Call me cynical but to me from the bit of CIN I was unfortunate enough to watch just seemed like a shop window for our pop royalty to shift a few units, no doubt Cheryl Foreign Name, Sclub7, Boyzone and One Erection all shifted a few downloads overnight kerchhing. The most shameful part was when Shane Ritchie was fawning over his his own sons fledgling band.
Plenty of free advertising for the likes of Boots and B&Q as well.
Multicult tugging at the heartstrings no longer works for me especially when multimillionaires that ‘tell’ me to donate, Bob Geldof can go forth and multiply as well…
Regardless we all contributed as it was our infrastructure that allowed all these ‘stars’ to show off their wares…
Have you seen Saint Bob is resurrecting Band Aid. Again.
Spot the difference:
1984 – a million ordinary Africans starving to death because of unavoidable drought and corrupt governments
2014 – a few thousand die of a disease that can be easily prevented by not rubbing your hands over dead bodies, as is the tradition in those primitive parts of the world.
Just as well that campaigner for everything good and righteous throughout the world, Bono, will not be joining them as he is still looking for the cargo door of his Learjet that came off during a flight to Berlin.
It all sounds a bit hypocritical that someone who thinks so much about the planet should be using a private jet when there are lots of commercial flights flying into Germany.
Sorry angels…Bono IS there-PM have just interviewed the great man…seems he`s happy to have the God reference kicked out of his line from 84, and is happy too just to wave at Chris Martin.
Yet we just KNOW the foghorn of righteousness will do a Krusty all over Timmy O Tooles well song.
Yet the BBC poppet referred to Bon as being “rock star late”…and even I know his plane lost its rump the other day, so he`s perfectly entitled to check his undercarriage( oo er!).
Poor bugger can only drink vintage wines as well, or get a nasty allergic reaction-who sez God`s not got a grand sense of humour?
Feed the world?…oh so 1980s.
These days it`s “house the world” (and his wife!)
With thanks to the poster child who gave us this joke recently!
Did I really hear some dumb, activist bimbo from “THEOS” blathering her religio-political cobblers on Thought for The Day this morning? Or was I immersed in some eco-green nightmare?
It seems that “lurve” could have prevented the climate from changing.
Where DO these nutters come from? And why are they known to, and encouraged by, the BBC?
I heard that too, at least, I heard what she said but not who she was.
She did indeed inform us that believing in man-made climate disaster and not bothering with pesky things like reason and facts (which she characterised, incorrectly, as unchristian) are proofs that one “loves the planet” and are the Way of virtue.
Not only is this bad theology and bad reasoning, it is actually quite frightening. When lecturing us with cloying self-righteousness doesn’t work how does she intend to deal with us climate sceptics? Burn the climate-heretic? Behead the climate-infidel?
She is probably one of the BBC,s approved “best scientific experts”. At the moment they seem to be advising the BBC to deny the existence of most Atmospheric Physicists, but this could be a precursor to secretly killing and burying them, if the BBC censorship policy begins to disintegrate.
Yet another-phone-it-in debacle on Today this morning( 8.55 or so).
Humphs interns had clearly highlighted for him that “Grandads Army” soundbite and strapline for the 9am news. Tories have made army recruitment so bad that blokes in their 50s (and older) were now being asked to join.
Quelle horreur-let`s go back to Labour and its Hoons, its Ainsworths and GordieBroo…all tip top keepers of the military covenant…that so Pounce huh?
So Humphrys holed below the fundament when the army bods tell him that the recruitment is being limited to those with previous experience of the army and are specialists required.
Oh dear-end of story, end of Tory smears…but there`s five more minutes to kill…and Phil Shiner is ready to pounce if the time has not had its rights read to it, interpreted into five languages and not given counselling and asylum with Anjem Choudhury as its guarantor/mentor in diversity enrichment.
So the show goes crawling, begging gasping up to 9 O clock, wasting all our times, our lives-and especially our monies.
Is there a vet nurse in the house with a big screen to put Toady out of our miseries…I`m guessing the kids in their linen suits upstairs are all in the Cotswolds or sticking Russell Brands pages together using sustainable natural sourced fluids with a turkey baster and oven glove-as shown on Blue Peter by Richard Bacon way back.
Saturday mornings require a radio test card…FFS, even Brian Matthew is more clued up re politics-but his records are in stereo so half the gems he plays have a channel missing for f***DAB!
How many OAPS have to get their hearing checked at the drop-in on Mon morning after thinking that they`re going deaf on the left side I wonder-and can I reclaim the compo from the BBC I`m thinking for my anxiety issues?
A class action might turn them over…does a Pudsey costume count as tax-deductible work wear now?
The return of S Club 7 too…and no comedian willing to tell us just how low and aimless a “scoop” that was…poor Rachel Stevens deserves better-despite refusing to meet me for coffee!
The BBC-an irony free-comedy free zone for hour upon hour as their soap merchants and news boozers play at Buttons for their pantos.
Certainly that is all that THEY contribute to the car crash telly that ensues.
Anybody ever verified their accounts to PROVE that we gave them all that money…seems to me it`s EU standards that they use…and would they care to tell us how much Wogan gives them, let alone the other Bonnie Langfords and Glynn Pooles that have grown up into BBC entitlement holders of the nations consciences, questions…and of course our purse strings that they garrotte the old and the young with shamelessly…before making a Savile string vest out of the bloodied lint remaining.
F888 the F888 Off you BBC mood hoovers! You`re inappropriate and disappointing…which means curl up and die you piece of crap…the Q-Man says it for me here!
I hear that Dave is going to wave his “big stick” at Putin, today, because Putin has taken exception to the EU trying to wrest the Ukraine from where it belongs.
It would cause me great amusement if Putin a). clocked him one, b). declared that no further fuel would be available to any part of the EU, and c). announced an official cold war with the west, citing Cameron as the straw which broke the camel’s back.
I am more ashamed, daily, to be part of the EU, and it’s federal and dictatorial ambitions.
On another, though related subject, why is Ban-Ki Moon wittering on about climate change agreements at this G20 summit, when that subject isn’t on the official agenda?
He is another dubious charter, in the scheme of things – one would have expected him to have at least a soupçon of integrity, intellect and common sense – why does he believe everything his tame “climeate sceantists” tell him, when most of us who have access to the internet don’t, because we can see the truth for ourselves, and how the data is fiddled, and the lies which are told in support of the greenie madness.
Of course, the letters UN, and figures 21 spring to mind whilst searching for an answer. These people want us ALL under their ultimate control.
I m just ashamed, that a stooge like Camoron is “supposedly” representing us …
Should that ever inadvertently happen, it would make a refreshing change from self serving himself and his own cronies.
OG – Start with this declaration from the Club of Rome:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention….and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself….believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose.”
‘It just goes to show that the scam is perpetrated on such an unprecedented scale, that few dare question its validity. The entire thing of course boils down to the old Nazi proverb: the bigger the lie, the easier the sell. The United Nations, the globalist foremost salesman, was designated to carry the message along to all the world’s ‘regions’ and all nation-states falling under her jurisdiction. The division of the UN deemed most qualified to do the job was UNESCO, the scientific arm deciding what educational programs are to be distributed amongst the world’s universities and primary schools. On June 15th of this year, Martin Lees, Secretary General of the Club of Rome gave a speech to UNESCO- social engineers in which he admits that:
“We in the Club of Rome have had a long relationship with UNESCO. We look forward to developing our future collaboration so that we can advance our understanding and cooperation to promote action on the critical global issues which will determine the future of us all at this difficult moment in history.”
The Club of Rome’s quest for an eco-socialist world government, Animal Farm-style, is too fantastical even for a James Bond novel. The scary things is, it’s actually happening. It is the real agenda behind ‘climate change’ and why the Left promote it and defend it with such zeal and why politicians are scrambling to make sure they end up as the pigs on the farm.
Some bird from Theos, the ‘religious think tank’ on Thought for the Day this morning, haranguing the Australian government for omitting ‘climate change’ from the G20 agenda.
How could they do this, she moaned, when ‘we have all the information’.
No dear, we have forecasts from discredited climate models which is a bit different. The real world information we’ve got tells us the climate hasn’t warmed for over 18 years, making those models and their skewed assumptions redundant.
Still, it was a valid topic to cover because ‘climate change’ as she understands it is a religion and definitely nowt to do with science.
INBBC: don’t mention ‘Islam,’ don’t mention ‘Muslim,’ don’t explore persecution of Jews in France, etc-
The BBC would no doubt defend itself by claiming all that is off topic when reporting on the extradition of the accused.
But anyone who knows the BBC knows that it reports freely on past atrocities against Jews but clams up when it comes to the present, especially when anti-Semitic atrocities are committed by Muslims.
Anyway, good news about the successful extradition. Though flooded with anti-Semitic North African Muslims, I think it’s fair to say that France still has a functioning, no-nonsense justice system.
Be interesting to see the verdict of the trial. The BBC might even follow it up since this particular atrocity took place 34 years ago.
We are constantly told that the BBC represents fantastic value for money. Yet every single afternoon play on R4 next week is a repeat and almost everything on BBC 4 is similarly recycled. BBC 1’s output, meawhile, seems to comprise little more that dirt cheap ‘reality’ confection for the hard of thinking. So just where does the money go? Isn’t it about time some of it was spent on making programmes?
I skimmed through the last week’s programme schedules for the 4 BBC TV channels. There was not a single thing OI wanted to watch except the highlights of the Remembrance Sunday service – I had heard it on radio Other than that – nit a single thing !
The BBC costs towards £100 million PER WEEK to run ! – but produces almost zilch that is worthwhile on TV.
That’ll be resisting modernisation by building railroads, canals, port facilities, hospitals, schools, parliamentary democracies for them to abuse, oil refineries, mines, and on and on. All those things from the then modern world that were conspicuously missing before we arrived.
What wealth they have now they owe to our industry and knowledge. Without us they’d still be living in tents and bickering over the oases.
Alright, apart from the railroads, canals, port facilities, hospitals, schools, parliamentary democracies for them to abuse, oil refineries, mines, and on and on, I ask you: WHAT HAS COLONIAL BRITAIN EVER DONE FOR US?
That’s quite a misrepresentation by that paid researcher. Either that or blind ignorance. The fact is that the pearl divers and captains were not above a lot of violence bordering on the deadly. Divers would fight each other underwater with knives even if they were from the same boat. A diver in a suit who could harvest a huge amount of oysters would be a sitting duck for any natural diver. If you read the rest of the sentence that the ignoramus missed out, the British administrator says he will not do it as they cannot offer protection.
How do I know this?
My grandfather (not British) travelled the gulf in the 20s and 30s and told my mother lots of stories when she was a girl. i.e. not the sort of info you get just sitting in the BL looking at documents and only seeing what you want to see.
Some bird from Theos, the ‘religious think tank’. on Thought for the Day this morning haranguing the Australian government for omitting ‘climate change’ from the G20 agenda.
How could they do this, she moaned, when ’we have all the information’.
No dear, we have forecasts from discredited climate models which is a bit different. The real world ‘information’ we’ve got tells us the climate hasn’t warmed for over 18 years, making those models and their skewed assumptions redundant.
Still, it was a valid topic to cover because ‘climate change’ in her book is a religion and definitely nowt to do with science.
So as some of us thought on here after the Today coverage by ‘Orrible ‘Arrabin of Nick Lewis’s recent study on temperature projections, the BBC have a co-ordinated agenda which goes: ‘You sceptics are coming into line with the mainstream climate scientists’, even though Lewis strongly objected afterwards to the way his findings had been presented. Indeed, the BBC man again misrepresents Lewis’s projections.
And notice the comical simulataneous picture show of climate armageddon alongside Peiser on the screen – beyond parody.
If only Peiser could be more forceful in getting his points across – he is so subtle by BBC standards that the interviewer was able to manufacture the impression that Peiser too was coming more into line with the ‘mainstream’.
Worth keeping an eye on – I’m sure it won’t be the last we hear of this latest BBC ploy on behalf of its 28gate mates.
Actually Mr. Lustig has shown his true colours for some time. I used to pop in from time to time to his blog World Tonight, no longer functioning since his retirement. Though a typical BBC lefty hack, he was prepared to communicate with the great unwashed masses from time to time and I got some personal feedback from him once or twice.
But he is pickled in the standard BBC PeeCee idiocy and sees the world through typical BBC tunnel vision. He wrote a blog post titled Will Obama get tough with Israel which annoyed me enough to write an acerbic comment pointing out that neither he nor anyone else at the BBC would even think of suggesting that anyone get tough with the Palestinians.
The BBC saw fit to wipe out almost the entire archive of his blog, only leaving a handful of posts. Here’s his final post:
Many on this forum state that the BBC is the media arm of the Labour party, so, in keeping with this notion, I thought I’d run this past you.
Today, in my little village on Dartmoor, outside the convenience store, there stood two ladies wearing mainly red and orange and handing out Labour Party leaflets. Now this is incredibly strange as there are no by-elections going on in my patch. Whatever. Anyway, as I approached one of the said ladies offered me a leaflet and suggested that I might be either interested joining the Labour Party or voting for them. My reply was thus: “Are you having a laugh?” The lady looked perplexed and asked “what do you mean?” I then followed with ” Vote Labour, get Rotherham. How you have the gall to stand there and hand out propaganda after it has been the Labour Party who has turned its back on the most vulnerable in our society, that being children concerning the mass child rape gangs across pour country and the horrific death rate at Staff’s hospital is quite beyond me” She and her friend plus two other unknown bystanders just stood there in silence. I went into store to get some milk. When came out, they had packed up their Labour Party sign and were off!
It has been a good day to day, I also had a letter from a well known bank telling me they were going to repay me over £1,000 for miss selling of PPI.
I don’t get many days like this. 😎
‘It Was Alright in the 70s’
It’s very very annoying isn’t it? They don’t seem to realise that the standards of today are not automatically right. Some of the language used in the modern commentary is quite offensive to me, but no-one seems to be bothered about that. It’s a strange world where they can use four letter obscenities on TV but not say ‘nigger’. The fact is, ‘their’ morality is not that of many of their viewers. I have just turned it off.
Those moronic talking heads obviously prefer the modern Britain where soldiers get beheaded in the street. Particularly enjoyed the blatant hypocrisy of Madeleine Smith. She exploited her only talent by flashing her tits throughout the 70s and has the nerve to moan about sexism. Anyway, apologies for digressing from the BBC but whatever it suffers from appears to be contagious.
Just imagine what the thing we cannot escape – Kardashian’s rear end – is going to look like when gravity takes hold of it ? It’s going to be banging against the back of her knees.
My sister was walking her dog in the park when a couple of teenagers walked by ‘effing’ away as they talked to each other.
Suddenly they stopped and one of them turned back to face her to aplogise profusely for his language. All this with no prompting from her.
If real teenagers are aware of bad language and its unacceptability to the general population it is a pity that our 34-year old ‘teenagers’ that dominate the airwaves aren’t as savvy. But then when programmes such as In The Thick Of It are regarded as cutting edge, precision comedy (whatever that is) there isn’t much hope of that.
Yes, after watching the documentary about Billingsgate, where there were more ‘fucks’ flung about than in a Bangkok knocking shop, I found myself wondering about the need to suppress the word “nigger”.
It was alright in the 70s saw that. So put selected items on and have less than z listers comment. I’ve seen this before somewhere was that not funny BBc face Shappi on there.
But back to the BBc my Freeview box well it would be Freeview without the BBc, informed me that it has found some new channels. So without thinking, no change there, I press 1 to see if I can see what has been added. Big mistake its “Highlights” of children in need was on. And I’m paying for this crap.
Never mind. In 30 year’s time we’ll have “It Wasn’t Compliant in The 2010’s” with some po-faced cretin saying “By the beard of the prophet, I can’t believe they used to have Jews, homosexuals and women on before the watershed!”.
David Baddiel was on with his hypocrisy. He didn’t have problems with pornography I remember a decade or so ago till he had a daughter and his views changed. So pointing the finger at seventies sexism is a bit rich.
The strange put-on mockney accent when he was in the Mary Whitehouse Experience comedy duo now gone. I hate hypocrites
The seventies was what it was. In hindsight of course our views have changed but the silly forced looks of horror on the contributors faces…arseholes.
…And Shappi Khorsandi possibly the unfunniest person passing herself off as a comedian in Britain today. Loved by the Beeb and the Guardian of course has, on the passed two occasions, when she has played this neck of the woods failed to sell out without the inducement of free tickets and/or ticket reductions.
So why she was asked to contribute is beyond me. She has little concept of humour.
We’ll get lessons in ventriloquism from the sweet, odd and utterly useless Nina Conti next…
Shappi appears to be on everything because she seems to be an expert on all aspects of English culture. That’s why she pops up as a talking head on all these retro programs. I assume that she lived through the 1970s and therefore could like me put this in the context of the times just as I can,…what do you mean she was born in 1973!
Oh Calamity ! The Sky is Falling !
Red Ed is the most unpopular leader since Caligula and the polls report a 3 point Tory lead !
Cue much wringing of hands and analysis, should Ed step down and let another leftie loon take over? etc etc etc
We’ve heard little else for a week at least, but wait a minute, what do Fridays pols have to say?
Thursday’s YouGov poll had topline figures of CON 32%, LAB 35%, LDEM 7%, UKIP 15%; Friday’s poll had figures of CON 33%, LAB 32%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 15%
Oh look. A 3 point Labour lead. Time to sit back & relax as the situation returns to normal. Nothing to see here, nothing for us to report on, move along please nothing to see
Well children in need has ended and apparently it has separated a record amount of money from the people of this country.
I’m proud to say I haven’t knowingly given the BBC a penny of my money!
I’m sure if I said this in general company some would find it shocking, but I find it hard to justify giving my money to an organisation which criminalises 200 000 poor people in this country per year, and then holds out it’s hands to me to extract more money to offer as charity to those which it was earlier attacking for not paying them their pound of flesh.
The hypocrisy is truly sickening, with extremely wealthy ‘slebs trying to look their do gooding caring best.
Oh look we bought the Jones family new beds for their children. Well if you hadn’t stuck them for £145 every year they might have been able to afford them themselves !
You ain’t heard nothing yet, Radio’s 1,2,6 and probably 4 & 5 will be airing Geldof’s latest creation in unison on Monday morning, a song that will fill the bBC’s airways for the next six weeks and then be as quickly forgotten as the 1989 and 2004 versions.
Cynical me thinks Cowell’s done a deal – ‘you have most of my artists for the record, let me be the first to have the video (X Factor tomorrow night) and I’ll delay the release of the X Factor Christmas durge for a week’ – win win extra advertising revenue tomorrow night and a few more units shifted by my artists….
Oh for the days when the Christmas number one wasn’t a cynical ploy. Feed the world, why not, after all we seem to house, school and medicalise most of it…..
It never ceases to amaze me where all this donated cash comes from – after all, the British “working” class are continually whingeing about how strapped they are, how expensive life is, and how they can’t cope – yet food prices appear to be dropping like stones in the supermarket price war, petrol/diesel pump rates are falling like there’s no tomorrow, and the “poor” folk seem able to chuck billions at “worthy” causes (bet they don’t know where most of it ends up).
The charities have obviously got wind of this new found wealth, as one can’t turn the telly on any more, without the faces of poor children staring at you, and some earnest “celebrity” imploring one to give some cause or other three quid, which will make everything all right again – it will even eradicate and cure Ebola, apparently, all this cash…
Took ’em a while, but at last they’ve addressed the typo.
Still lumbered with the ‘vital’ provision of EastEnders.
Be funny if they try and evolve that away by sneaking an Attenborough in its stead.
That they are reduced to consistently propping up the entire BBC output on the back of the same half a dozen, mostly populist programmes, shows how desperate their case now is.
You beat me to it with that risible self-justification for the continuation of the licence poll tax. The BBC isn’t even embarrassed in thinking that is sufficient justification. Lord Reith would be so proud.
For fifty years Songs of Praise has allowed the elderly and disabled, who probably can’t get to church as often as they’d like, a simple Christian service, with hymns and prayers they could join in with. But now the BBC’s Head of Religion and Ethics, a Muslim called Aaqil Ahmed, has decided that this must stop. The programme will now reflect ‘the reality of Christian faith across the country’. What this means is that ‘black majority churches’ will be featured prominently. This is to cater for ‘increased immigration’.
Here’s a big fat lie from the BBC: “Those who have grown up watching Songs of Praise say they are looking forward to a more inclusive programme each week.” Oh yes? My straw poll strongly suggests the opposite.
“Next week’s programme will include songs from Ruach City Church, a gospel congregation in Brixton, south London, and Canterbury Cathedral, as well as a performance by Dona Oxford, the American soul singer” I’m sure that will delight the housebound grannies who have looked forward every week for years to joining in with traditional Christian hymns.
Aaqil Ahmed says that the programme will not include other faiths. “Not in a million years. There are lots of other multi-faith shows on the BBC, but Songs of Praise is a Christian music show.” Oh yes? Just give it time. My guess is this time next year.
This SHOULD, get Aquil Ahmed sacked, and questions seriously asked about his appointment, but it won t.
Ahmed has been seen to be problematic from the start, he represents a belief system that s 2% of the population, and he does! … over all other faiths at the BBC, (in that he s not alone either)
The “Sunday Telegraph hinted heavily that his Muslim background made him unsuitable for the role. Its religion editor George Pitcher later said of course his opposition to Ahmed’s appointment had nothing to do with his background, but his general unsuitability as a commissioner and programme-maker.”
However you want to look at it, Islam IS seen as controversial here, is deeply problematic to the greater population in swathes of the country, and thus is treated with justifiable suspicion – that is simply a fact.
Bias or balance usually devolves into an exercise in jelly-nailing, so the BBC almost always prevails.
Interesting here the factual persistence on the way too frequent BBC reliance on mystery sources who say, and how another overpaid, over promoted market rate talent was left gasping.
Time to head to iPlayer to savour until it’s sent down the memory hole.
Yet twitter is alive with their less than well considered (or written) rebuttal from BBC PR, trying to pitch EastEnders as a vital service the country needs to uniquely fund.
This is in turn being referred to by BBC News, but some are correctly pointing out that the BBC referring to its own PR as news is actually propaganda.
So all working out well for them again, as always.
sadly Wavy ‘I Love The BBC’ Davy’s tiny prea brain can’t work out that perhaps an organisation that has been throwing £3.5 billion per year of taxpayers’ money at the Labour Party is a bad thing.
Maybe he’ll learn that when he is in opposition, albeit he’ll only be in opposition for a few hours as he drafts his resignation note and peruses his private equity, US tier one bank, and sundry money-pissing-away supranational job offers.
Probably still trying to navigate a rather tricky set of lines and precedents.
The hotel can of course offer what it likes, or not, and let market forces decide. This already has dodgy comparisons the BBC may not fancy.
Then there’s what may yet happen as it is a hospitality business some offence industry experts could still seek to test, this time forcing the BBC into Top Trumps ‘reporting (or not)’
Rowan Williams might like it – a little bit of Sharia law in the UK.
Also Ed Millipede could order something light to eat without fear of having to negotiate another bacon sandwich.
BBC One Breakfast on Sunday does a piece on the revamped Songs of Praise.
A ‘lady of colour’ tells us it is nice to hear and see someone that looks like oneself. There are a lot of white indigenous males that think the same after watching BBC One News, Sport, Local News and Local weather. Can’t be long before ‘on screen/on mike’ is totally female to match the totally female behind the scenes staff.
I can never understand why it is perfectly okay for black people to say they want to see more blacks on TV, but it’s racist for whites to say they want to see more whites. Can anyone explain, please?
Just been listening to Broadcasting House on BBC Radio 4. With a UKIP victory predicted in the Rochester and Strood by-election next Thursday by, amongst others, The Telegraph, the programme’s three contributors (Patience Wheatcroft, Robert Winston and Janet Ellis) were all agreed ‘UKIP are basically the BNP’ and the British electorate are all fools. Apparently, wearing a Union Jack T-shirt (as many UKIP canvassers were apparently doing), is tantamount to being BNP by any other name.
No mention that UKIP are the only British UK political party to actively forbid any past member of the BNP from joining its ranks.
and no mention that Patience Wheatcroft is a Tory Peer, having been a lifelong Conservative. or that Lord Winston is a Labour Peer ? Both parties fighting tooth and naiul against UKIP. Wheatcroft’s slurs were especialkly dire – UKIP as the polite vdrsion of the BNP.
The establishment will never get ‘it’ as long as us plebs willingly accept being shafted, race replaced and dig deep for multi millionaires like Terry, Bob and Bonio.
Well the worms are turning, Rochester is the next step, Foxstrot Oscar bBC, Wheatcroft, Winston, Bob, Terry, Bonio et all.
No mention either that Ellis is a typical media leftie who spouts Labour agitprop unthinkingly on ‘The Wright Show’, the ‘Mirror on TV’ as it is otherwise known.
Must be getting old, when I see the term ‘British Surgeon’ in my head I picture the old doctor from Heartbeat, I’m guessing his chap doesn’t look quite like that?
To you maybe but not to me that many others; partly because that is what the BBC and the rest of the left want – to destroy the idea and ideals of Britishness.
Forgot to add, it was once said that being born British was to win lifes lottery.
Sadly the politicians of my lifetime have destroyed much of the fabric what the country was prior to the 60s, but probably the biggest thing they have taken from us is the honour of calling oneself British.
Being born in Britain is still a lottery. The losers are born in somewhere like Rotherham, and the winners are born somewhere either very exclusive or very remote.
No doubt all these “British surgeons” going out to Syria are practicing their head transplants, merely staunching the severance wound with healthy hot sand-as opposed to butchers sawdust which is not to EU/BBC standards.
I don`t believe for a minute that Jihad John has EVER been to medical school- not even Southampton Solent!
Yet, he`s keen to learn huh?…so the BBC accept his over enthusiasms and exuberances.
Can we sponsor the live leaks beheading of Jihad John by sending in the old Stanley blades and Gillette blunties?…moneys to go to Help For Heroes?
Billy Bragg might wish to support his old regiment…Geldof seems to have forgotten the value of his “Bellicose quack”…to quote our old friend on this site!
I’m amazed Brian Taylor’s trousers can withstand the pressure of him sitting down, but of more concern is his fawning interview style whenever he is in the company of that windbag Salmond:
Anyone would think, if the bBC was your sole source of news (God forbid!), that the SNP bloody won the referendum with all the coverage they’re getting both north and south the border. Why are we in England being subjected to this SNP drivel? Why are the bBC giving them a platform? No offence to the many great unionist Scots I know and those who come on here, but UNIONISM WON, Separatism LOST, GET OVER IT!
The reality is, though, both Labour and the Jacobite Bravefart dreamers hate the English with a racist and bigoted passion, that’s WHY the BBC love them so.
It will be interesting to see if the BBC’s veiw of the SNP will be less conflicted if/when they follow through on their promise to form a coalition with Labour after next GE
Remind me again…the SNP and that double-tongued fat fake Salmond did LOSE that referendum did they not?
And didn`t the likes of Salmond try to frighten the Scots into voting for independence-“because the issue was to be settled for a generation, were they to spurn the chance for independence”…and suchlike.
Yet here is Ms Krankie as new chief cherry on the SNP bunfight…telling us all that they will decide the next election.
And the BBC rather love to quote her-and tell us that the issue of Scottish Independence is no “done deal”…let alone the dead duck that it has long been.
That`s the thing about the BBC-they want perpetual grievances and fomentation a la Alinsky and Gramsci..and the left love to stick Oscars prosthetic limbs back into the wasps nest just to keep the bonfires going, the braziers manned and ready for the Second Coming of Mark Duggan…wearing his “what a feminist looks like T-shirt” this time though.
No wonder the BBC suck and blow on request at the SNP bouncy castles of Edinburgh and Stirling-if the BBC aren`t doing Brussels dirty work of cleaving the UK apart once again, then my name is Moira Anderson.
F888Off you Bluenosing jobbies at the BBC!
There are currently 6 SNP MPs. They were elected when Labour were at their worst so it seems unlikely they will get more than 12 in the next election but they might. If Labour is destroyed in Scotland in 2015 then the most the SNP can get is 59 MPs out of 650.
If Labour are going to do that bad then the Tories or UKIP will be the beneficiaries meaning that it is unlikely that they will get a coalition majority even if they join with the SNP.
labour had 247 MPs outside of Scotland. Add in the SNP putative 59 and that gives a total of 306. The Tories won 310 seats in 2010 and there are 57 LibDem seats up for grabs, with realistically half of them going either way.
So, if UKIP fail to get an MP and the Tories come out top its likely there will be a Tory (ish) win.
If UKIP get 30MPs then its a Tory/UKIP coalition.
Only if UKIP scupper the Tories so that Labour, in spite of Millitwat gain seats is there likely to be a government that does not include the Tories.
The SNP hold the balance of power only in their dreams.
This just appeared on BBC Breaking News’ twitter feed:
US comedian Bill Cosby won’t dignify “decade-old, discredited” sexual abuse claims with any comment, says his lawyer
I mention this for a variety reasons.
First up is the ‘breaking’ element, which seems a stretch as I have been reading about this for days elsewhere. Mostly media making something of him saying nothing. It is of course a no-win situation for any sleb, no matter what course they follow.
And now Aunty has joined in, on an area she knows well. Seems Cliff wasn’t quite what they hoped, so a bit of vicarious cross-pondage now appeals.
Currently the whole thing seems at the level of a BIJ source accusation, so they are staying canny by simply going with a quote about a claim.
But damage can still be done.
One is sure A. Newsroom Tealady would say this is news, but running with a denial to a media driven accusation is really getting tired.
If there is proof, wait for it and run with it. If there is not, go and get it or wait until there is some.
Joining others in the gutter like this.. all too predictable.
Stand by yer beds! folks … It looks like a swathe of Al BBC airtime could be coming, Mehdi Hasan s way, as the BBCs fave perusal device the Grainard, prints another corker.
… Panto Campbell calls?, Jeremy Whine beckons? “bread and butter” for Toady?
Mehdi Hasan, Sanctions for ‘dishonest, demonising press coverage’ of Muslims
INBBC’s moral position should be to recognise that the mass murdering Islamic jihadists of the Islamic State are our sworn enemies, and that they are worse than the Nazis.
No more appeasement.
INBBC should not compare the West with the barbaric Islamofascism of the Islamic State.
When I first saw this article I didn’t know if Edmonds was doing an ‘about face’, from having previously castigated the BBC for a host of reasons, or simply hadn’t properly thought through his conclusion that the Royals and Thatcher ‘were as much to blame as the BBC for Savile’s abuses’. Perhaps the dumbed down show Deal or No Deal that he hosts had taken its toll on his mind.
Why should the Queen, or any of the Royals, as well as Margaret Thatcher, been aware of the abuses that Savile was perpetrating?
But then reading that Edmonds also worked at the BBC with Savile, and therefore would have heard rumours, or perhaps saw things for himself that he still decided to keep quiet about, he wants to focus the public’s attention outside the BBC for not bringing Savile to justice at the time.
That sounds more like it.
I’ve just lost respect for Edmonds.
Well at least 50 MP’s seem to have some morality and ethics, calling for the licence fee to be scrapped.
The BBC response is to say ‘that at £2.80 a week, the fee is ‘value for money’.
Then why should they mind going on a subscription service that allows individuals to decide if they want to pay it, rather than being forced by law to do so?
Why are so few MPs happy to trust the British public?
Afraid to let us make the choice on our wish to pay for Al Beeb, or even to give us the vote on our membership of the EU, yet happy to have a referendum on the break up of our country as with the recent fiasco in Scotland.
They treat us just like children and the ‘impartial’ Al Beeb is not so ‘impartial’. Roll on UKIP, next week, Rochester will be the start of the revolution.
Yet another BBC offshoot that seems to exist mainly in the twittosphere, taking advantage of the odd BBC notion that if there is no room for accuracy, then whatever fits will serve well enough for information and education.
I had assumed he converted before capture. But all I can find on the BBC is “Snatched in October 2013” and “converted to Islam in late 2013”. Which would suggest you are right and that they are deliberately muddying the waters.
In fact I have to go to the Daily Mail for this: “But it was not until after he was captured by ISIS in eastern Syria on October 1, 2013 that he made his conversion to the faith while sharing a cell with a devout Muslim.”
Why would the BBC play along with such a charade? Out of respect for his parents, who insist he was on this path before capture (and would have had good reason to wish to convince his captors of that)? Or to maintain the fiction that these savages are Nothing To Do With Islam™?
They never give Lee Rigby’s killers their Islamic names, Mujahid Abu Hamza and Ismael Ibn Abdullah. Funny that.
But maybe that is because they are convicted criminals and so shouldn’t be humoured with their (as I understand it) non-opfficial name changes? But Bradley Manning is also a convicted criminal, and yet the press seem always to refer to him as Chelsea Manning. Must be some oither reason, then… What could that possibly be?
No complaints about the BBc today. We appear to have no TV at all since last night. Going to the I player tells me the server is overloaded to to usage.
I switched on that bbbc breakfast programme (fool that I am) to be greeted by that awful creature geldoff. He was unkempt, unshaven and looked like he hadn’t washed himself for some time but nevertheless was absolutely lauded by the two creatures on the left wing sofa……’Let’s get this sorted out by Christmas’ said geldof, ‘And then we can move on to other things’ he said in that frightening,facist manner that he has. Perhaps he should make the donations compulsory ……
I do find him a very unpleasant character..or is it just me?
Licence Payers may conclude that the BBC are plumbing the depths, but – to our national broadcaster – anything that comes out of a supranational organisation is golden.
And on the subject of the world’s wouldbe one world international liberal government, or should I call it the UN… par for course the BBC hails the wimmin – but fails to see the elitist irony here…
‘Back in the early-1990s…. two black VIP limousines could have comfortably ferried the entire female ambassadorial corps to the meeting. Now it would require a fleet’
Interesting to note the old green white red and black on the flag in the corner of the first photo. That would be Jordan. Guessing Saudi Iran etc etc won’t be requiring a UN limo for female representatives any time soon.
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 14:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Keir Starmer contacted by police after collision with cyclist in London This article is more than 4 years old Rider…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 A looter jailed for 16 months after taking a single lick of an unwanted ice-cream cone stolen from a ransacked…
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 13:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hello Non Snowflake to serve only 40% of the time, maybe released even earlier for his own safety or good…
Richard PinderFeb 24, 13:55 Start the Week 24th February 2025 BBC says “It was the knife what did it. Blame the knife or the ricin, not the Black man who…
Non SnowflakeFeb 24, 13:51 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Ex-Labour MP Mike Amesbury jailed for 10 weeks for beating someone up. I wonder how long this will stay…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:50 Start the Week 24th February 2025 HA HA HA! [img][/img]
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 13:50 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Starmer is useless and most of us know it, other than the bbc that is Trump has changed Ukraine conversation,…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The most IMPORTANT talk on the demographic crisis you will ever hear | Stephen Shaw
Eddy BoothFeb 24, 13:43 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Cinematic comic Zelensky video doing the rounds:
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 13:23 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Wow! If you get a free government house on benefits and say you are Jewish you get two kitchens? Excellent…
Beeboids, Islamic State and Saudi Arabia.
It is politically unfortunate that a Muslim supporter of Islamic State links, about half-way in, to an article by Beeboid, Gardner-
“Tenured University Professor Vows to Wage Jihad with ISIS.
‘No sleep till Mecca!'”
Call me cynical but to me from the bit of CIN I was unfortunate enough to watch just seemed like a shop window for our pop royalty to shift a few units, no doubt Cheryl Foreign Name, Sclub7, Boyzone and One Erection all shifted a few downloads overnight kerchhing. The most shameful part was when Shane Ritchie was fawning over his his own sons fledgling band.
Plenty of free advertising for the likes of Boots and B&Q as well.
Multicult tugging at the heartstrings no longer works for me especially when multimillionaires that ‘tell’ me to donate, Bob Geldof can go forth and multiply as well…
Regardless we all contributed as it was our infrastructure that allowed all these ‘stars’ to show off their wares…
Have you seen Saint Bob is resurrecting Band Aid. Again.
Spot the difference:
1984 – a million ordinary Africans starving to death because of unavoidable drought and corrupt governments
2014 – a few thousand die of a disease that can be easily prevented by not rubbing your hands over dead bodies, as is the tradition in those primitive parts of the world.
Hardly comparable.
Ethiopia has done well since 1984…
1984 Population 39m
2014 Population 94m
…and then consider how much of the cash went, or will go, to the cause sponsored in each case. Some discrepancies, I suspect.
Just as well that campaigner for everything good and righteous throughout the world, Bono, will not be joining them as he is still looking for the cargo door of his Learjet that came off during a flight to Berlin.
It all sounds a bit hypocritical that someone who thinks so much about the planet should be using a private jet when there are lots of commercial flights flying into Germany.
Viz has a comic strip featuring Boneo where he is described as ‘the little twat with the big heart’.
Sorry angels…Bono IS there-PM have just interviewed the great man…seems he`s happy to have the God reference kicked out of his line from 84, and is happy too just to wave at Chris Martin.
Yet we just KNOW the foghorn of righteousness will do a Krusty all over Timmy O Tooles well song.
Yet the BBC poppet referred to Bon as being “rock star late”…and even I know his plane lost its rump the other day, so he`s perfectly entitled to check his undercarriage( oo er!).
Poor bugger can only drink vintage wines as well, or get a nasty allergic reaction-who sez God`s not got a grand sense of humour?
Feed the world?…oh so 1980s.
These days it`s “house the world” (and his wife!)
With thanks to the poster child who gave us this joke recently!
… I didn t see the donation board for each celebrity?
alongside their free airtime
Did I really hear some dumb, activist bimbo from “THEOS” blathering her religio-political cobblers on Thought for The Day this morning? Or was I immersed in some eco-green nightmare?
It seems that “lurve” could have prevented the climate from changing.
Where DO these nutters come from? And why are they known to, and encouraged by, the BBC?
I heard that too, at least, I heard what she said but not who she was.
She did indeed inform us that believing in man-made climate disaster and not bothering with pesky things like reason and facts (which she characterised, incorrectly, as unchristian) are proofs that one “loves the planet” and are the Way of virtue.
Not only is this bad theology and bad reasoning, it is actually quite frightening. When lecturing us with cloying self-righteousness doesn’t work how does she intend to deal with us climate sceptics? Burn the climate-heretic? Behead the climate-infidel?
She is probably one of the BBC,s approved “best scientific experts”. At the moment they seem to be advising the BBC to deny the existence of most Atmospheric Physicists, but this could be a precursor to secretly killing and burying them, if the BBC censorship policy begins to disintegrate.
Fake Syria.
Are Beeboids condemning this, or not?:-
“#BBCTrending: Syrian ‘hero boy’ video faked by Norwegian director”
Interstingly I just watched this on youtube
Yet another-phone-it-in debacle on Today this morning( 8.55 or so).
Humphs interns had clearly highlighted for him that “Grandads Army” soundbite and strapline for the 9am news. Tories have made army recruitment so bad that blokes in their 50s (and older) were now being asked to join.
Quelle horreur-let`s go back to Labour and its Hoons, its Ainsworths and GordieBroo…all tip top keepers of the military covenant…that so Pounce huh?
So Humphrys holed below the fundament when the army bods tell him that the recruitment is being limited to those with previous experience of the army and are specialists required.
Oh dear-end of story, end of Tory smears…but there`s five more minutes to kill…and Phil Shiner is ready to pounce if the time has not had its rights read to it, interpreted into five languages and not given counselling and asylum with Anjem Choudhury as its guarantor/mentor in diversity enrichment.
So the show goes crawling, begging gasping up to 9 O clock, wasting all our times, our lives-and especially our monies.
Is there a vet nurse in the house with a big screen to put Toady out of our miseries…I`m guessing the kids in their linen suits upstairs are all in the Cotswolds or sticking Russell Brands pages together using sustainable natural sourced fluids with a turkey baster and oven glove-as shown on Blue Peter by Richard Bacon way back.
Saturday mornings require a radio test card…FFS, even Brian Matthew is more clued up re politics-but his records are in stereo so half the gems he plays have a channel missing for f***DAB!
How many OAPS have to get their hearing checked at the drop-in on Mon morning after thinking that they`re going deaf on the left side I wonder-and can I reclaim the compo from the BBC I`m thinking for my anxiety issues?
A class action might turn them over…does a Pudsey costume count as tax-deductible work wear now?
The return of S Club 7 too…and no comedian willing to tell us just how low and aimless a “scoop” that was…poor Rachel Stevens deserves better-despite refusing to meet me for coffee!
The BBC-an irony free-comedy free zone for hour upon hour as their soap merchants and news boozers play at Buttons for their pantos.
Certainly that is all that THEY contribute to the car crash telly that ensues.
Anybody ever verified their accounts to PROVE that we gave them all that money…seems to me it`s EU standards that they use…and would they care to tell us how much Wogan gives them, let alone the other Bonnie Langfords and Glynn Pooles that have grown up into BBC entitlement holders of the nations consciences, questions…and of course our purse strings that they garrotte the old and the young with shamelessly…before making a Savile string vest out of the bloodied lint remaining.
F888 the F888 Off you BBC mood hoovers! You`re inappropriate and disappointing…which means curl up and die you piece of crap…the Q-Man says it for me here!
At that time on Saturday , try Frank Skinner, Absolute Radio , show very funny ,today`s excellent . Not for News Quiz types .
I hear that Dave is going to wave his “big stick” at Putin, today, because Putin has taken exception to the EU trying to wrest the Ukraine from where it belongs.
It would cause me great amusement if Putin a). clocked him one, b). declared that no further fuel would be available to any part of the EU, and c). announced an official cold war with the west, citing Cameron as the straw which broke the camel’s back.
I am more ashamed, daily, to be part of the EU, and it’s federal and dictatorial ambitions.
On another, though related subject, why is Ban-Ki Moon wittering on about climate change agreements at this G20 summit, when that subject isn’t on the official agenda?
He is another dubious charter, in the scheme of things – one would have expected him to have at least a soupçon of integrity, intellect and common sense – why does he believe everything his tame “climeate sceantists” tell him, when most of us who have access to the internet don’t, because we can see the truth for ourselves, and how the data is fiddled, and the lies which are told in support of the greenie madness.
Of course, the letters UN, and figures 21 spring to mind whilst searching for an answer. These people want us ALL under their ultimate control.
I m just ashamed, that a stooge like Camoron is “supposedly” representing us …
Should that ever inadvertently happen, it would make a refreshing change from self serving himself and his own cronies.
Its not the “climeate sceantists”, it’s the “climeate con artists” of the Green Blob.
OG – Start with this declaration from the Club of Rome:
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention….and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself….believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose.”
Read more about the Club of Rome here:
And how it is now the primary function of the UN to carry out its agenda:
‘It just goes to show that the scam is perpetrated on such an unprecedented scale, that few dare question its validity. The entire thing of course boils down to the old Nazi proverb: the bigger the lie, the easier the sell. The United Nations, the globalist foremost salesman, was designated to carry the message along to all the world’s ‘regions’ and all nation-states falling under her jurisdiction. The division of the UN deemed most qualified to do the job was UNESCO, the scientific arm deciding what educational programs are to be distributed amongst the world’s universities and primary schools. On June 15th of this year, Martin Lees, Secretary General of the Club of Rome gave a speech to UNESCO- social engineers in which he admits that:
“We in the Club of Rome have had a long relationship with UNESCO. We look forward to developing our future collaboration so that we can advance our understanding and cooperation to promote action on the critical global issues which will determine the future of us all at this difficult moment in history.”
The Club of Rome’s quest for an eco-socialist world government, Animal Farm-style, is too fantastical even for a James Bond novel. The scary things is, it’s actually happening. It is the real agenda behind ‘climate change’ and why the Left promote it and defend it with such zeal and why politicians are scrambling to make sure they end up as the pigs on the farm.
Some bird from Theos, the ‘religious think tank’ on Thought for the Day this morning, haranguing the Australian government for omitting ‘climate change’ from the G20 agenda.
How could they do this, she moaned, when ‘we have all the information’.
No dear, we have forecasts from discredited climate models which is a bit different. The real world information we’ve got tells us the climate hasn’t warmed for over 18 years, making those models and their skewed assumptions redundant.
Still, it was a valid topic to cover because ‘climate change’ as she understands it is a religion and definitely nowt to do with science.
Apologies to OG again – only just seen your post on this above.
BBC heads in the sand, again:!topic/
INBBC: don’t mention ‘Islam,’ don’t mention ‘Muslim,’ don’t explore persecution of Jews in France, etc-
“Paris synagogue bomb: Canadian suspect extradited to France”
“French Exodus: ‘When Jews Flee, a Nation is Sick'”
(July, 2014)-
Also, for INBBC:-
“Morocco arrests four Muslims from France with jihad terror links”
Also, for INBBC:-
“Paris’s Kristallnacht”
(July, 2014)-
George R:
INBBC: don’t mention ‘Islam,’ don’t mention ‘Muslim,’ don’t explore persecution of Jews in France, etc-
The BBC would no doubt defend itself by claiming all that is off topic when reporting on the extradition of the accused.
But anyone who knows the BBC knows that it reports freely on past atrocities against Jews but clams up when it comes to the present, especially when anti-Semitic atrocities are committed by Muslims.
Anyway, good news about the successful extradition. Though flooded with anti-Semitic North African Muslims, I think it’s fair to say that France still has a functioning, no-nonsense justice system.
Be interesting to see the verdict of the trial. The BBC might even follow it up since this particular atrocity took place 34 years ago.
“Paris synagogue bomb: Canadian suspect extradited to France”
Turns out he is a lefty PNLF Maxist from the 1970s . But don’t expect the BBC describe him as a left wing extremist.
What’s a comment from November 13th doing in the ‘Newer Comments’ section??
Not for BBC-Democrats to report-
“Christian Woman Praying to Christ Ejected from MUSLIM Prayers at National Cathedral”
– See more at:
Not for INBBC to report?:-
“Turkey Frees 12 After Vicious Attack on US Sailors, No Questioning, No Charges”
– See more at:
(Of course, BBC-NUJ supports Islamising Turkey’s entry into E.U.)
We are constantly told that the BBC represents fantastic value for money. Yet every single afternoon play on R4 next week is a repeat and almost everything on BBC 4 is similarly recycled. BBC 1’s output, meawhile, seems to comprise little more that dirt cheap ‘reality’ confection for the hard of thinking. So just where does the money go? Isn’t it about time some of it was spent on making programmes?
I skimmed through the last week’s programme schedules for the 4 BBC TV channels. There was not a single thing OI wanted to watch except the highlights of the Remembrance Sunday service – I had heard it on radio Other than that – nit a single thing !
The BBC costs towards £100 million PER WEEK to run ! – but produces almost zilch that is worthwhile on TV.
How did Arabia make its money before oil? (Yes, I know it’s a question that has kept us all awake at night.)
Pearl fishing, apparently. No mention of piracy, brigandage and the slave trade, of course.
And no chance missed to have a dig at you know who, either:
“Yet pay and working conditions remained terrible, as ruling families and the colonial power, Britain, resisted ideas of modernisation.”
Pearl fishing, apparently. No mention of piracy, brigandage and the slave trade, of course.
The BBC is in a class of its own when it comes to propaganda by omission of pertinent facts.
That’ll be resisting modernisation by building railroads, canals, port facilities, hospitals, schools, parliamentary democracies for them to abuse, oil refineries, mines, and on and on. All those things from the then modern world that were conspicuously missing before we arrived.
What wealth they have now they owe to our industry and knowledge. Without us they’d still be living in tents and bickering over the oases.
Alright, apart from the railroads, canals, port facilities, hospitals, schools, parliamentary democracies for them to abuse, oil refineries, mines, and on and on, I ask you: WHAT HAS COLONIAL BRITAIN EVER DONE FOR US?
That’s quite a misrepresentation by that paid researcher. Either that or blind ignorance. The fact is that the pearl divers and captains were not above a lot of violence bordering on the deadly. Divers would fight each other underwater with knives even if they were from the same boat. A diver in a suit who could harvest a huge amount of oysters would be a sitting duck for any natural diver. If you read the rest of the sentence that the ignoramus missed out, the British administrator says he will not do it as they cannot offer protection.
How do I know this?
My grandfather (not British) travelled the gulf in the 20s and 30s and told my mother lots of stories when she was a girl. i.e. not the sort of info you get just sitting in the BL looking at documents and only seeing what you want to see.
Some bird from Theos, the ‘religious think tank’. on Thought for the Day this morning haranguing the Australian government for omitting ‘climate change’ from the G20 agenda.
How could they do this, she moaned, when ’we have all the information’.
No dear, we have forecasts from discredited climate models which is a bit different. The real world ‘information’ we’ve got tells us the climate hasn’t warmed for over 18 years, making those models and their skewed assumptions redundant.
Still, it was a valid topic to cover because ‘climate change’ in her book is a religion and definitely nowt to do with science.
Sorry duplicate post.
a further admission of bias, maybe one for “In their own words”?
Here’s a BBC News 24 interview with Benny Peiser of the Global Warming Policy Foundation about the IPCC AR5 report.
So as some of us thought on here after the Today coverage by ‘Orrible ‘Arrabin of Nick Lewis’s recent study on temperature projections, the BBC have a co-ordinated agenda which goes: ‘You sceptics are coming into line with the mainstream climate scientists’, even though Lewis strongly objected afterwards to the way his findings had been presented. Indeed, the BBC man again misrepresents Lewis’s projections.
And notice the comical simulataneous picture show of climate armageddon alongside Peiser on the screen – beyond parody.
If only Peiser could be more forceful in getting his points across – he is so subtle by BBC standards that the interviewer was able to manufacture the impression that Peiser too was coming more into line with the ‘mainstream’.
Worth keeping an eye on – I’m sure it won’t be the last we hear of this latest BBC ploy on behalf of its 28gate mates.
I’ve said before that Peiser is weak, and he is. Embarrassingly so.
European Union.
Christopher Booker, ‘Sunday Telegraph’-
“Cameron impaled on his own hook”
‘News-watch’ site-
“BBC charter must not be renewed until pro-EU bias ends”
(May, 2014)
Australian dickhead wears unhygienic suit – BBC whipped up into frenzy of excitement (see
Ex-Beeboid (of about 25 years), Mr LUSTIG, now blatantly shows his true political colours at ‘leftist’ HuffPo-
“In Defence of Ed Miliband”
Actually Mr. Lustig has shown his true colours for some time. I used to pop in from time to time to his blog World Tonight, no longer functioning since his retirement. Though a typical BBC lefty hack, he was prepared to communicate with the great unwashed masses from time to time and I got some personal feedback from him once or twice.
But he is pickled in the standard BBC PeeCee idiocy and sees the world through typical BBC tunnel vision. He wrote a blog post titled Will Obama get tough with Israel which annoyed me enough to write an acerbic comment pointing out that neither he nor anyone else at the BBC would even think of suggesting that anyone get tough with the Palestinians.
The BBC saw fit to wipe out almost the entire archive of his blog, only leaving a handful of posts. Here’s his final post:–_but_not_goodbye.html
Many on this forum state that the BBC is the media arm of the Labour party, so, in keeping with this notion, I thought I’d run this past you.
Today, in my little village on Dartmoor, outside the convenience store, there stood two ladies wearing mainly red and orange and handing out Labour Party leaflets. Now this is incredibly strange as there are no by-elections going on in my patch. Whatever. Anyway, as I approached one of the said ladies offered me a leaflet and suggested that I might be either interested joining the Labour Party or voting for them. My reply was thus: “Are you having a laugh?” The lady looked perplexed and asked “what do you mean?” I then followed with ” Vote Labour, get Rotherham. How you have the gall to stand there and hand out propaganda after it has been the Labour Party who has turned its back on the most vulnerable in our society, that being children concerning the mass child rape gangs across pour country and the horrific death rate at Staff’s hospital is quite beyond me” She and her friend plus two other unknown bystanders just stood there in silence. I went into store to get some milk. When came out, they had packed up their Labour Party sign and were off!
It has been a good day to day, I also had a letter from a well known bank telling me they were going to repay me over £1,000 for miss selling of PPI.
I don’t get many days like this. 😎
If you think the BBC has a monopoly on sanctimonious lefty tosspots try watching ‘It Was Alright in the 70s’ on Channel 4.
‘It Was Alright in the 70s’
It’s very very annoying isn’t it? They don’t seem to realise that the standards of today are not automatically right. Some of the language used in the modern commentary is quite offensive to me, but no-one seems to be bothered about that. It’s a strange world where they can use four letter obscenities on TV but not say ‘nigger’. The fact is, ‘their’ morality is not that of many of their viewers. I have just turned it off.
Those moronic talking heads obviously prefer the modern Britain where soldiers get beheaded in the street. Particularly enjoyed the blatant hypocrisy of Madeleine Smith. She exploited her only talent by flashing her tits throughout the 70s and has the nerve to moan about sexism. Anyway, apologies for digressing from the BBC but whatever it suffers from appears to be contagious.
Yes I did note the moaning, but they took the cash anyway
Mmmmadeleine did have quite a rack on her though.
These days I don’t imagine she sees gravity as much of a friend. 🙁
Fully agree.
Just imagine what the thing we cannot escape – Kardashian’s rear end – is going to look like when gravity takes hold of it ? It’s going to be banging against the back of her knees.
Although I note TOTP 2 just on BBc 2 Olivers Army was again uncensored.
He’s a good lad our Mr Costello
He supports our Pally friends
My sister was walking her dog in the park when a couple of teenagers walked by ‘effing’ away as they talked to each other.
Suddenly they stopped and one of them turned back to face her to aplogise profusely for his language. All this with no prompting from her.
If real teenagers are aware of bad language and its unacceptability to the general population it is a pity that our 34-year old ‘teenagers’ that dominate the airwaves aren’t as savvy. But then when programmes such as In The Thick Of It are regarded as cutting edge, precision comedy (whatever that is) there isn’t much hope of that.
Yes, after watching the documentary about Billingsgate, where there were more ‘fucks’ flung about than in a Bangkok knocking shop, I found myself wondering about the need to suppress the word “nigger”.
It was alright in the 70s saw that. So put selected items on and have less than z listers comment. I’ve seen this before somewhere was that not funny BBc face Shappi on there.
But back to the BBc my Freeview box well it would be Freeview without the BBc, informed me that it has found some new channels. So without thinking, no change there, I press 1 to see if I can see what has been added. Big mistake its “Highlights” of children in need was on. And I’m paying for this crap.
Never mind. In 30 year’s time we’ll have “It Wasn’t Compliant in The 2010’s” with some po-faced cretin saying “By the beard of the prophet, I can’t believe they used to have Jews, homosexuals and women on before the watershed!”.
David Baddiel was on with his hypocrisy. He didn’t have problems with pornography I remember a decade or so ago till he had a daughter and his views changed. So pointing the finger at seventies sexism is a bit rich.
The strange put-on mockney accent when he was in the Mary Whitehouse Experience comedy duo now gone. I hate hypocrites
The seventies was what it was. In hindsight of course our views have changed but the silly forced looks of horror on the contributors faces…arseholes.
…And Shappi Khorsandi possibly the unfunniest person passing herself off as a comedian in Britain today. Loved by the Beeb and the Guardian of course has, on the passed two occasions, when she has played this neck of the woods failed to sell out without the inducement of free tickets and/or ticket reductions.
So why she was asked to contribute is beyond me. She has little concept of humour.
We’ll get lessons in ventriloquism from the sweet, odd and utterly useless Nina Conti next…
I liked the 1970s.
Shappi appears to be on everything because she seems to be an expert on all aspects of English culture. That’s why she pops up as a talking head on all these retro programs. I assume that she lived through the 1970s and therefore could like me put this in the context of the times just as I can,…what do you mean she was born in 1973!
Ah……………the good old days !
Oh Calamity ! The Sky is Falling !
Red Ed is the most unpopular leader since Caligula and the polls report a 3 point Tory lead !
Cue much wringing of hands and analysis, should Ed step down and let another leftie loon take over? etc etc etc
We’ve heard little else for a week at least, but wait a minute, what do Fridays pols have to say?
Thursday’s YouGov poll had topline figures of CON 32%, LAB 35%, LDEM 7%, UKIP 15%; Friday’s poll had figures of CON 33%, LAB 32%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 15%
Oh look. A 3 point Labour lead. Time to sit back & relax as the situation returns to normal. Nothing to see here, nothing for us to report on, move along please nothing to see
Well children in need has ended and apparently it has separated a record amount of money from the people of this country.
I’m proud to say I haven’t knowingly given the BBC a penny of my money!
I’m sure if I said this in general company some would find it shocking, but I find it hard to justify giving my money to an organisation which criminalises 200 000 poor people in this country per year, and then holds out it’s hands to me to extract more money to offer as charity to those which it was earlier attacking for not paying them their pound of flesh.
The hypocrisy is truly sickening, with extremely wealthy ‘slebs trying to look their do gooding caring best.
Oh look we bought the Jones family new beds for their children. Well if you hadn’t stuck them for £145 every year they might have been able to afford them themselves !
You ain’t heard nothing yet, Radio’s 1,2,6 and probably 4 & 5 will be airing Geldof’s latest creation in unison on Monday morning, a song that will fill the bBC’s airways for the next six weeks and then be as quickly forgotten as the 1989 and 2004 versions.
Cynical me thinks Cowell’s done a deal – ‘you have most of my artists for the record, let me be the first to have the video (X Factor tomorrow night) and I’ll delay the release of the X Factor Christmas durge for a week’ – win win extra advertising revenue tomorrow night and a few more units shifted by my artists….
Oh for the days when the Christmas number one wasn’t a cynical ploy. Feed the world, why not, after all we seem to house, school and medicalise most of it…..
It never ceases to amaze me where all this donated cash comes from – after all, the British “working” class are continually whingeing about how strapped they are, how expensive life is, and how they can’t cope – yet food prices appear to be dropping like stones in the supermarket price war, petrol/diesel pump rates are falling like there’s no tomorrow, and the “poor” folk seem able to chuck billions at “worthy” causes (bet they don’t know where most of it ends up).
The charities have obviously got wind of this new found wealth, as one can’t turn the telly on any more, without the faces of poor children staring at you, and some earnest “celebrity” imploring one to give some cause or other three quid, which will make everything all right again – it will even eradicate and cure Ebola, apparently, all this cash…
“EXCLUSIVE: Got him! Jihadi John is ‘wounded in US airstrike on secret bunker meeting of ISIS high command’ ”
Read more:
a.) Will Cameron-Hague-May-Clegg still let him back to U.K if he has ‘good intentions’?
b.) Will INBBC set up politically sympathetic articles on him?
” It’s vital that programmes like EastEnders, Strictly, Sherlock, Doctor Who and Match of the Day can been watched by everyone – not a select few”
I really must re-check the definition of ‘vital’.
Plus ‘can been’.
Took ’em a while, but at last they’ve addressed the typo.
Still lumbered with the ‘vital’ provision of EastEnders.
Be funny if they try and evolve that away by sneaking an Attenborough in its stead.
That they are reduced to consistently propping up the entire BBC output on the back of the same half a dozen, mostly populist programmes, shows how desperate their case now is.
You beat me to it with that risible self-justification for the continuation of the licence poll tax. The BBC isn’t even embarrassed in thinking that is sufficient justification. Lord Reith would be so proud.
Guest Who.
Me thinks it just goes to prove that Al Beeb are reading this site and have corrected their mistake ?
I don’t watch any of those vital programmes.
I pay for all of them of course.
All in the interests of ‘fairness’.
Songs of Praise
For fifty years Songs of Praise has allowed the elderly and disabled, who probably can’t get to church as often as they’d like, a simple Christian service, with hymns and prayers they could join in with. But now the BBC’s Head of Religion and Ethics, a Muslim called Aaqil Ahmed, has decided that this must stop. The programme will now reflect ‘the reality of Christian faith across the country’. What this means is that ‘black majority churches’ will be featured prominently. This is to cater for ‘increased immigration’.
Here’s a big fat lie from the BBC: “Those who have grown up watching Songs of Praise say they are looking forward to a more inclusive programme each week.” Oh yes? My straw poll strongly suggests the opposite.
“Next week’s programme will include songs from Ruach City Church, a gospel congregation in Brixton, south London, and Canterbury Cathedral, as well as a performance by Dona Oxford, the American soul singer” I’m sure that will delight the housebound grannies who have looked forward every week for years to joining in with traditional Christian hymns.
Aaqil Ahmed says that the programme will not include other faiths. “Not in a million years. There are lots of other multi-faith shows on the BBC, but Songs of Praise is a Christian music show.” Oh yes? Just give it time. My guess is this time next year.
You ever heard a Muslim singing a ‘song of praise’? Even the BBC would have to draw the line at that no matter how crazy liberal they might be !
I rather like Dona Oxford but it may have skipped Aaqil Ahmed’s attention but she is not black nor is her output really religious.
It was inevitable:
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s Head of Religion and Ethics, Muslim Aaqui AHMED tells Christians in Britain what sort of religion they will be allowed.
INBBC’s own pro-Islam webpage propagandises for Muslim Ahmed on this, via Wyatt-
INBBC says-
“Songs of Praise to change format as part of relaunch”
This SHOULD, get Aquil Ahmed sacked, and questions seriously asked about his appointment, but it won t.
Ahmed has been seen to be problematic from the start, he represents a belief system that s 2% of the population, and he does! … over all other faiths at the BBC, (in that he s not alone either)
The “Sunday Telegraph hinted heavily that his Muslim background made him unsuitable for the role. Its religion editor George Pitcher later said of course his opposition to Ahmed’s appointment had nothing to do with his background, but his general unsuitability as a commissioner and programme-maker.”
However you want to look at it, Islam IS seen as controversial here, is deeply problematic to the greater population in swathes of the country, and thus is treated with justifiable suspicion – that is simply a fact.
You might have not noiced but the BBC is biased against Ed Milliband and the Labour Party!
The Inglish Flannel
Bias or balance usually devolves into an exercise in jelly-nailing, so the BBC almost always prevails.
Interesting here the factual persistence on the way too frequent BBC reliance on mystery sources who say, and how another overpaid, over promoted market rate talent was left gasping.
Time to head to iPlayer to savour until it’s sent down the memory hole.
‘Sunday Express’: page 1 headline, and report-
“EXCLUSIVE: Tory MPs look to tear up BBC licence fee.
TORY MPs will this week demand the £145 TV licence fee be replaced with an opt-in subscription.”
Note Beeboids’ omission of ‘Sunday Express’ Page 1 here-
“The papers: Sunday’s front pages”
I wonder why?
‘Sky News’ has it-
“Sunday’s National Newspaper Front Pages”
Yet twitter is alive with their less than well considered (or written) rebuttal from BBC PR, trying to pitch EastEnders as a vital service the country needs to uniquely fund.
This is in turn being referred to by BBC News, but some are correctly pointing out that the BBC referring to its own PR as news is actually propaganda.
So all working out well for them again, as always.
sadly Wavy ‘I Love The BBC’ Davy’s tiny prea brain can’t work out that perhaps an organisation that has been throwing £3.5 billion per year of taxpayers’ money at the Labour Party is a bad thing.
Maybe he’ll learn that when he is in opposition, albeit he’ll only be in opposition for a few hours as he drafts his resignation note and peruses his private equity, US tier one bank, and sundry money-pissing-away supranational job offers.
I don’t see anything on the bbc about this;
Probably still trying to navigate a rather tricky set of lines and precedents.
The hotel can of course offer what it likes, or not, and let market forces decide. This already has dodgy comparisons the BBC may not fancy.
Then there’s what may yet happen as it is a hospitality business some offence industry experts could still seek to test, this time forcing the BBC into Top Trumps ‘reporting (or not)’
Rowan Williams might like it – a little bit of Sharia law in the UK.
Also Ed Millipede could order something light to eat without fear of having to negotiate another bacon sandwich.
BBC One Breakfast on Sunday does a piece on the revamped Songs of Praise.
A ‘lady of colour’ tells us it is nice to hear and see someone that looks like oneself. There are a lot of white indigenous males that think the same after watching BBC One News, Sport, Local News and Local weather. Can’t be long before ‘on screen/on mike’ is totally female to match the totally female behind the scenes staff.
So nobody tried to explain to her that race is merely a social construct?
Just in case you were wondering, here is Dr Dulcie Dixon;
I can never understand why it is perfectly okay for black people to say they want to see more blacks on TV, but it’s racist for whites to say they want to see more whites. Can anyone explain, please?
Just been listening to Broadcasting House on BBC Radio 4. With a UKIP victory predicted in the Rochester and Strood by-election next Thursday by, amongst others, The Telegraph, the programme’s three contributors (Patience Wheatcroft, Robert Winston and Janet Ellis) were all agreed ‘UKIP are basically the BNP’ and the British electorate are all fools. Apparently, wearing a Union Jack T-shirt (as many UKIP canvassers were apparently doing), is tantamount to being BNP by any other name.
No mention that UKIP are the only British UK political party to actively forbid any past member of the BNP from joining its ranks.
The BBC: Your license fee at work, folks.
and no mention that Patience Wheatcroft is a Tory Peer, having been a lifelong Conservative. or that Lord Winston is a Labour Peer ? Both parties fighting tooth and naiul against UKIP. Wheatcroft’s slurs were especialkly dire – UKIP as the polite vdrsion of the BNP.
The establishment will never get ‘it’ as long as us plebs willingly accept being shafted, race replaced and dig deep for multi millionaires like Terry, Bob and Bonio.
Well the worms are turning, Rochester is the next step, Foxstrot Oscar bBC, Wheatcroft, Winston, Bob, Terry, Bonio et all.
No mention either that Ellis is a typical media leftie who spouts Labour agitprop unthinkingly on ‘The Wright Show’, the ‘Mirror on TV’ as it is otherwise known.
Of course, this is not on Beeboids’ ‘Health’ news pages-
“NHS surgeon who fled Britain to become senior Taliban leader appears in chilling recruitment video urging foreign jihadists to join him”
Read more:
Pamela Geller has:-
“British Surgeon Flees UK to Join Taliban”
Must be getting old, when I see the term ‘British Surgeon’ in my head I picture the old doctor from Heartbeat, I’m guessing his chap doesn’t look quite like that?
Being British means jack these days…
Being British means jack these days
To you maybe but not to me that many others; partly because that is what the BBC and the rest of the left want – to destroy the idea and ideals of Britishness.
I, for one, will not let them do that.
Forgot to add, it was once said that being born British was to win lifes lottery.
Sadly the politicians of my lifetime have destroyed much of the fabric what the country was prior to the 60s, but probably the biggest thing they have taken from us is the honour of calling oneself British.
And we are forced to pay Al Beeb for doing it !
Being born in Britain is still a lottery. The losers are born in somewhere like Rotherham, and the winners are born somewhere either very exclusive or very remote.
No doubt all these “British surgeons” going out to Syria are practicing their head transplants, merely staunching the severance wound with healthy hot sand-as opposed to butchers sawdust which is not to EU/BBC standards.
I don`t believe for a minute that Jihad John has EVER been to medical school- not even Southampton Solent!
Yet, he`s keen to learn huh?…so the BBC accept his over enthusiasms and exuberances.
Can we sponsor the live leaks beheading of Jihad John by sending in the old Stanley blades and Gillette blunties?…moneys to go to Help For Heroes?
Billy Bragg might wish to support his old regiment…Geldof seems to have forgotten the value of his “Bellicose quack”…to quote our old friend on this site!
Lucky he didn’t book his flight from Glasgow airport.
Certainly a newly diverse breed of Doctor the NHS nurturing.
Top story on Beeb is the video of aid workers head nothing about the row of Syrian men beheaded on video… those men of the RoP
I’m amazed Brian Taylor’s trousers can withstand the pressure of him sitting down, but of more concern is his fawning interview style whenever he is in the company of that windbag Salmond:
Anyone would think, if the bBC was your sole source of news (God forbid!), that the SNP bloody won the referendum with all the coverage they’re getting both north and south the border. Why are we in England being subjected to this SNP drivel? Why are the bBC giving them a platform? No offence to the many great unionist Scots I know and those who come on here, but UNIONISM WON, Separatism LOST, GET OVER IT!
The reality is, though, both Labour and the Jacobite Bravefart dreamers hate the English with a racist and bigoted passion, that’s WHY the BBC love them so.
You’re right. My enemy’s enemy is my friend….
It will be interesting to see if the BBC’s veiw of the SNP will be less conflicted if/when they follow through on their promise to form a coalition with Labour after next GE
Remind me again…the SNP and that double-tongued fat fake Salmond did LOSE that referendum did they not?
And didn`t the likes of Salmond try to frighten the Scots into voting for independence-“because the issue was to be settled for a generation, were they to spurn the chance for independence”…and suchlike.
Yet here is Ms Krankie as new chief cherry on the SNP bunfight…telling us all that they will decide the next election.
And the BBC rather love to quote her-and tell us that the issue of Scottish Independence is no “done deal”…let alone the dead duck that it has long been.
That`s the thing about the BBC-they want perpetual grievances and fomentation a la Alinsky and Gramsci..and the left love to stick Oscars prosthetic limbs back into the wasps nest just to keep the bonfires going, the braziers manned and ready for the Second Coming of Mark Duggan…wearing his “what a feminist looks like T-shirt” this time though.
No wonder the BBC suck and blow on request at the SNP bouncy castles of Edinburgh and Stirling-if the BBC aren`t doing Brussels dirty work of cleaving the UK apart once again, then my name is Moira Anderson.
F888Off you Bluenosing jobbies at the BBC!
Yes – cue a never-ending series of ‘demands’ and if said ‘demands’ aren’t met ‘well that puts independence right back on the agenda’.
This ‘sovereign wull of the scoddish peepul’ that was supposed to sweep all before it now seems to have been forgotten.
Replaced by ‘The 45%’.
Dear Nats, you LOST, now suck it, shutup, and f*** off.
Its was 45% of those who voted but 38% of the electorate.
There are currently 6 SNP MPs. They were elected when Labour were at their worst so it seems unlikely they will get more than 12 in the next election but they might. If Labour is destroyed in Scotland in 2015 then the most the SNP can get is 59 MPs out of 650.
If Labour are going to do that bad then the Tories or UKIP will be the beneficiaries meaning that it is unlikely that they will get a coalition majority even if they join with the SNP.
labour had 247 MPs outside of Scotland. Add in the SNP putative 59 and that gives a total of 306. The Tories won 310 seats in 2010 and there are 57 LibDem seats up for grabs, with realistically half of them going either way.
So, if UKIP fail to get an MP and the Tories come out top its likely there will be a Tory (ish) win.
If UKIP get 30MPs then its a Tory/UKIP coalition.
Only if UKIP scupper the Tories so that Labour, in spite of Millitwat gain seats is there likely to be a government that does not include the Tories.
The SNP hold the balance of power only in their dreams.
Severe problems of immigration to people in the West, not reported by Beeboids-
1.)”Smuggler says he sends Islamic State jihadis to Europe via Turkey”
2.)”Here’s why Somali Muslim Refugees are moving to Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Prepare to be shocked”
– See more at:
H/T to poster Guess Who (I think it was he) who picked up on the BBC’s promotion of the great talent that is ‘The Roma Elvis’
‘…an Elvis Presley impersonator and obsessive who performs the works of The King in the Roma language..’
Hmmm… what do you reckon will be on his set list?
Big Issue of Kentucky
I Beg of You
Brown Eyed Handsome Man
Viva Las Benefits
Heartbreak DSS Hotel
A Little More Compensation
There Goes Our Everything
there’s sure to be a couple of tear-jerkers…
In The Ghetto
Thieving in the Chapel – with a BBC refrain of That’s Alright and of course Don’t Be Cruel
and for his encore how about ….
Are You Stealing Electrical Cable Tonight? – possibly followed by All Shook Up, but little chance of Jailhouse Rock
They do seem quite invested in this chap.
I picked up on it a few days ago on FaceBook, mainly intrigued by the report saying he had ‘dared’ to do it.
However like their latest Eastenders-as-vital claim, it seems they just lobbed it in with zero actual substance in support.
And now this aspect seems to have been dropped in favour of, well, a story about a rather bad covers act in another country.
Definitely ‘news’ ((c) A Newsroom Tealady) though.
Mrs. Merton may have an insight into which aspect of Roma culture will next attract the speaker to the nation as a must-share.
Excellent ! How’s about;
All Shook Down.
ClamHedgehog Bake.Heartbreak Caravan.
I Be-Thieve.
I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell. (So Hand Over The Disability Cheque).
I’ll Be Mobile Home For Christmas.
Elvis has lead the building…and the Roma have unledded it again.
Suspicious Minds?…not at all, the Roma are innocent until The Twelth of Never.
This just appeared on BBC Breaking News’ twitter feed:
US comedian Bill Cosby won’t dignify “decade-old, discredited” sexual abuse claims with any comment, says his lawyer
I mention this for a variety reasons.
First up is the ‘breaking’ element, which seems a stretch as I have been reading about this for days elsewhere. Mostly media making something of him saying nothing. It is of course a no-win situation for any sleb, no matter what course they follow.
And now Aunty has joined in, on an area she knows well. Seems Cliff wasn’t quite what they hoped, so a bit of vicarious cross-pondage now appeals.
Currently the whole thing seems at the level of a BIJ source accusation, so they are staying canny by simply going with a quote about a claim.
But damage can still be done.
One is sure A. Newsroom Tealady would say this is news, but running with a denial to a media driven accusation is really getting tired.
If there is proof, wait for it and run with it. If there is not, go and get it or wait until there is some.
Joining others in the gutter like this.. all too predictable.
Stand by yer beds! folks … It looks like a swathe of Al BBC airtime could be coming, Mehdi Hasan s way, as the BBCs fave perusal device the Grainard, prints another corker.
… Panto Campbell calls?, Jeremy Whine beckons? “bread and butter” for Toady?
Mehdi Hasan, Sanctions for ‘dishonest, demonising press coverage’ of Muslims
all together now, in full Tony Christie style
“Oh I go to my lord with no fear,
cos I did what I did for Sharia …
yes I did what I did for Sharia”
The comments tell a tale.
There will always be visitors, but CiF tends to be home turf to the Graun ideological core.
Can’t see too many swayed by Mr. Hasan’s words or established deeds.
That this person is still assured column inches or airtime with certain media does not surprise but is depressing when everyone sees through him.
INBBC’s moral position should be to recognise that the mass murdering Islamic jihadists of the Islamic State are our sworn enemies, and that they are worse than the Nazis.
No more appeasement.
INBBC should not compare the West with the barbaric Islamofascism of the Islamic State.
Got it, INBBC?
Royals and Thatcher to blame for Jimmy Savile scandal, says Noel Edmonds
When I first saw this article I didn’t know if Edmonds was doing an ‘about face’, from having previously castigated the BBC for a host of reasons, or simply hadn’t properly thought through his conclusion that the Royals and Thatcher ‘were as much to blame as the BBC for Savile’s abuses’. Perhaps the dumbed down show Deal or No Deal that he hosts had taken its toll on his mind.
Why should the Queen, or any of the Royals, as well as Margaret Thatcher, been aware of the abuses that Savile was perpetrating?
But then reading that Edmonds also worked at the BBC with Savile, and therefore would have heard rumours, or perhaps saw things for himself that he still decided to keep quiet about, he wants to focus the public’s attention outside the BBC for not bringing Savile to justice at the time.
That sounds more like it.
I’ve just lost respect for Edmonds.
Well at least 50 MP’s seem to have some morality and ethics, calling for the licence fee to be scrapped.
The BBC response is to say ‘that at £2.80 a week, the fee is ‘value for money’.
Then why should they mind going on a subscription service that allows individuals to decide if they want to pay it, rather than being forced by law to do so?
’50 MPs’ to call for BBC licence fee to be scrapped in favour of a voluntary subscription service
*Conservatives will support appeal to Culture Secretary Sajid Javid urging a review into funding for corporation
*Andrew Bridgen MP said the current arrangement is effectively ‘a poll tax’
*The corporation has recently come under fire amid claims freebies were given out at licence-payer’s expense
*But the BBC insisted that at £2.80 a week, the fee is ‘value for money’
It was on the front page of the Mail. But somehow it was not included in the BBC’s review of the papers.
Why are so few MPs happy to trust the British public?
Afraid to let us make the choice on our wish to pay for Al Beeb, or even to give us the vote on our membership of the EU, yet happy to have a referendum on the break up of our country as with the recent fiasco in Scotland.
They treat us just like children and the ‘impartial’ Al Beeb is not so ‘impartial’. Roll on UKIP, next week, Rochester will be the start of the revolution.
Judging by the number of programmes we as a family watch on BBC, I’d spend about £1 a month on pay-per-view.
Yet another BBC offshoot that seems to exist mainly in the twittosphere, taking advantage of the odd BBC notion that if there is no room for accuracy, then whatever fits will serve well enough for information and education.
Why does the BBC refer to Peter Kassig as Abdul-Rahman Kassig???
Do the fools genuinely believe that he converted to Islam during his captivity?
I had assumed he converted before capture. But all I can find on the BBC is “Snatched in October 2013” and “converted to Islam in late 2013”. Which would suggest you are right and that they are deliberately muddying the waters.
In fact I have to go to the Daily Mail for this: “But it was not until after he was captured by ISIS in eastern Syria on October 1, 2013 that he made his conversion to the faith while sharing a cell with a devout Muslim.”
Why would the BBC play along with such a charade? Out of respect for his parents, who insist he was on this path before capture (and would have had good reason to wish to convince his captors of that)? Or to maintain the fiction that these savages are Nothing To Do With Islam™?
They never give Lee Rigby’s killers their Islamic names, Mujahid Abu Hamza and Ismael Ibn Abdullah. Funny that.
But maybe that is because they are convicted criminals and so shouldn’t be humoured with their (as I understand it) non-opfficial name changes? But Bradley Manning is also a convicted criminal, and yet the press seem always to refer to him as Chelsea Manning. Must be some oither reason, then… What could that possibly be?
No complaints about the BBc today. We appear to have no TV at all since last night. Going to the I player tells me the server is overloaded to to usage.
You lucky sod!!
I switched on that bbbc breakfast programme (fool that I am) to be greeted by that awful creature geldoff. He was unkempt, unshaven and looked like he hadn’t washed himself for some time but nevertheless was absolutely lauded by the two creatures on the left wing sofa……’Let’s get this sorted out by Christmas’ said geldof, ‘And then we can move on to other things’ he said in that frightening,facist manner that he has. Perhaps he should make the donations compulsory ……
I do find him a very unpleasant character..or is it just me?
No, he IS unpleasant – don’t know about you, though, but I expect you’re quite nice, really!
Licence Payers may conclude that the BBC are plumbing the depths, but – to our national broadcaster – anything that comes out of a supranational organisation is golden.
Did you know today is World Toilet Day?
In Pictures, My Toilet…. no less
BBC : Agenda, what agenda?
And on the subject of the world’s wouldbe one world international liberal government, or should I call it the UN… par for course the BBC hails the wimmin – but fails to see the elitist irony here…
‘Back in the early-1990s…. two black VIP limousines could have comfortably ferried the entire female ambassadorial corps to the meeting. Now it would require a fleet’
Interesting to note the old green white red and black on the flag in the corner of the first photo. That would be Jordan. Guessing Saudi Iran etc etc won’t be requiring a UN limo for female representatives any time soon.
The BBC – about as close to a toilet as it’s possible to get, other than flushing itself away. We live in hope.