitbart as well and I have BT broadband (supposedly high speed) I find it loads better on google chrome rather than explorer -(can I install an ad block on chrome?)
Don’t touch IE with a barge pole, it is shite.
Just type in (on chrome “Ad Block plus” and double it up with Ad Block Pro and install them as a plug in.
I used to use BT, but it is absolutely dire, switched to Virgin about a year ago now, and it is superb, BT tends to throttle (even though they say they don’t, they definitely do), they are also prone to blocking sites that encourage freedom of speech.
Thanks so much Chop – you’re advice is very timely.
Just browsing Breitbart and had one of these ads start up. I clicked on the X button to shut it off and it opened a full webpage that took over the computer.
After I shut down Chrome and reopened it by pure coincidence I came across your post.
Brilliant :o)
If Beeboids didn’t have a political soft spot for Livingstone, they might report this
That’ll be the story broken by a BBC reporter on Today yesterday morning? Using the recording she made of Livingstone making the comments? And where she repeatedly accused him, Galloway and Rahmann of lying? Get back in your box, eejit.
“…the former Mayor of London told Rahman’s supporters to find out where the commissioners lived and “make their lives intolerable”.”
Anyone know where Livingstone lives?
I bet he doesn’t live in Tower Hamlets. Wonder why not…
Interesting exchange about Kens £850,000 in comments of this
Just noticed the word house is missing from post ,should be
‘Interesting exchange about Kens £850,000 house in comments’
‘He is a long standing supporter of unpopular left-wing causes’
Classic BBC CV material
did you hear david cameron grovelling speech last night in australia to the islamists by declaring again that in his view islam is a religion of peace,what world is david living on,apart from ukraine the 53 fighting wars across the world from east to west involve muslim insurgent groups who are trying to impose there wahabi ideology on the country they chose to move to and live in including the uk,sorry david,your islam is a religion of peace diatribe just does not wash anymore with the public.
Yes, Cameron and many others, including Obama, seem intent on pushing the idiotic line that Islam is a Religion of Peace and that those Muslims who kill in the name of Islam are “distorting” this wonderful, inspiring religion.
This despite the fact that not a day goes by without some atrocity committed somewhere on the planet by Muslims shouting “Allah is great.”
It’s enough to make you throw up.
Come to think of it, it really is beginning to seem that it’s the peaceful Muslims who are distorting the religion.
However, reading up on the attempts to build a mosque in Cameron’s Chipping Nortonstan one might get the impression that Dave is supporting a religion of peace which is under attack from waycists.
Why does DC want to stop the Jihardis from going to Syria ?
There is a good chance that the b*ggers will be killed.
End of problem.
You seem to be under the illusion that Cameron is an honest man, when in fact only one thing motivates him – money.
This is a man obsessed by personal wealth and holding onto it and there is no limit to what he considers sufficient.
We heard this past week that tony BLiar had been paid £42K per month by the Saudis, ostensibly to promote their oil to the Chinese. Anyone reading this believe that this was a legitimate payment?
My belief is that the Saudis are ‘bribing’ Western leaders to promote Islam and if they did this with BLiar, then they’ve almost certainly done the same with the greed obsessed Cameron.
As I’ve said quite a few times there’s no way the Saudis would pay a leader while in office, hence why Cameron doesn’t want a second term and you’ll probably see him pull some stunt coming up to the election to make sure it doesn’t happen.
That’s why we have to put up with ever increasing mosques. They are funded by the Saudis and SA is the world’s biggest oil exporter.
The irony is that it was British and US engineers who taught the Saudis how to extract oil out of the ground, before the last stake in the Saudi Oil Company was sold to the Saudis in 1980 (bit of a mistake, that).
If it weren’t for the British and the Americans SA would just be a few tents in the desert.
And we would never have heard of Islam and millions would be alive today.
His speech will have been vetted for approval by his Saudi paymasters, who don’t like ISIS but wish for a deception of Islam to be perpetrated on the world.
The 18:00 news and yes they are advertising the entertainment vacuum that is children in need. Lucky I just discovered Motors TV on my freeview box. I’m still paying for the shite fest on BBc even though we won’t be watching..value for money.
BBC news on R4 this morning reported the latest from some bunch of ‘climate scientists’ who obviously have far too little to occupy their overfunded time.
Apparently thunderstorms ‘might’ get more violent and louder because of global warming. That will be a another ‘might’ in this endless spinfest of climate hysteria and scaremongering because, because – well, they just don’t effing know because it’s all based on a hapless theory endlessly played out in the fantasy world of computer models – and miserably failed ones at that.
No wonder the BBC worships the ‘mighty’ reports from the IPCC – ‘might be more violent thunderstorms..’, ‘might have more flooding…’, ‘might experience wilder weather…’, ‘might suffer more flooding….’, ‘might see more hurricanes….’ etc etc
Think of what rhymes with ‘might’ then think of a billion tons of it, endlessly spewed at us through the BBC spreaders, day in day out by Club of Rome footsoldiers like Harrabin..
Heard that, and reported my disgust, earlier, Johnny…
Apologies, OG I’ve skimmed through this OT more than I should – I promise to pay more attention in future!
BBC News bulletin this morning reporting on Cameron’s latest proposal to bring British jihadists to book had a soundbite from the father of 3 brothers, all of whom joined ISIL, calling the proposed policy ‘unbalanced’.
I think it’s fair to say that this chappie (whose name I really can’t be arsed looking up) is an irony-free zone – either that or he hasn’t yet realised he’s not still living in some shithole backwater of the Punjab. Nonetheless, I think he is the BBC’s latest favourite speed-dial Muslim on all matters terrorism – or at least, teenage Jihad. His views went unchallenged, of course, nor were any opposing views sought in the name of balance.
I’m sure that a balance will be made over a period of time…If you don’t get it this is the template reply you will get if you complain about bias.
Uncle Omar of course spent some time under The President’s Pleasure at GITMO.
I’d like to think that Cameron doesn’t actually believe the nonsense he speaks about Islam being a religion of peace, and that it is just out of political necessity. But surely the day must come, perhaps soon, when this charade has to end, and Islam, so-called mainstream Islam has to be named and identified for what it truly is: an anti-progressive, disruptive, inhumane, anti-western ideology; a pseudo-religion based on a plagiarism and Arabisation of the Old Testament; founded by a deluded, illiterate bandit, murderer and serial philanderer 1400 years ago.
“The Cameron government is restricted by its own policy stances and lack of imagination from doing anything effective to defend Britain from jihadists.
So instead, there is this endless parade of ridiculous half-measures, combined with obsequious pandering to Islamic supremacists and official dissimulation about the nature and magnitude of the threat.
This … is not going to end well.”
UK: Cameron will ban jihadis returning from Islamic State, for two years
Has someone lent Wavey Davey a pair?, along with the latest laughable “fag packet” attempt at policy?
Sadly no, as the next portion of his speech shows clearly …
hope all that, “muslim dollar” is worth it for you, and your buddies Dave.
“As we do so we must work with the overwhelming majority of Muslims who abhor the twisted narrative that has seduced some of our people. We must continue to celebrate Islam as a great world religion of peace.”
here we go … “hug a hoodie” Davey how about
“hug a terrorist? … you have form after all
Well put Hector Curl – spot on – also my views exactly!
The News Quiz
Sandi Toksvig (lefty)
Mark Steel (extreme lefty)
Lucy Porter (lefty if anything)
Andy Hamilton (lefty)
Jeremy Hardy (extreme lefty)
Same old names, time and time again.
If this country were about the size of the Falklands, I could understand it.
I think they were generated from a population about the same size as the Falklands.
Another of my old favourites that has gone down the pan. It is now just an ever shrinking lefty love-in that will implode as the public wakes up to their nonsense.
Andy Hamilton….
Good lord, will some one not relieve us of this canker?
A professional left wing, hand wringing whinge bag…i find it insulting that he is introduced as a “Comedian” when he never says anything funny.
“Go on Andy, tell us all how waaaaaaysist UKIP (previously the EDL, and before that, the BNP) are”
“Guffaw, guffaw….”
“Andy, Andy…tell us how nasty and right wing the Tories are….mention bedroom tax too!…”
“Andy, top it all off with an angry rant about the waysism and right wing bias The Daily Mail shows!!…..”
“Arrrrgh….stop it Andy, my sides are splitting!!!…..”
Little prick.
Lucy Porter was the one who dobbed DLT in it all with her sexual harassment case recently was she not?
I`m guessing that her PTSD only took hold five years after she giggled and made jokes out of it at her Edinburgh festival show.
Yes indeed-exactly the lefty feminista traumatised victim of hideous white blokes in need of a career and a day in court-with(who knows?) compo and a radio series to follow.
Womans Hour and You and Yours interview no theirs any more do they?